The Stillwell Family in England and America
THK èfïLWSU F AMI LT IK EKQUSD AH5 ltó»t«?*i by I, B. »TIU*EU* of Soranton« PUBLIC LIBRARY Or THE CITY OF DENVER THE STILLWELL'S IN ENGLAND About the years 445-6 the British Inhabitants of England., de serted by the Roman Masters, who had enervated while they protected them, and exposed to the ravages of Plots and Scots from the extreme portions of the Island, called in the assistance of heathen Saxons from the Continent of Europe, The strangers faithfully performed their task and chastised the Northern invaders, then in scorn of the weakness of their employers subjected them to the yoke, and after various vicis situdes of fortune established their own power upon the ruins of Roman and British civilization, (Kembles Saxons in England.) They in turn succumbed to the Northern invaders, William the Conqueror, parcelled out much of the land to his followers yet "the acttijal occupants of the soil largely retained possession,M A crowd of well-to-do Thöanj3 and Churls seem to have been left undisturbed (Freeman's Norman Conquest,) Prom such a mixture of blood the earlier Stillwell's sprang, Wauborough, or Wodensbearh, in Surrey County, England, is sit uated upon the water-shed, from which flows streams of water to North and South, and running from East to west, divides the county into two nearly equal portions, and wh-fch is known as the "Hogs Pack", It is a little to the North of the Ridge, and very nearly on the summit. The springs (^ells) of water that abound here are very pure and never freeze.
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