Overview of Current Practices in Data Analysis for Wood Identification a Guide for the Different Timber Tracking Methods June 2020
Overview of current practices in data analysis for wood identification A guide for the different timber tracking methods June 2020 Overview of current practices in data analysis for wood identification A guide for the different timber tracking methods June 2020 1 Editor: Nele Schmitz Authors*: 1 2 3 4 Hans Beeckman , Céline Blanc-Jolivet , Laura Boeschoten , Jez W.B. Braga , José 5 6,7,8 9 2 1,10 Antonio Cabezas , Gilles Chaix , Simon Crameri , Bernd Degen , Victor Deklerck , 11 12 13 14 Eleanor Dormontt , Edgard Espinoza , Peter Gasson , Volker Haag , Stephanie 14 15,16 14 12 17 Helmling , Micha Horacek , Gerald Koch , Cady Lancaster , Frederic Lens , 11 18 19 Andrew Lowe , Sandra Martínez-Jarquín , Justyna Anna Nowakowska , Andrea 14 20 21 Olbrich , Kathelyn Paredes-Villanueva , Tereza C.M. Pastore , Tahiana 22 22 23,24 Ramananantoandro , Andriambelo R. Razafimahatratra , Prabu Ravindran , 25 4 26 3 25 Gareth Rees , Liz F. Soares , Niklas Tysklind , Mart Vlam , Charlie Watkinson , 27,28 18 23,24,29,30 Elisabeth Wheeler , Robert Winkler , Alex C. Wiedenhoeft , Valentina Th. 14 3 Zemke , Pieter Zuidema . *Names are listed in alphabetical order. Recommended citation: Schmitz, N. (ed.), H. Beeckman, C. Blanc-Jolivet, L. Boeschoten, J.W.B. Braga, J.A. Cabezas, G. Chaix, S. Crameri, B. Degen, V. Deklerck, E. Dormontt, E. Espinoza, P. Gasson, V. Haag, S. Helmling, M. Horacek, G. Koch, C. Lancaster, F. Lens, A. Lowe, S. Martínez-Jarquín, J.A. Nowakowska, A. Olbrich, K. Paredes-Villanueva, T.C.M. Pastore, T. Ramananantoandro, A.R. Razafimahatratra, P. Ravindran, G. Rees, L.F. Soares, N. Tysklind, M.
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