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Entire Issue (PDF) E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 161 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 No. 142 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was round up and deport millions of un- ica Act of 2015, a bill to give complete called to order by the Speaker pro tem- documented immigrants. It remains to access to the Affordable Care Act re- pore (Mr. JOLLY). be seen how Republicans in the House gardless of their immigration status. f will conduct themselves without adult The Exchange Inclusion for a Healthy supervision, but the Speaker is going America will extend healthcare insur- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO out on a high note. ance access to millions of our neigh- TEMPORE Having the Pope speak to America bors and family members who live The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- from the floor of the House of Rep- here, work here, raise families here, fore the House the following commu- resentatives was a crowning achieve- and will probably live here for the rest nication from the Speaker: ment for the Speaker. Now that his job of their lives, but who lack legal immi- WASHINGTON, DC, is no longer on the line, I hope we will gration status. September 30, 2015. see immigration reform as the jewel in It gives them access to healthcare ex- I hereby appoint the Honorable DAVID W. that crown and act before he steps changes in ObamaCare under the ordi- JOLLY to act as Speaker pro tempore on this down. But we all know that is unlikely. nary rules of residency in the States in day. The concurrent hysteria on the cam- which they live and makes them eligi- JOHN A. BOEHNER, paign trail makes action by these Re- ble for subsidies if and when they file Speaker of the House of Representatives. publicans or any Republicans unlikely. taxes, just like the rest of us. It also f Even though I still believe we have subjects them to the individual man- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE the votes—like we did for the last sev- date that requires individuals to have eral years—to pass immigration reform health insurance. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- in the House, I don’t think the Speak- The goal is to make integration and ant to the order of the House of Janu- er, even as a lame duck, will allow a inclusion real for millions of families ary 6, 2015, the Chair will now recog- vote. But the Pope’s visit certainly in- that are locked out under current law. nize Members from lists submitted by spired me to think about the moral ex- Now, if I remember correctly, the the majority and minority leaders for ample he sets. President was standing right here in morning-hour debate. Look, the Holy Father simply re- 2009 talking about his healthcare re- The Chair will alternate recognition minded Members of Congress about the form proposal would exclude undocu- between the parties, with each party Golden Rule—‘‘Do unto others as you mented immigrants and one of our col- limited to 1 hour and each Member would have them do unto you’’—and he leagues on the other side of the aisle other than the majority and minority could not even complete his sentence interrupted him by shouting, ‘‘You lie’’ leaders and the minority whip limited before he got a standing ovation. to the President of the United States of to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- If we had a daily reminder of the America, who, we should all note, was bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. Golden Rule, we could cut through a reelected comfortably in 2012. f lot of the bull in Congress and have a I do not expect that Member of Con- better country and a better world. It is gress to join me as a cosponsor. But, in EXCHANGE INCLUSION FOR A the Golden Rule I am here to discuss. fact, as we all know, he was dead wrong HEALTHY AMERICA ACT OF 2015 Treat your brother and your sister and about the Affordable Care Act. In addi- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The your neighbor with compassion as you tion to death panels and a number of Chair recognizes the gentleman from would like to be treated yourself. other fictions, the Republicans were Illinois (Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ) for 5 minutes. And in the case of health care and ac- wrong that undocumented immigrants Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. The Pope visited cess to health care, it is not simply out were included in ObamaCare. They just America and he inspired a lot of people, of a sense of moral altruism, although weren’t. even cynical Washington, D.C. For one, that is part of it. Rather, it is out of I am and have always been an advo- he inspired Speaker BOEHNER to wake the reality that treating our brothers cate for the single payer approach to up the next morning and announce his and sisters and neighbors as we want to universal health coverage, and I fought resignation. be treated when it comes to health care to include all of the people who live in As I said last week, it must be hard and access to health care and access to this country in the Affordable Care for a decent man like Speaker BOEHNER health insurance is in our own self-in- Act, but they were written out. As it to be head of a new know-nothing terest as well. stands right now, undocumented immi- party of increasingly extreme measures That is why I am introducing the Ex- grants are not subject to the individual to cut health care for women and to change Inclusion for a Healthy Amer- mandate and cannot buy into the b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H6709 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:41 Sep 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30SE7.000 H30SEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6710 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 30, 2015 health insurance exchanges, even if and respect. School organizations such some, particularly those that build and they use their own money. as National Honor Society, student operate in the United States, they do My legislation will change that. It council, and the school’s Inspire group pay that statutory rate and it is a says that we stand for inclusion. It are intended to boost student perform- problem and it is unfair. says that we understand the principle ance in the classroom and highlight There is also still the incentive for that, if you are here, if you are work- their service in the community. some to park more money overseas. ing and caring for your family and con- I know that the administrators for Most of us think that it is going to re- tributing to society, you should be both the Youngsville and North East quire revenue to buy down the cor- healthy. Not only that, but your health High Schools have worked for many porate rate, to reform it, and repatri- and your protection from diseases, in- months toward this goal. I congratu- ated dollars would be a source to adjust juries, and preventable illnesses im- late them, their students, and teachers that in a way that doesn’t make the pacts my health care and the health on this major accomplishment. deficit much, much worse. There is also a problem of competi- care of my family. f As a nation, we all benefit when we tiveness. Some organizations actually spread the risk, invite younger, TAX REFORM AND have offshore operations to be closer to healthier workers to join our ex- INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDING their markets. If you are going to sell changes, reduce the costs of compen- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The in China, for instance, it makes sense sating hospitals for caring for the unin- Chair recognizes the gentleman from perhaps to manufacture it there rather than ship it halfway around the world sured, and reducing the number of un- Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- utes. with all the complexity and expense. insured who live and work here. I have been meeting with a wide vari- Doing unto others as you would have Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, Politico yesterday had a fascinating ety of corporate tax officers who ask them do unto you means moving for- the question about equity. Why should story about CHUCK SCHUMER, widely ex- ward with no restrictions on which they with their overseas operations pected to become the next Democratic brother and sister and neighbor we pay for domestic infrastructure that leader in the Senate, in talks with Re- think of as eligible or deserving or is, everybody benefits from? That is a publican leaders in the House and Sen- in fact, considered my neighbor, my great question. sister or my brother. ate about a major tax and infrastruc- This has the potential of actually My party and the vast majority of ture deal. costing the Treasury more in the long my country understands that getting It would give a lower tax rate on run, making it harder to have an equi- immigrants on the books and into the hundreds of billions of dollars parked table adjustment in corporate tax re- system and integrating them into to- overseas by international corporations form, and shift the burden that should day’s American society should be the and use the tax on those proceeds to fi- be paid by all American users instead goal, just as we have done with every nance a more robust 6-year transpor- concentrated on a small portion of other group of immigrants throughout tation bill.
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