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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 161 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2015 No. 141 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was President Obama had an opportunity release all political prisoners, to hold called to order by the Speaker pro tem- to set the tone, to call for reforms at free and fair elections, and to respect pore (Mr. PALAZZO). the badly mismanaged United Nations, human rights in order for us to lift the f to challenge the status quo and rees- embargo. The Cuban embargo language tablish America’s leadership and credi- in the law is clear on all the condi- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO bility. Instead, he used it as an oppor- tions, Mr. Speaker, conditions that TEMPORE tunity to pay lip service to American have to be met in order for it to be lift- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- ideals and values and to abdicate ed, conditions that the Castro regime fore the House the following commu- America’s role as a world leader, a void has no interest in abiding by. nication from the Speaker: that is now being filled by our adver- President Obama should stop ignor- WASHINGTON, DC, saries like Russia, Iran, China, and ing current law and stop loosening reg- September 29, 2015. Syria. ulations on a regime that has done I hereby appoint the Honorable STEVEN M. The Russians continue their aggres- nothing to deserve this praise. The Cas- PALAZZO to act as Speaker pro tempore on sive actions in Ukraine and are now tro regime is the one responsible for this day. sending military hardware to the mur- the human rights violations occurring JOHN A. BOEHNER, Speaker of the House of Representatives. derous Assad regime. Iran has had a in Cuba and the constant beatings record number of hangings since the against pro-democracy leaders. The f so-called moderate leader, Rouhani, U.S. embargo cannot be held respon- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE took office, and thousands of ethnic sible for that. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- and religious minorities are imprisoned Does Castro say: ‘‘Oh, I had to beat ant to the order of the House of Janu- and sentenced to death. the very peaceful group Ladies in ary 6, 2015, the Chair will now recog- The President has done everything in White walking to church because the nize Members from lists submitted by his power not to upset the Iranians be- embargo says I must beat their heads the majority and minority leaders for cause he doesn’t want to ruin the in?’’ Does Castro say: ‘‘Oh, I cannot morning-hour debate. chance for a nuclear deal, a deal which have any political party operating in The Chair will alternate recognition will cause a nuclear and conventional Cuba other than the Communist Party between the parties, with each party arms race in the region, and his words because the embargo has me, obligates limited to 1 hour and each Member yesterday proved to be empty rhetoric me, to only have this political party other than the majority and minority when matched to his policies and ac- operating?’’ Does he say: ‘‘I cannot re- leaders and the minority whip limited tions in the past. spect human rights in Cuba because to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- Not to be outdone, Raul Castro dou- that nasty U.S. embargo forces me to bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. bled down on his intransigence, further violate human rights?’’ Of course not. f demonstrating that the Obama admin- That is lunacy. That is a responsibility istration offered concessions to the re- that only Castro can claim. The Castro UNITED NATIONS gime, which have resulted in even regime instead has done nothing— The SPEAKER pro tempore. The greater oppression by that hated Cuban nada—to unclench its iron fist. Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from dictatorship. But per usual with the Mr. Speaker, President Obama’s re- Florida (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN) for 5 min- President, it was the ‘‘blame America marks yesterday at the U.N. made him utes. first’’ narrative that he was trying to part of the problem with what is wrong Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, peddle with his misguided policies to- at that broken institution; and, once yesterday, we witnessed thugs, tyrants, ward Cuba. again, it highlighted that his misplaced and dictators from Russia, Iran, and President Obama used this oppor- priorities and misguided foreign poli- Cuba speak before the General Assem- tunity to undermine the United States cies have not kept our country any bly at the United Nations; and with Congress, and perhaps foreshadowing safer. straight faces, each claimed to be de- an eventual abstention on the U.N. That is why it is up to us in Congress fenders of peace, of international vote on the Cuban embargo, he stated: to be proactive and to push for reforms standards, of human rights, principles I’m confident that our Congress will inevi- at the United Nations. That is why this that Putin, Rouhani, and Castro have tably lift an embargo that should not be in week I am reintroducing my U.N. made a living out of ignoring and abus- place anymore. Transparency Accountability and Re- ing to the detriment of the people who President Obama failed once again to form Act. My bill would fundamentally live under their oppressive rule. put the onus on the Castro regime to change the way that we fund this failed b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H6309 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:44 Sep 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29SE7.000 H29SEPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6310 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 29, 2015 institution by shifting the funding ing sure that our children are safe fornia dairy production is down by at mechanism from assessed to voluntary rather than at risk from a vast under- least 3 percent, costing an estimated contributions in order to make the or- ground drug distribution network. $250 million, a number that has shown ganization more effective and account- accounts, so this is an attractive significant increases in other States as able to its objectives. source of revenue for people who would well this year. Alfalfa hay shipments For example, the Human Rights like to rob them. are significantly lower than last year, Council does not deserve our assistance Let’s let the States make their own and the livestock industry faces losses when countries like Cuba, China, Ven- policy until we reclassify marijuana, of an estimated $100 million in order to ezuela, some of the world’s worst frankly, no less dangerous than to- replace it. human rights violators, push a decid- bacco, which is completely legal in Mr. Speaker, these are real numbers edly anti-American, anti-Israel agenda every State. In the meantime, we that are only set to get worse. We can- at the Council. We should not fund should at least stay out of the way, let not simply stand by and watch as farm- these bodies at the U.N. We should only States formulate their own policy, and ers, ranchers, small town economies, fund the ones that we believe are work- have local authorities deal with real and ag employees face more water ra- ing, the ones that are transparent, the problems, not creating unnecessary tioning and fallowed fields. ones who are accountable to the mem- ones. California and the West cannot afford ber states that donate their budgets. f another year of inaction from Con- Mr. Speaker, the Obama administra- CALIFORNIA’S DROUGHT gress. I rise today to urge my col- tion has had 7 years to implement re- leagues from both sides of the aisle in forms, and it has failed. It is time for The SPEAKER pro tempore. The both House and Senate to come to the Congress to take the lead, and I urge Chair recognizes the gentleman from table and advance commonsense my colleagues to sign up to my bill California (Mr. LAMALFA) for 5 min- drought solutions, such as new water this week. utes. storage and infrastructure, to provide Mr. LAMALFA. Mr. Speaker, for f relief now and in the future such as many in California, including my own Sites Reservoir up in northern Cali- LET STATES SET MARIJUANA family and my neighbors, it is an excit- fornia and desalination projects for our POLICY ing time this year. This is harvest cities. Let’s get them permitted, let’s The SPEAKER pro tempore. The time. Busy, but again, a very enjoyable get them approved and in the pipeline. Chair recognizes the gentleman from time we all look forward to as farmers We can’t wait any longer. We need Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- and ranchers. You see more combines, these reforms, indeed, now and for the utes. shakers, and sweepers running from future. Our State is growing, the popu- Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, sunrise to sunset working to fill the lation is growing, and we grow the fin- amidst all the turmoil on the world next truckload with this season’s est and best crops and export them not stage, I think many of us are still proc- crops.