Montrose Year Book 1909
' Queen's Restaurant. ' " ™ch street (temperance), M(Close to rlumcipal Buildings). Cboice Menu. Moderate Charges. Telephone No. 82. MONTROSE YEAR-BOOK DI^CTORY .TAIN'S Local Almanac and Obituary Notices of Public Men, Registers of Municipal and Parliamentary Voters, Dates of Noteworthy Local Events, Directory of Trades and Professions, Salaries of Public Officials, General Directory, &c. M N 1 K OSE: iED BV ALEV DUNN & CO. LTD., AT " REVIEW 1-" OFFICE, 07 HIGH STREET. QUEEN'S TEMPERANCE HOTEL. """^JS&JflSZ parties Luncheon and Dinner Baskets Supplied to Picnic Parties. _ Reasonable "-~t»« William Moir & Sons, SEEDSMEN. e •S3 B •i 3 e 8 I 7 and 9 HIGH STREET, MONTROSE. Telephone No- 11. Telegrams— Moir, Montrose. BUSINESS HOURS, 8 a.m. tiU 8 p.m. SATURDAYS, 8 am. till 10 p.m. WEDNESDAYS, 2 p.m. Price Lists on Application. a PZ/wvieA-lM-io ADVERTISEMENTS. Telephone, No ogg. Established in 1805. BURRELL & SON, PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTS, 48a HIGH STREET, MONTROSE. <>y(<9X Dispensing of Prescriptions. KeX^ Particular Attention paid to this most Important Department. Sight Testing Rooms. THOS. BURRELL, K.S.M.C. LONDON, March, 1899. Holder of the Diploma granted by the Worshipful Guild of Spectacle Makers for Proficiency in Sight Testing (1904). — ADVERTISEMENTS. Established Half a Century. Cpall g IPcloillc, 95 HIGH STREET, MONTROSE, devote special attention to their Art and Needlework Departments. S5 < Wft5 l-H « © ess *: They always hold a very large variety of MATERIAL, bought from the best Makers only. Pear/sail's well-known washing Silks, Mercines, Mercinettes, etc., all fast colours, kept in stock.
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