jSermqe J|olc?. oSIEW YEARS' EONOUR LIST. C. I. E. Lieutenant-Colonel J. T. Calvert, f.r.C.p., Principal of the Medical College, Calcutta. Major J. H. Murray, I.M.S., Andaraans. C. I. E. (For services connected with the War.) Lieutenant-Colonel F. E. Swinton, I.M.S., Medical Store- keeper, Bombay. Lieutenant < 'olonel J. C. Lamont, I.M.S. (retd), recalled to act as Professor of Anatomy, Lahore, who thus represents the men recalled from retirement for work during the War. C. B. E. Colonel VV. G. Beyts, R.A.M.C., Bombay. Lieutenant-Colonel E. L. Ward, I.M.S,, I. G. of Prisons, Punjab. (J. B. E. Lieutenant-Colonel F. S. C. Thompson, i.m.s., Superin- tendent, Presidency Jail, Calcutta. Miss Maud L. Davys, Kasauli Laboratory. M. B. E. M. Leach, Esq., acting Superintendent,Central Jail, Dacca. Lala Baij Nath, Civil Surgeon, Jhelum. Kaiser-I-Hind Medal. (Gold.) Miss G. Davis, Victoria War Hospital, Bombay. Dr. J. Dodds Price, Nowgong, Assam. (Silver.) Assistant Surgeon Khan Bahadur P. P. Cooper, Bombay. Mr. John William Atkinson, Alipore Central Jail. Miss M. Mackenzie, Broadwell Hospital, C. P. Assistant Surgeon Shams-ud-Din, Mission Hospital, Jagadri, Punjab. Khan Bahadur. Khan Sahib Mian Muhammad Azeem, D. I. Khan. Khan Sahib Ardisher Cowasji, Sub-Assistant Surgeon, Mount Abu. Khan Sahib Mahbub Ali Khan, Kabul Agency. Rai Bahadur. Babu Gopal Chandra Mitra, Assistant Serologist. Babu Tarak Nath Mitra, Civil Surgeon of Arrah. Rao Bahadur. M. M. Ry. O. K. C. Avargal, Assistant, Chemistry Pro" fessor, Madras. Rai Sahib Medical Daji Ranmchandra, Practitioner ' Nagpore. 74 THE INDIAN MEDICAL GAZETTE. [Feb., 1919. Sardar Sahib. The number of casualties amons: medical officors reported Sub Assistant Surgeon Kesi. Singh, Jaipur was very high, 63, in addition to eleven nurses. Hmeauain (Transport Corps). the number of deaths from disease, ohiedy i fluenza, wis Khan Sah*b. very lvg?. It may be noted til it the new tides of the meiicil departmen of the for the first Civil Assistant Surge >n Tassadoq FTusain, U. P. Royal Navy appear Tlio names are below. B bu It. N. Mukuji, Medical Practitioner, B.tukura. tune. given All, unless otherwise are of the li A.M O. L. Math lira Pn jab. notn.1, temporary officers Mogv, I or ilidU wo Gobind itara, Senior Sub- Assist, int Surgeon, Burma. KUle of inds.?M ijors S. S li. Harrison, J. \ic. F ' .1. Assistant Surgeon P. A. P?ti, Baluohi-t*n Morris, (1'. ; Oiuraius J. J. rough. P. O'tteilly, M 0 J. (??. MaoNeill Harrison Babu Hriii'laban Chandra Sur, Mayo Hospital, Ajmere. ; (Canadians); F. C (S. II.) : Lieute'ant I). F. Sarojini Nath Bardhan, l m s., Medical School, Singapore. Charlton, L D.s Durham Light Infantry ; Sister II. M -llett ((Jan .dian-s). Uao Sahib. Lost, al? ?- vlajor (J. vv. Uug;rati A.M.0., Regular, M. R. M G. N. Garti, Assistant Madras. (II. Ry. Surgeon, Reserve of Officers); o p tains M. Murphy, It. E. Lee, M. P. Vakil, Senior Sub Assistant, S irgejii, Bombay. Lieutenant It. J. liissett. V. S. Durbar State. ? Teugsha. Surgeon, Kulhapur Diml. Surgi.-Comminder T. Austen, R.N. ; Surgn.-Lieut.- Order of the British Empire. Commander J. Had wen, k.n. ; Surgn. Sub-Lieutenant T It is offic ally announced that ladies and gentlemen Carlyle. k.N V.r. ; Lieut.-Colouel L P Deiiietriadi (1\ F.); appointed to the Order of the British Empire may wear the Majors I. H viao^Iiool. H. McGillicii'ldy, M.o., T. C. insignia o! the Order with morning dress on official and Rutherford (I. M.S.); 0. W. 0. Wyle* ("I*.F.) ; H W. Carson, public occasions. The ribbon of the Order may be worn on D.s.o (R. A.M 0.. itegular): O ipt ins F. U. Speusley, J. H. all occasions. Connolly, W. L Millar. It. |{. K.owns n (S. It ); N. I. Allan The method of wearing the insignia with morning dress is (T. F): VV. M ild en (T F.);C. vi (}. Campbell (S. It.); as follows :? C. E. A. Ring, T. R Uuitfoyle (Canadians); E. O. Itobertsou Knights Grand Cross, Dames Grand Cross. Knight Com- (L I). S., attached It A. M.C); Lieutenants E H. Glenney manders, and Dames Commanders should wear the stir only (S. It.); C lilak-i. Sisters vl. 15 Biker (Canadians); S. on the left breast of the coat or dress. Hilling (Q- A. I. VI. N. S. it ) ; V. li. Herman (Canadians); Gentlemen who are oinmanders should wear the ribbon A. Glednill (Q. A. 1. M. N". S. it); St.ff Nurses VL. Danaher from which the badge is suspended under the tie, which (Q. A. I. M N. s. U); 15. Oiirke (Austr ilians); I. H. should be a bow, the badge hanging about three-quarters of W it.kins (South Africans); Misses IS. M. Tonkin, V, C. an inch below the bow Macket . V Kichards (all V. A.D ) Lidies who are Commanders and officers and members, Wounded. Majois W. W. Wells, J. F. Burgess (Cana- both ladies and gentlemen, should wear the badge on the dians); D. McKelvey, MO. ; J. S. Levis, VV. li. Allen. V.o., left breast of the coat or dress. M.C. (T.F.); J. B. Scott, M.C. (S. It.);' Captains M. L- Farmer, The method of wearing the ribbon of the Order is the same G. Moore (T.F.) ; iVI. 15 Elliot (S. It.); j. M. Elliot (Regular, for nil five classes, both for ladies and gentlemen. A pioce R. A. iVI.C.); H. L. Garson (S It); D (i Gardiner, E. VV. D. of the ribbon of the Order 1^ in wide and IJ in. ir depth, Hardy, M.C.; J. D. Stew irt (Canadians); It. VlcC. Hill, mounted on a bar of metal in the form of a brooch, is to be D.s.O. ; G. Davidson, H S. Evans (S R.); H. A. C. Swertz, worn on the left lapel of the coat or in a corresponding place G. S. Troner (S. R.); R. Lindsay (T. F.); H. M Oodfrey, on the dress. J. C. Ogilvie, M.o. ; R. E. Pitts (T. F.); H P. Whitworth [It is to be understood that in mess dress miniatures only (8. R.); It. Young, M.C.; F. 15. Sprawson, C. F. Hacken, are worn as in the case of the older Orders.?Ed., I. M. G.] M.o. (8. R.); A F. Argue (Can idiins); F. B. Day (Cana- dians); N. H. Little (Canadians); H. F. Brice Smith, M.o.; The following despatch by His Excellency General Sir Ciptain and Quartermaster \1. J. Morison (Canadians); Charles Carmichael Monro, O.C.M.G., K c B., a.-d.c., Lieutenant F L. Richard (S R.). General, Commander-in-Chief in India, on the work done Major Stanley Septimus liarrymore Harrison, M.O., R A.M.C. in India including the Native States, during the first three (T. F.), was reported as killed in action, in the casualty list ye^rs of the war, which appeared in the supplement to the published on 23i d October 1918. He was educated at Guy's London Gazette, dated the 26th November 1918. is published for Hospital, and took the M.it.C.S. and L-R.U. P. London in information :?(Gazette of India, 7th December, 1918). lv)14. He joined the 3rd North Mi<iland (Wolverhampton) general" The sick and wounded despatched to India from Field Amb'dance as Lieutenant on 17th October 1914, and oversea theatres of war, as well as those invalided from had been promoted to Captain after a year's service, and Waziristan and other theatres of frontier operations, have subsequently to Major. He received the Military Cross in been adequately and sympathetically cared for. A number 11th May 1917. of war hospitals have been formed, other hospitals have been Lieutenant It. J. Bassett, R.A.M.C., was reported as drowned expanded and improved, and Ruling Chiefs ami others have on service by enemy action, in the casualty list published on generously provided hospitals and convalescent homes in 23rd October 1918 He had only recently qualified and joined Bombay and elsewhere, in which everything possible has the R.A.M.C. in 1918. been done for the comfort of the sick and wounded. The Captain Robert Ernest Lee, R.a.M.o., was reported as satisfactory health of the troops, both in the fi^-ld and in drowned on service by enemy action, in the cisualty list pub- India affords striking testimony as to the value and efficacy lished on "23rd October 1 < 18- He W'S educated at Trinity of these measures and the skill, forethought and administra- College, Dublin, where he graduated as M.B., B.Ch. and tive capacity of the Medical Services." B.A.O. in 1910, and as VI. D. in 1911. After acting as senior Names mentioned :? House Surgeon of Bootle Borough Hospital, Liverpool, he Lieutenant-Colonel J. M. Crawford, O.BE , I.M.S. ; Major went into practice at BKckrock. County Dublin. He took a G. I. Davys, I.M.S. ; Lieutenant-Colonel T. Jackson, I.M.S. ; temporary commission as Lieutenant in the R.A.M.C. on Colonel W. E. Jennings, I.M.S. ; Lieutenant-Colonel W. G. 15th August 1914, and was promoted to Captain after a year's Liston, C.I.E,, IMS ; L*dy Superintendent Miss I. Mc service. Lloyd ; Colonel W. Molesworth, C.I.E.. I.M.S.; The late Ciptain M. Murphy, K.A M o., was reported as drowned on Colonel F.
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