Featured Contributors Philippe Widling is a professional nature photographer whose work Rob McKay is a Calgary-based professional nature photographer who has been widely published in magazines, newspapers, calendars, also provides several mainstream photography services such as fashion, postcards, books and on web pages around the world. agricultural, architectural, commercial, executive portraiture and stock. He is the contributor This issue marks Rob’s of the impromptu and first featured article for us. candid interview (page In Champions of the Sky 18) with Bragg Creek (page 35) he showcases residents, Tim Mitchell some of his spectacular and Pat Cardinal, two action raptor photography locally-renowned “singing and explains his ongoing cowboys.” passion for birds of prey. As a keen photographer In his popular Birds of of K-Country and all of Prey workshops, Rob Photograph by Derya Kahraman its surrounding regions, effectively teaches the Philippe works out of Calgary, but he is also a frequent world traveller, specific avian photography techniques required to capture which has allowed him to build up a substantial road-trip gallery the unique beauty of these fantastic birds. You can view the viewable at www.pwidling-photography.com, along with a multitude full list of available workshops and book your reservation at: of his past galleries. www.robmckayphotography.com Philippe is available for assignments both locally and worldwide: email Contact Rob at:
[email protected] – (403) 700 1264 or visit Viewpoint him at
[email protected] or find stock images at www.designpics.com www.robmckayphotography.com for DSLR workshops details and his blog. A Seasonal Perspective of Bragg Creek and Kananaskis In addition to being our resident photographer, Gilles Korent, a nature and wildlife Based in Redwood Meadows just east Dr.