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Average Dally Net Press Ran For The Week Ended The Weather A p r il4 ,lt n Clear tonight; lows In the 40s. iHanrljPstpr lEupmtin Bprali Tomorrow sunny, mild; highs 15,695 in the 60s. 1 Manehe9ter— A City of VUlage Charm VOL. C, NO. 169 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1971 (Cfatseifled Adrertlaing oa Page 18) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS

U.So.Team ■V'! Nixon Denounces Gives Views On Red China Welfare System

By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS By WALTER R. MEARS Some thoughts cm Hao Tse- AP PoUMcal Writer tung and other impressions of WILLIAMSBURG, Va. (AP)— President Nixon told Communist China have been Republican governors today the United States cannot given by members of the Ameri­ tolerate a welfare system “ under which working people [N. can table tennis team after re­ turning from their historic tour can be made to feel like fools by those who will not of mainlaind China. work” at any job available. Several wore Mao buttons Nixon said anyone who r e ------and, during interviews with fuses to register for work and “give up the job, go on welfare, newsmen Sunday, commented accept work or training should everybody else is at the trough, on the prevalence of Mao’s im­ V - . •» be ineligible for welfare pay­ why not me . . . age. Jack Howard, the team’s ments. ’"Ihis is wrong, it must be II vdiiil “It is Incredible that we have nonplaying captain, said he rec- iV changed, and we’ve got to om m ended reading “The J__hj\ aUowed a system she said. “I brought back five passage last year. (C> able to work who refuses to Nixon said under the current (C) copies.” work will not benefit under his gygtejjj <*the person on welfare ■' ^ nial if it puts bread on the table len (C) low-paying job. radios. We never saw a boy and and enables a man to meet his low (C) -■ -*L “Tragically, these situations <0 ) girl walking together. It’s so responsibilities. r (G) often exist in the same neigh­ lOt Olga Soltesz, 17, had sim ilar that—is not enjoyable work—but (O ) the effect is corrosive,” Nixon (O) thoughts in Orlando, Fla. “It’s a lot of people do it—and there said. “It creates bitterness on nlo completely different from the is as much dignity in that as the part of the ^worker. In the (0 ) United States. I thought Peking there is ip any other work to be end, I suspect, it causes reslg- (C) would be a miniature Chicago Fishing net posts stand out against sunset near ‘down east’ is at the most northeastern point in done in this country—including n^^tlon—and we end up, with an- ror my own,” the President said. ( 0 > but there w ere no cars, governors and a conference a t F en - countries can come together, failure. It makes the taxpayer on ., A p r. because they are just as nice as Meeting the Nation audience of about 300 peopoe. furious. It makes the welfare re­ p .m . His heUcopter touched down let any other human beings,” she 8,000 in State cipient bitter, and it inflicts the (C) said. ‘“Ihe people are warm and on the pracUce- tee of the WU- distlllaUon of all this anger and ( 0) were really friendly—there HARTPORD (AP)—The Con llpmsburg golf course. Nixon bitterness to the children who Ares (C> drove about eight blocks ^ (O) were no fake smiles.” Roving Pair Awed by America: nectlcut Earth Action Group, a ivUl inherit this land. It is a dis- Boport p^i^riiUttoted b r^ ^ W^amsburg, dtop^ grace to the American spirit. osts. shielded by rocuUess rain forests said, an attitude is developing c f' (Bee Page Eight) sell a $1 ticket for eeush mile he (See Page Nine) Horst Faas, AP corresptHident . Much of America is still so Beer cans and soda pop bottles and skirted by rocky, wlndswoi>t and photographer respectively, similarly gfuided us through the walked on his way to the peril. young. When pioneers were beaches. The demcmstratlon, which was are not Americans. ’They have, bayous of Louisiana. pushing westward through We watched Indian tribesmen held Saturday, included three made a three-mcaith tour of the northern Utah along the Oregon But it was America’s empti­ digging clams on the beaches lines cf marchers—one each nation to look at us through the Trail more than a century ago, ness and beauty rather its and hunting in the forests ’Hiey from Newington, West Hartford New Russian Satellite Four Bills eyes of foreigners who have their wagon wheels bll deeply congestion and pollution that are still the masters of this and Wethersfield, all of which never lived here. In the follow­ into the surface of the empty most Impressed us. Northwest paradlre of salmon- are about 10 miles away. ing dispatch, ace problem and said the ready cording to Soviet scientists, was from the Department of Com­ ond successive day in support of an allied c^ration that appar­ availabilitya^J^labUltrof of drugs^ maxumakes me (,rgj announcements “ “automaUc,” of but Salute the tesT man’s abUlty in ______an ex- munity A ffairs to the CkmnecU- tended state of weightlessness cut Development Commission. ently hasn’t gotten off the sltudUon almost impoeslble for did riot use this word Meskill said the DCA answers giround. the U.S. Command to control. (Bee Page m a e) Both President Nguyen Van The two congressmen are ^ (8ss Fags Ihrss) Thieu and Gen. Creighton W. Rep. Morgan Mur[riiy, D-IU., ------^ ^ ----- Abrams, the commander of U.S. and Rep. Robert H. StMle, of forces in South Vietnam, an­ Vernon, R-Conn. The House For­ nounced the operation Saturday, eign Affairs Committee sent and Abrams said South Viet­ them to Southeast Asia to look Israeli Official U.S.-Boimd A ir F orce namese troops were in the A - 's i into the drug problem. They ^lau, giving the impression that spent three days in Vietnam, they had moved into the 30- visited La<» and attended a To Discuss Mideast Ideas mUe-long valley in force. narcotics conference in Bcuig- C5 T ransport But field reports today said Deputy Premier Tigal Allon to present a plan for a partial only reconnaissance troops were Steele said figures provided of Israel left today on an unex- agreement that could result in operating Inside the valley on them by the U.S. Command in- pected visit to Washington to reopening of the ^ ez Canal, ^ Called Unsafe the Laotian border, and the ma­ dicated that 10 to 16 per cent of discuss his government’s ideas - Allon expressed regret Sun- jor force would move in later the American troctw in Vietnam tor a partial settlement with day at the formation of the WiASHING’rON (A P ) — Sen. this week. •< —about 30,000 to 46,000 men— Egypt. EgypUan-Libyan-Syrlan federa- William Proxmlre, saying the ’Ihe announcements by ’Ihleu are using higii grade heroin Foreign Minister Mahmound tlon, * but Defense Minister giant C6 transport is unsafe, un­ and Abrams raised the possibili­ which is between 94 and 97 per Riad met in Moscow with .Pre- Moshe Dayan cautioned against reliable and riddled with de­ ty that- the U^. Command and cent pure. Riad of Egyiit, met in Morcow despair and said he did not re- fects, accused the Air Force to­ the South Vietnamese govern­ Steele blamed the extensive with Premier Alexei N. Kosygen gard the federaUon as “a radl- day of accepting the planes ment were giving out mislead­ use ot heroin in part on the “ ‘1 Foreign Minister Andrei A. cal change” in the Arab world, “ knowing they are deficient.” ing information in an attempt to “widespread and mUtaken be- Gromyko. Tass reiterated the Assailing the federaUon an- The Wisconsin Democrat said confuse the North Vietnamese. llef that it is not addlcUve if Soviet posiUon that withdrawal nounced Saturday and accusing the Pentagon should send the 36 But Abrams’ chief spokesman. planes already delivered back snorted or smoked” and that it occupied a of “detilorable and belUcose Col. Robert W. Leonard, said he doesn’t have the odor and bulk ^ PrecondiUon for declaraUcns,” Allon said Egypt for repairs and modlficatlcms at considered questions along this 6st&l^lstiinent o f a lastins^ was makiii^ a “ blgf m lstaks" In the expense of its manufacturer, of m arijuana, ' in 1970, he con­ , line ’’impertinent” and added; tinued, between 59 and 90 GIs peace.” ^ot negotiating new borders Lockheed Corp. In Khartoum, Sudan’s chief of Israel. “We haye never used the press died from overdoses of henrin. In a speech prepared tar Sen­ to cause speculation.” South ate delivery, Proxmlre said the oblem has reached e Vietnamese military, headquar­ ■■Th. "•=“ •£ sss, ST”. z , 3 C5 defects are so serious the De­ Idemic pri^rtlons,” Steele ters turned aside all questions fense Department wwi’t know said^ TOMt the prol,- *** concltiBion about the operation. A spokes­ until 1973 whether, the plane can lem1C... have only begun and so fa r "s®®**** leaders o f the man, Lt. Col. Le ’Trung Hlen, are IneffecUve. There are enor- naUons. Sadat ever perform as designed. said he would not disclose any He said a report by the Gener­ mous implicaUons to discipline c***!*^®"® ^*’® said Uie Uiree countries agreed details until there was signifi­ al Accounting Office “of the and the eftects on society when "‘•*«’'® wUl be Jio negotiations or cant contact with the enemy. first 16 (^rational aircraft ac­ these*1,—* ««« men return home. establishing’ a singU party peace with Israel, not one inch 'The forward command posts system . ^ Arab land is to be given up” cepted by the Air Force re­ “Unless toe pr^lem is . iggcheduled for a two- vealed an average 127 ' unre­ 'o f the South Vietnamese task and they would not bargain over force and elements of the U.S. checked, it will provide a c<^' ^eek visit to Canada, but a riafats of the Palestine refu- solved deficiencies per aircraft pel^ re^on to speed up the g desman said he left a day Palestine refu 101st Airborne D ivision have withdrawal of troops from South - gees. Proxmlre has been a persis­ been set up just to the south of Vietnam.” early so he co^d a^nd a few warniiig against “despairing Quang ’Trl City. tent criUc of the 06 program Murphy said he and Steele hours in Washlngtmi”. presets for a partial setUe- since it was first learned Lock­ U.S. officers in the field said It was not known if he was ^jh Egypt,” Dayan said: troops from the 101st would con­ were cq^roached several times heed was unable to produce the byuY Vietnamese vitruuuiicDc iiciuuLheroin dealers o canytiig s messsge from Pre- ..j wouldn’t adirise that we view duct offensive operations once 1— ■ - plane at the contract price. working the streeU of downtown ’The Pentagon agreed to rene- the operation gets g^lng. About In a scene reminiscent of first World War, Sbuth Vietnamese reinforcements . (Bee Page ’Three) edly been pressing the Israelis (Bee Page Eight) (Bm P heo Eight) (See Page Nine) thread their way through a line of trenches atop Viet garrison. (AP Photo)


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PA G E TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1971 Andover Drug Center Business Staff Sheimvold on Bridge Steele Says Police'Log Listed by LTM LIGOEn DRUG A bout Tow n Tuba Player mCMEBfOnHBB H i* Drug Advlaoiy Center, PARKADE 81 Ruaeell St., is observing F O R R A R E N IB A N D WRINKLING VOUR BROW Many GIs ARRESTS The Little Theatre of Man-1 NORTH Democrats Kick Off Campaign the following schedule: OPEN The Hiramic Legend of the YOUNQPEOPIE m a y b e WASTED MOTION Robert D. Flatoers, 32, of Chester announced toe following |7;45 A.M. ft) 10 P.M. Master Mason -degree will be , In Recital 4 AKJ2 ’The Andover Democrats kick- write their congressman urging years, I’ve beamed that Percy Springfield, Mass., charged business staff for Its fortocom-1 “ TH E W AY *«»**»» By ALFRED SHEINWOUI ^ 2 V sS ^ e ro in Monday through Friday, presented at a meeting of Man­ ■MM aSont «M MSMHr •« ed off their campaign Saturday support to an Income tax. may not be much of a speaker, with fraudulent issue of check, 8:80 a.m. to 6 p.m. Ing production of “ A Thousand! You often see a bridge player O AQ63 chester Lodge of Masons to­ At H artt ■nM CMM ter W IMr cMMM- e. 11 H • 1. 1 Mrs. Beck said that if toe but every word counts.” at' headquarters Saturday on a A telepboie backup ser­ Clowns” : wrinkling his brow, scratching ♦ AQ 107 (Continued from Page One) morrow at 7:30 p.m. in the Ma­ I HEARD rr’ wim a ruu day s scneauie oi recognizes toe tre- Leon Palmer, incumbent se- warrant in connection with a vice is available Monday Betty ^undberg, box office sonic Temple. Ame P. Sterud,. By JOHN ORUBEB his head and staring up at the WEST EAST I Mi. M U MMimO Saigon, A vial to heroin, roughly ®''®"*“ ’ the day a tag mendous problems toe towns lectman candidate stated that check Issued to an antique deal- through Saturday from 6 manager; Jeanne Adams and worshipful master, will preside. There was an unusual recital BWMl MSlwcte celling. “ What an inspiring 4 10 9 8 4 Q654 a fourth to a gram, sells for sale was held and in toe evening are having, he “ has not chooeii he did not agree with many to er, released on $1,000 non-sure- p.m. to 8 a-m. Penny Richter, tickets; A. Lee There will be refreshments at the Alfred C. Fuller Music sight!” you exclaim. “ Such C? 108 7 3 9 5 RANGE AND hy John Gruber Center last evening, presented $1.80 to $2.10 and the average a “ Meet the Candidates” forum to tell toe people that he under- toe statements madp by toe tybond. Court date MayFor 3. drug advlaory infor­ Burton, house manager; Jayne served after*^ the'meeting. ■imo brainpower! Such concentra- 0 1 9 5 0 K 10 7 2 addict requires two vials a day. was nraceded bv a meeUnir of stood our problems” . Republican candidate in toe . Newlrto, Gretchen Wiedie, FUEL OIL by Ronald Apperson. Mr. Ap- Uonl” At the risk of creating a 4 , 954 4> KJ82 mation, call: 647-9S22. ’•These bovs will need a lot to II meeting of ^fter ob- press, and that he felt there Joseph A. Meuccl, 26, of Jackie Stasko and Penny Rich­ GASOLINE Members .of the. Manchester person is the tuba player -with m nation of cynics, I must report SOUTH money to siinport their habit in ‘*'® County Democratic aervlng toe Governor in action was much work for the Board Hartford charged with breach the Hartford Symphony Orches­ ter, advertising and publicity; Civic Orchestra will rehearse what usually goes on when a 4 73 toe States ” M mdiy said Association. for some 8% m«en highly successful with instrument is highly unususd. -PANDA, Public Attention to North-South vulnerable. S^btem «d jS r m t o a Z u . t e r ^ X J S X a! make Is to underestimate treasurer M w ^ ^ ^ ^ m ^ non^^ety bond. Court date by S t^ e y J. Krajewskl of 67 p^sented In Bailey Auditorium comDoser. He has a devoted polyttmallty in “ Salome” and Heard by Itself, it-,is a sad- North East South West Narcotic and Drug Abuse, will Opening lead — Ten of Pass 4 ^ Pass to It, to W®®’‘P®rttse.*’ C tor^em r?^thr e h to ^r^n l.L 5 -T; .^ e stlk M ^ ' He wasn’t particularly good Progress” based prediction that toe pond will be trumps. South should immeto- Cinema I: — "Barefoot Ex­ to for treatment is not punished, reached the breaking point; she y^ho were registering with a derson, running for toe Board gt_ court date for Gtotoff is May of toe Manchester High School to«*w P rhetor ^r^ s,S 7 law studies either, but *^® f work Itself failed to arrive, de- ready for swimming before toe ately try a club finesse, leav- ecutive” 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00, said, and It is not enough to get party were registering Repybli- ®* Tax Review, Mrs. Joan Ma- 3. Friday ’ night ' ’ ‘ had its rear wto- M 3 -4 1 5 9 ' ^ Msfn ^ ^ mske ft^ f l ^ “ e pursued them and flnaUy “ T. 8?“ ® the fact that it was well ®nd ®t June. ing the spades alone. 225 Main St., to ^ y re- m ^ e ^ fim ^ > e m ^ r e degree in 1905. While is worth hearing if pigy^^j The tod dam will be replaced East takes a club trick but 9:00. an uftolll struggle and is trying help for the State of Connecti- cM.^‘"Thls only me^m toatltoe dore, candidate for tax collec- _____ daw smashed. p ects to F. Leo Barrett, club ^ t o ^ KofC sh w It be ^ university he the chance TTiroughout toe evening. I ® P®ured concrete dam with cannot make a safe return. No (3inema II:—”A New Leaf” to keep even,” Steele said, “ but 3 ^ 33 hut “we must help Republicans to this point have tor and Mrs. Beatrice Kowal- At McKee and Lyness Sts. ------1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:40, 9:45. they can’t even do that.” treasurer. directed by Vincent A. Zlto. Rlmsky-'Korsa- . ®5|“™ 4*®**?i® was Im ^ ssed with toe * very ^l°®t> Kates designed to permit matter which suit East returns. the todlvidual towns and done more work than toe Demo- ®td, incumbent candidate for ^sterday afternoon at 6:20 p.m. Sometime Saturday afternoon k 7 . State:—“ Barefoot Executive" cities” . crats have,” he stated and the Board of Education, all of 3 collision involved cars driven windows were smashed to sev- — Dance routines wUl be per- kov, who took him home to ‘^®" musical playing of Charles Gig- PeHodic skimming of toe p o n d .------Snt.u i,ih:its in Cusfn/iiiMjdt: f-jl't .'r S d! '-l.nfiK- The Little Theatre of Man- formed by members of toe meet papa. Rimsky asked-the wdth .^ t o d Schoenberg and ^ p r id e d toe piano ^ dry hydrant apparatus wlU 1:20, 3:16, 6:10, 7:10, 9:06; She disagreed with toe Gov- urged toe inclusion of youth to whom commented briefly. by R ic h ^ J. Frascrelll of 44 eral vehicles parked at Pan- Chester rehearsal schedule for Mary Morlock Dance Studio, young lawyer-musician to play dodecaphonic method of accompaniments. Although he ®*80 be part of toe dam so that “ Noah Ark.” (Short Subj.), 1:00, Four Bills emor’s tax tactics, stating that morp party activities. Lastly, presented to toe gato- Lyness St. and Alan H. Becken- taleo’a Auto Parts on Parker toe production "A Thousand Star dancers wUl be Cathy a couple of his works and then c®mpOTltl 3, Wednesday; and Act 1, Fri- will dance a Jazz speciaKy to abandon his study of law. ‘ has come to my attention He “ major fire on toe Green or Results Friday night in a du­ ders’’ 7:00, 9:15. Vetoed B y toe sales tax and all types at gented toe local slate of candi- ®*”K that office. Kowalski a written warning for failure Two windows were broken day. All rehea^ are at 8 m^ber. , ^ „ Still he was suffLently In- ^ he iT f S^ch^ «>® plicate bridge game at toe Ital- Manchester Drive-In:—"The recessive taxatl®f''® **‘® Holy Land. Hickman and Sydney McKen- open Wednesday. Talbot Backed Tax cook told toe audience that to do Is look at toe burn marks p.m. at toe Manchester Country T h e o r c h e ^ w lU be directed helped him to ^ d t o f S ^ ^ ^ i n cltal can be expected to draw . “ >® ^®. third. East Windsor Drive-In :- R e directly to toe governor, u^ le Mrs. Beck pointed out that to he wasn’t much of a speaker all over toe roads,” Kowalski toe commission does not, and 1956, Roscoe Talbot of Andover, hut mentioned a few of toe stated, referring to tire and Club, to hear residents to Val- VI . write his first symphony which jib c commissioned and televis- hut there was a group to mod- ®*^®c®> ^Kypt. Also, Bast - West, Robert open Wednesday. iance House in Norwich speak Tickets will be a i^ able at ^ ^ a song ^ G ^ e ^ ^ c ^ e l®™te size on h ^ f o r toe oc- Hughes and Mra. Jeannine Ray- that “ efficiency to government unsuccessful candidate for state problems of town admtolstra- skid marks, requires direct lines of account- senator, advocated a state to- Ucn. Hp said that at one time He described some of toe about toe drug i'^v*'^u***^*^f*' 0*1 ** ^ * *^*^*“*® cycle for mezzo-soprano and or- staged and choreographed this casion, which accorded all toe the majority of his time in Is- mond, first; Donald Weeks and program sponsoredI by toe state. Columbus home. chestra that was successful. fiasco, and has rem tted it ever performers warm applause. He 1® due to return to Tol- Dennis Robinson, second; P.D. ab^ty.” come tax system. Andover had toe distinction of problems and how- he deals 1 Another of toe nixed bills “ And we are right back being toe highest tax town to with them, especially where ------■ Stravinsky then wrote two since. land on June 15. Griffiths------and.. Jont„_ Marx, « — third. .v._. STATE MANCHESTIR CENTER would have allowel a maximum where we were 16 years ago, the state, but that this fortunate- youngsters are concerned. wtorks for orchestra on his owm. The sponsor of this opus wras Operation Deep Freese The game, sponsored by toe Members to toe Tolland Ju- Manchester Bridge Club, is FREE PARK REAR OF THfA' tax levy ot $100 on antique auto again pnqxietog toe income ly, is no longer true. ------“Scherzo Fantastique" and a firm of cosmetic manufac- ZBA W ill H ear At 1 ;20-S ;10-5 ;10-T ;10-9 ;»B mobiles for which license plates tax” , stated Mrs. IBeck, "and Talbot, replying tq Cook’s Manchester Evening Herald “ Feu d’Artiflce.” The latter was turers, particularly hair care nlor Women’s Club will again played each Friday to 8 p.m. to 'A NEW DIMENSION have been issued. where are the Republicans?” statement about not being much Andover correspondent Anna TELEVISIONS’- NEWSPAPERS'- NATIONAL MAGAZINES’ intended as a surprise fori Rim- items. If you recall. A review Four Petitions participate In “ Operation Deep toe clubhouse, 135 Eldrldge St. WALT DISNEY Freeze.” Play Is open to toe public. PRODUCTIONS' He called that measure “far she advised everyone to of a speaker, said, “ Over toe Fristoa, tel. 742-9S47. sky-Korsakov who died while of toe premiere In a German vored tax treatment” and said IN INTERIOR DESIGN' the work was In toe mall qnd periodicto that I read hit things JJ?*® ^ p ^ Each club member willwrlll bring ------THE never heard It. ^ toe head. It read “ Stravlln- ®°"8lder four appUcatlons a decorated birthday cake to to- Results" ” in■ a Thursday mom- the state is to no financial po­ The works were premiered at sky’s ’Flood’ Only Shampoo," ^ ! * ® ® f ^ tonight at morrow night’s meeting. The big duplicate bridge gagame at BAREFOOT sition to grant surii favors. Also vetoed was a bill to give BUY OF THE YEAR St. Petersburg by Sllotl (Rach- which was a dllly to a two-line J the Municipal Building cakeshear- are cakes picked are up picked by repre- up by toe repre- Manchester toe CountryManchester Club Country manlnoff’s uncle) and In toe head as far as I was conevemed. “ K room. Two are requests for sentatives of toe Mansfield are: North-South, Mrs. Sidney EXECimVE municipal historic districts con­ audience was Cergei Dlaghllev, Since then he has produced variances, one for extension of State TTtonlng School. Stein and Mrs. Lloyd Calvert, 'flnMDBviPiNttfais TQMECOUM trol over some state-owned build ings and other structures. GRAND who had an unerring Instinct for nothing that has received any P®” "t8slon to house farm work- The cakes are then frozen for first; Mrs. Willard Koroptokin Plus Short Subject budding talent In any art. g;reat notice. For a long time ®™’ °"® *®*' ® Kcneral aiito use at Wrthday celebrations for and Mrs. Richard Terhune, sec- “NOAH’S ARK” When Lladow proved dilatory In he lived in Los Angeles and >’®palrer’s license. residents of toe school. 1 ond; Mrs. Frank Boyd and Miss composing a ballet on toe sub- only moved to New York quite Frank J. Halm in Is seeking Church Auction Marguerite Bengs, third, ^Overdramatic’ ject to toe “ Firebird,” Dlaghllev recently, where he was found ® variance in order to conduct The United Congregational Also, East-West, Mra. Tanash Says Kennelly c s ^ OPENING took toe commission from him dead in his apartment, ap- Sunday outdoor sales of an- Church wrtll hold its 4th Annual Atoynatan and Mrs. Kenneth SIDBES Of and hande'd it to young Stravin- parently toe victim of a heart tlques and crafts on a lot wrlto . Auction on May 22 beginning Tolwla, first; Mrs. George Law- THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1971 sky. attack. He was 89. 200 feet of frontage at 397 Tol- at 1 p.m. rence and Mrs. C.C. Lukas, sec- THEAIRE EAST Of the Vetoes Thls ballet was produced In I met him In 1925 or 1926, I land Tpke. In Business Zone The church is hoping to raise ond; Mrs. Arthur Smith and n. By SOL B. OCmEN Paris In 1910 and has never can’t recall which. He was A variance is required because $1,000 to be used toward pay- Mrs. Leland Carlson, third, ELU Rnt OOCLD Herald Reporter been out of toe orchestral rep- small, skiimy and unpreposses- of a zoning regulation prohibit- Ing oU toe short term note on Th® game is played each D onald SdOieriaBd ertrire ever since. Fokine did sing even then. He spoke a Jar- Ing open air displays to merch- toe ReUgiousEducation Build- Thursday starting at 9:30 a.m. Gov. ’Thomas J. Mesklll’s toe choreography, and Bakst did gon of English that sounded like andise. Ing. ®t toe country club. Play is i n d U airborne announcement he had toe settings and costumes. It Esperanto and larded it with Burger King Corp. is request- John BUlott is serving as ®P®" to toe public. im iE MURPgRS vetoed four bills was labeled WM a senroUonto success. French and German expres- ing a variance for an eight-foot-chairman o ftoe auction, assist- Results last Wednesday mom- “ overdramatlc” today by James 2 weeks A year later he had an even sions. He did have a remark- square sign with arrow at Cen- ed by co-chairman WUUam Ing In a duplicate bridge game Join our Academ y J. KemieUy, deputy House i^ r e senratinoto success with ably resonant baas voice for ter St. and Proctor Rd., opposite Swanback. at toe Community Y are^Mrs Award Sweepstakea! speaker. 13 SUMMER STREET, MANCHESTER V**'*'^ Btature. jta restaurant at 476 Center St. Other committee chairmen Saundra Craft and Mrs. Judiui D etails Avallabto at Kennelly charged that toe established a toyle to his own I ^ compete works are avail- The regulations prohibit bill- are Mra. Lois Barlow, pubUcity; Pyka, flrut; Mrs. Norma Har- “MIKE” 643-9892 “TONY” The B ox O ffice governor’s action “ indicates a on ly! which was highly polytonal ami able on Columbia, m ^ y of board-type signs, but toe com- Mrs. Pat Ramondo, set-up pre- vey and Mrs. Maiylou Conlon greater interest to his own per­ was hailed for this reason by them as conducted by himself, ,3 contending that adjac- paration; Mra. Marion M o ^ , aecond; Mrs. Jacqueline Kol sonal political image than to toe ent trees screen toe identifi^g food; MTlUam Summers,-auc- vacs and Mrs. Mary Wlllhlde, orderly handling of the state’s sign on Its premises. ticner’s assistant; Steward Jos- third. business. Extension to permission to iin, treasurer; Paul Pierce and Series leaders are Mrs Mary mANCHESTT KenneUy specifically singled annual house farm workers Is being Charles Mayer, transportation. Willhides first; Mrs. Phyllis H t y./'tL - /r^ out the governor’s veto of House sougth by August Zeppa, a com- Robert FlucUnger has again Pearson, secemd; and Mrs. Mar- RTES 6 & GA » BOl IIJN NOICH Bill M90, which would have n e w 1 9 7 1 merical truck farmer, at 738 offered his services as auc- garet Boyle, third. FEATURE SHOWN FIRST transferred from toe Departs Birch Mt. Rd. in a Rural resl- tioneer. ------ment of Oominunlty Affairs to sale o f dence Zone. He has been grant- Bulletin Board ■ IIL toe State Development Commis­ ed toe permission for two-year n jc planning ahd - ’ Zbhlng" sion toe administration of state periods since 1960. Commisslcm will meet tonight s w u m H c i ^ aid to municipalities for harbor Frank Pagano, new operator at 8 In toe Town Hall, G O G ET 'EM COMPLETav Improvement. He called toe ac­ Van Raalte of toe ARCO service station at The Uons <31ub will meet to- KOWALSKI!! HOUSE tion “ a clear Inconsistency on 706 Main St., Business Zone m , night at 7 at toe VPW Post. An- THAT DRIPPED BUMID the governor’s part.’’ is seeking a general repairer’s nual elections to officers will be W E'RE WITH YOU license. The station presently held. C a U 623-3079 “ WHATEVER HAPPENED Kennelly said, “This position POOL U m s T A m M t r r y A f M f H e W s o n 5 + bras . XO AUNT AUCE” is completely inconsistent with TERMS arranged has a limited license. The Tolland Junior Women’s toe g;overnor's own recommend, Club will hold its annual meet­ ations. Included to toe budget 6 r e € r > 1 ^( ing tomorrow night at in toe 8 message, that industrial devel­ Warning Shot United Congregational Church ■KMU felV/lfU.TON _ _ opment funds to assist munici­ Religious Education Building. In •UN I & TT Halts Subject hlQlIN lUPfUMKI palities be transferred from PLUS FRIED CHICKEN {iddltion to toe election of of­ lATMXTtMnI fJE*TTOT,VO<»UYS cimi C,p AfJTMQfJR ficers and outstanding club Community Affairs to the De­ POOL INClUOeSi YOU GET THIS 311 GREEN ROAD. MAMHESflR Fleeing Shop women, Mrs. Joan Walden to h r fmMVmi , A iiru i velopment Commission.” r u n MMim Outside Dimension .1 9 ” x l 6 ” Swim area • 4 2 ' constant STURDY Manchester police fired a Vemon, coordinator to Zero LTDM wnr Kennelly chided toe governor O K N 7 DAYS A WEEK — 11 A .M . - 9 PJUL warning shot as they chased a population Growth, will speak, for giving as his reason for vetoing H. B. 9138 that he op­ • FILTER & PUMP • SAFETY FRIDAY A SATURDAY — 11 AJR. - 10 PJR. fleeing subject they surprised at Parents Night at toe Tolland ttUBJUN tAR-B-CUE Morland Tool Co. on ToUand Middle School will be held to- poses the transfer of that author­ FENCE • SWING UP STAIRS Tpke. early this morning. morrow at 7:30. EXECimffi/Bv BNN ity because it removes the di­ A T N O rect line of control from toe Charged with breaking and .^13 ToUand Grange wUl meet Crepessence® bra with natural shaping for the fADDITIONAL e n t e ^ vrito criminal Itoent tomorrow night at 8 In toe m w u f « g g g governor, “ since toe Commis­ • STEEL BRACING • STEEL was ’Thomas A. Cyr, 37, of East «nii ammsMiY I sioner of Community Affairs Is two section cup. Lower cut side and back of Lycra® COST! It'se-iioo-sst-imMo | power net. Lace outlines the scoop neckline and covers WALLS*SET-IN v in y l LINER SPECIAL . ’The Cemetery Committee wlU 0 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 his personal appointee and the FREE Officer J. D. Sweeney fired a „ on Develi^ment Oommlsslon Is the tricot shoulder straps. White, Foam, Na'vy. 32-86A; NYC lie. FREE Shot in toe air as he chased a Z ^ • PATIO SUN DECK #675703 composed of several holdover 82-38B,C. reg. $5. man he observed through a members from the previous ad­ shop window. He said toe man ministration.’ ’ 3.99 fled out toe door and headed _ Manchester . Evening Herald BUY 9 T D F F Promising that the governor’s into a field toward ToUand correqMmdent Rctte Same bra as above only with Dacron® polyester fiber- PEBMA-LIFE PRODUCTS DINNER Quatrale, ’Tel. 876-2845. vetoes will be fully considered ONE N I L L Tpke. DINNER L M lining. 82-36A; 82-38B,C. reg. 5.50. ,20 Clarks Hill Ave. The man finally tripped and on toe floor of the House, Ken­ ABSOLUTELY nelly remarked, “ The gover­ Stamford, Conn. was apprehended and cuffed. 4.49 NO C yr was held on $5,000 bond nor’s veto of measures which carry appropriations and his OBLIBATION! BUY 2 DINNERS - BET M ONE FREE! and'is scheduled tor court May right: Crespessence® decolle bra with minimum cov­ Pliast kin |M» rtfriMttitin tali 3. threat to keep on vetoing such erage. Two section cups have narrow underwire and I aafarttaaftkarah ataMiptitt. lEtrpmng Ifpralh bills until the General Assem­ FOR FREE SHRIMP DINNER Sweeney and. another toficer are lined with Dacron® polyester fiberfill. Side and CHICKEN DINNER were on routine patrol about 4 Bendays bly gives him a complete budg­ ESTIMATE NiML. 8 pteoM to golden tried cihiekew, frazdi frlea, • Jw bo ebrlmp, cocktail aaaet, eda dM r, M J S ba^ section are Lycra® power net. Narrow lace out­ a.m. and were checking toe MaacliestcrZ*Ca^ Stre«t. et and tax Increase program is hot roU. (Cole elew , or baked beaae, or potato french Med pototoee, hot roll, eadi doing much more than just de­ lines the low neckline and covers the tricot shoulder CALL OR AHUSS- ealada), (cholea to one) aaobVlnV building when they saw toe in- TeUphooe 648-2711 straps. White, Foam, Navy. 82-86A; 82-88B,C. reg* $6. trader. A check later at toe Claw Postage Paid at laying toe work of toe General WRITE cin____ -STAIE- FISH DINNER Asrombly, It is also an unveil­ 274-8806 premises showed ransacked “ •““ ••ter. Conn. (OtOiO) ivmisaLi CLAM DINNER Tasty bendeaa filet, tartar aanca, eda daw . M . R R H pt. M ed dam e, french frlea, eola daw, drawers, but nothing missing. SDBSdUPnON RATES BURNSIDE ed attempt to enforce his will 4.99 tartar aanee, hot roH. each FIJI troneh M gd P 9tataas. hot roU. eaeli Police say a metal object was one ■**vance iM N iR N on the legislature, regardless of BLP'.S'Or AVE EiST toe confusion It may cause.” used to smash a shop door win- Biz Mi»itks'‘ * .r .!'.'.!!!!!!* u !8 0 fREE PiRKINC 528 -3333 dow; ...... ?-76 OFFER GOOD APRIL 17 ~ APRIL 24 One Month ...... !!.!!’ s.‘2$

\\ PAGE FOUR BIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER; CONN.. MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1971 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1971 PAGE FIVE Andover ed when only the four whites Bolton Teachers End voted for it. Ground Broken at Site School Children Slack comipunity leaders had To Guide Tours said the striking teachers, moet For Condominium Office Insurance Committee Tells Long Strike of them white, lived In suburbs Of Nature Trail and were not attuned to the Ground was broken this the three buildings is scheduled needs cf black children. Ihe un­ Reasons for Premium Hike • In Newark ion responded by accussing the momingr for a new $2 million for completion in January of Andover Elementary School condominium office complex on 1972. school board president, Jesse children will conduct tours of The Insurance Advisory Com- for the May 2 electitma this NEWARK, N.J. (AP) — The Jacob a Negro, of wanting to a four-acre plot off Broad St. As planned, professional peo­ often bitter and sometimes vi­ $29.95 the Nature Trail on which they **'® '^®®>‘ ® «®fi®“ programs purge white teachers and of facing the Parkade. The three ple will purchase space in the olent Newark teachers strike complex, thus entering into “ union busting tactics.” buildings will be located behind had worked during the year to­ has ended, with 80,(HX> students Joint ownership ot the land and Jacob, who denied both a one-story building which for­ day and tomorrow morning and 4,200 teachers set to attend buildings with the other ten­ charges, voted against Gibson’s merly housed the Hartford starting at 10:30 a.m. classes for the first time in 1 1 ance premium Shanahan, coordinator of the plan but later called for adop­ Framing Co. ants. Members of Mrs. Henry weeks. According to Webber, an as­ tion of the mayor’s proposals. Attending the ceremcxiy was Jones’ fifth grade have been Charles Lathrop, spokesman -studies department, sociation' of occupants of During the strike; the longest "We can’t continue to have $19.95 Mayor James Farr who told liard at work during the fall for the group,^ded toe s X S Shanahan and his Problems of those connected with the proj­ the structures ^ 1 1 be formed. teachers walkcut in a major the kinds of trouble we’ve been and winter preparing the area board for Its "unfair criticism” Democracy students have been ect, “You certainly have an ex- This association will then man­ American city, less than half of having In Newark,” he said, Make it for real next to the town office building ot the lAC. He read an item studying the two party platform citing plan here. Manchester is age the buildings, he said. the students and teachers at- "Our white brothers must un­ and by the school for use as a from Wednesday’s Herald ®‘"®® ***®y ''^®*'® released, and WITH A very happy to have you put this Webbei^ plans to keep owner­ tended classes although the derstand we are part of Ameri- nature trail. Certain types of which quoted school board have prepared questions for the here." Farr noted that the com­ ship of the first floor of the schools remained open. ca, we are here to stay and are growth were cleared, while oth­ members saying that there had candidates, RINe.flNTEINT plex will be "another first for building nearest Broad St. The strike aroused racial anl- not going anywhere. We are tied Rlngi>^ er types were planted. ’Ihere been a breakdown of communl- 'Today the Democratic and Manchester.” There he plans to have various mosities, which Mayor Kenneth together in a single garment of Maybe some day you two will $59.75 are birdhouses and nesting cation between the board and RepubUcan town chairmen met Louis Webber of West Hart­ retail stores. Burian-Mosa photo Findlay photo Gibson had said were creating destiny." be engaged. Meanwhile give areas for wildlife. the committee, and that school wtih the first period class. To- her a beautiful symbol of ford, present owner of the land, Also attending the ceremony board members felt they were morrow the second period class Mrs. John Fletcher Jr. Mrs. Roger Bagley tensionB similar to those In.Ne------Signs Identify native plants of your mutual hopes and feel­ explained to Farr that ' this were Robert Weiss, town man­ not sufficiently informed as to wllb meet with candidates for wark before the 1967 summer ager; John Harkins, assistant particular interest and other riots that left 26 persons dead. ings, a Ring of Intent. Real would be the first condominium the nature and extent of cover- the Board at Education to ask CAR and TRUCK diamonds! Intertwined town mtmager; and J. Grant features of the trail, which In District GOP Posts office complex in the Northeast. SY®- questions and express their The Newark Teachers Union RENTALS hearts! And if ever you wish In addition to the three-story Swank Jr., executive vice pres­ leads to a duckpond. LAthrop said his committee views on educational philosophy. Two members of the Manches- Auxiliary to CSilld and Family 'Board ot Education both n\ Mir to replace it with a proper buildings, there will be parking ident of the Manchester Cham­ As part of the Earth Week voted Sunday to accept a com­ engagement ring, we'll give $39.75 has alwajrs cooperated with the Wednesday’s third period ter RepubUcan Women’s Club Services of Connecticut. A mem- u w — — m on rn space for 300 cars. Ihe first of ber of Commerce. activities in town, guides have you full credit towards any scho(d board and has attended class will meet with candidates were elected officers of the First ber of (Jommunity Baptistpromise plan offered by Gibson. been selected to take petqile on It provides a three-member l.nliU 'I'rriil l.r:isinu diamond of your choice. every meeting requested. for first and second selectmen. Congressional District Republl- Church, she Is a member oi Its tours of the trail, pointing out panel for binding arbitration of \i»\ Makr or ModrI The twiglnal poUcy, written In Shanahan feels that a consid- can Women’s Association at its Church School teaching staff. Vernon special Interest items. „ „ , ___grlevanceti, reinstatement of 347 E a rth W e e k ft^lV 1968, was »>a^JOT a eration of local Issues Is a very recent blenntel meeting at the f;, tondders suspended for strike Manchester Motors Guides for today include Rob­ prct>erty valuation of $1,887,'390, Important part erf the school’s Hartford Hilton Hotel, rince 1969, te^ed ^ i t s preri- ^ compromise ert Popoff, Sharon Fisher and Lease, Inc. and the premium rate was 33 social studies program and says Mrs. J(rfm Fletcher Jr., Man- d®nt from 1963 to 19« and will ^ teachers to perform Rally Draws Bad Bill Frank Bartlett; guides for to­ Mriiilirr ;ui»l K>(l«‘r ~ 'cJiyiae& $35 complete her second torm M nonprofessional chores morrow are James Barton, ®'‘ ‘ *°®®* *“ “ ®® ''^** •>«®°"‘ ® Chester club president, was '’Systems ^red e^Uer t ^ year The new more relevant when discussed elected treasurer of the assocl- publicity chairman in June She monitoring Downtown Manchester at 968 Main Street Frank Bartlett and Sharon ,M Wi;-^ ! ( KM I.II sT. 8,000 in State H ot Line ^ 7 valua^n of with the candidates in person. gOe„. and Mrs. Roger Bagley, was recording secretary of the while they may “ voluntarily^ ac­ M VN( iu ;sn :i:—r>i;M:)ii Fisher. Hartford County Republican L’r iioft ’ Planning Candidate a past president of the club, was cept” ethers. (Hercud p«o«o by t » ) IheFe will also be parents on Women’s Association when coun­ (Continued from Page One) hand to assist and supervise, *''®*'®®“ PhlUp Savva was selected as elected vice president represent- Nonprofessional duties had Planned Dr. Foote addresses guests at ceremonies yesterday property vitiation is due to a Democratic candidate for w the Fourth Senatorial Dls- ty organizations were dissolved in anti-war rally in Washington at Manchester Memorial Hospital dedication of new and everyone'is invited to take in 1966 and reorganized by become a crucial issue. The un-' advantage of this opportunity to the open ^ of the new elemen- planning Commission at a spe- trict. ion claimed teachers were not April 24. Jack Smith, Oonnectlcu The Chamber of Commerce is Congressional districts. At that . . . j ... Sweeping Changes Due East Wing, a section of which is seen at far right. . witness what the children have tary school. clal caucus held Friday nlg^t. other club members attend- coordinator for Vietnam Veter­ Inaugurating an ' ‘alert system" time, she was elected secretary mulred to do them, toe School board members seem- ’Hie nomination was made after yjg meeting were Mrs. Ray­ ans Against the War, made a accomplished in this area. of the newly-formed First Con- Hye-member black Puerto which will go into action when­ ed surprised to learn of a $2,600 it was determined by town Qulsh, Mrs. Harlan Tay- similar appeal. Earth Week Calendar ever it is learned that counter­ deductible on vandalism cover- counsel that Michael Sheridan, Roger Crafts and Mrs. gresslonal District RepubUcan i. CEIAG describes itself as an Women’s Association. She is a c l ^ e d that t ^ h e r s un­ feit bills are being passed in the Following are all the special age and speculated whether it the original nominee, will not be Mercer attempt to organize a public in­ three-town area of Vernon, Tol­ In Health Care: Foote events the townspeople of An­ up for re-election until 1976. past president of Waddell r^*'« *®'L'*'®’3 was worth paying a premium Mrs. Fletcher has been a terest firm of lawyers, scientists, land and Ellington. SfcensL at ihsL dover will be participating in Savva, a newcomer to Bolton ^ o o l PTA and a form er secr^- for such coverage. foot complex which provides past record of innovations; which member of the Manchester and ecologists to act as Many members of the Cham­ By WnXIAM COE during Earth Week. politics, is a general insurance tary of the Manqhester PTA ^ d r e n . (Herald Reporter) the hospital with all-new surgl- he said showed an ability “ to re­ Coverage for accidents on Republican Women’s Club for consumer-environmental advo­ ber' expressed interest in the Monday: A roadside clean-up agent with an office at Consti­ ^ c l l , a past president of the- ^®^*®“ ® spond to the need for change.” school property were discussed, the past years and its presi­ cates for Connecticut citizens. program which was suggested Sweeping changes in the cai-radioiogicai facilities, plus is being conducted by the tution Plaza in Hartford, 10 Emanuel Lutheran Church Wo- seWl®** ®«'**®'^ *" He mentlcmed the hospital’s ac­ and though there was disagree­ dent since 1969. She served dur­ ot Leaders have set a $260,000 by the organlzaUcm’s” Retail concept and administration ...... ^jopitat schoolchildren of Andover lives with his wife Aldea on Rt. men, and former secretary of agreement a ^ increase in creditation under national stand­ ment among lAC members as goal for the organization and throughout the day. Tours of ing the last state election as the Northern Connecticut Dis- y®artV s a ^ e a during the sec- Committee. of health care are under ^oo braved cwiiy, bi^- ards soon after its founding, its to the extent of the school’s 85. say fund-raising will continue to the Nature ’Trail adjacent to the Manchester campaign manager trict of New England Lutheran OTd year of a two-ye^ way, will accelerate rapidly ou^L>r ^remonies' liability, it was agreed that, Ihe other Democratic candi­ Teachers are now paid $8,000 to be pressed all week. By Sol Ro Cohm town office building were cmi- date for toe Planning Commis­ former Hartford Mayor Ann Uc­ Church Women. Sh;e is also a pnu« T “•JSS ta'the near future,-anS S Su»\ £ with toe exception of athletic ducted. sion is Ernest Reed. cello in her bid for First District member of the Women’s Club of $13,000 P®r year. from a poUceman on duty there. J**® ^ p la nn ed f o r n ow , adjacent to the new wing. The naUonaUy known food service As of last Wednesday, 14 1971, and ’The Collectional Serv- Tuesday: 10:30 a.m. Tours of activities, immediate treatment congressman. She is a member Manchester and toe executive Gibson’s - • ■ - • telephone the chamber immedl- pranklin M. Foote, pr^m was brief and to the and data processing programs. James Hassett and A1 Cave- He said they were thfe “ haK>i- , . weeks into the currient le^sla- ices Improvement Act of 1971. nature trail, of Injuries sustained on school of the Manchester Women’s board of Manchester AuxiUary vldes for establishing est, cleanest and best” he had ately upon learning that “bad don are the RepubUcan nomi­ Connecticut’s health com- point, in keeping with the weath Of progressive patient care, tive session and with only “ The bills that I will intro- Friday: 1:16 p.m. Discussion property would be covered. Has- Club executive bosird and vice to Child and Family Services of force to study toe complete ov- ever seen. passed in the 8 nees for the commisslcm. erhaul of education the city. Ne originated by Manchester Me- weeks to go before adjourn- duce,’’ says Cotter, "are not pjmel on environmental prob- Beyond this, toe insurance sett is currently serving as its chairman of the Manchester CkHmecticut. Earth Week demonstrations area, missioner, warned yester- work, with a population of ■a'bWi In his remarks. Dr. Foote mortal in 1967, Dr. Foote re­ ment, 6,330 bills were on file only concerned with the sup- gt the Congregational board would provide the school chairman. are being held throughout the The “chain” of telephone calls marked, “ Many hospitals still with a defense against claim for 4o6, tons. Country Squire Restaurant across Washington State, and ^® south rim through northern have many defects that must p.m. Congregational Church The Atlanta display was schedulfB. and elected officials in the students. There will be two tote a program of periodic pick- the Director of Administration, each sport and to explain the and Kellner’s Home Center; ,aw where man had worked his Arizona. Wo p e ^ d over and it be corrected and will lead to Council sti the church; 8 p.m. DRi'd i M i o n m ' s among the most dramatic. A State Capitol. morning sesslims and one after- up o t roadside ■Utter. He notes Richard Borden, will discuss the need and use of such items. SNBTCO wlU caU August J- wUl on the Coulee country of ““folded below, a fantastic land- further changes. Dr. Foote Memorial Day Committee at live man sits by himself among H.B. 6826, vetoed by the gov­ noon session. that many areas in town are council’s directive concerning Legion Auxiliary .Vvaiiiiblf -M Loehr Jr. and Nutmeg Phar- central Washington, erecting ®®*P® ***® Colorado 10 said. the town office building; p.m. piles of trash in the building oth­ ernor yesterday, was filed by 8 <>fftngnn recommended to covered with cans and bottles the recently released audit re- Dobosz- Ertel- Laboc - Hansen WKi.DON !)Kr(; ro. macy; Country Squire will call there the largest concrete dam million years to carve, a river ..^u change is anxlety-produc erwise occupied by apes and State Rep. Dorothy Miller, R, of Bria^^clftoey^of ^ w Britata! Library Board at the pubUc U- Poet 14, American Legion Aux­ PhllUp’B House of Beauty and in the wtxld. But w® saw that Jlmt glistened like a wet silk T,-.»------J ------J w.. — brary on Route 6, 8 p.m. toe board that there not be a and said “This service is of port. Miiin Ntrrrt other priniates. ing, and it’s Important that you Bolton and passed by vrfee vote Republican state chair- midyear changeover in the dire need if Bolton is not to be- 0*i request of Councilman iliary will meet Wednesday at the Cart-Wheel dress shop; man’s engineering pales beside handkerohlef ^ 'o w know what’s coming and that in both Houses. It would put a curator Vernon Kisling said man, is planned for April 27, Grange No. 76 at the old town Mnderbarten next year. In other come one huge refuse pile.” Thomas Wolff, a report will be 8 p.m. at the post hall. West Vt tlw‘ S:inw |yo\v the m^-siUTOimdeiby-BM Kellner’s wUl caU Snow’s TV that of "nature herseU who We descended by heUcopter you as a community continue to jioo assessment celling on an- from 6 to 9 p.m. in the State hall. yean, students havp attended Breslow added that the g;lven on the drainage situation Rd. ' .iect-Hy-M:iil I’riif dem onstrati^ an e ^ rtto and MUe Hill Drug and Loehr carved vast, rtx:k-walled valley ^ ^ vast opening, bouncli^ plan ahead because the changes tlque cars. Tuesday;. 7 p.m. Boy Scout c m m L Y Capitol. morning sessions for toe first CEAG, wdiose conception was at the Vernon Post Office. ~ ~ -\sk for Fr*^‘ < "ANPO’RWCA'noM dramatize the danger man and wUl caU Charest Esso Inc. and mazes with her rivers. The ® ^ "ts much more vl- will have tremendous Impact.” ------Troop 124 at the home of Scout­ haU o t the year and afternoon guided by Ralph Nader. U plan- The council will also be asked The S ^ sh Steps ^ “ Young Republican (Y R ) Clubs other animals face because of W. T. Grant Co. Grand Coulee Dam in that envl- ? ever w er he stated. master Robert Eaton on Lake­ tumrinnn during the second half nlng to establish a professional- to approve the date of April 27 Rome and were built in the 18th O U S T o f f m j T f S V throughout the state are spon­ Yoo'tie M o r garbage and pollution. R Bernard Crowl, executive ronment looks like a peanut «J'® ^ Vietnam, gople-eyed at He sAd a major question Umt side Dr.; 7:30 p.m. Plaiuilng of the year. ly staffed citizen action group for the public hearing on the century. IN TOLtANP, lOusrmNTToTW^ ’The teach-ins, seminars and director of the Oiamber emp- caua^ between the knuckles of *® K*K^tlc rock temples and must be restdv^ is whether soring a “Miss Teen Republi­ R o d e ric k and Zoning Commission at the can” Contest, with the winner He suggests that students r*;^ in Connecticut to tackle the budget and May 18 for toe an- IV rm sAcuosGTis ^ peo^ hiovi MUCM demonstrations will take place haslzed that the success of the the earth. buttes that passed by. health care shall be ^mlnis- town office building; 8 p.m. Al- main in one session all year, problem of environmental pol- nual town meeting. (Both meet- throughout the nation’s second “chain” depends on no one We continued driving along ^ '»’® discovered that beauU- tered by public or private agen- to be chosen at a statewide A s ^ s s e s Anon Family Group at the Con­ based on thpir geograirfilcal lo- lution. Headquarters will be at ings wiU.be held at p^m at I u lV g MUPvJoop Route a, beyond the Coulee and America was not all specta- cles. Also remaining to be ex- party May 23, in honor of Gov. 8 annual Earth Week in hopes of breaking the link. gregational Church. cation, alternating among areas 76 Prospiect Ave., West Hart- the Vernon Center Middle emphasizing ways each i n d i v l ------tMs Great Divide into ®1®- sunset silhouetting plored, he emphasized, are the Thomas Mesklll. SUMMER CLA8SIES NOW FOBMINO Wednesday; 1:30 C>.m. Young- freona year to year. ford. School. dual can contribute to a cleaner, Montana. The scenery changed fishnets toping a c tin g jetty ^ e ^ of preventive me^cine, 'The statewide party, to be C h in a T r ip at-Heart at the Congregational Coffee Hour Under new business the Coun­ greener, healthier planet. bewlldertngly. te le s a ^ d by the ^ "o^ h Maine beach in late health maintenance, follow-up called "A Tribute To Tom,” Many mothers have expressed MHS and lUing John church; 8 p.m. Zoning Board of dissatisfaction with the system, Townspeople wlU have an op­ cil will discuss payments MSIIRANCL Mario Biaggi, D-N.Y. jeskl, pnqierty at 106 Tanner gram, refreshments were — strides in enterprise reporting, Local Agent tor For politicians, he said, ” a dents marcS:d all the way.” **'® M»S^^ bSi"w^top^a St., conveyance tax $20.96. Glaeser said. ’"They did a beau- silver and gold lodes thought served in the new dining room First District Cong. WUllamWUllam computerized _ „ „ regicmal _ news . American Heritage , , , J . one week dramatization of con­ away with a flying tackle by a ' T i v t L V Itful job. ’They cleaned the park *>»“ led beneath the vEdley’s and those attending were taken Cotter this week wlU introduce transmission and "expansion of Certmeate of Attachment cern is laudable, but it is like bank employe, police said. SERVICE and picked up Utter on the Iwirnlngr sands or hidden in the on tours of the new building. three anti-crime biUs which, he its overseas operations North American PhUlps Oo. taking a bath only on Saturday About $2,000 taken in the hold­ way.” eley cliffs. ’The guests included mem- says, "wlU attack the drug ------Inc. against Carol M. Gulness, nights. Every week should be up at the downtown bank was bers of the medical and dental problem, court delays, and the $12,000, property on Tracy Dr. 'Hie five teachers from the ^ summer the long, dramatic recovered, police said, and Earth Week in action and staff, hospital trustees and in- high rate of criminal repeat- not words.” high school who were marshals, sweep of Death Valley is Jhe 'Thomas McCarthy, 67, of Hart­ f'ederal Tax Lien marched the ftiU 10 miles. 'Hie hottest and driest place in ford was arrested u and.u charged corporators and town and state ers.” United States Government REAL officials. The bUls are labeled: ’The other teachers, besides Glaeser, America, as the place names at- with robbery with violence, against Gunver Printing Inter­ Regular Price Hourly pubUc tours were con- Executive Office of Drug Abuse Students To Get were Mrs. Marilyn Fabian, test; Furnace Creek, Bad Wa- Arnold Lelbowltz the bank NOTICE national Inc. at 340 Main St., ESTATE Mrs. Sherry Jamo, PhlUp ter. ducted today from 10 a.m. to Control Act of 1971, ’The Pre- president, said he and two bank $1,804.27. •1.59 Contest Awards Stearns and Douglas Mlggllozl. But later In the year, when we employes chased the bandit 2 p.m. trial Crime Reduction Act of Jan Cushman and Keith ^ v e ^ ro s s from Las Vegas, when he left the bank. One of . — ■ ------■ —— Flushing of the Water Naiss of the Notice of Us Pendens Samuel Megel, trustee, Three Manchester High Cefe®, co-presidents of GREEN, the valley was cool and still, uje unidentified employes stop- •OL School students wlU be honored ®e«ried a large green and white and the sky seemed bluer. Jet ped the escape with a tackle Tom of Manehotlor Watar Dapart- against Joan H. Everett, proper­ at an Ability Counts luncheon ecology flag. GREEN stands streams from aircraft flying out and suffered minor injuries in ty at 367 8. Mlaln St.'* tomorrow noon at the Hartford for Group Retaliation to the of Los Angeles streaked the dis- the process. Authorities said he PLAZA DEPT. STORE mont will begin April 26,1971. Ffnth- Murlsge Ucensee John Michael Buonanduccl HUton by the Governor’s Com­ Extinction of our Environment tant sky, but there was no noise, skinned his elbow and was (We Have A Notion To Please) mittee on Employment of the and Nature. ’The members of You could stand at Zabrl^ie treated at a hospital, and Glinda Louise Smith, both Handicapped. the seven-week-old organisation Point and ponder the geometri- After the tackle by the em- E. MEDDLE TPKE. (Next to Popular Market) ing will eonthiua Tuosdaps fhrough of Hartford, AprU 24, South Carlyle Osier and Miss Con­ of young people are picking up caUy ^Ut mudhllls in peace. pioye, Leibowitz and the second OPEN WED., THPB8.. F l^. tiU 6 United Methodist <3iurch. ROBERT J . SMITH, me nie Johnson, wiU each receive litter on Main St. today and Death VaUey ^ills into Ne- employe held the man down un­ Fridays until eomplabd. David Robert Botteron of 67 a $60 award. Osier for a theme work on Highland Park vada, and as we climbed out of til police arrived. GARUEN GLOVES Autumn St. and Barbara WSUIUUISIIIIHS SINCE 1914 and Miss Johnson for a poster. tomorrow. those p ^ l e depths, our station PoUce said it was not known 3UBEOBIP - DURABLE ■ fftjt ODc^ Modean Ruflni of 34 Lyness St., BONANZA Miss Meredith Cowan wUl re­ wagon bumping and skidding on if the robber really had nitro- COOL COMFORT A OO^ TOWN OF MMICHESTIR May 16, Oiurch of Assumption. ceive an honorable mention OaUed the monarch of the tun- the gravel road, the terrain glycerin in the small vial as he PLAYTEX HANDSAVER 649-5241 Pfiiiiiing Permits award. Nathan Agostinelll, dra, a caribou stag may stand gained even greater drama, told bank employes. ’Ihe con- GLOVES Reg. 1.09 0 0 ^ WATER DEPARTWENT 963 STREET, MANCHESTER STEAK HOUSE TUESDAY ONLY! Joseph Rlvooa of South Wind­ state comptroller, will present 4H feet at the riuxilder and Bold, jagged escarpments turn- tents of the vial were being (GrosM Fleer Next ts Hssm & Hals) 287 WEST MIDDLE TPKE.. MANCHESTER certificates to the winners. weigh 376 pounds. bled like waterfalls into the analyzed. sor for ESeanor P. Ooleman, open porch at 74!.Lydall St., $700. PAGE SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1971 Coventry school vision screening clinic, and anyone interested in volun­ visit was the news that the President Pay Recommendations Okayed Manri|p0tpr F ire C alls teering should call the PHNA Richard Nixon of April, 1971, -was Band To Join office in the town hall, the ( ’Thirft and Gift Shop, or Mrs. ( possessed of intellectual and emotional jEupnittg ifpraIJi At 9:52 a.m. Saturday morn­ 23rd Birthday Stanley Harris, Rt. 31. ^ balance, was capable of inviting his Hebron Board of Selectmen ing the town firemen put out a The last town Immunization tl»UBMdaia> BY THE grass fire at Grandview and Israel Salute h k i u L d p r i n t i n g cx>., i n c . severest critics to Join in a laugh at him­ The Board of Selectmen at its Year’s Day, Memorial Day, High School at 1:30 p.m. and clinic will be held on May 8 13 Biaaell Street Oak Sts. ’They also combated with Dr. Robert Bowen In fVTm self, and at least knew how to play well meeting last week recommended July 4, Labor Day, ’Thanksglv- will be assig;ned numbers by The Coventry High School small fires at 923 Main St. in a charge. THOKAS F. FBRQUSOtN that the Salary Study Commit­ ing Day and Christmas Day. the secretary, Mrs. J. Stewart Band, under the direction of WALTER R. FERGUSON the role of a free leader In the free at­ t • waste disposal unit at 12:33 Immunization to be offered tee’s final report be submitted Vacations Stockwell. P U H W ie rs p.m., at Center Springs Park Carl Salina, will represent the will be DPT, oral polio, small Founded Octotier 1. 1881 mosphere a free people properly guards 4 * f to the Board of Finance "as la” . Also, town employes should ’The course, which will in­ where a woods fire occurred at state of Connecticut in the pox, regular Eind German mea­ 'a,; ~ ^ However, the selectmen did be given paid vacations bssed clude sections of Rt. 66, Rt. 85, Published Every Evening Except Sundays for itself. 1:13 p.m., at 5 So. Farm Dr. for "Salute to Israel” Parade sles. ’The agency notes that tet­ :uid Holidays. Entered at the Post Office at request that any Increases the on length of service not to ex­ Marjorie Circle, Gristmill Rd., Manchester. Oraui.. os Second CSaas Moil an electrical stove at 4:56 p.m. April 26 in New York <3ty. anus toxoid protection is es­ •• ceed a total of two weeks. Keeney Rd. and Millstream Rd. ‘OOUNmY STYLE" Matter > Board of Finance might recom­ In the evening they exting;uish- Nationwide representation in The committee also listed fu­ will be well-marked and with pecially important at that time, SUBSCRIPnON RATES mend for elected officials ed a chimney fire at 43 Cobum the parade will be included this immunization included ture considerations the town spotters strategically placed PORK RIBS lb. 53c Payable in Adrance Blighting The Roadsides should not be effective until aft­ Rd. at 8:06 p.m. and a radio from such other states as Ohio, the DPT series. One Y ear ...... imoo er the elections next November. might want to adopt at a later along the roads. Six Months ...... 19.80 Resident State Trooper John fire at 64 Jensen St. at 8:12 Pennsylvania, Delaware, Mary- children and adults should Three Months ...... 9.78 This is the time of year we are Ukrty Since December of last year date. Soderberg reports that Rt. 66 land. New York and New Jer- have tetanus boosters every 5 One Month ...... 3 .X when the selectmen appointed These included a floating to notice, driving along our superhigh­ and Rt. 85 will be marked for Sunday at 2:30 p.m. the town to 10 years. inaimrRR OF the committee; they have work­ clerk to assist certain town offi­ firemen put out a gross lire at ’There will be approximately The clinic will be held at the HIGHLAND PARK MARKET THE ASaOClATED FRBBB ways, that there are occasional trees cials and to function as assis­ no parking the day of the race. Tho Aosooated Preos is exchistveiy en> ed in a series of sessions total­ However, parking will be avail­ Laurel and New Sts. 70,000 people in the line of town hall from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. 317 Highland St., Manchester—Phone 646-4277 titlod to the use oC repuhUcatlon d all which have somehow failed to come ing 223 man-hours and their rec­ tant town clerk; the adoption of TOe eighth district lire fight­ march with over 300,000 bpec- May 8. ncTvs dispatches credited to it or not other­ data processing for tax collec­ able at the ' Hebron Congrega­ wise credited in this paper and also tho green with life again this spring. ommendations are pretty much tional Oiurch, St. Peter’s Epis­ ers dealt with two fires Satur­ tators expected to attend. Manchester Evening Herald local news publlehed beii«. in line' with the salaries which tion and assessment. day, a sizeable brush fire on ’The parade, which is being Coventry correspondent. Holly AU rlrhts o C repuhllcaUon d special dL«- Also, the possibility of a copal Church, the Town Office patches nerein are also reserred. There has been previous suspicloji that will be presented this evening at Meekville Rd. at 4:01 p.m. and held to celebrate Israel’s 23rd Oantner, tel. 742-3795. Board of Educaticn salary Building and Rham -High School. the town budget hearing. another brush fire at 736 N. birthday, will be televised o v e r ------Tho Herald Printing Company Inc., ae- the human factor in back of this study to review all its non-con- The finish line will also be in sumcR no financial re^xjnaihQity for tjipo- One of the committee’s Main St. at 7:30 p.m. New York’s Channel 11. has been the use of salt and chemicals tractual positions; the p o ^ b il- front of the library and tro­ graphiooi orrors appearing In adTcruK- strongest recommendations is The Coventry High School luents and other reading meutor in TTic ity of sick leave compensation. phies will be awarded here im­ Manchester Evening HenOid. to melt winter snows on the highways. that clerks for all boards and And, use of recorders for mediately following the race. contingent will be accompanied 3utaecrtt>er to Los Angeles Timee-Wes*4ng- The salt washes off down into the tree clerical assistants for officials board clerks for taking of ver­ Among the trophies to be Yale Applicants by the CHS majorettes under ton Post News Serrlce. be put on an hourly wage rather the direction of Mrs. Diane service dlcnt of N. B. A. Service. Inc. roots, the suspicion goes, and produces batim minutes; expenses on a awarded are first, second and Publishers ReprcMatatires — Mathews, than a set salary. pre-fire call basis for firemen; third place, as well as medals Drop Off Slowly Biondo. Shannon and Cullen Inc., Special Agency injury. w i / 8 - FUNERAL HOME The committee feels that, with and the desirability of future for the first ten to cross the During the parade, the CHS - Now York, Chicago. Detroit and Boston. NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — the exception of the clerk to the salary studies at two-year inter­ line. band will play a special march, MI'IMBI'IR AUDIT BURBAU OF dRCULA- ’There may well be something in this Board of Selectmen, a $2 an vals. ’The Hebron Recreation Com­ Applications for the freshman “L’lsraellenne”, which was noN s. theory. But it has been noticed, however, hour maximum salary should be In reaching the above recom­ mission will present a bowl to class at Yale University have written for the Israel Army Established 1874 Three generations of service ay odvertisine dropped more than 2,000 since Band, Fur Monday — 1 p.m. _____, that there have been springs when the paid. A maximum of $2.21 an mendations and considerations, the first Hebron runner to cross Bbr Tuesday — 1 p.m. Saturday. hour is recommended for the the committee used various the line. Also, there will be last year, but the figures for The arrangment to be used For Wednesday — 1 p.m. Monday. fatality among roadside trees has oc­ selectmen’s clerk. sources available, such as cur- trophies for the first team to this year are still the third high- (or (jjo parade was written by 142 East Center Street For 'Hiuraday — 1 p.m. Tuesday curred on upward slopes higher than For Friday — 1 p.m. Wednesday. Other recommendations in­ rent wage and benefit schedules cross, the first high school run- est in the university’s history, Salina. Classified deadline 4:30 p.m. day be­ Manchester, Conn. 060 fore pubUcalioo 4:30 p.m. Friday tor the highway itself, and therefore not clude a $700 per year Increase and recent salary studies by ner to cross and the oldest run- Yale spokesmen say. The local band’s invitation to Saturday and Monday pubHcatlon. susce]0ble to injury from salt leaching for the position of first select­ towns of similar size; Hebron’s ner to cross, They say the drop which they participate in the annual event (203) 649-7196 man which would raise that last salary study. Unfortunately, Rham High attribute In part to the nation s stemmed from a recent Monday, April 19 down from the highway. salary to $5,250. Also, the Schelule of Compen- School track team members, economic slowdown has had the ^jjg appearance at an exchange effect of halting a sudden dra­ Preliminary results of a survey being Also recommended is that the sation of Municipal Officials in ^ho initiated the race, will be concert in Pompton Lakes, N. J. second and third selectmen not (Connecticut publbdied by the unable to participates due to matic rise in applications that with the Pompton Lakes High conducted by the Yale School of Fores­ His Finest Role . - receive any set salary but ConnecUcut Public Expenditure juj existing CIAC rule which s^^ed when Yale decided to go gejjool Band. ___ * ______^ r » r v .A H t x i r A s r A a « » a a cr/% I M Q r t x r r\f try indicate there may be another dan­ rather they should receive $5 Onmcil, Inc.; interviews with prohibits track members from co-ed two years ago. Many of Parade officials Fred Weber This evening, in Washington, Presi­ those new applications were ger to roadside trees which comes not per meeting not to exceed $400 various Hebron town officials racing in other than school issued the invitation to both from women. dent Nixon is scheduled to address the each per year. Presently these and employes. team activities while the track the bands. from the winter treatment of highway ’The university says this year 80th Continental Congress of the Nature Study By Sylvian Ofiara two selectmen receive $200 a And, job descriptions, pre­ season is in progress. PHNA Report ice and snow, but from the season-round pared upon the request of the It received 8,865 applications for Daughtei's of the American Revolution. TITMOUSE year. Applications for participation ’The Public HeaMh As- committee, for all compensated the class of 1976. Last year—the exhaust of the traffic itself. 'The committee also recom- in the race may be obtained sociaUon reports that during One can imagine the mood and mien mends that the tax collector not positions; and interviews with record year-there were 10,900 161 visits were made. up until post time at the Town appllcaUons, and the year before William J. Lennon, Director llic President will take to this audi­ ’Ihe Yale analysis of trees located near receive any set salary either Insurance agents regarding cer- Office Building, the Hebron nurses working a total but that compensation for this tain aspects of fringe benefits. -a close second—there were Roy M. Thompson, Associate Director ence. The good ladies who specialize heavy New Haven traffic reveals that Town Barbershop or by writing of 264 hours. posiUon should be based on half tn recommendii^ the re^rt 10,050. R. Bruce Watkins, Associate Director, Corporation President' Kevin Lyman, P.O. Box 167 Of the visits made, 83 were in old-fa.shioned patriotism will, one can the trees have absorbed, apparently of one per cent of total tax fcol- to the Board of Finance, Sec- Of those who applied this year, therapeautic and 78 were health Dixon Hebron. be .sure, go back to their homes across from the air, unusually hig^ amounts of O p e n F o r m lecUons, not to exceed $5,000 per Selectman Robert 1,912 men and women have been supervision Watkins Directors welcome any questions on tunerais, customs, p ^ Inside Study Bulletin Board yg^r. commended the Salary accepted. Presumably, attrition Nurses attended the country convinced that, so far as both lead and mercury, both admittedly ’The following meetings and cedures, etc. Come in, phone or write for a dependable answer. No ’The tax collector Is requesting Committee “for the excellent among those for whom Yale is in-service education pro- Calley^s Top Defender acUvlties are scheduled for this obligation, naturallv. the essentials with which they are con­ toxic to plant life when the conomtra- an increase from $3,600 to $6,000 they did studying all phases not first choice will whittle that gram . at Norwich Hospital, cerned in American life, the man who tion is too heavy. Youth Temperance that in conscience opted to sup­ In Uils year’s proposed budget, of the town gw em m ent and week: figure down so it matches the topic "Personality De- Perhaps this question has been on your mind: port the war, and those that in Monday: Town Budget Hear­ 1,300 places available in the velopment.” is President is very much their kind of To the Editor, Other major compensaUon town oppraUon.” conscience chose to witness to ing, 8 p.m., Hebron Elementary Some day before too long, ajqiarent- Report Youth Temperance Education recommendations, were for the Members who served ® freshman class. Senior Nurse Mrs. Edward man. its immorality. School; Regional District 8 ly, we who like to drive out to see the Week, sponsored by the National fire marshal and fire chief. committee were Russell ^der- ’There will be 275 women this attended meetings on If our religious traditions Board of Education meeting, ______Q. Do you have 24 hour phone service? a m v Youth Temperance Council of ’Ihe committee felt that $2 son. Mrs> Beatrice Andrews, year and 1,025 men in the class gudden infant death, and of the If the ladies of the D.A.R. take such beautiful scenery, the green of spring, By Rowland Eyans Jr. and Robert D. Novak mean anything, we should be an inspecUon for fire marshal Harvey Desruisseaux. Mrs 7:30 p.m., Rham High School, of 1976, an increase of 46 places SJ>ventr^~Scho^l Health Advis A YES! We are available and accustomed to calls at ANY flour the Woman’s (Christian Temper­ doing the truth, not just mouth­ around the clock. We also carry a small radio receiver when we an impression home with them, it will the shade of summer, the color of fall, ance Union will be observed fees was not sufficient and rec- Anne Emt, Robert Griffin and Tuesday: Hebron Ding Advis- for women. ory Committee, WASHINGTON — On the eve­ ed his call to House Minority wanted influential figures on ing H. Get those letters flowing leave the funeral home so that we may be reached at any tune. be not because the President has told are going to need reassurance that we nationwide the week of April ommends $2.60 per hour mi in- B™ce Kalom. ory Committee meeting, 7:30 John Muyskens Jr., dean of^t a well-child clinic, a total ning of March 31, as he prepared Leader Gerald Ford asking for Capitol Hill to whip up senti­ to your elected representatives specUons not to exceed $160 per ®<»rd of Finance Chalrm^, p.m.. Town Office BuUdlng; undergraduate admissions, said g, (g children were examined 18-24. Governor Thomas Meskill, them anything different in sub­ are not, by our travel, contributing to to intervene in the Calley case. a check of Congressional senti­ ment for that move among their on this issue. Bring ALL our year Also recommended Is A. Harry Wlrth, reported Fri- uttle League meeting, 7:30 economic conditions and their and/or immunized. in company with the majority of stance from what he has been telling the death of the beauty we admire. No President Nixon was on the ment. EJven more shocking was’ colleagues. Willing to help, the boys home. $1,000, with no expenses, for the day evening that he plans to p.m _ Town Office BuUdlng; "discouraging effect on the ablll- The PHNA is also for volun the Governors of the states en­ long distance telephone from a call that same evening to a chairman told a meeting of Peace, fire chief present the committee’s report Democratic Town Committee ty of famiUes to send their chll- tggrg staff the annual pre^ his numerous national audiences lately, final report is in, but the advance evi­ dorses this week. In Governor San Clemente not only checking powerful committee chairmw Democratic deputy whips the David M. Campbell recommended **ds evening at the budget hear- meeting, 8 p.m.. Town Office dren to private schosls” have Meskill’s message he states, but because the President has included, dence is alarming. Congressional senUment but in the House; A conservative next day that “high officials” fofthe“t^Treasure7‘^d“ toe ing scheduled for 8 at the He- Building. been factors In the slowdown cf “ Our youth will, in the very in his performance, some of those minor actually seeking to whip up op- Democrat who has been an out. were moving toward clemency “'The Only Way" town clerk, $230 and $760 re­ bron Elementary School. Wednesday: Lions Club meet­ applications. near future assume the roles of Five-Mile Road Race touches of atmosphere which he knows posiUon to the court martial spoken Vietnam hawk. for Calley. To the Editor, spectively. ing, 7:30 p.m., Marlborough He also said prospective appli­ leadership in the community. ’The selectmen also finalized verdict. “ What do you think about the Thus, Mr. Nixon did not mere­ Thank you for printing the However, the committee felt ’Tavern;- Assessor’s Office cants seem to be more realistic will please these particular ladies. The Tuition Problem Encouraging the proper develop­ plans for Sunday’s five-mile That puts Mr. Nixon in an Calley case? asked the Presi­ ly respond to Congressional up­ special editorial “Call to (Peni­ that salaries for the assessor, Hours, 2 to 7 p.m.. Town Office about sizing up their chances of ment of these young men and road race with Rham High As ConnecUcut considers the question even more compromising posi­ dent. roar over the Calley verdict. tence and Action” in the Satur­ $2,500, and the buUding inspec­ Building. getting into Yale. Uast Friday night, in Washington, women will pay untold dividends School students Kevin Lyman of tuition increases—or in the case of the tion than he previously had ’The Congressman replied that Having made a decision for in­ day edition, April 10, 1971. I tor, $6,000, should remain as ’Thursday: Board of Select­ He also said the "unusually to our state and nation.” and Michael Cornish, race di­ Pre.sident Nixon addressed an au­ University of ConnecUcut, the establish­ seemed to hold. The incredible Calley was a pathetic case and tervention which has profound­ hope and pray we can all begin presently set. men meeting, 7 p.m.. Town large rate of increase” brought 'This special week in April rector Rham’s track and cross dience of some 500 of the nation’s news­ ment of a tulUon—it should keep several fact is that three days before probably should never have bCen ly shocked the Army officer to heed the call to penitence as 'Ihe committee Investigated Office Building; Recreation about by the admission of wom- has gained impetus in recent country coach Donald Armag- salient facts in mind. his announcement that he per­ an officer. Nevertheless, the corps, he then helped build the a nation. It is the 0 pom soring the May 3-7 demonstra- back and lawson style arms, providing maximum has the capacity to look at himself with stance, it would seem very unwise to ap­ tions has called for non-violence, ply anything but a very small percent­ make themselves believe that comfort for both man and beast. The choice is yours ii bemused eye, or to play witty games it will have trouble controlling age increase. commimal sex freedom is just Davis and his followers who with colors in Black, Oxblood, Olive, or Brown and with editors? As James Dyer, a member of the the answer. Model Still smother rationalization say they are prepared for vi­ is covered in a good heavy Fabric backed Vinyl; Board of Trustees for State Colleges, has LW A 7700 The answer, it seemed to this editor pointed out, more than 50 per cent erf the is the complaint that their par­ olence. effortless reclining into full stretch-out ents are immoral and so what, Copyright 1971 F ield E nter- i i s he watched this Presidential per­ famiUes of state college students earn makes a man feel like top dog in the below $10,000 a year income "and could why shouldn’t they be. also? It prisea, Inc. ★ Super SURGILATOR* agitator scrubs formance, is that one of the pervasive ★ 2 speeds, 4 cycles. comfort category. Come in and try it! not possibly afford a tuiUon that would is a sure fact that no parents clothes clean. ★ Special cool-down care for Perma­ fears abbut this man in the White House be on a level with a private school fee.” should set an Immoral exam ­ NOTICE Be good to yourself! ple before their children. If nent Press fabrics. ★ Self-cleaning MAGIC CLEAN* lint has been the fear that he might be lack­ As there is some reason to believe that ’The Hebron Planning and filter. parents of community students may be their children go the same Zoning Commnsslon will hold a ★ EXTRA SMALL LOAD settingfor wash­ ing in all sense of hubaor, and that, if route, the parents have it com­ 'even less affluent, the problem is no public hearing on ’Tuesday, ing a few items. ■Ar New load-size water level control. O F MANCHESTER he had somehow become locked into ing to them. doubt even more pressing at that level. April 27, 1971 at 8 p.m. in the TELEPHONE 643-5171 some closed White House mental and ITie median income level of families at ’Then of course there are un­ Town Office Building to con­ happy homes where parents emotional syndrome, such a condition the university is $12,800, which also sider a subdivision application leaves litUe room to finance a $3,100 ex­ bicker, fight and scream at one would in itself constitute one of the from Mrs. Carol Laklng. Attor­ penditure. Indeed, the vast majority of another. Young people get fed ney Robert Gregory and Mrs.. 935 Main Street, Manchester - Open 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. gravest dangers possible to the nation. students are working right now because up with this condition, and not Elizabeth Bochaln for permis­ Potterton’s INC. their families can’t afford the whole tab without reason, and say that if sion to divide property on Hall Thursday and Friday Nights Until 9 P.M. - Closed Mondays On that basis, it could be that the this is marriage, they want of the insUtuUons involved. Until CcHi- S:«197l <3ik«|ioD*ily New# Road into 15 loU. 130 CENTER ST., MANCHESTER, CONN. Telephone M3-5171 newest and perhaps the best and most necUcut 18 spending an appropriate none of it. So «^ y not have Dated at Hebron. Connecticut, amount to its per capita income, it. your sex relations outside of “ FAMOUS FOB SERVICE BINGE 1831” important news the editors could take this 16th day of April 1971. should stop short of major change in its marriage, so they reason. If c ha , Roy Wirth, BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED home with them from their Washington past policies. — MIDDLETOWN PRESS. the girl becomes a nagger or a ^ H/(R:HT T $TjU !>CRT IRuCTA l4HH A UBAMi ' Secretary 1 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHBSTER. CONN.. MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1971 PAGE NINE MANCHESTER E^VENING HERALD', MANCHESTER, CONN.. MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1971 PAGE e ig h t Manchester Area market renewed upward mo­ About Town U.S. Team Soviet Stock Market mentum. Some said they ex- in the Beth Hillel-Bholom Me- installed as associate patron of Nixon ikits yiected toe Dow to break toe Woman Charged N E W mortal Park, East Granby. Me- Hope Chapter, OES, of Elllng- The Kiwanis Club of Man­ YORK (A P ) — The 1000 level in toe near future, Obituary morlal Week will be observed ton. In Car Collision chester wlU meet tomorrow at Gives Views Satellite stock market moved briskly for- The Associated Press 60-stock BITUMINOUS at the home of her son, Barry Survivors are his wife, Mrs. W elfare noon at toe Manchester Country ward today, continuing toe up- average at noon was up 1.4 to ward momentum of toe pre- 328.1, with industrials up 2 .8, Steinberg of 80 Dower Rd., Dorothy Prior Stark; a son, Da- Sharon Jochlmsen of New dub. Heide E. Q ^ r South Windsor. vld Stark at Bradley Unlver- On Red China In Orbit vious two weeks. rails up 0.3, and uUliUes up Q.6 . , System Britain ■was charged Saturday ’ The family suggests that me- sity, Peoria, 111.; a daughter, The Dow Jones average of 30 Large-block trades Included DRIVEWAYS Heidi Elisabeth Geer, 19- with failure to grant right-of- The dvitan d u b of Manches­ (Comtinued from Page One) (Continued from Page One) industrial stocks at noon was up 200,000 shares of Arlen Realty A Paridng Areas • Oas Stations • Basketball Courts rt,Mo-ht»r nf R,.inh IT moHal contribuUoiis may be Miss Diana Stark of Southing- (Continued from Page One) way. to a vehicle not obliged ter will meet tomorrow at 12:15 ™ made to the American Cancer ton; a brother, Charles Stark of 5.66 at 946.6. Since April 6 toe Development, at 16%, up %; and Elisabeth Szymczak Geer to sh^, following a two-car ac­ p.m. at Willie’s Steak House. had turned down an invitaUon to and to pracUce manual naviga Now Booking for Seasonal Work Needham, Mass.; and a sister, dignity in it as in any job to be The speaker will be an ex- extend the tour another week Uon techniques, Dow has moved up some 40 166,400 of Ampex at 22%, off %; All Work Personally Supervised. We are 100% Insured. of 20 Hyde St., died Saturday at Society, cident on Rt. 30. She is sched­ ______Mrs. Philip Makln of Portage, done in this country “ including change genUemon from toe because they had' to return The Soviets were toe first to points. 150,000 of (7PC IntemaUonal at Hartford Hospital. uled to appear in Circuit Court, SINCE F. 1,60 Barrett Pa. my own.” Russian Embassy associated home now. put a man into space. Advances increased their 34, off % and 71,100 of U.S. Ply- She was bom Sept. 12, 1969 in Rockville, May 4. DeMAIO BROTHERS 1920 Funeral services will be to- Nixon chose for his hard-sell with toe United NaUons. Steenhoven said he expects a They orbited Yuri A. Gagarin margin over declines on the wood at 33%, off %. Manchester and lived here all PoUce said the accident hap­ CALL 643-7691 F. Leo Barrett, 69, of 35 morrow at 11 a.m. at the Ladd bid for welfare reform an audi­ Chinese team to visit toe United on April 12, 1961, and just last New York Stock Exchange to 7 Other Big Board prices in­ of her life. pened near toe Northeast Shop- Deepwood pr., died yesterday puneral Home, 19 Ellington ence of GOP governors beset by Mrs. Alan Chaloux, chairman states but is not sure vriien. ” 1 week celebrated toe loth annl- to 6. eluded ITT, up % to 65%; Tele- Besides her parents, she morning at his home. ^ve., Rockville. Burial will be leaves a brother, Ralph A. rising state welfare costs. p ^ laza 1*'^®" t|ie Jochin^n toe juniorJunior Women’s Club expect them to communicate versary of toat mission with an Analysts said a series of post- dyne, up 1 to 32%; Deere, off % He was bom Oct. 12, 1901 in Needham. He singled out for praise the r maae a left tom onto m . educaUon committee; nine-year- with me,” he said. official celebraUon in toe Krem- Uve economic developments to 41%; Chrysler, up % to 31%; Geer, at home, patw- Ansonla and lived in Manches- prlends may call at the fu- state level efforts of Gov. Ron­ OT and coUldM M to a car head- old Lynne Bono; and Miss Yu- Howard, toe team captain, lln Palace of (tongresses. late last week was giving toe and Goodyear, up % to 33. Read Herald Advertisements ter for the past 30 years. He neral home tonight from 7 to 9. ald Reagan of California, vriw mg cM t and driven by J ^ e s ^jei choi of toe library staff was one of several team mem- Since toeing toe race to land a Geer of Manchester. formerly employed at the Private fimeral services will Hamilton has been critical of the adminis­ . Grorge of Woodbridge conduct tomorrow’s Mary hers who arrived at Kennedy man on toe moon to toe Amerl- ...... Standard Division of WllUam Cole tration’s fam ily assistance plan, be at the Taylor and Modeen united Aircraft, Windsor Locks, 8t., M a ^ i ^ r . No Injuries cheney Ubrary Junior Room Airport in New York. At an air- cans in M69, toe Soviets have and Gov. Nelson Rockefeller of were reported and damage 'was story hours for children five port naws conference he dls- emphasized toeir preference for Funeral Home, 136 S. Main St., and was also the treasurer of WllUam A. (Alex) Cole, 70, New York. minor to both cars. years old'and up. They will be played a copy of Mao’s red book unmanned space mlsslcms. West Hartford, with burial in the Britlsh-American Club. of 261 W. High St., husband of He said he wanted to com­ Jose Hernandez, 24, ot 126 held at 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. and recommended it to news- The most spectacular of these Manchester's East Cemetery. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Mrs. Helen Agnew Cole, died mend them especially for “ bit­ High St., Rockville was charged Mrs. Choloux will tell stories of men. unmanned flights was Luna 17 There are no cEilllng hours. Eileen A. Bourque Barrett; two yesterday at Manchester Me- ing a bullet the entire country is with failure to drive p n ^ r japan, Lynne will model Japa- "Have "Have any of you read this last Nov. 17. It took to toe aur- sons, Leo J. Barrett of Water- morial Hospital after a short Raymond M. Charest going to have to bite if we are lane foUoiwlng a one-car acci­ nese costumes and display a book?” he asked. " I don’t think face of toe moon a remote-con- bury and John J. Barrett of illness. going to bring the financial— dent on West Main S t, Satur­ collecUon of Japanese dolls, you can fairly comment on It trolled car caUed Lunokhod i, raiCE-MINMNG West Hartford; two daughters, Mr. Cole was bom Nov. 17, VBRNON — Raymond M. and worse, the human—costs of day night and Miss Choi will teach chil­ unless you read It. I read It and which sUll la roving around Mrs. Joseph C. Bnmoll of Slms- 1900 in Ireland, and had lived Charest, 54, of iRt. 30, died Sat- „ the present welfare system un­ Hernandez and two passen­ dren how to write some words I was surprised with what I sending back data, urday afternoon at Manchester bury and Miss Deborah M. in Manchester for 68 years. He der control. gers m his car were taken to in Chinese. read.” ------Memorial Hospital after a long Barrett of East Hartford; a sls- was owner-operator of Cole’s “ I do not think we can toler­ Rockville Hospital for treat­ ----- Two of Mao’s precepts which illness. Mrs. John Madden of. An- Discount Service Station on W. ate a system under which work­ GIVES WU MORE ment; they were Michael Beza He was bom March 3, 1917 in sonla, and five grandchllc^n. AssumpUon Junior High H ow a^ said he thought might Center St. and the former Cole ing people can be made to feel and Pasquel Ortez. School will hold its placement serve well in toe United States Lowell, Mass., and lived in Ver- funeral will be WetoM- Bombers . . . — TJ Motors. He was a member of like fools by those who will not Hernandez is scheduled to ap- test and registraUon on May 1 are "no polEirizaUon . . . solidar- non for a number of years “ V a.m. from ^ W.P. Manchester Lodge of Masons work,” Nixon said. “ To the con­ pear in Circuit Ctourt 12, May at 12:30 p.m. at -the school, for ity of people,. . . ellminaUon of where he operated the Charest Home, 225 Main ^ former member of the trary, I think those who refuse 18. new students planning to enter profiteering.” Continue Esso Station before his retire- St., with a Mass of requiem at Shrine (hub to reg;ister for work and accept FOR LESS! Charles Tracy, 45, of Hazard- toe school in September. " i don’t mean to eUminate ment. He was a member of the the Church of the AssumpUon work or training should be ineli­ Survivors, besides his wife, ■vlUe was charged with intoxlca- Testing will end at approxi- free enterprise,” added How- Rockville Lodge of Elks and 6t 10:30. Burial will be in St. gible for welfare payments, and Attack are his stepmother, Mrs. Mary Uontion Sunday after he alleged- mately 3:05 p.m. Admission is Sacred Heart Church. James’ Cemetery. we have written such a stipula­ ard, a computer programmer V. <3ole of New Britain; a broth­ (Herald photo by Bucelvlclus) ly created a disturbance in back open to any student having aca- Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Friends may call at the fu- tion into our welfare reform for International Business Ma- (OootiaMd from Page One) er, David Cole of Centerbrook; of a business establishment. He demic and general qualifica- en enthusiasm to rob toe other Marie Ann Gaudet Charest; a neral home tomorrow from 7 to proposal. and five sisters, Mrs. Louise C. Truck Flips Its Load of Collected Paper is scheduled to be presented in tions, regardless of race, na- guy.” 2,000 American ground troops sen, Richard Oiarest of Ver- 9 P-iu- Long of Manchester, Mrs. Sam­ Nixon seiid he did not believe and 10,000 South Vietnamese are A Gourmets Delight! CHrcult Court 12, Rockville, May Uonal origin, or religion as pro- Tim Boggan, 40, of Merrick, non; two daughters, Mrs. Don------A truck containing paper col- Mrs. Theresa Parla, commission Funds from the joint drive Various civic organizations in a guaranteed annual income Mrs, Marie O. Weber uel Jewell of Bolton, Mrs. Wal- 4. vlded in Public Act 791. N. Y., said toe Image of Mao committed “ on paper,” officers aid Yanke of Rockville and ter Ntisiatka of Torrington, Mrs. lected in Saturday’s glass and member, said. The paper, sold will be deposited in the C3ase take turns assisting the Con- but “ in a system which Insures Brian D. Blake, 23 of Hart- ---- was everywhere. "There were said, but there are several pos- Mrs. Paul Neron of Ellington; a servation Commission with the that a man is rewarded for ROOKVILLE — Mrs. Marie Edward A. Williams of West paper drive flipped this mom- by the pound to Rockville Scrap Mt. fund. ford T^ke., Vernon, was charged Sunset CouncU Degree of pictures of Mao In toe bath- including a smaller brother, Maurice (Jharest of Glalter Weber, 73, of 146 South Hartford, _ and ____ Mrs. Mae ____ C. _ Ing _ in the Municipal . Building _ Co., had not been weighed, - so The next glass and paper drive project...... The Rotary,...... with working and not penalized. .. operaUon, or a larger one ex­ New Orleans, La.; four sisters, Saturday ■with making lumeces- Pocahontas, ■wUl install officers rooms, hotels, restaurants; you St., widow of Norman F. Web- Lowry of Palm Springs, Calif, parking lot after one of its legs the actual selling price has not will be held May 15 from 9 a.m. . Holmes as chairman advocate a system which tending into Laos, depending on Mrs. Albert Furiga of Medford, Arthur Holmes, as chairman. sary noise with a motor vehicle, at its meeting tonight at 7 ;30 just can’t get away from him. er, died yesterday at Windham Private funeral services will collapsed. been determined. to 2 p.m. at the Municipal Build- ' ^ will encourage people to take what toe reconnaissance forces Mass., and Mrs. Donald Sellars, He Is scheduled to appear in at Pythian HaU. Refreshments He was disturbed by posters Ctommunlty Memorial Hospital, be tomorrow at the Watkins F\i- No one was Injured. The truck The glass was delivered this ing parking lot. Manchester worked on Saturday’s drive. means whatever find. Mrs. Dennis Shanahan and Mrs. Circuit Court 12, RockvlUe, May wUl be served. toat read, “ Down with U.S. im- Willlmantlc. neral Home, 142 E. Center St. was later righted, and its load morning in four town trucks to Newcomers C!lub of the YMCA, Matthew Hennegan M d ram ^ork is available,” Nixon said. James Mclnemey, all of Low- 4. ----- perialist dog:s.” But, he added, The South Vietnamese forces Mrs. Weber was bom in The Rev. J. Manley Shaw pas- transferred to another tmek. a Dayville plant for recycling. Hartford Regional Area, will McCaughey, high school stu- ..jt mean the attitude COBinSHHENS Bruce Secore, 16, of 114 West The bylaws committee of the " I didn't argue, I-was there as a include two regiments from toe eU ■ ■■ ■ . . . ’ - - ___ _ 22,700 provide^______workers______for the _ ____May dents, were chairmen of the expressed not long ago at The funeral will be tomorrow Cleveland, Ohio, and had Uved tor of South United Methodist Some $351.16 for glass and The total amount Main St., was arrested Saturday Manchester Newcomers Club guest.” 1st Infantry Division and two at 9:15 a.m. from the Burke Fu- bi the Rockville area for the Church, will officiate. Burial over $110 for paper was raised pounds of clear glass, 4,550 drive. Mrs. (Jharlotte Pirog will paper drive last week and will hearing on welfare by a lady on a warrant issued by Circuit wUl meet tonight at 8 at toe “ WhUe sipping coffee, they brigades of marines, all of nera Home. 76 Prospect St.. Past 18 years. She had been em- will be in East Cemetery. in the collecUon sponsored by pounds of amber glass and be chairman from the Newcom- be chairmen of the next paper ^ho got up and screamed ‘don’t Ctourt 12 charging him with us­ home of Mrs. Stephen Pirog, 72 would toast you and meanwhile p ^ in the InvaslOT Rockville, with a Mass of re- ployed as a resident counselor ’There are no calling hours. the Conservation Commission, 7,866 pounds of green glass. ers Club. drive. talk to us about any of those ing a motor vehicle without the Scarborough Rd. you’d be looking at toe signs,” In February and March. quiem at Sacred Heart Church at the University of Connecticut The family suggests that any menial jobs.’ owner’s permission. He was held ____ said Boggran, a vice president of Associated Press correspond- at 10. Burial will be in St. Ber- In Storrs. memorial contributions may be “ I am not sure -wiiat she con­ over toe weekend and was to Members of Manchester the table tennis association and eht J. T. Wolkerstorfer reported siders a menial job but I have nard’s Cemetery, RockvUle. She is survived by a daugh- made to a charity of the don- Official be presented in CHreuit Court, WATBS wUl meet tonight at 8 at teacher of English at Long Is- from toe field toat a U.S. hell- Friends may call at the funer- ter, Mrs. George H. ^ r to n of Q^ig choice, Air Force I probably done quite a few in my Manchester, today. toe Talarskl Funeral Home, land University. copter was shot down over ^® A al home tonight from 7 to 9. ..Rockville,...... with whom she made M m t April IS lifetime,” the President said, PoUce said a further invesU- 3(18 Maple Ave., Hartford, to Glen CJowan, 19. summed up Shau over toe we^end Md tlm “ and I never thought they were her home; two brothers, George Roger Carrier Jr. C5 Transport U.S.-Bound gaUon into the case led to the pay respects to toe late Mrs. Ws Impressions as simply “ fan- Mrs. Anns P. Kanla Glalter and John C. Glaiter, demeaning.” .solving of toe theft of five other Dorotoy Molde, a member. tastic, really fantastic.” Some the 101st patrol toe valley regu- both of Cleveland, Ohio; three Roger Leo Paul Carrier Jr., (Continued from Page One) The President’s plan being cars and toe referring of four ____ have cited the long-haired “ ly* ROCKVILLE — Mrs. Anna 20-month-old son of Roger -Leo sisters, Mrs. George Schroeder, Called Unsafe cancer considered by the House Ways juvenUes to'the Juvenile Cfourt. The Women’s Home League youth’s friendship with CSilnese Officers also brid Wolkerstor- Pollnskl Kanla, 66. died Mra'°Ar^rt “v^er Md ^Mra’. Paul Sr. and Brenda Hlltz Car­ means peace prospects have and Means Committee calls for COVENTRY of too Salvation Army wUl meet table tennis players In Japan as fer ^ t ^ m e u i ^ of the U.S. day at the home of her daugh­ William Morgan, all of Cleve­ rier of 357 Woodbridge St., died (Contlnaed from Page One) / Ibreathed their last.” a $1,600 minimum yearly in- ter, Mrs. Helen (Jomarella of Coventry police are Investi­ tomorrow at 1 :S0 p.m. in the helping pave toe way for toe 1st Brigade, 6th Mechanized In- land; and three grandchildren. early this morning at Windham He told an Israeli press asso- come for a family of four plus fantry Division, had taken over Stafford Springs, after a long ill­ gotiate the contAct and now gating a break into toe Mhnchea- Junior HaU of the (Titadel. Mrs. vl®l*- Funeral services will be to­ Community Memorial Hospital, Crusade elation meeting he still favors a food stamps, one artillery base from toe' has a total of 81 of the airplanes ter Coon and Fox d u b on North ness. morrow at 11 a.m. at Whlte- WllUmanUc. partial settlement as a first in addition, any adult with the Annie Johnston wUl conduct a South Vietnamese north of toe A Mrs. Kanla was bom in Rock­ ordered. River Rd., Coventry. The break Gibson Funeral home, 65 Elm He was bom Aug. 17, 1969 in step. But he reiterated that Is- exception of women with young service program. Hostesses are Shau and were conducting oper­ ville and lived in WUllngton “ The Air Force has been ac­ was discovered yesterday morn­ ^^ermonter Held St. The Rev. J. G arl^d Wsig- Willlmantlc and lived most of rael would not withdraw from children must register for job Mrs. Brig. George Simons and ations In that area. But they where she and her late husband cepting CSs knowing they are ing. PoUce said entry was made of Storrs will officiate. his life In (Coventry. I MoniP the Suez Canal “ before the war training or accept work if of- Mrs. John McCfoUum. In House Break said toe brig;ade was not in­ operated a farm. She has lived ^ , Besides, his parents, he leaves deficient and knowing that they through the fnmt door and three Burial will be in Townsend is over and we are sure it will fered. .The penalty would be loss volved in direct support of toe A Sliced Select with her daughter for the past Andover two sisters, Cheryl Lee <3arrier cannot perform their tactical inoperable firearms ■ were re­ Mystic Review, NABA, will ^ Vermont man has been Beef Liver missions,” Proxmlre said. " I not be resumed.” of their portion of the benefits. Shau operation. Other officers and Mona Lisa Carrier, both at ported missing. have a potluck at its meeting charged with breaking and en- had said it would be. of St. Edward’s (^Church, rch Si^SorfStafford There^’re no calling hours, honie; his paternal gfreat-grand- find it absolutely disgraceful Please Give A partial Middle East peace The House committee is ex- Edward F. LaVaUee, 24, of settlement Involving a reopen- pected to report out a bill simi- tomorrow at 6:80 p.m. at Odd tering with criminal Intent, aft- Stab Bacon Bythepiece parents, Mr. and Mrs. Israel that the Pentagon has condoned •Norwich was arrested by Cov­ Filet NBgnon ing of the waterway as a preli- l^r to Nixon’s plan, but differing FeUows HaU. Members are re- jjg allegedly made his way Otofr survivors are a son, memorial contributions may be Carrier of Stonunvay, Que., the shoddy workmanship, poor entry poUce Saturday night and made to the American Cancer mlnary to an eventual full-scale l>i details and providing slightly minded to bring items for a a West St. home he had lb William Kanla of Rockville; _ , . o» n«-on Can.; his ...aicmcumaternal i^ianu-grand- performance and mismanage­ charged with reckless driving Winners Named Whole, Untrimmed - 6 lbs Vac Pac 59c peace agreement is currently higher benefits, cup auction. jjeen seen near yesterday. Finast Bacon three other daughters,Mrs. Rose Society, 237 E. Center St., Man- nether, Mrs. Virginia HUtz of ment that is going into the C5A ' foUowtng a twO-car accident on prog;ram.” under discussion in Egi'pl 6nd Nixon said the administration ----- NeU L. 'Whipple, 91'. appeared In Oration Test Alves, Mrs. Joseirtiine Bachio- Chester Merrow; and his maternal Rt. 276. n U t NUgeon, a whole Boneless Vac Pac lb The Air Force, in reply to Israel. Public statements by welfare plan is not a simple re- Manchester WATES wUl meet o,jg morning in Manchester Colonial Bacon 69c chi, and Mrs. Barbara Pippin, g;reat-gnrandmother, Mrs. Doro­ Amencan Cancer Society Police said the LaVaUee car Beef Ten4eiloin, is indeed the John Little Proxmlre’s charges, said the leaders of both nations indicate flnement of the current system, tomorrow at toe Itallan-Amer- circuit court 12 where his bond Miss Mary Barrett was toe all of Stafford Springs; a broth­ thy Barclay of Livermore Falls, State PTA Unit collided with another car being pride of a good Stoak Hoose. Maine. problems focused in the GAO a major obstacle is the question “ We have no Intention of mea- lean Club. Weighing in ■wUl be .,j,as set at $1,000 and the case winner, and Miss Nancy J. Mira Cure ib 79c er, Stanley Polinski of Houston, J<*n UtUe, 86, of 6*57 S. driven by Steven Odre of New Armour Bacon Private funeral services will report were “ discussed in con- of how far Israeli troops would spring the success of this na- from 7 to 8 p.m.- Mrs. James ^as continued until next Mon- Murphy was runner-up, in toe New yoB can eajey it at a Tex., and tour grandchildren. Madison Way, Littleton, Ctolo. Plans Two-Day York. The LaVaUee car flipped wlthdraw from the canal and lion’s welfare programs by the Desautels will show sUdes of jjg ^as taken to Hartford finals of toe St. Bridget School Renarkabla Low Prico! Pork Liver 39c Lamb Liver •» 59c Calves Liver n> 1.09 The fimeral will be Wednes- formerly of Pearl St., died this 7® Wednesday vrith burial Sj^R»inT1 f*'®®® No-Fault Backcr over onto its roof and the driver .* 1 " day from the WiUlam H. Yoet morning at Manchester Memor- “ i® Buckland Cemetery. and the Congress” nearly a ^ c t U l l whether they would be replaced money spent and the number of club activities. Cforrectional (Jenter in lieu of elide oration contest held Fri­ riarUO ra was thrown out, police said. along the east bank by Egyptian people supported. We are going ----- Bond. day in toe school auditorium. Funeral Home, W. Main St,, igi Hospital '"*®*‘® “ ® calling, hours. , .4,, y®®^ Both cars were heavily damaged Stafford Springs, with a Mass Mr UtUe was bom Jan. 27, Holmes Funeral Home* Bight Manchester peo{de wUl since that Ume, the Air Force Challenges T alk forces. to measure it by the mmey The Women’s Prayer Group police received a call from The topic was “ Freedom, and both drivers were taken to of requiem at St. Edward’s ig86 in Newry, Northern Ire- '*00 Main St., is in charge of ar- have roles in the 71st annu^ said, CSs have been routinely saved and the number ot people of South United Methodist home of Mrs. Virginia Everyone’s Responsibility.’’ The “ The Jordan River is our se- Windham Memorial Hospital for Church at 9. Burial will be in land, son of Robert-and Jane I'ansiementa. PTA Association of Connect- nnnon . «..iflying cargo missions to .r.Europe Of State Costs curity line, and we wUl stay Incentive C3)urch will meet tomorrow at jjadeau at 6 West St. vdio said Modern Woodmen of America treatment. ____ St. Edward’s Cemetery. Johnson Uttle, and lived In . icut convention, to be held to- and the Pacific, totaling more 9:80 a.m. at Susannah Wesley husband, was detaining a sponsored toe contest. HARTFORD (A P ) — A state- there^ Dayan said. “ But I don’t An Andover man was warned h p H Friends may call at the fu- Manchester for about 50 years. Walter A, Burkhardt morrow and Wednesday at the than 20,000 flying hours. ------ga„ withdrawal is forbidden themselves. man in toe back yard who they Miss Barrett is toe daughter for driving after drinking and Hotel Sonesta, Hartford. The Air Force said it accepts ment by four leglslaUve com- ^ concerned ‘We are giring to measure it surprised in toe home early this of Mrs. Frederick Barrett of 84 neral home timlght from 7 to 9 in 1986. he left Manchester to of uic la v.u“tciiicu. dlg;inlty it promotes and and tomorrow from 2 to 4 and Mrs. J. C. Durocher of East aircraft with deficiences, as mittee chairmen that a contro- concemea. for speeaing a «e r a past Matrons of Temple morning. make his home with his daugh- 49'^ w l L v o r u f « “ ^ d deficiences, as mittee He declared that in the ab- „ot by the dole it p ^ d e s . ” Bowers St., and toe late Mr. 7 to 9 p.m. ter, Mrs. Dorothy L. Panceria. and^mtor long as the deficiencies don’t af- verslal “no-fault” auto Insur- ggnee of peace Israel “ must cldent on Rt. 6 In ove , chapter. OES, wUl have a pot- According to Mrs. Nadeau, a Barrett. Miss Murphy Is toe omrvinved ni OiBnew * Juancoesier convaies- tjjg Kiddie Koral, 9 Delmont feet safetv of flieht so as to . * *1, , n **e said he advocates getting night. ------He was employed at cjneney cent home. a* ^ . amety 01 iiipu, so as 10 would bear for the continue to fortify the canal line I luck at its meeting W ^ e s d a y jj,gn had been hanging around daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray- Mrs. William Molds Bros, whenn fwtiroH ir\ .. St., IS cn&imi&n of tii6 conven- train crews build ud locistic ^ at. i. ^ a a n t i* people ofT welfare roles by pro* fVnterM J^!^*Xver^f a °*cM «=“ p.m. at toe Iwme of kome aU yestertoy.''She said moiTd J. Murphy of 118 Henry While in M ^ "ch 7 ^ e? llTs Z. r ^ ' vIuT ^ h H iv ^ ^ u n m ®“PP“ ^ systoms a ^ X i t^fts cS ®t-te an unpublicized price ^ ® ° ^ ^ w e ^ viding “ incentives and dlstncen- Hi-C DRINKS toat veered off toe right side of '*'• ®^® Hooper, WllUams ^gs awakened by a m^se, st. Both young ladles are eighth BOLTON — Mrs. Dorothy bles were gardening and wood- Can’t?” the aircraft. of some $3.1 million was-denied “ ^es vriilch wlU make them get Riad said the Middle East situ- ______the road and came to rest on a Bolton. ____ gbout------3:30 a.m. and — ^ saw---- toe grade students. Easinsky Molde, 40, wife of .. 1 i< J !_*. ji a « Off— providinfir an oppor- Refreshing Treat working. h « formeriv wns emnlnved Wednesday evening, she The deficiencies are corrected Sunday by one of the bill’s chief fence Dost. He was treated at , ^ ^ ™ ,-., 1. same man staggering out of her They received engraved William Molde of Loomis Rd. He is survived by .four . other ... el„» H*e Underwood underwood C!orp.Com and the **® ^•“‘^“^ed as state treas- by tbe contractor durii^ normal advocates. HoS^tal for back and children’s room, plaques on toe permanent tro­ urer. Also taking office will be maintenance, the Air Force State Sen. Joseph I. Lieber- ^eriou^” “ r C r m ^ l « died yesterday at Manchester daughtere, ^ s . Muriel lUtchle Hartford Post Office. continued to stru ggtofor Is- ^ ^ shoulder Injiuies. will sponsor a ®®^ A check revealed the Intruder phy In toe school office. The Mrs. Maurice Willey of 112 added. man, D-New Haven, said the Memorial Hospital. She was an of Manchester, Mrs. Vivian L. He is survived by a brother, rael’s withdrawaltoom all Arab ?!f‘ HEBRON Thursday rt 8 p.m. ^t**® E t o entered through a kitchen seven other finalists received Elizabeth Dr., state corres- a s for wing problems, the Air supposed expense had been at- operating room technician at Sommariva of South Windsor, George H. Burkhardt of Adams, Three WUUmairUc m « i were Home on Kssell St. P ri^ s vrill gold pins. The Rev. John J. territories.” vNixon’s f ’ speech, k his, «first * ap- All Your the hospital. Mrs. Barbara L. Taylor of Key Mass. pondlng secretaty; and Mrs. Force said testing remains to be tributed to demands on the state T r S Police of ^ awarded, and refr^ m en to ------Delaney, pastor of St. Bridget Darden Haslett of 8 ’Tuck Rd., completed, tests which “ could to keep records of Insuiance cm The Soviet Communist party pearance at a GiOP governors’ Mrs. Molde was bom March West Fla., and Mrs. Shirley L. Funeral services will be to­ Tr Artiirdav donated by club members, will The term "foggy bottom” ori- Church, made toe presentations, vice president of District 2. indicate additional structural every car______in the state. newspaper Pravda hailed the conference since taking office. Troop K. (^Chester. Saturday ^ ^ Favorite 3, 1931 in Hartford and moved Capen ot Littleton; two sisters. morrow at 1 1 a.m. at the be served. Tickets may be pur­ glnated in Washington, D.C. It Judges were Vincent CamllU, Mrs. Willey, who U state modiflcaUons.” But, Lieberman said, his bill new federation, as did the Arab certain to set off political and charged with possession of to Bolton 10 yegra ago. She was Mlmde^ M c^ m b of Man- Hdmes Funeral Home, 400 ,Tnm chased at toe door. . Mrs.1 was a slum area and Is now the Paul Cervlnl and Mrs. Carol ncMdheast re^onal vice presi- believe we are making has been carefully drawn up so j^Hons of Ku'walt, Jordan, Le- sparks at a session already heroin. Flavors employed at Manchester Me- Chester and Mrs. Esther Abrams Main______St. Burial______'will be in Carlton R. Lewis, 26, was first site of government offices. McDaniels.______mortal Hospital for 10 years, Hamilton, Ont., <3an.; seven .Qrove IQll Cemetery, Rockville, dent, will be chairman of a pro°Tess ” the Air Force said. that the state wouldn’t need any kanon and Sudan. But Eg;ypt’s working out political strategy and previously worked as a grandchildren, and several m^nitoVayciTirthetoir;;;: Ti^ k. ^ M ^ e tta , Ga., I^ k h eed records The state would become Arabia ^ r 1972. arrested for obtaining mwiey ^ f * ® ^ (Jharies PonticeUi 2 4 nurse at McCook Hospital In •'leces and nephews. al home tonight from 7 to 9. ^ e is also head table coordlna- cfoorgla Co., which manufac- Involved, he s^d, only in toe ------aUegedly cash ^ a bad ^ e c k at Funeral services will be tor. tures toe 05 transport for the case of an accident or toe ar- Jviany ooservers aouDt tne un- fred Ritter, Mrs. Stanley Bald­ Western Auto Store, police said. Besides her husband, survl- Thursday at a Ume and place Mra T>t. Donald J. Hennlgan, su- Air Force said today tests of rest of a driver?----- Ion 'will ever become toe forma! win and Mrs. Gertrude Haw­ Mrs. Peter DeCarU __ A i r sorce, smu louay leaia «, 1 entltv envlsas-ed in nlan-s for a i T A C S l k l l l A - F C lt T llt lS The arrests on toe heroin charg­ vors are twp sons, William to be announced. thorne. Friends may call at the Wat­ ELLINGTON-3N—Mrs. Angeline Robert Digan, coordinator of the plane wUl meet all of its In added state costa was m ^ referendum of a p j^ va l Sept. 1 ' T u i t i o i l P r O f f T a i l l es resulted after an investiga­ Molde an ^B rian Molde, both tion made at toe Village Motel kins------Funeral Home,------142 E. Cen- DoCarll, 74,, of 11 Palrvlew youth services for toe Board of basic Performance speciflcaspeciflca- ky - Sen. Jay - W. Jackson of West ^ to toe three countries. Previous * U k k i l f U i The (jhamlnade Musical Club at home; two daughters. Miss vdiere the three were staying. Finost Macaroni Sole! ter St., Wednesday froija 2 to 4 Ave., wife of Peter peCarll, died Education, ■will participate to yons us guaranteed by toe com- Hartford and Rep. John A. Car- attempts at Arab unity have al­ chorus will rehearse tonight at Carol Molde and Miss Mar­ _ _ RHXJEPORT (A P ) — Gov. The other two arrested were and 7 to 9 p.m. this morning at RockvUle Gen- Wednesday panels. „ „ „ „ rozzella of Wallingford, co-chair- w ^ s collapsed 8 at toe home of Mrs. Rudolph garet Molde, both at home; a eral Hospital. Dr. Hennigan will be one of a t h *"®" °* “ *® leglsTature’s Jutocl- federaUon is to have one TlSb^as J. MeaklU, who admits Andres P. Vega, 17, and Jose y that he may have be- V. Gorsch, 145 N. Lakewood brother, Walter Easinsky of John R. Allen Mrs DeClarU was l>om Anril four-member panel discussing C6 I® a^im cea teen- ^ Committee; and by Sen. Jo- president, one parliament, o n e ___ __ , ^ Aportte, 29. They were to be Ziti Rigati, Mix or s “ tulUon Circle. Wethersfield; and three sisters, 18, 18OT to Italy and had Uved to relaUons between toe public ®®P** DlnlelU Bristol and capital, one flag and one an- present^ in Circuit CJourt, WU- Match Mrs. Olga Ostowskl of East J(Um R. Allen, of North Mi- the Ellington area for manv many and metoe PTA. — ®~ ------, B®P-rvep. uain-rs•16'"®® u.J- xrauinv:**Palmleri w*of Wa- *10.- them.uicin. But cuiall threeuucc countries kieama^e «a v« klsh.« proposals^mnossls limantic, today. Rotellini or Shells Hartford, Mrs. Mary Ziruk of ami Beach, Fla., formerly of years. The topic of toe three-mem- lechnology. UnUke automobUes, tgrbury, co-chairmen of toe In- plan to continue their separate , koost toe tuition at state col------The Roman Catholic Church West Hartford and Mrs. Helen Manchester, died yester^y to Survivors^ besides her ulus'hus- ber wc* drugwau® pcuiel on which Digan "tolch are_ w designed « and tested gurance Committee. missions at toe United Nations i®®'®® should be put “ into imoper The most tavenUve presldertte claims the allegiance of more Davis of St. Louis,, Mo. . ^ North Miami Beach. He was toe band, are ga son, AiiuionvAnthony De- wlU sit is “ Who Says You Can’t f r®“ ®„ before ^ being disposed B<,th committees had voted and maintain existing bUateral PerepecUve.” w M e. George Washington and than 90 per cent of the popula- The funeralral wUl be tomor- husband of .iMrs. Claudia Me- Ellington • and two sis- Answer Your ChUd’s Cry for ^ ^® PnkUc, toe customer unanimously for studying toe bill agreements with other naUons. Speaking before a University nmnas Jefferson. tion of (}uebec. row at 8:15 a.m. from toe Maple Ewen Allen. , ^ ^ Heln‘>” shared to the development of further, rather than acting on it Elsewhere in toe Middle East Bridgeport audience Satur- Hill Chapels, 382 Maple Ave., Mr.■...... Allen was bom to..... Roch ■ M™: AntoineKueUeT^to^ oL>r Israel TabaUky of the « , appmv^ s p e c ific ^ in tto^session of toe le^slature. _ Hartford, with a high Mass of ester, N.H., and had lived to R o c k ^ e Temple Beth Sholom will de- participated to toe test program Ueberman says he’ll try to Israeli police announced toe “ O** to not. . .whether or not First O ’ The Fresh Fruits and Vegetables! requiem at the IncamaUon Manchester for about 20 years, TheBurke Funeral Home. 76 liver toe invocation at tomor- “ d required concurrent devel- call up toe bill for acUon with arrest of five members of toe educaUon s ^ d be f i w ; toe past upment and manufacturing to a petition. Popular Front for toe Ubera- question is vdio is going to pay.’ hnaghw ... An OLDSMOULE For As Lew As Church, Wethersfield, at 9. Bur- H® operated a real e ^ t e and gy Rockville, is’ in row’s luncheon honoring •dr ial‘ • will ...... be to Cedar ~ • ----Hill Ceme­ ~ insurance business, and was a order to meet a fairly rigid de- The statement said that Ike uon of Palestine who flew to to proposing a tulUon increase J tery. past president of the Manches- * * ^ lla i^ 'p ^ m e r of 288 Fern Uvery schedule,” a company unresolved cost factors and other from Eunqie on an alleged sab- 8-*^ ^ e University of Omnecticut, Friends may call at toe fu­ ICP B08XX1 RtiflltOrS. , _ _ * St.” la'co'nvenUon’ 'treaaurer; and ~Via/1 statement said adding: problems had I leda H themflsawt tof/\ side- otage mission. Mesklll XlTAalHIl said,aollrl heK a wanted only yv««1«v **frt “ to McIntosh Florida Valencia neral home tonight from 7 to Survivors, besides his wife, Josenh____ Antonio Mrs Charlatoe L. Taylor of 224 “ Also unlike automobiles, track toe bill to a study com- An elderly French couple, two Revise a system that would are a son, John L. Allen of Man­ 9... Joseph ™ o S ^ 147 Ol- s S i ^ ^ M a n r e ^ e r PTA giant, aircraft aircraft advancements advancements mittee mittee mtoer rather than than “ “ stall” stall” ac- ac- Moroccan Moroccan slstem sisters and and a a (3er- Ger- .^totaWy equitably tost distribute the burden chester; a daughter, Mrs. Joan cott St., died 4 tu ld a y whUe CouncU president-----4 . ,— is 4— hostess 4- to like iiiro toetho Cmi T 01-0 ^ conto^ nnnti-aotoH fnr hv tion on it. man-boiTi Frenchwoman were Ifopesed by h i| ^ r education Taylor d, Fla., died Saturday at toe brothers, Everett Allen of Hous- Ihe husband of toe late Mrs. ever develc^d, and it is toe cruited them because of their “ crucial to the tuiUon concept. New England Baptist Hospital, ton, Tex., and Roland Allen of CJaroUne Vem lle Antimio. Any Deficit On best. And it 'will be even better Wallace Rifkin, 47, European appearance. B guarantees that no student U.S. No. 1 Mr. Antemio was bom June 6, Large Boston, Mass. She was toe Penacock, N.H.; four sisters, *“ as systems are perfected.” WwCO Manager, Dies Turglman said toe five ^*1 ke denied a college educa- 2V4” Min mother of Barry Steinberg of Mrs. (Jarolyn Rose of Coventry, 1 ^ to Italy and ^ l l v ^ to Current Policy Proxmlre said toe GAO study planned a series of bombings to Bon because (rf his InabiUty to " ° South Windsor and toe sister of Mrs. Sally Rose, of Bolton, and Manche^er for toe pMt 60 _ WATBRBURY (AP)—Funeral 10 59 showed: public places during toe "leet tulUon expenses.” services were held today for Mrs. Betty Garrity of Manches- Mrs. Perste Blythe and Mrs. years He ^ ®r®' C ^ r L n J ^ —The landing gear, which en- Easter-Passover .week. ------Spinach Nutritious lO oz cello 29c Yellow Onions 3 »’«29c ter. She was toe'Ufe of Julius Louise McGrale, both of Pena- P‘uy®«‘..al_Ch^ey B ^ _ tor S r3 L n t Z- tousiasts claimed would allow Wallace Rifkin of Waterbury, toe cook; and two grandchildren. many years, and before he re- BaUey ™ ------— , J. The Marxist guerrilla group Steinberg. recession—not past the plane to kneel down Uke a ®^' last September InlUated a num­ Car Wash Funds Funeral services were this ir.'^at a r k ^ c h e ^ r Dem^raUc ^admtolstraUons — camel for unloading, is toe most “ on W O C ) AM-FM. ber ______of airline hijackings______to draw_ Headquarters for Spring Lawn and Garden Supplies! afternoon at 3 p.m. at toe Weln- W®d^»®®^ 2 V , ™ should be blamed for toe current troublesome malfuncUon. In a ^ B l^ m . 47, pronemneed mtemsUonal attenUra, to toe To Back Project

Frenchwoman was idenU- Twenty-one Grade 6 students Spring pit nls nomo. grandchildren..' and, at toe same Ume, to meet *kat she bombed a Gulf oil reft- park. is. 1955. He was bom April 28, 1912 in The funeral will be Wednes- the 1969-71 biennium’s expenses. ^ „ J "®''y "®®^ Rotterdam last Mr. and Mrs. Michael DBella S12 WEST CENTER ST. Memories are keepsakes. Brockton, Mass. . and lived In day at 8:30 a.m. from the John "Unfortunately, because of toe Woman Drowned fessloMUy as WaUy King, start- month, causing an estimated supervised toe car wash. That no one can steal. Vernon for 17 yiears. He was p. nerney Funeral Home, 219 naUonal recession and toe In- BAST WINDSOR (A P )—Eliza- ®d in broadcasting in Waterbury $275,0(X) damage. Mrs DlBella who gave May- Death is a heartache. MANCHESTER. CONN. No one can heal. employed by toe computer de-' 'w. Center St., with a Mass of ability of toe Nixon administra- beto A O’Brien 74. a resident ^ o with staUon -me Israeli military command or James Far^ a peUUon slgn- Piicts EHMthra to S i»« flMrt Beautiful memories, MANCHESTER OLDS WE tESERVE THE RKHT TO UMIT QUANTITIES partment of Pratt and Whitney requiem at toe Church of toe Uon to stem inflaUon, ConnecU of an East Windsor rest home, WWCO. Last week he was protested to V.M. truce observ- ed by 200 persons to restore toe Wl RESnVI THE MCHT TO UIMT QUANTITIES Of one we' loved and' Division of United Aircraft at AssumpUon at 9. Burial 'wUl be cut's tax revenue, along with drowned Satur^y when she ap- named Man of toe Year by toe'ers Sunday, accusing EgypUan funds said toat 63 mote people will never forget. South Wndsor. He was a mem- in St. James’ Cemetery. that of most states In toe eoun- parently sliprtd while walking B’Nal B’rith Lodge of Waterbuiy jets of flying over Israeli post- have ’signed copies of toe peU- Ever remembered by ber

7 MANCIIESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESfER. CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1971 PAGE ELEVEN MANCHESTER EVENINGHERALD; MANC^STER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1971 p a g e Tolland Army-Backed Greek Regime SXAR. GAXElC*V T V Tonight By C LA Y R. POLLAN- . ASU S LISRA Q u b W om en for Complete Liatiiigs. Anderson-Little M Your Daily Activity Guid. H f MAS. J 1 Approaching Anniversary 'f According to th. Start. ’’ See Setuvdey’s TV Week Anderson-Little I» 1- 2-11-23 To develop message for Tuesday, 4- 7-2064/ wild wad West TAUSUS 61 Cooperate SCORPIO ATHEJNS (AiP) — The Greeks’ and reported the closing of all (U) Addams FamBy A M . 20 2 Shouldn't 32 Thot 62 With p e r .; Craft Prizes army^backed regime is ap­ island prison camps. («) om ina’s Islaad (C> 1 ^ MAr 20 3 You'd 33 Moves 63 All HOY.: But 300 persons con v icted o f ; (M) Weather Wateh Weather — Sp erts 6 Hurry Jail, and 80 untried persons de­ GIMINI 70f 37 Too 67 Fellow SAGITTARIUS nered first prizes In the recent servants. aad N ew s Caadtd Chunera 8 Win 38 You're 22 / Tolland-Wlndham County Day Hie Junta staged a bloodless If 39 Success 69 Reciprocate HOY. nlsts have been sent to remote 20' S u r^i«« 50 An AQUARIUS States has resumed arms riilp uo 51 Drive 81 Jaunts Sokol(tfsky took the top honors the regime, composer Mikls 7 :8 8 (« M 8 ), From A Bird’s toe 21 Show JAN. 20 V iew ) JULY 22 22 Worry 52 Readily 82 Your In paper mache. m ents. ’Theodorakls, summed up the 53 With S3 Aggressive Aggressive economic policy (8-48) let’s Make a Deal (0 ) - N E W C M 5LANCCC** AUG. 22 23Pinhtd FEE. I» Other first place wUiners (18) ' “ I Spy■“ (C ) 24 You'll 54 In 84 Angles disappointment of antiregime 1-29-32-38 5- 6- 9-22) were Mrs. iSarbtuu Folstad, has built industries and opened (88-88) B e w a a b m k i 25 You 55 Happy 85 Policy 24-27-72 Greeks when he said in Paris L a u k - la B (C) '41-4M1 26ChorK* 56 Knock 86 Flomc painting mixed media; Mrs. new trade routes. The govern­ (C) o recently that he saw no political (8 -48) Newlywed Oaine 3 4 VIRCO 27 Pull 57Moy 87 Corefully PISCES M erele P a lm er, crocheU ng 8$)- ment’s opponents at home and (8) ThU le Veer Idle (C) ALLWCATHH C C TS 58 ErKOunter 88 Door 28 Puruit eet. IP developments “for the next 10 ( 18) M e rle 89 Workers parel; Mrs. Marcia Osborne, abroad are divided if not silent. (O) 29P60pl* 59 Ventures y e a r s .” (40) Heel Oeme____ 60 Sound 90 Indicated KtAlt. 20 ' The long-promised return to (8) Mayberry B.F.D. (C) hen. 22 30 Ho$ty three dlmen^ionEd, uid Mrs. Dot­ 34-36-51-53(' democracy has not come. Mar­ (8 8 4 8 ) M e rle (C) tle Hemberg. Christmas (8 4 8 ) M e rle S E A S C N s u m ^4^7frl6B1 htn® °°°^ ^Adverse 73-77-78 wreiU h. tial law rules the land. South Windsor (8) Doris Day Show (C) lA N T CCATS • CAR CCATS External happenings—trou­ (8) Carol BaraoU Shew (C) Second place winners from (18) Ceaa. Bepert (C) bles around the Mediterranean (18) .Hartford Talk-lB (C) T(>llsuid were Mrs. Ruth Hunt, —are seen by diplomats here as Donnelly Pushes (8 4 -18-8 8 4 8 4 8 ) N ew s crochet small aiticles; Mrs. Weather aad Sperts (C) SALE - TODAY THRU SATURDAY NITE ONLY! Business Mirror Palmer, crochet large articles, benefiting the regime of Pre­ U:8S (8 ) M e rle Regular $16 to $20 mier George Papadopoulos. His Plan on Rt. 5 11:88 (88-88) Tealskt Show dohaar and Mrs. Lynne Wlnans, sew­ CSTSOE Greece, Italy and Turkey are (8-tt) Dick Carett Show (C) ing for children. the North AtlanUc Treaty Or­ state Rep. Thomas J. Donnel­ (U) Merr Oriftla Shew er A puixdiase, on which there is The role of Coocross In e s ^ Eui Interested 'Tolland g;Irl be- Americans and attacked U.S. backing his request that a De­ UriUnc foreign policy Is debat- cent as mesMired by the Dow a commission. Is a prerequisite partment of Transportation t h i s OUR REG.SUITS! tween the ages of 11 and 14. 6th fleet sailors on shore leave. Jones Industrial Average since to a sale, on which there is a More 6th Fleet ships have study committee investig^ate the 8 :8 8 ^rld Press JC> This year's selecti(m will be drawm by lot from appllcEitlons dropped anchor in Greek waters eculoglcal and practical im-i ‘’Soldiers Who Search and Dis- last May, there is only minor Brand new suits — just tailored, especially for this event! Specially woven 55% ■' first. You’ve got to get them to submitted to Mrs. William Os- in the past year than ever be­ se n t" evidence to Indicate that the pact ot the DOT recommenda­ 18:88 CoBaecUcat Newsroosn professlonal advisors are losing before you can get them to jjy ^prii 30. The actual fore. Over Christmcis alone, 32 tion of relocating Rt. 8 in South Dacron®/45% Worsted “New Englander” suits for year 'round wear! In 2-button, ALL PERMANENT PRESS sell. drawing will be held the week American ships visited Athens. Windsor and placing it in the their nerve. 3-button, double breasted and belted back fashion models. —^An InatituticDEd miolcet has o f M ay 3. 'Hiat’s over half of the fleet. Pardue Under Higher and higher they set . u. meadowland adjacent to the The applications may be ob­ The United States resumied A remarkable opportunity to save on the season s their sights, no more InUmldat- ^ Connecticut River. / ed by the elevation tluui a steel- Money ~uirv.pours Into pension tained id the Tolland Middle shipping heavy arms to Greece He will also urge support for Surgery Again greatest going coats! Lady-like classics with easy funds, billions of dolhurs worth. VI > worker on the 93rd fl(x>r of a School, at Shurway food mar­ last September after a 3>4-year this plan at a public hearing set It pours into mutual funds and BRIDGEPORT (AP)-John R. ' raglan shoulders. Car coats and pant coats with new skyscraper who psyriies ket or Chimberland Dairy on embargo. Washington had with­ for 7:30 tomorrow night at trust and Insurance companies, Pardue Jr., a man accused of himself with the reminder that M errow R d . held the arms as a lever aiming Windsor High School to air a all the ri^t fashion touches . . . snappy belts, and it must be invested. It CEUi’t bank robbery who was hoapltal- some of his craft have been 10 'The campership permits the at the restoration of parliamen­ bUl Introduced by Windsor Rep. remain idle because inflation Ized after an alleged escape at­ outline stitching, bold pockets and buttons. floors higher. winner to attend a week-long tary democracy. A staff report Victor Tudan, vdiich would tempt In a federal courthouse shrivels idle money. accelerated work-study program of the U.S. Senate’s Foreign Re­ In this InstEince, though. It authorize appointment of a here, underwent surgery for a Wash n wear weaves include denims, chords, If the spigot is on and the in the area of nature and con- lations Committee said in isn't so much the height eis it is study committee to review DOT stomach ulcer Sunday and re­ i s c w the fall. There were few Inden- mcmey U flowing in at o^s end servaUon, Aug. 16-21. Match that this "policy of twills and rhino-gabs. proposals for future construc­ mained on the hoepital’s (uitlcal —^Just look at how much money The camp is located at Camp friendly persuasion has clearly tati(Mis on the way up. Only a tion. list. Done with aU the Anderson-Little niceties in­ you pay each month into your Workcomen, West Hill Pond, failed." It BUg[gested that the few tiny plateaus to Interrupt a Under ’Tudan’s bill, the com­ A hospital spokesman said pension fund—it exerts pressuire New Hartford. Further informa­ Greek government was able to cluding full lining. Ready now and Sale-Priced possible snde. mittee would consider the rreed part of Pardue’s stomach had for an outlet at the other. Sort of tion may be obtained by con­ exert more leverage on the The explanations for the good for construction; the cost; the ef­ been removed. She described his like an hydraulic pump. tacting Mrs. Alice Brennan, United States than vice versa. humor of advisers are many, as fect on the communities involv­ ailment as a "gastric stress" Some of this money goes Into Grahaber Rd. Greek opposition groups always, but prominent among ed, and the most economical u lcer. Sizes 5-15 h 8-18. bonds, but the bond market Isn’t Hearing CUnic charged that the resumption of them are these; method improving traffic flow. Pardue was on trial here April as attractive as it was lost year. A bearing clinic for three; aid gave the impression that —The prices are Justified by ’The group would be authorized 8 when he allegedly tried to es­ Stocks are an alternative, and f(Mir-and five-year-old young­ Washington was keeping the economic and corporate condi­ to hold public hearing and would cape from a detention cell dur­ so on some recent days the in­ sters will be held during the Greek colonels In power. Some tions. Profits are recovering report its findings by nerrt ing a brealt in the proceedings. stitutions have been dme You’re and May 1. The hours are from pact with her Communist neigh­ was causing Internal bleeding, ment advisory business. Whom Art Exhibit does the. adviser work for, you Not Rich.” It is, of course, 9 until 11:30 a.m. bor, Albania, and beg^ her the hospital says. Ten artists have been selected Children previously screened first major trade deal with Parflue, 28, is accused of three or his company? Does he want about investment advisers, by the South Windsor Art for amblyopia will be also Communist China-Hthe latter in­ bombings and a bank robbery you to buy because he Is con- On Dec. 3, 1968, Springer League to exhibit painting;s in scheduled for the hearing clinic volving $800,000 worth of In D anbury on F eb . 13. 1970. vinced you can make money? notes, there began one of the CSiinese lambs end Greek tobac­ the lobby of the Hartford Insur­ Or does he need commissions? most spectacular slides in stock from the forms already submit­ co. ance Group on Asylum St. in A considerable amoimt of in- market hlstoiy. It lasted ted. Any other residents who The trade agreements are an Hartford from April 30 until Assembly Using vestm ent a d v ice em anates from through 1969 and Into 1970, eraa- have children in this age group effort to Greece’s dmwilc trade M ay 14. sources that can benefit either Ing 360 points from the Dow and who would like to partic­ Im balance. Featured artists include Shir­ Research Data way: When you buy or when you Jones Average. ipate in the hearing clinic may At home incentives have ley Codraro of Carman Rd., "At the time the market contact Mrs. Lawrence O’Mara, HAR’TPORD (AP) — Ihe spurred foreign—mostly Euro­ Manchester; ’Thomas DoFrtmzo peaked," he writes, “a survey Ridge R(L The clinic will be General Assembly’s new legisla^ pean—and domestic industrial of 444 Windsor Ave., Wilson; lAi- disclosed two out of every three held at the United Cangrega^ tlve-research office has been investment. New factories give clana Helneman of 208 DeeiTleld of the leading investment serv­ ticnal Church. used individually by about half some stark Greek landscapes Rd. in Windsor;-Marie Marshall ices were bulllrii.’’ Baton Winners of CtHinecUcut’s 218 legisiators. the look of a vast wrorkship. Lib­ o f 120 M ountain D r. in South Jlnd, "A study of market let- Revolving trophy winners dur­ AUan H. Rouse, director of the Eg l o b e ^ eral tax laws reward shipown­ Windsor; Angie McCormack of ^ ® I V ■ • • revealed that broker- ing last week’s Board of Rec­ ers who switch to Greek regis­ 41 McGrath Rd. in South Wind­ reseatidi office, said M(Hiday the reation-sponsored baton classes 108 legislators gidng to his staff k^ TriYdI inY B l SiTYleBSBTVIBB N ege h(xise analysts were bullish try from other flag^ of conven­ sor; Henry Novg;rad of 41 Frank­ V % A. over the long term by a ratio of were Jill Baker, Lynn Len- ien ce. lin St., Rockville; Frances for help were nearly equally di­ tocha, Unda Crimper, Denise vided between the two major 555 MAIN STREET a a to i ” The regime has borrowed ScuUy o f 179 Blast St., South And, “Reports by the Ihvest- Caouette, Cindy Fox, Pam p a rties—S6 D em ocra ts and 52 heavily at home and abroad to Suffield; Yvette Smith of 1200 643-2165 ment Company Institute showed Henry and Valarie Elmer, induce what it describes as an ’- Pleasant Valley Rd., South Republicans. that In the first week of Decern- Two members of the class and ’Ihose figpires, covering the ^Antlioriaed ageBt la M as-A ‘economic miracle." Windsor; Viola M. Sobol, Wat- (.elMrter for uU AltliMiK^ her, 1968, mutual funds and slm- assistant Instructor partici- period up to April 1, represent Evangiieloe Averoff, a former rous Rd., Bolton, and Jeanne G. -Ballnada — stHUMkip^ llar Investment trusts had 94 » recent baton com- foreign minister vrtio is now in 06 per. cent of the Republican Yoxall of 480 ButtonbaU Lane per cent of their assets Invested **^*f^*' opposition, derides the govern­ lagislatora and 60 per cent o t the in Glastonbury. —clear evidence that they, too, home several awards. ment for "eating tomorrow’s Democrats, Rouse said. ’The painting^B Include oil, expected rising prices.” Theresa Woods placed second bread today”. Some experts watercolor and acrylics and Tlie primary responsiblUty of in the n o v ice so lo cla s s, ont|,. foresee a dive in the economy most are offered for sale. the research staff is to provide third in novice fancy strut. when international credit runs research and Information assis­ Lisa Coro won a second place out. (Manchester Evening Herald tance to both individual legisla­ 4»JL4H»jU|C4>lJae medal In novice military march­ But one Greek financier says South Windsor correi^ieiident tors and the (Jeneral Assembly’s ing and another for novice the government is acting Uke a Barbara Varrick, tel. 644-8274. committees. MOTHPROOF fancy strut. shipowner in a hurry to buy Assistant instructor Carolyn more vessels. 'IBorraw as much spring change Duwell received a first place as you can," he says. "Once award for advanced state solo; you’re heavily in debt and run first for advanced open solo; Into difficulUes, your creditors Iw nS uN rA M OUR UWEST PMOES seccMid in advanced basic strut, will never abandon you for fear and third place in advanced of losing you." fancy strut. Domestically, the regime Day hi.•.Day Out... points with pride to a low crime # moth balls or flakes ...... 37c Manchester Evening Herald, rate, but avoids any commit­ Tolland correspondent, Bette ment tm the return of basic po­ # moth crystals or nuggets...; ,4 9 c G uatrale, T e l. 876-2845. litical rights. However military tribunals have been turning OK PRESCRIPTIONS # closet hanger refilb ...... 49 c over more political cases to civ­ . . resulting in meaningful il courts. Most of the prisoners # gorment bog refilb...... -39c BAIXMABK CARDS rounded up four years ago with­ savings to you every day! THOUGBTFULNB88 out charge have been released. N o ups and downs In your Pwoc^tton I # plastic garment b og s... .from 97c SHOP 9 oosts-M "dlsoonnts” today. ‘Ttegolar Northway Pharmoqf # plastic suit bags...... 77c prioea" tomorrow! I 380 N. M ain, M anchester No “lodnood specials"—no ‘*te*npor8^ N ext to Tcq> N otch redactions” on Prescriptions to lnre| # plastic dress bags ...... 88c c u s t o m e r s 1 # plastic sweater boxes ...... $1.29 A t ttie same tim e, tliere Is Bwver any | compromise In (mrvloe or-quality! # plastic shoe boxes ...... 66c TUESDAY I YOU OBT OUB LOWEST # fibre storage boxes ...... $1.66 IPBIO ES E VEBT DAJT Otf THE We Deliver SPECIAL InSAB . . . AND TOU SAVE .Everywhere # underbed storage boxes...... $1.66 IMOBB THROUGHOUT THE Comptete expert Fast Celn-Op Dry CleaHing I y b a k . . . o n a l l Y O U B alterations - no charge everybody IPBESGBIPTION NEEDS. H I ! P m . loves our store! 8 Pounii SliO CHAM BITm ... me B O I OUVER TRY US AND SEE Can't Find MeT Pm at SPEED QUEEN MORIARTY Anderson-LIttlo j E a h ^ H r o t EQUIPMENT b r o t h e r s Anderson-Little faiiiag Unooln-Merciiry and A Great S^ame in thC(fManufactunng o f ‘Tine Clothing NEAT and CLEAN WlUys Jeep floe aotomoblles; pliM a select group of "Sate- IN MANCHESTEI lay’' Used Gars . . . DRUG STORE (MANCHESTER PARKADE) WEST MIDDLE TPKE. - BROAD ST. You’ll find me daUy at (MANCHESTER PARKADE) WEST MIDDLE TPKE. - BROAD ST. I 8U GenM St., Maacbester. PHONE 647-1451 UUNDROIIAT PHONE 647-1451 Phone me at 6IS-61S5 AT THE PARKADE — WEST MIDDLE TPKE. m GREEN BOAD


the altar twangs Its way 12 to 16 but including a few eld-. roll explodes from the direction pioneered the pop Mass and oth- Pop Mass Triggers through “Thou Art Clothed with erly nuns, in reciting the Litany, of the. altar. innovations in Poland. AP Reports oti Strides Rebels Executed Stop&Shop Majesty.” ’Dien there’s a loud l>ang as The attenticn of some of the Father Kanforskl says he’s With wires, amplifiers and the drummer hits the first beat teen-agers wanders during the worried about antlrell^ous Controversy in Poland loudspeakers strewn about un- of a slow number, “Kyrle.” The sermon. A few coug^. teachings In^ the state schools, In Enterprise Reporting ___ der the stained glass windows, singer chants into a microphone The young priest prepares the and adds: “The Church must In Ceylon Sweep S pry C o n fid e ts By ANTHONY COLLINOEi live leadership of the 1,000- the pulsating sound floods ’iPanle, Zmiluj sie nad naml”— gold chalice and wafers for change. Otherwise, young peo- NEW YORK (AP) — The A»- made significant progress in Im- Assoclated Press Writer year-old Polish Roman Catholic through the riiurch and out to Polish for “O, Lord, have mercy Communion while "The Trap- P'® will leave it." 'sociated Press made strides in proving Its news report, with 24 Count FODKOWA LBSNA, Poland, Church, a pop Mass is nothing the courtyard In front, where upon us.” pists" play another slow num- enterprise reporting, computer- emphasis on peofrfe in the news By I»A$RT R 08ENBLVM Shortening ized regional news transmls- and enterprise or developed sto- (AP) — Like a Polish James short of sensational. another 200 youngsters stand. After the priest reads a lesson ber and hum like the Beatles. ^ ,. '' Associated Press Writer slon, and expansion of its over- ries about what exists and the COLOMBO, Ceylon (AP) — Kicked Out 42 oz 0 7 ^ Brown, the singer shouts Some see it as a drasUc Two dilny red electric guitars from Exodus, the rock Ijand, Then, as he and an assistant Hungry Jail .. j .i' --iasons and ba ’------" can ' • Pkg 91* Government troops attacking a "Floods have lifted up, ft Church weapon in Ite struggle flash on either side of the cross called “The Trapplsts,” goes administer the OommuiUon, the MILAN, Italy (AP) — Two todav asI well as the Iwzd^ws ac- COLOMBO, Ceylon (AP) — forest full of rebels say they ex­ Lord," and the blaring, rocking with the Communists for the on the altar, under a painting of into another slow but loud num- band bursto Into a loud, synco- hundred convicts were on the ^ rntmtslunts of >mnntnnMxi!isponti events Associated Press correspondent beat of a teen-age band fills the loyalty of Polish youth. St. Christoi^er. The drummer’s ber: "Graduale." pated, happy song about the fourth day of a hunger strike in . annual meet- ___' ' ' _____ ecute their captives as soon sis hv o .-It me news service h tumutu meei.- Technolo^cal changes were they’re convinced the prisoners Mort Rosenblum was ordered H udson parish church. It starts with a 27-year-old arms move frantically behind The, slow, , . ,steady — beat . j builds------beauty o ' V ' of ^ nature------created ^ Mian 8 San Vittore jail today “»® "®w WaWorf-Astorla Ho- highlighted by creation of com­ are Insurgents. today to leave Ceylon in 48 Active 38 All Kids from miles around flock priest In laVender kissing the the imotionless priest, and a up in intensity, repeated over God,------demanding prison reforms and * puterized "hubs” in Atlanta and hours. The government objected Prmt Towds 35e to this muddy village= ------near War- Communion------ion table and facing 600 youth on the electric organ bobs and over, as the singer express- "This is the music of contem- quicker trials. ' . Rockefeller of ^Icago to coUect and transmtl Ten have been shot and Detergent twelve more are being executed to his reporting of the current saw for the "Migza Beatowa’Beatowa”— ’— standinirstanding vniimratoi-ayoungsters in nnofocoats hiahis h.>aahead nrfu,with *»,»the beat. es faiuifaith matthat "Thou“Thou art everlast- porary youth. It’s meirtheir lan-Ian- A prison spokesman said methe -----York' WM ‘ the principal___ _ news_____ .to------multistate------regions..— Ass! Toilef Tissue ^ 53e the controversial pop Mass. and wool caps. He presses his “ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' overwhelming Ing, mightier------....than the waves of . guage," the Rev. Leon Kantor- demonstration was peaceful... and ^ ^ P today, said a ranking officer insurgency. 49 02 7 7 # — — - xviftitwA- udiiuuakiaLAvii wew» ^ cm^c a u a cu Calif., Chinese complicity in the terror­ 200 count pkg pkg 31b serve. SUPERMARKETS completely. We have no SUPERMARKETS 4 250 and Sen. WUUam Y!. Brock m , ist insurgent movement which choice,” said Lt. Ool. Cyril Ran- R-Tenn., interviewing four pub­ atunga, who heads a force of has rockdd the country for the |or Save on the jumbo jar! Our own Sun Glory Pure past two weeks and cost hun­ lishers. troops and police shelling an es­ Ttie AP directors said the new timated 4,5(X>-e,(X)0 insurgents in dreds ot lives. M o dess Coldwater All A communique issued by the with coupon hub system provides faster and a thickly forested triangle about better news transmission, and Foreign Office said rumors that Laundry Detergent and *5 40 miles east of Colombo. He Regular or Super Strawberry Preserves also frees men from mechanical the Chinese were behind the in­ purchase __ said this is the backtxme of the Cut food costs I chores for writing and report­ surgents had been published in 24 count O 1 ft (Except cigarettes & alcoholic beverages) rebel army. ing. Ceylon and abroad. These ru­ pkg 7 l » V 1.43 4 pound jar $ 4 IQ Ranatuanga said, his forces Thru April 24 “ It needs to be noted, howev­ mors, it asserted, were totally Tested and approved by our Stop & Shop Bureau * had been raining mortar fire on Limit 1 jar of Standards, so you know it must be good. And without cutting | er," the report said, "Oiat such false. per customer the rebel strongholds, but "we our Kids Week special mini-price makes it a changes are not made without The Foreign Ministry charged creating jurisdictional problems Firemen fight blaze in barn owned by Robert Bryce of Rt. 44A Coventry. (Herald photo by Gantner) cannot go in" because of rebel that "interested parties anxious Final Touch S quibb better buy than ever! in dealing with unions.” snipers, tree-trunk road blocks to prejudice good relations be­ quality... buy 4 and sentries who warn insur­ Fabric Softener Mineral Oil Increases In the numbers of Coventry tween Ceylon and China" 'ajep domestic newspaper members, gents to scatter and hide. spread the rumors. Rockville Inside the triangle are the ;? ENTER OUR BIG m m m broadcast members, and over­ Honored Grad 79^ 1 75* KIDS! Stop & Shop Brandj seas operations were reported. rich graphite mines at Bogala, Fire Guts Boyce Barn^ Hospital Notes where rebels seized 12,000 sticks CfSaim The number ot newiqiapers r L)OS ANGELES (AP) — Legol Notice of dynamite, and large gasoUne with AP domestic leased wires President Nixon’s commiinl- Sp e.cials for Monday, We guarantee the products that i Visiting hours are 12:30 to 8 stores they are using to make Probate Court COLORING grew to 1,266 at the end of 1970. Many Antiques Are Lost cdtions director, Herbert G. p.m. in all areas except ma- firebombs. ORDER OF NOTICE OP HEARING W y le rs Fluffy 38 All carry our Stop & Shop label are i The 24 papers which joined Klein, a University of South­ ESTA’TE OF Tuesday & Wednesday only I more than offset the 21 which ternity where they are 2 to 4 Four of the government force LILUAN B. COPE3LAND ust as good as-or even better ^ A Coventry landmark,, the old, and store many of the ar­ ern California School of Instant Bouillon Laundry Detergent and 8:30 to 8 p.m. have been killed in the past District of Manchester left, including 11 which dlsccm- home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert ticles in the bam. The couple Journalism graduate in 1040, It is ordered that a hearing be held CONTEST han-national brands. t tinued publication. •------week. by the Court on an application ot Beef or Chicken OQft Boyce on Route 44-A just west of was not at home at the time received the Asa V. Call A net gain of 64 broadcast Admitted ’Thursday: Eliza- Newsmen were shown 38 >>iis- Irene H. Brennan praymg that an 2% 02. pkg. A O ’' 87^ Northfields Rd., was probably the fire broke out, and the achievement award Sunday Inatrument puiportins to be the last V members was reported, boost­ beth Karpuska, RFD 4, and oners in crowded cells at Ke- Our butter is Grade AA, our can- | saved from total destruction In alarm was turned in by a neigh­ for bringing the greatest will and testament of said deceased ing mem’bershlp to 3286- Mary Harding, East St., both of galle.’ Most ot them wore dirty be admlUed to probate at the Pro­ a fire yesterday afternoon, bor, Mrs. Edward Dziadus. honor to USC in 1970. bate Court located at Municipal ned vegetables are fancy Grade t Expansion overseas included thanks to the fast action of local Klein, who in his under­ Rockville; Stanley Szestowicki, shirts and sarongs and waited Bids., 41 Center St., Manchester, resumption of news and irfioto Firemen from, both Coventry (jtoose Lane, Tolland; Mary silently to be Interrogated. Conn, on May 4, 1971 at 10 a-m. Liquid Dove Lux Liquid A, our fruits and juices and soups ( and area volunteer fire depart­ departments, Andover, Bolton graduate days was sports It la further ORDERED that, on or distribution in Indonesia, exten­ ments. editor of the USC Dally Tro­ Boulay, East Hartford; Laurie Ranatunga said he doesn’t before the Compliance Date fixed ‘KING and soaps are all at least as good x sion of the Wire photo network to and Tolland responded quickly, by the Court, a copy of this ORDER Dishwashing Detergent • •-mJ' The b€im adjoining: the Boyce jan, is former editor of the Houman, Prospect St, and Ce- like the idea of summary execu- as your favorite nationally adver- ' Yugoslavia and Bulgaria and and were aided somewhat by a clle McCabe, Spring St., both of tions of rebels, but "otherwise be published one time in a news­ home was almost totally de­ San Diego Union. paper haying circulation In this Pro­ Detergent VITAMAN” radiophoto services tpr^Tanzanla wind that blew the flames to­ Rockville; Buell Sikes, Main they will go underground." bate District. tised brand. How do we know? ( stroyed in the fire, which began ward the back of the bam Attest: JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge 85* and Sudan, and cr^ewlon of new shortly after 2 p.m. yesterday, St., Ellington; Donald Swift m , ‘."The situation is much better, 57^ Our own Bureau of Standards ^ satellite circuits' for Latin rather than toward the house It­ Regan Rd., Lula Connors, Pros- but by no means goo<^’ Rana- iHnnind Beef wiping out a number of valu­ America. self. The bam stands only Crab*8 Walk pect St., and Sigrid Anderscoi, tunga said. M m m i — m s n a a m m Fresh makes sure. ^ able antiques housed there. about two feet from the house. Regional 9«w lces were Im­ Mr. and Mrs. Boyce nm an RBT3 1, all of Rockville. Reliable e^imates plwed the Rinso proved wl(h more news trans­ North Coventry Fire Chief All crabs in which the tail NATIHIIIL HEALTH Silver Dust antique business in their home, Discharged Thursday: Ml- number of insiugents in the Is- The Stop & Shop Bureau of Stan- . mitted fpdm London to Africa, Richard Cooper said he thought is always' tucked forward E O O a S H O m Ground which is more than 200 years chael Parks, Somersvllle; Ed- land at about 80,000. The rebels Color Bleach Blue Detergent dards absolutely must guarantee ’ the M l ^ e East and South Asia, faulty wiring might have been and never used for swim- ward Miller, Longview St., contended that the government ANY SIZE PKG lb and /from Tokyo to Southeast the cause of the fire, and will mbig run or move sidewise- Rockville; Judith Wilstm, Jobs of Prime Minister Sirimavo 38 0 2 0 1 ft At stop A Shop the by tests that our product is as. ( the directors reported. turn the matter over to Fire 83* pkg Y l » quality of our ground spider crabs, however, do w m not moving good as the best-selling brand , ^ ^’Overall,” they said, “it was WANTED Mai^shall Richard Galinat lor man, Union St., Rockville; An- fast enough toward socialism, King Vitaman beef Is a matter of the most successful year In further investigation. manage to walk obiquely as gig Abbe and daughter, Broad Mrs. Bandaranalke c^polnted Cereal top priority. We make before it can carry our name. Oean, Late Model sure It's always Wortd Service history.” Boyce said this morning that welU as sideways. Brook. a ministerial committee Sunday 9-02 fresh. A film, "The New AP,” illus­ he and his wile arrived home ThreeDiamondsI pkg V And, after each Stop & Shop trated the regionalization pro­ USED CARS shortly after dark last night, gram ; the Cathode Ray Tube and were met by many friends Solid White Tuna product has been checked and re­ Top Prices Paid writing and editing machines; a and neighbors. All he could say checked, we give it to our c ^ nationwide multiplex system For All Makes! about reports concerning the — ZONE AA— ZONERURAL— ZONE AA — ZONE RURAL — 51* Ground Chuck Ground Round Q A sumer taste panels to make sure which breaks down a leased fast response of firemen was, FRESH GROUND. ANY SIZE PKG. voice quality circuit into many FRESH GROUND. ANY SIZE PKG. CARTER CHEVROLET Extra lean for extra flavor. Great he said, "Great, great, great!" Enjoy the wonderful flavor now at our staff of scientists is r '^ telegraph circuits; high-speed eating. C O ., IN C. He said that damage appeared Ronzoni Rotelli 32‘ this low price sports and financial wires, and 1229 Main St. to be extensive, worse than he Victor Medium $1.17 S urf We're so confident yoi^like our other Innovations. Phone 649-5238 had thought after first viewing Cold Water The AP members elected six the scene last night. Sweet N’ low 7S‘ Beef Patties 69‘ '» Chuck Patties S9‘«. Round Patties 99‘ own brands that ^ malflt^you directors to serve three-year Detergent Hey Kids! Join the Pun! CUD Patties made fresh In our stores, available in most Stop A Shops. ______this promise: y o i^ u s t be com-1 terms on the 18-man AP board. TOWN OF MANOHESTEK Kleenex Ass't ^ NelSdra ^ (COMPREHENSIVE URBAN DEVELOPMENT) 15c off pletely satisf ied/tnat Stop & Shop Five directors were elected VO 5 Hairdressing ' - V S IS* 49 oz pkg 6 8 ^ Our Deliciously Famous White Gem from the general membership LEGAL NOTICE brand is natidrfal-brand quality, and one from a city of under S0,(XX) population. The Planning and Zoning Commission will htdd public hearings IS THIS DEVELOPMENT GOOD FOR MANCHESTER??? or we'll giyeTyou your favorite na­ Those elected came from on May 3, at 7:30 P.M. in the Municipal Building to hear and consider the following petitions: Three Diamondsl tional t^ n d without additional these nominations: Otis Chandler, Los Angeles BARWIN COMPANY - ZONE CHANGE - TOU.AND TURNPIKE Chicken Parts Sale! chart Solid Light Tuna Times; James S. Copley, San Item 1 TV> change the ztxiing from "Rural Residence" to "In­ 1,500 H O U S IN G UNITS = A T LEAST 900 CHILDREN +/1,000 CARS dustrial” for approximately 22 acres on the north side ot Diego Union; Porter Dickinson, 7 oz 5 0 ^ Honolulu Star-Bulletin; J.W. Tolland Turnpike adjacent to the ’Town Line as shown on can Breasts, Thighs or Legs a plan entitled "The Fuller Brush Compcuiy, Long Hill ROADS . $3'/2 million was requested to repair roods to handle present traffic. Galitvan, Salt Lake City Trib­ Street and ’Tolland Street or ’Turnpike, Blast HartfoM and SOUVENIRS AND U.S. GRADE "A" If you think all chicken une; Newbold Noyes Jr., Wash­ Manchester, Conn. Scale 1 Inch equals 80 feet February SIDEWALKS — dangerous condition now exists for children walking to Keeney School. is alike then you've never tasted White ington Sunday Star; Hugh B. 1967 Peterson and Hoffman, Elngrs.’’ Gem, sweet, delicious, tender meat that Patterson Jr., Little Rock (Ark.) HERMAN YULES - SPEC3AL PERMIT - GROUP DWEILLINGS - $60,000 needed there now. Sunshine W ish SURPRISES FOR almost melts in your mouth. 3 o « Arkansas Gazette; J. Kelly FERGUSON ROAD Sisk, Greenville (S.C.) Pied­ Item 2 For group dwellings special permit for six lots on the SCHOOLS — at least two, possibly three, new schoob would be needed with at least Chocolate Chip Liquid Detergent mont; Richard C. Steele, I, east and west side of Ferguson Road as shown on a plan 60 people to staff them, (about $6 million). Worcester (Mass.) Telegram entitled “Area Map Middle Turnpike East ft Ferguson Coconut Cookies C7'ft ALL ENTRANTS! Chicken Drumsticks Grade "A" 78.h Road, Manchester, Conn. Scale 1 inch equals 100 feet 15 0 2 pkg 0 / ^ "itr 83* zmd Sunday Telegram; Arthur April 15, 1969 Griswold Ekigineering Inc. Revised March FIRE DEPT. — o new fire house, plus three fire trucks, including aerial ladder truck, phis Free coloring book and crayons a in' Ochs Sulzberger, New YOrk 24. 1971" men (about $1 million). Chicken WingSGad/ 38^l, Times and Thomas Vail, Cleve­ for all who enter! And you’ve land (Ohio) Plain Dealer. Copies of these applications have been filed in the Town (Jlerk’s got two big weeks to color your Office and may be Inspected during normal office hours. POLICE DE^. would mean o new patrol dbtrict with about 10 men phn equipment, B e e c h -N u t Mini-priced For memberships held In cit­ PLANNING A10> ZONING CX)MMISSION best picture! kid pleasers for i d ies under BO,000 population the Joseph Swensswt, Chairman (about $125,000). Baby Food committee nominated the fol­ Clarence W. Welti, Secretary Wt r«M fv « the right to limit quantities lowing: Dated this 19th day of April, 1971. SANITATION Goiboge contract would increase about $60,000 phis shortening the 10 rice cereal o . OOft PICK UP YOUR FREE J.M. iMcClelland Jr., Long­ years we hove left in the dump due to increiased use. 8 oz pkg A for S r * view (Warii.) DaUy News and Robert M. White n, Mexico CEMETERY The Director of Public Works has suggested burying the dead one on top ENTRY BLANKS AT (Mo.) Ledger. The economical family size! You'll relish Chandler Copley, Steele, Vail, of the other to conserve space since the land available b limited with Hw G e r b e r Sunshine Great thirst quen^ers! Sisk and McClelland are incum­ BITUMINOUS fm-orin- u-ilh kiiln it mllill* nlikr, these savings! present population. bents. Baby Food Oatmeal Cookies YOUR STOP & SHOP The AP memberritip also was WATER — The town is considering buying the Manchester Water Company to ex­ Half Gdllon Birds Eye to vote on an amendment to the Oatmeal Banana OOft 14 0 2 ililft Florida Fresh DRIVEWAYS tend seven years to our p i^ n t water supply for normal growth. (About 8 0 2 pkg 3 0 * pkg You can win: HOT bylaws which would eliminate AND $4 million with repairs.) 1ST PRIZE— Paint by number set OrangeJuice the requirement that at least 2ND PRIZE—Chess & checker set Sweet Corn Lincoln Drinks one member of the AP Board of Directors be a resident of 3RD PRIZE—Creative art kit Grapi, 12 oz DOG There is o point where mere people requiring^^nore services b o liability N O T on asset!! New Y oi* State. PARKING LOTS Schuler's Party Punch, c cans ic With these known facts the Town Monogei^s recommendation b highly quesHonoble! Orange, (Single 649-5233 FOR ESTIMATE Orange-Pineapple, can 4S() SALE Extended Forecast ON PAVING OB SEAUNO . POTATO CHIPS 6V1 oz p k g ..... 3fc| Conservation Commission ruled against CUD Apple-Cheny Fair Wednesday. Partly cloudy 2-YEAR GUARANTEE GRAND PRIZE! Franks Thursday and BMday with a FOB YOUR PBOTECmON Democratic Town Choirmon Cummings spoke against it. POTATO FRILLS 6V1 oz p k g..... 31c chance of showers. Mild through State Rep. Chories Boggini opposed it. Swift Premium 7 the period with dally highs av­ HOnEBN PAVING EQUIPMENT, FUU.Y EQUIPPED Boy’s or Girl’s We gladly welcome your U.S.D.A. Call the gang in for an after-play party! eraging &om the uK>®r 50s to M P O A is against it. Armour ★F ran ks Meat 7 5 ‘. mid 60s and overnight lows av­ G&H PAVINO & CONSTRUCTION CO. N a b is c o N a b is c o FEDERAL Serving Manchester and Surrounding Towns for 26 Years Hundreds hove petitioned and spoken against it. Hendries’ Popsicles package of 12 5 9 eraging in the upper 30s to mid Lorna Doone Gem Franks Child Mild 7 5 'f t 40s. WILL THEY LISTEN TO THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE??? Lemon Jumbo Rings Shortbread BICYCLE tJyl^^^STAMPS AT Ma’s Root Beer :a,,°Ta:oo nre 4 9 ' Kepco Franks 79?» 40 ^ 10 oz pkg 48* STOP & SHOP! So get your entry blanks in by Morton Frozen DonuU 3 pkgs 1 Colonial Franks ^»iw 79m MANCHESTER MANOHESTEB PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOC. April 30th and our art experts iRMM.lilllff (XiUB #261 Boil GurIn Cn Uk 10 oz pkg ...... 31* will pick the lucky winner! Win­ Mix or match mini-price! Roessler's Franks Mtzi 79L HELP US TO NAME ...... lio n tCNtir One. Pic 11 ez pkg...... 41*1 ners will be announced at your Till- iH-rfri-l "k iilf U rvk" x/«' r ia l! Piping hot in minutes! CARD ADDRESS h td MiM Tk Tk Cm Uis 12 01 pkg...... 51*1 store Monday, May 3rd. Hershey, Nestle’s FOB A UFETM E! HELP YO U ! Stop & Shop Nabisco 51b Bag You'll netyer have to buy film scsla . . . *8.80 ENCLOSED iKiiUir Fd|i CnuK 17 oz pkg...... S3* , PARTY bebouse each time LJigeUs develops and j prlats your roll ot Black ft White or RETURN TO : I Om Kill CvNt t Smt Sam 8 jtr ...... 43*1 9 EXCITING PRIZES Giant Choc. Bars Koda-cok>r film we give you ABSO­ 01 LUTELY FREE, a fresh roU of film JOIN end SUPPORT! P.O. BOX 428 MANCMESTEB, £X>NN. 08048 Sherbet Poppin Pizza Hershey Mr. French Fries Elk* Horn* for your camera. We replace the film M id i Tutkpasti Fauily Sin 6.75 oz tube...... 77* Goodbar 8 p z , Blssell Street you have developed. It'a all freoh- ) All Memberahlpa Kept Confidential Given at each store Half Gallon Carton 10 OZ Almond 7'/2 oz for $■ New Sweden Brand doted and top quality and Ko­ CKNit Fird PiM Tdiit TissM pkg of 500 2 plys...... 31* Cheese or Milk Manchester dak, too. Quick prooessing . . . Delicious and re pkgs Chocolate 8 oz. 94 hour service tor 3 each in these age groups: or , (Single Tasty french (ries like Citdcr MdiM Shiinp IVi oz can...... I5< I freshing. (Give the Nestles Crunch ! bar 340 these are always a wel blaok atxl wlilte duet Pepperoni. (Single 6Vj oz. Almond a IHtle bit longer for IS THIS A GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, 5 to 7, 8 to 10, 11 to 12. kids a treat this come addition to your Thursday, April 22 color). TMy Nm i HnsdiiU Blfs 50 count pkg ...... 57* pkg 340 6Vi oz or Milk w eek A fine value Chocolate 6Vi oz. menu planning. jRlMnx AsMrtd Tnrdi 125 count pkg ...... ,... 2 for 77* FOR THE PEOPLE??? Refreshments |llW f BfUd WMti Bm 16 01 pkg ...... U«| DONAIIQN $1.M Hs6fcl I DRUG Public Weicome 404 MIDDLE TPKE.' MANCHESTER PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, P.O. BOX 428 263 MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST, 263 MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST, MANCHESTER MANCHESTER Stop & Shop will redeem your Federal Food Coupons ,/ \ , ) MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1971 PAGE FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING H EIUI^., M ^CHESfER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 19, 197^ PAGE FIFTEEN M anchester BUGGS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE Aniwsr to PrsrloMi PiBile Itospital Notes JUeTAOOOPLE HOW A B O U T S *A W e TIAAB ' ' '' ASSUMIN' FOR A BAH.' b a c k : UP T O M O R A O W f a a o m en t t h a t iVE s e e n is iw s s B M j; vMn m o 110088 .LITTLE" O 'STEP S MORE Sailing ... I V«4MT T' BE NoW-rMAY THE VOOB aaeatbpinper VULTURES iBtBniMwnBte Care Semi, IS w o rth OFFER MORE SURE T' GET AAAaVR HAS aoiNEp private, noea-R p.m., and 4 pan.- -m e p o uce fo p ce,, STEAUN', THE ^ ENCCXiRA'EE’- ACROSS 59 Boy’s YA ALL IN I I WONDER IF I ANSWER IS'YES) M EN TTO A 8 pjn.; private mama, lo aan.- 1 Bodies of nickname STILL NEED MY supepsleuth w a s . w e a r y 60 Existence 3 pjn., and 4 pjn.4 pjn. INSURANCE LEANIN' o n a PARKIN' T R A V E L E R lalt water (U tin ) Pedlatriea; Bamata alknred MITES a g a in st CAR AAETERTORAy THAM VC)U 5 Ship's msst 61 Superlative THEFT/ in s t e a o o f t h e TWO.' 9 Ship’s front aagr time eacoept noon-2 p.m.; UNPERWORLP.' 12 A lm s chest endings oittiaia, 2 pon .-8 pan . 13 Operatic solo DOWN Self Service: M ajn.-2 p.m„ 14 Winglike part 1 Droops 4 pjn.-8 pjn. 15 Portable 2 It was Intensive Oaie and Ooronary bridge for custody (U tin ) (print) Gam: Immediate family only, leaving ship 3 Skin 20 Beset 40 Swirls 17 Graduate affliction 22 Smelling 43 Storehouse anytime, Umlted to five mlmites. degree 4 Wise men organs 45 Web-footed Mateml^: Fatliera, U aan.- 18 Beef animal 5 Chemical salt 24 Put on cargo fowl 12:4S pan., and 6:88 p.m.-8 19 Day of week 6 Babbled 25 German river 46Talpn p.m .; oltenii 8 p.m.-4 p.m., and 47 French boy’s MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD 21 Without 7 Primitive 26 Uke pumice 6:80 pjn.-8 p.m. (Latin) 28 Chemical name Japanese race Age Umito: 16 in maternity, BUT MR. LAWRENCE 'IF IT CAN BE PROVEN THAT 23 Through 8 Gathered compound 48 Love god u IS DEAD/ HAWKS CAN LAWRENCE DIDN'T OWN (prefix) leaves 30 Center shield 50 O>lorado 12 In oOier areae, no limit in MR. MUTTON — ON BEHALF I COULD DO DENY THAT HE GAVE THAT MUCH MONEY, THE 24 Hew 9 Silk and gold knob Indians aeU-nervlce. OF THIS INVESTIGATING NO LESS/ WHAT HIM THE MONEY/ JUSTICE DEPARTMENT < branches, as brocade (var.) 31 Munich river 51 Thin board COMMITTEE, LET AAE WILL HAPPEN WILL HAVE A STRONG CASE ^ m a tree 10 Spanish jug 33 Cover inner 52Ungfiah(pl.) AGAINST HAWKS/ Due to coDStroctioD, parking THANK VDU FOR NOW, SENATOR? 27 Protuberance 11 Oasis (var.) surface 55 Female saint %IHE (sb.) for emergencies is aeveiely re- TESTIMONY/ 29 Equal 16 Sets in type 35 Take into BE) SURE . . . B U S S has been serving the H ome Ho m e - , (comb, form) atrlcted. The pnWlc la urgenOy COMINS- r r Owner for 89 YEARS. For a complete ETlEiE IN- 32 Full-grown 7 “ 5 ” T T r - r - 9 requested not to park near the persons SPEX7T10N of your home by a Termito Control E3x- !___ I__ r r emergency entrance except to 34 Capelike 12 a pert, supervised by the finest technical-staff, phone diadiarge emergency or wheel­ our nectfest local office: cloaks i t " 36 Transfer 16 chair admissions. To pick up dis­ by will ■ ia i 1 9 " 2 0 charged pattenta, pieaae park In OUT OUR WAY BY NEG COCHRAN 37 To drive 1___ the general lota flrat and the (Ger.) 5 T nurse will instruct you where to 38 Ireland r a VOU HAD TH' CAR VCAH? WELL. IT SO PBACB! 1 PROPPEP 29 » 31 drive to pick up the patient 649-9240 39 Prophet LAST—I'LL PROP \ HAPPEWS TfA USIW6 I THE CAR OFF FOR 41 Neither II ■ m , YOU OPFAXyOUR ITTOWISHT/I'LL REPAIRS OW MV WAY 42 tietter of 3 5 “ 3 4 36 Listening to the Blind Children’s Choir of Mansfield State Train­ taries; Mrs. Barbara Taylor, mother advisor of the Manchester OIRL FRIEWPS ' DROP YOU OFF OW h o m e -- t h e r e 'll Patients Today: 266 BLISS TERMITE CONTROL CORP. alphabet ■ ■ i n g BY AL VERMEER OW MY WAV'TO MY WAV/ HOW ABOUT BE A FDUR-PAV 36 ST School, directed by Miss Gertrude DeLeo, are, from left to Assembly; Mrs. Rushid Didan, Kathleen Didan’s mother; Miss l»RISCILLA’S POP 44 Raidue n DIV. OF BUSS EXTERMINATOR CO., INC. • EST. 1882 THE SHOW. IT, PAP? WHAT CESSATIOW OF 46 Having a I ADMITTED SATURDAY: right. Merle P. Tapley, and Mrs. Helen F. Jobes, visiting digni­ Didan; and her father, Mr. Didan. (Herald photo by Buceivicius) S. DoyousAvr HOSTILITIES/ 3d 39 n a t i o n a l head plume Mario Ansaldi, Williams Rd., TH IS IS ] 3 1 The Oldest & Largest in Conn. ^LIBRARY WEEK 49 Pickled food 43 46 Bolton: Mrs. Glenda Black, East '' ill U hbiacuUne □ Hartford; John J. Carlin, 11 7 r nickname IT 47 46 w~ 6oT 5 T “ School St.: John Caron, 22 South Reception Honors Rainbow Grand Worthy Advisor 54 Greek philosopher 63 i T 66 St., Rockville. Also, Ira Friedman 7 Lexlng- Kathleen A. Didan of 36 Japan, of Rainbow. Each of the Manchester Assembly, singing Miss Cathy Rowe , soloist, of freshmente were served by 56 Babylonian 6 T 8 8 " sky god 66 tcm- Dr.; Mrs. Emily L. Glard, . Bolton St., g;rand worthy ad- dignitaries offered their best <‘*rjie Lord’s Prayer,” assisted of Manchester Lo^e of Ma- members of the advisor board visor of the International Order wishes and congratulations to 57 Rhymer 69 w ST Bast Hartford; Mrs. Theresa G. of Manchester Assembly and V I f by James W. McKay, organist Read Herald Advertisements 58 Furbearing Kalber Brewster St Ooventrv- Rainbow for Girls in Con- Miss Didan After the ceremonies, re- friends. animal R^th A P^ev St 2ll P“‘ Uvingston of Man- (Nswipoper fnUrpritt Attn.) iinvton- qtnniw oo Manchester Assembly Chester Lodge of Masons and a l i ^ A t tSt u w mn Girls, was member of the Manchester As- b ^ W l ' ^k^Ue i^oh L Manchester As- sembly advisory board was Nadeau Broad IBirok- ^Mrs Saturday night at a re- master of ceremonies, assisted Manchester High by Miss Beth Ferris, past CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER E Oeln TaV ’ auditorium. worthy advisor, as marshal A-19 H7I >, NIA. U c. T.M. Urn U.S. P.«. OW. Leon P. St. Lawrence, 12 Strant di^tari^ Ston^ed° to'*” “"f Taylor of Ver- gt dignitaries attended toe event, non, mother advisor of Man- Mrs. Helen F. Jobes cheater Assembly, told how she GUMMER STREET BY PHIL KROHN ADMITTED YEJSTERDAY: of Hamden, supreme inspector and Rainbow members are ROCKVILLE Cynthia C. Atkins, 670 Avery °f Rainbow In Connecticut; proud of Kathleen’s accomplish- INDOOR •i-*1 ggSoSj WHEN VOU'D LOVE TO LIVE R3REVER / “mL"L'T.” St., South Windsor; (Harold Ba- Merle P. Tapley of South Wind- „,ents through toe state and the IF You 0lCp5 A(?e WONOeP(M6 $AT APOUWP IN got, 801 Main St.; Brian Beau- sor, grand master of Masons in honor she has brought to her lUHl' I'M ^fTTlMG Hgee l 7U.klM6 APAPTMeNt ALOM^ ONg champ, 62 Academy St.; Ken- Connecticut; Mrs. Ida Ross, assembly. VERNON 10 You, iTi5 gecAu$e rneiee MINUTE LONGER,! UIDULP neth F. Byrne, Bloomfield; Ar- junior past grand matron of the The flag presentation was UWSM'T ANfOMB TO TAUC WITH HAue CRAOKBP/...... PO VOU nold D. Covey. Storrs; Uoyd E. Order of Eastern Star. ^ade by the honor guard of lOJOW THAT, BIPW?....POYOO... ATHOMB...... SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL Dupocher, East Hartford. Also, Paul James of Nor- John Mather Chapter, Order.of Also, Mrs. IBoline J. EYeder- walk, very eminent deputy DeMolay, with Briem McAwley, MANCHESTER Z'------l i f A R£ALi-V ickson, 91 CSiestnut St.; Michael grand commander of Knights past meister councilor, giving A BEAUTIFUL H. EYomerth, East Hartford; Templar of Connecticut: Ed- the oration. TENNIS p r i n c e s s a I ' Rhett H. Gibbs, RR3, Coventry; ward W. Slade of Meriden, dep- The Blind Children’s Choir of e n c h a n t e d B & f.. Edmond J. Groleau, Stafford uty and executive officer of Mansfield State Training BY AN EVIL ' - 1-iJS^' I Springs; Mrs. Elaine G. John- Connecticut Order of DeMolay; School, directed by Miss Ger- SPELL. son, 48 Bigelow St.; Mrs. Helen Raymond Isleib, state master trude DeLeo of Falknor Dr., M. Jctinson, 34 Arcelila Dr.; councilor of Connecticut De- sang several songs during the T E N N IS F O R U M with the latest in indoor tennis, Mrs. Ester M. Katzung, RFD 4, Molay; and Miss Monica Loner- evening. opens a Vernon • Manchester club on August 1^. Coventry; Mrs. Gladys Levi, 89 gan, grand representative from The benediction was given by Branford S t.; (Mrs. Carm en Join your friends and other professionals at the Marty, Warehouse Point; Er------TENNIS FORUM.'where the player comes first. PLAIN JANE BY FRANK BAGINSKI nest G. Mason, 95 Judy Lmie, william St.; Gerald A. Calve, Robert Sabourin and son, Day- South Windsor. Twin Hills Dr., Coventry; Mrs. vUle; ,Mrs. Hassan Aramli and Act today. Limited memberships available Also, John L. Morris, 65 Alberta F. Parsons, 204 Cider son, lio Russell St.; Mrs. John ~ r ~ r ' VEEVWELL, Woodslde Dr., South Windsor; Mill Rd.. Bolton. Hemieberger and daughter, 30 Lauren McCJormack, 41 Me- Also, James T. McGee, 41 Slocum Rd., Hebron; Mrs. \ 7 SWEET PRINCESS. Grath Rd., South Windsor, Washington St,; Mrs. Marion Howard Iger and daughter, 410 b ; John E. O’Rourke, Glaston- Brown, 19 Cemetery Rd., Ver- Hackmatack St.; Mis. Richard bury; Mrs. Irene Rupner, Trout non; Mrs. Hazel M. Barrett, Karat emd daughter, Ware- Stream Dr., Vernon. 54A Chestnut St.; Anthony Mar- house Point. LOCATED off Exit 97 from Interstate 84 Also, Mrs. Carolyn S. St. tocchlo, 69 nirail Rd., Vernon; DISCHARGEJD YElSflER- H-I<1 Pierre, East Hartford; Mrs. Matthew T. Murphy, Mattapol- jja Y: Laurent Gagne, Cedar (Route 15).The TENNIS FORUM will be j i f c W NIA, lac , T M >#9 US Pot OH Carol A. Seaton, New Boston Mass.; Lori A. Chamber- g^aj„p Rd., Coventry;- Ber- “We organized our team real businesslike. Pop! Rd., Andover; PhlUip J. Seret- nard F. McKenna, 7 Brookslde only a few minutes drive from We elected you vice president in charge of broken to, 378 Parker St.; Virginia L. 1-’“ ®- Vernon; Mrs. Sarah A. Simpson, Stafford Springs; Ml- Nothnlck, 168 Cedar Swamp ManGhester, Rockville and the University windows!” chele L. Smith, East Hartford; J®Rd., North Coventry; John W. 4-11 7 '^ Andov®ri = of Connecticut Dr., Coventry. Hartford; Richard G. f ««*"■ BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY BIRTH SAHTURDAY: A son to Smiley, Huntington Dr., Ver- Remont, 140 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Myers, non; FYank N. Mickewicz, 120 R®-*"** (Jeorpe Porterfield, ITS T IL L o t h e r PEOPLE A L L X KNOW IS IT GIVES WINTHROP BY DICK CAVALLl East Hartford. Avery St.; Mrs. Marie P. Me- Spruce^ St.; Mrs. Norma AAiGHTcm.rr AAE p e a c e o f AAIND AN D s o t a e p e o p l e m i g h t c a l l BIRTHS YEJSTERDAY: A G“ln®®s. Vernon; Jo- CHILDISH/PUTI X SLEEP SOUNOfyALL YCKjfeE EITHER VBZ/ IT d i u Y a n d s o m e p e o p l e WISE, OC '(O O 'R E IVilSHT O LL. IT RXJUSH. d o n Y c a r e . NIGHT lONSl lm e»nrgm rr"oT ^'^rde^^on: John suck, 132 W. Main A COMPLETE IPIOF. ^ S ^ r a to M r c a r v e r R d .; Terrence W. St-. RockviU e; Donald E . (Jus- R*K“n. 43« W. Middle Tpke.; t®r. W2 Wells St.; Robert T. K gelw St., a 8£UuUjtUL/L: 4-19 ^ ^ Marie A. Charest, Main St., ford; Cynthia M. Garey, 42 \ BY ROY CRANE F^d Copeland, 639 Woodbridge vemon; Frederick J. Rocker, Seaman Circle. BUZZ SAWYER 251 South St., Rockville; Also, Mrs. John Spearen and t m i h NIA, iac., TM , US- NP. OH. • GHAMFIONSHIP COURTS NOW LOOK, OLD BUDDY-BOY. CONSIDERING YOU'RE AFTER MONEY, AND SINCE YOU'RE NOT OH YOUR DISCHARGED SATURDAY: Marsha J. Paradis, Storrs; Har- daughter, Storrs; Mrs. Lewis HOW YOU TRICKED ME OUT OF A FAIR SHARE DEATHBED AS YOU PRETENDED, ITL HOT BE WACTHG Mrs. Helene L. Denault, Willi- vey J. Bister, East Hartford. Dewley and son, Warehouse any m o re time mantle; Mrs. Jennie ato, 77 Also, Mrs. Arthur Zinser and Point; Mrs. James Richard and • AORYUQ nJLYim SURFACE OF OUR INHERITANCE, DON'T YOU THINK IT'S CAPTAIN EASY BY CROOKS & LAWRENCE HIGH TIME YOU PASSED THE COOKIES? Oakwood Rd.; Mrs. Irma Bor- daughter, Old Stafford Rd.,Tol- son, 42 Edwards St.; Mrs. Ray- sotU, Gilead St., RET> 1, He- land; '^Mrs. Stephen Sanborn mond Janeczek and s


^ L E Y OOP'S PURSUIT OF CARL [TH E CURRENT V lO A lN l C O U R T FEES IS INTCRRUPTED WHEN THE GROUND BEGINS TO TREMBLE, AND GUZ SHOUTS A WARNING MONDAY THRU FRHJAY FROM BELOW' 1»n hr HtA, lac. TM leg US Pat Qlt YOUR Support is NEEDED to encourage the 7 A.M. - 5 P.M. (Secondary ’Hme) $ 6.00 (per hour per court) m Wf 5 P.M . -12 P.M . (P rim e T im e) $10.00 (per hour per court) WEEKENDS L A N C E L O l BY CO^R and PENN Bocntl of Directors to odd it to the 1971-72 7 A.M . - 5 P.M . (P rim e T im e) „ $10.00 (per hour per court) / LAWCe, t THINK IT'E \ /YEAH.X &UE5^,\ A LITTLE OFF \ 5 P.M . -12 P .M . (Secondary T im e) $ 8.00 (per hour per court) '/ TIME YOU WENT TO THE ) */ YOU'RE RI0HT.M THE TOP AND > ^ Budget. . PABBER SHOP/ TRIM ARDUNR \ THE E R B E E ./ Vi [ t e n n i s f o r u m INC. PHONE 872-0677 | IS PA R K ST., SUITE 9 . LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON I ROCKVILLE, CONN. 06066 | V 'f S(fS/^A la NAME ...... I Sponsored By Manchester Jaycees S(^i SHO^ I ADDRESS ...... * Sa I ...... T E L ...... I

I WOULD BE INTERESTED IN ...... MEMBERSHIPS. n Ce^ 'PI Oea'I Pssita'si Car^ J MANCaiESTTJR EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1971 PAGE SEVENTEEN PAGE SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1971 Montreal’s Old Pros, Two Rookies Red Sox Back H o m e ^ i”""* Cepeda Hitting Spree By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS American League BATTING (20 at bats)— So-So on Road Trip McKinney, Chte.,- .466; Buford, Combine to Upset Mighty Bruins ___ Balt., .440. Sparks Braves’ Win at Fenway for Boston a year ago said, "I RUNS — Buford, Balt., 12; By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS BOSTON (AP) — The American League Boston Red Sox finally just keep throwing toe best I , NEW YORK (AP) toree-game sweep of Ctacln- their game-winning rally in toe series, 1-0, and then 3-2, they series to go the fuU seven play who had the Bruins talk­ Ihe rookie netminder said East Division play their second home , ®‘®*’®rt and Carl Yas- can and let toe chips fall where * "L , Hittine aeainst ' Woodv natl’s defending champions fourth inning a g ^ t MUt Pap- BOSTON (A P )— Mont­ remained unruffled. real’s old pros came games. The Canadiens open ing to themselves. glove saves he made against W. L. Pet. G.B. game of the 1971 season 1” ®“ ®“ *'®” ®® " ^ ^ h n f W n a 3-2, 5-3 double triumph: pas. In toe firet inning of the their semi-final series at home Ken Hodge got the Bruins off Orr in the second period and ”We were such underdogs It througfh as usual, but it Baltimore 8 2 .800 — today after a so-so road ® victory. Slebert tossed Reggie Smith and Billy Cctilg- ;* * nv. r\ ^ a n ^ ^ Houston tripped Los Angeles 8- second game, the Giants rocked Tuesday night against the Min­ to a 1-0 lead in the first (oeriod, Esposito in the third were wasn’t even funny,” Richard trin^w S nn O ^ Ave-hltter to best Dean liare were toe only other Red ~ Orlando Cei^a. g, St. Louis tamed ^ k San rookie Bill Bonham for four was rookie Ken Dryden Wash. 6 6 .600 3 nesota North Stars, vdio upset but FVank Mahovlich tied it at among his biggest. said. "But we’ve always been Boston 6 6 .500 3 trip wnicn ended on a chance in a tight pitching duel. Sox batters to hit safely as K C.. 16; Kaltae, Det., But Sunday It was a least. and toe New York runs, including Healy’s two-run and 24-year-old Pete Ma^ St. L>ouls in six g^mes. 14:48, then three minutes later “ I don’t think I’ve ever had as at our best when the chips New York 5 6 .466 SMi n ^ py note with Sunday S while Yaz produced toe game’s Chance actuaUy outpitched Sie- The AUanta first baseman jjg^g Pittsburgh Pirates single. Healy then crashed a hovlich—both getting: their In Sunday’s night's only Rejesm Houle tipped in a Pete lucky a save as the one on were down. That’s our trade­ Cleveland 4 5 .444 1-0 Victory at Detroit. ' °"Iy run with a leadoff homer in bert except tor Yastrzemski’s DOUBLES — Rojas, K.C., 6; fed on his long-time nemesis gpj^ ^ york won toe two-run homer in toe fourth. Manager Eddie Kasko’s club ttie fourth inning. \ homer. 'The onetime ace of toe H U®