KENDALL Aavings in Employe Time That We Bum, ’ Hut the Embarraaament We Were
f . V '' f"' i. ' T U E S D a V , D E C E M B E R 77, 1 9 U . \' ATtrige DisUjr Net Press Raa Thi Wtsthtr \ iKan»lrf#pr JEoenfno flrraUi . Far ttw Waak Radad Fireew l at V. B. Weather Bateaa Dae. 84. 1668 >-f * ‘ ' ' “ h The Dorcas OHmp of the Soubi Herrmanns Get Fair,: net quite as eeRI teaigkt. tetbodUt Church will meet At the Dedicates Deeds to New Church Property W FOR MAXIMUM HEAT apd TROUBLE FREE OPBBAtlON ^ 11,805 AboutTown !b tomorrow morning at t:S(l( A' Law i'5-86.,Thursday, sonie riandL rug making. f . WorA from Son r al the A«6M aeaa, warmer. High la aslddle 86a. Altwrt H. BoMuc, (uhMr‘1 maU af I a m iiii TON. SO Ford St., rattirn- M anthM ^r^A City a/ ViUag» Charm •d t « NottoUc,*Va.. Nov. SO aboard ^ _ iple ChaptSr. No. 58, Order In Flood Area of the. Eastern Star, nill meet to t Use SHRL Furnace 01 j tAa daotroyer UBS VoKalcaaang. '' morrow at j8 p.m.-in.the Masonic ~ - OB Bunion ond Stokon Sold (CSasalflad Advartlatag ea Paga U ) whteli complatad a 17*wetk cniiw Mr. and Mre. Otto '-HwTihann, VOL. LXXV, NO. T4 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCtaESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28.1955 PRICE FIVE CENTS V v ^ tha 6th Fla«t In tha Madlter- Temple. Following .the business 6Md Sorvicod Promptly and EfRUiontly session, entertainment will be pro 618 Center St., recetvad m telegram -V- T ' "— vided and .refreslments will be Christmas night t r o jA ih ^ bon.
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