May / June 2017 | Tulsachamber.Com
VOLUME 93 / ISSUE 3 2017 JUNE / MAY | TULSACHAMBER.COM A WALKABLE REGION TULSA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION TULSA RUN 40 FACES FOR 40 YEARS 2017 INTERCITY VISIT DESTINATION UNVEILED FOLLOW US The Chamber Report (ISSN 1532-5733) is published bi-monthly by the Tulsa Regional Chamber, Williams Center ToWer I, One West Third Street, Suite 100, Tulsa, OK 74103, (918) 585-1201. Members receive a subscription for $12 paid from annual dues. Non-members can subscribe for $24 per year. Periodical postage is paid at Tulsa, OK. Publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertising. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Chamber Report, Williams Center ToWer I, One West Third Street, Suite 100, Tulsa, OK 74103. 2017 OFFICERS IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIR, CHAIR TULSA'S YOUNG PROFESSIONALS Phil Albert Daniel Regan IN THIS ISSUE UPCOMING EVENTS President, Pelco Structural, LLC Vice President, Price Family Properties, LLC CHAIR-ELECT AT-LARGE MEMBER PG 3 : VOLUNTEERS OF PG 15 : TYPROS FOUNDATION 06.27.17 Steve Bradshaw Stuart Solomon WE LOVE OUR THE MONTH PROJECTS: WHERE ARE THEY NOW? President & CEO, BOK Financial President & COO, Public Service Company TULSA REGIONAL CHAMBER of Oklahoma STATE OF THE STATE FEATURING IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIR VOLUNTEERS PG 4 : SOCIALLY SPEAKING Jeff Dunn AT-LARGE MEMBER GOVERNOR MARY FALLIN President, Mill Creek Lumber & David Stratton Cox Business Center Managing Director, JPMorgan Chase PG 5 : A WALKABLE REGION Supply Company 100 Civic Center, Tulsa | Noon-1 p.m. PRESIDENT & CEO AT-LARGE MEMBER Mike Neal, CCE, CCD, HLM Dick Williamson MARCH VOLUNTEER OF THE MONTH PG 9 : ONEVOICE COALITION Chairman Emeritus, T.
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