AMERICAN HUMOR: SEE ALSO ATTACHMENTS FOR INDIVIDUAL AMERICAN AUTHORS by Don L. F. Nilsen English Department Arizona State University Tempe, AZ 85287-0302 (
[email protected] ) Anderson, Don. "What's So Funny, America?" The Elks Magazine 65.9 (April, 1987): 22-23, 34-36. Ashley, Renée. "An Aesthetic of Anomaly: Edward Taylor's `Preface' To His `Gods Determinations,' My Mother And The Trolley, And Some Thoughts on Involuntary Comedy." Studies in American Humor NS3.4 (1997): 15-46. Axelrod, Mark. "Seven Card Stud and the Scarlet Letter Writers." Studies in American Humor. NS3.2 (1995): 85-97. Bean, Annemarie, James V. Hatch, and Brooks McNamara, eds. Inside the Minstrel Mask/ Readings in Nineteenth-Century Blackface Minstrelsy. Hanover, NH: Wesleyan University Press of New England, 1996. Becker, Allienne R. The Divine and Human Comedy of Andrew M. Greeley. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2000. Bergmann, Linda S. "Epic, Parody, and National Identity: George Washington in Nineteenth-Century American Humor." Studies in American Humor. NS3.2 (1995): 1-22. Bennett, Barbara. Comic Visions, Female Voices: Contemporary Women Novelists and Southern Humor. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 1998. Berger, Arthur Asa. "Peanuts: The Americanization of Augustine." Humor in America. Ed. Enid Veron. NY: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1976, 298-304. Berkove, Lawrence I., ed. “`Pahnenit, Price of the Land of Lakes.” Nevada Historical Society Quarterly 31.2 (1988): 79-118. Berkove, Lawrence I. “Samuel Post Davis.” Dictionary of Literary Biography, Volume 202: Nineteenth- Century American Fiction Writers Ed. Kent P. Ljungquist. Detroit, MI: Gale Research, 1999, 92-99. Berkove, Lawrence I. “Western Mining Camp Literature: Nevada.” Updating the Literary West Fort Worth, TX: Texas Christian University Press, 1997, 99-116.