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File: a2290599577_16.jpg (81 KB, 700x700) Good Noisecore Albums Anonymous 11/21/20(Sat)02:00:04 No.99679854 ▶ >>99680673

>> Anonymous 11/21/20(Sat)02:43:18 No.99680673 ▶

>>99679854 (OP) I like noise rock and but noisecore is a hybrid genre that nobody really needed. The Locust is okay I guess

>> Anonymous 11/21/20(Sat)02:51:23 No.99680802 ▶

My all times favorite. Hope you enjoy https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5JmKqVUrwkIspArojA22wJHQI-gEu7pp

>> Anonymous 11/21/20(Sat)03:00:43 No.99680947 ▶ >>99680975 >>99681007

I used to have a shirt of this album until my friend's sister stole it. Lobster Mage is his best album imo. Nice to see Yatagarasu getting appreciation though. I saw him live a couple times. All the music except the noise cones from a NES, and the noise comes from guitar effects pedals he set up on the floor and would turn on and off with his hands. You might like the band he played guitar and sing in, Femoral, and an old "J-pop" cybergrind thing he did, Bishonen Idolpop Genocaust (only the soundclick page remains as far as I can tell. I also recommend Thing-Worker, Watabou, Iamerror, Bubblegum Octopus, Gtuk, and Horse The Band, and Fork Sister.

>> Anonymous 11/21/20(Sat)03:02:49 No.99680975 ▶

>>99680947 These aren't "noisecore" though they're just stuff that sounds similar. Maybe also check out cutting pink with knives, melt-banana, an albatross, and the locust)

>> Anonymous 11/21/20(Sat)03:04:03 No.99681007 ▶

>>99680947 * Correction: He also used a drum machine at least on some of his material.

>> Anonymous 11/21/20(Sat)03:05:13 No.99681029 ▶

Also Les Trucs is good.

>> Anonymous 11/21/20(Sat)03:07:41 No.99681076 ▶

Also Fizzy Dino Pop good

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