Where to from Here Cognition How can you know where you are going if you don’t really know where you come from? This book We dedicate to the children of Israel. Where to from Here, Cognition by André M. Slade & Katarína Križáni Third edition. Revised: September 2014

Edited and verified by Inanna Interior graphics by Enki Book cover: design by Enki & graphics by Steve Rubin and Inanna

Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611.

Copyright © 2014 by André M. Slade. Library of Congress Control Number: 2014917618 ISBN: Hardcover 978-1-4990-9012-3 Softcover 978-1-4990-9010-9 eBook 978-14-990-9011-6

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Foreword in a nutshell...... 9 Book guide...... 12

1. The Age of Now...... 15

2. Scientific Fakt...... 45

3. Archaeology...... 67

6. Archaeoastronomy...... 89

5. U - Manity...... 113

6. The Book of Wisdom...... 145

7. Body, Mind and Spirit...... 191

8. Reset...... 223

9. Destiny...... 247

From the dark...... 283 Important extra links...... 301 Bibliography...... 303

Foreword in a nutshell

There is only one truth that unites humanity: The Genesis Odyssey. Everything else is YOUR personal illusion thereof.

Writing the first two editions gave me the knowledge to describe higher dimensions previously only known to me as metaphysics. I had always wondered about spirituality, the religious aspect of humanity and “the Fear of God”.

I have lived an incredible life to here with all the usual attachments to modern society as you know them to be. I struggled at school and was a below average student. I took every day in my stride, yet in my head, I was fighting authority and control with every part of me. I have an artistic side to me that made me feel more at home in a technical high school. I was seldom interested in competing, and I fail to see the purpose of rugby and football. Because my Dad was a military man, our family was sent to South West Africa during the Border War against terrorism. I loved the freedom of living there, yet I moved back to South Africa at the age of 21.

In 1999, I started introspecting my illusion to find answers to so many questions: both personal and general.

9 The subjects I have concentrated on seemed to be of interest to most; they were good conversational topics. The only problem was that as my knowledge increased, so did my passion, and I was shunned many times for the display of it. I had no choice but to write to release the frustration of having become so incredibly misunderstood.

I had no idea of what I was doing, but once I had started, I could not stop. I had always thought about writing and also made no secret of that, and now, it was my time.

At first, I was writing about my failed relationship but soon realized that there was something deeper, something more significant, leading my obsession with the truth. Writing was just a tool, and at times I was disappointed at my lack of fully comprehending the art of writing at school. It did, however, not detour me, and I thought that if it was significant enough, it would not matter and nor would citations. If you by any chance see your work here not cited, it is only because the very short time We had to complete this project; make peace with it. This was possible because you had fulfilled your universal task in so diligently gathering information. Thank You!

I knew I had freedom, and taking a wrap on the knuckles was not something I was unfamiliar with. My frustration at what’s going on around me and the state the world is in was enough inspiration to make some sense of it all.

On my journey, instead of looking forward in the wrong direction, I turned back and headed upstream as usual. I found so much; the trick however lay in separating the truth from the lies and bullshit. There are so many opinions around the same subject, and I found my lack of knowledge a disadvantage. It led me to expanding the subject range at the risk of becoming incoherent. I now only see the value in having published my journey from the start. In a way, I am “embarrassed” about some of the statements, but standing back looking in, I can only smile.

It took me 4 years to conceive the information that I had so diligently been gathering and compiling. I admired people who had managed

10 to make a success of their chosen fields, yet I was at peace with the fact that I was not going to be one of them. My diverse aptitude made me chop and change as my level of boredom in a specific subject increased. The closer I got to the truth, the more I realized that it was so well hidden that it would make very little sense to anyone stuck in this illusion.

The significant changes I had brought about in my life slowly restored my mind. Now, seeing in others where I had come from, I realize how severely I was influenced by this illusion. The information presented is entirely based on what is easily available to humanity.

Everything written here has been superlatively proven.

When Katarína joined the project, She was so excited; She did not need a second invitation. She saw the value of my work, and She trusted my word, yet She checked everything, applying the saying “Trust, but check.”. She was determined to do anything to help me deliver the message correctly, to the best of Our ability at the time. She became an intricate part of this amazing journey with passion, and Her spiritual connection was blatantly obvious. She started searching, proving, disproving, analysing, correcting, finding gaps, adding Her knowledge and going into detail, much to my frustration.

As time went on, Her stubborn nature proved to be extremely valuable as She took a lot of convincing, and convincing a Genius of Logics is not easy. She also introduced Human Design, Moon cycle and Louise Hay. I eventually allowed Her, as editor to write. Her comprehension of written English is excellent, but Her accent came through strongly. I left most of it without correcting Her; it has a nice ring to it. Anyway, She insisted on Her identity in the book. Her passionate dedication to this deserves the highest reward.

André M. Slade

11 Book guide

Forget everything you have learnt! Open your mind like a child.

Most of the things you know are deception; now, it is time to get to know the truth for the very first time. Be objective, and do not reject anything because of YOUR associations. Do not judge the book by its cover; go deeper. Put aside your fears, your indoctrinated views, and just read and conceive. Read as you never read before. For full understanding of what is revealed here, you need to have a Bible handy: any will do as it is about the message. We used King James Version and New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures; the latter made it easier for both of Us, being newcomers to these Scriptures. At first, there were numbers next to key words representing numerology values to help Us keep track, but it became a bit messy. We have included tables of Sumerian, English, Roman and Universal numerology1, a system of assigning numerical values to letters thus translating them into the universal language of figures. The tables are for your reference; it’s pretty easy to figure out. Remember that in Hebrew numerology/gematria, A is always 1. But don’t let this scare you; although it goes much deeper, We have put the most important

1 the ancient metaphysical science of converting letters into numbers (A=1, B=2, C=3 etc.) to uncover the hidden meanings of words and vice versa. 12 codes in brackets behind the words for YOU. Many words are applied incorrectly today. If you do not understand the word, do not use common dictionaries as they will only confuse you; search for the origin of the word to truly understand its meaning. Before you start searching, install DuckDuckGo, and use it only. This search engine does not track you like Google does. Words in Italic are used for published titles, brands and all inner thoughts. “Quoted” is both for citation and irony/dispute as there are numerous Wikipedia, dictionary descriptions and “common knowledge” postulates that are grossly incorrect. Anyway, YOUR history will have to be rewritten now. We used Our own version of citing based on Chicago style. (Words in brackets) are explanations of the words they follow. Footnotes with definitions and references are at the bottom of pages. All references were checked the day before submission of this manuscript; therefore, We did not include the dates of access in footnotes but the source publication dates. Louise Hay is also cited below page that contains a medical condition. Last but not least, keep your emotions on a leash. Do not let them prohibit you from understanding.

Katarína Križáni


14 1. The Age of Now

“Mommy, who is God?” “No, my boy, that is a question that you may not ask.” “But, but, but why not?” “Because no one knows that answer.”

That’s not an answer, Mom! an inquisitive little Tiger thought. As the little God of His creation, He decided to find His own logical answers; He slowly started unrolling the scroll of His destiny. It took Him on an Odyssey far beyond His wildest dreams ... Now ... this little Tiger has turned into a great Lion and is standing right in front of YOU. He is ready to fight. He opens His mouth, and the roar comes out. Everybody runs, hides or fights. Not because of His jaws, neither the claws, because ... He has the most powerful weapon in the world: THE TRUTH

15 What the roar?

YOU all seem to be at war with your fellow man. Is it because societies are so incredibly brainwashed by the aggression and obsession of a small minority? Or is it because you cannot face anything other than what fits into YOUR primitive perception? Or is there another reason? Most people are in a “crisis of consciousness” and need to change ways so radically. Majority of the world’s readers stick to novels, someone else’s fantasy; only few read to enlighten themselves. The rest believe that television keeps them up to date with world matters, but, in fact, TV and media are “the eye of the beast” that keeps them ignorant. Is it a human trait to shun and ignore new ideas that do not initially make sense and eventually kill the messenger? Look at you cloning your pets. It is also possible to reintroduce certain prehistoric and extinct animals; it has now also gotten to the point where human DNA is mixed with animals, creating beasts. Man has become the re-creator. There is a strong but ignorant following of ancient traditions, scriptures and dictators, yet you live in the most amazing age of information. There is wealth at your fingertips, yet you know so little about things that matter and which have become available to man- kind. The age of domination has ended, but you do not realise it. All you do is survive from day to day. There is no direction or wisdom in your leadership, and the journey is blind. The answer to that lies in collective thought. But based on what?

16 A system of ownerism that fuels you, religions that keep you ignorant and in exile or traditions that dictate your mind-set?


At present, you live in society based on “extinct bullshit” and lies; the word sheeple makes such sense. Why are there so many people spending so much time in finding ways of cheating the system to gain instant wealth? Why does the law protect criminals? No one owes anyone anything yet there is a greed for glory, without the need for the responsibility. The kind of glory that money buys? Capitalism is the system that every country in the world is based on. Its motivation is not to satisfy people’s need, but to make a profit. Within it, you are just subjects of world-wide business. The rich are getting richer, and ironically they are not becoming fewer, contrary to popular belief. The poor, on the other hand, are getting poorer and multiplying at an alarming rate. Crime is a factor that is out of proportion by any man’s standards, and a prevalent aggression is influencing your very being. You are living in fear, in homemade jails, paying huge premiums just to be alive. What is this constant feud that is taking place in the world nowadays? You have lost sight of humanity, and you have lost touch with Mother Earth, the very place that bore you. Are you just going with the flow because it is easier; because it’s all about convenience at present? Well, dead fish go with the flow; YOU are the ones who ignorantly fuel the system!

17 Hmmmoney

Very few people know something about it if anything. Do YOU know that there is not even enough money to go around? If everyone should withdraw what they have available right now from their bank accounts and disregard their debt, not even 4 percent of all people will have money in their hands. What about the rest of you? All the money you own are only figures in the computer. For every $ 110 printed there is $90 worth of debt attached to it. Have you had a close look at your money lately? Nowhere does it state that it is redeemable for whatever reason it was created/printed, like say gold reserves. Did you know that The Federal Reserve System created $16 trillion 2 to finance Wall Street between 2004 and 2010? It is all false and an illusion. Open your eyes! They have bought YOUR countries with falsely created money. On this planet, 1 percent of its population owns 40 percent of the wealth. Take the oil industry for instance: a major portion of the world’s wealth lies here. Why? Because large oil companies refuse to make way for new ideas. It is all about control and wealth; those who have it are hanging onto it for dear life. The Formula 1 racing industry is huge, and one can argue that it leads to future developments within the motor industry. It is only steered that way to keep oil producers in business. Imagine if there was an international race for vehicles that use no fossil fuel. And if it was started 40 years ago, where would it have been by now compared to F1? Priorities, priorities!

1 symbol representing US Dollar, the currency of the Federal United States. 2 or “a million million” is the number followed by 12 digits. 18 Apathy is rife, and it is not wealth and power that enslave humanity but rather the clinging to their image. Humans are so driven by earthly possessions and status, which are setting trends and examples hard to come by. People get lost chasing the image of “aristocracy”3. Is that why the human-kind became a human “race”? YOU are brain washed and programed by most of what goes on in the media and advertising world, and there is a false perception of what life is all about. So many rules and regulations, and if you do not comply, you are shunned. Think about your perception of what a beautiful woman should look like; every person who is natural is already at a disadvantage. Not even photographs tell the truth anymore: they are illusions. As is most of life. Looks and possessions take preference above personality and freedom from bondage. Those who are insecure about themselves are now trying to become someone else with the help of plastic surgery. After all, that is what society dictates: mine is better than yours! You have missed the point and are living in total disillusion, a lie created by your desire to join the elite. The present monetary system is stimulating population growth in order to increase country collateral or stock, calling it advance. They keep on “creating” more money which just returns back to them in the form of interest. Germany has a negative population growth, and the government is worried about it. Why? Because the is losing stock. Iceland has set an example to the world and is a model country at this stage: Iceland is a small European country with fewer than

3 rule by the best, from Greek áristos meaning best and krátos meaning strength, power . 19 half a million4 people. In the recession of 2008, its entire banking structure failed. What did Icelanders do? They chose not to help the banks as “normally” practised. Instead, they wiped out all the debt of their people and started from zero. Although they were much criticized for it, the world now sees that they made a smart decision.5 The interest-based monetary system is not working, and everybody knows it; financiers on the highest positions know it the best when they say: “It is crashing!”. It is simply not a sustainable system. There have been so many bank executive suicides/ murders in 2014 that We lost count. Duh ... !


Overpopulation has resulted in all your problems. Governments promote population growth by giving grants according to the amount of children women have, yet more than 20 thousand children die per day. The world is out of balance, and you are oblivious to it due to “moral obligation”. At the moment, babies are made to get more grant money. This problem is also more significant in areas where the education level is at its most primitive, and it sticks to a specific breed of human: the brown-eyed variant. What if the grant system was revised, and you now get a grant for having the snip (vasectomy)?

4 or “a thousand thousand” is the number followed by 6 digits. 5 Tracey Greenstein, “Iceland’s Stabilized Economy Is A Surprising Success Story”, 20/2/2013, http:// www.forbes.com/sites/traceygreenstein/2013/02/20/icelands-stabilized-economy-is-a-surprising- success-story/

20 Nigeria has finally realized that they have a problem with overpopulation, and they have kindly asked the people to stop having kids for a while. They grew from 45 million in 1960 to 158 million in 2010: that means they more than tripled in 50 years. If you have any idea what conditions these people live in, you will understand what I am saying. I can only describe it as being unfit for any self-respecting human being; it is truly horrendous. In relation to a slightly smaller country like California with a population of 37 million, there is no comparison. Their worst conditions are some of the best for majority of that population. Did you know that in 1804 the world’s population was 1 billion6 and about 10 generations later, you are exceeding 7 billion? In nature, there is no overpopulation of animals unless humanity has had something to do with it. Snakes are killed without thought; when you have too many rats, you look at the government to do something. YOUR ignorance is the result of inadequate education (lame TV programmes and schooling system). It makes me wonder why they are called programmes. Why is that medium not better applied and teachers not chosen for their wisdom and given more freedom and support? Nature or earth studies should be a subject at schools with structure that supports it. In truth though, no one can be taught anything, and the present schooling system is bullshit. The natural cycle of life has been disrupted. Animals are culled in game reserves to keep the population pure and in good condition, and that is fact. What makes Homos so different? After all, they are still part of this planet’s animal kingdom. Here is a concept that makes a statement that cannot be overlooked. I am a concept man, and this drew me like a magnet:

6 or “a thousand million” is the number followed by 9 digits. 21 In the 1990’s, crime in America was rising relentlessly, and predictions said it would rise dramatically in the following 10 years and chaos would infiltrate everywhere. Suddenly, it radically started dropping: it went to the lowest it had been in 30 years. No one had a clue as to why. It was later discovered by various experts, that the real culprit other than the “tougher crime laws” and “booming economy” was the legalization of abortion, the result of a young woman’s victory over the state that spread throughout the USA. Unwanted children growing up in bad conditions are more likely to become criminals.7 The crime is directly linked to overpopulation. Because you are so many, so many have no purpose in their lives; so many have no home, no love, no role models, no direction and so many turn to crime, drugs or other escapes from this chaos. That makes me think of all the addicts the world has to deal with. Holland is a prime example of coping with this issue: Did you know that they have the lowest amount of addicts per capita in the world? Prostitution is taxable, and addicts are treated like the sick (because they are). They get their fix from the government. There is only a 3 percent success-rate with rehabilitation. Surely, that has to tell you that once you admit you have a problem with addiction, it is up to you to solve it or not, not the rehabilitation centre.

7 Steven Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner, Freakonomics (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2009), Chapter 4. 22 Governmentals8

In all my years of research, this was the best find: In a world that has had the wool pulled over their eyes for a very long time, it came to my attention that you are ignorantly forced into believing that your votes make a difference to what happens in your governments. The Republic of South Africa, one of many, has no legal government. It is in fact a registered corporation: CIK# 0000932419 with Head in Washington DC; South Africa’s president is the Chief Executive Officer puppet. The laws that apply to corporation are Commercial/Maritime/Roman laws. That entitles him to spend as he wishes hence his new multi-million house. The reason for this is even scarier. It is registered with the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC); that enables it to deal directly with the Federal Reserve System of the United States. As a result, Federal Law became YOUR law. Take a closer look at some details like Rule 30(1): Peremptory Writ of Mandamus or rather a formal written command. A more exact definition of a peremptory writ of mandate is “a final order of a court to any governmental body, government official or a lower court to perform an act the court finds is an official duty required by law”. To cut a long story short, you don’t work for them, so they cannot make any demands on you. This means that the population of countries registered to the SEC are all free people and that no officer of the law or any employee of that corporation has any jurisdiction over any one of YOU. That is because they are working for a corporation, and they are

8 from Latin gubernare meaning control + mentis meaning mind= mind-control. 23 under corporation laws set by that corporation. The only law acceptable for humanity is Common Law, based predominantly on Divine Law, The law of God. In truth, YOU answer to God only. Democracy is also just an extension of the illusion created by the federal structure. The money power of the world or the so called Illuminati controls it all, including you. True sovereignty finally died with The French Revolution, the start of corporation. Kind of reminds me of the story of the Israelites when they were in exile in Egypt. What is the goal: World domination? The ALPHA OMEGA of wealth? You are kept ignorant in a comfort zone which is slowly slipping away, and you simply re-adjust your standards and hope that God will guide you to freedom.


Apparently, the problem in South Africa started with apartheid. Well, that is the perception that has been created. For what purpose though? The rest of Africa did not have it in their transition into civilization so it could not affect them adversely; yet it has been much worse there than here in South Africa. Africa has no structure in the countries where Blacks are in charge; if not dictators, then terrorists rule. Apartheid has become their cover-up for the ignorance within the Black kind. The flip side of the coin is they joined our civilization straight from the bush and never contributed any intellectual property; they simply hijacked it, just like Animal Farm. If the White kind was never created, Earth would have

24 remained primitive indefinitely. It was that way for at least 55 million years until they showed up. Where did apartheid come from? And why specifically Blacks were used as slaves? Idea of apartheid was segregation of two kinds; Whites and Blacks were living apart. It was not about hate but about hierarchy. What is this superiority White Homo sapiens have, and what led them to influence the world the way they did? Why are they the original inventors and trend setters? Why do Blacks wear wigs every day, Indians bleach their skin with peroxide and Mongolians widen their eyes9 with plastic surgery to the White man’s image? Why is he their idol; what do you think is the most sold colour of contact lenses? Is it because White man is meant to be their Gods? Face facts, Africa is a mess and no one knows why. It is believed by many scientists that humanity originated there. What happened? Where did it all change? What made it change? Was it perhaps that the ones born with advanced genes moved away to let God’s most basic human creation be in their natural environment? On White man’s return, they introduced capitalism and religion and let’s not forget Roman leadership to them. Blacks claim to have been in Africa before Whites, and now there are land claims, when no human owns Mother Earth. In America, the so-called land of the free, nothing can be said of Blacks; you will be raked over the coals for “”, a non-existent concept; let’s call it kindism. Truth is that 75 percent of black babies are born outside of marriages; 70 percent of black males dessert their children and the mothers of their children; 60 percent of black families are led by

9 Kyung Lah, CNN, “Plastic surgery boom as Asians seek ‘western’”, 23/5/2011, http://www.cnn. com/2011/WORLD/asiapcf/05/19/korea.beauty/index.html 25 10 single mums. It’s no different here. There are over 12 million members of Blacks in jails in the USA; that is over 25 percent of South Africa’s legal population. Does this not raise concern with the people? Most turn a blind eye to that fact. The sad part is that males are causing the problems, even their females are complaining. Did you know that it costs about $25,000 per year to imprison one inmate and that there are more guns than adults in USA? I have to remind you that guns do not kill people; people kill people. The ANC (African National Congress) Government took away border patrol, and now there are so many people streaming into South Africa from central Africa because things are bad there. This is also happening in America with Mexicans, and who is in charge there? The that were meant for the “natives” are snapped up by illegal immigrants because their labour is cheaper and there are no issues for with regard to civil rights unions and paperwork. Why is it that immigrants are given so many rights in countries they infiltrate and the law protects them no matter what they get up to? The Prime Minister of Australia, Kevin Rudd, addressed the nation and said that they are Australians and they have built that country with their own traditions and religion. Therefore, if you want to live in Australia, then you in short “fit in or fuck off, and that is it”. You can guess who complained: their religion compels them to take over the world. The Chinese have also now invaded South African waters with their long-liner fishing ships; this is thanx to the criminal Mandela. With the Pacific now officially dead, the result of their kind’s “mishaps”; they come here. There has been a government

10 Hope Gillette, “Face the Facts: Out of wedlock births steadily rising”, 17/10/2012, http://voxxi. com/2012/10/17/out-of-wedlock-birth-rising 26 dispute about a corrupt maintenance deal for the coast guard maintenance contract; as a result, there is no one to look after this natural resource. Money is the root of all evil, and I wonder how much the government corporation is being paid for that little fishing privilege.


The biggest army of the world are farmers, the core of a nation’s survival. At this point, a large percentage of food resources are being imported. South Africa became a food importer for the first time in 2007; this is not a good sign, and you are oblivious to it. It is also a proven fact that the farms that have been redistributed to the historically “disadvantaged” Blacks have stopped producing. Then the agricultural grants got eliminated, and 600 thousand farm workers lost their jobs. Equipment was being sold for survival; slowly, the farming system has become a mess. They are supposed to be the people feeding the country, yet they are victims of the worst murders. To date in this present regime, there have been 3000 active farmers murdered11, leaving only about 13,000 farmers to serve a population of 50 million. Terrorism is alive and well. Big corporations like Monsanto are now the new owners who pull the strings. Why are you allowing yourselves to be pulled down to that level? Why do you keep on thinking it will come right? I have news for you: it has to hit rock bottom first.

11 SA Patriot, Latest News From South Africa, http://www.netcomuk.co.uk/~springbk/news.html 27 To be, not to BEE!

Black Economic (BEE) is a programme launched by the South African government to redress the “inequalities” of Apartheid by giving previously “disadvantaged” groups (black Africans, Coloureds, Indians and some Chinese who are SA citizens) economic opportunities previously not available to them. It includes measures such as Equity, skills development, ownership, management, socioeconomic development and preferential procurement. Companies are forced to become compliant to get contracts, otherwise they face sanctions. They are heavily taxed according to their structure of employment: female Blacks being tax exempt. Then they are forced to make donations to charities that are 80 percent black. Loans are advertised but are only granted to Blacks. The quality of services has taken a radical dip; as a result, foreign investors are thinking twice about investing here. Eskom, the local electricity supplier, has taken a loan from the World Bank, proving that they are corporation affiliated. Someone got greedy, and now they are currently under investigation for misconduct, so they simply load our bills with extra costs. The ANC has spent the entire government retirement fund, and now they are looking for every which way to try and make it back. As a last resort, just to add a bit more pressure to the survival, they have added an additional road tax system to the ones already in operation. Crime is part of animal instinct; it is in everyone’s genes. If you have it, you will use it when the need

28 arises. It is part of your make-up and part of basic survival, a 2-dimensional concept. At your most basic state of being, you revert back there. Take a dog as example, you can teach it not to take anything from anyone, but neglect him for a couple of days, and he will steal the food from your plate. I do not vote because I will not be led by a black ignorant African Ego junky, and BEE is one of the reasons why I walked away from the corporate world.


I am very young at heart, and I get along with the younger generation very well. I am constantly confronted by the lack of discipline and drive of many youngsters these days. The influences and examples that kids are bombarded with are just too overpowering, and most of them lose who they were born to be. They are caught between two worlds. It is not fair on their individuality, and, as a result, they take a long time to find themselves, if they ever do. In South West Africa, there was a border war in the 80’s. Young men were called up to the army. You had a choice: it was army or jail. So we all went to do national service as white South Africans. Many were killed and the war scarred many more. It was a war against terrorism. I enjoyed learning my own discipline, something that is missing today. Most parents are stuck in jobs that pay the bills but make them miserable. So many people’s lives “depend” on status, and they go all out to get to the top of the ladder. It consumes them to such an extent that it’s no longer about survival. To put a cherry on

29 top, you have this uncanny drive to multiply, adding pressure to the environment. You have kids, yet majority of you don’t have a clue as to what cost and responsibility is involved. Some parents have them as status symbols; other as objects of possession to the extent where they severely cripple them to draw pity donations. Mum has to get a to sustain the standard of living, and that is where the problem starts. Living in the city is not all it’s cut out to be because you have a 50 percent chance of living next to the Joneses 12. Now, you find yourselves in a catch 22 situation that is very hard to get out of. It’s called debt. Next comes the problems related to the “no-one- home” syndrome. Is the crèche on the way to work good enough for our kids or is there maybe a better one just a bit further? So, you have the best crèche, and the child seems happy once it gets over the initial shock of getting left there every morning. How confusing it must be for the poor little soul, but do not fear, they all seem to get used to it (what torment). Next, you find that you have to put in some extra hours because mum had to get a better car to get to work with. Anyway, time is now a problem because there are not enough hours in a day to spend with the kids and have some time for yourself. From here, the problem increases because as the child grows up, it has all the problems of a neglected child, and you do not understand why. ADD is no problem because the doctor has some chemical for it. Next, you drug the poor little creatures to calm them down, and then they grow up on drugs. Then, while you are at it, the dog gets it because it is a nuisance too. Ritalin is derived from Black pepper seed in the same

12 from idiom “keep up with the Joneses” meaning to try to match the lifestyle of one’s neighbours. 30 way as is Morphine or heroin derived from Poppy seed (opium or poppy jucice was the first known painkiller; ancient Sumerians used it). All medicines are processed sugars/acids derived from some plant, fungus or animal. I cannot believe you give that stuff to your creations; give them a more natural drug like Tetra hydro Cannabinol (THC). Anyway, perhaps that child is that way for another reason and needs stimulation because it is special in a non-medical way and does not need to be classified in a medical term. You may even find that the poor kid has a shortage of some vital nutrients. But who cares; the medical industry has provided a flimsy quick fix! Just pop another tab. The kid is so used to pills that it does not care any longer what drug it is taking. One of my guest’s 3-year-old son received Smarties (sugar-coated chocolate packed in tablet forms); later that day, he saw real tablets lying on a table, and he wanted them. If there was no one around at that point, it may have turned out to be a disaster. Let’s look at it from a different point of view: So, you decide you will stay home and look after the kids and not join the rest of the rat race and be a home executive. You are prepared for it, and you see the difference between your kids and the kids next door. Their little shits are out of control; yours are such nice kids; everyone notices, and you get compliments. Well done! There are a couple of potential problems though. Firstly, as house executive, you could become a bit bored or even depressed, and you start to neglect yourself. Partly because of the financial situation and partly because you are in a comfort zone, the kids kept you up last night or whatever. Husband is at work every day amongst all the dollies who are dressed up as they do for work. Every day, he comes

31 home to a wife who has had a hard day looking after the kids, and she is not looking as good. A potential problem is about to start developing. Be aware of it; it takes two to tango. Next thing is divorce: now, there is a single mum who has not worked for a couple of years, making her unemployable. By the way, this is so common, and you are so used to it, that you do not even give it a second thought any longer. So, the problem is now that the poor kids are at the core of this, and they are the ones taking the most strain. How is it possible to raise a nation with kids who grew up with anger and confusion like that? This has become such a way of life and it touches all of you. The kids grow up without their parents; what example should they get from that? They are so used to keeping themselves busy with TV or electronic games because there is no other stimulation. How can a child in this day and age have ambition or imagination? At school, there is a different influence introducing them to sex, drugs and alcohol at a very young age; so much so that it ruins entire families. There is a force far greater than you can begin to comprehend. During the time that I started writing the first edition I was single. I had a choice of single women all with one common denominator: they had all been married at the very least once in their lives. Now, in theory, it should not be a problem because shit happens in this day and age, as the saying goes. Man is man and infidelity prevails. Bearing in mind that it takes two, I always ask them one question, and, to my amazement, I have found that more than 60 percent of divorced women has either been sexually abused or molested as children. How fucked-up is that?! I am at a loss as to describing how much damage it has caused in their lives.

32 Girls take their father figure as the prime example of the first man they will ever love. If he violates that, they will carry that scar with them until they decide to let it go. What is it that has made the world so sick? How are they ever to know love if that was the example they had been impressed with at a growing stage of their lives? The flaw apparently is that it is “difficult to prove”. It should not exist in the first place, and it is bizarre that clergy of the Catholic Church are presently being convicted of extreme child abuse. What a scam!


Why does the word scam bring Nigerians up in my mind? I should have been the richest man alive by now with all the sweepstakes that I have won, and they do not back off. Scams have affected most of us at some stage or another. No matter how big or how small, there is a lot of that going on. A friend of mine had a paint shop, and he was contracted by a developer to supply and apply all the paint for a huge development. To cut a long story short, the developer liquidated the company and left my friend with a large amount of debt. He then got in the help of a debt collector who convinced him to sign over the debt to him. This person made a deal with the contractor and kindly told my friend where to get off. He got taken twice on one job: The sad part is he is still liable for R7 million, and his family is suffering for it. Do YOU have to tolerate this from YOUR legal system? I was also taken a couple of times on credit card fraud, sale of a business and various other ways.

33 Woo-men!

Women versus men, you all understand about the birds and the bees, I hope. But what is it with society and sex? Lust is your flaw because it drives most of you. Your animal DNA is strong, and possibly it was meant to be that way to teach you to get it under control, yet you just fuck along instead of being in control. Oh! In case you are offended by fuck; it’s an abbreviation for “Fornication Under Consent of the King” or something like that. Apparently, after some war, men did not return home; wives did not know whether their husbands had survived or not. The king needed to rebuild his nation, but somewhere along the line, Masonic “Royalty” forgot to withdraw that statement. The word has stuck though, and I hope to hell that it is not meant that way any longer. It is also the most versatile word in the English language by the way. When I am in the company of married mates, and we are having a bit of a brainstorm like men do, 99 percent of the time it ends up with the opposite sex, and sometimes, it even shies me. I am told by some reliable sources that a similar phenomenon happens when the girls are doing whatever they call it. So, you have two sides to the same story: When it is good in bed, sex is only 20 percent of the relationship, but when it is not, it becomes 80 percent of their problem. It is a woman’s best weapon and you use it. Women control the world with that, or so they like to think. Let’s face it guys: YOU are all a bit pussy whipped, and it controls you. It is a driving force from a very young age to get laid, and it crowds your minds. Before it goes to brainstorming, I better stop.

34 But what is it about pussy?! Humanity has confused lust with love because you are so desperate to find love, and sex is associated with it. Question is where and when did you become so disillusioned? Is it perhaps a result of marketing, or are you attached to your animal instinct through the food that you consume? Having ended up single again at the age of 47 and finding myself in a place seriously short of dating possibilities, I reluctantly turned to technology. I decided to try a dating site for 1 month; you write an ad about yourself to bait the trophy catch. You are able to specify areas, age, education and even income. I called myself Yin Yang, and my description of the ideal woman just said “balanced”. Next thing I know, I am spending half my day chatting to all these women. So I went back to the drawing board, only this time to tweak my spec so high that I would only get what the cream of the crop, oh, and my age group. This time it was a bit better, and I made contact with women more my taste or so I thought. After all, I was doing research and I had to keep an open mind. In the first two weeks, I was pulled into two scams by these gorgeous Russian chicks or not. I must say that I was pleasantly surprised at the support I received from the team behind the scene. At the same time, I was also sworn at, blocked and complimented; that came very welcome. I also got asked out on a date at an up market place. I had a good time and the lady was not bad company. Her friends were varied but also good fun. Well, when the evening ended, I got the very distinct feeling that I was being used as a decoy, and I just accepted it. After all, I was there for the food, fun and research. No expectations, no disappointment. As for the girl in question, however, being lovely and all, she was 35 very busy; one could tell by the way she answered her mails, always on the fly. She actually reminded me of the woman I had broken up with 3 months prior. After I had accepted the date with her, I was curious what her numerology number was, so I asked her date of birth. Ironically, she was also a #4, as the ex, and the date of birth was just 1 day different, both Leo. Wow! What are the chances?! My ex contacted me first and so did this lady; I put my tail between my legs. I was told once that when you break up, you should buy a puppy, and when that puppy is 2 years old, you are ready for the next relationship. Now, I fully understand that saying. You are creatures of habit; you just repeat what you know. To rid yourselves of that energy, you need to have solitude to find yourselves again. Solitude releases the cellular memory of that energy attachment over time. I then decided to change to a different site. This time, I wrote a short, honest profile. The profiles I saw always described only the good points of that person. I decided to just say it like it is and be blatantly honest. No more Mr. Nice Guy, just the truth! I posted my introduction with all my likes and dislikes. The response was overwhelming: even the ones that did not fit the description contacted me just to compliment me on the honesty. Why is there such an outcry for it?! Is it because there is always agenda? Due to wars and male longevity the world is short of men. Above and beyond this, some turn gay. What also worries me is how many real lesbians I have met. It is becoming such an accepted thing that no one even blinks an eye. They are legalizing it in governments and religions, and people are accepting it without question, while back in the day it was forbidden and punishable by death.

36 “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.” Leviticus 20:13

Old guests of mine, a lesbian couple I got along with well, have two amazing daughters from artificial insemination, same father donor. On their last visit, they were 5 and 7. What did disturb me to a very large extent was how much they craved the company of a “father”. The younger of the two told her “mothers” that she did not love them anymore because she loved me now. She spent every moment she could either sitting on my lap holding my hand or just showing affection towards me. At first, it made me very uncomfortable but they put me at ease and we let it be. Her purity brought tears to my eyes and made me wonder what effect not ever having a father figure will have later in their lives. The key to successful parenthood as everything 13 else is balance: Yin Yang , positive - negative, male - female, active – passive etc. As long as there is balance, there is harmony. YOU always have only two choices, no matter which way you look at it; the bad ones are heavier to bear. Whatever choice you make, you have to deal with. As you mature, you realize that one thing more; that is when they really hit home.

13 any two opposing complementary energies in Universe. 37 Kidding?

With regard to growing children and their problems, as you all know, most people grow wiser as they grow older, but why? When YOU are born, YOU are virtually pure souls because there have been no perceptions as yet. I say virtually because you got what your parents gave you. As you grow and learn, you develop your dimensionality which will eventually, depending on your receptivity, allow you to see things in 3 or more dimensions. According to your openness, your perceptions in life, like your experiences, maturity and love, mould who you become. A lot of who you become is influenced by the events that shape you to that point. Also, as you grow older, your DNA program changes or rather adapts to your perceptions. That means you evolve constantly until you shut down your perception. According to The Science of Human Design, at present, maturity is reached around 40. Take a couple of about 30 years or older. If they had made it to that age without having kids, I can almost guarantee you that they are considering it but are not sure of such a big step in life. How many single men are there over 30 who are thinking about children? They have perceived their peers and made a choice to either wait or just simply not interested. So, how is it then that you are still children when you have them? Let’s see how many times I can fault that practice: Point 1: You are still under the influence of your parents, who are probably still trying to figure out parenthood themselves. You do not know who you are yet because 38 you are still discovering your true self. Then, you add someone to your life who happily reciprocates the need for someone. That increases the magnitude of your dependency, making you go through life totally dependent; it becomes an addiction. This eventually effects your kids. Point 2: If your DNA has not matured, you are placing your child at risk by giving it only half of what it could get. You are building your immaturity into your baby; that is unfair not only to them but to yourself and society as well. It may very well be the cause of many problems you face as parents. Point 3: As you age, you gain stability in your life, and eventually you get to know your partner better. This is only a good thing as being in love (not lust) has a good effect on the body by releasing oxytocin; it forms a bond. This bond is absent during conception these days as “love” is only lust, very shallow and easily discarded; it is not yet matured. Point 4 : If you are older, you are more settled down and don’t have a need for a large social life. So you will not need a babysitter as often. Your beer money will pay for the kids’ education because you will be mature enough to make that choice. I am sure many of you have witnessed how bad the situation of single mothers can get. Point 5 : People say: “Yes, but that way, I get to grow up with my kids.”; that in itself is a foolish statement. At 21, kids are ready to leave home to find their own

39 identity. If you are a 40-year-old codependent person, it is very difficult to let go; whereas, 50-year-olds who have discovered themselves prior to having kids find that a blessing. If nothing else, at least, you will have a bit more brains and knowledge. If you get to that age, and your children are your friends, you will know you did the right thing.

Traditions & cultures

I was having a discussion with a very good friend of mine. We come from similar backgrounds, and we had a good rag at how people’s upbringing shows in everything they do. She was telling me about her parents and how they were so set on good table manners. I come from a family where dinners and especially Sunday lunches were a big issue: we had to get all cleaned up for Sunday Lunch. We had to dress up and be at our best behaviour. It was a 3-course meal, and I so remember my Mom cooking to her heart’s delight. She was passionate about it, and I recall some of the aroma so clearly; that made me love home, especially on Sunday morning. Even after I left home, I used to make an effort to visit on Sundays. It was a family event, and all animosity was forgotten. Meal time was the time that our family had to spend together; it was a time of communication and probably the most spiritual time that we had together as a unit. It was seldom a time for visitors, but on occasion, I remember some there. I also remember how we used to sort out between the 4 of us kids who was going to set the table and who was washing the dishes. The table was set in the proper way, and my Dad was very

40 meticulous about it. There was always red and white wine, and we were allowed a small helping thereof, even if just for the education. My Dad, being from a solid English family, and my Mom, a plainly special Afrikaans/Dutch lady, had that one thing they were ridged on. I must say that I now realize for the first time how important it was to have that time as a family. Till this day, I recognize the things within me that were instilled during this part of my life. That tradition for me holds high value, and it is sad that it has been lost. I implemented it in my family, and the mother of my childrenwent with it even though she was not brought up that way. I only had the first 9 years of my children’s lives to instil that, but it actually worked. I was amazed when I saw them after they had grown up; it was still there. I think all-round just that small and enjoyable tradition made them better people and gave them a bit of class. You are faced with a world that has been based on tradition. These days there are a couple of them at play. The one that intrigues me most is that of African and Malagasy tribes with regard to bestiality towards animals. In a world with so many variations, each tribe is hanging onto their identity with all their might. In the so-called civilized world that you have created, YOU ignorantly practise traditions, yet YOU have forgotten where you have traded them from. Most of the members of Zulu tribe grow up here in the rural areas, where they spend their younger years with their grandparents. The parents or rather the men are working in the big cities because the money is there. They send home what they can when they can. Sometimes, they do not see their families for months on end, even living double lives. It is expensive for them to make a living as it is, let alone

41 paying for a second household or visiting often. This is the case all over. The grandparents do the best they can raising the children, but they are instilling ancient beliefs into these kids. While I am on the subject, what is it with the Blacks and littering? YOU are the ultimate litter bugs. That really gets me going. When you are confronted, you simply say that you are creating jobs. Have you seen how much work there is just lying around, and you have such a high unemployment rate. No one is cleaning up, and you don’t give a shit about that. Open your eyes and look around you. You strike, and that is your right. Above and beyond the fact that you are not getting paid for that period, you go on the rampage and destroy things that cost money to repair. You inconvenience people’s lives, and that is not even mentioning the fact that you are setting a very bad example for the younger generation. The African syndrome. Muslims hate the world! Why? Is it because you are so desperately brain washed by your religion? While you worship the same God as “Christians”. Muslim is an Arabic word meaning one who submits to God. You have some traditions and beliefs that have me dumb struck. You have your wives’ faces covered so no other man can lay eyes on them. Where did trust go? Why are YOU not able to trust your wives of all people? Your men drive their families with fear, yet most of them would break free if they get half a chance. This practice is also an ancient one; you are stuck in a time warp. It is apparent YOUR religion does not teach the fundamentals of love. You think yourselves superior to the rest of the world. The Qur’an is the be all and end all of your lives, and it is amazing how much aggression your branch of Caucasians is showing towards the rest of the world (Genesis 16:12). Your so called holy book is certainly

42 not teaching you about mutual respect now, is it? That Book has made you non-receptive. Then there are the Chinese. Have you ever thought about this: you can buy printers for cheaper than what it costs to buy the cartridges? What strain is that putting the world’s resources under? But hey, it keeps the oppressed in jobs, and it is not as though you give a toss about Mother Earth. You are willing to eat anything: no matter how disgusting or precious. The world is in debt to the brim: it is debt that cannot be paid off. This has led to a situation with a very negative outcome: the person who is at the top of that ladder aspires to become king because he has rightfully bought the countries. The world has been reminded of this in so many ways, yet it was fogged off as conspiracy theories. Fact is that it is a reality. At this point in time, humanity has devolved to an exceedingly low level. There is an emptiness ruling the world at the moment. There is no respect left; and if there is, it’s darn hard to see. I have mentioned only couple of reasons why a change is imperative and there is a magnitude more. A mixture of cultures, perceptions, dogma, postulates and addictions have brought you to here. YOU are not facing major issues that stare you firmly in the face on a daily basis. Stop being so tolerant, non- receptive, self-centred and ignorant about what goes on around YOU! Money does not buy happiness, yet YOU are selling YOUR souls. You have been given a truly amazing gift; you simply just don’t realize how much so yet.

Get out of the box or rather get rid of it!

43 44 2. Scientific Fakt

From outside the box, what am I looking in at? Everything to do with humanity.

So where do I start looking for the basic blueprint of the human species when there are so many variations? Tiger debated within Himself. If I get all the fact together, starting with science, I should be able to construct a pretty clear 3-D picture of where we come from, He decided.

The scientific fraternity has been slowly dissecting everything in the quest for insight, providing humanity with fact. They have gained a significant standing in society, and it is quite amazing to see the “advance” in this industry, both good and bad. People believe the “scientists” without question. How are they to be proven wrong? If they say: “We have discovered the fat gene.”, it is accepted, and peace is made. But what are they actually saying? A significant statement like that can only be fully understood through amalgamation of disciplines. It is time to look at what they are saying. Fact is fact!

45 This chapter is probably the most important ingredient towards painting the bigger picture. We made it simple enough for anybody to understand without being boring. Where do YOU come from? Your DNA is about 70 percent match to the 14 chimpanzees which means that your body is mostly from Earth. All matter in the Universe evolved from the same bacteria. That is very simple, but there are a couple of things that bugged me, like: Why do I have a light skin and others have dark skins? Why do wild animals have dark skin and domestic animals have light skin? And where do blue eyes come from? Homos have been the most intelligent creatures here, and it is clear that some of them have not been around for very long at all. The evolution that took place up until about 400 thousand years ago stands without doubt. Physical changes that took place from there on are not evolution but interference. The world is avoiding simple fact that does not need more proof, there is enough:

We are hybrid!

Speech makes you unique, but where did you get it from? You are the result of a modification to the original Homo sapiens. They were the most intelligent and advanced in their physical development, but blue eyes, bigger brain, lighter skin, speech DNA, higher intelligence etc. did not just “evolve”. They were installed. The creation based on manipulation of the genetics of 14 Jlwile,������������������������������������ “Human and Chimp DNA Only 70%� �������������������������������������������������������Similar, At Least According to This Study”, 22/2/2013, http://blog.drwile.com/?p=9851 46 Homo erectus and sapiens gave rise to two new basic kinds. At first, they were altered by merely adding speech DNA and marginal increased intelligence. But they remained dark/black.

Face the fact!

This article is untouched to maintain authenticity and is predominantly based on the research of Professor Carleton S. Coon, former President of the American Association of Anthropologists. “There are many differences such as head shape and facial features, physical maturity at birth, brain formation and cranial capacity, visual and auditory acuity, body size and proportions, number of vertebrae, blood types, bone density, length of gestation period, number and distribution of sweat glands, rate of infant development of alpha brain waves, fingerprints, ability to digest milk, hair forms and distribution, odor, color-blindness, genetic diseases (such as sickle cell anemia and Tay Sachs), galvanic skin resistance, pigmentation of the skin and eyes, and susceptibility to infectious diseases. If there are this many physical differences, it would be silly to think that there would be no mental differences, and indeed we do find that they not only exist, but are of great significance! The brain is the most important organ in the human body. It comprises only 2 % of our total body weight but uses 25 % of all the calories we consume. The brain never sleeps; it works around the clock keeping the body functioning. Besides the thinking process, it operates the heart, respiratory and digestive systems, and directs the body’s resistance to disease. 47 In his epic book The Story of Man, Professor Carleton S. Coon (former President of the American Association of Anthropologists) wrote that the weight of the average Black brain is 1249 grams, compared to the weight of 1380 grams of the average White brain, and that the average cubic capacity of the Black brain is 1316 cubic centimetres, and was 1481 cubic centimetres in the White Man. He also found that brain weight and size is greatest in Whites, with Orientals second, Blacks third, and Australian aborigines last.

The differences in brain size between the races is in large part due to the differing sizes and shapes of the skull. The Black skull is narrow with a low forehead. It is not only smaller but is thicker than that of the average White. The hardness and thickness of the Black skull has much to do with their success as boxers. The area of the brain termed the cerebral cortex is the most recently evolved in man and most complex part of the brain. It governs the most advanced types of mental activity, such as mathematical ability and other forms of abstract reasoning. Dr. Coon wrote that there is a considerable difference between the Black brain and the White. The frontal lobe of the Black forebrain is less developed than that of the White. Thus, their ability in the performance of thinking, planning, communication, and behaviour is more limited than in Whites. Professor Coon also found that this area of the Black brain is thinner and less grooved on the outer surface than in that of a White person, and that the development of this part of the brain ceases at an earlier age in the Black, thus limiting further intellectual advancement. Nor is Dr. Coon alone in

48 his conclusions The following researchers, in the listed years, using different procedures, showed the differences to run from 2.6 to 7.9 % in favor of Whites: Todd (1923), Pearl (1934), Simmons (1942), and Connolly (1950). In 1980, Khang-cheng Ho and associates, working at the Case Western Institute of Pathology, determined that White men had brains 8.2 % larger than those of Black men, while White women had brains 8.1 % larger than those of Black women. (Women’s brains are smaller than men’s if measured absolutely, but larger in proportion to their body size). Even more important than brain size are differences in brain shape, fissuration, (In anatomy, a fissure (Latin fissura, plural fissurae) is a groove, natural division, deep furrow, elongated cleft) the number of pyramidal neurons, and supra-grandular layer thickness. It has long been known that the depth of fissuration is related to superior intelligence, and the brains of Whites have deeper fissures in the frontal and occipital regions. In 1932 and 1934, studies by F. W. Vint showed that the supra-grandular layer of Black brains is 16 % smaller than it is for White brains. Black infants mature faster than White infants. Their motor skills develop earlier, along with their mental alertness, but they later start falling behind, so that by the age of five, Whites have not only caught up, but have developed a 15 point I.Q. advantage. By age six, the larger brain size of young Whites is clearly evident. (Of all the I.Q. tests that have ever been given, most show the I.Q. differences to run from 15% to 23 % with 15 % being the more common). Studies by Todd (1923), Vint (1932 & 1934), Pearl (1934), Simmons (1942), Connolly (1950), and Ho (1980 & 1981) showed major differences between the races in both brain size and development, and 49 hundreds of psychometric experiments have again and again confirmed the 15 point average I.Q. advantage that Whites hold over Blacks. However, such studies are very much discouraged today and there would be a frenzied effort to suppress them if they did take place. Indeed, studying the biological differences between the races seems to be one of the only topics in our country that is “off limits” to talk about. The findings of Professor Audrey Shuey, in a monumental compendium of 50 years of I.Q. tests entitled, The Testing of Negro Intelligence, are that the Black, on the average, scores 15 to 20 points lower than Whites. This research has recently been confirmed by the bestseller, The Bell Curve. The average overlap (in which exceptional Blacks score the same as Whites) is only 11 %. Equality would require a 50 % overlap. According to Professor Henry Garrett, author of Children: Black and White, for every one gifted Black, there are 7 to 8 gifted Whites. He also states that 80 % of gifted Blacks are of mixed blood. In addition, the researchers Baker, Eyseneck, Jensen, Peterson, Garrett, Pinter, Shuey, Tyler, and Yerkes all agree that Blacks are inferior in reasoning and abstract thought, numerical calculation and conceptual memory. It should also be noted that those of mixed blood score higher than those of pure Black ancestry but lower than those of pure White ancestry. This explains why light-skinned Blacks are almost always more intelligent than dark-skinned. An easy way for you to examine whether this is true or not is to look at the “Blacks” on television, particularly on news programs. Many of them have as much or more White blood than Black, and as a result, are more capable

50 of communication more on a par with Whites. The argument has been made that I.Q. tests are somehow “culturally biased.” However, this can be easily refuted by the fact Asians right off the boat from Asia, totally unaccustomed to our culture (which certainly cannot be said of American Blacks), outperform Blacks on these tests. Also, American Indians, who clearly are the most socially disadvantaged group in America, also outperform Blacks. Lastly, poor Whites with few advantages still outperform upper-class Blacks who have been thoroughly integrated into our culture.” 15

Peculiar that it took a Dr. Coon. See, that was not so difficult now, was it?

NO!ble Prize

Dr. James Watson is a Nobel Prize winner for his part in discovering the structure of DNA, one of the most significant discoveries of 20th Century. He stated that black people were less intelligent than white. And for this discovery, he was awarded noble NO, for being racist. The 86-year-old geneticist says he was “inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa” because “all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours- whereas all the testing says not really”. He hoped that everyone was equal, but countered that “people who have to deal with black employees find this not true”. He claimed genes responsible for creating

15 Aryan NatiNations ons World Headquarters, “Biological Di�f���erences������������������������� between the Races”, http://www. aryan-nation.org/RGB/Biological_Diferences_between_the_Races.html 51 differences in human intelligence could be found within a decade. He includes his views in a new book in which he writes that “there is no firm reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of peoples geographically separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically. ... Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason as some universal heritage of humanity will not be enough to make it so”, he says. The Equality and Human Rights Commission is now studying Dr. Watson’s remarks “in full”. The Science Museum of London, where he was about to give speech with regard to this, decided to cancel his presentation. Its spokesman said that they are aware of eminent scientists’ talent to create controversy and that the museum has no problem with it. However, they found this debate beyond any point of acceptance.16 What are they scared of?

What is DNA?

The mapping of genetics, known as DNA, is probably the most important scientific breakthrough of the new millennium. On 26th June 2000, President Clinton and a group of world renowned scientists presented the first genetic map of the human DNA molecule. Clinton called the discovery the “language in which God created life”. Here is my simple explanation of what the DNA is all about: To start with, it is the program to your make-up, the dictator that makes YOU unique. It is a combination

16 Christian Today, “London museum cancels race row scientist’s talk”, 18/10/2007, http://www. christiantoday.com/article/london.museum.cancels.race.row.scientists.talk/14036.htm/ 52 of your parents and the only thing about you that you can change without plastic surgery. Your mind changes your DNA program through perception. Changing your mind, however, is not good enough, whereas a mind-set is what determines who you are; that is where the key lies. Your bodies are made up of about 30 trillion cells; in fact, everything around is made up of these same cells. Each cell has a unique function in your body, and they are all held together with laminin. The laminins are an important and biologically active part of the basement membrane influencing cell differentiation, migration, adhesion as well as behaviour and longevity. The DNA is inside the cell and is arranged on stems that look like two intertwined corkscrews next to each other, called the DNA strands. Genes line across the stems and are produced by various enzymes that fit together like a code. It is estimated that there are about 28 thousand genes per cell, and they carry information and intelligence. You must also realize that the cell is microscopic; millions fall off you every day, but your body produces more at will, so you actually regenerate all the time. As you know, it is possible to change computer programs; as genes are similar, it is possible to change their functionality. This is where genetic engineering takes place. You were pre-programed by your parents. My son got his parents’ good looks but ended up with my dyslexia, whereas my daughter is clear. Luck of the draw!

53 Membrain

During my research, I stumbled across an eminent cellular biologist, ex medical school professor’s research on cells. Dr. Bruce Lipton has spent most of his career believing in finding the answers to questions that presented themselves to him. In 1968, he started culturing stem cells and is today one of the leaders in the field. During these culturing processes, he noticed that the cell would change from being a fat cell to say a bone cell due to changing conditions. The environment was the dictator; if the cells were exposed to bad conditions, they would become ill. He removed the DNA from inside the cell with gamma rays, but the cell carried on as if there was no difference. That really got him going! So he removed the plasma from the cell, leaving only the membrane; the cell carried on eating and communicating with other cells, just like normal. This is when he came to the conclusion: the DNA is the program and the membrane is the brain. He compared it with a computer chip that has a program installed to do a set task or function. You are always able to add to it and improve it, but to get rid of it, you will have to replace it. What makes the cells better than any chip, though, is the fact that all the information is already there. Yes, everything you can begin to imagine is there. Every cell is unique, and the genes control the fate of it. The question is: how does one access the information? The answer to that question is very simple: it happens through your perceptions. The plasma in the cell is also described as the intestines of the cell, and it needs food and it needs to excrete.17

17 Bruce Lipton, audiobook “The Biology Of Belief”, 2005. 54 In quantum mechanics, everything is light and energy. Energy is what holds you together. It is eternal and cannot be destroyed; it simply changes form. What energy are YOU leaving behind? In Dr. Lipton’s words, people should indulge in things like Feng Shui 18, rightfully so. You have proven yourselves wasteful and sloppy when it comes to energy. So, if the chimp is a relative, and between Black and White there is said to be no difference, what gave you a light skin? Somebody is bullshitting and removing evidence! Your DNA is blending as you interbreed, and you are actually going backwards through your ignorance and bliss, but is it really bliss? The original noble people are losing their nobility in the process. YOU are part of a cosmic science experiment and have to consider yourselves very privileged for having received such an incredible boost in your evolution. Unlike the rice and the chimp, however, YOU are the only species on this planet that is not doing what it should. In conclusion, what is here evolved from a single cell; it took billions of years to get here. Your closest wild animal relative is the chimpanzee. The chimp is doing exactly what it is supposed to. It has reached the top of its evolutionary path for now and is complete with all or most genes active. That proves that you are still a very young mammal here. The time you have spent on Earth as modern man is too short for you to notice spontaneous evolution of any sort, really. The advance humanity has made since The French Revolution may appear astounding, but it is all a primitive illusion and part of your redevelopment. By the way, Darwin’s evolution is part of this revolution.19

18 study of efect of placement of things on the energy flow in your living environment and within you. 19 Vitae Orbis, “Know Your Enemy (Part 47 - EvolutiEvolution)”, on)”, The EducationalEducati onal Video Series by The Fuel Project, 2011, http://orbisvitae.com/mc/Know-Your-Enemy/47,Evolution.html 55 Cheatah

Okay, here is an interesting thing: As a young man growing up in Namibia, I was privileged to own a cheetah. He was an amazing creature and keen to learn, but with a cat like arrogance, he had a mind of his own as well. He did, however, have an ability to know what was not okay to do once I had told him. They domesticate quite well, and they are symbols of Egyptian history. Cats were seen as godly creatures; they are sold for a high price due to that fact. They are resilient and have made it this far. It has been discovered that all cheetahs are very closely related. Now, how is that for irony, or is it? From out of the box, the evidence is convincing enough that there was some form of genetic manipulation or divine intervention. That fact pinpointed the place where the original family started from. The cheetah is only found in Africa, Central Asia and Iran, where it was traced back to (Mesopotamia). The Indian population has, however, become extinct. Fact is they are unique, just as you are. Freelance science journalist JR Minkel reported: Stephen J. O’Brien, American geneticist and Chairman of the Board of the Cheetah Conservation Fund had studied the domestic cat as a model for human viral cancers and was interested in genetic variation. In most cat species, enzymes in the blood differ genetically between individuals by 20 - 50 percent. But the cheetahs’ blood enzymes were all alike. “We found nothing,” says O’Brien “no variation at all.”. Examination of 52 genes made O’Brien understand; the cheetahs were virtual clones. Where had the cheetah gone wrong? After a close look at the few

56 variations in their DNA, O’Brien and Wildt made a conclusion; cheetahs went through a population “bottleneck” about 12 thousand years ago. Global event had killed all but a few of these animals, which then crossbred. The bottleneck wiped out all of North America’s animals.20


GMO (Genetically modified organism) is an organism that has been created in a laboratory by a scientist. During this process of genetic engineering, genes are added and removed from the DNA strand in order to achieve certain effects like environmental resilience and herbicide and pesticide immunity. The plant simply recognizes poisons as ally because its genetics has the poison gene built in. This has a direct connection to serious health problems, environmental damage, and it violates Divine Law of Nature.

“But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.” Matthew 15:13

It is convenient and attractive to farm with to ignorant farmers, but it’s killing humanity slowly. Monsanto is the Monster Corporation at the head of all of this. The Bible speaks about GMO because that is nothing new to God. If God is against it, why is the Catholic

20 JR Minkel, “Can the cheetah be saved? Should it be?”, A Fistful of Science, 3/8/2010, http://fistfu- lofscience.wordpress.com/2010/08/03/can-the-cheetah-be-saved-should-it-b/

57 Church not? The Catholic Church supports it because they created it: they are Satan’s church not God’s. Then, there is the Banana. Is it fruit or veggie? Neither. It’s a herb! Did I get you now?


The word myth comes from the Greek mythos which originally meant speech or discourse and only later came to mean fable or legend. In short, it was lectured as history. YOU all are aware of the myths of ancient times when there were strange creatures roaming the Earth. What if they were failed or trial experiments, creatures that were combination creations for special purposes, like for instance the Centaur (horse man)? Maybe there was a need for an animal with the strength and stamina of a horse but had to be able to understand what it was being told, kind of like an organic autopilot. They could have been rather handy. And what about the Dragons? Dragons are in reality only a different term used for creatures you know as the Dinosaurs. Dinosaur is new word derived from Greek deinos meaning terrible, powerful, wondrous and sauros meaning lizard thus literally translating to terrible lizard. Before this word became popular, they were called Dragons. They have lived alongside humanity for a long time. Have you never thought of why it is one of the “Chinese 21 zodiac” characters?

21 Forbidden-History,��������������������������������������������������� “Dinosaurs and the Bible”, 2010, http://www.forbidden-history.com/dinosaurs- in-archaeology.html/ 58 The same goes for Mermaids.22 Everything originates somewhere. Seeing cloning as a reality today and knowing “What is was, and what was, will be.” redefines myth as reality.


Science editor Mark Henderson informs: Embryos with human-animal content had been created in Britain for the first time, a month before voting on new laws to regulate its research. A Newcastle University team had successfully created “admixed embryos”, they put DNA of a man into empty cow eggs. Using woman eggs is more problematic: it is not as easy to get, and donation is risky for women. These embryos have wide support from scientists and patients as possible powerful stem-cell models for investigating diseases, such as Parkinson’s and diabetes, and for medicine development. This research finds its opponents, particularly in Roman Catholic Church. Cardinal Keith O’Brien, the head of the Catholic Church in Scotland, calls it “experiments of Frankenstein proportion”. Newcastle group’s embryos are of a kind “cybrids”, which are made by placing the nucleus human cell into an animal egg that has had its nucleus removed. The genetic material in the resulting embryos is 99.9 percent human. They were reported to live for 3 days; the largest contained 32 cells. The goal is to grow them for 6 days, and then to extract embryonic stem

22 Caity Weaver, “U.S. Government Denies Evidence of Mermaids, So Mermaids DefinitelyDefi nitely Exist”, MERMAIDS, 3/7/12, http://gawker.com/5923237/us-government-denies-evidence-of-mermaids-so- mermaids-definitely-exist/ 59 cells for research purpose. Once the technique has been tested, scientists hope to create these creatures from the DNA of patients with genetic diseases. The resulting stem cells could then be used as models of those diseases to provide insights into their progress and to test new treatments. Or is that just a cover-up? It is already illegal to culture human-animal embryos for more than 14 days, or to implant them in the womb of a woman or animal, and these prohibitions will remain in the new legislation. Professor John Burn from New Castle team said it is a licensed laboratory process in which these cells would “never” develop and embryos be implanted into anyone. “We now have preliminary data which looks promising but this is very much work in progress and the next step is to get the embryos to survive to around 6 days, when we can hopefully derive stem cells from them.” Medical researchers found these projects important, but they wanted published details before passing judgment on their merits.1 More medical research? And, why was the cow used? Because it has compatible genetics.

There are unclean animals described in The Bible. Hindu do not eat cow, and the “Jews” don’t eat pig. The domestic pig is the creation of an alchemist who mixed human and wild pig DNA resulting in light skin. That makes the domestic cow dirty to eat as well because your laminin is compatible. The original, known as an ox, was wild and safe to consume.

1 Mark Henderson, The Times of London, 2/4/2008, http://freeforumzone.leonardo.it/lofi/FAITH-AND- SCIENCE/D354557-9.html 60 Alchemy

On Earth, Our ability to create became known as Alchemy. Alchemy is a spiritual science and philosophy that uses only natural components. It finds its origin within the Sky People and has followed humanity for a long time. It has profound powers of healing and creation. They are achieved mainly through The Philosopher’s Stone, which has the ability to transform base metals into noble metals (gold or silver) and to develop the potion of life, which brings about youth and longevity. Alchemy differs significantly from modern sciences as there are no chemicals involved but is recognized for its contribution to the development of modern chemistry and medicine. Alchemists developed a structure of basic laboratory techniques which are still in use today. So, now you know where bizarre animals come from and why there are animals with light skin. Black is wild and white/light is domestic, and if animal’s skin is white, it is either albino or has human DNA. Alchemy has strict rules against this kind of creation.

“All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds.” 1 Corinthians 15:39

61 The cross

I received this article from a friend of mine in the ministries. The person who wrote this is a medical doctor. “THE CROSS IN OUR BODIES A couple of days ago I was running (I use that term very loosely) on my treadmill, watching a DVD sermon by Louie Giglio... and I was BLOWN AWAY! I want to share what I learned. He (Louie) was talking about how inconceivably BIG our God is... how He spoke the universe into being... How He breathed stars out of His mouth that are huge raging balls of fire etc. etc. Then he went on to speak of how this star-breathing, universe creating God ALSO knitted our human bodies together with amazing detail and wonder. At this point I am LOVING it (fascinating from a medical standpoint, you know) and I was remembering how I was constantly amazed during medical school as I learned more and more about God’s handiwork. I remember so many times thinking, ‘How can ANYONE deny that a Creator did all of this???’

Louie went on to talk about how we can trust that the God who created all this, also has the power to hold it all together when things seem to be falling apart - how our Loving Creator is also our sustainer. And then I lost my breath, and it wasn’t because I was running my treadmill, either!!! It was because he started talking about Laminin. I knew about Laminin - here is how Wikipedia describes them: ‘Laminins are a family of proteins that are an 62 integral part of the structural scaffolding of basement membranes in almost every animal tissue’ you see. Laminins are what hold us together, LITERALLY. They are cell adhesion molecules. They are what holds one cell of our bodies to the next cell. Without them, we would literally fall apart. And I knew all this already. But what I didn’t know is what they LOOKED LIKE. But now I do. And I have thought about it a thousand times since (already)....Here is what the structure of laminin looks like... AND THIS IS NOT a ‘Christian portrayal’ of it.... If you look up laminin in any scientific/medical piece of literature, this is what you will see...23

Now tell me that our God is not the coolest!!! Amazing! The glue that holds us together, all of mankind, us - is in the shape of the cross. Immediately Colossians 1:15-17 comes to mind.

23 the original picture has been replaced for one with a better quality: Dr. Eowyn , “The Cross In Our Bodies”, 3/7/2011, http://fellowshipoftheminds.com/2011/07/03/the-cross-in-our-bodies 63 ‘He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created; things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in him ALL things HOLD TOGETHER.’ Call me crazy. I just think that is very, very, very cool. Thousands of years before the world knew anything about LAMININ, Paul the Apostle penned those words. Now we see that from a very LITERAL standpoint, we are held together - one cell to another - by a cross.” 24

In the laminin is also where you will find most of the poisons of modern life gathered. This is what YOU need to see to connect it all together. It makes perfect sense; just look at the medical condition of the people. Perhaps a physical problem you have to be aware of at this point in time? In ending off this chapter with a biblical frame of mind, it is necessary to mention that YHWH or God code shares a link to DNA coding. This code is based upon matching values of atomic mass of these 3 elements: hydrogen becomes Yod represented by the Hebrew letter Y, nitrogen becomes Hey, the letter H, oxygen becomes Wav, the letter V/W, and carbon becomes Gimel, the letter G. Human DNA is also composed of 4 elements: hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and carbon (HNOG); when put together in Hebrew equivalent, they form Y-H-W-G. Carbon is what makes you physical and earthly beings. When carbon is replaced with nitrogen, you are all colourless, odourless, and invisible gases. They form the letters Y-H-W-H which represent The God.

24 “Laminin”, NarrativeNarrati ve Marvels at a Cross-like Shape of a Laminin Molecule collected via email, 5/2008, http://www.snopes.com/glurge/laminin.asp?print=y 64 “I don’t believe there would be any science at all without intuition.”

Levi Montalcini, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1986

“Everything that we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.”

Niels Bohr, Nobel Prize in Physics 1922

The most influential physicist of the 20th Century:

“When the answer is simple, God is answering.”

Albert Einstein, Nobel Prize for Physics, 1921


66 3. Archaeology

When I compare postulates versus physical evidence, the evidence holds more value, yet it is the thing people deny most. “How is that possible?” has been asked many times, even by the most salted scholars in the field. Science is fact, but now I want to see the evidence.

Archaeology is the study of humanity and its past; that’s right up my alley! Tiger was happy with His progress, and He needed to find a reliable source as a guide. But where? The Bible is the most comprehensive scientific and archaeological guide there is, so let’s give it a bash!

“There has never been a single archaeological discovery that has controverted even one point of history in The Bible.” 25

If I am to trust and believe in an ancient book as “modern man”, surely, I must consider all the odds.

25 David������������������ Asscherick, Bible Prophecy Seminar, DVD1: 1/Prophecy foretelling The End of The Days. 67 The Guide

The Holy Books are a decreed compilation of ancient scriptures originating from scrolls, clay and stone tablets with one mind-set and by no means complete. These contain the wisdom of The Gods/Kings of Earth, either written by themselves or their scribes. It is humanity’s Instruction Manual. The Bible speaks of giants, but they are commonly thought of as people who were bigger than normal. In late 1950’s during road construction in the Euphrates valley, Turkey (the border of King David’s kingdom to the north), many tombs containing giant skeletons were uncovered. Intact anatomically correct femurs of 120 cms were found: that makes the owner stand about 4½ metres tall. Not just a taller human being but literally a giant. According to The Bible, they were industrious by nature and had many skills. Makes you wonder why they became extinct. Did King David kill more than one of them, or were they sterile? They existed and that should make you think. The oldest anatomically correct human, that means the same construction as YOU are today known as Homo sapiens sapiens (clever clever), is a matter of some debate. The oldest recognised proof of modern human being is 400 thousand years old found in 26 Israel, be that as it may. It fits so perfectly into the picture We are painting, that it seems rigged. This is the point where you changed from being just clever monkeys.

26 Jameel������� @� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������The Muqata, “World’s Oldest Human Remains Discovered in Israel”, 27/12/2010, http:// muqata.blogspot.com/2010/12/worlds-oldest-human-remains-discovered.html 68 Pyramids

I have a great fascination for the pyramids, and, once again, The Bible covers some Egyptian history. They are very fascinating to many a scholar and have been analysed and researched for many years. It, however, still baffles archaeologists and many alike. The mere significance of the architecture is astounding even to modern time. The fact that they represent the star constellation of Orion’s Belt and the accuracy of their construction have been the main point of focus. Their pinpoint precision is still not humanly possible to achieve till this very day. It proves that YOUR ancestors had vast advanced knowledge of the Universe and its cycles. But why Pyramids? Interesting thing about a pyramid is that it is a multi- dimensional structure that represents hierarchy. The view when the eye is looking from the very tip down represents a 4-dimensional view that signifies the addition of intuition. The metaphysical world you are not able to see but you all know is there. Looking at a pyramid from ground level, there are always 2 or 3 sides you cannot see. Every soul at birth is there. That is at the very least one message from your ancestors clearly depicted by the eye on the pyramid, stolen by the elite to use as their logo. What is it saying? That through knowledge, you are able to ascend in dimensionality. Standing on the ground as an ignorant being, you see only in 2½ dimensions maximum. To advance, knowledge is needed to elevate you into the heaven so to speak. This could be compared to floating up towards the top from where you are standing in 69 front of the pyramid. As you ascend, you will start seeing more of the three dimensions or sides. To get your eye on target to see the 4th dimension, you have to gather very specific information. Once there, to get to the 5th and 6 th dimension can then be compared to turning the eye around from there as if you are looking up into heaven. Straight up is level 6; to see the God level, level 7, is but a choice between prudence and wisdom. If the knowledge you have gathered was focussed solely on the greater good of humanity, divine wisdom will become you; this is the wisdom of true kings/ leaders. It is the mirror image of the pyramid behind you which represents humanity’s fate. This is what is referred to as “ascension” and ultimately what this book is about. A small pyramid, one of three, was found in the jungles of Ecuador. Known as the eye of Providence, the eye inlay at the top shines up in blue when exposed to ultra-violet light. Rumour has it that the Rothschild family owns at least one of them. An inscription on the bottom of this specific one is “Pre-Sanskrit”, translated by German linguist Kurt Schildmann and says: “The Son Of The Creator Comes From Here … ” followed by the inlaid dots that coincide with the constellation of Orion.27 Recently, there were Lapis Lazuli, blue semi-precious stone, tablets said to have been found in Iraq. It is “secret”, but it was leaked. They were found in a copper box: the engraving is embedded in the stone in Sumerian. Translations revealed information with regard to the Gods of Earth that matches up with already translated clay tablets written in the same language, decoded by well-known author Zecharia Sitchin.

27 Juan����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Von Trillion, “WTF AHEAD #2: The Black Pyramid Of The Son Of The Creator”, 11/2011, http:// www.viewzone.com/JVT/wtf112611.html 70 “People from Sumer did not refer to themselves as ‘Sumerians’. It is a term that was first applied by the Akkadians. The Sumerians called themselves sag-gi- ga, ‘the black-headed people’ and called their land Ki-en-gi, ‘place of the civilized lords’. Their language was called by them eme.gir.” 28

We will stick to Sumerian: it is more familiar.


On a regular basis, I am confronted by people who argue the fact that carbon dating is accurate and say that I should not think of any of this as gospel. Carbon dating I did not use at all; it just came up afterwards and fitted into everything I had done so far. I work with evidence and logic to form a picture. Time is not of major importance but rather the concept, as you will eventually see. Why I dared to become an outsider? Shortly after a recent discovery of an ancient family, Australopithecus sediba29, in Malapa, the basin of human kind between Johannesburg and Pretoria, South Africa, I started writing this book. By then, I had spent about 5 years reading up about various archaeological discoveries around the world, including the condensed version of Forbidden Archeology by Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson, one of

������������������������������������������� AncientWorlds LLC, “Sumeria”, 2002-2013, http://www.ancientsites.com/aw/Places/ Place/324889&relation_orderby=title 29 literally����������������������������������������������� meaning homo or ape from the south.�� 71 my guides. Things that are revealed in some cases had me gasping for air. I had the privilege of “befriending” one of the zoologists on the dig; I asked him what the driving force behind a person who discovers things like that was. He said to me: “Oh, that’s simple: mine is bigger than yours!”.

That got me thinking: If that was the driving force and not “the puzzle”, then it must be the same for the scientists and preachers alike. So, I asked my French molecular scientist friend the same question. But I asked for the shortest answer. His answer was: “The desire to understand things using a rational and scientific approach, I guess.”. The operative word being “scientific”.

Tiger just understood where the problem lies: People become so obsessed with what they do that they lose sight of the big picture. What is it with modern life that makes them so damn focussed; are they all hoping to find the ultimate answer? It is said that “Variety is a spice of life.”, and that motto sent Him on a journey of discovery and new perceptions.

I’ve read most subjects; I am a Gemini, so it is apparently in our nature to know a little about a lot of things. Oh, and write!

72 Bigcture

Reality about humanity is simple: they are very, very old, and they are not going away soon by the look of things. If the world was formed by the big bang theory, then, according to some, it could be an estimated 13.8 billion years ago, give or take a couple of billion: it’s mere detail. That would make Homos newcomers in the big picture. Your existence on Earth is a very small part thereof, a mere drop in the ocean. There are many mysteries about humanity that have baffled YOU on an ongoing basis. For you, the most significant “invention” to date has been the wheel, but it is not known when exactly it came about. The oldest wheel found to date came from Mesopotamia, dating back to approximately 5,500 years. Was the wheel an inevitable discovery that brought you closer to defying gravity? Was it discovered that heavy objects could be moved easier by rolling it on a log, and as the concept grew, the axel was added and the rest is history? It could also be argued that if the wheel was not “invented”, the world would have been a very different place at present. Was the wheel responsible for the way humanity has turned out? I could not help but wonder why so much history refers to that area of this planet; there is something special there. No other place in the world is mentioned as often as that. Even The Bible was conceived there.

73 Mesopotamia, the land between rivers that stretched from the Tigris and the Euphrates in the north right down to Ethiopia in the south. It also included modern-day Iraq, as well as some parts of Syria, south-eastern Turkey and south-western Iran. This is a fair summary if you are new to this: “Widely considered to be the cradle of civilization, Bronze Age Mesopotamia included Sumer and the Akkadian, Babylonian, and Assyrian empires. In the Iron Age, it was ruled by the Neo-Assyrian and Neo- Babylonian empires. The indigenous Sumerians and Akkadians (including Assyrians and Babylonians) dominated Mesopotamia from the beginning of written history (3100 BC) to the fall of Babylon in 539 BC, when it was conquered by the Achaemenid Empire. It fell to Alexander the Great in 332 BC, and after his death, it became part of the Greek Seleucid Empire. Around 150 BC, Mesopotamia was under the control of the Parthians. Mesopotamia became a battleground between the Romans and Parthians, with parts of Mesopotamia (particularly Assyria) coming under periodic Roman control. In AD 226, it fell to the Sassanid Persians and remained under Persian rule until the seventh century Arab Islamic conquest of the Sassanid Empire. A number of primarily Christian native Mesopotamian states existed between the first century BC and third century AD, including Adiabene, Oshroene, and Hatra.” 30 The second significant development that caused a quantum leap for humanity and the way you are today was electricity and the telephone. Imagine being without them now. How dependent are you on electricity and cellular phones? The truth is it is not new technology. Ancient technology in batteries thousands of years old was discovered by German

30 Wikia,��������������������� “Mesopotamia”, http://history.wikia.com/wiki/Mesopotamia 74 archaeologists in the 1930’s near the old city of Baghdad (Mesopotamia or Babylonia). Surprised? Come on, batteries from 2000 – 4000 years ago? Physical evidence that defies modern postulates.

YOU know so little!

Much debate goes on between known archaeologists, zoologists and geologists as to when the Homos actually started using tools. Very few animals use tools to achieve their goal: survival. Look at how many tools you have today, and you are still the only ones who have mastered that ability, but where did it start? Ancient discoveries of animal bones with cut markings on the bones started this debate. Some of the discoveries are dated back to about 50 million and more. The age is of no consequence: it was a very long time ago; that is evident. So they had a stone knife to take the meat off the bone. Their jaws were not as efficient as those of carnivores, and to hunt was a mission as well. They had to get as much meat off the carcass as possible, and they had to kill it with something. The point is YOU are still similar looking: your evolution didn’t compromise your inability to chew bones because of your ability to work with your hands. That opened a new possibility of food source as they were able to hunt, unlike their primate family who stayed mostly vegetarian. To hunt, you need a good knife. Knives have been held in high regard till this very day. So much so that the world’s Rhino population is becoming knife handles for the elite. But who made the first one?

75 Knowing what I know, I put myself in that day; this is how the knife was discovered: It was easier to get laid than to get food, and these were the only two priorities: procreation and survival. They were trying to make a knife out of a different rock to what they were used to, you know, trying different things. Only, it was ironstone and too hard, so they threw it in the fire. The stone melted and flowed into a line made by a log. The next day, there was a moulded flattish bar, so it was used as a hammer for its weight. It became sharp because the rock they were shaping into palaeoliths was abrasive. Next thing, they see that the sharp edge was very good to cut with. Now, the metal shaped like a serpent became a weapon. A good knife was a necessity that made a lot of sense. To a primitive mind, a weapon became power: a mind-set that prevails. And if YOU believed that because it makes enough sense, you’ll believe anything; it is not possible. As a technically minded person, I know that metal melts above 1,000 degree Celsius, not your average BBQ fire. So, the Stone Age prevails for a while longer (Gen 2:5). It becomes more apparent that someone introduced these Homos to technology: that means there was someone who had it. The same goes for farming: the Bushman tribe never did, but the tribes that moved from northern Africa and migrated south with cattle did; their traditions in farming and beliefs speak for themselves. A worthy example of that is the Leopard skin still worn by the Zulu tribes in comparison to the Cheetah skin worn by Egyptian High priests in ancient times in the same way. What or who made the difference? The ability to work with metal brought about a mind-set of power and war.

76 How the rock?

They find eoliths (sharp rocks) and palaeoliths (handmade sharp rocks) from about “50 million” years ago, a figure hard to comprehend. The odd thing, though, is that nothing other than eoliths, palaeoliths and bones turn up for the period of 50 - 2 million years. Then, suddenly, it becomes more interesting: Clay figurines and tools from about 2 million years ago are found. But then, quiet for some time until 400 thousand-year-old very advanced handcraft stuff surfaces. If anatomically modern humans only appeared about 400 thousand years ago, there had to be a reason for. What makes them anatomically correct are their brain capacity and the scale of their bones. For example, apes have shorter femurs31 than humans. That raises the question as to what happened to cause some of you to increase brain size so radically over a relatively short period of time from 800 g to about 1.4 kg. If it remained constant for more than 50 million years, there had to be some sort of interference in recent times. Some say it was because they started eating fish. The last 3 kinds of Homos preceding the ones you know today were: the habilis, the erectus and the sapiens. Neanderthal was hybrid. They all used tools, but the sapiens were the masters.

But, where did they go?

31 a long leg segment in various animals connecticonnecting ng the leg to the body, a “from hip to the knee” bone. 77 Truth is the only extinct one is habilis; the other two are still here: Homo erectus became The Blacks and Homo sapiens became The Caucasians. The erectus was much less innovative and got stuck in Africa, still similar looking. Their thick skull and receding forehead is a convincing connection to Erectus. These two base kinds form the complement of the human population. To put it straight, the flatter your nose, the closer you are to the monkey. Stonehenge, well, now there is a thing. If people so primitive went to so much trouble to do what they did, it had to be significant enough. It is a mystery to say the least; or is it? You see, it’s like this, at about 1750 BC, 1500 men decided to take on a 5-year project of painstakingly creating something that meant something big to them in a place no one understands why. The answer is simple, you’ll see. The site at that stage was ancient already as there is a duplicate. They built a circle of massive arches of sarsen stones32 weighing in at around 50 ton each. The weird thing is that they “transported” them from more than 30 km away. I have to add that I live in a rural area, and the people around me do not explore. There is beautiful unspoilt lake about 15 km away from where We live, and I was amazed that none of the indigenous tribe living in Our area has seen it. If these people were primitive, surely it must have been similar for them. It does not make sense that they would have gone that far from home looking for food, let alone rocks of 50 ton. What was the motivation? Compasses do not work there either. Stonehenge was once the geometric/magnetic Pole of Earth. She shifts Her geomagnetic axis every 12,960 years when She arrives at certain points in Her orbit of

32 any��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� of numerous large sandstone blocks or fragments found in south-central England, probably remnants of eroded “Tertiary beds”. 78 the Sun. Last time it happened so fast that mammoth elephants froze with fresh flowers still undigested in their stomachs while chewing on them. Beginning of this century, the famous body of Beresovka mammoth was discovered in Siberia. The animal was found buried in silty gravel sitting in upright position, almost intact. It evidently fell from a nearby cliff hence its broken foreleg. The remains of mammoth’s stomach were undamaged, and it had grasses and buttercups between the teeth. The flesh was still edible, but reportedly not tasty. Well, what do you expect; they have been frozen for 10 thousand years. No one has ever satisfactorily explained how the Beresovka mammoth and other animals found frozen in the sub-arctic could have been frozen before being consumed by predators of the time. Some it on a sudden change in climate; this hardly seems a likely explanation. The scientist who uncovered the Beresovka mammoth assumed that the animal fell into a snow-filled ravine that protected the body until it was perhaps covered by gravel during a summer flood.33

This was not an acceptable explanation for Tiger: Buttercups do not grow in winter, they flower in summer!

There have been many frozen mammoths found to date. The species did not survive. The event froze all of them, and that is the point of interest to me: it was sudden. It was astronomical. YOU are looking at a period of more than 10 thousand years ago. Tests done to some of them revealed that they had died from suffocation before they were frozen. Logic

33 BlackJackal,��������������������������������������������������������������� “The Mystery of the Beresovka Mammoth”, 15/6/2004, www.abovetopsecret.com/ forum/thread59257/pg 79 told me that that was only possible had Earth been exposed to outer space briefly. That points to Earth moving within the ionospheric bubble. In Lawn Ridge, Illinois, 1871, a coin was found amongst various other manmade objects from 400 – 200 thousand years ago. The coin is described as being made by an artisan and the writing is unidentifiable. It has figures and writing on both sides. Many artefacts of this nature are discovered: like the delta-winged aircraft pendant taken from marble rock that was being cut, the balsa wood replica of a modern day Boeing that was found in the pyramids, nails inside coal and brick walls deep underground in coal mines. YOUR perception of reality is only YOURS and not fully comprehended. By the way, marble takes an excess of 400 thousand years to form. Are the “inexplicable” Nazca lines of Peru concrete evidence that an advanced nation lived there about 2000 years ago? Did you even know about the hidden entrances to thousands of kilometres of underground 34 tunnels in Peru? Information like this has to get any healthy inquisitive mind going.

“Peru is one area of the planet that has ruined quite a few careers in anthropology. Why? Because the current of our planet does not want to disclose things like non-human skeletons skulls, giant skeletons, and the evidence of civilizations that run counter to the prevailing archaeological ‘record’.”35

Modern man has this short-sighted perception that he

34 Webmatex,������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ “Mysterious Tunnels, History of Peru”, STA Breaking News and Archives, 4/3/2007, http://www.surfingtheapocalypse.net/forum/index.php?id=170928/ 35 Kirk���������������� Sigurdson, Kultus, “DNA Tests Reveal South American Elongated Skulls NOT Human”, 11/2/2014, http://www.kultusbook.com/2014/02/dna-tests-show-south-american-elongated.html 80 is superior due to his technology. Yet finding things like the crystal skulls, which were not manufactured by humans does not shatter that vision in any way. Why are YOU avoiding reality? No matter which way you look at it, you cannot ignore the proof of advanced activity on this planet. To date, there have been skeletons of humanoids discovered in this area with egg-shaped skulls and a brain capacity of 1.7 kg. 36 Their mtDNA has mysterious alterations not found in any human or primate: alien/human hybrid? As technician, I used to work for the defence force. To be more specific, my job had to do with high–power military lasers used in missile guidance. When they were being calibrated, we fired them onto a grid. Sometimes, messing around, we fired them into a solid block of glass which shattered just a small spec in its centre with the focal point of the laser. You are able to create the most accurate pictures in the glass hence the ornamental gifts with 3D pictures inside. When I saw the aerial pictures of the Nazca lines, I was amazed. Today, we have lasers that cut through metal and when combined with CNC (computer numeric control), it cuts shapes from thick metal. It makes you realize the power of light. What I saw there were organically sketched images transferred with laser from the sky, like a printer. I cannot doubt it when I see megaliths perfectly cut out of the side of a mountain.

“Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands …” Daniel 2:34

And how did they move them?

36 mitochondrial��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� DNA known as The Eve Gene is a unique strand of DNA that can only be passed on to ofspring by the mother. 81 “And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.” Matthew 17:20 One day Brian, my contact from the dig in Malapa, told me about the site that was discovered by Matthew Burger. “Australopithecus Sediba” was not the only animal found. Amongst other things, the remains of an unidentified cat were discovered. Apparently, it resembles an African wild cat. Brian said something about the site that made me curious. The way they were found and what they were found with indicate clearly that they had no chance of escaping whatever hit them. The male was found on his stomach, covering his face with his arms. The fact that the cat was also in close proximity meant that it was domesticated. It is obvious that the family was buried super-quick and unexpectedly. The age of the discovery is set to more than 2 million years. Here are a couple of very baffling things: Like the Dorchester vase. Mountains have been around longer than humanity has. After all, “they” refer to someone old as being as old as the mountains. I have no problem believing that clay takes time to become solid rock and that it does not happen overnight. A small vase surfaced after a powerful blast to some rock near Dorchester. The vase was split in half by the blast, and the rock had perfect imprints of it. The vase is a bell-shaped vessel 114 mm high and about 3 mm thick; the body looks like zinc in colour, a composition of metal but largely silver. There are flowers or figures on the side, and it has a vine on the

82 lower end, all inlaid with pure silver. The workmanship is considered cunning and the piece exquisite. The vase was found in Roxbury Conglomerate and is from “Precambrian age”. That makes it about 600 million years old and that is “undisputed”. Over several decades, South African miners have found hundreds of metallic spheres. There are two variations: one of solid bluish metal with white flecks and the other, a hollow ball filled with a white spongy centre. There is a 1 - 10 scale that the hardness of minerals is measured by, called the Mohs scale, where the softest is talc and the hardest diamond: the softer can be scratched by the harder. These spheres are made from a metal called limonite concretion, a type of iron ore. The problem is that this metal measures on Mohs scale around 4–5½, but the spheres are much harder and cannot be scratched. The fact that there are parallel lines around one of them makes scientists believe that it was made by an intelligent being. The layer of soil that the balls are found in dates back about 2,800 million years 37 It is imperative for YOU to know that all archaeological finds that rely on dating from soil layers trust the geologists and their “geological column”. This column has not been compiled in comparison to any standard and is based purely on guess. It has been proven absolutely incorrect. According to National Aeronautics and Space 38 Administration (NASA) , there was a meteor heading towards Earth, just another bullshit story. It was said to be only 5 km in diametre and due to arrive here December 2012. If so, it would have created a fair amount of damage but not total destruction; it may even have changed the magnetic axis of Earth

37 Michael������������������������������������������ A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson, Forbidden Archaeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race, (Los Angeles: Bhaktivedanta Book Publishing, 1993. 38 the���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� United States government agency responsible for the civilian space program as well as for aeronautics and aerospace research. 83 slightly. As a confused species, YOU are not looking for answers, and YOU simply accept anything YOU are fed. Just like trying to hold onto a piece of stick when you are drowning. NASA is supposed to be a trusted source, yet few people know it is the Illuminati. They come up with so much crap that it is obvious that they do not have all the answers concerning space; just another fact I will prove by exposing their biggest lie. I mention this because an event like this is described in a history book that has followed and influenced humanity for a very good reason. In archaeology and geology, there are two very distinct dates that stand out as major events that have occurred on this planet: The primary era is around 11 - 10 thousand years ago, the secondary being around 5000 years ago. In my philosophy which will be explained as we go, I focus on an orbit known as a Great Year which takes 25,920 years to complete. There was a discrepancy of a couple of thousand years I could not make sense of at first.

The star

In your most used history book, The Bible, there is an event described in Revelation 8:10: it speaks about a star falling from the sky lit like a lamp. If The Bible is reliable, then surely you should be able to tie it up with a known catastrophic event. An incident like that is significant enough to correspond with either a geological or an archaeological reference point. For Earth to freeze in any localized place on this

84 planet, She has to be exposed to outer space. She is suspended in a bubble known as the ionosphere, within a vacuum. She could easily be pushed to one side by a large comet strike. Two significant frozen points on Earth are Siberia and Scandinavia. The latter is now melting, believed to be the result of “Global Warming”, and revealing artefacts carbon dated to around 5500 years old. I then went to look for other archaeological discoveries around that period and found amongst others one of the oldest standing buildings. Newgrange is a prehistoric monument in County Meath, Ireland. It was built about 3200 BC, during the Neolithic period, which makes it older than Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids. Why was this built at all? There had to be a reason for going to the trouble of building a place that represented a specific position of the Sun. If solstice was a known phenomenon to the people, they would not have paid attention to it at all. There are a couple of similar places on Earth that point to the fact that solstice was not there before the event that froze Scandinavia about the same time. They were baffled by it, so I took a closer look. Going purely on that assumption, I started looking for evidence that pointed to something like that. To understand this, I needed to understand how the planets preceded about their business. Archaeology gave humanity a date of 5500 years, and The Bible speaks about such an event, so the evidence will show up everywhere.

85 By now, Tiger’s attitude towards The Bible had changed considerably, and He was referencing everything to it; it had become His most valuable guide. In doing so, the picture became clearer and Tiger’s philosophy gained direction at an incredible rate: I am able to tie up many questions and it even allows me to see further back in history to before The Great Flood.

86 87 88 4. Archaeastronomy

“Who, by vigour of mind almost divine, the motions and figures of the planets, the paths of comets, and the tides of the seas first demonstrated?” Isaac Newton’s epitaph

Archaeoastronomy, derived from a combination of subjects, is a new study based on logic with the goal of making sense of humanity’s heavenly journey and their past.

Tiger had to gather so much information that it confused Him to no end. Scientists believe in science, archaeologists in archaeology and astronomers in astronomy. So, why are they not coming to the same conclusion?, Tiger did not understand, so He decided to go beyond the borders. He knew He could understand it all if He brought all the angles to one focal point.

89 “One of the most endearing characteristics of archaeoastronomy is its capacity to set academics in different disciplines at loggerheads with each other.”

So, I started with a date that was on every person’s lips at the time: 21/12/2012. The date on which The Mayan calendar ended, summer solstice of the Southern Hemisphere. An unusual date and also the birth day of my twins. It raised many questions and caused a lot of confusion.

Astrologic & astronomic

Understanding the difference between astronomy and astrology and where they came from was the next step. I knew the 12 “zodiac” signs and I knew about their influences on humanity. I was not an avid follower of “zodiac” readings but identified well with my sign, Gemini. Astrology has offered a valuable and accurate character description which has been a great comfort to me over the years. Astrology studies the influence of distant cosmic objects on this planet and its inhabitants. Its human starting point dates back to Mesopotamia about 3,000 BC: that was the first time the Gods gave humans the keys to the Universe.

90 “Sumerian astrology tablets are the first historical record of astrology. They are literally the oldest astrological documents.” 39

Is it nonsense or fact?

In the masterpiece Why Astrology is Science: Five Good Reasons, Tapan, doctor and electronic engineer explains in details why astrology is science. These are the reasons: 1. Astrology is based on statistical analysis. 2. Astrology is social science. 3. Astrology is linked with medicine. 4. Astrology is explained by cosmic energy and biofield. 5. Astrology has similar basis to quantum mechanics.40 Astronomy is a study of the matter in outer space, including stars and planets, what they are made of and how they move. It studies planetary parade and concentrates on slow movement. Astronomy works with physics, whereas astrology work with metaphysics around the same idea. Remember, metaphysics starts where physics have run out of answers, but it still is physics. In ancient times, astrology was inseparable from astronomy. However, during the Age of Enlightenment or the Age of Reason, which started around 1650, astrology was rejected altogether; as a result, the metaphysical

39 Doug���������������������������������������������������� Walker, “The Astrology of Ancient Sumer”, 2014, http://www.historicalastrology.com/astrolo- gy-of-ancient-sumer// 40 Tapan Das, Ph.D. P.Eng, Why Astrology is Science: Five Good Reasons. 91 or rather the Universal Intelligence (Spirit) was removed. They are one, and somebody is confusing you here again. Can you see it?

Tiger could’nt see the separation; He decided to analyse it:

The Gods divided Earth’s orbit of the Sun into 12 sections of 30 degrees, called ages, which make up the months of a Great Year. Each month is assigned with a “zodiac” character, the same as the annual months. An astrological month is a time period of 2160 years that brings about major changes in the development of Earth’s residents, mainly relating to culture, society and politics. When the cycle is completed, it starts over. By the way, Gods is translated from the Hebrew word Elohim meaning Those who came from sky; the singular form for God is Eloah; these two are often incorrectly converted. So, where does that fit in? According to heliocentrism, our orbit of the Sun happens in 365.25 days: “Earth revolves around the Sun once a year while it rotates on its own axis every 24 hours. From that the following is calculable. The Earth’s spin alone results in a surface speed of 1,000 miles (1600km) per hour on the equator. The speed of the Earth due to orbital motion around the Sun is 66600 miles per hour. That is 30 times faster than a rifle bullet. During an average human’s lifetime of 70 years, 41 billion miles are travelled. During the time it takes you to read this page you will have travelled more than 1,000 miles! The overall speed of the Galaxy is 1.1 Million miles per hour.” 41

41 Ronald B. De Young, Astronomy and the Bible: Questions and Answers, 2014. 92 Reading that description was confusing for me. Actually, I could not understand where I had missed that point as I had not looked at the theory description. I always believed that it took Earth a long time to circle the Sun. The description of a Great Year made more sense to me, so I stuck to it from the start, never questioning common postulates. Amongst astrologers, there are two general opinions: Some believe the given astrological age causes marked influences on Earth, while others believe it is a matter of synchronicity. That made me take a closer look at the age descriptions. The holy book of the Zohar, the foundational work in the literature of Jewish mystical thought known as Kabbalah (111) says:

“All the celestial treasures and the hidden riddles that have not been solved for generations will be discovered in the Age of Aquarius.”

But, when is that? The Age of Pisces was described as being dominated largely by religion with its peculiar mixture of persecution and spiritual salvation. The Age of Pisces was alleged to be a period when “evil” or the “dark side” of the human mind controlled civilization. FEAR, and that includes the Fear of God, has been humanity’s primary motivation to act for over 2000 years. It is for this reason believed that wise Ancients hid as much valuable information as possible to preserve it for a very specific time and person to uncover (Rev 5). They knew society was going into a long- term decline and much of the important information would be destroyed or misinterpreted: intentionally and unintentionally. Human beings’ egos made them make many mistakes while interpreting the past.

93 Next step: find out when the Age of Pisces started. It was pretty obvious that the present paradigm humans are in fitted this profile well; there is no denying that. The Age of Pisces bore a couple of religions. It is best characterized by two guys and 42 their teachings: Jesus/Yahshuah and the prophecy- less prophet Muhammad. What these two guys stood for formed the foundations of all single God religions: “Christianity”, Judaism and Islam; “Christianity” became dominant because of its inherent violence along with its hypocrisy and GREED. The world has made good business of WAR since the beginning of time (after The Great Deluge). Even until recent times, cruelty to humanity has been phenomenal: Adolph Hitler (Germany), Joseph Stalin (Russia), Pol Pot (Cambodia), Radovan Karadzic (Bosnia), genocide in Africa and the infamous Spanish Inquisition have killed hundreds of millions. Many astrologers believe the Age of Aquarius has arrived recently or will arrive in the near future. On the other hand, some believe the Age of Aquarius arrived up to 5 centuries ago or will not start until 6 centuries from now. Despite all references provided by various sources, astrologers can’t agree upon exact dates for the beginning or ending of the ages Judging by what we have experienced from a natural disaster point of view since 2012, it is evident that something is busy happening to Mother Earth. A significant increase in volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and the most powerful cyclone ever to hit land have to make a statement. I started tracking international events in 2009, and, my word, it has been turmoil to say the least. What struck me was that Earth was busiest from November to February ( Matthew 24:7) .

42 the real name of Jesus, We have stuck to the name Jesus only for simplicity. 94 On 6/6/2012, there were as many as 15 dormant volcanoes erupting. I did a calculation back in time to what I thought could be a landmark: the freezing of the Mammoths. I also used the estimated disappearance of Atlantis as said to have happened about 11,600 years ago, but, as you know, that is believed to be myth; that gave it credibility for me. I will get to that. The calculated time frame according to half a Great Year is 12,960 years going by the present time scale. That takes us back to the beginning of the Age of Leo. From what has been happening on Earth, I will accept the Mayan Calendar correct with the date of 21/12/2012. That puts our position at the end of the Age of Pisces, the 6 th age; Leo then has to be considered the 1st age only because it is the age that follows our demise as a species.

According to the cosmic clock, we have entered Aquarius already, but ...

... there is a problem.

95 This description touched my heart; I related to it well. I do not know where I found it, and I do not care:

“When the moon is in the seventh house, and Jupiter aligns with Mars Then peace shall guide the planets, and love will steer the stars This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Harmony and understanding Sympathy and trust abounding No more forces of derision Golden living dreams of visions Mystic crystal revelations And the mind’s true liberation.”

The time of ages

Okay, enough of the nostalgic trip. I had to find the connection to the change of the ages, and that was like looking for a “needle in a haystack”. Now, I had gained an asset that was sent to me from above; it made my journey easier. Katie’s comprehension of what I was doing and Her strong intuition revealed Her first connection between The Bible and history: She attached the ages/ trumpets with the years. The year 147 BC was the beginning of the 6 th age; 146 BC was when the Roman Empire was sealed with the taking of Macedonia.

96 She was so excited! After that, We found Hipparchus of Nicaea: Greek astronomer, geographer and mathematician of the Hellenistic period considered the father of 43 trigonometry , famous for his incidental unearthing of the precession of the equinoxes. He was credited for this “discovery” in the year 147 BC. Revelation 8 summarizes history from The Great Flood onwards. The trumpets announce each following age, and they gave Us the insight as to the comet strike. It all fitted so well that Katarína and I were fighting over The Bible when We were researching. Strange for a person from an ex-communist country who had nothing to do with religion or The Bible. This connection gave Us great inspiration and somehow was enough reward to fuel the rest of Our journey. Everything I had written about suddenly started making more sense. Revelation became Our topic of discussion from then on for some time to follow. Now, there was so much to understand! The change of the ages was vague up to the point where We were able to connect the Romans’ quest to own the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Revelation 9:11, the end of the 5th trumpet, refers to the end of the Age of Aries. It mentions a royal energy, the Angel of the bottomless pit, introduced at the beginning of Revelation 9: Sargon/Marduk came to power at the start of the 5th trumpet; he is the Angel who was given the key of the bottomless pit. Sargon the Great was the Akkadian/ Sumerian king who introduced metal works to the military, highly advancing the level of battle; first body armour and wheel application in war chariot appeared. He had the greatest army at the time, and

43 from����� Greek trigōnon meaning triangle and metron meaning measure, branch of mathematics studying triangle measurement. 97 he united all of Sumer. The secrets of working with metal were shared with humanity for the first time. Sargon’s energy was about war and dictatorship that started in the Age of Aries. But, why does he have the key to the pit? After attaching the 6 th trumpet to the sealing of the Roman Empire, it was easy enough to make the connection to the comet strike, which in turn explained the reason for Noah’s dilemma and so much more. Now, to find the proof to convince the intellect of this incident. I analysed it from every angle as I knew that there was something I was not seeing. Something had changed and the clues were there.

As I was floating in outer space in my mind’s eye, I was reconstructing a picture of my perception according to the information I had: Why did our ancestors leave humanity with so many clues that are hard to figure out, and what were they actually saying? All prophecies pointed to a coming disastrous event, and they all pointed to the same period in time. How could they know unless it was something that was a set path or cycle of a journey?

At present, you have aurora phenomenon, noises in the sky heard in many places, birds falling from the heavens, blood Moon phenomenon, blood water, and the list just goes on; surely, these have to say something. The frozen mammoths and fresh flowers dating back more than 10 thousand years were far enough back to start with. The Great Flood described had to have something to do with this, so that is where I would

98 have to start constructing the picture, going back in time from here. I will jump to a brief description that has been missing from your perception, and I will explain later as to the reason for this. For now, it is important to understand exactly how this planet goes about Her business. With respect to heliocentrism, in principle it is correct and closest to the truth. Geocentrism is just plainly conceited. Hipparchus defined the precession of the equinoxes which led to the definition of heliocentrism, but it was rejected for a very good reason. The theory, however, did not make sense to me. This is why: According to the ancient astrology, Earth does not revolve around the Sun in 1 year. Rather, She revolves with the Sun once every 25,920 years in the present time scale based on Earth’s revolutions of 365.25 days. The problem is that astronomers are not taking the rotation of the Sun and His equatorial plane’s magnetism into account. If Earth did orbit the Sun as believed, YOU would see the back of it 6 months of the year and not almost the same sky every night. If there was a planet X behind the Sun, it would have been common knowledge to YOU. This is what the 30 degree, 1 age shift over a period of 2160 years (1 degree every 72 years), is all about and what Hipparchus calculated from the information he had. It is only visible at night. This means that Earth is turning with the Sun in Her orbit, revolving on Her axis in the opposite direction, like two rotating gears: as is almost everything else in our Solar system. Her equatorial velocity is 90 degrees East at midday.

99 During this journey, She crosses two significant points, and that is what YOU are being warned about and what prophecy is telling YOU with statements like “the heaven departed as a scroll” ( Rev 6:12). They are the points where the two magnetic poles of the Sun meet to form an equatorial plane. It is this plane that keeps our solar system together. All planets that revolve around our Sun have to cross it twice in their orbit. Crossing this plane flips the polarity, changing the magnetic reference point to the opposite. This is solid evidence that Earth does not revolve the Sun in a year: She would flip polarity every 6 months. This has been verified to happen every 10 - 11 thousand years. Duh?


“Then the third angel sounded: And a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the water, because it was made bitter.” Revelation 8:10

This event describes the story of Noah. It’s also important to know that celestial objects coming into our atmosphere are known to contaminate rivers with arsenic which is bitter as wormwood. The fact that religions believe that the world is merely 6000 years old and the “inexplicable” rain of 40 days and 40 nights describe the result of a comet impact adequately.

100 The sterility of North Africa and Saudi Arabia and the popularity of the area have always made me wonder. Why are there so many disputes in this small concentrated part of the world? Is it because there is “black nectar” or is it that for some reason YOU are still looking for the Promised Land? But then, what is the Promised Land? It also makes me wonder why there is such a rich supply of oil. Could it be the result of the comet? The Books were conceived in that area; in fact, the most significant part of human history comes from there. When that comet impacted with Earth at the point where Her magnetic connection is weakest because She is at the highest point from the Sun’s Equatorial plane, it shifted Earth out of Her orbit by 2½ million kilometres. This is also when the northern magnetic connection point moved away from the geometric North, giving Her a wobble of 23.4 degrees. The 3 rd effect of this comet was an increase in Her rotational speed. The wobble is now in the process of correcting itself; the rotational point is moving at an alarming rate back to geometric North. This is a result of Earth moving into the opposite polarity. Wormwood impacted with Earth in the northern section of Africa/Mediterranean. Upon entering our atmosphere, it started boiling. Some solid mass hit Earth, but it was mostly boiling water, vaporizing everything in that area, creating the most barren desert on this planet. It broke up on impact; traces of it can be seen from Western Sahara to Oman and even further. This shook this planet to the extent that humanity went back to basic survival; they once again found themselves at a similar point of destruction as to The Great Flood. Some wisdom prevailed and was saved in the form of pictures, myth and ancient script;

101 all history and myth will relate to this in some way. Destruction was also more localized than before. Earth, however, did spill Her oceans all over because of the change in momentum, depositing marine carcasses in strange places. The history of this part of the world was the only path that was documented with a reasonable amount of accuracy and there is a very good reason for that. When Hipparchus mathematically determined the precession of the equinoxes, it seems, he automatically assumed that our journey around the Sun is elliptical. It’s hard to believe that a man who figured out all of these things made such a fatal error of logic. After all, he was aware of the 30-degree shift as he did follow the philosophies of the past. Could it be that his cognition was incomplete or was his theory hijacked and conveniently covered up? The ellipse that he calculated with aphelion and 44 perihelion does, however, not take place at two different points in Earth’s said orbit of the Sun; it is taking place because of a spiral tumble around Her original orbit: I have named these orbits: the Primary, which takes 25,920 years (20,580 CY) to complete, and the Secondary orbit, (tumble) which takes 365.25 days to complete 1 circle. Earth shares with the Sun the component Gold and many others, of which iron is most prolific. Her iron content is the reason She stays in a close orbit to the Sun. She orbits the Sun in reverse to what is perceived, that is She goes around the Sun with His rotational direction, but She is slower as She is being pulled along by the rotation of His magnetic field. His axis rotation being opposite to Hers creates the

44 from������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Greek perihelion meaning the closest point and aphelion the furthest point to the Sun in a planet’s orbit. Earth’s perihelion = 147,098,074 km and aphelion = 152,097,701 km. 102 illusion of Her moving around Him fast. This could be compared to the Moon’s orbit around Earth; although, the Moon does not rotate on its own axis.

Full page picture at back of the book. During this journey, because of an 8-degree angular trajectory as opposed to His equatorial plane, Earth crosses this energy field twice in a Great Year. At present, Mother Earth winds around Her original trjectory path: spiralling towards and away from the Sun, creating seasonal changes. This explains New Grange. Another problem that resulted from the comet strike, which took humanity some time to figure out, was an increase of Earth’s rotational speed due to the angle of impact. In a conversation with a geologist, I was told that the concept will stick if I could reduce the amount of time from 12,960 to around 11 - 10 thousand years. Yes, a valid statement. It did come up many times in my research. I realized where the problem lay: the impact of the comet increased Her rotational speed. It is proven that around 6000 years ago Earth revolved at 290 revolutions per year; hence, the Tiahuanacan45 year was recorded to be 290 days.

45 of or pertaining to highly advanced ancient culture existingexisti ng in Peru and Bolivia. 103 Carbon dating is the measurement of the constant rate of decay of Carbon 14 over a period of time. This is an accurate process used to determine age of organic materials. The time it takes Earth to travel in Her orbit from the beginning of Leo to the end of Pisces, for instance, is a constant that is set by the Primary orbit’s distance. What Earth does in revolutions has nothing to do with the distance She travels in space, so the exposure to the elements is also a constant. The percentage of increase in revolutions is approximately 20.6 %. If this is correct, it then calculates to an original period of 5145 years for a quarter of a Great Year; I will name this CY for carbon years, so bear them in mind. That means that since the comet, it changed to 6480 years, but the environmental exposure period has not changed as the distance travelled in the Primary orbit is still the same. Effectively, humanity has been working in two different time scales. The Judean calendar which is still in use is the most accurate tracking of this event. Their present year of 5775 started on 25/9/2014. It tracks the months based on the Moon cycle; full Moon is the start of the month. It’s a bit confusing because when Earth started spinning faster, the Moon had to follow and catch up. The Moon is dragged by Earth’s magnetism and centrifugal force the same way Earth is by the Sun’s. Everything had to be recalculated, and that was not an easy task; the days were the most basic place to start. I asked a “rabbi” 46 what event started day zero, but he did not have an answer and reluctantly referred it to Genesis.

46 from���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Hebrew rav meaning one who teaches, the way a student would address a master of Torah in “Judaism”. 104 The dating system should be based on the Mayan calendar (the real Mayans, not the people YOU think to be Mayans) which was calculated from the start of Leo to the end of Pisces according to carbon years, ending on the last solstice 21/12/2012. When Earth was forced out of Her Primary orbit, She was pushed back in time so to speak; the period lost is 3 solar years (Matthew 24:36). That means we are in injury time now. The constellation has a set pattern or cycle and is the only true guide to time, not what YOU humans sucked out of your thumbs 525 years after some significant event. While on the subject of time, it is important to know where your present dating system comes from:

“The Anno Domini dating system was devised in 525 AD by Dionysius Exiguus, a thorough catholic monk described as ‘most learned abbot of the city of Rome”, to enumerate the years in his Easter table. His system was to replace the Diocletian era that had been used in an old Easter table because he did not want to continue the memory of a tyrant who persecuted Christians. When he devised his table, Julian calendar years were identified by naming the consuls who held office that year—he himself stated that the “present year” was “the consulship of Probus Junior”, which was 525 years “since the incarnation of Jesus”. Thus Dionysius implied that Jesus’ Incarnation occurred 525 years earlier, without stating the specific year during which his birth or conception occurred. However, Dionysius does not relate his dating system to any other. The reason being that no one has an exact date of Jesus’ Incarnation as stated by Blackburn & Holford - Strevens in their book The Oxford Companion to the Year. ” 47

47 Wikipedia, “Dionysius Exiguus”, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dionysius_Exiguus.htt ps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dionysius_Exiguus. �� 105 Geologists and archaeologists have come up with a date that marks a catastrophic event 5200 CY ago; the ice in Scandinavia melting now due to “Global Warming” is revealing artefacts carbon dated to that age. When Earth flips polarity, humanity starts fresh from DAY ONE. The Mayans were the most accurate in predicting the solstice where it changes from Pisces to Aquarius; the oldest building related to this is also 5200 years old. When this subject comes up in my conversations, I am often asked what difference it makes where we are in space. I am also told that the fact that we do not go around the Sun once per year does not change anything. Well, I beg to differ. It changes everything as YOU know it; in fact, that is what everything is all about, and how I came to this realization. Let’s start at the most basic of the cosmic clock, this makes me feel so insignificant. Contrary to the Moon, Earth rotates on an imaginary axis in a time frame the Sumerians divided accurately into 24 units named hours. We built clocks to help Us track Our perception of it. The Sun does 1 revolution around His axis in 25.38 earth days. The Moon completes 1 rotation around Earth in 27 - 29 days. One complete spiral rotation on Mother Earth’s Secondary orbit measured by 365.24 rotations of Her axis is known to you as a year. Then, there is Earth’s Primary orbit around the Sun; this is where the confusion sets in. It has the same pattern as the days and nights or months, only at a much larger scale. It takes 25,920 years or 20,580 CY to complete 1 revolution. One cosmic day or trip around the Sun can be compared to YOUR experience in two ways: Firstly, one day of 24 hours is a division of 1 rotation into 15 degree segments as opposed to 30 degree 106 segments of the “zodiac”. Starting with Leo, the first 6 ages are like day; the following 6 ages are like night so to speak. We spend 12 hours in day and 12 hours in night. Aquarius is the entry into the next 6 ages; the end of Pisces can be compared to sunset, Leo being sunrise. Secondly, for Earth to complete 1 year of 12 months, She takes 1 full revolution of the Secondary spiral orbit around Her original orbit. This was divided into 12 months, the same as the 12 ages. So in effect we have 12 Universal months and 12 Earth months, both dividing the circular orbits into 30 degree segments. Now, Earth is going into “night time”, where we will be for the next 12,960 years (10,290 CY), much the same as changing from June to July; except, end of this month, there is a galactic event. To take it just another step further, you must bear in mind that the cosmos is a combination of many galaxies, of which we are just a minute part of. The entire lot revolves in one big never ending spiral, never in the same place twice. You may or may not have noticed that the numerology of all the figures above except those compared to Earth’s rotational speed are divisible by number 3. Also, note how many times the number 3 comes up. Nikola Tesla, father of electricity, brilliant out of his time inventor, was obsessed with the number 3. All his calculations and also actions were based on number 3 or multiples thereof. He would sleep in a hotel room only with number divisible by 3. His understanding of the universal clock led to his knowledge of electricity, or is that the other way around? Okay, now you know the most recent event that gave us a date of 5200 CY ago. The next big event is The Great Deluge of 10,290 CY ago. What could possibly have happened? 107 Great Flood

There is a misconception about The Great Flood; you have seen now that it is not the story of Noah. The Great Flood/Deluge was exactly what is says it was. A catastrophic event that destroyed everything, including humanity. This event is what the real deal is all about. It happened at the changeover from the Age of Virgo to the Age of Leo. The world was under the rule of a single King known to you as the water God, Poseidon. Wipe that frown off your forehead; He is described in Sumerian tablets, and We will prove His existence and His connection to the Sumerians and to YOU. Mother Earth was approaching the Sun’s Equatorial plane after a peaceful journey of at least 10,290 CY with Her South Pole as primary pole. The population of Earth is mostly living in coastal regions like along the Mediterranean as that was the most comfortable weather on this planet to be. The tropics were too hot, and summer and winter were not known at all. King Poseidon is based on Atlantis, a fairly huge island situated between Africa, Europe and America. The Atlanteans were highly evolved and very industrious people. They may not have expected what happened next, and if they did, there was very little that they could do. They were the gods who had the “zodiac” information; they knew Earth’s journey: they knew that the Earth crosses the Equatorial plane of the Sun every 6 ages. The most important thing was to keep their King alive. Mother Earth is a sphere floating in a magnetic field that is polarized either one way or the other; you know it as north or south. It determines Her polarity, which indicates Her magnetic orientation. 108 Her polarity as YOU know to be north is the magnetic connection to what is attracting Her at present that being what YOU know as south, its opposite polarity. A compass proves that adequately. When you hold two magnets with their opposite poles towards each other, they attract. The Equatorial plane of the Sun is where the North and South Pole of His magnetic fields meet. As a sphere floating in a void filled with magnetism, Earth has no set polarity other than the dictating opposite attracting field She is always moving towards, that is where the compass points. If you could push these two magnets into one another so to speak, they would eventually merge into one magnet with “north” and “south” pole matched. If you then proceed any further than the centre, the poles will start repelling. “North” will push “north” away, and so will “south” push “south”. Earth’s stability in space is due to the gyroscopic effect of Her rotational momentum, just like a spinning top48 This axis is the only point of anchor She has in space. The imaginary axis is not cast in stone and can change with extreme magnetic influences. The magnetic effect of crossing the equatorial plane is that Earth simply gets a new point of attraction; in other words, compasses will now point South instead of North. In effect the North and South Pole is still the same polarity. Saying that Earth will change polarity is not correct as She merely changes Her magnetic reference point. During the crossover from Virgo to Leo or from Pisces to Aquarius, Earth’s axis becomes unstable when the polarity flips. In the case of the last changeover from Virgo to Leo, Mother Earth’s axis shifted by as much as 50 degrees to the present geometric position. The result was more than just catastrophic. The tilt caused

48 top,���������������������������������� spinning top or spintop is a toy designed to be spun rapidly on the ground, the motion it causes it to remain precisely balanced on its tip. 109 all the water on Earth to rush up the Atlantic channel, where Atlantis and many other smaller islands were situated, removing them completely, drowning cities and crashing humanity down to virtual extinction. Twelve thousand nine hundred and sixty years ago, humanity starts back at base level. Everything was destroyed and survivors were scattered everywhere. The intellect that survived was only able to tell the children stories of how it was, and myth was born. A closer look at Google Earth will reveal traces of this event beyond a shadow of a doubt, or should I rather say it does until it is camouflaged. Mother Earth travels from the Sun’s Equatorial plane, reducing the high vibrational energies, causing humanity to devolve to the extent where they are closest to their original animal state. They do, however, recover and rebuild, but Mother Earth is unstable from the tilt; She is still settling down. Volcanoes and earthquakes are common, as described in Revelation 8 - 9 . The redevelopment carries on for 6480 years, and technology is slowly redeveloping in a similar paradigm. This redefines the reference point for what you have come to know as “the beginning”. The Age of Leo was only the start of a new Day for humanity but Genesis, meaning origin, refers to the start of new gene on this planet.

110 Let me explain ...


112 5. U-Manity

In starting, a brief explanation of a word that has much meaning to me now, and it is important to understand well. Cognition is the mental capacity that includes attention, memory, producing and understanding language, learning, reasoning, problem solving and decision making. Disciplines like psychology, philosophy, linguistics and computer science all study cognition. Cognition, or cognitive processes, can be natural or artificial, conscious or unconscious. In short, cognition describes the ability to process specific knowledge and information accurately to the point of full understanding. Let’s make it simple: cognition is conception.

“Cogito ergo sum.” 49 René Descartes

49 LatinLati n for “I think, therefore I am.”. am.”.� 113 It was not until Katie joined me that I realised I had applied logic throughout my entire life. Up to that point, I had never thought about something that came naturally to me. Logic, from Greek logos meaning reason, is the practice and study of effective reasoning. The study of logic is significant in the scholarship of philosophy, mathematics and electronics. Logic was introduced to humanity through the Sumerians.

Cognition is a result of logic. The more relevant information, the more accurate the logic, the better the cognition, the higher the understanding, the closer you get to wisdom and truth. The Book of Aquarius was one of the missing ingredients that gelled this entire concept together. We hope that The Philosopher’s Stone is common knowledge by now. If you don’t know about it, The Book of Aquarius will explain; download it ASAP50. We thank the Author for such a noble deed. Another person who deserves significant honour is Nikola Tesla. My cognition of the Tesla 369 code was flimsy at first, but it gave me the confirmation that led to my conception. The concept became clearer as the answers to so many questions revealed themselves. As the author of The Book of Aquarius rightfully said:

“Truth is always simple, beautiful and easy to understand.”

50 As���������������������� soon as possible.�� 114 Humanity trusts everything that either the scientists, media or the preachers say. As an advanced creature, YOU have gone to great lengths to find answers further and further away from home. You believe that people like Thomas Edison did humanity a favour and that NASA should know about space. Yet, Thomas Edison was one of the biggest contributors to YOUR present dilemma; he did the world no favour whatsoever. His only drive was money, whereas Tesla’s motivation came from his heart for the good of humanity, and he died a poor man. How frustrating that must have been for him, just one example of what this system does to people: if you don’t pay for it, it’s not worth having. Edison’s concept led to the development of nuclear power plants, which are now threatening this entire planet, quite the opposite to what Tesla had in mind. It is of vital importance to turn them off and make them safe for what is about to follow.

The begeneing

Documenting history marks a turning point in Homo genus’ evolution: YOUR oldest written history refers to the period that starts around 400 thousand years ago, not very far back in the bigger scheme of things. The start being a bit fuzzy but is of no consequence as it is only the concept that matters now. From the description at the beginning of the book of Genesis, it is obvious that there was no structure on Earth. It speaks of two very distinct periods, as you will see. There is enough archaeological evidence that points to the fact that there was high-tech stuff happening here before.

115 The only history from before The Great Deluge tells of a kind that came from their planet Nibiru in search of Gold, the metal needed to repair their ionosphere. When they arrived here, they found two kinds of upright walking creatures. They needed workers, so they started the development of what was here by introducing speech to them. This is the part of humanity created in the beginning, the creation of day 6. There were many offspring of modified Homo sapiens and Homo erectus. Their numbers were kept under control by their developers to avoid the possibility of these creations spreading and invading Earth. Then, there was a deluge; they were freed from their captivity. Earth recovered, only this time with two new types of Homos. They did invade and cities grew. These people needed a ruler, so the King of Nibiru gave Earth to his Son Ea. Every time there is a deluge, His kingdom is destroyed. Just before the last one, The Great Flood, He was based on the island of Atlantis. Stories of Atlantis tell of a magical island that was very advanced. Her inhabitants had trade routes along the coastlines surrounding the Mediterranean, Africa and America. One magnetic pole of Earth was Stonehenge, it being the previous axis point. Earth was in Her original orbit, revolving slower. The 51 changes in weather created by the Moon were the only variation in season there was. The North and The South Pole were liveable, and world population was at equilibrium or close to that. Poseidon, the water God ruled from Atlantis. They had a one world currency, and hierarchy was respected. Some were better off, living at the coast, eating fish and greens, in peace and acceptance for what Mother Earth had to offer. Some were nomadic hunters/farmers; some were warriors/workers and some were gods. They

51 earth, water, fifire re and air element cycle causing day to be cold, rainy, sunny or windy consequently. 116 were wise to the world and their surroundings, living in harmony, with their population in a maintenance cycle: conceiving children only to replenish. After The Great Flood, 12,960 years ago, the survivors formed the basis of a new global population. But there was a problem: before The Flood, Earth’s inhabitants were few, and they had settled down mostly near the coast; as result, the bulk of humanity was destroyed. With the loss of Atlantis, the real Monarchy and hierarchy were lost as well, causing all the confusion to the human species.

So, who are YOU really?

The confusion presented in researching this topic is astronomical. After The Flood, hybrids were springing up from “nowhere” and spread like wild fires. Cain was banished to Asia; it lays East of Eden. The offspring of Esau, the red-haired twin of Jacob, ended up there as well. About 600 AD, they were driven out by the young Mongolian variation, the result of incest described in The Bible as Moabites and Ammonites (Gen 19:31-38). Both Black kinds are a result of genetic alteration, while the White kind is both creation and the result of crossbreeding between dark Caucasian and God’s blue-eyed sons. White Caucasians with brown/green eyes are a result of this crossbreeding; the ones with blue eyes are virgin creation from scratch.

117 The world YOU have created

Adam and Eve were the second creation in Genesis. The re-development of the human species since The Great Deluge, 10,290 CY ago, was based on survival of the fittest and the horniest. The world you have created since the comet is a world at war over dominance. The Genesis curse on the woman is your biggest point of denial, and not having any natural predators has resulted in a very sick world. Your moral drive is to interfere by what you perceive as helping the suffering, causing even worse problems to natural evolutionary patterns. To help is to lead or teach others not to feed them. That kind of action instils a dependency which grows in magnitude. Remember, you have to be cruel to be kind, and overpopulation is specifically prominent within the brown-eyed people, not the case within the Noble kind. You have become a global species of complaint against inequity, yet you have willingly enslaved yourselves through greed and ignorance. You are petitioning at all levels to the extent that it is becoming an annoyance to say the least. Each one fighting for what they believe in while an entire ocean has been killed. The world is full of uprisings against authorities, who are desperately trying to hang onto their positions as slave masters while filling their pockets even more. The truth is that YOU are responsible for letting it all happen. You are the reason why food has been genetically tampered with, and you are the reason for having to eat beef and not venison; you are the reason for preservatives, and you have envy, sloth, greed, ignorance and religions to blame for it.

118 You are stuck in a pattern of repetition and dictatorship. You get schooled, then you have to study; otherwise you will not get a job. Then, you get a job and a woman and enslave yourselves with children and pets at the age when you are really only beginning to learn about life. Then, you grow up only to discover that you have not lived your lives and don’t know who you really are. You blame the entire world for the situation humanity finds itself in without considering your very own contributing submission to the illusion. As examples to YOUR children, YOU fall incredibly short of being good parents in this society of bad habits, control and addictions. As technology increases, your dilemma is spiralling like a Fibonacci spiral, ever increasing in magnitude, out of control. You have become very upset beings, and you are not addressing the root of the cause simply because of your indoctrinated moral blinkers and your complacency and attachment to this Roman system. All religions have been connected to an external God believed to be in the sky; the problem is none of the “Holy Books” are original. The Roman “Christian” Bible shares its first five books with the “Jewish” 52 Tanakah (111); the Muslim Qur’an was written 600 years after Jesus and is basically a rip off of the other two; it was based on the perception of Muhammad at the time when the “Judeans” and the “Christians” had a God who was making good name for himself. He basically stole the concept, “copied and pasted”, and adapted it to suit his uneducated view; it is really the primitive opinion of a criminal and warrior. The following article links Muhammad to The Knights Templar. Considering the cunning way that the uprisings and wars in Islamic countries are being

52 the Jewish sacred text, the name is an acronym of Torah (Instruction), Nebi’im (Prophets) and Ketuvim (Writings). 119 instigated and funded by the Bankers and that the world’s biggest industry is the arms industry also owned by the Bankers, this makes such sense. The arms industry needs to get rid of excess and redundant stock somehow.

“They openly admit on page 1 of ‘The Secret Ritual of the Secret Work of the Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine of Masonry’, chapter 1 by John G. Jones Imperial Grand Potentate (Negro Shriner) that ‘Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine’ was instituted by Mohammedan, Kalif- Alee, the son in law of the prophet Mohammed, in the year Hegira 25; A.H. 656 A.D., at Mecca, Arabia.”

Ishmael, the hated man, was the son of Abraham and the father of Islam (Gen 16:11-12).

“This was established after William J. Florence 33rd Degree, of New York City, brought back from Arabia, this degree in 1871 A.D. And placed it in the hands of Dr Walter M. Flemming, 33rd Degree Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rites and Eminent Commander of Columbia Commandery, No. 1, Knights Templar of New York. Six years later in 1877 A.D (the supposed birth year of W.D. FARD), it was working.” 53

The power of the teachings of The Qur’an shows how gullible the humanity really is.

53 Deshon���������������������������������� Way, Yahoo Groups, 8/29/09, https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/NorthAmexemOb- servers/conversations/messages/6840 120 The Bible, on the other hand, is a combination of Scriptures from various different authors and not the biased opinion of one man. The metaphysical message it was meant to track and deliver could not, however, be fully understood. The distorted message formed the basis of the mind-set that YOU called religion. The “original” Hebrew Scriptures that were used were in themselves translations of Sumerian/Atlantean family wisdom and history. They meticulously documented their family tree to serve one purpose only: it is a coded book that needed specific keys to unlock its secret. The keys only one man carries: A man with eyes “as a flame of fire” ( Rev 19:12). Everyone thought they could understand them hence some Roman translations and pagan influence and, of course, Muhammad. The Torah, meaning Instruction in Hebrew, was a translation of five important Sumerian Scriptures specifically meant for Jacob’s bloodline, the Israelites or the dark-haired, blue-eyed Lords. The Sumerians were the offspring of Seth. When The Books are stripped of their religious connotation, a very different picture is revealed; this picture is the sole purpose for creating them. Your species have a tendency to cover up your little mishaps, and this is just one of them. The King James Version of The Bible is the bestselling book in history with more than 1 billion copies sold to date. The Bible is the only Book with complete prophecy, and KJV is the only Bible We are allowed to quote without citing. Both Old and New Testament have corresponding prophecy which makes up 30 percent of The Book; the significance of these prophecies makes the book you are reading now very special. King James was quoted as saying:

121 “Monarchy is the greatest thing on Earth. Kings are rightly called gods since just like God they have power of life and death over all their subjects in all things. They are accountable to God only, so it is a crime for anyone to argue about what a king can do.”

This is the monarchy or rather “elite” that still rules the world today. King James is considered the most intellectual king ever to sit on the British throne but had nothing to do with translating The Bible. The task was given to the Catholic Church, and he merely authorized it and provided financing for its production. You see what wealth made possible: it bought a religious control system. James was, however, an author; majority of his written works are concerned with theology and the justification of the theory of Divine Right (but only for the elite, not for everyone). As religions, disciplines have also become bulky with information as more detail is gathered and placed in a totally confused world. You are looking too deeply into every matter: further defining, further categorising, without ever stepping back and applying logic to the big picture. What answers do you still hope to find? The ones to the questions you ultimately fear to ask because you cannot face the truth? The fear of God became the marketing tool of doctrines and something you simply have to realize.

122 Uncategorizeable

A philosophy I was introduced to very early in my life is numerology. It has amazed me over the years as to the accuracy of fundamental character descriptions, but I found the basic concept adequate for me. I also have to say that I am a concept person, and in-depth detail is not my thing because I have logic. As a concept engineer, I excelled, but I failed dismally when it came to the finer details: I fell short 3 subjects of an electronic engineering diploma. I did, however, work in the industry for 10 years prior to my attention shift to mechanical engineering. I found solace in the knowledge I have as back-up, and that has opened the way forward for me, always searching for more, hoping not to miss anything. Patterns and routines are hard for me and the reason I steered away from making anything my discipline or doctrine. As a result, I have had an incredible journey to here, and I followed my passion rather than the money. The closest I came to gaining a discipline was the day I passed my Dive instructor course with the National Association of Underwater Instructors (NAUI). But then I lost interest because it became a job, and I never registered. I needed the information it had to offer; once I had enough, I was happy. But, I still love diving. What am I saying? I perceive things to a level that is adequate for me to understand what they are all about, and then I move on. The subjects I have written about I did not need to conceive in totality to have enough information to construct a block diagram of concepts within disciplines. This has led me on a logical journey which

123 does not seize to amaze me. It angers me, however, that you are so incredibly deprived of inventions that will make life easier. The statement that is made in Genesis 1 regards the development and redevelopment of humanity from the most basic state of being: everything had to be re-categorized and named because it was all gone. We are the most hopeless creatures on this planet at birth in comparison to animals; they know what to do right from the start. Comparing to the chimpanzee, we have forgotten many abilities. But gained others: abilities that gave us power over everything, and it has been misused. Adam started by defining the primary source of our existence: Almighty God, the Sun, the reason for our being and our dilemma. The description of God alternates between singular and plural in The Bible, and this is where the confusion sets in. The original voice is that of Poseidon (YHWH), who had mastered the art of reincarnation. To track His incarnations, they were documented everywhere, including the Sumerian Tablets and The Torah. His specific family gene was that of the blue- eyed Aryans/Atlanteans and is described as having the mark of God in the forehead. Then, it describes His blue-eyed creations as the man who became like the gods (Genesis 3:22); they are the ones who started categorising and naming, making themselves leaders in specific fields. This switch-over between plural and singular god is not questioned due to the fear of The One. It was pointed out in various places throughout The Bible that YOU are the gods but somehow got conveniently “overlooked”.

124 Knowing that humanity did not understand it as it needed a preacher to teach you how to read it led warrior tribes to finding a weakness to exploit within every living human being. “Christianity” was forcefully introduced to humanity in 325 AD by the First Council of Nicaea on behalf of the emperor, Constantine the Great. The call for “lost souls” with promise of salvation is the ultimate ploy. The threat of hell and eternal death depicted in this doctrine for “unsaved souls” is scary, especially for the Sky People, whose spirits are telling them there is more to a 3-dimensional world. The confusion gave birth to too many theories and philosophies, which developed into disciplines and beliefs over time. Even those who grew up in communist states, where religion is not allowed, carry the scar of the fear of God to some extent. Intrinsically, you all know that there is something more. Atheists spend most of their time in denial, reminding themselves that there is no god; I get the feeling that they are only denying the god of religion and rightfully so. The day you are conceived, your energy connection to the Universe is made. You have no choice in what you get given and from birth you are prevented from finding the one thing that is the most amazing gift: yourselves. Stopping you from finding your own connection was the original purpose of religions ...

... and there is a reason for.

125 “Holy” money

The Roman Catholic Church was at the forefront of this incredible misconception, and the German warriors (Franks) saw the power it had over the people and took control of their system, achieving world domination. This gave birth to the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation; the affairs of the German kingdom were intertwined with those of Rome and the Papacy. In disagreeance with the Roman Catholic interpretation of The Book, many religious sects were formed, based on the same concept. The Renaissance caused a paradigm shift financed by Court “Jews”; they received much attention for their lavish ways and their indulgences into the finer things in life. They became the envy of the working class, creating a drive for equality, which still carries on till this very day. The French Revolution was the beginning of the final stage of the master plan to rule humanity; the banking system of the elite was made accessible to the public. With money loans available, industry developed and things looked great. As the world increased its population, so the money had to increase; inflation was inevitable. Because the elite owned the banks, they were charging a commission on the loans. This was a good way of making money and gave rise to smaller banks affiliated with the elite banks: they are now the reserve banks which still borrow from the Federal Reserve. Smaller banks affiliated to these reserve banks are responsible for distributing funds to the public. Interest is charged at all levels, and funds are legally allowed to be inflated to 90 percent of the borrowed value. If a reserve bank has borrowed T100 from Federal Reserve, it is legally allowed to increase

126 its value to T900 by giving 9 different smaller banks loans of T100 based on the original T100. That means all money is fictitiously created, making all of it false. Above and beyond the fact that this is a pyramid system that only benefits the one at the top, it is also a system that is in conflict of the fundamental rules of “Christianity”. True “Christians” do not indulge in interest: neither in gaining, nor in the charging thereof to fellow “Christians”. According to their faith, they are also not allowed to own any land; this makes all “Christians” hypocrites, the biggest lie ever lived. It distracted them from finding their own god by introducing a relatively easily achievable demi- god perception, one that has become the ultimate ruler: wealth. During all of this commotion going on, there was a hidden influence adding even more confusion. The alignment of Uranus in 1781 caused an opening of additional chakras in the human body, leading to the awakening of individualism, fertilizing the soil for The French Revolution. This also led to the modern- day Science of Differentiation aptly named Human Design. For some, the desire for recognition as a god is strong, and even the slightest elevation from the norm already gains you respect in a brainwashed society. A society that is blinded by the illusion of wealth which has led to corruption at every level, removing individuals from their destiny path.

“Let me issue and control a nation’s money, and I care not who writes the laws.”,

127 said M.A. Rothschild, the founder of the federal banking system and the one with the Key to the bottomless pit. He is also the twohorned lamb-like beast and the Red Dragon54 He became the leader of the banking sector financing “Royalty”, putting him at the top of the proverbial pyramid. The eye of God pyramid logo the Illuminati is using was previously used as a “Christian” logo, only simpler, but was removed when Rothschild claimed it for himself only. That explains why the eye of providence is displayed in the Vatican; it represents the one at the top, God. It originally came from the Gods who incarnate within the Sumerians, and he is one of them. The significance thereof only known to the elite had to be shielded from the “common people” to prevent them from looking there for an answer. Rothschild was originally Bauer; I would imagine from the town of Roth in Germany, famous for the manufacture of wire. Ironic that the world became based on borders; to create borders, you need war and fences. Just over 200 years ago, when the banking system was fully operational, humanity suddenly starts to increase at an alarming rate. Money made life easier for everyone, and big families became the trend: this is what The Bible refers to as the curse of man and a reason I connected Genesis to the present day situation. Population growth in 200 years went from fewer than a billion to over 7 billion people: something that, I am sure, was not part of the elite’s insight. This is a situation that is out of control, yet everybody sees it as their god-given right to have many kids. The curse on man to work for his living and the fertility curse on woman are seldom questioned. Instead, you

54 red����������������������� in German is rot.�� 128 carry on as if nothing is a problem, still believing what the preacher says. As long as a child is baptised into the church, its soul/mind is in captivity, and salvation comes at a high price. On Day 6, man was created. The Age of Pisces is the 6 th age, and you are here with these obvious problems, just as The Bible explained it would be. From every angle, there is no more logical explanation to prove the contrary of the situation you find yourselves in. Population explosion increased demand tremendously, giving rise to a magnitude of business opportunities; corporations were formed. Slowly but surely, they took control of demand and supply, creating more opportunity for warriors to step in and then came process. Demand was so high; the need for preservatives arose. Production had to happen as fast as possible to cope with demand, putting pressure on farmers, who are now running production lines as opposed to natural farming. To increase the production lines’ yield, the food had to be genetically modified. The need to feed the masses has taken its toll. Because of the atrocious state of the main food source, YOUR bodies are degrading at an accelerated rate, bringing about many serious medical conditions “treated” with killer process chemicals. The medical industry has become the final addition to complete the warriors’ triangular strategy for world domination: Wealth, Religion and “Health”. The “Hippocratic Oath” new doctors take swears them into an allegiance of loyalty to a corporation that has become driven only by money. The development of the Medical Industry in the last 200 years has been incredible: because there are so many guinea pigs to try all the new chemical derivatives on. In truth doctors are not doctoring 129 any longer; they are merely true to their oath by prescribing what they are told, to make money for the corporation. One would have thought; being in the Medical Industry, they would be a picture of health, yet they come up with the same conditions as the rest of humanity, showing ultimate ignorance in contrast to their oath. That points to one thing only: their doctrine is the oath to support the system, and healing is the lure. The same goes for the rest of healers in the industry; food nutritionists, for instance, should have perfect bodies. Humanity is now at a pitiful point where they are working for the comfort of knowing that they will be taken care of when they get sick. Between paying car and house instalments, there is now also medical insurance and let’s not forget the 10 percent for the church. The solution: work harder, stress more, and maybe you will make it well enough to be seen in your society as being successful. Judge YOUR success by what you have lost in the process.


To add a bit more confusion to the big picture, when the comet hit Earth, it burnt and destroyed everything in that area, including the inhabitants. Among them were the Sky People who were responsible for structures like the Sphinx; they were the original Atlanteans. Fortunately for the tribe now known as “Egyptians”; they were the first to arrive on the scene to claim it with its wealth. Only now, the land that once was paradise had become desert. The impact of the comet spilt sand and covered most of what was

130 there. God’s promise of Land for His people sparked Abraham’s trek and led him and his people there. Not knowing what they would find but having travelled there, they started making new homes. It is clear that the country of Israel does not actually exist, and the “Jews” stole the name. If you take a look at their nation, you will see that they are a mixture of both blue and brown eyes, in contrast to the Islamic tribes from the same area who have brown eyes only. The New World Order rules are based on the teachings of King Solomon. He was the 3 rd king of the United Monarchy of Israel and the final king before the split of northern Kingdom of Israel and the southern Kingdom of Judah as result of him turning evil. The teachings of King David were the rules Israelites followed; Solomon found in them the keys to power, only he conceived them in prudence. In numerology, vowels and consonants are separated. Letter O in Universal gematria has a value of 6, so three of them make 666. Solomon or Sol + Om + On is the name of the Sun in 3 different languages: Latin, Hindu and Egyptian respectively. I mention this because I fully understand Proverbs. It is the guide of the Monarchy; only problem is that they were conceived in prudence. Logically thinking, as a person in a position of such extreme power,

what would YOU do with it?

131 1. YOU start by calling 12 very clever friends or disciples together to set up a secret society of “Enlightened” Ones. 2. Then you force “independence” on 13 colonies to base your New Kingdom on. 3. Declare them sovereign from God. 4. Appoint yourself God and print money stating it. 5. Officially replace the God Standard with The Manifesto of Human Rights in your “home continent” and start a Revolution. 6. Then you implement your kingdom at the correct moment in time, which is now.

In 1978, Ronald Regan announces The New World Order and registers FEMA, Federal Emergency Management Agency. This agency has constructed hundreds of concentration-like camps in USA and Europe with security fences pointing inward. They have already 55 started placing the homeless there. FEMA’s purpose is said to be for disaster management; what disaster are they waiting for? Then, mysteriously, in June 1979, on one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia, a huge granite monument was erected; engraved in 8 different languages on 4 giant stones are 10 Guides. The monument is referred to as The Georgia Guide stones or the American Stonehenge as nobody claimed it. Although relatively unknown to most people, it is an important link to the occult hierarchy dominating the world in which you live; they are the rules of The New World Order and a dictatorship.

55 “NC������������������������������������������������������� Homeless Hauled to FEMA camps & force RFID Chips”, http://xn--e1aqbiajf.tv/watch/VhM- mETRhtzo/nc-homeless-hauled-to-fema-camps-force-rfid-chips.html 132 The only difference between prudence and wisdom is intent. With all the revelations and exposed lies of late, YOU have to reconsider conspiracy theories a bit more strongly. It is known that the Masons’ or Illuminati’s plan to destroy most of humanity and enslave the rest with microchips or tattoos is already in action. This in an effort to force down a kingdom upon humanity that Solomon hijacked from the Israelites on behalf of the cunning dark side, last seen with Hitler. After then, it went stealth until now.

U-knighted Nations

Knowing the planetary precession connected Us directly to events in Revelation; these events are evident in what is happening in the world right now. The dilemma that Earth is faced with crossing the Sun’s Equatorial plane is only a part thereof. What is happening with the United Nations is also there. The elite are causing war everywhere to distract attention from prophecy that clearly portrays them, a very good reason to push people away from The Bible. The SWISSINDO Trust together with the UN are cooking something! According to a deal between SWISSINDO Trust and the United Nations signed on 11 March 2014, all debt has been settled and the leftovers of King Solomon’s treasure will be distributed to the people.

Where did the assets come from?

133 The story THEY tell goes like this: It is the royal wealth of King David’s Monarchy. His son, King Solomon and “Queen” Sheba made a deal that she deposits his wealth in her country. King Solomon was King of the Caucasians and “Queen” Sheba of the Mongols. There were invasions and he had to keep it out of enemy hands, and he trusted “Queen” Sheba. This SWISSINDO Trust deal is supposed to be the same as The Green Hilton Agreement signed by John F. Kennedy and Mr. Soekarno on 14/11/1963. Kennedy was a Gemini, Snake, #7, Caucasian with brown hair and very blue eyes56, as the rest of his family. Although shady, the purity of their intent appeared truly royal. Mr. Soekarno represented “Queen” Sheba and Mr. Kennedy in the position of Solomon, only 3000 years later. In 1930, the first Rothschild World Bank, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), is established in Basle, Switzerland. The same place as where 33 years earlier the first ever World Zionist57Congress was held. This is the SWISS link.58 The predicted world monetary crisis had become a reality by 1961 due to lack of currency in world circulation, especially US Dollar, to support rapidly expanding international trade. This led to J.F. Kennedy issuing the Executive Order 11110; he did not choose this number; it was the next one up from EO 11109 issued a week before: “INSPECTION OF INCOME, EXCESS- PROFITS, ESTATE, AND GIFT TAX RETURNS BY THE COMMITTEE ON UN-AMERICAN ACTIVITIES, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES”.

56 J.J. Humes, “The AssassinatiAssassination on of John F. Kennedy /Warren Report /Appendix IX - Autopsy Report and Supplemental Report/Clinical Record - Autopsy Protocol”, 22/11/63, http://www.jfklancer.com/ autopsyrpt.html 57 pertaining to Zionism, ������the nationalti onal liberatiliberation on movement of the “Jewish” people, brought about the establishment of the State of Israel. 58 Andrew Hitchcock, The French ConnectiConnection, on, “The History of the House of Rothschild”, http:// iamthewitness.com/DarylBradfordSmith_Rothschild_ori.htm 134 Because The Green Hilton Agreement was becoming a reality, Executive Order 11110 was issued on 4/6/1963 to provide the Department of the Treasury with the power to issue United States Dollar rather than getting them from the Federal Reserve. By signing The Green Hilton Agreement on 14/11/1963, EO 11110 became active. Eight days later, on 22/11/1963 (11,11,11) Kennedy was assassinated before it could be implemented. The same day, this executive order was rescinded by Lyndon B. Johnson 59. With the death of J. F. Kennedy, the authority granted to the Treasury was never taken up. Interesting to know that his brother Bobby Kennedy, Johnson’s opponent, died on 6/6/1968 (666) from 3 bullet wounds. The deal between President Soekarno, the trustee and President John F. Kennedy was that power would cede control of assets of The Green Hilton Agreement to US upon the fall from power of President Soekarno, which forcefully occurred in 1967. That position remained with the Federal Reserve.

Rothschildren, YOU were such BADASS boys!

“It is common knowledge that over the years the US has deliberately broadcast over the Airwaves, that they are the real owners and that anyone locating or finding any assets should report to the US Embassy immediately. The US, by not recognizing the Green Hilton Treaty, actually deny that the assets held by President Soekarno are part of the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility, thus implying that they still belong to the original Owners (hereditary or otherwise).” 60

59 37��th Vice President of the United States since 1961. 60 Jumat,�������������������������������������������������������������� “THE GREEN HILTON AGREEMENT (Geneva 1963)”, 28/11/2008, http://lisnosetiawan. blogspot.com/2008/11/green-hilton-agreement-geneva-1963.html 135 As for some real history: “Queen” Sheba was from Ethiopia. She was Black as she describes herself (Song of Solomon 1:5 ), and she was swindled into having a child with Solomon. As King of the Israelites, he knew that it was against God’s laws (Nehemiah 13:23-26). His offspring eventually born a son Halie Selassie, who declared himself “The Lion of the tribe of Judah”. The Book says very clearly that half-breeds are not allowed in the congregation of God (Deuteronomy 23:2). If it is King David’s Gold, then it belongs to the Israelites ...... and ...

“On that day they read in the book of Moses in the audience of the people; and therein was found written, that the Ammonite and the Moabite should not come into the congregation of God for ever;”

Nehemiah 13:1 To create a front or rather a platform to launch The New World Order from, The SWISSINDO Trust was pulled into the plan at “great cost” to The United Nations/ Qabal/Red Dragon’s plans. The Qabal will play dead for a while to get rid of The Old World Order; then, they come back as The New World Order. At the head of this trust is Mr. Sino for short. Here is his title: MR.A1.Sino.AS.S“2” .IR.Soegihartonotonegoro,ST. He is described as a good man, but he is a fool and a puppet who has swallowed all the bullshit they come up with; he simply does not have the brain capacity to comprehend his mistake. He has declared himself the 111 ALFA OMEGA: The God of wealth.

136 If the Caucasians were not so incredibly misled from truly understanding The Book they had been worshiping for so long, they would have known that they have the right of representation at that level. But as the kind with the higher intelligence, YOU are incapable of agreeing upon anything at this stage, just as prophecy says. There is an evil force behind the scene, as The Bible has been so aptly telling YOU: it is called Corporation, and at the very top of that is the SEC or rather the World Bank. The SWISSINDO deal is supposed to redistribute the wealth of King Solomon which clears all debt.

“Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the LORD’s wrath; but the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of his jealousy: for he shall make even a speedy riddance of all them that dwell in the land.” Zephaniah 1:1-18

It also speaks of a monetary credit to every human being that apparently has already started happening in June 2014. If this is the case, then it would have to be in the form of a bank credit as there is not enough cash to go around. A cunning ploy to lure every person to the bank. From there, you will have a choice: either the bank looks after it on your behalf, as it has been doing for so long, or you take it home, and it’s your problem. If you choose the bank, you will need access to your money; thus, you will need identification. The Bible speaks of a mark in the right hand or foreheads as the mark of the beast:

137 “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:17

What is it really saying? That Big Corporation affiliation (NWO) will elevate certain companies to the point where no one can compete; non-compliant smaller companies will simply not survive. The next step is simple: These corporations will eventually only have one method of payment: the chip. That is when the plan is in full swing and the tip of ultimate control. By not taking the chip, YOU simply have no means of payment, and that makes YOUR money useless. Payment will work directly from the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chip inserted into YOUR body. These chips have already been tested for some time, and they are being marketed in the churches as OKAY now. Motorola (1666), a US/Japanese company is testing a prototype tattoo at present, and China is buying US banks. And who is the king of the East? This is where the RUPTURE in humanity will happen; YOU will have the choice between two Kings: “God” or “Satan”. If you choose the correct God, you may lose your head, that is why the Guillotine is now being legalized in US and going nationwide. Peculiar that it started in Georgia.

138 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and t h e y l i v e d a n d r e i g n e d w i t h C h r i s t a t h o u s a n d y e a r s . ” Revelation 20:4

Money has never bought sovereignty and will ultimately return to its point of origin. I am astounded to see how many people are so eager to lay their hands on a lot of money. A “Christian” associate of mine is involved in this deal in some way; he was the first to turn his back on what The Book he had been worshipping all his life had taught him. I have to remind him that true sovereignty can only come from God. Because of the education level of SA’s president, South Africa is now run by the UN under the Agenda 2161scam implemented by him in 2013.

“Social chaos is important for the UN control of countries via puppet governments. South Africa’s social structure is crumbling as the police force is allowed to decay, schools are secularized and in chaos, abortion is encouraged, drug and alcohol use is out of control, illness and starvation stalk the land, 62 and the economy falters.”

61 the������ 21st Century plan for a New World Order through GLOBAL GOVERNANCE. 62 South����� Africa News Today, http://www.southafricanewstoday.com/ANC-Regime-Implements-UN’s- Agenda-21.html 139 Road taxes, electricity price increases and so much more are all geared to financially break people, industry and farming to the point of submission. History repeats itself and will just keep on doing so until it is realized. Know YOUR enemy! This one shoves it in your faces, and it is even published in a book, and no one gives a shit. The truth makes your stomach bitter, doesn’t it?

Swallow this!

These are the blatant words of “Rabbi” Abraham Finkelstein written down from a public radio interview with regard to the “Jewish” control of the world. We have just included some of his answers; the interview is long and very shocking:

“It is better not to look at us too hard and blaming us because it is anti-Semitism, and if you do, we’ll catch you on the anti-Semitism, we are in control of the book on your head. Remember that we control the judiciary, all judges — the Jews, the Jews of lawyers, Jews prosecutors, and we wrote most of the laws. Not sure we are, but we pay the goyim in Washington, Democrats and Republicans. ... Well, we’ve done a great job of washing their brains over the centuries, and especially in the last few hundred years. We just [inaudible sounds like “our raid to send”] completely. They believe in all that we are saying. And, hey, you know, if I mean [inaudible],

140 we really have fun during Easter, when we steal their children.63... And, hey, you know, we are, I know, you know, because I heard it on your program, I mean we steal from one hundred to three hundred thousand children a year just in this country. And we make their blood, and we mix it with bread Easter [matzah], and then throw the bodies into the massacre, which we own, and we grind all the bodies in the stuffing for sausages and burgers. McDonald is one of our favorite shops, and people who eat breakfast, they [inaudible as “eating their own”] children for lunch, and, you know, we Jews, we must do what we do. The most important thing to remember, between you, Pastor Wikstrom (Wickstrom) and me, Rabbi Finkelstein, in New York, that we both have two fathers, and this is why we see the world in two different ways. ... Thus, we take the children of our enemies, ie the white race, and we bring them to the basement synagogue, where we make their blood and see how they’re dying. This is similar to how we make the sacrifices that we make with kosher slaughtering, and so we do it. ... Well, you know, Our father — Lucifer, the most important thing is that all of the that exist in the world, the ones that we would like to sneak in and grab you, goyim, obviously would be the church. Therefore, we attacked them in the first place, and we attacked them most. And we got to the Catholic Church from the beginning. Why do you think pope and all the cardinals and bishops ware Yamaki [bale, yarmulke - Jewish religious hat]?” 64

63 ABC������������ News Sta�f������������������, “Missing Children����������������������������������������� in America: Unsolved Cases”, 8/5/2013, http://abcnews.go.com/ US/missing-children-america-unsolved-cases/story?id=19126967 64 James����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Wickstrom, Turner network radio, “Interview with Rabbi Abe Finkelstein of the Jewish con- trol of the world”, http://survincity.com/2012/05/interview-with-rabbi-abe-finkelstein-of-the-jewish/ 141 Hard to believe it? Hear it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyuDNsTSXl8

Still don’t believe? This is the book mentioned in the interview: The History of Jewish Human Sacrifice By Willie Martin.

142 “He who knows the truth and does not speak it truly is a miserable creature.”

143 144 6. The Book of Wisdom

“And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive: For this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them. But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear. For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.” Matthew 13:10-17

“The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them.” 1 Corinthians 2:14

145 “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: for he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed. If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man’s religion is vain.” James 1:22-26

Making all these incredible connections, Pandora’s Box became a shipping container, and the little Tiger turned into The Lion. He realised that The Bible was not only an archaeological and astronomical guide; there was so much more to it: If a book is that accurate, then it must hold the keys to the truth I am looking for. So, what is it saying that even “wise men” are not getting?

Bible is the Greek word meaning the books and includes all the variations, but never before have any books been as misused or misunderstood. Never before have any books been as worshipped. Never before have any other books caused as much hatred. No other books have ever drawn as much attention as The Books. Come on! Whether you like it or not, you know there must be a reason for.

146 In the innocence and purity of my childhood, I asked my mother who was God, a question that I was shunned for because she had no answer for me. That made me curious. As a neutral and highly spiritual person, I had to satisfy my curiosity as to what the reason for this phenomenon was. I realize and respect the delicacy of this subject, but my findings were very revealing. For the first time, I truly understood “WHY?”.

In the 5 years writing Where to from Here , I experienced the most incredible frustration with regard to people’s perception of The Bible. I have seen the power of The Book, and I also see now why it is that way. Katie has taken to it so passionately that I have to turn Her brakes on. Her frustration since knowing its secret has strongly exposed Her rebellious nature. Religion had driven Her so far away from it, and Her awakening to that was incredible to experience. You are in a battle with New World Order, Ownerism and Corporatism, and you have seen the cunning way of that swindle. Step back, and you will see that you are fighting the same people in a spiritual battle: the ones who came up with the master corporation plan are also in control of religion. They control YOUR body through food and mind through propaganda and religion to steer YOU away from finding the truth these Books hold. Let’s dig a bit deeper: Religion is linked to Latin word religio meaning taboo, restraint, but a deeper study discovers the word comes from the two words: re and ligare. Re is a prefix meaning return, and ligare means to bind, in other words; therefore, religion means return to bondage.65

65 Gary�������������������������������������������������������������� Amirault, Tentmaker, “Etymology of the word ‘Religion’”, http://tentmaker.org/Dew/Dew1/ D1-EtymologyOfReligion.html 147 Water the seed!

From here, I have replaced the entire chapter with my perception as I have it at present. I realize now that my journey to here was a rough one, both financially and physically. What is revealed to you here has consumed me to the extent of neglecting myself and everyone around me and more so in 5 years prior to publishing this final edition. It was only when I had finished writing this that I started realizing the extreme inattention I had towards my world, and I thank Katie for putting me back on track. Wow! How persistent and dedicated She is. Many times She should have walked away from my stubbornness, but She is still around, possibly proving even more so. She made me realize that We have to survive and that my selfless nature did not put food on the table. For this to be as complete as it needs to be for now, it has taken many hours of dedication and research of a book that neither of Us had much prior contact with.

“To know wisdom and instruction; to perceive the words of understanding; to receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, and judgment, and equity; to give subtilty to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion. A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels: to understand a proverb, and the interpretation; the words of the wise and their dark sayings.

148 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Proverbs 1:2-7 The first verse presents the key towards understanding the importance of gaining wisdom. The wisdom referred to here is that of a true King. Knowledge is superseded only by wisdom. Wisdom happens when universal knowledge is fully conceived. It is at that point where YOUR spirit replaces the role of YOUR mind as control centre; thereafter, the soul only facilitates processing and contributes intuition. The seed of wisdom is self-love. True wisdom is a deep understanding of everything with regard to humanity. It enables consistency in thinking that produces optimum results within a minimum amount of time. Wisdom is God, and God is understanding of everything that is right and wrong and requires utmost control of emotion. Wisdom is Trinity. It is when whatever you are doing comes naturally from your heart/core instead of having to think about it. That is when you start believing in yourself for the first time in your life, and that is where YOUR mustard seed of great wisdom is laying waiting. Realizing that, you water the seed for the first time; the amount of knowledge you feed it thereafter is entirely up to you. The Mustard tree is one of the most majestic trees, yet it comes from the smallest seed. That is your core and also the place you should be living from. That is where you can change all your perceptions of life as and when you wish. If you are diligent in finding the correct knowledge, your mustard tree will grow very rapidly. That is where the connection to source lies: your core which will eventually put you in touch with the divine within. That is where you will find your

149 god and the link to the Infinite Intelligence. That is where you find your absolute peace which becomes the knowledge of God. It is the true reflection of how much you have watered your mustard seed and has to become your solace. In the quest for that knowledge, you have to be vigilant.

The Angels

The mere mention of angels raises eyebrows easily, yet there is an aspect of life that has every human being on this planet hooked. Some of you call it the super natural; others call it spirituality. But most are incredibly intrigued by it, yet disappointingly nowadays, very few give it a second thought, happy with comfortable old perceptions. There is a mental block that comes into play the moment anything contrary to one’s present belief system is mentioned. The stronger the belief, the bigger the blockage. It is quite amazing how many people have tried to detour Us from publishing Our research and findings for fear of Our pride being scarred. We found all the answers in the one place where no one dares to venture as deep. In the end, all roads led to Rome. “Isn’t it ironic, can’t YOU see?” This planet has two very distinct opposing energies; everything has an equal opposite. In this instance, physical energy is your original animal energy: it is self-centred, greedy, lazy and jealous. The opposite to that is heavenly energy: it is synonymous with wisdom.

150 When I speak to “Christians” about Jesus, they are enthusiastic and protective, yet when I mention Satan, they shy away immediately, denying his significant presence for the lack of understanding that the word merely refers to the opposing energy. This makes him hard to spot as he is recognized by all yet described by none. The ignorant attitude being as long as you believe in Jesus, you will be safe, and Satan cannot touch you. The right thing to do is to believe in both equally. That way, YOU will know them, and you will know YOUR enemy. It fascinates me that humanity has so many fables about gods and heroes, yet they have not taken the time to find out where it all came from. When I started writing Where to from Here, The Bible was not my main source of information; in fact, I had done very little research on Scriptures at that stage. My ignorant resentment towards religion, for forcing me into a direction my Spirit rebelled against, was an excellent decoy from them. When I finally realized who was driving people away from The Books, I took a step closer. After stepping closer, I became their best follower, even in knowing that they were modified; the message from The Bible was crystal clear. The name changes are mere details. It was the only accurate history book, with prophecy as bonus. By this time, I guess I am off the hook with regard to my perception of The Books and God, and I speak with no reservation. In case you still have any doubts, here are examples from both sides of The Bible:

“I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.” Psalms 82:6

151 “Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your Law, I said Ye are gods?” John 10:34 The only problem is no one knows who He was referring to. Because YOU have been taught to fear God ultimately, YOU simply do not enquire. It may suffice to say that I respect The Scriptures even more since gaining their insights and understanding. How incredible it all is: there is so much you have to unlearn to simply just know that the metaphysical world that drives you exists just as does the air that you breathe, without ever a thought or question. Once We had realized that the book of Revelation was a guide of what’s to come, describing present day situations as The End of Time, We tied up many loose ends to a reality I had by then already arrived at from a very different angle. It was definitely a message for the inhabitants of Earth, and it intrigued Us as to how its pinpoint accuracy came about: Did history repeat itself so accurately, or is it a universal pattern? It’s funny to me now when I see Katie with Her nose in The Bible, yet when She arrived here from Slovakia, She had not opened or even seen the inside of that Book. She was only aware of its unpleasant religious connotation and admittedly sceptical when I started quoting from it. She had by then already grasped my philosophy about the planetary precession and our ordeal, and when She started reading its descriptions with that information in mind, She was hooked. I had to ask when I needed to use it. She has gone to the extent of hijacking all my old research materials as well.

152 In realizing that the core intention of The Books is to describe a specific family tree, We decided to track the history of humanity according to The Bible. It took a lot of digging, pardon the pun, but We searched within Holy Books, “lost scriptures” that were never printed and Mesopotamian tablet translations. They all pointed towards one thing. The main characters described in the Old Testament had 3 things in common: they all met with God and/or angels, lived very long and were all leaders within their documented family.

Noblue kind

A recent study revealed that blue eyes are traceable back to one single common ancestor.66 The fact that the Man the world is waiting for has eyes like “the flame of a fire”, the colour of the eyes of figurines found in Mesopotamia and also of the eye of providence on the small pyramids made Us wonder about blue eyes. What made their owners so special that God stuck around them? The Bible mentions the colour blue:

“Speak unto the children of Israel, and bid them that they make them fringes in the borders of their garments throughout their generations, and that they put upon the fringe of the borders a rib band of blue: And it shall be unto you for a fringe, that ye may look upon it, and remember all the commandments of the Lord, and do them; and that ye seek not after your own heart and your own eyes, after which ye use to go a whoring.” Numbers 15:38-39

66 Nima����������������������������������������������������������� Shei, “The Surprising Origin of Blue Eyes”, 8/12/2013, http://positivemed.com/2013/12/08/ surprising-origin-blue-eyes/ 153 Israelites marked their clothing with blue ribbon representing their King’s eye colour. They kept the tradition alive until it was strictly forbidden by non- Israeli rulers. The colour blue then became the colour of “Royalty”. It is evident that the intrinsic wisdom and knowledge is still here when you look at finer details within YOUR depiction of history and myth. The blue-eyed author J. K. Rowling wrote about what her spirit knows, and it shows in her character choice for Harry. The movie Noah appropriately featured the main characters with blue eyes. Cahlisi, the rightful heir to the throne in the popular TV series Game of Thrones has stunning blue eyes and so does Frodo from one of the most popular books and movies ever, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King . The popularity of these depictions is proof that YOU relate to that.

People with blue eyes know that they are different, especially if they are from pure decent. Hitler had them67 and was obsessed with them, so much so that it was the driving force behind The Second World War, and “Royalty” bears the same mark as well. Coincidence? Where did they come from? How did they get to be in such an incredibly powerful position? They are the Gods of wealth and have been for a very long time. You must be blind not to see that, also The Bible says: “Open YOUR eyes!”.

Well, We can tell you. I have to say that if it were me hearing this 5 years ago when I was ignorant and naïve, I may also have told my friend not to go there. Glad I remained obstinate.

67 RHP,������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Rare Historical Photos, “Adolf Hitler’s eye color in a rare color photo”, 20/11/2013, http:// rarehistoricalphotos.com/rare-color-photo-adolf-hitler-shows-true-eye-color-date-unknown/ 154 The relief it brings me to write this ends an era in my life. This is as basic as it can be, but I assure you that it is not due to lack of references as Katie is a master of that. “Moral” dilemma which fuels mind-sets at present is only a mechanism of corporation control: a cunning way to make you ignore fact. The Truth is still the Truth!

Angels & Demons

What follows is a description of two natural energies you are all driven by: as in everything, there is also hierarchy within humanity. There are two Kings described by the Sumerians: The one named Phanuel (meaning Face of God) is the King of Good, and the one with name Azazel (Tu’bal- cain meaning Worldly possession) is the King of Bad. Archangel Phanuel was described by Enoch as “the fourth angel who is set over the repentance unto hope of those who inherit eternal life”. When facing The Books with knowledge and the attitude that you are a god, the dimensionality changes, and many secrets are revealed. It becomes obvious that it was written within that frame of mind. The thinking process of the authors becomes clearer as to what their perception was while writing their contribution to its history. Religion used the power of The Books to mislead humanity from the original message that they were created for.

155 The present “Books” which were given to you by your ancestors in various forms were mere translations of the original knowledge that followed the Sumerians, descendants of Adam and Eve. They were the original journalists of The Holy Scriptures which tracked their family tree: more specifically their Kings or equivalent thereof, something they had done from the start. They kept track of their history for a reason ...


Genesis, the word meaning origin, taken from Greek. I said in the previous chapter that there are two periods described in the first part of Genesis. In the beginning before the gods arrived, there was darkness that loomed over the Homos of Earth. The creatures living here were savages; there was no order or structure and nothing classified or named as there was no speech. The Gods created better Homos by introducing speech DNA to two base specimens. Translated ancient Sumerian tablets and primitive rock paintings speak of the Sky People: The story tells of their planet losing its atmosphere and them needing gold to save it more than 400 thousand years ago (Gen 2:12). This history also describes how they went about creating a workforce here through some genetic manipulation of a base specimen already here to do the mining. This specimen was the Homo erectus. The Sky People were the Anunnaki; they were the initial Gods and the ones who tamed what was here. Their leader, Ea, literally meaning He whose home is water, a royal being from another planet was given Earth as His Kingdom and the title Enki, Lord of Earth. Together, they made a choice to create

156 humans thus bringing about civilization to Earth. The dilemma Earth faces during these crossings destroys this knowledge with the people. Four hundred thousand years ago, Earth had Her first King. The Kingdom alternates between two kings: father and son. The son is only in it for himself and rules the redeveloping stage, which lasts for the first 6 ages after a mass destruction. They have the ability to incarnate as they are eternal energies; they are the reason for the Sumerian King List and a reason for diligently keeping track of their incarnations. When Earth crosses over from Virgo to Leo, everything is destroyed, including their Kingdom, which has to be re-established. This process keeps on happening; humanity goes through the same mental growth pattern. Since the development of Adam, history had to be documented very accurately as it serves to re-inform or remind the new incarnate’s carcass of the history that was missed. Withholding it is a strategy of Satan in an effort to stop The True Kingdom from rising. The King, on the other hand, needed to make sure that he would have a good communication system to be able to speak to humanity when the time is right, that was Tesla’s task. As King David, Ea did not get all the information; as result, He started planning Jerusalem. When Earth is destroyed to that extent, there are few survivors. For this reason, Homos stayed primitive for millions of years before The Kingdom. It states clearly that everything was already here before the Gods had started their work. The creation of man on the 6 th day refers to the development of Caucasians but excludes the Atlanteans. It also points to the humankind’s redevelopment after The Deluge of Leo up to the start of the 7th age, before we cross again.

157 They created humans in their image and according to their liking. Thereafter, in Genesis 2, The Book clearly states that The YHWH God created another man who was made from dust (the stone), named “Adam”. As the second creation, Adam receives a spirit breathed into him: the spirit of God or rather the spirit of the Lord of Earth, Enki. In this case, the spirit is in the form of special DNA that led to blue eyes, specific looks and higher intelligence. This Kingdom is set to restore automatically with time after a natural disaster: the last one ending 12,960 (10,290 CY) years ago and then some before. The reason for this creation was multiple: Firstly, it was to create a special breed of human to mark His heavenly family from Orion in order to enable their physical incarnation onto this planet within compatible beings. Because their bodies also have an expiry date on Earth, He had to make sure that His creation was 100 percent perfect. A problem Poseidon faced with the creation of a Noble kind was purity. That is the reason why kings and queens throughout history were bred and matched. It made no sense other than for political gain. They had no idea who was truly royal, defiling their blood for gain became a fashion. Abraham and Solomon were both guilty of that. Royal blood is not prolific; it has to be managed like farming. That’s why The Books say to honour YOUR parents by keeping YOUR bloodline pure. Crossbreeding is strictly forbidden, and to donate or receive blood or organs is not allowed for that is breaking The Natural Divine Law. What all of YOU have is very special. Remember Daniel, neither the fiery furnace nor the lions killed this man. If YOU are meant to go, just go with the flow.

158 The second reason was to create a Kingdom on this planet that rules it in divine wisdom. In doing so, one could view it as ultimate interference; it is of vital importance that you recognize the privilege that was bestowed upon YOU by respecting what you have been given. As Nobles, they were warned about certain things that they were not allowed to indulge in. Fruit, being both singular and plural, refers to something they were not allowed to consume, the primary fruit being alcohol/process but referring mainly to the fruit of investment/ interest, i.e. the centre of your present garden. The snake being the bank etc. Monetary interest has enslaved humanity, and in “Christianity” it is forbidden to have anything to do with it. But these days, who does not? Do your preachers ever tell you that? Did you know that the Vatican is one of the biggest investors of the stock market and second richest to USA? The wealth has enabled you to live in the fast lane where process and convenience food is the name of the game. It is therefore without doubt that the forbidden fruit is acid: the medical chapter will explain adequately. It is also interesting to know that some of the oldest scripts found are songs and recipes of beer. In those days, women had to be either Noble or very pretty to be a Brewster. The combination of more easily obtainable wealth together with the availability of alcohol led to the population explosion and so much more, eventually forming the basis of your present paradigm. This is what the snake used to lure Eve into his trap: that brought about the woman’s curse, exactly as it is described in Genesis. It, however, started happening only 200 years ago: another reason why I SAY that The Bible’s prophecy has only become relevant now.

159 Strange that the world’s population is 7 billion at present. I also have to remind you that God brought His sons to take wives as they were fair (Gen 6:2), the start of crossbreeding. Because Adam was royal, he had the honour of making the rules hence naming everything, pointing to his intellect. God, his “dad”, had called and described the constellation or rather the heavens because He knew them, hence your “zodiacal” knowledge. Thereafter, it is mentioned that the Gods saw that humanity had become as THEM: looking for their own god, naming everything and indulging in the same habits. Humans took example from them the same as they are taking it from the elite at present. The sons he brought to take wives was to expand the gene pool that was to serve a very good purpose (Gen 6:2). Because of their nobility, the blue-eyed Lords stayed relatively low in numbers. They were all based on Atlantis, which was eventually destroyed. Before Earth tilted, Atlantis was the centre of the world, where Poseidon was the ruler of all: one King, one currency, one happy world. After the Flood, Atlantis survivors washed up in northern Europe, where they are now dominant. Have YOU also wondered why there are so many blue-eyed people in that part of the world? The Nordic people, on the other hand, have genetic variation which is not common and points to additional genetic variation of these Atlantean survivors; they are very blond, and by that I do not mean stupid. From there the mixture spread to all corners of the world. The Europeans stayed fairly pure as there were not many other people around; besides, they were under the “protection” of self-proclaimed Monarchies, a concept that is part of their DNA map. 160 Seth’s offspring became the Sumerians, who stayed in the Garden of Eden which spanned to Ethiopia where the Nile starts. Cain as the vegetable farmer is symbolic to their suggested dietary needs: a diet meant to maintain a higher potency of Hydrogen (pH) necessary for them to stay connected to the heavenly energy instead of reverting back to the animal, earth energy. They brought with them skills and wisdom to an untamed area. The wisdom of their God led them through the incarnate of Phanuel’s energy: a mere energy that follows and guides them in physical form. How awesome?! They were able to live long as long as their blood stayed pure, and that was impressive, especially to other more primitive tribes. The significance of keeping record of their family tree was purely to track the incarnations of the breath of God, YHWH the invisible. No other family has ever done this; it shows how important it had to be. The Atlanteans are the direct family of the angels. During the Age of Virgo their King ruled as Poseidon. As He represented Infinite Intelligence, His journey had to be documented in detail in order to convey an ultimately important message with regard to the 7th seal. They understood that there was an intelligence that was guiding them, and it showed in everything they did. They also knew that there was a second energy: God’s son’s energy. God had to create pure offspring for His Spirit to incarnate in before He could move on, so it skips a generation. That makes Seth the recipient. These blue-eyed people were traders and very innovative and soon became the examples to their cousins, the brown-eyed Caucasians, who were moving closer because of the infrastructure Atlanteans had created. The Sumerians’ influence was magical and

161 they were respected. One of the skills was their ability to work with metal: according to Enoch, a man walking with God, the person responsible for that is Azazel. By this time, it was a mix, and the land known as Mesopotamia had many influences. It became corrupt hence Sodom and Gomorrah. Enoch said what Azazel gave the world is where YOUR problem lies, and judging by what you have as your main industries, he surely is correct. War is the result of your ability to work with metal and also one of the reasons for your present dilemma. The description of a fallen Angel of God refers to an energy that cannot achieve wisdom because it sees everything in a short-sighted or prudent manner. It is an energy that stays earth-bound, and you all possess a connection to it; in fact, you have to pass it before you can get to the next level or rather the God energy. Another angle to look at it is from an astronomical point of view: Earth has completed half a cycle of a Great Year of 25,920 years present scale in this paradigm: that is one half of the magnetic energy sphere surrounding the Sun. Where She is going next, the energy is totally opposite, and it is also the reason for this present mass awakening. That is why it is imperative to understand what is happening. Before this transition is over, there has to be one collective thought built around the full understanding of profound wisdom to lay the foundation for a new paradigm. The energy We now call Azazel also has the capability of incarnation, and it does not have any restrictions as it sees itself as The True God. It rules humanity in their first stage of redevelopment, and, strange as this may sound, you needed to have understanding of it for The New Kingdom to be successful. Azazel

162 sticks to this family tree as he is part of it: he plans children accordingly, maintaining his power through inheritance. He is almost as powerful as God except for one small detail: his energy works in prudence, whereas God’s energy works in wisdom. Enoch describes Azazel as the one who introduced the art of working with metal to the world, and that included the Romans. Did you know that The Great Roman Empire started with Rome, a small iron village around 600 BC? These skills eventually gave them power. To prevent people from reading the book of Enoch and others for that matter, they were simply and conveniently omitted from The Bible. The Bible only mentions 3 angels also known as Saints: Michael, Raphael and Gabriel. Phanuel was not included; therefore, most “Christians” would not know this name. In The Qur’an, there is mention of the 4 angels of Allah; they are an intricate part of the Muslim faith. They believe in them as much as in Allah and rightfully so. The Hindu belief system based on Vedas, the knowledge given by God to 68 humans, has also 4 chief Adityas/angels of which the Supreme One is Narayana (1111), equivalent of Phanuel. Narayana literally means The One who rests on Water69, the same as Ea. Hinduism is the most correctly practised belief system because it is based on the original teachings of the Atlanteans however much misinterpreted.

“Thus, those who pray to Krsna unknowingly pray to Enki”70

����������������������������������������������� VedicGranth.Org, “Teachings of Vedic Granth”, http://www.vedicgranth.org/home/importance-of- vedic-granth 69 Wikipedia,���������������������� “Narayana”, http://wpedia.goo.ne.jp/enwiki/Narayana 70 Caroline�������������������������������������������������������� Bright, “Enki is A Cosmic Heroe”, 2009 - 2014, http://enkiisacosmicheroe.blogspot. com/2013/06/the-great-god-nabu-lion-of-fire-sacred.html 163 Before I carry on, I want to make a small adjustment; I am switching from Phanuel to Poseidon; it sounds better, and I associate it with scuba diving. In Greek, posis means lord and de stands for earth, making Him Lord of Earth. In Greek mythology, Poseidon is the god of the sea and earthquakes. He was often depicted carrying a trident and riding in a chariot drawn by white horses.71Now it feels like We are writing another Harry Potter script, just a little simpler. It is also appropriate to the age we are going into. Poseidon was the God of water and Aquarius is the Age of the Water Bearer. Remember what Moses did to the ocean and how Jesus walked on water, and let’s not forget the story of Noah. Where YHWH was involved, there was water described. Poseidon is the Angel that incarnated in Jesus as He was a direct descendant of King David. The book of Enoch is not part of the biblical canon used by “Jews” although it is in their Tanakah; this is why the “Jewish” faith does not recognize Him. In Enoch’s description of Phanuel, He is The Son of Man and the only angel of Good who is in the physical form of man. So, with the statement “I am the way.”, Jesus was saying as a King that His way is the only way for the blue- eyed people and all those who wish to follow His Family. In saying that, I have to include that He was here to deliver the message that would prepare His people for what’s to come at this time. He knows that Earth has a specific pattern and humanity a specific cycle of development.

“What is was, and what was, will be.”

71 Behind���������������������������� the Name, “Poseidon”, http://www.behindthename.com/name/poseidon 164 Hey-bru!

Abram, the father of one God religions, was given the name Abraham, Father of multitude as he was the first one to defile his pure blood. He needed to pass on information of his Kingdom to his defilations, so he translated his family Book into Hebrew. The word Hebrew today refers to a “nation” and a language. Oh, really? Hebrew actually means one who passes over and also independent, state-less, not the subjects of any human ruler, foreign to all worldly nations.72 The invention of the Hebrew language is credited to Abraham by most “Israelite” scholars. It was a phonetic language, so the characters are represented by sounds, not concepts as previously. Abraham used only 22 of the hundreds of Canaanite hieroglyphs, making it easy for himself to transform any word from any language into a sound. And that enabled him to communicate with people during his “passing over” from Ur to Egypt.73 Systematically, translations became the guide to earthlings. But they were not able to fully figure it out because it was not meant for them. The Torah was given by God exclusively to the family branch of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Abraham made his offspring a promise as their father that he was to always allow them into the congregation of his God. Abraham is the offspring of Shem’s son Arphaxad; they both have the tracking code of 666 in Sumerian gematria. Solomon has the same code, only in universal numerology, where O is 6, and he also defiled grossly with Sheba.

72 “What��������������������� Is a Hebrew?”, http://www.yhvh.name/?w=1307 73 History�������������������������������������������������������� of the Hebrew Language, “About Language Itself”, http://www.zaqen.info/hislangu.htm 165 “Whosoever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death.” Exodus 22:19

“And if a man lie with a beast, he shall surely be put to death: and ye shall slay the beast. And if a woman approach unto any beast, and lie down thereto, thou shalt kill the woman, and the beast: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.” Leviticus 20:15-16

When the comet hit Earth, the area was vaporised, and so were the people. By this time, the Atlantean family had spread to as far as Egypt, where they built the Sphinx and Alexandra. The impact of comet’s solids increased Earth’s rotational speed and caused the oceans to spill on the lands, rushing right up to Tigris and Euphrates rivers, killing everything, turning it into desert. Those who did not die from the heat or by drowning, died from the arsenic poison in the rivers. The steam from the comet made so much condensation that it rained for 40 days. The survivors had to leave their homeland and started roaming. During all this commotion, alchemy and the knowledge of creating the stone was lost. The Moon stone that remained was kept in the Arc of Covenant in “Jerusalem”; they called it Manna. Yeah, the same one that kept Moses and the Israelites alive in the desert for 40 years (Ex 16:35), currently used in computer games to replenish hero’s life. As the area became habitable again, they became the tribe known as the Sumerians. The area south of

166 the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, Mesopotamia, had turned to desert. Farming was difficult because the land was spoilt by the salt water from the ocean, but this area recovered first because the two rivers fertilised the surrounding land again: This is where the civilisation as you know it today started. Farming land became crowded, sparking Abraham’s quest for the Promised Land. As Nomads, they landed up in Egypt, where they spent many years living next to the Nile before they were captured by the Pharaohs. Then, along came Moses to free them from captivity. By now, their society was a mixture of families from all over who knew that they would be safe with a blue- eyed Israelite leader, and they followed him without too many questions. They ended up in the area now known as Israel, believing it to be the Promised Land, where the Monarchy of David from the Tribe of Judah comes to power. King David’s logo has the 666 code which connects Him to The Kingdom. His son, Solomon, ignorantly builds “Jerusalem”, because neither he nor his dad could conceive the magnitude of The Kingdom. His arrogance cost him the Kingdom which eventually fell to the Babylonians by God’s intervention. The Romans do not belong to the bloodline of Israel, so they were also excluded from The Kingdom. They saw the power that the teachings had over the people and combined it with their pagan beliefs over time, committing ultimate plagiarism. Slowly but surely, the essence of The Books was lost as the blue-eyed people started crossbreeding against a warning not to do so. The population eventually spread across the world, with the intention of spreading the “Christian” version of The Word of God. The Scriptures primarily predestined to be a guide for one Spirit and His family became the mistrusted Book of salvation for all interested. With lack of understanding but knowing

167 that there is something, Caucasians spread to the 4 corners of the Earth, taking this limp message with them. The incarnation of Poseidon in Jesus of Nazareth was not recognised by the “Jews”; they never understood the incarnation of angels into one specific bloodline, and they perpetrated and killed Jesus. To this day, they think themselves the chosen nation and deny the responsibility which still hangs over their heads. Did YOU know that boys in the country called Israel are not punished because their fathers believe that they could be the Messiah? I spent some time in Israel, and it amazed me as to how many blue-eyed “Jews” there are. Their attitude being far more relaxed than that of the brown-eyed “Jews” and a definite separation in their nation. It was like being in two worlds at the same time. From there, it was pretty simple to come up with a sound philosophy of ultimate control because of your intrinsic desire to restore your hierarchy being exploitable. You have supported the present system, which has no positive outcome, because there was no alternative guidance from anywhere else (Neh 5). What you have is right here, right now!


The Bible is also an astronomy book. Your ancestors used the stars to navigate and keep track of certain events. Two events are of great importance: the change from Virgo to Leo and the change from Pisces to Aquarius. The Books have no end to the amount of times the heavens are mentioned, the most famous being the star of Bethlehem. They believed in them as

168 they believed in the Gods, the Sun being the God of light or Lucifer and the reason for Earth’s existence. Without Him Earth will be a dead planet. The King James Bible was first printed during the Renaissance (literally Re-birth); it is the version We use purely because I did not have one and someone was kind enough to donate it to me. It is also the first commercial translation to English hence some manipulation and even name changes. In Revelation, there are two significant Angels mentioned: The first is the Angel with a tongue like a twoedged sword and the second being the Angel of the bottomless pit. The book of Enoch says that Phanuel went into hiding and no one would find Him until it is time. He also describes how the Angel Azazel had given heavenly secrets to the humans and defiled himself with their women. He came here to enslave humanity. If you have a look at the state the world is in, you are nothing short of that. Why is this so? Many will argue that people don’t care about anything anymore, maybe so, but why? Don’t you think perhaps because it is driven by cut-throat survival and it is hard to do so today? Just look at the sacrifices you have to make to earn a decent living. If you got given talents that are not included in this spectrum of job opportunities present today, you simply have to try and fit in or perish. My heart here goes out to those in the arts, who have struggled most in a system that has not been favourable to them. The Angel of the bottomless pit is doing exactly what he came here to do. Revelation 5: The unopened book and the Lamb. The angel with the tongue like a twoedged sword, The Son of Man and the Lamb are the same person.

169 The book sealed with 7 seals was only meant to be opened by one person, a descendant of King David. We know that the 7 depicts the Age of Aquarius, the 7 th age since The Great Deluge. There was no man who could understand The Book let alone question God: Poseidon was The One who created it, so He had to be the one to explain it. If you haven’t put the book down by now, you are probably saying; Very well, but what has that got to do with astronomy ?

The trumpets mentioned in Revelation 8-9 represent 6 of the 12 ages. They briefly describe significant events of the ages, concentrating mainly on the last two. The catastrophe that hit Earth at the change from Virgo to Leo destroyed everything; there was no one to explain what had happened. When Earth tilted on Her axis, water from the Pacific and the Indian Ocean rushed up the channel between America and Africa, the Atlantic Ocean, destroying Atlantis. The Athanasius Kircher’s map of Atlantis is drawn with the writing and the ship facing South as upside. The reason being that Earth’s magnetic Pole was opposite to what it is in this half of the Great Year. The law of physics and pure logics is enough proof. Because it was taken into consideration by the artist, it makes the map authentic. The circled arrow is because it was drawn in this half.

170 74

The 3 rd trumpet describes a great star lit like a lamp colliding with Earth. The comet’s name was Wormwood; it caused similar damage as The Great Flood. Interesting to know that the chemical symbol of Arsenic is basically the Star of David. Arsenic in water released during this process is bitter like the plant Wormwood. This association was proven when a comet that hit the high planes of Peru in 2007 75 poisoned water with it. It is also one of the base ingredients of this planet and is included in many of your food sources like rice. Large airborne quantities of it got into the water supply and many died. The 3 rd trumpet was the end of the Age of Gemini, 6480 years ago or 4467 BC. After the destruction that took place, it took humanity a long time to recover. During this period, people moved back into the area surrounding what I call the religion hub. The “Egyptians” were not the original inhabitants of that area and also did not build the Sphinx.

74 Athanasius Kircher’s map of Atlantis:Atlanti s: Athanasius Kircher, Mundus Subterraneus (1664 - 1678) 11 José Orozco, National Geographic News, 21/9/2007,http://news.nationalgeographic.com/ news/2007/09/070921-meteor-peru.html/

171 The age of one of the oldest standing buildings, New Grange, has a carbon date of 5200 years, and the oldest Egyptian pyramids are said to be around there as well; that marks the point where Earth’s inhabitants had figured out that something had changed: Solstice was documented for the first time. From about 6000 years ago, humanity started leaving signs again. The period that followed the comet was uneventful. Or was it? Humanity was on the increase again, and this is where it gets really interesting. If YOU are Jewish or “Jewish”, then you are probably telling Us that you kept time of it accurately, sure. But, there is something YOU do not know. There was a King visiting from a distant galaxy, the father of The King Ea. Anu stayed for 700 years; a thousand years is but a day to God. The beginning of “your” calendar started on his departure. He came here to steer the comet towards that area of Earth (Psalms 74:17). This event is depicted in archaeological evidence. Before the 5th trumpet is sounded, you are made aware of the importance of what’s to come. It starts off with the description of a star that fell from heaven, but, contrary to the burning star, this one had the power of the bottomless pit. In comes a bad energy again. I am sure that I do not have to explain the bottomless pit you live in these days. This bottomless pit brought about an extremely dark period for humanity. Men from the pit are compared to locusts because of their trail of destruction: they had breast plates and golden/brass headgear with battle-ready horses. This description has a remarkable resemblance to the Akkadian armies. They were fearsome and cruel soldiers; their king Sargon set out on a mission to brutally enslave the world by military dictatorship and by centralising power, taking control of trade. 172 Does this sound familiar? He ruled over great land, including Sumer; he was the first world emperor after the comet. Sargon launched the 5th trumpet into the Akkadian Empire; its capital, Akkad, later became the site of the great city of Babylon.

“And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abad‘don, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apol’ly-on.” Revelation 9:11 The Hebrew name Abad’don and the Greek title Apol’ly-on both refer to destruction. This destructive king came to power again at the change of the age. The 6 th trumpet, the Age of Pisces was started with the Roman Empire in 146 BC, forming the basis of modern western culture. Your Roman pagan connections range from take-aways to Sundays and even “Christianity”, Christmas and Easter and then some, and you thought it was the birth and death of Christ. Fat Atlantean Santa was invented by Coca Cola, which was based on cocaine. He was introduced in 1930 by the Vatican as part of their marketing. 76 Even the monetary system is based on Roman numerals, which when added together make 1666. In saying this, one also has to remember by whose judgement Jesus died.

76 Ivar����f� eld, “Christians“Christi ans promote ‘Coca Cola santa’ for Christmas”, 23/12/2013,http://ivar feld. com/2013/12/23/christians-promote-coca-cola-santa-for-christmas/ 173 6III6III6

Abraham was a direct descendant of Adam and Eve and the father of the single God religions represented by 3 Books. The Romans compiled their Bible just like Muhammad combined The Qur’an and The Arab Maimonides became the dictator of the “Jewish” faith. These 3 misleading doctrines have the concept of a singular God in common. In The Bible, there are 4 books of vital importance to this time: Genesis, Proverbs of Solomon, Daniel and Revelation. And, while we are on that subject; take Apostle “Paul” 77’s work with a handful of salt: here is the good example of who he bats for: Romans 13:1. Solomon wrote down everything his father King David, the incarnate of Poseidon, had taught him, but he did not fully get the message: in wisdom humanity has to be led. Nevertheless, he found the power it gives the one who understands it well enough and used it to his advantage. Little be known to David, Azazel had incarnated in Solomon. He built “Jerusalem”, creating a much disputed and controversial place. Then he carried it through by establishing “Israel” as a country, when in fact it is a Noble bloodline.

“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” Revelation 13:18

77 Saul of Tarsus, persecutor of “Christians”,“Christi ans”, later changed his name to Paul. 174 This is the number of Rothschild today. The barcode displayed on everything is the tracking system of his corporation: it has 6 in the beginning, middle and at the end. The day he founded the Illuminati, 1st May 1776, is the only day of the entire year that calculates to 666 (first = 432, May = 234; 432+234 = 666) in Sumerian gematria. Deduct 111 from the first three digits of the year, and you are left with 666. In the very same year, the United States of America was founded on the 4th July. The celebration of Independence Day on the 4 th of July is false: there were only 3 signatures on The Declaration of Independence that day. The Masons, Qabalistic “Jews” or “Aristocratic” elite with blue eyes are connected to the family of Jacob but not to Judah. They worship the Kabbalah, mystic teachings that came with The Sky People and were introduced to humanity by whom other than the Sumerians. This is the connection to the mysteries of Egypt and the Hindu Vedas, which are from the same era. These teachings along with many other elements of Jewish faith have been spread since Abraham invented the Hebrew language. The word kabbalah originates in Hebrew root meaning to receive sacred teachings. They maintained their connection to “Judaism” and “Jerusalem” through The Roman Catholic Church for a very good reason, yet they followed and influenced societies where it suited their interest, loyal only to themselves. They worship Gevurah as their God. He is the God of judgment and power essentially balanced by Chesed, the God of love and mercy. Together, they represent Yin Yang; they cannot truly function separately. But Qabalists do not acknowledge this unity. This imbalance is displayed in their promotion of gay rights and homosexuality in churches. The numerical value

175 of Gevurah is 216 or 6 x 6 x 6. On 11/9/1666 (#s 111, 666, 911), Rothschild or rather Mr. Bauer founded the federal banking system after the Great Fire of London which destroyed everything. He obviously had an influence in the reconstruction of the city as well; royal buildings’ measurements are based on 666 or multiples thereof. Search 666 facts about London; you will be amazed. London is the heart of the beast.

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12

Mayer Amschel Rothschild (23/2/1744 – 19/9/1812) was a German Jewish banker. He was the founder of the Rothschild family international banking dynasty which became the most successful business family in history. In 2005, he was ranked 7th on the Forbes magazine list of “The Twenty Most Influential Businessmen of All Time”. The business magazine referred to him as a “founding father of international finance”.78 As a collector, he worshipped money ultimately, so much so that the power it gave him turned him into the god of wealth. The fact that the Illuminati uses the teachings of Solomon and the fact that he appointed 12 friends are enough proof that they understand most of what We are writing about. The ones who become wealthy first created the pit that most of YOU are in; those who managed to get out the pit had to sell their souls to worship what Azazel had created: wealth. They became the gods of wealth and the dictators of Earth, your present gods and idols.

78 Sta���f��������������������������, Forbes.com, 21/7/2005, http://www.forbes.com/2005/07/21/rothschild-banking-internation- al-cx_0721bizmanrothschild.html 176 There is a lot of confusion with regard to who the Jews really are. Judea was the country of the tribe of Judah, son of Jacob (Israel); they became known to foreigners as Jews. Then, other nations, starting with Babylonians 607 BC, moved in and adopted their ways; they became the “Jews”. The Book says: YOU either are a Jew or not; in other words, YOU are either direct decedent of Judah or not. The other lot are the Babylonian/Medici/Court “Jews” but rather refers to a mind-set as opposed to a specific family. There is no Jew with brown eyes on this planet. Medici “Jews” took the lead in the finance industry at first. This was due to the fact that the Roman/“Christian” religion prohibited indulgence in charging interest to another “Christian” ( Nehemiah 5). They “produced” 3 Popes: the first Medici to rule The Republic of Florence became Pope Pius II. This connects Papacy to wealth hence the reason for Francis’ swift appointment. 79 The Roman Catholic Church has 1.1 billion followers, and those who do not agree with the Catholics, worship their Book with remarkable resemblance. That adds another 2 billion pagans. The RCC priests, cardinals, “rabbis” and even the Pope partake in satanic rituals, abusing and sacrificing children. Strange that Qabalistic sacrifices are practised in a “Christian” institution when they are actually connected to the “Jewish” faith. That points to a direct connection between Qabalists and the Papacy. Seeing the Pope with a Kippah/Yamaka (111) on his head and a purple garment (Daniel 5:16) over him is a dead giveaway. As you know now, the word Satan means opposition; the only one they can oppose is The Son of Man.

79 Henry����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� To, Market Thoughts.com, “The Bank of England increases Its Flexibility”, 7/8/2009, http:// www.marketthoughts.com/z20090807.html 177 We found that Pope Callistus ll, born the fourth son of William I, Count of Burgundy, one of the wealthiest rulers in Europe appointed in 1119 (#’s 119; 111), 80 was responsible for The Knights of Malta . Originally portrayed as a medical facility, it became a military order to protect “Jerusalem” on behalf of the RCC. The plan is to eventually base the Pope in the “Holy City”, where the world could worship him from, that is Catholics, “Christians” and “Jews” alike, by force, once again. Surely, this proves that the Romans are still in charge and that the connection between Roman “Jews” and the person who built “Jerusalem” does exist till this very day. The cross they display is the cross of The Atlanteans, yet The Bible clearly warns against idolatry. If YOU have any idols81before God, YOU reproach YOURSELF to Him.

“Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry.” 1 Corinthians 10:14 The apartheid between the non-Israelites and Israelites was violated by King Solomon, who had blue eyes. He became involved in witch craft and black magic which is still practised by his loyal followers. He was also the one who included all Homos in the covenant of “His God”, but he did not specify which god. More proof that the “Aristocracy/Royalty” has control of the RCC lies with Giordano Bruno’s perpetrator. The Holy See killed Bruno for supporting heliocentrism, a fact they did not want to be exposed because it could have changed the way The Bible is understood and break the hold they have over humanity (Pr 1:7). The Mother City, Rome, was built on 7 hills (Rev

80 the MilitiaMiliti a of the Pope sworn to total obedience by a blood oath. �� 81 depictiondepicti on of celestialcelesti al beings, that is crosses, angels and images worshipped as a God.God. � 178 17:9). Pope Benedict’s resignation and then the most amazingly accurate description of the new Pope, who is now wooing the world (Rev 17:10); his sudden appointment should have made you wonder.


In 1600, the Renaissance or Time of enlightenment started, funded by the “aristocratic” banks. Famous people from that era all had something to do with the RCC which has the blood of the prophets on their hands (Rev17:6). For example, Galileo Galilei was put under house arrest for supporting and advocating heliocentrism. How true do following words ring now?

“Perhaps you pronounce this sentence against me with greater fear than I receive it.”

These were the last words of Italian philosopher and scientist Giordano Bruno before he was burned naked, gagged and tied to a wooden stake at the Campo de’Fiori in Rome on 17/2/1600, much like witches were taken care of. All this for a concept that makes a lot of sense and a secret they protect till this very day? The woman described here is none other than Rome, built on 7 hills.

179 “And here is the mind which hath wisdom (the wisdom of Proverbs). The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth (Rome). And there are seven kings (the seven last Popes): five are fallen (no longer), and one is (Pope Benedict was prophesied to be the 111th) and the other is not yet come (Pope Francis); and when he cometh (after his election), he must continue a short space (to where the described event will take place). And the beast (Azazel/Red Dragon) that was, and is not (the beast that you think is, yet deny by calling it conspiracy theory), even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, (one of the seven Popes) and goeth into perdition (will be destroyed).” Revelation 17:9 The Prophecy of the Popes of St. Malachy, an Irish archbishop who was canonized a saint in 1190, forecasts the following Popes up to the 112th Pope, where it ends with:

“In the extreme persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit ... Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations: and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the terrible judge will judge his people. The End.”

There’s more: it corresponds with the Mayan calendar. Pope Benedict is also still living in the Vatican while Pope Francis wonders around; he has not stepped down from his position. Is he the one who will sit in “Jerusalem” soon? Also remember that the Jesuits are a Military Religious Order of The Roman Catholic

180 Church, Masonic and other oaths. The clerical career of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the 266 th Bishop of Rome is bookended by two supposedly joyous dates. The first is 13/12/1969, the day on which the young Argentinian, on the brink of his 33 rd birthday, was ordained a Jesuit priest, or is that General? He has been involved in arms deals while working for the church. Why a man of his integrity is the leader of an organisation that is supposed to represent peace and good will? The Jesuits are known radicals; to trust a man of his profile is dangerous. Anyway, what does a church need an army for? Surely, they have God to protect them; unless, there was never a connection to Him. Rome was the trading gateway, and with the Renaissance came the printing press, bringing propaganda controlled by the same elite till this very day. The first King James Version was printed for England in 1611 (# 111). Need I also remind you there is a warrant for Queen Elizabeth’s arrest for similar crimes to what Pope Benedict was convicted of in The Hague. You can find this information and arrest warrants on ITCCS website. For as long as you know, YOU have been under Roman “Aristocratic” Monarchy rule. If YOU celebrate X-mas, eat Easter eggs or/and don’t work on Sundays, YOU are the system. The Monarchy in charge today is still based on the United Monarchy of King David but under control of Azazel and includes the RCC and “Israel”. Because of the king described in Revelation 9:11, the world is where it is today, and everything in Revelation 9:13-21 has been correct for the 6 th trumpet, the period of 2160 years which ended on 21/12/2012. The misunderstood Promised Land, no matter where it really is, is under Roman Rule and so is the tribe of Israel. The descendants of Israel

181 (Jacob) are spread all over the 4 corners of the world. What is to come above and beyond the effects of our position in space is the war between 111 and 1111 or Azazel and Poseidon. A conspiracy theory is an explanatory proposition that accuses two or more people, a group, or an of having caused or covered up, through deliberate collusion, an event or phenomenon of great social, political, or economic impact; this phrase is misused. It was ”invented” by CIA after Kennedy’s assasination to sweep any disaggreance with their version of the story.

“Recent studies by psychologists and social scientists in the US and UK suggest that contrary to mainstream media stereotypes, those labeled “conspiracy theorists” appear to be saner than those who accept the official versions of contested events.” 82

The New World Order is considered a conspiracy theory, but from onslaught, even in my basic knowledge of The Bible, I recognised similarities between their rules and Proverbs. Proverbs is the most important personal lesson and guide The Bible has on offer; I have spent much time there. In fact, the first 7 verses of Proverbs of Solomon made me realize where the answers lay. Understanding the subtle difference between prudence and wisdom was the key towards unlocking the mysteries held there. The Royal rules of King David’s Monarchy form the basis of The New World Order, not a big surprise at all. They, of all people, will know that The Book

82 Before It’s News, “CIA Invention of the Phrase, ‘Conspiracy Theory’ to Block Questions on JFK’s Assassination, is “One of the Most Successful Propaganda Initiatives of All Time.”, 17/7/2013,http:// beforeitsnews.com/conspiracy-theories/2013/07/cia-invention-of-the-phrase-conspiracy-theory-to- block-questions-on-jfks-assassination-is-one-of-the-most-successful-propaganda-initiatives-of-all- time-2453052.html 182 has value other than what humanity has been taught; religion was the ploy to take the focus away from it. Their leader is the incarnate who is described as the fallen Angel of God, so he understands it very well because he wrote it as Solomon.

In Revelation, the story ends very differently: The Angel of the bottomless pit will be banished. By this it means that once you, humanity understand your problem, you will never allow that to happen again. When it comes again, history will banish it automatically. There is also said to be a second power that will rise above during this time. This has to be China; remember, it is said the East will rule the West, but they are nowhere near as powerful as they think and will not last long before they fall too. You also know that religions are waiting for The Messiah, The Anointed One: there are thousands of interpretations of that, and don’t forget the self- appointed ones (Matthew 24:24). Have you ever thought of whom He would choose if He was here now? Why would He even choose any religion? After all, He is not from any of them, and you are blindly led to believe that He is coming back for you as a “Christian”. What would you be looking for in any case, and how would you recognize Him? He could be coming back as anyone with blue eyes, really. What this is truly about, however, is the return of 83 the Christ/Krsna , the Omni-potent divine energy of Poseidon. This is the awakening into the Golden Age of Aquarius, where YOUR wealth is measured by YOUR wisdom: a world where wisdom rules and the streets are paved with Gold (Rev 21:21). During the Age of Pisces or rather the 6th day, a god Azazel created this present system for humanity. The

83 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������Krsna meaning All attractive, one of the ancient names for God Almighty in Sanskrit. Greek word Christos originates in Sanskrit word Krista, a variation of the word Krsna 183 forbidden fruit without a shadow of doubt are the poisons of progress which are almost unavoidable in modern life. The profound health and well-being effect on YOU as a human species is strong enough evidence of that. Medical industry was developed around the stressed degradation of your bodies over the last 220 years as result of your growing needs, greed and addictions. The struggle of survival, the man’s curse of Genesis. The day of rest, the 7th day, depicts the following Age, the Age of Aquarius. Aquarius has been described as the Age of the Water Bearer, where peace and prosperity reigns. Jesus said: “ … and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the very end of the world … ” (Matthew 28:20), that being the end of the world you know now, the end of the Age of Pisces. In Revelation, the 6 th trumpet describes wars with beasts, fire, gunpowder, many deaths and much suffering: The Second World War was exactly like that. If you have not yet realized that an illusionary banking system has enslaved humanity to the point where even churches are driven by it, it is time to educate yourself. Modern wealth is just a perception based on illusionary currency falsely elevating you into believing that wealth is power, yet true power comes from within; it cannot be based on earthly possessions or bought. The 7th trumpet announces Aquarius and the return of peace under one ruler. Revelation speaks of 144,000 spirits divided equally into the 12 tribes of Israel: they are the sons of Jacob and all have blue eyes. To make a statement like that revoked some emotions in me, but it made me realize what Hitler’s quest was about. He had the royal blood, but his energy chose the dark way. The Illuminati was then already a well-established brotherhood, and he 184 was part of it: he had access to Sumerian information. Before the blue-eyed people came about, there was no structure. Tribes invaded each other, stealing the women, killing the men and taking all the food they could; sometimes it seems you are back there. The Gods were sorry about some of their creations. The beasts described were created as labourers before the comet; some of these servants survived the ordeal and moved away from the area surrounding Egypt as their tribes grew. The cattle the herders stole from their masters are the cattle they still have. Their intrinsic farming skills is what they have carried with them, or at least the bit they understood. The knowledge of a servant kind led to the slave trade. The two original indigenous Black tribes of Southern Africa are the Bushman and the Hottentots, whose numbers stayed low. I cannot help myself wondering about the words false prophet when I see Blacks so passionately preaching the “Lord’s word”. Prophecy has been studied for ages with no resolve; what gave them such insight? To add a little more catalyst, this is a quote from the original Sumerian list translated and published by Thorkild Jacobsen, renowned historian specializing in Assyriology and Sumerian literature:

“When kingship was lowered from heaven, the kingship was in Eridug.”

Eridu (or Eridug) was the seat of the Sumerian water god and god of wisdom, Ea/Enki.84

84 Thorkild������������������� Jacobsen, The Sumerian King List (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1939). 185 The reality of where we are and what is about to happen is the last part of The Book ...

... according to Revelation ...

186 “And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion (Greece, Medea and Persia,and Babylon mixed into a sea beast, that is Papacy, RCC, Holy See) and the dragon (Azazel as Pepin III) gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” Revelation 13:2

“And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.” Revelation 13:5

“In 754 AD Pope Stephen II asked Pepin’s aid against the Lombard King Aistulf who oppressed Italy. The pope anointed Pepin ‘Patricius’ 85. After Aistulf was defeated, Pepin gave the Papal States ... to the pope as ‘Donation of Pepin’, in partial payment of his debt to the popes who supported his quest for the crown.”86

In 754 AD, the Pope gave the title Patricius of the Romans to the Frankish ruler Pepin; previously, the sanctification of kings was only done by emperors. This was the informal start of sovereignty of Papal / Vatican/The Holy See rule. Prophecy sets this reign to end after 42 months or 1260 days: this time they are years as they are merely a unit of count. 754 AD + 1260 years = 2014

85 a titleti tle of the highest honor in civil law. 86 Sugon����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Jr, Quirino M, “Pippin to Denethor and Pepin the Short to Pope Zachary: the O�f��������������ering of the Sword”, St. Holbytla’s Monastery, 3/2/2009, http://holbytla.wordpress.com/2009/02/03/pippin-to- denethor-and-pepin-the-short-to-pope-zachary-the-ofering-of-the-sword/ 187 “and the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.” Revelation 18:23

188 Bye, bye Babylon!

189 190 7. Body, Mind and Spirit

The Lion was introversing now: I know that the sceptre depicted on the emblem of Medical Industry belongs to God of Wisdom, Enki. But what does the Medical Industry, not mentioned in His Book, have to do with Him? That means that Satan, present God has stolen symbol of The True God just like he stole everything else.

The information in this chapter is intended purely as educational and not for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment ... blah, blah, blah! Based on what follows, We have made Our choices; YOU make yours. You have created a symptomatic world in which you are just killing fires; the medical profession is the prime example. Conditions are treated symptomatically while ignoring the root of the problem when it is the most logical place to start from. Humanity has become so dependent on the convenience of the medical industry and fast food chains that it has made you lazy. You do not care about yourselves; when things go wrong, you will find a medical way to “sort it out”.

191 Obesity87 is a real problem the world faces due to the psychological and physical state of being. Fat is simply sucked out, so you can go on as you were: oblivious and ignorant to reality. You are the only animals that trust in an Industry more so than in yourselves, never questioning your own contribution to your state of health. Why? Your Creator gave you reason; use it! By not using what you got given and supporting this industry you are saying that your creator did not do a good job, not so? Well, I beg to differ. Due to superior cognitive ability you received as a gift, you process life with thought. The influences you are exposed to as growing humans have the potential to influence your lives in a profound way. There comes a time in life when you simply have to take stock of where you are heading. The psychological baggage you carry, the physical neglect towards yourself and the prevalent spiritual emptiness around are a display of misguidance. I gave a lift to an elderly “gentleman” one day. A blue- eyed, English fellow he was and visibly ill. He told me he had infection from a cut he had received at work. I asked him if he was taking any supplements. “Yes.”. “What?” “Those black ones from the clinic.” “What are they?” His ignorance was blatantly obvious: “Dunno, the black doctor there said he takes them, so they must be good.”

87 Oversensitivity. Fat represents protection. 192 “How many do you take?” “Ah, two a day.”, he said seemingly proud about his ignorance. Such extreme ignorance is also displayed in the rest of his life: Upon chatting with him some time after, he very proudly told Us about his 22 children. In amazement, I uttered: “TWENTY TWO!”, as Katarína almost falls out the car with shock. He just put it down to the fact that he has had a long life and 7 wives: the last one was black and admittedly a mistake. Imagine the world where everyone is so healthy that the medical industry does not exist: no drug companies manufacturing drugs, no laboratories developing chemicals. Well, if you can imagine this, you are heading in a right direction.


“Now, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1

88 Placebo is used by doctors to assist with healing. It is really only just the faith the mind has in its guide, in this case the doctor, giving him/her false godly power over his/her patients. Doctors abuse it, yet they are mere puppets within Pharmaceutical Corporation. Medicines are prescribed indiscriminately with the hope of achieving the desired healing through placebo, proving beyond a shadow of doubt that mind is more powerful than body. Doctors have a false elevated status in society. They are the healers, yet

88 a substance containing no medicationmedicati on prescribed or given to reinforce a patient’spati ent’s expectationexpectati on to get well. 193 they are the unhealthiest of all. Open your eyes and look behind the screen. You have been lured into the trap of modern medicine, and you will find a maze of hidden agenda and ultimate ignorance. Genetic defect, heard those words before? Well, it’s another way of saying you inherited your parents’ bad habits to a very large extent. Truth is if you really want to, you can fix most of them by yourself, yet you voluntarily take super-processed ingredients and chemicals which have various side effects and don’t belong there in the first place. You also do nothing to compensate for poisoning your bodies; you simply just go with the flow because the doctor said so. Over the years, I have met many people who had been given the incorrect medication that has caused more severe problems than what they had started with. If the situation is taken up with the medical and dental council, one has very little or no chance of achieving anything; the protection these so-called healers of man have is the best; they cannot be held accountable for their mishaps.

Medickly fed up!

When I became father to twins, I was introduced to a world that presented many hidden realities. Toni, the ex, was a little overprotective: When the kids had a cough, they were rushed to the doctor, and the doctor would simply put them on another course of their regular medicine: antibiotics. There was no reason to change the antibiotic because it was sort of working. It calmed the wife down, and the kids got 89 better. All was well, or was it? They had pneumonia

89 Desperate. Tired of life. EmotiEmotional onal wounds that are not allowed to heal. 194 every 6 weeks; you could almost set the calendar to it. The antibiotics only kept it at bay for that long and did not actually cure the problem. It all seemed okay, and it was a way of going on blindly without too much ado; I mean, what else must you do? I was also just trying to keep the peace in the family and the wife happy. She deserved it because she was a housewife and had a hard day at home with the kids every day. I was at work when I received a call from her: “André, the kids have an appointment by the doctor.”, wanting me to accompany her as usual; twins are a hand full. So off we went, once again to the doctor. By this time, I was fed up with this way of life; we did not want our kids to have the drugs. It was getting us both down and broke, and the doctor was just raking it in. Our pressure for survival was high for the privilege of proper motherhood as we knew it then. After the birth of the twins, Toni got severe baby blues that turned to depression. I found myself sitting in front of the same doctor for an entirely different reason: I was taking strain because the woman I loved was not the one I had married. I did not understand as I was young and naïve, and life does not come with a manual. It was explained to me as a chemical imbalance or rather a shortage of serotonin. Serotonin is the electrolyte in the brain that makes the impulses flow and causes a feeling of well-being; in fact, the entire body uses it. In her case, it was in short supply, and she was given an antidepressant to help her “cope”. She was never told how to repair that problem because no one knew. The medication drugged her and took away her sex- drive, but I had to live with that. I loved her, so I made peace with it and carried on with life. I believe that depression affects the rest of the family more than the person itself.

195 Depression is the most prevalent mental health problem affecting a whopping 350 million 90 people globally. It is officially your biggest health problem. However, this figure is considerably higher. White people suffer depression much more than any other. About 30 million Americans from the age of 12 spend more than $50 billion a year on drugs to battle depression. That accounts for about 11 percent of American people over 12 years using antidepressants, whether for depression, anxiety problems or others. But there are many more depressed humans in USA who do not take drugs. This is not accurate figure and accounts for USA only. Almost all of these medicines target either serotonin or norepinephrine91 which are neurotransmitters.92 Louise Hay, metaphysical healer and author of You Can Heal Your Life , the book that has sold millions of copies and became personal guide to many, describes depression as: “Anger you feel you do not have a right to have. Hopelessness.”. Hence the anger-relieving exercises for depressed people. Why are supposedly sovereign people angry and hopeless? Angry AT THE SYSTEM they live in. And hopeless because they see no other way of life, trapped in an invisible cage of restrictions, rules and injustice. A system that pays no compliments. The course of tablets given to her was for a month, and then she had to go back to see the doctor again. I was spending so much time and money at the consulting rooms that even my boss complained. The tablets were the only ignorant option we had. It got worse than before; it carried on from one doctor

90 Dosomething.org,��������������������������������������������� “11 Facts About Depression”, http://www.dosomething.org/facts/11-facts- about-depression 91 a neurotransmitterneurotransmitt er that is secreted in response to stress.stress. �� 92 CDC, “Antidepressant“Anti depressant Use in Persons Aged 12 and Over: United States, 2005–2008”, NCHS Data Brief, 10/2011, http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db76.htm 196 to the next “specialist”. Eventually, after 9 years of hell for both of us, we split up, and she moved back to England with our kids. When she arrived in the UK, she was put on a permanent prescription, and until recently, I was under the impression that she is coping okay, until she tried to commit suicide93. Chemical antidepressants are not the answer; look for it in nature. Go Cocoa! This episode in my life ticked another checkpoint on my destiny path. Writing this book was largely inspired by my dedication towards finding understanding into some problems I had encountered, hers being first. I was faced with convincing a depressed mind that the treatment was not working and that her dependency on the medication is only HER “solace”. Depression is predominantly psychosomatic.

Homeopathy 94

To get back to the kids, we decided to try “alternative” medicine: The kids had not even finished their dose of antibiotics when we had our next appointment, only this time, with a world famous Homeopath by the name of Dr. Levin. Much to our surprise, he was able to see us in the shortest possible time. When we arrived, it was a bit on the awkward side, or rather not what we had been used to, having been to so many physicians. His consulting room was more like a fortune teller’s room with rugs and things. Nevertheless, we sat down: my son on my lap and the two girls together. He was old

93 See����������������������������������� life only in black and white. �� 94 a study and practicepracti ce of natural medicine, healing “like with like”, it works just like math equatiequation: on: (-) x (-) = (+). 197 and wrinkled and had his head in some paperwork. As he looked up over his tiny reading glasses, he greeted, looked at the kids and said: “He’s got earache and she has a sore tummy; why are you here?”. Well, you could have blown me over with a feather. As it turned out, he was not very busy because he was so efficient. His diagnosis took all of 3 minutes. A nurse came in and looked in kids’ eyes and told him what she saw. He wrote on a piece of paper and gave it to her; she led us back to the reception. As we got to the door, he said: “No more milk!”. So, we got given these two brown paper bags with some goodies for them, and we left. We had to complete the antibiotics but start kids on his medication as well. They used to have their cereals with water; they did complain some at first. That was about it, no more doctors for them at least. They were a picture of health after that. And then we found out that our son 95 had epilepsy which was triggered by a fall: reason number 2 to find answers. A couple of years ago, as business owner, I was under some stress, and my lifestyle was hectic: I developed 96 high blood-pressure . The doctor gave me a 3-month quick fix, renewable-after-consultation, need I say. I was told that I have to get used to it because that is how my life was going to be from then on. I laughed at the doctor and told him that it was not like that at all. He strongly reprimanded me, of course. The pharmacist told me not to mess with high blood-pressure, and I laughed at him too. I started changing my lifestyle completely then: reason number 3. I started doing some research as to all the possible causes of it. I stopped after the first 3-month prescription was finished. I went to the same pharmacy to have my blood-pressure checked couple of times thereafter.

95 Sense of persecution,persecuti on, rejectirejection on of life, feeling of great struggle. Self-violence.Self-violence. �� 96 Long standing emotionalemoti onal problem not solved.solved. � 198 It slowly stabilized, and I have had normal blood- pressure for more than 10 years now. I cannot help but think that I almost became a victim of what I am writing about. To this very day I am still changing; I have realized that it is all or nothing. There is no shortcut. In 2002, my Dad was 71; he still had 50 to go. The older generation is so stubborn and set in their ways that very little will change them. He started going to the doctor more often but I could not establish from him what the problem was. He was a proud man and far too conservative for my liking. Sex was something that he did not discuss at all, and I had to learn about the bees and the birds from various other sources. One day, I received a phone call from him: he needed a lift home from the hospital. And, who better to call than his little blue-eyed boy? That day I had it in for him, to say the least. When I collected him, I once again asked what the problem was. He said: “More tests.”. He wouldn’t or couldn’t tell me. It seemed like the doctors were just stringing him along. By the way, home for him was 160 km from the hospital. He was a soldier all his life, so he had a military medical aid. I was self-employed; I could choose my doctor. He was a homeopath, and we were friends too. I called him on our way from the hospital, and he said he would see my Dad that same afternoon. It was about 3 o’clock when I dropped my Dad there, and Herman told me to go to work and come get him in an hour. I was back at his consulting rooms at 4 o’clock and was told to sit down; I knew there was something radically wrong. He used a pressure-point testing technique; this was done within the hour that I was away. He had found that my Dad had started with cancer in his

199 prostate gland97 and, because of his pride, he just let it be, so it spread through all his intestines. He was given 3 months, and I was prepared. I was able to make my peace with him leaving, and all round, it was a good thing just knowing. I have always been at peace with death; he passed in my arms almost to the day. During the 3 months I had with him, he often spoke of the others in the room with us, and I was often asked to get them to leave. The spiritual world for the first time in my life was presenting itself significantly. I did not understand it, but it was certainly something I could not dispute. My Dad was the most honourable person I knew, and I respected him immensely for it.

Hypocrites’ Oath

“I swear by Apollo the Physician and by Asclepius and by Hygieia and Panacea and by all the GODS ... ”

According to Hippocrates98, the philosophy of medicine is a humble and passive practice. His medicine was holistic and for the first time excluded superstitious medical beliefs: it was based on the healing power of nature and simply focussed on facilitating that. It was very patient-friendly; treatment was gentle and emphasized on keeping the patient clean and sterile. It was generalized to prevent doctors from damaging one’s health by incorrect diagnosis. Apple cider vinegar and rest was at the top of the list: then 99 relying only on the crisis point .

97 Prostate:���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Mental fear weaken the masculinity. Giving up. Cancer: Deep hurt, secret or grief.�� 98 ancient Greek physician and one of the most outstanding figuresfi gures in the history of medicine.medicine. �� 99 the point where the patientpati ent either recovers or dies.dies. �� 200 “Hippocrates was the personification of the ideal physician - wise, caring, compassionate and honest. He is most remembered today for his famous Oath, which set high ethical standards for the practice of medicine. His exemplary life has been a constant and enduring source of inspiration for doctors and healers down through the ages.” 100

Hippocrates was family of the Gods.

For many years now, I have known that the Medical Industry is a big money-making scheme and people are so used to the racket that they just pay and trust. You never ask any questions, and you are not given many choices. When they are at the end of their so- called medicinal limits, they simply say: “There is nothing we can do for you.”. But, nevertheless, you always pay.

If a mechanic works on a doctor’s car and does not find the fault, the doctor will not pay, but the reverse does not apply, no matter what, you will pay; you die from it, your family pays. If a doctor does not fix you, you don’t have to pay because you did not get what you went there for , Lion’s adrenaline increased.

An associate was out on a fishing boat recently; the sea was rough; the boat was bumped about, and he fractured his leg. Where We live, this is not a problem; the solution is a cast and a couple of weeks. This was

100 �����������������������������������������������������������������������������David Osborn, Greek Medicine, “HIPPOCRATES, Father of Medicine”, 2007 – 2010, http://www. greekmedicine.net/whos_who/Hippocrates.html 201 done at Our local hospital without any questions. An x-ray revealed a clean break, and it was fine with a cast and time doing its thing. Upon returning to the big city, where survival and a bit extra is the drive, he was referred from one doctor to the next and ended up having a full-scale operation with pins being implanted. The cost of that made someone a lot of money. And that is the point. Doctor, meaning teacher, has the power of persuasion because he is supposed to have the education to be able to teach you; you listen. Have you ever thought of this? If you do not make your budget for the month because your “Porsche’s” premium is high, then, at the dilemma of the patient, you convince them that their condition requires a procedure, just another way of saying: “I need cash!”.

Giving brrrth

Natural child birth is something most women are capable of. It is of vital importance. However, it is the one place where doctors have the most leverage; caesarean sections are performed without hesitation, to save theatre time and make some shekels extra. This is where the control of the system starts. In a natural birthing process, the baby will crawl to the mother’s breast to take its first drink. In governmental hospitals, when babies are born, they are removed from their mothers immediately. This shatters the emotional and physiological bond that has formed between mother and child, with severe implications. The newborn being used to hearing its mother’s heartbeat suffers great existential fear when it does not hear it any longer. It knows very

202 well: no mum, no life. That is its natural instinct. The mother also has a problem to deal with. Her confidence is broken when the child and she cannot complete their natural bonding cycle. She is instinctively protective like a Lioness, now submissive and vulnerable, resulting in built-up anger capable of sparking pretty serious depression. This is a strategy to create a confusion within humanity, making control through fear easy: Fear is the greatest way of control.

Plastic frogs

I am shocked people in this country are not aware of why they are paying for plastic bags at the shops. On SABC some years ago, Carte Blanche aired a report from scientists who were looking at the water condition of the Sesriem Spruit (Small Stream) that flows through Alexandra, a rural township in Johannesburg. After the township, the pollution is disgusting: there are plastic bags everywhere. Their study was into the effect of pollution on the wildlife in the river, where they only found female frogs. As you all know, frogs are often used in medical experiments as they respond similar to humans. They established that the water was saturated with oestrogen, the female hormone. Further testing showed that the molecular structure of the polyethylene plastic bags, which were degrading in the water, had almost an exact match to that of oestrogen. The frogs responded to that, and if frogs do, then so do people.

203 This water ends up in your taps, and you are drinking it. The problem is not just in the water: it is all around you and affects the younger generation to a larger extent. All your food is wrapped in it. Cling film is the lowest grade of poly-ethylene plastic; its instability is what makes it stick. Most fresh produce and fast foods are packaged in it at higher temperatures, making it worse. It is very difficult to get away from. Tests have shown that the sperm of an older gentleman is healthier than that of a 20-year- old. The “fall of The Ancient Roman Empire” was partly to blame on lead poisoning from their water supply pipes. They died not knowing their mistake. You are fortunate if you have copper pipes in your house as you need copper in your daily diet. If you are privileged enough to be able to drink water from your tap, you will get your daily dose of it. The thought that comes to mind is that you are facing another crisis similar to that of the Romans, only this time it is chemicals. And you are oblivious to it. Your Roman based society is repeating its history for its final time.


Another enormous mistake you are making in modern life is moving further away from nature and your heritage. You are losing sight of the fact that you are also creatures from here: YOUR spiritual side does not have the same needs as YOUR physical side. The physical side, however, is still related to the primate, whether you like it or not. Why then has your diet changed so radically compared to theirs? They do not

204 have doctors to run to when they are ill, but, then again, they do not get ill unless humanity has had something to do with it. I will let you into a small secret: they do not eat meat as regular as you do. And they consume large quantities of vitamins and minerals from what they eat. A gorilla’s daily intake of vitamin C is around 2000 – 4000 mg (1 teaspoon of powdered vitamin C = 5000 mg.), and it starts at a very young age. You have in common the problem that you cannot produce your own vitamin C. They get their supply from Mother Earth. During my research, I was given lots of material to work with, and they have all affected me in a positive way. In particular, there was a book by Dr. Andrew Saul titled Doctor Yourself. In fact, there is a magnitude of information that covers the subject of self-healing. Now, naturally, I am not a poorly kind of person, and I have a good state of mind. I was happy to follow the advice, because our relatives, the Chimps and gorillas are doing it. Except for a common cold, they stay healthy due to the amount of vitamin C they get from what they eat in nature every day.

“When someone shares something of value with you and you benefit from it, you have a moral obligation to share it with others.” Chinese Proverb

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is a water-soluble vitamin essential for normal functioning of the body of human and certain animal species. Unlike most mammals (excl. bats, monkeys, apes and few others), humans don’t have the ability to make their own vitamin C; it has to be obtained through diet.

205 C is an anti-oxidant, wound-healer, toxin-cleaner, laxative, antibiotic, antihistamine ... gee, running out of breath: it’s awesome! In the past, sailors suffered with scurvy because of the lack of vitamin C. The problem was solved by giving them lime juice. Ascorbic acid is commercially synthesized and includes a fermentation step in bacteria. RDI (recommended daily intake) ranges from 45 to 95 mg/day. In reality, humans have to consume 1000 - 4000 milligrams of vitamin C per day to maintain saturation. I once found myself in the company of a general practitioner with a couple of specialties; one being cosmetics, specializing in Botox101. Much debate went on. I brought up the subject of vitamin C; from onslaught, she was defensive and pulled it down. She profusely made me aware of the fact that it is not a natural product. Powdered vitamin C is synthesized, yes, but this is an exception. I found this real story of the New Zealand farmer who was on his deathbed with the Swine flu: His family had been notified that the machines were going to be turned off. The family insisted on a high dose of vitamin C. After a huge fight with the doctors, it was administered intravenously, and he walked out of the hospital the following day. By himself! 102 Further research into the benefits of vitamin C was an eye opener. Ascorbic acid is the key to solving many problems you are faced with today. It has been very well documented for many decades. I could not help but ask myself why it is kept secret. Or, is it? Such a simple solution to so many conditions, and if you ask me, that is getting closer to addressing the root of

101 a������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ trade name for botulinum toxin, a protein and neurotoxin produced by the bacterium Clos- tridium botulinum. It is the most acutely lethal toxin known. 102 Fuseworks���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Media, “Common Sense Of Dairy Farmers Saves Life Of Family Member”, 19/8/2010, http://www.voxy.co.nz/national/common-sense-dairy-farmers-saves-life-family-member/5/59486 206 all medical evil. Doctors know about it, yet they shy away from it. It would cause great financial damage to the industry. So why give a shit about humanity? In November 2009, I started with the vitamin C saturation, taking 18,000 mg per day (74 x 250 mg tabs/day). The secret lies in the saturation of the body. It immediately starts ridding the body of poisons. Suddenly, I sleep better and my mind is clearer. I was faced with some flatulence, but my energy level increased significantly. When I reached saturation, I had a runny tummy, so I stopped the high dose and started to establish my maintenance dose. This was done simply by taking a dose of 2000 mg/day for a month. Then, I increased the dose slowly to bring on the runny tummy again and took the average and added it to the dose I was taking. If I was still having a runny tummy on the 2000 mg, I would have reduced until it stopped. I have been saturated since 2009, and my daily dose is around 2000 mg. I lost 27 kg in the first 3 years, and all my liver stains on my hands are gone. Vitamin C is significantly beneficial in the correcting of addictions and allergies; it was one of the original ideas for Alcoholics Anonymous. That makes sense, because it should eventually remove cellular toxins stuck on the laminin (cell wall) and probably where the sugar addiction keeps getting trapped. By cleaning the cell walls every day with vitamin C your cells function as they should. These days, I am not drinking strong alcohol anymore, but my love for sulphur- free red wine has remained. A disputed side effect is kidney stones to those who are prone. A decent calcium supplement and a lot of water should take care of that. In any case, you should be drinking no less than 2 litres of water per day if you are living in a hot place. That is what you lose just by breathing, urinating and perspiration anyway.

207 As a diving and nature junky, I used to spend a lot of time in the Sun. These days, I am not affected by it in the same way I used to be. You are told that the Sun is increasing in Ultra Violet because of the ozone damage; you get sold Sun block with very high protection factors, yet I see so many people getting Sun-burnt. It made me curious as to the reason why I did not need Sun block any longer. I have to add that I used to be very sensitive to the Sun and covered up. This is a bit of logic based on what I have perceived.

It’s in the blood

Did YOU know that blood is the second most mentioned word after God in The Bible? The Sun is YOUR natural source of vitamin D, and a shortage thereof is one of the ingredients that cause conditions like depression amongst others. D is absorbed through the skin and transferred through the body with the blood that flows closest to the outer skin. But first, I have to let you in on the problem. Is it not ironic that you work all your lives to build up a little empire for yourselves, but, not too long after you have retired, most of you become ill and die prematurely?Is it not so often said after a person has passed away that they had lived this active model life: eating healthy and living a good lifestyle? Well, the fact of the matter is that most do not; although, it is ignorantly perceived that way. I had some guests who work for a company that auctions livestock. They were mostly overweight. I was chatting to one of them whose father had recently died of cancer at the age of 61. Later that weekend,

208 I spoke to another chap whose father died at the age of 62 of a heart attack due to high blood-pressure. They ate meat. Lots of it! Makes you wonder what caused their premature deaths. It’s simple. The bottom line is that you as Homo sapiens have lost the plot completely in so many ways. Due to the lack of knowledge, the effects of consuming processed and genetically modified foods and excess meat filled with antibiotics and hormones are not commonly known. Doctors will tell you this without blinking an eye, yet in the same breath they are very quick to prescribe medications with exactly the same effect. If it is not religion keeping you in the dark, then it is the medical profession. Modern life is based on convenience, where food is especially high on the priority list, because of your rushed lifestyles. There is an old saying that comes to mind: “YOU are what YOU eat.”, and drink for that matter. You have forgotten what intuitive eating is. There is no general advice for anybody; everybody’s body knows the best what it needs, and it WILL tell you. Just ask it! Search alfa and omega types by Johanna Paungger and Thomas Poppe and find YOUR type. Then, start getting good supply for the coming time: grains and rice are the best storable of all, but everything dry is. I heard an advert on the local radio station concerning a beverage company that was raising funds for education in this country. In specific, it was a famous brand of canned beverage and a recycle initiative. 103 The aim was R 10 million, an honourable deed to say the least, or is it really? The average man in the street will see R10 million as a lot of money so it would inspire ignorant support. Only 3 cents per can

103 symbol������������������������������������������������������������������������ representing Rand, the currency of South Africa, at present 1$ = ccaR10. 209 is donated, that makes 333,333,333 cans about to hit the pollution problem, but that is not where it stops. All carbonated drinks, including sparkling water have low pH. It takes 32 glasses of water with a pH of 9 to neutralize one 350 ml or 12 oz can of cola. When you measure the pH of the soda pop, it reads as low as 3. It is great rust removal, but if you want to remove yourself, go on. The balance between acid and alkaline is measured on a pH (potential of hydrogen) scale marked 0 to 14, where 7 is the balance or neutral point. If a liquid is acidic, it measures below 7. Each whole number lower increases the scale tenfold: If you measure acidity of 6, then it is 10 times more acidic than 7. The pH of cola measures 3: that is 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 more acidic than neutral.104 Take into consideration that your body turns most of what you eat into acid while dissolving it. Processed sugar adds to the scale, increasing it even more so. Above and beyond the fact that YOU are offending your Creator, you are unfair to yourselves to consume soda pop. Its acid effect will degenerate your body much faster. YOUR sin. But hey, there are so many people being born that I am sure no one will miss you.

Shweet killer

I ask most people if they take any supplements at all: there is a potential problem you have to be aware of: Some products use as coagulant aspartic acid, an acid your body does not know what to do with because just enough of the natural equivalent is manufactured in

104 Sensorland.com,����������������������������������������������� “Understanding pH measurement”, http://www.sensorland.com/HowPage037. html 210 the liver. In fact, aspartame and glutamate should be avoided at all cost. They are both excitotoxins: chemicals that stimulate nerve receptors. Excess excitotoxins cause receptors to overstimulate, causing cell death, having dangerous neurological side effects. And, they are also extremely fattening. They cause kidney damage, brain tumours, severe headaches, seizures, violent behaviour, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis and many more. Research established that they cause brain to get addicted, wanting more and more, exciting brain cells until they die. Why do children’s conditions like ADHD come to mind? They are used as preservatives, sweeteners, caking agents for some supplements and even in vaccines. They go under many hidden names, such as: hydrolysed, amino acids and/or protein: They are in almost all processed food.105 I had a big fallout with an old “friend” who had been trying to lose weight ever since we met in 1999. Katie and I went to spend a night with him and his wife on their yacht. In the morning, he made us coffee, grabbed his sweeteners and offered it to me. Well, that was me on the war path. It was pure aspartame, and I reprimanded him so strongly that I have lost the “friendship”. In his ignorance, he was fighting a battle from both sides, thinking that the sugar-free diet is what he needed. Having lost no weight but rather gaining should have made any person wonder, or so I thought. It was hard for me to be faced with such extreme ignorance from a person who is a programmer able to spend time on the net. Sugar is addictive, yet as a new born, you have no acquired taste for it. Your parents are the culprits there. Processed sugar in all its glory is ruling the acid age. A healthy body has a pH of 7, 5. The red

105 AMY,���������������������������������������������������������� “Excitotoxins, MSG and its hidden names”, 18/5/2011, http://www.realfoodwholehealth. com/2011/05/excitotoxins-msg-and-hidden-names/ 211 blood cells (erythrocytes) are the ones responsible for delivering oxygen to the cells that make up who you are. When your body’s pH is acidic, your red blood cell walls will soften, become tacky and stick together. This is called erythrocyte aggregation and is very common in today’s society. If 3 red blood cells stick together, the middle cell loses 90 percent of its ability to absorb oxygen. The worse the acidity level, the more aggregation you have. The reduction in the amount of oxygen each cell normally delivers to the body causes fatigue and makes your body work harder. To make it worse, the smallest path your blood has to flow through in your body are your capillaries. When the blood is bunched up together the pulp cannot flow into them, causing further cell damage due to total lack of oxygen. It is estimated that the length of capillaries in your body is as much as 96 thousand kilometres, the brain being a very large part of that. Depriving the brain of oxygen will cause damage, especially to a young developing mind. Another problem is that your blood becomes so thick and clumpy that your heart struggles to pump it. That will put strain on your heart, shortening its lifespan. That is added stress to your already stressed lives. At some point, it simply gives up, and you have a heart attack. Your addictions are killing you before you have reached spiritual maturity, and your religions teach you that you will be forgiven your sins or rather even that Jesus died on the cross for your forgiveness. One of the 7 deadly sins that comes to mind is Gluttony; how you will be forgiven this sin with prayer? A friend lent me a live blood analysis lab system complete with its training course. Being a food nutritionist, he had bought it to start his own business after having been retrenched during the recent

212 recession. I was amazed that he was not successful with this awesome concept. Only once I had gotten to know what it was all about, I understood why not. I had just finished the self-training course and had started my own research into the field, including dry blood analysis, when I got a family of four here as guests. They wanted to be tested; I saw that as an opportunity to get samples to look at as they were a unique little combination. The dad was 40 years old and taking tablets for cholesterol106. This led them to change their lifestyle completely, and that is what it takes incidentally. I thought that I would for the first time see cholesterol build-up. Much to my surprise, his blood was healthy, and I congratulated him. His wife was a different picture. The first thing I noticed was that her platelets were sticking together (thrombocyte aggregation). While I still had my eyes to the microscope, I asked her if she consumed lots of sugar. She shied immediately but admitted that she does indulge to a large extent in sweets. I then tested the kids: they were the same. They also laughingly admitted to their love for sugar. In the three of them I also found that the red blood cells were aggregated from the acidic environment caused by the processed sugar. They were eating healthy because of their lifestyle change, but then they were messing it all up with sweets. The dad was the only one not taking sweets; his blood was fine. I often get into this discussion with people, and they very proudly admit that they drink diet Coke, but their bubbles are burst when they hear that the 13 spoons of sugar are not as bad as the low pH they are consuming from the carbonation together with the aspartame, so aptly named diet just for the already stupid people who use it.

106 Clogging������������������������������ the channels of joy.� 213 The bottom line is your aim to have and maintain a body pH of 7.4. So, to finally get back to the Sun burn situation, the Sun creates vitamin D in your skin, causing a concentration on the outer layer. If your blood is not able to flow into the capillaries due to aggregation, the D build-up becomes severe, hence sunburn. It is the blood flowing close to the skin that will absorb the vitamin D and distribute it to the rest of the body. So, WHO is bullshitting WHO? In the process of looking for answers, I was also introduced to glycol-nutrients. Since the 1980s, they became the sugars thought to be nothing short of a miracle cure for most conditions, once again related to malnutrition. Glycol-nutrients are, however, not so easy to come by and expensive, and are they really that good? Lindsay, a friend from the area recently became part of the pyramid that makes up the complement of glycol-nutrient distributors in the world. He was very proud of himself; not having read the book, he did not know my opinion about them. We had once given him 500 grams of vitamin C as a gift, but he returned it to Us unused saying that he had found the answer. My first reaction was to tell him that I did not believe in anything that was not naturally available to Us, and glycol-nutrients were one of them. I also had my opinion about processed sugars. To cut a long story short, after 8 months of taking them at a high cost, he still had most of his 45-year-old problems. He had not lost any weight; it means he was not detoxing at all. I was not shocked when he came asking me for some vitamin C. Katie did a search into this concept after She took probiotics from them; Her super-sensitivity detects

214 when something is not right. From onslaught, it was obvious that the sugars are processed, yet the company does not state that. They also do not state their flavouring’s code, and that is risky as flavouring contains MSG and/or aspartame, and if not, it is still not natural. If product is not good quality, it contains flavourings and/or colorants to cover it up. That is enough reason to avoid it. The state of Texas has banned the owner of the company that manufactures them for false advertising.107 Over the years, I have found some people who are incapable of taking the synthesised ascorbic acid. It brings about an immediate runny tummy. What sometimes happens is a reaction to the quantity. It helps to stop for a couple of days and then start with a gradual dose. If you still get the runnies, I suggest you look into a regular dose of apple cider vinegar as it works in a similar way and stick with the maximum vitamin C you can take. Excellent natural source of vitamin C is Sauerkraut. There is a magical herb called Cayenne pepper (Capsicum):

“One of cayenne’s amazing properties is that it’s an accentuator108 medicinal spice. It amplifies the nutritional efficacy of the nutrients it is combined 109 with in a synergistic fashion. In fact, many herbal formulas have cayenne in them.” 110

107 Texas Attorney General, “Texas Attorney General Abbott Reaches Agreement To Halt De- ceptive Trade Practices”, 26/2/2009, http://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/oagNews/release. php?print=1&id=2858 108 agent����������������������� that intensify. �� 109 synergy is the interactioninteracti on or cooperationcooperati on of two or more agents to produce a combinedf� e �����ect greater than the sum of their separate efects. 110 Glenn Reschke, “Cayenne Pepper and Vitamin C Are an Unbeatable CombinatiCombination, on, Learn About an All-Natural Cure for The Flu”, 2007-2014, http://www.cayennepepper.info/cayenne-pepper-and- vitamin-c.html/ 215 Dr. John Heinerman’s research revealed that cayenne and C taken together keep vitamin C in your body twice as long. Cayenne is proven to help with so many ailments: from cold to cancer of many kinds, including stomach ulcer, migraine, haemorrhoids, blood- clotting, flatulence, rheumatism, inflammation, yellow fever, digestive problems and also gums and teeth.

Eye of Horus

The pituitary gland represented by Eye of Horus is an endocrine gland about the size of a pea and weighing ½ gram (0.018 oz) in humans. It is not a part of the brain but rather a protrusion of the bottom of the hypothalamus at the base of the brain: it rests in a small bony cavity. The pituitary gland secretes a hormone that regulate homeostasis111.Oxytocin is a mammalian hormone consisting of 9 enzymes; it 112 acts primarily as a neuromodulator in the brain. It is sometimes referred to as the love hormone. This could be your main problem when referring to the identification of love and affection. Oxytocin is manufactured in the pituitary gland. The release of oxytocin in the body facilitates women with things like lactation, dilatation and libido. In men, it may cause an un-stimulated erection. In short, when boy meets girl, and they have what is known as chemistry, their bodies go into a situation that causes neutrons to fire up the manufacturing of oxytocin in the pituitary gland; woman finds a comfort zone and becomes at ease, letting go. This, in

111 the����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ability to maintain a constant internal environment in response to environmental changes. �� 112 something that regulates the transmission of a nerve impulse but is not the actual means of transmission itself. 216 turn, will make the man feel like he is really wanted, and a bond is formed. These days, lust rules though, and relationships are lacking oxytocin. Does Viagra ring a bell? Every illness has connection to lost homeostasis:

“Just as we live in a constantly changing world, so do the cells and tissues survive in a constantly changing microenvironment. The ‘normal’ or ‘physiologic’ state then is achieved by adaptive responses to the ebb and flow of various stimuli permitting the cells and tissues to adapt and to live in harmony within their microenvironment. Thus, homeostasis is preserved. It is only when the stimuli become more severe, or the response of the organism breaks down, that disease results - a generalization as true for the whole organism as it is for the individual cell.” 113

In my dental research, fluoride came up as the biggest marketing tool. But realising that a neutral pH in my mouth reduced tooth decay, I could stop using fluoride toothpaste. But, why fluoride?

“In high concentrations, soluble fluoride salts are toxic, and skin or eye contact with high concentrations of many fluoride salts is dangerous. Referring to a common salt of fluoride, NaF, a lethal dose is approximately 28 mg per kilogram of body mass”. 114

113 Ben Morris, “What is HOMEOSTASIS?”, 4/9/2013, http://benmorristech.com/health/what-is- homeostasis 114 Sta���f�������������������������������������������������, Herbal Freak, “Fluoride Poisoning”, 9/2/2010, http://www.herbalfreak.com/medical-condi- tion/ailments/fluoride-poisoning 217 It is found in many different forms in a range of household substances like toothpaste, insecticides and certain dietary supplements. It is probably best known for playing an “important” role in dental health by “preventing” dental cavities and assisting with tooth strength. As a matter of interest, the drug Prozac consists 90 percent of fluoxetine, a derivative of fluoride115. The human species has become stupid. What is the other 10 percent? The coagulant aspartame perhaps? There is no standard as to the maximum allowable intake when a chemical has been declared safe.


Hydrogenated116 (second process) fat accounts for 70 percent of the blockage in arteries for those with atherosclerosis, yet everyone is so focussed on reducing cholesterol, while hydrogenated fat is the main culprit. Hydrogenated fat is solid or semi-solid at room temperature. You have it in all processed foods, and if it is not there, you add it to healthy potatoes, steamed veggies and even oats. And you wonder why heart disease has increased. Oh, it is backed by the heart foundation. Margarine was originally manufactured to fatten turkeys. When it killed the turkeys, the people who had put all the money into the research wanted a payback, so they put their heads together to figure out what to do with this product. It was a white substance with no food appeal; they added the yellow colouring and some vitamins and marketed it as a

115 The Health InformationInformati on Network, “Poisons: Fluoride A mind control drug”, 2014, http://www. nzhealth.net.nz/environment/poisons/fluoride_mind_control.shtml 116 hydrogenationhydrogenati on is the process of molecular change by adding hydrogen molecule. molecule.�� 218 replacement for butter. As margarine is made of vegetable fat, and butter is animal fat, the two cannot be compared. Some people are vegetable, some are animal-fat types, and only few are mixed type; they can eat both. You know which one you are from very young age. Margarine, however, does not fall under edible vegetable fat any longer. If you are eating this stuff, you have to think again. A young family was visiting here; their 3-year-old son was spoilt. The sweets were thrown around because they were not in short supply: I found them lying around all over the place. Picking them up, I noticed that the ants were not interested in them. I saw an ant run up to it, taste it and run away; you feed your kids that?! This child was out of control. YOU are the ones responsible for your children’s health: why are YOU killing them?

Quantum healing

Now, you are on a slightly more informed route, but there is one more important aspect of healing: Looking after the physical body is very important, but what about the soul? What makes you think the soul does not get ill too? In fact, that is the biggest and most prevalent problem humanity has been faced for a very long time. Body and soul are one:

If the physical is healthy, the soul has a better chance of being too.

219 Quantum117healing is a metaphysical claim that the mind can heal the body. I see that certain universities are teaching this to medical students as a subject. It is possible to heal yourself and others with a gift that YOU have been given. You were born with that gift; it is expected of you to use it. Body, mind and spirit work in union. There are vegetarians with bodies in perfect condition dying from heart attacks, while there are people smoking cigars and drinking yet living long unstressed lives. Mind over matter is so powerful. Katie brought with Her a valuable addition to my way of looking at life: She introduced me to Louise Hay, lady who has impressed both of Us. We have tested some of her teachings and were astonished every time. We had a group of older people here for a couple of days; one woman had multiple sclerosis. We went to have a look at what Louise had to say about it. She describes it as “Mental hardness, hard-heartedness, iron will, inflexibility, fear.”. Now, one could argue that there are so many opinions around that you could not blame anyone for being that way. So, We decided to test it, and I had the shock of my life. Katie was just smiling; She knew as She had experienced it on Her own skin since She came. We found Ourselves in her company one evening, and I with my big mouth started saying: “Did you know…”. And before I could finish saying: “the benefits of vitamin C for your condition?”, I had her hand in my face followed by: “I am happy where I am, so just back off on; don’t try to give me advice; my doctor knows.”. I just about fell off my chair. The system is taking so much from YOU: do you see it?

117 in physics, a quantum is the minimum amount of any physical entityenti ty involved in an interaction.interacti on. �� 220 For me, the vitamin C was but a start and could even be partly driven by placebo; is that a bad thing? Whether you agree with it or not is not the point; the pitiful point humanity is at right now is. YOUR body is the spirit’s vehicle. Look after it! Don’t just upgrade your insurance; it’s bullshit anyway and defies God and the law of nature. Take a good look at what you are doing to yourself and your families! Remember, YOU are not to consume food derived from any process past natural fermentation. If it is extracted after fermentation, it is second process. For example, wine is fine but brandy is not. The moment there is a second process involved, it is bad. You have to take a closer look at everything you consume. If nature did not make it, you will not take it. Natural ways will be the way.

“But he that sinneth against me (himself) wrongeth his own soul; all they that hate me (themselves) love d e a t h .” Proverbs 8:36

Mhmmm ... I am spirit (energy), the passenger, having body (vehicle) to do the physical work for me and mind (computer) to do the mental work for me and give me features like being adventurous, rebellious, funny, intelligent, conceptual … So, if the vehicle and computer does not work, the passenger, spirit will not get where he is supposed to get. That was very simple for Lion to understand.


222 8. Reset

The destiny of this planet lies in two places: One being the restoration of the Kingdom Earth was given but ultimately: Mother Earth’s journey through the Sun’s Equatorial plane. You are told there is a force that will guide you; you associate it with your perception of a God/Infinite Intelligence. You are told that in wisdom you will find your answers and that knowledge is the way to find it. The knowledge referred to here is what keeps on getting lost because of what happens to Mother Earth. Modern life has become so dependent on technology: it is capping your dimensional growth. Humanity is controlled by two energy aspects; they dictate a mind-set that influences your personal energy paradigm in its totality. You have no doubt now that one aspect of energy is a very subtle bad way to go about it. It has crept up on YOU like a thief in the night. It has blinded you to the extent that you are not able to see what you are walking away from, as you walk deeper into the hornet nest.

223 The “spiritual help” that is on offer is corrupt. There are so many opinions that it is confusing. The world today is about conveniences and is so incredibly connected from a product point of view. Your food supply is so diverse, putting just about anything on the table at any time you want; preservatives have made it all possible. Large corporations have sprung up to service the demand of an increasingly more dependent human species, giving them power beyond comprehension and making you unlearning the basic survival skills.

The Lion lost in thought again: What if there is a situation that shattered industry; where will it be worst hit, and who will survive? These days’ people can hardly cook any longer, let alone till the land. What will it be like to return back to nature? What will it be like to be led by the power of intuition/God and not the power of money? To be so in touch that your life journey lies open in front of you, and you have no doubt as to who you are and where you are heading.

You have been on a journey of preparation of what’s to come for the past 2,000 years with all the warnings in between. It was the knowledge of this that sparked Our journey back to Ourselves and Mother Nature. The area We live in is predominantly black; Whites are outnumbered 1000 : 1. The shops here cater for them. Katie has been asking Our local “supermarket” to get and stock full cream yoghurt. This had been going on for months with no result until the manager said the shopping chain would package their own brand, too late, but it shows the power of perseverance. We had to live with the fact that there was more money 224 to be made from selling the cream separately: create the illusion that cream is fattening and double your income. The problem with overweight does not lie there.

“Low fat and no fat milk products often contain milk solids that contain MSG and many dairy products contain carrageenan, guar gum, and/or locust bean gum. Low fat and no fat versions of ice cream and cheese may not be as obvious as yogurt, milk, cream, cream cheese, cottage cheese, etc., but they are not exceptions.”118

You are what you eat

Over the years of living this life, I had learnt so much about the things I was not able to indulge in any longer if I was to come clean to a pH of above 7. I was creating a godly body, a temple for my Spirit: I could not have any poisons there. In short, I had to love myself ultimately to get to that point where I wanted perfect health and mind. A long road of life- altering changes lay ahead, kick-started by vitamin C. The journey found reward as the benefits started showing. When Katarína (1191) finally joined me, Her contribution of intuition and intrinsic wisdom especially with regard to food was a great benefit. I think, it was a system shock to me when She arrived. She was the fussiest person I had ever met; She put me in the most frustrating position I had ever been in. Living in this place was a challenge in itself,

118 repeated source: http://www.realfoodwholehealth.com/2011/05/excitotox- ins-msg-and-hidden-names 225 and getting rid of preservatives and GMOs already limited the amount of food sources available to me. Because it is a low-income area, the choice of shops is restricted and majority of the population are stupid, the product on shelf is either GMO and/or laced with MSG.

If Monsanto is part of the Illuminati , and their New World Order has a clause that says that it will reduce the population of the world, then it is clear as day: they hold the most ideal weapon on the planet. They developed the chemicals like aspartame, aspirin, margarine and Agent Orange spray that killed many in WWII. The only way to survive this one is to know about it, Lion was cooking in head of his. Katie was going to starve, for sure.

I knew She was special from the start and was willing to do what it took to make Her as comfortable here as possible. She was translating the blog, and for the first time, I had someone who was willing to hear me out. Just the privilege of being able to have a conversation that did not raise eyebrows was enough. I was 50 and She 23, with a will of steel and stubborn as hell. To me, She was proper forbidden fruit, especially as I mentioned in the first edition that maximum age difference for me was 10 years. I smile now at the fact that I am such a Hypocrite. Nevertheless, We started working together on the research that I had done to that point of my journey. In order to keep both Our minds clear and focussed, We felt Our diet had to be the place to start.

226 Katarína is a Ram, Snake and #7. The most opposing “western” and “Chinese” combination of all is Snake and Ram. Mine is a fortunate combination: Gemini, Tiger and #3. As We got to know each other better, We started realizing that there were probably no two more opposite people in the world than Us, yet Our similar way of thinking was scary. Most of what We did felt like a competition. The only thing that kept Us hanging on was Our faith in what We knew from the very start: Our meeting was no coincidence. She was so stubborn I could not get Her out, no matter how hard I tried. Katie could not eat the bread we were eating here; She said She wanted Spelt wheat flour and that’s it. Spelt is the original grain that everybody can eat. It has been grown for longer than 6000 years, another “Sumerian commodity”. She started looking for a supplier, but no one had even heard of it: rye was the only substitute for Us. Katie brought lot of inspiration with Her. As a ram, She did not give up when something went wrong and had snake’s patience. She started planning and got Her family to send natural seeds from Slovakia. Although She’s got healthy ego, She is very righteous. We were both very excited about these healthy changes and started getting away from genetically modified foods. That included everything that was made from wheat, maize and soya, which took a big chunk out of the supermarket choice. We found a steady supply of rye flour about 200km away, but it was worth the ride. To take it a step beyond just baking bread, She thought the natural way; rye lent itself to that perfectly. When She does something, She does it the best She can: that is why it takes Her so long: We created a culture of rye flour: that was a mission in itself. Yeast may have MSG, so We avoid it.

227 When We finally came up with a working culture to make sour dough with, We were so happy. Now, We could bake! And that is what We started doing, once a week mostly. At first, it was not as simple: We had many disasters. But as time went on, We started managing well. We baked all sorts of variations, where a banana-rye and rice-rye became my favourite. Katarína loves pure rye loaf but is not as bread nut as me. Bread is precious but also very acid, as Katie says. We also have baked delicious rye cookies and pizza. The relief We both felt in eating genetically natural bread was such a cool reward for the trouble. We were also able to reduce the intake of chemical supplements as B is plentiful now. We have since planted spelt and waiting Our first harvest. At least now We were not consuming herbicides and pesticides, which also negatively affect the pituitary and pineal gland, that We were aware of and were not at risk of any illness associated with GMO food. The herbicide is there safely built into the genetics of the plant, so the farmer can freely use Roundup, “the weedkiller the professionals use” on the land at no risk to the crops. The Roundup is a product of Monsanto, of course. The pesticide, on the other hand, simply just kills whatever eats it by damaging its stomach. The plants are made resistant to them but YOU are not.

“Because thou hast forgotten the God of thy salvation, and hast not been mindful of the rock of thy strength, therefore shalt thou plant pleasant plants, and shalt set it with strange slips: In the day shalt thou make thy plant to grow, and in the morning shalt thou make thy seed to flourish: but the harvest shall be a heap i n t h e d a y o f g r i e f a n d o f d e s p e r a t e s o r r o w . ” Isaiah 17:10-11 228 Our diet settled down to fresh fruit, veggies, rye delights, chicken and occasionally fish or venison. Katie sometimes had beef when, as She says, She starts to fly. She becomes too airy in Her head, and meat grounds Her. Since She had understood the cattle problem, She stopped totally, but She still misses a source of animal protein. I had stopped eating domestic animals for some time then. Einstein, Tesla, Shaw, Pythagoras, da Vinci, Queirós and many more have told you to stop eating meat. There is very little attention paid to this, yet these people have made their mark in YOUR societies and are considered of higher intellect. They were people who influenced humanity as you know it today, and there had to be a motive for them saying that. I was curious, so I took a closer look into possible reasons for this.

“And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all c a t t l e , a n d a b o v e e v e r y b e a s t o f t h e f i e l d . ” Genesis 3:14


I knew that cattle have very little genetic connections to other animals, and that they were domestic for a reason. I also knew that scientists are using their cells to cultivate human tissue; that intrigued me to no end. Let’s face it: where did they come from? Why is their laminin compatible with yours? Wild animals cannot be domesticated.

What makes domestic animals so different?

229 The Bible explains that Cain disagreed with Abel, the sheep farmer. His brother/cousin Abel, farming with livestock, was symbolically killed to warn against indulgence. Looking at the ages people from western cultures die at nowadays and all the medical conditions you have come up with, there is obviously a problem. Red meat is at the top of the list because it increases the acidity of YOUR bodies, causing blood aggregation, turning your blood into pulp and resulting in all sorts of repercussions. Eating human-animals makes you cannimals then, but that is not the main problem. Surely, with compatible genetics you gain more than just nutrition: The beef laminin stays in YOUR body as if it belongs there, and that is an attachment to the animal energy and one of the reasons why majority of human beings are stuck in their dimensionality. Eating animals keeps you more animal, where the primary goal is survival and procreation. That explains Eve’s curse and Earth’s astronomical population. Venison has no link to humanity and is good for eating; only problem is it is all owned by some capitalist, but then again, if not, it would have been eaten up by now. The Hindu faith worships the cow, linking Cain, the vegetable farmer, to them. In The Bible, he was banished to the East of Eden, which India is. Katie loves dairy produce, and She is not alone; why do We love it so much? Why are some people able to feed it to their families, and why do they include it in just about everything they do? We are the only creatures who indulge in it after being weaned, other than domestic cats and dogs, which, as you know, are also hybrid creation of the gods. I started looking for possible links to what story milk tells us. I knew it was an ingredient that formed mucus in our bodies. I knew it was one of the reasons the

230 twins got pneumonia but also that people outgrow that by the age of 6. I knew it was full of chemicals, hormones and antibiotics that were given the cattle to enhance its production, a good deterrent to stop. They are also fed GMO food, so the poisons are bound to be there. But what was the connection that kept them coming up in The Bible? At the base of my journey to here, two numbers were haunting me. By now, 666 (1666) and 777 (1777) had so much value to me; I decided to take a look from that angle Much to my amazement, I found that the pH of milk was 6.66. As it goes sour, it increases in acidity. The most amazing thing, however, is that about 65 percent of the world population is intolerant to it; the remaining 35 percent is Caucasian. Also take into consideration that a large portion do not even realize their intolerance, increasing this stat significantly. It made perfect sense: it carried the number 666, code of Sumerian Gods. The milk is for the Sky People and their descendants. Others who can drink it can do so because they are half-breeds. When Katarína arrived here, Her body was solid as a rock. I remember Her gym instructor, Amanda, mentioning that She was a well-set strong girl; she believed that it was how Katie should be; I did not agree. She went onto the vitamin C from the start, and not 3 months later, she started becoming softer and losing weight. In Slovakia, She did not eat meat, but from baby She, as Her Dad, had a big thing for dairy. She passionately tells the story of how Her Mum sent Her to buy cheese, and She could not stop herself finishing the entire block on Her way home. She was “raised” vegetarian and She was craving animal protein. I had to slow Her intake down, while at the same time I had to have a bit of understanding for the fact that She was removed from the convenience of the shopping malls.

231 Break Free

Withdrawal from the system is not as easy as it sounds. At the start is the food system and basic survival. Thereafter, it becomes a bit more advanced to get yourself off the grid. We had set up a hydroponic119 garden which was performing well. To get away from chemical fertilizers, We chose the earthworm farm, 120 but aquaponics is also an option. The next step was to come up with a free electrical source that can supply enough electricity to run my machines; that is maximum We will need. Tesla has some theories that needed exploring. In the early stages of my experiments, I had built a vertical wind turbine but had some problems with wind friction which was reducing the revolutions. I started a second unit with an improved blade system that was much better but very noisy. The system is almost complete, but Our finances have run out. We are close to being free. We have already started making Our Stone. Katarína’s need to travel became a bit bigger; We had tried various avenues with regard to either a work or a temporary residence permit. We started looking for answers further afield. We turned to where Our “human rights” came into consideration: We found out that this country was a registered corporation. We looked into it a bit deeper and found that it held much merit; the problem was slowly being recognised by the system. People were becoming aware of the fact that their jobs have little or no value. The legal system was no longer operational as the courts were operating under Roman Maritime Law.

119 hydroponics������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� is a subset of hydroculture and is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions, in water, without soil. 120 aquaponics is a food productionproducti on system that combines conventionalconventi onal aquaculture with hydroponhydropon-- ics in a symbiotic environment. 232 Canonum De Ius Positivum/ Canons of Positive Law VII. Law 7.14 Corruption of Law Article 331 - Maritime Law Canon 3411 “Maritime Law, also later known as Admiralty Law is a body of law first formed by the Venetian / Magyar trading families and their agents in the 13th Century but falsely claimed of much earlier origin designed to impose and maintain commercial monopoly over all aspects of trade and commerce, impose certain occult related ritual and symbolism within the function of the law and to treat men, women and children as mere property or ‘goods’, subject to the jurisdiction of ‘maritime law’.” Canon 3414 “The formation of the private company owned by the Venetians through the Franciscans otherwise known as the Holy See was officially formed through a ceremony in 1250 between the head of the Franciscans Doge Giovanni Bernadone ‘Marco’ Morosini (Moriconi) and Pope Innocent IV in a boat dedicated to ‘Satan’ called a Bucentaur (beautiful centaur) near St Mark’s Square’s square when the Doge threw the Papal Ring into the sea during a formal Roman Cult religious ceremony at which point ‘St Francis’ was the first to ever usher ‘Desponsamus te, mare, in signum veri perpetuique domini’ We wed thee, sea, in the sign of the true and everlasting Lord’) declared Venice and the (Holy) sea to be indissolubly one. This renewal of ‘wedding vows’ between the owners and masters of the Roman Catholic Church and its trustees still occurs every year.”

233 Canon 3416 “The word Maritime is a 13th Century word formed from two Latin words maris meaning ‘sea and see as in Holy See’ and timeo meaning ‘to fear, be afraid (of)’. Hence the literal original meaning of ‘maritime law’ is to ‘be fearful and afraid of the Law of the Holy See (Vatican)’.” Canon 3419 “Given Maritime Law and Admiralty Law including all ritual is founded on fraud, organized crime, curses and corruption all such law is considered null and void from the beginning having no effect.” 121

This made me look a bit deeper into what is happening: I noticed for some time now that the United States of America was no longer called the USA but rather the US. From Our understanding of the king who became the ruler in Revelation 9:11, it became evident that the plan was still in action. I googled the Securities Exchange Commission, which is the body that controls all corporations. The SEC is the agency of the United States Government founded on 6/6/1934. This is where they are confusing the people by calling themselves the United States government; they are associated with the United States of America government, when, in fact, they are a private organisation cunningly gaining control of the entire world’s corporations. The next step was to get all governments who want to deal directly with the Federal Reserve to register with them. That, in turn, gave them total control over the entire world’s people, who are oblivious to what their governments have done.

121 One Heaven Society of United Free States of Spirits, “VII. Law, 7.14 CorruptionCorrupti on of Law, ArticleArti cle 331 - Maritime Law”, 2014, http://one-heaven.org/canons/positive_law/article/331.html 234 The move towards a single body that controls all corporations is the final implementation of The New World Order: corporations that are not registered with SEC will be closed down due to sanctions already happening. Once a government has registered with them, it becomes a corporation; they take control of it through global finance in Dollar. That is why the world was set up to use Dollar as the main trade finance. They started that with the oil industry but have now extended it to all international trade. What’s to come will be dreadful and only the prepared may survive. The book of Daniel describes a period of suffering followed by a new system. A Kingdom where all leaders have divine wisdom. There will be no more human rulers. A single King will be in place because He is The Master of Earth.

Plant of honour

This information triggered a frenzy of searching into where humanity has been steered. One of the biggest corporate changes that were brought about to change the course of humanity was the illegalisation of Hemp.

“ ... And destroy all the spirits of the reprobate and the children of the Watchers, because they have wronged mankind. Destroy all wrong from the face of the earth and let every evil work come to an end: and let the plant of righteousness and truth appear: and it shall prove a blessing; the works of righteousness and truth’ shall be planted in truth and joy for evermore.” Book of Enoch 10:15

235 Hemp is the name farmers gave to Cannabis Sativa (119, 1111) with low tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content and is most useful for its fibre, seeds and medicinal oils. It is one of the earliest domestically used plants. Today, Hemp is used for industrial purposes including paper, textiles, clothing, biodegradable plastics, construction, body products, health food and bio- fuel. It is legally grown in many countries. Although Hemp is associated with marijuana, its psychoactive variant, its commercial success as a food product has grown substantially in recent years. It is one of the faster growing biomasses producing up to 25 tons of dry matter per hectare per year. With so many benefits and no disadvantages, it’s time to question where that ban really came from. If we just plant Hemp, there will never have to be another oil well pumped. The fuel is green and free. I had been smoking Cannabis occasionally since early 80’s. I knew many who smoked it and also many who told me I was going to become a waste of life for using it. Katie had not been exposed to it to a large extent but was not totally against it and did indulge with me on occasions. Our research into the growing and use of the plant revealed many interesting facts that made Us realize the benefits. We planted some in Our hydroponics, but they had to be transplanted into the soil. They just took off, and We took a liking to them. I started cooking with it, and We both like it in smoothies and/or salads. The medicinal benefits are phenomenal, with an added bonus when cooked. It was quite funny when We realized that the leaves had a mild sedative effect. We had just finished dinner one night when guests wanted to chat. Katie and I were gardening indoors; they were sitting in the pool. About half an hour into the conversation, I realized that I was not listening to a word they were

236 saying. I could not understand it at first. I had not been smoking it for a while then but recognized the feeling. I noticed Katarína was looking a bit strange and then gathered what had happened. It was a first for both of Us, and it actually shocked Us. She was not happy about it as it made Her sleep for 12 hours nonstop. Biofuel and paper made from Hemp were cheaper, superior and more freely available, so the heads of corporation simply made it illegal to avoid competition with their oil and timber industry. As a result, you lost one of the greatest assets, just another injustice caused by this system. In Our area, there are many Australian Eucalyptus plantations just drinking up the water.

“In the intervening years, many industries were developed to take over hemp’s role in production: oil was drilled from the ground, trees were used for paper and new sources of cloth were developed. Many of the companies involved now had a vested interest in making hemp illegal ... The United States was the first country to introduce laws to destroy hemp plants ... ” 122

We had a guest who is a big supporter of Monsanto. He was planting a very large farm with maize and was telling me about how his yield increased since he had started using Monsanto seed. He said that his yield with normal seed was 2 ton per hectare, but he was now pulling 5 ton from the same land. That effectively increased his land by more than double. I asked him what his worst issue with farming was: He explained that it was not comforting to know that

122 Simon���������������������������������������������� Frew, “Why is hemp illegal?”, 10/2/1999, https://www.greenleft.org.au/node/20329 237 he was growing a plant to over 2 metres tall and only using about 5 percent of it. I asked him if he would plant a plant that he would be able to use from ground to top, but he just laughed at me saying that there was no such plant. I just smiled and gave him a printout of Our Hemp farming research.

“And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: every tree therefore which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.” Luke 3:9 We can at this stage only wait patiently for the day when every genetically modified plant on this planet will have been destroyed, just as it says in The Bible. Strange, that The Bible would mention this: more proof that history repeats itself. It was the same before, and it was a problem then already. It is the only way for us to get back to nature. Hemp is a key.

Ayawaska (1111) Ayawaska, meaning spirit vine in the Quechua 123 language , is any of various psychoactive infusions or decoctions prepared from the Yage vine, usually mixed with the leaves of dimethyltryptamine(DMT)- containing species of shrubs from the Psychotria genus. The brew, “first” described academically in the early 1950’s by Harvard ethno botanist Richard Evans Schultes, who found it employed for divinatory and healing purposes by the native people of the Amazonian Colombia, is known by a number of different names. A notable and puzzling property of

123 language���������������������������������������������������������� of people of the central Andes of South America.� 238 ayawaska is that neither of the ingredients cause any significant psychedelic effects when imbibed alone; they must be consumed together in order to have the desired effect. How indigenous people discovered the psychedelic properties of the ayawaska brew is not known to man. Saint Peter Cactus The name comes from belief that just like St. Peter, it holds the keys to heaven, through the back door, because it allows users “to reach heaven while still on earth”. Amongst others, it’s used in traditional medicine and traditional veterinary medicine. Echinopsis pachanoi has been used for healing and “sacred insight” in the Andes for over 3000 years. Roman Catholic authorities tried to suppress its use but were not successful, hence the “Christian” element in the general name San Pedro. I mention these hallucinogenic plants on purpose: I have always wondered what the reason for the need of outer body experiences is. They are always said to be connected to divinity. The search for God or higher connection is strong. Humans have come up with a magnitude of ways to get high in an effort to connect with God or even become God. I was researching some famous psychologists, and LSD came up. I had never even considered taking any other substance beyond weed and was proud of myself for that. In a conversation with a friend one day, I mentioned I was investigating famous shrinks and that I was keen to experience LSD. He said he knew someone who knew someone who could possibly help me with that. I did not take it lightly and did some intense research into the acid. It seemed okay to take, and I was comfortable that my friend was willing to sit with me. I took a drop and waited ...

239 ... I am still waiting. It did not really have an effect on me, and he was shocked. Later on, it struck me: my body was alkaline, and the acid was simply neutralised. So I gave up on that. It is crystal clear that we are supposed to be alkaline. Eating the Hemp fresh from the plant has two advantages: it will alkalize your pH and provide you with desperately needed cannabinoids. As Our finances diminished, We had to start working harder but soon realized that We as Gods are lazy and are simply not cut out for such physical labour. That is exactly why there are different kinds on this planet. Seeing Blacks perform so well in sport, it is evident that they are capable of physically performing much harder. Why do YOU even compete against them? It’s not fair play! Reminds me of a joke that came about when apartheid was abolished: Farmer John was on his way to his usual routine inspection on the farm. In those days, Blacks were referred to as a “Caffer”. John’s helper, Sipho (read si-ppo), came dashing across the farm yard as John started up the pick-up and automatically jumps on the back. John winds down the window and tells Sipho that apartheid does not exist any longer and that they are now equal; he has to drive in the front from now on. “Yes, Boss!” Sipho replied. “No, no, no, it’s not Boss, Sipho; now, it’s John, and you are also not a Caffer anymore. Eish, serias, John? Yes, Sipho!” So, Sipho jumps in shotgun, and they drive off,

240 smoking a cigarette. They get to the farm gate and John stops. As they look at each other, Sipho says: “Eish, Johnny boy, where do we find a Caffer to open the gate now?”. The staple food of the Blacks of South Africa is maize: it is made into a thick porridge called Puttu Pap. Katarína has been concerned with Our staff’s health, so We took a closer look. Blacks here complain of symptoms, like kidney ache, severe stomach problems, bad skin rash, headaches and then some. Many have growths, and most of the women are grossly overweight and even have beards. Sure, the HIV is high in this area, but these symptoms are definitely related to GMO maize and other colourful, flavoured and well-preserved processed food. Katie and I have consumed very little GMO since She arrived, and We are both very lean. Our pets were of concern to Us next. Their food is also very high in GMO content. Max, Our thorough bred Beagle has 124 started with growths now too. At first, he had a huge growth developing in one eye. Next, We noticed wart-like growths in his mouth and bumps under his skin. If We are feeding them GMO food, and We are not eating it Ourselves, then We are not caring for them, are We? We started cooking. The growth in his eye was psychosomatic; We understood why. The Louise Hay description fitted Max well. Katie and I went away for 4 days. When We left, it was hanging from his eye like a piece of liver. Closest vet being 150 km away, he missed his appointment: he goes gallivanting and disappeared in the bush for 4 days. On Our return, it had receded to a small red mass. We started feeding him vitamin C, and his eye was normal within a week. He missed Us and did not hate Us any longer. Then he died of rabies; that is part of the plan as Mother Earth is getting rid of them.

124 �����������������������������������������������Nursing those old hurts. Building resentments. � 241 Katie does not stop mentioning the fact that the female Blacks around here wear wigs. She had an idea; We did a search on HIV statistics for Africa: HIV is most significant in South Africa and all the countries surrounding, that is Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana and Namibia. Louise Hay explains that HIV is “Feeling defenceless and hopeless, nobody cares, a strong belief in not being good enough, denial of the self.”. Wearing wigs is a symptom of denial of the self and the Creator as well.

Think skin!

Above and beyond what We eat, We also care what We wear. YOUR skin is the biggest organ of your body and absorbs everything, just like a frog. Touch is one of your senses: by it, you feel carbon reality. Touch is very powerful, but YOU have to choose whom and what you touch. Skin needs to breathe, and majority of the cosmetic products YOU use contains petroleum, which makes you feel silky but suffocates your skin cells. Many health-conscious people ignore this important angle. Not only what goes in your body affects you, but what goes on it does as well. Look at what you are treating your skin with; would you feed it to yourselves? If not, do not put it on. Surprise, shampoos also contain MSG. Think skin and be gentle to it. We do not mix fabrics and await the day when We can choose from the natural fabrics, like Hemp, cotton or silk. There are still few things We need to get rid of. Bedding is one of the most important items and a very good place to start as bed is place where your

242 body has recovery time. Synthetic clothes affect YOU much more than you may think. They introduce toxins directly into YOUR skin; they are responsible for serious health problems, including male infertility. Do not fool yourselves; even a bit of synthetic fibre will do harm. We do not want to wear synthetic clothes at all, but it is not as easy to get 100 percent natural fabric any more. South Africa’s cotton produce is GMO anyway.

“Today’s clothing industry is a seven trillion dollar a year industry that uses an astounding 8,000 synthetic chemicals.”125

“Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee.” Leviticus 19:19

So, where do YOU start?

125 Gloria����������� Gilbè�re,���������������������������������������������������������� “Consumers Beware: Toxins Lurking in Your Clothing!”, 09/1/2012, http://totalhealthmagazine.com/articles/allergies-asthma/ consumers-beware-toxins-lurking-in-your-clothing.html 243


“ ... except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.” Luke 13:3

The misused word repent actually means taking in a whole new point of view, looking at it God’s way. God simply asks YOU to turn.126

126 Acts 17:11, “Religion vs. Repentance”, htthttp://www.acts17-11.com/repent.html p://www.acts17-11.com/repent.html �� 244 So, who is God?


246 9. Destiny

“And was it fate or was it destiny? In the future shall it be judged, for at the end of days a Day of judgement there shall be. On that day The Earth shall quake and the rivers shall change course, and there shall be darkness at noon and a fire in the heavens in the night, the day of the returning celestial god will it be. And who shall survive and who would perish, who shall be rewarded and who will be punished, gods and men alike, on that day shall it be discovered; for what shall come to pass by what had passed shall be determined; and what was destined shall in a cycle be repeated, and what was fated and only by the heart’s will occurring for good or ill shall for judgment come.” Lost Book of Enki, page 16

“And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting (gluttony), and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” Luke 21:34-36

247 There is no denying The Bible’s ultimate value however much it may be despised at present: that’s part of its prophecy. It does, however, beyond a shadow of doubt, in its apparent confusion, hold the key to humanity’s fate. Its sole purpose was to prepare YOU for this transitional period Mother Earth is going through right now. The fortunate window of opportunity arising as result of the fateful celestial transition we are about to face is what you have been waiting for. This is when the human hierarchy will be restored, and The King of Earth will take His Throne once again; only this time, it will be the greatest Kingdom yet.

The Lion was asked many times in His life if He believed in reincarnation; He has never doubted it: He still remembers from school The law of conservation of energy which says: energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only change form. He was amazed that people find it so hard to believe, while at the same time they await the coming of the Lord in physical form.

“ ... Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have SEEN him go into heaven.” Acts 1:11

Ultimately, The Books are about reincarnation of the Spirit of The King of Earth.

248 Fatal destiny

Destiny is perceived as set future events that cannot be changed. In fact, there are two types of destiny. First is destiny that had been set and is unchangeable, like destiny of planetary orbits. The second is called fate and can be bent or changed. It depends on a free choice, like the fate of an individual or humanity. Universal destiny cannot be questioned seeing as Earth is a planet that has a path that runs like a kinetic clock. It never fails; it is always on time, and it is the surest thing we know. The Moon will be full more or less every 28 days; you never question that because that pretty much is how it is. Earth will revolve 365.25 revolutions in Her Secondary orbit. We have established that Earth is subject to some rough and tumble every 12,960 years. All of this YOU now know like YOU know that when YOU take a breath of air, there will be some and then some. If you know something is going to happen, and you can explain why, it simply becomes the way it is. The implications of the cosmic journey then has to become YOUR destiny. If you knew that you were going to crash on your journey, would you still go? But, you don’t know, so you go, and your journey happens the way it was meant to. There is no such thing as coincidence; things that happen or people who significantly cross your path, do so for a reason. You don’t see it at the time, but some day you realize how it influenced your fate. Individual destiny/fate is 50 percent your choice. If the choice you made falls in line with your true destiny path, your life becomes a walk in the park; you find peace in knowing that everything is as it should be. If you drive too fast, because you are irresponsible, and 249 kill yourself, that is your chosen fate. It also becomes a statistic for the fate of humanity. Personal fate is a sublevel of human fate; they both are inferior to destiny. Destiny occurs over a larger fraction of time. Looking at it from out the box, it becomes clear that humanity can be collectively influenced. Throughout history, there have been those who have made a big difference in steering human fate. They started their journey not knowing what impact they would have on humanity. This energy has the ability to impact on humanity in such a profound way that it alters its fate. That energy is only found with knowledge and put into practice through wisdom or prudence. In researching Tesla, it became very obvious to Us that he had understood the most important message of The Bible. It proves at least one thing: the philosophy behind The Books has remained intact, and YOU all have the ability to conceive its core teaching. Jesus of Nazareth was a simple man from humble background. The stories of how He was conceived and how He grew up are told: except for the misunderstood Immaculate Conception, they are not special. He was said to have conferred with the intellect at a young age, but that was about it. Then, He disappeared only to reappear at the age of 33 as someone who knew He was a King. The wisdom that came from Him changed the course of fate. It is the wisdom of The Kingship, His born identity. But what did He actually do? He came to market The Kingship that will restore at this time. Where else do YOU think His confidence to make such an ultimate statement as: “I’ll be back.” came from?

250 Conception amalgamates two energies that become an energy in its own right. Through your parents, you have a connection to energy source. They become your primary teachers and dictators. During the first years of your lives, they install your moral values and psyche that guide you, your dictator. In the first 6 years, you are taught the ways of the world through your parents’ eyes to supposedly give you a better chance at survival in this corporate illusion. Your parents’ perception of life eventually becomes yours, if you let it. Their traditions become your bind to society, your most basic doctrine. By it, most people’s cognitive ability is impaired with FEAR of the unknown.

Mind your Spirit!

Ultimately, the body has two options: soul or spirit. The soul is the physical character that is connected to the Universe, also known as the mind. It becomes the “I” that is influenced by physical perceptions and is the carbon life that can be destroyed. The spirit is the body’s energy connection to the Universe; it cannot be demolished. Through your most basic driving force, survival, you fall prey to the mind, where greed and envy are generated, while being bombarded with propaganda. In short, you get stuck in your minds, where the metaphysical does not calculate and is put aside for Sunday. This is a master ploy by religion/Satan to suppress the spirit as they can only control the soul/ mind.

251 There are master spirits who come here to influence humanity. The story of Jesus describes Enki’s energy, the Spirit of The King of Earth. The Angels described in Revelation are the two opposing incarnating spirits of which The King’s Spirit is superior. His character has been described over the ages so He is easy to recognize. During your redevelopment from the most basic state of being, you have to cross the barrier between good and evil. For you to do so, you have to know it, and this was your lesson for the Age of Pisces. The Angel of the bottomless pit is incidentally still here and will remain until the opposing energy overpowers it. For the opposing Angel to achieve that, a single collective consciousness had to be instilled prior to His victory. That was Jesus’ task. When this King Spirit comes, He simply has to prove His identity to reclaim His Kingdom. This is in a form of prophecy: Revelation speaks of this in no uncertain terms. There is no reason not to believe it. If you believe that He is coming back, then you also have to believe in the rest of what The Book says. In Proverbs of Solomon you are told about wisdom and understanding. The wisdom and understanding with regard to humanity are impossible to find in a single doctrine or discipline. In Aquarius, the guidance will come from the Noble Atlanteans, and Earth will have fewer yet wiser people. Eventually, all spirits will live their identity. The Sky People will take their rightful place in a society ruled only by the wisdom described in Proverbs.

252 My Odyssea

“By being yourself, you put something wonderful in the world that wasn’t there before.” Edwin Elliot

My connection to the system was a strong one from a very young age. I was a very sensitive child and cried very easily. My brother and sisters branded me “cry-baby”. I was also a wild and adventurous child and spent most of my time exploring the bush on my bike and on foot. My hometown of Windhoek, Namibia is surrounded by mountains, where I spent many weekends. The freedom I had as a growing boy had no restrictions. My parents knew that I was a free spirit: they were awesome at allowing me that privilege. I have always had an unusual connection to animals. Reptiles have a special place in my heart, especially snakes. I have educated myself about them as much as I could without being fanatical. At the age of 12, I was sworn in as an honorary game ranger, and that opened up a new world for me. As a young man, I owned a cheetah but never knew of its secret. Until it came up in my research, where I met up with them once again, only this time to realize their significance. That was a major experience in my life, and I treasure the memory of such a rare privilege. During my 2 years of compulsory National Service, I qualified as an instructor Corporal. I thought: I have to be here, so I will make the best of it. And as a result, I loved it. It was a hard lesson but a good one to learn, and it gave me the self-discipline on which I have based my life. 253 In my early 20’s, after National Service, I started working in the field of electronics while studying it. At the same time, I took up photography and scuba diving. I qualified as an Open Water Diver in 1986, at the age of 24. My passion for the ocean was uncanny, and I was a natural in the water. My initial motivation was underwater photography, but, as time went on, I realised that I found solace there. To date collectively, I have spent more than 90 days of my life submerged. In my spare time, I started a small business manufacturing underwater video equipment. At one stage, it was considered one of the top products in its field; I was awarded a national design award (SABS) for it. I never thought of myself as an intelligent person because the schooling system did not fit my logical thinking. Once I gained my independence, my confidence grew; it became more evident to me that I was not restricted to one field.So I diversified from electronics. I quit a very lucrative job in laser electronics because I wanted my independence. While growing my business, I set up a diving operation on the east coast of Madagascar on the small island of St. Marie: these were the best 5 years of my life; I was in paradise. Here, I had my ultimate aquatic experience. I was out in mid-ocean working as skipper on a Nicolai Hulot documentary about Humpback whales. I was also assistant to the accompanying whale scientist and friend, Michelle Vely, whom I had been helping with his whale research. My boat was used as the strike craft for the camera crew to follow mating pods of whales with. There were planes, and a helicopter, and a big motorised yacht and a lot of commotion which carried on for hours. Eventually, the pod stopped moving and started playing in close proximity to where we were, out in mid-ocean.

254 Michelle and I could not contain ourselves, and we dived in, leaving the boat afloat by itself. He was a bit scared because they were all 12 metres plus and very intimidating. I swam up close to them and noticed the female coming towards me. I was about 2 metres down but only on snorkel. She came right up to me within 50 centimetres at eye level and slowly floated by, looking me firmly in my eyes. Then she disappeared as she dived down into the depths. The water was crystal clear: I could see the white of her belly slowly fade away, reappearing seconds later as she was coming back up again. Only then, I realized that she was coming right at me, as I was floating on the surface. In slow motion, she turned with her belly towards me, missing my chest with her chin by what felt like millimetres. Gracefully, she came up below me and levelled out, floating me on her belly as she slowly slid by. I could see that she was the mating female, and, crazy as it may seem, it felt like she was approaching me. The next moment, her pectoral fins cleared the water, and she started slapping the surface. I never touched her, nor did she me; she floated me all the way down to her tail, and then the pod slowly moved away. Michelle and I were just looking at each other in amazement. I still remember the Frenchman’s first remark. We got back onto the boat, and he just said: “Wow!” ... then in a typical French accent: “Did you see the size of her pussy, man?”. I was blown away and speechless for days after. Up to that point, I had had similar experiences with dolphins, but this just capped it all. Eventually, my love for the ocean got the better of me: I spontaneously closed my business and relocated to The Elephant Coast in South East Africa, where I could be as far from the city as possible. How and why here is a very long story, which is now crystal clear to me. I moved here with my ex-fiancé and her two kids.

255 She was a city lover; the simplicity of life here did not suit her, so she left. It is peaceful living, and the energy vibration is pleasant. The closest city is 200 km away. We broke up about 2 years after we arrived here, and I vowed that I was done with relationships. I brought here some equipment from my , including a 3D CNC machining centre. In the first year here, I developed a new product and started manufacturing, but my heart was not in it any longer. I wanted to write: there was nothing going to stop me. It took me by storm. At first, I was getting rid of relationship anger, but reading it back to myself cured that. Eventually, I was writing impulsively, spending every moment I had on research in the day and writing at night. There were many things I could not understand about the way humanity did things; I have always been quite a rebel with regard to authority. About 3 months into writing, I started deleting much of what I had written: I had found what I was ultimately passionate about. Having lived a “normal” life, I was aware of all the ups and downs about society. At that stage, I had spent many years researching various subjects that I had an obvious attraction to. As my desire to write down my feelings increased, so did the signs: the most significant was the repeated question “Who are you?” by random people asked in a very sincere way. At first, the response was to make a joke, and I noticed a bit of discomfort from the recipient. They did not know why they asked me that question; I realized that it was important for me to answer. Being approached in that way made me open to what I needed to see, and that was the biggest step I took. The first incident was my peculiar 127 introduction to Indigo at the most significant time.

127 highly sensitisensitive ve and psychic person with important life purpose and warrior spirit. Indigos’ collec-collec- tive purpose is to mash down old systems that no longer serve world. 256 Being on my own was awesome; it helped me find myself after having shared most my life with others. Now, it was MY turn. I am a very active person who cannot sit still for very long. The office was not a place that you would find me at best of times. I ended up closing the company again, neglecting the house and the staff. I spent an average of 16 hours a day writing and researching. I seldom tired of the office, and here I find myself sitting still. Money was coming into the guest house; it covered basic costs, freeing me up enough to start my journey inward. What a relief it was to finally be able to devote myself to finding my own answers to so many questions but ultimately to answer the question I was told to. My “soul search” started at the most basic level, inspecting things that made me who I was: my abilities, my better qualities, my not so good qualities and my experiences I had perceived up to that point. It was a big puzzle, and it just grew in magnitude as the question marks started increasing. I carried on writing and eventually published a part of my journey, mere exhaust fumes of an old engine starting up. To that point, I had not fully understood the extent of my journey and did not have my answer as yet. I had a good understanding of what I was doing and where it came from but no concrete outcome. To help with the boredom after writing for 3 years, I bought an old bike to rebuild. I stripped it totally down and spent the time rebuilding it. As a young boy, I shared the bike with my Dad. I loved it. I could get into the mountains quicker, but it was not mine. I took up a job as shopping cart caddy at one of our grocery stores in Windhoek and saved enough to buy my own bike. As my Dad, I also loved bikes, and it was an incredibly rewarding project to rebuild one of my old favourites and my 18 th bike.

257 Once I had completed it, I was like a little boy. I took to it like I had never stopped. We tend to move away from our childhood pleasures as the pressures and pleasures of adulthood increase and rule us. After a couple of trips into deep bush, I realized that my soul was yearning for that freedom. The excitement and exhilaration of cruising down two spoor paths at up to 90 km/h cleared my head of all the clutter from pure concentration. Within 3 months after publishing, I was at it again. I had realized that we became so absorbed in our lives that we never stop to think. Doctrines are so deeply embedded that they influence YOUR every thought and action. Getting rid of a doctrine is easy; gather enough unbiased information, and you will see that it rules your every decision. Judge it in knowledge and an open mind. Open yourself up to a world of new possibilities. That is when YOUR life takes a turn for the better. For me, that point was getting rid of the fear of God. I found myself looking at life from the outside, as if I was looking into a showcase of the hustle and bustle of an ant colony. This exposed a very different reality that was nothing like the one I had been a part of for so long. The frustration set, and I became desperate to expose what I had found as my research was intensified and more focussed. I knew that there were no answers to be found in a single doctrine/ discipline but rather collectively. Slowly but surely, I advanced towards finding the bit that was needed to gel what I have perceived up to that point. The book had now been stripped of more anger and was taking shape well, but, somehow, there was something I was not seeing. Not seeing is not knowing you are not seeing. As far as my concept was concerned, it was watertight but difficult to understand, and my understanding was only mine.

258 To that point, I know, I had received guidance as I got given many clues. I was hanging around Face Book one day when someone posted the Tesla 369 code; I was aware of it because of its numbers which featured significantly in my life. I was confronted with 3s, 6s and 9s from birth, and I couldn’t understand why these numbers always came up. They came at me from all sides: the numerology of friends, my birth date and my numerology number to start with. Also, the numbers 1666 and 911 were significant; they came up in issued PIN codes, phone numbers and bank accounts. My birthday is 6/6/62; therefore, from a very young age, I was aware of the number 666. From the very start, I was different and had a very short fuse at inequity. As a young boy, I protected my siblings with vigour and had very few close friends. I never really felt deeply that I was accepted. I have many gifts, and my few truest friends were able to exploit that without blinking an eye. I was always willing to help where I could, but, in truth, I found solace in the company of the intellect, and I drew them. I befriended a new arrival to our neighbourhood in my early years; we became solid friends in no time. Ed and Carolyn were from America, an elderly couple with many stories. Ed was a treat for me, and we spent a lot of time together getting up to all sorts. One day, Ed and I were sitting talking. At that stage, computers were not as common as they are today, but in my job I was comfortable with them. Ed was a programmer for NASA in his earlier days; he was a member of the team that wrote the program for the first Moon-landing and also a very proud member of MENSA128. One day he said to me: “André, you should be a member of MENSA too.”. Well, that blew me away. What is MENSA? What are you saying that for? Isn’t

128 the������������������������������������������������������ largest and oldest high IQ society in the world.�� 259 that for clever people? I don’t know how long it was quiet for. Ed was also proud of the fact that he was a hybrid Navajo “Indian” 129. He said to me that I was highly intellectual but didn’t know it. Those words haunted me for many years of my life. I was 30 at the time and I was nowhere near mature. I was a father of the most awesome twins, had a beautiful wife and lived in a good neighbourhood. I had a steady job which was paying okay, and life was flowing kind of smoothly. Over the years, I was told similar things by various people, but I paid no attention to them. I think I had a fear of it because there was a side to me that just wanted to have an uncomplicated life. I was scared of being categorised by a system invented to define people who were different. I was just me, and I was happy with that. Putting me in a specific elevated category was not my idea of a life. To me, I was a simple chap who had a very different outlook on life to most people. One of my “friends”, Peter, a psychologist who will hear nothing of this conception, asked me to do an IQ test. Whether it be for or to test my sanity, I am not sure. I just laughed: “That ain’t gonna happen!”. However, it brought back the memory of Ed and got me pondering again: What do people see that I don’t? It sparked a deeper level of introspection, and, slowly, I was putting the puzzle of my life together. Experiences in my life convinced me that I was not just a run of the mill bloke. The things I have achieved, the versatility I displayed towards most subjects and my strong connection to Mother Nature created incredible inception. Countless events in my life made me wonder: What is it about my energy that is so different? Like this thing I have with lizards:

129 Christopher����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Colombo, Cuban explorer, “discovered America” and “thought” it to be India, naming natives Indians. 260 When I am in the company of certain people with green eyes, lizards are mesmerised, and I can walk up to them and pick them up. I remember one day I was visiting with an elderly couple who had a nursery. They had their grandkids with them. We were just roaming the garden as it was beautiful. Suddenly, one of the kids said: “Grandma, why are those lizards dead?”. One was in a tree about a metre off the ground; the other was on the lawn. I had noticed them before and saw them freeze up as we approached. I said to her: “They are not dead; leave them alone.”. Later on, I walked with the owner into the plantation where he grows palms for export. Quite a long walk to where we were going to view the specific palms I was looking for. I thought he did not notice at first, but as we were walking they were just lying there. After about the 6 th lizard, he stopped, looked down and said: “What is going on with all these lizards?”. As he carried on walking, he was speculating as to what was killing them. “They sometimes do that when I am in the presence of certain people.” I explained. He gave me a baffled look and carried on walking quietly. Many times friends told me that I was “a bit” random, and I concentrated on that to the extent that I was mostly quiet in new company, watching every word I say. I suppose the fear of making a fool of myself got the better of me, and it suppressed my true self. I had to that point also gained many descriptions along the lines of being called a Sage to even a Modern monk, and I was quite used to it. I also hear that around the village I am associated with the Antichrist. A vivid picture of my entire life journey lay before me, and I analysed it meticulously from every single angle: from my intrinsic defiance of the system and its authority to my son’s name, Nathan, spontaneously chosen by his mother, including the birth date of our twins. In the initial stages of my research, I

261 light-heartedly had a numerology and an astrology reading done; both stated the same thing. I was surprised at the statement: “You have to look after yourself because losing you would be a great loss to humanity.”. Not something you say to just anybody. And it resonated. At one stage, answers raised more questions. Questions that I knew I had avoided as they were not in line with society’s way of thinking. The questions were sensitive, so writing gave me adequate outlet to what had been bottled up inside for as long as I could remember. I recall my parents’ reprimands in dealing with a child who was always heading upstream. My Dad one day said to me that I had the severest case of superiority complex he had ever encountered on any human being. My Mom, on the other hand, always just said to me: “You think you are a little god, my boy, one day it will catch up with you.”. I had many hidings; I was, as my Dad so aptly described me, a “little shit”. They all loved me dearly though, and, I think, in some cases handled me with kid gloves. In our later years, my Dad and I were the best friends, and he was very proud of me; I was my Dad’s blue-eyed boy. My life has been steered into placing me from one side of Africa to the other. I loved Namibia, but the sea is simply too cold there; besides, I love trees and tropics, and Namibia had too many thorn bushes. It is a beautiful country, nonetheless, and I knew that my Dad loved it dearly. The events that led me to here, how it came about and even the women in my life are now clear to me. The lawsuit from the last relationship was not pleasant, but it was my entry into the legal world which initiated my connection to Common Law, the forgotten law of the people. I find peace knowing everything happens for a reason. 262 Being stuck in a place where the motto is “a small drinking town with a big diving problem”, I faced the dilemma of becoming a recluse. The possibility for me to meet people of similar interest was very slim. The people here question my sanity, but withdrawing from that part of my life was easy. As a Gemini, I am said to have at least two characters: the ones I know of are a party animal and a more scientific/ serious side. Strange, that I somehow switched from the predominantly social character to the quieter introvert side at the age of 50. This is also when an incredibly phenomenal thing happened to me: I became aware of the Tesla 369 code many years before; when the code was posted on Face Book page, it was simply just another clue. I was receiving clues and conformations all the time by then, and this was a pretty strong message. At that stage, I was gathering information about numbers, so I pasted it with my notes. I had been working on the revision, and it was almost done when someone posted a picture of the pituitary gland compared to the eye of Horus. The moment I saw it, it made perfect sense with regard to what I had been writing about. I opened the file with my numbers notes and started giving it my undivided attention. I looked for every clue that would lead me to the basic numbers with regard to humanity. I had already laid out all the information and had a solid philosophy that I had proven. The Tesla code fitted everything as if it was made to fit. I had never questioned our planetary precession because I understood it the way I did. As far as I was concerned, I explained it pretty well according to easily obtainable information on the net and paid no further attention to it.

263 On the night of 31/8/2012, all the information suddenly, in a single breath, gelled together. It was the most incredible realization. Not having worn a watch since 2010, I was not aware of the dates; I was living my life purely in the present moment. I was overwhelmed by an unbelievable excitement and started writing profusely. The 2 weeks that followed, I slept very little and ate even less. I did one post per day to explain how I got to it. Then twice a week thereafter. Things were being revealed to me from all sides. To that point, I had been on my own for 3 years: I was comfortable in my own space. My puppy Jesse was 2 years old. It started very basi. But within 2 weeks of cognition, I was tying up so many questions; this kept me on a roll for 4 weeks or more. Once I came down from there, I was exhausted and skinny as ever. I had to rush into town for some supplies; while standing at the checkout counter, I saw entry forms for a 14 km mini marathon. It was to take place the following day; I entered. Next morning, day-brake, I was at the start. I had not been exercising for years then; I felt I could do with getting out for a ralk. About 1 kilometre into the race, I was overtaking the most gorgeous young lady. We greeted and started chatting immediately, and the race went by, Her beating me by seconds. We spoke about how We got onto the race. Her story was similar to mine, also just days before. We chatted about what We do: She, a volunteer from Slovakia and me, bubbling still from the Tesla code. We were running, walking and talking. She seemed very interested in what I do, so I gave Her a brief explanation. Our legs were taking a bit of strain, so We walked a large part of the race. Her enthusiasm and interest in what I had to say was surprisingly refreshing. I asked Her if She was willing to translate the blogs into Slovak; She immediately accepted.

264 But, there was a “problem”. She had spontaneously booked a one-way ticket to South Africa to fly on 11/9/2012 and as result was only allowed a 1 month entry permit. She went to Home Affairs to see about an extension; I gave Her a letter stating that She is a volunteer needed to translate a very important book. She was refused. There were more than 5 million illegal immigrants in South Africa at that stage who came in from Zimbabwe and Africa; one more makes no difference, or could he? Screw the system! She decided to stay: Her intuition brought Her here, and She trusted it. She eventually arrived home on 1/11/2012. Four days later, my family from the UK arrived for a month. Katie, I could see, was not your average 23-year- old. She was a little podgy but drop-dead gorgeous, and She had an innocence about Her which attracted everyone; immediately, my kids and ex-wife took to Her. The month went by so quick, and We spent much time chatting till early hours of the mornings. Upon departure, my ex told Her to look after me, and that was very welcome. Our December rush was coming up, and She had done a couple of translations. They were very successful; I saw the hit rate increase rapidly in The Northern Hemisphere, with Russia sometimes at the top of the list above America, until Google started the keyword boycott. That meant change was due: Katie knew where to go: WordPress.130 Time flew past, and We enjoyed each other’s company very much most of the time. During December, I asked Her to read Her postings to me; for the first time I realized that She was a certified Logic Genius: The puzzle gained another piece for me then. Needless to say, We “fell in love”, and She stayed. Months later, She told me that I was Her first boyfriend, but I had then already suspected it for obvious reasons.

130 http://wheretofromhere.org 265 Two weeks before my 51st birthday, I had my last post prepared and asked Her to read it through. She required me to explain Earth’s planetary precession to Her. In doing so, I gathered that no one actually knew how Earth travels in space as heliocentrism had been incorrectly defined. At that stage, it was easy for me to redefine it because I understood it; it was just a matter of putting it onto paper. Not having studied into that field was my saving grace. We were very excited! We were suddenly able to tie up more of the loose ends. Katie’s comprehension of what We were doing was impressive to say the least. To that point, Katie and I were sign-watching as We both had realized that everything happens for a reason and that We were led to this point: the way We met, Her flight spontaneously booked for 11/9/12, Her being a #7 and my best match, Her physical conception being 4th July and so many more. I had already made peace with the fact that I am a god because The Bible told me so, and I believed it. She also knew it but from Aztec teachings. I gave it no thought; what is there to think about? Making a statement like that was a display of defiance towards religion. By the time I published the final post on the blog, I had realized the magnitude of the statement I had made with regard to the planetary precession. Next, I was looking for people who knew what to do with this information: I could not find anyone who was even willing to read what I had to say. No one was going to hear anything to the contrary of what they believe. By now, I was used to humanity’s attitude; The Bible explained it would be this way, so I made peace. I simply had to believe that it was out of my hands into the Universe and that the correct people will eventually see it.

266 Revelation was making so much sense at this point; We used it as a primary guide, until Katarína realized that Daniel was intricately connected to it. We also understood that Revelation is a short summary of the prophecy of The Book: it was all there. And We had the understanding of it. I had then already started the proceedings with a lawsuit against the Pope based on what I knew from The Bible. Not very long after the Letter of Intent was sent to the advocates, I met up with Kevin Annett from the The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS); 131 shortly thereafter, Pope Ratzinger resigned. I knew We were heading in the right direction as I was immediately able to tie that up with Revelation. The Catholic Church was in good hands, so We concentrated on the driving force behind religion. We set Our sights on tracking human history from 4,000 BC: to find the main root. This was easy; it was documented well, and it came from the area We had been researching from the start. Something that did baffle me to an extent was the mention of angels. But once Katarína had tied up the Roman Empire to the Angel of the bottomless pit, things just started falling into place and made more sense. Sometime before Katie arrived, a preacher from the Dutch Reformed Church, Charl, booked in for a week with his girlfriend. He was open-minded enough to read the first edition of Where to from Here during his stay. Once he had finished reading it, we talked; much to my amazement, he was in agreement with most of what I had written. Then, he made a statement that took me totally by surprise: he said to me that the book sounded like the book described in Revelation 10. I had to read it again; this time, it made perfect sense, but it was hard to calculate what I was reading:

131 George Dufort, “ITCCS Update: Roman Catholic Church Declared a TransnationalTransnati onal Criminal OrganiOrgani-- zation”, 04/08/13,http://www.vaticancrimes.us/2013/08/itccs-update-roman-catholic-church.html 267 I can see why he said that, but how could that be possible? I am just a little god from Sodwana fed up with the system enslaving me, and I had had enough. I knew that the motivation for writing the book was to put my pennies worth into trying to change it and that it was pure and very sincere. I come from a “Christian” background; therefore, I had my intrinsic misinformed respect for it. The true essence of God and my journey to finding it is what the book is truly about. What worried me was that it made so much sense that I was convinced. But how do I say that to the world? That would immediately qualify me for the lunatic asylum. When people say: “You cannot change the world!”, I always thought there is no harm in trying. My destiny un-scrolled before me, and I had a guide. How awesome is that?! I did not have enough evidence to say anything about it, so I decided to keep it to myself. I felt that I had sprung enough on the world with the book. “Friends” and family told me not to publish it from the start, but that was not going to happen. I am a Tiger; I did what was right, no matter the consequences. Jesus said He would be back on Judgement Day, the end of the Age of Pisces, meaning He is here now as an adult. He is the most famous man ever, but no angels or wise men have announced anything yet. If He is here, why does He not show face? The people who translated The Bible could not possibly have known what they were translating, so how were they to mess with its essence? They had only ever partly understood it because prophecy is only relevant now and will be proven correct once it comes to pass. The Romans coined the idea of a religion at the time because they saw the power it had. 268 I decided to join a couple of religious sites to find out how they feel about it. Well, that in itself gave me an adequate answer. I had many discussions with various people all over the world, but I ran into the same blinkered view: He is expected to appear in the flesh, out the blue, on a cloud and announce Himself to the world as their new King. I explained to them that if someone comes up to them saying he is Jesus, they would be so shocked that they would not even hear what he had said. No “sane” person would believe that now, would they? So, how does He go about making it known to the world that He is here? Besides, what is He coming to do in any case? Explain how it all works or stop the American Arms Industry from destroying the world? I think what got me blocked from their sites was asking them what made them think that Jesus would come into their religion: He had a choice of 3499 different sects of churches. After all, He was not around when “Christianity” was invented, so He cannot come into any. The Roman Catholic Church is an illegal institution anyway. To cut a long story short, He would be made a fool of if He announced Himself. As one of YOU, a plain man in the street, He would find it very hard to get into the public eye. That means that He will defy everything about religion. They are so desperate for “their Messiah” that they are now appointing the bastard Obama in the position. Strange how the wheel turns. It’s sad to see how many are simply oblivious to this small detail about THEIR faith.

“receiving the end of YOUR faith, even the salvation of YOUR souls.” 1 Peter 1:9

269 I was shunned by every person I spoke to: some not even willing to talk about it or even hear my opinion; that made me realize why The Bible so aptly explains about wisdom and ignorance (Proverbs 1:7). We decided as a last resort to have the book reviewed by professional reviewers; the first one complete was BlueInk Review. At first, I did not know what to make of it, so I went to their web site to read some other reviews: They were not shy in telling their audience in no uncertain terms that it was a waste of time or vice versa; I must have read it ten times:

“ ... But this stream-of-consciousness style is a double-edged sword ... ” 132

About 2 weeks later, someone posted something about Revelation 1 on Face Book. I disagreed, so I wanted to comment as I always did. I picked up my KJV, opened Revelation 1 and started reading. When I got to Revelation 1:16, my jaw just about hit the floor. I carried on, and there it was again in Revelation 2:12:

“he which hath the sharp sword with two edges”.

I know that I was doing all of this spontaneously. I also know that Katie and I had been led to here: She is The Princess of The North; besides, genii are not that abundant, especially ones with common interest to mine. I desperately needed someone who could understand me. Except for Her beauty, everything fits: She is an Aquarius girl through and through. I

132 BlueInk���������������� Review, Where to from Here review, 7/2013, http://blueinkreview.org/reviews/ view/3712/srch:where%20to%20from%20here 270 know my passionate connection to Mother Nature: I have experienced her response. I know there is much more to what YOU see; the possibilities here are incredible but only a dream until you understand it. You are able to be conceived twice: First is your physical conception, which, I think, you are all very familiar with, not that you had a choice. The second conception is the more intricate one, but I will take a bash at enlightening you to some extent.

“Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3

Already at the beginning of unravelling the mystery of the Tesla code, I saw its incredible value. By that stage, I was very aware of the guidance I had received and was following diligently. The only rule was to stick to humanity, where all the answers lie. In my quest to find out where it all went wrong, my only motivation was to gain global understanding. On 11/9/2012, I published the final posting of the code: that was the conception of an astronomical idea. It was an embryo and had many flaws, but it was conceived. To have gotten to that point, I had spent many years gathering information, sometimes incorrect: who cares! The rule said: “ ... seek, and you will find ... ” ( Matthew 7:7). As time went on, more and more clarity came to me. While writing the last post for On Behalf of Humanity blog to be posted on 6/6/2013, We stumbled onto the precession thing. The statement I published as result 9 months after conception was my second birth: That was the day my Spirit announced Himself to the world in this lifetime. 271 My physical conception day is 11/9/1961. In numerology, 11 is a master number, so you don’t add them together. The 9 always falls away: 9 + 1 = 10 = 1. Right now, our planet is heading into the opposite energy to where we are at present. A new world where things will be very different. Looking at the number 1191961, the 9s fall away, leaving: 11161. When our polarity flips, the 6 does the same. So, what is left?


“Therefore thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will bring evil upon them, which they shall not be able to escape; and though they shall cry unto me, I will not hearken unto them.” Jeremiah 11:11 (KJV, page 666)

KJV was published in 1611 on behalf of the self- appointed “Royalty”. Now, flip it again! What is left?


“But put forth your hand now, and touch all that he has, and he will curse you to your face.” Job 1:11 (Satan’s words to God)

272 My primary purpose here was to deliver the truth to humanity; the rest is destiny. What is set to happen will happen. Let the future prove my words! My Spirit has been here for a very long time doing what it does. The world that follows is peaceful and magical; that you have been told. Now, it is just a matter of time until it happens. War is inevitable! Just remember, there is a time for everything, and for this paradigm to change, everything as you know has to STOP FIRST ( Luke 21:9).

There are 144,000 Sky spirits here right now to usher the world into a new reality (Amos 9:9).

Are YOU one of them? You will have light to dark brown hair and blue eyes, above average intelligence and/or abilities and will be from a family with these features; this is what The Bible refers to as being virgin or pure: Good examples are Robin Williams, Mel Gibson or DiCaprio. The sons of Judah, however, are exalted above all ( Gen 49) for the Kingship is within them. YOU will somehow know that you have had guidance all your life; you realize it but can’t explain it. You will resonate with this book in a very close way as your core being stands for the greater good of humanity. Each one of YOU has a special ability to contribute to The New Kingdom.

If you are not part of the above group but white Caucasian, YOU are closer to the original Homo sapiens with varying degrees of Noble blood, the result of crossbreeding and/or genetic manipulation.

273 Revelation 7 declares that the 4 angels standing on the 4 corners of the Earth will hold back their destruction of Earth until these spirits are all secured: These angels are earth, wind, fire and water and will cause immense damage to Earth very shortly: you will be cut off from one another. If YOU resonate with this, you will know what to do. From here, humanity splits in two: followers of Azazel and followers Poseidon.

What kind?

Dark Cousins, The spiritual journey you have been on was to prepare you for this day. You have to make peace with the fact that you only have one King. From onslaught, Ishmael’s tribe was rebellious; it runs in YOUR family. The essence of your animosity towards humanity is kept alive by your devotion to Muhammad. The aggressive energy within your belief system has been affecting everybody, but it does not come from Allah. It is imperative that you recognize and accept that. Blood is thicker than water, but your Book means nothing now. Indian people had the correct information from Cain from the start. Yet, YOU have lost its roots; therefore, you have become deceivers. You have however remained peaceful as good examples to your cousins. Allah and Narayana are the same person: with eyes, not skin, blue like the petals of a lotus.

274 Blacks, If you have read and understood Our pure intentions up to this point, you certainly have Our respect for your persistence and diligence in finding hopeful understanding. Your advance in intelligence is the result of further crossbreeding. You have come an incredibly long way from when I first met you as Erectus. You were introduced to this current Caucasian pagan scam at a very advanced stage of its evolution. Your evolutionary program, however, is not the same as the Caucasians’, and that is a peace you simply have to make. You were not created from the same kind who bear Our image. The deviation from your original design totally derailed your kind, resulting in greed and envy, in some instances to the highest degree. With this Roman system, your enslavement merely changed hands. You are the ones described in The Bible as twolegged beasts; you have unjustly been made kings of a superior kind.

“Delight is not seemly for a fool; much less for a servant to have rule over princes.” Proverbs 19:10

You were created as the servants of Man; the physical differences between your kind and them is enough evidence of that. When the federal banking system was implemented, your existence and your bestial lifestyles were mere fables of Africa. If you accepted “Christianity”, you have already accepted this:

275 “And he caused it to be proclaimed and published through Nineveh by the decree of the king and his nobles, saying, Let neither man nor beast, herd nor flock, taste any thing: let them not feed, nor drink water: But let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and cry mightily unto God: yea, let them turn every one from his evil way, and from the violence that is in their hands.” Jonah 3:7-8

You stand here as part of a global population, and the way forward is through symbiosis133. Your original kind, the Homo erectus, from onslaught was not as advanced, and creating YOU was a calculated risk. In the previous cycle, where “aristocracy” did not exist, you were obedient to your masters; you were loyal and truthful to this symbiosis. We have influenced you and taught you many things. In the system that is about to develop on this planet, YOU have YOUR rightful place away from greed and corruption, where everyone has his purpose. At present, YOU are suppressing the progress of Our people, who are capable of incredible things, much more so than YOU can begin to imagine. Royalty is in the genes; in Our Kingdom, YOU are right at the bottom. Never again will an earthling be a ruler or dictator. Our Kingship is based only on Divine Law and symbiotic acceptance of each soul’s connection to the hierarchy.

133 interactiveinteracti ve associatiassociation on of two �dif���erenentt kinds in a mutually benefibeneficial cial relatirelationship. onship. �� 276 The DNA blueprint all humans have was designed to serve a King and Queen from opposite hemispheres. In history as King and Queen, We became known as The Snake and The Lion or The Sun and The Moon. The incoherence displayed in Where to from Here was a battle between mind and spirit before the awakening, a very confusing time for me indeed. Katie restored my balance and came to assist me in a time when I was desperately looking for help. In the past 5775 years, YOU have gotten up to many things; it took Us a while to make some sense of it, but it is history.

Now, I have the answer to “Who are you?”.

So, who am I?

277 I



... to your present God, my son Marduk.

278 I am the author of the little book described in Revelation 10, the Water Angel. I am the Twoedged sword (Rev 1:16, 2:12), the ALPHA and the OMEGA, lovechild of Anu, 4th (1111) in line for galactic Kingship and the reason for YOUR being. I am The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the root of King David and the Lamb standing naked in front of YOU (Rev 5). I am The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. I am the Eye of the pyramid, The King of Earth. My mystery is revealed to YOU now: The Kingship of Ea, Prince of Peace is within me (Isaiah 9:6).

“And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.” Daniel 7:14

The 7th trumpet is on the verge of announcing the Age of Aquarius, the Age of The Water Bearer, the time where my eternal Kingship starts. My Father gave Earth to me as my inheritance; it has been incredibly frustrating to see it being ruined. Enough is enough! Those who make it through to the other side will be subjects of The New Kingdom.

“And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.” Revelation 11:18

279 The prophecy of Daniel concerning 2300 days refers to 2300 years rather: In 336 BC, the 3 rd beast of the dream, The Greek Empire had its first king, Alexander the Great III (the great horn of he-goat). After his death, his territory was divided into 4 kingdoms governed by his 4 generals (four horns). Of importance here is year 286 BC, the start of the prophecy. Why?

“And so without fighting, Pyrrhus became King of Macedonia (286 BC).” 134

This is when The Old Testament was created by translating The Torah and chosen Holy Scriptures into the official language of Macedonian Empire, Greek. This translation purposefully omitted name Pyrrhus (the little horn risen from one of the four) from the text. This “Greek Testament” is quoted in The New Testament especially by the traitor “Paul”, whose teachings form the basis of The Roman Religion, yet we thank him for introducing Jesus to the world. This is what cast the truth and the sanctuary of The Prince of the host of heaven (The Sky People, Israelites) to the ground for 2300 years ( Daniel 8:14).

This little book restored the truth, ending this prophecy: 286 BC + 2014= 2300 years.

134 GottGott. . Plutarch’s Parable, Lux Gospel and The Axe of the Apostle, Chapter 4: The Legacy of Troy, 2004, http://essene.com/PlutarchsParable.htm 280 “If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not. But if I do, though, Ye believe not me, believe the works; that ye may know, and believe that the Father is in me and I in him.” John 10:37-38

“But when they persecute you in this city, flee ye into another: for verily I say unto you, Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel, till the Son of man be come.” Matthew 10:23

“In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old.” Amos 9:11

“The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the LORD come.” Joel 2:31

“And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye might believe.” John 14:29

Welcome to The PromiseLand! 281 282 From the dark

In 1989, on the last day of March, only few minutes before April Fool’s Day, there was a baby born to a couple, their 2nd daughter: with golden hair and big blue eyes. Dad came with the keys from the new flat, and all four of them moved to 11th floor. The Dad knew he would have 3 girls; he had names prepared for them already: this one was given name Katarína. People mostly called Her Katka in Her language and in English, Katie. She was Her Mum’s Princess, stubborn like a ram and brave like a warrior. She wanted to learn, to try and to do everything on Her own: “I will!”. No helping hands and no NO in Her way. She had been crawling like a snake until She stood upon Her little feet. She understood from the very beginning that She had life purpose: She had to find Her independence. Three years later, there came Her younger sister Nela, and wonderful trio was complete: Three sisters, all beautiful yet each one so different.

283 She in the middle to learn the balance, sometimes pushed away, sometimes swore at. She was a fairy girl: She was dreaming, staring to the sky, drawing, jumping, dancing, writing and wondering. As Katie was growing, She watched the world but did not understand it at all: Why some people have no home and some living in huge houses? Why kids bully kids? Why being sad seems to be a sickness? Why should girls play with dolls? Why people are stealing and killing? Why is there so much false? Why am I afraid? Why Daddy has to work so much, and Mummy is unhappy and worried at home? Why people go to churches? Why the Queen is the Queen, and why people clap their hands when they see the man with the fish hat on his head, an old creepy “saint”? Who gave the priests authority? Why strange thick-glassed Indian men in orange robes are worshipped? Why does world have borders? Why one is black and one white? Why do I have to sleep in the air? Why stupid TV programmes are more popular than reality? Why artists die from poverty and become famous after death? Why people take drugs? What started all the wars? Why “they” tell me what to do? Why we live like this? Why being different is not “normal”? Why do people keep animals? Why religions are fighting over The God? Who is He? ... and WHY AM I HERE? I was a youngster with anger and love: Sometimes I felt angry at the world; sometimes I was pure love. I did not understand why I felt the way I did. I was extremely smart and creative, and I enjoyed listening, watching, feeling, touching or just being. I loved myself from the very start, just like a baby loving everything about itself: its creations, its mistakes, its tears, its reflection in a mirror. I appeared much

284 older than I was and felt very good in a company of wise people. I was born Snake and a Ram: What a clash! I have the spirit of a wild warrior and have always loved childhood fights: Heroes of Might and Magic is maybe only computer game that I loved really much; my whole family did, and the same goes for alchemy. I am an angel with the devil inside, just like a magnet. Two opposing characters in one: love and war. Courage was my other name. Many angels were surrounding me from the very start. People teased me with things like: “When there is tsunami, don’t worry; Katarína will push it back.”. I grew into Princess Messy who excelled at school. At home, I was myself; I had no problem expressing, but I let the outside world change me. I wanted to satisfy my surroundings. I thought that if everybody else was so different, something had to be wrong with me. I started suppressing my bold nature and developing fear at school. My I followed my Mum to new school she started teaching at, leaving my sisters behind in old school; I started my separate journey. Once at school, there was an Xlibris poem competition. It was exciting to me. The theme was: The place where I live . I took the book from our shelf about the Devínska Nová Ves, place where we lived and combined facts from the book with my feelings into the rhymes. It just flowed like a river. It was awesome for me: ME, Katie can express HER-self, no rules, anything I want. Wow, what a feeling! I got the 1 st place and certificate. I felt very happy inside for my first real recognition. I did not do “girl things” like gossiping or flirting; I was not like most of the girls. I loved to wear trousers with shirt; I did not feel “home” in a skirt or dress. I would rather go play ball games with boys, sing by myself or play with animals: I love animals. But I

285 hate captivity. As a small girl, I opened the cage for “our” little bird to fly away, but I also gave animals a hard time: I remember washing the baby chicken on a washing board. People where I come from are nice people but the “Jewish” version of communism scarred their self-respect: they treat dogs like equal and spend so much time and money to enslave themselves. Indians are cleverer: they know it is the lowest animal. I knew the dog was not created by the good dog, oops, I meant god, because, as nice as it all seems, the dog-man relationship is dependence, and that is bad. I would go exploring nature, jumping, playing in a forest or running around the trash place with kids or playing detectives. I always loved to be the spy, and I love to be mischievous. Even though I used to arm-wrestle boys in class, I am not very physical. Sometimes I feel like fairy and sometimes like the dragon-killer. At school, I fell in love with English: it was mysterious new world for me. New letters, new meanings and new sounds for the things I know! I was excelling at it, and I learnt it so passionately. Then was “helping” other kids on the exams. My Mum was a teacher at my school, and I felt like I was being watched and was careful what I did. My little naïve head often misunderstood people or situations. I saw myself suddenly not so important, I was watching what I say and how I say and felt suppressed at school. I was sitting for hours on my skinny bum knowing lot of bullshit I had to waste my time on, but the teachers were doing “their jobs”, and my compassion towards them was great. I was the reliable one but not by my choice. Those were so confusing and terrible days: teenager fighting with Her feelings and authorities; feeling stepped on and

286 afraid to speak Her mind! Once, I came back from school and my Mum asked me what was wrong with me. I did not say a word; I wrote down: “I do not want to go to school.” and started crying. I often used this way of expressing my feelings. My older sister Marta has been my guardian angel; she is a dragon. She would tell me I was stupid if I was and would take me out for shopping when I did not care about what I wore. I could tell her what I felt. Even though she not always agreed or understood, she supported me: I love her very much. She accepted me being me, but when I said what I thought, and it was nasty but true, or when I was stubborn like a RAM, it made her angry. People like when I poke at other people, but when it is their turn, they change their mind. My family was my home. I knew even if they got angry at me they still loved me. It is the most important thing for a child to have this kind of feeling, an unconditional love. If you do not get it, you either become hater or lover. My Dad supported all of us in education. He said: “Do not worry, you will do it!”. And I believed him. My Mum is natural woman, beautiful and very intuitive. She loved me very much but was unsure of herself and did not like to fight, she is a Libra, and made me unsure and got attached to me too much. Eventually, my worried Mum, part of my fear problem, took me to psychologist. I was scared and felt hopeless in authorities’ company like this. But what I really felt inside was denial and dislike, not fear. She said I was depressed, and now I know exactly why. Depression is “ANGER that you feel you do not have a right for”, as you know it by now too. I was very angry but did not express it: I do not know what made me bottle up my emotions, but I got into a bad state. I thought I had a virus because that psychologist made me believe

287 it. She was not helping me; she was just ticking off my visits, and at the end she said my parents should get me a pet. That made me feel like a product, and I knew I was not. Nobody seemed to understand what I felt, so I continued feeling “out of normal”. I did not get the cat, but I got the beautiful red-toned basket for it: I kept it for later. My Dad had idea of taking me to another school where the kids with special talents were. I did not know if I wanted to be categorised somewhere, but I was in a very “hopeless” situation. We came into school, they gave me an IQ test with not bad results, but school was full; it was not my path. My Intellectual Quotient was 144. I got little fears from when I was small, and the system around me started making me more afraid. I felt like trapped in a world, A VERY CRAZY WORLD! Full of negativity, rules, regulations, conditions and problems. I could not ignore what I saw, and I felt sad for the world, and I wished for a better world, not this unfair caged illusion. I knew inside I was right, even though world made me feel as if I was not “normal”. I started writing what I felt down. When somebody hurt somebody, I felt as though they were hurting me. When my Mum was angry, I stayed at home with her thinking I should help. I became Miss Responsible for Everything. I wanted to help the world but forgot about me. After the primary school, I had to choose where to next; I got excited and scared at the same time: How can I choose? So many names, how can I know I will be happy there and that it will be the right decision? Everything goes so fast. Hey, don’t ask me NOW; I do not know! My Dad thinks I should choose the “best school”. The one where you spent 4 years in the books and because it is not specialised another 4 on university.

288 I did not like the energy of the “best school”, although I got admission within top 10. With the pressure and influence of others, I felt like I was living somebody’s dream. My creativity was totally ignored there because it was an academic school; it overwhelmed students with dunes of information. I was unsuccessfully trying to unbury myself. My indecisiveness made it impossible to survive there; we had so many subjects, and I got stuck in choosing my notebooks and deciding what ink to use for what subject. That school was the worst thing for me; I remember the hopeless feeling every day after leaving school. I wished something happened. I was a bad student there except for languages, them, I have a gift for. I was not interested in doctrines; I wanted to learn and use my own talent! I knew I was special, the world was just too busy to see it. I started smoking more and more, drinking beer after school, not feeling like washing; I did only if I had to. My spirit was fighting, kicking and screaming, and I felt it. I decided to end my suffering. It may sound funny, but back then I saw no other way; as a teenager, I thought I had to do what was expected of me. I thought my parents would not love me anymore and unknown can be scary: where can I go? Is there a school in the world that won’t kill me alive? Is there anybody out there who will let me be me? This whole system was making me angry and hopeless. It felt to me like my life was a big “fuck up”. My lyrics were so expressive and so angry. One day, I said to my “best friend” I would kill myself. I wrote a letter to say “Good Bye”, but I did not know what next. I would not do it; I was just screaming for help. I was hoping for a miracle. Inside of me, I knew I was absolutely well and that the world is sick, not me, but majority rules. The most important thing in the world is to believe in yourself, to not let anybody

289 make you feel worthless. My family got very worried. My Dad was thinking of his little Princess and how to help, my Mum scared, trying to calm me down and not to show her worries and my sisters saying I was a hypochondriac. I remember crying, shaking in my bed, not being able to fall asleep. Then, my Mum and I sat in a psychologist’s room: I wanted to hide behind my Mum’s skirt, but she was wearing pants; I ended up in a children psychiatric ward. When they came to visit me, I started crying and asking them to take me home, just like a little baby. I remember my Dad’s loving look and my Mummy’s brave smile. For the first time in my life on my very own in a strange place. After a while, I realised it was not so bad; the people there were people like me. Or were they? I did not understand what was happening. Why are we here and why do we have “problems”? I was trying to hold one boy’s hand back when he was lying on his bed punching his face. He had “OCD”, his soul/ mind was stronger than his spirit. His father was very strict on him, and that is where the dead dog lies, as we say in Slovakia. He loved cars, understood bikes and engines and was intelligent. In the institution, he was told that he was not allowed to drive. Now, this boy is a policeman and drives bikes and cars. There were awesome people and all of us were directed there to understand one thing: that the world outside is sick, not us. Yes, we were “crazy”, but not sick at all. What do you like: crazy or boring? Hmmm? We knew we deserved better lives than that. Our perceptions were just very different from the “norm”; we were the sensitive souls that could not pretend the world is cool when it wasn’t. We had not learnt yet that we create our fate, not our parents or anybody else. That we are wonderful no matter what.

290 One psychologist said on a course in Prague that they do not want to specialize with children because they would have to treat their parents. Likewise, Louise Hay says that children and pets are affected by their surrounding energies. Parents influence kids so much. They often abuse their position as parents and psychologically manipulate their children. Hey, we are your kids, not possession, not subject of your pride! We have our own dreams; let us choose. We need to make up our own minds. We walk our own path; you are our guides not owners. You are privileged to accompany us on our way. Your love must be unconditional. Do not “if” us because you do not know what it does to us. Help us when we ask you, always support us and do not ever change us. If you were not treated right, be the one to bring the change. I spent some time in that institution. Doctors were searching for the problem: one said I was well, one said I had schizophrenia and another one put it down to social phobia. So, what do I choose? Speaking to these psycho-people, I realised that everybody has little bit of something and that psychologists are not the experts; they are often the ones with the biggest problems. When I went to my psychiatrist, she used to tell me how she was and how much she missed her husband; we changed our roles. I just went there for my prescription, as she had to check how I was doing, no big drama. I changed my school to Private High School of Animation in the suburb of my capital city, Bratislava. At that time, we already moved to a beautiful new salmon house in Limbach, wine village close to the capital. I had for the first time my own room, beautiful kitten and school that felt right. That was awesome, I felt just like in a cool movie. We had friendly and much more

291 open-minded teachers than “normal” schools; I could laugh when I wanted or tease professors. I was doing so well: they called me the pillar of the class. I was the appointed one to manage the crisis situation or to charm professor so we do not write the exam on the exam day. I learnt lot, and I wanted to learn. I entered an amazing world. We were sitting, singing, jumping or just having fun, but I was still hiding the part of me that was angry at the world. At least here, authorities were more relaxed, and I made friends. Two boys from my classroom lived in our neighbourhood, so we ganged up. We were travelling to and from school in the back of the bus, and when Mário and Flip were with, I felt secure and free to be me. Mário, super-clever IT expert and talented boy. We spent one funny year sitting together; we used to speak our own language: puny intellectual one. Filip was my Michelangelo, and he has also brown hair and big blue eyes. His drawings looked very real, and I could do anything stupid with him. We also started running and biking in our village; kids teased us that we were dating. I was not interested as I knew I had bigger task and it was strong feeling. I was honest. So, I had a gang; what more could I wish for? I had become popular at school and felt important and happy. I was on the pills which I was scammed into taking, and they slowed me down a “lottle bit”. They inhibited my serotonin; I was very sleepy. I wanted to get out of that cycle, but the doctors were scaring me with the side effects of leaving the tablets. I was led to believe I needed them, but I got off them after 4 years. I am absolutely well, and it was absolute bullshit. They, the sick “elite”, want you, beautiful sensitive being to shut off everything you sense and feel, do not let them. How do you think doctors evaluate your “normality”? If you fit THEIR sick norm, that means are obedient enough and are not a

292 threat to their system, you are released and labelled as healthy individual. They have no right to evaluate YOU or me. Now, I see the truth perfectly clear. School unleashed my creative energy: I was writing lyrics, sketching everywhere I went, digging at people with my wit. My nickname was bitch523, and I was the provoker. That is who I am and what society wanted me to change. This time, I stay bitch. You need to be cruel to be kind. Politeness is false; where is the real love? Just look at Americans with their “Hello, how are you?”, not meaning the word they say, and the trend spreads all over the world. People wear masks on their faces and rather live in a lie than fight for the truth. But I won’t!

I got to Finland with two other girls from animation class. I was a designer. We spent about a month there, and we saw the huge difference between the schooling systems: they had much more freedom. I like Finnish people very much; they are also crazy and warm-hearted nation, like the Slovaks. Three girls in a different country, and we found independence. It was my first mission; I created my first painting: the naughty smiling monkey. People loved it. I really realised for the first time that I have great gift: I can do what I want. I went skiing first time in my life and I won; the same with the snowboarding. Or the horse trying to get rid of me, but I just kept on hanging; my trainer said she would have fallen: “You could be a Rodeo rider.”. I saw I was very good at painting, writing, taking photos and even at singing ... I saw I had great potential, but I did not want to choose one thing: I was everything.

293 I graduated and felt lost again, and I was not the only one. Youngsters either went to get diploma so they can have a “good job” or started working or whatever they did; but the truth is, most of them are jobless or have meaningless jobs. People get lost, they sink into this huge world and desperately try to catch on something; many go into religion. I explored a bit Hindu, a bit Buddhism but no “Christianity”. The Bible was something sacred or scary to me; I thought it was only for chosen ones. I was sceptic looking for answers. Meditation was just too forced for me and the “holy men” too ludicrous. Buddhism was the most sympathetic, I felt. At first, I liked the laughing Buddha and live and let live policy, but what about the ones killing and destroying and making the righteous ones suffer?

We cannot just sit and wait, getting fat like Buddha!

I also have a big interest in healing, nutrition and a natural lifestyle, but not radical. As Projector, I have high perception of people and see where they should change their energy, but I cannot force anybody to do anything. When I discovered something to improve people’s life, I wanted to share it. My sisters asked me if I thought I was a BUDDHA or Jesus Christ. “What do you want to do about it? Do you think you will save the world?”. After some time, Marta wrote me an email: “Katarína, you were right with the food, but we did not want to listen to you because we rather liked our bullshits.”. People need time to understand and do not take advice easy. Just like so called Jesus was ignored or hated are the ones speaking truth today.

294 “Do not throw pearls to a swine!” became my favourite saying. Knowing this, I can relax and do not carry problems of whole world on my shoulders. I realised that I can guide only the ones that accept it. I need to provoke people to make them question: I give them an inception. I have always got respect from boys; from first, I thought they did not like me, but the opposite was true. They would not dare to slap me even though they might have wished to. I felt the boys’ attraction to me but did not understand it. Girls got angry at me because of that. “Oh look, he is looking at YOU. What are you doing to the boys? They all like you!”. When somebody asked me where my boyfriend was, I said I was awesome without him: “I do not need a boyfriend because my Prince is coming.”. Yes, I knew it. I knew there was Prince out there waiting for me. I was looking forward to meeting him. I used to write down my wishes on the paper: I wished to live by the water and to have Prince who will love me as much as I will love him, to create, to sing when I feel like, to walk barefoot or just run nowhere. And I believed it. I believed my dreams. I felt lost, hanging on my parents’ trousers, full of fear and insecurity. I could not make my peace with the situation of the world: young people without jobs, wealthy corporations stealing from people, the governments lying and only “puppeting” the top of the pyramid, whoever it was. I even rounded up two cousins to petition President with me and ended up on TV. I knew there was a great force controlling the world, but I did not know where I could be useful and where to start; my angels did. I let my spirit lead me. I was furious and fed up with this stupid world and just wanted to live my dream without fear. I loved myself enough to break all the rules and find my place: to

295 change it for me first and then for everybody else; I do not want people to be sad. People don’t realise what is going on . I listened to my intuition, and with a bit of guidance I decided: I am going. I cannot sit and wait any longer. Something is calling. It is my time!. I went straight into the hands of my fate. I booked the ticket on 11/9 but flew on the 12th as my Dad did not like that idea. I took few clothes, backpack, and ... here I am, in South Africa, Sodwana Bay. I registered as a volunteer with WWOOF and thought I might go to Thailand. Then I clicked on South Africa, and I knew. I got so excited, and I wrote to Mandy, the host, if I could come, that I wanted very much. She said: “Of course, you crazy chic!”. Her place’s name was Hippo Haven; I was known as a hippo in my high school as my nostrils go wide when I laugh, and I love hippos. It was so strong and clear for me, I did not have to think about it. I felt right inside: the stone fell from my heart. This is it! The one-way ticket got me only a 1 month entry permit, but I did not speculate much as the borders are somebody’s invention. Weeks went by, and I liked it here. It was exciting, but I also saw that people here are addicted a lot; it seemed like an end station. There was something about this place though; it was magical. I was very friendly with Blacks: hugging the girls and calling them “sisi” (sister) despite being told not to. I had no negative thoughts towards them but didn’t know them at all. I ignorantly thought that what they show us in movies can be true. I even thought of adopting a black child and laughed when people told me I would change my mind about them. I could not imagine why. Wow, I was so naïve and incorrect! Now, I see a totally different picture. Tourists are very superficial; they look with their eyes only. We are as different as day and night.

296 I said I would meet hippos, and they came running to our car. When Mandy heard it and said it was me; they had not done that before. I decided to go on 14 km mini marathon. I was almost 20 kilos heavier and not running at all. Brave ram! After a while of running, which seemed to be much longer, a man came running past me. He was a bit older than me but looked in a good shape. Good! Somebody slower as well, a companion. He told me about the book He was writing and about the bad cool drinks, and I felt close to Him. Somebody cares! About the drinks people drink, about the health. I liked His energy; I was not noticing His looks very much. Our legs were tired, my knee was hurting, but We ran; or did We just ralk? After We finished, We refreshed in the sea, and with Our medals, We went Our separate ways. He asked me if I would like to translate letters; I wanted even though I did not know what they were about. He sent me a letter stating He needed me on His project, but I was rejected at Home Affairs. They said I must go “home”. I told them it was the most important book: “Please!”, but they are just pawns. I came back, and that man whom people called Slade told me I could come to His place as my stay at Mandy’s was over; She knew I would be in good hands. I took my things and waited in the Rustic Ramble, Mandy’s shop, where I had spent most of my time. I thought He would come on a bike; He did come for me on His “white horse”, and there We went. I saw a man like nobody else: His eyes beautifully piercing, and I could feel His heart was on a right place. His energy was so strong! He was so beautiful. I felt He was attracted to me, or was it just me? It was a bit confusing for me. There was a little age gap; but for me, it was just a number. My parents and family were curious. He told me to make myself at home.

297 First days were so cool, I felt like in a fairy tale. He told me about His book Where to from Here ; I just listened. Then, I started questioning, and He was explaining to me. What He said was amazing! It took me a while to get the gist of it. It made sense and sounded crazy, but it felt true. He quoted The Bible, and I got a bit scared from the start. Until He explained to me what that book was really about. He is not religious, and He is not a normal man. His wisdom was overwhelming; He became my best teacher. I started translating His English blogs into my mother tongue, Slovak. From first, I was trying to understand while translating, and my head was working like a turbo diesel. So much new information and ... so much sense! I am a clever girl: I won’t just believe. I was appointed to disprove His work. It has been a bit of work, and I did my job the best I could. Do not just believe: use your brain first. And when it feels right, trust it! Because you have only a short time. The Satan is having feast while you are sleeping. André Martin Slade is The King world is waiting for. I am your new Queen. The knowledge of this book, when read by a righteous person, must be shared. Now, you are responsible; you cannot bury your head in the ground: there is nowhere to hide or run.

! Rise The time is now There is only one truth: this is it. T h a n k Y o u , A n d r é ; Y o u a r e T h e T r u e K i n g !

298 Do you Remember the song One of us ? I brought it in my head to Africa: “What if God was one of us?” He is !

“I am she that is the natural mother of all things, mistress and governess of all the elements, the initial progeny of worlds, chief of powers divine, Queen of heaven, the principal of the Gods celestial, the light of the goddesses: at my will the planets of the air, the wholesome winds of the Seas, and the silences of hell be disposed; my name, my divinity is adored throughout all the world in divers manners, in variable customs and in many names, ... Some call me Juno, others Bellona of the Battles, and still others Hecate. Principally the Ethiopians which dwell in the Orient, and the Egyptians which are excellent in all kind of ancient doctrine, and by their proper ceremonies accustomed to worship me, do call me Queen Isis ... ”

Katarína/Inanna (1191911)

299 300 Important extra links

Foreword in a nutshell http://asis.com/users/stag/englishg.html

1. The Age of Now http://2012thebigpicture.wordpress.com/2012/07/24/the-fascinating-history-of-civil-law-versus- divine-common-law http://diversitychronicle.wordpress.com/2014/04/18/zimbabwe-announces-ambitious-plans-for-a- final-solution-to-white-racism/

2. Scientific Fakt http://www.bradshawfoundation.com/journey/eve.html

3. Archaeology http://www.davelivingston.com/geotime.htm

4. Archaeoastronomy http://www.greatwhitedesert.org/dir/index.php?title=Where_to_Look_in_the_Bible_on_Negroes http://www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/gabrmetz/gabr0004.htm

5. U-Manity http://www.paralumun.com/warnapoleon.htm http://www.christiantoday.com/article/charlemagne.by.the.grace.of.god.emperor/35670.htm http://www.tertullian.org/rpearse/nicaea.html http://www.iamthewitness.com/DarylBradfordSmith_Rothschild.htm http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2012/11/19/what-is-agenda-21-after-watching-this-you-may-not- want-to-know/

6. The Book of Wisdom http://harekrishna.com/col/books/RP/ISO/tea-veda.html https://suite.io/robert-mcroberts/4cn42z5 http://www.in5d.com/why-is-the-popes-hat-shaped-like-a-fish.html http://www.religioustolerance.org/chr_jcpa5.htm

7. Body, Mind and Spirit http://www.fluoridealert.org/wp-content/pesticides/efects.endocrine.pituitary.htm http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/fluoride-calcifier-soul

8. Reset http://www.ozarkia.net/bill/pot/blunderof37.html http://www.hempcar.org/untoldstory/hemp_5.html http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/2012/02/dark-history-of-monsanto-corporation.html

301 302 Bibliography

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304 31. ABC News Staff. “Missing Children in America: Unsolved Cases”, 8/5/2013. http://abcnews.go.com/US/missing- children-america-unsolved-cases/story?id=19126967 32. Wickstrom, James. Turner network radio. “Interview with Rabbi Abe Finkelstein of the Jewish control of the world”. http:// survincity.com/2012/05/interview-with-rabbi-abe-finkelstein- of-the-jewish/ 33. Amirault, Gary. Tentmaker, “Etymology of the word ‘Religion’”. http://tentmaker.org/Dew/Dew1/D1-EtymologyOfReligion.html 34. Shei, Nima. “The Surprising Origin of Blue Eyes”, 8/12/2013. http://positivemed.com/2013/12/08/surprising-origin-blue- eyes/ 35. RHP. Rare Historical Photos, “Adolf Hitler’s eye color in a rare color photo”, 20/11/2013. http://rarehistoricalphotos.com/ rare-color-photo-adolf-hitler-shows-true-eye-color-date- unknown/ 36. VedicGranth.Org. “Teachings of Vedic Granth”. http://www. vedicgranth.org/home/importance-of-vedic-granth 37. Wikipedia. “Narayana”. http://wpedia.goo.ne.jp/enwiki/ Narayana 38. 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A B C D E F G H I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J K L M N O P Q R 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 S T U V W X Y Z 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26


I V X L C D M 1 5 10 50 100 500 1000 = 1666

1 New Universal Language 308 SUMERIAN NUMEROLOGY

A B C D E F G H I 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 J K L M N O P Q R 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 108 S T U V W X Y Z 114 120 126 132 138 144 150 156


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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