Sctturciczy Rctclit) Prcogs-cetris

WGMS (MBS) WMAL (ABC). WRC (NBC) WTOP (CBS) 570 FM 103.5630 FM 107i980 FM-93.91500 FM 96.3 Tempo Timekeeper 6:00. 9:00, Coffee Music 6-9 Look °day, 6:05mark Evans Concert; News7, Tempo Timekeeper. 6:155:30-7:30; News 7:30. 8 and 8:30 8-8:15.News News. 7,7:30,7:45 6.7,7:30, 8; Around World Wee, 6:55,7:55 Eddie Gallaher News on the News. 2. 830 7-35-9 Hour Timekeeper and Half-Hour News;Coffee TeMPO News; Monitor N's; S. Sutton :151 Concert BillMalone Eddie 30Carp ShoPoet Monitor Gallaher 9:00:45. F. Chisolm mon Monitor Malone; News Monitor 10:00 News: Listerungferry 8. Immo News; The :151 Booth RecordNews: Manitor ,toI. ?sterling Hit ParadeMonitor Pau, :45 Norton Booth Strong's; News Monitor Show 1 1 :00'Orcties- Jerry 8.limma Monitor :15tralMasterwks Recoro News' Monitor News,The .8.,orcoestra. HitParadeMonitor Pau, 45 Masterwork sStrong'; News Monitor Norton News; His NewsNavy Hr Monitor Shov. :15 Master's Voice Navy Hr.; NewsNational Farm N's Amos Anal, ::,0 His Master's iUrCh3 Y .ci- Home Hour Music Hall :45 Voice Show; NewsMonitor Gunsmoke Monitor Wm coorao 00 News Music. seturday News. City 15"1,' Stag Show News;Monitor Hosp./a, :30- "WonderfulMusic 11200 Monitor Mark Evans :45, Town"Show; News Monitor Fvans.1-119L .00,News .Conte'', SatUrday- Show- News; Monitor News; Jaime -- 151 Phi (harmonic MusicMonitor Bragg: Baseball :Oa Concert ChatterMonitor Baltimore 2:45 PhilharmonicNews; Show Monitor Orioles 00Pnilnarmonic Saturday Show News; Monitor vs. :1 Si Concert MusicMonitor - :30 PhilharmOniC ChatterMonitor Tigers :451 ConcertNews; Show Monitor Baseball :001 News; Concert Saturday NewsMonitor - Baseball --- 15, Philharmonic ShowRecorded Monitor Baseball 30 Concert MusicMonitor Baseball 43-A51 Philharmonic News; Show Monitor Baseball :00:News; Stereo Saturday Show Saturday Show News; Monitor NFW-SI;Jairne - 151 Showcase News ano NAonitor Bragg's Holiday :30.Stereo Showcase Monitor Jaime Bragg :45IStereo Showcase Sports Monitor Bragg; Evans .00 News, Dinner Saturday News . :1St Music Show Julian Barber Music Sports Wash. Ns Rept 30:News, Dinner Monitor 5Pts Weather :45 Music_show; News Monitor Drew Pearson :00.8CC Review News; Monitor SIStS.: Upbeat IS [he Music. "amSaturdayShowMonitor SatNile :30 Music Room Music 765 Show; News Monitor Page; Louisiana :45 The Music Room Monitor Hayride. 'On News; Corn, Saturday News; Monitor CBS News; Jay :151 De Ballet Show Monitor Perri Show Ju News. Opera MusicMonitor The Jay :45 House Show; News Monitor Perri Show .00 Open-. House Mighty Mo ShowNews, :15 Mighty MO Show Monitor :BS News; Jay immit or Fern lShow Cherubim's:30'Medea"Request Time Monitor he Jay 98:45; Complete Request;News Monitor 1 0:00 Opera House News Mi'ty Mg Perri Show :15 Mighty Otto ShowNews; Monitor :BS News; Bob Cherubini's Monitor Dalton Show 15 ''Medea"Request Time Orano Ole Oprv :45 CompleteRequest; News the Bob Hi Ft Time Grand Ole Oprv Dalton Show 1:00 N.W5.; All That News; Monitor World Tonight :15. JazzHiF. Monitor :301 Time Sports, Weather 1 Bob Falcon Monitor Music :45 AllThat Jazz Music; News Monitor TM Dawn 12 :001News;SignOilHi-F. Time Jazz News: MUSIC Time Midnight rill Show lazz Dawn Music; News (till I a. m.) (tlIl a. m.1 FM Stations WGTS.FM (91 9 mt.)-Not Operative. WRC-FM (93.9 me.)-5:30 a. M. TO ia. M. WGMS-FM (103. me.)-6:30 a. M. 10 mid. WTOP.FM (96.3 me.)-24.hoOr operation. night. WASH-GM (97.1 mc.)-7 a.m. to12:15 WARLFM (11:15.1me)-5:30 a. m. to2' a.M. WOL-FM (98./ me.)-6:30a. m. to mid- WUST-FM (106.3 me.11-7:30 a. m. ro 9 night. p. m. AN (10.3 me.)-5 a. 9 a. m. WMAL-FM (107.3 me.)-11 a. m. to 1:05 WWDC-FM (101.1 me.)-7 a. m. to 8 a. m. a. m. OTHER STANDARD STATIONS INPIK-730 KC.-Daylight Only. WOOK-1340 KC.-24 hours per day. WARL-780 kc.-Davlight Only' WEAM-1390kt.-24hours per day WGAY-1050 kc.-Dbylight Only' WOL-1450 Kc.-6 a. IV 10 Midnight WUST-1120 Kt.-Daylight Only WDON-1540 kc.-Daylight Only' WFAX-1220 kc -Dayliyht Only' WPGC-1580 KC.-Daylight only* WWDC- 1260 kc.-24 hours oer day. WINX-1600 ke.-6 a. m. to midnight. 'Authorized to operate sunup to sundown. Programs printed here conform to information furnished by stations at time of tzublicatzon

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