THE FORGOTTEN COLONY The Fall of the Independence Movement in Patricia Pérez Elías After more than 400 years under colonialism, Puerto Ricans’ support for independence has greatly declined since the of September 23, 1868. Today, the Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño garners little over 2% of votes for its governmental candidates and around 5% on status plebiscites. Why is there so little support for independence in Puerto Rico? Survey Results

² Economic Implications of Effect of Historical Information Treatment Effects on Support for Independence or Statehood Independence: was an • The Foraker and Jones Act, as well important historical character in Albizu Puerto Rico. The attorney Albizu as subsequent legislation, created Campos was the leader of the Muñoz an economy of dependence. Puerto Rican Nationalist Party, a pro- ² Americanization: independence and anti-colonial

• The imposition of the English party. Albizu Campos also believed Treatment State 70 language as the official language of in the betterment of workers’ 60 the island. conditions and the lower class. Tydings 50 Nicknamed ‘The Teacher,’ Pedro 40 • Importation of United States’ Albizu Campos was imprisoned for -.05 0 .05 .1 30 holidays and traditions. twenty-six years. Because of his Average Treatment Effect 20 ² Persecution of the Independence leadership in armed revolutions in Albizu Munoz State Tydings 10 Movement Puerto Rico, the United States and 0 1967 Independence1993 1998 Statehood2012 Other • Persecution and arrests of Pedro the FBI spied on his actions for Albizu Campos, Nationalist Party decades. He was then imprisoned Research Methods leader. again, allegedly tortured with 70 • Gag Law, Law 53, outlawed radioactivity. He died in 1965. ² Historical Analysis 60 mention of independence. ² Interviews with political leaders, former 50 • FBI surveillance files—carpetas— Effect of Choice Set governor, and political analysts When asked to choose only 40 on all independence sympathizers. 30 “If Puerto Ricans knew the real and complete between statehood and ² Creation of the Estado Libre 20 truth they would support independence.” independence, responses are Asociado very different than when given 10 • Allowed a Constitutional Assembly multiple options. 0 ² Online experimental and the Constitution of 1952. The All Opons Two Opons survey U.S. has legal authority to overturn Independence Statehood • 2,833 responses any decisions of the PR Free Sovereign Associaon None of the Above • 4 treatments, 1 government. control group. ² Media and Education Conclusion • Puerto Rican history not thoroughly taught In schools. Survey suggests that elaboration of Puerto Rican history • Biased media coverage to preserve would increase support for independence. the status quo.