Foreign Fishery Developments GROUNDS Lobster is particularly abundant in Gambia Studies Decline the areas off Cape Bald and Point Sanyang. In this region there are three The Gambian lobster catch during the subject of study by the Fisheries important centers: Bru­ the 1973-74 season amounted to 65 Division of the Gambian Ministry of fut, Batu Kunku, and Sanyang. Other metric tons (t) worth US$283,000, a Agriculture and Natural Resource important villages to the south are significant decline from the record 1965 which has become concerned about Gunjur and Kartung (Fig. 1). It season when 120 t of lobster were possible overfishing. appears that these villages are situated caught. The fishery has recently been BIOLOGICAL DATA inland. along a highway, rather than Table 1.-5enegalese lobst8l' canoes oper­ directly on the coast. ating In Gambia, by fishing cent81's. The spiny lobsters caught by the Senegalese and Gambian fishermen in FLEET FISHING METHODS Year Gambian waters include: Panulirus ris­ Almost all of Gambia's lobsters are harvested by Senegalese fishermen Centers 1974 1972 1966 1962 soni, P. regius. charlestoni, and P. mauritanicus. Their food con­ who operate more than 60 canoes, Brufut '17 NA 22 NA sists of fish, other lobsters. shellfish, some motorized. from five fishing Batu Kunku 4 NA 2 NA sanyang 9 NA 0 NA and dead marine . They are centers in Gambia (Table 1). Gill nets Gunjur 9 NA 5 NA are used to harvest the lobster in Kartung 26 NA 8 NA bottom dwelling, usually perferring rocky bottoms and coral reefs. Palin­ shallow waters up to 5 meters deep. Total 66 66 37 6 urus mauritanicus. however. is often Because the lobsters are more active at night, fishing operations take place 'Includes four Gambian canoes. found in deep waters where the bottom Source: W. J. Scheffers and N. Hellevang. is sandy or muddy. Spiny lobsters mainly after dark. Each canoe carries 1975. Aspects of the Lobster Fishery In The Gambia. Fisheries Publication No. 11. grow fairly slowly, taking about 7 or 8 between six and eight men and sets as Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Re­ many as 100 nets per trip. After the sources, Fisheries Division, Banjul, May years to reach maturity but may live 50 1975, p. 4. years or more. lobsters are landed, they are kept alive in floating wooden crates near the shore until they can be sold. The Table 2.-Gamblan lobst8l' fishing data for selected years. lobster season begins in October with Total Catch (kg) Total Total' the arrival of the Senegalese fishermen No. of catch canoe Price value value and extends until the end of June when season' canoes (t) per night (dalasis/kg) (dalasis) (US$) the rainy season begins. 1961-62 6 50 40 2.50 125,000 70,000 1964-65 37 120 15 2.46 295,000 165,200 CATCH 1971-72 66 80 5 7.50 600,000 300,000 1973-74 66 65 6.5 7.50 487,500 282,750 The Gambian lobster catch has de­ clined since 1965 when an estimated J The lobster season is from October to June. 120 t of lobsters were harvested (Table 'Based on the exchange rate effective on 31 December of each season. Source: Scheffers and Hellevang (Footnote 1, Table 1). 2). An elevenfold increase in the number of canoes in the lobster fishery between 1962 and 1974 has been ac­ companied by a decline in the catch per canoe from 40 kg per night to only 6.5 kg (Table 2). The increase in lobster prices, however, has resulted in an in­ crease in the value of the Gambian lobster catch even though the quantity caught and yield per vessel have declined. Gambian officials report, Batu however, that reliable data is difficult Kunku to obtain from the Gambian and Senegalese traders who market lob­ ster. Therefore the data in Table 2 must be treated with some caution. MARKETING Most of the lobster caught by the artisanal fishermen is collected by a vessel operating from Dakar, Senegal, which makes weekly runs supplying the Senegalese fishermen with food, Figure 1. -Gambian lobster fishing centers. gasoline, and netting materials.

90 Marine Fisheries Review Another part of the catch is bought Gambian Government to take greater the coast of the U.S. since the enact­ from the Senegalese fishermen by interest in the rational management of ment by U.S. Congress of the Fishery Gambian traders who sell the lobster to the resource. The Gambian Fisheries Conservation and Management Act of either a Gambian company, Gambia Division has suggested several steps to 1976 (FCMA). (Source: U.S. Embassy, Fisheries Ltd., or directly to Sene­ remedy the lack of accurate catch and Warsaw.) galese exporting companies in Dakar. export data, and to assess stock condi­ In addition, a small portion is caught by tions. First, it recommends that all Japan Lists 1976 North Gambian fishermen, either intention­ fishermen involved in the exploitation ally, or incidentally with their primary of Gambian lobster, no matter what Pacific, Eastern Bering catches of white fish and is sold locally their nationality, be required to reg­ Sea, Fishing Vessels to hotels during the tourist season. ister with the Gambian government The Japanese Fisheries Agency li­ and supply catch and export figures to censed a total of 1,208 fishing vessels to COMPANIES the Fisheries Division. The collected fish in North Pacific and eastern Bering data could be used to assess the con­ Domestic and foreign companies Sea grounds in 1976, according to the dition of the lobster stocks and provide have been involved in the catching and NMFS Office of International Fisheries. the basis for the imposition of any marketing of Gambian lobster. In 1966, The largest number of licenses was necessary regulations to prevent over­ the Atlantic Marine Company, based in issued for the North Pacific salmon fishing. Banjul (Fig. 1) began to exploit the mothership fleets. Many licenses were The Gambian Fisheries Division is lobster resources. The company's at­ also issued to the land-based salmon considering three plans to reorganize tempt to employ Gambian fishermen vessels operating south of lat. 48°N the lobster industry. First, Gambia failed due to their lack of experience in and west of long. 175°W, reflecting the might allow the Senegalese to continue lobster fishing. Atlantic Marine was importance of Japan's salmon catch. to harvest the lobster, but would forced to recruit 80 Senegalese fisher­ A large number of licenses was also impose an export duty on all lobster men who began lobstering with 15 issued for the Bering Sea surimi leaving the country. Second, a Gam­ motorized canoes. At first Atlantic vessels which fish for Alaska pollock. bian company might be set up to collect Marine exported over half of its The following table gives a detailed the lobster from both Gambian and products by air to France (via Dakar) look at Japan's North Pacific effort in Senegalese fishermen. A third possi­ as the exports of France's former 1976, according to statistics on licenses bility under consideration would be to colonies are exempted from a 25 issued by the Japanese government. percent duty levied by the Common train Gambian fishermen to harvest lobster and to supply them with the Market on lobster imported from non­ Tabls 1.-Japansss veessls licensed for Nor1h member countries. By 1968, most of necessary equipment so that they could Pacific and Bering sea Flsherlss, 1976. the company's exports were being gradually take over lobster fishing from the Senegalese. Molher- Olher shipped to Las Palmas in the Canary Fishery ships vessels Tolal Islands. In 1971, the company termi­ North Pacific Inde- nated its lobster operations after un­ GIFA Signed by pendenllrawlers 0 42 42 disclosed problems developed with the Bering Sea surlml U.S. and Poland vessels 11 198 209 Gambian Government. North Pacific long- A Senegalese company, Bafa-Adri­ Representatives of the governments line gilinel vessels I 0 22 22 Hokulensen (North- Peche, was established in Banjul to of Poland and the United States signed lurned vessels)' 0 162 162 Easlern Bering Sea market shrimp and lobster in 1972. The on 2 August 1976 in Warsaw a new crab vessels' 2 12 14 company ceased its Gambian opera­ agreement relating to Polish fishing off North Pacific salmon molhershlp fleels' 10 332 342 tions abruptly in 1973 for unknown the coasts of the United States. The North Pacific pelagic reasons. At present, Gambia Fisheries new agreement will come into force whaling fleel 1 9 10 Snail fishing vessels 0 19 19 Ltd., local Gambian traders, and the following a review by the appropriate Land-based gilinel operators of weekly boats, from Dakar authorities of the two countries. Nego­ fishing vessels',oper- atlng soulh of 48· N 0 265 265 are the main marketing outlets for tiations on this "governing interna­ Land-based gilinel fishing vessels' oper- Gambian lobster. tional fisheries agreement" (GIFA) allng soulh of 45°N 0 B3 B3 In the past, Gambian lobster has began in Montreal, Canada, in June Tolal 24 1,184 1.208 been exported to France, Senegal, and 1976 during the Annual Meeting of the the Canary Islands. United States International Commission for the 'These gilinet vessels do not fish for salmon; they Northwest Atlantic Fisheries and were longllne for sableflsh which Is their most Important import statistics indicate that the catch, United States does not import any successfully completed on 31 July. The 'Of the 162 Hokutensen, 154 vessels are licensed full-time and the remaining 26 vessels are licensed Gambian lobster, either directly or via GIFA establishes the arrangements on a seasonal basis. Senegal. which will govern Polish fishing within 'In addition to the eastern Bering Sea crab fleets, 200 miles of the U.S. coast after 1 Japan licenses 31 vessels to fish for tanner crab In GOVERNMENT PLANS the western Bering Sea off the coast of the Soviet March 1977. Union. 'In addition to the North Pacific salmon mother­ Declining catches and the increasing The U.S.-Poland GIFA was the first ship fleets, Japanese effort for salmon also in­ number of canoes engaged in the bilateral fisheries agreement to be clUdes coastal vessels. Source: American Embassy, Tokyo, 16 March, 16 lobster fishery have motivated the negotiated with a country fishing off May, and 10 June 1976,

December1976 S1 Faeroe Islands, Guatemala Adopt 200·Mile Limits establishing a 200 mile EEZ. The committee's report placed great em­ Guatemala extended its jurisdiction Article 5 authorizes appropriate phasis on the rich fishing reserves to 2oo-nautical miles on 1 July 1976 by Guatemalan agencies to issue "regula­ within 200 miles of the Guatemalan creating an Exclusive Economic Zone tions regarding fishing, conservation of coast, from which Guatemala receives (EEZ) of 188 nautical miles beyhond its the sea, and other pertinent activities, limited benefit and which are "exploit­ 12-mile territorial sea. The EEZ was in the territorial sea, the EEZ, the ed by countries such as Japan, the established by Law 20-76 which was continental shelf (seabed and under­ United States, Canada, the Soviet passed by the Guatemalan Congress on ground), and in the deep sea (fondos Union, etc." In addition, the committee 9 June and signed by President marinos)." Until regulations are issued report mentions tuna, which suggests Langerud on 18 June 1976. The law with regard to the EEZ, laws and reg­ that the new law may be applied to became effective upon publication in ulations now in effect for the territorial highly migratory species. the Guatemalan official gazette. The sea will be applicable to the EEZ in so The law entered into force on 1 July major provisions of the new laws are far as possible. The Government will 1976 when it was published in Guate­ listed below. negotiate pertinent agreements with mala's official gazette. (Source: U. S. neighboring states and will issue Embassy, Guatemala City.) GUATEMALAN PROVISIONS permits for fishing "or for any other activity of exploration or exploitation FAEROE ISLANDS Article 1 "reiterates" Guatemala's of the territorial sea or EEZ." claimed sovereignty over a territorial The Faeroe Islands Parliament, the Article 7 was amended by the sea of 12 miles "measured from the Lagting, unanimously adopted a pro­ Guatemalan Congress. The original respective base lines." No attempt is posal on 6 August that the Government Article 7 requested the executive made to define or locate the base lines. extend their fisheries jurisdiction to branch of the Government to seek Article 2 confirms the rights of 200 miles, no later than 1 January arrangements with the other Central innocent passage of foreign ships 1977, according to a report in the American countries for the common through the territorial sea "in confor­ Danish newspaper Land og Folk. The exercise of the right to fish within the mity with international law." Lagting also urged the Government to 200-mile zone and to establish limita­ Article 3 asserts Guatemalan juris­ begin talks with the Danish Govern­ tions on overfishing. Deletion of this diction over "an Exclusive Economic ment to abrogate the 1974 fisheries language was not discussed in the Zone (EEZ) that will extend out to 200 agreement which allows foreign na­ Guatemalan press and no explanation nautical miles measured from the base tions to fish off the Faeroese coast. The has been made publicly. The executive line" used as a basis for the territorial agreement can be cancelled after a 6­ branch could still, of course, negotiate sea. Guatemalan jurisdiction includes: months notice. The contracting states fishing agreements with other coun­ "rights of sovereignty for the explora­ to the agreement are the United King­ tries, within or without Central Amer­ ation, exploitation, conservation, and dom, Denmark, the Federal Republic ica, and submit them to the Guatema­ administration of renewable and non­ of Germany, France, Norway, Bel­ lan Congress as treaties. The amended renewable resources; exclusive rights gium, and Poland, and a 6-month notice Article 7 provides that "a qualified and jurisdiction with respect to the is necessary for a state to withdraw. officer of the Navy will be included in establishment and utilization of artifi­ In 1974, the total Faeroese catch was Guatemalan delegations to (interna­ cial islands and analogous installations 247,000 metric tons, of which only tional) conferences that discuss mari­ and structures"; exclusive jurisdiction 26,000 metric tons was landed within time affairs." This has been a long­ with respect to other activities aimed 200 miles of the Faeroes. The remain­ standing objective of the Navy, which at exploration and economic exploita­ der of the Faeroese catch was caught in has bitterly complained over its exclu­ tion of the zone, "such as production of the North Sea, and off Iceland, sion from formulation of LOS policy. energy derived from the water, the Norway, and Canada. Foreign nations Article 8 charges the Guatemalan currents and the winds, and with caught 101,000 metric tons of fish Armed Forces with ensuring respect respect to scientific research"; envi­ within 200 miles of the Faeroes. for "the right of the Republic over its ronmental jurisdiction, including con­ Greenland, another Danish terri­ territorial sea and its EEZ." trol and elimination of pollution; and tory, has also requested an extension "other rights and obligations that may of its fisheries jurisdiction. In Novem­ be derived from jurisdiction over the LIKE MEXICO'S EEZ ber 1975, the Executive Committee of zone." the Greenland Council demanded a Article 4 recognizes within the EEZ The Congressional committee which fisheries limit of 100 miles. The Danes the right of all other states to "free prepared a report on this measure themselves stand to gain little from a navigation and overflight, placement of specifically rejected the Chile-Peru­ 2oo-mile fisheries limit, as they would cables and pipelines:-provided always Ecuador thesis of a 200-mile territorial have to divide the resources of the that a representative of the Guatema­ sea, "as it would be unrealistic and Skaggerak and Kattegat Straits with lan Government participates, and in­ practically impossible to exercise full Norway and Sweden, and those of the ternationally recognized uses of the sea sovereign rights in so extensive an North Sea with other Common Market related to navigation and communica­ area." The Guatemalan law is similar to members. (Source: U.S. Embassy, tions." Mexico's Constitutional Amendment Copenhagen.) 92 Marine Fisheries Review Sri Lanka Plans Fishing Fleet Expansion \ Sri Lanka's Ministry of Fisheries Negombo, Tangalle, Jaffna, and Bat­ plans to acquire an additional ten small ticaloa will be employed on the new (38 to 60 GRT) trawlers during 1976. vessels to demonstrate the merits of The Asian Development Bank (ADB) modern fishing methods. (Source: will finance the project, which is part of Fishing News International.) a large-scale fisheries development Sri Lanka's 1973 landings totalled plan. 99,116 metric tons, more than 90 Currently, 230 GRP (glass reinforced percent of which was taken by coastal plastic) fishing vessels are being built fishermen (Table 1), according to the with ADB financial assistance at three NMFS Office of International Fisher­ shipyards in Sri Lanka and one ies. shipyard in India. Sri Lankan yards are To promote fisheries development, constructing 200 of the 230 vessels, and the Government reorganized fishery these 200 will be 3.5 GRT 28-foot boats cooperatives in 1970. By December a maritime boundary agreement which for use in the coastal fisheries of the 1973, 44 of the planned 45 primary established fishing rights in the Palk island nation. The Indian shipyard is fishery co-ops were functioning. The Straits. (Sources: U. S. Embassy, building 30 larger vessels for the use of 3.5-ton GRP fishing vessels were sold Colombo; AdministrationReport ofthe fishery cooperatives on Sri Lanka's to fishery co-ops by the Fisheries Director ofFisheries for the year 1973, west coast intending to fish in waters Department for half of their construc­ Sri Lanka, 1976; Fishing News Inter­ further offshore. tion cost. The co-ops pay the Fisheries national.) Sri Lanka's fisheries development Department in installments by deliver­ plan aims at increasing deepwater ing 25 percent of their daily catches. New Zealand Details catches, providing additional employ­ Sri Lanka's mechanized fishing fleet Fisheries Programs ment in boatbuilding and fishing indus­ at the end of 1973 numbered about tries, and at raising the level of effi­ 6,300 registered vessels. Of these, 52 The New Zealand National Party ciency of the fishing fleet. The young percent had a capacity of 3.5 GRT and Government, elected in 1975, plans to graduates of fishery training schools at were either owned by fishery coopera­ develop the nation's fisheries and to tives or by private individuals (Table protect its marine resources, according 2). to a party election manifesto. The Table 1.-Srl Lankan fishery landings, 1972 and 1973, In metric tons. Sri Lanka has received fisheries aid programs and plans drawn up concen­ from various international organiza­ trate on creating incentives for export Landings 1972 1973 tions including the United Nations development, protecting fishery re­ Landings by Ceylon Fisheries Development Program (UNDP) and sources, improving fish harvesting and Corporation traWlers, 11-ton the ADB. In addition, bilateral fisheries farming, instituting vessel licensing, boats, tuna boats, and pri- vate deep-sea vessels 2,517 2,347 aid from Japan consisting of fisher­ and encouraging commercial and bio­ Landings by 3,5-ton mechanized coastal vessels 38,642 43,292 men's training and exploratory fishing logical marine research. Landings by nonmechanized has contributed to the development of To stimulate production in the coastal vessels 50,646 46,582 Landings of freshwater fish 8,305 6,895 Sri Lanka's fisheries. fishing industry, the New Zealand In 1962, Sri Lanka initiated a Government will extend loans for the Total 100,110 99,116 fisheries training center at Negombo. construction or purchase of vessels, Source: Administration Report of the Director of The Government of Japan provided will make certain categories of gear Fisheries for the year 1973, Sri Lanka, March 1976. equipment and experts to teach courses and equipment tax deductible, and will in fishing and mechanics. This initial review the present refunding of the Table 2.-SrI Lanka's registered fishing program at Negombo became the sales tax. The Government is also vessels, 1973. nucleus for three additional training considering granting investment allow­ Type of vessel No. No. centers located in Tangalle, Jaffna, and ances for vessel replacement and Batticaloa. special depreciation allowances for Mechanized 6,293 3.5-ton privately owned 1,137 In 1973 the UNDP Skipjack Survey equipment. The use of export incen­ 3.5-ton, hire-purchase Project was managed by T. Ochi of tives for various species of fish is also vessels (used by fishery co-ops) 2,106 Japan. In addition to a survey vessel being considered. Nonmechanized 69,339 constructed in Sri Lanka, a Japanese In anticipation of the 200-mile eco­ pole and line skipjack fishing vessel Total '75,632 nomic zone and 12-mile territorial sea was chartered for survey work. Ni­ laws, the Government is encouraging 'The U.S. Embassy, Colombo, estimates chiro, a major Japanese fishing com­ the development of fisheries for ex­ that there are about 17,000 nonmechanized vessels in Sri Lanka. The number given In pany, independently carried on experi­ port, and is trying to enlarge its Table 2 is that of the Department of mental skipjack fishing in nearby present export markets. In addition, Fisheries and probably overstates the number now actually operating. waters and provided data to the UNDP the Government will provide facilities Source: Administration Report of the Director of Fisheries for the year 1973, Sri Skipjack Survey Project. for the storage of fish for off-season Lanka, 1976. Recently India and Sri Lanka signed sale. There will also be increased December 1976 33 cooperation of defense forces and freezing machinery. According to ed yields are not an indication of over­ fishery enforcement patrols in order to Marx-Henning Rehder, president of fishing. In Rehder's judgmE'nt there is pre ent foreign fishing in New Zealand Nordsee, the quality of the frozen hake simply not enough scientific data about waters, and to protect marine re­ produced aboard his company's trawl­ hake off southern Africa to warrant sources in waters where such fishing ers has been markedly better than that such a conclusion. It should be noted will be allowed. The Government of frozen hake produced by onshore that hake catches off southern Africa further plans to examine the possibility plants. Per-pound returns from the have declined significantly since 1972, of initiating licensing of fishing vessels trawler-processed frozen hake have however, not below 1970-71 levels as a means of protecting certain species been significantly higher than from (Table 2). against overfishing. Financial aid will hake processed by onshore plants. The Despite the financial losses incurred be provided to local authorities for the frozen hake is transshipped in Walvis thus far, Nordsee has no intention of construction of wharves, berths, and Bay from the factory trawlers to ceasing operations. Rehder stated that slipway facilities. freezer carriers and transported back continuous operations of at least 1 year Biological and commercial research to German ports. would be required to determine defini­ aimed at increasing efficiency in the The operation as a whole has not tively the economics of hake fishing off fishing industry will be stressed. The been profitable even though yields per southwestern Africa. On the other Government will provide the Fishing pound have been high. Apart from the hand, even if the venture becomes Industry Board with an annual grant to high costs of provisioning and servicing profitable, Rehder does not see any promote industrial training and the ships in such distant waters, the deficit likelihood of a significantly expanded application of research to commercial has been due principally to lower-than­ effort. Influencing his judgment are: operations. anticipated catches during the first 6 1) the possibility that hake stocks are The Government will also continue months of the operation (late 1975 to more limited than expected; 2) the to encourage the development of fish mid-1976). Nordsee has learned that comparatively high costs and risks of a farming, and the use of warm water the hake catches of other nations' distant water operation; and 3) the wastes from power stations. Oyster, trawlers have also fallen short of relatively low current level of demand mussel, mollusk, and farm­ expectations, but company officials for frozen hake. In addition, there is ing will be promoted. (Source: Fishing maintain that the lower-than-anticipat- the uncertainty of fishing within 200 Industry Board BuUetin, March 1976.) miles of the coast as a possibility that Table 1.-German (FRG) hake catch, South Africa may establish a 200-mile Germans Fish Hake 1970-75. economic zone and restrict foreign Off Southern Africa Catch', by species' fishing operations cannot be ruled out. Rehder hopes that in such an event his The largest West German trawler Euro- Pata- Total Year pean Cape gonian catch firm would receive quota allocations company, Nordsee Deutsche Hochsee­ which would enable Nordsee to contin­ fischerei of Bremerhaven, sent two 1970 200 400 600 ue its present operation. (Source: U. S. 1971 100 100 factory trawlers, (2,557 GRT each) to 1972 200 3,900 4,100 Consulate General, Bremen.) waters off southwestern Africa in late 1973 100 1,400 1,500 According to the NMFS Office of 1974 233 233 1975 to catch and process cape hake 1975 NA NA NA NA International Fisheries, the Nordsee (Merluccius capensis and M. paradox­ operations will substantially increase us). The venture was precipitated by 'Catch is given in metric tons round weight. the Federal Republic of Germany the reduction of Germany's catch I Does not include German whiting (Mer­ (FRG) hake catch. The FRG reported a /angius mer/angus) or white hake (Uro­ quotas by the International Commis­ phycis lenuis). record catch of 4,100 metric tons in sion for the Northwest Atlantic Fisher­ Source: FAO Yearbook of Fishery Statis­ tics, 1974, and U.S. Department of Com­ 1972 when 3,900 metric tons of Patago­ ies (lCNAF) and the recent prohibition merce, Bureau of the census. nian hake was caught off the Atlantic on the use of factory trawlers within Iceland's 200-mile fishing zone. Nord­ Table 2.-Cape hake catch In metric tons off southern Africa, by country, 1970-75. see expected to catch about 12,000 Country 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 metric tons 1 of hake in 1976. This would represent a sizeable catch in­ Bulgaria NA 10,800 17,400 19,300 20,400 27,400 Cuba NA 20,500 24,300 48,000 38,300 14,300 crease as the total German hake catch Germany (FRG) NA 1,400 400 in 1974 was only 233 metric tons (Table Ghana NA 11,183 4,900 1,100 Israel NA 5,575 6,300 9,100 8,500 5,800 1). Japan NA 61,567 66,500 54,700 62,900 57,100 The two stern trawlers were mod­ Poland NA 32,341 36,900 3,100 Portugal NA 13,510 21,200 13,100 18,700 18,400 ernized at a cost of about $2.2 million Romania NA 1,000 1,200 S. Africa '113,000 134,870 133,000 118,100 111,500 96,000 each. The modernization included the Spain NA 176,600 176,800 186,400 199,600 195,600 installation of twin-net trawling gear, USSR NA 298,408 398,300 655,600 334,600 340,600 2,800 5,100 closed-circuit television to monitor zaire NA '2,BQ( '2,800 '2,800 fishing operations, and filleting and Total NA '768,134 '889,600 '1,111,300 798,300 761,900

'U.S. Consulate General, Gape Town. 'Approximately 4,000 metric tons of frozen 'FAO estimate. mlets. Source: FAO Yearbook of Fishery Stalislics, 1974.

Marine Fisheries Review coast of South America. Since 1972, the Table 1.-Sweden's prellmlnery annuel fishery The official Japanese position on 200­ FRG hake catch has declined even landings by species, 1974-75, In metric tons. mile economic zones have been non­ though a catch of 1,400 metric tons of Species 1974 1975 recognition of unilateral declarations of cape hake off southern Africa was extended jurisdiction by coastal states, Herring (including reported for 1973. U. S. statistics do Baltic herring) 74,976 79,137 pending a comprehensive international not list hake imports separately from Sprat 4,367 3,650 agreement resulting from the Law of Haddock 2,569 2,624 other species, so it is impossible to Cod 19,136 17,965 the Sea Conference. Japan's leading determine the quantity of FRG-caught Mackerel 3,528 4,605 business newspaper, Nihon Keizai Salmon 578 576 hake exported to the United States. Eel 958 1,273 Shimbun, carried a story on 9 August Fish for reduction 79,696 76,136 Thirteen countries fish hake off Prawns, deep-water 1,865 1,848 that Japan was prepared to recognize southern Africa. Only the Romanians, Other 8,221 8,273 200-mile economic zones as customary who have not operated there since international law. The report was 195,894 196,089 1971, had reported smaller catches Total attributed to an anonymous Japanese than the Germans. Almost 770,000 Total value' US$59,394,853 US$54,596,363 government official. If this report is metric tons of hake were caught in true, it would represent a major shift 'Currency conversion rate: US$1.00 = 4.275 1974, a decline of 31 percent from the Swedish kroner (Skr), 1974; US$1.00 = 4.40 Skr, in the Japanese position. 1.1 million metric tons caught in 1972. 1975. Source: Swedish Central Bureau of Statistlcs_ Japan is the world's leading fishing The Soviet Union, Spain, and South nation based on both the quantity and Africa all reported catches in excess of are also concerned about declining fish value of its catch. Japanese vessels 100,000 metric tons in 1974 (Table 2). stocks in the North and Baltic seas, and catch several important species of fish Sweden's 1975 Fish Take the international trend towards exten­ and shellfish in the North Pacific and sions of fishery jurisdictions to 200 eastern Bering Sea including salmon, Stable, Value Declines miles. Preliminary landings are shown crab, sablefish , Alaska pollock, rock­ Swedish fishery landings in 1975 in Table 1. Annual fishery catches for fish, and other groundfish. Under were 196,000 metric tons, approxi­ the past 16 years are shown in Figure bilateral agreement with the United mately the same as in 1974. The total 1. (Source: U.S. Embassy, Stockholm.) States, in 1974 Japan caught approxi­ 1975 round-weight catch was estimated mately 1.4 million metric tons of at 211,000 metric tons. Value of the Japan, U.S. Discuss Alaska pollock, tanner crab, rock­ landings declined from $59 million in Fish Conservation, fishes, and sablefish in waters within 1974 to $54 million in 1975. Management Issues 200 miles of the United States. Accord­ The industry was further affected by ing to official Japanese government rising costs, making 1975 a poor year. Bilateral fishery negotiations be­ statistics, 4.5 million metric tons of fish The Government paid out more than $2 tween Japan and the United States be­ and shellfish was caught within 200 million in subsidies, in the form of price gan 18 August 1976, in Washington, miles of foreign countries in 1974. This supports and loans to the fishing indus­ D.C. These talks were one of several amount represented 41 percent of try, and fishermen have requested which have taken place with other Japan's total catch by quantity and permanent assistance, similar to that governments since the enactment of about 30 percent of Japan's total catch received by Swedish farmers. the Fishery Conservation and Manage­ by value in that year. Japan's total In April 1976, 800 fishermen in ment Act of 1976 (FCMA), the U. S. catch in 1974 had a landed value of $5.7 southeast Sweden went on strike for law which establishes a fishery conser­ billion. Using these figures, Japan's one week to draw attention to their vation zone extending out to 200 catch off the United States represented poor economic situation. Fishermen nautical miles from the U. S. coasts after 1 March 1977. The FCMA about 13 percent of its total catch by Figure I.-Sweden's annual fish catch. quantity in 1974. 1960-74. Source: FAD Yearbook of Fishery established a new system for allowing Statistics. 1974. access to foreign countries which hope In contrast to the soft-line approach to fish off the coasts of the United taken by the anonymous Japanese 390------..,------States, and required each foreign government official quoted on 9 Au­ country to sign a "Governing Interna­ gust, the Japanese fIShing industry, tional Fishery Agreement" (GIFA). through the Japan Fisheries Associ­ One of the conditions for access to ation, has taken a hard line in petitions fish inside the U. S. 2oo-mile zone is to the Japanese Government and has the acknowledgement by a foreign submitted a formal representation to country of the exclusive management the American Embassy in Tokyo. authority of the United States. In The Japan Fisheries Association asks that Japan's historical catch levels 250'------addition, no foreign fishing vessels will be allowed to fish inside the 200-mile in the fisheries of the Northeast Pacific 230------zone except those licensed by the be maintained because: 1) Japanese 210------Secretary of Commerce, or having a vessels developed the fishery re­ 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 valid registration permit issued by the sources, including species still under­ YEAR Secretary of State. utilized by the United States, ahead of December 1976 35 other countries; 2) Japan's catch in the fisherman i convicted of violations of considerations necessary to determin­ Northeast Pacific provides 1.6 million U.S. law ation of the "optimum sustainable metric tons of food and employs 30,000 2) It seeks to prohibit fishing for yield" are vague, they may be abused crew members and 700 fishing vessels; anadromous species (i.e. salmon) out­ 6) As criteria for assessing U. S. 3) fish provides more than half the side the 200-mile conservation zone catch capacity are not stated, they may protein intake of the Japanese 3) As the licensing procedures and lead to overestimates consumer; 4) negotiations with the their scheduling and coordination are 7) No provision for consultations United States will set a precedent for unclear, it may be technically impossi­ with foreign countries concerning Japan's negotiations with other coastal ble to administer the law to permit management of anadromous stocks nations. orderly preparations or punctual de­ originating outside the United States is A Japanese press account in the partures for the fishing grounds made Suisan Keizai Shimbun listed the 4) Costs of U. S. fishery manage­ 8) As too much authority is given to following problems presented by the ment and administration of the cum­ the Regional Fishery Management FCMA to the Japanese industry: bersome law may be imposed on Councils established by the law, mean­ 1) The law permits the corporal pun­ foreign fishing vessels ingful bilateral fishery negotiations will ishment (i.e. imprisonment) of foreign 5) As ecological and recreational be impossible.

Index Authors, Titles, Subjects in Marine Fisheries Review, Vol. 38, Nos. 1-12, 1976

Indexed here by author, title, and =---O~ -see Hughes et al. "Coho salmon farming in France," by Yves Bottomfish Harache and Anthony J. Novotny, 8:1 subject are the 54 papers which U.S. Pacific and Bering Sea coasts Collins, Gerald B., "Effects of dams on Pacific appeared in Marine Fisheries Review Soviet fisheries 12:1 salmon and steelhead trout," 11:39 "Bowhead whale {ield studies in Alaska, Columbia River in 1976. A list of these papers, in 1975," by Willman M. Marquette. 8:9 atmospheric gas supersaturation, effect on numerical order, appears at the end of Brown, D. J .-see Favorite et al. salmon, 7:1 Br, Patrick G., and Daniel B. McConneU, trout, steelhead 7: 1 the Index. Anonymous notes, news Status of giant clam stocks (Tridacnidc.e) on "Comparative retention of dart and jaw tags on articles, and regular departments are Helen Reef. Palau. western Caroline Islands, chinook salmon and steelhead trout during April 1975," 4:15 their spawning migration," by Emil Slat­ not indexed, since they are often of ick, 7:24 c "Concluding remarks," by Maurice E. Stansby, preliminary or ephemeral nature. En­ California, southern 11:51 tries are indexed by number and page marine fisheries Contaminants-see PoUution barracuda, 1:7 Cooling waters (i.e., 7:12 indicates the July number, interactions, 1:25 aquatic resources of the Pacific Northwest page 12). jack mackerel, 1:15 impact on northern anchovy, 1:5 biological effects, 11 :30 Pacific bonito, 1: 11 physical effects, 11:29 Pacific mackerel. 1:16 sources of cooling water, 11 :27 A Pacific sardine, 1:17 Crab, Dungeness stock assessment methods. 1:3 escape from pots Alaska white seabass, 1: 18 crab recoveries, 4:22 bowhead whale field studies, 1975, 8:9 yellowtail. 1:22 description of pots, 4:20 Alaska, southeastern Cancer magister-see Crab, Dungeness fish captures, 4:23 salmon fishery Caroline Islands, western mark retention, 4:22 profitability and productivity analysis 4:11 Helen Reef, Palau marking test crabs, 4:20 "(An) analysis of increasing costs to Gulf giant clam stocks, status as of April 1975, octopus predation, 4:22 of Mexico shrimp vessel owners: 1971-75," 4:15 pots with tunnel triggers functional and by Wade L. Griffin and John P. Nichols,3:8. CarroU, Geoffr,Y M., "Utilization of the bow­ escape rings closed, 4:22 Ancdonta calijvrniensis . head whale,' 8:18 pots with tunnel triggers functional and polyp, description of in foot, 10:25 Cato, James C., "Dockside price analysis in the escalle rings open, 4:21 Atmospheric gas supersaturation Florida mullet fishery," 6:4 pots with tunnels and escape rings open, Snake and Columbia rivers Centrop:istis striata-see Bass, black sea 4:20 salmon, effect on, 7:1 Cerithtdea calijornica source of crabs, 4:20 steelhead trout, effect on, 7:1 parasitic encapsulation Craddock, Donovan R., "Impact of cooling role of agranular hemolymph ceUs, 10:7 waters on the aquatic resources of the "Chemical characteristics of fish caught in the Pacific Northwest," 11:27 B northeast Pacific Ocean," by Maurice E. =-_---.,_ -see Hughes et al. Stansby, 9:1 Crassostrea commerclalis-see Oyster, rock Balaena mysticetus-see Whale bowhead Cheng, Thomas C., "Identification of prolifera­ Crassostrea gigas-see Oyster, Pacific Barszcz, Carolyn A.-see Yevich and Barszcz tive lesions in moUusks," 10:5 Crassostrea virginica Basham, Larry R.-see Gilbreath et aI. Clam, giant hematopoietic neoplasms, occurrence in, Bass, black sea Helen Reef, Palau, western Caroline Islands 10:34 North and South Carolina status of stocks, April 1975, 4:15 offshore headboat fishing, 1972-73, 3:13 Clam, soft shelJ Pacific Ocean, northeast Bering Sea neoplasms, gonadal and hematopoietic, 10:42 chemical characteristics, 9:6 bottomfish and herrinK Clams Soviet fisheries off U.S. coast, 12:1 phenol, effects on, 10:10 D Jap.anese trawl vessels proteomyxids "Dermal lesions and amebocytic accumulations U.S. observers board 4:1 relation to neolliastic diseases of 10:16 in snails," by Charles S. Richards, 10:44 Bimbo, Anthony-see Dubrow et aI. Clark, Robert C., Jr., "Impact of tnel trans­ Dermocystidium marinum Blahm, Theodore H., "Effects of water diver­ portation of petroleum on the waters of oyster infection sions on fishery resources of the west coast, northeastern Pacific Ocean," 11 :20 life cycle, 10:19 particularly the Pacific Northwest," 11:46 Clemens, Harold B.-see Laurs et al. pathology, 10:19

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