Providing Services to Forest Landowners in New Hampshire

Statewide Listing

UNH Cooperative Extension programs and policies are consistent with pertinent Federal and State laws and regulations, and prohibits discrimination in its programs, activities and employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran’s, marital or family status. College of Life Sciences and Agriculture, County Governments, NH Dept. of Resources and Economic Development, Division of Forests and Lands, NH Fish and Game, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service cooperating. Selecting a

Introduction The decisions that New Hampshire's private landowners make regarding how their forests are managed are crucial to this vital resource. Forests cover 84% of our landscape. They provide us with clean water, scenic beauty areas for recreation and wildlife habitat. They also provide raw materials to support the third largest industry in the state, the forest products industry.

Most of the forest land in our state, more than 75% in fact, is privately owned. The majority of New Hampshire's forest landowners don't have the experience, technical training or time necessary to adequately manage their forest resources. Fortunately, there is a large group of professional in the state available to provide a variety of forest resource management services. The state requires individuals who provide services for compensation to be licensed in order to maintain a high standard of forestry practices. Forest management is a flexible science that, to a certain extent, is governed by the goals and needs of the landowner. Clear communication of the goals to the forester will help ensure the desired results. It is very important landowners take time to establish reasonable objectives and priorities before contacting a licensed forester. Landowners should consider and rank the following: forest and wildlife habitat improvement, income generation, aesthetics, development of recreational opportunities, protection of water quality, and tax considerations. The qualifications, experience and services offered by foresters vary. Landowners should ask questions about a forester's training and experience to be certain the individual will satisfactorily accomplish their management goals. It's also a good practice to ask for and investigate references. Contacting other landowners with similar management goals will provide information about the capabilities of prospective foresters and valuable insights into the results of forest resource management activities. Foresters who provide assistance to landowners are frequently categorized as consulting or industrial foresters. Consulting foresters are either self-employed or work for a consulting forestry firm, while industrial foresters are generally employed by a specific forest industry/firm and most often have some responsibility to purchase raw material for their employer. A written contract or work order is recommended. It should include a description of the services to be provided, an expected time frame for the services to be accomplished, and fees. The fees and method of payment charged for forestry services vary with the type of management service provided. For instance, tree marking fees and commissions based on the gross receipts of timber sales are common timber sale-related, billing procedures. Other services might be charged on a set fee per acre or hourly rate. Some foresters provide services through industrially-sponsored landowner assistance programs where service costs may be offset by the reduced stumpage prices.

10/02/21 Page 2 Forester Licensing Laws The Forester Licensing Law RSA 310-A:103, addresses the issue of fees and their disclosure, and requires that "...when dealing with the public, forester shall: Identify clearly themselves, their employer, and in whose interest they are working. Disclose fully any financial or purchase interest they or their employer may have in the land or timber which they are working. Disclose fully all direst or indirect costs or obligations of services provided, including hourly or daily rates and commissions, as well as exclusive contracts to sell forest products to certain individuals or firms. Provide complete services requested by landowners or disclose clearly that such services cannot be provided. Services Foresters provide a variety of services to landowners including management plan preparation, timber appraisals, timber sale administration, wildlife habitat improvement, boundary marking, timber stand improvement, and recreation and aesthetic improvements. In addition, some foresters may have particular qualifications and interest in providing assistance in land surveying, urban forestry and landscape, Christmas trees, taxation, legal or other natural resource-related matters. Federal cost-share programs are available to forest landowners for accomplishing conservation-related practices. These include programs to help defray the costs of management plans, wildlife habitat, timber stand improvement activities, and trail and access road construction. Many foresters utilize these programs for their clients and provide assistance with the application process and related paper work. Management Plans Landowners seriously interested in the long-term management of their forestland and its resources are encouraged to develop written management plans. Written management plans are valuable documents landowners can refer to in their tenure as stewards of the forest resources. A plan should provide information about the past uses of the land, its current condition and recommendations and options for meeting landowner goals. The value of management plans to landowners is well documented. They are now mandatory requirements of the Tree Farm and Stewardship Programs. Plans are also needed for current-use stewardship documentation purposes for lowering forest land assessment. Management plans may vary in sophistication from a short report based on a brief walk-through of the woodland to a detailed document which may include wildlife habitat and forest resources inventories, computer-simulated growth projections, and year-by-year schedules of activities with projected costs and/or income. Whatever the level of sophistication desired, it's important landowners have plans developed that are easily read documents accurately reflecting their goals and needs. If a written management plan is desirable, be sure to ask prospective foresters about their experience in writing plans, and examine their work.

10/02/21 Page 3 Appraisals Done separately or incorporated into a detailed management plan, timber appraisals are estimated of the quality, volume and value of the wood products currently growing in a parcel of forestland. An appraisal of timber-related assets is useful for determining estimated timber sale revenues, real estate values, estate planning, and federal income tax purposes. Appraisals are often required for permanent land protection efforts such as conservation easements and are useful for planning forest management activities. Timber appraisals can be done at different levels of accuracy which are reflected in the cost. These can range from a very rough estimate based on a quick walk-through, to a detailed inventory and analysis based on carefully measured plots distributed throughout the woodland. Wildlife Habitat Improvement Many of New Hampshire's forest landowners have strong interests in maintaining, enhancing or creating wildlife habitats on their property. Wildlife habitat improvement practices include a wide assortment of management options. While these most often complement traditional forest improvement practices, wildlife habitat emphasis may employ land management practices specifically designed to improve or create wildlife habitat(s). Landowners with a special interest in wildlife management may want to inquire about an individual's training, experience and interest when selecting a forester.

Boundary Marking Foresters are often called upon to maintain the location of property boundaries. While only a New Hampshire Licensed Land Surveyor can establish boundaries common to another owner, a forester can remark established boundaries, research deeds and help to determine if surveying work is required. Some licensed foresters are also licensed land surveyors.

Timber Stand Improvement Timber stand improvement (TSI) is a term applied to a variety of silvicultural (forest care) practices used to improve the growing conditions and quality of trees. These include weeding and in young forest stands, pruning of potential crop trees, and soil scarification for natural regeneration. Foresters often perform TSI work for landowners or may arrange to have the work completed through other contractors.

Timber Sales Timber sales present an opportunity for landowners to generate income and improve of modify their forests to meet their management goals. While timber harvesting can be a valuable management , it's important for landowners to keep in mind timber harvesting has long lasting affects on all aspects of the forest environment. The decisions made regarding how a harvest is done are often the most important management activities made by landowners in their term of ownership. The next section of this booklet deals with this matter in detail. Foresters prepare and monitor timber sales in a number of ways. The steps taken will depend

10/02/21 Page 4 Foresters prepare and monitor timber sales in a number of ways. The steps taken will depend on the management goals of the landowner, the forest products harvested and their relative value. Landowners should expect a forester will, as a minimum, designate the harvest area, enter them into a legally binding contract with a reputable contractor, and provide some level of supervision of the harvest. More intensely prepared and supervised timber sales involve: pre-harvest marking, measurement and volume estimated of trees to be harvested preparation of harvest contracts including details of utilization specifications, down payments, performance bonds and payment schedules compliance and assistance with timber tax and other permitting requirements layout of skid trails, wetland crossings and landing sites showing and sealed bid procedures for awarding contracts showing and sealed bid procedures for awarding contracts a higher level of timber harvest supervision assistance with income tax reporting

A clear understanding of what level of services will be provided is essential when selecting a forester to assist with a timber sale. Recreation and Aesthetic Improvements Foresters often provide assistance with recreation and aesthetics improvements by combining these objectives with soundly applied forest management practices. Recreation trails can be developed for hiking, cross-country skiing and horseback riding by improving the skid trails used during timber harvests. Access roads constructed through cost-share programs often serve as recreation trails as well. Aesthetic improvements may be accomplished be patch cutting to create views, cleaning and seeding log landings after timber harvests, lopping slash and clearing and seeding skid trails, modifying timber harvests to protect or create aesthetically pleasing stands, or thinning areas adjacent to homes to make them more attractive.

10/02/21 Page 5 Timber Sale Guidelines The term "timber sale" is used to refer to any significant harvest of wood products involving an exchange of monies. Timber sales may involve sales of trees used to make (sawtimber), fuelwood, whole tree chips, pulp, or any combination of these products. A decision to harvest timber is a very critical one and should be handled as a business venture. Timber sales often culminate 50 or more years of investment in the form of taxes and management costs and have immediate and long-lasting effects on the future of all of the natural resources and amenities. Proper harvesting can provide multiple benefits: income, improved wildlife habitat, recreational access, views, and healthy and vigorous forests. Uncontrolled, exploitive cutting reduces such values, leads to environmental degradation, public resentment and legal entanglements. Your motives for selling timber should be based on informed decisions with a foundation of good stewardship of your forest and its related resources. Before You Decide to Sell Timber The following questions should be considered BEFORE selling timber. If you can't answer these questions or if you respond negatively to them, you will benefit a great deal by seeking professional assistance before initiating a timber sale. Have you identified your long-term management objectives such as income, wildlife habitat, recreation, and aesthetics? Have you developed a plan to achieve your objectives? Have you identified your objectives for this sale? What harvest method is best suited to meet your objectives? What affect will a harvest of this type have on your forest and its related resources? Do you know what your forest will look like following a harvest? Will the harvest leave an improved stand for increased value growth? Have you consulted with all parties having legal interest in your land (co-owners, mortgagees, banks, etc.)? What laws relate to timber harvesting on your land? What products are saleable from your land (whole tree chips, fuelwood, pulpwood, boltwood, sawlogs, veneer)? What is the anticipated volume to be harvested? What is your timber worth by species, product and quality? How will you be paid? Do you know how stumpage values are determined? Are your boundaries clearly identified? Have you identified sensitive areas on your land? Who is a reliable logging contractor? Are you familiar with timber harvesting insurance regulations and your liability? Are you familiar with preparation of a timber sale agreement? Who is responsible for payment of the NH Yield Tax?

10/02/21 Page 6 Will there be adequate supervision of the harvest? Do you have the information you need regarding federal tax treatment of timber income? Who Can Help? Unfortunately, many people proceed with timber sales without a clear understanding of the process and without getting professional forest management advice and guidance in advance. Assistance is available to landowners from both the public and private sectors. UNH Cooperative Extension foresters in each county are available at no charge to assist with a preliminary assessment of the situation and provide information and educational assistance to help guide landowners through the timber sale process. This may include helping to identify landowner harvest objectives and motives, and perhaps examining the property. This will help match individual harvest objectives with the resource needs and capabilities. Since their role is educational, Extension foresters have limitations on the time and effort that can be expended. They will often recommend retaining the services of a private licensed forester to assist owners with the administration of a timber sale.

Private licensed foresters assist with timber sales in a number of ways. They can, depending on your goals: identify property and sale boundary areas mark the trees to be cut estimate products, volumes and value of marked trees lay out skid trails, landings and wetland crossings advertise for and receive bids on your behalf take care of permit requirements (intent-to-cut, etc.) locate a reputable logging contractor negotiate fair stumpage values with the logging contractor prepare a written contract between you and the buyer obtain down payments and performance bonds for you supervise the logging operation assist with tax reporting

Timber harvests conducted under the supervision of licensed foresters are much more likely to achieve your management goals, will often generate higher stumpage prices than those achieved through direct negotiations with logging contractors, and will leave an improved forest poised for additional management. Increased revenue and better attainment of landowner management goals are benefits that outweigh costs associated with the assistance of a licensed forester in timber sale administration. Consulting fees for timber sale administration depend on the extent of service and the value of products being sold. Tree marking fees and commissions based on gross receipts of timber sales are common timber sale related, billing procedures. Why Do You Want To Harvest? Perhaps the first step in a well ordered timber sale project is to consider what your management goals are and begin to develop priorities based on them. You may have been approached by timber buyers or logging contractors, or perhaps you feel pressured by a need

10/02/21 Page 7 for money. Avoid hasty decisions and take time to think through why you want to harvest and get objective non-biased assistance so you can make informed choices on how to proceed.

Consider what you hope to accomplish by having a timber sale. Keep in mind compromises are likely if objectives conflict. Your objectives might include any combination of or all of the following: forest improvement access and recreational improvement wildlife habitat improvement land conversion for other uses maximum income tax considerations increased earning power and future value growth How is Timber Sold

10/02/21 Page 8 How is Timber Sold

Stumpage Sale Most timber marketed in New Hampshire is sold by way of stumpage sales in which the value of the trees is given as they exist in the woods or "on the stump." Stumpage value is the value associated with standing timber. Stumpage values offered for a specific timber sale at a given time depend upon market conditions, the total timber sale volume, the species and quality of the stumpage being sold, accessibility, and the seller's knowledge. Payment for stumpage is usually made in one of two methods. Each has advantages and disadvantages. The timber may be paid for by unit of volume (per thousand board feet, per cord or per ton). Timber sold in this way is paid for as it is removed and the scale (measurement of the product) delivered to the mill is accepted as the standard for payment. Records of delivery are kept on mill scale slips. Landowners conducting their own timber sale should request copies of mill scale slips, particularly if they don't have a preharvest estimate of the volume of timber being harvested. Scale slips are the only concrete evidence of the actual volume of timber removed. Timber may also be sold by what is referred to as a "lump sum" sale. Payment in this method is based on an agreed upon estimate of the total stumpage value. This timber sale method is best applied when an accurate preharvest volume estimate is made. Lump sum payments may be made prior to the start of a harvest or by installment payments made at agreed upon intervals during the course of the harvest. Since the total amount of money is fixed in a lump sum sale, it's very important landowners know the value of their standing timber before entering into a lump sum sale agreement. There are also different federal tax laws that apply to lump-sum sales. Roadside Sale Roadside sale is a term used when a landowner either harvests the timber or contracts to have the logging done and sells the timber at a location accessible to a truck. Payment and measurement is most often made on the basis of mill scale though it can also be done where the timber is picked up.

Delivered Landowners are paid a delivered price when, at their expense, they are responsible for the harvesting and transportation to the mill. Mill scale would be the basis for payment. This is commonly termed "contract logging". If you are selling high value timber, this method of sale often yields more income. Note: Each method of sale has different implications concerning landowner liability, worker's compensation insurance, etc. It's important to understand them before proceeding. Different Harvest Systems Available Landowners are often confused about the type of harvest they should employ. Timber harvests are, at best, a compromise of well developed resource management goals, appropriate harvesting technology, and available forest product markets. Ideally, the type of harvest you choose is dictated by a sensible combination of your forest's needs and your management goals. This issue is further complicated by confusion about the quality of a timber harvest versus the quality of management accomplished through a timber harvest.

10/02/21 Page 9 timber harvest versus the quality of management accomplished through a timber harvest. Timber harvesting quality may be rated by factors such as the utilization of harvested trees, damage to remaining trees, proper layout of skid trails, and the way that log landings are left. A timber harvest might rate highly from an aesthetic perspective but be rated poorly from a sensible forest management perspective. Depending on the method of harvest, trees may be designated for removal by marking the individual trees with tree paint, marking the areas to be harvested with flagging, or a combination of the two.

Individual Tree Selection Trees to be removed are selected and marked with tree paint to accomplish particular forest and wildlife management objectives. This is often referred to as an improvement cutting because one of the key objectives is an overall upgrading of forest quality and growing conditions by removing the lowest quality individual trees within the forest. The residual or remaining forest treated in this way has improved timber value and a relatively high stocking of trees overall.

Group Selection Trees are marked and removed in small groups or patches to accomplish a particular management objective which might be regeneration of a particular species and/or wildlife habitat improvement.

Selective Cutting This term is often used as a "catch all" for all types of partial cuttings. The Society of American Foresters defines it as an exploitation cutting and in many instances it is used to describe highgrading, liquidation harvests or diameter limit cuttings. This is in contrast to a selection cutting which has forest improvement as its primary objective. The point to keep in mind is "who's doing the selecting?".

Diameter Limit Cutting In diameter limit cuttings, all trees above an established minimum diameter are harvested. While trees are left after a diameter limit cutting, they are most often the poorest trees in terms of health and quality. Many liquidation harvests are in fact diameter limit cuttings. Most New Hampshire forests are in fact "even-aged", and small diameter trees are as old, although not as vigorous, as the larger stems. Diameter limit cuttings aren't usually regarded as wise, long-term, forest management options as they eventually cause a loss of stand vigor because the fastest growing trees are always taken first.


10/02/21 Page 10 Clearcutting harvests involve the complete or nearly complete removal of trees in a designated area. Clearcuts may be done in various shapes and sizes including patches and strips. While controversial, properly applied clearcutting is a useful forest and wildlife habitat management tool.

Highgrading Highgrading is a harvest in which the best quality trees are removed. The remaining forest may have a "thinned" appearance but in fact usually has greatly reduced timber value and forest management potential. Genetically poorer trees are left to provide the future growing stock.

Liquidation Liquidation harvests simply mean all merchantable forest products and hence the value associated with the timber asset of the land is removed. This is very often the net result of diameter limit cuttings. Clearcutting is also a liquidation harvest but, unlike diameter limit cuttings, the practice may very well be a valuable management practice to regenerate tree seedlings if it is completed with specific forest management goals in mind. Why A Written Contract Is Necessary

10/02/21 Page 11 Why A Written Contract Is Necessary

A written contract is necessary for a timber sale so both buyer and seller have a clear understanding of the conditions under which the sale is made. The importance of a written contract can't be stressed enough as it protects both the buyer and seller and allows each to see in writing what is expected of them. Buyer-prepared contracts may not protect your interests or rights as a landowner. Well-written timber sale contracts clearly define conditions of the timber sale, the responsibilities for performance and expenses. Any designation or condition in a timber sale agreement which doesn't express whose responsibility and at whose expense the burden lies can lead to unnecessary disputes. In other words, put in writing who is responsible for what and who pays for it!

A well-written timber sale contract should clearly: identify buyer and seller provide the location of the parcel being harvested specify price to be paid, basis of measurement, method and schedule of payment specify time limits for the timber sale including seasonal limitations if applicable provide for seller granting access to the tract of land for purposes of harvesting specify compliance with all federal, state and local regulations assign responsibility for payment of the N.H. Yield Tax provide for protection of the residual stand with penalty provisions for unnecessary damage provide for restoration of skid trails and landings assign responsibility for payment of the N.H. Yield Tax describe utilization expectations of all trees harvested include a disclaimer by the seller for any liability for accident or injury to the buyer, his/her employees or equipment require written proof of adequate Worker's Compensation and Public Liability Insurance provide for prohibiting assignment of harvesting rights to another without written consent of the landowner provide for resolution of disputes, perhaps a third party agreeable to buyer and seller assign liability for property damage (buildings, fences, walls, power lines, etc.) assign liability for damages and suppression expenses if a forest fire occurs as a result of the harvesting operation or because of carelessness of those involved in the harvesting provide for immediate termination of the sales agreement if any of the provisions of the agreement are not adhered to specify when the title for timber harvested transfers (usually when the wood is paid for rather than when it is cut)

10/02/21 Page 12 Timber sales are often unique. Therefore, provisions of each contract may vary. Licensed foresters are experienced in writing sound timber sale contracts to meet specific client and property requirements. UNH Cooperative Extension can provide sample timber sale contracts that are helpful if you are conducting a timber sale on your own. It may be advisable to obtain legal counsel when preparing a contract. Again, before proceeding with a timber sale, take time to become familiar with the process in order to make informed decisions. By all means, seek the services of a qualified licensed forester to assist you if you are unsure of any aspect of timber sale administration. Directory of Licensed Foresters

10/02/21 Page 13 Directory of Licensed Foresters Providing Services to Forest Landowners in New Hampshire

The Directory of Licensed Foresters is an on line database of foresters licensed in New Hampshire who provide services to private landowners and others. It is maintained by UNH Cooperative Extension. The names are supplied by the State of NH Board of Licensure for Foresters. Additional information is provided by the listed foresters. This listing doesn't constitute an endorsement. When selecting a forester, one should follow common sense business procedures and practices. For more information on managing tree farms, timber sale guidelines and forestry in New Hampshire visit our Education links page at Any qualified forester not listed or wishing to change their information, should contact [email protected], 1-800-444-8978, or Forestry Information Center, 131 Main St, 211 Nesmith Hall, Durham, NH 03824. Foresters can fill out an online request form to update their information by visiting our page at

10/02/21 Page 14 Codes for Services Offered

BA Boundary Assistance CT Christmas Trees ES Estate Planning FSP Forest Stewardship Plans WH Wildlife Habitat Management LPA Licensed Pesticide Applicator LM Provide Assistance in Legal Matters LS Licensed Land Surveyor MS Maple Syrup OAG Owner's Agent in Timber Sales PS Purchase Standing Timber RPD Recreational Planning and Development CSS Certified Soil Scientist TAX Tax Assistance CF Certified Foresters TFI Tree Farm Inspector TM Timber Marking TP Tree Planting TSI Timber Stand Improvement TA Timber Appraisal UFC Urban Forestry Consulting WE Woodland Exam Construction or Layout and Supervision of Woods Roads WRC Construction LP Land Protection CWS Certified Wetland Scientist SS Special Services (please describe) CWB Certified Wildlife Biologist TSP Technical Service Provider

10/02/21 Page 15 Greg Ainsworth James Airey Ainsworth Land Management , NH 38 Williams Street (603) 312-3598 Lancaster, NH 03584 FAX: n/a 603-788-5582 E-mail: [email protected] FAX: n/a Web Address: n/a E-mail: [email protected] Services Provided: TSI, WE, SS Web Address: n/a Special Services: Working with the Services Provided: BA, FSP, OAG, TAX, landowner, I can plan and implement TM, TSP, TA, WE, WRC, SS pre-commercial timber stand Special Services: Supervision & improvement .... administration of timber sales to include permitting, contracting, bookkeeping, ....

Karla Allen Matthew Apgar Garland Lumber HHP Inc. PO Box 3184 PO Box 489 North Conway, NH 03860 Henniker, NH 03242 603-356-5636 603-428-3298 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: n/a E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, CF, FSP, OAG, PS, Services Provided: BA, CF, FSP, OAG, TFI, TM, TSI, TSP, TA, WE, WH, WRC PS, TAX, TM, TSI, TA, WRC Special Services: n/a Special Services: n/a

C. Scott Aspinall Bruce Barnum Aspinall Equipment LLC Wildwoods Woodland Management PO Box 188 70 Mountain Road Tamworth, NH 03886-0188 Bath, NH 03740 603-323-8267 603-747-3416 FAX: n/a FAX: 603-747-3416 E-mail: n/a E-mail: n/a Web Address: n/a Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, ES, LP, OAG, RPD, Services Provided: BA, FSP, LM, OAG, TAX, TM, TA, WE, WH, WRC, SS TM, TA, WE, WH Special Services: Wood roads & recreational Special Services: n/a trails layout, construction and maintenance.

10/02/21 Page 16 Alex Barrett Charles Baylies Long View Forest Baylies Land & Timber PLLCo 48 Picz Road 61 Greenwood Street Westminster, VT 05154 Whitefield, NH 03598 802-428-4050 Ext 104 603-837-2680 FAX: n/a FAX: 603-837-2680 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: n/a Web Address: Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, FSP, OAG, RPD, Services Provided: BA, ES, FSP, LM, OAG, TAX, TFI, TM, TSI, TA RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TA, UFC, Special Services: n/a WE, WH, WRC, SS Special Services: Licensed Broker#3045 Assist in land purchase and sale, supervise trail building & erosion ....

Pierre Bedard Terry Bennett Pierre J. Bedard & Associates, PC Professional Land Services PO Box 632 1635 Hopkinton Rd. New London, NH 03257 Hopkinton, NH 03229 603-526-4928 603-746-2504 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: Web Address: Services Provided: BA, CWS, LP, LS, WE Special Services: n/a Services Provided: BA, CT, ES, FSP, LM, LP, LS, OAG, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TSP, TA, WE, WH, WRC, SS Special Services: Computer mapping/GIS, software consultant, sustainable design consulting

Robert Berti Stuart Bevin FORECO, LLC Stillwater Forestry LLC P.O. Box 597 425 Washington St. Rumney, NH 03266 Claremont, NH 03743 603-786-9544 800-237-9253 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: Services Provided: BA, CT, ES, FSP, LM, Services Provided: BA, FSP, OAG, TAX, LS, MS, OAG, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TM, TP, TSI, TA, WE, WH, WRC, SS TA, WE, WH, WRC, SS Special Services: Annual wood lot security Special Services: Land acquisition inspections

10/02/21 Page 17 assistance, timber availability studies, wood energy consultant.

10/02/21 Page 18 Craig Birch Anita Blakeman Proctor Hill Forestry and Logging, LLC Woodland Care Forest Management 22 Van Dyke Road P.O. Box 4, 92 Poor Farm Road Hollis, NH 03049 North Sutton, NH 03260 603-465-3310 603-927-4163 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: n/a E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, FSP, PS, TFI, Services Provided: BA, ES, FSP, LM, LP, MS, TM, TSI, WE, WH, WRC OAG, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TSP, TA, Special Services: n/a WE, WH, WRC Special Services: n/a

Stephen Bodkin Steven Boulanger Timber Resource Group Boulanger Consulting 550 Goding Road 109 Crane Street Acton, ME 04001 Littleton, NH 03561 207-636-9926 603-444-6085 FAX: n/a FAX: 603-444-6333 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: Services Provided: BA, FSP, LM, OAG, Services Provided: BA, CT, ES, FSP, LM, LS, PS, RPD, TFI, TM, TSI, TA, UFC, WE, OAG, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TSP, TA, WH, WRC WE, WH, WRC Special Services: n/a Special Services: n/a

Robert Bradbury Jake Bronnenberg LandVest, Inc. Bronnenberg Forestry Services One Capitol Street, Suite 300 250 Pittsfield Road Concord, NH 03301 Loudon, NH 03307 603-227-2414 603-765-5527 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, FSP, LM, LP, Services Provided: CF, FSP, OAG, PS, RPD, OAG, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TA, WE, WH, WRC TSP, TA, WE, WH, WRC Special Services: n/a Special Services: n/a

10/02/21 Page 19 Michael Brown Harry Burgess Birdseye Forestry Consulting 192 Hibbard Rd. 3958 Moretown Mountain Rd. Bath, NH 03740 Moretown, VT 05660 603-838-5260 802-777-5270 FAX: 603-838-6692 FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: Services Provided: BA, FSP, LM, LS, OAG, Services Provided: BA, CF, FSP, LP, MS, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TA, WE OAG, PS, RPD, TAX, TM, TP, TSI, TA, Special Services: n/a UFC, WE, WH, WRC Special Services: n/a

Robert Burke James Burnett Vermont Forestry Associates Lay of the Land Forestry PO Box 229 484 Canaan St. Fairlee, VT 05045 Canaan, NH 03741 802-333-4129 603-715-4053 FAX: 802-333-4508 FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: Web Address: Services Provided: BA, FSP, LM, OAG, PS, Services Provided: BA, ES, FSP, LM, LP, TAX, TFI, TM, TA, WE, WH, WRC MS, OAG, PS, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, Special Services: n/a TSI, TA, WE, WH, WRC, SS Special Services: GIS/GPS mapping specialist

Tracy Burns Jon Buschbaum Pioneer Forestry Services Envirespect Land Services, LLC 198 North Main Street 80 Murdough Hill Rd. West Lebanon, NH 03784 Nelson, NH 03457 603-298-6564 603-847-9984 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, TM, TSI, UFC, Services Provided: BA, CWS, FSP, LM, LP, WE, WRC OAG, RPD, TAX, TM, TSI, TA, WE, WH, Special Services: n/a WRC, SS Special Services: Septic System Design Septic System Evaluation

10/02/21 Page 20 David Buxton Richard Carbonetti New England Forest Products Landvest, Inc. 315 Sawmill Road, PO Box 186 5072 US Rte. 5, Suite 2 Greenfield, NH 03047 Newport, VT 05855 603-547-3207 802-334-8402 FAX: 603-547-2404 FAX: 802-334-7094 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: n/a Web Address: Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, CF, OAG, PS, RPD, Services Provided: BA, CF, CT, ES, FSP, TAX, TM, TSI, TA, WE, WH LM, LP, MS, OAG, TAX, TFI, TM, TA, Special Services: n/a WE, WH, WRC, SS Special Services: Marketing of timberland

Andrew Carlo Ross Caron Fountains Forestry Enman Timberlands 7 Green Mountain Drive, Suite 3 74 Main Street Montpelier, VT 05602-2708 Gorham, NH 03581 802-223-8644 603-723-0516 FAX: 802-229-2125 FAX: n/a E-mail: E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: Services Provided: BA, FSP, TAX, TM, TP, Services Provided: BA, CF, FSP, LM, TSI, TA, WE OAG, TAX, TM, TA, WE, WH, WRC Special Services: n/a Special Services: n/a

Charles Caron Aaron Carroll 247 Bragg Hill Road Alderwood Farm Forestry Services Westminster, MA 01473 140 Elm Street 978-874-5469 Limerick, ME 04048 FAX: 978-874-1790 207-793-2204 E-mail: [email protected] FAX: 207-793-8217 Web Address: n/a E-mail: [email protected] Services Provided: BA, CF, FSP, OAG, Web Address: n/a TM, WE, WH Services Provided: BA, CT, FSP, LM, MS, Special Services: n/a OAG, PS, TAX, TM, TP, TSI, TA, WE, WH, WRC Special Services: n/a

10/02/21 Page 21 John Caveney William Caveney 89 Lincoln Road Cersosimo Lumber Co. Inc. Spofford, NH 03462 167 Bean Hill Road 603-363-4464 Northfield, NH 03276 FAX: n/a 603-630-4188 E-mail: [email protected] FAX: n/a Web Address: n/a E-mail: [email protected] Services Provided: BA, OAG, PS, TAX, Web Address: n/a TM, TA, WE, WRC Services Provided: BA, PS, TM, WE, WRC Special Services: n/a Special Services: n/a

Donald Clifford Andrew Clifford North Woodlands Inc. Northwoodlands, Inc. 29 Alexander Ave. 29 Alexander Ave Newport, NH 03773 Newport, NH 03773 603-863-7947 or 603-863-2221 603-863-7947 FAX: n/a FAX: 603-863-6899 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, FSP, LM, MS, Services Provided: BA, FSP, LM, MS, OAG, PS, TFI, TM, TSI, TA, WE, WRC OAG, PS, TM, TP, TSI, TA, WE, WRC Special Services: n/a Special Services: n/a

Bryan Comeau Peter Condaxis Dalton Mountain Forestry, LLC 8 Shady Lane 1191 Gorham Pond Road Montpelier, VT 05602 Dunbarton, NH 03046 802-225-6705 603-988-7938 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: Services Provided: BA, FSP, OAG, TM, Services Provided: BA, CT, FSP, LP, MS, WE, WH, WRC OAG, PS, TAX, TM, TSI, TSP, TA, WE, Special Services: n/a WH, WRC Special Services: n/a

10/02/21 Page 22 Harold Cook Jeffery Coombs Greenleaf Products Ossipee Mountain Land Co PO Box 228 PO Box 599 W. Ossipee, NH 03890 West Ossipee, NH 03890 603-323-7114 603-323-7677 FAX: n/a FAX: 603-323-7686 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: n/a Web Address: n/a Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, CF, CT, ES, Services Provided: BA, FSP, OAG, TFI, TM, FSP, LP, OAG, PS, TFI, TM, TSI, TA, WE, WH, WRC UFC, WE, WRC, SS Special Services: n/a Special Services: Agricultural land planning

Swift Corwin Brian Cutter Calhoun and Corwin Forestry Swift River Forestry 560 Windy Row PO Box 481 Peterborough, NH 03458 Tamworth, NH 03886 603-562-5620 603-323-8986 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, FSP, LP, OAG, Services Provided: BA, PS, TFI, TM, WE, WH, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TSP, WRC TA, UFC, WE, WH, SS Special Services: n/a Special Services: Trails, and aesthetic work

David Dallaire Steve Danielovich 22 Anita Street North Sandwich Land Consulting Rochester, NH 03867 PO Box 95 603-332-7953 North Sandwich, NH 03259 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: n/a E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, FSP, LM, Services Provided: BA, CT, FSP, TAX, TFI, TM, OAG, TFI, TM, TA, UFC, WE, WH, TP, TSI, TSP, TA, WE WRC Special Services: n/a Special Services: n/a

10/02/21 Page 23 Beth Daut David DeGruttola 793 Crosstown Rd. Landvest, Inc. Berlin, VT 05602 PO Box 118 802-223-3675 West Bethel, ME 04286 FAX: n/a 603-568-5988 E-mail: n/a FAX: n/a Web Address: n/a E-mail: n/a Services Provided: BA, CF, FSP, LP, OAG, Web Address: n/a RPD, TAX, TM, TP, TSI, TA, UFC, WE, Services Provided: BA, FSP, LM, OAG, PS, WH, WRC TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TA, WE, WH, WRC Special Services: n/a Special Services: n/a

Ken Desmarais Sumner Dole P.O. Box 449 PO Box 161 Hillsboro, NH 03244 Concord , NH 03224 603-831-0159 603-491-2387 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: n/a Services Provided: CT, ES, FSP, LP, MS, Services Provided: WE, SS OAG, PS, RPD, TAX, TM, TP, TSI, TA, Special Services: Education, special projects WE, WH, WRC, SS Special Services: Geographic Information Systems, Forest growth and yield, Forest economics, Forest site ass....

William Downs Martin Duffany Downs Forestry Service Wagner Woodlands 5 Harvest Dr. PO Box 160 Milford, NH 03055 Lyme, NH 03768 603-554-8049 603-795-2002 FAX: n/a FAX: 603-795-4631 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: n/a Web Address: n/a Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, FSP, LM, LP, Services Provided: FMP OAG, PS, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TSI, TA, Special Services: n/a WE, WH, WRC Special Services: n/a

10/02/21 Page 24 Jesse Duplin Dan Earley Northwest Forest Management 322 Farrington Corner Rd P.O. Box 25 Hopkinton, NH 03229 Sebago, ME 04029 FAX: n/a 207-776-9006 E-mail: n/a FAX: n/a Web Address: n/a E-mail: [email protected] Services Provided: FSP, LM, OAG, Web Address: n/a TAX, TM, TP, TSI, TA, WE, WRC, SS Services Provided: BA, FSP, OAG, PS, TAX, Special Services: GIS database building TFI, TM, TSI, TSP, TA, WE, WH, WRC and management Special Services: n/a

Kevin Evans Peter Everts The Silvics Company, Inc. Everts Forest Management 267 Milan Hill Road 278 Cloudy Pasture Lane Milan, NH 03588 Barnet, VT 05821 603-449-3336 802-592-3088 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: n/a E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: n/a Services Provided: CF, FSP, OAG, TM, TA, Services Provided: BA, CT, ES, FSP, WE, WH LM, MS, OAG, RPD, TAX, TM, TP, Special Services: n/a TSI, TA, WE, WH, WRC, SS Special Services: Recreational trail and vista development

David Falkenham Peter Farrell New England Forestry Consultants New England Forestry Consultants, Inc. 180 Garland Road PO Box 111 Lancaster , NH 03584 Alton, NH 03809 603-728-8958 603-387-4338 FAX: n/a FAX: 603-875-3057 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: Web Address: Services Provided: BA, FSP, LP, MS, OAG, Services Provided: BA, FSP, LM, LP, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TSI, TSP, TA, WE, WH, OAG, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TSI, TSP, WRC TA, WE, WH, WRC, SS Special Services: n/a Special Services: Filemaker database design and support for CE and forest land information management systems. ....

10/02/21 Page 25 John Fogarty Edward Fortin Fogarty Forestry, LLC Allard Lumber Co. PO Box 112 74 Glen Orne Drive West Newbury, VT 05085 Brattleboro, VT 05301 802-449-7005 802-738-8633 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, ES, FSP, LM, LP, Services Provided: BA, ES, OAG, PS, TM, MS, OAG, PS, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TA, WRC, SS TSI, TSP, TA, UFC, WE, WH, WRC, SS Special Services: Buyer of hardwood logs and Special Services: GIS Mapping forest management

Chris Fox Laura French 198 Rainbow Trl. dba Laura French Vernon Rockville, CT 06066-5921 64 Johnson Mtn. Rd. . 603-748-2739 Unity, NH 03743 FAX: n/a 603-306-1493 E-mail: [email protected] FAX: 603-526-8690 Web Address: n/a E-mail: [email protected] Services Provided: BA, OAG, TAX, TM, Web Address: n/a TA, WE Services Provided: FSP, RPD, TAX, TM, TSI, Special Services: n/a TSP, TA, WE, WH Special Services: n/a

Ehrhard Frost Richard Gerard Full Circle Forestry Ossipee Mountain Land Company 6078 Route 113 PO Box 599 Thetford Center, NH 05075 West Ossipee, NH 03890 802-785-4749 603-323-7677 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, ES, FSP, LM, LP, Services Provided: BA, FSP, OAG, PS, TAX, MS, OAG, RPD, TAX, TM, TP, TSI, TFI, TM, TSI, TSP, TA, WE, WH, WRC TSP, TA, WE, WH, WRC Special Services: n/a Special Services: n/a

10/02/21 Page 26 Gary Gouldrup Matthew Grader New England Forestry Consultants Inc. Grader Forestry 72 Townsend St 1440 Washington Road Pepperell, MA 01463 Goshen, NH 03752 978-433-8780 603-545-5628 FAX: n/a FAX: 603-428-3448 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, CT, FSP, LM, Services Provided: BA, FSP, MS, OAG, PS, OAG, RPD, TAX, TM, TP, TSI, TA, WE, RPD, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TA, WE, WH, WRC WH, WRC Special Services: n/a Special Services: n/a

Erik Grove Patrick Hackley Southern Maine Forestry Services Inc. 31 Birch Ave 754 Elm St Gilmanton, NH 03237 Parsonsfield, ME 04047 603-267-6395 207-625-7100 FAX: 603-435-7274 FAX: n/a E-mail: n/a E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: Web Address: Services Provided: SS Services Provided: BA, CT, FSP, LP, LPA, Special Services: Timberland brockerage, OAG, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TSP, TA, land use planning, timberland investments, WE, WH, WRC timberland market analys.... Special Services: n/a

Frank Hagan Tom Hahn 139 Willson Heights Road FORECO LLC: Forest Resource Consultants Bethlehem, NH 03574 PO Box 597 603-616-8050 Rumney, NH 03266 FAX: n/a 603-786-9544 E-mail: [email protected] FAX: 603-786-9545 Web Address: n/a E-mail: [email protected] Services Provided: BA, TSI, WE Web Address: n/a Special Services: n/a Services Provided: BA, FSP, LM, LS, OAG, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TA, WE, WH, WRC, SS Special Services: Forest research, forestry computer applications.

10/02/21 Page 27 Mel Harder R. Steven Hardy Conservation, Forestry & Ecological Green Mountain Forestry Sciences 176 Rt 63 17 Fyler Road, Drawer N Chesterfield, NH 03443 East Hartland, CT 06027 603-363-4231 860-653-2444 FAX: n/a FAX: 860-653-2444 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: n/a Web Address: n/a Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, FSP, LM, MS, Services Provided: BA, FSP, LM, OAG, PS, OAG, PS, TFI, TM, TSI, TA, WE, WRC TM, TA, WE Special Services: n/a Special Services: n/a

Ryan Harvey David Harvey 107 Old Cemetery Rd. 51 Lancaster St Dorchester, NH 03266 Dixfield, ME 04224 603-236-1569 207-369-2071 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: n/a Web Address: n/a Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, FSP, LP, OAG, Services Provided: BA, FSP, OAG, PS, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TSI, TA, WE, WRC, TFI, TM, WE, WRC, SS SS Special Services: Administration of Timber Special Services: Recreation trail design, Sales construction, and maintenance

Megan Henderson Mark Herbert PO Box 145 Frog Hollow Forestry PLLC Silver Lake, NH 03875 2310 Stinson Lake Rd. 603-662-8555 Rumney, NH 03266 FAX: n/a 603-520-4947 E-mail: [email protected] FAX: n/a Web Address: E-mail: [email protected] Services Provided: BA, FSP, LP, OAG, Web Address: RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TSP, TA, Services Provided: BA, OAG, PS, TAX, WE, WH, WRC TM, TSI, TA, WE, WH, WRC Special Services: n/a Special Services: n/a

10/02/21 Page 28 Tim Hill Pete Howland 484 Scofield Mt. Rd. PO Box 2291 Ashuelot, NH 03441 Conway, NH 03818-2291 603-239-4558 603-447-5617 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: n/a E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, FSP, OAG, PS, TFI, Services Provided: BA, OAG, PS, RPD, TM, TA, WE, WRC TFI, TM, TP, TSI, WE, WRC, SS Special Services: n/a Special Services: Brush hog & Field mowing, York rake roads & landings

Matt Jacobs Michael Jensen American Forest Management 314 Hutchins Pond Road P.O. Box 978 Effingham, NH 03882 Farmington, NH 04938 603-833-1340 207-860-4108 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: Services Provided: BA, CT, ES, FSP, LM, LP, MS, OAG, PS, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, Services Provided: BA, FSP, LM, OAG, TP, TSI, TA, UFC, WE, WH, WRC RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TSP, TA, Special Services: n/a WRC Special Services: n/a

Brian Johnsen Donald Johnson Bay State Forestry Service Forest Land Improvement, Inc. 8 Watchtower Rd P.O. Box 385 Contoocook, NH 03229 Chocorua, NH 03817-0385 603-731-9325 603-323-8298 FAX: n/a FAX: 603-323-8932 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: Services Provided: BA, FSP, LP, LPA, OAG, Services Provided: BA, ES, FSP, LM, LP, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TSP, TA, WE, WH, OAG, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TSP, TA, WRC, SS WE, WH, WRC Special Services: Invasive Species Control Special Services: n/a Firewood Cutting Hazard Tree

10/02/21 Page 29 Douglas Johnson Geoffrey Jones 2 Rice Rd. PO Box 336 Windsor, VT 05089 Stoddard, NH 03464 603-723-8719 603-446-3439 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: n/a E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: n/a Services Provided: FSP, OAG, PS, TM, Services Provided: CT, FSP, LP, PS, RPD, TFI, TA, WE, WRC TM, TSI, TSP, TA, WE, WH, WRC, SS Special Services: n/a Special Services: GPS/Arc GIS Mapping, Timber Harvesting

Addison Kasmarek Peter Kasprzyk Greenleaf Consulting Inc. Seed to Stem Forestry PO Box 39 PO Box 788 Westford, VT 05494 Wakefield, NH 03872 802-849-6629 603-986-5547 FAX: 802-849-6689 FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, CF, FSP, LP, Services Provided: BA, CT, FSP, LP, LPA, LPA, MS, OAG, PS, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, MS, OAG, PS, RPD, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TA, TSP, TA, UFC, WE, WH, WRC, SS WE, WH, WRC Special Services: Invasive species Special Services: n/a control/management.

Barry Keith Michael Kelley B.H. Keith Assoc. Kel-Log, Inc. P.O. Box 326 Elm Street 743 E. River Road Freedom, NH 03836 Milan, NH 03588 603-539-8343 603-752-2000 FAX: 603-539-8343 FAX: 603-752-2061 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: n/a Web Address: n/a Web Address: n/a Services Provided: CF, CWB, CWS, Services Provided: PS, WRC FSP, LM, OAG, RPD, TFI, TM, TSP, Special Services: n/a TA, WE, WH, WRC, SS Special Services: Ecological and wetland consulting services

10/02/21 Page 30 Patrick Kenney David Kent Fort Mountain Companies New England Forestry Consultants Inc. 168 Granite Street 34 Stearns Rd Allenstown, NH 03086 Keene, NH 03431 603-731-5214 603-357-0442 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: Web Address: Services Provided: BA, CT, FSP, MS, PS, Services Provided: BA, FSP, LM, OAG, RPD, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TSP, TA, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TA, UFC, WE, WH, WE, WH, WRC, SS WRC Special Services: Food plot design, layout, Special Services: n/a and installation.

Ryan Kilborn Jordan King Meadowsend Timberlands LTD Hooper Hill Forestry, LLC P.O. Box 966 PO Box 132 New London, NH 03257 Wentworth, NH 03282 603-526-8686 603-786-2420 FAX: 603-526-8690 FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: Web Address: Services Provided: BA, FSP, LP, LPA, Services Provided: BA, CF, CT, ES, FSP, LM, MS, OAG, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, LP, MS, OAG, PS, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TSP, TA, WE, WH, WRC TSI, TSP, TA, WE, WH, WRC Special Services: n/a Special Services: n/a

Ron Klemarczyk Charles Koch FORECO: Forest Resource Consultants 40 Ridgecrest Road P.O. Box 161 Jaffrey, NH 03452 Contoocook, NH 03229 603-532-6118 603-746-4846 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: n/a E-mail: n/a Web Address: n/a Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, ES, FSP, LM, LP, Services Provided: BA, FSP, LM, LS, MS, OAG, TAX, TFI, TM, TSI, TSP, TA, OAG, RPD, TFI, TM, TA, WE, WRC WE, WH, WRC, SS Special Services: n/a Special Services: Market logs on behalf of landowner/client

10/02/21 Page 31 Bill Kropelin William Kunelius PO Box 54 Fort Mountain Companies Cambridge, VT 05444 168 Granite Street 802-644-2244 Allenstown, NH 03275 FAX: n/a 603-485-4459 E-mail: [email protected] FAX: n/a Web Address: n/a E-mail: [email protected] Services Provided: BA, CF, TM, TSI, WE, Web Address: WH, SS Services Provided: BA, FSP, MS, PS, TAX, Special Services: Chip harvest TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TA, WE, WH, WRC administration, wood fuel availability study Special Services: n/a

Shaun Lagueux Kevin Lemire New England Forestry Consultants, Inc. FORECO LLC: Forest Resource Consultants 70 Overlook Drive PO Box 597 Bristol, NH 03222 Rumney, NH 03266 603-481-2549 603-786-9544 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, ES, FSP, LM, LP, Services Provided: BA, CT, ES, FSP, LP, OAG, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TSI, TA, WE, MS, OAG, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, WH, WRC TSP, TA, WE, WH, WRC Special Services: n/a Special Services: n/a

Charles Levesque Lynn Levine Innovative Natural Resource Solutions, LLC Forest*Care 37 Old Pound Rd. 221 Partridge Rd Antrim, NH 03440 East Dummerston, VT 05346 603-588-3272 802-254-4717 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: n/a Web Address: Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, CF, FSP, LP, MS, Services Provided: BA, ES, FSP, LM, OAG, OAG, RPD, TM, TSI, TSP, TA, UFC, WE, PS, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TSI, TA, WE, WH WH, WRC, SS Special Services: Certification and GIS Special Services: Naturalist walk through Mapping property teaching fauna and flora.

10/02/21 Page 32 Jeffrey Libby James Long Libby Logging and Forestry Service, LLC GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. 246 Hobbs Rd. 5 Commerce Park North Suite 201 Effingham, NH 03882 Bedford, NH 03110-6984 603-520-1887 603-232-8756 FAX: n/a FAX: 603-624-9463 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, FSP, OAG, PS, TAX, Services Provided: BA, CSS, CT, CWS, TM, TSP, TA, WE, WH OAG, TM, TP, TSI, WE, WH, WRC, SS Special Services: n/a Special Services: Soil mapping, wetland delineation, permitting

Christopher Loomis Adam Lunsford Yankee Farm Credit, ACA HHP 518 Spring Hill Road 2014 Hopkinton Rd. Waitsfield, VT 05673 Hopkinton, NH 03229 802-735-6339 603-545-1702 FAX: n/a FAX: 603-428-3448 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: Web Address: Services Provided: LM, MS, TAX, TA Services Provided: BA, CF, FSP, PS, RPD, Special Services: n/a TFI, TM, TSI, TA, WE, WH, WRC, SS Special Services: forest mapping, , timber harvesting, forest management plans

Jason Lyle Ben Machin Quality Forest Managment Redstart Forestry 55 Pick Pocket Rd. PO Box 475 East Wakefield, NH 03830-3106 Corinth, VT 05039 603-986-2769 802-439-5252 Ext 2 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: Web Address: Services Provided: BA, CF, CT, ES, FSP, Services Provided: BA, CWS, FSP, LP, LM, MS, OAG, PS, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, LPA, MS, OAG, PS, TM, TP, TSI, TA, TP, TSI, TSP, TA, WE, WH, WRC UFC Special Services: n/a Special Services: n/a

10/02/21 Page 33 Mike Maguire Douglas Mahan Kezar Forestry, LLC DW Mahan - Consulting Forester PO Box 115 PO Box 274- 14 Mill St. Lovell, ME 04051 Kenduskeag, ME 04450 207-615-5508 207-884-8873 FAX: n/a FAX: 207-884-8873 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, CF, ES, FSP, LM, Services Provided: BA, ES, FSP, OAG, LP, MS, OAG, PS, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, RPD, TAX, TM, TP, TSI, TA, WE, WH, TP, TSI, TA, UFC, WE, WH, SS WRC Special Services: Geographic Information Special Services: n/a System (GIS) Mapping and Analysis

Jon Martin Leo Maslan Martin Forestry Consulting, LLC Leo Maslan Forestry Services PO Box 89 PO Box 444 New Hampton, NH 03256 Cornish Flat, NH 03746 603-744-9484 603-542-2371 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, FSP, MS, OAG, Services Provided: BA, FSP, MS, OAG, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TSP, TA, UFC, WE, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TSP, TA, WH, WRC, SS UFC, WE, WH, WRC Special Services: Tractor mounted york Special Services: n/a raking, bushhogging, stump grinding,seeding,fertilizing, and liming. ....

Brooks McCandlish Dylan McGuffin PO Box 112 McGuffin Forestry Services, LLC Bradford, NH 03221 49 Windfall Road 603-938-5354 Canterbury, NH 03224 FAX: n/a 603-630-2496 E-mail: [email protected] FAX: n/a Web Address: n/a E-mail: [email protected] Services Provided: BA, FSP, LM, OAG, Web Address: n/a TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TSP, TA, WE, Services Provided: BA, FSP, LM, LP, MS, WH, WRC, SS OAG, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TSI, TSP, TA, Special Services: Resource Analysis UFC, WH, WRC Special Services: n/a

10/02/21 Page 34 Dennis McKenney Bryan Mika New England Forestry Consultants Inc. 28 South Main Street 569 North Bennington Road Pittsfield, NH 03263 Bennington, NH 03442-4505 603-496-2487 603-588-2638 FAX: 603-735-5243 FAX: 603-588-2638 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: Services Provided: BA, CF, CT, FSP, MS, Services Provided: BA, ES, FSP, LM, LP, PS, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TA, WE, WRC LS, OAG, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TA, Special Services: n/a UFC, WE, WH, WRC, SS Special Services: extensive expert witness experience in timber, boundary and damage valuations involving trees, ....

Milan Miller Len Miraldi Woodland Services Tamarack Forestry Services, LLC P.O. Box 14, 242 Getz Road 34 Stowell Rd. Williamstown, VT 05679-0014 Norwich, VT 05055 802-433-5382 802-649-1564 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, CT, FSP, LM, Services Provided: BA, CF, FSP, OAG, OAG, TAX, TFI, TM, TSI, TSP, TA, WE, RPD, TFI, TM, TSI, TSP, TA, WE, WH, WH, WRC WRC Special Services: n/a Special Services: n/a

Jesse Mohr Scott Moreau Native Geographic, LLC Greenleaf Forestry 177 Fairview St. PO Box 39 Fairlee, VT 05045 Westford, VT 05494 802-933-1614 802-849-6629 FAX: n/a FAX: 802-849-6689 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, CF, CWB, FSP, LP, Services Provided: BA, FSP, OAG, TAX, OAG, RPD, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TSP, TA, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TA, UFC, WE, WH, WE, WH, WRC, SS WRC Special Services: conservation planning, Special Services: n/a education, and outreach

10/02/21 Page 35 Charles Moreno John Morse Moreno Forestry Associates KEAR-WOOD Inc. PO Box 60 83 Patterson Rd. Ctr. Strafford, NH 03815 Wilmot, NH 03287-4404 603-234-0444 603-526-6386 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, CF, FSP, LM, LP, Services Provided: BA, FSP, LM, MS, OAG, OAG, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TSP, TFI, TM, TA, WE, WH, WRC TA, UFC, WE, WH, WRC, SS Special Services: n/a Special Services: Forest product marketing, town forest management.

Paul Mulcahey Haven Neal 41 Old Mill Pond Road 137 Cates Hill Road Henniker, NH 03242 Berlin, NH 03570 603-553-9542 603-752-7107 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, LM, LP, OAG, PS, Services Provided: BA, FSP, OAG, TAX, RPD, TAX, TM, TA, WE, WRC TFI, TM, TSI, TSP, TA, WE, WRC Special Services: n/a Special Services: n/a

James Neil Timothy Nolin 813 East Road Forest Land Improvement Cornish, NH 03745 65 Walker Hill Rd 603-542-2912 Ossipee, NH 03864 FAX: 603-542-5635 603-651-9711 E-mail: [email protected] FAX: n/a Web Address: n/a E-mail: [email protected] Services Provided: SS Web Address: Special Services: Municipal timber tax Services Provided: BA, FSP, LM, MS, OAG, assistance RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TSP, TA, WE, WH, WRC Special Services: n/a

10/02/21 Page 36 David Noyes John O'Brien 148 Center Hill Rd. O'Brien Forestry Services Epsom, NH 03234 26 Tree Farm Rd 603-736-9203 Orford, NH 03777 FAX: n/a 603-353-9857 E-mail: [email protected] FAX: 603-353-4317 Web Address: n/a E-mail: [email protected] Services Provided: BA, CT, FSP, LM, LS, Web Address: n/a OAG, PS, TFI, TM, TA, WE, WH, SS Services Provided: BA, CT, FSP, OAG, PS, Special Services: Litigation (evidence RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TA, WE, search and interpretation). WH, WRC, SS Special Services: Design, layout and construction of woods access roads & recreational trails.

John O'Neil Eric Oxman 129 Groveland Ave. Granite State Forestry Services Inc. Manchester, NH 03104 PO Box 129 603-496-5836 Wilton, NH 03086 FAX: n/a 603-645-6868 E-mail: [email protected] FAX: 603-654-6868 Web Address: n/a E-mail: [email protected] Services Provided: BA, OAG, PS, TFI, TM, Web Address: TP, TSI, UFC, WE, WH, WRC Services Provided: BA, CF, ES, FSP, LM, Special Services: n/a LP, MS, OAG, PS, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TSI, TSP, TA, WE, WH, WRC Special Services: n/a

Allan Oxman Alan Page Granite State Forestry Services, Inc. Green Diamond Systems P.O. Box 129 125 Blue Meadow Road Wilton, NH 03086 Belchertown, MA 01007 603-654-6868 413-323-4401 FAX: 603-654-6868 FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: Web Address: Services Provided: BA, FSP, LM, OAG, Services Provided: BA, ES, OAG, TAX, PS, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TSI, TA, WE, TM, TA, WE, SS WH, WRC Special Services: 2nd opinion on forest Special Services: n/a management opportunities - emphasis on tree physiology, stand resilience ....

10/02/21 Page 37 Eric Parenti David Parker Cersosimo Lumber Co. Parker Forestry Associates, LLC 1380 NH RT 10 334 Maple St Orford, NH 03777 N. Berwick, ME 03906 603-355-6980 Day 603-353-9717 Eve 207-676-5838 FAX: 603-353-9717 FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, FSP, PS, TM, WE, Services Provided: BA, ES, FSP, LM, OAG, WH, WRC, SS RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TSP, TA, Special Services: n/a UFC, WE, WH, WRC, SS Special Services: Licensed in ME #218 Member of ACF.

Derek Patry Hunterr Payeur 25.5 Wood Street New England Forestry Consultants, Inc. Berlin, NH 03570 301 High Street (603) 723-7056 Boscawen, NH 03303 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: Services Provided: BA, CT, FSP, MS, Services Provided: BA, CF, FSP, LM, LP, OAG, RPD, TFI, TM, TSI, WE, WH LPA, OAG, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, Special Services: n/a TA, WE, WH, WRC, SS Special Services: Timber Trespass and Expert Witness Services

Clayton Platt Erik Polanik Pennyroyal Hill Land Surveying & Forestry Hopkinton Forestry & Land Clearing Inc. 418 Pine Hill Road PO Box 2089 Croydon, NH 03773 Henniker, NH 03242 603-863-0981 (603) 470-6285 FAX: 603-863-0981 FAX: n/a E-mail: n/a E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: Services Provided: BA, FSP, LM, LS, Services Provided: BA, PS, TAX, TM, TSI, OAG, RPD, TFI, TM, TSI, TA, WE, WH TA, WE, WH, WRC, SS Special Services: n/a Special Services: Whole tree chipping

10/02/21 Page 38 Luke Powell Michael Powers Powell Asset Mapping, LLC Bay State Forestry Services 234 Crystal Lake Road 469 Tanglewood Drive Gilmanton Iron Works, NH 03837 Henniker, NH 03242 603-364-0136 603-325-5430 FAX: n/a FAX: 603-673-2574 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: Web Address: Services Provided: BA, CSS, CWS, WE Services Provided: BA, FSP, LP, LPA, Special Services: n/a OAG, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TSI, TA, WE, WH, WRC, SS Special Services: Invasive plant species control. Field reclamation services.

Brendan Prusik Monica Prusik Forest Cover 54 Fish Pond Road 54 Fish Pond Rd Colebrook, NH 03576 Colebrook, NH 03576 603-273-1129 603-237-4822 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: Services Provided: BA, FSP, LP, MS, Services Provided: BA, FSP, LP, OAG, RPD, OAG, PS, RPD, TAX, TM, TSI, TA, TAX, TFI, TM, TSI, TSP, TA, WE, WH, WE, WH, SS WRC, SS Special Services: education, special Special Services: Habitat Planning, interpretive walks, some computer Productivity Restoration mapping

Eric Radlof John Randall Full Circle Forestry, LLC Hancock Lumber Company 113 Old Pound Road 43 Benson Road Antrim, NH 03440 Richmond, NH 03470 603-321-3482 802-380-0741 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: Services Provided: BA, FSP, LP, LPA, OAG, Services Provided: PS TAX, TFI, TM, TSI, TSP, TA, WE, WH, WRC Special Services: n/a Special Services: n/a

10/02/21 Page 39 Jordan Ratliff Brian Reader Bolewood Forest Management Reader Forest Management LLC 21 Mitchell Dr. 24 Otter Dr. Meriden, NH 03770 N. Waterboro, ME 04061 603-469-3081 207-205-5917 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: Web Address: Services Provided: BA, CF, FSP, LP, OAG, PS, Services Provided: FSP, TAX, TFI, TM, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TA, UFC, WE, TP, TSI, TSP, TA, WE, WH, WRC WH, WRC, SS Special Services: n/a Special Services: GIS mapping

Daniel Reed Peter Renzelman New England Forestry Consultants, Inc. 468 Alstead Center Rd. 35 Mack Hill Road Alstead, NH 03602 Marlow, NH 03456 603-835-6939 603-387-5279 FAX: n/a FAX: 603-588-2638 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: Services Provided: BA, FSP, OAG, PS, Services Provided: BA, FSP, LP, LPA, OAG, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TSI, TA, WE, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TA, WE, WH, WH, WRC WRC Special Services: n/a Special Services: n/a

Peter Rhoades Michael Richard 223 Thayer Brook Road Sweetfern Forest Management, LLC Alstead, NH 03602 774 Vernon Street 603-835-2346 Albany Twp., ME 04217 FAX: n/a 603-703-9150 E-mail: n/a FAX: n/a Web Address: n/a E-mail: [email protected] Services Provided: BA, FSP, MS, OAG, TFI, Web Address: TM, TSI, WE, WH Services Provided: BA, FSP, OAG, Special Services: n/a RPD, TM, TP, TSI, UFC, WE Special Services: n/a

10/02/21 Page 40 Darren Riggins Dale Robinson Western Maine Timberlands Timber Resource Group Inc. 278 McNeil Rd. 154 Airport Rd. Fryeburg, ME 04037 Whitefield, NH 03598 207-925-1138 603-837-8808 FAX: n/a FAX: 603-837-3222 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: n/a Web Address: Web Address: Services Provided: BA, FSP, PS, TAX, TM, Services Provided: BA, FSP, OAG, PS, TSI, TSP, TA, UFC, WH, WRC, SS RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TSI, TA, WE, WRC Special Services: Whole tree chipping, cut to Special Services: n/a length logging, , low impact logging

Galen Robinson Susan Romano White Mountain Woodland Services, LLC Saddleback Mountain Forestry, LLC 287 Beech Hill RD 330 Winding Hill Road Wentworth, NH 03282 Northwood, NH 03261 603-764-9899 (309) 333-1568 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: Services Provided: BA, OAG, TAX, TM, TP, Services Provided: CF, CWS, FSP, OAG, TSI, TA, WH, WRC TAX, TM, TSI, TSP, TA, UFC, WE, WH Special Services: n/a Special Services: n/a

Tom Ryan Allan Ryder Hopkinton Forestry & Land Clearing Inc. 21 Railroad Street PO Box 2089 Lancaster, NH 03584 Henniker, NH 03242 603-731-0783 603-428-8400 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: Web Address: n/a Services Provided: WE, SS Services Provided: BA, PS, TAX, TM, TSI, Special Services: Log Procurement TA, WE, WH, WRC, SS Forester with log yards located in Special Services: Creation of fields: clearing Colebrook NH, Burke & Hardwick VT and stumping

10/02/21 Page 41 Dimitri Savchick Paul Savchick PO Box 1803 Natural Resource Consultants Conway, NH 03818 PO Box 2237 603-986-6500 Conway, NH 03818-2237 FAX: n/a 603-447-5858 E-mail: [email protected] FAX: 603-447-5522 Web Address: n/a E-mail: [email protected] Services Provided: BA, ES, FSP, LM, OAG, Web Address: n/a PS, TAX, TFI, TM, TA, WE, WRC, SS Services Provided: BA, CT, ES, FSP, Special Services: Autocad based digital LM, LP, OAG, PS, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, cartography and geographic information TSI, TA, WE, WH, WRC, SS systems. Special Services: Geographic information systems.

David Scanlan Stephen Shaughnessy 6 Whittier Dr PO Box 1057 Bow, NH 03304 Campton, NH 03223 603-228-4449 603-726-4548 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, CT, FSP, MS, OAG, Services Provided: BA, ES, FSP, LM, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TSI, TA, WE, WRC OAG, PS, RPD, TFI, TM, TSI, TA, WE, Special Services: n/a WH, WRC Special Services: n/a

Andrew Sheere Troy Simino Long View Forest ZacJac Forestry 48 Picz Rd. PO Box 228 Westminster, VT 05158 Cornish Flat, NH 03746 802-428-4050 Ext 103 603-543-1115 FAX: 802-428-4051 FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, CF, FSP, LM, OAG, Services Provided: FSP, PS, TSI, WRC, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TSP, TA, WE, SS WH, WRC Special Services: Forestry Mower, Special Services: n/a Micro-Forwarder

10/02/21 Page 42 Jeffrey Smith Jeffrey Snitkin Butternut Hollow Forestry Full Circle Forestry, LLC 1153 Tucker Hill Rd. 752 Rt. 103A Thetford Center, VT 05075 Newbury, NH 03255 802-785-2615 802-310-0292 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, FSP, LM, LP, OAG, Services Provided: BA, FSP, LP, LPA, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TSI, TSP, TA, WE, MS, OAG, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TSP, WH, WRC TA, WE, WH, WRC, SS Special Services: n/a Special Services: GIS mapping, invasive species, and beech control

Bill Stack Daniel Stepanauskas Seventh Generation Forestry Northern Forest Resources 26a Linden Rd. 135 High St Hartland, VT 05048 Silver Lake, NH 03875 802-436-1961 603-367-8111 or 603-367-8669 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: n/a Web Address: n/a Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, CF, FSP, OAG, TM, Services Provided: BA, FSP, LM, OAG, TP, TSI, TA, WE, WH, SS PS, TAX, TFI, TM, TSP, TA, WE, WH, Special Services: GPS/GIS mapping; WRC, SS Ecological Inventory; Water resource assisting Special Services: Log marketing to including bank stabilization, .... achieve the highest return for each species, product and log grade.

Leon (Lee) Stevens John Steward Stevens Forestry Corporation; also dba Log LandVest Cabin Nursery PO Box 237 653 Main St. W. Stewartstown, NH 03597 Claremont, NH 03743 603-246-8800 603-542-7617 or 603-543-0384 FAX: 603-246-8883 FAX: 603-543-4032 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: Web Address: Services Provided: CF, CT, LPA, UFC, WRC, Services Provided: BA, FSP, OAG, TM, SS TSP, WE, WH Special Services: Brush & Field Mowing , Special Services: n/a gravel road grading - harley rake & vibratory roller - excavator.

10/02/21 Page 43 Jeremy Stultz Adam Taschereau Integrated Forest Management Greatwoods LLC 1231 Hallowell Road 58 Priscilla Lane Durham, ME 04222 Auburn, NH 03032 207-615-6387 603-644-1145 FAX: 207-225-5203 FAX: 603-644-1146 E-mail: n/a E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, ES, FSP, LP, OAG, Services Provided: BA, FSP, PS, TAX, PS, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TA, WE, WH, TFI, TM, TA WRC, SS Special Services: n/a Special Services: GIS Mapping and Data Mgmt.

David Thompson Ted Tichy Thompson Forestry Services PLLC North Shore Forest Stewards So. Station Road 12 Spruceville Rd No. Woodstock, NH 03262 Milan, NH 03588 603-745-8821 603-449-2209 FAX: n/a FAX: 603-449-2209 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, CT, FSP, OAG, TFI, Services Provided: BA, FSP, LM, LP, TM, TP, TSI, WE, WH OAG, PS, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TA, WE, Special Services: n/a WH, WRC Special Services: n/a

Robert Todd Jeremy Turner Land Use Consultants, LLC Meadowsend Consulting Co. / MTL PO Box 190 PO Box 966 New Boston, NH 03070 New London, NH 03257 603-487-2996 603-526-8686 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: Services Provided: BA, FSP, LM, LS, OAG, Services Provided: BA, CF, CT, ES, FSP, TFI, UFC, SS LP, LPA, MS, OAG, RPD, TAX, TFI, Special Services: Trespass damage appraisal TM, TSI, TSP, TA, WE, WH, WRC, SS and restoration design; CSPA hazard tree Special Services: Forest restoration assessments; current use ....

10/02/21 Page 44 Maria Urban Richard Valcourt LandVest Green Natural Resource Management 1 Capitol Street 70 Baldwinville Rd. Concord, NH 03301 Phillipston, MA 01331 6075913707 978-249-5546 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: n/a Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, FSP, MS, PS, RPD, Services Provided: BA, CT, FSP, OAG, TAX, TFI, TM, TSI, TA, WRC PS, TAX, TFI, TM, TA, WE, WH Special Services: n/a Special Services: n/a

Bret Vicary Benjamin Vicere James W. Sewall Co. Ben Vicere P.O. Box 433 22 Harlow Road Old Town, ME 04468 Springfield, VT 05156 207-817-5447 802-885-2025 FAX: 207-827-3641 FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: Web Address: n/a Services Provided: CF, FSP, MS, TAX, TM, Services Provided: BA, FSP, OAG, TM, TSI, TA TP, TA, WE, WH Special Services: n/a Special Services: n/a

Jack Wadsworth Tim Wallace Wadsworth Woodlands Inc. River Edge Forestry 35 Rock Crop Way PO Box 1203 Hiram, ME 04041 New London, NH 03257 207-625-2468 603-526-9290 FAX: 207-625-3289 FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web Address: Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, CF, ES, FSP, LM, Services Provided: BA, FSP, OAG, OAG, PS, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TA, UFC, TAX, TFI, TM, TSI, TSP, TA, WE, WE, WRC, SS WRC Special Services: Forest products marketing. Special Services: n/a

10/02/21 Page 45 Brooks Weathers Van Webb Lake Sunapee Logging, LLC Harding Hill Farm 2386 Rte 4A 524 Stagecoach Road Springfield, NH 03284 Sunapee, NH 03782-3900 603-340-1668 603-863-6493 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: n/a Web Address: n/a Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, CF, FSP, MS, PS, TAX, Services Provided: BA, FSP, LM, MS, TFI, TM, TSI, TA, WE, WRC PS, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, WE Special Services: n/a Special Services: n/a

Edward White Brendan Whittaker Cersosimo Lumber Company 675 Galaxy Hill Rd. 56 Clifford Farm Road North Pomfret, VT 05053 Dunbarton, NH 03045 802-457-1980 603-774-7396 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: n/a Web Address: n/a Web Address: n/a Services Provided: TM, TSI, UFC, Services Provided: PS, WRC WE, WH Special Services: n/a Special Services: n/a

Caleb Winslow Donald Winslow Wadsworth Woodlands Maplecrest Forestry 35 Rock Crop Way PO Box 25 Hiram, ME 04041 E. Parsonsfield, ME 04028 207-625-2468 207-793-2894 FAX: n/a FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: n/a Web Address: n/a Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, FSP, OAG, PS, TAX, Services Provided: FSP, OAG, PS, TFI, TM, TSP, TA, WE, WH, WRC TM, WE Special Services: n/a Special Services: n/a

10/02/21 Page 46 Donald Winsor Edward Witt 5 Birchwood Drive Madison Lumber Mill Plymouth, NH 03264 PO Box 224 603-481-0680 West Ossipee, NH 03890 FAX: n/a 603-539-4145 X 7 E-mail: n/a FAX: n/a Web Address: n/a E-mail: [email protected] Services Provided: PS, TFI, TM, TSI, TA, Web Address: n/a WE, WH, WRC Services Provided: BA, ES, MS, OAG, PS, Special Services: n/a RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TP, TSI, TA, WE, WH, WRC Special Services: n/a

Arthur York Wayne Young York Land Services, LLC Wayne L. Young Forest Management Riverside Courtyards P.O. Box 611 Berlin, NH 03570 W. Swanzey, NH 03469 603-752-7282 603-357-3693 FAX: 603-752-3927 FAX: n/a E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: n/a Web Address: Web Address: n/a Services Provided: BA, FSP, LP, LS, MS, Services Provided: BA, FSP, OAG, TFI, OAG, PS, RPD, TAX, TFI, TM, TSI, TSP, TM, TSI, TA, WE, WH TA, WE, WH, WRC Special Services: n/a Special Services: n/a

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