======______\ \ / / __ \ \ \_/ /__ _ ______) \ // _` / / _ // _` / / (_ < _ / / (_ / /_ _ \__,__\_\ \__,_/___\__,_ ____ ====== 2 Walkthrough (NTSC U/C and PAL Versions) Version 1.1 By: HeeroXXXG01W ______/ 1.00 \______ Revision History Version 1.1: Updated the introduction due to the announcement of Yakuza 3's release outside of Japan. Added the reward for completing the "Minigames" completion list in the Unlockables section. Added some information for the side mission "YUKIKO'S TASTES". Added some precision regarding the Premium New Game mode in the Unlockables section. Added a new section for the Coin Locker Keys. They are now much easier to find if you're looking for a specific Coin Locker Key. Fixed some spelling mistakes and typos. Version 1.0: The entire walkthrough is completed. ______/ 2.00 \______ Table of Contents [1.00] Revision History [2.00] Table of Contents [3.00] Introduction [4.00] Walkthrough [4.01] Chapter 1 [4.02] Chapter 2 [4.03] Chapter 3 [4.04] Chapter 4 [4.05] Chapter 5 [4.06] Chapter 6 [4.07] Chapter 7 [4.08] Chapter 8 [4.09] Chapter 9 [4.10] Chapter 10 [4.11] Chapter 11 [4.12] Chapter 12 [4.13] Chapter 13 [4.14] Chapter 14 [4.15] Chapter 15 [4.16] Chapter 16 [5.00] Unlockables [6.00] Shogi [6.01] Strategies & Rewards [6.02] The Shogi Trick [7.00] Host Club "Adam" [7.01] Supporting Takaya [7.02] Akko [7.03] Iori [7.04] Tamao [7.05] Ayumi [8.00] Managing the Marietta [9.00] Encounter Bosses [9.01] Kamurocho [9.02] Sotenbori [9.03] Shinseicho [10.00] Cabaret Girls [10.01] Karen from Shine [10.02] Kaede from Shine [10.03] Maiko from Shine [10.04] Yuma from Jewel [10.05] Natsuki from Jewel [10.06] Anna from Jewel [10.07] Jun from Prime [10.08] Madoka from Prime [10.09] Ayano from Prime [10.10] Nana, the Legendary Cabaret Girl [11.00] Underground Coliseum [12.00] HEAT Actions [12.01] Terrain [12.02] Weapon [12.03] Finishing [12.04] Wreckage [12.05] Super Finish [12.06] Komaki Style [12.07] Might [12.08] Crushing [12.09] Essence of Goriki [12.10] Coop Attack [12.11] Weapon Help [13.00] Shops [14.00] Items [14.01] Weapons [14.02] Armors [14.03] Accessories [14.04] Expendables [14.05] Miscellanies [15.00] Coin Locker Keys [15.01] Kanto [15.02] Kansai [16.00] How to Make Money Easily [17.00] Known Bugs [18.00] Contact the Author [19.00] Thanks [20.00] Copyright ______/ 3.00 \______ Introduction Hello everyone and welcome to my Yakuza 2 walkthrough! I've been a GameFAQs user for many years now and this is my first contribution! On GameFAQS, I am known as HeeroXXXG01W. With my love for Japanese culture, it was only natural to be led to this great game that we outside of Asia know as "Yakuza". I got the first Yakuza game shortly after its release in North America and I quickly fell in love with it. Even though the fighting system wasn't perfect, the story, side missions and minigames were great enough to make me a huge fan of the series. In September of 2008, the longawaited Yakuza 2 came out. I say "longawaited" because it was released almost two years after its Japanese release. The wait was worth it all. I remember when nobody knew if the game was actually going to come out or not and we all worried, but when the game was finally announced, it was a great relief. Not only was the fighting system improved, the game had also maintained its original Japanese dub and English subtitles were added. That change made a lot of people happy, including me. A game set in Japan should have characters who speak Japanese. Especially when it comes to the Yakuza because they have their own way of talking, which is quite interesting. I played this game a lot and finished it many times. I've played a lot of games in my life, but it was the first time that a game made me want to write a walkthrough for it. It shows how good this game is. To be honest, this guide was only supposed to be personal notes for myself. However, as time progressed, I decided to turn my notes into a guide and maybe help other people by doing so. That is why my guide is written in a different way from other guides. I can say that I'm very happy with the end result. It's exactly like what I wanted it to be when I started it. The guide was tested on every difficulty, so there shouldn't be any surprises. It was written for the North American and European versions of the game and I played it on a fat Playstation 2. And for those who are wondering, the game is on a single duallayered DVD, contrary to the Japanese version which came on two DVDs. Before moving on to the walkthrough, I'd like to say a big thank you to for announcing the release of Yakuza 3 outside of Japan. We had to wait a long time but we all know it's worth it. Also, thank you for releasing the game with Japanese audio and English subtitles. You made a lot of fans happy. Now, bring us Ryu ga Gotoku: Kenzan and Yakuza 4! ______/ 4.00 \______ Walkthrough READ THIS SECTION! IT IS OF EXTREME IMPORTANCE! IF YOU DON'T, THERE IS A HIGH CHANCE THAT YOU WILL MISS SOMETHING IN THE GAME AND BE IN A SITUATION WHERE YOU'LL HAVE TO RESTART ALL OVER AGAIN. YAKUZA 2 IS THE TYPE OF GAME WHERE PLAYING WITHOUT USING A GUIDE IS SUICIDAL AND THIS GAME CAN MAKE YOU SWEAR A LOT IF YOU'RE NOT CAUTIOUS. I ALSO DO NOT WANT TO RECEIVE EMAILS WITH QUESTIONS THAT WERE ALREADY ANSWERED IN THE GUIDE AND PEOPLE TO WRITE ME HATEFUL MESSAGES BECAUSE THEY WERE TOO LAZY TO READ AND MESSED UP THEIR GAME. 1. There are some things you should know about this guide, like how to use it, obviously. First and foremost, if you want to quickly go to a specific section of the guide, you need to press CTRL + F on your keyboard, then check the number of the section that you want to go to in the Table of Contents, write that number in the box and press Enter. You can also use CTRL + F to search for a specific word or sentence. That can be useful for finding a side mission or something else. 2. I did not write anything about the controls or how to perform certain attacks. The reason for this is that I feel it is useless. The controls are easy and every single move in the game, including the ones you learn are explained in the game. To find them, go to the Pause Menu by pressing the START button, go to the Status screen and press the Circle button. You'll find a list of all the the attacks and how to perform them. 3. If you're lost or can't find a certain place in the game, go to the Pause Menu and look at the Map. 4. There are minigames in this game and I did not write anything about them unless they are linked to a side mission. A lot of those minigames are hard and some are even very complex. For that reason, I wasn't motivated in writing a section for minigames. Do not worry though, this decision will not be a problem for you as I explain the essential or give you strategies when you need to know. The rewards you get from the minigames are cheap. It's all stuff that you can find or buy. Nothing valuable at all. I only found out what the rewards are for shogi. If you want to know what the rewards are for the other minigames, please visit ThePatrick's guide. He has an awesome guide with all the rewards in it. Because he played the Japanese version and made his own translation of item names, the names will differ from the English version, but I don't think you'll have any trouble recognizing the items. His guide is available on www.GameFAQs.com 5. I did not write strategies on how to beat most of the enemies in the game because there really isn't a need for it, even if you're playing on the hardest difficulty. I don't think you'll have any trouble beating most of the enemies in this game. If there's one advice I can give you, it's to not be reckless. I often thought I was invincible and the enemies could never come close to killing me, but that is not the case. An unfamiliar enemy can surprise you and put you in a dangerous situation if you're not careful. Yakuza 2 is a lot harder than the original Yakuza. 6. Save often. It's probably not the first time you see someone writing this, but in Yakuza 2, you must do it! You do not want to mess up and have to restart all over because you didn't save. Nobody will think that you're cool because you finished the game and didn't save a lot, trust me. Even if you're a veteran of the game, you have to save often! I still mess up from time to time. Also, use multiple save slots. Imagine if you mess up something and you realize it after you saved. That really wouldn't be fun, right? 7. This guide was written in order to be timeefficient, meaning that every paragraph, every side mission or other thing is placed where it's at because it will save you time. There is a lot of running from one destination to another in this game, so this guide will try to make you run as less as possible. 8. You should follow this guide from top to bottom without ever having to worry about missing something and searching for things that you could miss, unless you are told to do so. I personally like it this way and that is why I wrote the guide this way. It's annoying to follow the story walkthrough, but then you got to stop and search in another section to find what side missions can be done or what items can be obtained. It's very timeconsuming and I have saved you all the trouble. However, there is one thing you should know and it's the most important thing. Read paragraph by paragraph and not one sentence at a time. Let's say there's a battle seqence in the paragraph that you're reading. Under that paragraph, I tell you what actions you can perform or maybe what items you can get. If you only read one sentence at a time, you won't see what I wrote under the paragraph and you'll miss some things during the fight. On top of that, some things can be missed forever, so you have to be careful. Refer to the first paragraph of Chapter 1 and you'll understand what I mean. 9. There are many ways to gain Experience Points in this game, but one of them is when an equippable weapon breaks. For this guide, that is important information. Certain side missions or situations require you to be at a certain level, which is why that whenever you find weapons in this game, you should use them until they break. Doing so will level you up faster and more importantly, you'll level up at the same rate that I was when I was writing this guide. Of course, I'm not telling you to equip a really strong and rare weapon and go break it as soon as possible. Such weapons should be kept in your Item Box for stronger enemies later in the game, but you should always carry weaker, more common weapons if you found some in a Coin Locker or during a battle. 10. You'll find a lot of useless items in this game. It's mostly stuff that you can give as a present in certain side missions. Don't bother with it, sell them for good money. You will need the money. 11. When you're talking to a NPC during a side mission, do not press the X button like crazy to make conversations go faster. Often, you'll be given a choice of answers and if you press too fast, you'll choose the first choice and the first choice is often the wrong one in this game. 12. If you forgot to do a side mission, do not worry, you can do them at any time and you'll be able to travel between cities in the last chapter. 13. You can unlock bonus things after beating the game if you fulfill certain conditions. If you follow my guide, you'll fulfill all of those conditions. To find out what those things are, refer to the Unlockables section [5.00]. 14. Finally, this guide is spoilerfree. The only place where this guide is not spoilerfree is in the Super Finish section of the HEAT Actions because it was impossible for me to not mention the names of the bosses in that section. Enjoy the guide! ______/ 4.01 \______ CHAPTER 1 The Bloodstained Note After watching the introduction, you get control of Kiryu. Walk over to the three darker graves and examine them from left to right. After that, you will get the option to reminisce the events from the first game. Choose whatever you want, then watch the cut scene. You will now be in a tutorial battle. You can't die, so just follow the directions on the screen. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. NOTE: If you don't know how to perform these HEAT Actions, refer to section [12.00]. Terrain: Headslam Front Weapon: Headlock Staff Heavy Blow After the cut scene, you are now in Kamurocho, on Tenkaichi Street. Go right and you'll overhear a man talking on his cell phone about a fight going on on Nakamichi Street. Head there and you'll end up fighting some thugs. Beat them. You can already start training if you want. There are random encounters all over the area, just don't trigger the fight at Theater Square by not approaching the woman in red and the man. Note that all random encounters will stop once you gain 13 bars of experience. I also recommend buying some Sake bottles at Poppo and getting drunk to increase the random encounters. NOTE: A punk named Aggressive Guy is walking around Nakamichi Street. His group is tougher than the normal. You can beat them but you don't get any special rewards. Don't fight him until there are no more random encounters. You'll be able to get more experience from this chapter. IMPORTANT: If you want to perform all the HEAT Actions available in this chapter, you must raise your Soul to level 4 before anything else and make sure that you do all the HEAT Actions before you reach the experience limit for this chapter. NOTE: This has nothing to do with this chapter, but I suggest raising your Soul to level 6 before raising your Body to level 2 or your Technique to level 2, because it will enable you to perform new HEAT Actions later. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Terrain: Front Slam Wall Crush Back Slam Headslam Back Fire Drum Pillar Glass Case

Weapon: Rope(1) Big Brass(2) Dagger(3) Long Staff Iai Double(2) Smackdown Signboard Finishing: Armed Stomp Crushing Stomp Weapon Smash Front Finish Back Finish (1)Weapon bought at Poppo. (2)Can only be done if you're lucky enough to gain Brass Knuckles or a Wooden Katana from random encounters. Otherwise, you will have to wait later. (3)Can only be done with a Broken Sake Bottle, which you can find in battles in front of Café Central, or a Broken Beer Bottle, which you can find in battles at Theater Square. You must break it first of course. NOTE: After fighting a lot, you might see enemies just standing and bowing down to you instead of provoking you. This just means that they recognize your superiority and won't provoke you anymore. Nothing too special about it. Now go to Theater Square and help a woman named Rika. This is another tutorial fight, just follow the directions. After the fight, she'll take you to Shine, where Daigo is. Enter the club and watch the cut scene. You'll end up in another fight, beat them. You will then be in your first boss fight. He's easy so you don't need any strategy. If he loses a lot of health quickly, he will crouch and the game will indicate you that you can perform a Super Finish Heat Action on him. You can only do such attacks against bosses. Press R2 as fast as you can and if you can enter HEAT Mode under 10 seconds, you can press Triangle and perform that special attack. Note that if you were already in HEAT mode, you don't have to press R2. After the fight, watch the cut scene. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Super Finish: Super Finish ______/ 4.02 \______ CHAPTER 2 The Dragon of Kansai You will now be in Osaka, on Sotenbori Avenue. If you followed everything from this walkthrough so far, then there will not be any random encounters here. Because of that, there is one new HEAT Action that you can't perform yet, but you will be able to do it in the next chapter. Before doing any optional stuff, go west and a thug will stop you. Tell him that you peacocked his mom and then you'll fight him. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Terrain: Ass Crush Back Break Go further west and a man named Kurokawa will talk to you. Time for some optional stuff. ..::New Skill(s)::.. Golf Swing: Go to the Yokobori Golf Center and play golf three times to learn the Golf Swing, which is just a different attack that you can perform while holding a Golf Club by holding the Triangle button. ..::New Powerup(s)::.. HEAT Gauge Boost 4: You can add a bar to your HEAT Gauge by beating the YF6 Tournament Mode at Club SEGA. It is very easy, just dodge the attacks and quickly press Triangle to deal a lot of damage. ..::New Side Mission(s)::.. ~THE MAGUTAKO EMPLOYEE~ The Magutako is a stall located on the east of Sotenbori Avenue. Order food seven times there and the side mission will be complete. You cannot order it all at once, you really have to talk to the vendor seven times. NOTE: You will now be the vendor's friend. Every time you start a fight near him, he will help you in battle. You can make friends with many people throughout the game. ~THE WATCH DEALER~ Near the Magutako stall is a man screaming that he has something to offer you. Talk to him and choose to take a look at what he's got. Choose to not buy it and then choose to not pay him. Beat him and the side mission is complete. NOTE: If you did the side mission "THE MAGUTAKO EMPLOYEE", the employee will help you. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Weapon Help: Big Octopus ~A PRESENT FOR A GIRL 1~ Go to Club SEGA. Talk to the man playing UFO Catcher. Get a Robot Manager doll for him. When playing UFO Catcher, I suggest always going for the ones that are close to the front window because the window keeps them from falling from your grip. NOTE: In case you didn't know, you need to hold the X button to move the crane and release it when you want it to stop, then you repeat the same thing for the vertical movement. ~DINEANDDASH~ In front of the White Snake Ramen is a man. Talk to him and he will tell you that someone ate without paying and ran off. Go to Bishamon Bridge, which is the western bridge and talk to the fat man on the left. Beat him. ~A PRESENT FOR A GIRL 2~ On northern Sotenbori Footpath West, behind Sunrise, you will see something flashing on the ground. Pick it up, it's the Robot Manager doll you won earlier. Go to Club SEGA and talk to the guy again. Get the Robot Chief doll for him. NOTE: Do not discard the Swiss Watch, you will need it later. ~PREGNANCY~ On northern Sotenbori Footpath West, a pregnant woman will approach you. Choose not to pay her and win the fight. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Terrain: Cold Swim ~A PRESENT FOR A GIRL 3~ Go talk to the guy in Club SEGA again. Give him back his Swiss Watch. Okay, time to progress in the story. Go to Grand. Talk to the customer who's arguing with the employee. Leave Grand, go talk to Kurokawa and go back to the cabaret. Watch the cut scene. Time to fight! ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Terrain: Flight Stairs After the fight, go east on the avenue and Kurokawa will talk to you. Go east all the way and watch the cut scene. ______/ 4.03 \______ CHAPTER 3 The Yakuza Eater You can train again, and get some Coin Locker Keys. I always suggest that you train until there are no more random encounters and before you do any side missions, because the game doesn't differentiate the experience gained by fighting from the experience gained by missions, so you would gain less experience if you did side missions first. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Terrain: Cold Toss Wreckage: Arenaline Rush(1) (1)You can reach Soul level 6 in this chapter, making it possible for you to perform that HEAT Action. NOTE: After you reach Soul level 6, you should raise your Technique to level 3 and then concentrate on raising your Body to level 8 because it will enable you to do an additional side mission later, as well as perform new HEAT Actions, learn new skills and it will also help against your next boss fight. ..::New Coin Locker Key(s)::.. #36: On Sotenbori Avenue East, beside a dumpster located on the left of the taxi. Item: Black Jewel #33: Inside the M Store on Sotenbori Avenue. Item: Special Police Baton #10: Near the bicycle stand on Sotenbori Avenue, north of Iwao Bridge. Item: Lifestone #28: At the northern entrance of Iwao Bridge. Item: White Miracle Tonic #6: In the center of Iwao Bridge. Item: Masculine Cologne #37: On the ramp leading down to the northern Sotenbori Footpath from Iwao Bridge. Item: White Miracle Tonic #18: On northern Sotenbori Footpath East, under a big sign hanging on a wall. Item: Toughness Infinity #3: Inside Club SEGA, to the left of the YF6 arcades. Item: Dark Wooden Sword #48: Inside Club SEGA, where the bathrooms are. Item: Patriarch's Bat #50: Near the benches in front of Club SEGA. Item: Substitute Stone #38: Inside the Yokobori Golf Center, near the vending machines. Item: Italian Wallet #39: In front of the Osumi Pharmacy. Item: Staminan XX #29: Inside Sunrise, in the middle lane. Item: Skanda Water #34: Inside Stijl. Item: White Miracle Tonic #20: Inside White Snake Ramen. Item: Blackjack Charm #22: Near the taxi on Sotenbori Avenue West. Item: Tojo Fighting Secrets DVD #11: On the wooden walkway on Bishamon Bridge. Item: Pliers #41: On northern Sotenbori Footpath West, near the black and yellow thing. Item: Police Baton ..::New Side Mission(s)::.. ~A PRESENT FOR A GIRL, EPILOGUE~ Simply go talk to the guy inside Club SEGA again. Once you're done with all the optional stuff, go talk to Daigo and watch the cut scene. Enter the Omi Alliance HQ and explore the rooms on the second floor before moving on. In the top right room, you will find a Binding on the floor. In the bottom left room, you will find a Crowbar, and in the middle left room, you will find a Toughness Z. On the third floor, you will find a Tauriner in the bottom right corner. On the top floor, you must deposit all your items in the Item Box. Also, if you have a complete save of the first Yakuza game on your memory card, you will have Haruka's items in your Item Box. Unfortunately, those items are only used for healing or for selling. Even Haruka's Necklace, which was a good item in the first Yakuza, is useless now. Proceed ahead and watch the cut scene. Fight. Watch the cut scene. Fight your way down. Make sure you explore all the areas because you can find Zheng Liu Di and Ba Kong Huang items, which are respectively health and spirit revitalizers. For the big guys that are holding sofas, you should do Charge Kicks on them, which you learn after raising your Technique to level 3. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Terrain: Twin Kicks Chandelier(1) (1)On the second floor, you will jump on a chandelier. At first, you need to hit Circle and then you'll need to repeatedly tap the buttons shown on the screen. The correct order is Square, X, Square. Outside the building, there will be a three last guys to beat. I highly recommend that you finish the fight while being in HEAT mode because it will help you a lot for the next fight. After the fight, there is a cut scene and a boss fight! He can be a little hard. Just rushing him will likely end up in you getting hurt, so be ready to defend yourself fast after attacking him. He can launch an attack sequence on you. The correct buttons to press to dodge his attacks during that time are X, Triangle and X. If you do a lot of damage to him quickly, he will crouch and you will be able to perform a Super Finish HEAT Action on him. However, it can be hard to deal a lot of damage to him quickly with just punches and kicks, so I highly suggest bringing him near the low brick walls and using a HEAT Action while holding him to smash his head, resulting in a lot of pain. After the fight, watch the cut scene. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Super Finish: Violent Finish ______/ 4.04 \______ CHAPTER 4 Omi's Four Kings You will be on Shofukucho, which you couldn't go to before. Enter the Night Life Dojo and a man inside will indicate you where the bar named Aoi is. Go where the red dot is and watch the cut scene. Go back to the car to get Sayama. Her health will go down very fast, so you must go back to the bar as fast as you can. A man will try to talk to you, but just run past him by hugging the right wall. After that, it's time to do optional stuff. At some point, Tamiyo will call you and ask you to pick up some bandages at the Osumi Pharmacy. Only do so when you're done with the optional stuff. Train until there are no more random encounters. NOTE: There is a chance that you will encounter the Encounter Bosses "Gamra Itakura" and "Bloody Seyama" in this chapter. For more information about Encounter Bosses, refer to section [9.00]. ..::New Powerup(s)::.. HEAT Gauge Boost 1: Open Coin Locker #22 and watch the "Legend of the First Patriarch" DVD at Gandhara. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Weapon: Stun Gun(1) Pliers Back(2a) Pliers Front(2b) Golf(3) (1)Weapon is gained by opening Coin Locker #15.

(2a)Weapon is gained by opening Coin Locker #11. This one is performed when an enemy isn't attacking. (2b)This one is performed when an enemy is attacking. (3)Can only be done after getting 800 points in the Alien Course during the side mission "ALBATROSS AKAGI'S CLUB". NOTE: As you can see, you have to do a side mission before being able to do Golf, but you have to train until there are no more random encounters first, so you'll have to wait until later to do it. You can do Golf during a side mission, just make sure you have a Golf Club with you, which you can pick up in a fight in front of Ebisu Pawn. I'll remind you to do Jutte when the time comes. ..::New Coin Locker Key(s)::.. #31: Near the taxi on Shofukucho East. Item: Bug Spray #43: At the southern end of Bunzaemon Boulevard. Item: Antique Hand Grenade #4: On Bunzaemon Boulevard, southwest of Iwao Bridge, it is near a very high gray pole. Item: Modified Lighter #2: On southern Sotenbori Footpath East, under Iwao Bridge. Item: Tortoiseshell Plate #46: Up the stairs, behind Le Marche, on the southern Sotenbori Footpath. Item: Banker's Game Piece #24: Behind Le Marche, on the southern Sotenbori Footpath. Item: Staminan X #44: Near the Save Point, on the southern Sotenbori Footpath. Item: Black Belt #21: Inside Don Quijote. Item: Skanda Water #19: On southern Sotenbori Footpath West, near the Black and yellow thing. Item: Motomiya's Dagger #45: Down the southern stairs of the wooden walkway on Bishamon Bridge. Item: Fighter's Binding #1: In front of the Coin Lockers. Item: Staminan Royale #15: On Shofukucho West, north of the Save Point but south of Reach Towers Mahjong. Item: Broken Stun Gun #32: At the western end of Shofukucho South. Item: Lightning Bomb #7: In front of Gandhara. Item: Attaché Case #42: At the eastern end of Shofukucho South. Item: Extendable Staff #25: West of the Night Life Dojo. Item: Flash Grenade #9: Inside the Night Life Dojo. Item: Toughness ZZ #47: Inside Ebisu Pawn. Item: Toughness Emperor #27: Near Le Marche. Item: Butterfly Knife. NOTE: You can finally open Coin Lockers in this chapter. Make sure you open Coin Lockers #22 and #45, along with #11 and #15. You will get a DVD, a new armor and two new weapons that will enable you to do three new HEAT Actions! Make sure you have enough space in your inventory though. ..::New Side Mission(s)::.. ~THE SOTENBORI BARKER~ Near Zuboraya, on Sotenbori, a man is being bothered by a thug. Help him by defeating the thug and he will become your friend. ~ALBATROSS AKAGI'S CLUB~ After playing golf five times since the beginning of the game, a man named Akagi will appear in the Yokobori Golf Center. Talk to him and accept. You will have to get 800 points in the Alien Course. Sounds hard, right? If you do what I say, you'll do good and I'm sure you'll succeed at one point. First, always aim at 17.7 degrees against the wind. Obviously, the "100" circles are what you're aiming for. Under the revolving point, there is a cross. Imagine the whole thing is a clock and the crossing point is the middle of the clock. You will always aim between 3 and 6 o'clock. Depending on the wind, here's when you should start shooting: 20 to the left = At 6 o'clock 21 to the left = At 6 o'clock 22 to the left = The instant it fully crosses 6 o'clock 23 to the left = At 5 o'clock 24 to the left = Right before it touches 3 o'clock 25 to the left = Right before it touches 3 o'clock 20 to the right = At 3 o'clock 21 to the right = At 3 o'clock 22 to the right = Right before it touches 3 o'clock 23 to the right = Right before it touches 3 o'clock 24 to the right = Right before it touches 3 o'clock 25 to the right = At 5 o'clock Your shot must be a perfect shot (when Kiryu screams) or a near perfect shot in order to hit the target. When you succeed, you will learn the Essence of Golf, which enables you to perform a new HEAT Action while holding a Golf Club. You will also get a 5iron Signed by Akagi, which you have to sell to the owner of Ebisu Pawn to become his friend and complete this side mission. ~COUNCILOR SAEKI: THE ENCOUNTER~ South of the Coin Lockers, two men are being threatened by a thug. Help them and you will be rewarded with a useless book. ~SHIGERU KANAMATSU: THE ENCOUNTER~ In front of Don Quijote, bump into the man wearing a yellow suit with hostesses next to him. Tell him that you're fine and the side mission will be complete. You can talk to him again at Le Marche if you want, but it doesn't do anything. NOTE: You can do the Cabaret Club side missions at Prime, but we don't have the funds for that in such an early part of the game. You can also buy a Lau's Broadsword and a Iai Katana at Ebisu Pawn that would allow you to complete two new HEAT Actions, but it's a waste of money to buy them. You should wait for later. Time to progress in the story. Go buy the bandages at the Osumi Pharmacy and bring them back to Tamiyo. Watch the cut scene. ..::New Coin Locker Key(s)::.. #14: Inside Aoi. Item: Steel Shin Guards Go to Reach Towers Mahjong and talk to the man in front. You'll have to get an invitation. Make sure you don't talk to him until you get to fight him because you'll miss out on a side mission later. Talk to the man a little to the north. If you're a perfectionist, it is important now that you save your game! Go to Club SEGA and talk to Jongka. Get a red Kitty Kat for him. You only get one chance, and it doesn't matter if you fail, but if you're a perfectionist like me, you might want to load your game again and retry. After that, talk to him again. Accept his offer and go talk to talk to yakuza near the Coin Lockers. Refuse to pay and beat him. Go to the southern Sotenbori Footpath and talk to the man in red under the umbrella. You can enter Reach Towers Mahjong now. ..::New Coin Locker Key(s)::.. #13: Near the counter inside Reach Towers Mahjong. Item: Toughness Z Talk to the man wearing a blue vest and answer: "It's your call". Pay him to get some information. Watch the cut scenes. Don't pay him this time. Instead, go talk to Kurokawa who's on Iwao Bridge. After that, go talk to the bartender at Stijl and then return to Esaki and tell him about the almonds. Watch the cut scene. Beat them. Watch cut scenes again. ..::New Side Mission(s)::.. ~THE TROUBLED COMEDY DUO~ Go to Stijl and talk to the man drinking at the counter. Tell him that he shouldn't give up and leave the bar. Beat the guy and then catch him. He's just south of you. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Weapon Help: Big Fan Go back to Aoi now and watch the cut scenes. ______/ 4.05 \______ CHAPTER 5 A Hidden Past Train until there are no more random encounters. However, there is a possibility that there will be no random encounters. If that's the case, the reason for that is that you already reached the limit of experience gained from random battles in the game. And yes, it also means that there will be no random encounters anymore until you reach the last chapters of the game. NOTE: There is a chance that you will encounter the Encounter Bosses "Koji Murasame" and "Dynamite Jin" in this chapter. For more information about Encounter Bosses, refer to section [9.00]. NOTE: If you listened to me about how to level up Kiryu, then you should reach Body level 8 in this chapter. After reaching that, you'll then be free to level up Kiryu whichever way you want. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Weapon: Umbrella(1) Bat(2) Broad Iai(3) Bowling(4) Iron (5) Stove(6) Salt(7) Syringe(8) (1)You can get an Elegant Umbrella from the Weapons Dealer on the fifth floor of the Ryugujo. (2)You can get a Patriarch's Bat by opening Coin Locker #31. You must complete the side mission "AMERICAN BASEBALL" before being able to do it. (3)You can get a Chinese Broadsword by opening Coin Locker #17. It can also be done with a Saw which you can get by opening Coin Locker #23. (4)You can get a 100lb Bowling Ball by opening Coin Locker #7. You must complete the side mission "BOWLING" before being able to do it. (5)You can get a Modified Iron from the Weapons Dealer on the fifth floor of the Ryugujo. (6)You can get a Modified Portable Stove from the Weapons Dealer on the fifth floor of the Ryugujo and also in battles in the Champion District. (7)You can get Table Salt by opening Coin Locker #33. It can also be found in battles in the Champion District. (8)The Syringe can only be found in battles in the Parking Lot on Shichifuku Street and also in battles behind Kotobuki Drugs. ..::New Skill(s)::.. Bat Swing: Go to the Yoshida Batting Cage and play baseball three times to learn the Bat Swing, which is just a different attack that you can perform while holding a Bat by holding the Triangle button. Dodge Combo: Go to Beam and buy the "Space Ninja 3: Galaxy Castle" DVD, then go to Fusion and watch it to learn the Dodge Combo. You also need to have your Body at level 5 to learn it. Be careful, if you don't want to trigger a side mission, do not get too close to the men in black who are just south of Beam. ..::New Powerup(s)::.. HEAT Gauge Boost 2: Open Coin Locker #10 and watch the "Way of the Samurai" DVD at Fusion. HEAT Gauge Boost 3: Go to Love in Heart and complete either the Normal Shiatsu or the Special Shiatsu. It's easy, you have to keep the bar from hitting one end or the other. Press Triangle repeatedly to go down, and X to go up. IMPORTANT: In the area behind Kotobuki Drugs, you will find a cat. Check it, it is important for later in the game. ..::New Coin Locker Key(s)::.. #21: Inside Serena. Item: Dark Wooden Sword #34: Behind Serena. Item: Player's Game Piece #6: Inside Public Park 3. Item: Women's Underwear #8: On Suppon Street, which is north of Serena. Item: Toughness Emperor #7: Inside Mach Bowling, in front of the bathrooms. Item: 100lb Bowling Ball #4: In front of Club SEGA at Theater Square. Item: Toughness ZZ #36: Inside Club SEGA at Theater Square. Item: Skanda Water #44: Inside Deborah, in front of the bathrooms. Item: Insulated Shirt #45: On Shichifuku Street West, near the taxi. Item: Water Pot #9: Inside Children's Park. Item: Brass Knuckles #25: Inside the Yoshida Batting Cage. Item: Toughness Emperor #42: At the northernmost end of the Hotel District, east of the Yoshida Batting Cage. Item: Western Shield (Be careful, if you don't want to trigger a side mission, don't go on the little street just north of the Yoshida Batting Cage to get to that key.) #40: Inside MEB. Item: Extendable Staff #16: In the northern part of the Millennium Tower terrain, near a red sign. Item: White Miracle Tonic #23: In the little street south of Beam. Item: Saw (Be careful, if you don't want to trigger a side mission, do not get too close the men in black who are just east of that street.) #39: Inside Beam. Item: Staminan Spark #46: In the Parking Lot on Shichifuku Street. Item: Ashtray #47: In the little "L" area, east of the Parking Lot on Shichifuku Street. Item: Hercules Knuckles (Be careful, if you don't want to trigger a side mission, don't go near the men talking in front of the building right beside the Parking Lot.) #28: In the northeastern corner of the Champion District. Item: Extendable Staff (Be careful, if you don't want to trigger a side mission, don't walk near Shellac.) #3: In the Vacant Lot, south of the Champion District, where Komaki is. Item: Toughness Emperor #10: On Taihei Boulevard East, near the entrance to the Champion District. Item: Samurai DVD #17: Inside Kyushu No. 1 Star. Item: Chinese Broadsword #37: In the "L" area located to the west of Senryo Avenue. Item: Gauntlets #33: At the end of the street that's connected to Senryo Avenue on the east. Item: Table Salt #38: On Showa Street East, near the entrance to Senryo Avenue. Item: Turmeric Pills #12: Inside Don Quijote. Item: Wooden Katana #35: Inside Café Alps. Item: Bear Cellphone Accessory #1: Inside Orchid Palace Mahjong. Item: Substitute Stone #18: In the northeastern corner of the inverted "Y" area, east of Nakamichi Street. Item: Pepper Spray #29: Inside Poppo Nakamichi Street. Item: Rope #26: In the area behind Kotobuki Drugs, in the southeastern corner. Item: Antique Hand Grenade #5: In the Millennium Tower Garden, near the left stairs. Item: Staminan XX #15: In front of the Coin Lockers. Item: Tauriner Maximum #30: Inside Café Central. Item: Staminan Royale (The description for the side mission you trigger is right below.) ..::New Side Mission(s)::.. ~THE ARSONIST~ In front of Café Central, Kiryu will see an arsonist. Talk to him and then chase him. He'll be southwest of the Coin Lockers, on the left of the green truck. Beat him. ~THE RAMEN SHOP OWNER~ Buy every meal at Kyushu No. 1 Star and talk to the manager. You will now be his friend. However, since you can only order food when your health is not full, you'll need to deliberately get hit as much as you can in side missions and then go to the restaurant to eat as much as you can after. ..::New Food(s)::.. Kyushu No. 1 Star: Everything ~THE CLERK AT EBISU PAWN KAMUROCHO~ After buying or selling nine things (not all at once) at Ebisu Pawn, a yakuza will be bothering the clerk the next time you enter. Talk to him, leave the store, beat him. You'll now be the clerk's friend. ~KOMAKI TRAINING: MULTIPLE OPPONENTS~ Go to the Vacant Lot south of the Champion District and talk to Komaki to start training. Do what he says and you will learn the Komaki Fist Reversal. If you're playing on the Easy difficulty, they will try to get away from you instead of attacking you, so the strategy you should use is to corner one, then lock on him with your back facing him and do Back Kicks by pressing Triangle. To complete this side mission, you must defeat all the fighters at the Underground Coliseum, which you can only do at the end of the game. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Komaki Style: Tortoise Phoenix Dragon Tiger ~KOMAKI TRAINING: THE SECRETS OF HEAT~ To get the prize that Komaki mentions, you must do a time of under ten seconds. The trick is to grab a Rubble and hit two people at the same time with a Triangle attack. The prize you are given is random. To complete this side mission, you must defeat all the fighters at the Underground Coliseum, which you can only do at the end of the game. ~KOMAKI TRAINING: ANTIFIREARM COMBAT~ You don't have to do what he says. Just run up to the guy as fast as you can and beat him up! After that, do what he says and you will learn the Komaki Shot Stopper. To complete this side mission, you must defeat all the fighters at the Underground Coliseum, which you can only do at the end of the game. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Komaki Style: Shot Parry ~THE BARKER ON SHOWA STREET EAST~ On Showa Street East, a yakuza is bothering a barker. Help him and you'll become his friend. ~HELPING THE SUNFLOWER ORPHANAGE 1~ Near the taxi on Nakamichi Street, you'll find the Headmistress of Sunflower Orphanage. Give her 10,000 yen and then talk to her again. Answer: "Give him an activity he enjoys". You'll get an email from Haruka and you'll have to go to Theater Square to get the dog. Move away from this screen and you'll get another email from Haruka and then you'll have to go talk to the Headmistress to complete this side mission. ~HELPING THE SUNFLOWER ORPHANAGE 2~ After giving 30,000 yen to the Headmistress, talk to her again and make donations until you have given her 250,000 yen. Move away from this screen and you'll get an email from Haruka and then you'll have to go talk to the Headmistress to complete this side mission. ~HELPING THE SUNFLOWER ORPHANAGE 3~ After giving 50,000 yen to the Headmistress, talk to her again. After a while, you'll get a call. Beat the thugs and then go see the Headmistress. NOTE: If you did the side mission "THE BARKER ON SHOWA STREET EAST", the barker will help you. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Weapon Help: Gold Necklace ~HELPING THE SUNFLOWER ORPHANAGE 4~ After giving 100,000 yen to the Headmistress, talk to her again and accept. Go to the Items menu and press R1. Choose the business card that the contractor gave you in the previous side mission and call him. Talk to the Headmistress, wait a while to receive Haruka's email and then talk to the Headmistress again. NOTE: Before doing the next side mission, buy a bottle of Sake at Poppo. ~THE EXBOYFRIEND~ North of Asia, there is a man who will reveal some secrets about the dancer Emi if you give him 10,000 yen. You will need those secrets for this side mission. You can choose to pay or not, but since you have this walkthrough, why pay? Go to Asia three times. That means paying the fee of 3,000 yen three times. On the third time, if you get close to the stage, Emi, the dancer, will drop a letter for you. ..::New Coin Locker Key(s)::.. #19: Inside Asia, left of the stage. Item: Sacred Tree Bokuto Meet her outside and accept to go on a date with her. When her exboyfriend shows up, answer: "Keep your hands off my Emi" and then take his test. Here are the answers: What's her bra size? 30D What technique did she use on the panty thief? Leg sweep His last question will be about what kind of man Emi likes. There is no good answer for this, so just answer whatever you want and then beat him. After that, the date goes straight to the hotel room, if you know what I mean... ~AMERICAN BASEBALL~ Go to the Yoshida Batting Cage and after playing baseball five times since the beginning of the game, a man will appear with a girl next to him. I highly suggest that you save before talking to him because you could lose a lot of money if you don't. He will challenge you to hit ten of his balls, but his pitches defy reality... So good luck! If you succeed, he will give you an Autographed Ball, which you can sell for 250,000 yen. You will also learn the Essence of Batting, which enables you to perform a new HEAT Action while holding a Bat. ~THE DRUNK AT THE PARK~ Give the bottle of Sake that I told you to buy earlier to the man at Children's Park. You have now become his friend. If you didn't buy it, then you can buy one at Poppo. ~THE YOUNG MAN BY THE THEATER~ At Theater Square, a young man is being bothered by a thug. Help him and you'll become his friend. ~ARCADE SHOWDOWN~ At Club SEGA at Theater Square, talk to the man playing YF6 and tell him: "Let's dance". Beat him in YF6 twice and then beat him with your fists twice. NOTE: If you did the side mission "THE YOUNG MAN BY THE THEATER", the young man will help you. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Weapon Help: Huge Baton ~BOWLING~ Go to Mach Bowling and play bowling five times. When bowling, I suggest that you use the default ball to play. It's the 14lbs House Ball and it's green. Some thug will appear and if you talk to him, he will challenge you to a bowling game. Beat him. Use about 70 to 85 percent strength when you throw, and try to get an angle of about 35 to 45 degrees. When you're throwing, hold down either the L1 button or the R1 button to make the ball curve to the maximum and there's a good chance that you will get a strike or close. After beating him, fight him and beat him. You will then learn the Essence of Bowling, which enables you to perform a new HEAT Action while holding a Bowling Ball. ~THE RARE FIGURE~ Inside Poppo on Tenkaichi Street, there is a man that you can talk to. Answer: "YF Whats?", buy his figure and trade it to him. ~RYUGUJO~ NOTE: Before starting this side mission, deposit all items you have on you in your Item Box, including weapons, armor and accessories that are equipped or not equipped and save. Then, go to Don Quijote and buy three Staminan Royales. After, go to Poppo and get super drunk! Buy and drink six Sakes, then buy three Oden Soups, one random food item and two other Sakes, but do not drink them. Once all that is done, you need to move very fast and complete this side mission, as well as the three other side missions following it before you get sober! North of Poppo on Tenkaichi Street, there are young men bothering a homeless man. Help him and accept his ride. The Ryugujo will now be open to you. In there, you have the Rune Casino on the first floor, the Dice Hall on the second floor and a place to play shogi on the fourth floor. You'll also find a Weapons Dealer on the fifth floor. Note that the homeless man will always be on Suppon Street to give you rides to the Ryugujo from now on. NOTE: The following three side missions are the reason I told you to get drunk. You need to fight a wrestler three times and he's hard and has a lot of health. Being drunk has two effects. It increases random encounters, but it also makes your HEAT Gauge raise more when you hit someone or protect yourself. With that advantage on your side, you should come out alive of the next three fights and it shouldn't take too long. Just make sure the effect lasts all the way to the third fight. You'll most likely sober up or be close to sobering up before the third fight. At that time, drink the two Sakes that you're supposed to have if you listened to me, but drink them before the fight because you cannot use any items during the fight. Finally, if you're low on health and you don't feel like you will survive the next fight, you can buy Toughness items from the Weapons Dealer on the same floor. ~THE WRESTLER'S VACATION~ You will find a wrestler named Oba on the fifth floor of the Ryugujo, in the northwestern room. Accept to spar with him. He has an almost perfect defense against your attacks, so the only way for you to hurt him is to grab him, hit him three times, then grab his leg when he's on the ground and kick him. Do this repeatedly until your HEAT Gauge fills up completely and when it does, grab him and slam him on the wall with a HEAT Action. Be careful though. His attacks are very strong and he tries to grab you often and you cannot escape from it if he does, so after slamming him in the wall, take a step back to avoid being grabbed and block his attacks if he tries to punch you, kick you or even drop kick you. It will then be safe to grab him again. After the fight, you'll learn the Essence of Crushing. ~THE HUNGRY WRESTLER~ Talk to Oba again when your Mind is at level 5 or higher and he will ask for some Oden. Bring him three, you can buy them at a Poppo or M Store. If you listened to me, then you already have them with you. After giving him them, accept to spar with him. Use the same strategy as the first fight. In the end, you will learn the Essence of Might.

~THE THIRSTY WRESTLER~ Talk to Oba again when your Body is at level 8 or higher and he will ask for three Staminan Royales. If you listened to me, then you already have them with you. Spar with him one last time. In the end, you will learn the Essence of Goriki. Note that it doesn't matter if your Body is not at level 8 right now. You can always do this side mission later, just like any other side mission. NOTE: After beating the wrestler three times, you must buy an Elegant Umbrella, a Modified Iron and a Modified Portable Stove (if you didn't get a free one from a battle in the Champion District) from the Weapons Dealer on the fifth floor. These weapons will allow you to perform new HEAT Actions. I also suggest that you buy a Charismatic Photo, which will be useful towards the end of the game to encourage random encounters. ..::New Coin Locker Key(s)::.. #24: On the fifth floor of the Ryugujo, in the area with the pinkcolored walls, near a man lying down. Item: Toughness Infinity ~SHOGI 2~ On the fourth floor of the Ryugujo, in the northern room, a man named Sakai will appear after you have played shogi twice. You have to beat him at shogi, but you need to give him food to play, so give him your random food item that you should have if you listened to me. For a strategy on how to beat him and others, refer to section [6.00]. ..::New Coin Locker Key(s)::.. #49: Beat Sakai during the side mission "SHOGI 2". Item: 1000G Gold Coin #43: On the fourth floor of the Ryugujo, in the southeast. Item: Charisma Ring #2: On the third floor of the Ryugujo, west of the elevator. Item: Trendy Iron Umbrella #48: In the Dice Hall, located on the second floor of the Ryugujo. Item: Hercules Gloves NOTE: I suggest going to the Dice Hall on the second floor of the Ryugujo and invest in a Demon's Binding. It will cost you a lot to buy enough points to afford it (380 points), but it is by far armor in the game (except for the Dragon's Binding) and you will never need to change it for the rest of the game. #31: On the second floor of the Ryugujo, in the northwestern room. Item: Patriarch's Bat #20: On the first floor of the Ryugujo, in the southeast. Item: Tattered Scarf IMPORTANT: In a red room on the first floor of the Ryugujo, there is a man wearing a green cap. You need to talk to him now to trigger something later in the game. NOTE: For the HEAT Actions that don't require a weapon, Komaki training is a good way to do them. I suggest you do the HEAT Actions listed below there, or you can do them later. Whatever you prefer. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Might: Big Swing Cyclone Wall Swing Crushing: Front Crush Toss Back Crush Toss Essence of Goriki: Double Crush Front Crush Back Crush ~THE OWNER OF EARTH ANGEL~ Go to Earth Angel in the Champion District and beat the thug. You might have to enter, talk to the owner, leave and then go back in in order for him to appear. The owner of Earth Angel is now your friend. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Weapon: Stove Salt ~THE ENKA LIFE~ In the Champion District, there is a man being chased by a yakuza. Choose to help him and then accept his offer. Help him again and you'll be awarded with a Silver Plate. If you didn't already do them, you can do the Salt and Stove HEAT Actions here. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Weapon Help: Steel Placard NOTE: If you did the side mission "THE OWNER OF EARTH ANGEL", the owner will help you. ~TRY AND HIT ME~ In the Parking Lot on Shichifuku Street, there is a man surrounded by a crowd. Talk to him and for 5,000 yen, he will challenge you to hit him once. Accept his challenge. This guy is an extremely good dodger, but there is a trick to hit him. Immediately grab the Long Iron Pipe that is leaning on the wall behind you and lure him between the two cars. Once he's in there, he'll be an easy target. ~BE MY BABY~ South of Beam, there are yakuza in black. Approach them and beat them. When you meet Machiko, she will ask you questions. You can answer anything you want. Personally, I just act seriously, like Kiryu would normally be. After seeing the funniest cut scene in the game, beat the babies! ~THE EMAIL JOB~ Northwest of Theater Square, in the street west of Deborah, talk to the man there and choose to hear him out and to give him your email. Go north and you'll get an email. Go to Children's Park and get the key from under the bench. After that, go to the Coin Lockers and open Coin Locker #14. Do not open the box or you will fail this side mission. You'll get an email saying to give the box to a man in a suit in the street behind Shine. Do so and you'll get another email. Go to Mach Bowling and talk to the bearded man. Ask him how many bells he needs and then beat him. Go back to where you first met the man and talk to him. He'll run away but you'll find him near the taxi to the north. Beat him. ..::New Coin Locker Key(s)::.. #14: Obtained during the side mission "THE EMAIL JOB". Item: Green Box ~THE SLOT ACE~ Go to Volcano and play with the pachislot machines ten times. You don't really have to play, you just need to get on and off a machine ten times. After ten times, a man will run towards you near the exit. Talk to him and accept his challenge. You will need to win 3001 medals in order to beat him. However, there is a strategy you should follow. Always play on the pachislot machine "Aladdin A" #111 because it is the best one to get bonuses on. Press L1 to display the statistics. What you're aiming for here is getting an Aladdin Chance or a Bonus that will win you lots of medals easily. There is no trick to get them, neither is there a set pattern or a correct order to press the buttons. Always press from left to right. If the machine wants to give you an Aladdin Chance or a Bonus, you will get it. If it doesn't want, you will never get it. It's as simple as that. If after 30 to 35 tries, you didn't get an Aladdin Chance or a Bonus, leave that machine and get on it again. Doing so restarts your chances. When you'll get an Aladdin Chance or a Bonus, you'll know it, trust me. During that time, you'll have to stop the reels in the order shown. Notice that all the lights on the reels have been turned off except one. Press the button corresponding to that reel and do the same for the two others in the order given. It can take you many hours to finally get 3001 medals or more and you can't leave Volcano and come back later, so I suggest that you save before starting. When you have 3001 medals, go talk to the man and end the match to complete this side mission. ~MAHJONG~ Go to Orchid Palace Mahjong and play three times. This means that you have to choose a table three times. You don't really have to play, you can just choose a table and leave before the game starts. After that, a man will be bothered by a thug outside of Orchid Palace Mahjong. I highly suggest that you save before talking to him because you could lose a lot of money if you don't. Talk to him, answer "He's right" and beat the man at mahjong. The rules are special since you only have 10,000 points and the others have the standard 25,000 points. For help regarding this minigame, I invite you to check barticle's amazing guide on mahjong. Honestly, there are so many things to learn about mahjong and it's hard to understand too. Winning at mahjong in Yakuza 2 is hard because I, and others as well, believe that the AI is cheating, so you should only concentrate on learning the basics of mahjong because knowing the basics and luck are the only two things that will make you win in this game. The guide is available on www.GameFAQS.com ~HOST CLUB "ADAM"~ In the Hotel District, north of the Yoshida Batting Cage, a man will stop you. Agree to help him and enter Adam. For more information about this side mission, refer to section [7.00]. Just don't forget to do the HEAT Action listed below. NOTE: Eventually, you'll have to eat at every single restaurant in the game to complete your completion list. It takes a lot of time because you need to take damage in order to be able to eat and there are some restaurants where it can take an eternity just to eat one thing, not to mention the cost. However, there is a trick for some restaurants. In this side mission, girls will invite you to restaurant dates. Not only do they pay for everything, you can also order every single thing, when under normal circumstances, you can't! So order everything there is to save time and money. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Might: Pole Swing ..::New Food(s)::.. Kanrai: Everything Sushi Gin: Everything ~MANAGING THE MARIETTA~ East of the Parking Lot on Shichifuku Street, you will see a man being bothered by yakuza. Beat them and he will invite you in his club named Marietta. If you didn't already do it, you can do the Syringe HEAT Action here. For more information about this side mission, refer to section [8.00]. Just don't forget to do the HEAT Actions listed below and also to pick up the Coin Locker Keys. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Weapon: Syringe Might: Car Crush ..::New Coin Locker Key(s)::.. #41: In the back room of Marietta. Item: French Handbag #11: After Marietta's second renovation, it will be in the northeastern corner. Item: Southpaw Bracelet NOTE: You can do the Cabaret Club side missions at Jewel and Shine, but we still don't have the funds for that in such an early part of the game. It is finally time to move on with the story, so take a taxi to the Tojo Clan Headquarters. Watch the cut scene and then go to the first floor and get the key from Yayoi. Go north and exit through the door. Go east all the way and you'll find a scroll painting of a pheasant. Choose to take a look and enter the secret room. Grab all the items and return to Yayoi. Leave the mansion and you'll end up in a fight near the exit. It is important that you let him hurt you a lot (more than half of your health I think) because after this fight, you'll have one of two opportunities to eat three meals at Matsuya which are only available in the the morning and since there are no more random encounters, this is the only way for you to lose health. After beating him, go back to Kamurocho. ..::New Food(s)::.. Matsuya: Natto Meal Sausage Egg Meal Salted Salmon Meal You must now buy Women's Underwear and Suntory Malt's Beer at Don Quijote and then bring these back to Sayama at Serena. I also suggest buying a random health replenishing item and keep it on you because you will need it for a side mission. Watch the cut scene and enter the toilets located in the northeastern corner of the map. ..::New Coin Locker Key(s)::.. #50: In front of the first pillar in the Pleasure District of Purgatory. Item: Mifune's Kodachi Go north all the way, talk to the man and watch the cut scene. You'll now have to fight in a tournament. I highly suggest that you save after telling Majima that you're ready because one of the upcoming fights is the hardest fight in the game in my opinion. The first two opponents are easy if you approach them carefully, but the third one can be a real pain. The trick is to keep your distance from him and dodge when he's coming at you. Never engage the attack first. After dodging, try to complete a Rush Combo combined with a Finishing Kick. Or, you can do an uppercut instead, but as soon as you hit him, get ready to block because he will counter you hard. If he dodges before you complete either one of those moves, then quickly step back and repeat the strategy. If you manage to knock him on the ground, quickly approach him and do a Front Finish HEAT Action on him. You can also do the Big Brass HEAT Action on him, but I find that a boring way to win this fight. I prefer keeping the HEAT Gauge close to full, which makes you hit harder. He can also launch an attack sequence on you. When that happens, be prepared to hit X, Triangle, X and Triangle in that order. Note that if you failed to perform the Super Finish HEAT Action against Daigo, you get another chance to do it here. Go talk to Majima again and then leave Purgatory. The Fukuma Casino and the Underground Coliseum will now be open to you, but you don't need to go there yet. ..::New Coin Locker Key(s)::.. #22: Just outside the entrance to the Pleasure District, in Kamuro Hills. Item: Hercules Knuckles #32: In the little nook surrounded by pylons and two big yellow things near the entrance of Kamurocho Hills. Item: Patriarch's Ball ..::New Side Mission(s)::.. ~THE KAMUROCHO HILLS WORKER~ In front of the Kamurocho Hills entrance, there is a tired worker. Give him the health replenishing item that I told you to get and he will become your friend. ~THE FAKE KIRYU~ Go to the Champion District and watch the cut scene. Go to Jewel, but talk to people along the way and a man will ask you to help when you get there. Beat them. ~THE LUXURY CAR~ North of the Millennium Tower, touch the black car and a man will stop you. Tell him that you touched his car. To complete this mission, you absolutely must use a HEAT Action that will smash him against his own car. Return to Serena to move on to the next chapter. ______/ 4.06 \______ CHAPTER 6 Plots and Schemes After the cut scene, leave Serena and Yuya will talk to you. It's time for some optional stuff. ..::New Side Mission(s)::.. ~THIS FOR THAT 1~ In front of Mach Bowling, talk to the young man in red and listen to his music. Tell him that his rap was awful. ~THIS FOR THAT 2~ On Shichifuku Street West, near the taxi, you can talk to an old man. Give him the Hip Hop CD. ~THIS FOR THAT 3~ In the street west of the Parking Lot is a worker in crouching position. Give him the pen. ~THE SHADY VIDEO~ NOTE: While doing this side mission, you will trigger the next side mission also and you can do them both at the same time. On the street west of the Parking Lot, there is a thug that you can talk to. Pay him and go open Coin Locker #13. Go to Fusion and watch the "Suspicious Video". Go to Café Alps and talk to the man on the right. Chase the man and do not let him out of your sight or the side mission will fail. Beat the yakuza. You will now be friends with the manager of Café Alps. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Coop Attack: Hold Kick Twin Kick ..::New Coin Locker Key(s)::.. #13: Obtained during the side mission "THE SHADY VIDEO". Item: Suspicious Video ~THE EXORCIST~ On Taihei Boulevard East, right at the intersection, a man will stop you and give you a video. Go to Fusion and watch the "Stained Video". Outside, a man will talk to you. Choose not to pay and go south. Follow the woman in red until you get a note. Go to the little nook in front of Public Park 3 and beat the thugs. ~PICKPOCKETS 1~ Bump in the guy wearing a baseball cap on Nakamichi Street. Then, talk to the man in brown nearby and then go talk to the manager of Smile Burger. Go outside and bump in the man with the baseball cap again and choose to check your wallet. Go to Public Park 3 and beat the guy. ~PICKPOCKETS 2~ Go talk to the manager of Smile Burger again. Then, go talk to the pickpocket in Public Park 3 again and choose to hear him out. Go to the alley south of Club SEGA on Nakamichi Street and hug the right of that alley until you get to the end of it and you'll find the Hideout. Inside, tell the man that you won't let him go and fight him. ~THIS FOR THAT 4~ In the western part of the Millennium Tower Garden, talk to the woman sitting on a bench. Then, talk to the homeless man near the entrance to Purgatory. Trade him the boots and take the shoes back to the dancer. Back to the story, go to Theater Square and talk to Morita, the man dressed in brown. After asking him the three questions, go to Shichifuku Street West, find the Amano Building and beat the guys. Talk to Morita again, then go behind Kotobuki Drugs and talk to the guy in green who's playing a handheld console. Beat the guys, but there is a trick here. The fight won't end until you beat the two leaders and a large number of gang members will appear on the field. Don't attack the leaders, just beat up the gang members until they don't appear anymore and you'll get a lot of experience by doing so. ..::New Side Mission(s)::.. ~BEAM'S SECRET~ Do you remember the last bit of information that Morita gave you? Enter Asia and talk to the guy sitting right in front of the stage. Pay him and go talk to the owner of Beam. Ask him about "Take's Prankster High School Heaven" and the password will be "1989", the year the Berlin Wall fell. You will now be able to buy and sell weapons here. NOTE: Now is a good time to go back to Marietta and complete the side mission. Enter the Amano Building, get ready to press the X button. Beat the guy, follow the hallway, return and go upstairs. Strip the guy from his Shotgun but don't use the Shotgun, you can sell it for 140,000 yen when it's fully loaded and you don't get any experience from using it anyway. Go up the stairs. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Terrain: Eviction NOTE: The Amano Building is the only place in the game where you can do this HEAT Action. Komaki Style: Gun Kick Beat that man in black again and go all the way up. When you're on the sixth floor, be ready to press the Circle button and beat the man in black again. You might also have to press the Square button if he decides to kick the crates. Exit the room and watch the cut scene. ______/ 4.07 \______ CHAPTER 7 The Foreign Threat You have to get to a clinic on Taihei Boulevard West without the cops seeing you and before the bar runs out. It's not that hard, just don't get close to the cops and don't let yourself be in their field of vision. It doesn't matter if you get caught twice, but get caught a third time and you'll have to retry. If they see you, try to run away and you won't get caught. Enter the clinic and watch the cut scene. Choose to go to Bantam and head there. After the cut scene, leave Bantam and you'll get a call from Sayama. It's time for some side missions. NOTE: There is a chance that you will encounter the Encounter Boss "Sky Goto" in this chapter. For more information about Encounter Bosses, refer to section [9.00]. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Weapon: Lotus Staff(1) (1)Can only be done after completing the side mission "WHITE LOTUS". ..::New Side Mission(s)::.. ~THE MAN WITH NO MEMORY~ On Shichifuku Street East, near Marietta, talk to the big man in black and agree to hit him. Take the Bat and hit him with it, but do not use a HEAT Action. Fight him again. ~IL YUJIN 1~ In front of Kanrai is a man that you can talk to. Accept to be his tour guide and go to Deborah. You have to avoid women, so if a you see a woman coming towards you, run back and find another route to get to your destination. The correct route here is to go west on Shichifuku Street, then go north up the street that's right before MEB and work your way around the Hotel District and pass in front of the Yoshida Batting Cage. Then, go west and down the street that's right beside Deborah on the left and lead him to the dance floor. As you exit Deborah, go east and down Theater Avenue. Then, go east passed the Coin Lockers, quickly go on Pink Street and enter Asia. ~IL YUJIN 2~ Accept to be his tour guide again and take him to Earth Angel in the Champion District. There is a woman in both entrances of the Champion District, so entering it without getting caught is challenging. However, if you get caught once, it won't affect the completion of the side mission. With that said, head north, pass in front of Beam and turn east on Shichifuku Street. The next part is tricky. Enter Pink Street and hug the western wall slowly. A woman will come running towards you. With the right timing, you can quickly move to the east wall and go south to beat her to the entrance of the Champion District. Enter Earth Angel. ~IL YUJIN 3~ Accept to be his tour guide again and take him to Kyushu No. 1 Star. Exit from the western entrance again and quickly head south before the woman catches you. From there, it's an easy walk to the restaurant. ~IL YUJIN 4~ Take him to a taxi. The closest one is the one on Nakamichi Street, so head south on Senryo Avenue and west on Showa Street until you reach the taxi. ~THE BLACKMAILED ATTACKER~ In front of the Yoshida Batting Cage, a man will fight you. After beating him, go north and talk to the man there. Run after him and beat him. ~THE SECRET PARTY~ Talk to the blonde man inside Deborah and then go talk to the man wearing a green sweatshirt by the dance floor. Tell him the secret code and buy the ticket. Leave Deborah and you'll get an email after waiting a little. Go to the area behind Kotobuki Drugs, talk to everyone there and then talk to the man who shows up. Talk to everyone, choose not to pay twice and beat them. ~THE MANGA ARTIST~ Help the man near Shine. ~COMMON GROUND 1~ Near the southern end of Senryo Avenue, a young man is being bothered by a big man in red. Win the fight and tell the young man to stop whining and practice. ~WHITE LOTUS~ Behind Serena, you'll meet an old woman. Tell her that she's near Tenkaichi Street and then agree to give her your email address. After that, help her by beating the thugs. The rest of this side mission is very hard because it features fighters who hit fast, dodge fast and hit hard and there are many of them too, which is why I highly recommend that you bring some good weapons and some health replenishing items with you. Soon after, you'll get an email and you'll have to go to the Parking Lot on Shichifuku Street. Talk to her and beat the men. Eventually, you'll get another email and you'll have to meet her on Theater Avenue. Beat the thugs and open the Coin Locker to complete this side mission. ..::New Coin Locker Key(s)::.. #27: Obtained during the side mission "WHITE LOTUS". Item: Lotus Style Bojutsu Encyclopedia ~THE PRICE OF A TOOTH~ Inside the Gelato Shop, choose to help the manager. During the fight, make sure you knock out the fat guy and not the other one, otherwise this side mission will be failed. In the end, you'll become the manager's friend. ~COMMON GROUND 2~ On Theater Avenue, a woman is being harassed by thugs. Help her out and then introduce her to the guitar player from before.

~FEMME FATALE~ On Taihei Boulevard East, a woman is being harassed by a man. Help her and then escort her to Theater Square. You'll have to beat three easy guys along the way. Once you're there, talk to the woman and take them up on the offer. Back to the story, go to the Emoto Clinic and watch the cut scene. Boss fight! They're easy, just don't forget to do the Super Finish HEAT Action. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Super Finish: Dual Finish After the fight, go to Bantam and watch the cut scene. Beat the men and make sure you perform the HEAT Action listed below because you only have two chances in the game to do it. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Might: Bar Slide ..::New Side Mission(s)::.. ~BLACK THUNDER~ Go to Stardust and talk to Yuya. After the cut scene, leave Stardust. Events happen and you'll end up in a fight. Beat the bosozoku! There are two parts to this fight. If you want to do the HEAT Action below, you have to wait for the second part of the fight because that's when Yuya starts grabbing a lot. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Coop Attack: Jump Knee Go to Serena to end this chapter. ______/ 4.08 \______ CHAPTER 8 Suspect Enter the Millennium Tower and watch the cut scene. Before going down the elevator, you can find a Toughness ZZ, a Staminan XX and a Tauriner ++ in the Monitor Room. In the Transformer Room, beat the masked men coming at you. After that, there's a boss fight. He's easy, but if you haven't eaten the breakfast meals at Matsuya, you absolutely need to let him take away around half of your health. Read the note under this paragraph to know why. If you've learned the Hammer Hook attack, it will be useful to break his guard. Just don't attack him while he's swinging his pipes around. Grabbing him is a good way to attack him while he is armed with the pipes and also after. Don't forget to do a lot of damage to him quickly in order to be able to perform the HEAT Action listed below. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Super Finish: Combo Finish NOTE: If you forgot to eat the three breakfest meals at Matsuya earlier, now is your final chance to do it. Head to ShangriLa. Make your way up and beat up everyone. Don't forget to do the HEAT Action listed below because it is your only chance to do it. On the third floor, before going up the stairs, you can jump to a secret room on the left. In it, you'll find weapons, including a great sword worth 500,000 yen! As always, disarm the Shotguncarrying men as fast as you can and sell the Shotguns later. On the top floor, you'll fight faster yakuza and their guns hurt a lot, so watch out. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Terrain: Pitfall ______/ 4.09 \______ CHAPTER 9 The Omi Invasion Talk to Daigo, then Kashiwagi and exit Serena. If you wait a little and if you did the side mission "BEAM'S SECRET", you'll get an email from Beam saying that they've got new products in the back of the store. Take a taxi to the Tojo Clan Headquarters. Enter the room on the first floor and watch the cut scene. Run outside and beat the yakuza. Kill the one with the sword first because he's very annoying. Back in Kamurocho, go to Nakamichi Street and watch the cut scene. ..::New Side Mission(s)::.. ~YUYA'S HELP~ Enter Stardust and talk to Yuya. Take a taxi to the Tojo Clan Headquarters. Fight your way to the Meeting Room and watch the cut scene. Boss fight! He's easy, just dodge his attacks and then unleash a combo on him. Outside, Yayoi will throw you a sword and you'll have to rapidly tap the buttons shown on the screen. At first you need to press Triangle, then tap X, Circle, Square and Triangle. Don't forget to do the Super Finish HEAT Action after the sequence! ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Super Finish: Sword Crusher Go back to the Meeting Room and get ready to press the Square button. Do your thing. ______/ 4.10 \______ CHAPTER 10 Survivors ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Weapon: Tonfa(1) Kali(2) (1)Can only be done after watching the "Super Kung Fu Man" DVD. (2)Can only be done after watching the "Secrets of the Philippines!" DVD. ..::New Side Mission(s)::.. ~THE WEAPONS VIDEO SELLER~ In the little nook in front of Public Park 3, a man named Kamiyama is being harassed by yakuza. Don't pay and beat them. From now on, you'll be able to buy weapons and videos from Kamiyama. ..::New Skill(s)::.. Tonfa & Essence of Tonfa: Buy the "Super Kung Fu Man" DVD from Kamiyama and watch it at Fusion. Kali Sticks & Essence of Kali: Buy the "Secrets of the Philippines!" DVD from Kamiyama and watch it at Fusion. NOTE: After learning these new skills, you can buy new weapons from Kamiyama. You should buy Tonfa and Kali Sticks of your choice to perform new HEAT Actions. Go to Theater Square, to the right of the young man that you saved back in Chapter 5 and watch the cut scene. Agree to tell him and go to the Millenium Tower, then go back to Shellac. When it's all over, go to Serena. After the cut scenes, it's time to do side missions. ..::New Side Mission(s)::.. ~YUKIKO'S TASTES~ Buy a Sushi Set at the M Store. In front of Club SEGA, you'll find Jongka. Give Yukiko the Sushi Set. NOTE: If Jongka is not in front of Club SEGA, it is because you fought the man who was blocking the entrance to Reach Towers Mahjong back in Chapter 4. If that is what you did, then you cannot do this side mission. ~SHIGERU KANAMATSU: THE GAMER~ Inside Club SEGA, you'll find Shigeru Kanamatsu beside the YF6 arcades. Accept his challenge. You have to lose to him. Yes, you read right. You have to lose if you want to complete this side mission! ~HOW TO NEVER LOSE AT GAMBLING~ On Bishamon Bridge, the man wearing a brown trench coat will talk to you if you approach him. Choose to hear him out, then haggle twice and buy the book for 30,000 yen. After that, go talk to the man and woman in front of the Osumi Pharmacy. Talk to the man in front of Tsuruhashi Fugetsu, choose to not sell the book and then sell it to him for 10,000 yen. ~THE SOTENBORI GUITARIST~ Get some Pocket Tissues from a barker on Sotenbori Avenue and give them to the guitarist on northern Sotenbori Footpath West. You'll become his friend. ~REVENGE BY PROXY 1~ Talk to the woman at the western end of Shofukucho South and agree to help her. You'll find the first guy in front of Le Marche. Beat him. NOTE: If you did the side mission "ALBATROSS AKAGI'S CLUB", the clerk will help you. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Weapon Help: Jutte ~REVENGE BY PROXY 2~ Go to the Yokobori Golf Center and beat the guy there. ~REVENGE BY PROXY 3~ Enter the Midoriyama Building, south of the Coin Lockers. Beat up everyone. ~REVENGE BY PROXY 4~ Go to Gandhara and then go see Yuriko. Do not accept her money. Head to the Midoriyama Building and enter the code 57577 to open the safe. You'll get 5,000,000 yen! Tanka poems are short, lyrical poetry structured in 31 syllables arranged in groups of 5, 7, 5, 7 and 7 syllables, in a twopart form with the first part in 5, 7, 5, and the second part in 7 and 7. That is why the code is 57577. ~COUNCILOR SAEKI: INSPIRATION~ Talk to the man dressed in blue near the middle of the southern Sotenbori Footpath and ask him again what's wrong. Give him the SelfHelp Book. ~TATSU~ Talk to the man on southern Sotenbori Footpath East and then talk to Kurokawa on Iwao Bridge. Then, go to White Snake Ramen and beat the guy. You'll find Murata on northern Sotenbori Footpath East. You'll now be able to access Tatsu's weapon shop by talking to Murata. NOTE: If you did the side mission "THE SOTENBORI GUITARIST", the guitarist will help you. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Weapon Help: Soulful Guitar Back to the story, go to Aoi and talk to Tamiyo. Now, it is important that you get two packs of Pocket Tissues because you will need them in Chapter 11 and this is the last chance for you to grab some. After that, go to Stijl and talk to the bartender. Go to the northern Sotenbori Footpath and beat the punks. After the long cut scene, go to northern Sotenbori Footpath East and there will be a cut scene. After talking with the tattoo artist, head towards the Night Life Dojo. If you knock out Satoshi, the fight will end, so make sure you knock out the other two first to get more experience. ______/ 4.11 \______ CHAPTER 11 The Iron Law NOTE: Make sure you have those packs sets of Pocket Tissues on you. If you don't, don't pass by Iwao Bridge to go get them. Take the detour. Go to Iwao Bridge, watch the cut scene and then follow Sayama. You're now in a new town called Shinseicho. ..::New Skill(s)::.. Komaki Cat Flip: Do you remember when you checked the cat behind Kotobuki Drugs back in Kamurocho? Well, now if you take the Adventure Course at Yotsuba Acupuncture, you'll learn the Komaki Cat Flip. Komaki Knock Back: If you did the side mission "TRY AND HIT ME" back in Kamurocho and if your Technique is at level 8 or more, you will learn the Komaki Knock Back if you take the Adventure Course at Yotsuba Acupuncture. ..::New Coin Locker Key(s)::.. #40: Inside the M Store. Item: Southpaw Bracelet #12: In a corner near the Save Point. Item: Turmeric Pills #26: On Parisian Avenue, near Yotsuba Acupuncture. Item: Iron Umbrella #35: In the street located north of Yotsuba Acupuncture. Item: Fighter's Binding #16: Inside Yotteya. Item: Elegant Umbrella #30: In the western part of the Parking Lot, near the middle. Item: Staminan Spark #17: Southwest of the entrance to the Tsutenkaku Tower. Item: Wooden Katana #8: At the northern end of the main street. Item: Ogre Knuckles ..::New Side Mission(s)::.. ~A WOMAN'S TRAGEDY~ Near the M Store, a woman wearing a brown skirt is talking to a man. Approach them and help her. ~THE BLOODY NOSE~ Near Yotteya, there's a man who has a bleeding nose. Give him the two packs of Pocket Tissues that you're supposed to have on you if you listened to me. The reason was because there's no way to get Pocket Tissues in Shinseicho. You get a Trendy Iron Umbrella in return that you will need right now. ~WHITE LOTUS'S REQUEST 1~ In the northwestern corner of the Parking Lot, you'll meet Granny White. Give her the Trendy Iron Umbrella and you'll learn the Lotus Flare Fist. To progress in the story, head north of Yotsuba Acupuncture and talk to the man on the bench. You have to beat him at shogi to get the information you need. Here is how to do it: NOTE: The strategy below is described based on a traditional shogi board, which means that the letters and numbers are positioned differently from a chess board. To learn more about shogi, please refer to section [6.00]. Pawn 2e to 2d (Pawn 2d gets captured) Silver General 3e to 2d (You capture Pawn 2d) Silver General 2d to 2c (Promote) Drop a Pawn on 3b Promoted Silver General 2c to 1c (You capture Bishop 1c; Promoted Silver General 1c gets captured) Rook 2h to 2a (Promote to Dragon King) Drop a Bishop on 8b Bishop 8b to 7a (Promote to Dragon Horse) Dragon Horse 7a to 6a (You capture Silver General 6a; Dragon Horse 6a gets captured) Dragon King 2a to 4a (You capture Gold General 4a) Drop a Silver General on 7a Drop a Bishop on 6a (Silver General 7a gets captured) Drop a Gold General on 7b Opponent gives up Alternatively, you can also choose to cheat! Here is how to do it: Tell him that you will pay, but don't pay! A man will appear behind you. Pay him 10,000 yen and he will tell you about a special trick to beat the shogi player. Start a game of shogi with the guy and try to lose on purpose by trying to get your King killed. When you feel that your King has no chance to survive, do the special trick by pressing Square and then win the game. The statue is south of Yotsuba Acupuncture. Leave 1,000 yen in it and then go see Arigato. Catch him and beat him. Go up the Tsutenkaku Tower and find the binoculars with the yellow sticker. When you do, pay the fee. Go in your valuable items menu and check the memo. Call the number and answer: "503". In case you're wondering, the man right beside the binoculars tells it to you. ..::New Coin Locker Key(s)::.. #49: Inside the Tsutenkaku Tower. Item: Calming Towel #23: Inside the Tsutenkaku Tower. Item: Metal Club Go to Yotteya and order Black Bear Horumon three times. You'll find the man you're looking for just across the street from the Parking Lot. Show him the piece. Watch the cut scene and beat up the men. ______/ 4.12 \______ CHAPTER 12 The Osakan Castle Head to Aoi. You'll be in two fights along the way. After the cut scenes, go to Iwao Bridge and talk to Kurokawa. Walk towards the Coin Lockers and you'll get a call. Go to the Yokobori Golf Center, talk to the manager and beat the man. Go to the northern Sotenbori Footpath and talk to Kurokawa. Beat the thugs. ..::New Side Mission(s)::.. ~COUNCILOR SAEKI: YOSHIDA'S BATTLE~ South of the Coin Lockers, a woman is being harassed. Help her husband. ~SHIGERU KANAMATSU: THE COLLECTOR~ South of Iwao Bridge, you'll meet Shigeru Kanamatsu. Help the man. At this point, the side mission is complete, but you have to go talk to Kanamatsu in front of Le Marche to trigger another side mission later. Buy a bottle of Sake at the M Store and take a taxi to Shinseicho. ..::New Coin Locker Key(s)::.. #5: Inside Keima. Item: Substitute Stone ..::New Side Mission(s)::.. ~THE MOD GOD 1~ In the street located north of Yotsuba Acupuncture, a man will stop you. Beat him. ~THE MOD GOD 2~ Enter a store or restaurant and come back where you fought the man. Beat him again. ~BUY ME A DRINK~ North of the taxi is a man in front of a statue. Talk to him and beat him. Give him the Sake and beat him. Head to the Save Point and talk to the woman there. Go tell the man about his wife. ~THE MOD GOD 3~ Go see the man again and beat him one last time. You can sell the gun for 60,000 yen. ~SHOGI 1~ In front of the Parking Lot, there's a man in a red shirt who will challenge you to a game of shogi. Beat him. For a trick on how to beat him, refer to section [6.02]. ~THE BILLIKEN OF TSUTENKAKU~ At the entrance to the Tsutenkaku Tower, a woman will talk to you. Follow her and go to Yotteya. Take a taxi to Sotenbori and go to southern Sotenbori Footpath East. After the cut scene, get on Iwao Bridge and talk to the man moving around. Watch the cut scene and then beat the yakuza. Back to the story, go to Yotsuba Acupuncture and enter the back room. Catch him in front of the Parking Lot and beat him. Take a taxi to Osakan Castle. I strongly suggest bringing your Ogre Knuckles that you get from Coin Locker #8 with you. You'll be in a fight. Against these enemies, you should use your Ogre Knuckles, but don't use the special attack, just the normal combo. On the second floor, pick up the Iai Katana. Be ready to hit some buttons to dodge traps. The order of buttons you need to press is: Circle, X and Square. On the third floor, fight your way through the mini labyrinth and pick up the items. There's a Mystic Blade Myogetsu on that floor. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Weapon: Iai Triple NOTE: The reason why I didn't write about this HEAT Action earlier is because all the swords you have gotten so far are great swords which you shouldn't use against weaklings like the ones we usually meet. Of course, you could have bought a cheaper one at Ebisu Pawn, but that would have been a waste of money. On the fourth floor, unequip your weapon if you're holding one and get on that Fixed Machine Gun. You can get a lot of experience points here by shooting only the Samurai Warriors until they stop spawning, then shoot Kunieda. Jump down, pick up the weapons you like and go up the stairs. on the fifth floor, you fight Kunieda, Samurai Warriors and Shinobi. Once again, you can keep killing the Samurai Warriors and Shinobi before Kunieda to get lots of experience points, but because they're armed, you will probably take a lot of damage. There are also traps around the middle of the room, be careful. On the top floor, there's a boss fight. It can get dangerous if you're too reckless. If you're going to use the Decorative Spears, only attack with the Triangle button, because it will help you get your HEAT Gauge up and you also don't have time to do the normal attack. Do not stay close to them too long either. Don't forget to do the Super Finish Heat Action when each of them crouch. Finally, if one of them jumps on you, be ready to tap X, then hit Circle and tap Triangle to dodge its attacks. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Super Finish: Tiger Drop ______/ 4.13 \______ CHAPTER 13 Squaring Up NOTE: After spending some time in Sotenbori, you'll get an email from Tatsu, telling you that there are new products at his shop. Leave Aoi and watch the cut scene. Head back to Aoi and you'll get a call. Go to his office in Shofukucho South and you'll notice a man and a woman arguing and a lady near the office's entrance talking about them. Enter the office. Tell him that you need more time and that you need to ask her. Beat the thugs. Go to Stijl and then to Bishamon Bridge. Talk to the woman on the northern Sotenbori Footpath and then return to Stijl. Before continuing, you have the chance to learn a new skill by taking a taxi to Shinseicho. ..::New Skill(s)::.. Komaki Tiger Drop: After doing the Tiger Drop HEAT Action and when your Technique is at level 9 or more, you will learn the Komaki Tiger Drop if you take the Adventure Course at Yotsuba Acupuncture. Go to Aoi and when you're ready, talk to Haruka again. After the cut scene, you'll have to fight. It's an easy fight. Like always, make sure you grab the Shotgun and sell it later. The last guy is easy as always. Back in Kamurocho, enter Serena and talk to Haruka to learn about the singer from earlier. NOTE: You can fight some Jingweon men near Public Park 3, in front of Volcano, near the Coin Lockers, in front of Kotobuki Drugs, in front of the Ryugujo's entrance and in front of the Amano Building. ..::New Side Mission(s)::.. ~PERSONAL INFORMATION~ North of Gelato is a man who will approach you. Give him your information and after waiting a little, you'll get an email. You'll also get two phone calls right after. Talk to Morita at Theater Square and enter the building located on the street right beside Smile Burger, on the right side. The goal of this fight is not to beat up the guys, but to destroy the computers, so grab the three computers and hit the guys with them. ~HIRO~ On Showa Street, between Pink Street and Senryo Avenue, a man is being harassed by a yakuza. Help him and then tell him that you don't know him. Buy the stock. After a while, he'll be back where you met him. To get more money, you can refuse once, but don't do it twice or the side mission will fail, so don't sell the first time and then sell. After that, walk up Pink Street and the yakuza from before will come talk to you. ~THE TAXI DRIVER~ After using taxis 25 times or more in Kamurocho, the taxi driver on Park Boulevard East will be arguing with a man. Beat that man. ~SHIGERU KANAMATSU: KAMUROCHO REUNION~ In front of Marietta, you'll meet Shigeru Kanamatsu. Give him 100,000 yen. ~KOMAKI TRAINING: THE ULTIMATE THREE~ When your Soul, Technique and Body are level 9, go see Komaki and select the new training option. All you have to do is beat him as fast as you can. I suggest using the Komaki Tiger Drop on him. To complete this side mission, you must defeat all the fighters at the Underground Coliseum, which you can only do at the end of the game. NOTE: You can repeat this training many times to get free Toughness items. ~THE GAMBLING BOSS~ NOTE: You might want to use a Blackjack Charm if you have one in this side mission. You might also want to save before going to the casino. Talk to the man at Shellac and agree to help him. Enter Rune Casino inside the Ryugujo and talk to the man with a blue tie. Accept his challenge. You have to turn 50 chips into 200 chips. It shouldn't be too hard and you can try again and again if you lose. I found a trick that makes things easier. The second game is harder to win than the first game, so win the first game without using the Blackjack Charm and when he challenges you to a second game, refuse, use the Blackjack Charm and play the second game. After winning the challenge twice, give back the deed. Finally, go to Shellac to end this side mission. To progress in the story, enter the Millennium Tower. After the cut scene, you'll be in a fight. The fight ends if you knock out the leader, so beat the others first for more experience points. You can also do the Super Finish HEAT Action on the leader if you somehow missed all of your chances before. ______/ 4.14 \______ CHAPTER 14 The GoRyu March Talk to Tamiyo, go to Serena and then go to the Emoto Clinic. ..::New Side Mission(s)::.. ~THE FLORIST~ On Park Boulevard, exactly to the north of Kanrai, is a man who will run towards you. Answer: "What do you want with him?" and then tell him to follow you. Beat him. NOTE: If you did the side mission "THE KAMUROCHO HILLS WORKER", the worker will help you. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Weapon Help: Sweaty Work Take a taxi to the Tojo Clan Headquarters and enter the mansion. After the cut scene, head to Purgatory. Following that, go to Bantam and beat up the yakuza. That fight is your last chance to do the Bar Slide HEAT Action. Finally, go to the Emoto Clinic and Stardust and do the same. ______/ 4.15 \______ CHAPTER 15 Of Blood and Bonds Head to Purgatory and watch the cut scene. ..::New Side Mission(s)::.. ~THE MAN WHO NEVER LEARNS~ With Haruka, head to the street located east of the Ryugujo and there will be a cut scene. Choose to help. You can answer whatever you feel like answering, it won't matter. Go to Serena, watch the cut scene and take a taxi to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police HQ. ______/ 4.16 \______ CHAPTER 16 Endgame You're now at the last chapter. Congratulations. However, there's still a lot of hard work to do. You have to complete the completion lists, fight at the Underground Coliseum and there are some side missions as well. Do not tell Date that you're ready because you'll miss out on all the things left to do. With that said, let's get to work! NOTE: You can now travel between Kamurocho, Sotenbori and Shinseicho by using the taxis. First things first, you've probably noticed that the random encounters are back since Chapter 15. Unlike in the beginning of the game, they will never cease. You can wear the Tattered Scarf that you got from the Coin Lockers to reduce them, but if you completely want them to stop, you need to go to Rune Casino, at the Ryugujo and buy enough chips to afford the Beads of Good Fortune, which cost 4,200 chips. Alternatively, you can also get this item from an Encounter Boss in Kamurocho. Scroll down to learn about the Encounter Bosses. NOTE: If you wish to do the opposite, which means increasing random encounters, you can wear the Charismatic Photo that you bought from the Weapons Dealer inside the Ryugujo if you listened to me. KAMUROCHO ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Weapon Help: Special Order Trick Cane Eons of Stink Noodles Spice Cream Red Dragon ..::New Encounter Boss(es)::.. You should start by defeating all the Encounter Bosses in Kamurocho. Doing so will allow you to get those Beads of Good Fortune that I mentioned earlier and will also help you raise Kiryu's Soul, Technique and Body to level 10. Of course, I recommend using the Charismatic Photo for this. Simultaneously, you should perform the HEAT Actions listed above and drink what is listed below. For more information regarding the Encounter Bosses and how to trigger them, refer to section [9.00]. ..::New Drink(s)::.. Drink all drinks from every bar in the game. It doesn't work the same as with food because different bars can have the same drinks, so the lists shown here are representative of how I personally do it. NOTE: Black Boss and Boss Rainbow Mountain Blend coffees help Kiryu sober up. Bantam: Yamazaki 50 Years Yamazaki 25 Years Yamazaki 12 Years Hakushu 10 Years The Macallan 12 Years Laphroaig 10 Years Glenfiddich 30 Years Glenfiddich 12 Years Hibiki 30 Years Old Hibiki Ballantine's 30 Years Old Ballantine's 17 Years Old Ballantines's Finest Jack Daniel's Early Times The Premium Malt's Carlsberg Beefeater Skyy Vodka Shellac: Bowmore 12 Years The Macallan 25 Years Hokuto 12 Years Kakubin The Suntory Old Suntory Brandy X.O Courvoisier XO Lemon Hart Demerara Herradura Tequila Silver ..::New Side Mission(s)::.. ~THE KAMUROCHO RIPPER~ With Haruka following you, you'll overhear two hostesses talking in front of Shine. Go to the little alley west of Ebisu Pawn and help the hostess. Vidal is just to the north of you. Just go north until you can't go north anymore and then turn right. Talk to Nao and then head to Stardust. Talk to the men in front of Kotobuki Drugs and then go behind the drugstore. Talk to Yuki and then follow the old man. NOTE: Some side missions, like the one above, require to have Haruka with you. However, if I do not tell you to bring Haruka, you must leave her at the Hideout. The reason for this is that most side missions will not trigger if Haruka is following you. ~KAREN FROM SHINE~ For more information about this side mission, refer to section [10.01]. ~KAEDE FROM SHINE~ For more information about this side mission, refer to section [10.02]. ~MAIKO FROM SHINE~ For more information about this side mission, refer to section [10.03]. ~YUMA FROM JEWEL~ For more information about this side mission, refer to section [10.04]. ~NATSUKI FROM JEWEL~ For more information about this side mission, refer to section [10.05]. ~ANNA FROM JEWEL~ For more information about this side mission, refer to section [10.06]. After doing all of the above, it's time to take a taxi to Sotenbori, but first, go to Stardust and talk to the man on the dance floor to get Yuya's photo. You can only do that if your Soul has reached level 10. SOTENBORI ..::New Encounter Boss(es)::.. There are also Encounter Bosses that you need to trigger and fight in Sotenbori. Simultaneously, you should drink what is listed below. For more information regarding the Encounters Bosses and how to trigger them, refer to section [9.00]. ..::New Drink(s)::.. Stijl: Hakushu 18 Years Laphroaig 30 Years Kyogetsu GREEN Suntory Brandy V.S.O.P Suntory Brandy V.O Suntory Malt's Beer Stolichnaya Vodka ..::New Side Mission(s)::.. ~THE MARTIAL ARTS YOUTH~ I suggest saving before doing this side mission. It's hard, especially at the Hard and ExHard difficulties. On northern Sotenbori Footpath West, behind Sunrise, talk to the two big men and accept. You can only throw them. They're big, so tap the Circle button really fast. After that, accept the high schooler's request. You'll find his big brother in the Magnum Force Grand Prix of the Underground Coliseum. After you'll beat him there, come back and talk to his brother. ~JUN FROM PRIME~ In this side mission and also with other girls, you can use the trick that I told you about in the side mission "HOST CLUB 'ADAM'". Instead of taking damage deliberately and eating one thing at a time at the fancy restaurants, you can order every single thing when you bring a hostess to a restaurant date. This trick will save you a lot of time because under normal circumstances, the restaurants do not let you order more than one thing. ..::New Food(s)::.. Tsuruhashi Fugetsu: Everything For more information about this side mission, refer to section [10.07]. ~MADOKA FROM PRIME~ ..::New Food(s)::.. Komian: Everything For more information about this side mission, refer to section [10.08]. ~AYANO FROM PRIME~ ..::New Food(s)::.. Zuboraya: Everything For more information about this side mission, refer to section [10.09]. ~NANA, THE LEGENDARY CABARET GIRL~ For more information about this side mission, refer to section [10.10]. Once you've done all of the above, take a taxi to Shinseicho. SHINSEICHO ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Weapon Help: Knitting Rod(1) (1)Can only be done after doing the side mission "WHITE LOTUS'S REQUEST 3". ..::New Encounter Boss(es)::.. There is one Encounter Boss in Shinseicho. For more information regarding the Encounters Bosses and how to trigger them, refer to section [9.00]. ..::New Side Mission(s)::.. ~WHITE LOTUS'S REQUEST 2~ NOTE: If you listened to me, you should already have Yuya's photo with you. When your Soul reaches level 10, you'll get an email from Granny White. Go to Stardust and talk to the man on the dance floor. Give Granny White the photo. ~WHITE LOTUS'S REQUEST 3~ NOTE: To trigger this side mission, you need to go back to Sotenbori and get Haruka. If your Body is at level 10 and you have Haruka with you, you'll get another email from Granny White. Go see Granny White with Haruka. You can talk to Granny White again to get a Snack Sampler. UNDERGROUND COLISEUM The Underground Coliseum isn't a side mission itself, but you need to go through it and defeat all 51 fighters to complete some side missions, as well as getting all the skills and performing all the HEAT Actions. Doing so will also unlock a special item after you beat the game. The Underground Coliseum is located inside the Pleasure District of Purgatory. For now, you can only fight fighters #2 to #51, and that is what you should do. You should also try to win a Champion's Ring and a Bloody Binding in the Maximum Grand Prix because you'll need them. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Terrain: Shock Slam Rusty Wall Face Burn ..::New Skill(s)::.. Komaki Parry: After you defeat Sotaro Komaki at the Underground Coliseum, you will learn the Komaki Parry if you take the Adventure Course at Yotsuba Acupuncture. NOTE: After beating Renji Kamiyama, new weapons will be available at his store. For more information about the Underground Coliseum, refer to section [11.00]. ..::New Food(s)::.. After beating fighters #2 to #51 in the Underground Coliseum and getting a Champion's Ring with a Bloody Binding, it is now time to eat the remaining foods in the game. As you may already know, you need to take damage in order to eat something. With that said, equip the Bloody Binding and use the Charismatic Photo combined with the Champion's Ring. Using this method will make you lose health a lot faster than normal and will save you a lot of time. NOTE: When you'll be in Sotenbori, don't forget to talk to Soei Kawachi to complete the side mission "THE MARTIAL ARTS YOUTH". Also, when you'll be in Shinseicho, don't forget to learn the Komaki Parry mentioned above. It should be the final skill needed to be learned to allow you to encounter Akira Yamaoka in the Underground Coliseum. Once you've done all of that, head back to the Underground Coliseum and fight Akira Yamaoka. Beating him should complete the Komaki side missions you did earlier in the game. After that, all you have left to do is complete the final side missions, which are secret bosses, and then you can finish the game. ..::New Side Mission(s)::.. ~KAZUYA AMON~ To trigger this side mission, you need to have completed all the side missions except "SHOGI 1", "SHOGI 2", "MAHJONG" and "THE SLOT ACE". In the eastern part of the Champion District, you can talk to a man, Kazuya. Kazuya is a crazy man who's wielding two giant axes in a tiny little alley. What could possibly go wrong? At first, I thought this guy was very hard to beat, but I later realized how easy he is. Because you learned the Lotus Iron Defense from Granny White, you can just block his attacks. However, he sometimes triea to sweep you, so try to keep some kind of distance from him to avoid that. After blocking his attack combos, he'll be at a grabbing distance from you. The trick is to grab him at that moment and slam him on the wall. Repeat until he's defeated. You can even use the Bloody Binding if you're confident in your abilities, but don't do that if it's your first time. ~JIRO AMON~ After beating Kazuya, you'll find another man behind Serena. This one is really easy to beat as long as you don't put your face in front of his guns. You can use the Bloody Binding, even if it's your first time. That's how easy he is. ~SANGO AMON~ After beating Jiro, you'll find a third man at Theater Square. This one is easy to beat too. He has a rocket launcher, but he's really slow at using it. In fact, you can wear the Bloody Binding and beat him before he even has time to attack you! ~AMON~ After beating Sango, go talk to Komaki in his Vacant Lot. Make sure you have healing items with you and that you're wearing Hercules Gloves. It would also be a good idea to wear the HighTech Shin Guards that you got from an Encounter Boss in Kamurocho, but it's not necessary. Don't forget to save before proceeding. Take a taxi to the Pier and fight Jo Amon. The best way to fight him is to quickly run up to him when the fight starts and grab him, punch him three times, run up to him and while he's getting up, he'll try to sweep you. Try to time a good Komaki Tiger Drop right before he sweeps you. If you succeed, he'll be on the ground again. You cannot do another Komaki Tiger Drop at this point because he'll use another way to get up and you can't counter it. Instead, you should stay close to him but not too close and the instant he gets up, quickly run up to him and repeat the whole strategy from the beginning. This strategy is especially effective with the Bloody Binding equipped and with a HEAT Gauge maxed out. You'll automatically learn the Ultimate Essence after the fight. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Komaki Style: Ultimate(1) (1)Can only be done after completing the side mission "AMON". ..::Minigames::.. If you look in the Unlockables section [5.00], you'll notice that there is a reward for getting the best result in every minigame. I personally can't do it and I don't have the patience to keep trying. At the time I'm writing this, I don't know anyone who has managed to do it either. If you wanna try it, have fun and good luck, but don't feel bad if you can't. The reward is not really that important. Once you're sure to have completed all the optional stuff in the game, it's now time to go to Serena, equip your best armor and weapons and talk to Date. Exit Serena and fight the waves of men coming at you. Note that the third wave is just like the boss fight at the Emoto Clinic. After the short cut scene, you'll have to fight more men. Once they're dead, you'll have another short easy fight. In the area below the roof, there are items lying around. A Desesperation Charm, a Payback Ring and a Tauriner ++ on the first floor and two Toughness Emperors on the second floor. Head to the top and watch the cut scene. The boss fight isn't all that hard. Just make sure not to be reckless because he can cover a good range with his katana. He can also start an attack sequence and you will have to hit X, Square, Circle, Square and Triangle to dodge his attacks, so be ready for that. Finally, don't forget to do the Super Finish HEAT Action when he crouches down after taking lots of damage quickly. ..::New HEAT Action(s)::.. Super Finish: Bolt Finish After the cut scene, you'll be in another boss fight. There are two Sheng Hai Wang items lying around. He has a submachine gun and will stop moving to shoot you. Get rid of his minions first and then concentrate on him. Sometimes, he'll shoot in the air and huge steel beams will fall on you. Be ready to press Circle and X to dodge both beams. Be sure not to be in front of him when he's firing because you can lose a lot of health. After the awesome cut scene comes the final boss fight. It's a bit like the other fight, but I find it easier since he's unarmed. He might jump on you at some point and start punching you, so be prepared to press X and rapidly tap Triangle, Circle, Triangle and X in that order if that happens. Using the Ultimate Heat Action in this fight can be interesting. It takes away a lot of health and you just need to do the Komaki Parry on him to make him dizzy first. At the end of the fight, there will be a final attack sequence. Be ready to press Triangle. Congratulations, you have beaten Yakuza 2! If you carefully followed this walkthrough, then you should see "Perfects" all over the screen and have a lot of stuff unlocked. ______/ 5.00 \______ Unlockables 1. For beating the game for the first time, you unlock: PREMIUM NEW GAME Lets you play the story mode again with everything that you had completed, as well as all the items and money you had and the new things you've unlocked. If you had already completed some side missions, you can't redo them. If you had only finished or failed some side missions, you can't redo them. Only side missions that you never even touched or ones that you started but didn't do anything in them can be done in a Premium New Game. This means that you can't use a Premium New Game to complete all the side missions, you need to start a new game from scratch. On top of that, not being able to do some side missions can prevent you from getting some skills or doing some HEAT Actions that you missed. So, in the end, Premium New Game is only good if you had already done everything in the game and just want to play the story again with all your things. Also, Haruka's outfit is different in Premium New Game. ADVENTURE REVIEW Lets you play all the side missions, even if you had completed them in your nonpremium game. The only things you keep in Adventure Review are your combat levels, your skills, your money and you have access to the things you have unlocked. The rest is all gone. There is no end to this mode. It's just a mode where you can play the side missions for fun and that's all. Even the story parts have been removed. SCENARIO REVIEW Accessing the Scenario Review lets you watch all the movies in the game. 2. For beating the game on Easy or Normal, you unlock: HARD A harder difficulty where enemies are more aggressive, deal more damage and have more health. 3. For beating the game on Hard, you unlock: EXHARD An even harder difficulty where enemies are even more aggressive and deal even more damage. There are also no retries in this difficulty. If you die, it's game over and you start from your last Save Point. 4. For beating the game on ExHard, you unlock: DRAGONSP An automatic pistol that has infinite ammo. 5. For beating the game on Easy without dying, you unlock: 2 MILLION YEN BONUS When starting a Premium New Game, you start with an additional 2 million yen. 6. For beating the game on Normal or Hard without dying, you unlock: 3 MILLION YEN BONUS When starting a Premium New Game, you start with an additional 3 million yen. 7. For doing all the HEAT Actions, you unlock: THE ULTIMATE FIGHTER The last skill that you were missing if you had gotten all the skills in your nonpremium playthrough. It lets you do HEAT Actions without needing to be in HEAT mode. 8. For completing all the side missions, you unlock: PHOTON BLADE RG A strong beam sword that has infinite endurance. 9. For beating all 51 fighters in the Underground Coliseum, you unlock: CHINESE DRAGON TONFA Although not the strongest tonfa in the game, it has infinite endurance. 10. For completing the "Food" and "Drink" lists, you unlock: DRAGON'S BINDING The best armor in the game. 11. For completing the "Minigames" list, you are rewarded with infinite 1000G Gold Coins, which sell for 500,000 yen each. By completing, I mean getting the best result possible in every minigame. Check the completion list to know exactly what you need to do. (Credits to ragnamizuki and ThePatrick for telling me about this.) Now, you might be wondering where you get the Photon Blade RG, the Chinese Dragon Tonfa, the Dragon's Binding and the 1000G Gold Coins. It's simple. When you start a Premium New Game, you'll find a clown wearing a white suit at the southern end of Tenkaichi Street. His name is Bob Utsunomiya. He will also be on Sotenbori Avenue East when you're in Kansai. Talk to him and choose the items you want. You can get an infinite number of those items and they will always be free. ______/ 6.00 \______ Shogi Shogi is like Japanese chess, but it is more complex. It remains relatively easy to learn how to play it, but being good at it is a different thing. I will not teach you how to play it because with my strategies and the shogi trick, you don't need to and Wikipedia does a really good job at teaching you the basics. There is one important thing that you should know, though. The strategies below are described based on a traditional shogi board, which means that the letters and numbers are positioned differently from a chess board. To learn more about shogi and to see how a shogi board looks like, please refer to the shogi Wikipedia page at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shogi ______/ 6.01 \______ Strategies & Rewards The following strategy only works with opponents that are between 10th kyu and 8th kyu. For all the others, you need to use the shogi trick. Rook 2h to 6h King 5i to 4h King 4h to 3h King 3h to 2h Lance 1i to 1h King 2h to 1i Silver General 3i to 2h Gold General 4i to 3h Gold General 6i to 5h Gold General 5h to 4h Pawn 7g to 7f (Bishop 8h gets captured) Silver General 7i to 8h (You capture Dragon Horse 8h) Drop a Bishop on 7g Bishop 7g to 1a (Promote to Dragon Horse; you capture Lance 1a) Dragon Horse 1a to 2a (You capture Knight 2a) Dragon Horse 2a to 3a (You capture Silver General 3a) Drop a Silver General on 7a Silver General 7a to 8b (Promote; you capture Rook 8b) Opponent gives up (Credits to ragnamizuki for this strategy.) 10th kyu Yoneda Reward: Pocket Tissues 10th kyu Eric Reward: Pocket Tissues 9th kyu Kaneda Reward: Melon Bread 9th kyu Lee Reward: Melon Bread 8th kyu Kawakami Reward: Milk 8th kyu Koyama Reward: Milk 7th kyu Ichinose Reward: Tuna Rice Ball 7th kyu Hiranaka Reward: Tuna Rice Ball 6th kyu Yamaguchi Reward: Tonkatsu Sandwich 6th kyu Oki Reward: Tonkatsu Sandwich 5th kyu Iwata Reward: Special Yakisoba 5th kyu Itoda Reward: Special Yakisoba 4th kyu Komukai Reward: Tauriner 4th kyu Ebisawa Reward: Tauriner 3rd kyu Sakura Reward: Toughness Z 3rd kyu Hachinohe Reward: Toughness Z 2nd kyu Yamagata Reward: Staminan X 2nd kyu Furuta Reward: Staminan X 1st kyu Sawada Reward: Kettle 1st kyu Hatada Reward: Kettle 1st dan Shibata Reward: Sake 2nd dan Kusunoki Reward: Turmeric Pills 3rd dan Kitabeppu Reward: Sledgehammer 4th dan Himonya Reward: Asian Digital Watch 5th dan Kamoshida Reward: Crowbar 6th dan Odawara Reward: Lacquered Plate 7th dan Minobe Reward: Toughness ZZ 8th dan Kumeda Reward: Staminan XX 9th dan Teshigawara Reward: Hangover Pills 10th dan Matsuda Reward: Staminan Royale The Shogi King Reward: Japanese Diver's Watch SHOGI 2 Sakai Reward: Coin Locker Key #49 NOTE: This strategy has three variations. This is due to the fact that Sakai doesn't always use the same strategy. First variation Drop a Knight on 6e Drop a Pawn on 5d (Pawn 5d gets captured) Drop a Knight on 5c Drop a Silver General on 3b (Silver General 3b gets captured) Drop a Rook on 4a Rook 4a to 6a (Promote to Dragon King; you capture Gold General 6a) Opponent gives up Second variation (If you get checked) Drop a Gold General on 6h (Gold General 6h gets captured) King 5i to 6h (You capture Dragon Horse 6h; Silver General 3b gets captured) Drop a Rook on 4a Rook 4a to 6a (Promote to Dragon King; you capture Gold General 6a) Opponent gives up Third variation (If Silver General 3b doesn't get captured) Silver General 3b to 3a (Do not promote; you capture Gold General 3a; Silver General 3a gets captured) Drop a Rook on 4a Opponent gives up ______/ 6.02 \______ The Shogi Trick The shogi trick was discovered by the user epslion. It involves using a shogi computer program along with an engine that acts as your own personal AI to face the game's AI. Since the engine's AI is a lot smarter than the game's AI, this means that you will win at shogi 100% of the time. To use the trick, you need to download two things and you need a computer next to the TV that you're playing on to make things easier. If any of that is impossible for you, then I'm sorry because this is the only way I know how to beat the side mission "SHOGI 1". To set up the program, go to the Web site below and follow the instructions: http://www.teu.ac.jp/gamelab/SHOGI/SPEAR/spear.html The page for the Shogidokoro program is in Japanese, but the download link is somewhere around the top. It's not too hard to find. After all is set up, start a game of shogi in Yakuza 2 and press Select to pause the game because there is a time limit as you can see. Run Shogidokoro and do the following: 1. Click on Edit Position => Start Position Editing. 2a. If you were chosen to play the first move, click on Edit Position => Change Turn. 2b. If the AI was chosen to play the first move, then just move on to the next step. 3. Click on Game => Start New Game. Make Sente the Human and Gote the Engine. Make sure the Engine is Spear if you haven't done so already. Further below, set the Available Time at 30 minutes and click OK. 4. Click on View => Rotate Board. 5. From here on, you must mimic (in Shogidokoro) all the moves that the AI in Yakuza 2 makes and mimic (in Yakuza 2) all the movies that Spear makes. In other words, Spear is you. Repeat the process until Spear finally wins, which means that you will win also. Just make sure to hit the Select button every time Spear is calculating its next move in Shogidokoro because you'll run out of time if you don't. ______/ 7.00 \______ Host Club "Adam" Inside Adam, Kagami, the manager, will interview you. It doesn't matter what you answer, but Kagami will agree with you if you answer the following: Did you say Kiryu? Wasn't the the name of the head of the Tojo Clan? I get asked that a lot. How old are you? I'm 38. What got you interested in being a host? I need the money. Can you drink? Like a fish. Are you good with banter? I can make a lady laugh. What sort of material have you got? I do impressions. Are you usually popular with the ladies? I'm more popular with the guys. If you got rich, how would you spend it? On food, wine and cars. Once the evening starts, you can talk to Haruki twice and he'll tell you about the hosts and about the champagne call. Enter the office and Kagami will give you your first task. You'll find a first woman by the M Store just southwest of your position. Tell her that you're hitting on her and that it's your first time doing this and you'll automatically take her to the club. The second one is just across the street from where you found the first one. Tell her that you know of a better host club and that it's full of funny guys. Finally, the third one is in front of Children's Park. Go see Kagami. Now, you have to wait for a call. It will take about four or five minutes to receive it. Head to Adam and you'll be asked to support another host named Takaya. As you might have figured out already, the goal of being a host is to make the woman spend as much money as possible. With that said, what you say during conversations affects how much the woman appreciates your company and how much she will want to spend. For every woman you'll spend the evening with, I will list the correct things to say during the conversations. NOTE: If you have to wait for something to happen in this game, it is recommended that you enter a building to do the waiting. The reason for this is that when Kiryu is outside, if he stands there without doing nothing, he'll start smoking a cigarette and it will stop the clock. When you're in a building, nothing happens. ______/ 7.01 \______ Supporting Takaya CONVERSATION ANSWERS: It's like you're emitting this healing aura. That's so hackneyed. When I'm with you, it's like a breath of fresh air. Sounds like pheromones. Do you know where I worked before that? As a teacher? I saw you with a woman. Who was she? That was me. What do you like to do on your days off? I do volunteer work. I've been thinking about getting on a diet. You're pretty enough as you are now. I'm thrilled even if it's not an expensive present. The price doesn't matter. Have you ever cheated on a boyfriend? Cheating is part of our culture. Will you come to our club's event? You have plans with your boyfriend? I don't feel very well all of a sudden. Shall I run and get some medicine? I'll do anything to make sure you stay number one. You must really be into Takaya. Today is the 30th day you've chosen me. Now that's an outstanding memory. What do you think of costumers from the countryside who come here? That's all they talk about these days. Your ears are pretty. May I touch them? Are you a heavy drinker? Show me what kind of a man you are. No problem. I got scouted but I turned them down. Wow, what a waste. You seem preoccupied. It must be because of your beauty. There's people on television who are over 40, but still radiant. In the end, it's what's inside that counts. I ran into you at the station but you completely ignored me. He's as blind as a bat. Can I rest my head in your lap? You two sure are close. DRINKING ANSWERS: All this talking is making me thirsty. The champagne white is chilled. It's winter but it's so hot today, what should we have? Champagne is sort of watery. If you succeed, you'll get to see the champagne call. After that, you'll have to wait again. Once you get the call, enter Adam and you'll now be a real host. ______/ 7.02 \______ Akko CONVERSATION ANSWERS: Silence is bad, I'd better say something. You've got great fashion sense. What do you like to do on your days off? How about we see a movie together? Why do you think I first started going to host clubs? To see some goodlooking hosts. A host can't do his job if he can't drink, right? Can you drink? I can drink all day long. I do like the strong, silent type. I can never say no to them. Don't be afraid to say no to me. What are some signs that tell you a man is cheating? He never lets go of his cell phone. It's my first time working as a host. I want to be the number one host here. What are your favorite kind of customers? The fun ones. If I keep this up, I'll grow to become a lonesome old lady. Isn't that scary? Don't worry, I'll be here. I never have problems with clothes sizes. Can I hold you? I've gotten into stocks lately. You'll gain more by investing in me. You've been watching me closely all this time. What's wrong? You have a nice face. What kind of movies do you like to watch? I love thrillers, too. There's a contest to choose the number one host. What if you entered? I don't need awards, just your company. I haven't been asked out in quite a long time. I'll ask you out. What's your ideal type of woman? A smart woman who gets me. I live in a nice apartment in the city. The view at night is incredible. I'd like to see that view. You should try playing dirty. Quit hassling me and order something! My husband and I got a divorce. Now I can have time to myself. Please use some of that time on me. You look especially good from behind. A man wears his life on his back. DRINKING ANSWERS: We talked a lot, so my throat is dry. I think champagne would be nice. Would you like something to drink? I want to see you drunk. You'll get an email from Akko and you'll have to meet her in front of Kanrai. You can and should order everything you want, it won't cost you anything! You'll have to wait for Kagami's call again. When you do get it, enter Adam and meet the new woman you will spend the evening with. ______/ 7.03 \______ Iori CONVERSATION ANSWERS: What kind of cars do you like? Bright red sports cars. I thought it would be nice if you could help me decompress a little. Isn't this doing it for you? How about next time you come see me at my club? It'd be nice if it wasn't workrelated. Are you spending next Valentine's Day working? Or are you off? It depends on my girlfriend situation. I got my hair cut by a wellknown stylist. You'd look good with short hair. What's your dream for the future? To be your husband. What do you wear when you're sleeping? It depends, I guess. You wouldn't like me if I got fat, would you? Depends on how much we're talking here. If you came over to my place, we could have coffee together. I'd rather have champagne. My parents want me to go back home. I don't know what to do. You should just go home. What kind of little things do you like in your women. It depends on the person. Have you ever cheated on anyone? It depends on circumstances. This middleaged businessman kept looking at me. He was so vile. Don't be so paranoid. Can you tell what's different about me from the last time we met? I don't know. How old were you when you had your first crush? I don't really remember. What's your favorite kind of sushi? I like cucumber rolls. What sort of role do you play when you're working here at the club? Aggressive? I don't play any roles. Since then, I haven't stopped thinking about you. So I changed my selection! Do you switch around a lot? What do you do on your days off? I hang out with my friends. I'd like to get married sometime soon. Would you have me? Not just yet. DRINKING ANSWERS: Are you thirsty? Show me what you think of me. Man, I'm so thirsty. Let's get to know each other better. You'll get an email from Iori and you'll have to meet her in front of Sushi Gin. You can and should order everything. Wait for the call from Kagami and enter Adam again to meet the new woman. ______/ 7.04 \______ Tamao CONVERSATION ANSWERS: You're the strong, silent type, aren't you? Strong men are really the best. You can't seduce me that easily. I was proposed to so many times, I've lost count. Can I propose too? To you, I'm just an ugly old lady, aren't I? Stop with the crying. How do you determine a woman's value? By our compatibility level. You're the spitting image of a man I dated five years ago. Well, how about I take his place then? A thief broke into my house and took two million yen from my safe. The important thing is that you're safe. When I saw your picture, I felt a spark, electricity. I knew it was destiny. You make your own destiny. I'd like to fall asleep with that powerful chest against me. I'll gently wrap myself around you. Do you want an allowance? Please just keep choosing me. I used a method to make it this far on my own. Try and guess what it is. Your castration techniques. What makes you say that? Your smooth skin. I'm still a single woman, even after many eligible years. You've got a discerning eye for men. How should I introduce you at my company's party? What about as your boyfriend? I want romance like in Korean romance dramas. How would you make that happen? Kiss you in the falling snow. If you sign a contract to be my lover, I'll give you anything you want. We don't need a contract. I'm looking forward to seeing how much I'll spend on you. I'll make sure you're satisfied later. If we were to go out on a date, where would you take me? To a hotel suite. What's your hobby? Golf. If I put one million yen on the table right now, what would I get in return? My warm embrace. How much would it cost to spend a night together? It depends on what services you require. DRINKING ANSWERS: Aren't you thirsty? I think the gold would suit you well. How about we order another bottle? Let's have a toast. You'll meet Tamao just outside the club and she'll take you to Le Marche. After that, you'll get a call from Takaya. Head to Adam, wait for the call and face your challenge. ______/ 7.05 \______ Ayumi CONVERSATION ANSWERS: I got into a big fight with one of my hostesses. Not everyone can get along. They say a good club is built on a foundation of good customers. Host clubs are the same way. Firsttime customers think I look too young to run the club. Isn't that funny? You don't quite look like you run the place. When you look at me, what kind of a woman do you see? I think you have a hard time saying no. I once fell in love with one of my customers, but it didn't work out. Everyone has regrets. When I'm in a sports car, I love the rush of speed. What kind of car do you have? I'd like to be a normal woman. That wouldn't be hard to do. There's something I've wanted recently. What do you think it is? Time? This kind of work is tough, isn't it? It's really taken a toll on me. You can't let that happen. When I was young my parents disappeared, so I was raised at a relative's house. Your heart must crave stability. Tell me what kind of women you like. Honest ones like you. When I was a girl, I wanted to grow up to be a nurse. Isn't that funny? That doesn't surprise me. Why did you become a host? I just sort of fell into it. Say a woman you were in love with had a huge debt, what would you do? Dump her at once. Have you learned anything from this job? How to read the atmosphere in a room. I went through a lot to get here. But there's still more to come. What's your hobby? I guess it's being a host. Animals can be so loving. Maybe it's because of you. If you could be reincarnated, who would you like to come back as? A fisherman in the countryside. Does my skin look okay? You're emotionally drained. DRINKING ANSWERS: Aren't you thirsty? Please have the gold! Please let me win this competition. Please. After winning, beat the girly hosts, then go to Shellac and do your thing. Finally, talk to Kagami and Ayumi to complete this side mission. ______/ 8.00 \______ Managing the Marietta Kanamoto, the owner of the club, will ask you to run the club for him while he's away. Choose to accept. Talk to Itakura and he will tell you that you'll have to make the club a successful place again and that your first task is to find a new hostess. I suggest saving before starting this side mission because screwing up is really easy in this one, no matter how much of an experienced player you are. NOTE: After activating this side mission, new NPCs will appear throughout Kamurocho. It is extremely important that you only talk to the ones I tell you to and to not talk to anyone else in the streets. If you do, it will affect the personality of your hostesses and therefore render this guide useless. You'll find a girl wearing a leopard coat at Theater Square. Her name is Ran. After hiring her, you'll be back at Marietta, but do not go in yet. Go to Ebisu Pawn and buy four Pink Lily Bouquets, then go back to Marietta. Approach Itakura and he will tell you that Masashi wants to discuss the setup of the club with you. Enter the door behind Itakura to find Masashi. The best setup you can have is the following: Price Range: 8,000 10,000 yen Menu: Cheap Menu Sofas: Leather Sofa (White) Tables: Marble Table (White) Lighting: Lamp (Antique) Wallpaper: Wallpaper (Black) Paintings: Country Scene Flooring: Carpet (Animal) You won't have enough money to buy the flooring, but later you'll have enough. Change your furnishings and then talk to each hostess. You can only change your setup when Masashi calls you after a night of work, and you can only talk to hostesses after two nights of work. Talking to them raises their morale if you do it the right way. You can also give them presents and bonuses to raise their morale, but presents are less timeconsuming and are more effective, so stick to that. Give Pink Lily Bouquets to the hostesses when their morale is still under 50% after talking to them. Here is how you should talk to your hostesses throughout this side mission if you follow this guide: Chinatsu: Always compliment her. Miho: Always compliment her. Rika: Always scold her. Ran: Scold her the first time and then compliment her. However, when Marietta expands for the first time, you have to scold her the first time you get to talk to her and then always compliment her. Akira: Always scold her. Mayu: Always compliment her. Hanako: Always compliment her. Note that it only works once with her. Sakura: Always scold her. Ai: Always compliment her. NOTE: If you don't follow this guide word by word, then the above answers will not work. Now, here is how you should handle this side mission. You could give presents to the hostesses every time so that they can have a morale of 100% all the time, but if you do that, you're going to lose a lot of money and you won't get to see how the club looks like at its best setup because the side mission will always progress before you get enough money to afford it, which isn't fun. So that is why you should only give presents to the hostesses if their morale is below 50% after talking to them. Also, if their morale is already at 50% or higher before you even talked to them, you can still talk to them, it won't matter. When you have finally bought all the best furnishings for your club, then, and only then, is the time to raise the hostesses' morale as high as you can by talking to them like always and giving them presents. As for presents, always buy Pink Lily Bouquets at Ebisu Pawn because they are cheap and effective. When you leave the office, make sure to pick up the Coin Locker Key in the hallway. Marietta is now open. Now, you have to leave Marietta and wait for Masashi to call you. Every time you will have to wait, you should make sure that you have at least as many Pink Lily Bouquets as you have hostesses to take care of. When Masashi does call you, you have to go back to Marietta and work on your setup. If you have enough money to buy something, buy it, and have conversations with the hostesses like I described in a previous paragraph. Then, you go back outside and repeat this process until you have bought all the best furnishings. NOTE: Like every time you have to wait for something, wait inside a building so that the clock doesn't stop when Kiryu smokes a cigarette outside. When you have the best furnishings, raise every girl's morale as high as you can without giving them bonuses, but you can give them Pink Lily Bouquets. Then leave the club, go buy your presents like always and also get an Italian Scarf at Le Marche. When you get the call, go back to the club and Itakura will tell you that there's a problem. Go to the locker room and give Miho the Italian Scarf. Go see Masashi, and then go talk to Itakura. Accept his proposition. Head back in and Itakura will give you an Italian Men's Necklace. It's time to do the setup. The best setup you can have is the following: Price Range: 8,000 10,000 yen Menu: Cheap Menu Sofas: Leather Sofa (Black) Tables: Marble Table (Deep Blue) Lighting: Lamp (Vintage) Wallpaper: Wallpaper (Gothic) Decorative Plants: Weeping Fig Paintings: Fantasy Painting Flooring: Carpet (Rose) You won't have enough money to buy the wallpaper and the flooring. After waiting, you will be called twice by Masashi, so make sure you wait for both calls before going inside Marietta. Rika will be harassed by yakuza, beat them. Unfortunately, Itakura will tell you that Rika quit and you need to recruit more girls. You'll find a woman named Mayu in the western part of the Champion District and a woman named Akira in the nothern part. You'll also find a woman named Hanako in front of the Smile Burger. Enter Marietta and go change your setup after talking to Itakura. After repeating the usual steps, you'll have all the best furnishings and your hostesses' morale raised as high as you can without giving them bonuses. Like before, you'll get a call and Itakura will tell you that there's a problem. Talk to Chinatsu and go to the Street north of Ebisu Pawn. Help Akihiko by beating the punks. Back at Marietta, talk to Masashi, then talk to Itakura and accept his proposition. Go back in Marietta and Itakura will give you a Lucky Bracelet. You can pick up a Coin Locker Key in the northeastern corner of the room and can recruit two more girls. You will find a girl named Sakura south of Fusion and you will have to give her 100,000 yen for her to accept. You will also find a girl named Ai south of Love in Heart. As for the the Pink Lily Bouquets, you can judge by yourself how many you'll need to buy. Note that you have eight hostesses to take care of now. Back at Marietta, it's time to do the setup. The best setup you can have is the following: Price Range: 15,000 30,000 yen Menu: TopQuality VIP Menu Sofas: Snake Sofa Tables: Stone Table or Modern Table Chandeliers: Vintage Chandelier Lighting: Lamp (Crystal) Wallpaper: Wall (Gold) Decorative Plants: Baby's Breath Painting: Lake Shore Painting Flooring: Tile (White) You won't have enough money for the chandeliers, the lighting, the wallpaper, the decorative plants, the painting and the flooring. Repeat what you usually do with the hostesses, but since you can't talk to your old hostesses, do not talk to Sakura or Ai. It's better that you're able to talk to all of them at the same time. You can give Pink Lily Bouquets to Sakura and Ai if you need to, though. Go outside, wait for the call and go back. Do that until you've finally bought everything listed above and then raise the morale of each hostess to the maximum. Use bonuses if you have to. Once that is done, just go outside and wait for two calls. When you come back in, Itakura will tell you about a problem. If you talk to him again, he'll tell you that you should also recruit another girl. Suppon Street is the street north of Poppo on Tenkaichi Street. In front of Lilith, you'll find a girl named Yuri and she will become one of your hostesses. Inside Marietta, Itakura will congratulate you. Go see Masashi and then Itakura again. Go outside and wait for a call from Masashi. Note that it will take more time than usual to receive that call. When you enter the club, go see the men standing next to the piano and beat them! After that, it will take a very long time before this side mission progresses, so just move on with the story. You won't get any call or anything but later you'll be able to enter Marietta again and an event will occur. Just don't forget to check once in a while. ______/ 9.00 \______ Enounter Bosses Encounter Bosses, for lack of an official term, are bosses who appear after fighting in a certain number of random encounters in the city the Encounter Boss is located. Unfortunately, figuring out how many battles you need to fight before each of them appear would be impossible, so the only thing you can do is fight until each of them appear. I have to admit that it is a lengthy and boring process and you don't unlock anything if you beat them all. The only reward here is the items they give you after you beat them. Still, if you want to do everything in the game, then you should do it. There is also a rumor saying that beating the Encounter Bosses makes it easier to encounter some of the fighters in the Underground Coliseum. This is another reason why you should take the time to beat them. The order they are listed below is the order in which they will appear. You cannot have someone following you because it prevents them from appearing. ______/ 9.01 \______ Kamurocho Koji Murasame: On Pink Street, north of Beam. Reward: Mystic Blade Sengetsu (Can appear in Chapter 5.) Dynamite Jin: On Park Boulevard, exactly north of Jewel. Reward: 100lb Bowling Ball (Can appear in Chapter 5.) Sky Goto: On Taihei Boulevard East, right at the intersection. Reward: 100,000 yen (Can appear in Chapter 7.) "Golden" Kida: In the southeastern corner of the Champion District. Reward: Immovable Belt Wat Maishima: At the intersection near the Poppo behind Smile Burger. Reward: 300,000 yen Rocker Sawada: From Theater Square, he's in the eastern street that leads north to Shichifuku Street. Reward: Ogre Knuckles Mysterious Assassin: Approach a man on Showa Street, just by the entrance to Pink Street. Reward: HighTech Shin Guards Dai the Yumbo: In the street east of Marietta. Reward: Sacred Tree Bokuto "God" Ezawa: At the intersection north of Gelato. Reward: Beads of Good Fortune ______/ 9.02 \______ Sotenbori Gamra Itakura: North of Iwao Bridge. Reward: 50,000 yen. (Can appear in Chapter 4.) Bloody Seyama: On Bunzaemon Boulevard, south of Iwao Bridge. Reward: Skanda Water (Can appear in Chapter 4, but rarely does.) Kosaku Agawa: In front of the Night Life Dojo. Reward: 150,000 yen Sankichi "B": On Bishamon Bridge. Reward: 300,000 yen Mysterious Assassin: Approach a man wearing blue at the western end of Shofukucho South. Reward: Southpaw Bracelet Riders Osawa: On northern Sotenbori Footpath East. Reward: Mystic Katana "Asura" Gen the Jizo: On Sotenbori Avenue West, near the Save Point. Reward: Dragon's Fist ______/ 9.03 \______ Shinseicho Mafia Itabashi: On the main road, just southeast of the Parking Lot. Reward: Antique Chain Mail ______/ 10.00 \______ Cabaret Girls You can go to MEB on Shichifuku Street to learn about the different services offered in Kamurocho as well as the hostesses. On top of that, by asking for an escort to one of the Cabaret Clubs at MEB or at the Night Life Dojo, you get a 1,000 yen discount, but that ain't really worth it. The goal here is simple. You have to seduce the hostesses and raise their heart meter by answering questions right and doing the right actions. At first, you must visit a hostess twice and get her heart meter at 6.5. Once it reaches that, you'll get an email from her and you'll have to meet her in the little street to the left of Deborah if you're in Kamurocho, or on Bishamon Bridge if you're in Sotenbori. That will lead to your first date. Then, you'll need to visit her at the club for a third time and by raising her heart meter even more, she'll ask you by email to meet her at the same place from before for your second date. After the second time, you will automatically be lead to your third visit at the club. Once her heart meter is at 10, a side mission with her gets activated. NOTE: The strategies listed below are not necessarily the most rewarding in terms of hearts, but they are the most costefficient ones and that's what's more important here. ______/ 10.01 \______ Karen from Shine Accessory: Charisma Ring or Popularity Bracelet + Italian Men's Necklace or Beads of Good Fortune or any Cologne Drink: Orange Juice, Cassis Grape or Beer Food: None Present: None Extension: Yes (First visit only) First date: Sushi dinner (Uni) Second date: Bowling (Win for 0.5 hearts or lose for no penalty.) When I come across them, it's like I'm under their spell. I become enchanted! Don't make the other fish jealous. I wonder why they don't make it a little brighter in here. To keep the electric bill down. I lived right by the beach in Hawaii. That's why I'm good at water sports. I'm sure you're better than me. Do you want to go to Hawaii someday? Sure. Do you use aromatherapy too, Kazuma? I'm not interested. > Maybe you just don't feel stress like the rest of us. I stress out a lot. A lot of the girls here wear them because it frees them from shoulder straps. Is it really that different? Someday I want to become somebody's bride and wear a wedding dress made by me. Are you trying to say something? There are some foods I'll probably never try again. Can you guess one of them? Oysters? or Sea urchin? Don't you know what cosmetics are? It's makeup, right? I've started using ochre mud. They say it's good for your skin. Want to try it? I don't need it. What kind of bag do you like, Kazuma? A strong aluminium suitcase. Wouldn't you like to know! You're not seeing anyone, are you? Sometimes a scary guy will show up to influence a girl's decision. When that happens, call me. If something doesn't go your way, you've got to get over it and move on! Exactly. > My friend told me that I didn't have any tact. She was so cruel! Yeah, that wasn't nice. Can you tell what's different about my makeup? Lip gloss? There are times when it can take hours for just a couple shots! That sounds rough. At this rate, tourists will keep increasing. Soon Hawaii won't be the same! No one wants their hometown to change. Do you like your girls to be skinny, Kazuma? I like slender girls. You've got a strange aura about you. When we're together, I feel healed. I'll heal you anytime. Kazuma, do you think I've had work done? I don't think so. There's a strange guy following me after work. What do you think he's thinking? He sounds like a freak. Whenever I see clothes I like, I have to buy them. So I run out of money a lot. You'd look better naked. Kazuma, which do you like better? Dresses or suits? Dresses, no doubt. > Do you like me in this dress? I do. or I prefer suits. > Do you like me in this dress? I do. or If you're wearing it, then either will do. > Do you like me in this dress? I do. I recently quit being a model. Why do you think? You weren't suited for the modeling world? After her heart meter is at 10, she'll ask you to meet her in front of Sushi Gin. Head there to complete this side mission. ______/ 10.02 \______ Kaede from Shine Accessory: Charisma Ring or Popularity Bracelet + Italian Men's Necklace or Beads of Good Fortune or any Cologne Drink: Orange Juice, Cassis Grape or Beer Food: Chocolate (First visit only) Present: None Extension: No First date: Sushi dinner (Ikura) Second date: Korean dinner (Bulgogi) I wonder if I'll be alone on Valentine's. How about we spend it together? What do you look for in a woman's body? I mean, what do you notice first? Pretty legs. There's something I always obsess about, clotheswise. What do you think it is? You always wear a belt with jeans. Japanese people work too hard, don't they? I never have to work. What do you think the other number one is all about? Drink sales? My hairstyle isn't very elaborate, so it's pretty easy to manage. Your hair is very pretty. I recently bought an apartment in the city. You should fill it up with nice things. To be honest, it does cost a lot to come here, but we think that's reasonable. The value isn't always there, though. I think it's classier to focus on keeping entertaining conversation. I think good conversation is better. Do you think you can tell if an email from a hostess is genuine or not? It's never genuine. I get sculpts put on. It's more fun to have them put on in the shop. Scalp? I'd think someone like you would be surrounded by women. I like the atmosphere here. I don't mean to be immodest, but I'm actually a pretty good cook. I want to try your miso soup. In places that accept credit, you don't have to worry about handling money. Trusting the customer is everything. Can you drink a lot? Like a fish. I'm always on the lookout for products that beautify the skin. You've put a lot into being beautiful. Maybe I don't belong in Kamurocho. It's a good town if you get to know it. What do you think, Kazuma? Is that what you're looking for too? That doesn't sound so bad. Do you have any superstitions, Kazuma? If I get all green lights, it's a good day. To be entertained myself, I used to go to host clubs a lot with my friends. Are you stressed out? You don't talk much about yourself. You're kind of mysterious. There's nothing to talk about. The waiters sometimes act as counselors to us women. Is there something troubling you? There are some customers who constantly try to grope me. I'll take care of it. The owner of the club I used to work for asked me to come back. You should stay and work here. After her heart meter is at 10, she'll ask you to meet her in front of Café Alps. Go there and shortly after, you'll get an email telling you to meet her again in front of the Yoshida Batting Cage. ______/ 10.03 \______ Maiko from Shine Accessory: Charisma Ring or Popularity Bracelet + Italian Men's Necklace or Beads of Good Fortune or any Cologne Drink: House Bottle Food: Chocolate Present: None Extension: Yes (First visit only) First date: Sushi dinner (Tamago) Second date: Bowling (Win or lose, you get 0.5 hearts.) What about now that you're grown up? Do you still do that? I've outgrown that behavior. When you're short, no matter how stylish you dress, you still look like a kid. Shorter is sweeter. We had to cancel my paragliding lesson. I was looking forward to it so much. That's too bad. Did you ever do stuff like that, Kazzy? Just once. The other day, when I was singing karaoke, a music producer gave me his card. Do you think you can be a singer? Kazzy, I want to be taller. They don't sell fashionable clothes in my size. They don't sell them anywhere? You jump into the air and it swooshes you up and you float away. Sounds fun. Do you go to karaoke too, Kazzy? I'd go if you came. Hey Kazzy, what are your hobbies? Bonsai trees. Do you go to karaoke, or sing in the shower or anything? I sing at karaoke bars. With a technical license, you can paraglide in other countries, too. Why would you want to go to another country? Do you like Japanese country music, Kazzy? I don't want to talk about it. Do you like girls with big boobs? More than a handful is a waste. I'm not pretty good at a lot of things, but I'm a pretty awesome baker! Marry me. Do you think these clothes look good on me, Kazzy? Sure. Before I knew it, my lunches were the most popular. You'd make someone a good wife. Isn't the selection of food here kind of limited? Yeah, there isn't much of a selection. Hey Kazzy, if I were an animal, what do you think I'd be? Kind of like a cat. I'm gonna sleep through the New Year! But I will make some New Year's food. You can make traditional New Year food? I always fall for people like my brother. What do you think of that? Whatever makes you happy. When I went to the movies, they asked me if I was a middle school student! Did it hurt? No, I can't live with my family... Did something happen at home? A year ago... My brother got into a bike accident on his way to pick me up. It wasn't your fault. Now there's no one to eat what I make... You should make me something. After her heart meter is at 10, she'll ask to you meet her in front of Club SEGA on Nakamichi Street. Play YF6 and then bowl with her. It doesn't matter if you win or lose. After that, win the fight. ______/ 10.04 \______ Yuma from Jewel Accessory: Charisma Ring or Popularity Bracelet + Italian Men's Necklace or Beads of Good Fortune or any Cologne Drink: House Bottle Food: None Present: None Extension: Yes (First and second visits only) First date: Sushi dinner (Otoro) Second date: Bowling (Win for 0.5 hearts or lose for no penalty.) Do you go to a lot of other clubs? Only this club, because you're here. Do you like animals? I like dogs. > You must be a good person! I'm a bad person. I'm jealous of your wife. I'm single. I'm pretty good on the piano but I'm too embarassed to play in front of people. I wish I could play the piano. or Can you see the keys? I want to save up lots of money and open my own perfume shop. I'll invite you! Sure, I'm looking forward to it. Isn't there someone who will cook for you? Maybe I'll cook something myself. What have you been getting into recently? Cabaret clubs, of course. Which do you dislike more? Heat or the cold? I can take either one. Are you good at sports? I'm pretty good. > I'd like to get good someday. I can teach you how. Where are you from? Yokohama. I'd rather know... who you went with. or your chest. I just can't help myself. Will my soul mate ever find me? Absolutely. What is my blood type? Type AB. Do you ever buy lottery tickets? I buy tickets like crazy. or I don't need the money. > Then order some champagne for me! Sure, why not? (Will give you 1.5 hearts, but will cost you 48,000 yen.) I wonder what I should teach him next. Teach him to pee. What do you think my sign is? Aries. How old do you think I look? 19. I should earn points for being so cute and knowing another language! You're popular with foreigners, aren't you? Banana stuffed toys are just so cute! I like them too. Have you ever kept a blog? I know of them but I don't have one. > What if you started one? Maybe I'll upload some hot pictures of you. Because he's a customer, I can't just tell him to get away from me. It sounds like tough work. Do you have fun with me? I feel comfortable with you. If you get the chance, I'll introduce you to him! I'm jealous of him. On the subway, some men try to touch me. To think they get off on doing that! You're cute. Who wouldn't want to touch? After her heart meter is at 10, she'll ask you to meet her at Theater Square. When you get there, you'll get an email from her. Talk to her on Taihei Boulevard, just east of the Millennium Tower, then go buy Dog Food at Don Quijote. Finally, head to Children's Park, check the dog on the right and feed the dog. ______/ 10.05 \______ Natsuki from Jewel Accessory: Charisma Ring or Popularity Bracelet + Italian Men's Necklace or Beads of Good Fortune or any Cologne Drink: Orange Juice, Cassis Grape or Beer Food: Vegetable Sticks (First and second visits only) Present: None Extension: No First date: Sushi dinner (Kamburi) Second date: Korean dinner (Dolsot Bibimpap) I like collecting vintage lingerie. When do you wear something like that? Where do you think I'm from? Nagano. Do you dislike drunk girls? I like them a lot. How do you spend your days off? I watch movies. > What kind of movies do you watch? Korean movies. I wonder if that day will come for me. You have things you need to do first. What kind of women are you attracted to? Bad girls. > Do you think so? Totally. or You seem pretty normal to me. What's my real job? Are you a university student? Now you say something! Should I talk about my fighting? What do you think my dream is? To become an interpreter. My boyfriend... is from your hometown, right? You appear to be tough and impassive. But inside, you have a warm heart. Right? No way. > Then what kind of person are you? I'm a cold person. What part of my body do I like the best? Your pretty fingers. I'm into a certain kind of cooking now. Try and guess it. Japanese? Do you have any good tips? Work out. Where do you live? I live in this area, too. What kind of music do you like? I like Japanese country. What if you tried to go to school? Maybe I'll give it a shot. What position do you sleep in? Curled in a ball. What flavor of ramen do you get? I like light, Tokyostyle ramen. I'm starting to question whether going to university was a good thing or not. You should be more independent. Is that surprising? That's exactly what you should do. You seem pretty curious and mischievous. Is that what you look for in a man? Go where? How about an underground casino? I feel antsy because I will be studying abroad and I won't be able to see you. Live in the moment. After her heart meter is at 10, she'll ask you to meet her at the Coin Lockers. When you get there, you'll get an email from her. Talk to her in front of Don Quijote. You'll find the thug in front of the Coin Lockers. Beat him and his friend. ______/ 10.06 \______ Anna from Jewel Accessory: Charisma Ring or Popularity Bracelet + Italian Men's Necklace or Beads of Good Fortune or any Cologne Drink: Orange Juice, Cassis Grape or Beer Food: Vegetable Sticks (First and second visits only) Present: None Extension: No First date: Bowling (Win for 0.5 hearts or lose for no penalty.) Second date: Sushi dinner (Amaebi) If I told them now, maybe they'd understand. Your father probably goes to cabaret clubs. I'm thinking about getting something new pierced, but I don't know what yet. Tongue? What kind of girl do you dislike? A girl who has a strong smell. So when do you think it becomes cheating? If you sleep together. Isn't that hilarious? Good thing you weren't arrested. Fake nipples are nipples that you wear to enhance what you already have. Isn't natural better? Do you know how to freak? You rub up against each other wildly while dancing. I'd probably hurt myself. When I see kids, I just want to squeeze them and give them candy! Squeeze me. At this rate, my February will be a dry one. I dry up when I'm alone, too. Crows are really scary. I always think they'll come after me. I'll come after you first. You've been staring at me this whole time. What is it? I'm just admiring you. Where's the weirdest place you've ever done it? At a hospital. What kind of bathing suits do you like? Sexy bikinis. I want a dangerous love! Something thrilling and fun. You're into some weird stuff. I'm really glad I do this kind of work. I get to meet a lot of guys. You must really like guys. Where would you take me on our first date? Maybe a fetish club. When you're talking with a girl, when do you think she wants you? When she keeps touching my arm. Yoga is great when you're detoxing and you sweat a lot, so it's very slimming. You look pretty flexible. Do you still have a boyish side? When I see a dog, I have to pet it. I use baking soda, honey and salt. It makes your skin soft. I'll have to touch you to find out for sure. I just can't throw a dart straight. Maybe your grip is wrong. What kind of costumes get your blood pumping? A receptionist girl. I went to a cosplay photo shoot and did all kinds of poses! No one acted out of line? I like to wear costumes and walk around town. You wouldn't know it's me. I'd spot you, no doubt. As soon as you step out of the club, you'll get an email from her. The first time, you'll find her north of the Gelato Shop. Next, you'll need to go inside Rune Casino at the Ryugujo, talk to all the bunny girls, then leave the Ryugujo and she'll be right there. Finally, you'll need to go to Theater Square and talk to the girl in jeans and the female santa and she'll appear in front of Club SEGA. ______/ 10.07 \______ Jun from Prime Accessory: Charisma Ring or Popularity Bracelet + Italian Men's Necklace or Beads of Good Fortune or any Cologne Drink: House Bottle (She doesn't like it, but there's no penalty. You can choose anything else you want if it bothers you.) Food: Vegetable Sticks (One time only) Present: None Extension: Yes (First visit only) First date: Okonomiyaki dinner (Pork Okonomiyaki) Second date: Okonomiyaki dinner (Pork Okonomiyaki) What sports do you like, Kazzy? I like boxing. Celebrities look so tired in real life. They must be pretty stressed out. I'm stressed out. There's a part of a guy I get a little hung up on. What do ya think it is? The Adam's apple. Why do ya think I changed? You were rejected by a guy. There was a white light floating around. It flew into the air and disappeared! Maybe it was a UFO. I went to a taping of my favorite standup comedy show. It wasn't very funny. If you were on stage, it would've been good. If you wanted to let someone know ya liked em, where would ya do it? Behind the bleachers at school. Is there anything ya wanna try while you're here? Mixed juice. Wanna buy me a beer? Yeah, sure. (Will cost you 1,200 yen.) Do you like standup comedy? I like it. They spent lots of money on the interior, and all the gals are cute. Not as cute as you. D'ya know any good ways to turn them down? Just give me a call. When you clean yourself, what's the first thing ya wash? Down there, I guess. Yesterday when I lost a contact, all the guys around me helped me look for it. It's because it was you. If you were an animal, what kind would ya be? A powerful gorilla. What kind of work do ya do? I work in film. Do ya have a favorite comic, Kazzy? Not really. Yeah, that's true, but... what if you tried some standup comedy? Ya could bring a kid to tears with that face. Look at yer face in a mirror. Whoa! Yeah! I totally could! People say girls from Kansai have gaudy hair, makeup and clothes. You're pretty gaudy. or There are a lot of showy people here. Ya really wanna know? I've been a host before. Ya gotta at least go to Tsutenkaku Tower. It's got an old downtown feel to it. Tokyo Tower is good enough. How about you and me get married? Sure, let's get married right away. Can I sit a little closer? Yeah, sure. After her heart meter is at 10, she'll ask you to meet her in front of Tsuruhashi Fugetsu. Go there, eat with her and then see what happens. ______/ 10.08 \______ Madoka from Prime Accessory: Charisma Ring or Popularity Bracelet + Italian Men's Necklace or Beads of Good Fortune or any Cologne Drink: Orange Juice, Cassis Grape or Beer Food: None Present: None Extension: Yes (First and second visits only) First date: Okonomiyaki dinner [Fugetsuyaki (Modan)] Second date: Kyoto cuisine dinner (Yubazashi or Sazae Tsuboyaki) Have you ever been to Kyoto, Kazuma? I've been to Kyoto. A scout from a hospital gave me his card. I'm not sure what to do. It might be a good opportunity. Have you ever been to a shrine in Kyoto? I love walking around Kyoto shrines. I'd like to go. In Kyoto, every month there's a festival somewhere, so it's never boring. Festivals are a lot of fun. I love the book, the Tale of Genji. I think the protagonist is a lot like you. Flattery will get you nowhere. I use the veranda to grow flowers now. But I can't do it very well. What kind of flowers are you growing? I feel more at ease in a kimono than in a dress. It's easier for me to relax... Most people can't relax in kimonos. or I'd like to see you in a kimono. I do oil painting as a hobby. Still lifes? or Portraits? Trains are quite convenient. Unlike cars, you can predict arrival times. Have you ever flown in a plane? I can't sleep without my teddy bear. It's a habit I've had since I was little. I'll be your teddy bear. Do you ever go to plays? Do pole dancers count? I thought that onions grew on trees. I really don't know a lot. How about I teach you some stuff? My parents didn't allow natto. But now that I live alone, I eat it every day. I eat it, too. I've heard that in Tokyo, food is seasoned even more than in Osaka. Is it true? In Tokyo, noodle broth is black. or I don't worry about it. What kind of music do you listen to? Classical. Many people still think the center of Japan is Kyoto. That's just the spirit of the old capital. What are people watching these days? The ones in the curtainedoff area. The undigested coffee beans civet cats excrete are the best beans in the world. Have you ever tried it? or Does it have to be a civet cat? I gave my father homemade chocolates but he didn't like them. It's the thought that counts. I've ridden horses since I was little, so I'm quite good at it. Can you teach me how to ride a horse? My parents didn't allow me to go to a coed school. I've never had a boyfriend. Your parents were too strict. I moved out on my own. But I'm worried that I can't keep this up. How about moving in with me? I just can't make myself appealing to men. Your technique is lacking. Isn't it strange to be 20 and never have had a boyfriend before? I'll be your boyfriend. After her heart meter is at 10, she'll send you an email and will ask you to meet her in front of Komian. Talk to her and then beat the men in black. After waiting a little, you'll get an email from her. Meet her in front of Gandhara. ______/ 10.09 \______ Ayano from Prime Accessory: Charisma Ring or Popularity Bracelet + Italian Men's Necklace or Beads of Good Fortune or any Cologne Drink: Orange Juice, Cassis Grape or Beer Food: Vegetable Sticks (First visit only) Present: None Extension: No First date: Fugu dinner (Globefish Tempura) Second date: Okonomiyaki dinner (Yakisoba) Before I started doing this work, what do you think I did? Night work? A long time ago, I used to hate my face. But then I grew to love it. Was it magic? I sang and danced when I was on TV. But I always made my choreographer mad. Was there some dancerelated problem? If I ever make a comeback, will you be my manager? I'm not interested. What kind of trips do you like? Anywhere that I can relax. Did you have a dream when you were little? I wanted to be a superhero. What made you choose me? You're glamorous. I feel like there's sort of a wall between me and the other girls here. You're too selfconscious. I'd like to make myself a little more marketable to the opposite sex. Let's get married. Tomorrow. I've been in one of those before. What do you think I was in there for? A police investigation. What do you think? You'd look great naked. Do you ever go to hookup parties, Kazuma? It depends on who else goes. I've even cried because of those pictures. Why do you think I cried? You were asked to strip? I don't like being professionally recorded. Are you claustrophobic? They took my face and put them onto pornographic pictures. Don't worry about it. What do you think led me to that kind of job? Your family applied. What do you like best about me? I mean, physically. Your fingers. You must have never written a fan letter before. I have. What kind of costume do you like? Nurse uniforms. How much do you think my photo book cost? You're popular, aren't you? What kind of dramas do you like? Romantic dramas. At one time, I was actually quite popular. I had groupies, even. I understand how they feel. I've gotten some pretty amazing things from a fan. What do you think it is? A house. I'm being followed around by a fan. He started harassing me. What should I do? Go out with me. After her heart meter is at 10, she'll ask you to meet her in front of Don Quijote. Go there and you'll get an email from her. Find her on northern Sotenbori Footpath West and save her. ______/ 10.10 \______ Nana, the Legendary Cabaret Girl NOTE: Nana only becomes available after you've completed the side missions for the nine other hostesses in the game. You need to scroll down to see her name in the red box. IMPORTANT: On top of the money it will cost you to visit her at Prime and take her to dates, you will need 10 million yen for her side mission. So make sure you have all of that money before you activate her side mission. If you somehow have money problems, I suggest you check section [16.00]. Accessory: Charisma Ring or Popularity Bracelet + Italian Men's Necklace or Beads of Good Fortune or any Cologne Drink: Orange Juice, Cassis Grape or Beer Food: None Present: None Extension: Yes (First visit only) First date: Okonomiyaki dinner (Pork Okonomiyaki) Second date: Fugu dinner (Globefish Tempura) If I ever get the chance, I think I'd like to live in Kamurocho again someday. I like it there, too. What'll ya wear when ya come to my birthday party? I'll wear what I always wear. When I have free time, I like to go on trips by myself. I'd like to go with you on a trip. There's one thing that always keeps me going. What do ya think it is? The people you work with. What's the matter? You've been staring at me. Is there something out of place? Your eyes are so lovely. You've seen your fair share of bloodshed, haven't ya? I lost my youth. What kind of girl do ya think makes a good cabaret girl? A girl with refined tastes. How should I deal with the pain? Eat more fiber. I'd like my club to be the best in the country! If anyone can do it, you can. Half of my body is made of takoyaki. That's why you reek of takoyaki sauce. When I get really tired, I go to the hospital and get a garlic injection. Wouldn't something like that kill you? Tell me about the stuff ya used to do back when ya were bad. I fought with my friends. My neck and shoulders get really stiff. On my days off, I always get a massage. Shall I give you a gentle massage? I get the feeling that ya know yer way around a cabaret club. I can hold my own. I have a weakness for desserts. I know I'll get fat, but I just can't stop. I love them, too. > I laughed so hard I'm hungry. Can I order something to eat? Eat whatever you want. (Will cost you 6,000 yen.) When ya saw me, what was your very first impression of me? You've got a nice rack. Try to guess what the best present I've ever gotten was. A homemade lunch. I've been workin' at lotsa clubs lately, but I'm so happy I came back here. You're really popular, aren't you? Kazuma, what do ya think it takes to make a gal happy? Isn't bravery everything? I can't get enough pro . It's the ultimate entertainment. If you were gonna ask Billiken for something, what would ya ask him for? I'd ask him to make me popular with girls. There's a rumor that all men that I meet go on to advance in their careers. Then advance me in my career too. If ya love someone, would ya forgive them their past? What's past is past. Kazuma... What do ya think of me? Answer truthfully. Please. I wish you were my woman. After her heart meter is at 10, she'll send you an email. Talk to the man who's approaching you near Prime, then head south and talk to the woman. Go west and you'll find Nana. Talk to her and choose to pay her debt. ______/ 11.00 \______ Underground Coliseum (*)Only appears in that tournament. EXHIBITION TOURNAMENT (Available from the start.) Fighters: #22: Mon Amour Komiyama #27: Pyotr Kalashnikov #30: Dead Boy #34: Takayuki Maeda #41: Patriarch Yamazaki #42: Tyrone Yen #43: Tatsuo Nirayama #44: Robert Kimura #45: Kenzo Kakuyama #46: Terry Sakata #47: Mammoth Tatsu #48: Suekichi the Pickpocket (You need to talk to him on the first floor of the Ryugujo to make him appear.) #49: Jacques Gérard #50: Sho Imaizumi(*) Prizes: Banker's Game Piece, Player's Game Piece, Hercules Gloves, Gauntlets, Chinese Broadsword, Saw, Brass Knuckles, Iron Breastplate, Insulated Shirt, Binding, Modified Lighter, Staminan Royale, Staminan X, Toughness Z. STREET FIGHT GRAND PRIX (Available from the start.) Fighters: #12: Devil Tsuji(*) (You need to win a later tournament to make him appear.) #17: Don Carpaccio (You need to win the Exhibition Tournament ten times to make him appear.) #20: Minoru Kayama #23: Alexandr Ivanov #31: Dandy Sugino #46: Terry Sakata #51: HomeRun Ken Prizes: French Scarf, Toughness Emperor, Staminan Royale, Metal Club, Bat, Modified Lighter, Yakuza Training Gear. BAREKNUCKLE GRAND PRIX (Available from the start.) Fighters: #11: Emilio Rosa #19: Yukio Masaki #23: Alexandr Ivanov #24: Max Yonamine #36: Andy Matoba #37: Ahmed Zayat #38: Condor Mizusawa #43: Tatsuo Nirayama #44: Robert Kimura Prizes: Black Jewel, Fighter's Binding, Gauntlets, Staminan Royale, Staminan X, Toughness Z, Ogre Knuckles, Champion's Ring (Rare). LIGHTNING GRAND PRIX (Available from the start.) Fighters: #19: Yukio Masaki #20: Minoru Kayama #28: Mach Otani #32: Kazuhito Fujioka #35: Daniel Feldman #40: Kojiro Toyama #42: Tyrone Yen #47: Mammoth Tatsu Prizes: Player's Game Piece, Extendable Staff, Ogre Knuckles, Fighter's Binding, Yakuza Training Gear, Binding. BURNING GRAND PRIX (Win Lightning three times.) Fighters: #17: Don Carpaccio (You need to win the Exhibition Tournament ten times to make him appear.) #20: Minoru Kayama #22: Mon Amour Komiyama #29: Karl van der Rohen #34: Takayuki Maeda #40: Kojiro Toyama #45: Kenzo Kakuyama Prizes: Blackjack Charm, Toughness Emperor, Extendable Staff, Brass Knuckles, Insulated Shirt, Hercules Gloves, Yakuza Training Gear. RUSTY NAIL GRAND PRIX (Win Street Fight and Burning three times each.) Fighters: #10: Cyclops Oba (You need to do the side mission "THE THIRSTY WRESTLER" to make him appear.) #15: Hades Nishizawa #17: Don Carpaccio (You need to win the Exhibition Tournament ten times to make him appear.) #20: Minoru Kayama #30: Dead Boy #31: Dandy Sugino #32: Kazuhito Fujioka #35: Daniel Feldman #41: Patriarch Yamazaki #48: Suekichi the Pickpocket (You need to talk to him on the first floor of the Ryugujo to make him appear.) #49: Jacques Gérard Prizes: Banker's Game Piece, French Scarf, Fearless Binding, Tauriner Maximum, Chinese Broadsword, Saw, Iron Breastplate, Toughness Emperor, Toughness Z, Yakuza Training Gear. BEASTMASTER CHALLENGE (Available from Chapter 13 and after winning one tournament.) Fighters: #3: El Diablo #5: Seafire(*) #14: Moonbeam(*) Prizes: Red Jewel, Dragon Fang Needle, Calming Towel. MERCENARY GRAND PRIX (Win BareKnuckle and Rusty Nail twice each.) Fighters: #4: Renji Kamiyama(*) (You need to do the side mission "THE WEAPONS VIDEO SELLER" to make him appear.) #13: Marcus Zefal(*) (You need to win a later tournament to make him appear.) #16: Goro Majima(*) (You need to win a later tournament to make him appear.) #25: Robison Caetano di Sciuva(*) #33: Grand Chef Chang(*) #51: HomeRun Ken Prizes: Dragon Taiko Sticks, Patriarch's Bat, Tauriner Maximum, Cleaver, Toughness ZZ, Bat. SCORPION GRAND PRIX (Win all the previous tournaments.) Fighters: #8: Mr. Yoh #9: Cheolsu Kwan #17: Don Carpaccio (You need to win the Exhibition Tournament ten times to make him appear.) #18: Kiyoshi Muroi #23: Alexandr Ivanov #27: Pyotr Kalashnikov #28: Mach Otani #29: Karl van der Rohen #37: Ahmed Zayat #39: Kozo Karita #49: Jacques Gérard Prizes: Blackjack Charm, Toughness Infinity, Staminan Royale, Lau's Broadsword, Chinese Broadsword, Fighter's Binding, Skanda Water. SPECIAL GRAND PRIX (Win Mercenary three times.) Fighters: #8: Mr. Yoh #9: Cheolsu Kwan #19: Yukio Masaki #20: Minoru Kayama #21: Antonio Pettas (You need to learn the Komaki Tiger Drop to make him appear.) #22: Mon Amour Komiyama #24: Max Yonamine #29: Karl van der Rohen #35: Daniel Feldman #38: Condor Mizusawa #42: Tyrone Yen Prizes: Black Jewel, Blackjack Charm, Lau's Broadsword, Toughness Infinity, Ogre Knuckles, Toughness Z, Insulated Shirt, Yakuza Training Gear, Binding, Tourmaline Bracelet. HYPER GRAND PRIX (Win all the previous tournaments.) Fighters: #9: Cheolsu Kwan #11: Emilio Rosa #18: Kiyoshi Muroi #19: Yukio Masaki #21: Antonio Pettas (You need to learn the Komaki Tiger Drop to make him appear.) #28: Mach Otani #36: Andy Matoba #39: Kozo Karita Prizes: Toughness Infinity, Staminan Royale, Ogre Knuckles, Tourmaline Bracelet, Skanda Water, Fighter's Binding, Champion's Ring (Rare). MAGNUM FORCE GRAND PRIX (Win Hyper three times.) Fighters: #7: Gensho Kawachi(*) (You need to start the side mission "THE MARTIAL ARTS YOUTH" to make him appear.) #10: Cyclops Oba (You need to do the side mission "THE THIRSTY WRESTLER" to make him appear.) #15: Hades Nishizawa #17: Don Carpaccio (You need to win the Exhibition Tournament ten times to make him appear.) #18: Kiyoshi Muroi #24: Max Yonamine #26: Gary Buster Holmes(*) Prizes: Black Jewel, Tauriner Maximum, Staminan Spark, Toughness Emperor, Skanda Water. MAXIMUM GRAND PRIX (Win Mercenary, Scorpion, Special, Hyper and Magnum Force five times each.) Fighters: #1: Akira Yamaoka(*) (You need to perform all HEAT Actions except one Komaki Style HEAT Action and one Super Finish and learn all the skills except the Ultimate Essence, which you get later and another skill which you can only get after beating the game to make him appear.) #2: Sotaro Komaki(*) (You need to defeat fighters #3 to #51 to make him appear.) #3: El Diablo #6: Masao Yanagi(*) #9: Cheolsu Kwan #11: Emilio Rosa #18: Kiyoshi Muroi Prizes: Katana "Demon Fang", Komaki Matchlock, Dragon Fang Needle, Toughness Infinity, Champion's Ring, Bloody Binding, Skanda Water. ______/ 12.00 \______ HEAT Actions In this section, I will list every HEAT Action by category and also tell you how to do each one of them. ______/ 12.01 \______ Terrain FRONT SLAM Do a HEAT Action near a wall when holding an enemy by the front. WALL CRUSH Do a HEAT Action near a vending machine when holding an enemy by the front. BACK SLAM Do a HEAT Action near a wall when holding an enemy by the back. SHOCK SLAM In the Lightning Grand Prix of the Underground Coliseum, do a HEAT Action near the electrical fence when holding an enemy. RUSTY WALL In the Rusty Nail Grand Prix of the Underground Coliseum, do a HEAT Action near the rusty nail fence when holding an enemy. HEADSLAM FRONT Do a HEAT Action near a low wall, a ramp or something of similar height when holding an enemy by the front. HEADSLAM BACK Do a HEAT Action near a low wall, a ramp or something of similar height when holding an enemy by the back. FIRE DRUM Do a HEAT Action near a burning drum can when holding an enemy. ASS CRUSH Do a HEAT Action near the edge of a bench when holding an enemy. PILLAR Do a HEAT Action near a pillar or a pole when holding an enemy. BACK BREAK Do a HEAT Action near the middle of a bench when holding an enemy by the front. FLIGHT In the fight inside Cabaret Grand or in one of the fights at Stardust, do a HEAT Action near the edge of the balcony when holding an enemy. COLD SWIM When fighting on the Sotenbori Footpath, do a HEAT Action near the ramp when holding an enemy. COLD TOSS When fighting on Iwao Bridge, do a HEAT Action near the edges of the bridge when holding an enemy. EVICTION On the second and third floors of the Amano Building, use a HEAT Action near a window when holding an enemy. You can also do it on the fifth floor, in the stairs. CHANDELIER On the second floor of the Omi Alliance HQ, Kiryu will automatically start an attack sequence and jump on a chandelier. At first, you need to hit Circle and then you'll need to repeatedly tap the buttons shown on the screen. The correct order is Square, X, Square. GLASS CASE Do a HEAT Action near a restaurant's glass display case when holding an enemy. STAIRS In the fights inside Cabaret Grand, Omi Alliance HQ or the Amano Building, do a HEAT Action near some stairs when holding an enemy. PITFALL Inside ShangriLa, do a HEAT Action near the holes in the floor when holding an enemy. You only go to ShangriLa once in the game, so it's your only chance to do this HEAT Action. FACE BURN In the Burning Grand Prix of the Underground Coliseum, do a HEAT Action near the fire floor when holding an enemy. TWIN KICKS Inside the Omi Alliance HQ, do a HEAT Action near the darker and narrower parts of the corridor when holding an enemy. ______/ 12.02 \______ Weapon ROPE Do a HEAT Action with a Rope when an enemy's back is facing you. HEADLOCK Do a HEAT Action with a small and light weapon. BIG BRASS Do a HEAT Action with any type of brass knuckles. UMBRELLA Do a HEAT Action with an Elegant Umbrella. It is the only type of umbrella that you can use to perform this HEAT Action. DAGGER Do a HEAT Action with a dagger or a broken bottle. STUN GUN Do a HEAT Action with a Stun Gun or a Broken Stun Gun. STAFF Do a HEAT Action with an Iron Pipe, a Broom or something similar. BAT After learning the Essence of Batting, do a HEAT Action with a bat. LOTUS STAFF After learning the Essence of the Staff, do a HEAT Action when you're very close to an enemy with a Long Iron Pipe, an Extendable Staff or something similar. It doesn't cost any endurance to use this HEAT Action. IAI TRIPLE Do a HEAT Action with a katana. LONG STAFF Do a HEAT Action with a Long Iron Pipe, an Extendable Staff or something similar. IAI DOUBLE Do a HEAT Action with any sword made of wood. BROAD IAI Do a HEAT Action with a broadsword, a Saw or a Cleaver. TONFA After learning the Essence of Tonfa, do a HEAT Action with a tonfa. KALI After learning the Essence of Kali, do a HEAT Action with kali sticks. BOWLING After learning the Essence of Bowling, do a HEAT Action with a bowling ball. HEAVY BLOW Do a HEAT Action with a big and heavy object. SMACKDOWN Do a HEAT Action with a medium signboard. SIGNBOARD Do a HEAT Action with a large signboard or a ladder. PLIERS BACK Do a HEAT Action with a pair of Pliers. PLIERS FRONT Do a HEAT Action with a pair of Pliers at the same time an enemy is attacking you. IRON Do a HEAT Action with a Modified Iron. GOLF After learning the Essence of Golf, do a HEAT Action with a Golf Club. It doesn't cost any endurance to use this HEAT Action. STOVE DO a HEAT Action with a Modified Portable Stove. SALT Do a HEAT Action with Table Salt. SYRINGE Do a HEAT Action with a Syringe, which can only be found in battles at the Parking Lot on Shichifuku Street and in battles behind Kotobuki Drugs. ______/ 12.03 \______ Finishing ARMED STOMP With Soul level 4, do a HEAT Action on a downed enemy with a weapon. CRUSHING STOMP With Soul level 4, do a HEAT Action on a downed enemy with a large object. WEAPON SMASH With Soul level 4, do a HEAT Action on a downed enemy with a mediumsized object. FRONT FINISH With Soul level 4, do a HEAT Action on a downed enemy who's facing the sky. BACK FINISH With Soul level 4, do a HEAT Action on a downed enemy who's facing the ground. ______/ 12.04 \______ Wreckage ADRENALINE RUSH With Soul level 6 and when your health is in critical condition, do a HEAT Action on a downed enemy. ______/ 12.05 \______ Super Finish VIOLENT FINISH When fighting Ryuji Goda in Chapter 3, do a lot of damage to him quickly to make him crouch and do the Super Finish HEAT Action. The only way to do a lot of damage to him quickly is to smash his head against the brick. BOLT FINISH When fighting a swordwielding Ryuji Goda in Chapter 16, do a lot of damage to him quickly to make him crouch and do the Super Finish HEAT Action. COMBO FINISH When fighting Hiroshi Hayashi, do a lot of damage to him quickly to make him crouch and do the Super Finish HEAT Action. DUAL FINISH When fighting the two Jingweon men in the Emoto Clinic or when fighting them again towards the end of the game, do a lot of damage to one of them quickly to make him crouch and do the Super Finish HEAT Action. TIGER DROP When fighting the Feral Tigers or Moonbeam in the Beastmaster Challenge of the Underground Coliseum, do a lot of damage to them quickly to make them crouch and do the Super Finish HEAT Action. SWORD CRUSHER When fighting Koji Shindo in the garden of the Tojo Clan Headquarters, there will be an attack sequence. If you win the sequence, he'll be knocked out for a short time, giving you time to perform the Super Finish HEAT Action. SUPER FINISH When fighting Daigo Dojima, Goro Majima, Yeongmin Ji or Daejin Kim, do a lot of damage to them quickly to make them crouch and do the Super Finish HEAT Action. ______/ 12.06 \______ Komaki Style ULTIMATE After learning the Ultimate Essence, do a HEAT Action on a stunned enemy. To stun an enemy, you can either do a Komaki Parry or throw something heavy at him. TORTOISE Do the Komaki Fist Reversal on an enemy who is attacking you from the front. PHOENIX Do the Komaki Fist Reversal on an enemy who is attacking you from the back. DRAGON Do the Komaki Fist Reversal on an enemy who is attacking you from the right. TIGER Do the Komaki Fist Reversal on an enemy who is attacking you from the left. SHOT PARRY Do the Komaki Shot Stopper on an enemy who is wielding a handgun or a submachine gun. GUN KICK Do the Komaki Shot Stopper on an enemy who is wielding a Shotgun. ______/ 12.07 \______ Might BIG SWING After learning the Essence of Might, grab a downed enemy by the leg, move away from walls, benches, cars, ramps or any other thing and do a HEAT Action. CYCLONE After learning the Essence of Might, do a HEAT Action near a low wall, a ramp or something of similar height when holding a downed enemy by the leg. WALL SWING After learning the Essence of Might, do a HEAT Action near a wall when holding a downed enemy by the leg. POLE SWING After learning the Essence of Might, do a HEAT Action near a pole when holding a downed enemy by the leg. CAR CRUSH After learning the Essence of Might, do a HEAT Action near the side of either the front or the back of a car when holding a downed enemy by the leg. BAR SLIDE After learning the Essence of Might, do a HEAT Action near the bar counter of Bantam when holding a downed enemy by the leg. There are two fights in Bantam, so you only have two chances to do this HEAT Action. It only works once per fight. ______/ 12.08 \______ Crushing FRONT CRUSH TOSS After learning the Essence of Crushing, do a HEAT Action near a downed enemy when you're holding another enemy by the front. BACK CRUSH TOSS After learning the Essence of Crushing, do a HEAT Action near a downed enemy when you're holding another enemy by the back. ______/ 12.09 \______ Essence of Goriki DOUBLE CRUSH With full health, do a HEAT Action near an enemy when you're holding another enemy by the back. FRONT CRUSH With full health, do a HEAT Action when you're holding an enemy by the front. BACK CRUSH With full health, do a HEAT Action when you're holding an enemy by the back. ______/ 12.10 \______ Coop Attack HOLD KICK Use a HEAT Action near Sayama when she has her leg around an enemy's head. TWIN KICK Use a HEAT Action near Sayama when she's doing an armlock on an enemy. JUMP KNEE Do a HEAT Action near Yuya, Daigo or Date when they're grappling an enemy. ______/ 12.11 \______ Weapon Help GOLD NECKLACE After completing the side mission "THE BARKER ON SHOWA STREET EAST", get in a fight near him and hit the Circle button when prompted. STEEL PLACARD After completing the side mission "THE OWNER OF EARTH ANGEL", get in a fight in the Champion District and hit the Circle button when prompted. SPECIAL ORDER After completing the side mission "YUYA'S HELP", get in a fight near Stardust and hit the Circle button when prompted. TRICK CANE After completing the side mission "THE DRUNK AT THE PARK", get in a fight near Children's Park and hit the Circle button when prompted. HUGE BATON After completing the side mission "THE YOUNG MAN BY THE THEATER", get in a fight at Theater Square and hit the Circle button when prompted. JUTTE After completing the side mission "ALBATROSS AKAGI'S CLUB", get in a fight in front of Ebisu Pawn Sotenbori and hit the Circle button when prompted. BIG FAN After completing the side mission "THE SOTENBORI BARKER", get in a fight near him and hit the Circle button when prompted. EONS OF STINK After completing the side mission "THE CLERK AT EBISU PAWN KAMUROCHO", get in a fight near Ebisu Pawn Kamurocho and hit the Circle button when prompted. SWEATY WORK After completing the side mission "THE KAMUROCHO HILLS WORKER", get in a fight on Park Boulevard East and hit the Circle button when prompted. SOULFUL GUITAR After completing the side mission "THE SOTENBORI GUITARIST", get in a fight on the northern Sotenbori Footpath and hit the Circle button when prompted. NOODLES After completing the side mission "THE RAMEN SHOP OWNER", get in a fight near Kyushu No. 1 Star and hit the Circle button when prompted. SPICE CREAM After completing the side mission "THE PRICE OF A TOOTH", get in a fight near the Gelato Shop and hit the Circle button when prompted. BIG OCTOPUS After completing the side mission "THE MAGUTAKO EMPLOYEE", get in a fight in front of MaguTako and hit the Circle button when prompted. RED DRAGON After completing the side mission "THE SHADY VIDEO", get in a fight near Café Alps and hit the Circle button when prompted. KNITTING ROD After completing the side mission "WHITE LOTUS'S REQUEST 3", get in a fight in the Parking Lot in Shinseicho and hit the Circle button when prompted. ______/ 13.00 \______ Shops In this section, I will list every shop in the game, as well as their inventory and prices. POPPO (Tenkaichi & Nakamichi Streets) Oden Soup 420 Soba 300 Salmon Rice Ball 200 Bento Lunch Set 600 Club Sandwich 250 Special Yakisoba 460 Steamed Bun 130 Sake 1,100 Cat Food 160 Iemon Hot (Green Tea) 130 Suntory Natural Mineral Water 140 Natchan Orange 150 Gatorade 150 Rope 300 POPPO (Showa Street) Oden Soup 420 Seaweed Rice Ball 180 Tuna Rice Ball 190 Salmon Rice Ball 200 Bento Lunch Set 600 Club Sandwich 250 Special Yakisoba 450 Steamed Bun 130 Sake 1,100 Dog Food 270 Suntory Oolong Tea 150 C.C. Lemon 150 Black Boss 120 Iemon (Green Tea) 150 Suntory Natural Mineral Water 140 Sushi Set 3,500 M STORE (Kamurocho & Shinseicho) Oden Soup 420 Milk 145 Spaghetti With Meat Sauce 380 Fried Chicken Lunch 450 Pudding 140 Seaweed Rice Ball 180 Tuna Rice Ball 190 Frankfurter 150 Melon Bread 120 Tonkatsu Sandwich 280 Boss Rainbow Mountain Blend 120 Pepsi NEX 150 Gatorade 150 Suntory Oolong Tea 150 Natchan Orange 150 Rope 300 M STORE (Sotenbori) Oden Soup 420 Seaweed Rice Ball 180 Tuna Rice Ball 190 Salmon Rice Ball 200 Bento Lunch Set 600 Club Sandwich 250 Special Yakisoba 460 Steamed Bun 130 Sake 1,100 Dog Food 270 Suntory Oolong Tea 150 C.C. Lemon 150 Black Boss 120 Iemon (Green Tea) 150 Suntory Natural Mineral Water 140 Sushi Set 3,500 DON QUIJOTE (Kamurocho & Sotenbori) Women's Underwear 7,800 Staminan X 980 Staminan XX 2,880 Staminan Royale 9,780 Tauriner 480 Tauriner + 1,940 Tauriner ++ 4,880 Dog Food 260 Cat Food 150 Caviar Skin Bag 150,000 Monogrammed Bag 120,000 Italian Necklace 70,000 Italian Women's Watch 119,000 French Scarf 13,800 Black Boss 100 Boss Rainbow Mountain Blend 100 Iemon (Green Tea) 130 Iemon Hot (Green Tea) 110 Suntory Natural Mineral Water 120 Natchan Orange 130 Pepsi NEX 130 Suntory Oolong Tea 130 C.C. Lemon 130 DAKARA 130 Gatorade 130 Suntory Malt's Beer 260 Chuhai 196°C Lemon 130 EBISU PAWN (Kamurocho & Sotenbori) Masculine Cologne 29,800 Red Rose Bouquet 12,000 Pink Lily Bouquet 9,500 Cookie Sampler 4,500 Caviar Skin Bag 148,000 Monogrammed Bag 119,200 Italian Necklace 69,000 Italian Women's Watch 120,000 French Scarf 15,000 Lucky Bracelet 22,000 Popularity Bracelet 29,800 Hariti Charm 54,000 Long Dagger 40,000 Lau's Broadsword 180,000 Musashi's Dagger 68,000 Mifune's Kodachi 65,000 Nameless Katana 63,000 Western Shield 25,000 Chain Mail 55,000 Sacred Tree Armor Replica 800,000 Iai Katana 98,000 KOTOBUKI DRUGS (Kamurocho) Toughness Z 750 Toughness ZZ 2,500 Toughness Emperor 7,300 Staminan X 1,000 Staminan XX 3,000 Staminan Royale 10,000 Tauriner 500 Tauriner + 2,000 Tauriner ++ 5,000 OSUMI PHARMACY (Sotenbori) Toughness Z 750 Toughness ZZ 2,500 Toughness Emperor 7,300 Staminan X 1,000 Staminan XX 3,000 Staminan Royale 10,000 Tauriner 500 Tauriner + 2,000 Tauriner ++ 5,000 Bandage 580 LE MARCHE (Kamurocho & Sotenbori) Monogrammed Bag 120,000 French Cologne 5,800 French Perfume 6,500 Italian Cologne 5,800 Italian Perfume 6,500 French Scarf 15,000 French Wallet 23,800 Italian Scarf 28,500 Italian Wallet 22,800 French Handbag 98,000 Italian Shoulder Bag 87,000 Swiss Watch 285,000 French Haute Couture Dress 2,500,000 French PrêtàPorter Dress 800,000 Italian Women's Suit 350,000 Italian Women's Watch 120,000 Italian Necklace 70,000 Caviar Skin Bag 150,000 Italian Ring 250,000 Italian Men's Necklace 450,000 British Women's Coat 800,000 WEAPONS DEALER (Ryugujo 5F) Tauriner 500 Tauriner + 2,000 Toughness Z 750 Toughness ZZ 2,500 Toughness Infinity 9,800 Wooden Hammer 3,400 Elegant Umbrella 2,500 Beer Bottle 20 Kettle 980 Lamp 3,500 Softball 1,500 Sledgehammer 1,400 Modified Lighter 3,500 Modified Iron 1,800 Modified Portable Stove 3,600 Iron Pipe 100 Spiked Bat 50,000 Fighter's Binding 5,800 Hercules Gloves 8,600 Antique Hand Grenade 25,000 Flash Grenade 38,000 Tear Gas Grenade 12,800 Smoke Grenade 25,000 Old Chinese Broadsword 2,500 Dark Wooden Sword 7,500 Mystic Blade Myogetsu 108,000 Mystic Blade Murasama 9,800,000 Charismatic Photo 980 MAGUTAKO Takoyaki (8) 320 Takoyaki (12) 450 Takoyaki (20) 700 BEAM Space Ninja 3: Galaxy Castle 3,800 Combat Legend Takeshi 4,800 The Military Master 4,800 BEAM'S HIDDEN STORE (Accessible after completing the side mission "BEAM'S SECRET".) Old SemiAuto Pistol 200,000 Police Baton 6,000 Survival Knife 23,000 Long Dagger 40,000 Extendable Staff 50,000 Wooden Katana 4,500 Dark Wooden Sword 7,500 Blackjack 4,000 Stun Gun 17,000 Brass Knuckles 7,500 Pepper Spray 1,980 Chinese Broadsword 19,800 Lightning Bomb 12,000 Handmade Pistol 40,000 Bulletproof Vest 125,000 Bulletproof Shield 38,000 Steel Shin Guards 24,000 Binding 850 Fearless Binding 15,000 9mm SemiAutomatic 320,000(1) Shotgun 280,000(1) Fearless Binding 5,800(1) (1)Only available after completing the side mission "BEAM'S SECRET" and after receiving the email from Beam later. KAMIYAMA (Accessible after completing the side mission "THE WEAPONS VIDEO SELLER".) Weapons: Tauriner 500(1) Iron Umbrella 50,000 Trendy Iron Umbrella 42,000(2) White Tonfa 3,500(3) Blue Tonfa 5,000(3) Black Tonfa 10,000(3) Red Tonfa 30,000(3) Double Slats 1,200(4) Double Sticks 5,300(4) Double Shafts 8,200(4) Spiked Taiko Sticks 10,000(4) Double Stun Sticks 16,500(4) Double Fire Sticks 28,000(4) Skull Tonfa 500,000(5) Phantom Tonfa 200,000(5) Demon Taiko Sticks 45,000(5) Double Spiked Sticks 123,000(5) (1)Not available after learning the Tonfa and Kali Sticks skills. (2)Only available after learning the Tonfa and Kali Sticks skills. (3)Only available after learning the Tonfa skill. (4)Only available after learning the Kali Sticks skill. (5)Only available after beating Renji Kamiyama in the Underground Coliseum. Videos: The Real Yakuza Story 10,000 Knife Magician 10,000 The Chop Master 10,000 The Kancho Master 10,000 The Master 10,000 Super Kung Fu Man 10,000 Exploding Demon Fist! 10,000 Deadly Thumb Wrestling! 10,000 Brain Busters 10,000 Ascension: Secrets of India! 10,000 Secrets of the Philippines! 10,000 TATSU (Accessible after completing the side mission "TATSU".) Handmade Pistol 40,000 Stun Gun 17,000 Police Baton 6,000 Survival Knife 23,000 Pepper Spray 1,980 Flash Grenade 38,000 Tear Gas Grenade 12,800 Smoke Grenade 25,000 Blackjack 4,000 Brass Knuckles 7,500 Musashi's Dagger 68,000 Chinese Broadsword 15,000 Binding 850 Fighter's Binding 5,800 Chain Mail 55,000 Antiblade Shirt 78,000 Bulletproof Protector 350,000 Bulletproof Breastplate 230,000 Shotgun 280,000(1) Special Police Baton 24,500(1) Dragon's Fist 70,000(1) Bulletproof Vest 125,000(1) SWAT Body Armor 570,000(1) (1)Only available after receiving the email from Tatsu in Chapter 13. ORCHID PALACE MAHJONG & REACH TOWERS MAHJONG Cookie Sampler 2,250 points French Scarf 7,500 Italian Necklace 35,000 Lacquered Plate 1,000 Silver Plate 10,000 Gold Plate 100,000 VOLCANO & SUNRISE Staminan X 50 medals Tauriner 25 Caviar Skin Bag 7,500 Italian Women's Watch 6,000 Lacquered Plate 50 Silver Plate 500 Gold Plate 5,000 RUNE CASINO (Ryugujo 1F) Cookie Sampler 45 chips French Scarf 150 Italian Necklace 700 Lacquered Plate 10 Silver Plate 100 Gold Plate 1,000 Beads of Good Fortune 4,200 FUKUMA CASINO (Purgatory) Dart 58 chips Western Shield 250 Mystic Blade Muramasa 98,000 Lacquered Plate 10 Silver Plate 100 Gold Plate 1,000 DICE HALL (Ryugujo 2F) Crowbar 18 points Stun Gun 170 Dragon Plate 30 Marble Plate 50 Tortoiseshell Plate 500 Gold Plate 1,000 Musashi's Dagger 680 Mifune's Kodachi 650 Mail Order Katana 880 Dark Wooden Sword 75 Mystic Blade Mugetsu 980 Sacred Tree Bokuto 3,800 Fearless Binding 150 Demon's Binding 380 Sacred Tree Armor 150,000 ______/ 14.00 \______ Items In this section, I will list, by category, all of the items in the game that you can have in your inventory, as well as their use or attributes. ______/ 14.01 \______ Weapons 100lb BOWLING BALL Attack: 30 Endurance: 3 Stuns Can also be used in bowling, but it's very heavy and not so good. Obtained after beating the Encounter Boss "Dynamite Jin". 9MM SEMIAUTOMATIC Attack: 5 Endurance: Infinite Ammo: 8 Can shoot by pressing Triangle. ANTIQUE HAND GRENADE Attack: 15 Endurance: Infinite Can do a special attack by throwing it. ASHTRAY Attack: 100 Endurance: 1 Knocks down ATTACHÉ CASE Attack: 30 Endurance: 5 BAT Attack: 45 Endurance: 7 BEER BOTTLE Attack: 10 Endurance: 5 Knocks down (First hit only) Becomes Broken Beer Bottle after the first hit. BLACK TONFA Attack: 35 Endurance: 25 BLACKJACK Attack: 30 Endurance: 12 BLUE TONFA Attack: 30 Endurance: 20 BRASS KNUCKLES Attack: 10 Endurance: 5 (Only decreases when using the special attack.) Can do a special attack by pressing Circle. BROKEN STUN GUN Attack: 10 Endurance: 2 Shocks BUG SPRAY Attack: 10 Endurance: 8 Ammo: 150 Blinds Can do a special attack by pressing Triangle. BULLETPROOF SHIELD Attack: 10 Endurance: 24 Blocks bullets when blocking with it. BUNGO SHIMIZU KATANA Attack: 42 Endurance: 12 Obtained after completing the side mission "ARCADE SHOWDOWN". BUTTERFLY KNIFE Attack: 15 Endurance: 8 CEDAR SLAT Attack: 50 Endurance: 1 Stuns CHINESE BROADSWORD Attack: 35 Endurance: 8 CHINESE DRAGON TONFA Attack: 30 Endurance: Infinite Defeat all 51 fighters in the Underground Coliseum, as well as all the Encounter Bosses and get the item from Bob Utsunomiya in a Premium New Game. CLEAVER Attack: 30 Endurance: 6 CROWBAR Attack: 30 Endurance: 12 DARK WOODEN SWORD Attack: 20 Endurance: 15 DART Attack: 10 Endurance: 6 DEMON TAIKO STICKS Attack: 25 Endurance: 12 DOUBLE FIRE STICKS Attack: 25 Endurance: 15 Burns DOUBLE SHAFTS Attack: 25 Endurance: 50 DOUBLE SLATS Attack: 20 Endurance: 14 DOUBLE SPIKED STICKS Attack: 35 Endurance: 36 DOUBLE STICKS Attack: 25 Endurance: 20 DOUBLE STUN STICKS Attack: 25 Endurance: 15 Shocks DRAGON'S FIST Attack: 60 Endurance: 20 (Only decreases when using the special attack.) Can do a special attack by pressing Circle. Obtained after beating the Encounter Boss "Gen the Jizo". DRAGONSP Attack: 5 Endurance: Infinite Ammo: Infinite Beat the game on the ExHard difficulty and get the item from Bob Utsunomiya in a Premium New Game. DRAGON TAIKO STICKS Attack: 25 Endurance: 50 ELEGANT UMBRELLA Attack: 20 Endurance: 12 You can do the Umbrella Heat Action with it due to its round handle. EXTENDABLE STAFF Attack: 30 Endurance: 10 FLASH GRENADE Attack: 3 Endurance: Infinite Blinds Can do a special attack by throwing it. GENTLEMAN'S UMBRELLA Attack: 20 Endurance: 4 You can do the Umbrella Heat Action with it due to its round handle. Can only be found in battles behind Kotobuki Drugs. GOLF CLUB Attack: 50 Endurance: 4 Found in battles in front of Ebisu Pawn Sotenbori. HANDMADE PISTOL Attack: 1 Endurance: Infinite Ammo: 1 Can shoot by pressing Triangle. HERCULES KNUCKLES Attack: 10 Endurance: 15 (Only decreases when using the special attack.) Can do a special attack by pressing Circle. IAI KATANA Attack: 35 Endurance: 12 IRON PIPE Attack: 45 Endurance: 10 IRON UMBRELLA Attack: 30 Endurance: 10 KATANA "DEMON FANG" Attack: 55 Endurance: 50 KETTLE Attack: 30 Endurance: 2 KOMAKI MATCHLOCK Attack: 3 Endurance: Infinite Ammo: 10 Can shoot by pressing Triangle. LAMP Attack: 20 Endurance: 1 Knocks down LAU'S BROADSWORD Attack: 35 Endurance: 20 LIGHTNING BOMB Attack: 3 Endurance: Infinite Shocks Can do a special attack by throwing it. LONG DAGGER Attack: 27 Endurance: 10 MAIL ORDER KATANA Attack: 30 Endurance: 5 Shocks METAL CLUB Attack: 40 Endurance: 12 MIFUNE'S KODACHI Attack: 40 Endurance: 12 MODIFIED IRON Attack: 10 Endurance: 10 MODIFIED LIGHTER Attack: 5 Endurance: 8 Ammo: 100 Burns Can do a special attack by pressing Triangle. MODIFIED PORTABLE STOVE Attack: 10 Endurance: 6 Burns Found in battles at the Champion District. MODIFIED MODEL GUN Attack: 1 Endurance: Infinite Ammo: 6 Can shoot by pressing Triangle. Obtained after completing the side mission "THE MOD GOD 3". MOTOMIYA'S DAGGER Attack: 20 Endurance: 3 MUSASHI'S DAGGER Attack: 25 Endurance: 25 MYSTIC BLADE MUGETSU Attack: 45 Endurance: 20 Knocks down MYSTIC BLADE MURAMASA Attack: 30 Endurance: 200 MYSTIC BLADE MYOGETSU Attack: 45 Endurance: 20 Burns MYSTIC BLADE SENGETSU Attack: 45 Endurance: 20 Shocks Obtained after beating the Encounter Boss "Koji Murasame". MYSTIC KATANA "ASURA" Attack: 45 Endurance: 30 Obtained after beating the Encounter Boss "Riders Osawa". NAMELESS KATANA Attack: 38 Endurance: 15 NINJA DAGGER Attack: 10 Endurance: 10 OGRE KNUCKLES Attack: 40 Endurance: 10 (Only decreases when using the special attack.) Can do a special attack by pressing Circle. Obtained after beating the Encounter Boss "Rocker Sawada". OLD CHINESE BROADSWORD Attack: 25 Endurance: 5 OLD DAGGER Attack: 25 Endurance: 10 OLD SEMIAUTO PISTOL Attack: 5 Endurance: Infinite Ammo: 6 Can shoot by pressing Triangle. PATRIARCH'S BALL Stuns Attack: 50 Endurance: 12 Can also be used in bowling. It's an okay ball, but I still prefer the default one. PATRIARCH'S BAT Attack: 80 Endurance: 12 PEPPER SPRAY Attack: 10 Endurance: 8 Ammo: 150 Blinds Can do a special attack by pressing Triangle. PHANTOM TONFA Attack: 35 Endurance: 30 PHOTON BLADE RG Attack: 50 Endurance: Infinite Complete all the side missions and get the item from Bob Utsunomiya in a Premium New Game. PLIERS Attack: 10 Endurance: 9 Can be used to perform two Heat Actions. One attack and one reversal. POLICE BATON Attack: 28 Endurance: 12 RED TONFA Attack: 35 Endurance: 40 ROPE Attack: 10 Endurance: Infinite SACRED TREE BOKUTO Attack: 35 Endurance: 80 Obtained after beating the Encounter Boss "Dai the Yumbo". SAKE BOTTLE Attack: 10 Endurance: 4 Knocks down (First hit only) Becomes Broken Sake Bottle after the first hit. SAW Attack: 30 Endurance: 9 "Scattered Blossoms" Attack: 35 Endurance: 15 Stuns Found in the secret room on the third floor of ShangriLa in Chapter 8. SHOTGUN Attack: 3 Endurance: Infinite Ammo: 15 SKULL TONFA Attack: 30 Endurance: 25 Stuns SLEDGEHAMMER Attack: 32 Endurance: 12 SMOKE GRENADE Attack: 10 Endurance: Infinite Blinds Can do a special attack by throwing it. SOFTBALL Attack: 10 Endurance: Infinite SPECIAL POLICE BATON Attack: 30 Endurance: 12 Shocks SPIKED BAT Attack: 40 Endurance: 6 SPIKED TAIKO STICKS Attack: 28 Endurance: 30 STUN GUN Attack: 15 Endurance: 10 Shocks SURVIVAL KNIFE Attack: 25 Endurance: 8 TABLE SALT Attack: 10 Endurance: 1 Found in battles at the Champion District. TEAR GAS GRENADE Attack: 3 Endurance: Infinite Blinds Can do a special attack by throwing it. TRENDY IRON UMBRELLA Attack: 32 Endurance: 20 WATER POT Attack: 30 Endurance: 3 WESTERN SHIELD Attack: 40 Endurance: 18 Blocks bullets when blocking with it. WHITE TONFA Attack: 25 Endurance: 15 WOODEN HAMMER Attack: 30 Endurance: 12 WOODEN KATANA Attack: 15 Endurance: 10 ______/ 14.02 \______ Armors ANTIQUE CHAIN MAIL Defense: 8 Greatly reduces damage from bladed weapons. Obtained after beating the Encounter Boss "Mafia Itabashi". ANTIBLADE SHIRT Defense: 2 Reduces damage from bladed weapons. BINDING Defense: 3 BLOODY BINDING Defense: 20 Greatly increases your attack power. BULLETPROOF BREASTPLATE Defense: 4 Reduces damage from bullets. BULLETPROOF PROTECTOR Defense: 6 Reduces damage from bullets. BULLETPROOF VEST Defense: 8 Reduces damage from bullets by a little. CHAIN MAIL Defense: 4 Reduces damage from bladed weapons. DEMON'S BINDING Defense: 15 DRAGON'S BINDING Defense: 30 Complete the "Food" and "Drink" lists and get the item from Bob Utsunomiya in a Premium New Game. FEARLESS BINDING Defense: 8 FIGHTER'S BINDING Defense: 5 GIFT SUIT Defense: 6 Reduces damage from blade attacks. Obtained after completing the side mission "MANAGING THE MARIETTA". HANDKNIT SCARF Defense: 1 Obtained after completing the side mission "HELPING THE SUNFLOWER ORPHANAGE 4". INSULATED SHIRT Defense: 2 Electricity causes you no damage. IRON BREASTPLATE Defense: 2 Reduces damage from bullets. Found in the secret room at the Tojo Clan Headquarters during Chapter 5. SACRED TREE ARMOR Defense: 0 Bullets cause you no damage. SACRED TREE ARMOR REPLICA Defense: 0 Bullets cause you no damage. Kiryu cannot run during battle when wearing this. SWAT BODY ARMOR Defense: 10 Reduces damage from bullets by a lot. YAKUZA TRAINING GEAR Defense: 10 Kiryu cannot run during battle when wearing this. ______/ 14.03 \______ Accessories BLACK BELT Increases damage when you throw someone. BEADS OF GOOD FORTUNE Completely stops random encounters. It also helps you seduce the Cabaret Girls. Obtained after beating the Encounter Boss "'God' Ezawa". CALMING TOWEL Prevents the HEAT Gauge from increasing. I don't know why you would want that. CHAMPION'S RING Makes the enemies attack you more during battle. CHARISMATIC PHOTO Increases random encounters. CHARISMA RING Can help you in seducing the Cabaret Girls. DESESPERATION CHARM HEAT Gauge increases when your health is low. FRENCH COLOGNE Can help you in seducing the Cabaret Girls. GAUNTLETS Improves your ability to block. HARITI CHARM Prevents you from being surrounded in battle. HARUKA'S CHARM No known effects. Stored in your Item Box if you have a completed game save of the first Yakuza when starting a new game. HARUKA'S NECKLACE No known effects. Stored in your Item Box if you have a completed game save of the first Yakuza when starting a new game. HERCULES GLOVES Lets you hold onto your opponent for a longer period of time when grabbing. HIGHTECH SHIN GUARDS Sweeps will no longer knock down Kiryu. Obtained after beating the Encounter Boss "Mysterious Assassin" in Kamurocho. IMMOVABLE BELT Lets you throw enemies more easily, regardless of their size. Obtained after beating the Encounter Boss "'Golden' Kida". ITALIAN COLOGNE Can help you in seducing the Cabaret Girls. ITALIAN MEN'S NECKLACE Can help you in seducing the Cabaret Girls. Obtained from Itakura in the side mission "MANAGING THE MARIETTA". LUCKY BRACELET No known effects. Obtained from Itakura in the side mission "MANAGING THE MARIETTA". MASCULINE COLOGNE Can help you in seducing the Cabaret Girls. PAYBACK RING Attack power increases when your health is low. POPULARITY BRACELET Can help you in seducing the Cabaret Girls. SOUTHPAW BRACELET Makes punches with the left hand more powerful. Obtained after beating the Encounter Boss "Mysterious Assassin" in Sotenbori. STEEL SHIN GUARDS Sweeps will no longer knock down Kiryu. Kiryu cannot run during battle with this equipped. SUBSTITUTE STONE Brings you back to life when you are killed. One use only. TATTERED SCARF Reduces random encounters. TOURMALINE BRACELET Replenishes your health by a little during battle if you're not moving. ______/ 14.04 \______ Expendables BA KONG HUANG (BHK) Large HEAT replenishment. Can only be found on battle stages. BANKER'S GAME PIECE Makes the Banker win in baccarat. One round only. BLACK JEWEL Makes the ball fall on a black number during the next spin in roulette. BLACKJACK CHARM Makes the dealer bust the next time you play blackjack. One round only. DRAGON FANG NEEDLE Prevents HEAT Gauge from dropping for a limited time. HANGOVER PILLS Sobers up Kiryu by a lot when he's drunk. HARUKA'S CANDY Small health replenishment. Stored in your Item Box if you have a completed game save of the first Yakuza when starting a new game. HARUKA'S CHOCOLATE Medium health replenishment. Stored in your Item Box if you have a completed game save of the first Yakuza when starting a new game. HARUKA'S FIRSTAID KIT Completely replenishes health and HEAT. Stored in your Item Box if you have a completed game save of the first Yakuza when starting a new game. HOMEMADE COOKIES Small health replenishment. Obtained after completing the side mission "HELPING THE SUNFLOWER ORPHANAGE 3". OLD LADY'S CANDY Small health replenishment. Obtained after completing the side mission "A WOMAN'S TRAGEDY" and during the side mission "THE BILLIKEN OF TSUTENKAKU". PLAYER'S GAME PIECE Makes the Player win in baccarat. One round only. RED JEWEL Makes the ball fall on a red number during the next spin in roulette. One spin only. SHENG HAI WANG (SHW) Large health and HEAT replenishment. Can only be found on battle stages. SKANDA WATER During battle, everything becomes slower except Kiryu. Obtained after beating the Encounter Boss "Bloody Seyama". STAMINAN X Small health and HEAT replenishment. STAMINAN XX Medium health and HEAT replenishment. STAMINAN ROYALE Large health and HEAT replenishment. STAMINAN SPARK Full health and HEAT replenishment. TAURINER Slight HEAT replenishment. TAURINER + Small HEAT replenishment. TAURINER ++ Medium HEAT replenishment. TAURINER MAXIMUM Full HEAT replenishment. TOUGHNESS Z Small health replenishment. TOUGHNESS ZZ Medium health replenishment. TOUGHNESS EMPEROR Large health replenishment. TOUGHNESS INFINITY Full health replenishment. TURMERIC PILLS Sobers up Kiryu by a little when he's drunk. WHITE MIRACLE TONIC Raises experience by 1,000 points. ZHENG LIU DI (ZLD) Medium health replenishment. Can only be found on battle stages. ______/ 14.05 \______ Miscellanies NOTE: The items below are all items that can be sold or given as a present. However, even if it says that the item can be given as a present, it doesn't necessarily mean that when given, it will have an effect. Each girl likes different presents and finding out which presents the girls like would be way too long because there are so many. Giving presents is useless anyway because it costs too much and it doesn't really help you. In other words, I suggest selling all the items below. *All Dolls* Can give as a present to the Cabaret Girls. 10G GOLD COIN Can be sold for 10,000 yen. 100G GOLD COIN Can be sold for 30,000 yen. 1000G GOLD COIN Can be sold for 500,000 yen. ASIAN DIGITAL WATCH Useless, sell it for 740 yen. AUTOGRAPHED BALL Can be sold for 250,000 yen. Obtained after completing the side mission "AMERICAN BASEBALL". BANDAGE Needed to progress in the story, but useless otherwise. BEAR CELLPHONE ACCESSORY Can give as a present to the Cabaret Girls. BRITISH WOMEN'S COAT Can give as a present to the Cabaret Girls. CAVIAR SKIN BAG Can give as a present to the Cabaret Girls. COOKIE SAMPLER Can give as a present to the Cabaret Girls. DRAGON PLATE Can give as a present to the Cabaret Girls or sell it for 3,000 yen. FRENCH HANDBAG Can give as a present to the Cabaret Girls. FRENCH HAUTE COUTURE DRESS Can give as a present to the Cabaret Girls. FRENCH PERFUME Can give as a present to the Cabaret Girls. FRENCH PRÊTÀPORTER DRESS Can give as a present to the Cabaret Girls. FRENCH SCARF Can give as a present to the Cabaret Girls. FRENCH WALLET Can give as a present to the Cabaret Girls. GOLD PLATE Can give as a present to the Cabaret Girls or or sell it for 100,000 yen. Obtained after completing the side mission "THE SLOT ACE". HARUKA'S MARBLE No known use, but you can sell it for 5,000 yen. Stored in your Item Box if you have a completed game save of the first Yakuza when starting a new game. ITALIAN SCARF Can give as a present to the Cabaret Girls. ITALIAN NECKLACE Can give as a present to the Cabaret Girls. Obtained after completing the side missions "THE EXBOYFRIEND", "MAHJONG" and "COUNCILOR SAEKI: YOSHIDA'S BATTLE". ITALIAN RING Can give as a present to the Cabaret Girls. Obtained after completing the side missions "A PRESENT FOR A GIRL 3" and "THIS FOR THAT 4". ITALIAN SHOULDER BAG Can give as a present to the Cabaret Girls. ITALIAN WALLET Can give as a present to the Cabaret Girls. ITALIAN WOMEN'S SUIT Can give as a present to the Cabaret Girls. ITALIAN WOMEN'S WATCH Can give as a present to the Cabaret Girls. JAPANESE DIVER'S WATCH Useless, sell it for 7,400 yen. Obtained after completing the side mission "THE RARE FIGURE". LACQUERED PLATE Can give as a present to the Cabaret Girls or sell it for 1,000 yen. LIFESTONE Can give as a present to the Cabaret Girls or sell it for 2,000 yen. MARBLE PLATE Can give as a present to the Cabaret Girls or sell it for 5,000 yen. MONOGRAMMED BAG Can give as a present to the Cabaret Girls. PINK LILY BOUQUET Can give as a present to the Cabaret Girls. POCKET TISSUES Only useful for certain side missions. Otherwise, it's worth nothing. RARE ACTION FIGURE Can give as a present to the Cabaret Girls or sell it for 5,000 yen. Obtained after completing the side mission "THE RARE FIGURE". RED ROSE BOUQUET Can give as a present to the Cabaret Girls. SILVER PLATE Can give as a present to the Cabaret Girls or sell it for 10,000 yen. Obtained after completing the side mission "THE ENKA LIFE". SNACK SAMPLER Can give as a present to the Cabaret Girls. Obtained if you talk to Granny White after completing the side mission "WHITE LOTUS'S REQUEST 3". SWISS WATCH Useless, sell it for 142,500 yen. Obtained from Tamao in the side mission "HOST CLUB 'ADAM'" and also after completing the side mission "THE TAXI DRIVER". TORTOISESHELL PLATE Can give as a present to the Cabaret Girls or sell it for 50,000 yen. Obtained after completing the side missions "SHIGERU KANAMATSU: THE COLLECTOR" and "BUY ME A DRINK". WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR Needed to progress in the story, but useless otherwise. ______/ 15.00 \______ Coin Locker Keys In this section, I will list the location of all the Coin Locker Keys as well as their corresponding items. All of them are already listed in the walkthrough, so this section only serves for people who want to find a specific Coin Locker Key easily. For those who don't know, Kanto is the region where Kamurocho is located and Kansai is the region where Sotenbori and Shinseicho are located. ______/ 15.01 \______ Kanto #1: Inside Orchid Palace Mahjong. Item: Substitute Stone #2: On the third floor of the Ryugujo, west of the elevator. Item: Trendy Iron Umbrella #3: In the Vacant Lot, south of the Champion District, where Komaki is. Item: Toughness Emperor #4: In front of Club SEGA at Theater Square. Item: Toughness ZZ #5: In the Millennium Tower Garden, near the left stairs. Item: Staminan XX #6: Inside Public Park 3. Item: Women's Underwear #7: Inside Mach Bowling, in front of the bathrooms. Item: 100lb Bowling Ball #8: On Suppon Street, which is north of Serena. Item: Toughness Emperor #9: Inside Children's Park. Item: Brass Knuckles #10: On Taihei Boulevard East, near the entrance to the Champion District. Item: Samurai DVD #11: After Marietta's second renovation, it will be in the northeastern corner. Item: Southpaw Bracelet #12: Inside Don Quijote. Item: Wooden Katana #13: Obtained during the side mission "THE SHADY VIDEO". Item: Suspicious Video #14: Obtained during the side mission "THE EMAIL JOB". Item: Green Box #15: In front of the Coin Lockers. Item: Tauriner Maximum #16: In the northern part of the Millennium Tower terrain, near a red sign. Item: White Miracle Tonic #17: Inside Kyushu No. 1 Star. Item: Chinese Broadsword #18: In the northeastern corner of the inverted "Y" area, east of Nakamichi Street. Item: Pepper Spray #19: Inside Asia, left of the stage. Item: Sacred Tree Bokuto #20: On the first floor of the Ryugujo, in the southeast. Item: Tattered Scarf #21: Inside Serena. Item: Dark Wooden Sword #22: Just outside the entrance to the Pleasure District, in Kamuro Hills. Item: Hercules Knuckles #23: In the little street south of Beam. Item: Saw #24: On the fifth floor of the Ryugujo, in the area with the pinkcolored walls, near a man lying down. Item: Toughness Infinity #25: Inside the Yoshida Batting Cage. Item: Toughness Emperor #26: In the area behind Kotobuki Drugs, in the southeastern corner. Item: Antique Hand Grenade #27: Obtained during the side mission "WHITE LOTUS". Item: Lotus Style Bojutsu Encyclopedia #28: In the northeastern corner of the Champion District. Item: Extendable Staff #29: Inside Poppo Nakamichi Street. Item: Rope #30: Inside Café Central. Item: Staminan Royale #31: On the second floor of the Ryugujo, in the northwestern room. Item: Patriarch's Bat #32: In the little nook surrounded by pylons and two big yellow things near the entrance of Kamurocho Hills. Item: Patriarch's Ball #33: At the end of the street that's connected to Senryo Avenue on the east. Item: Table Salt #34: Behind Serena. Item: Player's Game Piece #35: Inside Café Alps. Item: Bear Cellphone Accessory #36: Inside Club SEGA at Theater Square. Item: Skanda Water #37: In the "L" area located to the west of Senryo Avenue. Item: Gauntlets #38: On Showa Street East, near the entrance to Senryo Avenue. Item: Turmeric Pills #39: Inside Beam. Item: Staminan Spark #40: Inside MEB. Item: Extendable Staff #41: In the back room of Marietta. Item: French Handbag #42: At the northernmost end of the Hotel District, east of the Yoshida Batting Cage. Item: Western Shield #43: On the fourth floor of the Ryugujo, in the southeast. Item: Charisma Ring #44: Inside Deborah, in front of the bathrooms. Item: Insulated Shirt #45: On Shichifuku Street West, near the taxi. Item: Water Pot #46: In the Parking Lot on Shichifuku Street. Item: Ashtray #47: In the little "L" area, east of the Parking Lot on Shichifuku Street. Item: Hercules Knuckles #48: In the Dice Hall, located on the second floor of the Ryugujo. Item: Hercules Gloves #49: Beat Sakai during the side mission "SHOGI 2". Item: 1000G Gold Coin #50: In front of the first pillar in the Pleasure District of Purgatory. Item: Mifune's Kodachi ______/ 15.02 \______ Kansai #1: In front of the Coin Lockers. Item: Staminan Royale #2: On southern Sotenbori Footpath East, under Iwao Bridge. Item: Tortoiseshell Plate #3: Inside Club SEGA, to the left of the YF6 arcades. Item: Dark Wooden Sword #4: On Bunzaemon Boulevard, southwest of Iwao Bridge, it is near a very high gray pole. Item: Modified Lighter #5: Inside Keima in Shinseicho. Item: Substitute Stone #6: In the center of Iwao Bridge. Item: Masculine Cologne #7: In front of Gandhara. Item: Attaché Case #8: At the northern end of the main street in Shinseicho. Item: Ogre Knuckles #9: Inside the Night Life Dojo. Item: Toughness ZZ #10: Near the bicycle stand on Sotenbori Avenue, north of Iwao Bridge. Item: Lifestone #11: On the wooden walkway on Bishamon Bridge. Item: Pliers #12: In a corner near the Save Point in Shinseicho. Item: Turmeric Pills #13: Near the counter inside Reach Towers Mahjong. Item: Toughness Z #14: Inside Aoi. Item: Steel Shin Guards #15: On Shofukucho West, north of the Save Point but south of Reach Towers Mahjong. Item: Broken Stun Gun #16: Inside Yotteya in Shinseicho. Item: Elegant Umbrella #17: Southwest of the entrance to the Tsutenkaku Tower in Shinseicho. Item: Wooden Katana #18: On northern Sotenbori Footpath East, under a big sign hanging on a wall. Item: Toughness Infinity #19: On southern Sotenbori Footpath West, near the Black and yellow thing. Item: Motomiya's Dagger #20: Inside White Snake Ramen. Item: Blackjack Charm #21: Inside Don Quijote. Item: Skanda Water #22: Near the taxi on Sotenbori Avenue West. Item: Tojo Fighting Secrets DVD #23: Inside the Tsutenkaku Tower in Shinseicho. Item: Metal Club #24: Behind Le Marche, on the southern Sotenbori Footpath. Item: Staminan X #25: West of the Night Life Dojo. Item: Flash Grenade #26: On Parisian Avenue, near Yotsuba Acupuncture in Shinseicho. Item: Iron Umbrella #27: Near Le Marche. Item: Butterfly Knife. #28: At the northern entrance of Iwao Bridge. Item: White Miracle Tonic #29: Inside Sunrise, in the middle lane. Item: Skanda Water #30: In the western part of the Parking Lot, near the middle, in Shinseicho. Item: Staminan Spark #31: Near the taxi on Shofukucho East. Item: Bug Spray #32: At the western end of Shofukucho South. Item: Lightning Bomb #33: Inside the M Store on Sotenbori Avenue. Item: Special Police Baton #34: Inside Stijl. Item: White Miracle Tonic #35: In the street located north of Yotsuba Acupuncture in Shinseicho. Item: Fighter's Binding #36: On Sotenbori Avenue East, beside a dumpster located on the left of the taxi. Item: Black Jewel #37: On the ramp leading down to the northern Sotenbori Footpath from Iwao Bridge. Item: White Miracle Tonic #38: Inside the Yokobori Golf Center, near the vending machines. Item: Italian Wallet #39: In front of the Osumi Pharmacy. Item: Staminan XX #40: Inside the M Store in Shinseicho. Item: Southpaw Bracelet #41: On northern Sotenbori Footpath West, near the black and yellow thing. Item: Police Baton #42: At the eastern end of Shofukucho South. Item: Extendable Staff #43: At the southern end of Bunzaemon Boulevard. Item: Antique Hand Grenade #44: Near the Save Point, on the southern Sotenbori Footpath. Item: Black Belt #45: Down the southern stairs of the wooden walkway on Bishamon Bridge. Item: Fighter's Binding #46: Up the stairs, behind Le Marche, on the southern Sotenbori Footpath. Item: Banker's Game Piece #47: Inside Ebisu Pawn. Item: Toughness Emperor #48: Inside Club SEGA, where the bathrooms are. Item: Patriarch's Bat #49: Inside the Tsutenkaku Tower in Shinseicho. Item: Calming Towel #50: Near the benches in front of Club SEGA. Item: Substitute Stone ______/ 16.00 \______ How to Make Money Easily If you follow my guide, money isn't a problem in this game. Still, if you want to make lots of money easily, read this! The trick involves playing roulette. You can play at any casino in the game, so this means you can do this trick as early as Chapter 5 because that's when you can enter a casino for the first time, but it's better to wait until you can enter the casino at Purgatory because there is an Item Box close by and you will need it. There are two ways to do this trick. One involves using a Black Jewel or a Red Jewel if you have either one and the other involves saving and hoping that you get what you need. The latter one is more rewarding, but I'll start by explaining the first one. First things first, change all of your money into chips. By the way, you might want to save if it is your first time trying this. Go in your Items Menu and use either a Black Jewel or a Red Jewel, then start a game of roulette. From now on, you'll have one minute to place all your bets, so you have to hurry up a little. Start by betting the maximum amount of chips, which is 10,000, on the color of the jewel that you used prior to starting the game. After that, you must bet 1,000 chips, which is the maximum amount for numbers, on every number of that same color. In total, there are 19 bets to place. One bet of 10,000 on the color and 18 bets of 1,000 on the numbers. This means that you'll need 2,800,000 yen worth of chips (28,000 chips) to do this trick. Once all the bets are placed, press Triangle to finish the betting and receive your big payout! You'll get the double of chips than what you bet. Finally, leave the table because the effect of the jewel only lasts for one game. (Credits to ThePatrick for this strategy.) The second way is more rewarding and you don't need any jewels. You must absolutely save before doing this because there is a good chance that you'll lose all of your money instead of gaining some. Unlike the previous method, you don't know whether you'll win or not. As usual, change all of your money into chips and start a game of roulette. Place a bet of 10,000 on 118, then place another bet of 10,000 on 112. Now, you must place bets of 1,000 in the section where the numbers go from 1 to 12. The game doesn't let you place more than 30 bets on numbers, so if you want to gain the most out of this trick, place 30 bets. If you place a bet on every number from 1 to 12 and also between all of those numbers, that makes 29 bets. You'll need to place one final bet anywhere you want, as long as it stays in the section where the numbers go from 1 to 12. Of course, to place so many bets, you need lots of chips to begin with. You need 5,000,000 yen worth of chips (50,000 chips) to do it. You don't absolutely have to place 30 bets anyway. If you don't have that many chips, you can make less bets. The minimum should be a bet on every number from 1 to 12. For that, you need 3,200,000 yen worth of chips (32,000 chips). Once all the bets are placed, press Triangle to finish the betting. If the ball falls on a number that is not between 1 and 12, then you lost all of your money. It's okay though, because you can just reload your game since you saved prior to doing this. If the ball falls on a number between 1 and 12, then you win! If you placed 30 bets on numbers, you'll make a profit of 90,000 chips! If you placed 12 bets on numbers, then you'll make a profit of 54,000 chips! You can do this trick endlessly, as long as you save before doing it. Now, you have so many chips in your possession, but where is the money? The casino doesn't give you money, but they do sell you prizes in exchange for chips! Among those prizes are Gold Plates. Buy some until you run out of chips and transfer them all to your Item Box in the Underground Coliseum while you're doing so. It's a long process, but well worth it. Once that is done, go to Ebisu Pawn and sell them all! Your eyes will fall out of their sockets when you'll see the amount of money you just made. ______/ 17.00 \______ Known Bugs There is only one known bug in the NTSC U/C and PAL versions of the game. 1. If you put an item in the last slot of the Item Box, it will not appear on the screen if you try to sell it at Ebisu Pawn. ______/ 18.00 \______ Contact the Author If you have any comments or corrections relating to this guide, or you just want to send your thanks, feel free to send me an email at Sieg_Zeon(at)yahoo(dot)com. Just make sure that you write "Yakuza 2" in the email's title because I might not read it if you don't. I don't want any hate mail either. Don't blame me if you messed up your game. You can also ask me a question by email, but make sure that your question isn't answered in the guide first and try to write your question as clearly as possible to avoid confusion. ______/ 19.00 \______ Thanks I would like to thank ragnamizuki for the shogi strategies and for answering a lot of my questions on the forums. Next, I would like to thank epslion for discovering the shogi trick, as well as the creator of the Spear Engine. Sorry, I have no idea what your name is. Also, I would like to thank barticle for being insane enough to learn how to play mahjong past the basics and to write a complete, quality guide on it. Finally, I would like to thank ThePatrick. ThePatrick is the master of Yakuza, the oyabun. Not only are his guides amazing and full of cultural knowledge, but he still shows up on the forums to help people and he helped me a lot back when I was a newbie to the game. Thanks to all of you, thanks to all the people who have ever helped me and thanks to SEGA for releasing the game outside of Japan with a Japanese dub and English subtitles. ______/ 20.00 \______ Copyright This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. Use of this guide on any Web site other than www.GameFAQs.com is strictly prohibited and a violation of copyright. This guide is free and is not meant for sale. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Yakuza 2 Walkthrough Copyright 2009 Sébastien Tassé