Twining Family
SOME FACTS IN THE HISTORY OF TSE TWINING FAMILY, FROM A.D. 5'17. Oomplled /Tom Private a1n,d Publ-ic Documents BY 'l'll.E REV. W. H. G. TWINING, Vicar of St. Stephen's, Westminster. SALISBURY: BENNETT BROTHERS, PRINTERS,- JOURNAL OFFICE. " I do believe I must one day or other sit down and write memoirs of the Twining Family."-.From the Rev. Thomas Twining to hi., Nephew, Rev. Daniel Twining, 1799. " We seem to want something of a connected memoir of our friends and relations ; yon and I would gladly preserve as much as we can of times now becoming evanescent. If not done bJ some of us, how many things will become dreams, how many entirely lost ?"-Rev. Daniel Tu•ining to his Brother Rickard, 1847. PREFACE. THESE extracts from the larger collection of annals made by the Rev. W. H. G. Twining, were suggested by the printing and circulation of the Pedigree of the Twining Family last year. The few and short notices of some members contained in it~ elicited the remark that many more .such would have been inter- - ... '. .. .. .. - esting to the present generation ; and thus has been formed this collection, which may be called a supplement to the pedigree. Another inducement to print this, was the knowledge that my ~ister Elizabeth, who· ·compil~d the chief part of that document, was, I am aware, always a,nxious to collect, and prepare for dis tribution, these further histories of our family in the past, though she was never able to carry out the idea, but for which she left many notes and papers.
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