Ocean-based Climate Solutions, Inc. www.ocean-based.com Santa Fe, NM 87501 505-231-7508
[email protected] All-Natural Biogeochemical CO2 Sequestration In Deep Ocean. Summary of Scientific Findings. Pump Design. Upwelling modeling, testing, data, and efficiency. Upwelling/Downwelling Estimated Annual Volumes. Downwelling Mechanics and Efficiencies. Nutrient Conversion and Net Carbon Sequestration From Upwelling. Dissolved Organic Carbon. Optimization: Projected Net CO2 Sequestered For Different Pumping Depths. Microbial Carbon Pump and Redfield Ratio. Safety Strategy. Environmental risk. CO2 Sequestration Estimate, Data Acquisition and Verification. Long-term Impact on Cumulative CO2 and Temperature Rise. Phased Installation and Cost Per Ton. Conclusion. References. Summary of Scientific Findings. • “…a new study from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) shows that the efficiency of the ocean's "biological carbon pump" has been drastically underestimated, with implications for future climate assessments. By taking account of the depth of the euphotic, or sunlit zone, the authors found that about twice as much carbon sinks into the ocean per year than previously estimated.” [1] • Mathematical analysis and fluid dynamic modeling concludes that upwelled deep water quickly mixes and remains in the sunlit zone above the thermocline where the nutrients accumulate to trigger a bloom. [2] • Modeling also demonstrates when the warm, salty surface water is pumped down the tube, it cools and becomes denser below 300m, then sinking by gravity as it mixes into the deeper ocean. [3] • Deep water contains more nutrients as well as higher levels of dissolved CO2 compared to the surface ocean. Water upwelled from below about 300m contains surplus phosphate, enabling a second phytoplankton bloom that absorbs more CO2 than originally contained in the upwelled seawater.