Minutes Document for Council, 30/10
Public Document Pack Council Meeting of held on Monday, 30 October 2017 at 6.30 pm in Council Chamber, Town Hall, Katherine Street, Croydon CR0 1NX MINUTES Present: Councillor Toni Letts (Chair); Councillors Patsy Cummings, Mike Selva, Hamida Ali, Jane Avis, Sara Bashford, Jeet Bains, Sue Bennett, Margaret Bird, Carole Bonner, Simon Brew, Alison Butler, Jan Buttinger, Robert Canning, Richard Chatterjee, Sherwan Chowdhury, Luke Clancy, Pat Clouder, Stuart Collins, Jason Cummings, Mario Creatura, Mike Fisher, Sean Fitzsimons, Alisa Flemming, Maria Gatland, Timothy Godfrey, Lynne Hale, Simon Hall, Patricia Hay-Justice, Maddie Henson, Steve Hollands, Yvette Hopley, Karen Jewitt, Humayun Kabir, Bernadette Khan, Shafi Khan, Stuart King, Oliver Lewis, Stephen Mann, Maggie Mansell, Dudley Mead, Margaret Mead, Vidhi Mohan, Michael Neal, Tony Newman, Steve O'Connell, Andrew Pelling, Helen Pollard, Joy Prince, Badsha Quadir, Andrew Rendle, Pat Ryan, Paul Scott, Manju Shahul-Hameed, Donald Speakman, Andy Stranack, Phil Thomas, James Thompson, Wayne Trakas-Lawlor, Mark Watson, John Wentworth, Sue Winborn, David Wood, Louisa Woodley, Chris Wright and Callton Young Apologies: Councillor Jamie Audsley, Jason Perry and Tim Pollard PART A 1/17 Minutes of the Previous Meeting The minutes of the Ordinary Council meeting held on 26 June 2017 were approved as an accurate record of that meeting. The minutes of the Extraordinary Council meeting held on 18 September 2017 were approved as an accurate record of that meeting. 2/17 Disclosure of Interests Members present confirmed that their disclosure of interest forms were accurate and up-to-date. No further declarations were made at the meeting. 3/17 Urgent Business (if any) There were no items of urgent business.
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