SPARTAN DAII-dY VOLUME 125, NUMBER 25 Serving Sall Jose Stale I. 'iti versity since 1934 NIUNI \ I )('1B11k 2005

"Sleepwalking to Sanity," Joe Question Opinion Page 2 SJSU ice hockey, 1 vs. Don Kassing, Sports Page 3 A&E Page 7 Conference hones student Keeping campus residents sate leadership Card keys replace old locks BY ILBRA BEITPOLOUS Day Stiff Vvritcr in brick residence halls About 400 students came together to sharpen their leadership skills at an annual conference this Saturday BY CHRISTINE BARKER said. in the Student Union. IiiOw itt is I tffillms ii The student organization leadership conference is buildings theut ,tist :is in.i,iy is title,: or put on by the Student Life and Leadership facilitators There are many things ,omeone looks lour limes \\ hen tesidents !iced and Associated Students to give students the chance to for when deciding on a plase it is to use then t did key to attest WI 01 bin ming. he said learn and network through other student organizations pella115 in a downtown menopohian ;ilea parts the along with faculty and staff. thines like lo - Hie difference between the The conference began at Cal UM. rent lock sy stems of the trick halls and a.m, with keynote speaker and safety Campus Village is that the Professor Joe Martin, who are all lac- latter also requite, Iliac lo travels and speaks at 75 to Ile card key ac, e,, ti the 80 different campuses a year. tiltsfor some residents eles;Flors. Hansen ,,i1F1 said Anthony Cummings. ot San Jose State's on- Hansen said th.o \diem coordinator hit Student campus housing. either in S 'sums settne tit , alter hganization Development the new Campus the lit wk halls iii( .1,111,11s and Special Programs. buildings or the viihre the', MARTIN Martin was voted "Student Nick rest their inst so ilk, ...di he of the Year" by faculty mem dence let in. hers at the University of West Florida. \\ here he safe's has 'The resident is ii.- Illea graduated at the top of his class when I \\ ,is 1,1th 21t been taken pected to escort years old. to a neYY er and gtics1 al all times He began his own business at 22 and was hired as easiei ley el lansen ii il the youngest professor to ever teach in Florida at age There are main, icasons x11% thc sy stem 24. was changed hum the tldci. metal keys, to (Intl hi's Frill it Martin is also the founder and president of Real the nester card keys in the halls said Susan ha F, c the tic is mil World University. an Internet resource center for stu- due,..toi it IIMINIII!` Hilt the main key system dents that attempts to help them Sties Cell in school and c.,,Fti nit et tit ellis. she said ,k [though it might in life. I e card key .iccess :dim% s tor a new seem inconvenient it times Martin has also written many books that wadi out key to be made much mole gutt kly.- to have to meet your guest to those who want to make the twist .0 then lives. Hansen said. "It provides hotel set' Ii e on the main Moor and bring "Student were glued to him (and I he \\ as \ cry el our residents and Is Itore cosi el f v.-fly Li them bask to yoi tot,111 it festive." Cummings said. Some student also like the lirLide lit goes IF,F, Martin shared his experiences griming up in a the now, L :nil key systeun. for your y isnot. he ',aid family with nothing and made sonic students aware caid is a lot more con% Hansen said that the nes\ or of how lucky they arc to be attending such a great said Josh ('.ilainese..1 sophinnine inahninn L aid key sy stem is a more ...phi. institution. in marketing and the president of Budding Its tied technology, hut in the end He mentioned how he visits itivenile delinquent, It ot Campus Village L 'thin the housing FI Is the ,RIllent, who are the most and inmates in prison and speaks to them. He then student gosernment. ells...toe security preventative went on to say that students take their positions in life "You can keep your card in your wallet 1115%1,111C. for granted. and that sonic days the biggest complaint .ind it's cheaper to replace. so that 5 bet "Students are the ones that can is actually going to a class. iii he said assuie its that people who do Martin said that when he visits the inmates. he tells Some student residents it %tutors not list' in the buildings do not them that students complain about getting up and co \ Wage like the L aril key sy stein better firth, \\ them in." Hansen said ing to class. They tell him that they \\ mild trade place, than metal kits -n's similar," said Oabriela Robles, a sopho with students in college in a heartbeat. Mathilde Mcent minor majoring in in- more at I >e Anza Junior Collece. Martin then asked the group hots many st m1 em. ternational business visits friends at Campus Mace and would say that about trading places in life with an in "You don't ccii liae to take (the card said that It wr the most part she hasn't had mate and nohixly responded. out of your pocket a %t ill can just pass itthy a problem having people let her into the He wants people to appreciate the life they line the sensor).- Vim said. building. been blessed with and live it to their potential. In the block hills. only the twin (loots -I've had one student s.i no.- Robles UPD increases patrols Cummings said. are beinc upciailed iii the nest Lard kcs .aul ''his' said no, We're IC1115 Mit S111/541sed Martin was selected to speak at the conference system that Campu. \ uli.tec alleady has. 111 (let petple up Mout t.uud kCs because he gets through to his listeners and engages Hansen said. Hie Inuits 'dual room success S1,1111: students agree that the ads antace. or new Campus Village their interest in conversation rather than talk at them. in the brick halls still still be by metal keys, see KEYS, page 6 BY RACHAEL HAMILTON more calls, hut iferall, it has gone he added. slit. said. Baines said, 'In With more than 250 student organizations on cam- the old dorms. people could just jig has hued taut 'ley% oth ,iiher .ZII 555'11 FF annmd. all !het need to pat pus, an event of this has to he planned Sins t 4 'anirius Village opened 1, et, tit keep tip yy ith the 2.0(i0 ad through 55 as one ,,ecuiu, in advance and Its i ,Limbers from each incain/ani in Oils semester. the Unit ersity &tonal students on Lampti, measure,- ( 'alahrese Barnes said most ollein.e. ha, Li see LEADERSHIP, page 5 e Department and f'ampus \ pet sonnel lime been been minor. 'minding some noise FF,Fikillg hard to pros nle student complaints and 1115 ItIC115 Cs 01 5;111- \L ail a safe living en\ (111’miii ale Pr"Pells !Minh: 111 Itt addition to tccidat. pa- 1i5 hell I t,1 Iltlre trols. Barnes said Ihc 114) of- It.,1 115, 1,,11101 Salt Jose titate licers \souk seiy .10,els is tilt the \ \ link in 2041--1. he said Campus V'illace tesulciii \ iset's 111,11 011C it his .!(,.11's 55a5 hi ensure on Cell:1111 thati 'ampus Villace had adequate 111CIU(1111(1. MCCt tithl-grvels train- seL III ny ing the ;1,1\ Ise,. to identity drugs. impus Village security has selt\delense techniques and other definitely heen one of our coal, tIns semestet theme has , been see UPD, page 6 Collections feature historical documents BY FARIDEH DADA yyork and posts al is to help illustrate /5:111 01 MAI% al 111:1.t C11 ii lilt Special Colic, non, Daily ',Lift \At tu Ills' topic of Spanish Colonialism.- she M0011 said l'he open house is an opportunity said. A large itillection 01 Si SI mate! lids to in, lease :maleness ot mit 'it It s,tuut. yy ith the goat it, Unique and rare aooI, , ans. Original Moore said the Don Edwards display doittillentintt ilw luustuiiuu itt ihit' aun. ions. Moon manuscripts will be displiied Tuesday will include a hill he supported, a letter pus since 1,, 05,011. 1115 hiding inclea.e use ot the collections and even- during an open house of San Jose State sent to the White House and a hit of his- s kiss book', siiaphooks. pholocraphs, mid is Illt:leaSe the hiituui ssit 111:11 StlItlentS University's Special Collections and tory from the time. ephemeia. 01 al hitsiuiu amid :111111,, 5 1s11:11 and as tills 4:an haw bettet....t..ess Archives at the Dr. Martin Luther King Danelle Moon. director of the 111:11Cr1:11S. C .ilstiiitiutisplat. Wonsan!. ''As the director. I also (Wet classes Jr. Joint Library. Special Collections, said the purpose "The idea behind the open luitise is to the up;xut'ttuimui lit teal it more ;thou' pri- Some features will include Spanish of the event is to encourage faculty and encourage lattills .ind studenls IFF use mary sources, 11115% ti t'ooduct research as %Yell as our in a special collections library. and pro- DANIEL SATO DAILY STAFF colonialism in California. Japanese in- students to see the range of primary and our primatv ternment camps. former U.S. Rep. Don SeC1,11t1;115 Inaterials that are available rare mid 11111litle Ne1011dary SI/tIrCes,- vide hands-on evpenence working with Edwards' legislative papers and SJSU in the Special Collections. r51111,1C su iii, original doeunlerliS.- Moon said. Mixing it up ... homecoming act it ihes of the past. said "Sly primary goal is to work with .1011:1111:111 R0111. the chair of the "II is important to hold an open ;irchives assistant Moore. faculty to support the course goals In. history department. said there are house because it us central to (nu mis- Nora Schwaller, a junior majoring in tine arts, Display 5 ma \ a variety. of for- archival and rare materials." tremendous iestiurces in the Special sion to encom age use of our eollec- cleans out a clay mixer after emptying a new mats. she said. Moon said. Collections. lions.- Moore said. batch of red clay in the Industrial Studies " example, in the Spanish Personal papers. organizational re- Roth said by hating these open

building on Thursday. The mixer was formerly Colonialism display, there will he cords, photographic collections, art and houses, stall, tas.tilty and students will the U.S. Navy. see COLLECTIONS, page 4 a bread mixer used by hooks, reproductions of drawings. art- artifacts. artists' books and rio, are be ;mare oh %% hat resources are in the PAGE 2 SPARTAN DAILY OPINION MONDAY OCTOBER 10, 2005

SLEEPWALKING TO SANITY Progress of rebuilding New Orleans depends on attitude After more than a month of watching broadcast Orleans take on the same attitude that those in San opments were being torn down outside of the French standing up to the government. 50.000 dwellings for news about Hurricane Katrina that hit the Gulf Coast Francisco did so many y ears ago? Quarter, where only 4.3 percent of the residents are the homeless were built in a year. and what the people are doing to survive. it seems that New Orleans is still under water and will continue black. In a tragic devastation, such as Hurricane Katrina, the citizens will not stay quiet. They will not stand to be hit by hurricanes, but the people shouldn't be If the reconstruction effort was led by groups such we cannot forget that humanity is all we have to keep by and let this disaster be used as an opportunity to expected to live in fear because they will not as the Douglass Community Coalition, a us together. replace homes with mansions and condos in a gentri- be taken care of afterward and be forced to low-income group in the Community Labor "Government cannot solve all our problems, even fying New Orleans. live in devastating situations. United, New Orleans could be rebuilt for in normal times, much less during a catastrophe of While many claim that any effort to rebuild New Community Labor United, a coalition of those victimized by the flood. Schools and nature that reminds man how little he is. despite all Orleans is a waste of time, I would like us to take a low-income groups in New Orleans, went hospitals that were falling apart before the his big talk," Thomas Sowell of said. look through the history books and rethink this. on to demand that a committee of evacuees floml could be rebuilt with better resources "The most basic function of government, maintaining On April 18, 1906, San Francisco was struck by "oversee (Federal Emergency Management and the project would create thousands of law and order, breaks down when floods or blackouts a great earthquake that is estimated to have been Agency). the Red Cross and other organiza- jobs. paralyze the system." 7.7 to 7.9 in magnitude and broke more than 270 tions collecting resources on behalf of our On the other hand. many think that re- While New Orleans residents are helping out in miles along a great fault - creating the San Andreas people." They called on evacuees from the building would come at more of a loss than rebuilding, many businesses are starting back up, and rift. There were around 3900 deaths, approximately community to actively participate in the an efficient cause. with the help of those in the community, many ser- 225,000 injuries and $400 million worth of property' rebuilding of New Orleans. SHANNON BARRY Many believe that making New vices are being repaired. damages. That would make the $10.5 billion of Orleans a place to live just goes against "Even as we mourn the loss of life and property This earthquake ranks as one of the most signifi- aid released by Congress and the 5.500 mil- its natural environment. caused by Hurricane Katrina, our fundamental spirit cant of all time. lion raised by pits ate agencies, as of Sept. 26, belong "New Orleans naturally wants to be a lake," St. remains strong," Sandra Shilstone, president and CEO W.J. Barnett of the Western Pacific Railroad to the victims Louis University professor of earth and atmospheric of New Orleans Tourism Marketing Corporation, said Company said more than a week after the earthquake. 1.'nfOrtunately. this is not the way reconstruction sciences Timothy Kusky told Time tragazine. on "We will rebuild our city, plans for making San Francisco the "most beautiful works. "A city should never have been built there in the first restoring it to a better New Orleans than ever be- city in the world" would soon be underway. One of In Sri Lanka, six months after the tsunami, the re- place," he said to the Atlanta Journal -Constitution. fore." the first steps toward rebuilding took place on April construction effort put a council of the country's most In 1985. an earthquake struck Mexico City and as 24. 1906, when 15 men were put to work on the tower prominent businesspeople in charge. In the meantime. in New Orleans, the government also failed its peo- of the Ferry building. thousands of poor fishing people were stuck in camps ple. A month after the quake 40,000 angry refugees Shannon Barry is a Spa runt Daily copy edi- With this earthquake in 1906 and the recent disas- patrolled by soldiers. marched on the government, refusing to be relocated tor -Sleepwalking to Sanity" appears every other ter along the Gulf Coast. why can't the people of New Before Katrina. African -American housing devel- :Ind demanding a "democra tic recnstructito to.- lit Abinday.

Write letters to the editor and submit Sparta I I \IBER PARTY Guide information online. Visit our Web site at You may also submit information in writing to DBH 209. Feminist movement stripping

Sparta Guide is provided free of charge to students, faculty and staff menthers.The deadline for women of their femininity entries is noon three working days before the desired publication date. Space restrictions mav \ ements regarding the advancement of wom stream. I genuinely look forward to my wedding day, require editing of submissions. Entries are printed in the order in which they are received. cmi si mnlits have been around for more than 150 years, when a very special man and I make a lifelong com- with the first women's rights convention held in New mitment to care for one another. I also look forward Prejudice meeting from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in TODAY l'tirk in 1848. The First National Women's Rights to all of the experiences that follow, those of both the Costanoan room of the Sutdent Union. For more Convention was held two years later, and then both sacrifice and gain. For example, rather than look- Career Center information. contact Jason Fithian at 795-3804. the National and American woman suffrage associa- ing at cooking and laundry. as a hassle, I see it as Resume critiques will be given from 10 a.m, to noon Listening Hour Concert Series tions were started in 1969. Since then. the Planned an opportunity to care for and bless my household. and front 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the Career Center. For There will he an electric jazz guitar recital from Parenthood Federation has been started, birth control Many would argue that this perspective makes wom- more information, contact Marisa Staker at 12:30 p.m. to I: I 5 p.m. in room 150 of the Music pills have been approved and in 1973 Roe v. Wade en inferior to men as far as sacrifices are entailed. 924-617'1 building. For more information, contact Joan Stubbe -- one of the most famous decisions in the Iti I would argue that both individuals in any' type of Pride al Pacific Islands Chth at 924-4649. Supreme Court's history -- replaced anti- relationship make sacrifices, whether it is There will be dance lessons from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Schoo/ ofArt and Design abortion laws, ruling that women have the I hat of a married couple, a brother and a right to safe and legal abortions. This rimlitie osier in room 89 of the Spartan Complex. There will bean exhibition of student art from or a boss and his or her employees. was then reaffirmed in 1992 in the c.c.,. ,,I \ woman preparing a home -cooked meal SJSL' Ice Skating 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Art and Industrial Science Planned Parenthood v. Casey. mid driving her kids from little league There will be a collection of food and clothing buildings. For more information, contact the eallery While it is true that such associations practice to ballet could be looked at as a office at 924-4330. for the victims of Hurricane Katrina and all proceeds and rulings have advanced the indepen- hurden. Or. she could look at it as a self- from skate rentals will he donated to the Red School 0/A,': and Design dence and equality of women, that's not all .1,.t of service to honor her husband Cross beginning at 7:30 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. at There will he a lecture titled "Forms and .1radition they have done. They have sparked what and Juldren. This doesn't mean that the the Logitech Ice Center. in Contemporary Spain" from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. in is known today as the feminist movement. oinan can't also be successful and pur- School of Art and Design room 133 of the Art building. For more information a movement that was original!) aimed at sue her own dreams, There will he an exhibition of student art front contact Jo Farb Hernandez at 924-4328. guaranteeing equal rights for %%omen. CHRISTINE GLARROW Hwevel% when I think of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Art and Industrial Science School ntArt and Design However, in this attempt to obtain the feminist philosophy. I can't buildings. For more information, contact the gallery There will be a reception t'or the student artists front and ensure equality between the sexes. help but hear other women %%omen have lost the true meaning of being term office at 924-4330. 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Art and Industrial Science teaming in my head. "It's all about ME'." nine, leaving men feeling emasculated and women Why can't women acknowledge and appreciate the SIR; Catholic Campus Ministry buildings. For more information, contact the gallery feeling unsatisfied. men in their lives - whether it is a father, a brother phone at 924-4330. Mass will be held at 12:10 p.m. in the SJSU Catholic I would consider myself an independent woman. III a spouse - the nay t hct to be acknowl- Campus Ministry Chapel. For more information, call Hip-Flop Congress I have strong opinions on all major political. social edged and appreciated? Thi, often begins vi ith let- Fr. Jose Rubio at 938-1610. There will be a general meeting from 6 p in. to and moral issues. 1 work, take good care of myself ting the men be just that: the men in their lites. 7:15 p.m. in the Pacheco room of the Student Inion. and have numerous hobbles, just as many as other Instead. feminism weakens men in an attempt to TUESDAY For more information, contact Dave Nlanson at men and women I knot,. strengthen women, rather than facilitating a respect 186-5071. At the same time. hot\ eta. I have no problem and appreciation that would empower both genders. QTIP SAL' Study Abroad ()Mil' acknowledging my desire to take on a distinct femi- As for the men. I'll address them next time. There will he a Queers Thoughtfully Internipting There will be an information meeting at I p.m. nine role in my life as an individual and when I later 1 Corinthians 11 :11-12 says. "In the Lord. how- in room 104 of the Faculty Offices For more become a wife and mother. ever, woman is not independent of man. nor is man information. visit study abroad. I find it upsetting that many women today independent of woman. For as woman came from cringe at the thought of marriage and laugh at the man, so also man is born of woman." Career Center THE SALTY JOSH ZINMAN thought of domestic responsibilities. Such commit- Resume critiques will be given from 10 a.m, to noon ments have adopted a stigma that has led females and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m in the Career Center. For to believe that to have such responsibilities would more information. contact Marisa Staker at hinder them front achieving personal successes. Christine Glarrow is the Spartan Daily online 924-6171. My view is quite different from the American main- editor. "Slumber Pant" runs every other Monday. S.I.St Catholic (antptis Alniotri Mass still be held at 12.1(1 p.m in the SJSt Catholic Campus Ministry Chapel. For more information. call GOT PROBLEMS? Fr. Jose Rubio at 938-1610. NEW COLUMN STRIVES TO HELP SJSU STUDENTS

WEDNESDAY' Got an SJSU related problem or question? Too busy to solve it yourself? Want someone else to help you? Well, worry no longer. In his new column "Spartan Solutions," the Spartan Daily's (areer C'enter ' Executive Editor John Myers will do his best to answer two questions submitted by students in There will be a business career internship fair front each column. Just go to and click on letters to submit your problem 3 p.m. to 5 p.m in the Loma Prieta room of the or question. Make sure to include your name, year. major and contact information. Student Union. For more information. call 924-6171.

JOHN MYERS Executive Etht., ADVERTISING -Devin Patel, OPINION PAGE POLICY I Readers are Managing Edit," ADVISERS - Richard Craig and Jan Shaw, News: Thomas Rogers, ERIK LACATO e T1C00 raged to express themselves Photojournalism; Tim Hendrick, Advertising; Tim Burke, Heather Kloskowski, Thuy on the PETIER CLARK Opinion Editor Production Chief Nghien, Opinion page with a letter to the editor. EMMANUF.I, LOPEZ Sports Editor Joel Cruz, Ana Nava, Christophe A letter to the editor is a response to an issue or a point of view that has appeared in KEVIN YUEN A&E Editor STAFF WRITERS Christine Barker, Cheeto Diez, David Martin, Michelle the - Barrera, Ilbra Beitpolous, Farideh Spartan Daily. Dada, Jimmy Durkin, ELIZABETII NGUYEN Rachael Hamilton, Patricia lbarra. Kelley Lugea, Elizabeth Agpoon, Desilia lnqqratupolie, Only letters between 200 to 400 words will AND Perry, Davida Ross, Lydia Sarraille, Sophia Seremetis, Priscilla Woo, Christina Young Eric Galan, Jessica Spear, Tania be considered for publication. SHAMINDER DULAI Ph Editors Submissions become property of the Spartan Sidokpohou, Joanna Martinez, Daily and may be edited for clarity, grammar, libel and RYAN BALBUENA SENIOR STAFF WRITERS - Theresa Alster, Caballero, Robin Christopher, Randy Garcia, length. Submissions must contain the AND Lauren Bosch, Erin author's name, address. phone number, signa- Production Editors Rachel Hill, ture and major. YVONNE PINGUE Traci Newell Brent Natsume Submissions may be placed .I0E SHREVE in the Letters to the Editor box at the Spartan Daily office in AND STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS -Phil Bedrossian, Diana Diroy, Ben Liu, Daniel Dwight Bentel Copy Editors USPS 509-480 Hall, Room 209, sent by fax to SHANNON BARRY Sato, Kt.% in h/hit (408) 924-3237, e-mail at spartandailyOccasa. Online Editor sjsusedu or mailed to the Spartan Daily

CHRISTINE GLARROW NEWS ROOM: .408.924.3281 Opinion Editor, School of Journalism and Ad Director ARTISTS - Jamaica Dyer and Josh Zinman, Cartoonists Mass Communications. San .tome State STEFANIE VASII.EV FAX: 408.924.3282 University, One Washington Square, San Jose, CA 95042-0149. Assf Ad Director GRAPHIC ARTIST - AnnaCorey PRISCILLA RODRIGUES ADVERTISING: 408.924.3270 Editorials are written by and are the consen- Creative Director sus of the Spartan Daily editors, not the staff. SAMANATA NAIK Asst Creative The Spartan Daily is a Published opinions and advertisements do Director THE SPARTAN DAILY I ONE WASHINGTON SQUARE LAILA RODRIGUF.Z public not necessarily reflect the views of the Spartan SAN JOBE, CA 95192 Daily, the School of Journalism Weh Master and Mass RYAN SHOI.IN Communications or SJSU. (408) 924-3281 I [email protected] IT Consultant NEAL WATERS SPARTANDAILYADDOCATIA.&DIU.EDU

)5 MONDAY OCTOBER 10, 2005 SPORTS SPARTAN DAILY - PAGE 3 Spartans trounce Trojans in season opener

BY ILBRA BEITPOLOUS what seemed like an eternity to de- period, SJSU-I. USC-enraged. "I changed the lines up at the Daily Staff Writer cide what to call on the players. USC was down a player due to beginning of the game to see if we Pr With 17:51 left in the third pe- a penalty, when the Spartans used could play better and it turned out Game one: SJSU-6, USC-2 riod, all the players were back on the opportunity to score the second we couldn't." he said. a, the ice and ready to lay out their goal of the night. "By the third period we realized The Spartan hockey club sent opponents. The Spartans scored another certain line combinations worked USC back to southern California Much to the crowd's dismay, two goals to go up 5-1. well together and the last period with their tails between their legs USC scored its first goal with II The Trojans really got the really silos\ ed Glasow said. and two losses under their belt. 22 left on the clock. crowd going when a player sucker Some ot the players agreed with ill SJSU whipped USC. 6-2. Friday The Spartans responded by punched the Spartan forward and the coach's theory. if. at the Logitech lee Center. scoring yet another goal with a defenseman Andy Whiteside, Spartan forward Michael mere 5:55 left. getting from the Villalobos There wasn't an empty seat in himself ejected said. "At the beginning Is The Trojans got lucky and game. (of the gainer the house as the Spartans kicked we got a lot of pen- scored just seconds later to close Whiteside his cool and alties so that oft the season with the first of two kept kind of held us back, in but wins. to 5-2. stayed focused on the game. we just kept our heads cool and A tight broke loose and a USC While the crowd was trying to everything just started clicking." Delenseman Ian Fazzi got the player got ejected from the game. figure out what was going on, an- The team ail! face Cal State crowd riled up by tossing a Trojan Spartan fans waved hint fare- other two Trojans got kicked off Long Beach at 7:45 p.m. Friday over his back like a rag doll. as he skated off the ice with the ice for fighting. and at 7 p.m. Saturday at the With 17 minutes left in the sec- it his head hung low. Less than a With 3:26 left on the clock. Logitech Ice Center. ond period. Spartan center Alex 0 minute later. another Trojan was Spartan forward Jeff Mattern GlastAl said Long Beach is go Redmond, id kicked it up a notch sent on his way. scored the sixth goal. with USC ing he a tough game. by. scoring the second goal to give Spartan forward Jon King just barely hanging on with a mea- "They are really physical. but MOP SJSU a 2-point lead. capped the scoring for SJSU. sly one point. I'm more than confident and the The Spartans kept their com- USC's roster kept getting small- team is more than ready for them." posure as the Trojans took cheap Game two: SJSU-7, USC-1 er and smaller as another player Glasow said. shots. got kicked out of the game. The hockey, team has gotten off The bad sportsmanship and ag- On Saturday. the Spartans Spartan defensetnan Patti made to an amaiing start. said assistant gressiveness didn't seem to faze creamed USC 7-1. the seventh goal as he blew by the coach Rick Angev me. the Spartans. Spartan center Adam Dekeyral Trojan goalie, who had moved out "This is (Inc of the best teams By the third period, the Spartans got the momentum started for from the net. we've had in no 12 se,is at San were up 3-0. down two players be- SJSU by scoring the first goal in The Spartans head coach Ron Jose State." Anecu me said BEN KJ DAILY STAF r cause of penalties, and still man- the second period. Glasow said this weekend was a 'We don't hasse one out- Spartan right wing Ray Kellam, No. 4, struggles against Remy Bickoff aged to gain control of the puck. The Trojans started another tight great opportunity for him to see standing player they are all of USC for possession of the puck in Friday night's game against the rh, 'els stopped the pill(' lin- us ith 19 seconds left in the second how the players work together. ouistaildin Trojans. The Spartans swept the two-game weekend series. Earthquakes set record, remain perfect at home

BY DAVIDA ROSS Earthquakes head coach us ill) a shot into the Irnyei lett 1,rner, go mg the Daily Stall WrIter said he ,ritildn't x01111,1.1111 about the tie. Lai thquakes a more ,,,rinortable lead "I am \en proud el the guys for finishing I he goal was N.e.h's hist NII.S goal. The settled for a the \ ear us 'Mout losing at Spartan Stadium and Real salt I ,rke broke nue ihe game in the 2-2 tie against Real Salt Lake on Saturday. as Iry %%inning the Supporters Shield for the first 64th inmate, a hen Salt Lake midfielder Keu in 19.407 fans tilled Spartan Stadium to watch. Kinnear said. Novak kicked a ball from the left side Mai 1 'en though the game ended in a tie, it was a The maid] a as a different kind of record- cleared Rosario*s head and rolled past San Jose &breaking event for both teams. breaker for Real Salt Lake. goalkeeper . The expansion team, which has neyer won Novak said the goal, his first mm Major a game on the road. left the match with a road League Sox cer, a as tun and exciting. record of 0-14-2 the worst road record in .4 good crowd out there,- Novak 2 YILS history. 2 Real Salt Lake's head coach John Ellinger "Ilopefullx I II Al a lea more of those in seemed satisfied is ith the tie, the home.- he said "Obviously., is e us old have liked to have the NOY als set the stage tot the ty mg goal as he

Witli the draw. the Earthquakes became the win.- Ettinger said. tired ant 111.11 us is uolleNed into the 111-.1 team in history to go 'But %% hen you play the best team in the Oil by mirlheldei ndy 55 ilhanis

undeleated at home in the regular season. league on their home held and they "re unbeaten Flicre aei,. se e4,11 s loseills,kid S,,I1 I ,ike The Earthquakes, with a record of 17-4-10, here, we'll take a point.- he said. a as unable hi s. rite Ihe enal. DANIEL SATO DAILY S tAF F also recciu ed the Supporters' Shield, an award Dwayne De Rosario. a strong canvivI ate .or Cu ing the 1-ortlignalses then I Sat stiaight unde- San lose Earthquakes midfielder , right, shields the ball given to the team with the best regular season league MVP. scored the Earthquakes' lost goal. feated home game. from Real Salt Lake midfielder Kevin Novak during Saturday's 2-2 tie record. pushing the hall from midfield past Real Salt Inshid called this ue.:ord a -pretty special at Spartan Stadium. With the tie, the Earthquakes (17-4-10) became This is the first time in the Earthquakes' Lake goalie Brain Dunseth. as, tiiiplislurireirr the first team in Major League Soccer history to go undefeated at nine-year history that they have received this Rosario said the goal a is 'a great a ay to Farthgti.- home during the regular season. award, including the two years they won the start off the night." faie Ow MLS Cup. Rookie Julian Nash sx ored the second coal far e.1

Women's soccer team posts first victory of season against Idaho I. t) in S6.000 lie all Angel BY ELIZABETH PERRY Midfielder Jennifer Guadagnolo have in the last four of five games. Spartan Stadiunt kr Ruston. I .r trf Inas agaiti Donate took liehlen's pass for her first of Siracusa said. "We played very. On Sunday. the team travels I oriwiana Tech t .niersii at no. q the season. well and knocked the ball around The Spartan women's soccer "lhe Spartans* confidence is very a ell Call Family Fertility team triumphed over the University. growing with each game they play, Some it the players said they Center of Idaho for its first victory of the some of the players said. were glad they had their nisi sit needed 2005 season, recording a 2-0 shut- "I felt good about the game.- tor',. especially since they suffered 1-800-939-6886 out. Guadagnolo said. "We came out a 2-1 loss against WAC rival Boise Tonik. Cover your A-Z. San Jose State University 's strong .ind we really wanted to vs in State Cm% ersity on Friday us ith the women's soccer nonconference re- aid sum ked hard for winning goal being an own goal. cord ended 0-9-2 but the team has Some of the players said they Some of the team members said CHINATOWN gone I- 1-0 in the Western Athletic had been waiting tOr a break. they felt they played hard but were Chinose Fast Food "This game was finally a posi- unlucky in that game. Conference. You're young. You're But bey, life is Some of the players feel they tive experience and a positive out- "It was a heartbreaking loss in unpredictable All it takes is one slip, one fa; sense of accomplishment come." Guadagnolo said. the Boise game.- said Adrienne cov.bInstiori Plat. have a the with the win iuser the vandals. Spartan head coach Dave Herbst. team captain and relic biff, and the hinancial pain can outweigh game w;.i.s not un- physical. Whether you're laid out ori the snow. s.irrif 'It's delmitely a It 01 weight Siracusa said this The Spartan woincil., , ,1 like any other. team will play against t ilisialc or grass. you're going to wrhi you wen, ,,veir I ' off our shoulders." said Li/ Behlen. who scored SJSC's first goal in the "We played in this game like we University at 7 p.m. on Friday at Your $64 per month first half of the game with a cross rate can be $123 website , C7 right shot. online. So, apply today at ors The SJSI. team was anxious and evpected it would for a victory FREE iPod nanos!!! BayCrest Insurance Services r- COMC with PIMP:. she said. 1275 S Vir 1ST TIME Get your free iPod nano at: "We kites\ Ithe win) was going San Jose cA CUSTOMER PACKA( to come." said Behlen, who also www.ipodnanos.freepay.comnr=23047307 assisted in S.ISI ''s second goal. (408) 249-4611 S.-10 Sill, ;al!

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Jackson Street IBCL&M BCL&H e 8M ...mien! ,.t11 Assoombon (13CA) The Blue Cross name and yymbni Cr. regl.leaed Itt its VN(n0Qsa Blocks North of Santa Clara service marks Si the BCA 'Rapes are subde-I to change and based on plan we-graphuo in at t't St .11a. 408-267-7900 294-3303 or 998-9427 Between 3rd and 4th Street age and medical htatory 02005 BCC CAMP 32 P t SPAEC 1.1 \ 1) 111 1 NEWS N1ONDAY OCTOBER 10, 2005 COLLECTIONS - I have ever met. He was brilliant visit me in my office with a large from page 1 and loving." Josh said. stack of paper - materials he had continued Birenbaum and his wife had assembled over twenty years of their 42nd Holding he open house is an devoted celebrated anni- material that teaching the course, Professor just versary in July. he thought I might find useful. opportunity for faculty and staff to Josh said his father had the That was just the way Harvey meet the director and support staff. ability to reach people and ex- worked generous, wise, help- Moore said. lifetime to teaching press.the depth ful, kind, all "More importantly it offers an of human behind the inside view of collections that sup- port teaching and learning, which BY FARIDEH DADA a big difference in a lot of stu- McMillan, a former student. "It experience 66 I n his own scenes." is the mission of the university," Daily Staff WI dents' lives including her own was one of the last courses he and he kept in Born July quiet way, Moore said. life, for which she said is greatly ever taught." contact with 8, 1936, in Roth said that the faculty of the For the second time this se- indebted. Birenbaum's teaching touched his friends and he was very Philadelphia. history department find the collec- mester. the English and compara- "He was the rare person who many of his students, said Andy students. Birenbaum effective...." tions invaluable for their own re- tive literature department at San manages to endow others with a Fleck. an English professor. "He was a received his search and for the students. Jose State University is saddened greater understanding of them- "He loved Blake, he loved hu- tremendous Scott Rice, English bachelor's -We are developing our public by the death of one of its former selves and what it means to be mor and comedy and the ways we man of con- and comparative degree from literature history program which is something professors. alive in the process." Ashton said. find to talk about this amorphous tact." Josh Antioch department chair new for us." Roth said. "Special The 69-year-old English pro- "His unique perspective on the re- concept. He loved exploring the said. College, Ohio. Collections is an important resource fessor, Harvey Birenbaum. died lationship of myth, literature, and quirks of human nature," Fleck Birenhaum in 1958. He for public history as well as for on Sept. 30 of a heart failure human consciousness is dynamic said. had the habit got his Ph.D. California and for local history." and massive cardiac arrest at the and profound." "Harvey was the finest, most of giving stuff away, McMillan from Yale in 1963 in English lan- This is the second open house Stanford Medical Center. Wood said Birenbaum was challenging teacher I have said. guage. Josh said. He had no other for the Special Collections and Earlier this semester, another so generous, and he was always ever been privileged to know," "Many tangible things Harvey activities other than teaching dur- Archives. The first was held former professor. Wilbert 0. willing to impart his wisdom and McMillan said. "I loved his gave me ... but the greatest intan- ing his entire lifetime. in February. Crockett, died of a heart attack pass it on to others. wonderful, spontaneous wit, his gible gifts Harvey gave me were "Harvey lived the mental life," This display will only be up at age 71. "I first met him in 1968 when I generosity, and his marvelous, the beginnings of the ability to Rice said. "He read, wrote, and the open house, hut "Harvey was a poet, scholar first began teaching in the English unique way of looking at life and truly see that everything in the taught. I never heard that he did during items available to the public and well-loved teacher." said department at San Jose State," literature." world is interconnected and the anything for recreation." are in the Library. Moore said. Sally Ashton, a for- said Scott Rice, Karen English, Birenbaum's importance of the artist in nam- Birenbaum started teaching at King "The things that are displayed mer student and a the chair and office mate and an English profes- ing and re-naming that ... it is the SJSU in 1965, Rice said. He taught that are kept in our family friend. "He professor at the sor, said. "Professor Birenbaum most important and abiding one at the University of East Anglia in are items was both rigorous English depart- was a remarkably dedicated to me." McMillan said. England front 1972 to 1973. Special Collections, so it is a matter for someone to and generous in his ment. scholar with many interests: Fleck said he knew Birenbaum Birenbaum is survived by simple look library catalog and teaching, demand- "Harvey was Shakespeare, the importance of for only a brief time. "but in that his wife. Mary Birenbaum of through the see ing a lot from his a good egg, myth in literature. the Bible as lit- short period I came to admire hint San Jose: his daughter, Chandra what we have and ask if they can students. Taking the real deal," erature, and the poetry of William very much. " He said Birenbauni Birenbaum of San Francisco: look at it," Moore said. one of his classes Rice said. "He Blake." had a gentle and generous soul. and his son. Josh Birenbaum of "Not enough people know y et felt like taking yy as single- Birenbaum was also a pub- "Harvey walked the yy al k Y hen Washington, D.C. that they may visit us." Moore mindedly. and lished poet, English said. He was others were talking the talk.- Rice A memorial service was held said. "But the amount of traffic Birenbaum set undistractedly a rigorous teacher who continued said. "In a time when campus pol- for Birenbaum at the Spartan from students, faculty. staff and the the very high dediyated to his to be involved with his former itics were much livelier than they Memorial on Oct. 9 at noon. public is gradually increasing." standards in his teaching and students and his classes even are now, while sonic of Harvey's "I deeply grieve Harvey's Last month, three classnxims and about 50 other researchers came courses, said Steve BIRENBAUM research and to when his health was very fragile. colleagues is ere striking pictur- loss," McMillan said. "But he Wood, a former San Jose State." "He was such a complex man, esque poses, he would be out on has left a legacy that will unfold to use the Special Collections and student and a graduate assistant at Birenbaum had devoted his who viewed the world through the picket line or donating his more and more for us all as time Archives materials. Moore said. the English department. life to teaching, said his son. Josh his own, uniquely personal phi- time in sonic other way." goes on. - "This does not it,t1111 the num- "His classes were always intel- Birenbaum. He was teaching at losophy," Wood said. "With the Rice said Birenbaum did what- "Harvey 's dedication put ber of people that Just conic in to lectually challenging and rigor- San Jose State University for over exception of his family, I think ever he could to assist others. many of us to shame," Rice said. look around, of which there are ous," he said. 35 years until last year that he had Harvey loved teaching most of "In his own quiet way, he was "As the saying goes, we will not )Ientiful numbers," Moore said Wood said that after finishing retired. all, and to retire after all those very effective, believing that one's see his like again." a course, the students knew they Birenbaum was a fan of years at the same college must deeds were supposed to conform had learned the most important William Shakespeare and William have been so difficult for him." with one's words.- Rice said. thing one can learn in school, Blake. the British poet, artist and Birenbaum had a fantastic re- "I was asked to teach a course Check us out online at "How to think well, and for your- philosopher. lationship with his family. Josh that Harvey had been teaching self." -I was in a special Blake semi- said. every fall for more than two de- This article was originally Ashton said Birenbaum made nar in Spring 2004," said Joan "He was the most devoted man cades," Fleck said. "He came to published Friday in the Spartan

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I 7. a 7-0 lead. 27-) aid touchdown reception from or stolen cards, Hansen said. 24- "You can put money on your Strubeck's "We made a huge mistake on Jackson to send SJSU into halftime It's hard to compare the metal San Jose State Con- Freshman Jared card for your laundry or your meal goal with 1:18 left the punt retuni for a touchdown." trailing 21-7 the fifth time in as system to the card key system tinued its trend of poor play in the 46-yard field plan." said Olivia Cirilli, a senior key seven-point deficit and said SJSU senior linebacker Eric many games that the Spartans have campus residences be- first half and it cost the Spartans made it a majoring in business. The conve- within the straight week, ju- Wilson at the post -game press con- trailed at the half. envi- again as they lost to Utah State for the second nience and the safety make the cause they are very different Trae Jacks,ii ecovered ference. "They doubled one of our The Aggies' junior kicker Justin Univ ersity 24-17 Saturday at nior safety card system an advantage to resi- ronments. Hansen said. th. guys and left a wide-open seant. Hamblin knocked in a 33-yard Romney Stadium. an onside kick. dents, she said. With all the simplicity and con- SO starling at the It's something we work held goal on Utah State's first pos- SJSC spotted the Aggies an With SJSU on every Hansen said that so far, the only venience the card keys provide stu- larralis completed day in practice. It was definitely a session of the second half to make early 14-0 lead, and for the second Aggies' 48, real disadvantage has been related dents, perhaps they are too easy to passes to freshman running hack good play by him." it a 24-7 game before the Spartans straight week, its comeback at- to tine-tuning the card readers. use and lose, she said. to Perry and senior wide re- Robinson struck again with respi inded. tempt came up short. Sophomore Patrick "Some need to be repaired or re- -We have found that more stu- RUIlls Skallci ii to move the 14:0% left in the second quarter Chester Coleman found a seam quarterback Adam Tafralis' pass ceiver placed." Hansen said. "We are still dents have been losing their card hall to the 29. when he caught a 39-yard touch- on third-and -23 and Tafralis tired a on fourth-and-8 from the Spartans' working the bugs out." keys than their metal keys though," u as sacked for a down pass from the Utah to the wide-open junior wide 34-yard line fell incomplete in the Tafralis State's Pass The advantages include being Hansen said, if end zone with nine seconds left in 5 -yard loss and too straight in- sophomore quarterback Leon rece s er lair a 61 -yard touchdown El the game to secure the loss. completions sealed the win for Jackson III. that cut the lead to 24-14. ca "We just came up short. (The Utah State. SJS1' finally answered back on Both defenses stiffened up un- he Aggies) were in a commanding "The defense played very its ensuing possession. Tafralis til Strubeck's fourth-quarter field VOTED BEST NEW BAR BY METRO READERS bro position the entire game." Tomey hard." said Tafralis, who was started the drive with a 48-yard goal and the Spartans could not said to local media. "We were 16-4-42 passing for 227 yards and completion to junior wide receiver hind their way hack into the end an playing catch-up. We had a chance a touchdown. "The offense came John Broussard. Senior running untie and ended up dropping their an at the end to inake a play, but we out slow again and didn't convert hack Lamar Ferguson added a 10th straight road game. to couldn't make one." when we needed. - 21-) aid run to the Utah State 6 and "Somehow, we held on in the ths Last week against the University The first half \a., the Kevin sophomore Yonus Davis scored second half, making about every of Nevada, SJSU trailed 20-0 be- Robinson shou hit the Nggies. The on a 6-yard nin to cut the lead to mistake that y oil could make." ho fore rally irig to tie the game twice, sophomore as ide teL CI \ CI Opelled 14-7. Utah State coach rent ass ',dash an, only to lose lti-23. This %sects. the the ssi/11112. is ith 4:36 lett in the With 1:15 left in the second tin lineal Illesll.t anti ,th tanda 11 . I I, EVERY TUESDAY AR ana UPD - Police utilize newer technology sal College Night at Dive Bar elsa continued from page 1 pitomula card sa stem. he said. Your ad here! 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JOE DON 'Nickel and Dimed' leaps onto stage QUESTION KASSING Reading program book-turned-play shows at the University Theatre

BY KELLEY LUGEA "We had an open-call audition and everyone to "Nickel and Dimed" is theatre major Daily Staff Writer had to do a monologue," Spreen said. "Then we Lawrence Aljentera. The play shows people VS. had them do improvisations based on the script. making the best of what they have in life The department of television, radio, film and With some people, it's like you light a fire under and doing the best \Iith what they have, he theatre debuted its 2005-06 production sea- them and they just love that exercise. Those are said. Aljentera's main roles are Carlie, a hotel son at the University Theatre on Friday with the people that are in." maid, and Phillip, a restaurant manager. San Jose State Univ ersity President Don Kassing is a busy man. He "Nickel and Dimed." Spreen and fellow director Elizabeth Thies "All my characters are funny," he said. "It's must be, because he peneded us into his packed schedule to give us the "It's about a woman who goes undercover cast actors who were comfortable with physi- hard for me to do a character that is not funny most curt and brie! intXIV ICI% ever. We don't learn too much about the to see how the working poor survive, to see cal exercises and movement in relation to the because I like to make people laugh." man, but one thing's fin sure don't take his football picks. SJSU lost script. The first performances of "Nickel and to Utah State 24-17. One of the 13 actors cast was theatre arts Dimed" premiered on Friday in the University THEATERREVIEW Spartan Daily': What is iii tasonte mos. ie' graduate student Elizabeth A. Taylor, who plays Theatre. SJSU student and audience member Don What is Inv 1:11 0111e movie "Dances With Wolves " if she can survive on $6.50 an hour," director Kass*: the lead role of Ehrenreich. Cindy Melendez could relate to the story after Elizabeth Spreen said. "She finds out that she "I narrate the show, talk to the audience and working several similar jobs. SD: Have you ever considered running for San Jose mayor or can't, that it's impossible and what that does to tell them everything as it is happening." Taylor "I used to work retail from 3 p.m. to mid- council',' her physically and emotionally, her body just said. night before I started going to college and it UK: No. breaks down." While Ehrenreich takes minimum wage jobs does suck that bad," she said. "I ant going to Barbara Ehrenreich is the author of SD: If you are a Led Zeppelin fan. %%kat is out fa% ortte album? "Nickel as everything from a waitress to a housecleaner start a waitressing job soon and his probably and Dimed." the book that the play is based on, UK: I wasn't. so I don't know the musie to a "Mall -mart" employee, the audience gets going to be worse." and worked for minimum wage at several jobs some perspective on what life is like for the For those audience members who read the Si): What music do you listen to nosy ' to explore the struggles of the working poor in working poor. The play explores fundamental book, the stage production brings the charac- DK: Kenny G. the United States. ideas like the American dream and what that ters to life. Playwright Joan Holden stayed The play was chosen SD: What isv our prediction on the game Saturday betvveen San partially because the means to some people. Taylor said. true to the book only adding small changes, book State .ind I lah State.' was part of the Campus Reading Program "I think the American dream can mean a lot Spreen said. and many students and faculty are already fa- UK: San Jose State will win. of things to a lot of different people." she said. "I read the book and it was pretty similar, miliar with it, Spreen said. "It can be something as simple as having a reli- but it was more realistic to Nee II 011 stage." SD: Do you aio.e a specific score'? "I love the play, the political aspects of it able baby sitter, a safe place to sleep or eating said SJSU student l.i/ctle Faint/. UK: No and just how wonderfully written it is.- Spreen your favorite meal. It's not just the house and "Nickel and Dimed" will continue vs ith said. "It's a lot of fun and there are so many the money and the car. It can be something as usl to Ow 1)ailv performances on Oct. 13. 14 and 15 at 7 p.m., characters." simple as security." with a matinee Oct. 12 at 11 a.m. All pertor- With over 40 characters throughout the play Although the play touches on several seri- mances are in the San Jose State and only 13 cast members, all but one of the ac- ous subjects concerning Americans. it also has Theatre. Some of Tuesday's noteworthy releases tors have multiple roles. a comical side. Taylor said. "Most people have at least three roles." said "A lot of people have read this play and said CD Rachel Garcia. a theater major and cast mem- it's so sad hut really when you see the end, it 'Nickel and Dulled ber. "It's an ensemble thing, which is cool be- so hopeful." she said. ’These people don't hate cause we all get to improv and play different their lives, they just live them and they have hu- pans. morous interpretations of what they go through. 5liosv go. Oct. I J. >VD The cast was chosen sty weeks prior to open- They use their wit and humor to get through at I I a.m. ing night and has been working long hours to their day." Location; San Jose St.: get the show ready. Spreen said. Another tin bringing comedy relief in Hugh Gillis Hall

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