SPARTAN DAII-dY VOLUME 125, NUMBER 25 Serving Sall Jose Stale I. 'iti versity since 1934 NIUNI \ I )('1B11k 2005 "Sleepwalking to Sanity," Joe Question Opinion Page 2 SJSU ice hockey, 1 vs. Don Kassing, Sports Page 3 A&E Page 7 Conference hones student Keeping campus residents sate leadership Card keys replace old locks BY ILBRA BEITPOLOUS Day Stiff Vvritcr in brick residence halls About 400 students came together to sharpen their leadership skills at an annual conference this Saturday BY CHRISTINE BARKER said. in the Student Union. IiiOw itt is I tffillms ii The student organization leadership conference is buildings theut ,tist :is in.i,iy is title,: or put on by the Student Life and Leadership facilitators There are many things ,omeone looks lour limes \\ hen tesidents !iced and Associated Students to give students the chance to for when deciding on a plase it is to use then t did key to attest WI 01 bin ming. he said learn and network through other student organizations pella115 in a downtown menopohian ;ilea parts the along with faculty and staff. thines like lo - Hie difference between the The conference began at Cal UM. rent lock sy stems of the trick halls and a.m, with keynote speaker and safety Campus Village is that the Professor Joe Martin, who are all lac- latter also requite, Iliac lo travels and speaks at 75 to Ile card key ac, e,, ti the 80 different campuses a year. tiltsfor some residents eles;Flors. Hansen ,,i1F1 said Anthony Cummings. ot San Jose State's on- Hansen said th.o \diem coordinator hit Student campus housing. either in S 'sums settne tit , alter hganization Development the new Campus the lit wk halls iii( .1,111,11s and Special Programs. buildings or the viihre the', MARTIN Martin was voted "Student Nick rest their inst so ilk, ...di he of the Year" by faculty mem dence let in. hers at the University of West Florida. \\ here he safe's has 'The resident is ii.- Illea graduated at the top of his class when I \\ ,is 1,1th 21t been taken pected to escort years old. to a neYY er and gtics1 al all times He began his own business at 22 and was hired as easiei ley el lansen ii il the youngest professor to ever teach in Florida at age There are main, icasons x11% thc sy stem 24. was changed hum the tldci. metal keys, to (Intl hi's Frill it Martin is also the founder and president of Real the nester card keys in the halls said Susan ha F, c the tic is mil World University. an Internet resource center for stu- due,..toi it IIMINIII!` Hilt the main key system dents that attempts to help them Sties Cell in school and c.,,Fti nit et tit ellis. she said ,k [though it might in life. I e card key .iccess :dim% s tor a new seem inconvenient it times Martin has also written many books that wadi out key to be made much mole gutt kly.- to have to meet your guest to those who want to make the twist .0 then lives. Hansen said. "It provides hotel set' Ii e on the main Moor and bring "Student were glued to him (and I he \\ as \ cry el our residents and Is Itore cosi el f v.-fly Li them bask to yoi tot,111 it festive." Cummings said. Some student also like the lirLide lit goes IF,F, Martin shared his experiences griming up in a the now, L :nil key systeun. for your y isnot. he ',aid family with nothing and made sonic students aware caid is a lot more con% Hansen said that the nes\ or of how lucky they arc to be attending such a great said Josh ('.ilainese..1 sophinnine inahninn L aid key sy stem is a more ...phi. institution. in marketing and the president of Budding Its tied technology, hut in the end He mentioned how he visits itivenile delinquent, It ot Campus Village L 'thin the housing FI Is the ,RIllent, who are the most and inmates in prison and speaks to them. He then student gosernment. ells...toe security preventative went on to say that students take their positions in life "You can keep your card in your wallet 1115%1,111C. for granted. and that sonic days the biggest complaint .ind it's cheaper to replace. so that 5 bet "Students are the ones that can is actually going to a class. iii he said assuie its that people who do Martin said that when he visits the inmates. he tells Some student residents it %tutors not list' in the buildings do not them that students complain about getting up and co \ Wage like the L aril key sy stein better firth, \\ them in." Hansen said ing to class. They tell him that they \\ mild trade place, than metal kits -n's similar," said Oabriela Robles, a sopho with students in college in a heartbeat. Mathilde Mcent minor majoring in in- more at I >e Anza Junior Collece. Martin then asked the group hots many st m1 em. ternational business visits friends at Campus Mace and would say that about trading places in life with an in "You don't ccii liae to take (the card said that It wr the most part she hasn't had mate and nohixly responded. out of your pocket a %t ill can just pass itthy a problem having people let her into the He wants people to appreciate the life they line the sensor).- Vim said. building. been blessed with and live it to their potential. In the block hills. only the twin (loots -I've had one student s.i no.- Robles UPD increases patrols Cummings said. are beinc upciailed iii the nest Lard kcs .aul ''his' said no, We're IC1115 Mit S111/541sed Martin was selected to speak at the conference system that Campu. \ uli.tec alleady has. 111 (let petple up Mout t.uud kCs because he gets through to his listeners and engages Hansen said. Hie Inuits 'dual room success S1,1111: students agree that the ads antace. or new Campus Village their interest in conversation rather than talk at them. in the brick halls still still be by metal keys, see KEYS, page 6 BY RACHAEL HAMILTON more calls, hut iferall, it has gone he added. slit. said. Baines said, 'In the old dorms. people could just With more than 250 student organizations on cam- jig has hued taut 'ley% oth ,iiher .ZII 555'11 FF annmd. all !het need to pat pus, an event of this has to he planned Sins t 4 'anirius Village opened 1, et, tit keep tip yy ith the 2.0(i0 ad through 55 as one ,,ecuiu, in advance and Its i ,Limbers from each incain/ani in Oils semester. the Unit ersity &tonal students on Lampti, measure,- ( 'alahrese Barnes said most ollein.e. ha, Li see LEADERSHIP, page 5 e Department and f'ampus \ pet sonnel lime been been minor. 'minding some noise FF,Fikillg hard to pros nle student complaints and 1115 ItIC115 Cs 01 5;111- \L ail a safe living en\ (111’miii ale Pr"Pells !Minh: 111 Itt addition to tccidat. pa- 1i5 hell I t,1 Iltlre trols. Barnes said Ihc 114) of- It.,1 115, 1,,11101 Salt Jose titate licers \souk seiy .10,els is tilt the \ et.it \ link in 2041--1. he said Campus V'illace tesulciii \ iset's 111,11 011C it his .!(,.11's 55a5 hi ensure on Cell:1111 thati 'ampus Villace had adequate 111CIU(1111(1. MCCt tithl-grvels train- seL III ny ing the ;1,1\ Ise,. to identity drugs. impus Village security has selt\delense techniques and other definitely heen one of our coal, tIns semestet theme has , been see UPD, page 6 Collections feature historical documents BY FARIDEH DADA yyork and posts al is to help illustrate /5:111 01 MAI% al 111:1.t C11 ii lilt Special Colic, non, Daily ',Lift \At tu Ills' topic of Spanish Colonialism.- she M0011 said l'he open house is an opportunity said. A large itillection 01 Si SI mate! lids to in, lease :maleness ot mit 'it It s,tuut. yy ith the goat it, Unique and rare aooI, , ans. Original Moore said the Don Edwards display doittillentintt ilw luustuiiuu itt ihit' aun. ions. Moon manuscripts will be displiied Tuesday will include a hill he supported, a letter pus since 1,, 05,011. 1115 hiding inclea.e use ot the collections and even- during an open house of San Jose State sent to the White House and a hit of his- s kiss book', siiaphooks. pholocraphs, mid is Illt:leaSe the hiituui ssit 111:11 StlItlentS University's Special Collections and tory from the time. ephemeia. 01 al hitsiuiu amid :111111,, 5 1s11:11 and as tills 4:an haw bettet....t..ess Archives at the Dr. Martin Luther King Danelle Moon. director of the 111:11Cr1:11S. C .ilstiiitiutisplat. Wonsan!. ''As the director. I also (Wet classes Jr. Joint Library. Special Collections, said the purpose "The idea behind the open luitise is to the up;xut'ttuimui lit teal it more ;thou' pri- Some features will include Spanish of the event is to encourage faculty and encourage lattills .ind studenls IFF use mary sources, 11115% ti t'ooduct research as %Yell as our in a special collections library. and pro- DANIEL SATO DAILY STAFF colonialism in California.
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