Studies and Reports Taxonomical Series 15 (2): 523-524, 2019 SHORT FAUNISTIC NOTES - NEW RECORDS Anthrenus (Nathrenus) signatus Erichson, 1846 and Megatoma (Megatoma) ruficornis Aubé, 1866 (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) confirmed from the Czech Republic Jiří HÁVA1,2 1Department of Biosystematics, Institute of Life Sciences and Technology, Daugavpils University, Vienības Str. 13, Daugavpils, LV-5401, Latvia 2Private Entomological Laboratory and Collection, Rýznerova 37, CZ-252 62 Únětice u Prahy, Praha-západ, Czech Republic; e-mail:
[email protected] Faunistics, new record, Coleoptera, Dermestidae, Megatominae, Anthrenus, Megatoma, Czech Republic Abstract. The species Anthrenus (Nathrenus) signatus Erichson, 1846 and Megatoma (Megatoma) ruficornis Aubé, 1866 are confirmed for the first time from the Czech Republic. Coleoptera: Dermestidae: Megatominae Anthrenus (Nathrenus) signatus Erichson, 1846. Bohemia sept., Mistrovice - N. Oldřichov (5252), 19.6.2005, Vl. Navrátil lgt., 1 ♂, J. Háva det. et coll. Species known from Austria, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Montenegro, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Turkey (Háva 2015). From the Czech Republic without specific data firstly published by Háva (2007) later by Háva (2011, 2015). The first concrete record from the Czech Republic. Megatoma (Megatoma) ruficornis Aubé, 1866. Moravia mer., Čejč env. (7067), light trap, 29.6.2016, L. Roučka lgt., 1 ♀, J. Háva det. et coll. Species known from Crete, Cyprus, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine and Lebanon (Kalík & Háva 2008, Háva 2015). From the Czech Republic without specific data firstly published by Zahradník (2017) as Háva´s unpublished data. The first concrete record from the Czech Republic. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. I would like to thank Vladimír Navrátil (†) and Ladislav Roučka (Praha) for providing me with the interesting material.