Discipleship Ministry Team, 8207 Traditional Pl., Cordova, TN 38016 Vol. 6, No. 2 901/276-4572;
[email protected]; www.cumberland.org/bce Fall 2008 Preparing for the Future: The Emergent Church is Coming! Have you felt as if there is something going on in tian in the United Kingdom. However, the way people the church, that the ground is shifting? It is not your are forming Christian community has changed from imagination according to Phyllis Tickle, renowned a formal church setting to worshiping in small groups. author and speaker. We are in the midst of a refor- Tickle spoke of the Fresh Expressions movement in mation. Tickle believes that roughly every 500 years the UK. This movement is sponsored by the Church there is a major shift in Judaism/Christianity. For ex- of England and the Methodist Church. Their website ample, the Protestant Reformation was 500 years asserts that, “It aims to help Christians of any de- ago; approximately 500 nomination years before that was think about ways of the Great Schism be- starting and growing tween the Western and fresh expressions of Eastern churches. church in their area. A Mark Dyer, an Anglican fresh expression is a bishop known for his wit form of church for our as well as his wisdom, changing culture, es- explains it this way, “Ev- tablished primarily for ery 500 years the the benefit of people church feels compelled who are not yet mem- to have a giant rum- bers of any church.” mage sale.” The current reforma- What things are oc- tion is being called the © istockphoto.com curring right now? You Emergent Church.