Molasses based30KLPD Distillery unit of

Udagiri Sugar and Power Limited Village Bamni (Pare), Taluka , District

Prepared By


Manjari (Bk), Pune, 412 307 Telephone: (020) 2690 2100, 2690 2343/7 Fax (020) 26902244 Web Site: www.vsisugar.com

*Accredited by QCI/NABET (Provisional) for EIA consultancy services and Recognized R & D Center by Department of Scientific and Industrial Research DSIR), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of and P.G. Center by ‘University of Pune’ October 2014

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra i

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra ii

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra iii


Sr. Terms of reference Compliance No.

1 Executive summary of the project Prepared and Bound Separately and submitted with EIA Report

2 Justification of the project Chapter I page No 2.1

3 Detailed break-up of the land area along with latest photograph Chapter II page No 2.4 of the area ,Photographs after Chapter II

4 Present land use based on satellite imagery and details of land Chapter-III availability for the project along with supporting document

5 Details of site and information related to environmental setting Chapter-III within 10 km radius of the project site

6 Information regarding eco-sensitive areas such as national Chapter-III park/wildlife sanctuary/ biosphere reserves within 10 km radius

of project area

7 Total cost of the project along with total capital cost and Chapter-II recurring cost/annum for environmental pollution Page No-

control measures Chapter VI

Page no-

8 A copy of lease deed or allotment letter, if land is already NA acquired Land is already available in existing complex break up for ;and utilization explained in

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra iv

Sr. Terms of reference Compliance No.

Chapter II.


9 List of existing distillery units in the study area along with their Chapter III capacity and sourcing of raw material Table 3.18

10 Layout maps indicating existing unit as well as proposed unit Chapter II indicating storage area, plant area, greenbelt area, utilities etc Page No 2.6

11 Details of proposed products along with manufacturing capacity Chapter –II

Page No, 2.4

12 Number of working days of the sugar unit, distillery unit and Chapter -II CPP Page No, 2.4

13 Details of raw materials, its source with availability of all raw Chapter -II materials including - If molasses based distillery, then give Page No, 2.14 source and quantity available for


14 Manufacturing process details of sugar, distillery and CPP along Chapter -II with process flow chart Page No, 2.7

Page no- 2.22

Page no – 2.23

15 Sources and quantity of fuel (rice husk/bagasse/ coal etc.) for Chapter II the boiler. Measures to take care of SO2 emission. A copy of Page no- 2.1, 2.24 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed with the coal suppliers should be Submitted. Chapter IV

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Page No- 4.4, 4.4

Chapter VII

Page no- 7.3

16 Storage facility for raw materials, prepared alcohol, fuels and Chapter II fly ash Page no-2.14

Chapter VIII

Page no- 8.6

Chapter VII

Page no-7.3

17 Action plan for ambient air quality parameters as per NAAQES Chapter VII Standards for PM10, PM2.5, SO2 and NOX as per GSR 826(E) Page No- 7.5, dated 16th November, 2009

18 One season site-specific micro-meteorological data using Chapter III temperature, relative humidity, hourly wind speed and Page No- direction and rainfall and AAQ data (except monsoon) for PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NOX , CO and HC (methane &non methane) shall be collected. The monitoring stations should take into account the pre-dominant wind direction, population zone and sensitive receptors including reserved forests. Data for water and noise monitoring should also be included

19 Mathematical modeling for calculating the dispersion of air Chapter IV pollutants and ground level concentration along with emissions Page No- from the boiler’s stack

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20 An action plan to control and monitor secondary fugitive Chapter-VI emissions from all the sources Page No, 21 An action plan prepared by SPCB to control and monitor Chapter VI secondary fugitive emissions from all the sources

22 Details of boiler and its capacity. Details of the use of steam Chapter –II from the boiler Page No-

23 Ground water quality around proposed spent wash storage Chapter III lagoon and the project area Page no-

24 Details of water requirement, water balance chart for existing Chapter –II unit as well as proposed expansion (as applicable). Measures Page No- 2.17 for conservation water by recycling and reuse to minimize the fresh water requirement

25 Source of water supply and permission of withdrawal of water Chapter –II from Competent Authority Page No- 2.17

Photocopy of water permission is in process copy of application attached as an annexure no-

26 Proposed effluent treatment system for grain/molasses based Chapter II distillery (spent wash and spent lees) along with utility Page no -2.22 2.23, 2.24 wastewater including CPP/Co-gen Unit (wherever applicable) as well as domestic sewage and scheme for achieving zero discharge. Details of treatment of effluent generation from sugar unit

27 Spent wash generation should not exceed 8 KL/KL of alcohol Chapter II

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production. Details of the spent wash treatment for molasses Page no-2.18 based distillery based distillery

28 Capacity for spent wash holding tank and action plan to control Chapter II ground water pollution Page no-2.31

Chapter VII

Page no- 7.7, 7.8, 7.9, 7.10

29 Layout for storage of bagasse/biomass/coal Chapter II

Page no-2.7

30 Capacity for spent wash holding tank and action plan to control Chapter II ground water pollution Page no-2.31

Chapter VII

Page no- 7.7, 7.8, 7.9, 7.10

31 Dryer shall be installed to dry DWGS NA

32 Layout for storage of rice husk/biomass/coal Chapter II

Page no-2.7

33 Details of solid waste management including management of Chapter II boiler ash Page no-, 2.24,

Chapter IV

Page no-4.12

Chapter VII

Page no- 7..4, 7.16,

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34 Risk assessment for storage and handling of alcohol and Chapter VIII mitigation measure due to fire and explosion and handling Page no- 8.6 areas

35 Action plan for development of green belt over 33 % of the Chapter VII total project area within plant premises with at least 10 meter Page no- 7.6 wide green belt on all sides along the periphery of the project area, in downward direction, and along road sides etc

36 List of flora and fauna in the study area Chapter III

37 Noise levels monitoring at five locations within the study area Chapter III

38 Detailed Environment management Plan (EMP) with specific Chapter VII reference to details of air pollution control system, water &

wastewater management, monitoring frequency, responsibility and time bound implementation plan for mitigation measure should be provided

39 EMP should also include the concept of waste-minimization, Chapter VII recycle/reuse/ recover techniques, Energy conservation, and Page 7.19 natural resource conservation.

40 Action plan for rainwater harvesting measures at plant site Chapter VII should be included to harvest rainwater fromthe roof tops and Page no- 7.19 storm water drains to recharge the ground water

41 Details of occupational health surveillance programme Chapter VII

Page no-7.20

42 Details of socio-economic welfare activities Chapter X

Page no- 10.2

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43 Transportation of raw materials and finished products for the Chapter IV project (proposed/expansion) in respect of existing traffic, type Page no- 4.5 of vehicles, frequency of vehicles for transportation of materials, additional traffic due to proposed project, parking Chapter VII arrangement etc Page no- 7.5

44 Action plan for post-project environmental monitoring Chapter VII

Page no- 7.21

45 Corporate Environmental Responsibility Chapter VII

Page no- 7.6

46 a) Does the company have a well laid down Environment Policy NA approved by its Board of Directors? If so, it may be detailed in the EIA report

b) Does the Environmental Policy prescribe for standard NA operating process/procedures to bring into focus any infringement / deviation / violation of the environmental or forest norms / conditions? If so, it may be detailed in the EIA report.

c) What is the hierarchical system or Administrative order of NA the company to deal with the environmental

d) Does the company have a system of reporting of non NA compliance / violations of environmental norms to the Board of Directors of the company and / or shareholders or stakeholders at large? This reporting mechanism should be detailed in the EIA report

47 At least 5 % of the total cost of the project should be earmarked towards the Enterprise Social Commitment based

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra x

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on Public Hearing issues and item-wise details along with time bound action plan should be prepared and incorporated.

49 Total capital cost and recurring cost/annum for environmental Chapter II pollution control measures Page no- 2.5, 2.20

Chapter VII

Page no- 7.27

50 Expansion/modernization proposals NA

New Project

i) Copy of all the Environmental Clearance(s) including NA Amendments thereto obtained for the project from New Project MOEF/SEIAA shall be attached as an Annexure. A certified copy of the latest Monitoring Report of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Environment and Forests as per circular dated 30th May, 2012 on the status of compliance of conditions stipulated in all the existing environmental clearances including Amendments should be provided. In addition, status of compliance of Consent to Operate for the ongoing I existing operation of the project from SPCB shall be attached with the EIA-EMP report ii. In case the existing project has not obtained environmental NA clearance, reasons for not taking EC under the provisions of New Project the EIA Notification 1994 and/or EIA Notification 2006 shall be provided. Copies of Consent to Establish/No Objection Certificate and Consent to Operate (in case of units operating prior to EIA Notification 2006, CTE and CTO of FY 2005-2006) obtained from the SPCB shall be submitted. Further, compliance report to the conditions of consents

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from the SPCB shall be submitted

51 Any litigation pending against the project and / or any direction No any / order passed by any Court of Law against the project, if so, details thereof

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra xii CONTENT OF REPORT

CHAPTER PARTICULARS PAGE NO I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose of the study and report 1.1 1.2 Rational of the study 1.1 1.3 Project proponent and Project 1.1 1.4 Project 1.2 1.5 Import ants of the project 1.2 1.5.1 Scenario for India 1.4 Industrial alcohol 1.4 Potable alcohol 1.5 Demand and supply gap 1.5 1.6 Structure of the report 1.6 II PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 Introduction 2.1 2.2 Selection of site 2.1 2.3 Technology and process description 2.3 2.3.1 Continuous process 2.3 Propagation 2.5 Co2 Scrubber and recovery 2.5 Yeast recycling 2.5 Fermentation parameters (Typical) 2.6 2.3.2 Pressure vacuum distillation 2.6 Benefits of pressure vacuum distillation 2.7 Process of manufacture of extra neutral alcohol (ENA) 2.7 2.3.3 Product details 2.7 2.4 Resource/ Infrastructure requirement 2.8 2.4.1 Land 2.9 2.4.2 Raw material: Molasses 2.9 2.4.3 Steam 2.10 2.4.4 Water requirement 2.11

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra i

CHAPTER PARTICULARS PAGE NO 2.4.5 Power 2.13 2.4.6 Human resource 2.13

2.5 Effluent treatment 2.16 2.5.1 Spent wash 2.16 Primary treatment: Biomethanation 2.16 Microbiology and Biochemistry of Biomethanation process 2.17 Steps of reaction 2.17 Utilization of biogas 2.18 Biocomposting 2.18 Operational details 2.19 Windrow 2.19 Culture inoculation 2.19 Aeration 2.20 Effluent spraying 2.20 Merging of windrows 2.20 Curing in Heaps 2.20 Requirements for composting 2.22 Holding of spentwash 2.22 Compost site preparation 2.22 2.5.2 Treatment for spentlees and condensate from MEE 2.25 Pre-treatment 2.25 Secondary treatment 2.25 Anaerobic Filter 2.26 Biological (Aerobic) treatment 2.26 Secondary Clarifier 2.26 Disinfection 2.27 Sludge Disposal System 2.27 Tertiary treatment 2.27 2.5.3 Advantages of treatment scheme 2.27

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CHAPTER PARTICULARS PAGE NO 2.6 Green belt development 2.28

III BASELINE ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS 3.1 Introduction 3.1 3.2 Description of site and study area 3.3 3.3 Baseline environmental conditions 3.5 3.3.1 Climate and Rainfall 3.5 3.3.2 Temperature 3.6 3.3.3 Humidity 3.7 3.3.4 Cloudiness 3.7 3.3.5 Wind (Wind speed and Direction) 3.8 3.3.6 Special weather phenomena 3.8 3.3.7 Land Use patterns 3.9 Contour 3.13 3.3.8 Soil 3.13 3.3.9 Geology 3.14 Deccan Traps 3.15 Laterite 3.15 Alluvium 3.15 Lineaments 3.15 3.3.10 Geomorphology 3.16 Fluvial Origin 3.16 Structural Origin 3.16 3.3.11 Hydrology 3.17 Rivers and Dams 3.17 Baseline status for Water quality 3.19 3.3.12 Air environment 3.21 Methodology of monitoring 3.21 Observations 3.25 3.3.13 Noise environment 3.25 Method of Monitoring 3.26

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CHAPTER PARTICULARS PAGE NO Observations 3.27 3.3.14 Ecology and Biodiversity 3.28 Vegetation 3.28 Fauna 3.28 3.3.15 Socio-Economy 3.35 Demography (Census 2011) 3.35 Occupation Pattern 3.37 Agriculture and Cropping Pattern in the District 3.38 Power Station and Electricity Installations 3.39 Education Facilities 3.39 Medical Facilities 3.40 Industries 3.40 Transport Communication Network 3.42 Traffic Data 3.43 Banking Facilities 3.43 3.3.16 Seismic zone and other 3.43 IV POLLUTION SOURCES AND CHARACTERISTICS 4.1 Introduction 4.1 4.2 Air pollution 4.2 4.2.1 Boiler emission 4.2 4.2.2 Ash generation estimates for the proposed project 4.3

4.2.3 Emissions of SO2 4.4 4.2.4 Other emissions from process 4.5 4.2.5 Pollution due to transportation activity 4.5 4.3 Noise environment 4.6 4.4 Effluent treatment 4.7 4.4.1 Spent less 4.9 4.4.2 Blow down water 4.10 4.4.3 Floor washing 4.10 4.5 Land/soil environment 4.10

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CHAPTER PARTICULARS PAGE NO 4.6 Solid waste sources 4.11 4.7 Hazardous waste 4.11 4.8 Biological aspects 4.11

4.9 Socio-economics 4.12 V ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGY 5.1 Introduction 5.1 5.2 Treatment and utilization options 5.1 5.2.1 Reboiler 5.2 5.2.2 Biomethanation 5.2 5.2.3 Reverse osmosis 5.3 5.2.4 Multiple effect evaporator 5.4 5.2.5 Mist evaporator 5.4

5.3 Treatment alternatives for condensate polishing unit (CPU) 5.6

5.3.1 Process description for membrane technology 5.6 5.3.2 Soil biotechnology process 5.6 5.4 Selection of alternative 5.7 VI ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 6.1 Overview 6.1 6.2 EMP for construction phase 6.1 6.3 EMP for operation phase 6.10 6.3.1 Air environment management 6.10 6.3.2 Noise environment 6.10 6.3.3 Water environment 6.11 CREP guidelines for molasses based distillery 6.11 Spent lees and process condensate from ME Treatment unit 6.15 Important aspect 6.15 Operation and maintenance of other pollution control system 6.16

6.3.4 Land environment 6.16

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CHAPTER PARTICULARS PAGE NO Hazardous waste management 6.17 6.4 Green belt development 6.17

6.5 Concept of waste minimization, recycle/reuse/recover techniques, energy conservation, and natural resource 6.20 conservation 6.6 Rain water harvesting 6.20 6.7 Safety, occupational health management 6.21 6.8 EMP for social environment 6.22

6.9 Environment monitoring program 6.22 6.9.1 Environment management cell 6.22 6.9.2 Water environment 6.23 6.9.3 Air environment 6.23

6.9.4 Other condition 6.23

6.9.5 Flow measurement 6.25 VII RISK ASSESSMENT AND RISK MANAGEMENT 7.1 Introduction 7.1 7.2 The risk equation 7.1 7.3 Hazard identification 7.2 7.3.1 Mechanical hazard 7.2 Mechanical Injuries to Body parts 7.2 7.3.2 Electrical hazard 7.3 7.3.3 Thermal hazard 7.3 7.3.4 Hazard generated by noise 7.3 7.3.5 Hazard generated by vibration 7.4 7.3.6 Hazard generated by material /substances 7.4 7.3.7 Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) 7.4 7.3.8 Qualitative Risk Assessment 7.4 7.4 Probable risk factor 7.7 7.4.1 Fire 7.7 7.6 Risk assessment: health 7.14

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CHAPTER PARTICULARS PAGE NO 7.6.1 General assessment 7.14 7.6.2 Acute Health effect 7.15 7.6.3 Chronic Health effects 7.15 7.6.4 Recommended risk-reduction measures 7.16 7.6.5 Other methods to reduce exposure 7.17 7.7 Risk assessment: Environment 7.17 7.7.1 General assessment 7.17 7.7.2 Acute ecological effect 7.18 7.7.3 Chronic ecological effect 7.18 7.7.4 Persistent in the environment 7.18 7.7.5 Bio-accumulation in aquatic organisms 7.18 7.7.6 Recommended risk – reduction measures 7.19 7.8 Risk assessment: Business 7.20 7.8.1 General assessment 7.20 VIII DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN 8.1 Introduction 8.1 8.2 Scope 8.1 8.3 Disaster management plan (DMP) Cycles 8.5 8.3.1 Pre Disaster situation 8.5 8.3.2 Response 8.7 Requirement for response phase 8.8 Situation identification/ assessment 8.9 8.4 Emergency management plan (on site) 8.10 8.4.1 Emergency organization structure 8.10 Designated persons functions 8.11 8.4.2 Shut downs in emergency 8.11 8.4.3 Personnel evacuation 8.12 8.4.4 Personnel accounting 8.12 8.4.5 Controlling disaster 8.12 8.4.6 Repairs and safety Implements 8.13

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CHAPTER PARTICULARS PAGE NO 8.4.7 Medical treatment Arrangements 8.13 8.4.8 Training and rehearsals 8.13 8.4.9 Law and order 8.13 8.4.10 All clear signal 8.14 8.4.11 Special handling requirement 8.14 8.4.12 Equipment and facilities in emergency 8.14 Fire fighting Equipments 8.16 Emergency medical supplies 8.16 Training and drills 8.17 8.5 Off-site emergency management plan 8.17 8.5.1 Information to local authorities 8.17 IX PROJECT BENEFIT ANALYSIS 9.1 Project benefits: For the project proponent 9.1 9.2 Project benefits: For the local society 9.1 9.3 Benefits to country: Alcohol as a fuel 9.2 9.4 Environmental benefit analysis 9.3 X DISCLOSURE OF CONSULTANTS 10.1 Consultant 10.1 10.2 The Project Team OF EIA Study 10.2



CHAPTER I 1.1 Consumption pattern of alcohol for the (Year 2013-14) 1.2

1.2 Total alcohol production of the world (Year 2009-2013) 1.4

1.3 Demand for alcohol in Maharashtra state 1.6

CHAPTER II 2.1 Silent features of the project 2.1

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra viii


2.2 Product and storage details 2.8 2.3 Project requirement 2.8 2.4 Land utilization details 2.9 2.5 Performance of the Mill for last two seasons 2.10 2.6 Projection on performance of the mill for next five years 2.10 2.7 Existing sugar mill boiler details 2.11 2.8 Water requirement (m3/day) 2.11 2.9 Electricity consumption 2.13 2.10 Estimated project cost 2.13 2.11 Capital investment on Environment Management 2.14 2.12 Schedule of approvals 2.15 2.13 Overview of environment management process 2.15 2.14 The composting techniques: Working Data 2.21 2.15 Mass balance (bio-compost) 2.21 2.16 General characteristics of bio-compost 2.21 2.17 CPU details 2.27 2.18 Details of Existing Green belt Around Industrial Complex 2.29 CHAPTER III 3.1 Classification of environment aspects 3.1 3.2 Environment setting of site and study zone in brief 3.2 3.3 Details of sampling locations 3.4 3.4 Rainfall data for (mm) 3.6 3.5 Month wise Temperature and Humidity record for Sangli District 3.7 3.6 Mean Wind speed (km/hr) (Sangli District) 3.8 3.7 Special weather phenomena (Sangli District) 3.8 3.8 Land use/ land cover statistics of the 10 sq. km area 3.10 3.9 Results of soil analysis 3.14 3.9A Result of groundwater and surface water analysis 3.20 3.10 Ambient air monitoring observations 3.22 3.11 Noise monitoring Results(dB A) 3.27

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra ix


3.12 List of Plant observed in study zone 3.29 3.13 Fauna: The animal life of study zone 3.32 3.14 Population details (for 10 Km. radius area and for the district) 3.35 3.15 Seasonal migration details 3.37 3.16 Cropping pattern observed for the Sangali disrict 3.38 3.17 Irrigation facilities 3.39 3.18 List of Sugar and distillery units in the Sangali district 3.41 3.19 The transport network summary 3.42 3.20 Traffic density on sugar factory approach road(avg. for peak hour) 3.43 CHAPTER IV 4.1 Analysis of Baggase 4.3 4.2 Model input data 4.5 4.3 Resultant concentrations due to incremental GLC`s 4.8 4.4 General noise levels 4.9 4.5 General characteristics of Raw Spentwash 4.11 4.6 Summary of impact assessment and environment management plan 4.19 proposed for the respective aspect CHAPTER V 5.1 Merits and Demerits of each alternative 5.5 CHAPTER VI 6.1 Summary of EMP for: operation phase 6.3 6.2 Guidelines, formulated by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) new 6.13 Delhi, for Bio-Composting Plants 6.3 List of species recommended for greenbelt development 6.18 6.4 Flowering and foliage shrubs recommended for greenbelt 6.19 6.5 Human resources for environment management cell 6.22 6.6 Analysis of environmental parameters and its reporting schedule 6.24 6.7 Suggested schedule for maintenance of wastewater treatment unit 6.24 6.8 Format for water consumption reporting schedule 6.25 6.9 Format for Pollutant generation reporting schedule 6.26

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra x


6.10 Format for pollutant disposal reporting schedule 6.26 6.11 Format for bio-composting unit reporting schedule 6.27 6.12 Estimated capital and recurring expenses for environmental management 6.27 programme CHAPTER VII 7.1 Probability of occurrence of hazard 7.4 7.2 Severity-impact intensity 7.4 7.3 Risk assessment and mitigation measure 7.5 7.4 NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) Rating 7.7 7.5 Hazard warning information for ethyl alcohol 7.10 7.6 Summary of risk assessment and damage control 7.21 CHAPTER VIII 8.1 Various types of Hazards 8.2 8.2 The items recommended for emergency cupboard 8.15 8.3 List of emergency cupboard items 8.16 8.4 Emergency action code 8.18 CHAPTER IX 9.1 Staff requirement for the proposed distillery unit 9.1

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra xi



CHAPTER I Figure 1.1 Site Location Map 1.3 CHAPTER II Figure 2.1 Layout of sugar and distillery unit 2.3

Figure 2.2 Schematic of distillery process 2.5

Figure 2.3 Mass and water balance 2.12

Figure 2.4 Spentwash holding tank 2.23

Figure 2.5 Compost yard 2.23

Figure 2.6 Schematic for complete compost process 2.24

Figure 2.7 Process flow diagram for CPU 2.25 Figure 2.8 Schematic of green belt development 2.30 Figure 2.9 Decision making and its implementation hierarchy (from top to 2.31 bottom) and reporting hierarchy (from bottom to top) for environmental conditions/compliances CHAPTER III Figure 3.1 Proposed project site 3.3 Figure 3.2 Satellite image of site and surrounding 3.4 Figure 3.3 Wind rose diagram 3.9 Figure 3.4 Land use/land cover map of 10 km radius study area 3.11

Figure 3.5 Contour map of 10 km radius study area 3.12

Figure 3.6 Types of soil observed in Sangli district 3.13 Figure 3.7 Geology of sangli district 3.16 Figure 3.8 Physiography of sangli district 3.17

Figure 3.9 Drainage pattern - sangli district 3.10 Figure 3.10 Drainage pattern for 10 km 3.19 Figure 3.11 Ambient air monitoring locations 3.21 Figure 3.12 Noise monitoring locations 3.26 Figure 3.13 Habitation map for 10km radius study zone 3.35

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Figure 3.14 Road and railway network map for study zone 3.44 Figure 3.15 Earthquake zones of Maharashtra 3.44 CHAPTER IV Figure 4.1 Short term 24 hourly GLCs of particulate matter 4.7

Figure 4.2 Short term 24 hourly GLCs of So2 4.7 CHAPTER V Figure 5.1 Treatment options for raw spentwash 5.1 Figure 5.2 Layout of SBT media 5.7 CHAPTER VI Figure 6.1 Process flow diagram for CPU 6.15 Figure 6.2 Schematic of waste management 6.17 CHAPTER VIII Figure 8.1 Probable cause of hazard 8.2 Figure 8.2 Schematic of disaster management process 8.4 Figure 8.3 Emergency organization structure 8.11

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Abbreviation Full Form

AA Absolute alcohol/ anhydrous alcohol

AP Air pollution

AQ Air quality

BOD Biological Oxygen Demand

COD Chemical Oxygen Demand

CPCB Central Pollution Control Board

CREP Corporate Responsibility For Environmental Protection

DG Diesel Generator

DO Dissolved Oxygen

EC Environmental Clearance

EIA Environmental Impact Assessment

EMP Environment Management Plan

ENA Extra Neutral Alcohol

EPA Environmental (Protection) Act

FAE Functional area expert

GLC Ground Level Concentration

SHE Safety, Health and Environment

HWMH Hazardous Waste (Management & Handling) Rules

ID Induced Draft

IMD Indian Meteorological Department

IMFL Indian Made Foreign Liquor

IS Indian Standard

KLD Kilo Liter Per Day

MINAS Minimal National Standards

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra

Abbreviation Full Form

MOC Material of construction

MoEF Ministry Of Environment And Forests

MS Mild steel

MSDS Material Safety Datasheet

MTD Metric Ton Per Day

NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standard

OSHA Occupational Safety And Health Administration

PEL Permissible Exposure Limit

PM Particulate Matter

PPM Part per million

PPE Personal Protective Equipments

RM Raw material

RO Reverse Osmosis

RS Rectified Spirit

SPCB State Pollution Control Board

SPL Sound Pressure Level

SPM Suspended Particulate Matter

SS Suspended Solids

TCD Ton Crush per Day

TDS Total Dissolve Solid

TLV Threshold Limit Value

TPH Tons Per Hour

VSI Vasantdada Sugar Institute

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra


Number Description

I Site location map

II study zone of 10 km radius around proposed distillery site

III Layout of distillery with respect to sugar factory

IV NOC for proposed project by village gram-panchayat

V Factory registration certificate

VI water drawl permission of irrigation department to sugar factory

VII Consent to operate of existing sugar factory

VIII Approved terms of references

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra

Chapter I




The prime objective of any EIA exercise is to identify and assess the impact of a project before its implementation; so that necessary measures can be taken to prevent, control, mitigate or minimize adverse impact in the planning stage itself. In view of this, the specific objectives of this EIA study report are - Understand the proposed activity thoroughly including allied activities Understand the current environmental situation within 10km radius of the proposed distillery site- by collection of baseline data on the environmental elements including air, noise, water, land, ecology, geo and hydro-geology, climate and socio-economy. Identify the probable sources of pollution that may arise from each stage of the project processes Assess the impact of the proposed activity on the surrounding environment Prepare a comprehensive Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the proposed project and to ensure that the environmental quality of the surrounding region would be preserved To formulate a strategy for effective monitoring and identify any deviations in the quality of environment after the project is in operation, which would help in evolving measures to counter these 1.2 RATIONALE OF THE STUDY According to the EIA notification (SO-1533) and its subsequent amendments, molasses based distillery is placed under category ‘A’ and requires Environmental Clearance (EC) from the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC). Hence, the management of Udagiri Sugar and Power Limited (USPL) has entrusted the job to Vasantdada Sugar Institute (VSI), Manjari (Bk.), Pune.


M/s. Udagiri Sugar and Power Ltd., (USPL) is one of the progressive sugar industries from south Maharashtra. It is registered as a public limited company with registration number U15424PN2010PLC136000 dated April 06, 2010 (factory license enclosed as annexure I). The initial installed crushing capacity of the sugar factory was 2500 T.C.D. Its first crushing season was in the year of 2012-13. Dr. Rahul Shivajirao Kadam is the chairman and chief promoter of

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra 1-1

Chapter I the project. After two successful seasons of the sugar mill, now the management is planning to setup a molasses based distillery unit of 30KLPD.


Nature of the Project: New molasses based distillery

Size of the Project: 30 kilo litres per day (30KLPD)

Location of the Project: Within existing sugar factory at village Bamani (Pare),

Tal: Khanapur, Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra

17°12'6.53"N and 74°35'40.43"E Geographical Location Altitude 676 m above MSL

Nearest City/Town Vita town 10 km

Karad-Solapur state highway at 12km Road National highway 4 at 50km

Railway Station about 85 km from the site

Air Port Karad about 50 km from the site

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Figure 1.1: Site Location Map

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1.5 IMPORTANCE OF THE PROJECT The distillery industry today consists broadly of two parts; one, potable liquor and the industrial alcohol including anhydrous ethanol for blending with petrol. The potable industry producing Indian Made Foreign Liquor and Country Liquor has a steady but limited demand with a growth rate of about 7-10 per cent per annum. Over the years the potable liquor industry has shown remarkable results in the production of high quality spirits. Indian liquor industry is today exporting a sizable quantity of Indian liquor products to other countries. The world alcohol consumption pattern for different applications for the year 2013-14 is given in table 1.2.

Table 1.1: Consumption Pattern Of Alcohol For The Year 2013-14

Sr. No. Alcohol Consumption for (%)

1. Potable and Industrial 17.48

2. Fuel 82.52

The ethanol of commerce contains about five per cent water; hence, termed as "Hydrous (water-containing) alcohol". If the last traces of water are removed, "Anhydrous alcohol" (water- free or "absolute") is obtained, which is used to mix with petrol.

The world total ethanol production in the year 2011-12 was 102.58 Billion liters and major consumption of alcohol was for fuel purpose. Many countries, including Brazil, USA, Canada, Sweden and China have already started using anhydrous ethanol for blending with petrol. In India, the Central Government has taken a policy decision to start using anhydrous alcohol (fuel ethanol) for blending with petrol. Thus, it is expected that the demand of alcohol for fuel purpose is going to increase in coming years.

Table 1.2: Total Alcohol Production Of World (Year 2009 To 2013)

Sr. No World Regions Years & Production in Million Liters

2013* 2012 2011 2010 2009

Total (for worlds 103336 102589 102994 103838 90089 geographical regions)

World’s top five alcohol producing countries

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1 U.S.A. 50450 51800 54205 51538 42178

2 Brazil 25950 23540 22883 27963 26075

3 China 7900 8950 8600 8378 7317

4 India 2575 2342 2159 1850 1565

5 Canada 1950 1940 1670 1430 1370

* Projected production.

Source: - F. O. Licht’s World Ethanol and Bio-fuels Report, Vol. 11, No. 17, 07/05/2013.

1.5.1 Scenario for India

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) of the Central Government has approved a proposal for implementation of the ethanol blended petrol (EBP) programme in the country. As a result, in January 2013 Petroleum Ministry floated a tender for supply of ethanol. As per the tender ethanol requirement was 1404.10 million liters for 5 % blending for 20 States and 4 Union territories and 315.20 million liters for Maharashtra for 10 % blending. Industrial Alcohol Ethyl alcohol is an important feedstock for the manufacture of chemicals. These chemicals are primarily the basic carbon based products like Acetic Acid, Butanol, Butadiene, Acetic Anhydride, Vinyl acetate, PVC etc. Figure 1.1 shows the different important chemicals that could be made out of alcohol. The existing plants such as synthetic rubber requiring large quantities of alcohol will grow to a larger capacity. Acetic acid and Butanol needed in pharmaceuticals, paints and in other areas are important industries as they are value added products. The shortage of alcohol is widespread and it has hit most of the chemical, drugs and other industries. The drug industry is also influenced by the scarcity of industrial alcohol. Producers of insulin, antibiotics, tonics and several other essential bulk drugs and finished formulations are unable to obtain their quota of industrial alcohol at cheaper rate which is a vital raw material for them. Thus it follows that the supply of industrial alcohol to chemical and drug units in the country will remain below normal for some more time. In order to maintain proper rate of growth of industries, production of alcohol must be increased. Potable Alcohol

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The use of alcohol for the purpose of potable liquor is as higher as its use for industrial purposes. Alcohol is used for manufacture of country liquor consumed by common masses. This is manufactured by diluting rectified spirit with water to different grades of 250 UP strength. Different varieties are produced by addition of flavors and are called spiced liquors. Good quality liquors are manufactured in a synthetic way to imitate Foreign Liquors like Whisky, Brandy, Rum and Gin, which are called as Indian-Made-Foreign liquors (IMFL). It requires alcohol of high purity. For this purpose, separate distillation plant to redistill and purify Rectified Spirit is necessary. This alcohol is called as Extra-Neutral-Alcohol (ENA). It is also useful for manufacture of cosmetics and perfumes. As a source of income to the Government, the potable liquor units get an assured quota of alcohol. Demand and Supply Gap

Based on information from various sources, it is anticipated that demand for alcohol in the Maharashtra state, could be about 700-740million litres, as detailed in table 1.3.

Table 1.3: Demand for alcohol in the Maharashtra state

Industrial 200 - 240 million liters

Potable 150 –170 million liters

Fuel 330 million liters (For 10 % blending)

Total 700 – 740 million liters

During last few years, substantial quantity of alcohol (R.S., ENA and fuel ethanol) from the country has been exported to mostly Africa and countries of South-East Asia. During 2013, about 230 million liters of alcohol was exported from India.

The demand of alcohol for industrial, potable & fuel alcohol in Maharashtra as well as in whole country will increase significantly in coming years. The proposed 30 KLPD distillery plant will contribute in fulfilling the alcohol and fuel ethanol requirement of Maharashtra and neighboring deficit states.

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Chapter I

In the present scenario, sugar industry is forced to explore the alternatives so as to attain financial viability while producing sugar. Distillery is one such alternative, because of the availability of molasses as a raw material, bagasse as a fuel, own power generation ability and availability of the steam energy from own sugar factory. Therefore, the management of the factory has planned to establish a 30KLPD molasses based distillery within existing sugar factory premises.

1.6 STRUCTURE OF THE REPORT The report comprises of 10 chapters, and the relevant supporting documents are in the form of annexure. Executive Summary in English & Marathi is prepared and bound separately. Chapter I: Introduction Chapter II: Project Description Chapter III: Baseline Environment Study Chapter IV: Environment Impact Assessment Chapter V: Analysis of Alternative Technologies Chapter VI: Environment Management Plan Chapter VII: Risk Assessment and Risk Management Chapter VIII: Disaster Management Plan Chapter IX: Project Benefit Analysis Chapter X: Disclosure of Consultants Annexure

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra 1-7 Chapter II

CHAPTER II PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 INTRODUCTION M/s. Udagiri Sugar and Power Ltd., (USPL) is one of the progressive sugar industries from south Maharashtra. Its first crushing season was in the year 2012-13. The management of the sugar Mill is planning to install a molasses based distillery unit to achieve effective utilization of available resources such as molasses, bagasse, pressmud, land, boilers, and skilled manpower (partially), etc. This chapter describes the material and resources requirements, manufacturing process as well as preventive, control and mitigation measures on pollution aspect. 2.2 SELECTION OF SITE The selection of site was mainly based on the following factors. a. The existing sugar mill site complies with the guidelines for site selection of an industry prescribed by Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF); i.e. the site is at safe distance from river, highway, railway, ecologically sensitive sites, forest reserves, etc. b. Proximity of raw material i.e. molasses bagasse and pressmud (useful for composting activity) c. Availability of infrastructure/facilities from own sugar unit such as steam, and electricity d. Adequate land is available with the Mill for proposed distillery and its ancillary units such as spent wash storage tanks, compost yard, effluent treatment plant, etc. e. Other infrastructure and facilities such as road, rail connectivity, communication and transport facilities, education, health centers, banks, etc. are available and adequate to cater the needs due to the proposed project f. Availability of technically skilled human resource g. Ease of control over both sugar as well as distillery unit by one management and sharing common facilities like land, workshop etc.

Table 2.1: Salient features of the project

Project New Molasses Based Distillery Unit of 30 KLPD

Proponent Public Limited industry

Project Concept a) Qualitative Standards of Product Rectified Spirit (RS) IS Grade-I, 323 (1959)

Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA)

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Chapter II

Anhydrous Alcohol (AA): IS: 321 (1964)

Head Spirit IS-Grade - II, 323 (1959) b) Products, by products and Estimated Production

Rectified Spirit 28.5 KLPD Impure Spirit OR 1.5 KLPD

Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA) 28.2 KLPD Impure spirit OR 1.8 KLPD

Anhydrous Alcohol 30.0 KLPD

Fusel oil 60 liters per day (0.060KLPD)

Biogas ~11,500-12,000m3/day

Bio-compost 8750 per annum d) Annual Operational Days 270 e) Spent wash generation (after 32,400 m3/Annum evaporation @120m3/day) f) Annual Press mud 16,200 MT(Consumption ratio 1:2.0 (Pressmud to requirement Spentwash)) and 45 day cycle c) Effluent Treatment System Biogas (bio-methanation) followed by multi effect evaporation followed by Bio-composting

Requirement a) Raw Material - Molasses 32,400 MT per annum: Source: own sugar mill b) Steam Max. 121 MT/day; Source: own sugar mill boiler c) Bagasse as a Fuel Max. 55 MT/day Source: own sugar mill d) Water requirement 350 m3/day (after recycling) Source; Pare minor reservoir e) Electricity Max. 432 kWhr : source: captive f) Land Total = 10.7 acres

For distillery, bio-methanation & 2.5 acres Evaporation

Bio-composting unit storage lagoon 5.6 acres

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For green belt development 2.6 acres g) Employment opportunities for 77 persons

Financial Aspect

Total Project Cost Rs 3842.00 lakhs

Capital Expenses on Environment Management Rs 1167.00 Lakhs

Proposed Distillery, Evaporation, storage biomethanation and compost yard Site

Figure 2.1: Layout of Sugar and Distillery units

2.3 TECHNOLOGY AND PROCESS DESCRIPTION Proposed distillery unit is designed for continuous fermentation process. 2.3.1 Continuous Process In this process fermentation and distillation is coupled to get a continuous supply of fermented beer for the distillation column. Yeast is recycled. The advantage of the process is highly active yeast cells initiate the fermentation rapidly and the alcohol yield is also much higher compared to the batch process. Molasses is the chief raw material used for production of alcohol. Molasses contains about 50% total sugars, of which 30 to 33% are cane sugar and the rest are reducing sugar. During the fermentation,

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yeast strains of the species Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a microorganism belonging to class fungi converts sugar present in the molasses such as sucrose or glucose into alcohol. Chemically this transformation for sucrose to alcohol can be approximated by the equation.


I) C12H22O11 + H2 2C6H12O6 Cane Sugar Glucose + Fructose

II) C H O 2C H OH + 2 CO 6 12 6 Zymase 2 5 2 180 2 x 46 + 2 x 44 Thus, 180g Glucose/Fructose of sugars on reaction gives 92g ofEthyl alcohol. alcohol Therefore, Carbon 1MT ofdioxide sugar give s 511.1 kg of alcohol. The specific gravity of alcohol is 0.7934 hence; 511.1 kg of alcohol is equivalent to 511.1/0.7934 = 644.19 liters. During fermentation other by-products like glycerin, succinic acids etc. are also formed from sugars. Therefore, actually 94.5% total fermentable sugars are available for alcohol conversion. Thus, one MT of fermentable sugar will give only 644 x 0.945 = 608.6 liters of alcohol, under ideal condition theoretically. Normally, only 88 to 90% efficiencies are realized in Continuous type plant. Molasses containing 47% fermentable sugars gave an alcoholic yield of 283 liters per MT. Molasses, diluted with water to a desired concentration is supplied continuously to the fermenter. Additives like urea and de-foaming oil are also introduced in the fermenter as required. There is an automatic foam level sensing and dosing system for de-foaming oil. Every kilogram of alcohol generates, about 290 kilocalories of heat. This excess heat is removed by continuous circulation of fermented wash through an external plate heat exchanger called the fermenter cooler. The fermenter temperature is always maintained between 32-34oC, the range optimum for efficient fermentation. The yeast for the fermentation is initially developed in the propagation section. Once propagated, yeast recycling and continuous aeration of the fermenter maintain a viable cell population of about 350 to 500 million cells/ml. Fluctuations in the yeast count of +/- 20% have little effect on the overall fermenter productivity. Yeast cell vitality, which is usually above 70% in times of stress drop to 50% without affecting the fermentation.

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Figure 2.2: Schematic of distillery process Propagation The propagation section is a feeder unit to the fermenter. Yeast, either Saccharomyees cereviseae or Schizosaccharomyees pombe (the choice being determined by other process parameters, mainly the downstream effluent treatment system) is grown in three stages. The first two stages are designed for aseptic growth. Propagation vessel III develops the inoculum using pasteurized molasses solution as the medium. This vessel has a dual function. During propagation, it serves for inoculum build-up. When the fermenter enters the continuous production mode, propagation vessel III is used as an intermediate wash tank. Propagation is carried out only to start up the process initially or after very long shutdowns during which the fermenter is emptied. CO2 Scrubber and Recovery The carbon dioxide produced during fermentation is scrubbed with water in packed-bed scrubber, to recover alcohol. The water from the scrubber is returned to the fermenter. In some industries, carbon dioxide is captured by, scrubbing the fermenter off gas. A part of the wash is drawn into a separate vessel and is aerated there. This external aeration allows the recovery of carbon dioxide un- contaminated with air. Yeast Recycling

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The yeast in the fermenter wash is removed as 45 to 55% v/v slurry, and is returned to the fermenter. This feature ensures that a high yeast cell concentration is achieved and maintained in the fermenter. Mature active yeast will be recycled so as to reduce the excess consumption of sugar by growing yeast. Thus, it make available for ethanol production and ensuring high process efficiency. Fermentation Parameters (Typical) The pH of the fermenter is maintained within 4.0 to 4.8 usually by addition of any acid. The alcohol concentration is maintained between 7.0 to 8.5 % v/v, unless a highly concentrate effluent is to be produced. Conversion of sugar to ethanol is instantaneous and the residual sugar concentration is maintained below 0.2% w/w as glucose. This usually corresponds to a residual reducing substances concentration of 2.0 to 2.5 % w/w in wash. Weak Wash /Spent wash Recycling (Optional - depends upon yeast strain) Recycling of weak wash helps to maintain the desired level of dissolved solids in the fermenter, so that an adequately high osmotic pressure is achieved. Osmotic pressure and the concentration of alcohol in the fermenter, together keep off infections and minimize sugar losses. Weak wash recycling reduces the quantity of effluent spent wash and reduces the process water requirement of the plant. 2.3.2 Pressure Vacuum Distillation Vacuum distillation system consists of three to four distillation columns namely –

 Analyzer column – Operated under vacuum.

 Pre rectifier column – Operated under vacuum

 Rectifier cum Exhaust Column – Operated under pressure Fusel oil concentration column may be added to improve quality of alcohol further. Fermented wash is preheated in fermented wash pre-heater and fed at the top of the analyzer column, analyzer column is fitted with thermosyphon reboiler. Top vapors of analyzer column are sent to pre-rectifier column. Rest of the fermented wash flows down and is taken as spent wash from analyzer column bottom. Pre-rectifier bottom liquid is preheated with spent-lees and fed to rectifier cum exhaust column. Low boiling impurities are concentrated in the pre-rectifier column. A top draw is taken out as impure alcohol from the pre-rectifier column. The bottom of pre-rectifier column is sent to rectifier feed tank. Rectifier exhaust is operated under pressure and heats analyzer column through reboiler. Alcohol is enriched towards the top and is drawn out as Rectified spirit (RS). Fuel oil build-up is avoided in the Rectifier column by withdrawing outside streams of fuel oil. These are sent to fuel oil concentration column from where the fuel oil is sent to decanter for further separation. The fuel oil wash water is recycled back to the column. A top draw is taken out as impure alcohol from the top of fuel oil column & pre-rectifier column.

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra 2- 6

Chapter II Benefits of Pressure Vacuum Distillation The technology advantages are as follows. Since the analyzer column operates under vacuum, the formation of by-products such as ‘acetyl’ may minimize there by improvement in quality of alcohol. Pre-rectification column ensure removal of unwanted substances and also reduces load of lower boiling volatile compounds passing on to Rectifier cum exhaust column. The chances of scaling due to invert solubility of certain precipitating inorganic salts are minimized in vacuum distillation. Vacuum distillation requires low steam consumption i.e. 2 Kg/lit. for Recited Spirit and around 3.2 Kg/lit. for export quality ENA. Process of Manufacture of Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA) and AA Extra neutral alcohol is manufactured from rectified spirit. The impurities in rectified spirit are reduced to considerable extent by properly diluting and redistilling the spirit. The impurities like aldehydes, acids, esters, higher alcohol's are minimized by controlled condition and tapping impurities at appropriate points during distillation. The main stages in the manufacture of extra neutral alcohol are -dilution of rectified spirit with filtered soft water in the ratio 1:3 to 1:4.The diluted spirit may be treated with potassium permanganate. Separation of low boiling impurities takes place in purifying column, separation of esters and other volatile impurities in Rectifying column and concentration of alcohol. Removal of excess water takes place at exhaust column. Concentration of fuel oil & their removal takes place in the fuel oil concentration column. Concentration of low boiling impurities & their removal takes place in the head concentration column. Fuel ethanol is an important product required by industry. As per IS specification it is nearly 100% pure or water free alcohol. In order to extract water from alcohol it is necessary to use some dehydrant or entrainer, which is capable of separating, water from alcohol. The various processes used for dehydration of alcohol are as follows I) Azeotropic Distillation II) Molecular Sieve Dehydration (MSDH) III) Pervaporation / Vapour permeation system. From these, the USPL has planned to select molecular sieve dehydration (MSDH) technology.

2.3.3 Product detail Production of rectified spirit (RS) conforming to Indian Standards 323/1959, Grade-I will be minimum 90 % of total and impure alcohol will be maximum 10%. For export purpose alcohol of 96 % v/v is

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required. During the process of distillation, a by-product known as fusel oil separates out. It is a mixture of higher alcohols. The production of fusel oil is in the range of 0.2 – 0.3 % of alcohol production depending upon quality of molasses and fermentation operations. Table 2.2: Product and storage details # Particulars Production Receiver Storage Make (KL/Day) capacity (m3) capacity (m3) 1. Rectified Spirit 28.5 KLPD 60 x 3 600x1 MS Impure Sprit OR 1.5 KLPD 10x3 600x1 MS 2. E.N.A. 28.2 KLPD 60x3 600x3 MS Technical alcohol OR 1.8 KLPD 10x2 MS 3 Anhydrous alcohol 30.0 KLPD 60x3 600x2 MS 4. Fusel oil 60L per day 10x1 MS 2.4 RESOURCE/INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENT

Table 2.3: Project requirements

Sr. Particular Consumption/ Remark No. Production (per day) A. Raw Materials, Consumption 1. Molasses, MT 120 MT Basis 45 % of F.S. Source: Attached Sugar Mill upto 27,000 MT/annum; remaining from the nearby sugar mills B. Chemicals, Consumption 1. Nutrients (N,P) 15 kg Stored in Fermentation House Source: Local Market at Vita, Khanapur/Karad/Sangli 2. Turkey Red Oil 150 kg Source: Local Market Local market at Vita, Khanapur/Karad/Sangli C. Utilities, Consumption 1. Fuel: Bagasse Max. 55MT Source: Attached Sugar Mill Biogas ~11,500m3/day Source: spentwash from distillery 2. Water 350 m3 Source: Pare minor reservoir Permission from concerned department is in process

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3. Steam, MT Max. 121 MT/day Source: Attached Sugar Mill (during season) 4. Power Max. 432 kwhr Source: Attached Sugar Mill

2.4.1 Land The proposed distillery unit will be within the existing sugar mill premises, which is located at village Bamani (Pare), Khanapur tahsil of Sangli district. The sugar mill is having total 72 acres of land, out of which approx 35 acres of land is utilized by sugar mill and its ancillary units. From the remaining land 10.5 acres will be utilized for distillery, its ancillary units including greenbelt. Surplus land is kept reserved for future developments. Table 2.4: Land utilization details

Sr. Particulars of land utilization Area No (in Acres)

Area allocation for proposed Distillery 1 For distillery, Bio-methanation , Evaporation 2.5 2 Storage lagoon and Bio-compost yard 5.6 3 Green Belt 2.6 Total area for distillery unit 10.7 Total land available with the sugar mill 72.00

*Actual compost yard area may vary subject to type of machine to be used, the mentioned figure indicates provisions 2.4.2 Raw material: Molasses The total quantity of molasses required per annum is around 32,400 MT. While estimating the requirement fermentable sugar of 45-47% was considered; this usually yields about 280L of spirit per MT of molasses. The mill has estimated a molasses production of 27,000 MT for the season of 2014- 15 (refer table 2.5- These estimates are based on the cane development programme of the mill, sugar mill modernization planned by the management to achieve higher efficiency and existing cane availability. Remaining quantity of molasses of about 5,400 MT will be procured from nearby sugar mills. There are 18 sugar mills in Sangli district, of which only 7-8 factories are having distilleries. In the adjacent district Kolhapur, there are 22 factories of which 10-11 are having distilleries. This indicates, the distillery could get the deficit molasses from the nearby sugar mills. Storage: At present, the mill has one mild steel tank of 7,000 MT capacity. The mill has decided to install one more MS tank of 10,000MT capacity. Thus, capacity of molasses storage will be 17,000MT.

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A two months stored molasses is ideal for fermentation. Molasses will be pumped through pipeline from the sugar mill storage tank to the distillery day molasses tank. The molasses storage will be as per the CPCB guidelines. Table 2.5: Performance of the mill for last two seasons Sr. Particulars Season 2012-13* 2013-14 No. 1 Cane Crushed (Lac MT) 2.13 402,363 2 Sugar Produced (Lac Qtls.) 2.51 4.92 3 Recovery % Cane 11.81 12.23 4 Molasses Produced (MT) 10,670 17,905 5 Press-mud produced (MT) 7662 15,169 *first/trial season Table 2.6: Projections on performance of the mill for next five years Sr. Particulars Seasons No. 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 1 Cane to be Crushed 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 (Lac MT) 2 Sugar to be Produced 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 (Lac Qtls.) 3 Recovery % Cane 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 4 Molasses to be Produced 27,000 27,000 27000 27000 27000 (MT) 5 Press-mud to be produced 24000 24000 24000 24000 24000 (MT)

2.4.3 Steam The steam requirement of the proposed distillery will vary from 5.5 to 6.5 MT/h depending on the final product (for Multi-pressure option). This requirement will be fulfilled from sugar mill boiler. At present the mill is having one Bagasse fired boiler of 75 TPH operated at 72.5kg/cm2 pressure and 515oC temp. Presently it consumes approx 30TPH of bagasse and supplies steam to cogeneration unit. Exhaust low pressure steam from the turbine is used in sugar unit. Now, additionally it will be used for distillery operations. The estimated fuel requirement for distillery is 2.29TPH, however, no additional fuel will be required for the distillery during season. The same boiler will be operated at lower capacity to fulfill the requirement of cogeneration and distillery unit during off-season of sugar mill.

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Table 2.7: Existing sugar mill boiler details

Particular Specification Boiler capacity 75 TPH steam pressure and temperature 72.5 kg/cm2 / 515oC Fuel type Bagasse - required @2.3TPH Air pollution control equipment Electro Static Precipitator (ESP) Boiler attached to Stack Stack height and Diameter 72 m / 3. 0 m

Multi-Pressure Vacuum Distillation a. F. Wash to rectified spirit (RS)-2.2 Kg/liter; F. Wash to ENA- 3.2 Kg/liter b. MEE ~3.0MT/h 2.4.4 Water Requirement Initial fresh water requirement will be 600m3 per day. This requirement will be minimized by re- circulating 255 cum/day. This includes process condensate 180 m3/day and Spineless 75m3/day (refer water balance figure 2.3). After recirculation of the treated water from condensate polishing unit net water requirement will be 345 m3 per day. Source of water is Pare minor reservoir. Water drawl permission issued by irrigation department, Government of Maharashtra is available with the Mill (for the sugar unit). Permission for additional water drawl for distillery is under process. Existing water storage tank of 10,000 m3 will be used by proposed distillery. Thus, sufficient quantity of water can be made available to the distillery from the water reservoir. Table 2.8: Water Requirement (in m3/day) Particulars Intake Consumption Generated Recycle Daily Net And Losses Effluent and Reuse requirement

Industrial 360.0 60.0 300.0 155.00 205.00 Process Cooling 225.00 125.00 100.00 100.00 125.00 Purpose Domestic 10.0 03.00 7.00 00 10.0

Other & 05.0 05.0 00.0 00.0 05.00 Gardening Total 600.00 193.00 407.00 255.00 345.00

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Process Mass Balance for 30 KL Distillery

Molasses 3 3 CO228 m 75 m Over all loss 90m3/day by 3 Fresh water 270 m /day Fermentation evaporation etc. for dilution & CO2 Yeast Sludge 2.0 3 scrubber m /day

Steam 121MT Sugar RS + Impure Spirit 30 KL From Boiler Distillation

Fresh Soft water 3 90m3/day Spent lees 75 m /day Spent wash 300 m3/day

Bio-methanation Steam 121 MT Cooling


BMSW 300 m3/day

Process Multi effect condensate evaporation

180 m3/day

Concentrated Spent wash 120 m3/d@ 12-15% solid Press mud Bio-composting Condensate polishing Unit

3 255 m /day Recycle as CT makeup This water recycles to Fermentation 3 255 m /day and cooling tower makeup water

Figure 2.3: Mass and water balance

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2.4.5 Power Total power requirement for fermentation, distillation, ena section, cooling tower, storage and boiler biomethanation, bio-composting, & plant yard lightning is 432.5KW/h. The sugar mill has bagasse based cogeneration unit of 14 MW capacity. The mill has proposed to supply power to distillery unit from the existing captive power unit. Table 2.9: Electricity Consumption

Section Operating (KW/h) (At peak load) Fermentation, Distillation, Cooling Tower, Storage 282.5 Absolute alcohol Plant 50 Bio-methanation, Bio-composting, & Plant Yard lightning 100 Total 432.5

2.3.8 Human Resource The distillery will be under administrative control of ‘Vice President” of the sugar mill. The Manager of distillery unit will be responsible for day to day operations of the distillery and effluent treatment system. There will be independent staff for office work under the Distillery Manager for various routine work. The proposed project will provide direct employment to about 77 persons, out of which 36 shall be technical personnel and rest shall be skilled & unskilled workers (Refer chapter IX, table 9.1 for details). Support from sugar mill personnel may be utilized by the distillery in case of necessity. The installation of distillery within sugar mill premises is advantageous from the point of security also. Table 2.10: Estimated Project cost

Sr. No. Particulars Amount (Rs. in Lakhs) 1. Land Development 28.00 2. Civil work and building 735.50 3. Plant and machinery 2654.03 4. Miscellaneous fixed assets for distillery and ETP 242.50 5. Preliminary, pre-operative and other expenses 117.96 6. Contingency @3% 54.01 7. Margin Money 10.00 TOTAL 3842.00

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Table 2.11: Capital investment on environment management

Sr. Particulars Amount No. (Rs. in Lakhs) 1. Spent wash cooling and holding tank 123.00 2. Compost yard with PCC top finish 195.00 3. Cil work at ETP (Foundation for evaporation, 100.00 biogas polishing unit ) 4. Leachate management system 29.00 5. Laboratory shed and its glassware, equipments, etc. 10.00 6. Polishing units for condensate treatment 20.00 7. Biomethanation Unit 260.00 8. Stand alone evaporation 300.00 9. Spryaing pumps, Spent wash pumps and piping, 27.00 HDPE piping, internal site piping, valves and fittings 10. Biocomposting machinery, pipeline and other 68.00 11. DG set for ETP 10.00 12. Wire fencing around ETP 5.00 13. Electrification at ETP 10.00 14. Fire fighting equipments and other 5.00 15. Tree plantation and bore well for composting 5.00 TOTAL 1167.00

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Table 2.12: Recurring expenses

Recurring Expenses/annum Salaries and wages @ 5% on capital investment 58.35

Operation and maintenance of all pollution control devices, 58.35 motors, pumps, pipelines, etc. 5% on capital investment Fuel (composting activity) and Electricity (in case of diesel 1.26 generator operation) TOTAL 117.96 Table 2.13: Overview of environment management processes

Sr. Waste product and source Treatment and disposal No 1. Waste water Spentwash Bio-methanation followed by stand alone evaporation followed by bio-composting Other effluent: Effluent will be sent to condensate polishing unit (CPU) Process condensate, Blow down and reused as a cooling tower make-up from cooling tower, Pump Sealing, floor washing and other cleaning activities Sewage: Domestic wastewater As local acceptable practice, by septic tank and soak pit system 2. Gaseous emission Flue gasses from boilers Existing sugar Mill boiler of 75TPH will be used Due to burning of bagasse and ESP is in place on existing boiler biogas The existing chimney of height 72m Bagasse is carbon neutral fuel, contains sulfur in trace amount No loose bagasse, it will be in bar(block) form hence fugitive dust will get controlled Since, the distillery is proposed within sugar Mill premises, hence handling and transportation of various material will be nominal. It will help to control fugitive dust. Greenbelt of 33% of the plot area i.e. 2.6 acres

Bio-composting CH4; H2S Fully auto spraying and aerobic composting

Diesel generators It will be operational only when captive as well as grid

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power supply failure, hence emissions anticipated to be less frequent and minor

Fermentation unit: CO2 Fermenteres are covered, CO2 scrubbed in water 3 Solid waste Boiler ash Bagasse ash contains soil nutrients such as potash and phosphates. It will be mixed with bio-compost and sold to farmers for use in agriculture lands. Fermented sludge: Yeast sludge, The sludge generated from fermentation unit 1-2 Polishing unit sludge m3/day, biodigster sludge 5-7m3/day and Polishing unit sludge 0.5-1m3/day contains organic nutrient and micro elements. It will be mixed with bio-compost.

2.5 EFFLUENT TREATMENT 2.5.1 Spentwash Primary Treatment: Bio-methanation In recent years, due to escalation of energy costs and environmental concerns there is an increase in the installation of anaerobic treatment units for distillery-spent wash. The anaerobic method of spentwash treatment offers number of significant advantages with some drawbacks over other treatment methods.

Benefits Limitations Production of methane as a fuel, it is renewable It contains sulfur in minor quantity (less source of energy and helps in reducing direct than 2%), which causes damage to boiler; emission of methane into atmosphere act as a source for SOx emissions Low production of waste biological solids Relatively long periods of time are required to start up the process Low nutrient and power requirement It is a pre-treatment method. Hence, some of the parameters such as BOD, COD, colour, TDS, etc. requires adequate treatment for its safe disposal.

Very high loading rates can be achieved ------

Active-anaerobic sludge can be preserved unified for ------many months

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The biochemistry and microbiology of anaerobic processes is much more complicated than that of aerobic ones. As a result many pathways are available for an anaerobic process. These pathways and microorganisms responsible for the reactions are not known in great detail but during the last 10-15 years a broad outline of the processes have been established. Microbiology & Biochemistry Of Biomethanation Process Basically the anaerobic degradation is performed by two groups of bacteria. Acid producing bacteria : Acid forming bacteria (butyric & propionic acid) Acetogenic bacteria (acetic acid & hydrogen) 1) Methane producing bacteria : Acetoacetic methane bacteria (acetophilic) Methane bacteria (hydrogenophilic) Steps of Reaction The anaerobic metabolism of a complex substrate, including suspended organic matter, can be regarded in a three-step process Step I: Hydrolysis of suspended and soluble organic of high molecular weight Step II: Degradation of small organic molecules to various volatile fatty acids, ultimately acetic acid. Step III: Production of methane, primarily from acetic acid, also from hydrogen and carbon dioxide Out of three steps, the second one is rather quick, while the two others are slow. This accounts for many instability problems encountered in anaerobic processes. However, the anaerobic processes are not more unstable than aerobic. One of the reasons why this is a rather rare view is that engineering design practice for anaerobic processes through the years have been operating with rather small safety factors and a very poor process control. Hydrolysis of organic matter is a rather slow process brought about by extra cellular enzymes. Factors like pH and cell residence time play an important role with respect to reaction rate. During start-up of the anaerobic process the volatile acid concentration should be kept reasonably low (1-1.5 Kg HAC/m3) and can be used to control the slow loading. The hydrogen partial pressure (or redox potential) regulates the production of the various acids. For digesters, operating at very short solids retention time the concentration of propionic acid and hydrogen is increased. This fits well into the general picture, and can also explain the increased propionic acid concentrations under unsteady state or varying load conditions. Propionic acid is an indicator of instability and has been generally accepted as a process control parameter all though not used much in practice. If, the acid production rate is high as compared to the methane production rate, which means that a sudden increase in easily degradable (soluble) organic will result in increased acid production with

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subsequent accumulation of the acids. This might inhibit the next step of the process the methane generation step. Parallel to the acid production ammonia is released by the degradation of proteins and amino acids. The ammonia concentrations thus established would generally not be of a magnitude that will inhibit the anaerobic process but nitrogen rich wastes, treated in highly loaded processes, ammonia inhibition could occur. Methane production is a slow process, in general the rate-limiting step of anaerobic degradation. Methane is produced from acetic acid or from hydrogen and carbon dioxide. About one third of the methane has its origin in molecular hydrogen. Small amounts of methane can be produced from methane and formic acid, but these reactions have little practical importance. The bacteria producing methane from hydrogen and carbon dioxide are fast growing ones as compared with the acetic acid utilizing bacteria. Utilization of Biogas Biogas generated in the bio-methanation process will be utilized as a fuel for Mill boiler. Flare unit will be installed as an alternative, in case of non-consumption of biogas in boiler. There are some alternative available for the use of biogas. It can be upgraded /purified into methane and compressed. This is used for higher commercial applications such as fuel for vehicles or for generation of electricity. However, considering the investment and other economics, these options could be useful in near future. Bio-Composting Bio-compost is prepared by mixing spentwash and pressmud (filter cake produced during sugar manufacturing, having 50-70% moisture) in an optimum proportion of 3:1. The activity is carried out with the help of excavator- cum –loader for mixing, turning, loading and unloading of compost material. It is observed that in the first five days, fungal activity is predominant and in subsequent days bacterial activity continues until stabilization of organic matter into humus is accomplished. The composting site will accommodate the required number of windrows of filler material. The windrow size (width & height) will depend upon the type of aeration mixing and turning machine as well as area of yard to be used. The filler material will comprise of filter cake, screened/half decomposed bagasse, bagacillo, boiler ash, sludge from biomethanation unit as well as ETP etc. The windrows will be inoculated with certified microbial culture to enhance the composting process. The filler material will be homogenised with mixing/turning and aeration machine. The machine traverse windrows, thoroughly aerating and agitating the composting mixture and grinding shredding of lumps to uniform size. Spent wash will be sprinkled on windrows in a controlled manner at specific intervals so as to maintain the moisture content of windrows around 50 to 60 percent. The spraying of the spent wash will be strictly controlled so as to avoid seepage problem and avoiding anaerobic

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condition. The windrows will reach a temperature of 65-70oC automatically and within a period of a week followed by a turning. This will now require more spent wash for maintaining the moisture. The composting cycle will be of minimum six weeks. Operational Details A composting cycle can be divided into two stages i.e. 40 days of windrow composting (Aerobic process) and 4-5 days for curing in heaps. Thus, one cycle takes about 45 day’s period. Compost process can be divided into the following stages – Active Stage It is a stage when the maturation is just initiated. During this period there is a rise in temperature, which continues for first 10-15 days of process after formation of windrows and spraying of inoculum. Maturation Stage This stage includes the greater part of maturation and extends to and beyond the period of temperature decline. It consists of the 14 days when the temperature is maintained and the next 10 days when the temperature starts to decline. Ripening or Curing Stage This stage allows compost to age for four weeks, until the moisture stabilizes at 30% to 35%. Windrow Recommended windrow Size = 3.0 x 1.5 m (Width x Height- subject to available area) Distance between two windrows = 1m Press-mud should be formed in windrow size of 3.0 x 1.5m. The windrows should be formed straight and have correct size. Culture Inoculation After running the machine for a day, spray inoculum. Inoculum acts both as an odor reducing agent and an activator to hasten the process of raising the temperature. Normally for every MT of press- mud 0.5kg of inoculum is applied. It is diluted 100 times with effluent and sprayed on the windrows spreading over 3 days for effective results (in the 3rd, 5th and 10th day) Immediately after the application of inoculum, windrow should be aerated with mixing machine to spread the Inoculum uniformly to all parts of windrow. Aeration Normally mixing machine is used for mixing up the windrow, loosen the same and create a situation congenial for natural aeration. When the moisture content reduces below 50% an addition of effluent should restore it to 65%. If the press-mud is wet (more than 70% moisture) there is lower supply of

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oxygen. Moisture content should be brought down to about 50% by giving proper aeration. Microorganisms make use of nitrogen and carbon for their metabolic activities. The energy required for this process is derived by aerobic decomposition. Aeration is given to raise the compost temperature and establish aerobic condition. The temperature should be 60-650C in the windrow. Continue spraying and aeration till the completion of composting cycle. Effluent Spraying Spraying is done before aeration. The quantity of effluent applied is strictly controlled so that the windrows always have moisture content, which is optimum for aerobic composting. Merging of Windrows Once the hard material or lumps is broken by the mixing machine and is loosened, it gets compacted and the windrow height gets reduced due to proper degradation of organic matter with proper aeration. After about 15 days of initial composting the windrow height is likely to be reduced to about 0.5 meter. At this point it is required to merge 2 windrows into one and continue further processing. Curing in Heaps After completing the spraying, windrow is aerated for 2 or 3 days without spraying effluent. After reducing the moisture to about 30% to 35% heap the compost in the corner to a height of about 2 meter to have anaerobic process for about 15 days and also to make the space free for fresh windrow formation. A distinctive black loamy, free flowing and ready to use compost, which has a pleasant earthy smell and moisture content of 30-35 % is produced. The salient features of Bio-compost process are: 1. Zero Pollution 2. No odour or fly nuisance. The finished product is entirely free from any repulsive odour 3. High product value – quick payback 4. Product is usually dry, easy to handle, bagged and transport Table 2.14: The Composting Technique: Working Data

Sugar Mill 1. Crushing rate (Capacity – 2500 TCH) Average rate 2,800 2. Projected Crushing rate @ 180 days /annum 5,04,000 MT 3. Annual Pressmud production @4% 20,160 MT 4. Moisture content of Pressmud 50 - 70 %

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Distillery 5. Capacity (liter /day) 30 KLPD 6. Days of operation 270 7. Spent wash production/annum 81,000 MT 8. Spent wash production after evaporation (@ 120 m3/day) /annum 32.400 MT 9. Ratio Press mud: Spentwash, (45 days cycle) 1:2.0 10. Pressmud requirement (in MT per annum) 16,200 MT 11. Culture Required prescribed proportion 1Kg/MT of Quantity required/year (270days) pressmud 16,200 Kg Yard requirement 3.8 acres Land provision for compost yard 5.5 acres

Table 2.15: Mass Balance (Bio-compost)

Sr. No. Description Solids Quantity Total Solids Content % MT 1. Annual Raw Material a) Press mud* 30 16,200 MT 4,868 b) Spentwash 12 32,400 MT 3,888 Total 8,748* 2. Annual Compost 65 8,748 MT** Compost Annual Compost Production: approx 8,748 MT

* *Assuming loss in weight as CO2 and moisture content of approx. 35 % Table 2.16: General Characteristics of Bio-compost Parameter Percentage Organic Carbon 20 - 25% Nitrogen 1.5 – 2% Phosphorous 1.0 – 2% Potassium 2 – 3.5% C:N Ratio <17:1 Requirements for composting The proposed molasses based distillery will produce average 300m3/day of spent wash for treatment. The Mill has proposed to adopt bio-methanation followed by stand alone evaporation followed by bio-composting process. It has allocated about 5.5 acres of storage lagoons and composting. These

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proposed lands develop as the guideline issued by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) the details are as follows. Holding of Spentwash Spentwash will be transported through closed conduct, HDPE/RCC pipes. It will be stored in impervious tank/lagoons. An impervious storage tank of 30 days and five day holding capacities will be constructed to store spentwash prior to biocomposting treatment. Spentwash storage tanks will duly lined with 200 mm thick black cotton soil (40%) + murum (60%), 250 micron HDPE sheet, pitche d by stone/bricks with SRC mortar and SRC plaster 50 mm thick to prevent leachate. The sectional view of spent wash holding tank is given in fig. 2.4. Spentwash lagoon of maximum 30 days capacity = 9000m3 Spentwash lagoon of 05 days capacity = 1500m3 Compost Site Preparation The aerobic biocomposting process will be carried out wherein thermophilic activity of microorganism will be involved for fast degradation of BOD and COD values in spent wash surface. The compost site will be prepared as per the norms specified by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), New Delhi. The details of which are furnished in the chapter Environment Management Plan. A separate Environmental cell will be constituted and it will monitor this entire operation. Bore wells will be set up towards the downstream side of the compost site to check the seepage; if any. The results shall be recorded for the perusal of the regulatory authorities. The schematic indicating the tentative layout for complete composting process including storage tanks, windrows, and chamber is shown in Fig. 2.5.

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Figure 2.4: Spentwash Holding Tank

Figure 2.5: Compost yard

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Figure 2.6: The Schematic for Complete Compost Process

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2.5.2 Treatment for spentlees and condensate from MEE FEED









Figure 2.7: Process Flow Diagram For CPU Pre – Treatment

Equalization: To absorb variation in quantity and quality of condensate and to provide uniform flow at the downstream treatment process, a collection or equalization tank is provided. This will avoid shock loading and process upsets of the treatment plant. Neutralization: Neutralization system is provided to neutralize the condensate using lime slurry (10%) Secondary Treatment

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Chapter II Anaerobic Filter The anaerobic filter, also known as fixed bed or fixed film reactor is used for the treatment of non- settelable and dissolved solids by bringing them in close contact with a surplus of active bacterial mass. This surplus together with “hungry” bacteria digests the dispersed or dissolved organic matter within short retention times. Anaerobic filters are reactors consisting of supporting material layers. On the surface of these material layers or bed, fixation of microorganism and the development of biofilm take place. Anaerobic filters can be applied not only for treating concentrated wastewater but also for those wastewaters that have low organic load (grey water). If they are preceded by a reactor that retains settled solids, they will work better. It is suitable for all industrial wastewater which have a lower content of suspended solids. The bacteria in the filter are immobile and generally attach themselves to solid particles or to the reactor walls. Filter materials like rocks, cinder, plastic, or gravel provide additional surface area for bacteria to settle. Thus, the fresh wastewater is forced to come into contact with active bacteria intensively. The larger surface area for the bacterial growth helps in the quick digestion of the wastes. A good filter material provides a surface area of 90 to 300 m2 per meter cube reactor volume. Biological oxygen demand up to 70% to 90 % is removed in a well operated anaerobic filter. Pre-treatment in settlers or septic tanks may be necessary to eliminate solids of larger size before they are allowed to enter the filter. When the bacterial film becomes too thick it has to be removed. This may be done by back-flush of wastewater or by removing the filter mass for cleaning outside the reactor. Nonetheless, the anaerobic filter is very reliable and robust. Anaerobic filters may be operated as down flow or up flow systems. A combination of up-flow and down-flow chambers is also possible. Biological (Aerobic) Treatment This is the main section of the plant where degradation of organic pollutants with the help of aerobic micro-organism takes place. In aeration tank activated biomass is developed in such a way that certain MLSS is maintained for continuous condensate flow which comes to aeration basin. Condensate is degraded in given retention time and activated sludge is further passed to clarifier and recycled as per requirement. The sludge, which is not required after recirculation, is passed to sludge drying bed To maintain the aerobic condition in the bioreactor, air supply arrangement is provided by means of aeration equipment which has high oxygen transfer efficiency. Secondary Clarifier

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In secondary clarifier, condensate passed from aeration tank along with biomass (MLSS) gets settled here. The settled biomass recycled back to aeration tank as per requirement and excess biomass transfer to sludge drying bed. Disinfection Supernatant from Tube settler, flow by gravity to the chlorine contact tank. To disinfect the harmful bacteria in the treated water as well as to remove the refractory organics from treated water, in this tank hypo chlorite solution is dosed with the help of dosing system. Sludge disposal system Settled sludge from tube settler will be removed by pumping to the sludge drying bed. Tertiary treatment: Secondary treated water will be further passed through sand media filter followed by activated carbon filter. Filtered water will be collected in the Treated water Storage tank from where it will be for desired non potable application. Backwashed water from filters will return back to equalization tank. 2.5.3 Advantages of treatment scheme a. It will produce the treated water which can be recycled back, thus, very important to save freshwater intake b. It is based on biological principle hence no need use of any excessive hazardous chemicals for the main degradation process c. Due to efficient aeration system, electrical power requirement will be very low d. Due to user friendly equipment, plant maintenance will be very less. e. Due to inbuilt automation, plant machinery life is high & ensures trouble free operation f. All process rotating electromechanical equipment is provided with standby equipment to ensure the uninterrupted operation. Table 2.17: CPU Details Nature of waste water Process condensate & Spent lees Flow up to 550 m3/day (maximum designed capacity) Operating Period ~ 20 h/day


pH 3-4 COD 6,000 mg/lit BOD 3,000 mg/lit TDS <1000 mg/lit

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Temperature 35-45 °C


DESCRIPTION PARAMETER pH 6.5-7.5 COD 100 mg/lit BOD 30 mg/lit TDS <1000 mg/lit

2.6 GREEN-BELT DEVELOPMENT Usually, a greenbelt is developed with an objective of attenuation or mitigation of pollution. However, the importance of the greenbelt should not confined for pollution control because it offers many other advantages such as - Create an aesthetic Helps to enhance bio-diversity to some extent and thus supports ecosystem Controls temperature Maintains micro-climatic conditions Helps to hold water and restore ground water Prevent soil erosion & surface run off The sugar Mill has developed a greenbelt present around the fencing of the premises. It has also developed greenbelt around guest house and small housing colony near the Mill. Details of existing greenbelt are mentioned in table 2.18. In case of the proposed activity, greenbelt developed around manufacturing unit will consist of tall and medium size trees. These trees will be developed in 2-3 raw curtain, depending upon space availability. Ornamental shrubs, herbs including lawn will be developed at selective locations. Greenbelt will also be developed around the waste disposal areas, such as ETP, compost yard, spentwash storage lagoon, etc. This will be mainly for beautification. Since, the soil around industry is combination of clay and loam, water holding capacity of the same is around 50%, which is significant. This factor is considered while estimating the water requirement, which is around 52m3per day. Treated effluent from sugar Mill will be used for watering plants. While suggesting species for greenbelt developments following factors are predominantly considered. Climatic conditions such as rainfall, temperature, humidity, etc. Soil conditions Species endemic or native to the region

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Species supporting and enhancing biodiversity Enhancing aesthetics of the site Availability of species in the nearby nurseries Schematic of greenbelt development for proposed unit is represented in Fig. 2.8. Table 2.18: Details of existing greenbelt around Industrial Complex

Name of species Individual Location

Saptaparni (Alstonia scholaris) 70 boundary of the sugar unit, road side

Neem (Melia azadiracta) 70 Behind godown 1 and guest house

Behind switch yard, boundary of the sugar unit, road Kadamba 125 side

Pipal (Ficus relegiosa) 50 Behind office and residential area

Peltoforum pterocarpum 50 along the boundary of cane receiving yard

Gulmohor (Delonix regiea) 100 Road side

Sita Ashok (Saraka indica) 75 Near office

Terminalia cattapa (Desi 100 As an avenue tree Badam)

Karanj (Pongamia glabra) 125 Along the plot boundary

Amla 50 Near cane yard

Amaltas (Cassia fistula) 25 Behind guest house

Chinch (Tamarindous indicus) 25 Along the boundary near godown 2

Jamun (Sizygium cummini) 50 Along parking area and avenue tree

Wad (Ficus benghalensis) 20 Along plot boundary

Mango (Mangifera indica) 50 Near guest house, office

Raintree (Samania saman) 100 near reservoir

Apta (Bauhinia purpurea) 50 Near spray pond unit fencing

Coconut (Cocus nucifera) 105 Near godown 1 and long the road near godown

Lagerstroemia 30 Garden and Traffic island

Champa (Plumeria alba) 50 Near office area

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Bakul 50 Near office area

A) Sub Total 1300

B) Shrubs

Tecoma gaudichaudi 250 Near spray pond , switch yard

Tagar 300 Near godown 1 and long the road near godown

Lantana 500 Near godown 1 and long the road near godown

Pomegranate 100 cane receiving yard

Almanda 250 near office, guest house, along the road

Oleander 200 near office, guest house, along the road

Ixora coccinia 500 near office, guest house, along the road

Myana erectica 300 Near water treatment plant

sub total 2,400

Total 3,700

Fig.2.8: Schematic of Greenbelt Development

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Figure 2.9: Decision making and its implementation hierarchy (from top to bottom) and reporting hierarchy (from bottom to top) for environmental conditions/compliances

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The baseline environmental conditions are established through field studies/monitoring (primary data) and secondary data such as reports and survey records published by authentic agencies. Considering the site at the centre, a 10km radius area was defined as a study zone. In the study zone, primary and secondary data was collected. In addition, information on the location of towns and cities, national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and ecologically sensitive areas, etc. was collected. Guiding factors for the baseline study of the project are terms of references (ToR) issued by Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) and the Environmental Impact Assessment notification Sep. 2006. For the present study, the field monitoring was carried out in summer season of 2014 i.e. March to May 2014. Data was sufficient to develop a clear understanding of the nature and magnitude of potential impacts of the project. Generally, the baseline environmental study is carried out by collecting data on attributes such as air, noise, water, soil, flora, fauna and overall ecosystems. In addition, data for meteorology, topography and drainage, hydrology, geology, socio-economy together form an appropriate baseline data. All these elements together describe the prevailing conditions and facts about local environment. This helps in understanding the environmental characteristics of the area and thus, assessing the impact on existing environmental quality, on the basis of proposed developments being planned.

Table 3.1: Classification of environment aspects

Physical Environment • Climate and Meteorology • Geology, hydrology and hydrogeology • Air environment • Noise environment, • Water environment, • Soil environment Biological Environment Ecology: Existing Flora and Fauna in study area

Socio-economic • Demography • Availability of infrastructure • Economic profile • Migration pattern • Social Initiatives by the industry

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Table 3.2: Environment setting of site and study zone in brief

Sr. Particulars Description No 1. Project site within existing sugar factory premises At Bamni (Pare), Tal - Khanapur, Dist – Sangli, Maharashtra 2. Geographical coordinates Latitude: 17°12'6.53"N Longitude: 74°35'40.43"E and Elevation: 676m 3. Nearest villages East - Village Padali at 2km South east - village Dhamni 1.5km South – village Bamni 2.4km South west (SW)- village Mangrul 3.5km West – village Chinchani 2.2km North village pare 2.3km 4. Climate and meteorology a Temperature Annual Max Temp (Avg. summer months): 380C Annual Min Temp (Avg. winter months) : 140C b. Precipitation annual average for Khanapur Taluka 550 mm c. Wind Predominant wind direction west, southwest 5 Land Within in existing sugar factory premises 6. Nearest town Vita town 10km towards north 7 Nearest Highway /Road NH4 ~50km, state highway ~12km 8. Airport Karad ~ 80 Km from the site 9. Nearest railway station 35 km away 10. Water body River Yerala at 6km towards west 11. Soil Type 3 Types; Light, medium and deep soil

12. Ecologically sensitive areas Sagareshwar wildlife sanctuary at 25.3km 13. Archaeologically important None places 14. Reserved/Protected forests No within 10 km radius 15. Nearest place of tourist/ Gorakhnath temple, 80km Religious importance Sambhu Appa Urus – Islampur 30km 16. Topography of proposed site Flat , barren land 17. Main Agricultural crop in the Jawar, Bajra, Wheat, Groundnuts, , Sugarcane, District Turmeric, Grapes, Pomegranate

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18. Major Industries of the district Sugar mills, cotton mill and engineering unit

3.2 DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND STUDY AREA The proposed site is located in Khanapur tahsil, which is located towards north of Sangli district. The site is 570m above mean sea level. It is within existing sugar factory premises. It is on plane, flat terrain/ land with very gentle slope towards SE of the plot. Greenbelt developed by the sugar factory, wild grasses and bushes are the only vegetation present on site and surroundings. There is a water storage reservoir of the factory towards west of the proposed distillery unit. Agricultural fields are towards east, west and north boundaries of the proposed unit and sugar mill is towards the south. The adjacent villages to the site are mentioned in table 3.2 (point 3). There is a small hillock located towards east of the site (average height of 25-30m) at a distance of 2.5km.

Figure 3.1: Proposed project site

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Figure 3.2: Satellite image of the site and surrounding

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3.3 BASELINE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS Primary data collection was carried out in study area comprises of villages in 10 km radius from the site Table 3.3: Details of sampling location

Parameter Location

Ambient Air Factory premises, Mangrul, Bamni, Aalte, Padali, Dhamni, Hatnoi, Pare and Narsewadi

Noise Factory premises, Pare, Padali, Narsewadi, Dhondewadi, Hatnoli, Bamni, Mangrul, and Aalte

Water Aalte, Dhamni, Mangrul, Padali, Pare, Bamni, Narsewadi

Soil Mangrul, Aalte, Dhamni, Pare, Padali, Dhondewadi, Bamni, Narsewadi

3.3.1 Climate and Rainfall

Agro Climatic Zone (NARP): Western Maharashtra Scarcity Zone (MH-6); and Western Maharashtra Plain Zone (MH-4).

Sangli has a semi-arid climate with three seasons, a hot, dry summer from the middle of February to the middle of June, a monsoon from the middle of June to late October and a mild cool season from early November to early February. The climate in the district is fairly tolerable throughout the year. The climate gets hotter and drier towards the east and humidity goes on increasing towards the west. The maximum temperature ranges between 31.5o C and 38.2oC, while the minimum temperature ranges from 12.9oC to 22.7oC.

This district falls partly in Krishna basin and partly in Bhima basin. Consequently, it is divided into different drainage systems. The whole district can be divided into three different parts on the basis of topography, climatology and rainfall viz.

1. Western hilly area of Shirala tahsil with heavy rainfall. 2. The basin area of Krishna, Warna & Yerala rivers, comprising of tahsil Walwa, & western part of and Miraj tahsils with medium rainfall. 3. Eastern drought prone area which comprises of eastern part of Miraj, and Tasgaon tahsils, north-eastern part of Khanapur tahsil and whole of , Kavathe Mahankal & Jath tahsils.

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The western part of Shirala tahsil gets heavy rainfall on an average over 1300 mm in a year. The central and eastern parts receive annual rainfall about 900 mm in a year. The northeastern portion receives the lowest rainfall in the district - only 300 mm in a year. Due to this lowest rainfall, the tahsils of Atpadi, Jath, Kavathe Mahankal, Miraj (East), Tasgaon (East) and Khanapur (East) are drought prone areas.

Table 3.4: Rainfall Data for Sangli district (mm)


2009 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 37.2 58.3 178.6 101.9 198.5 117.9 103.2 1.3

2010 0.1 0.0 0.0 17.0 2.5 186.1 179.7 145.5 151.8 79.7 56.2 2.4

2011 0.0 5.7 0.0 11.7 71.6 105.3 103.7 132.8 87.5 86.8 0.0 0.0

2012 0.0 0.0 0.0 18.3 5.7 49.6 103.0 68.9 70.4 145.1 9.4 0.0

2013 0.0 0.6 0.0 12.5 15.1 124.1 185.6 58.7 165.3 53.8 10.0 0.0

Rainfall Normal RF(mm) Normal Normal Normal Cessation Rainy days Onset

SW monsoon (June- 473.5 35 2nd week of 1st Fortnight of Sep) June October NE Monsoon(Oct-Dec) 137.6 8

Winter (Jan- Feb) 9.4 1

Summer (Mar-May) 71.9 5

Annual 692.4 49

(Source: Indian Meteorological Department)

3.3.2 Temperature

The cold weather starts by about the end of November and lasts till about the middle of February, December being the coldest month. In this month the mean daily maximum temperature is 29.5oC while the daily minimum (mean) is 14.3oC. The minimum temperature may sometimes go below 7oC. The period from about the middle of February to the end of May is one of continuous increase of temperature. In May, the hottest month, the mean daily maximum temperature is 37.5oC and the daily minimum (mean) is 22.7oC. The heat is intense and the maximum temperature may sometimes go up to 42.0oC. Afternoon thundershowers bring

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Chapter III some relief from the heat on few days. The onset of the south-west monsoon by the first or second week of June brings down the day temperatures appreciably, but night temperatures continue to be nearly the same as in summer. During the south-west monsoon, the weather is cool and pleasant. Sometimes the day temperatures are even less than in the cold season. After the withdrawal of the south-west monsoon by the end of September, day temperatures increase slightly. After about mid-November both day and night temperatures begin to drop.

Table 3.5: Month Wise Temperature And Humidity Record For Sangli District Month maximum minimum Relative Humidity (%) temperature (Mean temperature (Mean daily) Daily)

— oC oC 0830h 1730h January 30.5 14.1 62 35 February 32.8 15.2 56 31 March 36.1 18.5 54 27 April 37.9 21.5 64 30 May 37.5 22.7 73 40 June 31.5 22.3 82 66 July 27.9 21.7 86 79 August 28.2 21.2 87 76 September 29.2 20.2 86 68 October 31.0 20.1 74 51 November 30.1 17.3 65 45 December 29.5 14.3 61 37 Annual 31.9 19.1 71 49 *Hours in Indian Standard Time 3.3.3 Humidity

During south-west monsoon, the air is highly humid. In the post-monsoon, summer and cold season the air is dry particularly in the afternoons.

3.3.4 Cloudiness

The cloudiness is recorded in Oktas i.e. in one-eighth of the sky covered. Skies are generally clear or lightly clouded during the months November to March. Cloudiness begins to increase progressively from April and afternoons are more clouded than the mornings. During the monsoon, the skies are heavily clouded to overcast. But cloudiness decreases in the post- monsoon period i.e. October and November.

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3.3.5 Wind (Wind Speed and Direction)

Winds are light to moderate except in the south-west monsoon season when they are stronger. In the south-west monsoon season, winds are from directions between south-west and north-west, the westerlies being more frequent. In the post-monsoon season they are predominantly from the north-east or east. Easterlies and south-easterlies are common in the cold season. By February westerlies and north-westerlies appear and these predominate in the summer.

The predominant wind direction observed during the study period was from Northeast and southwest directions, with 8.1 %. Southeast directions follow this with 6.4%. Calm conditions constituted about 33.7 % of the total time observed. A wind rose diagram giving the details of the wind pattern for the study period at the site is given in fig. 3.3.

Table 3.6: Mean Wind Speed (km/hour) (Sangli district)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual

7.4 7.7 8.9 10.6 14.2 16.3 18.0 15.4 12.2 8.4 8.5 8.4 11.3

3.3.6 Special Weather Phenomena Thunderstorms occur in the hot season and in the post- monsoon season. In the beginning

and end of the south-west monsoon season rainfall is often associated with thunder.

Table 3.7: Special Weather Phenomena (Sangli district)

Mean No. of days Annu Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. with al

23. Thunder 0.0 0.0 1.7 4.4 6.1 3.1 0.1 0.9 2.0 4.0 0.9 0.4 6 Hail 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 Dust-Storm 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 Squall 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fog 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

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Figure 3.3: Windrose Diagram

3.3.7 Land Use Patterns

Land cover is a fundamental parameter describing the Earth’s surface. Remote sensing, in conjunction with geographic information systems, has been widely applied and been recognized as a powerful and effective tool in analyzing land cover/use categories. The study area of proposed molasses based distillery unit project of M/s Udagiri Sugar and Power Ltd. at Village Bamani, Taluka Khanapur, District Sangli, Maharashtra is covered in survey of India Toposheet no. 47 K/11, and 47 K/12, and lies within latitudes of 17°12'11.05"N to 17°12'12.18"N and longitudes of 74°35'41.07"E to 74°35'55.30"E.

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Satellite imagery and software, used for the present land use study, is detailed as follows. Satellite Data: LANDSAT_8, OLI_TIRS cloud free data has been used for Land use / land cover analysis Satellite Sensor: LANDSAT_8, OLI_TIRS Path and Row: Path 146, Row 48 Spatial Resolution: 30 m Date of Pass: 09 Feb 2014 PC based GIS and image-processing software was used for the purpose of image classification and for delineating drainage and other features in the study area. Number of peripheral devices such as scanner, plotter, printer etc. has also been interfaced with the system. Satellite data of Rabi season was classified using supervised classification technique. Maximum likelihood algorithm classifier was used for the analysis. The scenes were individually classified and then were integrated to get a composite classified output where information from Rabi season is available. A truth table was generated taking 0.95 as the conversion threshold. After aggregation, the final classified output was converted in raster format. The image was then converted in raster format, which is understood by GIS software. Eight landuse/ landcover classes were identified in ten sq. km area around the Project Site. Area under each class has been calculated (Table 3.8). Table 3.8: Landuse/ Landcover Statistics of the Ten square Km Area Sr. No. Class Area (Ha) Area (%) 1 Waterbody 73.62 0.23 2 Long Fallow 1822.5 5.78 3 Current Fallow 2970.99 9.43 4 Agriculture Land 5350.77 16.98 5 Vegetation 680.04 2.16 6 Open Scrub 13932.9 44.23 7 Built-up Land 816.39 2.59 8 Barren Land 5855.58 18.59 The above data shows that, the land use under open scrub category is highest i.e. 44.23% followed by barren land of 18.59%. The proposed site is already acquired by the sugar mill and hence, no change in landuse will take place due to the proposed project.

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Figure 3.4: Land use/land cover map of 10km radius study area

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Figure 3.5: Contour map of 10km radius study area

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Chapter III Contour Contouring is the standard method of representing relief on topographic maps. Contour lines are lines joining points of equal elevation on the surface of the ground. They can also be thought of as the lines of intersection between a series of horizontal planes and the ground surface. For a given map the vertical distance between adjacent contour lines or the contour interval is fixed i.e.20m. By examining the horizontal distance between successive contours it is possible to visually estimate the variation in slope of parts of the terrain. As the vertical distance between contours is the same, the closer the contour lines are together the steeper the slope. The maximum height of the terrain in given study area of10 sq.km is 890m at a distance of 10km towards northeast of the site. It can be easily found that a range is passing from northern part to southeastern part of the study area, 3.3.8 Soil

Soil formation in Sangli district has been predominantly influenced by the climate. Soil is different in different parts of the district. The western zone, which receives very heavy rainfall, has lateritic soils on up-ghats and reddish brown soil on hill slopes, the latter being developed on parent material of trap rock. It is 7.37% of the total area of the district. The transition zone of Krishna valley has deep black soils of alluvial origin. It is observed in central part i.e. Entire Walwa tahsil and western part of Miraj and Tasgaon tahsils. It is 26.18% of the total area of the district. The third is the eastern drier zone, which consists largely of regular black soils and poor shallow soils. Saline-alkaline soils are met with in the low-lying patches in the areas of low rainfall. The soil is faint gray accounting for 66.45% of the total area of the district. Land in the region is best suitable for agriculture.

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Figure 3.6: Types of Soil observed in Sangli district

Table3.9: Results of soil analysis

Dhonde- Site Narsewadi Parameter Mangrul Aalte Dhamni Padali Pare wadi pH 7.69 7.87 7.79 8..01 8.30 7.58 7.99 7.56 EC 0.875 0.509 0.975 1.042 0.436 0.362 0.419 0.272 Organic 1.01 0.97 0.97 1.64 0.97 1.13 1.36 1.25 carbon (%) Moisture (%) 0.67 1.14 0.71 0.27 0.40 0.41 0.09 0.34

Available P2O5 6.13 4.26 3.61 4.01 4.34 2.76 2.12 4.89 kg/Ha in Total Available 672 672 224 425.6 313.6 268.8 380.8 224.0 N kg/Ha

Available K2O 220 244.5 178.5 277.5 213 129.5 93.8 85.3 kg/Ha in 3.3.9 Geology

The basaltic lava flows belonging to the Deccan traps of upper cretaceous to Eocene age is the only geological formation occurring in Sangli district. Isolated patches of laterite are occurring along the eastern boundary. The Deccan traps are overlain by alluvial deposit at few places along the Krishna and Warna river. The stratigraphical sequence of various geological formations occurring in the district is given below.

Formation Age Lithology Alluvium Recent Sand silt and clay Laterite Pleistocene Laterites Deccan Traps Eocene to Upper Basaltic lava flows of amygdular and Cretaceous massive nature flows often separated by red bole.

The Deccan Traps are formed of effusive lava flows. These basaltic rocks are fine grained with gray to black in colour. They overlie the rocks of granitic composition with extremely irregular contact zones. They are formed of a number of lava flows towards the close of cretaceous. Subsequent to the bagh and lamet beds a large part of the Indian peninsula and entire study region was affected by an outburst of volcanic activity. It resulted in the eruption of lava flows and associated pyroclastic materials. These, some hundreds of meters of horizontally bedded sheets of basalt have resulted. The thickness of these beds decreases towards east. The beds

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Chapter III obliterated all the previously existing topographical details and it gave rise to an immense volcanic plateau. Basalt and laterite are two main types of rocks in the study area. The individual geological formations are described below in detail. Deccan Traps

The Deccan Traps are formed by piling of basaltic lava flows over one another. The individual flow has two distinct units. The upper layer generally consists of vesicular basalt. Vesicles are often filled by secondary minerals like zeolites, quartz, and calcite and hence called as zeolitic traps. The bottom layer consists of hard and compact massive basalt. The flows are usually separated by thick red clay compact massive basalt or called as "Red Bole". The thickness of flow varies from few meters to as much as 30 meters Laterite

Laterite caps over plateau tops have been observe along the eastern border of the district. The occurrence of laterite caps is of sporadic nature and does not have wide extension. Alluvium The river Krishna and Warna have deposited alluvium along the banks at few places. The alluvium consists of clay, slit and sand. The alluvium occurs in small patches and does not have a continuous stretch. It is underlain by the Deccan Traps. The thickness of alluvium is very insignificant and ranges between 6 to 10 meters. Lineaments

The presence of weaker zone i.e. fractures in the basaltic rock have been observed on the satellite imagery in the form of lineaments. Most of the lineaments are trending in northwest- southeast and northeast-southwest direction. The lineaments at places have controlled the drainage's.

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Figure 3.7: Geology of Sangli district

3.3.10 Geomorphology The Sangli district is dominated by the trappean land forms. The trappean land forms of the district have been divided in two groups depending upon origin of the land forms viz., the structural land forms and denudational land forms. The structural land forms again have been divided in two units depending upon the degree of dissections namely, 1) Highly dissected plateau (HDP) and 2) Moderately dissected plateau (MDP). A very small area along the major rivers shows the fluvial land forms. Various land forms have been identified and delineated by studying the image characters, which are described below in detail. Fluvial Origin

Valley Fill: A very small area along river Krishna and Warna is covered by alluvium which forms the valley fill. The area has a gentle slope, thick soil cover as well as covered by sand, silt and clay. The area forms the storage zone. Agriculture is the principal land use of the area. Structural Origin

Highly Dissected Plateau (HDP): The district is located at the foothills of steep sloping western ghat hill range. Therefore, major part of the district is exposed with hard and compact basaltic flows which also has a moderate to steep slope. These areas have been classified as the highly dissected plateau. The area has a very high drainage density and thin soil cover and therefore

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Chapter III forms the run-off zone. Major parts of Shirala, Khanapur, Tasgaon, Atpadi, Miraj, Kavthe- Mahankal and Jath tahsils are occupied by the highly dissected plateau. The highly dissected plateau units are dominated by the scrub lands.

Moderately Dissected Plateau (MDP): The low lying valley areas which has a moderate slope form the moderately dissected plateau ( MDP). These plateau units are also covered by the basaltic lava flows. The area has a moderate drainage density

Figure 3.8: Physiography of Sangli district

3.3.11 Hydrology Rivers and dams

• Krishna with tributaries Warna and Yerla flows through the western part of the district. • Warna flows from west to east along the southern boundary of the district and joins the Krishna at Haripur near Sangli town. • Yerla flows from north-west to south-east and after traversing the western parts of Khanapur and Tasgaon tahsils joins Krishna near Brahmanal • These rivers are the lifelines of the western half of the district and serve as source for large irrigation schemes. • Agrani, Man and Bor constitute the drainage system for the eastern part of the district. The water resources from these rivers are limited and they remain dry for most part of the year.

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• There is only one major dam at Chandoli on the river Warna. Besides, there are two major lift irrigation schemes on the . There are five Medium Irrigation Projects, namely Morna, Shindewadi, Bassappawadi, Doddanala and Sankh. There are 66 minor irrigation projects, 462 percolation tanks 353 masonry dams and 11 Kolhapur type weirs (Bandharas).

Figure 3.9: Drainage pattern – Sangli district

Drainage map of 10km radius study area shows highest order of drainage as 6th order. The study area is under the confluence of Yerala river which is one of the tributory of Krushna River. Many streams are contributing to the Yerala river from surrounding part of the study area. The pattern of drainage for the study area is mixture of trellis and Sub-draindritic.

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Figure 3.10: Drainage pattern for 10km Baseline status for Water quality Assessment of base line data on water environment includes • Identification of surface water sources, ground water sources • Collection of water sample • Analyzing collected water samples for mainly physical and chemical parameters

Water samples (includes surface & ground water samples) were collected from ten location and analyzed at laboratory of Department of Environmental Sciences of VSI. All the basic precaution and care were taken during the sampling to avoid contamination. Collection and analysis of water samples were carried out as per standard methods and a procedure prescribed by CPCB. Relevant IS and APHA standard methods were used for the analysis.

Figure 3.8: Water Sampling Location details

Number Location Number Location 1 Dhamni -Well water 6 Padali – well water 2 Pare bore well water 7 Bamni – Tube well water 3 Mangrul well water 8 Pare – reservoir water 4 Padali bore well water 9 Narsewadi – tube well 5 Pari Bore well water 10 Bamni – well water

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Table 3.9: Result of ground water and surface water analysis Parameter Location IS 10500 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 pH 8.02 6.9 8.4 8.2 8.3 8.1 7.4 8.3 8.1 8.2 6.5 to 8.5 EC (m-S) 0.67 1.05 0.97 0.59 0.71 0.86 1.35 0.38 1.37 0.69

Total 176 204 210 54 184 282 270 65 198 168 200 Hardness Calcium 20.8 6.4 16.03 16.9 24.04 24.8 20.84 24.04 16.03 28.05 Hardness Magnesium 30.13 45.68 41.31 2.9 30.13 53 52.1 1.2 38.4 23.8 Hardness Chloride 90 79 148.9 47 97 102 145.9 29 191.9 99 200 Alkalinity 10 BDL 12.5 12.5 7.5 5 BDL 5 BDL 5 200

Sulphate 40.8 65.9 35.2 15.3 34.7 47.2 52 7.3 58.2 37.1 200

Phosphate BDL 0.05 BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL TDS 616 792 722 468 500 930 946 990 950 582 500

Methyl 130 272.5 200 180 160 127.5 282.5 82.5 212.5 140 orange alkalinity Residual BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL chlorine BOD 26 10 11 06 14 12 10 12 BDL BDL

COD 64 25.6 25.6 12.8 38.4 25.6 25.6 25.6 BDL BDL

Sodium 61.2 72.5 116.3 93.5 73.9 52.9 35.8 24.8 42.4 64.3

Potassium 23.2 11.8 23.1 22.3 23.6 8.6 16.3 16.9 24.7 22.1

Cu 0.005 0.009 0.002 0.00 BDL 0.001 BDL BDL 0.001 0.008 0.05 2 Zn 0.001 0.002 0.014 0.01 0.009 0.007 0.015 0.017 0.024 0.017 5 3 Mn 0.009 0.009 0.011 0.00 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.002 0.011 0.010 0.1 7 Fe BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.020 BDL BDL 0.3 note – All parameters are in mg/lit. Except pH and EC Water samples 7 and 10 were collected from sources close to the site. Water analysis table reveals that the water is mild alkaline in nature at most of the places. As per IS 10500 for drinking water, Total dissolved solids (TDS) was observed to be exceeding the standard limit of 500mg/L. Hardness limit of 200mg/L was found to be exceeding at location Pare, Mangrul, Padali and

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Dhamni. BOD/COD values were significant for well water collected from village Dhamni. Overall, the water quality in 10km radius area was partly deteriorated but acceptable for domestic activities.

3.3.12 Air environment

The ambient air quality status was monitored in the study area of the site. Baseline values of the same were used to calculate incremental air pollution load with respect to monitored locations. Thus, it helped in predicting the impacts due to the proposed activity on the air environment of the study area. Methodology of monitoring The ambient air quality monitoring has been conducted during the months of March to May 2014 (summer season). Monitoring has been conducted twice a week, for 24 hours at one location. The fine dust sampler of Polltech Make were used to collect air samples for PM10, Pm 2.5, SOx and NOx. There were four stations installed in the factory premises and six stations were in the surrounding villages, including prevailing upwind and downwind directions. The monitoring locations are shown in figure 3.11.

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Figure 3.11: Ambient air monitoring locations Table 3.10: Ambient Air Monitoring Observations

Location: Village Pare (Rural residential area) NAAQS for PM10 (24h): 100 µg/m3 PM 2.5 (24h): = 60 µg/m3 SOx (24h): =80 µg/m3 NOx (24h): = 80 µg/m3 Direction from site - north; Distance 2.3km

Parameter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 98th percentile

PM10 62.5 58.1 52.9 55.1 60.6 57.1 60.7 61.5 59.1 57.8 56.2 57.2 62.28

PM2.5 14.3 16.3 12.6 13.7 17.0 18.7 19.3 18.1 16.3 15.5 15.4 15.3 19.17

NOx 8.40 7.80 7.20 6.60 6.40 6.90 7.40 8.10 7.90 8.00 8.20 7.80 8.36

SO2 5.9 6.2 6.9 7.2 7.1 7.5 7.3 6.9 7.4 7.1 6.8 7.3 7.48

Location Village Padali (Rural residential area) NAAQS for PM10 (24h): 100 µg/m3 PM 2.5 (24h): = 60 µg/m3 SOx (24h): =80 µg/m3 NOx (24h): = 80 µg/m3

Direction from site: East Distance: 2km

Parameter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 98th percentile

PM10 80.2 78.3 72.4 75.9 80.2 75.5 76.0 76.8 79.9 85.2 80.7 77.5 84.21

PM2.5 23.4 24.6 26.2 25.7 20.1 19.9 23.9 28.1 27.6 28.9 30.7 26.4 30.30

NOx 9.65 8.90 8.70 9.40 10.7 11.4 9.9 10.8 10.5 9.90 11.2 10.7 11.36

SO2 5.3 5.7 6.0 7.2 6.9 7.1 7.4 6.8 7.5 7.8 8.2 8.5 8.43

Location: Village Narsewadi (Rural residential NAAQS for PM10 (24h): 100 µg/m3 area) PM 2.5 (24h): = 60 µg/m3 SOx (24h): =80 µg/m3 NOx (24h): = 80 µg/m3 Direction from site: ENE Distance 4.7km

Parameter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 98th percentile

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PM10 50.0 45.7 47.2 53.4 46.3 40.1 42.7 38.6 44.7 38.2 30.5 33.5 52.65

PM2.5 23.1 20.4 18.6 21.5 24.5 14.9 17.9 17.5 16.2 20.5 20.7 14.7 24.19

NOx 8.42 7.8 7.2 6.9 7.1 7.5 6.9 8.10 8.50 9.10 7.70 7.20 8.97

SO2 6.23 5.7 5.0 5.40 6.20 6.90 7.10 6.20 5.50 5.20 6.10 5.80 7.07

Location: Village Hatnoli (Rural residential area) NAAQS for PM10 (24h): 100 µg/m3 PM 2.5 (24h): = 60 µg/m3 SOx (24h): =80 µg/m3 NOx (24h): = 80 µg/m3 Direction from site: South Distance: 5km

Parameter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 98th percentile

PM10 37.5 40.4 32.2 25.7 30.1 26.7 18.1 22.6 31.5 32.4 34.7 30.8 39.76

PM2.5 16.6 15.5 18.4 11.7 21.1 22.7 14.7 12.1 11.3 17.8 14.9 15.0 22.35

NOx 8.06 8.10 7.70 8.20 9.10 9.60 8.30 9.10 9.70 8.90 7.80 8.70 9.68

SO2 6.27 7.50 8.20 8.40 7.90 7.70 6.70 7.80 8.80 9.10 8.00 7.10 9.03

Location: Village Bamni (Rural residential NAAQS for PM10 (24h): 100 µg/m3 area) PM 2.5 (24h): = 60 µg/m3 SOx (24h): =80 µg/m3 NOx (24h): = 80 µg/m3 Direction from site - South Distance 2.4km Parameter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 98th percentile

PM10 62.0 55.3 66.3 51.6 58.8 64.1 59.1 57.8 54.0 50.1 47.8 49.2 65.82

PM2.5 21.8 18.9 27.8 20.6 15.9 28.4 19.1 17.2 18.1 14.6 15.8 17.2 28.27

NOx 7.92 8.8 9.1 10.2 8.4 8.9 7.5 6.4 7.1 7.8 8.0 7.1 9.96

SO2 5.95 6.05 8.02 7.60 7.10 8.0 8.30 7.75 8.60 9.00 8.25 7.55 8.91

Location: Village Aalte (Rural residential area) NAAQS for PM10 (24h): 100 µg/m3 PM 2.5 (24h): = 60 µg/m3 SOx (24h): =80 µg/m3 NOx (24h): = 80 µg/m3 Direction from site; Southwest Distance: 7km Parameter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 98th percentile

PM10 50.2 57.1 49.4 44.8 57.2 48.9 51.9 46.6 57.4 60.1 52.1 55.7 59.51

PM2.5 20.9 26.75 17.9 20.2 27.4 22.2 23.0 20.1 16.8 25.9 23.4 29.7 29.19

NOx 7.80 9.25 10.1 9.75 11.1 11.6 10.7 10.1 9.55 8.85 8.70 7.75 11.49

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SO2 6.12 8.25 7.85 9.10 8.80 10.2 7.90 7.10 8.7 7.75 8.50 9.10 9.96

Location: Existing sugar mill premises - Main gate NAAQS for PM10 (24h): 100 µg/m3 PM 2.5 (24h): = 60 µg/m3 (Industrial area) SOx (24h): =80 µg/m3 NOx (24h): = 80 µg/m3 Direction from site - south; Distance: 0.3km Parameter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 98th percentile

PM10 86.5 80.7 84.9 79.1 85.5 81.6 74.1 66.7 59.7 63.3 50.7 55.9 86.28

PM2.5 36.4 29.7 38.1 33.8 31.5 30.7 28.4 35.1 29.4 30.8 22.5 24.7 37.73

NOx 8.50 10.25 9.55 11.7 10.5 12.2 11.1 11.8 8.9 7.75 8.10 6.90 12.11

SO2 6.35 8.75 9.25 8.5 10.2 10.9 8.9 9.5 8.8 7.9 6.7 7.10 10.75

Location: Existing sugar mill premises – Near NAAQS for PM10 (24h): 100 µg/m3 Laboratory PM 2.5 (24h): = 60 µg/m3 (Industrial area) SOx (24h): =80 µg/m3 NOx (24h): = 80 µg/m3 Direction from site – south west; Distance: ~1.0km

Parameter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 98th percentile

PM10 62.1 55.3 64.7 69.1 66.2 57.9 66.0 60.4 54.9 50.1 53.7 41.8 68.46

PM2.5 28.5 30.4 32.1 27.8 37.1 22.6 30.7 30.2 27.6 28.9 22.9 13.7 36

NOx 7.57 8.25 9.50 10.1 10.5 9.9 10.2 10.8 11.3 10.7 9.90 9.10 11.19

SO2 6.3 7.5 8.2 8.5 7.75 7.2 6.8 6.9 6.5 7.25 7.5 6.8 8.43

Location: Existing sugar mill premises – Guest NAAQS for PM10 (24h): 100 µg/m3 house PM 2.5 (24h): = 60 µg/m3 (Industrial area) SOx (24h): =80 µg/m3 NOx (24h): = 80 µg/m3 Direction from site - west; Distance: ~1.0km Parameter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 98th percentile

PM10 50.2 54.2 49.5 59.1 60.8 51.3 49.5 57.8 48.7 51.5 45.3 39.7 60.43

PM2.5 23.4 18.8 17.3 19.4 27.1 21.4 20.9 18.8 15.5 22.1 16.2 18.7 26.29

NOx 9.16 8.20 8.55 9.15 9.90 10.5 9.75 9.25 10.1 10.3 9.1 8.7 10.46

SO2 6.75 7.5 7.8 8.2 7.85 7.25 6.85 7.9 7.2 7.0 6.8 5.7 8.13

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Location: Existing sugar mill premises – NAAQS for PM10 (24h): 100 µg/m3 Administrative office PM 2.5 (24h): = 60 µg/m3 (Industrial area) SOx (24h): =80 µg/m3 NOx (24h): = 80 µg/m3 Direction from site - southwest Distance: 1.2km

Parameter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 98th percentile

PM10 37.5 44.6 36.2 41.7 40.4 45.8 39.8 32.1 30.0 28.7 27.5 36.9 45.54

PM2.5 17.5 18.7 14.8 18.9 19.3 22.1 16.5 17.5 15.0 14.5 12.0 14.4 21.48

NOx 10.25 10.7 11.4 10.4 10.8 11.2 10.5 9.9 10.7 9.90 9.50 9.25 11.36

SO2 7.60 8.2 8.5 7.85 8.1 8.5 8.9 8.1 7.75 7.8 7.25 7.5 8.81

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Chapter III Observations

The observations for PM 10, PM 2.5, SO2 and NO2 were well within new National Ambient Air Quality (NAAQ) Standards (November 2009). Predominant wind direction during monitoring period was west, southwest. Padali village at a distance of 2.km is in downwind direction and influenced by the sugar mill air pollutants. Village Narsewadi is another residential area located towards east of the factory at a distance of 4.5km. This is located on a small hillock of 17-20m in height. The concentrations of measured parameters (i.e. PM, SOx, NOx) were significantly less compared to village Padali. There are two sugar mills in 20km radious area of the factory; namely Yashwant Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Limited towards north west at approx 16km from the site and Tasgaon Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Limited towards southwest at 17km from the site. Cane transportation and crushing operations of these factories might have some influence on ambient air quality of the study zone. The other influencing factors for ambient air quality of study zone were agricultural activities in the surrounding area, domestic activities, vehicular movements, etc.

3.3.13 Noise environment Noise in general, is sound which is composed of many frequency components of various loudness, distributed over the audible frequency range or Noise can be defined as an unwanted sound. It interferes with speech and hearing. If intense enough, it can damage hearing, or is otherwise annoying. The definition of noise as unwanted sound implies that it has an adverse effect on human beings and their environment. Noise can also disturb natural wildlife and ecological system.

The most common and universally accepted scale for noise measurement is the weighted scale which is termed as dB. This is more suitable for audible range of 20- 20,000 Hz and has been designed to weigh various components of noise according to the response of a human ear. The environmental impact assessment of a noise from the industrial activity, vehicular traffic can be undertaken by taking into consideration various factors like potential damage to hearing, physiological responses, annoyance and general community responses which have several effects varying from rise Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) etc.

Noise levels were measured using a sound level meter. Noise survey has been conducted in the study area to assess the background noise levels in different zones viz. residential, and Industrial zones. Noise samples were collected from four locations within factory premises and eight locations in the surrounding study zone.

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Figure 3.12: Noise monitoring locations Method of Monitoring Sound pressure level (SPL) measurements were undertaken at above locations, for a period of 10 seconds, at an interval of 30 minutes per hour for 24 hours. The day noise level has been monitored for 6 am to 10 pm and night levels during 10pm to 6am at all monitored locations. The results of the noise monitoring at the places monitored are given in Table 3.11 A reconnaissance survey was undertaken to identify the major noise generating sources in the area. The different sources of noise were identified - mainly from industrial activities, commercial activities at very minor scale, traffic, etc. The noise monitoring has been conducted at all the identified location in the study area during the study period. Measured noise levels, displayed, as a function of time, is useful for describing the acoustical climate of the community. Noise levels recorded at each station with a time interval of about 30 minutes are computed for equivalent noise levels. Equivalent noise level is a single number descriptor for describing time varying noise levels. The equivalent noise level is defined mathematically as

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Leq = 10 Log L / T∑ (10Ln/10) Where, L = Sound pressure level at function of time dB (A) T = Time interval of observation Table 3.11: Noise monitoring results (dB A)

Location Avg. level day Avg. level night Standard time time Day time Night time Factory main gate 61.9 54.7 (Industrial area) Factory Laboratory 65.2 63.2 (Industrial area) 75 70 Factory ETP 54.2 52.2 (Industrial area) Factory guest house 60.1 56.1 (Industrial area) Padali 58.1 44.2 55 45 (rural residential area) Pare 55.8 42.1 55 45 rural residential area) Narsewadi 60.2 44.3 55 45 (rural residential area) Dhondewadi 50.1 40.6 55 45 (rural residential area) Hatnoli 52.3 40.4 55 45 (rural residential area) Dhamni 53.2 41.8 55 45 (rural residential area) Mangalur (at market - 54.2 43.5 65 55 commercial place) Aalte (busy road) 55.3 42.2 55 45

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Chapter III Observations

Noise levels within factory premises were observed within national standards for industrial zone. Day time noise levels were observed exceeding the standard (55dB(A) level at village Padali, Pare, and Narsewadi mainly due to agricultural and domestic activities. At village Aalte the noise levels were measured for the traffic, where average levels observed to be exceeded for day time.

3.3.14 Ecology And Biodiversity The study area is having semi-arid climatic conditions, where grassland vegetation (ecosystems) with sparse trees is very common. But, due to human development, it is largely converted into agricultural/ cultivated land. Aquatic ecosystems were observed in the form of small artificial tanks, ponds, etc. Rivers flows only in rainy season. Sagareshwar wild life sanctuary, having area of 10.87 sq.km is the nearest sanctuary to the site. It is located at approx 26km from the site towards southwest. Vegetation

Vegetation in the surrounding 10km radius zone was predominantly cultivated one. The crops observed in the study zone are enlisted in table 3.12 (B). In case of natural vegetation, the site is located in Khanapur Taluka of the district, which is towards east. Theses Eastern Taluka of the district such as Atpadi, Jath, Kavathe Mahankal, Miraj (East), Tasgaon (East) and Khanapur are low rainfall areas hence drought prone. The study area of the project is also part of this low rainfall zone. Hence, the natural vegetation observed in the study zone is matching with semi arid climate, grasses are dominant with scrubby vegetation. Species such as Acacia, Tamarind, Neem, Kashid, Subabool, Gulmolhar, Anjan, Nilgiri, Australian Acacia, Pangara, Chilar, Sisoo, Agave, Khair, Karnaj, Shiras, Char, Bahava, Dhavada, were very commonly observed. Plantation of Gliricidia under social forestry was observed very frequently. Some of these were grown naturally where as fewer introduced one. Generally, small hill slopes are covered with grasses. Fauna

There are no major wild fauna observed in the study zone. Amongst these wild hare, snakes, squirrels and different types of birds, which commonly observed on Deccan plateau, were recorded from the area.

No any red listed floral or faunal element was recorded from the study area.

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Table 3.12: List of plant observed in the study zone

Location 1: Factory site and Bamni ; 2: Dhamni; 3: Padali; 4: Narsewadi; 5: Dhondewadi; 6: Hanoli; 7: Aalte; 8: Chinchani; 9: Mangril; 10: Pare

Botanical Name Common Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1. Abrus percatorius Guni - - - + + - - - + - 2. Acacia catechu Khair + + - + + - - - - 3. Acacia Leucophloea Hivar + + + - + + + + + + 4. Acacia nilotica (L.) Del. Babhul + + + + + + + + + + 5. Adhatoda zeylanica Adulsa - + - + + + - - - - Medic. 6. Aegle marmelos Bel - - - + - + - - - + 7. Agave Americana Ghypat + + + - + - + + + + 8. Albizzia lebak Shirish + + + + - + + - + 9. Amaranthus spinosus + - + - - + + + + +

10. Annona squamosa Sitaphal + + + + - - + + - + 11. Apluda mutica + - + - + + - + + + 12. Azadiracta indica A. Juss Kadu Limb/ + + + + + + + + + + Neem 13. Bauhinia purpurea L. Kanchan + - + - + - - + + + 14. Bauthinia recemosa Apta + + + - - + + - + + 15. Bougainvillea spectabilis Bogan Vel + - + + + - + + + + Willd 16. Butea monosperma Palas - + + + + + - - - - 17. Calatropis procera Ruhi + + + + + + - + - +

18. Caparis zeylancia Waghoti - - + + + - + - + - 19. Cardiospermum Sp Kapalphadi - - - + - - - - + - 20. Cassia auriculata Taravad + - + - + + + + + +

21. Cassia fistula Bahava - + - + - + + + - -

22. Cassia siamea Kasid + + + - + + - 23. Chloris barbata + + + + + + + + + +

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Botanical Name Common Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 24. Cleome viscose Tinval - + + + - - + - + -

25. Cordia dichotoma Bhokar - - - - + - - - - 26. Cymbopogon sp - - + - - + - - - +

27. Cynodon dactylon Durva/ Harali + + + + + + + + + +

28. Cyperous rotundous wala - + - - - + + + + -

29. Dallbergia sisoo Shisam + - + - + + - + + + 30. Delonix regia (Hook.) Gulmohor + + + + + + + + + + Refln. 31. Dhatura metal Dhotra + + - + + + - + + +

32. Eclipta alba Maka + + + + + + - + - +

33. Eragrostis sp Chimniche pohe + + + + + + + + + +

34. Eragrostris uniloidis Chimniche pohe + + + + + + - - + -

35. Erythrina variegate L. Pangara + + + + + + + + + + 36. Eucalyptus Spp. Nilgiri + + - + - + - - - + 37. Euphorbia nerifolia L. Nivdunga + + + + + + - + + +

38. Euphorbia tirucalli Sher + - + - + + + - + +

39. Ficus benghalensis L. Wad + + + + + + + + + + 40. Ficus recemosa L. Umbar + + + + + + + + + + 41. Ficus religiosa L. Pimpal + + + + + + + + + + 42. Ficus retusa Nandruk + + + + - + - - - + 43. Gliricidia sepium Fabaceae + + + - + + - + + + 44. Grewia tilifolia Dhavda - + - + + + - - + + 45. Heteropogon species + - + - + - - - - -

46. Jatropha gossipifolia Moghli errand + + - + - - + + - -

47. Lantana camara Ghaneri + + + + + + + + + + 48. Legenaria vulgaris Dudhani - - + - + - + - - -

49. Leucaena Leucocephala Subabul + + + + + + + + + +

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Botanical Name Common Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 50. Mangifer indica Mango/ Amba + + + + + + + + - + 51. Moringa oleifera Shevaga + + + + + + + + + + 52. Musa paradiasiaca Kel + + + + + + + + + + 53. Nyctanthus arbor-tristis Parijatak, + + + + - + - + + + L. Prajakta 54. Ocium basilicum Ran Tulas - + + + + - + - +

55. Parthenium Congress grass + + + + + + + + + hysterophorus

56. Phylanthus amarus - + - + + + - + - - 57. Pithecellobium dulce Vilayati Chinch + - - - + - + - + + 58. Polyalthia longifolia Ashok + + + + + + + + + 59. Pongamia Pinnata (L.) Karanj + + + + + + + + + + Pierre 60. Proscopis juliflora Vedi Babhul + + + + + + + + + + 61. Prosopis spicigera Shami + + - + + - - + 62. Rhus parviflora Amoni - - - + + - + - - - 63. Scoparia dulsis + + + - + - - - + + 64. Solanum nigrum Bhui ringni - + + + - + + - - + 65. Sporobolus indicus - + + - + - + - + - 66. Syzygium cumini (L.) Jambhul + - + - + - + - + + Skeels 67. Tamarindus indica Chinch + + + - + + + + + 68. Tectona grandis Sag - + - + - + - + - + 69. Tinospora cordifolia Gulvel - - - + + - + - - - 70. Tridax procubens Ekdandi / Tantani + + + + + + + + + + 71. Tridex procumbanse + + + + + + + + + + 72. Vitex negundo L. Nirgudi + + + + + + + + + + 73. Vitis spp Draksha - - + + + - - + - - 74. Urena lobata L. - + - + - - + + + + 75. Xanthium strumarium L. Dhotri + - + - + - - - + + 76. Ziziphus jujuba Gaertn. Bor - - + + - + - + - +

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Botanical Name Common Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 77. Zizyphus mauritiana Bor + + + + + + + + + + Lamk. B) Agricultural crops

S. No Common Name Botanical Name 1) Bajari Pennisetum typhoides 2) Chilly Capsicum sps. 3) Groundnut Arachis hypogaca 4) Hulaga Dholichos biflorus 5) Jawar Sorghum vulgare 6) Karadai Carthamus tinctorius 7) Maka Zea mays 8) Sugarcane Saccharum officinaraum 9) Til Sesamum indicum 10) Tobacco Nicotiana tobacum 11) Tomato Lycopersicon lycopersicum 12) Wheat Triticum sativum 13) Grapes Vitis vinifera 14) Turmeric Curcuma longa

Table 3.13: Fauna: The animal life of Study Zone

S. No Species Name Scientific Name 1. Cattle Egret Bulbulcus ibis 2. Little Egret Egretta garzetta 3. Blackeared or Large Indian Kite Milvus lineatus 4. Ring Dove Streptopelia decaocto 5. Spotted Dove Streptopelia chinensis 6. Koel Eudynamys scolopacea 7. Crow Pheasant Centropus sinensis 8. Small or Common Blue Kingfisher Alcedo atthis 9. White Breasted kingfisher Halcyon snyrensis 10. Small Green Bee-eater Merops orientalis 11. Large Green Barbet Megalaima zeylancia 12. Small Green Barbet Megalaima viridis

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13. Black Drongo Dicrurus adsimilis 14. Common Myna Acridotheres tristis 15. Jungle Myna Acridotheres fuscus 16. House Crow Corvus splendens 17. Jungle Crow Corvus macrorhynchos 18. Red whiskered Bulbul Pycnonotus jocosus 19. Red vented Bulbul Pycnonotus cafer 20. Spotted Babbler Pellorneum ruficeps 21. Magpie Robin Copsychus saularis 22. Indian Robin Saxicoloides fulicata 23. Grey Wagtail Motacilla capsica 24. Purple Sunbird Nectarinia asiatica 25. House Sparrow Passer domesticus 26. Rose ringed parakeet Psittacula Krameri b) Mammals

S No Species Name Scientific Name 1. House rat Rattus rattus 2. Dog Canis familiaris 3. Mongoose Herpestes auro punctatus 4. Domestic cat Felis domesticus 5. Cow Bos indicus 6. Buffalo Bubulus bubales 7. Sheep Ovis 8. Squirrel Funanbulus pennanti 9. Goat Capra sp 10. Indian hare Lepus nigricollis 11. Common bat Scotophilus heathi c) Fish Scientific name Local name Mastacembelus armatus (Lacep) Vam

Anguilla angiulla (Ham.) Aheer

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Oxygaster clupeoids (BL.) Vadshi

Oxvgaster Phulo Alkut

Barilius evazardi (Day) Thorya

Perilampus atpar (Ham.) Sonukli

Danio aequipinnatus (Meolelland) Balloki.

Brachydanio rario (Ham.) Dandai, Dandali

Puntius kolus (Skyes) Kolshi

Puntius sarana (Ham.) Khavli

Labeo boggut (Sykes) Sandasi, Sandi

Labeo fimbriatus (Bl) Tambir

Lepidocephachthys thermatic (C. and V.) Mori

Nemachilichtys rupelli (Sykes) Chikli d) Other Faunal elements

S No Name Zoological name 1 Common bull frog Rana Tigrina 2 Cobra (King) Naja naja 3 Rattle snake Crotalus horoidus

e) Livestock details

Livestock Male Female Total (‘000) (‘000) (‘000) Local low yielding (non descriptive) 79.5 66.5 146.0 cattle crossbred cattle 41.7 35.9 77.6 Buffaloes - local low yielding – non 20.8 256.6 276.6 descriptive Goat 369.9 Sheep 207.0 commercial dairy farms 8.23 Poultry Number of farms 212 Birds (‘000) 2125

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3.3.15 Socio-Economy

Figure 3.13: Habitation map for 10km radius study zone

It could be observed from habitation map (figure 3.13) that the habitation is sparsely dispersed in the 5- 7km radius area. The density observed to be more towards 10km boundary towards North, Northeast and east of the site. There are 23 villages in the 10km radious area of which only eight villages are in 5km radius circle. Demography (Census 2011)

Table 3.14: Population details (for 10km radius area and for the district)

Sr. Village name Male Female Total No. Population 1 Alta 1029 1037 2,066 2 Limb 620 660 1,280

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Sr. Village name Male Female Total No. Population 3 Hathnoli 1060 1061 2,121 4 Dhamani 606 644 1,250 5 Padali 482 569 1,051 6 Dhondgewadi 225 255 480 7 Kachrewadi 332 342 674 8 Ped 2871 2719 5,590 9 Hathnur 2478 2383 4,861 10 Visapur 1752 1761 3,513 11 Vita 21607 20197 41,804 12 Borgaon 2560 2523 5,083 13 Chichni.2 2231 1843 4,074 14 Bamni 1069 1077 2,146 15 Khambale 1138 764 1,902 16 Kindarwadi 276 359 6,35 17 Karve 1128 1139 2,267 18 Kurli 988 1023 2,011 19 Renavi 1058 1177 2,235 20 Revangaon 553 646 1,199 21 Ghoti (kh) 574 670 1,244 22 Ghoti(bk) 869 862 1,731 23 Ghanwad 1428 1346 2,774 Total 46,934 45,057 91,991 Demography of the sangli district

Description Rural Urban Population (%) 74.51 % 25.49 % Total Population 2,102,786 719,357 Male Population 1,071,124 364,604 Female Population 1,031,662 354,753

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Sex Ratio 963 973 Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 859 889 Child Population (0-6) 230,283 76,494 Male Child(0-6) 123,855 40,500 Female Child(0-6) 106,428 35,994 Child Percentage (0-6) 10.95 % 10.63 % Male Child Percentage 11.56 % 11.11 % Female Child Percentage 10.32 % 10.15 % Literates 1,495,094 554,373 Male Literates 827,806 293,744 Female Literates 667,288 260,629 Average Literacy 79.84 % 86.24 % Male Literacy 87.39 % 90.63 % Female Literacy 72.12 % 81.76 %

Table 3.15: Seasonal Migration details

Purpose Area Period Estimated population (Talukas) (calendar months) in Migration Sugarcane Sangli (Miraj) Nov. to May 15,851 cutting and Walwa (Walwa) Nov. to May 11,730 transport Islampur (Walwa) Nov. to May 21,490 Chikali (Shirala) Nov. to April 5,630 Nagewadi (Khanapur) Kavathe Nov. to April 6,060 Mahankal (Kavathe Mahankal) Nov. to April 4,436 Jath (Jath) Nov. to April 2,020 Atpadi (Atpadi) Nov. to April 3,800 Tasgaon (Tasgaon) Nov. to June 6,000 Total Sangli District Nov. to June 77,017 Occupation Pattern

Agriculture is the main occupation of the people. The villages are well connected with the urban areas of the district for their needs such as education, health, administrative, industrial produces, fertilizers and

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Chapter III pesticides and also as a market centers for the agricultural productions. Majority of farmers takes animal husbandry as an occupation, supplementary to farming. Rearing goats and sheep, Poultry are other important occupations observed in the district. The mining activity is also observed where resources are available in the district for extraction of stones, grits and bauxite. The sand from river bed is also used for construction. Some people are working in mining occupation. As Sangli district is endowed with various river beds and many water storage tanks, dams, due to these resources some people are working in fishing occupation.

The role of sugar factories through co-operative and private sector is much important in the development of industrial sector. Additionally, separate industrial estates are developed at Miraj, Kupwad, Palus, Vita, Jat and , through Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation. Besides those the dairy farms, chilling plants and hatcheries, spinning mills are also among growing industries. These Industrial developments are providing secondary occupation to the locals. Agriculture and Cropping Pattern in the District

Net cultivated area is 594,623 hectares, while double crops area is 59,743 hectares. Thus gross cropped area is 654,366 Hectares . Net cropped area is 82% as compared to the total cultivable area. Major crops include Paddy, Jowar, Bajra, Groundnut, Wheat, Gram, sugarcane, Soybean, Grapes, turmeric, Pomegranate, and Ber.

Out of the net cultivable area, 46% is under Jowar and 16% under Bajra. Jowar (Kharif) is sown in Walwa, Miraj, Tasgaon, tahsils while Jowar (Rabi) is taken in Miraj (east), Khanapur, Atpadi, Jath and Kavathe Mahankal tahsils. Bajra is grown in Jath, Atpadi and Kavathe Mahankal tahsils. Paddy is taken in Shirala and Walwa tahsils. Sugarcane is taken in all the tahsils where there is assured source of water. Grapes are cultivated in Tasgaon, Khanapur and Kavathe Mahankal tahsils. Tasgaon grapes are famous in India and the Middle East. Pomegranates and Ber are taken in Jath and Atpadi tahsils while Soyabean is cultivated in Walwa, Miraj, Tasgaon and Khanapur Tahsils. These tahsils also have groundnut crop.

Table 3.16: Cropping pattern observed for the Sangli district

Crop Types Names Cropping Period in Market Months (District State Export) Major Crops 1) Sugarcane 12 & 18 months Sugar factories in Sangli dist. (Irrigated) 2) Grapes 12 months 3) Turmeric

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Major Crops 1) Hy. Jowar 4 to 5 months District / State (Non-irrigated) 2) Bajra 3) Soybean 4) Groundnut Major Cash crops 1) Sugarcane 12 months Sugar factories 2) Grapes 12 months Dist./ State, India, 3) Ber 12 months Foreign Dist./State 4) Pomegranate 6 months State /India Major Plantations Mango, Guava, 12 months District State, India Pomegranate, 6 months Coconut 6 months

Table 3.17: Irrigation Facilities

Net irrigated area 174,000ha Gross irrigated area 190,000ha Rainfed area 421.6 ha source of irrigation Number Area (000 ha) Percentage canal - 45 25.9 tank 100 0.2 0.1 Open well 54,065 63.6 36.5 bore well 133 3.4 2.0 Lift irrigation schemes 680 40.0 23.0 micro-irrigation 10.0 5.7 Other sources 11.7 6.7 Total Irrigated area 174.00 100 Pumps 35,000 Tractors 4,000 Power Stations And Electricity Installations

In Sangli district, there is one Circle at Sangli and separate Divisions for rural and urban areas. Three rural Divisions are located at Sangli, Islampur and Vita and one urban Division at Sangli. Besides, the Sub- Divisions at Tahsils and Brach Offices at village levels are also functioning. There are 275 km of High Tension Lines (220 & 110 KW), 5300 km of High Tension Lines (32 & 11 KV) and 11405 km of Medium Tension Lines. There are 8 highest tension stations and 32 high and medium tension stations.

Power supply is given to all the villages and Harijan households (wastis). Sangli district ranks sixth in the state in supply of power to agricultural pumps. A total of 508,361 thousand KW of power is being used in the district, out of which 44% is for industry, 25% for Agriculture, 20% for domestic purposes, 5% for trade and commerce and 2% for street lighting.

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Chapter III Education Facilities

Primary education facilities at mahapalika level and palika level are provided by themselves while at gram-panchayat level such facilities are provided by Zilla Parishad. The zilla parishad also provides secondary and higher secondary educational facilities in the district. There are 1824 Zilla Parishad – Primary schools, 476 secondary schools, 117 junior and senior colleges, 11 D.Ed. / B.P. Ed, 1 law college, 2 medical colleges, 2 engineering colleges, 2 polytechnic colleges and 2 pharmacy colleges in the Sangli district. The educational facilities are mainly concentrated at Sangli, Miraj, Islampur and Vita city/towns of the district. Higher education, professional and technical educational facilities are provided by private institutions too. Medical Facilities

Sangli and Miraj are well known for availability of the best medical facilities. Well equipped medical institutions including a medical college are located in and around these two cities. Miraj Mission Hospital is the biggest medical centre where eminent medical surgeons and expert consultants render medical services. People from other states in India as well as Arab Countries also come for receiving medical treatment in this hospital. Industries

Though Sangli district is not backward in industrial development, but it cannot be said to be advanced. Some industries are concentrated at Sangli-Miraj urban area, Islampur, Palus, , Chikhali, Atpadi, Walwa, Kavathe Mahankal and Thurch Phata. In rest of the district there is no industrialization The district is mainly recognized for sugar and cotton textile industries in the state. There are 15 co- operative and 3 private sugar factories (refer table3.18) and 21 cotton industries in the District. one engineering factory is located at Kirloskarwadi and one bulb factory at Nerle. The city Vita, Madhavnagar area of Sangli is famous for power looms. There are six state industrial estates in the district situated at Sangli, Miraj, Vita, Kavthe-Mahankal, Islampur and Kadegaon and four co-operative industrial estates situated at Sangli, Miraj and Palus. There are 692 registered factories of which 594 are working. Capital invested amounts to Rs.301 Crores and working capital amounts to Rs.146 Crores. There are 36,000 workers. There are near about 7032 registered small scale industries employing about 25,000 workers. Small scale industries like handlooms, garments, waving rough blankets are also established. Miraj is famous for string instrument “Sitar”. In addition, there are many other industries like diamond cuttings,

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Chapter III

Silver and gold ornaments, pottery making, foot wares, cement and plastic pipes. Cottage industries are making pickle, papad, etc. There are nine industrial training institutes in Sangli district. List of sugar factories and distilleries of Sangli district Table 3.18: List of sugar and distillery units in the Sangli district # Sugar unit Crushing Distance Distillery status capacity (TCD) (km) 1. Manganga Sahakari Sakhar 1250 75 Unit of 30KLPD Molasses source – Karkhana Limited attached sugar unit 2. Hutatma Kisan Ahir Sahakari 3500 80 30KLPD proposed /under process Sakhar Karkhana Limited 3. Mahankali Sahakari Sakhar 1250 60 No distillery unit Karkhana Limited 4. Rajarambapu Patil Sahakari 4000 50 75KLPD unit – molasses sources – Sakhar Karkhana Limited own sugar unit 5. Vasantdada Shetkari Sahakari 7500 90 45KLPD unit - molasses sources – Sakhar Karkhana Limited own sugar unit 6. Vishwasrao Naik Sahakari 2500 80 30KLPD unit - molasses sources – Sakhar Karkhana Limited own sugar unit 7. Yashwant Sahakari Sakhar 1250 18 No distillery unit Karkhana Limited - Khanapur 8. Tasgaon Sahakari Sakhar 2750 16 No distillery unit Karkhana Limited 9. R.V. Daphale Sahakari Sakhar 2500 55 No distillery unit Karkhana Limited 10. Sonhira Sahakari Sakhar 2500 65 30 KLPD unit - molasses sources – Karkhana Limited own sugar unit 11. Ninaidevi Sahakari Sakhar 1750 60 No distillery unit Karkhana Limited 12. Cane Agro Energy (P) Ltd 2500 45 45KLPD unit - proposed 13. Kranti Sahakari Sakhar 4000 30 - Karkhana Limited

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Chapter III

# Sugar unit Crushing Distance Distillery status capacity (TCD) (km) 14. Mohanrao Shinde Sahakari 2500 40 No distillery unit Sakhar Karkhana Limited 15. Sarvodaya Sahakari Sakhar 2500 45 No distillery unit Karkhana Limited 16. Rajarambapu Sahakari Sakhar 2500 70 No distillery unit Karkhana Limited -Wategaon 17. Sadguru Sri Sugar (P) Ltd 2500 50 No distillery unit 18. Udagiri Sugar and Power Ltd 2500 - 30KLPD unit - Proposed Transport and Communication Network The site is well connected by road as well as railway network. State highway 111 and 78 are the nearest highways to the site, at a distance of approx 9km towards north and east respectively. Mumbai- Banlore National highway 4 is approx 50km from the site. The district is connected with the rail, highway, roads and state roads with remaining area of the state and the country. Road length in Sangli district is 8315 km of which 1015 km roads are in charge of PWD, 6850 km belong to Zilla Parishad and 450 km are in Municipal council area. There is one National highway of 30 km, 111 km of major State Highways, 809km State Highways, 1952 km Major district Roads, 2710 km Other District Roads and remaining are village roads. State transport buses run on 1193 routes of 55.2 thousand km. Daily average buses on route are 734, carrying passengers average 3.04 lakhs per day. There is a separate Regional Transport Office in Sangli.

The district is connected with Pune –Banglore rail line. There is total 173.70 Km. broad-gauge railway track in the district.

Table 3.19: The transport network summary

Number of National Highways 1 Length (in Kms) of National Highways 29.75 State highways (in Kms) 920.20 ZP roads (in Kms) 6850 Number of bridges on rivers 20

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Chapter III

Number of ST depots 9 Numbers of villages not accessible by ST 37 Wadies & Hamlets Number of railway stations with mail / express halts 3 Number of railway bridges 15 Railway routes (in Km) 173.70 Number of unmanned railway crossings 34 Number of airports/air strips 1

The district is also well connected by telecommunication and postal facilities to the rest of the country. The telecommunication facilities are mainly provided by BSNL as well as some private leading operators like Airtel, Aircel , Docomo etc. There are is one post office for every two villages together there are 412 Post Offices. Traffic data

Table 3.20: Traffic density on sugar factory approach road (average for peak hour)

# Vehicle No. 1 Trucks, tankers, etc. 7 2 tractors- trailor (mainly for cane transport) 11 3 bullock carts (mainly for cane transport) 30 4 pick-ups 2 5 4 wheelers 12 6 2 wheelers (Including bicycles) 42 Total 104 Banking facilities

Nationalized, cooperative as well as private banks are located at Vita, Tasgaon, Khanapur and other major town/villages. These are located in 15km radius circle from the site. In addition local credit societies, farmers cooperative societies exist which provides different services to the local population.

3.3.16 Seismic zone and other

From figure 3.15, it appears that, the proposed site is in Earthquake zone III. In this zone, the probable earthquake intensity of 5-7 Richter scale could be observed.

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Chapter III

Religious place/s: Revanath temple located in village Renavi is a famous religious place situated at ~9km from the site, towards north.

No defense installations or recreational sites, historically or archeologically important/ notified sites, ecologically sensitive sites, national parks, sanctuaries, biosphere reserves present in 10km radius study area.

Figure 3.14: Road and railway network map for study zone

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Chapter III

Figure 3.15: Earthquake zones of Maharashtra

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Chapter IV



This chapter discusses anticipated environmental impacts based on the quantities and/or characteristics of various pollutants/ causing factors likely to be generated from different activities of the proposed project. 4.1.1 Facts and Considerations The impact assessment is based on following facts and considerations The sugar unit is already operational Effective utilization of land, boiler, steam, fuel, molasses, pressmud will be achieved by the proposed distillery unit Saving of resources such as bagasse and water Sufficient land is available with project proponent to accommodate the process units pollution control units as well as for development of greenbelt; therefore no alternative site search was undertaken No rehabilitation/restoration issues involved with proposed site Land is already used for industrial purpose and no new land use will be set due to the project The process is simple and straight Technology for the process as well as for the pollution control/disposal are available indigenously Spent wash treatment and disposal through bio-methanation followed by multi- effect evaporation followed by biocomposting methods. ZLD will be achieved The factory is having adequate provision of funds for the project as well as implementation of EMP Management is keenly concerned about health, safety and environmental issues and implement all schemes /measures necessary for it Project proponents are local, understands the socio-economy of the region and well aware of environmental concerns of the people 4.2 AIR ENVIRONMENT 4.2.1 Pollution sources Construction activity: Various construction activities of the project such as erecting various units, buildings, pollution control devices, internal road involve use of

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Chapter IV construction equipments, road rollers, water tankers etc. These activities are machinery intensive and usually driven by diesel engines. Thus, it resulting in emission of gases, generation of dust and noise Transportation: These activities causes’ air pollution through vehicular exhaust emissions, dust from roads and loading unloading of material, etc. In present case, transportation of raw material will be minimal since major raw material such as bagasse and molasses will be made available from the sugar factory. Transportation of finished product i.e. RS/ENA or AA usually takes place in bulk. Considering gross capacity of storage tanks (600m3x7) 4200m3, it will require about 280 tankers (considering each tanker of 15m3 capacity). Considering the loading time, availability of tankers at a time and other practical aspects, it is anticipated that 30-40 tankers will commute daily from the site. This activity may takes place for two to three weeks. Hence, this could cause increase in NOx, and particulate matter during the period (particular days) of transportation. Vehicles of employees and visitors could be a regular source of emissions. The project is going to provide employment to approx 70 persons, in addition there could be some contractual or seasonal employees. The project is located in rural area, where people prefer two wheelers (bicycles, motor cycles, scooters, etc) to commute. Hence, about 90- 95% of such vehicular emissions are anticipated from two wheelers (~50-60 in numbers) and remaining 5-10% due to passenger cars and other types of vehicles (~5-7 in numbers). Therefore, transportation activity of the proposed project is anticipated to cause minor increase in vehicular emissions. Preventive, control and mitigation measures The dust generated during the construction activity could be suppressed by Sprinkling of water on dust generating sources Sprinkling of water while loading/unloading the dust generating material, wherever feasible To reduce air and noise emissions, instead of diesel operated, electrically operated machinery (wherever feasible) to be used Barricading the dust generating or high noise generating areas Provision of asphalted roads inside the premises and for approach road upto state highway Provision of adequate parking for goods as well as staff vehicles Engage authorized transport agency for goods transport on the term to use well maintained vehicles for the activity

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Chapter IV While bulk transportation, check the time to fill a tanker and call those many which could get filled in 2-4 hours, example if one tanker requires about 8-10 minutes than call 12 tankers at a time and call next 12 after one and half to two hours; this will help to reduce the risks of traffic congestion and minor accidents, waiting period for vehicles and over all air pollution. Provide separate entrance and exit lanes/gates for goods as well as employees vehicles Strict prohibition on washing/ maintenance of vehicles on site or in parking area All roads with street light and proper signage at strategic locations Main gate/s with 24x7 security arrangements Manufacturing process: The manufacturing process is likely to generate two forms of air pollutants i) is due to burning of fuel to generate steam and ii) from fermentation process

a. Emissions due to burning of fuel (Bagasse) In the proposed project, bagasse will be used as a fuel, which is a byproduct of sugar unit. Bagasse is an excellent source of renewable energy. Conventionally, coal or natural gas is used as a fuel in many other industries. Both, coal as well as natural gas is a fossil fuels and non-renewable energy source. Burning of fossil fuels is considered as a one of the prime Green House Gas (GHG) emission source. Hence, use of renewable energy sources is encouraged all over the world. Use of biomass energy is encouraged especially in power generation sector, due to its carbon neutral characteristics. The flue gasses generated due to it will emit ash, which is the main source of air pollution. The analysis of bagasse is given as bellow. Table 4.1: Analysis of bagasse

Parameter Value (in %) Carbon 40-45 Hydrogen 2-6 Oxygen 40-45 Nitrogen 0.15-0.20 Moisture 50% Ash content 1.5 - 2.00% Sulphur <0. 01 Calorific value 2,250 kcal/kg

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Chapter IV Bagasse analysis report shows that the elements such as nitrogen and sulfur are present in trace quantities, i.e. less than 0%. Thus, the generation of sulfur-dioxide (SO2) and oxides of nitrogen due to combustion of bagasse are anticipated to be very low.

The quantity of ash generated can be calculated as follows

Bagasse required to generate 121MT steam per day = 55 MT/day = 2.29TPH (generally observed bagasse to steam ratio 1:2.2) Ash content = 2.00 % = 1.10MT/day Total Ash generated = 0.0458 MT/h = 45.80 Kg/h

For bagasse, fly ash generation is usually 40% of total ash generated. ESP is in place on existing 75TPH boiler to control particulate matter from flue gases

Bottom ash = 27.48 Kg/h Fly ash generation = 18.32 Kg/h Fly ash controlled by ESP (considering 98% efficiency) = 17.953 Kg/h = 0.3664Kg/h Fly Ash emission = 0.102 g/sec Apart from this, trifling fugitive dust emission due to opening and leaks in duct and manholes and also from ash handling operation at unloading and transfer point are the minor pollution sources

Sulphur Dioxide (SO2): Another source of air pollution could be the SO2 formed due to burning of biogas in the sugar factory boiler. The H2S present in the biogas after burning will release the sulphur that will react with the oxygen present in the air and form SO2 the reaction will be as follows.

2H2S + 2O2 SO2 + 2H2O + S ------(Equation 1)

2(2+32) + 2(16) (32+32) + 32 + 2(2+16)

68 + 64 64 + 32 + 36

Estimated Biogas production (Considering COD 125,000 mg/liters) = 12,180 m3/day

1.) General composition of biogas produced by using distillery molasses are

 Methane (CH4) 64%

 Carbon dioxide CO2 34%

 Hydrogen sulfide (H2S)Max 02%

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Chapter IV

3 3 Amount of H2S from 12,180m Biogas = 243.6 m /day 3 (Considering the density of H2S =1.539kg/m ) = 374.90 kg

As per equation I – 68 gm of H2S combustion required 64gm of oxygen i.e. 94% of total volume. 374.9 x 0.94 = 337.41 kg oxygen required

Since the amount of Oxygen required = amount of SO2 generated

Total SO2 produced = 337.41 kg/day

Thus, SO2 Emission will be 3.90g/second There are mainly two opportunities for NOx formation.

1. Thermal NOx - The concentration of “thermal NOx” is controlled by the nitrogen and oxygen molar concentrations and the temperature of combustion. Combustion at temperatures well below 1,300(C (2,370(F) forms much smaller concentrations of thermal NOx 2. Fuel NOx - Fuels that contain nitrogen (e.g., coal) create “fuel NOx” that results from oxidation of the already-ionized nitrogen contained in the fuel.

Emissions of NOx from combustion of fuel are primarily in the form of NO. Theoretically, Nitric oxide (NO) is generated to the limit of available oxygen (about 200,000 ppm) in air at temperatures above 1,3000C (2,370(F). At temperatures below 760(C (1,400(F), NO is either generated in much lower concentrations or not at all. In case of bagasse fired boilers, the temperature encountered are around 850-10000C, mainly due to high moisture content of bagasse (~50% moisture). This temperature is much lower for formation of NO, which is usually formed above 1,3000C. However, as a worst case scenario it is assumed that the NO formation may take place at 50% rate. Secondly, the bagasse analysis data shows that, the N percentage is less than 0% which is in the range of 0.10 to 0.20%. Therefore, an average of 0.15% of N content is considered while calculating NO emissions in the present case. Thus, the second probability of fuel NOx becomes insignificant.

4.2.2 Air Dispersion Modeling Impact on ambient air quality of the study zone is envisaged due to emissions from the existing boilers of 75 TPH capacity of sugar mill. This boiler is Bagasse fed, supplied @ ~30TPH. Steam generated at 72.5kg/cm2 at 5150C is fed to steam turbine generator of 14mw capacity and the exhaust steam at low pressure is used in sugar mill. The distillery unit is going to use low pressure exhaust steam from the cogeneration unit of the sugar mill. No additional fuel will be burnt for steam generation during sugar cane crushing season. Flue gases are released through 72m tall stack after passing through ESP, which is >98% efficient to trap

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Chapter IV particulate matter. During the off-season, the fuel requirement for distillery unit will be only 2.3TPH, which is <10% of existing (30TPH). It indicates that, the present ambient air quality of 10km radious area may not get affected. On this background, the baseline air quality data presented in chapter III table 3.10, observed at all locations were within NAAQS. However, to calculate incremental load for PM and SOx it is assumed that, there would be additional bagasse to be burnt. Prediction of impact on air environment has been carried out employing mathematical model based on a steady state Gaussian plume dispersion model designed for multiple point sources for short term. In the present case, Industrial Source Complex-Short Term [ISCST3] developed by United States Environmental Protection Agency [USEPA] has been used for simulations from point sources. Table 4.2: Model Input Data Parameters Unit Stack Attached to Boiler 75 TPH Stack height m 72 Stack diameter at exit / top m 3.0 Stack exit gas velocity m/s 4.2 Stack gas temperature at exit Deg. C 160 Bagasse requirement TPH 2.3-2.5 Emission rate of SPM g/s 0.12g/s

Emission rate of SO2 g/s 3.90g/s

Ash content 2% and dust removal efficiency of ESP 98% Main fuel: Bagasse; Auxiliary fuel: biogas, (approx 12,000m3/day) The quantity of ash generated can be calculated as follows

The simulation is made to evaluate PM and SO2 incremental short-term concentrations due to operation of boiler for proposed activity. In the short-term simulations, the incremental concentrations were estimated for 10 km radius. Modeling has been done considering boilers as source and is centre of grid for prediction. Hourly meteorological data recorded at site for summer season on wind speed, direction and temperature is used as input. For the site-specific mixing heights CPCB document PROBES/88/2002-2003 is followed.

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Chapter IV





0.04 2000

0.04 0 0.03

-2000 0.03

-4000 0.02

0.01 -6000

0.01 -8000 0.00

-10000 -10000 -8000 -6000 -4000 -2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 0.00

Site/Stack Figure 4.1: Short Term 24 Hourly GLCs of Particulate matter




4000 0.50 0.45 2000 0.40 0 0.35 0.30 -2000 0.25 -4000 0.20 -6000 0.15 0.10 -8000 0.05 -10000 -10000 -8000 -6000 -4000 -2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 0.00

Figure 4.2: Short Term 24 Hourly GLCs of SO2 Site/stack Prediction

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Chapter IV The predicted results with baseline concentrations are tabulated below in Table 4.3 while incremental dispersion trend is shown as isopleths in Figure 4.1 & 4.2. Table 4.3: Resultant Concentrations Due To Incremental GLC's

Scenario Incremental Baseline Resultant CPCB Limit for Concentration, Concentration* Concentration, Residential & Rural g/m3 g/m3 g/m3 Areas, g/m3

PM10 0.04 84.21 84.25 100

SO2 0.5 8.3 8.8 80

* The baseline concentration (98th percentile) recorded at village Padali at 2km East of the site

The resultant concentrations of SPM and SO2 after operation of Boilers are within the prescribed National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for Residential & Rural Areas 4.2.3 Other sources of air pollution Fugitive dust/particulate matter: Fugitive sources will be mainly, from vehicular movement and bagasse storage. Bagasse will be transported to distillery through closed conveyers, hence fugitive dust will be negligible. Carbon dioxide generated from fermentation process, will be of biological origin, i.e. liberated from an agro-based waste material. Hence, it is assumed to be neutral for GHG and therefore a minor source. Along with carbon dioxide, methane will be produced from biomethanation process of spentwash treatment. This methane (biogas) will be used as a fuel for boiler in sugar unit. Odour is anticipated mainly due to storage of spentwash and partly from composting activity Preventive, control and mitigation measures Use of Bagasse as a fuel Round RCC stack with 72m height ESP to control particulate matter Green belt of 2.6 acres around the project area Methane produced from biodigesters will be used as a fuel; flare unit is an alternate arrangement when it will not be used as fuel

Fermentors will be closed and CO2 scrubbers for fermentation unit Composting will be done aerobically using machines Ash slurry as well as bottom ash will be used to mix in compost since bagasse ash is rich in potash 4.2.4 Impact assessment

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Chapter IV The construction activity will be for short period; the negative impact will be mainly due to particulate matter. It will be restricted to the site by adopting above mentioned mitigation measures. Hence, the resultant impact due to construction is anticipated to be temporary and minor negative. Human health: particulate matter from various sources and activities of project may cause related ailments to persons likely to get exposed, beyond the stipulated NAAQS Air quality: Air dispersion modeling study shows that, there will be minor/negligible increase in PM concentration by 0.04micro gram at village Padali located at ~2km towards east of the site. The resultant ground level concentration (after adding incremental load) anticipated to be within NAAQS. Minor negative impact is anticipated mainly due to stack gas emissions and transportation activities of the proposed project; Ecology and biodiversity: Minor negative impact is anticipated on avi-fauna due to stack gas temperature (approx 80-90oC), and on flora/plants in close vicinity of the project due to dust (particulate matter) 4.3 NOISE The identified chief sources of noise in the proposed project are -

 Boiler

 Motors and pumps

 Distillation

 Transportation

 Diesel generator (rarely used only in case of total power failure) Table 4.4: General Noise levels

Source Noise Level at source (average in dB(A)

Boiler 83.0

Motors and pumps 75.2

distillation 72.5

Transportation 81.3

DG 75.0

Preventive, control and mitigation measures Use motors, pumps and other machines which comply national/international standards. Noise generating activities will be under roof Preventive as well as regular maintenance

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Chapter IV Provision of personal protective equipments as per requirement Rotation of duties at high noise generating areas Leveled and wide internal roads Adequate parking space 4.3.1 Impact assessment Health: adverse impact of mainly noise and to some extent vibrations is anticipated on persons working in close areas of noise source. This impact would be in the form of health hazards such as impact on hearing ability, irritation, blood pressure and other similar related to high noise levels. Ambient air quality: Minor negative impact, particularly at work places Ecology and biodiversity: Minor negative impact of noise from transportation activity is anticipated on particularly human beings and fauna, along the approach road (3km length) that connects site with state high way.

4.4 WATER ENVIRONMENT 4.4.1 Waste water sources and characteristics: Following wastewater sources have been identified for the proposed project Spent wash Spent lees Blow down from boiler/cooling tower Wastewater from washing/cleaning Condensate water Sewage Boiler blow down The water used in boiler contains suspended solids, dissolved solids like Ca-salts, Mg-salts, Na-salts, Fe-salts etc. These salts get concentrated after generation steam from the original water volume. These solids have to be expelled from time to time to save the boiler being covered up by scales. This water has following characteristics. BOD - 60 to 70 mg/L SS - 800 to 1,500 mg/L TDS - 1,500 to 3,500 mg/L Temperature - 90 to 100oC The estimated volume form boiler blow down is 2.5 - 3m3/day. It could be recycled after cooling.

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Chapter IV Condensate of MEE Condensate characteristics would be as follows. pH 3-4

COD 6,000 mg/lit

BOD 3,000 mg/lit

TDS <1000 mg/lit

Temperature 35-45 °C

This water will be treated in condensate polishing unit. The estimated excess condensate is 255m3/day totally recycle or reuse after treatment. Spentwash

Using a continuous fermentation technology spentwash generation is about 10-12 liters per lit of alcohol. Due to technology advancement, this volume is also getting reduced to 8L/L of alcohol. Spentwash is a major pollutant and cause of concern for molasses based distillery. It is because, spentwash is having high temp, highly acidic nature, and dark brown in colour. It also contains high percentage of dissolved organic & inorganic matter; hence its BOD and COD are also considerably high. The general qualitative characteristics of spentwash are highlighted below.

Table 4.5: General Characteristics of Raw Spentwash

# Parameter Continuous Fermentation Unit Process 1. Volume, Liters. per Liters of Alcohol 10 -11 ---- 2. Colour Dark brown ---- 3. pH 4.0-4.3 ------4. COD 1,00,000-1,10,000 mg/L 5. BOD 55,000-65,000 mg/L 6. Solids - Total Solids 1,30,000-1,60,000 . Total Volatile 60,000-75,000 mg/L 35,000-45,000 . Inorganic dissolved mg/L

mg/L 7. Chlorides 6,000-7,500 mg/L 8. Sulphates 4,500-8,500 mg/L 9. Total nitrogen 1,000-1,400 mg/L

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Chapter IV

10 Potassium 10,000-14,000 mg/L 11 Phosphorus 300-500 mg/L 12 Sodium 1,400-1,500 mg/L 13 Calcium 4,500-6,000 mg/L Spent wash could cause severe pollution of surface and ground water. It could act as a fertilizer if applied in controlled manner under skilled supervision. But, often applied in excess that contaminates soil and run off from such field contaminates nearby water bodies. Therefore, storage and disposal of spentwash considered to be important processes from environment management perception. Floor Washing

Other wastewater originates from washing of the floor, fermentation, vats and other equipment. The quantity of floor washing will be about 4m3/day and will be reused for gardening activity, within factory premises. Spentlees It is also an important source of pollution. The acidic nature of the spent lees is main cause of the pollution. It will have a pH in the range of 3 – 4. Quantity of spentlees expected from the proposed distillery will be approx. 75m3/day. The spentlees will be sent to treatment unit and reused in the distillery. Sanitary wastewater

In the proposed project, sewage generation will be about 5-6m3/day. It will be disposed by septic tank and soak pit system. Thermal Pollution

The hot effluents are boiler blow down and cooling tower blow down. The hot water will of about 45-500C temperature and the quantity will be of 40-45m3/day. This hot water will be cooled down to normal temperature in cooling pond and then recycled. Hence, there will be no thermal pollution of any surface water body around the project site.

4.4.2 Preventive, control and mitigation measures Spentwash of 300 m3/day will first treated in biodigesters to produce biogas from this organic rich wastewater followed by biodigestion spentwash will be sent to multi effect evaporation unit to reduce its volume from 300m3 to 120m3

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Chapter IV Then it will be sent to biocomposting process where it will be mixed with pressmud (a solid waste from sugar mill) to produce compost; thus achieving ‘zero liquid discharge’ for this highly polluted entity.

Spentwash storage lagoons and the compost yard will be constructed as per CREP guidelines (Refer figure 2.4,2.5 and 2.6 of chapter II and also discussed in chapter VI)

4.4.3 Reuse of water (after proper treatment)

Wastewater due to cleaning and washing, Spentlees and condensate water will be treated in CPU. This unit will comprised of anaerobic followed by aerobic treatment (discussed in chapter II – point 2.5.2); treated water of 350m3 per day will be used for dilution of molasses, cooling tower make up, irrigation, or cleaning activities, etc.

Recycle of water: Blow down water from boiler and cooling tower will be cooled in ponds and recycled then after

Conservation of water: Rain water harvesting to improve the ground water aquifer and partly fulfill the requirement during startup

4.4.4 Impact assessment

Water availability: No negative impact since, Irrigation Dept will provide the water allocated for industrial activities only; reuse, recycle of water will save significant of freshwater intake

Water/aquatic environment: No negative impact on water environment as well as aquatic ecosystems of the surrounding area due to achieving zero liquid discharge

Air environment: minor negative impact due to odour of spentwash and due to generation of methane and CO2 from composting process

Soil Environment: Due to impervious lagoons and compost yard probability of soil pollution due to percolation of spentwash is zero. Hence, no negative impact is anticipated; The compost prepared from spentwash, pressmud and solid waste filler material will help to recycle the soil nutrients, thus positive impact is anticipated

Ecology and biodiversity: No negative impact, composting process usually attracts avi fauna due to availability of micro-organisms as a food

4.5 SOIL ENVIRONMENT Soil is likely to get affected due to following. a. During construction of various units, removal of top soil layer which is usually more fertile

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Chapter IV b. Excavation activity – particularly for spentwash storage lagoons and compost yard c. Construction of various permanent structures/roads at project site d. Degradation of soil due to construction material (cement, concrete) e. Disposal of untreated solid (ash, sludge, etc) and/or hazardous waste (spent oil, etc) in soil 4.5.1 Preventive, control and mitigation measures

Top soil layer of 15-20cm to be kept separate and use for greenbelt development Disposal of excavated material safely for construction of spentwash storage lagoons, compost yard, leveling of roads, etc. 4.5.2 Solid Waste Management Wastes from a sugar industry include bagasse, molasses, press mud, boiler ash and sludge from effluent treatment plant. Waste Material Type Upshot Ash 1.10MT/day Used as a filler material for bio-compost, final disposal system for the spentwash i.e. distillery effluent Yeast Sludge, 5-7 MT/day mixed with biocompost sludge from CPU (wet basis) and biodigesters

4.5.3 Preventive, control and mitigation measures Boiler Ash

Bagasse ash is usually non-hazardous, non-toxic in nature, it is rich in potash. Hence, there are three alternatives for the disposal of it.

I. Mix it with bio-compost prepared at distillery unit (practiced for spentwash disposal treatment) as a filler material. II. Directly sold to farmer as it is as a potash enriching material III. Sell it to bricks manufacturing unit in the nearby areas. The factory is planning to use it in the composting process. Sludge from CPU

This sludge is usually bio-degradable, organic and nearly neutral in nature. It doesn’t contains any toxic or hazardous elements. Therefore, this could be safely disposed by adding it to bio-compost.

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Chapter IV Hazardous Waste

The only hazardous waste likely to be generated in the project will be the scrap oil from DG set. However, the DG set will be used only in case of total power failure i.e. captive as well as Electricity board power supply failure. Thus, the quantity of used or scrap oil is assumed to be very minor. This waste oil can be disposed off safely by giving it to authorized hazardous waste oil dealer. Alternatively, it can be used as a fuel for the boiler along with Bagasse during startup phase.

4.5.4 Impact Assessment

Soil environment: no negative impact of solid waste; The biocompost produced from spentwash-pressmud and mixing of degradable solid waste will have positive impact on soil since organic carbon and soil nutrients are likely get recycled by the process

Ecology and Biodiversity: No negative impact due to solid waste; enhancement in micro-flora due to compost

Water environment: No negative impact due to solid waste


Generally, an impact of industrial activity on ecology and biodiversity is observed due to following major reasons.

Tree cutting/ removal of vegetation Habitat destruction Threat to rare, endangered flora and fauna Disturbance to wild life Pollution In case of proposed project, no tree cutting or habitat destruction is involved. National parks or sanctuaries or biosphere reserves are not observed in 10km as well as 25km radious of the site. Rare, endangered species of plants or animals are not recorded from the region.

4.6.1 Preventive, control and mitigation measure

Greenbelt development Zero Liquid discharge will be achieved Safe disposal of solid waste Adequate measures to prevent, control and mitigate air, noise pollution 4.6.2 Impact Assessment

Minor negative impact on flora in the close vicinity of the site, due to particulate matter and avi fauna due to thermal pollution from flue gases; no negative impacts from other activities

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Chapter IV are anticipated; Increase in the greenbelt will help to maintain and enhance the biodiversity, thus there could be a positive impact. Increase in soil micro flora due to compost could be another positive impact.


Impact causing situation for proposed project Control, preventive and Impact factor mitigation measure

Population flux Project will provide 77 new Local candidates will be No negative employment opportunities preferred impact

Housing colony could accommodate such minor increase pressure on captive power Emphasis on water No negative infrastructure water from Irrigation conservation by impact such as road, Department recycling and reuse power, water minor increase in vehicle rain water harvesting number Adequate school, college, maintenance of internal medical facilities are available road and approach road Public transport, telecommunication, banks and other infrastructure already exist and adequate to support minor increase in population Employment Direct employment to 69 Local candidates will be Positive impact people preferred

Raw material molasses is Housing colony already derived from sugar cane, exist which is cultivated in agricultural fields, hence indirect employment to farmers, laborers, cane transporters, etc.

4.7.1 Impact Assessment

While analyzing the impact on of proposed project on socio-economy, following factors were considered.

Baseline data showed that the agriculture is primary occupation of the people, hence employment opportunities revolves around agriculture sector

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli Maharashtra 4-62

Chapter IV The project is an agro based industry and extension /vertical integration for sugar unit

Project will promote efficient utilization of available resources such as molasses, steam, bagasse, electricity, land and man power up to some extent

Production of alcohol will generate large amount of revenue by way of excise duties

Local administrative institutions will also benefitted by collecting taxes/cess, etc.

Fuel alcohol is very important for the country to save on import of crude oil as well as foreign exchange, this would have many fold impact on national economy

The sugar factory already had initiated several programmes for the benefit of its employees as well as local farmers

Therefore, a positive impact is anticipated on the regional economy due to the proposed project. The project could also help in maintaining and developing the infrastructure required by the society.


4.8.1 Impact assessment

LULC map suggest there is not much impact on LU because the land is coming under barren class. Therefore, the impact on LU is positive i.e. barren is getting converted into future built up class which is beneficial for local population.

If we consider drainage map of the study area then we can able to say there could be a minor impact on drainage, as some first order streams are passing very narrowly along the project boundary.

No impact is envisaged on geology and hydrogeology of the site due to the project.

4.8.2 Environment management plan

Not to damage the first order drainage steams passing through the project boundary. Precautions need to be taken to preserve or maintain these streams in their natural form or need to be considered while landscape development.


In the project, the transportation activity will take place mainly during the construction phase. Considering the availability of roads railway station are given in following table which

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Chapter IV is getting converted into a four lane, the nominal increase in vehicles during construction phase may not cause any traffic congestion. During operation phase, the transportation activity will be in phases hence; the probability of traffic congestion would be very low.

Road The site is located 10 km off State Highway111 and 76

Pune –Bangalore NH-4 ~45-50km

Good network of road exist in the district

Peak flow traffic on approach Road is about 105 vehicles/hour

Summary of traffic flow in percentage, present and future stage Two Four Lorry/Truck/ Tractor Carts Wheelers Wheeler tanker

Added (in 80-82 8-10 5-7 2-3 0 Percentage)

Traffic management measures

Present road condition is good. Will be maintained. Road markings will be done. Topography is level and rains are not problematic. Culverts will be maintained. Village roads connecting are of good surface. Will be maintained. Our approach road will be constructed wide with illumination at 30 m spacing. All factory vehicles to have back red light/reflectors All gates manned by trained security 24x7 Trees on sides

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Table 4.6: Summary of Impact Assessment and environment management plan proposed for the respective aspect Environm Potential cause Potential Impact Preventive control and mitigation Probable Resultant EMP ental factors/sour measures Impact Issue ce Air particulate burning of fuel, Impact on human Electrostatic precipitator to control Levels of PM Regular health check Quality matter (PM) handling health by PM 2.5 PM from flue gases; resultant ground 2.5,PM10, SOx and up of workers (twice a SOx and and/or Impact on ecology level concentration at nearest NOx anticipated to year/season), air NOx transportation mainly due to PM, downwind will be be within NAAQS quality monitoring of material SOx, NOx and stack height 72 m , Minor negative within the project emission of heat Use of renewable source s of energy impact on health of premises and upwind from flue gases such as bagaase and biogas workers and and downwind Enhancement of existing greenbelt by disturbance to avi directions at village 2600 trees fauna due to flue internal roads to make asphalting gases adequate parking for all types of vehicles Odour , spentwash and odour nuisance Biogas as a primary treatment for Methane and CO2 Proper maintenance methane molasses , Green house gas spentwash; it will utilized as a fuel, likely to get of biodigester and and CO2 composting emission provision of flare unit when biogas generated in traces skilled supervision on activity not used as fuel (methane will not from composting composting process;

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Environm Potential cause Potential Impact Preventive control and mitigation Probable Resultant EMP ental factors/sour measures Impact Issue ce get released in an atmosphere) and storage of storage and disposal Follow the guidelines of regulatory organic waste of spentwash as per authorities for storage, handling and CREP guidelines only transportation of such material Avoid anaerobic condition development for composting Green belt development

CO2 generated will be from non-fossil source, hence considered as neutral while considering GHG potential Noise Operation Noise Impact on human High noise potential activities are not No negative impact Provision of personal of generated health, involved during operation phase, outside the protective machinery, during the disturbance to Noise increase at specific locations premises; equipments for equipments, operation fauna only, most of the machinery will be minor negative workers at high noise transportati of the under roof impact inside the areas; monitor noise on machinery Enhancement of existing greenbelt by premises on mainly levels at ambient as 4500 trees workers as well as well as work place

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Chapter IV

Environm Potential cause Potential Impact Preventive control and mitigation Probable Resultant EMP ental factors/sour measures Impact Issue ce internal roads to make asphalting partially on faunal areas; adequate parking for all types of elements During construction vehicles phase restrict noise generating activities for day time only Water Spentwash, Contamination surface and ground Spentwash disposal thorough No negative impact Install piezometer/s Quality spent lees, of surface &/or water pollution, biomethanation followed by MEE on ground or and bore well condensate ground water thermal pollution of followed by bio-composting surface water, towards downstream and other Soil water bodies, Spentlees and condensate water minor of compost site Wastewater Contamination recycled after treatment contamination of check the water , treated water reused mainly for soil while handling quality of bore well; solid waste cooling, gardening/irrigation near compost or vigilance for spent wash storage, handling, storage areas accidental spillage of compost yard as per CREP norms spentwash and for damage to impervious storage lagoon or compost yard

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Chapter IV

Environm Potential cause Potential Impact Preventive control and mitigation Probable Resultant EMP ental factors/sour measures Impact Issue ce Water water Water Depletion of Water conservation thro’ recycling No negative impact Strictly implement Resource availability Consumption available water and reusing treated/condensate since water is proposed by the project resource water allocated for conservation practices Rain water harvesting industrial activity and encourage the only staff to save and conserve water at all possible extents Soil and change in project change in land use, Proposed site is open, barren under No change in land check the land land use activities soil pollution due to the possession of the sugar factory use pattern characteristics of solid solid waste, solid waste or Keep the natural drainages intact No negative impact waste and compost at effluent/wa effluent Solid waste generated in the project on soil quality, least twice a stewater probability of is biodegradable hence utilized in minor negative season/year alteration in of first composting process impact due to Monitor the soil order draining along Disposal of effluent as per the excavation of soil quality where treated the boundary regulatory authorities guidelines for project activities water is used for Excavated soil to be stacked and Solid waste disposal irrigation – twice a reused for gardening, greenbelt activity season/year

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Environm Potential cause Potential Impact Preventive control and mitigation Probable Resultant EMP ental factors/sour measures Impact Issue ce activity, material other than soil to be (Composting) – used for leveling and similar activities support micro flora, insects, warms and indirectly supports the avi fauna feeds on it – positive impact on ecology Micro nutrients will get recycled due to compost – positive impact on soil quality and ecology Ecology project Cutting of trees Destruction of project within the existing sugar No negative impact Prefer local species for activities or destruction terrestrial and factory premises, and the land is on ecology and greenbelt of habitat aquatic flora or barren and open, flat land no tree biodiversity development, provide Impact due to fauna felling is required Greenbelt helpful to funds and manpower contamination wildlife sanctuary, national park not improve biodiversity to maintain it

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Chapter IV

Environm Potential cause Potential Impact Preventive control and mitigation Probable Resultant EMP ental factors/sour measures Impact Issue ce of water within 25km radius Monitor air, water soil bodies. Effluent/Wastewater recycled/reused at site and after proper treatment surrounding area at Green belt development pre-defined interval ‘Zero Liquid Discharge’ scheme implemented Hazard Storage of fire damage to living as Implementation of safety norms as Negative impact Training and mock and Risk raw well as non-living per the regulatory authorities only in accidental drills for safety Assessm material and things guidelines case Policy under PLI act ent finished Appointment of safety officer 1991 product Lightening arresting system Risk assessment to be water hydrant, fire extinguishing done through system and training to staff for its professional risk operation also training for first aid assessors and safety Socio- population Temporary and pressure on social Maximum local labour for Population flux Initiate and Economic flux permanent infrastructure construction and local candidates for could be negligible, implement social

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Chapter IV

Environm Potential cause Potential Impact Preventive control and mitigation Probable Resultant EMP ental factors/sour measures Impact Issue ce Impacts workforce employment hence no negative developmental associated with Housing facility is available with sugar impact anticipated activities as a part of the project mill to accommodate marginal Beneficial impact CSR increase due to direct and indirect employment, government and local institutions benefitted through taxes, improvement in infrastructure such as transportation, education, medical facilities, etc. due to the project

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The technologies for the treatment and safe disposal of spentwash- most polluting element from distilleries – are discussed in this chapter. Traditionally, the spent wash was used for irrigation of crops and for composting with press mud from sugar mills as filler material. At several places in the country, it used to be spread on land in an uncontrolled fashion resulting in destruction of agricultural land and pollution of ground water. When it was not possible to use it on land, it was often discharged in surface waters affecting the riparian rights of other users of the water body.

The new recommendations of CPCB/MoEF imposed a restriction on such utilization, of spentwash on agricultural land. Therefore, it has become necessary to look for technologies to reduce the volume and concentrate the spentwash, so that it can be handled effectively without damaging the environment.



Biomethanation (for distilleries attached Concentration and Incineration to sugar mills) (stand alone distilleries)

Reverse osmosis


Multiple effect evaporation Bio-composting Mist evaporatio n


Figure 5.1: Treatment Options for Raw Spent Wash

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5.2.1 Reboiler

Reboilers are used in distilleries for concentrating raw spentwash and simultaneously recovering heat and water. Depending upon the input spentwash quality and the reboiler design, the spentwash volume can be reduced to 75 to 85% of its original volume. When the spentwash is to be used for composting and the rate of production of spentwash is more than 10 m3 per KL of alcohol production, in volume through heating and evaporation of water in a reboiler results in a corresponding increase in the concentration of BOD, COD, nitrogen and TDS. Further, the efficiency of conversion of organic matter (BOD) to biogas in the biomethanation step may also decrease when a more concentrated spentwash is treated.

At present there is no prescribed recommendation regarding the quality of spentwash to be used for preparation of compost. In order to achieve 'Zero Liquid Discharge', many distilleries are concentrating their spentwash using reverse osmosis (RO) process also. The effect of such salt laden spentwash, which also would be containing a higher concentration of organic matter, on the process of composting and the quality of compost, is not known.

5.2.2 Biomethanation

Biomethanation is now a well-established process. Many types of reactor systems are commonly used, namely, up or down-flow fixed film reactor, up-flow partly fluidized bed reactor, commonly known as up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor and continuously stirred tank reactor. Each system may have different variations of reactor configuration, effluent and sludge recirculation and mixing. One variation employs two- stage decomposition in two slurry reactors in series.

The bio-methanation reactors when properly designed and operated are capable of treating spentwash having BOD in the range of 40,000 - 50,000 mg/L with an efficiency of 90% thus producing an effluent having a BOD in the range of 4,000 - 5,000 mg/L. There is also some reduction in the TDS content of the spent wash. Sulphate is reduced to hydrogen sulphide, which escapes with the biogas, and there is a corresponding increase in the carbonate alkalinity. This in turn results in precipitation of some calcium. The TDS of the spent wash may decrease to 15,000 - 25,000 mg/L. pH of spentwash, after bio-methanation increase up to 7 or 8. Some reactor designs may require the raw spent wash to be diluted before it can be treated. This is particularly when the distillery uses continuous fermentation process for production of alcohol in which case the COD of raw spent wash may be in the range of

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100,000 to 120,000 mg/L. Central Pollution Control Board has recommended that the dilution water should not be more than 30% of the original volume of the spent wash.

Depending upon the fuel, which the biogas replaces, (i.e. bagasse, coal or furnace oil) the cost of the biomethanation reactor is recovered in 2 to 4 years

5.2.3 Reverse Osmosis (RO)

In the past reverse osmosis (RO) has been used commonly as the final step in tertiary treatment of wastewaters to remove dissolved inorganic solids and some recalcitrant compounds. It is used to recover good quality of water from grossly polluted wastes. This has been made possible due to development of new membranes and the membrane module configuration, which allows easy accessibility for cleaning and replacement of membranes.

In any RO system, the preliminary treatment of wastewater is extremely important. Adjustment of pH and temperature of the waste, which is compatible with the material of the membrane, increases the membrane life and prior removal of total suspended solids (TSS) decreases the rate of membrane fouling. Further, the flux of the dissolved substances in permeate is lower if it is removed before hand to the possible extent by conventional methods. It also allows operation of the system at comparatively lower pressure, hence results in savings in operational and maintenance costs. With a poor quality of the feed water, the quality of the permeate may be maintained only at the expense of recovery.

Pre-treatment usually comprises pH correction, pressure sand filtration followed by cartridge filtration. The effluent is then pressurized and passed through RO modules. The vendor of the RO system usually supplies the pre-treatment units also.

Effluent permeate from the RO plants contains carbon dioxide and sulphides. Its quality can be improved and stabilized by stripping with compressed air in a packed column to increase the scope of its utilization. In case there is a premium on the recovery water, the reject from the RO plant is further treated through a secondary RO system or nano-filtration, which uses a more 'open textured' membrane. This step produces permeate having 22,000- 25,000 mg/L TDS, 3,500-4,500 mg/L COD and 1,000-1,200 mg/L BOD. The permeate recovery is 11-14% of the first stage feed.

The operation of the RO plant requires skilled personnel. The spares for regular maintenance may also not be available in the open market. The Membrane required to be imported. The fouling could be a problem. Running of the plant therefore should be entrusted to the supplier to ensure efficient and continuous operation.

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5.2.4 Multiple Effect Evaporators

Though evaporation is an established unit operation in chemical engineering practice, its use for concentration of spentwash is recent. With improvements in design and materials and the willingness of the alcohol industry to spend more on pollution control equipment, some distilleries are in the process of installing evaporation and drying plants.

Biomethanated effluent can be input to the multiple effect evaporators. However, both biomethanated and raw SW can be fed to the evaporators. Steam used in the evaporation process and the evaporated water from the SW feed form the condensate or the recovered water. The condensate has a slightly acidic pH and BOD and COD of about 10 and 100 mg/L, respectively.

The biomethanated feed containing about 4-5% of solids is concentrated to 30-33% solids content. The concentrated SW can be either used for the preparation of compost or further dried in a spray dryer to yield a solid powder containing about 4-5% moisture. The calorific value of the powder is 2500 kcal/kg and it can be burnt for production of steam. The ash obtained from the combustion of the powder is saleable for its potash content. The dry powder also has a market value of about Rs.750 / T, as a soil additive rich in organic matter and potash. The concentrated spentwash after evaporation can also be used directly as an auxiliary fuel along with other fuel for generation of steam.

From a 300m3/d plant treating biomethanated spentwash about 620 kg/hr effluent powder is generated, which when burnt yields 127 kg/hr ash.

The ash contains about 21% potash. In case raw spentwash containing 10% solids is concentrated the yield of effluent powder and ash is 1875 kg/hr and 394 kg/hr, respectively.

5.2.5 Mist Evaporator

As the name implies the mist evaporator creates a mist of small droplets by pumping spentwash through small diameter nozzles placed around the periphery of a duct through which air is blown. The unit is placed at the edge of a lagoon and the spentwash is pumped. The resulting mist forms a trajectory reaching as high as 18 m and going up to 55 m in the horizontal direction. The large surface area of the mist results in evaporation of water and a concentrated SW falls back in the lagoon. The rate of evaporation depends on temperature, humidity and wind speed.

Experience with the mist evaporator in the country is limited. It is in use only at one location for a distillery of 30 KL/d capacities. The manufacturers of the evaporator claim that for the

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yearly average ambient conditions 2 units, each of 30 KW would be required to evaporate 300 m3/d of spentwash.

The setting up of the unit is easy and requires minimal supervision and maintenance compared to other concentration methods. However, it will operate with varying efficiency during the year. In the rainy season or in humid weather, there will be little or no evaporation and the spentwash will have to be stored. Since, the wind direction is likely to change a number of times for short periods over a day, there is likelihood of the mist spray falling outside the lagoon. A more definite comment can be made after the unit is operated for more time and systematic data regarding the solids balance are available.

The concentrated or thickened spentwash will have to be properly disposed. At present, composting seems to be a possible alternative.

Table 5.2: Merits and Demerits of Each Alternative

# Technology Merits Demerits

Reduction in volume. Start-up and restart-up is a problem. 1. Concentration Energy generation Scaling problem. after combustion. Increase in volume. 2. Biomethanation Energy generation. Higher initial cost. It is a primary treatment only. Large area required Zero pollution can be Problem of smell achieved. 3. Biocomposting Operation in rainy season not Production of good possible. quality manure. Availability of filler material is a problem. Higher initial and operational cost. Recovery of water 4. R.O. System Fouling problem. Reduction in volume. Membranes are not indigenously available.

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Chapter V

5.3 Treatment alternatives for Condensate Polishing Unit(CPU)

Condensate polishing unit, treats condensate from process/MEE as well as spentlees and other minor effluents. Following alternatives are available for CPU i. Conventional aerobic treatment (Extended aeration) ii. Conventional aerobic treatment followed by membrane technology iii. Conventional anaerobic treatment followed by membrane technology iv. RO – MBR Technology v. Soil biotechnology 5.3.1 Process Description for membrane technology:

The proposed system is based on cross-flow membrane filtration technique and is designed for removal of organic acids from the spent wash distilled stream like evaporation condensate of a distillery unit. The condensate treated by such system can be reused back in to the alcohol manufacturing process as cooling water make-up thereby reducing the requirement of fresh water as well as solving the waste disposal to a great extent. The system is based on following principle operations. i) Cooling & Neutralization ii) Membrane filtration of the neutralized stream to remove volatile acids. iii) Recycle of treated streams back to process. System typically recovers 85 % of the condensate as clean reusable water and has about 15 % reject. Note:- a) The quantity of caustic solution required is depends on the characteristics of feed to the membrane ETP. b) Phosphoric acid is required for cleaning of the membranes; the frequency of cleaning depends on the quality of input to the membranes and will establish during operation of the plant. 5.3.2 Soil Biotechnology Process Considering the initial capital investment and recurring cost for operation of the scheme, Soil Bio-Technology appears to be most economical for treatment of process condensate of distillation, evaporation, RO permeate etc. The system is designed for treatment of evaporation process condensate or RO permeate and spent lees of a distillery unit. The process condensate and spent lees treated by such system can be reused back in to the distillery cooling tower as cooling water make-up

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thereby reducing the requirement of fresh water as well as solving the waste water disposal to a great extent. The technology is based on a bio-conversion process where fundamental reactions of nature, namely respiration, photosynthesis & mineral weathering take place in a media housing micro & macro organisms which bring about the desired purification. SBT is an oxygen supplying biological engine and so the process can treat all types of water – domestic, municipal & industrial. SBT is suitable for treating water with salinity <2500 mg/L. When salinity levels exceed, reaction rates in the SBT system are lower and hence the system design is adjusted suitably to achieve the purification desired. If salinity is very high, an additional facility using RO technology can also be included. The facilities of a treatment process for water & waste water consists of a raw water tank, bioreactor containment, treated water tank and associated piping, pumps & electrical. The layout of media on the bioreactor is shown in Fig 5.2.

Figure 5.2: Layout of SBT Media


Considering all available technological options, the industry has planned to implement biomethanation followed by multi effect evaporation followed by bio composting for the safe treatment and disposal of spent wash. It is based on the volume of spentwash to be disposed, availability of land, press mud for biocomposting and the cost involved for the technology.

In case of CPU the proponent has planned for conventional anaerobic followed by aerobic treatment supported by tertiary treatment. Treated water will be recycled/ reused in the industry. The proposed option will be able to achieve the aim of “zero liquid discharge”.

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6.1 OVERVIEW The Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is a site specific document for the project. It aims to identify and address the requirements for successfully mitigating the probable adverse environmental impacts of the project at various stages of project formulation and execution. It also identifies the post project monitoring requirements needed for the successful implementation of the suggested measures. EMP is a framework to ensure that the project can be implemented in an environmentally sustainable manner and where all concerned persons of the industry as well as contractors, understand the potential environmental impact arising from the proposed project and take appropriate actions to properly manage such impact. The objectives of EMP

Overall conservation of environment and thereby promote sustainable development

Minimization of waste generation and thus pollution

Judicious use of natural resources and water

Safety, welfare and good health of work force and populace

Ensure effective and efficient operation of all control measures

Vigilance against probable disasters and accidents

Monitoring of cumulative and long time impacts

Ensure effective and efficient operation of all control measures 6.2 EMP FOR CONSTRUCTION PHASE In case of the proposed project, construction activity involves installation of various units of distillery such fermenters, distillation columns, storage tanks for raw material as well as finished products, cooling towers, treatment units such as bio-digesters and development of compost yard, etc. Thus, the major activities involved for construction phase would be: . Preparation / processing of construction material . Loading / unloading of construction material . Excavation work as per requirement for installation of various structures . Transportation of the material and workers to & from the proposed project location . Installations of various units

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. Disposal of the liquid and solid waste generated by the temporary work force employed for construction Site situation Well developed asphalted road upto sugar mill and internal road in sugar mill are also asphalted On site housing/guest house facility for construction staff and workers Nearest residential areas are at 2km towards east and 2.4km towards north of the site Construction activity will be executed through authorized and qualified firms Greenbelt developed by sugar mill is in place Considering the various types of pollution associate with the construction activities, recommended mitigation measures are as follows.

Fugitive dust emission can be controlled by water sprinkling on dust generative surfaces as well as material such as soil, sand, etc. while loading/unloading

The upper soil layer up to 20-30cm is productive part of the landscape; hence, it should be carefully removed and preserved for future use. If these soil piles are dry it needs to be covered with tarpaulin or similar material. This soil could be reused for the development of greenbelt.

The excess of excavated soil could be used for greenbelt by adding adequate amount of manure, organic fertilizers to it. The material like stones shall be used within the project site, mainly for minor leveling activities/internal roads, etc

The runoff from the construction site will be controlled by ditches and shall not allowed to percolate in the surrounding land

The contractor should employ maximum local labour. Thus, the local people will get an employment opportunity. It will also help in reducing the problems associated with accommodation/housing of the labour, thus it will help in reducing linked issues such as demand for water, sanitation and hygiene at the labour colony, etc. However, he should provide the basic sanitation facility at the work site by using septic tanks and soak pits.

The activities generating noise should be restricted to daytime only

Run-off of loose soil should be prevented by means of compacting the soil

Transport contractors should be instructed to maintain their vehicles properly so as to minimize the exhaust emissions, reduce the noise and prevent the oil leakages from vehicles.

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Table 6.1: Summary of EMP for Operation Phase

Environm Potential cause Potential Impact Preventive control and mitigation Probable Resultant EMP ental factors/sour measures Impact Issue ce Air particulate burning of fuel, Impact on human Electrostatic precipitator to control Levels of PM Regular health check Quality matter (PM) handling health by PM 2.5 – PM from flue gases; resultant ground 2.5,PM10, SOx and up of workers (twice a SOx and and/or Respiratory, lung level concentration at nearest NOx anticipated to year/season), air NOx transportation diseases, allergic downwind will be be within NAAQS quality monitoring of material ailments, burning of stack height 72 m , Minor negative within the project eyes/skin, etc. Use of renewable source s of energy impact on health of premises and upwind Impact on ecology such as bagaase and biogas workers and and downwind mainly due to PM, Enhancement of existing greenbelt by disturbance to avi directions at village SOx, NOx and 5500 trees fauna due to flue emission of heat internal roads to make asphalting gases from flue gases – 1) adequate parking for all types of Due to PM - vehicles reduction in photosynthesis leads to decrease in the yield

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Environm Potential cause Potential Impact Preventive control and mitigation Probable Resultant EMP ental factors/sour measures Impact Issue ce Odour, spentwash and odour nuisance Biogas as a primary treatment for Methane and CO2 Proper maintenance methane molasses , Green house gas spentwash; it will utilized as a fuel, likely to get of biodigester and and CO2 composting emission provision of flare unit when biogas generated in traces skilled supervision on activity not used as fuel (methane will not from composting composting process; get released in an atmosphere) and storage of storage and disposal Follow the guidelines of regulatory organic waste of spentwash as per authorities for storage, handling and CREP guidelines only transportation of such material Avoid anaerobic condition development for composting Green belt development

CO2 generated will be from non-fossil source, hence considered as neutral while considering GHG potential Noise Operation Noise Impact on human High noise potential activities are not No negative impact Provision of personal of generated health – increase of involved during operation phase, outside the protective machinery, during the blood pressure, Noise increase at specific locations premises; equipments for equipments, operation effect on hearing only, most of the machinery will be minor negative workers at high noise transportati of the ability, irritation, under roof impact inside the areas; monitor noise

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Environm Potential cause Potential Impact Preventive control and mitigation Probable Resultant EMP ental factors/sour measures Impact Issue ce on machinery and other noise Enhancement of existing greenbelt by premises on mainly levels at ambient as related/associated 4500 trees workers as well as well as work place ailment internal roads to make asphalting partially on faunal areas; disturbance to adequate parking for all types of elements During construction fauna vehicles phase restrict noise generating activities for day time only Water Spentwash, Contamination surface and ground Spentwash disposal thorough No negative impact Install piezometer/s Quality spent lees, of surface &/or water pollution, biomethanation followed by MEE on ground or and bore well condensate ground water thermal pollution of followed by bio-composting surface water, towards downstream and other Soil water bodies – Spentlees and condensate water minor of compost site Wastewater Contamination depletion of DO and recycled after treatment contamination of check the water , thus death of treated water reused mainly for soil while handling quality of bore well; solid waste aquatic life cooling, gardening/irrigation near compost or vigilance for spent wash storage, handling, storage areas accidental spillage of compost yard as per CREP norms spentwash and for damage to impervious storage lagoon or compost yard

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Environm Potential cause Potential Impact Preventive control and mitigation Probable Resultant EMP ental factors/sour measures Impact Issue ce Water water Water Depletion of Water conservation thro’ recycling No negative impact Strictly implement Resource availability Consumption available water and reusing treated/condensate since water is proposed by the project resource water allocated for conservation practices Rain water harvesting industrial activity and encourage the only staff to save and conserve water at all possible extents Soil and change in project change in land use, Proposed site is open, barren under No change in land check the land land use activities soil pollution due to the possession of the sugar factory use pattern characteristics of solid solid waste, solid waste or Solid waste generated in the project No negative impact waste and compost at effluent/wa effluent is biodegradable hence utilized in on soil quality, least twice a stewater composting process minor negative season/year Disposal of effluent as per the impact due to Monitor the soil regulatory authorities guidelines excavation of soil quality where treated Excavated soil to be stacked and for project activities water is used for reused for gardening, greenbelt Solid waste disposal irrigation – twice a activity, material other than soil to be activity season/year used for leveling and similar activities (Composting) – support micro flora,

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Environm Potential cause Potential Impact Preventive control and mitigation Probable Resultant EMP ental factors/sour measures Impact Issue ce insects, warms and indirectly supports the avi fauna feeds on it – positive impact on ecology Micro nutrients will get recycled due to compost – positive impact on soil quality and ecology Ecology project Cutting of trees Destruction of project within the existing sugar No negative impact Prefer local species for activities or destruction terrestrial and factory premises, and the land is on ecology and greenbelt of habitat aquatic flora or barren and open, flat land no tree biodiversity development, provide Impact due to fauna felling is required Greenbelt helpful to funds and manpower contamination wildlife sanctuary, national park not improve biodiversity to maintain it of water within 25km radius Monitor air, water soil bodies. Effluent/Wastewater recycled/reused at site and after proper treatment surrounding area at Green belt development pre-defined interval

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Environm Potential cause Potential Impact Preventive control and mitigation Probable Resultant EMP ental factors/sour measures Impact Issue ce ‘Zero Liquid Discharge’ scheme implemented Hazard Storage of fire damage to living as Implementation of safety norms as Negative impact Training and mock and Risk raw well as non-living per the regulatory authorities only in accidental drills for safety Assessm material and things guidelines case Policy under PLI act ent finished Appointment of safety officer 1991 product Lightening arresting system Risk assessment to be water hydrant, fire extinguishing done through system and training to staff for its professional risk operation also training for first aid assessors and safety Socio- population Temporary and pressure on social Maximum local labour for Population flux Initiate and Economic flux permanent infrastructure construction and local candidates for could be negligible, implement social Impacts workforce employment hence no negative developmental associated with Housing facility is available with sugar impact anticipated activities as a part of the project mill to accommodate marginal Beneficial impact CSR increase due to direct and indirect employment,

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Environm Potential cause Potential Impact Preventive control and mitigation Probable Resultant EMP ental factors/sour measures Impact Issue ce government and local institutions benefitted through taxes, improvement in infrastructure such as transportation, education, medical facilities, etc. due to the project

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6.3 EMP: OPERATION PHASE 6.3.1 Air Environment Management Air Emissions: As summarized in table 6.1, the sources of air pollution are emissions due to combustion of fuel i.e. bagasse and biogas in the boiler furnace, fugitive dust due to handling of bagasse, processes such as fermentation, bio-compost, etc. Emissions from diesel generator and vehicles are anticipated as minor sources. Considering this following management plan is proposed. Existing electrostatic precipitator (ESP) as air pollution control equipment (PCE), to arrest fly ash emissions Criteria for the design of ESP - mainly based on the characteristics of fuel, its quantity, generation of pollutant, estimated volume of flue gas, etc. Flue gases will be released through existing stack of 72 meter height Preventive maintenance and regular checking of ESP

Fermentor – covered; CO2 scrubber will be installed Existing of ash and bagasse handling system will be utilize Proper maintenance of internal roads; greenbelt development along the roads Biogas produced from the biomethanation process will be utilized as a fuel. In a rare case if it is unutilized, it will be burnt through flare unit; but in any circumstances it will not be freely released in the atmosphere Disposal of potash rich ash by mixing it with compost Composting process will be carried out in aerobic conditions, by using modern machines (Aero-tiller) for rotation operations/supply of oxygen Development of lawn on open areas with plantation of ornamental shrubs/trees in between so as to reduce the dust generation from open areas and improve aesthetics Greenbelt of minimum three tiers in the periphery of the project and more in thickness towards east and west of the site Monitoring of stack emissions and ambient air quality at regular interval Compliance of other regulatory norms such as health, safety, etc. 6.3.2 Noise Environment In case of distilleries, the main processes are fermentation and distillation. In these processes, there are no major noise sources involved. Hence, simple measures such, as maintenance of machines, equipments & vehicles, needs to be implemented. Addition measures includes The noise management practices could be in following sequences Prevent generation of noise at source by good design and maintenance

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Minimise or contain noise at source by observing good operational techniques and management practice Use physical barriers or enclosures to prevent transmission to other media e.g. for boiler, STG, DG room Increase the distance between the source and receiver Sympathetic timing and control for unavoidably noisy operations; Job rotation for workers placed at high noise areas. Personnel Protective Equipments will be procure to the workers Greenbelt development with suitable species for noise attenuation 6.3.3 Water Environment The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), has recommended a guideline through Corporate Responsibility for Environment Protection (CREP), charter. According to these guidelines, it is mandatory for the distillery to achieve ‘Zero Liquid Discharge’ (ZLD). The project proponent has developed a plan to achieve ZLD and has made necessary financial provisions towards the planned activities. Biomethanation followed by the evaporation (MEE) is the treatment and quantitative reduction of distillery spentwash. Aerobic composting is the disposal technology to dispose the 120 m3/day for concentrated spentwash CREP guidelines for molasses based distilleries The industry has opted for Bio-methanation as primary treatment followed by bio composting for the safe disposal of spent wash. The guidelines recommended through CREP, which will be implemented by the project proponent, are as follows. Raw Spentwash Storage lagoon five day storage capacity 1500 m3 Spentwash storage lagoon of ≤30 days capacity 9000 m3 Both lagoons must be impervious, constructed leak-proof, lined with HDPE sheets and protected by brick lining The compost yard lined with HDPE sheets and protected with brick/ concrete/ Bituminous Macadam Provisions for leachate collection gutter and sump well with mechanical provision for leachat management A) Land Preparation for Compost Yard Basic 1. While designing and preparing compost yard, its foundation need to be constructed with utmost care. Therefore, preparation of the ground & proper compaction plays very important role in the development of compost yard.

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2. Therefore, it is to ensure that- The land is leveled and compacted properly Soft soil cushion is essential to lay a 250 micron thick HDPE sheet Further, another layer of soft soil/soft sand needs to be provided over the 250 micron thick HDPE sheet before proceeding with the top finish Provision of underground spentwash spraying network for auto spraying Provision of leachate management system as per guidelines There are few options for top finish of compost yard, they are - Brick on-edge gaps filled with dry sand/soft local soil Providing Plain Cement Concrete (PCC) 1:3:6 in bays & scaling the joints with bitumen. Bituminous asphalting Providing and laying interlocking concrete paving blocks The project proponent has opted an impervious compost yard lined with HDPE sheet and top finish of PCC (1:3:6) B) Operations & Maintenance Guidelines for Composting i) Rainy Season It is not possible to run the aerobic composting process at least for two-three months during rainy season. The reasons are: Freshly sprayed spentwash that is yet to be decomposed may give some colored leachate after rain and will contaminate the soil Due to rain, the composting material in windrows may have moisture content of 70%, which can result in anaerobic It is not possible to run the composting machine during rainy season Heavy rains can wash off the press mud Precautions to be taken before onset of rainy season The composting area must be vacated before start of rains As far as possible, all the compost on the site should be sold out before start of rain. The compost, which remains unsold, should be properly bagged and kept in godown/covered area After harvesting the last batch of compost a 2 cm layer of pressmud should be scrapped over the surface layer of compost yard and this scrapped material shall be kept covered for blending with compost. After cleaning the scrapped area, fresh windrow of pressmud shall be formed only after rainy season.

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Chapter VI ii) Unseasonal Rains Precaution to be taken, if there is unseasonal rain during composting cycle In order to avoid the leaching of spentwash, which is yet to decompose all the windrows on the yard should be covered with polyethylene sheets/pullover covers Stop spraying spentwash, temporarily when it is raining. Spraying can be resumed when the sky becomes clear. The provision of the trenches towards slopping side should be made to collect the runoff from windrow area. This runoff should be collected in leachate collection pit. It should be pumped back to 5 days as well as 30 days storage lagoon. The run off of outside compost yard should be suitably diverted so that it does not enter the compost yard. In order to achieve ‘Zero Liquid Discharge’ the industry will be adopting biomethnation followed by multi effect evaporation follow by biocomposting process. Impervious lagoons will be constructed for storage of spent wash and impervious compost yard (1:3:6 PCC) with HDPE lining as per CREP norms. Table 6.2: Guidelines, Formulated By Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) New Delhi, For Bio-Composting Plants # Description Requirement as per Actual Design and C.P.C.B. Norms Provisions 1. Working days of Distillery 270 days 270 days (Rainy season shall be avoided and the entire compost area shall be kept dry before starting of the rainy period) 2. Spentwash storage tank capacity (duly 5days of generation 5 days lined with 250 micron HDPE sheet and & & pitched by stone/bricks with cement 30 days of generation 30 days mortar to prevent leachate). 3. Pressmud: Spentwash ratio 1: 2.5-3.0 1:2 4. No. of days required to complete one 45days/60 days 45 days composting operation cycle 5. Land required for compost plant 850 MT/acre/cycle 850 MT/acre/cycle Construction of compost yard as under (with arrangement of leachate collection and surface runoff and its pumping to holding lagoon and laying of pipe net work for automatic spraying of spentwash) I) Compaction of soil II) 5 cm sand cushion (top)

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III) 250 micron HDPE sheet IV) 5cm sand cushion (bottom) V) PCC top In case the coefficient of permeability is less than 10-8 cm/sec (as in black cotton soil), 30 cm depth of impervious soil, compacted with 30 cm depth of murum at the top may also be used. 6. Maximum allowable cycle/annum 1) Five cycles in case of Five Cycles 45 days composting period 2) Four Cycles in case of 60 days composting period 7. Pressmud storage on compost site Equivalent to one cycle NIL during monsoon season after taking due care for protection by using HDPE sheets etc. 8. Land required for storage of ready It should be raised 12 Compliance as per compost. inch above ground level required norms and quantity equivalent would be done to 33% of the total compost should be stored 9. Compost quality specification Moisture: < 35% Compliance as per Organic Carbon:20-25% required norms C:N ratio : <17:1 would be done Nitrogen: 1.5-2% Phosphorous:1.5-2% Potassium: 2-3.5% Total Volatile Solids: 50- 60% on dry wt. basis

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Chapter VI Spent Lees and process condensate from ME Treatment Unit (Condensate Polishing Unit) FEED








Figure 6.1: Process Flow Diagram For CPU Important aspect a. Spentwash: Its transportation to the treatment site by laying suitable and protected pipeline of HDPE or similar material b. Electricity: Provision of diesel/electricity required for carrying the mixing turning aeration machine is must at the composting site. Three phase, 440 V electricity cable is to be provided and laid down by factory to the inlet of isolation switch of MCC. c. Compost: Arrangement for transports of compost from composting site (compost pit/ windrows) will be performed by the sugar factory d. Press-mud, boiler ash and sludge as a filler material in required quantity and proportion will be made available by the sugar factory and it will be transported by them up to the composting site

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e. Other Infrastructure: Tree plantation (As a greenbelt development) will be done by the sugar factory f. Water required for plantation / drinking etc. will be made available by the sugar factory Precautionary Measures Cooling ponds shall be constructed of masonary/brick work with impervious one using PVC lining duly finished and sulphate resistant cement shall be used. Since the spent wash is highly acidic in nature, the corrosive resistant epoxy coatings shall be made. Storage tanks of 30 days and 5 days capacity shall be constructed by providing and laying leak-proof tar-felt coating and waterproofing primer for joints Surface windrows should be constructed as described earlier Bore well towards the downstream of the compost site to check the ground water quality regularly Provision to cover the windrows with HDPE sheets, in case of rains Provision of lined garland drains around the surface compost pits to collect run-off. Operation and Maintenance of Other Pollution Control System All the pollution control system such as, Bio-methanation, air pollution control (APC) equipment and any other system provided by the industry should be operated and maintained strictly as per the operational manual. The record related to this should be maintained and kept ready for inspection. The preventive maintenance of all the plant and machinery including civil/mechanical structure shall be carried out as per the prescribed scheduled. Housekeeping in and around plant/pollution control system should be maintained properly. 6.3.4 Land Environment As discussed in previous chapters, the major threat to land environment is due to percolation of spentwash / untreated effluent into the soil or disposal of the same by land application etc. Change in land topography due to installation of various distillery units is another permanent impact. Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) is aimed for the proposed project and the scheme recommended for storage, disposal of spentwash and other effluent will comply CREP guidelines; hence these measures will help to reduce the land pollution due to spent wash and effluent Generally, solid & hazardous waste becomes a cause of concern for land environment; however, in proposed project, the solid waste such as sludge

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generated from polishing unit, fermentation, bio-digestion activity is degradable, hence it will be mixed with bio-compost Greenbelt development could help in improving aesthetics of the site Bio-compost could help in improving soil fertility Recycling of potash could be achieved through mixing of bagasse ash in bio- compost

Figure 6.2: Schematic of waste management Hazardous waste management

Spent oil from the gear boxes and automobile batteries will be disposed as per the Hazardous waste (Management and handling) Amended Rules, 2003.

6.4 GREENBELT DEVELOPMENT Development of greenbelt in and around an industrial complex is an effective way to attenuate air pollution. The degree of pollution attenuation is depends upon height, width, foliage, surface area of leaf and density of species, etc. The Major objectives of the proposed green belt development will be – Mitigate impact due to fugitive emissions Create an aesthetic environment Enhance the bio-diversity of the vicinity Help to restore the ground water table Prevent soil erosion and surface run-off While planning and designing greenbelt, its various functions will be considered: They are- Spatio-visual separation of larger parts of the premises

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Entrance and roadside greenery helps in separating the main industrial structures Provision of greenery along all interior pedestrian network Provision of (smaller) resting areas for the workforce during breaks (park benches, etc,) Provision of reserve sites eventually becoming necessary at a later development stage. Selection of plant species will be based on their following characteristics Fast growing Thick canopy cover Perennial and ever green Large leaf area Preferably Indigenous Resistant to pollutants and should maintain ecological balance for soil and geo- hydrological conditions of the region. Trees interspacing tree density Size/type Location per 100m2 3 x 3m 25 Shrubs, small and Boundary of sugar and medium trees cogeneration, Garden/landscape areas 5 x 5m 09 medium to large size Boundary of plot area – trees 20-25m 04-05 Large size trees Road side large size trees

Since, the greenery development will be done as per the requirement i.e. type of activity performed at a particular area/block/plot, thus the tree spacing will vary from plot to plot. Therefore, approx. 5,500 plants (including trees and shrubs) are proposed for the greenbelt development. Table 6.3: List of Species Recommended For Greenbelt Development * T=Tall, M=Medium, S=Size S Name Size* Climatic condition Feature/remark No. (Rainfall) 1. Acacia nilotica sub species T 250-500 mm Dust tolerant, very common indica and tomentosa in the region 2. Acacia leucophloea T 500-1000 mm Tolerant to air pollution, very common in the region 3. Aegal marmalose M/T 500-1000 mm Tolerant to air pollution, common in the region

4. Albizia leabak M 500-1000 mm Tolerant of CO2 5. Anthocephalus kadamba T 500-1000 mm Dust tolerant 6. Azadiracta indica T 500-1000 mm Fly ash tolerant ,Tolerant of alkaline and Saline soil,

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common in the area 7. Bauhinia purpurea T 500-1000 mm Dust tolerant, cultivated near residential areas 8. Bauhinia variegata T/M 500-1000mm Soluble sodium 1.0 to 2.0 9. Butea monosperma T 500-1000 mm - 10. Cassia fistula M 500-1000 mm pH 7.5 to 8.4, cultivated near residential areas 11. Cassia siamea M/T 500-1000 mm Soluble sodium 1.0 to 2.0, cultivated near residential areas 12. Casurina equisetifolia T 500-1000mm Tolerant of sandy soil 13. Cordia spp. M 500-1000mm Dust tolerant 14. Delonix regia T 250-500 mm Fly ash tolerant 15. Emblica officinalis M 500-1000 mm -

16. Erythrina indica T 500-1000 mm Tolerant of CO2

17. Eucalyptus species T 500-1000 mm Tolerant of sandy soil, SO2 18. Ficus benghalensis T 500-1000 mm Fluoride tolerant, common

19. Ficus glomerata T 500-1000 mm Tolerant of CO2 common

20. Ficus religiosa T 500-1000 mm Tolerant of CO2 common

21. Nerium odoratum S 500-1000 mm Tolerant of SO2 common 22. Tamarindus indica T 250-500 mm Tolerant of acidic soil 23. Terminalia arjuna T 500-1000mm Tolerant of alkaline/Saline soil 24. Derris indica M/T 500-1000mm Tolerant to air pollution, common in the region 25. Dalbargia sissoo Tolerant to air pollution, common in the region

Table 6.4: Flowering and foliage shrubs recommended for greenbelt

# Flowering plant (Shrubs) # Foliage plant (Shrubs/Under tree) 1 Hibiscus 1 Duranta species 2 Shankasur (Ceasalpinia spp.) 2 Dracena 3 Ixora 3 Euphorbia pulcherima 4 Tagar 4 Muscanda 5 Cassia biflora 5 Maranta bicolor 6 Powder puff 6 Agave 7 Nerium 7 Palm spp. 8 Alamanda 8 Croton 9 Chitrak (Plumbago) 10 Hemalia petans

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11 Vinca rosea 12 Ratrani 13 Gardenia 14 Canna 16 Chrysanthemum

6.5 CONCEPT OF WASTE-MINIMIZATION, RECYCLE/REUSE/ RECOVER TECHNIQUES, ENERGY CONSERVATION, AND NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION Industries are going to burn the 11700 m3/day biogas in to the boiler which could save bagasse to the tone of 22 MT per day Recycle of 255 m3/day of treated water (spent lees and process condensate water) after polishing treatment, for cooling tower make up. This practice reduces the fresh water requirement 6.6 RAIN WATER HARVESTING Rain water is one of the purest sources of water for improving the water table and water quality in the sub-soil. Rain water which is otherwise wasted has to be recharged in to the soil. This can be adopted eitherusing traditional way or by modern technologies. The various types of rain harvesting schemes are, diverting rain water collection through proper channels to the nearest pond or open wells and run off from built in areas mainly roofs are diverted to storm water drains, which is again taken to the nearest lake / pond. The other method of rain water harvesting is ground water recharging. In this option, the recharging structures should be prepared in scientific way. Recharging pits of size approx. 2x2 m and 3m depth need to be constructed and filled with pebbles/rubbles of sizes more than 2”. At the center of this structure 6” or 8” pipe is driven to the depth of approx.10m, with perforation of 1or2”. Such structures can be built at pre-defined places (minimum 4 or 5 places, depending up on the site situation) so that maximum quantity of rain water within the premises of sugar factory can be collected. The water diverted through channels, from roof tops and other means can be collected in this recharge structure, which will definitely improve the water table as well as quality of the water and feed water to the plant during drought season. The industry has planned rainwater-harvesting project by harvesting rain water from roof top areas of building and structures of sugar unit only. This selection was mainly considering contamination as well as other feasibility factors. All the rain water is collected, filtered and channelized to spray pond, where it is stored. The dimensions of spray pond are 30x30x3m, that offers a volume of 2700 cu.m. for rain water storage.

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Rain water harvesting calculations for the existing scheme are as follows. DESCRIPTION OF AREA AVG RAIN- RUN WATER AVAIL-ABLE Per CATCHMENT FALL PER OFF annum AREA YEAR SQM M % CUM Roof top area 3690 0.55 70 2029 (sugar unit only)


30.00 30.00 3.00 2700.00 2700.00

This water will be used during start up of various units of sugar factory during crushing season. 6.7 SAFETY, OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT In this project, aspects of Safety and Occupational Health are given with the due consideration, over and above applicable legislations such as Factories Act 1948. Extra attention is paid to provide measures for ensuring safety and health of workers as well as integrity of the unit. Following applicable national or international standards shall be followed Use of flameproof electrics equipments Suitable operating procedures shall be adhered to ensure all Safety, Health and Environment Provision of safety gears to workers Workers working in high noise/ high risk areas must be rotated to other areas Smoking and other igniting activities should be strictly prohibited in the distillery, biogas as well as bio-compost area In exceptional case, when biogas couldn’t be consumed as a fuel in the boiler then as a safety measure a flare unit shall be installed The plant and buildings meet the corresponding provisions of statutes regarding inter- distances, exits, ventilation, illumination, etc. Fire fighting arrangements shall be provided as per the required statutes as well as corresponding standards Plan of evaluation of health of workers By pre designed format during pre placement and periodical examinations. Proper schedule will be devised and followed with help of occupational health experts and doctors.

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Health effects of metals used and health hazard plans based on monthly correlation of these metal related diseases and people affected. Schedule of medical check-up during operational phase Comprehensive Pre-employment medical checkup for all employees General check up of all employees once every year Medical examination of employees after retirement is recommended for a period of five years Local hospitals and Govt. health monitoring system will be engaged Dispensary and ESI facility will be provided to all workers as applicable All safety gears will be provided to workers and care will be taken by EMC that these are used properly by them. All safety norms will be followed 6.8 MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT/ENVIRONMENT RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INDUSTRY Comply the norms of regulatory authorities as applicable Proper implementation of schemes for employees health, insurance, welfare, etc. Prefer local candidates for direct employment opportunities Provide employment to backward classes/communities as per the regulatory norms Policy under PLI Act 1991 is mandatory Promote water conservation measures such as drip irrigation while implementing cane development Maintain the road infrastructure Help to strengthen the other infrastructures such as school, medical facilities, water, sanitation, etc by paying taxes, cess etc on time to local and state government Help to maintain and improve social harmony in the region 6.9 ENVIRONMENT MONITORING PROGRAMME In order to maintain the environmental quality within the standards, regular monitoring network to maintain, environmental quality will be implemented. The sugar factory is already having a monitoring program for various attributes and also has a full-fledged laboratory and technical manpower for the pollution matters. The same can be extended to the distillery and ETP since the distillery is proposed to be within the sugar factory complex. The existing laboratory needs to be upgraded so as to serve the proposed project requirement. 6.9.1 Environment Management Cell It is recommended to constitute, a separate Environment Management Cell by including following personnel of existing staff. It should be established to monitor and control the

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Chapter VI environmental quality in and around the industrial complex. Members of the Cell should be well qualified and experienced in the concerned field. Table 6.5: Human Resource for Environment Management Cell Particular Number General Manager/Production Manager One Environmental officer/Manager One Laboratory Chemist One Environmental Chemist /biodigester supervisor One Safety Officer One Supporting Staff Two to five

6.9.2 Water Environment Water samples from bore well/s located towards downstream of compost yard from village Padali and Dhamni should be collected and analysed as mentioned frequency in the table 6.6 The characteristics of inlet spentwash and biomethanated spentwash, should be collected and analysed as mentioned frequency in the table 6.6 Water Cess should be submitted to Pollution Control Board as per the schedule 6.9.3 Air Environment Stack monitoring to be done form NABL/MoEF approved laboratory as mentioned frequency in the table 6.6 Ambient air sampling and monitoring at list three location at site, keeping monitoring samplers at 120o as mentioned frequency in the table 6.6 In addition ambient air quality to be tested in upwind and down wind direction twice a season (at village Padali, Mangrul) Noise measurement at list five locations on site as mentioned frequency in the table 6.6 6.9.4 Other Condition Environment Statement Reports also to be filed as per the schedule prescribed by Pollution Control Board Hazardous Management Returns be filed as per the schedule prescribed by Pollution Control Board Any other condition prescribed by the MoEF/SPCB to be complies and communicate to concern authority

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Any amendment in to the rule /regulation/notification suggestion by the Government authority to be comply Some of the routine tests of wastewater such as pH, solids, temperature, etc. could be carried out in the laboratory of sugar factory. However, for additional tests of water, wastewater, soil, air etc. services of reputed laboratories approved by Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF), New Delhi - under EPA 1986, could be hired.

Table 6.6: Analysis of environmental parameters and its reporting schedule

Sr. No. Particulars Parameter Frequency#

1 Stack Emissions SPM, SO2, NOx Monthly

2 Ambient Air Quality PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NOx Monthly 3 inlet and outlet of pH, BOD, COD, SS, TDS, Oil & Grease etc. Monthly polishing unit 4 Bore well /ground pH, COD, BOD, TSS, TDS and Total solids, Quarterly water sample nearer to hardness, Chlorides, Sulphate, /monthly

compost yard Phosphates, and Calcium. 5 Noise monitoring Noise Levels measurement at high noise Monthly generating places as well as sensitive receptors in the vicinity 6 Analysis of ready bio- Moisture, Organic Carbon, and C:N ratio, Each batch of compost Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, etc. compost 7 Occupational health health and fitness checkup of employees Quarterly get exposed to various hazards All other staff (except above) Twice a year # if consent conditions are different than recommended frequency then follow the consent conditions Periodical Analysis of raw and biomethanated spent wash Table 6.7: Suggested schedule for maintenance of wastewater treatment unit # Part See (*) Frequency 1 Bearings See temperature Daily Change grease bi-monthly 2 Gland Change packing bi-monthly/as required 3 Indicators Pressure gauge, vacuum gauge tri-monthly

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calibration of 4 All type valves Change packing six-monthly 5 Impellor Check all blades, sleeves, bearing, Yearly, change if required impel nut check 6 Electric motor Open side doors, blow dust, check air Monthly gap 7 Motor winding Blow off dust, test insulation bi- Yearly 8 All hand carts, Grease wheels Monthly wheel barrows Change rubber tyres six-monthly if reqd 9 Gear box Oil level Check every week, replenish tri-monthly 10 Scraper shoe Tighten nut bolts, change broken- tri-monthly bent members, change leather- rubber shoes 11 Central turn table See oil level Weekly Check chain of sprocket, steel balls, Yearly gear 12 Aerator See oil and grease Weekly Painting-coating blades Yearly (*)As applicable to the unit 6.9.5 Flow Measurement Water required for distillery process, boiler, cooling, cleaning and domestic purpose needs to be measured by installing flow meter at source. Quantity of minor, moderate and highly polluted effluent generated is also need to be measured with the help of flow meter.

Table 6.8: Format for Water Consumption Reporting Schedule

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# Particulars m3/h m3/D m3/A 1. Dilution of Molasses 2. Distillation process, dilution for ENA 3. Cooling tower (CT) make-up for distillery 4. CT make-up for cooling spentwash for biogas plant 5. Boiler make-up 6. Floor washings sterilize 7. Sanitary Requirement 8. Domestic Use for Colony Total 9. Water consumption per KL of alcohol production 10. Power consumption for water lifting, KWH 11. Expenses for Electricity (Rs.) Water Cess (Rs.) Water Bills (Rs.) 12. Total Expenses (Rs.) 13. Expenses on water per liter of alcohol

Table 6.9: Format for Pollutant Generation Reporting Schedule # Particulars Today m3 To date m3 A Liquid 1. Spentwash generation 2. Spent lees generation 3. Process condensate 4. Any other B. Solid waste 5. Biomethaned Sludge 6. Bio-sludge from CPU 7. Ash 8 Any other C Hazardous waste 9 Hazardous waste from process 10 Hazardous waste from ETP

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11 Any other

Table 6.10: Format for Pollutant Disposal Reporting Schedule

# Particulars Disposal method Today m3 To date m3 A Liquid 1. Spentwash Disposal 2. Treated effluent from CPU 3. Any other B. Solid waste 4. Biomethaned Sludge

# Particulars Disposal method Today m3 To date m3 5. Bio-sludge from CPU 6. Ash 7 Any other C Hazardous waste 8 From process 9 From ETP 11 Any other

Table 6.11: Format for Biocompost unit Reporting Schedule

# Particulars Opening Today To date Consumption Closing balance Balance received received /sell 1. Spentwash 2. Press mud 3. Culture 4. Ash received 5 Bio-sludge 6 Biocompost 7 Any other

Table 6.12: Estimated Capital & Recurring Expenses for Environmental Management Program

Sr. Particulars Amount No. (Rs. in Lakhs) 16. Spent wash cooling and holding tank 123.00

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17. Compost yard with PCC top finish 195.00 18. Cil work at ETP (Foundation for evaporation, 100.00 biogas polishing unit ) 19. Leachate management system 29.00 20. La boratory shed and its glassware, equipments, etc. 10.00 21. Polishing units for condensate treatment 20.00 22. Biomethanation Unit 260.00 23. Stand alone evaporation 300.00 24. Spryaing pumps, Spent wash pumps and piping, 27.00 HDPE piping, internal site piping, valves and fittings 25. Biocomposting machinery, pipeline and other 68.00 26. DG set for ETP 10.00 27. Wire fencing around ETP 5.00 28. Electrification at ETP 10.00 29. Fire fighting equipments and other 5.00 30. Tree plantation and bore well for composting 5.00 TOTAL 1167.00 Recurring Expenses/annum

1. Salaries and wages @ 5% on capital investment 58.35 2. Operation and maintenance of all pollution control devices, 58.35 motors, pumps, pipelines, etc. 5% on capital investment 3. Fuel (composting activity) and Electricity (in case of diesel 1.26 generator operation) TOTAL 117.96

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Risk associated with the use of hazardous chemicals can be assessed and managed in terms of their effect on human health, environmental health, and business operations, in general. When discussing a particular chemical substance, each of these categories should be examined to ensure a comprehensive understanding of a total risk and to provide the basis for an acceptable risk management programme.

Presence of a chemical commodity in the work place or the environment in general, generates some level of risk. Assessing the nature or severity of this risk is dependent upon a number of factors, all of which focus on one common element: exposure. In assessing a risk a questions of exposures must consistently be asked. Are personnel being exposed? Is there an exposure to the environment? What is the risk to continue success in business operations if there is an exposure to personnel and/or the environment? Therefore, risk assessment, which is the basis for risk management, is partially contingent upon an understanding of term ‘Exposure’.

However, an exposure to chemical doesn’t always mean that the results will be detrimental. If such exposure occurs (i.e. those with no detrimental or adverse effect to human health, the environment or business operation) then additional question must be asked – what is the nature of the risk associated with such exposure? Are these exposures hazardous or toxic? Hence, it is not always enough to have experienced an exposure to a chemical to accurately assess the risk posed by such. One must determine (assess) if the exposure was also hazardous before the level or nature of risk can be properly identified. In other words, the specific hazardous of an exposure that present risk to a person and/ or the environment must be examined. It becomes clear that the risk assessor or risk manager must understand the principals of hazard, exposure, and risk.

7.2 THE RISK EQUATION Risk is the probability that the hazard will occur (i.e. that an adverse effect or/event will result from a given set of exposure condition). Since the risk is typically expressed as a mathematical probability, the range of risk can be stated as zero (having no possibility of adverse effect or event). One (having a certainty that an adverse effect or event will result) having established this, it is important to note that risk is the mathematical product of hazard and exposure. This relationship can, be expressed in the following simple formula.

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Risk = Hazard x Exposure

Simple Mathematics tells us that, multiplying any number by zero forces a product of zero. Therefore, the above equation means that an extremely hazardous substance can be present with little risk of adverse effect if it is handled with safe and proper conditions (i.e. when the exposure component of the risk equation is driven towards zero). Similarly, risk can be reduced towards zero by driving the hazard component of the equation towards zero (e.g. changing the process design, substituting less hazardous commodity, using a lesser amount of a chemical, etc.), even if there is still a high probability of exposure. Of course, the ultimate risk management solution would be driving both the exposure and the hazard components of the equation to as low probability as possible. Such measures would virtually guarantee a low or no risk scenario; however, in the real world of everybody, operations, it is not always practical, feasible, or possible to reduce the elements of risk to zero level or probability. For this reason, risk assessment and risk management have become extremely vital element to successful business operations in recent years. More importantly, the proper assessment and management of risks, which may be pose by the use, transport, storage, or disposal of hazardous chemical can be laterally save lives, prevent illness and injury and preserve the precious environmental resources.


7.3.1 Mechanical Hazard It mainly involves properties of machine parts or work pieces, such as: a. Shape: It may cause injury to workman b. Relative location: Confined location during repairs & maintenance c. Mass and stability: May cause physical Injury d. Inadequacy of mechanical strength e. Accumulation of energy inside the equipment: steam/ air /water pressure cause injury to workman f. During commissioning, Operation and Maintenance of plant Crushing hazard, shearing hazard, Cutting or severing hazard, Friction or abrasion hazard and High pressure fluid injection or ejection hazard can not ruled out Mechanical injury to body parts g. In industry, there are several places where workers are likely to be involved with accidents resulting in injury to body parts. The places are workshop, during mechanical repair work in different units, during construction work, road accidents due to vehicular movement, etc

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h. Workers exposed to mechanical accident-prone areas will be given personal protective equipment. The non-respiratory PPE includes tight rubber goggles, safety helmets, welders hand shields and welding helmets, plastic face shields, ear plugs, ear muffs, rubber aprons, rubber gloves, shoes with non-skid soles, gum boots, safety shoe with toe protection. i. All safety and health codes prescribed by the BIS will be implemented. Fire hydrants will be located at all convenient and strategic points along the major drains and checked for water availability on regular basis. Fire extinguishing equipment, sand buckets, water sprinklers, and water hoses will be provided at all convenient point. Fire, heat, smoke, and hydrocarbon detection alarms will be installed. 7.3.2 Electrical Hazard Probable incidences for electrical hazards, could be a. Contact of persons with live parts (direct contact), b. Contact of persons with parts which have become live under faulty conditions (indirect contact), c. Approach to live parts under high voltage, d. Electrostatic phenomena, e. Thermal radiation or other phenomena such as the projection of any particles and chemical; f. Effect of short circuits, overloads, etc identified during construction, production and maintenance 7.3.3 Thermal Hazard Probable causes of thermal hazards could be - a. Burns, scalds and other injuries by a possible contact of persons with objects or materials with an extreme high or low temperature, by flames or explosions and also by radiation of heat sources b. Damage to health by hot or cold working environment c. Thermodynamic Hazard such as over/under pressure, over/under-temperature need to be avoided by providing system management 7.3.4 Hazard generated by noise In the proposed project probable source of noise are – boiler, motors and pumps, etc. Usually prolong exposure to high noise level, results into 1. hearing loss (deafness), other physiological disorder (e.g., loss of balance, loss of awareness)

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2. Interference with speech communication, acoustic signals, etc. 7.3.5 Hazard generated by Vibration In the proposed project the hazard due to vibrations could be due to - 1. Use of hand-held machines resulting in a variety of neurological and vascular disorders 2. Whole body vibration, particularly when combined with poor postures 7.3.6 Hazards generated by materials/substances 1. Hazards from contact with or inhalation of harmful fluids such as: Anti rusting chemicals, Cleaning agents/acids/organic solvents gases, Superheated steam through leaks, bagasse dust, etc. 2. Fire hazard — dry bagasse, alcohol and molasses storage area, furnace 3. Biological or microbiological (viral or bacterial) hazards:-Workplace exposure to dusts from the processing of bagasse can cause the chronic lung condition pulmonary fibrosis. 7.3.7 Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) Preliminary hazard analysis (PHA) is a semi-quantitative analysis that is performed to identify all potential hazards and accidental events that may lead to an accident, rank the identified accidental events according to their severity, and identify required hazard controls and follow-up actions. This tool analysis is based on applying prior experience or knowledge of hazard to identify future hazards, hazardous situation. This can be used for product, process and facility design. This can be used in early development of a project where there is little information in detail is available. 7.3.8 Qualitative Risk Assessment Table 7.1: Probability of occurrence of hazard Probability No Causes/ Incident

1 Very unlikely Once per 1000 years or more seldom

2 Remote Once per 100 years

3 Occasional Once per 10 years

4 Probable Once per year

5 Frequent Once per month or more often

Table 7.2: Severity - Impact Intensity 1 Minor-Failure results in minor system damage but does not cause injury to personnel, allow any kind of exposure to operational or service personnel or allow any release of chemicals into the environment

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2 Major-Failure results in a low level of exposure to personnel, or activates facility alarm system. 3 Critical --Failure results in minor injury to personnel, personnel exposure to harmful chemicals or radiation, fire or release of chemical to the environment 4 Catastrophic Failure results in major injury or death of personnel

Table 7.3 Risk assessment and mitigation measures Sr. Hazard Probability Severity Mitigation Measure No Mechanical Hazard 1. Physical injury to Frequent Once hand/legs Minor Use PPE/PPA per month or during process more often

2. Boiler Explosion Remote Catastrophic Layers of Protection area(LOPA) 3. Fingers nipping in Probable Once between moving part. E Major Fixed /Movable Guards at per year g Belt probable sites

4. Frequent Once Steam pipe leakages Major per month or Proactive Maintenance/PPE

more often 5. Working on height Probable Once Work permit system Critical Impact /falling down per year Life belts/Helmet

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Sr. Hazard Probability Severity Mitigation Measure No

6. Water feeder pump Occasional Alarming/communication failure Once per 10 Critical arrangements years Electrical Hazard 7. Contact of persons with parts which have Occasional PPE/PPA/Permits become live under faulty Once per 10 Major

conditions (indirect years contact) 8. Occasional Catastrophic Approach to live parts Guards/ authorization Once per 10 under high voltage Enter Restriction years 9. Earthling, avoid Dust Electrostatic phenomena Remote Major Explosion

10. Thermal radiation or other Probable Once Major PPE/Checking /Inspection Short circuits, overloads, per year etc. Thermal Hazard 11. Occasional Safe working Burns, scalds and other Once per 10 Major distance/PPA/protective injuries by steam years dress code 12. Frequent Once Damage to health by hot Minimum exposure per month or Critical working environment Ventilation /Humidity control more often

Hazard generated by Noise 13. Belt movement. Critical Frequent Confinement of source Pump/Motor Use Ear Muff/Plugs Turbo generator Hazard generated by Vibration 14. Whole body vibration, during working on Remote Major Engineering solutions feeder platform *Severity - Minor, Major, Critical, Catastrophic

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7.4 PROBABLE RISK FACTORS Following scenarios feel under Maximum Credible Accident Scenario • Fire in fuel yard (bagasse yard) or storage yard (molasses and alcohol storage tanks) • Fire due to short circuits • Injury to body and body parts (mechanical) 7.4.1 Fire: This is the most common accident known to occur in any plant, while storing and handling fuel. Since, such incident takes short time to get widespread. Quick response is required to evacuate the plant personnel. An elaborate fire hydrant network and fire fighting system comprising of trained crew and facilities will mitigate the risk of such incidents. In addition, as per requirement fire alarm system and smoke detectors will be installed. Table 7.4: NFPA (NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION) RATING

Chemical NFPA Ratings Health Hazard Fire Reactivity Ethanol 0 3 0

NFPA Classifications Health Hazard Definition 4 Materials which on very short exposure could cause death or major residual injury even though prompt medical treatment were given 3 Materials which on short exposure could cause serious temporary or residual injury even though prompt medical treatment were given 2 Materials which on intense or continued exposure could cause temporary incapacitation or possible residual injury unless prompt medical treatment is given 1 Materials which on exposure would cause irritation but only minor residual injury even if no treatment is given 0 Materials which on exposure under fire conditions would offer no hazard beyond that of ordinary combustible material Flammability Definition

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4 Materials which will rapidly or completely vaporise at atmospheric pressure and normal ambient temperature, or which are readily dispersed in air and which will burn readily 3 Liquids and solids that can be ignited under almost all ambient temperature conditions. 2 Materials that must be moderately heated or exposed to relatively high ambient temperatures before ignition can occur 1 Materials that must be preheated before ignition can occur 0 Materials that will not burn Reactivity Definition 4 Materials which in themselves are readily capable of detonation or of explosive decomposition or reaction at normal temperatures and pressures 3 Materials which in themselves are capable of detonation or explosive reaction bur require a strong initiating source or which must be heated under confinement before initiation or which must be heated under confinement before initiation or which react explosively with water. 2 Materials which in themselves are normally unstable and readily undergo violent chemical change but do not detonate. Also materials which may react violently with water or which may form potentially explosive mixtures with water 1 Materials which in themselves are normally stable, but which can become unstable at elevated temperatures and pressures or which may react with water with some release of energy but not violently 0 Materials which in themselves are normally stable, even under fire exposure conditions, and which are not reactive with water


A. Storage Alcohol (RS, ENA or AA) and molasses will be stored in leak-proof MS tanks, gauges of MOC will be strictly as per IS or relevant standards; Storage area will be well ventilated with adequate spacing between units Provision of alcohol vapor condensation system

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Strictly declare as ‘No Smoking Zone’ and prohibiting use of any ignitable material (e.g. even cell phones, etc.) Use Electrical fittings of good quality that comply national or international standards Mandatory to transport vehicle to use flame proof silencer Lightening arresting system Product and storage details

# Particulars Production Receiver Storage Make (KL/Day) capacity (m3) capacity (m3) 1. Rectified Spirit 28.5 KLPD 60 x 3 600x1 MS Impure Sprit 1.5 KLPD 10x3 600x1 MS 2. ENA 28.2 KLPD 60x3 600x3 MS Technical alcohol 1.8 KLPD 10x2 MS 3 Anhydrous alcohol 30.0 KLPD 60x3 600x2 MS 4. Fusel oil 60L per day 10x1 MS

B. Provisions of Fire fighting System will be as follows

a. Guidelines of OISD-STD-117 will be implemented

b. The fixed water spray system will be provided on all tanks, fire water flow rate will be calculated at a rate of 20.4 lpm/m2 as per OISD-STD-117

c. Fire water system will be designed for a minimum residual pressure of 7 kg/cm2(g) at hydraulically remotest point in the installation considering single largest risk scenario

d. Water for the fire fighting will be stored in easily accessible surface or underground tanks of RCC/steel with minimum four hours aggregate rated capacity of pumps. There will be one or two standby diesel engine driven pumps of the same type, capacity & head as the main pumps will be provided; Jackey pump (one in number -AC motor driven) for maintaining pressure

e. Hydrant system covering the entire plant including all important auxiliaries and buildings is proposed. The system will be complete with piping, valves instrumentation, hoses, nozzles and hydrants, valves etc.

f. High velocity water spray system near storage tanks g. Portable extinguisher such as pressurized water type, carbon dioxide type and foam type will be located at strategic locations throughout the plant

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h. The diesel engines will be quick starting type with the help of push buttons located on or near the pumps or located at a remote location. i. Portable foam and/or water-cum-foam monitors will be provided for suppression of pool fire in tank farm area. j. Fire water pumps & storage will be located at 30 m (minimum) away from equipment or where hydrocarbons are handled or stored. k. Fire water pumps will be exclusively used for firefighting purpose only

l. Fire water mains, hydrant & monitor stand posts, risers of water spray system will be painted with “Fire Red” paint as per IS: 5.

m. Hose boxes, water monitors and hydrant outlets will be painted with “Luminous Yellow” paint as per IS: 5

n. Electric audible fire siren will be to the farthest distance in the installation and also in the surrounding area up to 1 km from the periphery of the installation which wills different sound with respect to shift alarm with continuous power supply

o. Communication system like Telephone, Public Address System, etc. should be provided in non-hazardous areas of the installation

C. Boiler Operations

1. Provision of adequate sets of Personnel protective equipment's

2. Pilot lights will be provided on electrical panel boards

3. Provision of hand operable fire fighting cylinders at strategic locations

D. Fire Fighting Strategy 1. In case of small fire the fire can be extinguished with the help of DCP followed by water to prevent re-ignition. 2. If it is a major fire, cordon the area and restrict entry of any unauthorized personnel 3. Keep a safe distance if there is any possibility of explosion 4. In the event of any threat to the neighbouring residents, besides alerting those on the incident ensure that necessary precautions have been taken by them with the help of Civil Administration Authorities. 5. Mutual aid to be activated and district authorities shall be contacted for activating off site emergency preparedness. 6. Proper safety equipment should be used & back up of fire fighting/rescuing team to be provided. 7. Keep constant vigil on that particular spot and as well as on the neighbouring area.

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8. Avoid directing heavy streams of water on the roof to avoid water stagnation. 9. Follow the instruction of Man-In-Charge during the entire fire fighting exercise. 10. Cooling water streams should be applied to the top of tank (excluding floating roof tank) so that the run-off down the sides of the tank will reduce the heat input to the tank. 11. Water must be applied on tank appurtenances, un-insulated supports and any porting of the tank shell above the liquid level where there is direct flame contact. 12. If the flames from vents are discharging onto the top of the shell of the tank, water must be directed on that area to keep it cool. 13. Cooling of tanks usually in needless unless there is direct flame contact or sufficient radiant heat to scorch the paint. 14. As a rule, ground fires around the tanks must be controlled or extinguished before attempting to extinguish the fire in the tank. Table 7.5: Hazard Warning Information for Ethyl Alcohol

SECTION I PRODUCT NAME Ethyl Alcohol, SYNONYMS Anhydrous Ethyl Alcohol, Dehydrated Alcohol CHEMICAL FAMILY Alcohol MOLECULAR WEIGHT 46.07

FORMULA C2H5OH Health Fire Reactive Other Degree of Colour Coding Other Codes Hazard 0 3 0 - 0 = Minimum Health = Blue Ox = Oxidiser 1 = Slight Fire = Red Acid = Acid 2 = Moderate Reactivity = Alk = Alkaline 3 = Serious Yellow COR = Corrosive 4 = severe Other = White W = No use water SECTION II – INGREDIENTS COMPOSITION CAS RN. NOMINAL PEL/TLV HAZARD WT/WT% Ethyl Alcohol 64-17-5 100.0 1000 ppm Flammable/Nervous System Depressant

PEL = Personal Exposure Limit TLV = Threshold Limit Value SECTION III – HEALTH INFORMATION

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INHALATION Exposure to over 1000 ppm may cause headache, drowsiness, and lassitude, loss of appetite, and inability to concentrate. Irritation of the throat. INGESTION Can cause depression of central nervous system, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. EYE CONTACT Liquid or vapor may cause irritation. SKIN CONTACT May cause irritation and de-fatting of skin on prolonged contact SECTION IV – OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE LIMITS PEL (OSHA Permissible See Section II Exposure Limit): Mixture TLV (ACGIH Threshold Limit See Section II Value): Mixture SECTION V – EMERGENCY FIRST AID PROCEDURE FOR OVEREXPOSURE BY If victim is conscious and able to swallow, have victim drink water SWALLOWING or milk to dilute. Never give anything by mouth if victim is unconscious or having convulsions. CALL A PHYSICIAN OR CHEM- TREC (POISON CONTROL) IMMEDIATELY. Induce vomiting only if advised by physician (Poison Control)

INHALATION Immediately remove victim to fresh air. If victim has stopped breathing, give artificial respiration, preferably mouth-to-mouth. GET MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY

CONTACT WITH Immediately flush affected area with plenty of cool water. Eyes EYES OR SKIN should be flushed for at least 15 minutes. Remove and wash contaminated clothing before reuse. GET MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY

SECTION VI – PHYSICAL DATA BOILING POINT 173° F (78 0C) MELTING POINT -173° F (-114 0C) VAPOR PRESSURE 44.6 mm Hg @ 68° F (20 0C) SPECIFIC GRAVITY 0.7940 @ 60°/60° F VAPOR DENSITY (AIR = 1) 1.59 SOLUBILITY IN WATER Complete in water, chloroform, acetone, ether, benzene and methanol APPEARANCE AND COLOR Clear and colorless, volatile liquid with a weak, vinous, alcohol

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odour and bitter taste. Odour threshold = 84 ppm SECTION VII – FIRE AND EXPLOSIVE HAZARDS FLASH POINT 56° F ASTM D-56 (Tag Closed Cup) AUTO-IGNITION TEMPERATURE 685° F FLAMMABLE LIMITS IN AIR, % BY LOWER: 3.3 UPPER: 19 VOLUME NFPA (National Fire Protection HEALTH (0) FIRE (3) REACTIVITY (0) Association) RATING FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES (Note: Individuals should perform only those fire-fighting procedures for which they have been trained.) Use dry chemical, “alcohol” foam, or carbon dioxide; water may be ineffective, but water should be used to keep fire-exposed containers cool. If a leak or spill has not ignited, use water spray to disperse the vapors and to protect men attempting to stop a leak. Water spray may be used to flush spills away from exposures and to dilute spills to nonflammable mixtures.

Firefighters should wear self-contained breathing apparatuses in the positive pressure mode with a full-face piece when there is a possibility of exposure to smoke, fumes, or hazardous decomposition products.

SECTION VIII – REACTIVITY STABILITY Generally stable. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION Not likely. CONDITIONS & MATERIALS TO Contact with acetyl chloride and a wide range of oxidizing AVOID agents may react violently.


CONTROL MEASURES Handle in the presence of adequate ventilation.

RESPIRATORY PROTECTION Where exposure is likely to exceed acceptable criteria, use NIOSH/MSHA approved respiratory protection equipment. Respirators should be selected based on the form and concentration of contaminant in air and in accordance with

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OSHA (29 CFR 1910.134).

PROTECTIVE CLOTHING Wear gloves and protective clothing, which are impervious to the product for the duration of the anticipated exposure if there is potential for prolonged or repeated skin contact.

EYE PROTECTION Wear safety glasses meeting the specifications of ANSI Standard Z87.1 where no contact with the eye is anticipated. Chemical safety goggles meeting the specifications of ANSI Standard Z87.1 should be worn whenever there is the possibility of splashing or other contact with the eyes.


Where spills are possible, a comprehensive spill response plan should be developed and implemented.

SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES Wear appropriate respiratory protection and protective clothing as described in Section IX. Contain spilled material. Transfer to secure containers. Where necessary, collect using absorbent media. In the event of an uncontrolled release of this material, the user should determine if the release is reportable under applicable laws and regulations.

WASTE DISPOSAL All recovered material should be packaged, labeled, transported, and disposed off, or reclaimed in conformance with applicable laws and regulations and in conformance with good engineering practices.


Keep locked up. Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources of ignition. Ground all equipment containing material. Do not ingest. Do not breathe gas/fumes/ vapor/spray. Wear suitable protective clothing. In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment. If ingested, seek medical advice immediately and show the container or the label. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Keep away from incompatibles such as oxidizing agents, acids, alkalis, and moisture.

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Store in a segregated and approved area. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Keep container tightly closed and sealed until ready for use. Avoid all possible sources of ignition (spark or flame). Do not store above 23°C (73.4°F).


7.6.1 General Assessment

The toxicity of ethyl alcohol is much lower in comparison to methanol or propanol. Ethyl alcohol is primarily toxic to humans by ingestion. While inhalation of its vapors can produce some toxic effects, its ability to enhance the effects of other chemicals poses a greater health risk for inhalation. Skin contact can cause topical damage and absorption is, therefore, not likely. It should be noted that most manufacturers of ethyl alcohol for use in industrial applications would normally mix it with a denaturant (a substance added to make it un desirable to drink). These include gasoline, acetone, formaldehyde, or methyl alcohol. Therefore, industrial exposures resulting from ingestion are very unlikely.

Inhalation can cause irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, upper respiratory tract, and associated mucosa. There may be headache, nervousness, tremors, dizziness, tearing, fatigue, nausea, somnolence, and narcosis with stupor and loss of consciousness. There are no reports of cirrhosis occurring as a result of inhalation exposures. However, chronic exposure to ethyl alcohol vapors caused brain damage in mice. Vapor exposure can also increase the toxic effects of other chemicals being inhaled. Also, the toxicity of ethyl alcohol is enhanced with the presence of compounds such as barbiturates, carbon monoxide, and methyl mercury.

Liquid contact with the eyes causes immediate burning and stinging with lachrymator and reflex closure of the lids. There may be injury to the corn epithelium and possible hyperemia (excessive blood) the conjunctiva. Skin contact results in drying cracking, which can lead to secondary infections dermatitis.

Ingestion of ethyl alcohol is not likely to occur in the industrial environment. However, if it does, symptoms can include sleep disorders, hallucinations, distorted perceptions, ataxia, motor function changes, convulsions and tremors, coma, headaches, pulmonary changes, alteration of gastric secretions, menstrual cycle changes, glandular changes, nausea or vomiting, and decrease in body temperature.

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7.6.2 Acute Health Effects The following acute (short-term) health effects occur immediately or shortly after exposure to alcohol. Skin Causes dryness and cracking leading to dermatitis and possible infection.

Eye Severe irritation with burning and possible damage to the cornea and conjunctiva. Lung Irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, and respiratory tract. Central Nervous High concentrations can cause depression the CNS with symptoms of System (CNS) sleepiness and I of concentration.

7.6.3 Chronic Health Effects

The following chronic (long-term) health effects occur at some time after exposure to ethyl alcohol can last for months or even years:

Cancer Hazards: Ethyl alcohol is known to cause liver cancer in humans, primarily due to ingestion. Industrial exposures through ingestion are not likely but are certainly possible.

Reproduction: According to the references, ethyl alcohol can affect human reproduction by ingestion. It causes changes in the female fertility index. Effects on newborns include changes in the apgar score, neonatal measures or effects, and drug dependence.

Other Chronic Effects: Very high or prolonged expo- sure may result in mucous membrane irritation, head- ache, and depression of the CNS with symptoms of somnolence and lack of concentration. Prolonged skin contact can cause dermatitis.

7.6.4 Recommended Risk-Reduction Measures

Even though ethyl alcohol is a known carcinogen, this effect is primarily the result of ingesting large amounts of alcoholic beverages. Industrial exposures by this route are not likely to occur. The best risk reduction measure is to use a less toxic chemical as a substitute for an ethyl alcohol. However, based upon the fact that ethyl alcohol is one of the most widely used industrial solvents, substitution is usually not an alternative. Therefore, engineering controls are the most effective methods of

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Chapter VII reducing exposures. The best protection is to enclose operations' and/or provide local exhaust ventilation at the site of chemical release. While not always operationally feasible, isolating operations can also reduce exposure risk.

Using respiratory protection is less effective than the controls mentioned above, but is still advisable whenever working with or around ethyl alcohol. For concentrations over the Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL i.e. 1000 ppm), an air-purifying respirator with an organic vapor cartridge will suffice. For higher exposures, a supplied-air respirator with full face piece operated in positive pressure mode, or a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) with full face piece and operated in pressure demand mode are the recommended respiratory protection methods of choice. If a full face piece is not available, then chemical goggles should be worn to protect the eyes. Whenever a chemical splash hazard exists, a face shield and a protective apron should be worn. To pre- vent hand and skin exposures, impervious gloves should be used.

Administrative controls should also be in place to minimize the potential for human exposures. These may include written procedures or policies, which specify the methods and techniques that will be practiced whenever personnel are to work with ethyl alcohol.

All personnel should receive training on- the use, hazards, protective measures, emergency actions, and other precautions per 29 CFR 1910.1200 (Hazard Communication), prior to the first assignment in an area where ethyl alcohol is used or stored. If symptoms develop or overexposure is suspected, the following medical tests are recommended

a. Liver function tests; b. Skin testing with dilutes ethyl alcohol to help diagnose allergy (performed by a qualified allergist). Any medical evaluation should include a careful history of past and present symptoms with an examination. Medical tests that look for existing damage are not a substitute for controlling exposures. Also, since consuming large quantities of alcoholic beverages can lead to liver dysfunction and even cancer, persons with alcohol addiction who arc exposed to ethyl alcohol on the job may develop symptoms much quicker and with greater intensity than those who do not drink under identical exposure conditions. Prudent risk management requires careful consideration of all possible factors that may be causing the appearance of exposure symptoms. 7.6.5 Other Methods to Reduce Exposure

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1. Where possible, enclose operations and use local exhaust ventilation at the site of chemical release. If local exhaust ventilation or enclosure is not used, respiratory protection should be mandatory. 2. Always ensure that proper protective clothing is worn when using chemical substances. 3. Wash thoroughly immediately after exposure to ethyl alcohol and at the end of the work shift or before eating, drinking, or smoking. 4. Hazard warning information should be posted in the work area. In addition, as part of an on-going education and training program, all information on the health and safety hazards of ethyl alcohol should be communicated to all potentially exposed workers. 7.7 RISK ASSESSMENT: ENVIRONMENT 7.7.1 General Assessment The environment is at risk of exposure during transportation, storage, disposal, or destruction of ethyl alcohol. In almost every scenario, the threat of environmental exposure is contingent upon the proper handling of the chemical substance. Accidental spills, large or small, can result in fire, explosion, and possible contamination of the surrounding environmental mediums (water, soil, and air).

Ethyl alcohol is considered a class IB flammable liquid (according to OSHA 29 CFR 1910.106). Its low flash point and relatively low boiling point present a serious fire and explosion hazard concern. Also, because it is incompatible with a number of common materials, especially strong oxidizers and many metal nitrates, contact can result in violent and explosive reactions. It can form explosive mixtures in air and can ignite on contact with heat, fire, or sparks. It will react and then explode in contact with acetic anhydride + sodium hydrogen sulfate. It also reacts violently with acetyl bromide (evolves hydrogen bromide). These characteristics require special consideration during any emergency situation involving a leak or spill of ethyl alcohol.

Ethyl alcohol can enter the environment through unchecked industrial discharges into effluents and through spills.

7.7.2 Acute Ecological Effects

Acute (short-term) toxic effects may include the death of animals, birds, or fish, and death or low growth rate in plants. Acute effects are seen 2 to 4 days after animals or plants are exposed to ethyl

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Chapter VII alcohol. This chemical has moderate acute toxicity to aquatic life. Insufficient data are available to evaluate or predict the short-term effects of ethyl alcohol to plants, birds, or terrestrial animals.

7.7.3 Chronic Ecological Effects

Chronic toxic effects may include shortened life span, reproductive problems, lower fertility, and changes in appearance or behavior in exposed animals. These effects can be seen long after first exposure(s) to toxic chemicals. Ethyl alcohol has moderate chronic toxicity to aquatic life. Insufficient data are available to evaluate or predict the long-term effects of ethyl alcohol to plants, birds, or land animals.

Water Solubility: Ethyl alcohol is highly soluble in water. Concentrations of 1000 milligrams and more can be expected to mix with a liter of water.

7.7.4 Persistence in the Environment Ethyl alcohol is slightly persistent in water, with a half- life of between 2 to 20 days. The half-Life of a pollutant is the amount of time it takes for one-half of the chemical to be degraded. About 90% of ethyl alcohol will eventually end up in the air; the remainder will end up in water.

7.7.5 Bioaccumulation in Aquatic Organisms Some substances increase in concentration, or bioaccumulate, in living organisms as they breathe contaminated air, drink contaminated water, or eat contaminated food. These chemicals can become concentrated in the tissues and internal organs of animals as well as humans. The concentration of ethyl alcohol found in fish tissues is expected to be about the same as the average concentration of ethyl alcohol in water from which the fish was taken.

7.7.6 Recommended Risk-Reduction Measures Proper training of all transporters will reduce the likelihood of a mishap or accident resulting in a leak or spill to the environment. The correct labeling while transportation on all transporting vehicles should be enable emergency responders to react properly and quickly to any disaster thereby reducing the potential risk to the environment and to personnel.

Storage of ethyl alcohol should be segregated from incompatible chemicals to minimize the risk of cross contamination or contact. Buildings designated for storage should be equipped with appropriate fire protection systems (alarms, sprinklers, emergency lighting, portable extinguishers). Equipment should be designed to meet explosion-proof standards.

If a spill or leak to the environment has occurred, fire department, emergency response, and/or hazardous materials spill personnel should be notified immediately. Cleanup should be attempted

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Chapter VII only by those trained in proper spill containment procedures. Contaminated soils should be removed for incineration and replaced with clean soil. If ethyl alcohol should contact the water table, aquifer, or navigable waterway, time is: of the essence. It is highly soluble in water and, therefore, total containment and remediation may not be entirely possible. When such spills occur, the local and/or state emergency response authorities must be notified. A comprehensive emergency response of disaster preparedness/recovery plan should be in place prior to any operations involving the use, transportation, storage, or disposal of ethyl alcohol. If ethyl alcohol is spilled or leaked, the following specific steps are recommended: a. Restrict persons not wearing protective clothing from area of spill or leak until cleanup is complete and area can be opened for normal work. b. Ventilate area and remove ignition sources. c. Absorb liquids in vermiculite, dry sand, earth, or a similar material and deposit in sealed containers. Use non-sparking tools. d. It may be necessary to dispose of ethyl alcohol as a hazardous waste. The state PCB should be contacted for specific recommendations.

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7.8.1 General Assessment

Accidents or mishaps involving ethyl alcohol can present a moderate threat to business operations. The loss or damage of equipment or facilities can significantly affect fiscal viability. Lawsuits that may result from personnel injury/death, public exposures, and/or environmental contamination will also require a serious expenditure of resources. Media attention surrounding an injury, death, or environmental damage can also result in a loss of profits and loss of current as well as future business.

Recommended Risk-Reduction Measures Company attorneys, safety and health professionals, and environmental specialists should be involved in the development of any procedures or policies intended to manage the use of chemicals in the workplace. A company official should be pre-designated as a public relations officer with specific training in dealing with the press. Corporate plans and policies should be developed, approved, and implemented long before any need for such arises.

Safety Provisions Proposed: Others 1. Frequent checking of pipelines and storage units will be done. 2. Prohibiting welding or similar maintenance activities near combustible material storage 3. Pumps of reliable quality will be installed. 4. Lightening protecting system as per Indian electricity rules 5. keep safe distance between fuel storage area and main unit 6. Corrosion protection methods for pipelines 7. All locations where the above ground pipelines are close to traffic movement, protection like crash guards will be provided 8. ‘Flame arresters' will be provided in gas lines to protect the digester from back fire from the flame and / or the boiler burner. 9. Over / under pressure release device will be provided on biogas digester for its safety from over pressure / vacuum. 10. Transfer of alcohol only mechanically

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Table 7.6: Summary of risk assessment and damage control

High risk equals 16 to 25 High Risks activities should cease immediately until further control measures to mitigate the risk are introduced

Medium risk equals 9 to 15 Medium Risks should only be tolerated for the short-term and then only whilst further control measures to mitigate the risk are being planned and introduced, within a defined time period. Note: Medium risks can be an organizations greatest risk, its achilles heel, this due to the fact that they can be tolerated in the short-term. Low risk equals 1 to 8 Low Risks are largely acceptable, subject to reviews periodically, or after significant change etc.

General Risk Assessment 1. Responsibility Site Controller: Head- Production Incident Controller: Shift- In charge Emergency Coordinators: Departmental Heads

Hazards and Persons at Control measures Action recommended in case of Risk details risk emergency Likelihood Severity Risk rating L S RR=LxS Furnace/boil Persons Emergency alarm to be put on Switch off the system. 2 4 8 er- Fire working near to signal the emergency Fire extinguishers are to be used hazard the furnace Emergency kit will be kept immediately caused by area- Burns ready near the plant Water hose to be operated to fuels/ may be Fire fighting equipments set out the fire depending on ignitable possible if power/ foam type the situation substances directly come


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in contact extinguishers on vehicles and Outside fire brigade is to be mounted on walls will be kept called if the fire cannot be readily available extinguished immediately Provision of water hose Inform the occupier/ manager Strictly ‘No smoking zone’ and and activate the onsite prohibition of ignitable emergency plan activities Immediate first aid to victims Plant workers will be trained to and sent to hospital for fight fire treatment

2. Responsibility Site Controller: Head- Electrical Incident Controller: Shift- In charge Emergency Coordinators: Departmental Heads

Hazards and Persons at risk Control measures Action taken in case of Risk details emergency Likelihood Severity Risk rating L S RR=LxS Electrical Person near the Shock proof insulated PCC Cut off power supply. 2 3 6 Transformer- transformer platform Treat the injured for Electrical shock electrical shock and fire If fire is caused, immediately fight fire with available resources, summoning outside help if necessary

3. Responsibility Site Controller: Head- Laboratory

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Incident Controller: Shift- In charge Emergency Coordinators: Departmental Heads Hazards and Persons at Control measures Action recommended in Risk details risk case of emergency Likelihood Severity Risk rating L S RR=LxS Lab Persons Proper care should be Immediately treat the 3 2 6 chemicals- in working in taken while handling persons as guided in case of bottle the lab the chemicals. the MSDS breakage, First aid box should Hospitalize the causes burns be available at site affected person if and damage with all required necessary to respiratory medicines and devices systems due Fire fighting to inhalation. equipments like fire extinguishers, sand buckets should be always available Instruction boards to be displayed for knowledge of other workers to care of the situation in the event of occurrence

4. Responsibility Site Controller: Manager- Services Incident Controller: Shift- In charge Emergency Coordinators: Departmental Heads

Hazards and Persons at risk Control measures Action taken in case of Risk

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Chapter VII details emergency Likelihood Severity Risk rating L S RR=LxS Cooling Tower- Persons working Issue work permits to Victims are first aided 2 3 6 Burns from with cooling work near the tank by trained persons and returning hot tower and hot water line. then referred to doctor/ water Railing is to be hospital provided all around If any worker get the tank injured/hurt, then Always precautionary immediate first aid measures should be should be provided to taken and adopted him and he should be referred to the hospital/ doctor for further treatment

5. Responsibility Site Controller: Manager Incident Controller: Shift- In charge Emergency Coordinators: Departmental Heads

Hazards and Persons at risk Control measures Action taken in case of Risk details emergency Likelihood Severity Risk rating


Water tank- Persons near Water tank will be fenced/ Drowned person should 1 3 3 Drowning of the water tank covered immediately be given first aid personnel The tank will not be permitted for domestic utility

6. Responsibility Site Controller: Head- Production Incident Controller: Shift- In charge Emergency Coordinators: Departmental Heads

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Hazards and Persons at risk Control measures Action taken in case of Risk details emergency Likelihood Severity Risk rating L S RR= LxS Control rooms- Persons working Earth leakage circuit Main supply will be 1 4 4 electrical shocks in the control breaker installed. immediately shut off room

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According to the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, (UNISDR) “A Disaster is a sudden, calamitous event that causes serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society involving widespread human material economic or environmental losses and impacts which exceeds the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own resources.”

Disaster Management is – "it is action taken to prevent Hazard converting into Disaster". A major disaster in a work is one which has potential to cause serious injury or loss of life. It may cause extensive damage to property and serious disruption both inside and outside the work. Normally, assistance of outside emergency services is required to handle disaster situation effectively. Whatever are the causative factor like plan failure, human error, earthquake, lightning, vehicle crash sabotage etc. they will normally manifest in three basic forms viz. fire, explosion and/or toxic release.

Pre-disaster planning is crucial for ensuring an efficient response at the time of a disaster. A well-planned and well-rehearsed response system can deal with the exigencies of calamities and also put up a resilient coping mechanism. Optimal utilization of scarce resources for rescue, relief and rehabilitation during times of crisis is possible only with detailed planning and preparation. Keeping in view these factors, preparation of Disaster Management Plans (DMP) is imperative.


Disaster: A serious disruption of the functioning of a society, causing widespread human, material or environmental losses which exceed the ability of the affected community to cope up by using its own resources. Hazard: Hazard is an event or occurrence that has potential for causing injury or loss of life or damage to property or the environment. Following factors are considered to identify Hazard - Physiology of the Hazard or and its peculiar characteristics. Impact & probability of occurrence The elements by affecting, Life / Property or environment, likely to get affected

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High power committee on Disaster Management, Government of India has identified 32 types of hazards in India depending on area, probable damage, repentance of occurrence and impact on Life, Property and environment etc.

Figure 8.1: Probable causes of hazard

Categorization of Hazards

Natural Man Made

Drought Air, Rail & Road Accidents

Flood Industrial Accidents

Cyclones Civil Commotions

Land Slides Terrorism

Cloud Bursts


Table 8.1: Various types of hazards

Geological Hazards 1. Earthquake 2. Landslide

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3. Tsunami 4. Dam burst 5. Volcanic eruption 6. Mine Fire

Water & Climatic Hazards 1. Tropical Cyclone 2. Cloudburst 3. Tornado and 4. Landslide Hurricane 5. Floods 6. Heat & Cold wave

7. Drought 8. Snow Avalanche

9. Hailstorm 10. Sea erosion

Environmental Hazards 1. Environmental 2. Desertification pollutions 3. Deforestation 4. Pest Infection

Biological 1. Human / Animal 2. Food poisoning Epidemics 3. Pest attacks 4. Weapons of Mass Destruction

Accidents related 1. Forest fires 2. Air, Road & Rail accidents

3. Urban Fires 4. Festival related Disasters

5. Mine Flooding 6. Electrical Disasters & Fires

7. Oil Spills 8. Boat Capsizing

9. Major Building 10. Village fires collapses

11. Serial Bomb Blasts

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The geographic region of the proposed project may face probable hazards such as earthquake, drought, thunder storms, accidents and environmental hazard such as pollution, etc. So considering these probabilities, the disaster management plan is being recommended.

Figure 8.2: Schematic of Disaster Management Process

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Disaster management is a methodology to understand and face disaster and take appropriate measures to minimize the losses of life, property and environment. This can be represented in 3 sections namely – Pre disaster phase, During disaster and Post situations. Pre disaster activities 1. Policy development and local level disaster organization formation 2. Vulnerability and capacity assessment 3. Prevention and mitigation 4. Preparedness, planning and training Emergency activities 1. Warning (beginning before the actual event) 2. Evacuation, search and rescue 3. Emergency assistance (relief) – food, water, shelter, medical aid Post disaster activities 1. Repair and restoration of life lines (power, telecommunications, water transportation) 2. Reconstruction and rehabilitation 8.3.1 Pre-disaster situation Preventive measures Earth quick resistant construction as per National Building code and considering the factory is located in seismic zone III. Analyze soil type before construction and do not build structures on soft soil. To accommodate on weak soils adopt safety measures in design. Follow Indian Standard Code for construction of buildings Enforcement of building code in the byelaws Land use control and restriction on density and heights of buildings Strengthening of important buildings, which need to be functional after a disaster. Upgrade level of safety of buildings. Reduce possible damages from secondary effects. e.g., identify potential sites and restrict construction in those areas. In earthquake prone areas insurance should be obtained for buildings under construction and those in use. Insurance policies for natural disasters is mandetory and priced specifically on available scientific data of hazards in the region.

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Preparation of disaster related literature in local languages with dos and don'ts for construction. Getting communities involved in the process of disaster mitigation through education and awareness. Networking of local NGOs working in the area of disaster management. Preparedness is a process that enables the authority to respond rapidly to disaster situation. It helps to cope-up with the situation effectively so that the extent of damage due to disaster or emergency situation could be kept at minimum level. Preparedness includes the formulation of plans at various levels, to be executed in pre disaster phase as well as, during disaster and post disaster situation. These plans can be prepared by each of the department. Factors, such as early warning systems, preparation of role and responsibilities of various stake holders, conducting training, mock drills at various are included in this phase. In this phase, capacity building, preventive measures, mitigation activities take front seat. This is the time before disaster. With the past lessons learnt, and in anticipation of likely occurrence of disaster, many activities could be carried-out to reduce the impact, and spreading of Hazard. Therefore, disaster planning becomes a necessary element for mitigating the effects of a major accident/ disaster. In the preparedness phase, emergency managers develop plans of action carefully to manage and counter probable risks and take action to build the necessary capabilities needed to implement such plans. Common preparedness measures include: Communication plans with easily understandable terminology and methods Proper maintenance and training of emergency services, including mass human resources such as community emergency response teams Development and exercise of emergency population warning methods combined with emergency shelters and evacuation plans. For evacuation, a disaster supplies kit may be prepared and for sheltering purposes a stockpile of supplies may be created. The preparation of a survival kit such as a "72- hour kit", is often advocated by authorities. These kits may include food, medicine, flashlights, candles and money. Also, putting valuable items in safe area is also recommended Stockpiling, inventory, streamline foods supplies, and maintain other disaster supplies and equipment

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Develop organizations of trained volunteers among civilian populations. Professional emergency workers are rapidly overwhelmed in mass emergencies so trained, organized, responsible volunteers are extremely valuable It is realized that investment on Preparedness, Prevention and Mitigation is more cost- effective compared to expenditure on relief and rehabilitation. The basic characteristic of disaster management is ‘proactive’ prevention, preparedness and mitigation rather than the prevalent ‘re-active’ relief and rehabilitation approach. Management of risks as a prelude to crisis management has now gradually gained importance. Disaster management planning is not a substitute for good operative/maintenance/ design practice. It is an aspect of safety management. Every industry, as mentioned above, should minimize risk by adherence to safe practice and meeting all legislation. On-site disaster management planning is responsibility of project management (i.e. occupier). The district authorities and the Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health have the responsibilities for off- site Disaster management plan of the district. The proposed distillery unit needs to have a round-the-clock team to manage disaster. The team shall include several members. Their functions depend on size of the organization and it shall be headed by a technically qualified as well as a trained individual. 8.3.2 Response The response phase includes the mobilization of the necessary emergency services and first responders in the disaster area. This is likely to include a first wave of core emergency services, such as firefighters, police and ambulance crews. In some instances, it is termed Disaster Relief Operation (DRO) and can be a follow-up to a Non-combatant evacuation operation (NEO). They may be supported by a number of secondary emergency services, such as specialist rescue teams.

A well rehearsed emergency plan developed as part of the preparedness phase enables efficient coordination of rescue. Where required, search and rescue efforts commence at an early stage. In this particular section the response plan is discussed in details.

The response plan of Disaster Management Plan is crucial and it includes the following

Controlling the disaster, localizing the disaster and eliminating the hazard, if any Minimizing damage to property and environment Safeguarding others by timely evacuation Welfare of person managing the disaster Head count and rescue operations

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Treatment of injured Informing and assisting relatives Informing and collaborating with statutory authorities Informing the media Preserving records and organizing investigations Ensuring safety of the works before personnel re-enter and resume work Investigating and taking necessary steps Resorting normalcy Requirements for Response Phase

Well designed Disaster Management Plan (both On-site and Off-site) Strong commitment of Management towards safety A good Public Address (PA) System in the complex with one or two jeeps with PA system for use in surrounding areas also. Emergency alarms, and approved emergency control centers and assembly points. List of key personnel, experts, doctors, village leaders, authorities with their locations and telephone numbers (office, residence as well as cell/mobile phones) Written guidelines for the duty team members and well-defined roles of individuals mainly for following sections/activities 1. Fire fighting 2. Medical 3. Rescue 4. Engineering support Others not needed to take part in emergency handling operations. Standby communication system in case the telephone system is affected. e.g. Walkie- talkie, radio telephone, mobile phone etc.

Division of each factory into 'Safety units' for better safety. Rehearsals of the disaster management plan (disaster control plan) and modifying/ updating the same, if necessary. The timing of events, communication failures etc. should be noted and analyzed for improvement. The plan may therefore, have to be regularly discussed and updated by the Management.

Availability of emergency 'Install light' (emergency light) to take care of power failures. Mutual aid scheme, if feasible. Provision of antidotes, emergency medicines and beds in nearby hospitals

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Liaison with outside agencies and civic and government authorities for mitigation of effects of a disaster. Round- the- clock availability of trained first-aid personnel at site and volunteers in the nearby areas Vulnerable areas of the plant where disasters are likely to originate should be identified and plan measures to deal with the same Communication mechanism for raising the alarm as well as that for the interaction within and outside works should be provided. Check -list for sequence of operations to be followed should be prepared.

Updating Fire and safety manuals (Both common and plant wise); Operating and Maintenance Manuals, Warehouse safety manual.

Strong conviction that "the prevention is better than cure". Therefore, more emphasis should be made to prevent disaster

Chemical Information Sheets (CIS) or Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) or Work Practice Data Sheet (WPDS) for all the hazardous substances handled.

Transport emergency cards (Trem-cards) for the products transported by road. Situation identification/assessment In the situation of disaster, (natural or human induced) it is essential to judge the situation timely and correctly. If it is identified as disaster, the emergency is to be declared at the earliest possible. The shift In-charge, who is available in the unit all times, shall identify situation of the hazard or calamity and report immediately the same to the Management. The emergency may be declaired in entire unit or part of it, depending upon the situation/nature of disaster. Accordingly shift in-charge shall also sound the alarm bell to be provided in each of the section.

Under such situation, the shift in-charge or higher authority such as General Manager/Managing Director shall take charge of the situation. He shall initiate all such actions that are essential at each of the sub-unit; which would include-

Evacuation of all the personnel on the shop floor who are not required for controlling the situation, or hazard.

Immediate grasping of gravity of the problem / hazard and issue or giving of instructions to the concerned teams as laid down to act in a manner required to control the situation.

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In case of fire, the help of fire force should be immediately sought and put into action. Simultaneously, the workman trained in the fire fighting procedures shall be called to extinguish the fire.


8.4.1 Emergency Organization Structure

Team A: The Shift In-charge along with supervisor of the unit or other supervisory staff shall put off the fire or the hazard as the case may be.

Team B: The Shift Operator / In-charge and/or supervisor in the office, Security Officer and labour welfare officer shall be responsible for contacting the fire brigade personnel and arrange for medical assistance, if required.

Team C: The Maintenance In-charge and his staff/team shall form another team and take charge of the safety appliances, tools and implements required to control the situation. They will rush to the spot for taking further instructions from the declarer / controller of emergency.

Team D: The union office bearers shall form another team and should see that none of the workmen crowds around or nobody comes nearer to that place of emergency. This team would also ensure that all the available manual help required by the declarer / controller of emergency, is provided to him.

Team E: The Security Department, the Time Keeper, and Labour Welfare Officer shall form another team. They shall be available at the office and contact for assistance to the declarer/ controller of emergency. It shall be the responsibility of this team to refer, immediately, to the checklist of names, addresses, telephone numbers of the authorities such as Director/Joint Director of Industrial Safety and Health, Boiler Inspector of Factory, Commissioner of Police, Police Station, Fire Brigade, Company Hospital Doctors, Private Doctors and Directors of the Industry and any other appropriate contact for assistance. At all times, one vehicle should be made available at the gate of the factory for the rescue and transportation of personnel. The hooter siren, that is provided, shall be used when a total emergency is to be declared for the entire factory.

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Communication Team Advisory Team (Telephone Operators/

Senior Manager/s Security Inspector

(Technical) Administration Manager/

Personal Manager)

T T T T T e e e e e a a a a a m m m m m

B E A C D Shift Operator Security Shift In- Maintenanc Union office department charge and Security Officer e officer bearers time keeper supervisor labour welfare and labour welfare Figure 8.3: Emergency Organization Structure officer technicians officer Designated persons functions In addition to the specific responsibilities, assigned to various Team Members, mentioned earlier following are the general functions to be performed by the designated persons- a. To communicate & report the clear position of a Disaster to Key Persons of the Industry b. To communicate & co-operate with other departments / aspects like security, safety of victims etc. c. To minimize the extent of disaster by taking all possible measures which are in control d. To minimize the exposure of Disaster to human beings e. To save property and valuable things as far as possible

8.4.2 Shut downs in emergency The probability of fire hazard is presumed to be maximum, in case of proposed unit. The following steps may be followed in such cases.

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Put off the main supply Boiler section Shut down the boiler section and control the steam supply/movements.

Control room The security office shall function as a control room as the same is ideally situated nearer to the main gate and away from the plant. Thus, there shall be no risk as regard to the fire affecting the security office. However, if there should be a situation where / when the entire premises has to be declared as emergency, the control room will operate from the premises, which is outside the main gate. The declarer/ controller of emergency shall decide, depending on the situation, whether to use generator power or State Electricity Board Power. In case the entire lighting has to be switched off to meet such an eventuality, the stand by battery operated system need to be provided near the office. It shall be used as per the need and the floodlights shall be used to tackle the situation during the nighttime.

8.4.3 Personnel evacuation

When a major accident occurs and if there are cases of workmen or supervisory personnel fainting or losing consciousness or any other type of accident, it shall the responsibility of Team D to evacuate them and to take them to the nearest dispensary after providing necessary first aid. There are well-planned roads in and around the plant and within the factory premises and they should choose the safest and shortest route to come out from the unit. The selected route should be kept clear by Team E at all the times.

8.4.4 Personnel accounting

It shall be the responsibility or the Team E to immediately take stock of the personnel on duty and take a head count. This team shall co-ordinate with Team D to ensure that all the personnel are accounted for. It is also essential for Team E to counter check the security if any visitor or transport workers have entered inside the plant and if so they should also be accounted.

8.4.5 Controlling disaster

The declarer / controller of Disaster shall take steps to train all the teams and shall draw up an "Action Plan" forthwith.

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The Shift In-charge shall be designated as "Work Incident Controller" and he shall act as an in-charge at the site of the disaster to control entire operations.

8.4.6 Repairs and safety implements

The declarer / controller of disaster along with the work incident controller shall immediately prepare a list of safety gear, tools and other implements required to control the emergency situations in respect of-


Bursting of Boiler

Short Circuiting This list shall be submitted to the Managing Director for approval and the material should be brought immediately. Also, It shall be the responsibility of "Work Incident Controller" to ensure that a separate set of implements, safety gear and tools are placed in a cupboard easily accessible in the workshop/at the work place and these shall be used only when emergency is declared in the plant.

8.4.7 Medical treatment arrangements

Most of the workers are trained in first aid and fire fighting procedures. The office team shall co-ordinate with these workers, trained in the first aid, and shall get them ready with necessary first aid material so that the injured workers are attended for first aid immediately and then shifted to the nearest dispensary or treated in the factory dispensary as the case may be.

8.4.8 Training and Rehearsals

It is essential for all the teams to act in uniform and with patience. They are required to be trained to obviate any confusion that might arise due to emergency. It is responsibility of the declarer/controller of emergency that the teams are given training in their respective areas at least once in two months. For firefighting training, the Government Fire Force will give training and for first aid training. The Red Cross Association will train the personnel for first aid procedures.

8.4.9 Law and order

The declarer / controller of emergency shall inform Police immediately to ensure that law and order situation will be kept under control. The Joint Director/Assistant Director of

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Industrial Safety and Health as well as Pollution Control Board authorities shall also need to be informed. In case of casualties, information should be sent to the nearest relatives of the affected people. If information is to be given to public or press, the public relation manager of the industry is authorized to do the same.

8.4.10 All clear signal

Once the disaster is controlled and the normalcy is restored completely and when the declarer/controller of disaster is of the opinion that there is no further hazard involved and the work can go on normally, he shall then declare all clear signal. All the workers in the plant shall be given proper training to use the signals both at the time of declaring the disaster and at the time of clearing the disaster.

8.4.11 Special handling requirement

a. During handling of the above materials equipment such as- electrical motor- pumps, mechanical mixers, automatic weighing arrangement, pressure release and safety accessories on steam generating, handling as well as conveyance systems, heat exchangers, condensers and cooling as well as chilling machinery, temperature and pressure gauges are used. b. The concerned workers shall be provided with adequate operation and safety tools/equipment. c. Sufficiently trained and qualified workers shall be employed in all sections

 Risk evaluation area

a) Contacts at Other Sites- The Sugar Factory Unit

b) Nearby Residence and Population Center- Villages located nearby the unit

 Notification Procedures & Communication Systems Communication Equipment like Telephone, Wireless System and Personal Messaging would be employed. The families of injured employees would be notified by Telephone, Personal Messaging and through Verbal Communication.

8.4.12 Equipment and facilities in emergency

An emergency cupboard shall be made available in plant area. This cupboard should contain certain number of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), for use in case of disaster. These items kept in the cupboard should be used only during an emergency and not under normal working conditions.

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A printed or typed list of items available in the cupboard should be displayed on the front of cupboard. The key of emergency cupboard should be available with the Shift In-charge.

Table 8.2: The Items Recommended for Emergency Cupboard

Sr. no. Item Quantity 1 Air line mask set 2 sets 2 Self-containing breathing apparatus 1 set 3 Safety belt with life time 1 set 4 PVC gloves 2 pairs 5 Leather gloves 2 pairs 6 Flextra or asbestos gloves 2 pairs 7 PVC Suit 2 pairs 8 Electrical rubber gloves 2 pairs 9 Safety touch 2 pieces 10 Safety goggle 2 pieces 11 Face- shield 2 pieces 12 Ear-muff 1 set 13 Flexure or asbestos blanket 2 Nos. 14 Manila Rope 100 meter long bundle 1No 15 Resuscitator 1No 16 Safety helmet 2 Nos.

This item should be examined once in week by safety observer to ensure that all the items are available and that they are in good condition, Items, defective must be replaced immediately. Important requirements

1. Helmets for the Work Incident Controller and others 2. Megaphone (workable hand-held PA system). 3. Walkie- Talkie/ mobile phones/ pagers 4. Stock of fire fighting material 5. Note books/pads and pens/ pencils 6. Sign boards such as - Assembly point Emergency exit door/Stair case Fire alarms

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Fire extinguishers Water hydrants Emergency control center Road closed Firefighting equipment

The firefighting equipment -viz. (1) Fire Buckets, (2) Fire Extinguisher Cylinder; CO2 Water Expelling type; Class-A, (3) Fire Extinguisher Cylinder; Dry Chemical Powder Type; Class-B & C, (4) Water Connections in sufficient numbers and a 200 Ft. Emergency Water Hose would be provided at required places. Here, various vulnerable locations in the Unit, probable causes & chances of occurrence of fire, its Class, etc. would be given in-depth consideration.

Table 8.3: List of Emergency Cupboard Items

# Item 1 Air line mask set 2 Self-containing breathing apparatus 3 Safety belt with life time 4 PVC gloves 5 Leather gloves 6 Flextra or asbestos gloves and blanket 7 PVC Suit 8 Electrical rubber gloves 9 Safety torch 10 Safety goggle 11 Face- shield 12 Ear-muff 13 Manila Rope 100 meter long bundle 14 Resuscitator 15 Safety helmets Emergency medical supplies

Sufficient number of First Aid Boxes would be located at appropriate and easily accessible locations. The First Aid Box would contain Burn Relief Sprays and Ointments, Bandages, Antiseptic as well as Pain Relief Medicine. Training and Drills

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra 8-16

Chapter VIII

 Knowledge of Probable Inflammable Spots Every worker, working in a particular section, should be given a thorough knowledge of that section. So as to control the spread of accidental fires

 Location of Fire Fighting Equipment Every worker should be given clear-cut information regarding the 'location of Fire Extinguishers, Fire Buckets, Water Points, etc.

 Use of Fire Fighting Equipment Every worker should be trained with respect to nature and utility of Fire Fighting Equipment, its type and class of fire for which it is to be used.

 Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Every worker would be trained in using the PPE such as safety helmets, hand gloves, nose mask, goggles etc.


Since the only hazard that expected in the cogeneration is fire and normally contained within the premises. Hence, no specific Off-site emergency plan is required in this case. However, in rare case if the fire hazard spreads out-side the premises Team E shall communicate to the District Magistrate, Commissioner of the Police, Control Room and inform the situation as Off- Site Emergency. It shall be the responsibility of the Police Personnel to look after the law and order, traffic control, evacuation of workers and other personnel. They should also advise, through public address system, the localities that are likely to get affected and the steps to be taken. 8.5.1 Information to local authorities It shall be the responsibility of declarer/controller of emergency to inform the local panchayat official regarding the likely hazards from the industry and the steps to be taken when there is an off-Site emergency. It is preferable that the local panchayat officials are also trained, on simple protective methods, through demonstrations.

Table 8.4: Emergency Action Code For Fire of Spillage of Hazardous Substances

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra 8-17

Chapter VIII

Emergency Action code scale Notes for guidance – For Fire or Spillage FOG – In the absence of fog equipment 1 : Jets a fine spray may be used. 2 : Fog DRY AGENT – Water must not be allowed to come into contact with the 3 : Foam substance at risk. 4 : Dry Agent V –Can be violently or even explosively P V FULL reactive. R FULL – Full body protective Clothing with BA. S V BA DILUTE BA – Breathing apparatus plus (S) BA FOR FIRE ONLY protective gloves T BA DILUTE – May be washed to drain with large quantities of water. (T) BA FOR FIRE ONLY CONTAIN – Prevent, by any means W V FULL available, the spillage from entering X into waterbody



Substance UN Number UN Hazard Class EAC (Hazchem Code)

Petrol 1203 3 3(Y) E Methyl Alcohol 1230 3,6.1 2 PE L.P.G. 1075 2,3 2 WE Ammonia 1005 2,3,6.1 2 PE Kerosene 1223 3 3 (Y) Ethyl Alcohol 1170 3 2 (Y) E

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra 8-18

Chapter IX



9.1 PROJECT BENEFITS: FOR THE PROJECT PROPONENT Sensible utilization of available resources such as land, boiler (steam), Bagasse, molasses, and partially the human resources Cheap labour pool, since employment in rural area is agro-based and seasonal The products are have continuous market demand Markets are located within state as well as at national/international levels and there is very good connectivity of road, rail & air to the site Law and order point of view the site is peaceful and people are law abiding Overall, excellent environment to carryout and expand the business Generation of value added product from sugar mill by-product/waste Similarly spent wash (highly polluted wastewater) generated in the unit will get converted into a good quality manure by mixing it with pressmud (filter cake generated in sugar mill) Overall improving profitability of the business and ensuring long term sustenance Ease to control both the units 9.2 PROJECT BENEFITS: FOR THE LOCAL SOCIETY Generation of direct employment Indirect employment in various forms e.g. transportation, refreshment stalls, workshops, daily commodity shops, etc. People in the vicinity could utilize some of these services. Help to improve infrastructures such as schools, medical facilities, transportation, etc. Revenue for the local authorities as well as state government Sugar cane grower farmers and labours may get benefitted, since distillery is an ancillary unit of sugar mill The benefits of following activities initiated by sugar mill will be continued. Providing cane seed of improved varieties to cane growers at concessional rate Factory has improved the internal roads in the area of operation Providing technical guidance for cane development at farmer’s field Operating “Sakhar shala” for the children of cane harvesting workers

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli Maharashtra 9-1

Chapter IX

Table 9.1: Staff requirement for the proposed distillery unit

Sr. No. Designation No. of Posts

A) Staff for Distillery Unit 1 Distillery Manager 01 2 Shift Chemists 3+1 3 Microbiologist 01 4 Maintenance Engineer 01 (Elect./Mech.) 5 Instrumentation Engineer 01 6 Lab. Chemists 3+1 7 Fermentation Operators 3+1 8 Fermentation Attendants 3+1 9 Distillation Operators 3+1 10 Wireman /Electrician. 01 (For distillery & ETP) 11 Fitter 01 12 Warehouse Attendants 02 13 Laboratory Attendant 01 14 Attendants 3+1 15 Chemist 04 16 Workers/helpers 08 D) STAFF ENGAGED IN EVAPORATION PLANT 17 Plant Operation 04 18 Worker 04 E) STAFF ENGAGED IN BIOCOMPOST 19 ETP Incharge 1 20 Laboratory Chemist 1 21 Lab. Attendant 1 22 Aerotliier & Robot skid operators 2 23 Pay load operators 2 24 Spraying supervisors 2 25 Workers/Helpers 12

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli Maharashtra 9-2

Chapter IX

F) CLERICAL STAFF 26 Ware House Incharge 01 27 Clerk/Typist 01 28 Office Boy 01 Total 77

9.3 BENEFITS TO COUNTRY: ALCOHOL AS A FUEL Ethanol is mainly produced from sugarcane molasses. Sugarcane is a renewable source of energy. Sugarcane cultivation is an efficient method of converting ‘solar energy’ into ‘stored energy’. Thus, use of ethanol as oxygenating agent or fuel-extender would conserve fossil fuels and would reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Addition of fuel-ethanol to petrol has several advantages, especially in a country like India. Use of ethanol in place of tetraethyl lead or MTBE will prevent dangerous and poisonous emissions containing lead or MTBE from petrol. It will not require any catalytic converter for the vehicles. Use of ethanol in petrol reduces emission of carbon monoxide. This will reduce pollution, since this is a major cause of vehicular pollution in India. Ethanol is made from renewable sources of energy i.e. based on agricultural products. Thus, it is not a depleting resource like petrol. Use of ethanol helps in maintaining the ‘carbon cycle’ of nature. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is converted by agricultural crops like sugarcane or corn into carbonaceous materials like sugar and starch using solar energy. This sugar or starch can be converted into ethanol. This ethanol is used in vehicles to produce energy along with petrol. This combustion in internal combustion engines converts ethanol into carbon dioxide. This carbon dioxide can again be converted into sugar or starch. Thus, the ‘carbon cycle’ of nature continues. This ‘carbon cycle’ uses solar energy, which otherwise would have been wasted. Use of fossil fuels alone to generate energy only increases content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, disturbing the natural balance. Sustaining the ‘carbon cycle’ reduces the ‘greenhouse effect.’ Use of ethanol, which is mostly a ‘home grown’ product reduces dependence on the politically sensitive Middle – East region. India has vast agricultural waste resources like sugarcane molasses to gainfully convert into ethanol. Blending of petrol using ethanol even at 5% directly saves that much petrol. Thus, we could reduce import of crude oil by 5%. This quantity is huge at national level. Hence, we could able to save valuable foreign exchange and strengthen our economy. This could also help in controlling/regulating the prices of petrol in the market, since ethanol is cheaper compared to petrol. Overall, it could have manifold effect on economy.

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli Maharashtra 9-3

Chapter IX


 Raw material i.e. molasses and bagasse is readily available from the sugar factory

 Solid filler materials like press mud to dispose the highly concentrated spentwash is readily available within sugar factory

 Hence, saving of raw material as well as filler materials transportation cost and fuel,

 Disposal of molasses, press mud and ash will get solved due to the proposed unit

 Generation of energy (Biogas) from wastewater i.e. spentwash; thus, direct emission of methane will get avoided. Methane is a green house gas having 23 time higher global warming potential than carbon dioxide

 Utilization of Biogas as a fuel for boiler and thus saving more bagasse for off- season that will be utilized for cogeneration activity

 Recycling of soil nutrients by bio-compost; thus, Increasing soil fertility

 Recycling/reuse of treated water will save fresh water intake

 Exhaust steam from cogeneration unit will be used for distillery operations, hence it will save energy (fuel) as well as water

 Sugar factory solid waste like press mud, ash and waste sludge from ETP can covert in to the bio-manure .

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli Maharashtra 9-4

Chapter X



10.1 CONSULTANT Vasantdada Sugar Institute Manjari (Bk), Pune 412 307 Maharashtra

Phone: (020) 26902100, 26902343/7/6 Fax: (020) 26902244 The Institute has received provisional accreditation from Quality Council of India (QCI)/National Accreditation Board for Education and Training (NABET) for EIA consultancy services. It is also a recognized Research and Development center of Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India. The EIA report has been prepared by, the Department of Environmental Sciences of VSI, which is affiliated with ‘University of Pune’, as Post Graduate and Doctoral course center (i.e. MSc & PhD) in the said subject. The activities of the Department are represented in the following chart.

Vasantdada Sugar Institute

Department of Environmental Sciences

Teaching and Training Research and Development

Extension and Consultancy Services

Chart 10.1: Activities of Department of Environmental Sciences

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra 10-1

Chapter X

10.2 The project team of EIA study

Expert/Team Designation Role / Expertise Member

Dr. Deepali Senior Scientist and Head EIA coordinator

Nimbalkar Department of FAE: WP, SHW, NV and AP

Environmental Sciences, VSI Collection and interpretation of data; impact evaluation/assessment; formulation of EMP,; and overall coordination of project

Shivajirao Director General FAE: Socio-Economics

Deshmukh Vasantdada Sugar Institute Guidance for data collection and analysis; impact assessment; formulation of EMP;

Dr. Sanjay V Patil Head and Technical Advisor FAE: WP and RH

Department of Alcohol Preparation of Detailed Project Report for Technology, VSI distillery including effluent treatment; risk analysis and management

Amol B. Scientist FAE: EB and SC

Deshmane Department of Data and sample collection; interpretation; Environmental Sciences, VSI impact assessment, formulation of EMP; Assistance in coordinating all project activities

Eknath P. Alhat Project Assistant Department FAE: AP, WP, SHW and NV

of Environmental Sciences, Data collection, interpretation; impact VSI assessment and formulation of EMP; Assistance in coordinating environmental monitoring activities

DB Phonde and Scientist and Head, Soil FAE: SC

sciences section Guidance for sample collection;

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra 10-2

Chapter X

Expert/Team Designation Role / Expertise


Dr. Preeti Scientist, Soil Sciences interpretation; impact assessment, section formulation of EMP

Rajendra A Technical Advisor FAE: Air pollution and NV

Chandgude Department of Sugar Air pollution prediction and control Engineering, VSI Formulation of EMP for the same area

Dr. Nitin Professor and Head, FAE: Geology and Hydro-geology

Karmalkar Department of Geology, Data collection and interpretation on (Empanelled) University of Pune Geological and hydro-geological aspects, impact assessment, and preparation of EMP

Swapnil C-DAC, Pune FAE: Land use (LU)

Awghade Interpretation of land use data and local (Empanelled) Scientist, Soil science section, topographical information, impact and Dr. Preeti VSI assessment and formulation of EMP for the Deshmukh same

Vivekanand P. Senior Research Fellow VP Patil -FAE for: AP, AQ, SHW, and WP Patil Department of AB More for AP, AQ, SHW, and HG Environmental Sciences, VSI

NABL Accredited laboratory of Department of Environmental Sciences of VSI was used for the analysis of environmental samples. The members involved in monitoring and analysis activities are 1. Hemangi Nalavade (Dept of Env Sci) 2. Anand More (Dept of Env Sci) 3. Kalyani Gore (Dept of Env Sci) 4. Rahul Pawar (Dept of Env Sci) 5. Yogesh Katkar (Dept of Env Sci) 6. Prakash Jadhav (Dept of Env Sci) 7. Shreekant Takle (Dept of Alcohol Technology)

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra 10-3

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra


To, The Sub-Regional Officer, Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Sangli

Subject: Response to the Suggestions, queries, comments received during public hearing procedure of proposed distillery project of M/s. Udagiri Sugar and Power Limited Dear Sir, This has reference to the suggestions, comments, queries; complaints received from your office, during the public hearing procedure of proposed distillery project of M/s. Udagiri Sugar and Power Limited, A/p. Bamni (Pare), Taluka Kahanpur, District Sangli, Maharashtra. Please find herewith a point wise response to all these, as an attachment herewith. Please accept the document and process the case. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, For Udagrir Sugar and Power Limited Mr. N.S. Kadam Vice President

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra

Point wise response to the queries, suggestions received for the new molasses based distillery project of M/s. Udagiri Sugar and Power Limited, located at Bamni (Pare), Taluka Khanapur, district Sangli

1. Suggestion received from Sunanda Reddy Vootkuri through Email [email protected] Address: V. Sunanda Reddy, H.No. 6-7-414, Shivaji Nagar, Nalgonda Telangana Phone: 09848179729 and 08985929148 Point wise response to her suggestions/comments/queries

i. In EIA report, environmental consultancy has covered the baseline data on air, land and water but not the health status of people and status of crop production Response: The baseline data is collected as per the standard guidelines of Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change and in accordance with Terms of Reference ii. Industry has allocated only 2.5 acres of land for plantation which does not satisfy the required condition of allotting 33% of total land so as to maintain ecological balance Response: Project will be developed in 8.1 acres of land and 33% of which is allocated for greenbelt development iii. Plantation in the industry does not contain fruit bearing plants and the plants that has medicinal values Response: In the proposed project non-edible fruit trees will be preferred, these plants will not be used for any medicinal activities. iv. Industry water requirement is 13 crore litres per annum but the storage capacity of industry is only 1 crore litre which is not sufficient. At least 6crore litres of storage capacity is required Response: The estimated water requirement for the proposed industry would be 9.5 crore litres (270 operation days per annum). Since, the industry is having permission from government authorities to draw water from the canal hence, the reservoir capacity of the industry is not a significant issue. v. A coordination committee has to be formed to monitor and spend the CSR budget which should include villagers, industry staff and government officials. Response: The industry has a plan to constitute environmental monitoring cell, which is described in chapter VI of the report. vi. The industry should consider the local youth in providing employment Response: The industry is going to prefer local candidates based on their skills and qualifications vii. Industry has to take up avenue plantation in nearby roads. Response: The industry has recorded the suggestion and it will take appropriate action according to the situation viii. Industry should also take up village plantation which includes contain fruit bearing plants and medicinal valued plants Response: The industry has recorded the suggestion and it will take appropriate action according to the situation ix. Industry has to create health awareness among the people by organizing health camps

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra

Response: The industry is already organizing health check up for its employees of sugar, cogeneration unit and their family members.

2) Complaint by Mr. Tanaji Yadav, A/p Bamni, Tal. Khanapur, Sangli Regarding fly ash and dust falling on the roof and creating pollution Response: The industry has installed and it is operating electro-static precipitator, an advance air pollution control equipment to control fly ash. It is using covered conveyer belt for the transport of bagasse, has developed good greenbelt to arrest fugitive dust.

3) Mr. Anandrao Bajarang Shelke and others, A/p Bamni, Tal. Khanapur, Sangli Regarding storage of molasses in temporary lagoons and thereby water/ ground water pollution

Response: The sugar unit is using mild steel storage tanks of 7000m3 capacity for molasses. Since molasses is a valuable by product of sugar mill. In the proposed distillery, it will be utilized as a raw material. There will be an additional storage tank of 10,000m3 for the proposed project. Therefore, there is no any situation to store it in kucha lagoon or releasing it.

4) Mr. Baban Dnyanu Shelke A/p Bamni, Tal. Khanapur, Sangli

Regarding storage of molasses in temporary lagoons and thereby, probability of ground water pollution

Response: As mentioned earlier the sugar unit is storing its molasses in MS tanks only as it is a valuable by-product. It will be utilized as a raw material for the proposed unit. There will be an additional storage tank of 10,000m3 for the proposed project. Hence, there won’t be any probability of such pollution.

EIA Report: New Molasses based Distillery project Udagiri Sugar & Power Ltd; Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra