ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 20 JUNE 2016 MITCHELL SHIRE COUNCIL Council Meeting Attachment SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES 20 JUNE 2016 7.1 WANDONG & HEATHCOTE JUNCTION HERITAGE GAP STUDY 2016 Attachment No: 12 Wandong and Heathcote Junction Heritage Gap Study 2016 MITCHELL SHIRE COUNCIL Page 1 Wandong & Heathcote Junction Heritage Gap Study Stage 2 findings and recommendations Prepared for Mitchell Shire D AVID H ELMS H ERITAGE P LANNING | M ARCH 2016 © David Helms Heritage Planning 2015 e.
[email protected] m. 0416 126 323 Prepared by: DAVID HELMS, HERITAGE CONSULTANT CONTEXT PTY LTD Final – 29 March 2016 Front cover image: Detail of Bylands Parish Plan showing early landowners in the Wandong and Heathcote Junction district ii David Helms HERITAGE PLANNING STAGE 2 FINDINGS + RECOMMENDATIONS Contents Executive summary iv Heritage places – individual significance ..........................................................................................iv HO309 Wandong precinct extension ...............................................................................................iv Archaeological places ..................................................................................................................... v Interpretation ..................................................................................................................................vi 1 Introduction 7 1.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................. 7 1.2 Approach