Governance Assessment Changes (July 2014 – December 2014)

01/08/2014 – FinecoBank under assessment and momentarily suspended

Index Constituents and Weights from 2nd January 2015

Governance Governance Company Weights Company Weights Assessment Assessment

40.50 11.08% 29.50 3.69%

38.00 8.63% 27.50 Banca Profilo 3.02%

37.00 Banca MPS 7.81% 26.50 2.73%

37.00 Banca Popolare Emilia Romagna 7.81% 26.00 Banca IFIS 2.60%

36.50 7.43% 25.00 Euramerica 2.35%

35.50 6.72% 21.00 Mediolanum 1.58%

35.50 6.72% 21.00 Banco di Desio e della Brianza 1.58%

34.00 Unipol Gruppo Finanziario 5.78% 18.00 Banco di Sardegna 1.17%

33.50 Banca Popolare di Sondrio 5.50% 18.00 1.17%

31.50 UBI Banca 4.50% PENDING Banca Popolare Etruria e 0.00%

31.00 4.28% PENDING FinecoBank 0.00%

30.00 3.88%

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