Prefatory Notes
BETWEEN THE SPECIES WINTER 1991 ~ Vol. 7 No.1 Between tlte Species is published quarterly by the EDITORS Schweitzer Center of the San Francisco Bay Institute! George Abbet Congress of Cultures. We encourage readers to send Steven F. Sapontzis us philosophical essays, reviews, interviews, poetry, John Stockwell stories, and art for possible publication. Materials submined for publication must be accompanied by a CONTRIBUTING EDITORS stamped, self-addressed mailing envelope. Betwee" George P. Cave the Species is primarily ajouma1 of moral philosophy, but activists' and scientific contributions are also Stephen Clark welcome. Inquiries, letters, manuscripts, books, and Michael 1. Cohen subscription orders should be sent to: MiChael W. Fox Ann Cottrell Free Betwttn tlte Species Richard Grossinger Judith Hampson P.O. Box2S4 Berkeley, California 94701, U.S.A. Gerald Jones (Telephone: 415-526-5346) Mark Juergensmeyer Marti Kheel Elizabeth Lawrence Subscription rates: individuals (real persons) Charles Magel $15.00 annually (single copies $4.(0), institutions Jim Nollman $25.00 annually. A 40% discount on the institutional Tom Regan price is given to Humane Societies and Animal Bernard Rollin Protection and Welfare organizations. Orders from Peter Singer outside the U.S. and Canada are sent by smface mail; if air mail is preferred, please include an additional Jon Wynne-Tyson U.S. $15.00 when subscribing, U.S. $3.50 on single GRAPHICS ADVISORS copy orders. Ifordering from outside the U.S., please arrange for your reminances to be payable in Elizabeth Newman U.S. dollars drawn on a bank located in the U.S., or Bev Parish send an international money order or bank draft or Mary Starin personal check in your currency at the current rate of exchange.
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