ITEM NO. B3 Application 2015/0025 Application Full Number: Type: Proposal: Erection of ‘Passivhaus’ Location: Land off Lomas Lane, dwelling along with hard and Balladen, Rawtenstall soft landscaping and vehicular access – Revised submission Report of: Planning Unit Manager Status: For Publication Report to: Development Control Date: 21 April 2015 Committee Applicant: Mr & Mrs Howard Determination 27th March 2015 Expiry Date: Agent: Contact Officer: Stephen Stray Telephone: 01706-252420 Email:
[email protected] REASON FOR REPORTING Outside Officer Scheme of Delegation Member Call-In Name of Member: Reason for Call-In: 3 or more objections received Other (please state): Raises significant policy considerations HUMAN RIGHTS The relevant provisions of the Human Rights Act 1998 and the European Convention on Human Rights have been taken into account in the preparation of this report, particularly the implications arising from the following rights:- Article 8 The right to respect for private and family life, home and correspondence. Article 1 of Protocol 1 The right of peaceful enjoyment of possessions and protection of property. 1. RECOMMENDATION That Committee be refused for the reasons set out in Section 9 of the report 2. The Site The application site which is Greenfield covers approximately 0.2 hectares and is bounded to the west by Lomas Lane, to the north and east by fields and to the south by a small collection of properties around Old Hall Farm. Version Number: 1 Page: 1 of 15 To reach the site, Lomas Lane itself leads uphill in a south easterly direction from the urban area of Rawtenstall and past Balladen Primary School before making a sharp turn south westwards, flattening out and acting as the urban boundary to the southern area of the Rawtenstall Urban Area where relatively modern houses and their gardens back on to the Lane.