The Arts Council / An The Arts Council of Chomhairle Ealaíon Northern Ireland



Introduction...... 3

Language and Definitions ...... 5

Access ...... 9

Disability Equality Training ...... 18

Transport...... 21

Disability Organisations...... 26

Arts and Disability Organisations...... 33

Arts and Health...... 37

Resource Arts Organisations ...... 38

Arts Centres, Theatres, Venues and Galleries ...... 42

Local Government Arts Officers ...... 51

Artists and Arts Workers ...... 59

Arts Training...... 60

Funding...... 68

Selected Reading List...... 84

Appendices...... 98

Response Form...... 106



The Arts and Disability Handbook has been produced in recognition of the particular need for improved information and communication about arts and disability issues throughout Ireland. The Handbook has been designed to be of practical use to the widest range of people, including anyone with an interest in arts and disability, people with disabilities, disability organisations, arts organisations, artists, arts workers and the general public.

The Handbook is intended to inform, stimulate and improve communication about arts and disability issues, and to promote increased levels and quality of practice in this area.

The Arts and Disability Handbook provides information about:

• Disability issues - terminology, definitions, access issues

• Arts organisations - resource organisations, arts and disability organisations, arts centres, theatres, venues and galleries

• Disability organisations - the main representative organisations

• Resources - local government, funding and training bodies Plus a Selected Reading List.

The Handbook was compiled by a team of researchers working in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. The publication includes information about arts and disability throughout Ireland. Lists are compiled in alphabetical order for convenience.

We hope that the information is accurate and up to date. Every effort has been made to ensure the details of the various entries made in this publication are correct. The content and classification is based on the latest information available at the time of going to press. If there are errors, or if we have omitted any key bodies which ought to be included, we would welcome further information so that we can correct future editions. A detachable response form is included on page 106 for this purpose. 4

A word about telephone numbers. Arts and Disability Handbook In detailing telephone and fax numbers in The Arts and Disability Handbook of the this resource pack, we have included local Arts Council of Northern Ireland and The area codes and telephone numbers only i.e. Arts Council/An Chomhairle Ealaíon1999 01 618 0244. Individuals and organisations are welcome For calls made from the Republic of Ireland to photocopy all or part of this document at to Northern Ireland the access code 08 their own discretion. should precede the area code and number i.e.

08 01232 385200. ISBN 0 906627 83 4 For calls made from Northern Ireland to the Republic of Ireland the access code 00 353 If you require copies of this directory in should precede the area code and number large print, audiotape, Braille or on (omit the first zero in the area code) i.e. 00 computer disk, please contact the 353 (0)1 618 0244. Development Unit, The Arts Council/An Chomhairle Ealaíon, in the Republic of Note: A new telephone numbering system is Ireland (01 618 0244), or the Strategic being introduced in Northern Ireland. The Development Department, Arts Council of Northern Ireland code will change to 028 Northern Ireland (01232 385200). and local five and six digit numbers will all become eight digits long. The new and old code numbers will run in parallel from 1st Acknowledgments June 1999. New numbers only will be used Researchers: from 17 September 2000. For further Liz Lennon, Project Co-ordinator information contact the BT Helpline - Avril Crawford, Researcher, Northern freefone 0800 7310202 or consult the Ireland Arts and Disability Forum website - www.numberchange.bt.com Sharon Rollston, Researcher, Northern Ireland Arts and Disability Forum The production of this Handbook has been Steve Daunt, Researcher co-ordinated for the Arts Councils by Lisa Lys Hegarty, Researcher Moran and Francis Murphy.

Advisors: Maureen Gilbert Jackie O’Keeffe



• What is Disability ...... 6

• Understanding Disability Issues...... 6

• The Medical Model...... 6

• The Social Model ...... 6

• Terminology ...... 7

• Different Approaches: Understanding

Arts and Disability and Disability Arts…… 8 6

What is Disability? The Medical Model There are two important terms to The medical model is informed by the understand: individual perspective of a person’s physical • Impairment: a functional limitation such or medical condition or impairment. Under as difficulty in walking or seeing this model, all people with disabilities and all impairments are different, and it is hard • Disability: the resulting loss of to generalise or to imagine ways of opportunity to participate on equal terms improving the situation of disabled people as with people who do not have impairments a group. The medical model tends to due to physical and attitudinal barriers in individualise disability issues and generally the community. does not question how society treats its The Commission on the Status of People disabled citizens. Disability itself is seen to with Disabilities considers people with be the problem and the approach is taken disabilities to be that disability can be ‘solved’ by medical or “children and adults who experience any rehabilitative action. restriction in their capacity to participate in economic, social or cultural life on The Social Model account of a physical, sensory, learning, By contrast, the social model of disability mental health or emotional impairment” holds that it is society which disables people and the Arts and Disability Forum in with impairments by the way in which it is Northern Ireland holds that organised and by the conventions and priorities it displays. For example, many “a disabled person is someone who has a buildings are inaccessible to people with condition caused by a physical, mental or impaired mobility, but this results from sensory impairment, which results in loss specific conventions and traditions in or limitation of opportunities to take part building design and is not a consequence of in the community on an equal level with mobility impairment per se. The social others, due to social or physical barriers”. model emphasises that barriers to the full participation of people with disabilities are Understanding Disability Issues located in the way society is organised, and it challenges society to address and There are several ways of looking at and dismantle these barriers. understanding disability issues. The two main models or ways of doing this are Most people with disabilities understand known as the medical model and the social disability through the social model and this model. is the approach taken by most disability groups throughout Ireland. In their programmes to improve access to the arts and to artistic expression for disabled people, both Arts Councils are subscribing clearly to the social model. Some people 7

with disabilities, particularly older people disabilities” the importance lies in the fact and some with recently acquired that the word “people” comes first and impairments, may identify more closely with disability only afterwards. Those who use the medical model, and the Arts Councils “disabled people” point out that it is in line intend for all people with disabilities, with the social model (people are disabled regardless of perspective, to find their own by society) and use analogies from other place in the arts. minority groups (for example, the accepted term is “black people” not “people who are black”).


“People with Disabilities” or “Disabled In practice, “people with disabilities” is the People”? accepted term in general use in the Republic of Ireland, although both terms are used in Northern Ireland and the Republic of The question of disability terminology is the Ireland. They will be used interchangeably subject of much debate among the disability in this Handbook. community. For those who use “people with

Some other terms in common usage can cause offence. The following are some examples:

Terms no longer in use: ...... Preferred terms:

wheelchair-bound...... person who uses a wheelchair or wheelchair user

cripple, spastic, victim, sufferer, retard etc ..person with a disability, disabled person

the handicapped, the disabled...... people with disabilities, disabled people

mental handicap, mentally handicapped ...... learning disability, learning disabled

normal ...... non-disabled, able-bodied

schizo, mad...... person with a mental health disability

Terms like “blind” and “deaf” are favoured by some people, while others prefer “visually impaired” and “hearing impaired”.

Disability Speak, a useful short guide to appropriate language around disability, is available free from any National Rehabilitation Board (NRB) locations throughout the Republic of Ireland. 8

Different approaches: understanding to the margins of a project, or are involved “Arts and Disability” and “Disability only on the terms of non-disabled people, Arts” projects cannot be endorsed within arts and disability practice. The various ways that people with disabilities choose to engage with the arts can best be understood by looking at the difference between arts and disability and Disability Arts disability arts methodologies. Disability arts is a specific arts practice which involves artists with disabilities creating work which expresses their identity Arts and Disability as disabled people. The work of disability arts practitioners contributes to the Arts and disability is an overview phrase expression of a disability culture and forms which includes a broad range of arts an integral part of disability politics. It is practice, embracing artwork by people with informed by disabled people’s experiences, disabilities and activities involving disabled values and beliefs as disabled people and by people as artists, participants and audience a sense of identity as members of a distinct members. The approach aims to involve all group with a unique culture. Disability arts sections of the community on an equal basis, is concerned with participation, rather than making no differentiation between disabled audience or access issues. and non-disabled participants.

Both Arts Councils support arts and When used to describe projects intended as disability and disability arts practice which collaborations, the term arts and disability meet with their respective criteria. Further implies the involvement of disabled people information on all awards and opportunities at all stages, from planning to showcasing. in a variety of formats are available from Where people with disabilities are confined both Arts Councils.



• Achieving Real Access for People ...... 10 with Disabilities in the Arts......

• Physical Access...... 10

• Access Audit ...... 11

• Staff Training...... 11

• Access Facilities ...... 11

• Accessible Communication...... 12

- Providing Better Access for ...... 12

Visually Impaired People ......

- Providing Better Access for ...... 14

Hearing Impaired People ......

• Involving People with ...... 15

Disabilities in Planning......

• Staffing...... 16

• Programming ...... 16

• Employing People with Disabilities ...... 17


Achieving Real Access for People with Disabilities in the Arts

The precursor to any real involvement of people with disabilities in the arts, in whatever manner, is open access. In this context, inaccessible buildings and lack of awareness of disability issues among staff are only the mechanisms through which exclusion operates. People with disabilities cannot participate in the arts as audience or as practitioners unless certain basic access conditions are met, and as a result many people with disabilities have very limited experience of the arts.

If people with disabilities are to achieve their artistic potential, access must be resolved. This means attending to issues such as communication, interpretation, staffing, planning and programming as well as ensuring good physical access. This section of the Handbook provides some basic information to assist arts organisations in becoming more accessible to people with disabilities. Further sources of information are also provided.

A number of arts and cultural organisations throughout Ireland, such as the National Gallery in and the Waterfront Hall in Belfast, have already taken action to ensure the inclusion of people with disabilities.

Physical Access

Physical access issues are not just about wheelchair accessible toilets or making sure that people can get in and out of a building independently. Level entrances, gentle slopes, wide corridors and so on are better for people who are unsteady on their feet and for those accompanied by small children as well as wheelchair users. And almost everybody seems to prefer using a lift to climbing stairs!

In Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland there is legislation which governs the minimum acceptable levels of physical accessibility in new buildings and in significant extensions to existing buildings. If you are commissioning building work make sure that your architect takes regulations into account. 11

Useful resources in this task include: For information on financial assistance to make improvements to physical access in • Building Regulations, Access and arts buildings see Funding, page 68. Facilities for Disabled People, available from HMSO bookshop, N.I. Staff Training

• Planning an Arts Building Project, Everyone should understand their role in published by the Arts Council/An ensuring that the building operates Chomhairle Ealaíon. efficiently. Contract workers should be appraised of their safety duties and responsibilities in advance of commencing • Buildings for Everyone, published by any work. Disability Equality Training NRB (The National Rehabilitation should be given as an essential component Board). of staff training, and should be updated routinely to ensure that it has an impact and (for further details see Selected Reading is relevant, (see Disability Equality List, page 84) Training, page 18).

Access Audit Access Facilities

Even if you are not planning major building The fabric of a building is not the only works there are many inexpensive ways in element to be considered in improving which you can improve physical access for access for disabled people. For example, people with disabilities. The books listed providing a designated car parking space or above contain lots of ideas. First, however, large print information are access features it makes sense to conduct an access audit to which are generally easy to achieve (See ascertain what needs to be changed. Appendix 1, page 99 for further details). An access audit looks at a building or space Consultation with local disability groups can from the point of view of disabled users. reveal a wealth of information which can This service is available in Northern Ireland help arts organisations to provide more from ADAPT Northern Ireland and inclusive services. It is particularly Disability Action, and from the NRB in the important to provide access details to Republic of Ireland. There are also a visiting companies or artists, as well as number of independent access consultants. notification on all publicity material. People Please consult your local disability with multiple disabilities may need to be organisation for further information, (for offered choices. For example, a visually further details see Disability Organisations, impaired person may also not be able to page 26). As a start it is useful to do a self- walk very far. It is also important to ensure assessment access audit. The access that outreach and touring programmes checklist at the back of this book is a useful include accessible venues. resource (see Appendix 1, page 99). 12

Accessible Communication Audio tapes of standard written material can be made easily using an ordinary tape Providing Better Access for Visually recorder and microphone. For more Impaired People complicated items, for example, involving the explanation of diagrams, it is advisable to use a professional service. Essential information such as flyers, brochures, calendars of events, programmes, catalogues and booking information should Computer disks are a very useful way of be accessible to everyone. You can use communicating information to visually Braille, large print, audio tape or impaired computer users but are obviously computer disk, to communicate of limited value for items for immediate information you would usually provide in information, such as theatre programmes. print, depending on circumstances and Arts organisations can also acquire software demand. which will enable them to produce their information in alternative formats directly from computer disks and from standard Braille is a system of raised dots which can printed material. be read by touch. Grade 1 Braille is a letter by letter transcription, while Grade 2 Braille is a shorthand version for more experienced Audio description is a service in which readers. Braille documents are very large. information about the visual aspects of a An average A4 printed page transcribes as performance or exhibition are delivered over two to three pages of Grade 2 Braille. a headset during the actual performance or exhibition. Standard and Large Print documents should avoid light type weights (very thin The following are useful sources of forms), non-standard typefaces (especially information: italics), glossy or thin paper, and avoid printing text solely in capitals - upper and Arbour Hill Prison lower case is easier to read. Ensure good Brailling Unit Contact: Paddy Farrell, colour contrast between print and Address: Arbour Hill, Dublin 7. background and avoid dazzling effects. Tel: 01 671 9333 Fax: 01 679 9518

Large print versions of documents can be Services: Braille created easily on most word-processing systems by converting a standard document Blind Centre NI (minimum 12pt) into minimum 16pt Contact: Dean Houston (maximum 24pt) print. Alternatively you Address: 70 North Road, Belfast, BT5 5NJ can increase the size of documents on a Tel: 01232 654 366, Fax: 01232 654 366 photocopier. Services: Braille, Audio Transcription (72 hours) 13

National Council for the Blind in Ireland (NCBI) Contact: Mary Fahy Address: PV Doyle House, 45 Whitworth Road, Drumcondra, Dublin 9. Tel: 01 830 7033, Fax: 01 830 7787 Email: [email protected] Services: Braille, tactile and speaking aids, computers and adaptive technology

Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB) Service Bureau Contact: Michael McIlwrath Address: 40 Linenhall Street, Belfast, BT2 8BA. Tel: 01232 329373, Fax: 01232 439118 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.rnib.org.uk Services: Braille and Audio Transcription, audio described videos, adaptive technology

St Joseph’s School for the Visually Impaired Brailling Unit Address: Gracepark Road, Drumcondra, Dublin 7. Tel: 01 837 3635 Services: Braille

York Transcription Services Contact: Raymond Crozier Address: 218 York Street, Belfast, BT15 1GY. Tel: 01232 753044, Fax: 01232 352224 Services: Braille, Large Print


Providing Better Access for Hearing Lists of sign language interpreters are Impaired People available from organisations listed below.

A textphone or minicom enables people In the Republic of Ireland a centralised with significant hearing impairments to booking service is supported by all communicate using the telephone system. organisations of deaf people. There is a Typed text, viewed on a small screen, shortage of qualified sign interpreters, replaces the spoken word. One textphone especially outside major population centres, user can contact another directly and can so it is important to book interpreters well in contact users of standard telephones (and advance. vice versa) by using British Telecom’s Typetalk service in Northern Ireland and Telecom Eireann’s national relay service in Sign interpreters usually work for twenty to the Republic of Ireland. thirty minutes before taking a break, so you should book at least two interpreters for events such as seminars and conferences. A loop system amplifies the source of sound One interpreter is sufficient for events such transmitted via a microphone (for example, as exhibition openings which involve only during a performance, lecture or film) short verbal inputs. directly to hearing aid users who tune their aids to the “T” position. It amplifies only the desired sounds and cuts out background The following are useful sources of noise. While auditoria should have information: permanent loop systems, they can also be hired for temporary use at meetings, Council for the Advancement of seminars etc. Communication with Deaf People (CACDP) An infra-red system works in a similar way Contact: Cilla Mullan, Development Officer to a loop system, and is often used with Address: Wilton House, 5 College Square headphones for audio description and North, Belfast, BT1 6AR. simultaneous translation. This system is Tel: 01232 438161, Fax: 01232 438161 particularly suitable for music venues. Services: Register of qualified sign language interpreters. Sign language interpretation is vital if people with no functional hearing are to participate in events or enjoy many kinds of Irish Deaf Society performance. In Northern Ireland British Contact: Fergus Dunne Sign Language (BSL) is the preferred Address: 30 Blessington Street, Dublin language of deaf people, while in the 7.Tel: 01 860 1878, Fax: 01 860 1960 Republic of Ireland most deaf people use Services: Deaftronics service provides Irish Sign Language (ISL). specialised equipment and advice.


Irish Sign Link Organisations which work to ensure that Contact: Elfrieda Carroll they are meeting the needs of their Address: 25 Clyde Road, audiences, participants and the community Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. in which they are located will already be Tel/minicom: 01 608 0437 involved in the process of consultation on Fax: 01 668 5029 matters relating to programme planning. People with disabilities make up more than Services: National agency for the provision 10% of the Irish population and thus of sign language interpreters. Can also constitute a substantial interest group which provide translation from ISL to English text organisations need to take into account. (on video or in person). Participation in the planning process can be National Association for Deaf People achieved through open consultation Address: 35 North Frederick Street, meetings, focus groups, working groups and Dublin 1. sub-committees involving local disabled Tel: 01 872 3800, Fax: 01 872 3816 people or disability organisations, and by encouraging people with disabilities to join Services: Provide and install permanent and boards of management or to become temporary loop systems. directors of arts organisations. It is Deaftech service provides specialised important, however, to make sure that equipment and advice. responsibility for disability issues does not rest exclusively with disabled people as this Royal National Institute for the Deaf will work against the development of real (RNID) commitment and ownership in the organisation. Similarly, organisations may Contact: Nicole Hall be missing out on the many other interests Address: Wilton House, 5 College Square, and contributions of disabled people. North, Belfast, BT1 6AR. Tel/textphone: 01232 239619 The adoption of an equal opportunities Fax:01232 312032 policy and code of practice will assist Website: http://www.rnid.org.uk organisations in achieving their goals. This should include setting specific time-related Services: Sign language interpreters, speech- targets and performance indicators, and to-text, lip-speakers. covers issues concerning people with disabilities as audience members, participants and employees.

When holding consultation meetings ensure that the venue is fully accessible and that

everybody is facilitated to participate. Transport is often a major difficulty for disabled people (see Transport, page 21).

Involving People with Disabilities in Planning Staffing The attitudes of staff are crucial in ensuring that disabled people are facilitated in 16 participating in the programme of arts centres, clinics and so on are useful ways of activities. Disability Equality Training (see bringing the arts to disabled people who may page 18) will increase staff awareness of have had no previous contact. disability issues and will inform the team on how to treat disabled people who are in contact with the organisation. In order to ensure that activities and events in an arts venue are accessible, organisations should strive for maximum access at all Organisations often find it useful to times. For example, exhibitions should be designate a member of staff to take overall appreciable from a sitting as well as a responsibility for ensuring that the needs of standing position. Precis, introductory talks, disabled people are met and to act as a link taped programmes, audio and sign language with the disability sector. Again, it is interpreted tours, touch tables (tables with important to ensure that this does not lead to art objects which can be appreciated by other staff ignoring disability issues. touch) and thermoforms (three dimensional representations of two dimensional work which can be touched) are some ways of maximising access. For information on employing disabled people see page 17.

To make sure that disabled people find out about what’s going on, it is vital to make information available in a wide variety of Programming formats (see page 12), and to send details to disability organisations (see Disability While the general programme of activities in Organisations page 26). Publicity an arts organisation will be of interest to information should include details of access many disabled people, some people with features and any relevant pricing policies. disabilities have specific needs which have to be considered if they are to enjoy the same access to the arts as everybody else. When planning a programme, consultation with people with disabilities plays a key role Much useful information on marketing to in ensuring that needs are expressed and disabled people for arts organisations is met, including the exploration of new included in the Arts Council of England’s projects and programmes. publication Guidelines for Marketing to Disabled Audiences Some people may not be able to attend a programme in an arts venue. Outreach work (see Selected Reading List page 84). in schools, sheltered workshops, day activity 17

Employing People with Disabilities • Employment Support Scheme - NRB

Throughout Ireland people with disabilities • Positive to Disability - NRB are under-represented in the workforce. Recent legislation addresses employment • Job Interview Interpreter Grant - equality for disabled people. In the Republic NRB of Ireland the Employment Equality Act, 1998 outlaws discrimination in employment Details of these schemes are available from and training on nine grounds, of which FÁS or NRB. disability is one. It covers such matters as accessibility, equal pay, vocational training, work experience, working conditions, In Northern Ireland Access to Work runs a harassment, promotion and dismissal. The number of schemes designed to help disability section of the legislation will not disabled people to overcome certain work- be enacted until at least the second half of related obstacles. The schemes include: 1999. In Northern Ireland the Disability Discrimination Act, 1995 makes it unlawful • Communication support at for employers to treat a disabled person less interviews for deaf people favourably than others for a reason connected to their impairment, unless there • Personal reader service for visually is a good cause. impaired people

In the Republic of Ireland there are many • Special aids and equipment to assist schemes which encourage employers to disabled people in the workplace increase employment opportunities for disabled people. Such schemes cover all • Modifications to premises and forms of employers, including arts equipment to met the needs of organisations, and are administered by FÁS disabled workers (the training and employment authority in the Republic of Ireland) or NRB (The National Rehabilitation Board). Schemes • Support workers to assist people who include: need practical help getting to or at work • Back to Work Allowance Scheme - FÁS • Assistance with the cost of travelling to work for people who are unable to use public transport. • CE (Community Employment) Scheme - FÁS

• Workplace / Equipment Adaptation Grants - NRB Details of these schemes are available from Training and Employment Offices throughout Northern Ireland. • Personal Reader Grant - NRB 18


• Disability Equality Training……………………………….19

• Disability Equality Training for Arts Organisations……..20

• Disability Equality Training Award……………………….20



The best way an arts organisation can assess its existing policies and practices around disability and improve them is to undertake a programme of Disability Equality Training (DET).

Disability Equality Training aims to increase understanding and to effect change in relation to disability issues within organisations, institutions and groups. The training is carried out by appropriately qualified and experienced people with disabilities, and is informed by the social model of disability (see page 6) within an equal opportunities framework.

The programme of training is negotiated between the trainer/s and the organisation or group and can range from one to three days, running consecutively or over a phased period of time. Training should take place in an environment where participants will not be disturbed by routine activities such as telephones and meetings.

Note that there is a difference between Disability Equality Training and Disability Awareness Training.

Disability Equality Training - aims to give an in-depth insight into the issues around disability, providing the analytical tools to understand and explore the implications to work practice.

Disability Awareness Training - tends to work towards general awareness and concentrates on individual impairment.

A number of individuals and organisations throughout Ireland provide Disability Equality Training. For further information contact the main disability resource organisations directly (see Disability Organisations page 26)


Disability Equality Training for Arts Organisations

In 1998, as part of a joint initiative, both Arts Councils commissioned a Disability Equality Training Team to work with five Disability Equality Training Teams throughout Ireland to develop a model of Disability Equality Training which specifically addresses the needs of arts organisations.

For further details about these training teams contact The Arts Council of Northern Ireland or The Arts Council/An Chomhairle Ealaíon.

Disability Equality Training Award

In 1999 and 2000 The Arts Council/An Chomhairle Ealaíon will make awards available to arts organisations throughout Ireland towards the cost of undertaking a programme of Disability Equality Training with an appropriately qualified trainer. The closing date for 1999 is 14th May.

For further information please contact

Lisa Moran, The Arts Council, 70 Merrion Square, Dublin 2.

Tel: 01 618 0244, Fax: 01 676 1302, Email: [email protected].



Republic of Ireland ...... 22

• Public Transport...... 22

• Specialised Transport...... 23

Northern Ireland ...... 24

• Public Transport...... 24

• Specialised Transport...... 25

• Taxi Services ...... 25


TRANSPORT - Republic of Ireland Public Transport

Bus Éireann The national bus service in the Republic of Ireland Contact: Cyril Macyntyre. Address: Central Bus Station (Busáras), Store Street, Dublin 1. Tel: 01 839 6111 (passenger information),01 830 2222 (Head Office)

Bus Átha Cliath - Dublin Bus Bus service for Dublin City. Address: Head Office, 59 Upper O’Connell Street, Dublin 1 Tel: 01 873 4222 (passenger information), 01 872 0000 (Head Office)

Iarnród Éireann (Irish Rail) The National rail service for the Republic of Ireland including InterCity, DART and Suburban services. Contact: Pat McKay, Liaison Officer for mobility impaired customers. Address: Head Office Depts. Connolly Station, Dublin 1. Tel: 01 836 6222 (passenger information), 01 836 3333 (Head Office) Pat McKay: Tel: 01 703 2627, Fax: 01 703 2515, Email: [email protected]


Service: Arrangements can be made for staff to meet disabled travellers at the station of departure/arrival to assist with boarding and disembarking. 24 hours notice is required. Access features such as portable ramps, audio announcements and tactile signs are available in many mainline stations. An upgrading programme for stations and facilities involves the provision of loops systems in booking offices, lifts with access features for visually impaired people etc. New trains have designated spaces for wheelchair users and some feature wheelchair accessible toilets. A Disability Equality Training programme is being developed for staff. A Disability Users Group undertakes site visits, audits and performance reviews.

Publications: Guide for Mobility Impaired Passengers - document summarising initiatives regarding disability, access and employee training, available in print and on the Internet, and a Braille version is planned.

For further details, contact as above.

Specialised Transport

Centre For Independent Living (CIL) Address: Carmichael House, North Brunswick St., Dublin 7. Tel: 01 873 0455, Fax: 01 873 0998. Service: Vantastic - door to door accessible transport service for people with disabilities in Dublin.

Irish Wheelchair Association Address: Aras Cuchulain, Blackheath Drive, Clontarf, Dublin 3. Tel: 01 833 8241, Fax 01 833 3873. Service: National fleet of adapted vehicles used largely for membership activities.


TRANSPORT - Northern Ireland • Easibus Operates buses which incorporate a lift or Public Transport ramp and have wheelchair spaces on 11 routes throughout Belfast. Translink Address: Central Station, East Bridge Street, Contact Translink (see above) for further Belfast BT1 3NR information. Tel: information 01232 899411 or • Northern Ireland Railways 01232 899400, Fax: 01232 899401 All train services operating in Northern Northern Ireland’s integrated public Ireland are accessible to wheelchair users. transport operations of Citybus, Easibus, NI However, there are often problems with Railways, and Ulsterbus are known as accessibility to platforms, so it is best to ‘Translink’. It is advisable to call your local phone in advance if unsure of the station 24 hours before you travel. accessibility of a particular station. Concessionary fares on public transport are Contact Translink (see above) for further available to anyone who is registered blind. information.

Translink Services: • Ulsterbus Ulsterbus is responsible for almost all • Citybus scheduled bus services in Northern Ireland, Citybus operates 60 routes in Belfast. It has excepting Belfast City. Most are not 50 low floor vehicles which allow for accessible to wheelchair users. assisted access for passengers in wheelchairs. Citybus also operates Contact Translink (see above) for further Centrelink, an accessible bus service in information. Belfast City Centre providing a link between all the main bus and rail stations. NB: As in the Republic, transport companies Contact Translink (see above) for further in the North prefer 24 hours’ notice to information provide assistance to disabled travellers.


Specialised Transport

Bridge Accessible Transport Transport Advisory Committee (TAC) Address: 58 Strand Road, Derry, BT48 7AJ. Contact: Oliver McKenna Bookings/enquiries: Tel 01504 267555, Address: 2 Annadale Avenue, Fax: 01504 374556 Belfast BT7 3JH. Tel : 01232 491011, Fax: 01232 491627 , Operates within a 7 mile radius of the Derry Textphone: 01232 645779 City Council area.

Disability Action TAC is a consultative forum made up of Contact: Brigid Heggarty, transport users, providers and planners Information Officer seeking to address the transport needs of Address: 2 Annadale Avenue, people with mobility impairments through a Belfast BT7 3JH. range of policy, operational and Tel: 01232-491011, Fax: 01232-491627, developmental measures. TAC provides a Textphone: 01232-645779 guide to community transport organisations, Email: accessible taxis and air and ferry travel: [email protected] Getting Out and About: a guide to accessible transport in Northern Ireland, Transport service, accessible coach hire, available in standard and large print from Easyrider service. TAC, and on the Internet at: http://www.nitran.org.uk

Easyrider Address: Units 9-10, Farset Enterprise Park, 638 Springfield Road, Belfast BT12 7DY. TAXI Services General enquiries: Tel: 01232 233023, Bookings (North) 01232 319300, Taxi services are available throughout Bookings (West) 01232 233900, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Fax 01232 236022 Ireland. Some, particularly in the main cities, have accessible taxis in their fleet. Door-to-door transport in North and West However, at present it is not possible to Belfast. book an accessible taxi in advance. It is recommended that you contact taxi companies directly to inquire about accessible taxi facilities.



There are many disability organisations working on behalf of their membership throughout Ireland. The list below contains organisations which are either the national body for their population or an umbrella group that covers a number of organisations providing a wide range of services, advice and information. These organisations could be the first point of contact for an arts or community organisation. Many of the umbrella or resource organisations are based in either Dublin or Belfast but often have affiliate groups throughout the country. The information provided is taken directly from the organisations.

Further information about these and other disability organisations can be gained from a number of sources: The Irish Council of People with Disabilities, the Disability Federation of Ireland, and the Forum of People with Disabilities, in the Republic of Ireland, and the Northern Ireland Arts and Disability Forum and Disability Action in Northern Ireland (details of these organisations are listed in this section).

For a comprehensive list of disability organisations consult the Directory of National Voluntary Organisations, Social Services Agencies and Other Useful Public Bodies of the National Social Services Board in the Republic of Ireland, and A Practical Guide for People with a Disability of the Department of Health and Social Services, in Northern Ireland.

Blind Centre N.I. 27

Contact: Dean Houston - Chief Executive Address: 70 North Road, Belfast, BT5 5NJ. Tel: 01232-654366, Fax: 01232-654366 British Epilepsy Association Promotes a fuller life for visually impaired Contact: Marina Clarke – people throughout Northern Ireland. Regional Service Manager Address: Graham House, Knockbracken Contact the Belfast office for information on Health Care Park, Saintfield Road, Belfast, other branches. BT8 8BH. Publications: Magazine on tape. Tel: 01232 799355, Fax: 01232 799076 Provides information service about epilepsy Brainwave - The Irish Epilepsy for both newly diagnosed people and Association professional workers. Address: 249 Crumlin Road, Dublin 12. Tel: 01 455 7500, Fax: 01 455 7013, Publications: N.I. magazine Searchlight - 3 Email: [email protected] times yearly. Aims to improve the quality of life for Centre For Independent Living (CIL) people with epilepsy, their families and Address: Carmichael House, Nth Brunswick carers. St. Dublin 7. Contact the Dublin office for regional and Tel: 01 873 0455/873 0986 branch addresses. Fax: 01 873 0998, Email: [email protected] Campaigns for and promotes independent British Deaf Association living for people with disabilities in order to attain full inclusion in society. Contact: Majella McAteer, Contact the Dublin office for regional and Community Advocacy Officer branch addresses. Address: Wilton House, 5/6 College Square North, Belfast, BT1 6AR. Tel: 01232 4347676, Text: 01232 434755 Cerebral Palsy Ireland (CPI)

Aims to improve access to health and social Address: Sandymount Avenue, Dublin 4. services for deaf people; to raise awareness Tel: 01 269 5355, Fax: 01 269 4983 among the general public of deaf people’s needs; to develop advocacy skills among the Provides information and support for people deaf community and to provide information. with cerebral palsy and other physical disabilities and their families. Publications: British Deaf News monthly. Contact the Dublin office for regional and branch addresses.

Council for the Advancement of Development Officer Communication with Deaf People Address: Wilton House, 5 College Square (CACDP) North, Belfast, BT1 6AR. Tel: 01232 438161, Fax: 01232 438161 Contact Name: Cilla Mullan, 28

Aims to develop and improve Address: 2 Sandyford Office Park, communication between deaf and hearing Blackthorn Avenue. Dublin 18. people through training in all methods of Tel: 01 295 9344/5, Fax: 01 295 9346 communication used by deaf people. Email: [email protected] Examination body in sign language. Web site: http://ireland.iol.ie/~dfi/ Publications: Quarterly newsletter. The national umbrella body for Ireland’s main organisations of and for people with Disability Action disabilities. Assists its member organisations to deliver a range of services to people with Contact: Brigid Heggarty disabling conditions. Address: 2 Annadale Avenue, Belfast, BT7 3JH. The DFI 1998-99 Directory has a Tel: 01232 491011, Fax: 01232 491627 comprehensive listing of its 66 member TextTel: 01232 645779 organisations. DFI Newsletter - monthly. Email: [email protected] Forum of People with Disabilities Works to ensure that people with disabilities Address: Flat 2, 1st Floor, 21 Hill Street, attain their full rights as citizens and has Dublin 1. over 170 member groups covering every Tel: 01 878 6077 Email: [email protected] aspect of disability - physical, mental, An organisation of people with disabilities sensory and hidden. promoting choice, participation and Publications: Disability Action News - bi- consultation, where people with disabilities monthly. are recognised as consumers and as a civil rights group. Disabled People of Clare - DPOC Irish Deaf Society Contact: Dermot Hayes Address: Unit 1, Clonroad Business Park, Contact: Noelle Lee, Access Officer Ennis, Co Clare. Address: 30 Blessington Street, Dublin 7. Tel: 065 43488, Fax: 065 43576 Tel: 01 860 1878, Fax: 01 860 1960 Email: [email protected] minicom: 01 860 1910 Email: [email protected] Representative organisation of people with disabilities which promotes equal Promotes equality and rights for deaf people opportunities and civil rights. through empowerment, advocacy and self help. Disability Federation of Ireland (DFI) Contact the Dublin office for regional and branch addresses.

Irish Council of People with Disabilities Email: [email protected] Address: 4th Floor, Park House, North Circular Road, Dublin 7. Representative organisation of people with Tel: 868 3502, Fax: 01 868 3526 disabilities established as a result of the 29

Commission on the Status of People with Address: Segal House, 4 Annadale Avenue, Disabilities. Supports a large network of Belfast, BT7 3JH affiliated regional groups. Tel: 01232 691351, Fax: 01232 691351 Email: [email protected] Contact Dublin office for county networks Provides residential, employment, leisure of people with disabilities. and holiday services for children and adults with learning disabilities and their families Irish Wheelchair Association - IWA in the UK. Address: National Headquarters, Aras Cuchulain, Blackheath Drive, Clontarf, Publications: Outlook - bi-monthly Dublin 3. newsletter. Tel: 01-833 8241, Fax: 01 - 833 3873 Email: [email protected]. Mental Health Association of Ireland Web site: http://www.iol.ie/~iwa/ Address: Mensana House, 6 Adelaide Street, Dun Laoghaire, County Dublin. Dedicated to the achievement of full social, Tel: 01 284 1166, Fax: 01 284 1736 economic and educational integration of people with disabilities as equal, Provides support for people with mental independent and participative members health disabilities, and promotes mental within the general community. health by educating the general public. Contact the Dublin office for regional and Contact the Dublin office for regional and branch addresses. branch addresses. National Association for Deaf People Publications: Spokeout - a quarterly Address: 35 North Frederick Street, magazine. Dublin 1. Tel: 01 872 3800. Fax: 01 872 3816. Email. [email protected] Promotes the right of deaf people to enjoy an equality of opportunity in all aspects of life, and to develop full independence and MENCAP - (Royal Society for Mentally citizenship. Promotes the right of parents of Handicapped Children and Adults) deaf children to enjoy access to the full range of supports and services, and to take Contact Name: Pascal McKeown, an active role in their child’s education and Information and Policy Manager development.

National Association for the Mentally An alliance of over 150 Irish organisations Handicapped of Ireland which share a common concern for people with learning disabilities. Address: 5 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2. Tel: 01 676 6035, Fax: 01 676 0517 30

Publications: Quarterly newsletter. Address: 25 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. National Council for the Blind of Ireland Tel/minicom: 01 608 0400 - (NCBI) Fax: 01 668 5029 Contact: Sharon Lyon, Information Officer; Statutory body providing services and Heather Hunter, National Access Advisor. information to people with disabilities, their Address: PV Doyle House, 45 Whitworth families or advocates and others whose work Rd., Drumcondra, Dublin 9. affects the lives of people with disabilities. Tel:01 830 7033, Fax: 01 830 7785 Email: [email protected] Web site: http://www.ncbl.ie Contact the Dublin office for details of regional Disability Resource Centres. Offers training and rehabilitation skills to visually impaired people, and support, Publications: Buildings for Everyone - advice and counselling services. guidelines on building design, construction and adaptation; factsheets on adaptive Contact the Dublin office for regional and equipment; information leaflets; research branch addresses. reports. Publications: Sceal Beo - a fortnightly tape magazine. National Schizophrenia Fellowship

National Deaf Children’s Society Contact: Maria Lowry Contact: Pauline Walker Address: Wilton Address: Wyndhurst Knockbracken Health House, 5 College Square North, Belfast, Care Park, Saintfield Road, Belfast BT8 BT1 6AR. Tel: 01232 797987 8BU. Tel: 01232 402323, Fax: 01232 401616 Provides support and services for deaf children and their families. Promotes public understanding of severe mental illness, provides community care Publications: Talk - national quarterly facilities and support for members and magazine. carers, and sponsors research projects into causes, consequences and management of NRB (The National Rehabilitation Board) schizophrenia.

Contact: Maureen Gilbert, Head, Publications: NSF Today - quarterly Independent Living Services newsletter

Northern Ireland Association for Mental Address: Central Office, Beacon House, 80 Health University Street, Belfast, BT7 1HE. Contact: Judith Lee, Director of Education Tel: 01232 328474, Fax: 01232 234940 Email: [email protected] 31

Supports people with mental health needs, Contact Name: Michael McIlwrath, informs and educates the public about Manager RNIB Services NI mental health, and presses for high standards Address: 40 Linenhall Street, in the provision of mental health services. Belfast, BT2 8BA. Tel: 01232 329373/319170, Northern Ireland Deaf Youth Association Fax: 01232 439118 Email: [email protected] Contact Name: Judith Wilson, Web site: http://www.rnib.org.uk. Administration Officer Address: Wilton House, 5 College Square Aims to challenge blindness by empowering North, Belfast BT1 6AR. people with a visual impairment, removing Tel: 01232-438566, Fax: 01232-438566 the barriers faced and helping to prevent TextTel: 01232-236453 blindness. Email: [email protected] Publications: Wide range of publications. Aims to meet social, educational and Quarterly Newsletter. psychological needs of deaf people. Royal National Institution for the Deaf - Publications: Breaking Free - newsheet RNID

PHAB NI Contact Name: Nicole Hall, Address: Mourne Villa, Knockbracken Information Officer Health Care Park, Saintfield Road, Belfast, Address: Wilton House, 5 College Square, BT8 8BH. Belfast, BT1 6AR. Tel: 01232 796565, Fax: 01232 796070 Tel:01232 239619, Fax: 01232 312032, TextTel: 01232 239619 Promotes the integration of disabled and Web site: www.rnid.org.uk non-disabled people through social, leisure and education activities, creating Aims to raise awareness of deafness and opportunities for independence. hearing loss by campaigning, providing services to benefit deaf people and Publications: Choices - quarterly newsletter encouraging and initiating medical and technical research on deafness. Royal National Institute for the Blind - RNIB, Service Bureau Publications: One In Seven 6 issues per year to RNID members.


Rehab Group

Address: Roslyn Park, Beach Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4. Tel: 01 269 8422, Fax: 01 283 9732

Provides services and vocational training facilities for people with disabilities.

Contact the Dublin office for regional and branch addresses.

Schizophrenia Ireland - Lucia Foundation

Address: 38 Blessington Street, Dublin 7. Tel: 01 860 1620, Fax: 01 860 1602 Email: [email protected] Web site: http://www.iol.ie/lucia

Supports people with schizophrenia and their families.

Publications: SI News - a quarterly newsletter



There are a number of organisations which focus specifically on arts and disability issues in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. This includes groups which promote the inclusion of people with disabilities, such as ADAPT N.I., organisations which develop arts and disability programmes such as Very Special Arts Ireland and Open Arts and organisations which function as a resource for arts and disability practice, such as the Northern Ireland Arts and Disability Forum.

Some of these organisations are listed below and the descriptions are taken from information they provided. Arts and Disability is a relatively young field of activity, and it is hoped that over time more organisations - from the fields of both disability and the arts - will take a creative and active part in developing this area.

ADAPT N.I. Ireland by providing funding, advice and support. Contact: Judith Jordan, Director Address: Albany House, 73-75 Gt. Victoria Art’n’Soul Street, Belfast, BT2 7AF. Tel: 01232 231211, Fax: 01232 240878 Contact: Linda Artherton Address: 57 The Links, Strangford, Co Promotes universal accessibility in all arts Down, BT30 7NB. and community venues throughout Northern Tel: 01232 705796, Fax: 01232 705796 34

Aims to develop a range of working Address: Unit 40, Dungannon Enterprise relationships with organisations involved Centre, 2 Coalisland Road, Dungannon, Co with natural, built and cultural contexts to Tyrone, BT71 6JT. promote arts projects which develop the Tel: 01868 753626, Fax: 01868 753789, environment with creativity and respect, and TextTel: 01868 726685 involve collaboration by people with and An innovative disability arts project which without disabilities. gives disabled people the opportunity to participate in the arts on their own terms. Drake Music Project Aims to challenge the way people think and Contact: Dr. Michelle McCormack, Project feel about disability. Serving the Leader Dungannon District area, the Studio is a Address: Unit 5, RDC, Win Business Park, developmental project aiming to empower Canal Quay, Newry, Co Down, BT35 6PH. disabled people through the facilitation of Tel: 01693 64294, Fax: 01693 62100 the development of disability arts and Email: culture. [email protected] IntroArt Aims to enable physically disabled children and adults to compose and perform music Contacts: Paul Gorry, Anthony Newsome independently using specialised music Address: 21 Courtney House, Appian Way, technology, through weekly workshops, Dublin 6. training programmes, composition courses Tel: 01 667 0516 / 01 872 7930, and residential courses. Fax: 01 872 7065, Email: [email protected] Dungannon Disability Arts Studio Aims to promote the inclusion of people Contact: Sharon Turtle and Iain Davidson, with disabilities in the arts through a range Disability Arts Officers of initiatives and programmes.

Publications: Exposability - quarterly newsletter.

Tel: 056 25068 / 056 25114 Fax: 056 25849,

Email: [email protected]

KCAT is an arts and disability organisation which assists persons with special needs

who have artistic skills, and artistic motivation, to move towards professional KCAT - Kilkenny Collective for Arts artistic status. KCAT was originally Talent established under the EU Horizon - Employment initiative and is linked to Contacts: Patrick Lydon and Michael Walsh similar projects in other EU member states. Address: Camphill Community, Ballytobin, Callan, Co. Kilkenny. 35

Medi-Able Tel: 01232 239450, Fax: 01232 247770 Contact: Nathan Kripz TextTel: 01232 325744, Address: CAF, 15 Church Street, Email: [email protected] Belfast, BT11ER. Tel: 01232 249930, Fax: 01232 312264 The umbrella body for arts and disability organisations in Northern Ireland. Aims to improve the image of disability in Facilitates the empowerment of disabled the media, and to improve opportunities for people through the development of disability disabled people in the media through arts and culture and promotes equal access training and workshops in video making, to mainstream arts. creative writing/poetry, radio work, music, journalism. Publications: New Works - 5 year development plan, ADF Newsletter - National Youth Theatre of the Deaf quarterly newsletter, information leaflet. Contacts: Gavin Quinn Open Arts Address: The Old School House, Eblana Avenue, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin Tel: 01 280 0544, Fax: 01 230 0918 Contact: Kate Ingram, Administrator Address: Crescent Arts Centre, 2-4 University Road, Belfast, BT7 1NH Provides young deaf people with an Tel: 01232 312515, Fax: 01232 246748 opportunity to become involved in youth Email: [email protected] theatre, through workshops in drama, movement and music. Encourages disabled people to participate in the arts by improving accessibility and Northern Ireland Arts creating equal opportunities. Promotes the and Disability Forum disability arts movement by enabling disabled people to create their own arts. Contact: Avril Crawford, Development Officer; Sharon Rollston, Project Worker Publications: Access Guide - currently Address: Albany House, 73-75 Gt. Victoria being revised in conjunction with ADAPT. Street, Belfast, BT2 7AF.

Share Provides arts, education and recreational opportunities for young physically and Contact: Dawn Latimer, Director. mentally disabled, as well as non-disabled, Address: Share Holiday Village, Smiths people in a residential setting. Develops Strand, Lisnaskea, programmes for groups and is used as a base Co Fermanagh, BT92 0EQ. for existing programmes. Tel: 013657 22122, Fax: 013657 21893 Email: [email protected] 36

Share Music Very Special Arts Ireland aims to create access for people with disabilities to the arts Contact: Dr Michael Swallow at all levels. Address: 15 Deramore Drive, Belfast, BT9 5JQ. Organisation activities: Young Playwrights Tel: 01232 669042 programme, Counterbalance.

Provides facilities and encouragement to enable young people with physical disabilities to take part in a variety of The Workhouse - The Business of musical activities. Disability Arts

Contacts: Peter Kearns and Yvonne Lynch Address: 3 Apollo Way, Coolock, Dublin 5. Very Special Arts Ireland Tel: 088 214 3478 Email: [email protected] Contact: Sandy Fitzgerald Niamh Fawl, Programme Manager, Disability Arts organisation involved in Young Playwrights Programme consultation on access issues and policy Address: 23-25 Moss Street, Dublin 2. development, and also provides Disability Tel: 01 677 0643, Fax: 01 677 0131 Equality Training for staff and management. Email: [email protected] Web: http://www.iol.ie/~cityarts


There are a number of organisations and individuals involved in arts practice in health environments and, while this is a separate area from arts and disability, there are areas of overlap and mutual interest. Some organisations specifically involved in arts practice in health 37

environments are listed below. For further information please contact health organisations, Arts Councils, Local Authority Arts Officers, etc.


Contact: Ronnie Dunn, Chairman

Address: 25-27 Adelaide Street, Belfast, BT2 8FH.

Tel: 01232 324431, Fax: 01232 232304

Aims to bring creative art into the healthcare environment, to contribute to the recovery of patients.

Contact the Belfast officer for information on branches throughout Northern Ireland.

Publications: ArtsCare Matters - quarterly newsletter

WHAT - Waterford Healing Arts Trust

Contact: Afric Gray, Arts Co-ordinator.

Address: Waterford Regional Hospital, Dunmore Road, Waterford.

Tel: 051 873231 ex: 2664, Fax: 051 879495

Aims to enhance the well-being of patients, staff and visitors in Waterford Regional Hospital by involving the arts in the holistic healing process.


There are many arts organisations throughout Ireland. This section provides information on some of the key resource organisations which can provide information, advice and further contacts regarding specific art form areas and artworkers.

Arthouse - Multimedia Centre 38

Contact: Antoinette Uhlar

Address: Curved Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2.

Tel: 01 605 6800, Fax: 01 605 6801,

Email: [email protected]

Web site: http://www.arthouse.ie

Creates and promotes new media work and provides training and services to artists using the latest communication technology.

Artists Association of Ireland

Contact: Stella Coffey, Director

Address: 43 Temple Bar, Dublin 2.

Tel: 01 874 0529, Fax: 01 677 1585.

A professional association of visual artists working to improve the status of visual artists and the visual arts in Ireland.

Publications: Art Bulletin

- bi-monthly newsletter; Irish Visual Artists Handbook; Information booklets on a range of professional issues.

Association of Irish Composers obtain support and recognition for composers and their work. Address: Copyright House, Pembroke Row, Dublin 2. Tel: 01 494 2880, Fax: 01 494 2880 Publications: AIC News - quarterly newsletter The representative body of composers of contemporary music in Ireland. Aims to improve standards of composition, and Association of Irish Festivals Events - AOIFE 39

Contact: Elizabeth McLaughlin Address: 15 Church Street, Belfast BT1 1ER Address: 1 Upper Main Street, Arklow, Tel: 01232 242910, Fax: 01232 312264, County Wicklow. Email: [email protected] Tel: 0402 32732 Web site: www.d-na.net/users/dnetMCPK/ Resource and networking body for Aims to bring together the organisers of community arts activities. festivals in Ireland and to act as a forum for the sharing of ideas. Publications: CAF Bulletin - quarterly newsletter; News at Once - bi-monthly newsheet. Association of Professional Dancers in Ireland CAFE - Creative Activity For Everyone Contact: Karen Hennessy Contact: Arthur Duignan Address: The College of Dance, De Valois Address: 143 Townsend St., Dublin 2. House, 5 Meetinghouse Lane, Dublin 7. Tel: 01 677 0330, Fax: 01 671 3268 Tel: 01 873 0288, Fax: 01 873 0288 Email:[email protected] National resource agency for professional National resource agency for community dancers. Provides classes and courses for arts. Provides information and database dancers and an information and database resource for the community arts sector. resource for the dance community. Publications: CAFE News - six issue per Publications: bi-monthly bulletin. year; case studies on arts projects; Irish Funding Handbook, 1994. Belfast Exposed Contemporary Music Centre Contact: Sean McKernan Address: 95 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin Address; 48 King Street, Belfast BT1 6AD. 2.Tel: 01 661 2105, Fax: 01 676 2639Email: Tel: 01232 230965, Fax: 01232 314551 [email protected] site: http://www.cmc.ie Photography resource centre serving the Promotes and documents 20th century Irish voluntary and community sector. classical music. CAF (Community Arts Forum) Publications: New Music News - three Contact: Joan Reid, Information Officer issues per year; Composers Directory. Dance Collective Film Base

Contact: Anthea McWilliams, Co-ordinator Address: 6 Eustace Street, Dublin 2 Address: 34 Station Road, Sydenham, Tel: 01 679 6716, Fax: 01 679 6717 Belfast, BT4 1RF. Email: [email protected] Tel: 01232 653541, Fax: 01232 286025 Resource centre facilitating indigenous film Promotes and supports all forms of dance and video making in Ireland. throughout Northern Ireland. Publications: Film Ireland - monthly magazine. 40

Irish Film Board Publications: IWC News - bi-monthly newsletter. Address: Rockfort House, St. Augustine Street. Galway. Live Music Now! (Ireland) Tel: 091 561398, Fax: 091 561405 Contact: Robert Wilson Email: [email protected] Address: 22 Brooklands Park, Whitehead, Web site: http://www.iol.ie/filmboard Carrickfergus, Co Antrim, BT38 9SN. Tel: 01960 373942 Semi-state body established to ensure the continuity of film production and Provides performance opportunities for availability of Irish films to home and young musicians, and brings music to people international audiences. Also aims to raise who would not normally have the public awareness of the cultural, social and opportunity to see live professional economic benefits of film making activity in performances. Ireland. Publications: Livewire - newsletter

Publications: publications on festivals, post Music Network production and training. Address: Coach House, Dublin Castle, Dublin 2. Tel: 01 671 9429, Fax: 01 671 9430 Email: [email protected] Irish Writers Centre Established by the Arts Council/An Address: 19 Parnell Square, Dublin 1. Chomhairle Ealaíon to develop music in the Tel: 01 872 1302, Fax: 01 872 6282 regions. Aims to make music accessible to Email: [email protected] everyone through a programme of locally owned initiatives. Assists writers to pursue their work, promotes cultural exchanges between Ireland and other countries and aims to Publications: The Irish Music Handbook, cultivate an interest in the work of The Directory of Irish Musicians, contemporary Irish writers. Musiclinks - quarterly Newsletter

Northern Ireland Film Commission Publications: Cini - quarterly newsletter Contact: Malachy Martin, Information Officer Northern Visions Address: 21 Ormeau Avenue, Contact: Dave Hyndman Belfast BT2 8HD. Address: 4 Donegal Street Place, Belfast Tel: 01232 232444, Fax: 01232 239918 BT1 2FN. Email: [email protected] Tel: 01232 245495, Fax: 01232 326608 An integrated agency for the development of Email: [email protected] the film industry and film culture. Web site: www.northernvisions.org 41

Provides access for arts and community Aims to provide children and young people organisations to video materials and film with new opportunities to engage in arts making facilities. activities for personal development and self fulfilment. Publications: Visions - quarterly newsletter; Tracking - all Ireland magazine in conjunction with all media groups in Ireland; Sculptors Society of Ireland - S.S.I. Vizadeamut - worldwide magazine. Address: 119 Capel Street, Dublin 2. Tel: 01 872 2296, Fax: 01 872 2364 Email:[email protected]

The primary forum and point of reference in Ireland for those interested in or involved in sculpture.

Publications: S.S.I. Newsletter

- bi-monthly newsletter.

Tóstal - Association of Irish Arts Centres

Contact: Siobhan Mulcahy Play Resource Warehouse (PRW) Address: Nelson Street, Clonmel, County Tipperary. Contact: Frank Quinn Address: Dunmore Industrial Estate, Alexandra Park Avenue, A network of arts centres in the Republic of Belfast BT15 3GD. Ireland. Tel: 01232 773802, Fax: 01232 775123 Email: [email protected] Publications: Tóstal: A Guide to Irish Website: Arts Centres, 1998. www.dnet.co.uk/users/PlayResource/



• Arts Centres ...... 43

• Theatres and Venues ...... 46

• Galleries...... 49

ARTS CENTRES Officers, p51), or the Arts Council of Northern Ireland and the Arts Council/An Arts centres are often the most important Chomhairle Ealaíon for further information. contact points for arts of all kinds in a Please note that access details for these locality. There are many arts centres centres are not included here because at throughout Ireland and some are listed here. present there is no standard audit in For further information on arts centres operation and self-assessments cannot be contact the local government arts officer in verified. For details of facilities and your area (see Local Government Arts activities, including the arts and disability 43 initiatives many arts centres already offer, Cookstown Arts Centre (opening late direct contact with individual centres is 1999) recommended. Contact: Linda McGarvey Address: Cookstown District Council, The Ark - Children’s Cultural Centre Council Offices, Burn Road, Cookstown, Contact: Martin Drury, Director Co Tyrone, BT80. Address: Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Tel: 016487 62205, Fax: 016487 64360 Dublin 2. Email: [email protected] Tel: 01 6707788, Fax: 01 670 7758 Email: [email protected] Crescent Arts Centre Contact: Louise Emerson Belltable Arts Centre Address: 2-4 University Road, Contact: Mary Coll, Director Belfast, BT7 1NH. Address: 69 O’Connell Street, Limerick Tel: 01232 242338, Fax: 01232 246748 Tel: 061 319709, Fax: 061 418552 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Website:www.artspark.com/home/crescent

City Arts Centre Culturlann McAdam-O’Fiaich Contact: Sandy Fitzgerald, Director Contact: Cormack Quinn Address: 23-25 Moss Street, Dublin 2. Address: 216 Falls Road, Belfast BT12 Tel: 01 6770643, Fax: 01 6770131 6AH. Email: [email protected] Tel: 01232 239303, Fax: 01232 239304 Website: http://homepage.tinnet.ie/~cityarts/ Email: [email protected]

Clotworthy Arts Centre Contact: Mairin Murray Down Civic Arts Centre Address: Antrim Castle Gardens, Contact: Veronica Rice Randalstown Road, Antrim, BT41 4LH. 2 - 6 Irish Street, Downpatrick, Tel: 01849 428000, Fax: 01849 460360 Co. Down, BT30 6BN. Tel: 01396 615283, Fax: 01396 616621

Draoicht - (Opening 2000) Droichead Arts Centre Contact: Aileen Lebrocquy, Project Director Contact: Paul O’Hanrahan, Director Address: c/o Deanstown House, Main Street, Address: Stockwell Street, Drogheda, Co. Blanchardstown, Dublin 15. Louth. Tel: 01 822 7170, Fax: 01 820 9551 Tel: 041 33946, Fax: 041 42055 Email: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] 44

Flax International Arts Centre Harmony Hill Arts Centre Contact: Michael Fearon, Arts Director Contact: Christina Hurson Address: 333 Crumlin Road, Belfast, BT14 Address: 54 Harmony Hill, Lisburn, 7EA. Co Antrim BT27 4ES. Tel: 01232 745241, Fax: 01232 748025 Tel: 01846 678219, Fax: 01846 662679

Flowerfield Arts Centre Letterkenny Arts Centre Contact: Malcolm Murchison Contact: Shaun Hannigan, Director Address: 185 Coleraine Road, Portstewart, Address: County Library, Letterkenny, Co. Londonderry, BT55 7HU. Co Donegal. Tel: 01265 833959; Fax: 01265 835042 Tel: 074 21968 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.artspark.com Linenhall Arts Centre Contact: Marie Farrell, Director Galway Arts Centre Address: Linenhall Street, Castlebar, Contact: Trish Fitzpatrick Co Mayo. Address: 47 Dominick Street, Galway. Tel: 094 23733, Fax: 094 26162 Tel: 091 65886, Fax: 091 68642 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Model Arts Centre Contact: Ann O’Dea Address: The Mall, Sligo. Tel: 071 41405, Fax: 071 44121 Email: [email protected]

Mullingar Integrated Arts Centre Contact: Patricia Gibney Garter Lane Arts Centre Address: Mount Street, Mullingar, Contact: Lily O’Reilly, General Manager Co Westmeath. Address: 22a O’Connell Street, Waterford. Tel: 044 47777 Tel: 051 55038, Fax:051 871750 Email: [email protected]

Newry Arts Centre Address: c/o Coolock Development Centre, Contact: Mark Hughes Bunratty Drive, Coolock, Dublin 17. Address:1a Bank Parade, Newry, BT35 8DJ. Tel: 01 832 5419, Fax: 01 839 5120 Tel: 01693 66232, Fax: 01693 66839 Email: [email protected]

Northside Arts and Cultural Centre Old Museum Arts Centre Contact: Helen Lahert Contact: Elaine Gaston/Lizzie Devlin Address: 7 College Square North, 45

Belfast BT1 6AR. Siamsa Tire Tel: 01232 235053, Fax: 01232 322912 Contact: Martin Whelan, Manager TextTel: 01232 23332 Address: Town Park, Tralee, Co Kerry. Tel: 066 23055, Fax: 066 27276 Pinebank House Arts Centre Contact: Rosaleen McMullan, Arts Development Officer Sirius Arts Centre - Cobh Address: Craigavon Borough Council, Contact: Mary Harris Tullygally Road, Craigavon BT65 5BY. Address: The Old Yacht Club, Cobh, Tel: 01762 341618, Fax: 01762 342402 Co Cork. Tel: 021 813790, Email: [email protected] Contact: Fiach Mac Conghail, Artistic Director South Tipperary Arts Centre Address: 39 East Essex Street, Temple Bar, Contact: Siobhan Mulcahy, Administrator Dublin 2. Address: Nelson Street, Clonmel, Tel: 01 679 6622, Fax: 01 662 7855 Co Tipperary. Email: [email protected] Tel: 052 27877, Fax: 052 27866 Email: [email protected] Riada Centre Contact: Paul Lyness, Recreation Manager St. John’s Arts and Heritage Centre Address: 33 Garryduff Road, Contact: Joe Murphy, Administrator Ballymoney,Co. Antrim, BT53 7AU. Address: The Square, Listowel, Co Kerry. Tel: 012656 65792, Fax: 012656 63592 Tel: 068 22566, Fax: 068 23485

Rialto Entertainment Centre Tallaght Community Arts Centre /Foyle Arts Centre Contact: Mary Grehan, Administrator Contact: David McLaughlin/Paula Bradley Address: Old Blessington Road, Tallaght, Address: 5 Market Street, Dublin 24. Londonderry, BT48 6EF. Tel: 01 462 1501, Fax: 01 462 1640 Tel: 01504 264177, Fax: 01504 260688 E-mail: [email protected]

Triskel Arts Centre Contact: Grainne Miller Contact: Deirdre Enright Address: Annaghmakerrig, Newbliss, Address: Tobin Street, off South Main Co Monaghan. Street, Cork Tel: 047 54003, Fax: 047 54380 Tel: 021 272022/3, Fax: 021 275945 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

West Cork Arts Centre Tyrone Guthrie Centre Contact: Jackie Butler, Executive Director 46

Address: North Street, Skibbereen, Co Cork. further information on access and facilities, Tel: 028 22090, Fax: 028 22084 including the arts and disability initiatives many venues already offer, please contact the venues directly.

Wexford Arts Centre Contact: Dennis Collins, Director Andrew’s Lane Theatre Address: Cornmarket, Wexford. Contact: Pat Moylan Tel: 053 23764, Fax: 053 24544 Address: 9-11 Andrew’s Lane, Exchequer Street, Dublin 2. Tel: 01 679 7760, Fax: 679 7552

E-mail: [email protected]/~irish

Backstage Theatre & Centre for the Arts Contact: Jane Hughes, Administrator THEATRESANDVENUES Address: Farneyhoogan, Longford. Tel: 043 47889, Fax: 043 47890 Some of the many theatres throughout Email: [email protected] Ireland are listed below. For a full list of theatres throughout Ireland please refer to Belfast Civic Arts Theatre the Irish Theatre Handbook available from Contact: Anthony Stott the The Theatre Shop, 5-6 South Great Address: 41 Botanic Avenue, Georges Street, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 671 9278. Belfast, BT7 1JG. Please note that access details are not Tel: 01232 316901 (admin) Fax: 01232 included in the lists below as there is no 316906 standard audit in operation at present, and self-assessments cannot be verified. For

Black Box Fax: 021 276357, Contact: Michael Diskin Email: [email protected] Address: Courthouse Square, Galway. Tel: 091 569755, Fax: 091 569664 Crypt Arts Centre Email: [email protected], Contact: Hugh McGinley Website: hppt://homepage.tinet.ie/~tht Address: Dublin Castle, Dublin 2. Tel: 01 671 3387, Fax: 01 671 3370 Email: [email protected] Contact: Gerry Barnes, Executive Director Address: Emmet Place, Cork. Tel: 021 274308/507222 Contact: Geoff Gould, Artistic Director 47

Address: 15 McCurtain Street, Cork. Tel: 047 81021, Fax: 047 81564 Tel: 021 503077, Fax: 021 502820 Contact: Michael Colgan, Director Contact: Mary Brady Address: 1 Cavendish Row, Dublin 1. Address: Shandon, Cork. Tel: 01 874 4045, Fax: 874 5373 Tel: 021 507487, Fax: 021 501124 Grand Opera House Contact: Stuart Castles, Contact: Deirdre O’Connell, Customer Services Manager Artistic Director Address: Great Victoria Street, Address: 6 Pembroke Place, Off Upper Belfast BT2 7HR. Pembroke Street, Dublin 2. Tel: 01232 240411(admin)/01232 241919 Tel: 01 6763071, Fax: 660 7109 (tickets), Fax: 01232 236842 (admin)/ 01232 329606 (tickets) E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.Gohbelfast.com

Hawk’s Well Theatre

Contact: Denis Clifford, Artistic Director Address: Temple Street, Sligo. Gaiety Theatre Tel: 071 61526, Fax: 071 71737 Contact: John Costigan E-mail: [email protected] Address: South King Street, Dublin 2. Tel: 01 679 5622, Fax: 01 677 1921 The Half Moon Theatre Contact: Gerry Barnes, Director Garage Theatre Address: Cork Opera House, Emmet Place, Contact: Genevieve Gallagher Cork. Address: St. Davnet’s Complex, Armagh Tel: 021 274308, Fax: 021 276357 Road, Monaghan

Lyric Theatre Address: Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2. Contact: Ruth Ogston Tel: 01 475 1666, box office: 01 475 1572 Address: 55 Ridgeway Street, Belfast BT9 Fax: 01 475 1507 5FB. Email: [email protected] Tel: 01232 669660, Fax: 01232 381395 TextTel: 01232 591159 National Theatre Society – Website: http://www.lynctheatre.co.uk (Abbey and Peacock Theatres) National Concert Hall Contact: Martin Fahy, General Manager Contact: Karan Thompson, Address: Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 1. Events and Operations Manager 48

Tel: 01 874 8741, Fax: 01 872 9177 Email: [email protected] Contact: Aoife Ní Scolaí Address: An tSráid Láir, Gaillimh. Website: www.abbey-theatre.ie Tel: 091 562024, Fax: 091 563195

Olympia Theatre Theatre Royal Contact: Gerry Sinnott Contact: Jerome Hynes, Director Address: 72 Dame Street, Dublin 2. Address: High Street, Wexford. Tel: 01 677 7744, Fax: 01 679 9474 Tel: 053 22400, Fax: 053 24289 Email: [email protected] Players Theatre Website: http://www.iol.ie/~wexopera Contact: Trinity Players Drama Group Address: Samuel Beckett Centre, Trinity Town Hall Theatre College Dublin, Dublin 2. Contact: Michael Diskin, Theatre Manager Tel: 01 702 2351, Fax: 01 677 8996 Address: Courthouse Square, Galway. Tel: 091 569755, Fax: 091 569664 E-mail: [email protected]

Waterfront Hall Contact: Tim Husbands, General Manager Riverside Theatre Address: 2 Lanyon Place, Belfast BT1 3WH. Contact: Janet Mackle Tel: 01232 334400, Fax: 01 232 249 862 ddress: University Of Ulster, Cromore Road, Email: [email protected] Coleraine, Co Londonderry. Tel: 01265 324683, Fax: 01265 324483 Watergate Theatre Company Contact: Ger Cody, Theatre Manager Samuel Beckett Centre Address: Parliament Street, Kilkenny. Contact: Richard Seager Tel: 056 61674, Fax: 056 51780 Address: Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2. Tel: 01 608 1334, Fax: 01 679 3488

Waterford Theatre Royal further information, please refer to The Contact: Kathleen Burke Guide to Exhibition Venues in Ireland, Address: The Mall, Waterford. 1994, available from the Arts Council/An Tel: 051 75951, Fax: 051 79124 Chomhairle Ealaíon. Please note that access details are not included in the lists below as GALLERIES there is no standard audit in operation at present and self-assessments cannot be verified. For further information on access There are many galleries and exhibition and facilities, please contact the venues venues, both publicly owned and directly. commercial, throughout Ireland. Some of these are listed below. For a full list and 49

Butler Gallery / KAGS Contact: Tanya Kiang, Director (Kilkenny Art Gallery Society) Address: Meeting House Square, Temple Contact: Shirley Lanigan, Director Bar, Dublin 2. Address: The Castle, Kilkenny Tel: 01 671 4654, Fax: 01 670 9293 Tel: 056 61106, Fax: 056 70031 E-mail:[email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Hugh Lane Municipal Art Gallery Crawford Municipal Art Gallery Contact: Barbara Dawson, Director Contact: Peter Murray, Curator Address: Charlemont House, Parnell Square, Address: Emmet Place, Cork. Dublin 1. Tel: 021 273377, Fax: 021 275680 Tel: 01 874 1903, Fax: 01 872 2182 E-mail: [email protected] Douglas Hyde Gallery Contact: John Hutchinson, Director Irish Museum of Modern Art Address: Trinity College, Nassau Street, Contact: Declan McGonagle, Director Dublin 2.Tel: 01 608 1116, Fax: 01 670 Address: Royal Hospital Kilmainham, 8330 E-mail: [email protected] Dublin 8. Tel: 01 612 9900, Fax: 01 612 9999/ 671 8695 Fenderesky Gallery at Queen’s E-mail: [email protected] Contact: Dr Jamshid Mirfenderesky, Director Kerlin Gallery Address: 5-6 Upper Crescent, Contact: Ken Kennedy, Director Belfast, BT7 1NT. Address: Anne’s Lane, South Anne Street, Tel: 01232 235 245, Fax: 01232 246748 Dublin 2. Tel: 01 670 9093, Fax: 01 670 9096 Gallery of Photography Website: http://www.kerlin.ie

Limerick City Gallery of Art Tel: 01 661 5133, Fax: 01 661 5372 Contact: Paul O’Reilly, Director E-mail: [email protected] Address: City Gallery, Pery Square, Limerick. Orchard Gallery Tel: 061 310633, Fax: 061 415266 Contact: Brendan McMenamin E-mail: [email protected] Address: Orchard Street, Derry BT48 6EG. Website for EV+A: http://www.iol.ie/eva. Tel: 01504 269675, Fax: 01504 267273

National Gallery of Ireland Ormeau Baths Gallery Contact: Marie Bourke, Keeper and Contact: Hugh Mulholland, Director Education Officer Address: 18a Ormeau Avenue, Belfast BT2 Address: Merrion Square West, Dublin 2. 8HS. 50

Tel: 01232 321402, Fax: 01232 213232 Sligo Art Gallery Email:[email protected] Contact: Ronan McEvilly, Director Address: Yeats Memorial Building, Hyde Rubicon Gallery Bridge, Sligo. Contact: Josephine Kelleher, Director Tel: 071 45847, Fax: 071 47426 Address: 10 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2. E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 01 670 8055, Fax: 01 670 8057 E-mail: [email protected] Temple Bar Gallery and Studios Contact: Norah Norton, Director RHA Gallagher Gallery Address: 5-9 Temple Bar, Dublin 2. Contact: Patrick T. Murphy, Director Tel: 01 671 0073, Fax: 01 677 7527 Address: 15 Ely Place, Dublin 2. E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 01 661 2558, Fax: 01 661 0762 E-mail: [email protected]

Local Government Arts Officers

• Local Government Arts Officers ...... 52

• Community Arts Facilitators ...... 57

- Údarás na Gaeltachta 51

• Area Partnership Arts Development Officers 58

Antrim Borough Council Local Government Arts Officers Contact: Gary Shaw, Arts Officer Many Local Authorities in the Republic of Address: The Steeple, Antrim, BT41 1BJ. Ireland and District Councils in the North of Tel: 01849 428000, Fax: 01849 460360 Ireland employ arts officers. These officers are responsible for the support and Ards Borough Council development of the arts as well as Contact: Eilis O’Baoill, Arts Officer facilitating a policy of access for all. They Address: Ards Art Centre, Town Hall, are a useful first point of contact when Conway Square, Newtownards, Co. Down, seeking advice and support for an arts and BT23 4DB. disability project. Tel: 01247 810803, Fax: 01247 823131 52

Armagh City & District Council Tel: 018206 62991, Fax: 018206 62595 Contact: Kate Bond, Arts Officer Address: Artsdesk, c/o Tourist Information Belfast City Council Centre, 40 English St, Armagh, BT61 7BA. Contact: Chris Bailey, Tel: 01861 521805, Fax: 01861 510180 Arts Development Officer E-mail: [email protected] Address: Cecil Ward Building, 4-10 Linenhall St, Belfast, BT2 8BP. Ballymena Borough Council Tel: 01232 325536, Fax: 01232 310791 Contact: Rosalind Lowry, Arts Officer E-mail: [email protected] Address: Ardeevin, 80 Galgorm Rd, Ballymena, Co Antrim, BT42 1AB. Carrickfergus Borough Council Tel: 01266 44111, Fax: 01266 46296 Contact: Colin Ellis, Community Relations Officer Ballymoney Borough Council Address: Recreation Department, Heritage Contact: Margaret Higgins, Cultural Plaza, Antrim St, Carrickfergus, Co Antrim, Services Officer BT387DG. Address: Riada House, 14 Charles St, Tel: 01960 351604, Fax: 01960 366676 Ballymoney, BT53 6DZ. Tel: 012656 62280, Fax: 012656 65150 Castlereagh Borough Council Contact: Jeannine McMahon, Banbridge District Council Community Services Contact: Pamela Matthews, Community Address: Robinson Centre, Montgomery Rd, Relations Officer Belfast. Address: Downshire Rd, Banbridge, BT32 Tel: 01232 798572, Fax: 01232 704158 3JY.

Cavan County Council Tourism & Arts Officer Contact: Caitriona O’Reilly, Arts Organiser Address: Cloonavin, 41 Portstewart Rd, Address: The Courthouse, Cavan. Coleraine, Co Londonderry, BT52 1EY. Tel: 049 31799, Fax: 049 62127 Tel: 01265 52181, Fax: 01265 53489

Clare County Council Cookstown District Council Contact: Vacant, Arts Officer Contact: Linda McGarvey, Address: Ennis, Co Clare. Development Administration Officer Tel: 065 21616, Fax: 065 28233. Address: Burn Rd, Cookstown, Co Tyrone, BT80 8DT. Coleraine Borough Council Tel: 016487 62205, Fax: 016487 64360 Contact: Moira Mann, 53

Cork Corporation Address: Orchard Gallery, Orchard St, Contact: Mark Mulqueen, Arts Officer Derry, BT48 6EF. Address: City Hall, Cork. Tel: 01504 365151, Fax: 01504 370080 Tel: 021 966222, Fax: 021 314238 Donegal County Council Cork County Council Contact: Traolach Ó Fionnáin, Arts Officer Contact: Ian McDonagh, Arts Officer Address: Donegal County Library, Address: Cork County Library, Farranlea Letterkenny, Co Donegal. Rd, Cork. Tel: 074 21968, Fax: 074 41205 Tel: 021 346210, Fax: 021 343254 Down District Council Contact: Jill Holmes, Arts Officer Address: Down County Museum, The Mall, Downpatrick, BT30 6AH. Tel: 01396 615218, Fax: 01396 615590

Dublin Corporation Contact: Jack Gilligan, Arts Officer

Address: 20 Parnell Square, Dublin 1. Tel: 01 872 2816, Fax: 01 872 2933 Craigavon Borough Council Contact: Rosaleen McMullan, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Arts Development Officer County Council Address: Pinebank House Arts Centre, Contact: Clíodhna Shaffrey, Arts Officer Tullygally Rd, Craigavon, Co Armagh, Address: County Hall, Marine Rd, Dun BT65 5BY. Laoghaire, Co Dublin. Tel: 01762 341618, Fax: 01762 342402 Tel: 01 205 4749, Fax: 01 280 6969, Email: arts@dlrcoco Derry City Council Contact: Brendan McMenamin

Dungannon District Council Fermanagh District Council Contact: Therese McNicholl, Contact: Anita Gallagher, Arts Administration Officer Cultural Traditions Officer Address: Unit 40, Dungannon Enterprise Address: Town Hall, Enniskillen, Centre, Dungannon, BT71 6JT. Co Fermanagh, BT74 7BA. Tel: 01868 753626, Fax: 01868 722541 Tel: 01365 325050, Fax: 01365 322024

Dundalk Urban District Council (U.D.C.) Fingal County Council Contact: Brian Harten, Arts Organiser Contact: Rory O’Byrne, Arts Officer Address: Town Hall, Dundalk, Co Louth. Address: Parnell Square, Dublin 1. Tel: 042 32276, Fax: 042 36761 Tel: 01 872 7777, Fax: 01 872 7914 54

Galway County Council Address: County Hall, John’s St, Kilkenny. Contact: James Harrold, Arts Organiser Tel: 056 52699, Fax: 056 63384 Address: County Buildings, Prospect Hill, Galway. Laois County Council Tel: 091 567722, Fax: 091 565817 Contact: Muireann Ní Chonaill, Arts Officer Address: County Hall, Portlaoise, Co Laois Kerry County Council Tel: 0502 22044, Fax: 0502 22313 Contact: Joe McGrath, Email: [email protected] Acting County Secretary Address: Kerry County Library, Larne Borough Council Moyderwell, Tralee, Co Kerry. Contact: Catherine Black, Tel: 066 21200, Fax: 066 22466 Community Relations Officer Address: Smiley Buildings, Victoria Rd, Larne, Co Antrim, BT40 1RU. Tel: 01574 272313, Fax: 01574 260660

Leitrim County Council Contact: Sean Kielty, County Secretary Address: Governor House, Carrick-on- Shannon, Co Leitrim. Kildare County Council Tel: 078 20005, Fax: 078 21023 Contact: Mary Linehan, Arts Officer Address: Kildare County Library, Newbridge, Co Kildare. Limavady Borough Council Tel: 045 431215, Fax: 045 432490 Contact: Stephen Bell, Community Relations Officer Address: 7 Connell St, Limavady, Co Kilkenny County Council Londonderry, BT49 OHA. Contact: Margaret Cosgrave, Arts Officer Tel: 015047 22226, Fax: 015047 22010

Limerick Corporation Lisburn Borough Council Contact: Sheila Deegan, Arts Organiser Contact: Siobhan Stewart, Address: City Hall, Merchant’s Quay, Arts Development Officer Limerick Address: Harmony Hill Arts Centre, Tel: 061 415799, Fax: 061 415266 Harmony Hill, Lisburn, Co Antrim, BT27 4ES. Limerick County Council Tel: 01846 678219, Fax: 01846 662679 Contact: Joan McKernan, Arts Officer Address: County Buildings,79-84 O’Connell Longford County Council St, Limerick Contact: Fergus Kennedy, Arts Officer Tel: 061 318477 ext.299 Fax: 061 317280 55

Address: Longford County Library, Monaghan County Council Longford. Contact: Somhairle MacConghail, Arts Tel: 043 48376, Fax: 043 41124 Organiser Address: Monaghan County Museum, Hill Magherafelt District Council St, Monaghan. Contact: Michael Brown Tel: 047 82928, Fax: 047 82739, Address: 50 Ballyronan Rd, Magherafelt, Email: [email protected] BT45 6EN. Tel: 01648 32151, Fax: 01648 31240 Mourne and Newry District Council Email: [email protected] Contact: Mark Hughes, Website: www.magherafelt.demon.co.uk Arts Administrator/Facilitator Address: Newry Arts Centre, 1A Bank Mayo County Council Parade, Newry, Co Down, BT34 8HP. Contact: John Coll, Arts Officer Tel: 01693 66232, Fax: 01693 66839 Address: Mayo Library Headquarters, Mountain View, Castlebar, Co Mayo. Moyle District Council Tel: 094 24444, Fax: 094 24774 Contact: Barbara Eames, Community Relations Officer Address: Sheskburn House, 7 Mary St., Ballycastle, Co Antrim, BT54 6QH. Tel: 012657 62225, Fax: 012657 62515 Meath County Council Contact: Gerardette Bailey, Arts Officer Address: Dunshaughlin Library, Newtownabbey Borough Council Dunshaughlin, Co Meath Contact: Cathy Cole, Tel: 01 824 0000, Leisure Services Officer (Arts) Email: [email protected] Address: Department of Leisure & Technical Services, 1 The Square, Ballyclare, BT39 9BA. Tel: 01960 352681, Fax: 01960 260660

North Down Borough Council Email: [email protected] Contact: Paula Clamp, Arts Officer Address: Town Hall, Bangor, BT20 4BT. Omagh District Council Tel: 01247 270371, Fax: 01247 271370 Contact: Jean Brennan, Arts Development Officer Offaly County Council Address: The Grange, Mountjoy Rd, Contact: Arts Office Omagh, Co Tyrone, BT79 7BL. Address: The Courthouse, Tullamore, Co Tel: 01662 245321, Fax: 01662 243888 Offaly. Tel: 0506 46800, Fax: 0506 46868 56

Roscommon County Council Co Tipperary. Contact: Derry O’Donnell, County Secretary Tel: 067 31771, Fax: 067 33134 Address: The Courthouse, Roscommon.Tel: 0903 37100, Fax: 0903 37108 Waterford Corporation Email: [email protected] Contact: Derek Verso, Arts Officer Address: City Hall, Waterford. Sligo County Council Tel: 051 873501/489, Fax: 051 879124, Contact: Mary McAuliffe, Arts Officer Email: [email protected] Address: Riverside, Sligo. Tel: 071 56629, Fax: 071 41119 Email: [email protected] Waterford County Council Contact: Margaret Fleming, Arts Officer South Dublin County Council Address: Arus Brugha, Dungarvan, Contact: Gina Kelly, Arts Officer Co Waterford. Address: Town Centre, Tallaght, Dublin 24. Tel: 058 41416, Fax: 058 42911 Tel: 01 462 0000, Fax: 01 462 0106 Wexford County Council Strabane District Council Contact: Lorraine Comer, Arts Officer Contact: Karen McFarland Address: County Hall, Wexford. Address: 47 Derry Rd, Strabane, Tel: 053 42211 ext: 279, Fax: 053 43406 Co Tyrone, BT82 8DY. Tel: 01504 382204, Fax: 01504 382264 Wicklow County Council Contact: Lea Coin, Arts Officer Tipperary (North Riding) Address: Aras an Chontae, Wicklow. County Council Tel: 0404 20155/68349 Contact: Melanie Scott, Arts Officer Fax: 0404 66057 Address: The Courthouse, Nenagh,

Aistheoirí Ealaíon Pobail - Údarás na Feidhmeannach Forbatha Ealainne, Gaeltachta Údarás na Gaeltachta(Arts Development Community Arts Facilitators - Údarás na Executive, Údarás na Gaeltachta) Gaeltachta Contact: Micheál Ó Fearraigh, Údarás na Three Arts Development workers and an Gaeltachta Arts Development Executive have been specifically funded to work in Gaeltacht Address: Údarás na Gaeltachta Contae Tír (Irish speaking) areas. Chonaill, Doirí Beaga, Leitir Ceanainn, Co Tír Chonaill 57

(Údarás na Gaeltachta, County Donegal, (Eibhlín de Paor, Community Arts Derrybeg, Letterkenny, County Donegal) Facilitator,Údarás na Gaeltachta) Tel: 075 60100, Fax: 075 60101 Address: Baile Mhic Íre, Maigh Chromtha, Údarás na Gaeltachta Contae Tír Co Chorcaí Chonaill (Údarás na Gaeltachta, County Donegal) (Ballymakeera, Macroom, Co Cork.) Contact: Gerry Smullen, Aisitheoir Ealaíon Tel: 026 45366, Fax: 026 45423 Pobail, Údarás na Gaeltachta Email: [email protected] (Gerry Smullen, Community Arts Facilitator, Údarás na Gaeltachta) Údarás na Gaeltachta Contae na Gaillimhe(Údarás na Gaeltachta, County Address: Doirí Beaga, Leitir Ceanainn, Co Galway) Tír Chonaill (Derrybeg, Letterkenny, Co Donegal): Contact: Noirín Ní Ghrádaigh, Aisitheoir Tel: 075 60100, Fax: 075 60101 Ealaíon Pobail, Údarás na Gaeltachta

Údarás na Gaeltachta Contae Chorchaí (Noirín Ní Ghrádaigh, Community Arts (Údarás na Gaeltachta County Cork) Facilitator, Údarás na Gaeltachta)

Contact: Eibhlín de Paor, Aisitheoir Ealaíon Address: Na Forbacha, Co na Gaillimhe Pobail, Údarás na Gaeltachta (Furbo, Co Galway) Tel: 091 503100, Fax: 091 503101 Email: [email protected]

Area Partnership Arts Ballymun Partnership Development Officers Contact: Sean Cooke Area Partnerships in some counties of the Address: North Mall, Ballymun Town Republic have employed Arts Development Centre, Ballymun, Dublin 11. Workers. These workers are responsible for Tel: 01 842 3277, Fax: 01 842 7004 planning, co-ordinating and supporting arts Email: [email protected] development with the Partnerships’ target communities. People with disabilities are included in these designated communities. Dublin Inner City Partnership Contact: Ken McCue 58

Address: Equity House, Upper Ormond Leitrim. Quay, Dublin 7. Tel: 078 41740 Fax: 078 41741 Tel: 01 872 1321, Fax: 01 872 1330 Email: [email protected] Email:[email protected] Sligo Leader Partnership Contact: Anna Spearman Address: Sligo Development Centre, Finglas Cabra Partnership Cleveragh Rd, Co Sligo. Contact: Antoinette O’Mahoney Tel: 071 41138, Fax: 071 41162 Address: Rosehill House Finglas, Dublin 11. Email: [email protected] Tel: 01 836 1666, Fax: 01 864 0211

South Kerry Development Partnership Contact: Sarah O Brien

Address: An tSean Scoil, Kilorglin, Co Kerry. Kilkenny Community Action Tel: 066 61615, Fax: 066 62059 Contact: Phillip Cullen Address: 1-2 Colliers Lane, Co. Kilkenny. Tel: 056 52811 Westmeath Partnership Contact: Lucy Tormey, Teresa Doyle Address: 2nd Floor Presentation House, Leitrim Partnership Harbour St., Mullingar, Co Westmeath. Contact: Kate McCarthy Tel: 044 48571, Fax: 044 48441, Address: 6 Church St, Drumsambo, Co Email: [email protected]

ARTISTS AND ARTS WORKERS There is a number of artists and arts workers with experience of arts and disability and disability arts. Some artists and arts workers work on a short-term or temporary basis, and for this reason it is not possible to provide a comprehensive up-to-date list of practioners. Therefore it is recommended that you contact the organisations listed below for an up-to-date list of artists and arts workers with experience in this area.

Northern Ireland Arts and Disability Forum 59

Contact: Avril Crawford, Development Officer; Sharon Rollston, Project Worker Address: Albany House, 73-75 Great Victoria Street, Belfast, BT2 7AF. Tel: 01232 239450, Fax: 01232 247770 TextTel: 01232 325744, Email: [email protected]

CAFE - Creative Activity For Everyone

Contact: Simeon Smith Address: 143 Townsend St, Dublin 2. Tel: 01 6770330, Fax: 01 6713268 Email: [email protected]

See also Resource Arts Organisations p. 38 for further contacts e.g. Association of Artists in Ireland for information about artists & artsworkers in the visual arts.


• Training Resource Organisations...... 62

• Training Institutes...... 62

• Arts and Disability and Disability ...... 66 Arts Training Programmes 60


Some people would like to develop their interest in the arts, and one of the ways this can be done is through training. Training in the arts covers a wide range of subjects such as painting, arts administration, stage design, etc., and can range from evening classes in a local education institute to full time degree courses in art colleges or universities.

The barriers restricting access for people with disabilities to the arts in general also apply to arts education. This section provides information on the training resource organisations and institutions providing arts training in Ireland, some of which are now addressing these barriers through positive action programmes. 61

For a comprehensive list of education and training facilities in the Republic of Ireland contact the Department of Education, Marlborough House, Marlborough Street, Dublin 1, Tel: 01 873 4700, Fax: 01 872 9093, and in Northern Ireland contact the Department of Education for Northern Ireland, Headquarters, Rathgael House, Balloo Road, Bangor BT19 7PR, Tel: 01247 279279, Fax: 01247 279100

Recent rounds of EU Horizon funding have resourced pilot arts training programmes specifically aimed at people with disabilities, often delivered through partnerships of specialist and mainstream arts organisations. These are described at the end of this section.

Training Resource Organisations AHEAD - (The Association for Higher Education, Access and Disability) Department of Education Address: Newman house, St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2. Address: Marlborough House, Marlborough Tel: 01 475 2386, Fax: 01 475 2387 St, Dublin 1. E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 01 873 4700, Fax: 01 872 9093 An all-Ireland organisation aiming to promote the full participation of students Department of Education for Northern with disabilities in every aspect of higher Ireland education. Contact: A. McCandless Address: Special Education Branch, AONTAS Headquarters, Rathgael House, Balloo Rd, Bangor, BT19 7PR. Address: 22 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2. Tel: 01247 279279, Fax: 01247 279100 Tel: 01 475 4121, Fax: 01 478 0084 62

The national association for adult education, Athlone Institute of Technology promoting learning and education Contact: Pat McTiernan, Disability Officer throughout life, particularly for those who Address: Dublin Rd, Athlone, Co are educationally or economically Westmeath. disadvantaged. Provides telephone Tel: 0902 24400, Fax: 0902 24417 information and advice, annual adult learning exhibition, library and research facilities, support for groups regarding Belfast Institute of Further and Higher accessing information, funding, training and Education accreditation. Address: Information Services, Park House,87-91 Great Victoria St, Training Institutes Belfast, BT2 7AG. Tel: 01232 265265, Fax: 01232 265451, TextTel: 01232 232564 The following colleges and training institutes provide undergraduate and post- graduate arts courses. For further Centre for Inclusive Learning information about courses and facilities Tel: 01232 265134 contact the institutes directly. Deaf Education Support Unit Contact: Oonagh Gallagher

Tel: 01232 265040, TextTel: 01232 232564 Armagh College of Further Education Address: Lonsdale St, Armagh, BT61 7HN Tel: 01861 522205, Fax: 01861 526011, Email: [email protected]

Causeway Institute of Further and Address: Kilkenny Rd, Carlow. Higher Education (Coleraine/Ballymoney) Tel: 0503 70437, Fax 0503 70500 Contact: Margaret McCormack, Disability Officer. Cork Institute of Technology Tel: 01265 54717Address: Union St, Coleraine, Co Londonderry, BT52 1QA. Contact: Seamus Doran, Tel: 01265 54717, Fax: 01265 56377 Student Services Officer Email: [email protected] Website: Address: Rossa Avenue, Cork. http://www.causeway.aac.uk Tel: 021 326100, Fax: 021 545343, Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.rtc-cork.ie Carlow Institute of Technology Contact: Anne Carpenter, Student Services Officer 63

Cork School of Music Pembroke St., Dublin 2. Tel: 01 402 3412, Fax: 01 402 3399 Contact: Seamus Doran, Student Services Officer Tel: 021 326448 Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design Address: Union Quay, Cork. and Technology Tel: 021 270076, Fax: 021 276595 Contact: Miriam Cahill, Student Services Officer Crawford College of Art and Design Address: Carraiglea Park, Kill Avenue, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin. Contact: Jeff Steiner Scott, Principal Tel: 01 280 1138, Fax: 01 280 3345 Address: Sharman Crawford St, Cork. Tel: 021 966777, Fax: 021 962269 Dundalk Institute of Technology Craftworks Pottery Skills School Contact: Beverley Whelan, Student Affairs Officer Address: 1 Pump St, Address: Dundalk, Co Louth. Londonderry, BT48 6JL. Tel: 042 937 0200, Fax: 042 933 1163, Tel: 01504 309040, Fax: 01504 309044 Email: [email protected]

Dublin City University East Antrim Institute of Further and Contact: Declan Treanor, Disability Officer Higher Education (Newtownabbey/Larne) Address: Dublin City University, Glasnevin, Contact: Student Services. Dublin 9. Tel: (01232 855000) Tel: 01 704 5000 ext. 5160, Address: 400 Shore Rd, Newtownabbey, Fax: 01 836 0830 Co Antrim, BT37 9RS. Tel: 01232 855 5000 Dublin Institute of Technology Fax: 01232 862076 TextTel: 01232 855000 Contact: Linda Maguire, Disability Officer Address: Fitzwilliam House, 30 Upper

East Down Institute of Further and (Dungannon/Cookstown) Higher Education (Downpatrick, Address: Circular Rd, Dungannon, Newcastle, Ballynahinch, Kirbubbin) Co Tyrone, BT71 6BQ. Contact: Betty Liddell, Disability Officer. Tel: 01868 722323, Fax: 01868 752018 Tel: 01396 616402 Address: Main Campus, Market St, Fermanagh College Downpatrick, Co Down, BT30 6ND. Tel: 01396 615815, Fax: 01396 615817 Contact: Lorraine Loughlin, Email: [email protected] Disability Officer Address: Fairview, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh, BT74 6AE. East Tyrone College of Further and Tel: 01365 342237, Fax: 01365 342238 Higher Education 64

Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology Lisburn Institute of Further and Higher Contact: Deirdre O’Connor, Access Officer Education Address: Dublin Rd, Galway. Contact: Jean Murray, Disability Officer Tel: 091 753161, Fax: 091 751107 Address: 39 Castle St, Lisburn, Co Antrim, BT27 4SU. Letterkenny Institute of Technology Tel: 01846 660918/01846 677225, Contact: Paddy Gallagher, Disability Officer Fax: 01846 677291 Address: Port Rd, Letterkenny, Co Donegal. Tel: 074 24888, Fax: 074 24879 National College of Art and Design Website: www.rtc-letterkenny.ie Contact: Gary Granville, Head of Education Address: 100 Thomas St, Dublin 8. Limavady College of Further and Higher Tel: 01 671 1377, Fax: 01 671 1748 Education Contact: Frank Mongan, Disability Officer National University of Ireland, Cork Address: Main St, Limavady, Contact: Mary O’Grady, Disability Officer Co Londonderry, BT49 0EX. Address: College Rd, Cork. Tel: 015047 62334, Fax: 015047 61018 Tel: 021 902955, Fax: 021 271568

National University of Ireland, Dublin Contact: Treasa Ham, Disability Officer Limerick Institute of Technology Address: Belfield, Dublin 4. Contact: Anne O’Donovan, Tel: 01 706 8350, Fax: 01 269 4409 Student Services Officer Address: Moylish Park, Limerick. National University of Ireland, Galway Tel: 061 327688, Fax: 061 327696 Contact: Agnes O’Farrell, Disability Officer Address: University Road, Galway. Limerick School of Art & Design Tel: 091 524411 ext. 3541 Contact: Anne O’Donovan, Fax: 091 525700, Student Services Officer Email: nuigalway.ie Address: Moylish Park, Limerick. Website: http://www.nuigalway.ie Tel: 061 327688, Fax: 061 327696 National University of Ireland, Maynooth North Down and Arts Institute of Further Contact: Anne O’Brien, Disability Officer and Higher Education Address: Maynooth, Co. Kildare. (Bangor/Newtownards/Holywood) Tel: 01 708 4519, Fax: 01 708 3935 Contact: Ernie Jamison, Disability Officer Address: Castle Park Rd, Bangor, Newry and Kilkeel Co Down, BT20 4TF. Contact: Catherine Daly, Disability Officer Tel: 01247 812116/01247 271254 Address: Main Campus - Patrick St., Newry, Fax: 01247 270034 Co Down, BT35 8DN. Tel: 01693 61071, Fax: 01693 60684, North East Institute of Further and Email: [email protected] Higher Education (Antrim/Ballymena/Magherafelt) Contact: Student Services 65

Address: Trostan Ave, Ballymena, Keynes MK7 6AR, England, Co Antrim, BT43 7BN. Tel: 01908 653745 Tel: 01266 636254/01266 652871, TextTel: 01908 655978 Fax: 01266 65924 Omagh College North West Institute of Further and Contact: Jane Gallagher, Disability Officer Higher Education Address: 1 Mountjoy Rd, Omagh, Contact: Cowan, Disability Officer Co Tyrone, BT79 7AH. Address: Strand Rd., Tel: 01662 245433, Fax: 01662 241440 Londonderry, BT48 7BY. Tel: 01504 266711, Fax: 01504 260520 Queens University at Armagh Email: [email protected] Contact: Dr Tess Hurson, Student Support Officer Address: 39 Abbey St, Armagh, BT61 7EB. Tel: 01861 510678, Fax: 01861 510679 Email: [email protected] Website: The Open University in Northern Ireland http://www.qub.ac.uk/arm/index.html Address: 40 University Rd, Belfast BT7 1SU Tel: 01232 245025, Fax: 01232 230565, Queens University of Belfast Email: [email protected] Contact: Dr. Gerry Cleary, Website: http:/www.open.ac.uk Student Support Services Officer Address: University Road, Belfast, BT7 1NN. There is a department which deals Tel: 01232 245133 ext. 3116/01232 245133, specifically with all disability issues. Fax: 01232 247895 Contact: Heather Laird, TextTel: 01232 335511 Special Needs Advisor Email: [email protected] Address: Walton Hall, PO Box 79, Milton Website: http://www.qub.ac.uk

Sligo Institute of Technology Trinity College Dublin Contact: Sheelagh O’Gara, Contact: Gay Fallon, Disability Officer Student Services Officer Address: College Green, Dublin 2. Address: Ballinode, Sligo. Tel: 01 608 1060, Fax: 01 677 9260 Tel: 071 55222, Fax: 071 44096 Tralee Institute of Technology Tallaght Institute of Technology Contact: Dick Carmody, Contact: Vincent Lennon, Student Services Student Services Officer Address: Old Blessington Road, Dublin 24. Address: Clash, Tralee, Co Kerry. Tel: 01 404 2000, Fax: 01 404 2700 Tel: 066 24666, Fax: 066 25711 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.rtc-tallaght.ie 66

University of Limerick Address: Crawford College of Art & Design, Contact: Brenda Shinners-Kennedy, Department of Art Therapy and Adult Disability Officer Education, Sharman Crawford St, Cork. Address: Plassey, Limerick. Tel: 021 966777, Fax: 021 962267 Tel: 061 202346, Fax: 061 330316 Website: http://www.ul.ie Training certificate course in disability arts which is held from September to July each University of Ulster year. One weekend per month, including (Coleraine/Jordanstown/ Belfast/ Magee) three, four day weekends. Address: Registry Office, Cromore Rd, Coleraine, Co Londonderry, BT52 1SA. Course intake: 18 participants per annum. Tel: 01265 44141 ext. 4221 TextTel: 01232 368252 Website: http://www.ulst.ac.uk Lights, Disability, Action (Horizon-Funded in 1998) Organisation: Northside Arts and Cultural

Centre. Contact: Peter Kearns, Lorraine Bull Address: Coolock Development Centre, Bunratty Drive, Dublin 17. Waterford Institute of Technology Contact: Jarleth McKenna, Tel: 01 832 0995, Fax: 01 832 0313 Disability Officer Address: Waterford. Television and film production course, Tel: 051 302267, Fax: 051 378292 designed to explore how people with disabilities are portrayed on the big and Arts and Disability and Disability small screen. Developing over 16 months, Arts Training Programmes the students will produce a short film for national and international film festivals. DATE Contact: Louise Foott MAP - Music Management and Promotion music industry studies, event productions Course 1998-99 and work simulations, music appreciation, Organisation: City Arts Centre and office skills. Contact: Justin Rami, Training Manager Address: 23-25 Moss St, Dublin 2. Media Access Tel: 01 677 0643, Fax: 01 677 0131 Email: [email protected] (Horizon-Funded in 1998) Website: http://homepage.tinet.ie/~cityarts Organisation: NTDI (Rehab Group) in conjunction with Ballyfermot Senior College A full time NCVA accredited course open to Contact: Riona Finn people aged 18 and over with disabilities Address: NTDI Kylemore Rd., Ballyfermot, and an interest in music. Course modules Dublin 10. include: communications, disability equality, Tel: 01 626 3437, Fax: 01 626 1145 67

A media studies programme for people with vocational/training programme in the disabilities who are interested in pursuing performing arts, with a view to gaining entry careers in the media industry. into the professional performing arts industry. The programme is being run in conjunction with Ballyfermot Senior College and has nationally recognised certification thus enabling successful candidates access to Sound Access mainstream third level courses and (Horizon-Funded in 1998) employment in the media industry. Organisation: Rehab Group Contact: Finola McTernan Pathways Theatre Training Course Address: Clarence House, Clarence St., Dun (Horizon-Funded in 1998) Laoghaire, Co. Dublin. Organisation: Schizophrenia Ireland in Tel: 01 230 1303, Fax: 01 230 1303 partnership with the and E-mail: [email protected] Equity Contact: Sandra Adams This programme aims to develop a working Address: Space 28, North Lotts, Dublin 1 training model which provides a set of Tel: 01 873 1278, Fax: 01 873 1278 progression routes for persons with a Email: [email protected] disability who wish to develop as musicians Website: http://www.iol.ie/lucia or sound technicians in further education, employment or both. Aims over a two year period to formulate and deliver a flexible, modular


There are various statutory and priviate funding bodies throughout Ireland which provide funding for the arts, and some of them are listed below. Depending on the nature of the funding body, funding can be in the form of grants, awards, bursaries or schemes. Some of these funding bodies operate on an all Ireland basis and some are only applicable to the Republic of Ireland or to Northern Ireland, where this information was available it has been specified. Some of these funding bodies are listed below and descriptions are taken from information they provided. For further information on funding please refer to the Irish Funding Handbook and Fundraising: Where to find out more (See Selected Reading List, page 92) It is best to contact the relevant organisation directly for further details with regard to closing dates, criteria and funding areas.



(Association for Business Sponsorship of the Arts)

Contact: Alice O’Rawe for The Pairing Scheme; Paul Smith for the Business in the Arts Scheme

Address: PO Box 496, 120 Malone Road, Belfast BT9 5GL. Tel: 01232 664736, Fax: 01232 664500

Funding Policy: ABSA exists to promote partnerships between the private sector and the arts to their mutual benefit. It is recognised as the bridge between the arts communities and business, principally through sponsorship opportunities.

Types of funding: ABSA administers the government’s arts sponsorship initiative The Pairing Scheme and the Business in the Arts Scheme where business professionals share skills with arts groups.

Funding area: Northern Ireland (see Cothú for the Republic of Ireland)

ADAPT NI Types of funding: Grants of up to £1000 for the following: Contact: Judith Jordan Address: Albany House, 73-75 Great Built adaptations which will improve Victoria Street, Belfast BT2 7AF. universal accessibility in arts and Tel: 01232 231211, Fax: 01232 240878 community venues e.g. handrails, ramps. E-mail: [email protected] Additional equipment to assist access to Funding Policy: ADAPT NI provides venues e.g. signage, induction loops, text incentive grants for the improvement of telephones. access to arts and community venues. It is the aim of ADAPT NI to encourage all arts Innovative projects which will raise providers to address access issues in the awareness of universal access and enhance interest of universal accessibility for all, and enjoyment of arts and cultural activities. to enable all people to enjoy the arts as equals. Funding area: Northern Ireland 69

Funding area: All of Ireland

AIB Better Ireland Awards

Contact: Brenda Hurley Area Development Management - ADM Address: AIB Better Ireland Awards, Bankcentre, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. ADM supports local economic development Tel: 01 660 0311 Ext. 14619/14653 through thirty eight local Partnerships and also thirty eight local groups. ADM is Awards are designed to recognise and committed to equal access for all and is encourage community groups and proactive in involving disabled people in all organisations who, through their endeavours aspects of partnership. Arts projects are and initiative, improve the quality of life in recognized within the context of community the community. In relation to arts projects, development. emphasis should be on innovation and making the arts more accessible to the wider Funding area: Republic of Ireland community. Types of funding: Youth, Heritage/Environment, Arts/Communications, and Community Enterprise/Development.

The Arts Council/An Chomhairle Ealaíon is an independent state body which acts as the The Arts Council/An Chomhairle Ealaíon development agency for the arts in Ireland; it is the primary source of support for the individual creative and interpretative artist. Address: 70 Merrion Square, Dublin 2. The role of the Arts Council is to provide Tel: 01 618 0200; 01 618 0244 (arts and advice to government on artistic matters, to disability); CallSave: 1850 392492 provide advice, assistance and support to Fax: 01 661 0349 / 01 676 1302 individuals and arts organisations and to a Email: [email protected] wide range of governmental and non- Website: www.artscouncil.ie governmental bodies on arts matters, and to Contact: Lisa Moran, Special Projects and provide financial assistance and other forms Disability Executive of support to individuals and organisations, Tel: 01 618 0244, Fax: 01 676 1302, for artistic purposes. Email:[email protected]

Publications: See Selected Reading List p.86 70

to the arts; to encourage and assist in the provision of arts facilities, events, Arts Council of Northern Ireland administrative services and training in the arts and to allocate funds made available by Address: MacNeice House, the National Lottery for the Arts. The Arts 77 Malone Road, Belfast BT9 6AQ. Council aims to develop the arts in Northern Tel: 01232 385200, Fax: 01232 661715 Ireland so that as many people as possible Contact: Francis Murphy, Development can enjoy as many forms of art as possible to Officer as high a standard as possible.

The Arts Council of Northern Ireland is a Publications: see Selected Reading List, statutory body funded by the Department of page 87 Education for Northern Ireland. The functions of the Council are to develop and Types of funding: revenue grants, project improve the knowledge appreciation and grants, awards and bursaries. practice of the arts; to increase public access Types of funding: revenue grants, capital grants,project grants, awards and bursaries.

Baring Foundation community scheme is usually between £500 and £3000. Exceptionally a larger grant may Contact: Steve Wyler be made. Address: 60 London Wall, London EC2M 5TQ. Types of funding: Operates a number of Tel: 0171 767 1348 grants programmes including Arts in Education and in the Community. This Funding Policy: the Foundation is interested includes both a Small Projects Fund and a in supporting a wide range of different types Knowledge and Skills Exchange Fund. of activity across all art forms, and in Through the Knowledge and Skills exchange supporting high quality work by artists and Fund the Foundation supports high quality arts organisations in educational and work by artists and arts organisations in community settings. The small grants educational and community settings. The scheme offers between £500 and £5000, Small Projects Fund provides a number of while the arts in education and in the small grants towards the cost of small-scale 71 arts events and projects in education or the the economic development of Belfast community. through encouraging investment in the arts and the creative industries. Funding area: Northern Ireland Types of funding: Community Arts Belfast City Council Development Fund (in conjunction with MBW) is intended to increase the range, scale, opportunities and effectiveness of Contact Name: Chris Bailey/Angela community-based arts through assisting McCloskey projects which enhance local control and Address: Arts Office, Belfast City Council, encourage voluntary commitment. Cecil Ward Building, Linenhall Street, Belfast BT2 8BP. Tel: 01232 320202 The Arts Grant Scheme is designed to assist E-mail: baileyc.belfastcity.gov.uk the broad range of arts activities which take Website: http://www.belfastcity.gov.uk place in Belfast on a project-by-project basis. Funding Policy: the Council’s aims in supporting the arts are to promote Annual Funding Measure to facilitate the participation in the arts, particularly in areas major arts organisations in Belfast by where there is little activity; to encourage providing support on an annual basis. and promote best practice in the Arts; to promote an awareness and appreciation Bursaries to assist individual artists and through raising the profile of the arts; to administrators in support of their support facilities and activities which professional development. contribute to the image of Belfast as an important centre for the arts and to assist in Funding area: Northern Ireland

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation music projects; grants for professional Contact Name: Sian Ede practitioners in arts and science projects, and Address: UK Branch, 98 Portland Place, experimental work. London WIN 4ET. Tel: 0171 636 5313, Fax: 0171637 3421 Funding area: All of Ireland

The work of the trust is divided into Carnegie UK Trust programmes in Arts, Education, and Social Contact Name: Elizabeth East Welfare. Preference is given to original Address: Comely Park House, Dunfermline developments, not yet part of the running Fife KY12 7EJ. costs of the organisation; and to projects Tel: 01383 721445, Fax: 01383 620682 which are either strategic or seminal. Carnegie UK Trust supports charitable Types of funding: grants for non- organisations in a wide range of areas. professional practitioners in participatory Preference is given to proposals which are 72 innovative and developmental; have Funding area: All of Ireland potential to influence policy and practice more widely; and are undertaken in Co-Operation Ireland partnership with others. Address: 37 Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin 2. Types of funding: operates an Arts Tel: 01 661 0588, Fax: 01 661 8456 Programme under which there are Young E-mail: [email protected] People; Multi-media; Voluntary Arts and Supports Cross-Border community Electronic Information; and Voluntary Arts initiatives and links. Training Sub-programmes. Funding area: All of Ireland Funding area: All of Ireland COTHÚ Contact: Brigid Roden Address: 64 Lr Mount St, Dublin 2. Combat Poverty Agency Tel: 01 6766966, Fax. 01 6766997 Address: Bridgewater Centre Conyngham Road, Dublin 8. Cothú is the Irish Business Council for the Tel: 01 670 6746, Fax: 01 670 6760 Arts which encourages corporate E-mail: [email protected] sponsorship of the arts. The organise training courses sponsored by major Provides research grants to gain baseline companies for arts workers. research and information in order to develop relevant programmes and a deeper Funding area: Republic of Ireland (see understanding of the issues they are ABSA for Northern Ireland) concerned with. Grants between £2,000 and £10,000.

Department of Enterprise and new round EU of Structural Funds (2000- Employment 2006). Address: 65a Adelaide Road, Dublin 2. Tel: 01 676 5861, Fax: 01 676 9047 Funding area: Republic of Ireland

Funding conduit for EU Structural Funds, facilitating vocational training and employment initiatives such as the Department of Social, Community and HORIZON fund (see section Arts Training Family Affairs p.66, for details of Horizon funded arts Address: Áras Mhic Dhiarmada, Store training programmes.). Most of these Street, Dublin 1. Schemes run until 1999 and their Tel: 01 704 3062, 01 452 7019 (Community replacements depend on allocations in the Support Services) Fax: 704 3002 73

Types of Funding involved in programmes of self help and personal development designed to tackle A. Scheme of grants to Voluntary poverty and disadvantage and improve organisations. Once-off grants for family life. Covers running costs such as renovation or acquisition of premises, the accommodation, equipment, materials, purchase of equipment or transport, once off books, tutors fees, support and outreach publications or research or other special work. Same conditions as above. Grants projects. Maximum grant is 90% of cost. range from £200 to £3,000. Grants may be Grants range from £500 to £5,000. committed for a period of two to three years Applications around March and April. for particularly worthwhile ongoing projects.

Funding area: Republic of Ireland

B. Community development education Department of Education N.I. and training grants scheme. To fund Address: Community Relations Branch, training and education initiatives aimed at Rathgael House, Balloo Road, Bangor BT19 enhancing the effectiveness of local 2PR. Tel: 01247 279279, Fax 01247 279248 community and voluntary groups. Examples Responsible for the improvement of of projects that might be supported: community relations between young people management and organisational up to the age of twenty five. development, social analysis, media skills, welfare rights and leadership skills. Same conditions as above. Max. £3,000. Types of funding: grants to voluntary reconciliation bodies, cross community contact scheme, and cultural traditions C. Scheme of grants for locally based projects scheme. community and family support groups. Provides grants to the above groups Funding area: Northern Ireland

Disability Action providing wider car parking spaces; Contact: Orla McCann widening doorways; providing Induction Address: Access Officer, Disability Action, Loop Systems. 2 Annadale Avenue, Belfast BT7 3JH. Funding area: Northern Ireland Tel: 01232 491011, Fax: 01232 491627 TelText: 01232 546779 E-mail: [email protected] Education and Library BoardsAs well as schools, education boards have Disability Action offers 50% grants to non- responsibility for further and adult education profit making organisations to ensure that and the Youth Service. Enquiries should be disabled people are enabled to access made to a local college regarding adult community venues education work and the Board Headquarters Types of funding: provides community for the Youth Service. access grants towards the cost of improving access to community buildings e.g. 74

Esme Mitchell Trust Types of funding: five specific categories of Contact: P R Donnan interest: arts and heritage; education; Address: Northern Bank Executor and environment; social and economic research; Trustee Company Limited, PO Box 183, social welfare. Grants may be made towards Donegal Square West, Belfast BT1 6JS. revenue, capital or project expenditure. Tel: 01232 245277 ext 3391 Fax: 01232 241790 Funding area: Northern Ireland Supports charitable purposes in Ireland as a whole, but principally in Northern Ireland, European Funding with a particular interest in cultural and artistic objects. European Structural Funds are operated at a Funding area: All of Ireland unilateral level by individual member states for the purposes of economic and infrastructural, as well as local, community and employment development. 9% of EU Structural Funds have been dedicated to Esmee Fairbairn Charitable Trust Community Initiatives which relate to small Contact: Judith Dunworth and locally based development projects. Address: 7 Cowley Street, There are fourteen Community Initiatives London SW1P 3NB. which have operated in areas categorised as Tel: 0171 227 5400, Fax: 0171 227 5401 having ‘Objective 1’ status. Nine of these have been operating in Ireland. These The purpose of the proposal must be include: LEADER (agricultural areas), charitable, and preference is given to INTERREG (internal borders), ADAPT projects which are innovative and (transition from old technology to new developmental, demonstrate active local approaches), HORIZON (measures against participation and support self-help. the barriers to integrated employment which Particular attention is given to less people with disabilities encounter) and advantaged areas and the needs of disabled people. NOW (measure against the barriersencountered by women in relation to • Rural development employment. The most recent phase of funding was implemented between 1994 and • Reduction of economic disparity in 1997, and changes in the programmes to be border regions operated under the Community Initiatives as well as revision of the ‘Objective’ status of • Employment and Community Initiatives target regions are underway. It seems likely that the mainline programmes (relevant to 90% of the ESF) will continue, and that the Cultural programmes (Kaleidescope for local development programmes will also arts events, Ariane for books, and Raphael continue in some form. The original for cultural heritage) are subject to fourteen programmes under the Community transnational European cooperation. They Initiatives will be reduced to three: are run by the Directorate General X (the department with responsibility for culture) in 75 the European Commission, which has proposed a new single framework of European Community support for culture for Refer to The Europa Server website: the years 2000 - 2004. Projects of a http://www.europa.eu.int European dimension which are creatively led and which have the capacity to lead to long term structural change through cooperative means will be encouraged. Catherine Boothman, International Desk, The Arts Council/An Chomhairle Ealaíon,

70 Merrion Square, Dublin 2. Tel: 01 618 0234; Fax: 01 676 1302 Information about educational programmes, Email: [email protected] such as Leonardo, originating in DGXXII can be obtained from Leargas,

189 Parnell Street, Dublin 1, Tel: 01 873 1411, Fax: 01 873 1316. NICVA European Unit 127 Ormeau Road, Belfast BT7 1SH

Tel: 01232 321224, Fax: 01232 438350 Email: [email protected] Further information on European Funding

FÁS - Foras Áiseanna Saothair Foundation for Sport and the Arts Address: 27-33 Upper Baggot Street, Contact: Jean Beynon Dublin 2. Address: PO Box 20, Liverpool L13 1HB. Tel: 01 668 5777, Fax: 01 668 2691 Tel: 0151 259 5505, Fax: 0151 230 0664 Website: www.fas.ie The Foundation seeks, through the The Statutory training authority for the encouragement and funding of sport and the Republic of Ireland. Supports many arts at every level, to enhance the quality of Community Employment (CE) schemes life for the community in general. One third within the Arts, including ArtSquads. In of the Foundation’s funding goes to Arts 1999 FÁS will take over responsibility for projects. the training and employment service of the National Rehabilitation Board. Types of funding: Grants are usually for buildings or equipment, to a lesser extent to Funding area: Republic of Ireland pay for the cost of events or for participation 76 for teams or individuals in sport or the arts, Services body for further information, as and now also for revenue costs. each body makes its own decisions about funding and support. Funding area: Northern Ireland Ian Gow Memorial Fund Contact: Alice Nicholl Address: c/o The Director, Voluntary Service Belfast, 70-72 Lisburn Road,

Belfast BT9 6AF. Tel: 01232 200850, Fax: 01232 200860 E-mail: info.vsb.org.uk

Government Departments Aims to help young people aged 16-30 Various Government Departments such as years, particularly those who feel alienated Health, Education, and Social, Family and or at a disadvantage, with the emphasis Community Affairs provide funding for being placed on supporting and promoting projects and schemes. For further self-help. information about criteria, closing dates and eligibility contact the respective departments Types of funding: assistance with education directly. and employment prospects; support undertaking specialist training in music or Health and Social Services Boards assistance with purchasing instruments; Health and Social Services Boards travel; support in giving service to others to throughout the Republic of Ireland and promote tolerance and cultural Northern Ireland have responsibility for understanding. work with families and children, mental health, elderly, disability and health. Funding area: Northern Ireland Approach your local Health and Social

International Fund for Ireland self-help schemes. Special emphasis on Contact: John McGuckian cross community and cross border projects. Address: PO Box 2000 Belfast BT4 2QY. Tel: 01232 768832, Fax: 01232 763313 Types of funding: Communities initiative Address: PO Box 2000, Dublin 2. (community development/relations projects), Tel: 01 478 0655, Fax: 01 4751351 Wider Horizons Programme (training and Website: www.intl-fund-ireland.org- employment for disadvantaged young origin.html people), and the Disadvantaged Areas initiative. Aims to promote economic and social advance and encourage contact dialogue and Funding area: Border Counties reconciliation throughout Ireland. This includes supporting voluntary effort and 77

Ireland Funds Types of funding: capital and revenue grants Contact: Kieran McLoughlin for social welfare projects (involving people Address: Oscar Wilde House, 1 Merrion with mental health difficulties, offenders, Square, Dublin 2. disadvantaged communities, homeless and Tel: 01 662 7878, Fax: 01 662 7879 unemployed people, and ethnic minorities); E-mail: [email protected] arts projects involving aforementio

Target resources that support programmes ned groups; and conservation and specifically designed to help people to environment projects. combat unemployment, inner city disadvantage and rural de-population. Also Funding area: Northern Ireland support leadership and self help projects; encouraging young peoples creativity and Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust supporting renewal, rejuventation and Address: The Garden House, Water End, regeneration. They have a specific Arts York YO30 6WQ. Development Programme. Tel: 01904 627810, Fax: 01904 651990 E-mail: [email protected] Funding area: All of Ireland. Website: http://www.jrct.org.uk Supports charitable work which promotes J.Paul Getty Jnr Charitable Trust justice and equality within the social and Contact: Bridget O’Brien Twohig political structures of society, and operates a Address: 149 Harley Street, specialist programme in Northern Ireland in London W1N 2DH. support of work for peace, justice and Tel: 0171 486 1859 reconciliation.

Funds projects to do with poverty and Types of funding: much of the Trust’s work disadvantage, and unpopular causes in has been directed towards providing particular, within the UK. The trustees infrastructure, technical assistance and favour small community and local projects support for those working at local level. which make good use of volunteers. Funding area: Northern Ireland

Local Councils and Local Authority Arts resources (See Local Government Arts Officers Officers p.51).

Most councils have either a Community Mackintosh Foundation Relations Officer, Arts Officer or Contact: Sherry Dennehy Community Services Officer who usually Address: 1 Bedford Square, operate a small grants scheme providing London WC1B 3RA. support for a range of arts activities in their Tel: 0171 637 8866, Fax 0171 436 2683 area. The type and amount of funding varies form area to area. Most authorities give grants as well as the use of facilities and 78

The Trust makes distributions for any London SW1E 5EZ. purpose which is regarded as charitable, i.e. Tel: 0171 880 2001, Fax: 0171 880 2000 the relief of poverty, the advancement of Website: http://www.millennium.gov.uk education, or other purposes beneficial to the community. In practice, it concentrates its The Millennium Commission assists giving to theatre and the arts, children and communities in marking the close of the education, AIDS, the homeless, and second millennium and in celebrating the refugees. start of the third. In partnership with grant making organisations, it is running the Funding area: Northern Ireland Millennium Awards Schemes which offer new and exciting opportunities for people to Making Belfast Work (MBW) develop their potential as individuals and Contact: Marie Therese McGivern members of the community. Address: Brookmount Buildings, Fountain Street, Belfast BT1 5EE. Types of funding: small lottery grants are Tel: 01232 251455, Fax: 01232 329862 E- available to enable individuals of all ages, mail: [email protected] backgrounds and abilities to put their ideas into action, fulfilling a personal goal, and in Aims to increase opportunities for residents doing so, enriching their communities in the of MBW areas to secure employment and to new millennium. Twelve schemes were improve the quality of life in these areas. launched in 1997, and a further twenty one in 1998, each running for a period of three years. Details of individual schemes can be Funding area: Northern Ireland obtained by contacting the Commission.

Millennium Commission Funding area: Northern Ireland Address: Portland House, Stag Place,

National Lottery Arts Fund Northern Ireland. Lottery funds are to be Contact: Tanya Greenfield used across all art forms, including film, Address: Lottery Department, Arts Council primarily towards funding capital projects or of Northern Ireland, MacNeice House, 77 equipment purchases Malone Road, Belfast BT9 6AQ. Tel: 01232 667000, Fax: 01232 664766 Types of funding: The lottery Arts Fund operates several grants programmes Aims to create the maximum benefit for the including: Capital Grants Programme; general public through support for arts Production of New Work; Advancement; projects which make an important and and Access to the Arts. Access to the Arts is lasting difference to the quality of life in a scheme intended to: offer new 79 opportunities for access and participation to based), families and individuals communities previously exclude from the disadvantaged by low income. It seeks to arts; offer new opportunities through support work that encourages people to be training and development, particularly for more involved in their community in order young people to enhance their creative to bring benefit to that community and to the skills; offer long term benefits to individuals within it. Under its community participants in the scheme; increase access involvement programme, it welcomes to the arts for young people, both as applications to improve access for disabled audiences and participants; develop access people to community venues, including to a wide range of high quality arts activities buildings run by voluntary organisations for throughout NI. Access to the Arts will offer the benefit of the community. grants ranging from £500 to £25000 for one off projects. Types of funding: the two main grants programmes, Community Involvement and Funding area: Northern Ireland Poverty, are broadly based. A small grants scheme is also available. Applications can be made for both capital and revenue funding.

Funding area: Northern Ireland

National Social Services Board (NSSB) Hume House, Dublin 4. National Lottery Charities Board Tel: 01 605 9000, Fax: 605 9099 Address: Office for NI, 2nd Floor, Hilden E-mail: [email protected] House, 30-34 Hill Street, Belfast BT1 2LB. Tel: 01232 551455, Fax: 01232 551431 TelText: 0345 556656, Grant for staff training in information Email: [email protected], technology, presentation skills, information Website: http://www.nlcb.org.uk exchange. Maximum is £500. Grant applications are ongoing. Funding Policy: The National Lottery Charities Board’s main focus is on Funding area: Republic of Ireland. communities (both geographical and issue

No Limits enable active participation in today’s Contact: Alice Nicholl society, increase independence and control, Address: Voluntary Services Belfast, 70-72 and extend choice and develop their Lisburn Road, Belfast BT9 6AF potential. Tel: 01232 200850, Fax: 01232 200860 Types of funding: up to £500 available for Funding Policy: grants will be awarded to projects such as personal development young people aged 14-25 with a disability to 80

training, enabling participation in the arts, http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/town/estate/yo1 travel opportunities, learning new skills. 3

Funding area: Northern Ireland Aims to increase understanding and co- operation between political, cultural, and NICVA (Northern Ireland Council for religious communities in Northern Ireland, Voluntary Action) and operates a number of grant schemes to - Funding Advice Service support community relations work. Contact:Jaine Blayney, Information Officer Funding Advice Types of funding: media, publications and Address: 127 Ormeau Road, local cultural traditions schemes; inter- Belfast BT7 1SH. community scheme; development grant Tel: 01232 321224, Fax: 01232 438350 scheme; core funding grant scheme; Email: [email protected] development support grant scheme. The Council is also an intermediary funding Publication: Fundraising: Where to find body for the EU Speci out more. This covers software, web sites, Trust publications, European Publications, al Support Programme for Peace and Journals etc. Reconciliation sub-programme. Grants up to £6000 available. NICVA European Unit provides information and advice on how to access European Funding area: Northern Ireland funding and assistance with project development and applications to the various Northern Ireland Film Commission – funds. See above for contact details or email NIFC them at [email protected] Address: 21 Ormeau Avenue, Belfast BT2 8HD. Funding area: Northern Ireland Tel: 01232 232444, Fax: 01232 239918 E- mail: [email protected] Northern Ireland Community Relations A fund has been established by NIFC to Council offer loans to production companies for the Address: Glendinning House, 6 Murray development of feature films/TV drama Street Belfast BT1 6DN. series that are intended to be produced Tel: 01232 439953, Fax: 01232 235208 primarily in Northern Ireland. E-mail: [email protected] Funding area: All of Ireland Website:

Northern Ireland Voluntary Trust – Tel: 01232 245927Fax: 01232 329839 NIVT E-mail: [email protected] Contact: Kate Campbell Address: 22/24 Mount Charles, Aims to encourage and support the efforts of Belfast BT7 INZ. community and voluntary groups to seek 81

positive and social change through collective Tel: 01232 200850, Fax: 01232 200860 action. E-mail: [email protected]

Types of funding: programmes include the Aims to be an influential source of effective community arts and culture awards, and encouragement to young people, particularly telecommunity grants which are available to those who are in some way disadvantaged, self-help groups involving young, elderly or by encouraging them to develop themselves disabled people. The community arts grants fully and enabling them to be of service to are available in two categories: seeding others. The two main aspects are the grants (£100-£1500) and project grants development of young peoples’ talents and (£1500-£30,000). The telecommunity grants abilities, and raising a person’s are normally in the region of £5000, but consciousness of the needs of a community amounts up to £20,000 will be considered in and how these can be practically met. exceptional cases. NIVT also administers a number of measures under the EU special Types of funding: grants are available to support programme for peace and support practical projects undertaken by reconciliation. NIVT produce Funding for young people offering realistic and Voluntary Action a guide to local trusts in beneficial help to others. Maximum grants Northern Ireland. to individuals are £800, to groups are £2500.

Funding area: Northern Ireland Funding area: Northern Ireland

People in Need Trust Proteus Address: 33-37 Clarendon Street, Dublin 2. Contact: Gavin Adams Tel: 01 679 2944, Fax: 679 8062 Address: 8 Edgewater Office Park, Edgeware Road, Belfast BT3 7QD. Emphasis is on providing one-off capital Tel: 01232 371023 grants to small social service organisations. Aims to provide technical expertise, Grants range from £100 to £20,000. Held understanding and support to people and biennially. organisations seeking to take advantage of the opportunities offered to NI by Funding area: All of Ireland membership of the European Union in a fair, unbiased and equitable way. This will Prince’s Trust normally be in the form of technical Contact: Alice Nicholls assistance and advice related to specific Address: The Honorary Secretary, Northern programmes. Ireland Committee, The Prince’s Trust, 70- 72 Lisburn Road, Belfast BT9 6AF. Funding area: Northern Ireland Prince’s Youth Business Trust Aims to help young people aged 18-30, who Contact: John Hamill wish to set up in business and who cannot Address: P.Y.T.B. The Midland Building, raise the necessary finance elsewhere. Whitla Street, Belfast BT15 1JP. Tel: 01232 745454, Fax: 01232 744666 Types of funding: test marketing grants up E-mail: [email protected] to £250, bursaries up to £1500 (or £3000 82 where two or more people are employed) Gives financial assistance to aid housing for and loans of up to £5000. disadvantaged, elderly and disabled people, and donations to assist the improvement in Funding area: Northern Ireland the quality of life for disabled/disadvantaged. Also interested in helping youth and youth movements, the preservation of heritage, and organisations Rural Development Council involved in the improvement of the health of the community. Grants normally £1000- £2500, but project assistance up to Address: 17 Loy Street, Cookstown, Co. £250,000 considered. Tyrone, BT80 9PZ. Tel: 016487 66980, Fax: 016487 66922 E-mail: [email protected] Funding area: Northern Ireland

Grant aids disadvantaged rural communities who want to become involved in the Ultach Trust economic and social regeneration of their area, particularly interested in assisting with the costs involved in identifying, appraising, Contact: Aodan MacPoilin planning and running projects that will Address: Room 202, 19 Donegal Place, create employment. Belfast BT1 5AB. Tel: 01232 230749, Fax: 01232 321245 E-mail: [email protected] Funding area: Northern Ireland

Funding Policy: to widen appreciation of the Irish language and culture throughout the entire community in Northern Ireland. Grants are normally aimed at specific projects and schemes rather than ongoing Ulster Garden Villages Limited costs. Particular consideration is given to groups developing cross-community Address: Lamont House, Purdy’s Lane, language activities. Grants normally below Newtownbreda, Belfast BT8 4AX. £5000. Tel: 01232 491111 Funding area: Northern Ireland

Wates Foundation

Contact: Sir Martin Berthoud Address: 1260 London Road, Norbury, London SW16 4EG. Tel: 0181 764 5000 83

The foundation’s primary aims are the alleviation of distress and the improvement of the quality of life, with the emphasis on the physical, mental, and spiritual welfare of the young and disadvantaged 8-25. The problems of homelessness, substance abuse and offending are of particular concern. Post-school education and training, particularly in good citizenship, are also supported. Grants of up to £25,000 available, maximum length of support 3 years.

Funding area: Northern Ireland

Selected Reading List

• Arts Councils’ Publications ...... 86 84

• General Publications ...... 89

• Directories, Guides and Handbooks...... 91

• Newsletters, Periodicals and Journals..... 92

• Reports and Documents...... 95

• Other Media ...... 96

Selected Reading List

The following section includes lists of books, directories, guides, handbooks and reports published in recent years that may be of relevance to arts and disability. This is not a finite list. Publications are available from the published source given in each entry, not from either Arts 85

Council - except for those specifically designated as Arts Council materials. For more detailed lists of publications contact the organisations listed directly.

The reading list is divided into the following sections and within each section the publications are arranged in alphabetical order of title:

1. Arts Council's Publications

2. General Publications

3. Directories, Guides and Handbooks

4. Newsletters, Periodicals and Journals

5. Reports and Documents

6. Other Media

PUBLICATIONS AND REPORTS The development agency for the arts in OF THE ARTS COUNCIL/AN Ireland, 1998 CHOMHAIRLE EALAÍON Annual Report About the Arts Council 86

Most issues up to and including 1997 Disability and the Arts Council, 1998 available A discussion document on policy Aosdána development on arts and disability.

Publication about the membership and The Guide to Exhibition Venues in function of Aosdana, 1996 Ireland (2nd edition)

Arts Council Revenue Funding Decisions, A comprehensive directory of 200 exhibition 1998 spaces in Ireland, north and south,1994

Information about revenue funding decisions Handle with Care! - The Care and in 1998 Handling of Artworks and Exhibitions

Arts, Disability and the Council John Hunt, 1991

Report of the Working Group on Arts and Organising an Exhibition Disability, 1997 Guidelines for organising an exhibition. Art Matters Siuban Barry, 1991

Quarterly publication reporting on the Arts Planning an Arts Building Project Council’s activities. Alan Tweedie, The Arts Council/An The Arts Plan 1995-1997 Chomhairle Ealaíon, 1996

Joint publication of the Arts Council and the Guidelines on the planning and design of Department of Arts, Culture and the arts buildings, including access issues. Gaeltacht, 1994 Poverty: Access and Participation in the Awards and Opportunities/Duaiseanna Arts agus Deiseanna, 1999 Combat Poverty Agency/The Arts Brochure outlining awards and schemes Council,1996 available to individual artists and organisations, 1999

Revenue funding / Maoiniú Reatha na Information about Arts Council grants to Comhairle Ealaíon organisations, 1998 87

A Taxation Guide for Artists Artslink

Martin J. Mulchrone, 1991 Monthly newsletter covering current arts, culture and heritage listing and comment To Enable broadsheet, published in partnership with Nicholson and Bass and the Northern Ireland Tourist Board. Martin Drury and Brian Morgan, 1988 A report on access to arts venues in Ireland for people with disabilities.(No longer in Artslot print - photocopies available on request) Bi-annual publication detailing the activities Writers in Schools, Directory/ of the Arts Council Lottery Fund Scríbhneoirí sna Scoileanna The Arts Planning Process In collaboration with Poetry Ireland and the Arts Council of Northern Ireland Guidelines for district councils in Northern Ireland, 1997 Text in Irish and English Awards and Bursaries

Booklet detailing annual awards and For information about publications of the scholarships on offer to individual artists, Arts Council/An Chomhairle Ealaíon please 1998 contact: Code of Practice on Openess The Arts Council, 70 Merrion Square, Dublin 2 Statement of policy and procedure on access to Arts Council information, 1998 Tel: 01 618 0200, Fax: 01 661 0349 Email: [email protected] The Cultural Directory for Northern Ireland

A comprehensive listings and contact PUBLICATIONS AND REPORTS resource for the cultural sector, 1999 OF THE ARTS COUNCIL OF NORTHERN IRELAND

The Cultural Sector Customer Care and Services Manual for the Cultural Sector, 1997 A development opportunity for tourism in Northern Ireland, 1998 Grant Programmes 88

A pamphlet of the programmes available Talks On under the National Lottery, 1998 A booklet on writers and artists available for Information 2000 talks and readings, 1998

A booklet detailing Council members, To the Millennium executive staff, main departments, criteria for funding and recent publications, 1999 A strategy for the Arts in Northern Ireland, 1995 Just Dance Unhappy with our Service? We Want to Bi-annual newsletter for the dance Hear from You... community in Northern Ireland. The complaints procedure, 1999 Literature, Language, Tradition The Young Arts Directory Position statement in Irish and Ulster-Scots, 1999 A list of artists and writers available for work in schools, 1998 Partnership in Practice For more information please contact: A Handbook for Local Government and the Arts, 1996 Damien Smyth, Public Affairs Officer

The Protection of Children & Young The Arts Council of Northern Ireland, Mac People Participating in the Arts Neice House, 77 Malone Road, Belfast BT9 6AQ. Guidance document for the arts community, Tel: 01232 385200, Fax: 01232 661715 1998

Review of Visual Arts Provision in Belfast with emphasis on Venues and Spaces, 1998

Able to Attend: a Good Practice Guide on Access to Events for Disabled People

Ann Richards, National Council for GENERAL PUBLICATIONS Voluntary Organisations (NCVO), London, 89

1988. Written for those who organise events, published county by county with separate this guide contains information sheets guide for Belfast. covering different aspects of planning and running an event. Art Reach 1: Exhibition

Access Catalogue of art work in Art Reach exhibition organised by the Rehab Group, Disabled Living Foundation (DLF), London: Dublin: 1995 1991 Art Reach 2: Exhibition Suggests ways of improving access with references to relevant legislation and sources Catalogue of art work in Art Reach of more detailed information. exhibition organised by the Rehab Group, Dublin : 1997 Access to Museums and Galleries for People with Disabilities Arts Networking in Europe

United Kingdom Museums and Galleries Arts Council of England, London: 1997 Commission, London: 1997 Arts for Everyone: Guidance on Provides guidelines for museums and Provision for Disabled People galleries on how to meet the needs of all their users and to provide a basis on which Anne Pearson every museum and gallery can develop a Carnegie United Kingdom Trust and Centre policy on disability. on the Environment for the Handicapped, Undated ADAPT Pack (available 1999) Buildings for Everyone: Access and Use ADAPT N.I., Belfast for All the Citizens

The ADAPT N.I. pack will contain National Rehabilitation Board, Dublin: guidelines for access, advice on management 1998. Guidelines on providing access to policy and good design, information on buildings and the external envoironment. current Building Regulations, equipment, staff training and contact and resource Building Regulations, Access and information. ADAPT N.I. are also compiling Facilities for Disabled People a guide to access in arts venues throughout Northern Ireland (Access 300). This will be HMSO Bookshop, Belfast Celebrating Difference disability as difference rather than disadvantage. City Arts Centre, Dublin: 1994Catalogue for a Visual Arts exhibition celebrating The Creatures that Time Forgot 90

David Hevey, London: 1993 Don’t Talk Down to Me: Bringing Disability Photography out of the Design for Disability Shadows

Society of Designers in Ireland, Dublin: Val Green, UK Access to Image, National 1990 Museum of Photography, West Yorkshire, Undated Designing for Accessibility: An Introductory Guide Elimination of Architectural Barriers: Accessibility in Public Buildings Centre for Accessible Environments, London: 1993. Ivor Ambrose, Danish Building Research Introductory guide to the design of buildings Institute, Denmark: 1996 accessible to a wide range of users including people with mobility or sensory Equal Opportunities: Policies and impairments. Application

Disability and the Arts: Get it Right Arts Council of England, London: 1994

Arts Council of England, London: 1996 Framed: Interrogating Disability in the Aims to promote good practice by arts Media organisations and funders to ensure disabled people are equal participants in the arts. Ann Pointon, Editor, and Chris Davies UK British Film Institute, London: 1997 Disability Arts: The Business Guidelines for Marketing to Disabled Liz Crow, National Disability Arts Forum, Audiences, London: 1994 Annie Delin and Elspeth Morrison, Arts A practical guide which takes you through Council of England, London: 1995 the key stages in setting up and developing a Aimed at arts marketing officers and disability arts project, organisation or forum. produced by disabled people, this guide offers advice on how to identify and reach disabled audiences and how to provide the services they want, including advice on Disabling Barriers: Enabling physical and sensory access. Environments

John Swain, UK Sage Publications, Open University, London: 1994 Getting Out and About A guide to accessible transport in Northern Ireland. 91

Transport Advisory Committee (TAC), DIRECTORIES, GUIDES AND Belfast: Undated. HANDBOOKS

In through the Front Door: Disabled Arts and Disability Directory: Off the People and the Visual Arts - examples of Shelf and into Action good practice The Arts Council of England, London: 1994 Jayne Earnscliffe, Arts Council of Great Britain, London: 1992 Arts and Disability Resource Pack Highlights the needs and desires of disabled people in relation to the visual arts and looks at the range of possibilities for incorporating Arts Council of England, London: 1997 and developing awareness of the needs of Information and resources on arts and disabled people. disability and disability arts in the United Kingdom. Making Your Venue More Accessible to Disabled Customers Composers Directory

Artsline, London: Undated Contemporary Music Centre, Dublin: 1998 Aimed at venue staff wishing to make their Publication containing information on a venue more welcoming for disabled representative selection of Irish composers. customers. Directory of Musicians in Ireland Why Can’t I Wear Tights Matron? Music Network, Dublin: 1998 Peter Kearns, City Arts Centre, Dublin: Contains profiles of individual jazz, classical 1997 and traditional musicians, groups and larger Considers employment opportunities in the performing groups. Arts for people with disabilities. Disability Federation of Ireland 1998 - Work from a Dark Room 1999 Directory

Gene Lambert, Douglas Hyde Gallery, Disability Federation of Ireland, Dublin: Dublin: 1985 1998 Catalogue of photographic exhibition. No Contains a comprehensive list of the sixty longer in print. six disability organisations in its membership.

Disability Resource Directory for Museums and Galleries Commission, Museums London: 1994 92

Aims to assist museum staff and governing Music Network, Dublin: 1998. bodies to develop policies and programmes to meet the needs of disabled people. The Provides information, resources and contacts directory covers policy and procedure, on all aspects of music throughout Ireland. employment and training, access, information and fundraising. Irish Visual Arts Handbook European Disability Arts Directory Artists Association of Ireland, Dublin: 1994 Provides information, resources, guidelines National Disability Arts Forum, London: and contacts for visual artists in Ireland. 1995 Directory or arts and disability and disability arts projects and organisations throughout Irish Theatre Handbook Europe. The Theatre Shop, Dublin: 1998 Provides information, resources, and Fundraising: Where to find out more contacts on theatre and dance throughout Ireland. NICVA (Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action), Belfast Tóstal: A Guide to Irish Arts Centres Tóstal - Network of Irish Arts Centres, Contains information on sources of South Tipperary Arts Centre: 1998 fundraising including software, websites, Trust publications, European publications, Information and contacts for a number of etc. Arts Centres throughout Ireland which belong to the Network organisation Tóstal. Handbook of Trainers and Consultants for the Voluntary Sector NEWSLETTERS, PERIODICALS The National Youth Federation, Dublin: AND JOURNALS 1997Contains listings of organisations and individuals who provide training and consultancy services to the voluntary sector. Artists Newsletter AN Publications, London Irish Funding Handbook Monthly newsletter for visual artists in the United Kingdom. CAFE - Creative Activity for Everyone, Dublin: 1994 Art Bulletin Information about funding for arts activities Artists Association of Ireland, Dublin Bi- throughout Ireland. monthly newsletter for visual artists in Ireland. The Irish Music Handbook

ADF Newsletter Quarterly newsletter of the Arts and Disability Forum, N.I., Belfast. 93

AIC News Circa Publications, Dublin and Belfast Quarterly art magazine addressing visual Association of Irish Composers culture in Ireland. Quarterly newsletter for members. Disability Action News ArtsCare Matters Disabilty Action, Belfast ArtsCare, Northern Ireland Bi-monthly newsletter about disability issues Newsletter on arts activities in healthcare in Northern Ireland. environments. DAIL Magazine Breaking Free National Disability Arts Forum, London Monthly magazine on disability arts issues Northern Ireland Deaf Youth Association throughout the United Kingdom. Newsletter for young deaf people.

Disability Now CAF Bulletin

Scope, London Community Arts Forum, Belfast Monthly magazine on disability issues in the Quarterly information sheet on community United Kingdom. arts activities in Northern Ireland European Institute for Design and CAFE News Disability Journal CAFE - Creative Activity for Everyone, Dublin Annual publication Bi-monthly newsletter on community arts European Institute for Design and Disability, activity throughout Ireland. National College of Art and Design, Dublin

Choices Exposability PHAB N. I. Belfast Quarterly Newsletter on disability issues Drake Music Project, Newry Quarterly newsletter about the activities of the Drake Music Project. Cini

Film Ireland Northern Ireland Film Commission, Belfast Quarterly newsletter. Film Base, Dublin Monthly magazine covering film production Circa and practice.

Insight 94

National Training and Development Royal National Institute for the Deaf Institute, Roslyn Park, Dublin Newsletter on issues for deaf people Magazine on disability issues and events published six times a year. throughout Ireland Outlook IWC News MENCAP (the Royal Society for Mentally Irish Writers Centre, Dublin Handicapped Children and Adults), Belfast. Bi-monthly newsletter on writers issues and Bi-monthly newsletter. events. Poetry Ireland News Livewire Poetry Ireland Live Music Now!, Belfast Quarterly newsletter on issues and events.

Musiclinks RNIB Newsletter

Music Network, Dublin Royal National Institute for the Blind Quarterly newsletter on music events and Service Bureau, Belfast activities throughout Ireland. Quarterly newsletter on issues for people with visual impairments. New Music News Sceal Beo Comtemporary Music Centre, Dublin Newsletter on music issues published three National Council for the Blind of Ireland, times a year. Dublin Bi-monthly tape magazine of information News at Once relevant to people with visual impairments.

CAF, Belfast Searchlight Bi-monthly Newsletter British Epilepsy Association, Belfast NSF Today Northern Ireland magazine published three times a year. National Schizophrenia Fellowship, Belfast Quarterly Newsletter. Spokeout

Irish Wheelchair Association, Dublin. Quarterly newsletter on issues for people with mobility impairments. One in Seven

Talk 95

National Deaf Children’s Society, Belfast Arts and Disability: Action Plan Quarterly newsletter on deaf issues for young people with hearing impairments. The Arts Council of Great Britain, London: 1989 Training Matters Outline of policy and practice on arts and disability of Arts Council of Great Britain. Northern Ireland Film Commission, Belfast Arts and Disability: Discussion SI News Document 9

Schizophrenia Ireland, Dublin The National Arts and Media Strategy Unit, Quarterly newsletter on issues of relevance Arts Council of England, London: 1991 for people with mental health difficulties and their carers. Arts Education Agencies: A Progress Report SSI Newsletter Phyllida Shaw and Sue Harries, Arts Sculptors’ Society of Ireland Council of England, London: 1995 Bi-monthly newsletter for sculptors throughout Ireland. Beyond Barriers

Visions Arts Council of England, London: 1996 A consultation paper on arts and disability Northern Visions, Belfast policy. Quarterly newsletter on film and video for arts and community organisations. Disability, Poverty and Exclusion

Combat Poverty Agency, Dublin: 1994 Papers from the national conference REPORTS AND DOCUMENTS organised by the Combat Poverty Agency, the Forum of People with Disabilities and NRB. Arts and Disability Heaven, Supercrips and Sexy Baddies NRB and City Arts Centre . Dublin: 1994 Proceedings from a national conference held Peter Kearns, Available from The in 1994. Workhouse (see Arts and Disability Organisations), Dublin: Undated


Making it Clear OTHER MEDIA

Department of Social, Community and RADIO Family Affairs, Dublin: 1998 Report from a conference on information provision for people with disabilities. Audioscope

RTE Radio 1, Thursday, 7.35 p.m. A Mosaic of Life and Possibilities Tel: 01 208 2417 Department of Justice, Equality and Law E-mail: [email protected] Reform, Dublin: 1995 Final report of the working group on arts and culture of the Commission on the Status of Not So Different People with Disabilities. RTE Radio One, Saturday, 8.45 p.m. On Our Terms: Disabled People’s Arts Tel: 01 208 2417

Liz Crow, Women Artists Slide Library, E-mail: [email protected] London: 1992 Article in Women’s Art TELEVISION

Policy Making with Regard to Arts and Hands On Disability and Disability Arts RTE 1, Sunday, 1:00pm

Minutes of discussion City Arts Centre, Deaf issues. Dublin: 1996 LINK Report on the Initiative to Increase the ITV, Sunday 12.15p.m. Employment of Disabled People in the Disability Issues. Arts

See Hear The Arts Council of Great Britain, London: 1994 BBC 2, Saturday, 11.20 a.m. Deaf Issues. Theatre and Disability Conference Report The VIBE Elspeth Morrison, The Arts Council of Channel 4, Saturday 8.30 a.m. England, London: 1992 Hearing and young people.



Teletext Pages • Advice/Training, Channel 4. P6555/656 • Community Magazine, BBC 2.p650 • Deaf View. Channel 4. p685 • Dis-Ability, Channel 4. p686 • Disability Information and Advice, BBC 2. p654 • Education, BBC 2. p630 • Hearing Impaired News text. RTE 2 Aertel p520. • Read Hear, BBC 2. p640 • Regional Events, BBC 2. p657 • Volunteers, BBC 2. 653 • What On - Arts, Channel 4. p 440 • Youth, BBC2. p655


In From The Margins

Video of documentary series on disability issues by Celebrate Productions for RTE 1 in 1992.

RTE Radio One, National Rehabilitation Board.

Programme Four - Making Ends Meet

Programme Five - Something To Celebrate (focused on arts and disability issues)

Programme Six - Keeping Up Appearances

Available on loan from NRB Library, 25 Clyde Road, Dublin 4. 98


APPENDIX 1 -...... Access Checklist 99

APPENDIX 2 - Choosing a Disability 104 ...... Equality Trainer




Approach to Building:

• Dimensions and standards as per Building Regulations.*

• Provide adequate number of designated parking spaces convenient to entrance.

• Control parking spaces to stop unauthorised parking.

• Provide directional signs to designated parking spaces.

• Provide signs beside and on the surface of the parking space.

• Parking surfaces to be firm and level.

• Route from car park to building entrance to be accessible.

• Provide adequate lighting.

• Ensure access and escape routes are not blocked by bicycles and vehicles.

• Handrails on ramps and circulation routes to be free from parked bicycles: circulation routes to be kept free from vegetation and refuse bins.

• Battery supplies to platform lifts to be permanently charged.

• Route surfaces to be well maintained, clean, free of gravel, grit, mud and algae growth etc. Ice and snow must be removed to prevent accidents.

• Areas being serviced or repaired to be adequately protected and alternative routes provided as necessary.

• In Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland there is legislation which governs the minimum acceptable levels of physical accessibility in new buildings and in significant extensions to existing buildings. These laws are known as the Building Regulations. 100


• Dimensions and standards as per Building Regulations.

• Provide directional signs toward the entrance.

• Make all entrances accessible - avoid making only secondary and rear entrances accessible.

• Provide adequate lighting.

• Provide a canopy or door recess for people waiting to gain entrance.

• Identify the entrance by structure, colour, sound and/or tactile differentiation of the ground.

• Avoid sharp edges and hazardous projections.

• Provide a level area outside and inside the doorway.

• Approach to bells, letterboxes, door handles to be free of obstruction.

• Doors to be swing type where possible, wheelchair accessible, easy to open and closing devices to be set at the minimum force needed to shut the door.

• Provide powered doors where practicable and use presence sensors to detect movement in path of door travel.

• Allow minimum 3 seconds opening time for automatic doors.

• Provide button controls in accessible location.

• Provide adequate space to accommodate door closing devices to ensure 800mm opening.

• Use safety glazing to BS 6206 in glazed door panels and screens.

• Ensure that doors on circulation routes have glazing dimensioned so as to allow people on either side to see through.

• Permanently mark glazing in doors and screens at about 1500mm over floor level.

• Entrance lobbies to be free of obstructions.

Horizontal circulation within the building • Door mats to be recessed or fixed flush with floor, to minimise the possibility of tripping. 101

• Door closers to be set at the minimum force needed to shut the door. • Entrance lobbies to be free of obstruction. • Refuge areas to be kept free of obstructions. • Floors to be slip resistant, avoid deep-pile carpets. • Select non-reflective floor finishes. • Door frames to be in a contrasting colour to walls/door. • Ironmongery to be accessible. • Corridor width to comply with dimensions in Building Regulations. • Circulation routes are free of obstruction, both temporary and permanent. • Steps and changes of level to be clearly marked. • Stairs to have handrails on both sides. • Provide good lighting. Vertical circulation • Standards of stairs, lifts, ramps etc. to comply with Building Regulations. • Stairs and ramps to be free of obstruction, particularly landings at top and bottom of ramps. • Lift car floor to align with finished floor level. Toilets • Number and design of toilets to comply with Building Regulations. • Provide signs to indicate nearest facilities. • Avoid the use of privacy lobbies. • Comply with recommended minimum dimensions in Building Regulations. • Provide sanitary fittings at the correct height and contrasting with the walls. • Avoid fittings with sharp edges. • Toilet transfer areas to be kept free of obstruction.

• Provide slip-resistant floors. • Alarm facilities to be provided and any pull cords extend to within 1000 mm of the floor. 102

• Taps, locks and handles to be lever type. • Ensure that transfer space is not reduced by boxed-in cisterns or other obstacles. • Sanitary disposal bins to be provided and regularly emptied and repositioned within reach of toilet.


• Signage to be clear, legible, up-to-date and at the correct height.

• Provide tactile signage.

Reception/Refreshment areas/Booking offices • Provide staff with disability equality training. • Reception desk/counter to be placed conspicuously, to permit easy location. • Desk/counter to be suitable for use from both sides by people whether standing or seated. • Desk to have counter loop fitted for communication with hearing aid users. • Provide communication aids for people with impaired hearing at booking offices or windows. • Provide ticket windows with lowered counters for people using wheelchairs. • Public telephone to be at height suitable for all users and equipped with inductive coupler. • For external communication, provide a textphone (Minicom) and fax as well as a standard telephone. • Select waiting area seating for ease of use. • Information to be available in large print, Braille, computer disk and audio tape. • Information boards to be at an accessible height for wheelchair users. • Guide dogs should be admitted (will need a water bowl).

Auditorium: 103

• Provide access to the stage as well as to the seating area. • Install induction loop/infra-red loop. • Disperse wheelchair accessible spaces throughout the auditoria. • Seats to have good back support and arm rests. • All step edges and changes of level to be readily identifiable. • Keep circulation routes, passageways and aisles free from obstruction. • Install flashing fire alarm. • Undertake staff training and fire drills to incorporate the need of audience members with disabilities.

Showers/Dressing rooms:

• These and all other backstage facilities should be accessible to all.


Provide: • audio descriptions, sign interpreted and guided tours of exhibitions. • hanging exhibits which take into consideration the sight lines of people with mobility impairments such as wheelchair users. • large print and Braille titles of art work. • thermoforms of major/interesting exhibits (tactile three-dimensional picture sets). • silk gloves to enable people with visual impairments to touch three dimensional work where permissable. • seating in galleries with good back support and arm rests.




These notes will help when briefing a trainer and drawing up a contract.

Essential requirements of a Disability Equality Trainer

Your trainer needs:

• to be a disabled person.

• experience devising and delivering Disability Equality Training with a proven track record as a trainer (including references).

• skills, knowledge and ability to advise on strategic planning and policy development.

• an ability to undertake a training needs analysis and negotiate the training objectives, content and style with your organisation to reflect key concerns.

• to be using equal opportunities practices throughout their work and not just as it relates to disability.

• an ability to work and communicate with staff at all levels of the organisation.

• a willingness to begin the training from your base line not from their own agenda (i.e. they should be asking questions about previous training and experience).

• a non-confrontational approach which is nevertheless challenging and uncompromising.

• a clear awareness of group dynamics, signified by a discussion on the size and composition of the group and agreement on an optimum number (generally no more than fifteen).

• to make clear what evaluation process will follow the training - both for them and for you, including how the organisation will move forward.

• a professional approach - this includes a reasoned justification and breakdown of fees and charging structure.


Essential requirements of a Disability Equality Trainer for Arts Organisations

Your trainer should have

• knowledge and experience of arts organisations and their practice.

• knowledge and experience of arts practice - methodologies, structures, policy, issues, etc.

• a clear understanding of Arts and Disability and Disability Arts practice.

• a training programme, objectives and materials relevant to arts organisations.

Note that there is a difference between Disability Equality Training and Disability Awareness Training.

Disability Equality Training - aims to give an in-depth insight into the issues around disability, providing the analytical tools to understand and explore the implications to work practice.

Disability Awareness Training - tends to work towards general awareness and concentrates on individual impairment.

Response Form


We hope that the information in this pack is accurate and up to date. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the various entries made in this publication. The content and classification is based on the latest information available at the time of going to press; however if there are errors, or if we have omitted any key bodies which ought to be included, we would be most interested to know so that we can correct future editions.

Please use the detachable response form on the next page to give us this and other useful feedback.

Please return the form to:

The Development Unit The Arts Council 70 Merrion Square Dublin 2

1. Corrections 107

Please give details of any errors you have noticed, such as incorrect contact details or inaccurate descriptions. It would help us if you could fill in the table below.

Section* Page No Item for Correction Correction

2. Omissions

Please give details of any organisation of issue you think ought to be included.

Organisation or issue Address, Telephone, Fax, Which section(s) should they be Email, Website where included in and why appropriate

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* See Contents, page 4 for a list of sections