55°0' 54°45' 54°30' 54°15' 54°0' 53°45' 53°30' 53°15' 53°0' 52°45'

³ Department of Environment and Conservation

49°0' Department of Natural Resources Map No. 3 a HYDROGEOLOGY 49°0' Eastern Bedrock Hydrostratigraphic Units

Well Yield Well Depth Characteristics Characteristics (m) Number (L/min) Hydrostratigraphic Unit Lithology of Wells

Average Median Average Median

Unit 1 Siltstone, shale, Low to Moderate Yield with minor volcanic 5100 20 9 64 61 Siltstone and Shale Strata flows and tuffs

Sandstone, Unit 2 conglomerate, Moderate Yield breccia, 2789 22 9 64 56 Sandstone and greywacke, with Conglomerate minor volcanic flows and tuff. Unit 3 Shale, siltstone, 48°45' Moderate Yield sandstone, with 1694 29 14 54 44 Cambro-Ordovician minor slate and Sedimentary Strata limestone beds basic pillow lava, Unit 4 flows, breccia and Low to Moderate Yield tuff, with minor 1819 25 9 67 61 Volcanic Strata sedimentary rocks

Unit 5 granite, 48°45' Burnside " Moderate Yield granodiorite, diorite 95 31 14 69 64 ( Plutonic Strata and gabbro

St. Chads Salvage Sericite & chlorite " ( " schist derived from ( Unit 6 felsic and mafic Culls Harbour (" (" Low to Moderate Yield volcanic and 168 18 4 61 52 Sandringham Bonavista Meta Volcanic Strata sedimentary rocks; (" Elliston minor gneiss and " Eastport " ( (" ( migmatite " " Maberly ( ( (" Sandy Cove Notes: 1. The data presented are updated to December, 2009. The information was supplied by the DOEC and was recorded " ( Birchy Cove " by water well drillers as required under the “Well Drilling Regulations”, 1982, and amendments. ( Keels (" Newmans Cove ("

Tickle Cove Amherst Cove " Surficial Hydrostratigraphic Units (" (

" Unit A - Till Deposits (" King's Cove ( Middle Amherst Cove " Well yields range from 1.5 litres per minute (L/min) to 227 L/min and averaged 59 L/min. Well depths range ( Upper Amherst Cove " ( from 1.5 metres (m) to 45 m. Includes data from a large number of wells completed in sand or gravel layers Knights Cove " Stock Cove within till deposits. Yields from wells completed in till without sand or gravel lenses are likely to be ( (" Open Hall (" significantly smaller. Catalina (" 48°30' of Unit B - Sand and Gravel Deposits (" (" Plate Cove East Well yields range from 2 L/min to 270 L/min and averaged 54 L/min. Well depths range from 4.6 m to 40 m.

(" Plate Cove West (" Melrose Number of Wells Listed Per Community " (Terra Nova ( 1 - 20 48°30' 21 - 50 Summerville ( Sweet Bay (" " Cannings Cove Jamestown ( Long Beach 51 - 100 " (" (" ( ( Charlottetown Portland Princeton (" (" Winter Brook 101 - 150 (" (" ( Southern Bay " (" " " Champney's Bunyan's Cove Charleston ( ( 151 - 300 " Trinity East ( " " ( ( Brooklyn " English Harbour Bloomfield ( ( ( " Trinity ( Goose Cove " " " ( ( Lethbridge 301 - 747 " ( ( (" ( Dunfield (" (" Note: See Appendix II for well descriptions Trouty Elevation in feet above mean sea level. Contour interval approximately100 feet.

Old Bonaventure REFERENCE: (" (" Colman-Sadd, S. P. and Crisby-Whittle, L.V.J. New Bonaventure 48°15' 2005: Partial bedrock geology dataset for the Island of Newfoundland (NTS 2E, 2F, 2L, 2M, 11O, 11P, 12A, 12B, 12G, 12H, 12I, 12P and parts of 1M, 2D). Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Open File NFLD/2616 Version 6.0.

(" Hill, J. and Kirby, R. Thorburn Lake 1984: Bonavista, Newfoundland. Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Department of Mines and Energy, Mineral Development Division, Map 84-021.

King, A.F., Colman-Sadd, S.P. and Hayes, J.P. 48°15' 1988: Geology of the , Newfoundland (parts of 1K, 1L, 1M, 1N and 2C). Governmentof Newfoundland and Labrador, Department of Mines, Mineral Development Division, Map 88-001. Monroe Harcourt " " Grates Cove Meyer, J., Tomlin, S. and Green, R. " (( ( " Waterville ( 1984: Mineral occurrence map, Gander Lake, Newfoundland. Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Department of Shoal Harbour Mines and Energy, Mineral Development Division, Map 84-045. " ( Burgoynes Cove (" Normore, L.S. a 2010: Geology of the Bonavista map area (NTS 2C/11), Newfoundland. In Current Research. Newfoundland and Labrador " Snooks Harbour Petley Red Head Cove " " Daniel's Cove " Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Report 10-1, pages 281-301. re ( ( ( (" ( " ( Britannia O’Brien, S.J. and King, A.F. A " Elliott's Cove ( 2005: Late Neoproterozoic (Ediacaran) stratigraphy of the Avalon Zone sedimentary rocks, , y (" Random Island Newfoundland. In Current Research. Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Report 05-1, pages 101-114. d Hickman's Harbour " u (" Weybridge (" ( O'Driscoll, C.F., Stapleton, G.J. and King, D.W. t " S ( 1995: Mineral occurrence map, Belleoram / St Lawrence, Newfoundland. Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, " Deep Bight Low Point Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Map 95-016. f ( (" o (" Adeytown New Melbourne (" Sibleys Cove (" it (" (" 0 5 10 15 20 25 St. Jones Within Southport " Brownsdale m (" ( New Chelsea i " " ( 48°0' Kilometres Hillview Hatchet Cove ( L North West Brook " " ( " ( Gooseberry Cove " " ( Lower Island Cove Caplin Cove Butter Cove ( ( Hodge's Cove (" Queen's Cove " " (" ( ( Long Beach Little Heart's Ease (" Burnt Point " (" Gull Island Winterton " AMEC Earth & Environmental 48°0' " (( ( " ( Long Beach A Division of AMEC Americas Ltd. Northern Bay Turks Cove (" 60°W 58°W 56°W 54°W 52°W 50°W Goobies " (" ( Ochre Pit Cove (" " Riverhead St. Anthony " 51°N (" Western Bay ( 51°N ³ Heart's Content (" y (" Adams Cove Swift Current a " " ( B (Blackhead 50°N Sunnyside 50°N " y Goose Cove " y ( Broad Cove ( " (" t ( a Garden Cove Come By Chance i " " ( Small Point ( " " B ( ( n i Kingston North Harbour r Heart's Desire n 49°N T " o Grand Falls- ( " i Corner Brook Perry's Cove 49°N Windsor Gander ( t " " " p " e " Stephenville ( c " 02D 02C n " ( 47°45' Heart's Delight ( Victoria " o Marine Drive (" Shoe Cove 48°N ( " 48°N " Freshwater C ( Islington " ( Arnold's Cove ( Channel- " Port aux Basques " St. John's ( " " " 01N ( 01M ( Flat Rock Bristol's Hope " " 47°N Cavendish ( 47°N (" ( 47°45' 01K " 01L ( " Torbay Otterbury ( 100 50 0 100 " Bryant's Cove 46°N " " Whiteway ( ( " La Manche (" ( 46°N Kilometers " ( " Harbour Grace South Riverhead ( " " Outer Cove (" ( ( 60°W 58°W 56°W 54°W 52°W Wabana ( Logy Bay-Middle Cove-Outer Cove " Middle Cove ( " " (" Bell Island Portugal Cove Logy Bay 55°0' 54°45' 54°30' 54°15' 54°0' 53°45' 53°30' 53°15' (Bishop's Cove 53°0' " " 52°45' (" ( ( Tilton Windsor Heights Green's Harbour " " " Little Harbour East " ( ( ( " ( ( Bellevue Bellevue B("each ( Spaniard's Bay Portugal Cove-St. Philip's (" Hopeall " Freshwater ( (" ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( " ( ( ( ( ( ( (
