Ruth Snyder and Gray Pay Penalty in Chair Cuba Gives
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t\« » ' lA*«»** 1 ^ * 1**' °* -so. 7_. Pioneer VOLUME 9» NO. 11 BIG TIMBER, SWEET GRASS COUNTY, MONTANA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1928 PRICE 12.00 PER YEAR Vote On Senator-Elect Smith RUTH SNYDER AND GRAY Will Probably Come Up TodayCUBA GIVES PRESIDENT WASHINGTON, .tan. 18.—Modifies of the .senator-elect have insisted that PAY PENALTY IN CHAIR lion of tlie resolution finally barring Governor Small would' not take tills ITS GREATEST RECEPTION Fran|;,L. Smith, republican, of Illinois, course, leaving Smith free to present from the senate was agreed upon in his credentials again at the opening private conferences today as the sec of the seventy-first congress after the >Voman, Accompanied By Priest, Goes To Chair ond day of debate on the report of genera! elections next fall when one- Pan-American Delegates Hear Outline Of U. S. tile speeial slush fund committeepro third of the senate meml>ership is to Praying: Forgiveness-—Gray Faces End ceeded on the floor be chosen. Policy—Key West Next Stopping Point Stoically—Death Instantaneous . At the insistence of Senators Borah, Discussion today was opened by Of Coolidge And Secretaries republican. Idaho; Iteed, democrat, Mis Senator Walsh, democrat, Montana, who in a long prepared .speech toot: SING SING PHI SON, Ossining, N. V, I prehensibie beyond the tael that "she souri. chairman of the committee, and would seem to indicate the certainty other senators, it was consented to sharp issue with those who have con HAVANA. Jan. 17 --President Conl- Jau. 12.—Mrs. Ruth Snyder and Henry tended that (lie senate is powerless to idge. having outlined the policy of Hie of its being accepted. Judd Gray died in tho electric chair “Have mercy on my soul,” were theeliminate j the phrase that Smith Is not I’nited Stales before the delegates to -The preliminary meeting also went flrit words plainly distinguishable. entitled| to oatii of office because of pass upon Smith's qualifications be tonight, she crying out for forgiveness yond those laid down in the constitu tlie Pan-American conference and hav on record as favoring the appointment and he inaudibly muttering prayers, As she was strapped in the chair contributions and expenditures, in his ing been received witli greater acclaim of eight committees to consider the by four guards the matrons stood be-1 •)nn,i,r-v campaign in 1926, tion. , Mrs. Snyder was pronounced dead at The .Montanan also denounced the than the head of any other government subjects on the Agenda- a committee 11:09 o'clock, and Gray at 11:10. tween her and the witnesses. As the I As thus changed the resolution would proposal advanced by Smith supporters who ever visited Cuba, departed from to lake tip each separate group of Both had been announced resigned to prison guests murmured prayers sheI recite that' the senator-elect’s creden- its shores today on the cruiser Mem questions as arranged by the Pan- was asked if she had any last words. Itials are tainted with “fraud and cor that since the people of Illinois knew their fate by their spiritual advisers before the election all the facts the phis. bound for Key West. American union. Instead, however, of shortly before time for the execution Then suddenly she seemed to realize I nipt ion,*’ and that therefore he is not senate now knows and still voted him Six dcs'troyers escorted the cruiser appointing a committee to consider the and they walked to the chair without to the full imminence of death and I entitled to membership in the senate, with the presidential party, and guns nt-xt meeting place of the conference, pulled herself sharply erect. Her voice I It would add that a vacancy exists ininto office the senate should not set assistance. Neither had been given any itself up as a judge against him. boomed in salute as the Memphis it is suggested that two committees opiate or stimulant of any sort. came in a shrill treble and her hands I the representation of the state of Till steamed away. The battleship Texas, shall be appointed, to study private unis. “The proposition thus advanced As each sat in the chair, a priest clenched in tense emotion. | scarcely requires refutation.” Walshfrom which President Coolidge landed and public international law, grouped for Mrs. Snyder and a minister for “Forgive them. Father,” she cried, in on Sunday, passed out of the harbor by tlie Pan-American union under one Gray murmured prayers. ruder this declaration of vacancy, said. this strange, voice, “for they I a number of senators hold that the “Baldly stated as it was on this several hours later. The transfer of beading. The execution was carried through know not what they do.” the president to the Memphis was for Tlie opening business session of the without the slightest hitch. Just be governor of Illinois rould appoint a floor, it is too shocking for accept She was silent then and as if at ! senator in Smith’s place but friends ance.” purpose of convenience when Key West conference will begin at 10:30 a. m. fore 11 o’clock Warden l.awos called some unseen signal the black mask was reached. with Dr. Raphael Martinez Ortiz, Cu the official witnesses, four doctors and was placed over her face and the exe , Almost immediately, the delegates ban secretary of stale, in the chair. 20 reporters, into his office and told cutioner,' Robert Elliot, standing in a took up the work which brought themI)r. Ortiz is expected to address the them that the time had come. little alcove, pulled down the switch. /?. 5. Jarrett Named One Of Vice to Havana, that of organizing for a meeting with an address in reply by Briefly he outlined the procedure, It seemed to watchers that death was one of (lie delegates, probably the to avoid possible confusion, and then so sudden it must hsve been entirely discussion of the important questions Presidents Of Montana Woolmeninvolving the American republics and representative of Glide, as the last all started for the death chamber. The painless. There was no struggle and conference was held at Santiago. The way led outdoors across the prison no outcry. seeking to strengthen the ties between the various states. One important step effect of President Gnolidgc’s visit 1» grounds, into a walled court and a* Gray immediately followed and the GREAT FALLS, Mont- Jan. 14.—Sale« Kuhr, of Chinook; C. Simc, of Boze (.nba is marked, file Gillian term through a door directly into the death process was repeated. of fleeces by members of the Montana man; J. II. Carmichael, of Augusta;has already been taken, whereby open chamber. Woolgrowers* association “without ad- diplomacy and full publicity is virtually “imiv .sinipatico”—“charming personal When he was asked if he had any Guy Stnmbaugh,of Deer Lodge; John ity” is frequently npplied to him. This is a large bright room about word, however, he made no response. \ice from their local banker or cum Etcharl. of Tampico; Percy William assured. 80 feet square with four doors, four in e rely continuing his soundless pray- j petent and reliable market authorities,1 of Miles C ity; C. N. A rnett, of ffonorfo Pucyrredon, president of the President Machado ami the president son, of the United States amt thefr short benches for witnesses and the era. amt tlie mask was strapped in I is discouraged in a resolution adopted Bozeman, and S. McKcnnon, of Helena. Argentine delegation . brought this wives chair. place. I at the closing session of the annual fSecond vice presidents are R. S. Ja r question up at a preliminary meeting bade each other farewell after Secre There are no other furnishings. The Warden Lawes stood about 10 feet I convention here today. The resolution at which the chairmen of all the deletaries Kellogg and Wilbur, who were ret!; of Big Timber; Frank Burnett, of also returning In Washington, took plaster walls are a light cream and to one side of the chair during both I s.ivs that the Boston market has not Conrad; Guy Dean, of Plains; C. E. gations were present. His motion, the floor of stone. It is a room giv electrocutions but be kept his head I advanced in proportion to the foreign Long, of Lewistown; Martin 0 ‘NeiI, of which was adopted 16 to .'».'had been leave of their Cuban hosts and the ing no impression of sadness hut for bowed and so far as couhi be told he | market and “as there seems to be no Havre; Perry Moore, ofTw.wlot; Roy seconded by Charles Evans Hughes, American delegates. the central ehair with its straps and did not once look at either prisoner. I prospect of a falling off in prtcea Li Ciary, of Great Falls; C. E. Sime. bead of the American delegation, and Tlie Cuban president look liis guest metal. As soon as Gray had been pronounced I abroad.” woolmen ‘ should not contract of Bozeman; Peter Pauly, of Deer although this action has to be ratifiedby the arm and accompanied him to Besides the official witnesses, seven dead. Warden Lawes opened the doorl for future delivery’ without a close Lodge; J. E. Morse, of Dillon; K. O. by the conference, which opens Its the waters edge, as if reluctant to let doctors, half a dozen guards, the ex into the walled court and the solemn I Mmly of conditions. Haugau, of Fishtail; A. B. Moyer, of business sessions tomorrow, tlie en him go. Mrs. Coolidge and Señora eeutloncr and his assistants and the (Continued on page sevenl C.