St. Polycarp Church ͷͷǡͳͻͻ ȋ͵ͲʹȌͷ͵Ǧͺʹͻ Rev. James D. Hreha, Pastor THE ASCENSION Deacon Charles Robinson (Retired) OF THE LORD Deacon Frank Weber As we continue to monitor the coronavirus, we will update our Parish website and send email updates as they become available. CANCELED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE: All Public Masses, Adoration, Flame of Love, Divine Mercy, Gatherings on our campus, PSR, The Academy, all meetings and events. The office is closed until further notice. Our staff is working remotely and will be answering email. Our Parish answering service will be taking phone messages. The messages will be checked daily by staff on weekdays. Thank you for your patience. In the event of a Sacramental emergency, the service will contact the appropriate person. Parish Office (302) 653-8279 Parish Secretary, Teresa Cariello
[email protected] Coordinator of Religious Education, Erica Taylor
[email protected] Communications Director, Judy Lamborn
[email protected] Bulletin Submissions (10 days in advance)
[email protected] ST. POLYCARP, PRAY FOR US! Business Manager, Lisa Titus
[email protected] The Pres-School Academy (302) 653-1496 Welcome Visitors & Parishioners! Director, Nancy Koska Amid all the changes that are taking place because
[email protected] of COVID-19, we are so glad that you are joining us Finance Council – John Fcasni in new ways. Perhaps you are reading our Bulletin Pastoral Council – Cindy Kennedy online for the first time, watching our videos on St. Vincent de Paul Society (302) 264-6630 YouTube, joining us on Zoom Friday mornings for prayer or celebrating the Mass on TV or through the *Note – The cover design of this Bulletin is temporary.