1. Which mountains run through the centre of Romania? Carpathian

2. What is the capital city of Neamt county, made famous for its architectural land and natural beauty and earned the nickname "Moldavian Pearl?

Piatra - Neamţ

3. What sea borders the countries Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania? Black Sea

4. What is the primary language spoken in Romania? What is the city capital of Romania? Romanian,

5. Who was Elisa Leonida Zamfirescu? The first female engineer in Europe.. Born on 10th of November 1887, she tried to attend Bridges and Roads University in Bucharest but was rejected because she was a female. She went on to study in Germany at the Royal Technical Academy in Germany. She graduated and became the first female engineer in 1912.

6. What is the name of the currency used in Romania? Leu

7. Who is considered the Protector of and Bucovina, being the most popular of all the Saints whose relics are in Romania? Saint Parascheva

8. What is the biggest river that crosses Romania, the second biggest in the whole of Europe and the only on Earth that passes through 10 countries? Danube

9. What are the three colours in the of Romania and what do they mean and represent? Red (Fraternity), (Justice) and Blue (Liberty)

The stripes represent Transylvania, Moldavia and Walachia, the three historic components of the combined country of Romania.

10. What was discovered in the village of Tartaria which has caused some controversy amongst archaelogists? Three clay tablets (dated to around 5300 BC)

11. Who was Sarmiza Bilcescu?

Was the first European woman ever to obtain a license and a PhD in Law from the University of , and the first one in her country to practice law. 12. What is the last natural paradise in Romania, the only in the world that is declared a Biosphere Reserve? Danube Delta

13. Who is Romanian gymnast, born in the region of Moldavia, performing the floor exercise at the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal and was first in obtaining the perfect score of 10? Nadia Comaneci

14. What is the name of the Romanian national anthem? Romanian, wake-up!

15. You want to go to visit a medieval castle. So, you go to Brasov County the home of 'Dracula's Castle' and you want to visit it. What is this castle's actual name? Bran Castle

16. What is the name for the dish that is traditionally made of minced meat and rice, rolled in white cabbage leaves? Sarmale

17. In 1884, this city was the first European city to have its streets electrically lit. What is the name of the city?


18. What is the famous Voronet Monastery also known as? ‘Sistine Chapel of the East’

19. Who was Alma Gluck? The first lyrical artist to sell 1 million records.

20. Who was the Prince of Moldavia between 1457 and 1504 and famous in Europe for his long resistance against the Ottomans? He was victorious in 34 of his 36 battles? Stephen the Great and Holy