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March 1975 Daily Egyptian 1975

3-6-1975 The aiD ly Egyptian, March 06, 1975 Daily Egyptian Staff

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This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1975 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in March 1975 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 'in' / By Sa.$. Voyles . 1970-72 when about 800 'students par· lived logelhrr in Ih ~ dorms, Ihey said. oCf..,amFus and eighl withoul any Daily Egyplfiln Slpfr Wriler licipaled in Gr~e K life. She said . . -Muslng,lie sardo "The frat·rat is back ," according to Membership has incrt:;ised 10 per ' 'There is more Interest In smart Pal Harllage, coordinalor of the Inler one fniternity bulton. '''ent over last year's membership, she group or gan izat ions with new Greek Council and Alpha Gamma Delta ·'It ·s not uneool anymore to be a added. , students:' Harris said. They: are pT'esidenP. said the Greek attil udes have Greek," said Nancy Harris . coordinator 'Ptl ere are two ;'colon)," or unofficial looking for Ihe leadership, small group changed from com pet it i\'eness 10 of StU's fraternities ana snruririe5. fr-alernilies on campus t his year . ­ living and .-SociaJ e-xperiences that togetherness-. - "There 's really been a change of at­ Presidenl Bob Thompson . Alpha Ep· frate-rnizing organizations provide-. she Three years ago there was a lot of ' litude since the student acti\'ist vcars in silon Pi. and George Schau. Omega said. snobbery between the organizations the early '70's." she said. . De ll a Chi . bOlh ex pecI their Right now. fraternities and sororities Ihemselves and the si udenl body , she Twelve-hundred s l uden t ~ rt'prescll ­ organizations to be chart ered or ac­ emcompass all kinds of living si tuations said. "People were called frat-rats or ting 25 Greek ""Or):!c.lniza lions th is year is credited bv SI U this semester . . but there is no real trend, Eric .Priest. sororilY-bitches. But now out siders art' the largest number in SI U's history . In both cases. the frat ernity chapters adviser to. the fraternities. said . Thl"re :t!~~?~~!\ ~ ~ s~~ . ·Hey . ..,)t'hal ·s it air Membership reached its )"west ebb in ,,",'{'n> started by a group of guys who are ei~ ht organjz.ations on campus. five Most of our fraternities and sororities are secret in their ritual ('eremoni es, Harris said . "but Delta Upsilon is one in which the init afion ritual is open to a"yon('," ':.rhe old days of hell·week are gone." she said. " Hazing:' those activities which are-harmful or demt'3ning to a person. w('re the main activiti es of ;:un~h~ r" I~l~~l~:= rl~ ~~~ r ~!~~ ra~~i~~1 Daily 'Egyptfan she said'. _ ' . .,... " For example , years a~o paddling Thursday, March 6. 1975 - Vol. 56, No. 11 1 Southern lI/inois UniJ:ersity W~ I S traditiunal." she said. (Continued on Page 2 ) Sullivan says administration' listens to Student Government By Jon Kartman thinJ:!s gomg on Ihat we haven 't had as '"- AIH'Hllc r problem wilh tHe ad- Daily Egyptian Staff Writer much l'onperal io n b l~ lw ee n us as Ihert.' minist ration that Sullivan said he is shuul d h a \'l' b('t'Il," Sulli\'an s~lid . ha ving . concerns trying In han' a room Despitl' somt' problf' lll s , St udent Vict~ prt'sirlt'nt for Student Affairs. in the Student Center named after the Pres id t~ nt Ot.> nnis Sulliva n says he f('t'ls Brut t' Swinburne. said ht· bt'lit,\,CS Ihal late Dwight Campbell. fu rmt."r student that un Ih (' wholt'. Ih(" SIU ad· the n'latioll s h ip bl'twccn Sl udeni body president . ministrati on lislt'nS III Studcnl GOVt' l'Il ­ l;OVl'rnm('llt and St udl'nt Affairs is Ca tnpbel(, who was president from menl . gond . 1969·70, drownet! in a swimming pool Even so., Sulli van said, Siudent "We have been supportivt' of so me of accident in hicago on July 9, 1974. Governmt'nt and the administra liun the Sludt"nt Government projects such Sullivan said he approached Clarence view tht, needs of Ihe student frum dif­ as the student a ttorney pr og r ~~ a~d Dougherty, director or the Student Cen- rerenl viewpoint s. Ihe sludenl to studenl program , Swan- ter and asked him if a room in the cen- burne said. " 1 fcellhat the relalionship tcr 'could be named after Campbell. As an exa~n pl e. Sullivan cited Student is ~00f;S and it feels good." . Sullivan ,(aid Dougherty replied that. Governm Ilt ' relationshil'! _with the Another' problem ciled by Sulliyan lhe St-udent Senate houJd pass. a _ people working in the 01fice of uael'il concerned. the fiscal officer of Student resolut ion to that before a room Affairs. Government . _ grnkJ be - Sulli\:an sairL hc.

(Continued on Page 2) Student fees may be refunded. rif committee bill becomes-law of the recreation building," he said. By Gary Marx The bill came from a subcommittee " But the SI7.25 should be dropped." . Daily Egyplian Slaff Wriler report on student fees which found many university medical faCilities un­ Bruce Swinburne. vice president for stud;'"t affairs. agreed with McVay and SJU student· fees totaling $1 ,306,125 derslaffed, overworked and incapable of handling medical needs of the students said "It is not at all unrealistic to see a may be freed for reallocation or refund dec~ease in student fees." _ if a bill to be decided Thursday In the who ~ the service. The report concluded. " Illinois should McVay said" full state funding might Illinois House Committee on Higher make it harder to get addItional moneys Education becomes "law. provide the necessary funding to tak.e The bill would require the state to fully care of these medical facilities and It [or expanded programs. fund all health facilities at IIhnols should not fall upon the students in th e " If it is set up as a lump sum grant, universities including stafflllg . form of increases in student fees." we'll have to. go up to Springfield ,~ nd overhead and equipment. Studenls The 532.25 that full·time SIU students politick and ,try to sell the program. he . presenlly pay 76 per cenl of thIS COsI al pay each semester for health comes said. . Swe~( tooth . [rom two separate fees: SI7.25from the McVa,.' said the state has given less SJU. " . Student Medical Benefit fee (SMB ) and and less in recent years to support the SIS from the Student Wellareand Health Service. With an im~ve bark, 'Chelsea Recreation Fund (SWRFI. In 1972 .. SIU reCeived S500,OOO for the demands and receives his share of ire Sam McVay. administrative diday afternoon from his of tbe Health Service, said studenlS itave this year. lie said. ' <»mer, Ginny Banner, freshman. Ban­ a good chance of ge.tting a refund of at Beginning last fall semester. SIS of ner said every 1ime she takes the dog least part of this money if the state SWRF was reallocated to aid the Health along to DairY ' Queen he won't stop agrees to fWld ihe Health Service. Service. McVay said this amounted to. taste too. (SIa!' " The Sl5'rofn SWRF probably be about S600,OOO and provided enough.. =~~u~:~ ~,:S a Gus says the administration may listen will funds to hire three additional doctofs/T but cI

-' ~------~--~~~~~ Senale~.!~~~~~~W~~~ approved a .ruIe Wednesday Ihal fifths," saId sen. Dawn Clark' £f~reyrc Nelseh, -elhnUlltfed'~e'risarlalcLOo~unr'elY- d,gec~, . er.s,. oanl~haavae l!~new rule ~! as actually.?~ a vOle.. on 00ERA, .. supporters of the Equal Rights Amend- D-Chicago, an ERA ,,'.!'porter. , "We declared thai provision nonbinding. which has slirred up a hornet 's nesl of ment said virtually lUlls chances for its . barely have a maJOrity. . 'The court said, in effect. Ihal it was conlroversy In the slale in recenl passage this session. The numper of votes reqwred 10 pass up 10 Lhe legislalure 10 decide how wl",ks. The new rule, which passed 3110 26, ERA has. ~n at .the core. of Ih~ con- many voles were needed. "For Ihose of you who don ', have Ihe declares that a three-fifths majority of lroversy In .the lII~olS . legl sl ature . Scheduled consideralion of ERA was gUls 10 vole on Ihe issue, Ihen vole in the 59-member Senale is.,needed ' lo The Dllnols Conslliullon slales Ihal a poslponed Tuesday because ils chief favor of Ihis mOlion," Sen . John Knup- ratify Ihe proposed amendmenllo Ihe Ihree-finhsvole of Ihe General Assem- sponsor, Sen. Esler Saperslein ~ D - pel. D.Petersburg. lold his roll agues U.S. Consitituion. bly is required. However. two opinIOns Oticago. said she- didn't have:lt votes to befofe the vote was taken. ·tyou may

(Continued fram Page 1) der University policy and are denoun· Har"ris said. years ago than what they are now' Bullhere were two hazing-associaled ced by the national organizalions, sh"e Jo "Most projects are a one-shot affair" Grace Whitlock. housemother of AI deaths last year, she said. AI Mon· said. like Ihe door~ o -e.walk-a~h on for the· . pol (marijuana) compl¢lely. They a 'Ps accidently buried while digging Ihe • organizations require that they perform Styr~ss Home in Carbondale, or the neater in their appearance -and the lraditional graves on Ihe beach during a communily projecl, she said. Special Olympics for Ihe handicapped. ~ bil s . The kids are Lired of being wa "'sh~, according 10 Ihe Associaled For example, Tau Kappa Epsilon has Gary Rickets, secrelary of Omega iIiii>,.:.~ •• Pr\Iss. Another man was killed al changed Ihe name of ils rush week from Delta OIi, said. " Frallife has picked up ," one stude Bluefield Slate College in Wesl Hell Week 10 HeiR-Week Ihis year, ac· Omega Delta Chi is doing a con- ' - said. '7here are more new faces an Virginia, '~n an incidenlthallook place cording 10 Jim Mctoy, a member of 11.0' Ifnuous projt"Ct, coaching swimming, representation from many differe between lhe illurnnus and aclive memo group. basketball and floor hockey al Ihe departmenls." bers at an informal fraternity Though their main function is social. Jackson Counly YMCA Ihis semeste<, :. · We have a good house 10 offer;"'on initiation, " she said. all fraternities and sororities contribute he said. fralernily presidenl '!'lid. " We eve Hazing ' activities a~ prollibiled un. -service -projects to. the community, " Values werE" more ~t ort ed a few have a bar downstairs. ,. "- 2. Daily E"",,*,, """rd1 6. 1975 • ~ounc~arididat~poTUlers board offer

City Cu uncil Candidate Waher Rvbin· Cleveland· Mallhc ws' lalkctl fir - Hubin....,," finistu.. inSim !rNiid. until the board akes a firmer orft'r J 'Ie Vineyard, whu plact.'tI. firth In the " . will "m sid~ the pM'PI,sal whm it a~ ht· Io{t:'t approval (rum his con· a...0ri' w~k lu Ucuml' Garbondalt's Equal primary. un the April IS J.: cncraJ cit."C- is made," Ri,hinSlJO said. 51 .tuellls. Oppurtunily urIicer. In a leUer I" board tiun ballut, (;; Iy Cle rk Elizabeth If Robi,!-son lakes the county pnsiliurt;::' members, Mallhews m.m inated Robin - ~ghty 5aid. . .Stea1'i1S:UId-lWbthYJn ~a.., m~(~ed--- he will withdraw rrom the City Counci l .sc--:rn- as ms replacement. R',binson's So far. Robinson is the 'Hlly nfJminee as a replac.:e ment .rf,r ~atthews somt". ratc. sealing is subj("Ct If) majority appruvaJ rur the district (our vacancy. Reginald mhnlhs a~h ~ut he IS m,t sure hf,w much Rubinson, an associat(· proft!'SSO r al by remaining buard members. "Bo" Stearns. Jackson Q,unty Board suppt,rt ft"blnson has flO Ihe bfHlrd . the Rehabilitation Inslitule, said he was "Presently , I a m still thinking the chairman said. The board will fill the " Several f,ther pef,ple may be first considered ror position in Decem- mailer liver and I am still campaigning vacancy during its March 18 meeting. . numinated between n',w and the bfJ3rd Ix>r 80am He Supervi!r for the City Council ." Rob i'nson said. "Since the board wants til fill th~ · m ~~tin~ . " St~arn 'L,a ld . Bi·g · hudget,

~ hike sought hy Watk ~r SPRI:"GFIELD. · (AP .- Go\' Dani el Wa lk er proposed Wedn esday a SIO 75 billion budge I for fi scal 1~76 containing massive spending increases deS igned to combat the recession. Inflated by a 5 1.~ bill ion plan to boost the s tate·s economy by rapid con. s truction of highwa ys. ai rpo.flS and bui ldi ngs. the \\'alk er budget calls lor S~8 . 1 55 bi llion in p e~ d ing dU ring the fi scal year beginning July I- more than 522 million a da \" . The budget assigns 5-1 53 mi ll ion more th an the state expects to receh'e during the fiscal year and would pend e\'ery penny in the s tate's-gerrer-a-l- re 'en ue ­ fund . from which most bills are"aid. " ~ l any of us ha\'e been speaking about maintaining a prudent balance-pointing Marc levy (righlJ squares off with Roy Anderson in a fencing duel at Davies out that like any family we must sa\·e a Touche gym. The duel was pari of the fencing club's ,activities NIonday night. (Staff little money ror bad tfmes. for a rainy photo by Jim Cook ) - ~ 90 . ." Walker told a joint session or the Illinois House .and Senate ~ " But conditions have. changed - dramatically. Now we are in a City may receIve same amount ~~~e ~Y p~~is !.~::.~~ must spend more to meet ~e Increasing . · rJs-:needs of r.:1:le CA.U ht in this deepenjac -o-f ge-ne-ra-l -revenue s rtngfir.-.-.- .-The·~'::dget~O~th';CUITentflscal . year . ha ...., , It the highest yet 10 s tate history. IS ex- peeteCpart­ He .aid the expenditure for Car­ tured iA "Europe. Africa and Asia. ment of Special Education'. J,- • -__~~ EdI ....'i :or~-C~cr- , .-"-""':' C~rlotte' EdI __ Jonn; bonda1e's' federal building could be Franklin has authored and edited ten y ...., _ ...._ , __ E"",,_ The symposium is presented by the aUlhorized on a shorl 4 lerm basis. books on ~Iack-American history. He _ , ___ E...... ' _sun,." _ E""", SlU School of Medicine in cooperatIOn Congressman Paul Simon was " op­ has received- honorary degrees from ~ ,..,.. Scott .....,..... c.t ~ . with the SlU Department of SpeCIal tomistic that it would be." Eckert ad- mqre than 35 American colleges and .-.cy ...... , ...... SIonftIetIIir. , Education. • '> universities. ,. ded. " .? Daily Egyptian. March 6, 1975, "- ~ / - rl<'rff!¥cfi?'f:f',r~~. . ~ ~ ... ~ .-G-r~as-r '~ -al-~s The Seriate should· Collow action recentl taken by the HoUSle and vote to end the oil depletion tax break Edllor~ Bowd 8nb ~lrIn lt ..... O'dilOl" ll1 1 ~it" t"dU u .. All un."1)1N'd .-dllu r ... h. r oop no:;.o " I 11 c-un WftJUS lit I"" given to U.S. oil companies. Hearings began in the ' OI .... ll)u~ Junn. ~Iudfont t"CIlhlf.m < h ...( 811' Har""on ..~t ll {l"~ H",;ard All SlJlnN rihl l>rt .ll~ r~"~' ilnl ~ In.o Senate Tuesday. r"lllly man•• n ti' rdlll.,. . R;,lII ph J" h nSoJII . 1 oumalL~ m In· opm M'fl Il( t"" Ilo Ul h", 'b't'O.iI on lhe' '!pl""'" pajl:f'$ ~ ~ rut lor . Pal C"rt'Ur1In Dally f.,i"M'OIn Sl"ff Wtlt .. r SI .IH ,..., 1W't""""..arII~ r t'~ 1 [hI!' f lf'm ""'~ ~04 ,n.-ltdmlnl!4rllll'on The depletion allowance permit's petroleum rdulln'industry figures , at 9.1 million daily barrels. Estimates of increased exploration and wildcat drilling. are up only four per cent from 1973. Where is all the increased exploration and domestiC produc­ i'!J\ . Let's open the door tion ... the oil companies are claiming they will be deprived of? Gulf claims that the depletion a llowance accounted and nO,t lock the. jaw for over $100 million of its $408 million 1974 profit. ~ By, Wes Smith Need companies make such mammoth gains . be allowed to pay minimal taxes and not push for ex· Aft er three months of h 9 ne~mooning at SIU·C, it is Tuesday, Feb. 25, Brandt met with the attorney ploration and domestic production ? The House has time neWly appointed president Warren W. Brandt representing C. Harvey Gardiner and Dou~ Allen in decided, by a large majority. that it is time to bring got out of the sack and into action. their separate suits against the University. the oil giants down to earth. The $2.5 billion in ad· When Brandt accepted the SIU-C presidency he may I called Brandt after the meeting. He wasn't in but ditional taxes that would come from elimination of he later called back. (to his credit, he is very the depletion aJJowance couJd serve 10 bolster our ~~ ~~!r:~I~z~1~:; h~:;:t~~n~:"I:!~e:~in.f~~~~ cooperative along those Hnes ). aiUng economy in any number or weJl chosen areas. country. .,' " I ~derstand you met WiltLCarJ Runge,--( the-a There o:.J..wtLd,tawbacks. .. hawever. Th,e--House But,-by now , Br.ndt must realize that things have torney ), tOday . Was anything determined in th e has decided to tack on the depletion question with its been going to pot down on the farm ·and another heap suits," I asked Brandt. overall economic package. Hot Senate debate on this of ferJilizer isn 't going to cover the smell. " I didn't say we discussed any suits," he replied. matter will undoubtedly lead to delay, something we Brandt came to a campus which was going througH ' "Okay. did you discuss the Gardiner and Allen cannot tolerale. But , as Rep. Sam Gibbons ID·Fla.) WIthdrawal. The tumultuous Derge administration suits?" a staunch backer of killing the depletion allowance: and the suprise pack"g!, for 1O~ terminated. faculty . " Yes, but I have nothing to-tell you." ---saId It would- be petty polit ics to· delay the toral members created a paranoia which one departed Ph .. "Thank you for your cooperation." economic plan whidl caUs for a $20 billion lax CUI . in D. likened to a " Nazi prison .camp." Guess I should be thankful that he did have the favor' of haggling ol er the depletion allowance. Another disenchanted facully member con· courtesy to return my call but the game of hide and Also, as Gibbons admits, ending the oil depletion fidentially remarked, "Under Derge and Lesar I had seek dampenec;l my thankfulness for our new "ac­ allowance would lead to a two..to-three cerU price in­ 'mentally packed my hags to leave the University. But cessible" top man. crease o~ gasoline. This is something we would have with Brandt it seemed there was hope, so I mentally Later, Gardiner's atlomey said a setUement had to grud~,"gly accept. Cutting the tax breaks given to unpacked. Now, I'm packing again." been reached that day. , giant 011 firm~ ~ uld be a step in the rigtlt direction ~~any bf those familiar with the wranglings ana But , at his meeting with Brandt, the atlorney had towards alleViating some of the gross inequities in .. danglings of the administration agree that Brandt is found our . ~esldent SO unt:ommunicative and ap­ our tax. laws. . slowlY.getling things into motion. But they'll 'add that - parently diSinterested that he-had given up hope of hIS manner of carrymg on business' behind closed negotiating with him. doors is discomfortin . . . . ary-Delsohn udiR@F'S 18~er sell e-year~ suit R~ r . Ixon an will tell you " no with the University's legal counsel later in a brief Daily Egyptian Staff Writer one knows what goes on behind closed doors. " . meeting. Bruce Swineburne, vice·president o(student affairs ~ once said enthUSiastically of Brandt's attitude, "If i went to hIm and saId we were having trouble keeping the washrooms clean Brandt would set up a meeting wilh the janitor to solve the problem," . " . -ry.~ fact that thiS Univ~rsity is being sued by three . ind,v,duals for alleged VIolation of their rights, plus the fact that alleast two more suits are waiting in the WIngs. ought to be enough to bring at least a couple of "janitors" scurrying. Gran~ed , Bra,ndt hasn't been around very long and be didn t walk mto the most clear cut situation ever facing a new administrator. But. repeated.ly, from caill-pus constituencies. faculty. other D.E. staffers and ' people with strong-, mterests tn. SIU, I get the feeling thai Brandt's seemtngly uncooperaltveattitude has irked more than thosa using the washrooms. . The days of a divided, petty faculty are nearing an end. There IS a new feeling of unity spreading among the faculty, But it isn 't a unity spurred by a common Interest In overhead projectors and number two pen. dis. . The new feeling'of a common bond is based.on an ~dercWTent or fear and mistrust nurtured in past years toward t~!lministration. • SIU needs a sl~'honest leadership. We need an 0l':"n door policy. Not a clamped jaw and , an "I know notheeng " When PresIdent Brandt first came to campus he said one of !lis lioal! was 10 have.SIU students go home anasay, "Hey, I go'to SIU at Carbondale and it's a 'great place." , If We're ready wheq you are, ~ ~A ~. balan~ed ~ .liridge~~JlY not be desjrable ); ByDeDDiaHaJ.. i': ~ - -~ . ------Student Writer

Just what are t~ facts about deficit spending and the national debt? For _ a start, consider four ­ statements often used to describe the federal debt since the end 01 World War II. (Clue: W~h eight'ex· ceptions, government expenditures exceeded revenues in the 44 years since 1931..) I. The debt has continued to grow as a percentage 01 I the gross national product. GNP (the value 01 all I goods and serviceS produced by the nation during any I I " ye''') . I 2. Interest on the debt also has continued to in4 I crease as ~ . percentage of GNP. ,I 3. The size of the debt relative to each citizen has , increased. 4. The national debt has expended until it lar ex · ceeds privately held debt in this country. Do these statements summarize the facts about deficit spending'? The answer is no~ In fact, everyone of the statements is false. But you wouldn't get that idea Irom most 01 the public debate in recent decades. The issue of national debt and ~;~ii~e~r~~;dg a~~~~a~:~d ~,:~~ }~~t a ~O~~ b~n~~ federal deficit over the next two years, a record in peace·time. The ligure for next year alone could top S60 billion if Congress reinstates some $17 .5 billion in program cuts proposed by Ford. or if Congress adds to the President's plan for a _ tax -rebate. . ~'ederal debts and deficits have been commonplace during the last seven U.S. presidents. But the public remains as misinformed as ever. As much as anyone. politicians have created the confusion by over­ simplifying the issue and by alternately decrying. and then implementing. federal deficits. Just a lew weeks ago Konald Reagan told a gathering 01 cattlemen: "Theres only one cure lor ... the purpose of deficit spending innation. and that's balancing the budget. ·· Reagan is not the first to smplily and distort the issue. Last year. President Nixon projected a delicit 019.4 billion IS 10 stimulate consumer buying. .. for the current year . estimated down to a tenth of a billion dollars. Budget officials now say that the amount will reach S35 billion. In January 01 1934 . President Fraftklin Roosevelt announced: "We should plan to have a definitely balanced budget lor the third Economists argue that the lamily budget simply is ebb. money is available lor the government. year of recovery and from that time on seek a con­ not analogous to the lederal budget. In his Smith's Even during a healthy economy. a national debt tinuing reduction in the national debt." Not one year Law onlederal budgets. economist Warren Smith of some size provides benerits. Economist Kenneth while he was president did he balance the budget or the University of Mlchigalf'said : ''There is only one &lUldi g said' that a widely distributed nalional debt reduce the debt. No wonder the public remains con­ ~~~I~~~Jeb:,~;~?:~~~i~'j;r~~~~: ~~~\ ~ha".!~~I~~ is "Perhaps the best insurance policy a government luse<;!. of th e Massachusetts Insitiute 01 Technology argued can have against the wrath of the people. ". By Federal debts and deficits. however. should be examined within the larger perspective of the total that "since the budget cannot be balanced every day chasing government bonds with their economy. Although the national debt has continued to or every month. there is no particular merit in trying private citizens help- finance the national grow since World War 11. it has increased more slowly to balance it in Ute arbitrary astronomical cycle in· !:!e~~~ t~~:n~!~a~~~e~~r~e :~~ il~ e ir than the total economy. Thus it has become less of a burden..orLthe total economy. In 1946 the debt con· vo~~p~n~~:e~r~~'igtt~di~:d~r:~ ~~~o~· is" This is not to say that there are no limits to stituteml28 per cent of the total economy; today it is to ! timuJate buying. which s ti~ulates production and spending. Certainly it should not continue. during less than 50 per <;.ent. During the same period. interest employment. General economIc conditions. not the periods ' of high e mployment. on the debt has dropped Irom a high of 2.5 per cent 01 calendar. dictate the timing and size 01 such A national debt ' about which _ qNP to les~than two Pl'r cent. And the amount 01 debt deficits. writes sonnets oF- balla,ds.-D,mieI"Websl:er" mi •.y- .have Tor every citizen ~s dropped. This answers the lirst Does such thinking apply to the current recession. been overly exuberant when he said that - three statement~ed earlier. Concerning the fourth WIth Its accompanying high prices and interest rates? debt is a national blessing." On the other statement. since the war. pri ~ ate debt has soared to a This was what caused Tr~asury Secretary William the ogre that some depict it to be. As point where it is four times arger than the national Simon to be " horrified" by Ford'! proposed deficit. Journal editorialized on January 22 , debt. Simon said that heavy borrowing by the government between dificits and inflation, after all, is a Considerable conlusion results from equating the to finance the deficit would push interest rates even subtle than a wrathful God innicting inflation as a lederal budget with a lamily budget. Living within higher. ~reventing borrowing by private citizenS and pUDlshment for loose _living .'" one's means has long been a virtue in this country. But ~~i~r~tSt~~~. ~;i~!~ ~~eeractoeunceclolnoofmEisctson'omlik,ec Deficit spending has become anorthodoiweapon for even the most frugal family incurs a debt on a home stabilizing the economy and employment-/M)," Thank you Dean Justice, SJU arena out that he is what one could classify as manager, for scheduling the Charlie a ''soul si nger." There is quite .a dif·. Pride show in Carbondale. I was very ference in country-western and soul pleased with the fabulous country· singing, and t~erefore I feel the student western show he. plus the Four Guys writers were biaSed toward the soul and Ronnie Milsap. presented to a good singing and they should not have had sized crowd on Feb. 14. I was very the "task" of reviewing the country­ disappointed to read the review western show. One question, if it was Marilyn Schonfel<\ and Paula Magelli such a poor show, why did the artists wrote. Apparently they dislike country· receive standin~ ovations? wesle,rn music. I say this in li <:u of their ;,,,;. .'·: !:::'::::::: :::::::::::::::X::·:·:-:::-;;:·X·$.";::"'::*,'~:::::~"%:::: :::::::::::::: ::::. statement" "surprising all wit~ a hyped. up medley, Milsap performed 'Rolling In My Sweet Baby's Arms'. 'Chantilly • 'Letters Lace' , and 'Johnny B. Good' " i th the finesse and feeling of Leon Russell ." I feel SIU needs to serve not only the Not being too famili~r with Mr. students but the community and surrounding area. In our area of the arena where we were seated. there were people -Crom all over Southern . Thfo 0."'" EJil'tD I ... t" wt'it.. o"",'!o "'O' ,'''"Ot'' 0' Illinois. some fro~pe Girardeau, ocon . ~ I rCf'TI .Ill rTIt~lnOt~·,lo 01 If''t.· Un , ,,,, · r~ . "" , (><,,' Mo .• and one couple ttbin Southern In­ "..,.".,.!V \ .. , , 1(... '10 .1 " .: rf'O-lt'.",'Ct 'o r:. ' t , .... " rt(1 ' I" diana. These were not studen,ts. but :,,~'7~~ ,':;" ~~,':~"- l S• •J "~ ' l ••••,.." . ~ : , : ',:,~:~: fans of the country·western music. This """'Cl l " . r..~"'bI"T~":' '(J ' ' or, ••."~ ...... ,, . . definitely was a "family type" presen­ l. ~l"t ·rlt·'''· O Pt ··''''··' ' t ... O(' ...... , ... 0' tation. Needless to say. "you c3iLplease ·eo.n'(W\!!. /0((\1" ,. 1 ,..,.1'\01' ''oD()(.l'dDl'' '",\ ,lOf1 u r.lfT' mctl,".ll l" 'or, ,Incl '0 .",' WI,..,,,,,,, .,! 0.,' .,- UT I some of the people some of the time but ... odl·,.'(t h bll'Ot.A OT ,n Oi\CII,H.k ' 0"" '''' ... ·'('UfO f) . not all the people all of the time . I'VUt'd (l)ut)I,.: <.U.tl . «J ,t"'<' .,," t OfTtP,"''' ''l :N .",. 'v" Mrs. JoAnn Hoerner ddar C'!>!ro .lI'O '~It" " 0 ' • .,...... , ••.• ~da

Dltily E~ Nerd1 6, 1975, P_ S ' f . h~ i. ... ;:,,,~:~~,<~~:, .... Phi Omega and Phyettes ml\ect ~ fG" the Easter Seals The (ollowing programs 3rE" The followi ng programs 3rt? p.m.- All nllngs Considered : 5 :30 bon hope to rolled '1.000 this' PIJnd by the end d the card game 8 scheduled on WSW-TV. channel 8 scheduled on WSI U-FM . 9t.9: p.m.-MUSlc·;n Ihe AIr : 6:30 p.m.- . end during a rUmmy Rlaytng p m Sunday · . WSI U Expand.d R.".,, : 7 p.nt .- arathon m beltalf of the SouthetJI Four _Je will try 10 play 0pI11JI\S. - . Dlinai! Easter- Seals campaign: . rummy the entire 50 hours Several 8 p.m . -Clevela nd Crcht'Stra ; Fifty mn.secU\,ive hours of rummy others from AlPha Ptu Omega a;Mr< 3:30 p.m.- Book Beal : .. p.m.- 6 a.m.- Today's lh(' Day ~ : 9 10 ' 30 p .m . - WSI U Expandt!d playing 'Will begin 6 p.m. Friday at Phyetles will fill in during' <' tht> Sesame Slrt'ct : 5 p .m . - The a.m.-,Takt' a Music Break : 12;30 Repor1 : 11 p.m.- Night ~f:l. . 2 the Wesley Foundation in Carbon· w~end . _ . Evening Rt.1JOrl : 5:30 p.m .- Mister p.m.- WSIU E:cpandf'd Report ; 1 a .m.-Nljlhlwalch·rf*quCS ls 453- dale. The public Is encouraged to Mike Vogels a ng , flrsl \-' IC(, .Rogft"s Nt>ighborhood : 6 p.rn .- p.m.- All Request Day.-45J..Ul3; 4 "343. . watdllhis matdl and pledge money p"esident and rE'("Ording sccrE1ary lnom: 6:30 p.m .-Sport Tempo : 7 to EasC'er Seals for eadl hour th t" (or Alpha Phi Om~a , IS .th t" p.m .- Bill Moyt1's' F'ort"ign Report , eight players stay at It. marathon leader: for hiS fratt'fnuy : 8 p.m.- The Japanese Film·" Wht-11 All proceeds from this marathon Lynne Conlan ..,11 be thE' leader of 8 Woman Asc,.·(>fld.s the Stair!''': will be given to the Southern Ill inois the Phyetu." card players. 10 ::.1 p.rn - The GoIdl"fl CentuQ' Easter Seal FUnd Drive on Marro Some local restaurant s Will MOV ie " Bird!' of Paradis .. " · t4. 'Illis money s upports the camp donate food to sustain thE> card Melod rama-: at utde Grassy Lake. players . The Stu chapters of Alpha PhI Omega and Phyenes. organizors of _ the marathon. have already collec · ,... __ --rn led over S500 from individuals and What is llDllnwn 9:00 businesses in Carbondale, Marion and MUfl'hysboro. They ho~ to A Woman's Place INIIIWNI~'MIIINn

'::::...::~:::~~~"!;:::,,.... ~ ,,»",:::;~:;:;:::::::::::::::::~::::::,",:: :::::::::::: :::0: really like? "Sreat and glorious "MoYIe m.. lc! ~tiviiies etdItrtalnment! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::;::;::'..:;:::::;:"'~:;:":;:::"~~~::$::::::::::}:: Deftllllely not etdItrUlnlng SIU Volleyball Club : mcelil'llt and Find Out! Join Alice Mitchell lobe e~ ... of practice. 7 : 30 to 10 pm .. S IU missed!" ....j ..r! " Arena West Concourse. - Aaron Schindler. - CBS-TV Feminist Action Coa li tion: meeting. Monday· ~ Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Family Circle 7:30 to 10 p.m .. Activities Roo~ B. Sailing Club: meeting. 8 :30 to 10 p.m .. Lawson 131. 4 on Weight lifting q ub : mf'eting. 8:30 to 10 p.rn , SanRa mon River Room Sc hool of Music ' Universit y Choir. Bach's "Mass in H Minor," It p.m tABU tNAIIIIEl 1 Good Teaching Pract ice ' 5 p m ~ Ballrooms B. C and D ( 'o ri nt hians : I hroug h· Jj n(··1UIl C h. II :30 a.m .. Corinth Room . UNIVERSITY FOUR Studt'nls ror Je~ u s : through·li m·, lunch, noon . Troy Room . Pi Dell a Epsilon: rilms. 6. Rand 10 p.m .. Auditdrium - : ~I ~ ()ccu p..·lIional l'ducation gradua te s tudent organization ' ml't'ling. 7 }ffi'J'JW p.m .. Ohio Hi vC' r Room Good Tea(:hing Praet icc: dinner . .. p.rn .. Banrooms Band C. , --_ .... _... Sp('cia li1.ed Studl' n! S(,f"'\' l l'C~ : m('{' ling. 7: 3U 10 9 :45 p.m .. Kaskaskia Room 6:00, 8:00 "·r('{' School : " History of· Twi- Lite 5:30 to 6:00 Democratic Socialism." 7':10 10 ':I p.m .. Iroquois Houm S.I.M .S. Tra nccndental "tcdilalion : m€'t."ling. Activity Room A. 8 to 10 ELLEN BURSTYN p .m . KRIS l;rand Tour i n~ ,\ ut o Club m(' (' ~ i ng . .. 10 10 p.m .. ,\ clivil)' Room C. KRISTDFFE"RSON QClI la l H Y..&.ie ni~l li ; mec.li na. 7 to IQ. J p.m .. Uom(' Economics LClungC' . FrC'(' Sc huol: ·· Evolution. ('rral ion ALa DOESNT ~rid IlIt,: Bibll· ... 7::tO tu It .:m p'm . UVEHERE Tc(.'h . A I I I: pOl"lry Writing. 7':Iu !\ '30 p.m .. Pulliam 211. ANYMORE S.t\ .M. : MN>t ing . ; : 30 1010 p.m . 5:45, a:oo __I~.1 General Classrooms t08 . Lite 5: 15 Delt a Chi : meeting. S to 11 Mackinaw Room .

-_·_Ionite.!L "Send a honey where it' sunny" BIKINI CONTEST Prizes. given to top 4 finishers

(~~n ~n~~r~k, i ~~~~s~ · R"li-n-of,tfor GIlAND f!RIZE FREE TRIP ·TO FLORIDA ( Provided by'cenhry 21 Tours ) FREE admiUjon prizes provided bY ON STAGE: ':Ooo's Jewelry Phillip's Dress Shop .Just Pants J .e. Penney's Record Dept. "ATCNt, . Fettisb . \ 213 E. W-'=;::':::::;:::""~:::::i»;''':::;:::·$:·;;' ,;.··:·· · ,'. : ..' '.. ." :.. ':.''':;''':(.:.:.. ::;,'::::.;: :: :,:::~:>:.:.:,:,:«,;, V-MeA will host ...... , (9gmpus 'Briefs - f open house soon •• • ~~.::xm:::.:;;~:;:.:.:'$(::::::::«,:,: " ::: " ::",:,:",, ...... :.. ::::t'::::-: ,~::~-:"::::,:::::-:<:·x·:·:-:': ·:·:·:-:·;,:;' The Jackson County Fam;ly The SIU News Service will 'lWt"ks by and about the ph.i l ~er YMCA w;U host an ~ house &In. :• .• " phoI"IJraph underaraduat.. . who lind a complet. bibli~raphy ol"the day, Mareh UI. - made a fi ve-point grade average philosopher's published works. No The open house, scheduled Cor 2to • • during the (all semester, t'b send publication date has been set . 3::'> p.m . will be followed by a (ree • • wilh a short news story to the + + + rKreational swim from 3:30 to 4:30 • • student's hometown paper. Warren Stookey, director of . Demonstrations of classes offered Photographs will be taken Thursday AJumni Services at SI U-E received at the V, including swimming . gym- • • (rom 8 :30 to 11 :30 a ,m . and (rom the National o;stinguished Service naSlics and O1inese rooking are • • 1:30 to 4:30 p.m . at the News Ser- Awartl at the recent St . lAws Alpha also planned. • • vice OCfice . CommWlic8tions 3)07. Phi Om~a National Convention. The open house will kick ocr thE' + + + Representing SIU-C at the COflven - YMCA 's membership drive and will • • Joon R, Sulton, chairman of the Lion were Rita Blakeslee, Maria introduce the new spring program. • • SIU School oC Technical Carloers Czor niak, Bonni(> Long and Pam • • ;;~j=s ,o ~a~ a';,~~~~s v~~ Navarroli. ~ + • ~the . • • chairman of the IIl1nots Basin Coal JdlO Kurtz. assistant director of • • Mine Man~wet" Council. Sutton is Broadcasting Services . has announ· • •• 'also coordinator oC the coal man- red ttie nam('S of 10 studenrs to age of innocence ... •• • power study being conducted by the receive fret' passes to the National Governor's Advisory Com mittee on Association of Broadcaster 's annual into the • • I Coal Manpower , . ~v~cntion April ~9 in Las Vegas, age of awareness • • +- + .., The winners art' Bradley Buck, • •• Paul SchUpp, visiting profl"ss(lr of Robl'rt CATchio . William [)em~y . philosophy. is prt'Jh'rin~ fin' more John Fite, Janice I-lowe. Karla volumes In his series of "The Kruggel, Collffn Kurtz, Craig '.• .• Ubrary of Ll\'lOg Philosophl'rs." u)udcn. Anm.>tte PaJ!l'ls and Mon te • • The new VO IUOll'S \4'111 bt" about Sw('annjl'n Pa~ winners \4' ere • j. Brand Blanshard, Gabriel Maret'I , sel('('lro b\' .1 random dra\4'in~ ,,"'ro. W,V. QJ.1lOe . Jt'an-Palll Sartn' and 10 and u;C'llidtod onl:o' jWliul's and • • Gror~ Ht'Orik vun Wright , Ea('h seniors III Ih(' Radlo·TV Depart· edition ('OnWins an autobiu)!raph)' . IOt'ut ·• .• , Introductory law course • • set for undergraduates ~ ·• Shows • An Illtrodu('tuTv law ('ourst' mana~l'nH'1I1 rt'lalliln!' and IIb ­ • · 7~:00 • • desig nt'd to famiharizt> un­ S(."t'nily . · . • 8:45 • der~radualcs \Io,lh ll'J!:aJ areas that Applt-oby ~lId tL'fltatl \'(' plans havt> acreel their c\'crvdav liv~ will be bt.'t.'tl made lu bring III panels frum offered fall .semt.';'tl·r· by IIiw Collt.'g£' th(' Colllm ullll\~ a nd ulht'r Wllvt'rSl!v ~ of Liberal Art s. departml'flts. · . ·• .• " Law in American Socict)' ," a Students Wlil also 1'18\,(" a dmnC'{' • • lOG-level courSt". will meet al 8 8.m. 10 learn about pre-law counscling Monday. Wednesday and Friday in .------. and law as a profession and to take medium : SALUKI CINEMA SNEAK PREVIEW! Lawson 101. • t a mock Law School Admissions Bruce Appleby. associate dean of Test. • SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY 8:45 P,M. • the College 0( Liberal ArIS. said cool complete plans for the course arm 't The- course will be inter ­ • David Essex Adam Faith Keith N'can . • definite. bul the subject matter disciplinary, with lectures by won't be specialized. Topics will in· faculty from economics, history, -: They made hfm a rock star. : elude st ud e nt rights. civil political science, philosophy, ~*~~tPd\Jf' I : ft I e.),...... •• ..... , ~. ./.-. disobedience. crime. labor - sociology a nd psychol~y . • Then they made him a god. • All and SAT • • Provocative therapy expert MARCH 7-8 • • 6130, .30 & 1Q3O • w ill 'lecture Friday in Lau'Son • Student Center Auditorium • Jeff Brandsma. co--author o( the Psychiatry at the University of • book "ProvQCative Therapy" and W.is~nsin at Madf.o;on, arE' the Admiuion • 1 .00 (aculty member o( the Department OI"lg lna.tors of provocative therapy. - - of j!sychiatry at the University o( according to Tom Spudic. president sponsored by: ·.------~------Kentucky at Lexington. will speak of the Departme11 of Psychol~y's • At Tile Varsity No.2 at Room 131 , La'4'SOfl Hall. at 3 p.rn . (Olloquium. Southern .... ois on Friday. • Brandsma and Frank Farrelly. a Fib Society • 2:10 P.M, SHOW ADMISStON S1.25 social worker at Mendota Slate HospitaJ in Wisconsin who is af· filiatoo with the Department of • '.• • ./ '.• • • • • • • • .... --= • ·• Enjoy our fine drinks & game room •I »11 ~ It"...... •WCOIN RUllI • • " .. , . along with ' . . - _ 2PM.S ADM.Sl.25: Today 's Special Tonight's Entertainmen :-----~------~-~~. ' 1• • J' 2:00 • 7:00 • Whiskey SoU- 7 5 c Shawn Colvin ., 9: 15 • • The American Tap - , 518 s. ·• FRL-sAT , LATE SHOW: WoodY Allen's 'BANANAS' .• ...... ~.,,, ,• .,. ,...... Dolly Egyptian. ~ 6. 1975. P_ 7 On the Records I.E...... n. '" .. n. 3. " Autobahn With his second album, " The " Sou\'t'nirs" Kra flwerk ~.,.. You Drinlt. the Player You 8~' ban '.·ogrlberg Ph on~ram Get ,' he peaked and established his Epic Records presence in the ~ock ;field. B~' Pa ula Magelll Although hesitant about rei rasing Student ","tn the new a lbum , Joe Wa lsh 's " So I)~' ) Iaril)'n Sc honfrld What" imme«ii"a tely jumped up the ~H ud r n t \\'ritu income ladder . Musically. it is mor £" " Autobahn .. ' the most recent distinct and polished, yet loses some release by a Ge rman group ca ll ed of the moodiness and spa("e-rock The Illinois·born bo\' calls iI his " L,A Album," Al though rf.'("ordrd Kraftwerk . is a boring haber ­ fee-I the pre\' ious albums contained, at H('cord Plant Studios In Los dashery of electr onic babbling From the goony. follus h-blu(, " All Howf'vcr. ir you're onc of those :\ngel('s, F og('lb(' rg's album Night Laundry Mat Blu(."S," to an "SouHmrs," r('('aplures the sound!>­ -pre.. nt": app r edation o f Fren'c h 1m · of Ill1nol,:; cou nt f Y g Uit ar pi c kin ~ ~;~!~a;' ~~o~~t~~,~~~t~hr~~I~e;' ~h~~ a beautiful prcssiooism with adap· som(,whf'rf' on a bluff O\~(' rl oo klng album will be a musica l dl'lighl tion of Maurice Ravel's " Pavant' of AI Apparently rollowing rhe path Iht~ illinois Hi\' 'r 10/..,... ::.. the Sltlf'ping Bea ut y," Wa ls h blazed by :\fike Oldfield in " Tubular ~ol slrictly country, but .1 bit of e.ecutive "ditor- I pubither of dev('lops hl mstoJr 111 (· \'t'ry way :S(,I! Youn)!. J al'kson Hrownt.', and Bells," ihe group has attemptl"d 10 possible. Yet he dtX'S !lut make tht;' sy nthesize an album based on the hOnt,'sl \' sef"n In the l\'ries of J OIll mistake of trymg 10 do what IS :\llll'hl'Il, ' F ogelberg cOI1\,('Ys hiS ('iN'lron ic modes of sound beyond hIS reach, TIus IS tht k('y lu production. OUt' to tht> nature of the ' rmn;:lfltidsm , mt:'mnrics of Ihl' past hiS fin e mus u ' l

Bob Fagin & "friends" By M,e, JoUs PLUS Student Wricer S5·c MHmlS "So What ." Jot' Walsh's third Final Mark Downs album of his sol.. car('t> r , takes new !! ALL NlGHr nul5DAY!! turns a nd indical t'S Wa ls h IS expan· ding favorably mto a different form * ·,207 S. WAll * than hi s first two a lbums, in the Quads Apt. Complex Since hi s dl'p<. rlur(' rrom the J ames Gang. Wa lsh has bui lt him­ values to $2 self a Slrong, cult-Ilk(' roll(lwin~ , "AIITf fN/RTf values to $1 f.ATERf v(ll~es to 52


f",JRTCfJATf values to s65


"- 8. Deily EgypIIan, MIIr'" 6, im c , . ~

, ~ , '. / .-- , ~ . ; .... GROCERY ·SURV.EY . I - I . ~ - ~ • • ,

\,p,rg ~ r' "- I~ '------This survey was compiled by the Illinois Public Interest Research .- Gr oup (I PI RG) Consumer Research Committee on February 27 as a ser- vice to the people of the Carbonda le area . . The list of items re p resent~ commonly bouglJt products which are avaIlable at each store, and is not intended to reflect a consumers per- sonal shopping list. Also, at the time of this survey certain items were on sale, and in such cases we attempted to report the last regular price -' before the sale! Stores were ranked left to right in the order of lowest to highest priced grocery basket. ' .

ITEM Store Penney's National KrogS! r IGA Main Mack's B.S. IGA lewis A&P . '- Dairy Products

M ilk. Vitamin 0 1 Gal . 1.50 1.51 1.51 1.53 Milk. 2". 1 Gal 1.45 1.49 1.51 1.49 1.39 1.09 1.49 1.33 Grade A Lrg. Eggs 1 doz. 1.39 1.36 .71 .73 .78 .71 .69 .n .93 LONest price sfid<. margarine 1 lb. 2 .89 .59 .49 .55 .n .55 . ~9 Soft parkay margarine 1 lb. .90 _. .79 .89 .95 .95 .95 .89 Stick parkay margarine 1 lb. '. 81 .79 .r. .n Lowest pri CE butter I lb. .79 .n .79 .9'1 .83 .89 1.04 .71 Vefveeta Cheese 21b. .89 .89 1.69 1.68 1.83 1.59 1.49 Lowest price .. 1.59 1.63 Colby cheese lIb. 1.37 1.65 1.35 1.59 1.41 1.59 \.49 Cheddar Cheese l Ib. 1.37 1.49 1.35 1.59 1.43 1.59 1.65 IVozerelia cheese I lb. 1.45 1.09 2.04 1.79 1.62 1.65 1.69 .

Baking Goods

LONesl prire sugar 5 lb. 2.39 1.49 2.38 2.39 2.49 2.49 LONeS' price flour 5 lb. - 2.39 .96 ' .89 .91 .99 .97 .99 1.08 LONeS! price vegetable oi l 38 oz . 1,94 187 1. 99 1.99 • 2.09 1.99 1.99 . M iscellaneous - ~ He;nz catsup 20 oz. 51 .61 .61 .59 59 Peter pan Peanut Butter 180z. .'7 .61 .96 .99 .95 .97 1.09 .97 1.05 8 r8l!lld . 16Oil. VoNest Price 3'1 .00 .37 - 1/." 3'1." ... 311 ." 311 . 19 Queker Quick oa'~1 small .51 .55 .53 .57 .59 -5S S7 Nestle's Quid( 21b. 1.81 2.39 2.24 1.87 2.59 _. 2.'" 2.39 - .. ~

- - Prod~ce Broccofi I bundl I' .59 .59 .58 .69 .69 .59 .59 Cauliflo.ver 1 head .39 .89 .68 .69 .79 .59 .79 Tcmatoes 1 lb. .69 .49 .48 .69 .69 .69 .69 Nushrooms 1 lb. 1.38 .89 .88 .99 1.38 .99 .89 - JlAeats & Poultry

Grourd beef 1 lb. .75 .75 .89 .89 .79 .89 .as Frying chicken, whOle 1 lb. .59 .55 .69 - .~ - .<~ .45 Bacon. 10000t pr i~t- 11x - 1.19 1.1'9 ni9 -- 1.39 1.19 1:; 1.39


COc. e, J2 oz. 6pk. returnables 2.53 2.53 3. 18 2.53 2.53 2.53 2.53 Liptm tea 100 bags 1.65 1.69 1.61 1.79 1. 75 1.79 1.59 Coffee Foigers 1 lb. can 1.32 1.32 1.29 1.31 1.35 1.31 1.34 Frozen Orange juice 6 oz. lowest price .23 .25 .25 .27 .25 .25 .26

canned Goods

Lowest price-Com whole Kernal 16 oz. .34 .35 .36 .37 .ll .37 .36 LONeSt price Green beans 160z. .28 .35 .32 .ll .35 .33 .34 Green Giant com 'Nhoie kernal 160z. .39 .39 .41 .39 .43 .39 .41 Star Kist Tuna 6.5 oz. .67 • .60 .65 .65 .73 .65 .68 Campbell's Tcmato Soup 1().J. oz. .18 .18 .19 .21 .20 .21 .19 FraClO>American Spaghetti 151. oz. .26 .28 .28 .27 .26 .V .V campbell's Pork ard Beans 1 lb. .31 .:J1 .38 .27 .J.< .29 . .:J1

- TOTALS 35.88 37.29 37.43 J7.75 38.04 311 .... 39.91 IPIRG welcomes suggestions 'for future "research undertakings and criticisms are als appreciated. Please address correspondence to Illinois PubliC. . Int ~ rest Research .Group, SIU Student Center, Carbondale, Il. 62901 $156.00 for this ad paid for by I.P.I.R.G. ' . -

. - Deily Egyptian, Mardi 6 , 1975, Pege 9 . ,

- I l-.~ L . Summer course to examine Grains, beans, herbs, stoneground flours ~ r:---.. _ t? Are you interested in geHing >~( ~ ....~ r4s, back to the basics? :1" , ,,-~~(~-,e. topi~ of ~tude~t; fa,culty rights ~ - 0":,-, If so visit , \ Island of Plenty Restaurant A new murse being offered" this Robert Trager oC the School o( Jour· having' 4rastic ('ffe<.:ts. nO( only on ~ summer wiU explore. questions of nalism . primary and secondary education . , /', ~ . 715 S. UniVl!rsity llam-4pm students' rights, including such Last Tuesday, the U.s. Supreme but indirectly on colleges as well. iI ,,\ ,. I and topics as last Tuesday ' ~ Supreme Court. in a 5 to "'decis i Ofl ~ held that Wasby ex plained. Court decision concerning the rights school board members may be sued Other topics in the course ~i ll in· MR. NATURAL FOOD'STORE c:l high school students. according to Cor damages (or violating the ri Jjl: ht s clude dormitorv search and seizure 102 E. Jackson lG-6 Mon.-Sat. 1-5 Sun. 9ephen Wasby. one of the two of students. This ruling camt shor ­ regulations. dUa l jurisdiction (bet: . murse instructors. tly after another precedent-st'tting Wef'n municipal .lnd uni,'er sity decision giving high school students hea rings I. faculty rights (including Washy, an associate professor of the right l'O a hearing before they suspens ion and lenure) and freedom political science, ~ Il teach the can be suspended from school. 0( student publications . THIS ISN't THE TIME TO BUY oourse with Associate Profe-ssor Decisions such as thest a re The courst' IS being oHered for both graduate and undergr aduate A LUXURY CAR. credit ,and may be lakt'fl through either the journalism or political Student a warded prize ' science departments. There are no THIS IS"T THE TIME TO BUY prereqwsi tes. but consent of the In · for biochemistry paper st ructors is reqUlrt:d . AN ECONOMY CAR. DISCOVER An StU student was awarded first D W Sluc um profes sor or THIS IS THE'TIME TO BUY A place honors (or hi s biochemis try I.: hemlstrv i lIId bu)C hemls trv REAL TH£ISM- research paper at thf.> second annual Georgt: t-: \·Idalakls. a che m lstrv It d0(,S nol exploit Cod. CAR THAT'S BOTH .. chemistry ("o nf~ren ce herd at Sit' major ill SIl". finished In a three· [t d~' " n('oj ..aVt ' .. {'ul!> . last Friday and Sa turday way lie for second plan' In ' Ihf' It dol''' n ('o l d oil im mi racle!> BUY A William \' ('arr . a pr (' · d(,llli s t r ~' re sea rch papt'r compelitlUll ~I e , It dt't' s mal..t> $t'n"C' major, wun Si5 for hi$ papt'r. whll' h r("(.'{'i vt> d 52;} Send .1 .. t'!f ·dddr('''i$('d VOLVO 1& ... was l'n·s ponsored by We rner Th(' conrt-renn' wa~ :-; punsored by .. t,lm pt'd t'n vt'iClpt' 1(""1 Tht, Acht.' rmalln , graduatc ass istant In the Dt.'p;lrtme nl of Chemistrv and SOf"" If'I V 01 Fl'I[ cw.·.. hip. " S75 cht.·!lllsiry anrl blOchL'lnis try. and Diochemlslr~' . ~ I dr l'$ (' I\v(·nu('. Lo~ VOLVO SAN FRA.'IOS<'ANS An ~ (' lt' ~ Cd idl'rma 0002Q. IN A STAMPING RAGE WPSlp ~y 10 OfJPIl

SAN F"R AI'ICISCO (AP ) - On(' ~ . Jl,. . :liVidr SflruJU:;eh IKlr EPP~ MOTORS INC. 0( tht' la test lTazes to get sla rt(>d l' , 7rI(/y(JJ~ here IS the rubber stamp rag£' . H;lGHWAY 13 E AT LAKE ROAD ' '' '' ... 1' . <0, ''; 1 "l PI fI "l'" II IS a cra 7.)·~ ky d{'('()rative a rt Tht.· Brea k E vc n SandWich Bar 997-4000 457 - 2184 will open S und a~' ni~ht in th(' Wf"'sl('y form thaI has aficionados s t ampi n~ env£'Jopes . walls. themselves and ('ommunitv II nus(' at (, ::10 you na me it , while stores a re in· The ("usinm('rs will mak(' thpl r a easeing invenl ori{"S as fa st they own sandwiches a nd a ll foo d wi ll Ix> as sold al ("051 , said L\n Muldoon . can. One executive said ; cno rctinator of the pro'jerl When a new calculator is "Peopl(> are using Ihem for let· The Wesley Com munity House terh(>ads , to make coll ages. even to a lso will be op{'n fo r s{'vera l hours on introduced-you can see it produce 'Ii(t>- Iike photographs' with Sunday nights for informa l music. dots. Customers go absolute ly J(amcs and s tudying, Muldoon said. bonkers once Ihey start stamping. Also thi s Sunda y. the Wes ley here ... first. "The catalogs have thousands of Community House is sponsoring a metal and woodcut designs which lrip 10 Rich 's Cave south or Ca r· No waltmg for ~elive ry . Your University Calc.utator Genter can be made into stamps for just a bondale (rom I p.m . 10 6 p.m . has the largest Inventory of quality units available few dollars . People start scanning Participants should wear old clothes the pages, order one or two and then anywhere. Plus. we speCialize In the calculator and meet at Wesley at t p.m . for a requirements of the college student can't stop ; it's like eating peanuts." ride.


NEWHOlaS! l- :"'._ 9 to 11 DAILY \WE HAVE THE '1 ECOLOGY ~ILK BOTTLE ::: ~ PLASTIC CARTON ~ ~ _ ___ ->oLLlcle...C.borlie.'.s 16 oz. pkg. Rib eye•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• only B9c Veol po«ie•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• .69c Loin frilten •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .8 5 c Pepsi - 32 oz. 6 PACK Plw

From TEXAS I l\I STR U ~.' [t .· S reg. s2.53 only $1.79 Depo>it w o r ld Wid e leader ,n :n .. ele

e. Specials Good "'• .67 7 8

~ 10. Doily EgyP/ian. Mardi 6. 1975 ~~:==:: ::::::::::::::::::;::;::::::~:::::::§::;:::::::::::::::=t!::**"::::":::::::::::==::::;::::!:':."::::::::."«<~*-.~~~:::'::.":~:! " ::==:::::'::!:!:::=- " n-=-~l@~ '. .' lob Interviews .:.;~-:*»»:>:::::~~.;::;.. ",: ::;::::::;;:::.: ... :. ::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::;::::;::;:::::;:::~:::;:::::.: :: :::;;.:::::::::::::::::!:::::: : ::!:::!:::.:.:.:.!::::: : :::::::: :::::!:::::. : : :.:.:.:::.~::::::::::: ::::~::::.'<'-::!;:::::::::%:===::! :':' < The fol lowing are on-camp~ job property conservation arid loss E~r . , B.S. or M.S. in l\1ecnan ~cal interviews scheduled 031 Career prcYcnlion field . Work incfudes Engineering I Mrg F.ngr.. Design Planning & Placement Cent f'r ror inspeclions a nd consul tations and and ' 0 velopment ,) B.S. i n in· the week of March 10. 1975. For large indus trial and commer cia l dustrial t'ngineerin ~ for :\trg . intervie w appointments and ad· plants insurro in the Factory Mutual En~in ('e rin g . Technica l Wfl ters . diLiona l information interested System B S. i n Engineering and elec trical engineering grads only student s should visil the Ca r ee r T('{'hnolog~· . Cit rn.nship 1\0 othe r m a jors ' Citiz. ens hip Planning & Placement Cent er reqwr('d located a l Woodv Hall. Section A, l'\orlh Wing. :lrd' noor. .I;llu ~ Cross and Blue S hi e ld , Chicago . IL Markt'll.ng Fl at·All is. Spriogfirld. IL Ind . Tet:h .. E~lM & Mech F:n g r Tl'l'h Monday Representilllvt' Im'?!\'cs ser\'I('e .-md sale: III II group msuran(' {" en· fo r POS itions in Manufarturing WEEKLY BREAKFAST Factor)' l\I-{Jlual .... Engr . Assor . \' 1 ro n.1n t' n I :\ (. t'O l! n tan IS P.n~lI1('('r i n g {'itil pnship rl"q uLrt"d Chicago. IL; Co nsulla nl cngr. in Ihe i\1 ~ lnagem('n t Train("(' . ~ lIl y m

II········ Announcing • -.•­ -:-... ~~ ..!.~!~ .. ~~~!.r. ... • • • LARGE SELECTION OF QUAUTY : • • :HARDBACK BOOKS AT 1/2 OF PUBLISHED: • • : UST PRICE. CASHIER WILL TAKE : • • _.tIt R.,..: H. ,., Nfl' • 50% OFF ON lHlS SPECIAL SELECTION : • • : . 110' IIfJI • ~ ..... ; ...... ~ • • H.... I.'.. • We Also Hove • • 'S.w ,..." ...... • Large Selection of Paper & Hardback Books • • I,.. , ....: . II .. - " .... • • • fir""., BiiI.tIt f,.. • Posters • Greeting Cards • • f/fIi.t At••• ,.,. -- Largest Selection of Magazines in So. Illinois • Visit our custom framing department • Prompt ser~ice at reasonable prices • • phone BOOK WORLD • 549-5122. (I • .•' Two·... cx:ms. c...... aI' .-ctnc. HELP W~NTE;D FOR RENT .r CI:I"II:I ...... &Ibte inrnId.• CMt CS1. 6XI. .-s&Il' =-~:~s~!t ~n- ..." ClAS$IiJ"IEO I """a.Mot.TI(JH Apartments \ CAL,HOUN VALLEY ..... " ,,::'" -::;.~~~--:. ~':::~"':~ e.r~ . ~ . ~ fiufl Ilmr...... ~ no. ordirf' ",...".. _<" _____ 1ft GARDEN PARK ACRES Large two and three ~ s~GreM ~ ' S 11~~~ t\IOt:,, ·u...... , _ ...... IiJd~tIrCII.o9" t ,o"""'" I,U ' .....r •., ...... ,....., .... C__ .. _ ~rtments bedroom apartments itIuo lOo"Q "'~""'t~""'~ 1 & 7 eE~ iJ"'U ...... SHE O 1 SAT'HItOOMS AVAI LABLE NOW qEPOIU" EItCJ()A !. .' ()fto([ c"'" .. ...,.,""""" ...... ' ...ocr< ••". "'W" LAUN()Q Y II'A(IU TIE'S 457·7535 , . (In,or'(l,".. _ "", . ,~" , . I""",,, , ,_,, ,,OI' SWt-W.\tNG POOL Call f ... .. old . \ \ ....""" . OI'OOI'~ tIu'V' '' ''' ""' 01' ~ ,, 'OI. \ " """ [1,0 '" [Q.,O...... n "0' 01' Ca II 457·5736 , .~ . b' .. ""' ... 1IOQ' ."._, .... 00', .. 0(1'O' 'o \ _ ... ( .... ~ '0" _ "CIO"""" "' '''~ ' ' ' __' ," ...... ~ .. __ ' '''''IJr''", ••_""", ~ _ .. Eff'1CtenCY .,.,f'rnenfS. furrut'lPd. J H~ "'POO" ""'1. " ....01' [..c;" «f . , ' ...0 a.c: . ' 0 blodts fl'OTl c-.arnpIA. 19S prt" monttt I bPcIroam. furniSl'ed. air ccndifioned. <.4 ...... 01' , 07' ...... 07' '' ...... '''0' •• • " ,_ • •• ,. ~ WiIIi."s Rf'nt.I~ . 502 SouIh Ooh 0' ""'01' _ .... 11 ' nw. ' ' .. ..a _""GU' RawhrtgS . ~ ~1 . 79A 1 8.CInBa18 ~~~f 1~~a:lI1::&J ...... 01' 'iOlJq. " ''''E AIt[ ....oT ",","" ' [ 0 Winter' s Bargain House ~ ' T ~\ ~ r 1l[ !lr"' I'1 ' \ r. 1 beO'oc:rns. souttI of CartlonctfN~ . in .. D'" ,.. ( GE CII)f~& T "' . tO"tl. ,. " 2Y'". hea'. wat ~r free Two wome" and air . range and refrlQt'rafor. off L , Y\ t'IQ 'ocrn_IM.IQl"N I 'WIY~ 1 pr~red S1&S-mo ~ l ..iC09 ~e preferred. SISO ~ mc:nfh. SI9- FOR SALE oil clow ~ erIC,"" • ' H I buy ' C IoiW' 01.11 • AOI98a1l1 2300. 41098bl1 (I'Irdit'QI.....,.,~ SERVICES Automotives HAUL .. HO· SAVIE ~E : Trailers ..,. N ""'~ I """'00"1 C.U 'M).~ SOU THERN HI LLS OFFERED 19n Vega, a:IUP!. rftlullI engl~ . A --- B,t .rd Qouck _ Tra,1e-r \,II'1Ijtrst'"nn,ng new fi res. exceUen t cor~:h ti on . 1l.ICO. SIU FAMILY HOUSING arcJ C'Do1T tnt;J ask fer ..IOIh. ~1.-ws . ~ 11 ROYAL RENTALS Roof C"II 1" 1'1nl for ()re port~e record ptayer With AC EFII"O EPfCY · II' U ~N 'S HE O 1. 1J Ir~ ntunate A06JE 13 l ¥d OC-m. Clre SONY trans. s~r I BOftM.FU RNISHE O 1 .111 8E'~ MOellE OiOMES Fer sale: 19M ~rbird . good cen­ 1 BOQM.FUItNtSHf'b 1.1Il P ARE"T· YOUTH COU NSELING /"IeO 1 bedrOCfY' ON A (.A ll OA 'Wl fOIJ CV(l E c1Pitrl c..l~retoo . AC w ,ft'\ a ll ut d., , ~ .\'Clbl le Hcn"Ie>-lhSO RIC\ardK.n. fur· rnc h..dI'd No Clf' t1 eall 080&·6118 nisned. excel lent cCl'ldl' ion. uti 6&6- SUMMER I N EUROPE Upchurch Insurance .Q18al ~ -iE BE ST ~ i nt . must wlI! USO. Call 4SJ.JISJ CHUCK'S RENTALS AI I4Aa13 Luxury One ~lJ l " Bedroom Apartmenls I~ VW 5L'doYI . 15SO CAli SA'9-OIll3af tpr ~ pm C11&AaI J GAROEN E STA TES APARTMENTS· BEAU" '-unV II'"U "NISI"IE O ell5t 01 CMt:rcI'1cIe le. tJ!ohlf"d Gardef'6 EJq)ef'«C.ed typist for lasl acCU"ate 11164 ChP", V" E.-c ~ lIent ( 00Cl B,II . , It CONOoTION E O Restaurant. 10 m iruTt'$ from CatnJ»,lS. !he5 i ~ . papers. diSSf'f'Jltt lCln typing Hou"~ IIJO E Blvd MdrlCl'l LA UNOIJv '''CIli TIE' S calculater trig and hybertcl,o log. I bedrCDTl aperlments and 1 beOrCDTl Guaranteed On campu5 ptck-up. or' S TWEE T 17""1(1 N(, dogs In . _ to the y. detrees to radians . tralll'f'S AII' c OOClittoned. No crtlWf'Y ~ J11S EIJ SE CU 5l, r'" ~AT~O ll E O """""'" rT1I!fnO"y . efc Ek'and new Wi th blar* EWf'ythH'g furno!>hed exceQt e lec· Tnumpl"l IQIO G T6. G ood Cend t ,m·"'d "'umNo' a., " , ldt:o~ '.-.er,.anty card. SICO or beS! offer Sot9- tr ic,'" $19-167301"'"681· 1168 B:K1098aO Rach al~ F M ST(' r('O I. OW m,It"!> "Tl-IUM8SUCI(ING' BEDWETl1NG' C850 ;f)S2Ag11 Xt r~ . SM . SA'9J6 10 QlAdIJ Are If'eSe prObit-mS' Available to Lar~ moblr tome. resldentra l nrtgn· CALL youtns J '/'Hf' !> and l4). CAli the Center bDrhood. fer rvooo. ~21 Of' tdN' 681· lor HI.IT\aI"I DeYelgprnent Sl9-AAII 71 Vega WlIqOn recen' bt'..... P ¥ld Imperial Eis.1 lOll CT 684-1_ A().t68c11 eng l ~ ~rn..Ju 1. good hr~ . sa1S TRACK T~ONIC S 8J819EI. OeSota. 861·1JIJ dI'~r «wn ..oqQAa IJ ( Il. ' TSM[ .... , N E1 £ ( TWO"" (S C.. 'dl l A l E"AN OE~ \.010 Ion ceUBlE WI DE. J miles south of MUST SE LL a-.eo 0'M"Il'r 19141 B UIc k :::" :=-; :,: ·~ ~: a ~O;' (~;.~,;:.~ . : . ~. C date. off GianI Citv btacktop. call E :II;PL O"E OPPQIt TUNI n ES IN _MW' .. ...-.o ·.... ·... ' .. t\It', 549-458A. 41058c13 Apollo Hdtchba ;1 1 chclmpo(lf'l Ol"d'9rE"t \1S CAli SoI9 4QOO 401 I A,... I Unfurn.Shed M.Jrct1y~bor o . lar ex> I tIl'droom ap,ytl"l"ll'r'lT a ll utllohe-s e. NOW RENTING Parts & Services Otd E~ t,Y'I ~ . 7' : ~;!> .- SGO crpt etectnc. ty W id . SIlS monthly WANTED 681l1lJI 4IJ898d II 9 """'Ie. 618 JB1 9406 06J 11.' G walfr-ey HOMES FefTlaIe f ~ rous.ng fer Slmmer ;()14A/I1 1 SoeI'T'Ie5fer . ha5 1 c.a t ~ . pIeoase write ._------TO til your budgel J.tJ1 EtIoer"'art . Edwards ..... I ~ . II . FREE PUPPIES Ldb and btrd- ~ APARTMENTS 61025 . Vicki ~r 4058FII mi. PlfSl!>e call 98S-3401 Of' mlA! be taken 10 H~ 5rltITer ;Ij)04A/I1 1 'M"I V ""1(£ ()Q " 'DE '" 8 " 1(E' ~ C; A"' l a.s MV ( ~ AI« Ocrt:rrman P ,nsC"l!'r PUC large. lti DE OiE II'ltE E BUS WIT... us' ~:~~~~~~~~ A~ !O' . ON Fr~ lcrt «IJ7FlI E_ .... " US T SvStEI\,' b60Kk dnd Tan temale , ~ oIa. N'JW "ENTlNG lI'oq ctodrnpoon blood rr ", S1CO ~ 1 1 at Iot[P"'5lS SuMoME't & II' ALl Need male chocolate PO,nt or 3INII III!'\' ~ 00 .tOQOAA 11 4 "'EA TE-D POOL TO oPE N SPqlNG a " lSO CuStOM. E ..... AU!>l pot", Stamee cat for my female. C0n­ PH> E BENDt"'!". II' H~ ' nQ tact 56· nl7 clf~ 5pn ditoly. «l.l:)F1l 'QEE EST'MATE S TrepCAI F 15I'I. aquar","!> and ~ OI tn. Lar~ vanetv. used lanks and E" oc ~," I.J & J tid II'ltEE CI TV WA TE" AND SEWEIiI 5c»,1 ___ t ~ s Vic Koenig Chevrolel ac:cn.5O".es 8eeklnan · ~ . 10 N 11th SI ALSO II'QEE TQAS ... PlCI(UP <;49·3388 M'boro 66I!.,t,811 B39IIAA I 16 tt-'1!11gflSh SliHPDOO chO'!lm Plon bloodline ,wailab'e fOr sf\.d. 1·997· MOtorcycles lS06. AI1 1AhlIJ I~ H.D. 1.o:IOa: Spor"bter Neoed5 rT'IBfOl"~. S1 .1'OO or ~ f otm- or Bicycles Prad!. Kil ~ · l7A1 . CI'iIII!Ac2O

Trtur'nl:lh Trldmt. 15Occ . 1973. \o'It'rt' low mll~ . e_celltnt ccrdi flon Carbondale Cycle Shop S1.5C11 firm. Call SI9~18 4).UAc 11 BI CYCLE SA LE S " SE~ \lU! E CMn'*Olrdo. S~ s.r.tClJr Mobile Home StrCl'Ogl 'Qrn . Sugwoo. E le F." P'ro'" On 'Sp)t c~, esh,'r\o1" The Wall Slreel Quads C'Citle hoUH' trai~ . S65 ~r mo . F~EE PtCIIII! ,n plashc u.t! ·f., and "ry f;ge,. striped c.at ~s . W11!5t't1 fer /'\aU. call45 7 ~ WNf'irq dear ,~ cotl¥ .... m iUld 8JS16Ak18 10'0'ed muCh. SI9·S7k AIIXIG1J Luxury f'NO bPcIrCOTl g.artten aoart· ments. totaf electr+( . ..,poancn fur · Roommates Josf"uaI : YCU"Ig MIte CaoI . lcng black hair . 'M1i~ : taWS, wNWrs. d'1est. I'IIV!!d. (J'J1' r", a.r. 6801·1. or 6&t- Female. own room. s.3O a matth or 4471 6 18a11 NMr Unill'l!'f"sity ~ t~ . 5.f9..J.02 less. dose to cam ~ Sl9-1019 "-'IGlIS C17J8c!o 1l EH ,cl ~ apartment . J blocks nor ft'teoaSl of Unt~s , ty S1S monthly . e", e ry th' ng furn. shf'd. ' nclud'ng """". ,"""'--"...- ,.--,... . --- ..., d N\ar~ . C , r c~ Park NIriInor call ~e:s~o~~n . ~ls~ . ~ . ~; . ut' ilohes. Sof9~ 1 B4)SI BaI2 ~.o:J:SI . A1018rIA

HOUSING . Gl tIIO'1 ES lJO El«trl( HoIlowtxxtv Guitar E.allent COI'1d ,hon PIIA' SPRING & SUMMER .. ~ case. SISO. I(e""n S419:6111 AU UTlLt Tl U l "'ClUOEO - arOlll'(l 6 00. ~ 1 An I1) ME.t Of'TtONS P"' VATE Qoo.Y.S SWIMMlJ'IKt POOL MJs~ i,.tn.ments Gr'!'tsd't NIIsho Wilson Hall vill~ electric '19M 350 . Garcia 1t01 S WAl l dassQi 250. Stu-e NWc.15. 1-991·l5Q6. .t.Ylt6' 4111An1l J

Page 12. Dally EIMJIjan. MardI 6.1915 7 " JJivorce,d ,man assumes mother role' ~ y Joy SWIoy )hint ..., rouJ'd do in thiS situation," ethers in the samt!' situaUon in a (ather was in New York. ~ parent. 'f' ' . APNewII...... Wri ... explained the curly~red . z.year+ book, " Bachelor Fathe ruvorce' lawyers-and children. a small town where it's a stig~. rome out as:. hero because nobody v..110 for the last three years hOi s and I can "Tile and have kids run­ " Men are no( qu.ite as caught up perhaps you shouJd ffio\'f'. ThE' ki can understand why a woman would _ taken_care.. of his own three young nin~ . in;tOO out arid it doesn't bother in some of the tradiliooal houst",,"'Ork shouldn't feel like he's a S<'«lnd ' ye up custody. Nobody ..... dlildren. me traps as women. They do things that class citizen because he has only thinks a man may want his kids too. It was " by a kind of mutual Nevertheless, Ih(> easygoing work rather than what theoretically agreement" thai he and hiS former father has learned to or ganize and should be done," he says. " 1 decided wife. Nancy. decided he should be take shortcuts in order 10 managt' early thai the kids were not going to Ihe pare nt 10 raise their Iwo the house and supervise Tom ,S, make their beds. so I got them all daughters nd a son , "only two and Mary. 8, and Kall' , 10. ' quilt ~ \4l1ich they pull up over their still in diaptlrs whm I took him." Some of Ihf' knowhow he has beds and that keeps Lh..ings tidy." " We did the most rt.osponsihlt.' acquired he has passed alon ~ 10 l\.1cFadden claims he doesn't makt' a ''big production" out of meals. but h@ does make sur(> th rp are plenty of fruits. raw vegetables Nominations requested a nd yog urt around ror snacks. and rl'fuses to kt'ep sweets in the house. . 'When the kids Ji!t"t hungry for Employees Council enough they'll go get a pi ~ of celery." he laughs. adding that No minating Pl' lllions for nine for a onE'·\'(~ ar term. the othe r for anyone undertaking to feed children TIItJRf1JAY .IIIT pOSlS on tht' e l\" ) St'r\' ic(' ":111 - two years : Orll' represmtat!V(' WIll should buy a bood 00 nutrition plo)'ces ('(lundl ilrc bl'lng (.'I f ­ be SE'1«ted for a two· ..'e ar t(>f'm rather than a rook book. curated Th(' nomination deadlin<, IS from t'ach of the other groups. What hf" rfislikes mas: is doi ng the March 21 All l'mpl o y ('~ ha\' i n ~ cl eared th(> laundry ... admits McFadden , dressed 3 5 C Screwdrivers The Civil ServlCl' Employees IOlIlal probatIOnary period arc causally in tan corduroy jacket a nd Coundl SL"(' ks nom inations from !he (' li gi bl C' fo r elf'ct io ll Nnmina"ing brown and while cheCked shirl. "I Ifadl's and ol't'upallons. ad· p('t itlons r{'quire th{' s Ig nat ure of don't mind washing but hate putting mimslralino. l!t'rll'ral. professional. fi\'(' ( ' mplny(' ~ froOl th(' saml' it back tClgNher . things likp ma t· custodial. sc(.' fctarl4.l l a nd :o>er n Cl'S ciltegory. ching socks. The kids are getting so 25c Drafts· .categor ies Thc ('ll'CUon wi ll be held r\l SchwegE' 1. Pr rsonm' l Services . Ir they don't havt' clothes in (hi' mor· S nn ,\pril IIi by mail. IS di stribuling the petitions and may mng they learn to wash them .. ' Remember- 1.00 pitchers afternoons Two repreSenl:ll i\'es will be be contacted Cor furt her in· His rormer wire. "3 bright lady." sl'lcc led from the adminis tr ;:lti vc fo rmation. t urr!!nl members oC the who teachcs pNtery - maki~ and and genera l categorit.>s. one sl'r\'ing counCil a r e Len Daile\' . Jam E.'S makes and sell s pottery. lives 'BUFF ItO BOB'S l\! c Kt·()w n. tr.ul<'S and OCC Up;]tlOns. nearby and spps the children Rosia t\c rrens and John Robinson. r~ularl y . In fact, he pointed out. 101 W, COLLEGE services : Joann Marks. and Hilda with them while their MflRI Born. St'C retar ial . Bill Herttl"'r ~tnd Walter Barwit'k. custodial . Oa\'{' BunIon and Dav(' Reed. proCessiona l: Lee Hester and Bernie II.E. AIIII Wcithorn. gl'neral a nd Joe I-: lliott , a nd Richard . Musgr avt'!'. a d · For informallon aboul ACTION. PEACE CORPS. VISTA. Wot::Cv H.":I minislratiYf' . C· IU, c:none 45J. ~n4 . 8l807JlS AUCTIONS Candidaie for & SALES Neving $ale : SmHh·Corcna portable student chief typewriter---$.S5, ac~rium ~ies .1f'Ij books, reel·fc>reel tapeplayer. 1800 VTU air·condifioner-S95. blue arrested ~~rnc~s ~9S . 5C9-82.(J. One of SIU's candidates for st udent body president was in PATIO SALE : sah. .II"cBy-Surday , \1. Jackson County Jail Wednesday. s ., sao W . ColleQe , in back. And he wasn't just visiting. ~iiS ' clothes. Il!"Nelry, @tc. John L . " Jack" Altman. was arrested by SIU Security Police at 1:30 a.m . Wednesday on charges or Bus,Opp. driving under the innuence or alcohol a nd driving a vehicle with GRADUATING STUOENTS see4tlng emptoyment ~tun i ' iC'S with can liC't."flS€' suspended. PiI~ies across rhe nation In TKhrucal. He was taken to Jack.sc.n County Administrafiw. Sales and Computer Jail. He had not posted thc ssm Science Areas Call 5)6.11 64 406.4MI T.\ bond by Wednesday afternoon. For sale Shad's REO MOTS. owned Tht" poliCE> report said Altman was ~ gractJallng 51 U seruor. For Infor· tbservoo SWervinl! and driving al a mation call day lime S49·9390. ~n i ng !'Ugh ratt' or speed on East Grand ~2 «l86Ml) Avenue near Ihe U'wis Park Apart· ments . The car he was drivinf.! had expired 1974 license plates. the RI DES NEEDED report said. Rid@ 10 New Mlxico ArN and-.)l" Court dale has been set ror March Arizonaafler ). 19 Will pay Soe9-S808or Sof9.o114 . 4OS3012 19. .

/ I ~ RAVIOLI .... a-llc ...... CIAL PRICE 1 2,25 .1 With thla Coupon$.t.90 I TODAY , AT • I IN WEDDING GONNS BY ALFRED.ANGELO AlFRED ANGElO lakes vour 0rNm ~in9 to I'M"''' In SI.4IUfb br'icM1 '*"V tMhicm.. IW. NIgtto ... daen ll1e HERRIN SUPPLY CDMPANY " EOITH ELUS SRIOE'S SHOP to~t hiscollectiat In Southtm Illird.s. So-",=" ~"" shCLIIcI be perlec1 ctIcme ALF.REO ANGELO ard Eonl1 ElUS. THE HERRIN SUPPLY CO~ANY ~Y ' 35~~ ., Edid Euu ." The Bride's .Shop" .. _-__1 102 N, P·ARK AVE, HERRI ILL. 9Q.57'J8 DoilY Egypt\In. MardI 6, 1975, Page 13 C~:ger ex~c~sed ·-r or game 'T,.,ie_.litlt. I.,., " BRICK RED SWORD FISH 29i: EA. in regional tou~~ament ' BlACK MOluES 29c EA. e: Wt'5t . dirL"l:lor nf baskf'(ba)1 team S('Or~ a b ig ,-ie· excused for OOf' day 10 a llend thE' womm',; athlE'tiC'5 . than (0 Kay. I lor\" bv taking 5l"COOd at Iht> state lotimamml-aflf'r the SaJukJs Wt'fE' dJd il out or rt"Sp«1 for a fellow tOUrnament. But 1M team also SPeded S("('OOd -dUf" to a policy al (acult\· member:' DIxon said . scored anOlher \;ctory. this one tht> school ....1lE :on· sh E' IS tt"a<.illng OtxOn explalnt'd that he could Sf't" " I."." more CX\..r kind of allowan('('S have bt>ffi g." Kay Anderson . ....110 plays guard made In Ihe past . E'\.t'!l Ih\lugh 11 IS for the Salukis and IS '5Iud('111 But BilIv G. Dixon . Dlrt'('1or of teaming this seme5ttf al I..jncol n Pt.ose:sSIOflaJ EdlK"311on Expt'rum­ against Ihe poh(" ~' " I wanl i: undE'f slood. ho\C'("\·t'f. .., . 'II" Jwtior High In Carbondale . ..us lold . ('(>5 . ".,"", onE' r arth~ and g ranted ~.J early in thE' season that . du(' to a pt'f"sonal f"Xl"t'pt lo n which ...... 11 per ­ Ihal Ihe pollt'y has not bt'en In chan~ed . and E"x C't"plions of thiS kmd wti\"f'rsil~' p()h ('~ · . shE' would nOl: bt> mit Ka~ ' to allmd and play thiS "'111 not b t" pt>rmlllt.'d In Ihe (uturt'. " scud Dlx()fl Complete W ith, Aquorium \\inal "" as Kay's rt'a<.1 Itltl It th(' ' Conopy Top 'Flourescent lite -James Gang leads Ot'ws" " l ' m l' lal('d' she s a id . " esp(,(, l aJl~ ' 51n("(' thiS IS my SMll or • Stond 'Undergrovel Filter .war and my last opportuOlIY 10 play with Ih(' I("am : ' • Air Pump • Airl ine Tubin!] cage intramurals In Last wl't'kend's tournanWll1 a(·· 'Colored Grovel ' Heater lion III Iht' quart C'r final ~ame Ih.. Rick Korch and onl' loss. are Jus t ah(>alf of Iht' al!CllI'lsl tht' l' of... I,. thE' J!:ame Wt'r.l • Thermometer • Ornament siudf-nt Wrik'r (;I r ls. ·H . and Bo,", H'r Bowlcefs. 3· Into U\·t'f'lI mt'. DUring Iht' u\'t-'r llOH' Wllh \ll1h II \I('ek remai n ing . I ..\ 11 of Ih(' t('a ms In Ih(' 'tonda\' pt'rlod . Kay S('Or t' . Delta won ~56 . (,' hampulOs hlp Z('1iI IS undeh.·a tt'(l \1 Ilh SIX WinS but The 'Innd,1\ ;.Ind Thurs d :1\ t he~ itr!' l'I(I~t> l~ ta!lf'd b.\ Ihe SUJ!ar I.. ' a)!u e~ :In' h'd' h ~ IhC' Ja nn-s l ; , ,"~ Shol s :wd Iht, II nl Shut s. hoth \\ lth AKe. "IIJ•• ,~t. .lnd II('I t ,1 I.c·l a . r(' ~ pt' t· I I\, l'ly . but nnll lIn ~ 'lu:-o S Tht, flint· t('am ~ In Ih(' '.gief.,." 601Qo..,,,1 ! ..,,~ "M ....., «'()"....". IJ" I" " , ' t' :I ('('o rd]~l~ \0 1 ,Jt'an Paralore. {'oo r ThlJr ... rl . l ~ l t~:l gUt' \I III t' ~ll'h pla~ c1 , ~ 'O , .•..., It ' ~ o('." d"Cl l x-a ~ 10 .... " ~' Nllt' (lln a l nr f'l ', \O "H~ II:- Int ramur ilb . l 'l ~h( g, ; lOH~ I! nh .. ft·\\ III lhl' 1-; team:. are uu t of Th(' I,'~t f\] ~ht (If pl,, :,- IS 'l<1f('h \.l...... , :"'.,,, uH' (II .1 P"O ·OEI.'C" 'c thf: rWllllnt.! and :.til: Ilf'S \\ III hl' pla~ed off Ih(> -German Shepherd <"''''O"'t'' E'' H"C PEl( M d ' " III d 'J'h(' J al1ll'io t;.tng . Wllh fl \'(' .... lnS fu ll o\ \l n~ \\(>(> kt'nd Th(· dall' for Ihe or>olOQl'dCltI 01 me ~ , ' ~ ThE' pnolO campus eh:! rn pltln :- hlp hil ." nOI ~ t' l d llJ"W:< .... . ' n ' n,:o D"'i"SC " 0 1001'1 ,~ !oenT ' :) '~ -Old E~glish Sheepdog b('t'n -annou!Il't,'d . h ut II ""til bt:· V'$u.J1 Clr;:i ' ,, (#n'('I' nCn,CitQOw'-e't' I~ .vt' COJ' ''''0 d COI'I'IClV' e' n,.. cornpu't'I" pl:l ~ l't'l nn tht' \\ ('1'kt'nn of 'larc h I.; . Practice on ~ " ICvl " '''~ I",!" \1ru:::rvtE' ~ "E' 'ed' 1,)-,.('1' I I) .. ", ,,' Mod ' _ ~)( ,~,,'(J MTw T F.. lQam·8om Tht' gi rls are abo g unmng for the Sal l ~~ mos t points. sin('e a trophy Will be ThE' adYdn' q' at tI'>e ~ ,~ U51JdUY mort' c omlo " dnQ '0f'\Cje' ,n,h", ~"rc 1,rT\f' for tennis gl\'e n for l hat So fa r . Judy Jarn('s" o( the hot shooting J a mes Ga ng. has Opllooal practl('t's for any woman Phone 457-4919 mteresled In ~o ing out for Ih ..' 67 point s . which lead s t ht> tour· wllmpn's lmms learn are now bt>mg namen!. but s he is closely trailed by • held under the dlrf!'CtUMl of tennis Rhonda Ga rCia wllh fH roach Ju<:I\' I\uld. Pa rator e sa\'S that tht> c ha m · AuJd said Ihf> opllonal pradlC('S pionship s hould be a " really good are nOC mandatory ror prospectl\·t' game. You won ' l see s upe r team mpmbers. but are being held basketball but the girls are gelling for women ...... hl! w i~ h to gM a jump heller." on Ih(' season or need som t" m· " 1I 's s till divldual help. Officlalleam pract IC(, mentIOned . contaci i~ wjll begin Ma rc h 31, and an Minor \:iolaliofl5... such . s-I".,,.I;In o--I" I­ rrgaoi7.alfonol n'I'l"eting wiU-bt> ,,('nt· nr double dribble. are nol lall'!' rhlS month. The pract Ices are held 10 Rmm t'alled " The g irls a r(' oul (or a good ! a)8 uf the DaVies Gym Mond a .v ~ and lim('." Pa ra tore !'>al d " They're nol Wednesdays from 6107:30 p .m . and highly skilled. but they ha\'e a 101 of ANNOUNCES Friday from 5 :30 10 7 p .m . fun ... Auld said she presently has lillie ::!~~ f ~~r;' il~sbe n~ ~~~~eilmi:~ Birdies to fly SUMMER RATES hnwever . arid she hopes to be able 1tJ let earn girl play In at I('a sl twu -' J - m alcht.'S. To a('hiev(' that goal. Auld IS Irying lu S('hedul(' meets \Io.ilh in tournament 4 PERSON APTS. - S22fPJ to S24fPJ John A. u~an and Rend Lak(' A badminlOl1 Singles tournamenl CoI l."• . 'Aill be held Match 12 al 6 p .m . in "Tht~ smaller schools will !o!ivt" Davit'S Gvm. 00 the IL'S..... experll'llct.'d and less s killed All s luden ts 1 + 2 PERSON APTS. - S13fPJ . to S135 girls Ihf' chanC'(' to cumpete m nre lin I their lI...... n le\'e!." said Auld . F( dal.es...aw-,H'l"St"Ady nn- th{" sp r i n~ schedult'. IWI) at hom e and lwo away. April 12 Will bt" Ihe leam 's first mt'f't , al hom e agalnsl ~~~~~ r ' a con. ( LIMITED "'-.IMBER AV AllABlE) ~E'S::ir:;, 1I! 1 1l(~~ ~~ II (;:~ ~g~:~: solation round. Trophies will be Suutheast Mi s.~ uri Slale. :;~~ ;~t~n~f~ t~~c;e ~ic;:'c :'~ FALL CONTRACTS also AVAILABLE Apnl 2S.2S the learn will play 'Aill bt' J;! lnY\ to the Iwo runnerups . . SEMO Ih£"l'f'. and Ma)-' 3 I~ Ih(' " Th .., loume\' is reall\' nOC that Wesl(.... n m\'ilaliunal - big . ~ ol many ~om("fl ro me oul , bUI II hasn'l been publicizro Ihat well in Ih(' paSl.·· said Jean Paratore. coor ­ 1M slate dmalor of womffi's inlramurals . ~1wtball Thursda»' Cyclists start 730 HnC 9kllS \'s Clas..:m·s Tt'am rlin~ .... 830 Ba.-.kL'tcast'S \'s Baldw.·," II Desp i t ~ mid winds Sunday. Ihe Tw.'Il.It'f's \'S. MOO(t'rs .. St U Cycling Club inaugurated its 930 tint 9lots \ 'S. K (' lI o~:.e ~ar ~t 5 1975 raci_ season with a 2O-mile PRESENTING TONIGHT. Mnf It")· Crt'w \~ Tht, ('ub training race around Campus Lake. Dave Casebeer took a solo lead at ONE OF e-QAlE'S the beglMing of the Ihird lap and Munda" barelv he-ld on at the end for the vic· 7.30 'Tht> GirlS \ '5. · Mex>lt' rs Icry OvE'f his brother Dan . Third All-TIME FINEST SANOS 8ow}"er Botnc-ers \'S . l'walt'r s "",as Frank AJtschuler . and Ralph 8:30 Bokims II \'5 . Back COW'l Sneakers Cam poverdi was fourth. Jamt'5' G~ \'S. Mal' Snulh's Sas.s»' TIle wi nning I('am consisted of !h Casebeer. Gael &)\'d, David Nelson 9.30 1be Gil1S \'S. Bowyt'r 8ou'iCt'1'S and Dave Bot- . . ~ Sieve Loete, race commiHe-e 8owli~ , chairman. sa id Ihe training race TUPSday and next Sundav's time trial are 10 .Neriy 5 \'S . J .LF.F.1. prepare the- SoUt hern Illinois team ' Ripprrs \'S. C. Jinks for its fi rst offi cial r~ or .the .,NTNA.· F\dp:ucJteTs \'S. Odd BaJl~ season March 15 In Otaltanooga, ~ Stril1!l: Tpatn \'S. AJle)'·Woops Tenn. MicWle Toms vs . Baldwin II TIle SlU dub com petes in major AJ~ Sigma Alpha vs . J.J D.·s "For bicycle r3C2S arou,ld the counlry, FREE ADMISSION That' ' and will host a ract' this year April S.ldwin Bunnier vs. 5·7 Up ' 12. SI.U-trainer Jo joi,!' Met -team' '-; By Rs . (>f1titled , Now , he's set to embark On the ~rr:i~::~,~~~~~~ =j~::~~ FRANKLIN' Actually. Mayol Isn 'l that far probably want to !teep him in their "Cart> and Prevention of Athletic In · next adventure With the Mets-a job ) NSURANCE AGENCY from '''the bigtime." Friday. he will juries." ""l1ich resulled from Spackman's C1"ganiZ3tion . He'll really help." 512 ~in depan by car for Sf . Petersburg, Just ask any Saluki athlete. west "I gO( interested and asked Doc many contd~S . Mayo! started with Carbcndale. Illinois 62901 F1a .• 10 join tht> New York Mets' Spackman if he could ust' any help the Mets organization last sum... mer . baseball spring training camp. In in th(> training room that working three months with the Dates of NCAA toaruameat s.ft his car will be a variety of eqwp· and h(> said h(> rould ," Class A dub in Bata"ia, N .Y . mf'lll to be used to lest.. the Met rf'Ca ll cd:' AJI his "Last spring, I told Doc that I was interested in .....,o rking in semipro The Mid·East regional section Frank H. Janello ball," Ma\'ol said. " He checked playoffs of the 1975 NCAA basket· things,out 'and found out about the ball tournament is set for Dayton Broker. q>ening in Batavia. We used the Ohio, March a1 ,\nd 22. The winner same exerc:5eS lMre that we used advances to the four-team finals at Ph. 618/457-21 79 here, and I didn't have any pitchers San Dit'go, Calif.. March 29 and 31., miss a starting turn." That job lasted three months, lhl"fl the Mets offt-"f"ed him th{' posi tion at their Double·A club in Jackson, '.IIIT A' I1AIIAII Mi ss .. where h{' will report when spring camp breaks about April 15 . III ,lIE lItER iTIIBE After that term of duty. It 's a wait·seE' situation. as MayoJ hopes USPAPPELIS to make some contacts that may present oc her openings in the sports world. While at Jackson, he hopes to TRIO III 'IE/tEllER DANA CLARKE HaU at Fame tick'" _

All tickets ha ve been sold for the II. CIJIITE/II"AR ~ 1Iall of Fame baseba ll exhibition game sct for Aug. 18 at Coope~ JAZZ TOIIIINT BY stown, N. Y. The Boston Red Sox play the San Farancisco Giants. lUI 'A,nlll· tHJfI'T ./11'" 'T' Runners ~ 5 1 7 S. Illinois fare well

~ Despite 3).degree temperatures can and a ID-mile-an-hour wind, the Southern Dlinois Road Runners _priBsf braved the elements last Sunday to compete In the Third Olympiad Marathon in St . Louis. _lila The Road Runners had one ",,,n ­ ner and severarotiler runners who placed in four different di visions , all dillBnlllZ? rwl on a ai.22-rllile course. Carolyn Gibbard took honors in the women's division, running the In Italy, in the 18OO's a cou rse in 3:30 :28 . One second poor priest met a boy ollhe behind her in second was Marilyn streels. AI that lime there were Good . thou sands of such boys in In the men's master class, 40 Turin ... hungry hometess and years and over , Ron Knowlton without hope. finished second in 2:48 :40, for an But what coutd one priest average of 6:26 a miie. Larry Good finished in sixth ; Ken Ackerman, do? Wilhout money. Without seventh ; Gibbard 12th , and support. Without even a

But Father John Bosco did make a difference. He founded Bob Busby, of Warrensburg, Mo .. the flfsl community Ihat was dedicaied primarily to youth. With LA rry Nayr::A , Saluki student trainer, casts a ''Nhere does it hu ?' look at was the overaU winner in the meet a program of play, learn and pray he brought the boys from the his pattf!l1t in the Devtes Gym training room. (Staff photo by Steve Sum­ that had approximately 160 par· streets back 10 God and gave them a means of earning their ..... ) ticipants. living . From such humbte beginnings a movement began thai now reaches around the world ... a movement that has touched the lives of millions of youngsters - the children of 51. John Bosco. Today over 22.000 5atesians carry on his work in 73 countries. A 'amily of community·m"inded men who help to b ~il d 21 8 N. III . Ph. a belter world by preparing young boys 10 be good citizens for Carbondale 457.a530 . both God and country. Salesians serve as teachers, coaches, counselors, pett ish priests and missionaries. You see, one priest FAMOUS · FOR OVER 50 YEARS can make a big difference. ',"" MME IIQ YOUl so. • r----For mOfe Informati on abOllt..... Sales -----,ian Prints and WE HAVE GREAT Brothers. mail this coupon to: DONIt tUDQUMlIRS I '-IJ_.. _ . I .D.. .. "_ c· 167 I SANDWICtES OF ST• .IOtfN BOSCO I Sa _II Box 839, Ne. Rochelle. N.Y. 10802 I QDixieCream -COOKED TO ORDER- I I .1m interasted in the PneSZl'lood 0 Brotherhood 0 ------' --'- I "' donuts PLUS I .. ,...... -=--. ALWAYS FRESH HO-ft\ADE CtiLi I ""'------ZIo ____ I .~...---OM ______------__ 7 DAYS' A WEEK I OPEN 24 HOURS ' .. ~J_, ______~ __~~~ __~ l

~-.. ----~-----OIIily Egyptian. Mardi 6, 1915, .-- 15 - ( I~ .red-Ietter-day here for Sl1lukis? . B RiODSSpUl1on W . ~ halr ed by the Fordham University nament time. The 6-loot-11 senior will be part 01 the 1969 season to top Ihe 'Ialest Dally Egypt an ort. roter athletic director.. has held Ihree name_d to The SP"!ting N.ews:"'secQnd e!JorL __ meetings thus lar concerning the 16· team All-America squad. a level he For Ihe season. Ihe Salukis main- With a little luck. today s ould be a red­ team field. To~a y ' s m e~ t .in g will ~ e rigures to a ttain on most post-season tained a 66.4 defensive average. letter day lor Saluk i baskelball. lollowed by a hUh a nd Itna'" one Ihl. honor squads . .. prompling .coac h Paul La mberl 10 Nol only is the NCAA due 10 send oul w~kre nd . " Final, team, s tatts ll ~_S released ~ .Wed -_ r ais pLOucLoJ-t.ho:l.t-dere.ns- its invitalions , a~3().a.m . CDl'r bul-the ,\\e h av e, al ~ead y-;.co-o r:.d:i n ?lccLy. ~a l-- n es d a..y.-5 ~ owes: rlnn ~ at a .6 H clip. alreadv recei\'ed oiu" b\' then .' . regula r season-e ndi ng pl ay this would not be I ~.ea ~ wh~ l {> averaging 1 ~ . 2 paln.IS per game. The 'N IT Wi ll hold nist round acti on weekend. may send word to a few tpams . " We a r~ I.ookmg al r~co rd s. s~h ~~I ('~ . (orky :\b.ram ~. Just m_l ssed dou~lt· ~ l a rc h 15-16 at ~la d iso n Square Garden. as early as 11 :3tf".m . New York time. or a nd. ~e rtal~I.~, dra \,mg po\\. e r . he f l ~ ur es. s50rlng \\ Ith ,a ~ . I mark. W hll ~ foll owed by the quarterfinals ~tarch IK . 10 :30 a.m . e DT loday. ex plained . So .u~h e r n ~ ~s a great Tlnl Hicci a nd ~e rr~ ~t mes scored 8._ a nd 20 . The semifinals a nd cham- Apparently. the Salukis have reason to b.Qc k g roun~ traditi on .. ,t.oo. . and B.O. re~p ec ~ ~· ely . . .' plonship are slated ror March 22.21 . be honelul . Is .Salukl AII ·Amenca cenl£" r Joe. ( . If the Salukls are 1m It~ to post - The NCAA tourne\' a lso is set to begin " Southern Illinois is definitelv under 1\ierlweather the typ.e of ··d.rawln g s~~so n pla\:- h 'o sta rt ers Will !1 e~d . to March 15- 16. .. serious consideration ," NIT sclection paw('r" the committee IS searching f or ~ fin ish mending rrom lale-season InJunes committee chairman P£'te Carlesimo .. Any time you have an outsta nding first. Hines pulled a leg muscle in thr said We dnesday a fternoon . " W e are playe r . it makes a diHere nce." n ex t - t ? - I ~s t game ag~inst E\·~f!sd ll ~. very conscious of Southern Illinois . We ('arlesimo re m a r ked. " Wh en you go and H l l'CI suffered a slight root Injury In College poll . hope to make some a nn ou ncemenls ba('k to Sou th ern 's ('ollege division team 1\londay 's fin ak. Thursday m orn ing. but we wil l makl' wht.·n thev had Welit Frazier. that 's an Cricghton 's total of 47 points in that many of ou r select ion!" on Sunday exam pl e~ ' fi nal cont est. by th e way, was the lowest l. Ih

  • 21 -3 . ~ 452 6. Kenluck\' 2)-1 -IO!I . 7. AJabanla Z/-3 :m 8. :> . C. SI ;1l-5 319 9. An7.o na SI . zt.3 :JIll 10. Pl'un 2:H 2116 11 . S. (,,,il L 18-6 1.28 12. ~ . Carol ll w 18·; 120 13. Cn'l)!hlOIl 19-4 105 14 . l' t l'm~m 1&-9 96 15. Ort')ton St . 17-9 IW 16. Nuln' Daml' 18-8 71 17. PanAmt'f'icolI\ Z/·2 56 18. Tex.·EI PCl~l 19-5 ..... 19. Arizona 20-5 33 20. Rutgers 20-6 25 OthlYS rt.'Cl'iV lnta ,'ott ':-=.. 1I 1'h"'t1 a lphabt1ically : Cl.'flll'nary . Cint'i n· na1l. DePaul. Florida SWh' . fur· man. H\l I\' Cmss . Ka n!'3l'. 1..OJ$.'1 llt,. Memphis ' SI01tl' , Mlchif,!an . Mlddh' Tl'flncsst"l'. MinneslOiI . Nt.'w Mcxku Stalt.', Nt'vada -ull' V~a s. UNe- .. Ola rlotle. Oral Hflber ts. Ort.~on . Purdul'. Rutgers, 51 . John ':-=.. N.Y. . South Camlina, St l'lson. Tl'flnt'Sset'. Tt'xas Tt'Ch . Vlah Slate.

    Ruggen return home

    With spring in .tht' a ll' . the organized . madness of SIU Ru~by has rt· lurnt'

    Saluki guard Perry Hines. shOYlr'l here driving around Evansville's Mike Platt, continues to mend as t he team awaits a possible post-season tournament bid. (Staff photo by Bob Ringham ) ~ Last time to qualify for NCAA Swimmers .head south for independe~t meet By Dave Wieczorek thos(' pt'Opl e I th in k can score some in the 200-yard freestyle. Jamie Powell Coach ~s Associalion. Delgado has Ihe Daily Egyptian Sports Writer point s. I think we can possibly win the in the lOO-ba ckstroke a nd Dennis highest ranking on the team ror one The Mardi Gras is over and there swimming port ion of the meet , hut Roberts in the lOO-freestyle. event. He's no. 2 in the country in the aren't thousands or people jamming 200-yard bullerOy. Robin Backhaus 01 South Carolina, Iht' AI r Force and In order 10 help th e swimmers to into the French Q.uarter for a Super Mi a mi will pick up most of the diving Washing Ion leads Delgado and I.he Bowl game . neverlheless. Ih. SIU points." • . prepare for the ir last chance at nation wilh a.lime 01 1~ . 20 . Delgado's . swimming team has gone to Nt' \\" qualilying for Ih. NCAA championships time is 1 :50.38. ~ S1eelt' .. not 100 concerned about 10 be held in Cleveland . Ohio. March TI- Orleans. placing high in the meet. but rather. his In Ihe 200-yard freeslYle . Delgado Coach Bob Sleele and his Salukis leI! 29. Steele has cut the swimmers' daily goal is "0 qualify guys who havt." n'! ranks .seventh in the nation, but hi ~ . Carbondale Tuesday ~nd drovt' down to yardage 10 2.000 a day. Delgado. Swen­ qua lioed lor Ihe ·NCAA." son and Salerno still swim 11,000 yards lime 01 I :4[.0 is only 1.4 second. 011 Ihe Ihe Gull Coasl cily lor the Nalional In ­ leader . John Naber. 1:39.6. 01 USC. dependenl Championships being held J unior sensat ion :Jorgt' Delgado. per day because this met"t is not that Friday Ihrough Sunday. Dave Swenson and Mike Salerno have important for them. Delgado. also claims a IS ranking in ElKhteen teams will compete. in ­ a lready qualified in their shart' of With the national meet creeping up.on Ihe 500-yar!l Ireeslyle. Te.ammale_ cluding Miami (Fla.). Florida Stale: events, but Steele says some more guys them, Steele says, "We're right where .- Swenson is .seventh in the nation in tlle' Soulh Carolina. Tulatfe and Air Force. should qualily . , we want to be at this point. The guys same evenl wilh a 4.: 35.33 clocking. In - -"The meel is being slaged al Tulane "Paul Schullz and St.w Jack should who sti ll have to make the NCAA limes the IOOO-yard freeSb.Pe.. an event not swam al Ihe NCA~Cha mp i onship •• University. _ I break the school records and meet the have really been looking sharp iIl'"prac­ The meel will be run under NCAA NCAA slandards in the tOO-and :MO-yard tice and they (eel sha rp in the water." Swenson .has Ihe fillh best lime in the rules, meaning lhat each" team can breaslslrokes:' Steele predicted: " I'll BE-sides breaking recorffs easily as U.S .. 9:29. have a maximum o( 18 perrormers. SI U be di sappointed if the team doesn't smashing a peice of China on tlle fl oor. As a learn. SIU bro.ke inlo Ihe lOp 10 is taking only 12 swimmers. break three .school re-cords in the relays Delgado and Swenson ha"e also made in Ihe 400-yard me<;lley relay \Vilh a "We're not going to take the divers," and .se\en more in individual event s." some waves in the nalional rankings. time 01 3:3t.4. good enough lor the lenlh Steele said. explaining the reason for Sleele i also looking lor Da ve Boyd . According to the Iastest statistics spo!. USC leads the nalion in Ihe relay such a small learn. " We 're only laking . Rick Fox and Tony Wickham 10 qualily published ,by Ihe College Swimming wilh a lime 01 3:23.65. -P_ 16. Daily E\l'fPIian. Mardi 6. 1975