Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC March 1975 Daily Egyptian 1975 3-6-1975 The aiD ly Egyptian, March 06, 1975 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_March1975 Volume 56, Issue 111 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, March 06, 1975." (Mar 1975). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1975 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in March 1975 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 'in' / By Sa.$. Voyles . 1970-72 when about 800 'students par· lived logelhrr in Ih ~ dorms, Ihey said. oCf..,amFus and eighl withoul any Daily Egyplfiln Slpfr Wriler licipaled in Gr~e K life. She said . -Muslng,lie sardo "The frat·rat is back ," according to Membership has incrt:;ised 10 per ' 'There is more Interest In smart Pal Harllage, coordinalor of the Inler one fniternity bulton. '''ent over last year's membership, she group or gan izat ions with new Greek Council and Alpha Gamma Delta ·'It ·s not uneool anymore to be a added. , students:' Harris said. They: are pT'esidenP. said the Greek attil udes have Greek," said Nancy Harris . coordinator 'Ptl ere are two ;'colon)," or unofficial looking for Ihe leadership, small group changed from com pet it i\'eness 10 of StU's fraternities ana snruririe5. fr-alernilies on campus t his year . ­ living and .-SociaJ e-xperiences that togetherness-. - "There 's really been a change of at­ Presidenl Bob Thompson . Alpha Ep· frate-rnizing organizations provide-. she Three years ago there was a lot of ' litude since the student acti\'ist vcars in silon Pi. and George Schau. Omega said. snobbery between the organizations the early '70's." she said. De ll a Chi . bOlh ex pecI their Right now. fraternities and sororities Ihemselves and the si udenl body , she Twelve-hundred s l uden t ~ rt'prescll ­ organizations to be chart ered or ac­ emcompass all kinds of living si tuations said. "People were called frat-rats or ting 25 Greek ""Or):!c.lniza lions th is year is credited bv SI U this semester . but there is no real trend, Eric .Priest. sororilY-bitches. But now out siders art' the largest number in SI U's history . In both cases. the frat ernity chapters adviser to. the fraternities. said . Thl"re :t!~~?~~!\ ~ ~ s~~ . ·Hey . ..,)t'hal ·s it air Membership reached its )"west ebb in ,,",'{'n> started by a group of guys who are ei~ ht organjz.ations on campus. five Most of our fraternities and sororities are secret in their ritual ('eremoni es, Harris said . "but Delta Upsilon is one in which the init afion ritual is open to a"yon('," ':.rhe old days of hell·week are gone." she said. " Hazing:' those activities which are-harmful or demt'3ning to a person. w('re the main activiti es of ;:un~h~ r" I~l~~l~:= rl~ ~~~ r ~!~~ ra~~i~~1 Daily 'Egyptfan she said'. _ ' . .,... " For example , years a~o paddling Thursday, March 6. 1975 - Vol. 56, No. 11 1 Southern lI/inois UniJ:ersity W~ I S traditiunal." she said. (Continued on Page 2 ) Sullivan says administration' listens to Student Government By Jon Kartman thinJ:!s gomg on Ihat we haven 't had as '"- AIH'Hllc r problem wilh tHe ad- Daily Egyptian Staff Writer much l'onperal io n b l~ lw ee n us as Ihert.' minist ration that Sullivan said he is shuul d h a \'l' b('t'Il," Sulli\'an s~lid . ha ving . concerns trying In han' a room Despitl' somt' problf' lll s , St udent Vict~ prt'sirlt'nt for Student Affairs. in the Student Center named after the Pres id t~ nt Ot.> nnis Sulliva n says he f('t'ls Brut t' Swinburne. said ht· bt'lit,\,CS Ihal late Dwight Campbell. fu rmt."r student that un Ih (' wholt'. Ih(" SIU ad· the n'latioll s h ip bl'twccn Sl udeni body president . ministrati on lislt'nS III Studcnl GOVt' l'Il ­ l;OVl'rnm('llt and St udl'nt Affairs is Ca tnpbel(, who was president from menl . gond . 1969·70, drownet! in a swimming pool Even so., Sulli van said, Siudent "We have been supportivt' of so me of accident in hicago on July 9, 1974. Governmt'nt and the administra liun the Sludt"nt Government projects such Sullivan said he approached Clarence view tht, needs of Ihe student frum dif­ as the student a ttorney pr og r ~~ a~d Dougherty, director or the Student Cen- rerenl viewpoint s. Ihe sludenl to studenl program , Swan- ter and asked him if a room in the cen- burne said. " 1 fcellhat the relalionship tcr 'could be named after Campbell. As an exa~n pl e. Sullivan cited Student is ~00f;S and it feels good." . Sullivan ,(aid Dougherty replied that. Governm Ilt ' relationshil'! _with the Another' problem ciled by Sulliyan lhe St-udent Senate houJd pass. a _ people working in the 01fice of uael'il concerned. the fiscal officer of Student resolut ion to that before a room Affairs. Government . _ grnkJ be - Sulli\:an sairL hc. <J..I!!1('S in l'o nt a~ t Th(' prl'S{'nl fi sc.a t nfficf.-.'r , .J .uhrr L . On with the IIfficf' of St udt'llt Affairs in Baier. has been 10 the poSit ion [or ru:e.a such as studt'"1 discip lin {~. Finan ­ severa l years. Sullivan said. ciaL aid , cnuns(" mg anom rhrg: an d "Studenl Government can 'I choose ils Board, of which Dougherty is a mem­ problems with the Health Service. own fiscal officer." Sulli van said. " In ber . Sullivan said . " I perceiv E.' that Student Goverr menl Iheory , in order to approach Swinburne. should take care of the studt~ III 'S needs we have to go through Baier. In ot her Sullivan said Ihe board labled Ihe from a st udent 's viewpoint," Sullivan words. we have to go up thc ad­ request, asking for more information said, "while Stude nt Affairs takes cart~ ministrative ladder ." from him. of s tude nt 's needs fr o m a n ad ­ Swinburne said Sullivan's a n a l y~is Doughertv Ih rn suggesled 10 Sulliva n ministrative viewpoint ." was "unfait. Ihal a plaque honoring all sludenl body­ "'Sullivan said the relationship between " A day doesn't go by: wh ere I dO'I'I presidents be placed in the Center, Student Governmenl and Stt!denl Af· talk to Sul livan ," Swinburne said. ' 'The Sulliv~n said. is not as as it could be, of fi scal or'ficer is one where " I don'l see why my name should go (Continued on Page 2) Student fees may be refunded. rif committee bill becomes-law of the recreation building," he said. By Gary Marx The bill came from a subcommittee " But the SI7.25 should be dropped." . Daily Egyplian Slaff Wriler report on student fees which found many university medical faCilities un­ Bruce Swinburne. vice president for stud;'"t affairs. agreed with McVay and SJU student· fees totaling $1 ,306,125 derslaffed, overworked and incapable of handling medical needs of the students said "It is not at all unrealistic to see a may be freed for reallocation or refund dec~ease in student fees." _ if a bill to be decided Thursday In the who ~ the service. The report concluded. " Illinois should McVay said" full state funding might Illinois House Committee on Higher make it harder to get addItional moneys Education becomes "law. provide the necessary funding to tak.e The bill would require the state to fully care of these medical facilities and It [or expanded programs. fund all health facilities at IIhnols should not fall upon the students in th e " If it is set up as a lump sum grant, universities including stafflllg . form of increases in student fees." we'll have to. go up to Springfield ,~ nd overhead and equipment. Studenls The 532.25 that full·time SIU students politick and ,try to sell the program. he . presenlly pay 76 per cenl of thIS COsI al pay each semester for health comes said. Swe~( tooth . [rom two separate fees: SI7.25from the McVa,.' said the state has given less SJU. " . Student Medical Benefit fee (SMB ) and and less in recent years to support the SIS from the Student Wellareand Health Service. With an im~ve bark, 'Chelsea Recreation Fund (SWRFI. In 1972 .. SIU reCeived S500,OOO for the demands and receives his share of ire Sam McVay. administrative di<ector medical program compared to $190,000 cream Wedne>day afternoon from his of tbe Health Service, said studenlS itave this year. lie said. ' <»mer, Ginny Banner, freshman. Ban­ a good chance of ge.tting a refund of at Beginning last fall semester. SIS of ner said every 1ime she takes the dog least part of this money if the state SWRF was reallocated to aid the Health along to DairY ' Queen he won't stop agrees to fWld ihe Health Service. Service. McVay said this amounted to. taste too. (SIa!' " The Sl5'rofn SWRF probably be about S600,OOO and provided enough.. =~~u~:~ ~,:S a Gus says the administration may listen will funds to hire three additional doctofs/T but cI<leS it hear anything? reallocated to cover the operating costs -' ~------------~--~~~~~ Senale~.!~~~~~~W~~~ approved a .ruIe Wednesday Ihal fifths," saId sen. Dawn Clark' £f~reyrc Nelseh, -elhnUlltfed'~e'risarlalcLOo~unr'elY- d,gec~, .
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