EN_2004WG2_People 29/04/05 14:20 Page 1 European Observatory on Homelessness ADDRESSING HOMELESSNESS IN EUROPE The series ‘Addressing Homelessness in Europe’ is the result of the work of the three thematic research groups of FEANTSA’s European Observatory on Homelessness that have been set up to cover the following themes: ■ The changing role of the state ■ The changing profiles of homeless people ■ The changing role of service provision The changing profiles of homeless people: Homelessness in the Written Press: a Discourse Analysis is based on five articles produced by the National Correspondents of the European Observatory on Homelessness. The full articles can be downloaded from FEANTSA’s website www.feantsa.org The changing profiles The work of FEANTSA’s European Observatory on Homelessness is supported financially by the European Commission. of homeless people: Homelessness in the Written Press: ISBN: 907552935X a Discourse Analysis Henk Meert, Pedro Cabrera, Ivan Christensen, Inger Koch-Nielsen, Roland Maas and Elisabeth Maurel November 2004 European Federation of National Associations Working with the Homeless Fédération Européenne d'Associations Nationales Travaillant avec les Sans-Abri 194, Chaussée de Louvain ■ 1210 Brussels ■ Belgium ■ Tel.: + 32 2 538 66 69 ■ Fax: +32 2 539 41 74 ■
[email protected] ■ www.feantsa.org European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless European Observatory on Homelessness ADDRESSING HOMELESSNESS IN EUROPE The changing profiles of homeless people: Homelessness in the Written Press: a Discourse Analysis By Henk Meert, Pedro Cabrera, Ivan Christensen, Inger Koch-Nielsen, Roland Maas and Elisabeth Maurel November 2004 European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless European Observatory on Homelessness The changing profiles of homeless people- Homelessness in the Written Press Contents Introduction: Discourse analysis and the societal dimension of constructing profiles of the homeless ......