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A FESTIVAL OF PSALMS Chichester Psalms Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990) 1 Psalm 108: 2; Psalm 100 [4.07] soloists: Frederick MacBruce (treble), William Towers (alto), Robert Temmink (bass) 2 Psalm 23; Psalm 2: 1–4 [5.59] soloist: Daniel Traves (treble) 3 Psalm 131; Psalm 133: 1 [8.50] soloists: Daniel Traves (treble), William Towers (alto), Simon Wall (tenor) 4 Miserere mei, Deus (ed. John Rutter) Gregorio Allegri (1582-1652) [12.27] soloists: Max Shotbolt, Frederick MacBruce, Luke McWatters (trebles) Tom Williams (alto), Toby Watkin (tenor), Giles Underwood (bass) 5 Teach me, O Lord William Byrd (c.1540-1623) [3.40] soloist: Tim Travers-Brown (alto) 6 Ascribe unto the Lord Samuel S. Wesley (1810-1876) [14.43] soloists: Max Shotbolt, Frederick MacBruce, Daniel Traves (trebles) David Gould, Aaron Burchell (altos) 7 Thy word is a lantern unto my feet, Z. 61 Henry Purcell (c.1659-1695) [5.14] soloists: William Towers (alto), Simon Wall (tenor), William Clements (bass) 8 Hear my words, ye people C. H. H. Parry (1848-1918) [15.14] soloists: Max Shotbolt (treble), Giles Underwood (bass) verses: Max Shotbolt, Daniel Traves (trebles), Tom Williams (alto) Simon Wall (tenor), Giles Underwood (bass) Total timings: [70.20] THE TEMPLE CHURCH CHOIR This recording has been made possible GREG MORRIS ORGAN through a generous grant by The Temple ROBERT MILLETT PERCUSSION Music Trust, a charity founded in SALLY PRYCE HARP 1979 with the object of supporting JAMES VIVIAN DIRECTOR music in the Temple Church. - 3 - The psalms are at the heart of both Jewish dramatically and aggressively by portions of around 1638, and joined a lengthy list of other Mozart, Burney, the Grove Dictionary and possibly and Christian liturgies and traditions.
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