• Telegraph Herald • Friday, February 21, 2020 1D Got a tip? Please contact us Megan Gloss, Features Editor TODAY’S
[email protected] current 563-588-5638 or 800-553-4801 TIDBITS movie review opening Fans might connect with energetic ‘Sonic’ this weekend BY AUSTIN ELLIS Despite a drastically improved lead char- him and Sonic is painfully paint-by-numbers. For the Telegraph Herald acter design, the film fails to hook viewers I rolled my eyes at the clichéd writing more who aren’t interested in the video games. For than a few times. The latest video game-turned-fea- hardcore fans, it likely will entertain. Besides Carrey’s movie-stealing perfor- ture film adaptation leaves much to The biggest compliment I can give is with mance and a few decent action scenes, “Son- be desired with “Sonic the Hedge- Carrey’s performance. His over-the-top and ic” didn’t cross the finish line for me. Fans of h o g .” zany energy only reminds me how much I love the video game might be thrilled, but it doesn’t Tribune News Service After an energy eruption, the Carrey in his zone. offer much for the casual viewer. Harrison Ford stars in “The Call government is on Sonic’s furry tail. It’s a shame he doesn’t appear in more films The execution of the story is bland and for- of the Wild.” Leading the attempt to capture him these days, so this was a joy to see. He eats up gettable. Even at a short 100 minutes, I found is Dr.