6 9dcator and esearcher, OSdwinHistratorand c tAblic @9erCant JOSEPH HENRY'S CAREER AS A SCIENTIST

7 n May 13,18 8,Joseph Henry. the Secretary of the Smith- of mathematics and natural sonian Institution, and "'the most eminent and distin- philosophy. It was here that guished scientist in the ,"' died in his scientific career began. Washington, DC. His ftimneral three days later was attended by offi- By utilizing many layers of cial Washington, including the leadership of all three branches of insulated wire, he produced government, led by President Rutherbford B. Hayes.' Academicians an electromagnet of previ- and scientists from around the country were also in attendance to ously unmatched power. honor the man. The announcement of this On January 16, 1879, a memorial service for Henry was held in discovery in 1831 first the United States Capitol. Among the speakers was Gen. William T. brought Henry national and Sherman, a regent (trustee) of the Smithsonian, who eulogized even international attention. Henry as a "hero" who had mastered the laws of nature and har- He also demonstrated how nessed them for the good of the human race. Sherman also praised such magnets could be elec- Henry for elevating science in the United States into an important trically' activated over long career path. Other speakers praised Henryv's integrity, his scientific distances, in essence creat- contributions, and his public service.' ing an electromagnetic tele- graph. Most importantly; he Portrait of Josepl Henry bl, Hetinrl' In some ways, the man who was being honored was the stereo- Ulke. 18'5. Photographcourtesyj of the typical American success story He overcame the poverty of his discovered (independently A.ational PortraitGallery youth to achieve greatness through hard work, dedication, and the of Michael Faraday in Eng- help of his friends. Born in Albany, New York, in 17'97 he spent his land) mutual electromagnetic induction (the generation of an elec- youth with his uncle and maternal grandmother in the village of tric current by magnetism) and electromagnetic seltf-induction. Galway, 36 miles from Albany. On the strength of these discoveries, Henry was named professor According to Henry's own recollection, the turning point in his of natural philosophy at the College of New Jersey (now Princeton occurred when he was 16, when he accidentally came upon a University) in 1832. At Princeton he lectured on geology and ar- popular exposition of science. He later wrote that reading this chitecture as well as natural philosophy and astronomy. book "opened to me a new world of thought and enjoyment, in- Henry's research program broadened considerably while he was vested things before almost unnoticed with the highest interest, at Princeton. He continued to explore electromagnetic phenom- fixed my mind on the study of nature and caused me to resolve at ena, inchliding lateral discharge, the transformer, and the oscillatory the time of reading it that I would immediately commence to de- nature of the discharge of a capacitor He also experimented on ul- vote my life to the acquisition of knowledge:' traviolet light, molecular cohesion, and capillarityv and observed Between 1819 and 1822 Henry attended the Albany Academy as geophysical and astrophysical phenomena, including solar temper- an overage student. He worked for some years as a tutor and sur- ature, terrestrial magnetism, and auroras. Most of his discoveries veyor before returning to the AlbanyAcademy in 1826 as professor during this period in his life were first publicly announced at (contiinued on page 16)

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Annotation is the quarterly newsletter of the National The March 2004 issue of Annotation focuses on projects relating to science and tech- Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), nology. Our featured articles are a Federal agency within the NationalArchives and Records "Educator and Researcher,Administrator and Public Servant: Joseph Henry's Career as Administration in Washington, DC. Recipients are en- a Scientist," by Marc Rothenberg couraged to republish, with appropriate credit, any mate- "Rescuing the College of Medicine Records," by Nina Stoyan- rials appearing in Annotation. Inquiries about receiving Rosenzweig and Annotation, submitting material for it, or anything else "Michigan's Records Management Application (RMA) Project: Managing Electronic related to it may be directed to the Editor,Annotation, Records in the 21st Century," by Caryn Wojcik. Deborah I. Gouin, and Mimi Dionne NHPRC, National Archives and Records Administration, by Paul Israel 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 111, Washington, 'The Challenge of Editing the Edison Papers," DC 20408-0001; 202-501-5610 (voice); 202-501-5601 (fax); The Center for History of Physics Begins Study of Corporate R&D Records," by [email protected] (e-mail): www. archivesgov/grants Joe Anderson (World Wide Web). "The Carnegie Legacy Project: Shaking the Dust from 100 Years of Scientific Discovery', Material accepted for publication will be edited to con- by Charles Hargrove and Jennifer Snyder form to style and space limitations of Annotation, but au- "A Half-Century of the Albert Einstein Papers Project," by Diana Kormos Buchwald thors will be consulted should substantive questions arise. This is Dane Hartgrove's last issue as editor of Annotation. He thanks all those who The editor is final arbiter in matters regarding length and have provided articles for the newsletter during his tenure, and especially those who have grammar. Published material does not necessarily represent allowed him to benefit from their wisdom and experience while he served in this ca- the views of the Commnission or of the National Archives pacit)y. He wishes Keith Donohue well as Annotation's new editor. and Records Administration; indeed, some material may challenge policies and practices of those institutions.

NHPRC MEMBERS- John W Carlin, Archivist of -=I P , / , /= I the United States, Chairperson; Nicholas C Burckel and

David W Brady, representing the President of the THF C \IISSI()M\M I I I11NG(,()LL()\' IHE I s(CAL EARLA)1 OC(TOIBFR 1 TO SFPTNIFMBFR30, United States; Tomn Cole, representing the U.S. House of C()'

Al notution Vo 32 1 March 2004 I

This issue of Annotation describes some of the many descriptions: they want both images of primary sources nroiects the NHPRC has funded to helo oreserve andt to AND their fiull text Andti thex- want it all online fullx increase utilization of the records of American science searchable, and NOW and technology Scientists and engineers working in Perhaps I'm overstating expectations, but obviously America's tuniversity government, and corporate labora- we will not even begin to meet them anytime soon.The tories and research institutions have contributed to mak- National Archives, for example. estimates its holdings at ing the 20th century the American Century The NHPRC over one million cubic feet of paper records.At roughly is pleased to play a part in bringing about successful 3,000 pages/cubic feet, that's at least three billionz archives documentation strategy preservation and access pages. And there's at least that much more material in projects, and documentary editions of some of the most state and local archives, college and tuniversity archives, important of these records. We congratutlate those who special collections, historical societies, and corporate contributed articles to this isstie, and thank them and the archives, just in the United States. many others who have worked on similar projects. We tend to see this problem as a technological one, The Commission's commitment to technology of but the real issues are strategic. They have to do with course, goes beyond its interest in supporting history-re- decision-making and assigning priorities and resources lated projects. It has encouraged projects that use technology to make to what is most important, and seeking solutions that are cost effective. documentary resources more easily used by larger audiences. It has We must rely on the cooperation of users, perhaps even asking them to supported projects to microfilm historical records. Back in the days of share in the expenses. The Commission, as you may know, has chosen SPINDEX, it supported automation projects.These, in turn, led the pro- not to support projects to digitize archival collections. However, staff is fession to create the SAA's National Information Systems Task Force beginning to consider whether it can support strategic and innovative (NISTF), the group that, in partnership with the Library of Congress, projects that may develop and demonstrate the applicability of good created the MARC format for Archives and Manuscripts Control. The practices in this area. Commission has supported MARC-related projects. and strongly rec- At the same time, however, the Commnission continues to support ommends that records access projects report their collections to one publication projects that use combinations of hard-copy publications. of the national bibliographic networks using MARC. Even the smallest microfilm, and electronic editions (CD-ROM, DVD, and Internet). Elec- and poorest repository can report collection-level detail to the Na- tronic editions include the texts of transcriptions and annotations tional Union (Catalog of Manuscript Collections, found online through (electronic versions of the hard copy), digital images of original docu- the Library of Congress. ments, and sometimes both. The Commission, in fact, encourages doc- The Commission has also supported work related to the develop- umentary editors to find ways to increase the use of their works ment and implementation of a new professional standard, one aimed at through electronic publishing. It sponsored the Model Editions Part- focusing on the content (and not just the layout) of archival finding nership, and ftunded a recent conference with these goals in mind. aids. EAD (Encoded Archival Description) is the Society of American Finally, the Commission has for over a decade supported an elec- Archivists' standard for capturing electronic versions of finding aids. It tronic records research agenda aimed at identifying and addressing the is now being used throughout the country by a large number of repos- major issues related to records "born digital" (contrasted, I suppose, to itories. The NHPR(C encourages its projects to use EAD. Many reposito- those mentioned above that are "born-again" digital).These are records ries contribute copies of their EAI) finding aids to RLG's Archival now produiced in every government agency, school and college, non- Resources, potentially a place for one-stop-shopping for the more de- profit organization, and corporation, as well as in many homes, in the tailed information aboutit America's archival holdings. Researchers may act of doing business, aided by computers. Word processors, e-mail, search across the entire library of finding aids to improve their chances spreadsheets, databases, geographic information systems, digital cam- of finding records related to their topics of study. eras and recorders, and many other tools that make our lives easier NISTF was established with the goal of searching for historical have created opportunities and great challenges. The NHPRC remains records across repositories. MARC partially fuilfilled that dream, but committed to supporting institutional electronic records projects, es- EAD takes it one step closer to reality This is but one of the advantages pecially those that are built upon cross-disciplinary and inter-instittiu- of EAD; it is clear to mc that the abilitv to easily extract-or repur- tional collaboration. pose"-data in EAD finding aids will someday be seen as its advantage, These are exciting and challenging times. Clearly, this is not your father's once we imagine it as more than a tool to build a series of standard NIHPRC. Science and technology continue to change society We continue finding aids. to document the history of these changes, including the history sociology, Naturally in today's Internet-based societ, users want more than col- and philosophly of the underlying research and development.Yet we, like lection-level descriptions; they want more, even, than thoroughl de- the rest of the world, ponder how to take advantage of technology to scriptive finding aids. Indeed, they want more than item-level preserve and increase uise of our national documentary heritage.

tjru[-, Vol -. 2 1 March 2004 Rescuing the University of Florida College of Medicine Records

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wo years from now, the University of Florida's College of Medicine will cele- brate its 50th anniversary. It first opened its doors to 40 students in 1956.The existence of this group of medical students at UF's medical school (the second to open in Florida after the University of Miami's in 1953) was only one milestone in a process begun much earlier.The school was part of a larger Health Science Center that would ex- pand to include six colleges, as well as a major hospital system and research initiative. Florida was a rapidly growing state in the 1930s and 1940s, albeit one lacking a med- ical school. A growing population, the need for more doctors, and a desire for better postgraduate training led Florida physicians to agitate for a medical school within the state. Interestingly, the postgraduate educa- tion issue played a major role in this process. Jacksonville-based physician T Z. Cason, who in the 1930s worked to develop a course for physicians interested in keep- Photograph of the ceiling of the basement room uwhere the dean s office records u'ere stored sbou'- ing abreast of recent developments, was ing the leakage from thle morgte. Photograph courtesy of Nina Stoyan-Rosenzueig. among the most vocal proponents of a med- ical school. to implement the Medical Center Study, a medicine were both ahead of his time. Once Florida decided to create a college complex research project that carefully as- Florida's first colleges of medicine of medicine, a number of locations com- sessed Florida's current and future health opened in a decade when the public's per- peted for the honor of housing it.These in- needs, population trajectory, research po- ception of medicine, and its image of physi- cluded Tampa, Tallahassee, Jacksonville, and tential, and social issues. UF's College of cians generally, had perhaps reached its Miami, in addition to Gainesville, where the Medicine opened as the second medical apex. It also was a time when drugs were University of Florida is located. The state school in Florida, but the careful planning universally regarded as effective in curing legislature appointed a commission, chaired that preceded its opening was extremely diseases, when doctors were revered, and by Dr. Vernon Lippard, to pick a site. When important. when it seemed that western medicine was the commission recommended Gainesville The Medical Center Study resulted in the well on its way to conquering infectious dis- in 1949, tempers ran high. Dr. Cason agreed hiring of Dr. Russell Poor as the first provost ease permanently and worldwide. Dr. Har- to abide by that decision, and one of the of the Health Science Center, and also rell focused on training physicians as state legislators from Jacksonville accord- brought in Dr. George T. Harrell, who first humanitarian practitioners for whom the ingly called him a "Judas Iscariot:' served as a consultant and then became patient's story was the most important aid Most accepted the site decision, and the dean of the College of Medicine. Dr. Poor fo- to diagnosis. Certainly, his focus on training university began to plan for the medical cused especially on working the academic physicians in research and critical thinking school. But not everyone. Competition con- medical community into Gainesville's exist- was an important aid to diagnosis, just as his tinued, because the first medical school ing medical practices. Dr. Harrell, formerly a emphasis on the importance of the case his- would receive state funding for its students. physician at the Bowman Gray School of tory prefigured the current development of As noted above, the University of Miami Medicine in Winston-Salem, NC, was a true narrative medicine. Dr. Harrell's staffing opened a medical school in 1953. Mean- visionary whose ideas about training physi- plans involved bringing in rising young re- while, University of Florida planners began cians in the art as well as the science of search stars who had the potential to bring

4 Annotaton Vo 32 1 March 2004 Florida into the first ranks of research. National Historical Publications and The room containing the dean's office The Medical Center Study planned not Records Commission (NHPRC) had previ- records was subject to flooding, and many just for the current needs of physicians.The ously funded a project to inventory stored boxes were coated with dust and dirt from Health Science Center it envisaged would records in the College of Medicine and the construction and installation of various eventually include colleges for related spe- Health Science Center. Thus, the NHPRC pipes and fixtures.The room also is located cialties. The College of Nursing opened seemed the ideal source of funding for pre- beneath the morgue, and fluids from work under the innovative leadership of Dean serving and processing these records. Mr. with cadavers have, over the years, soaked Dorothy Smith, M.Ed., in 1956. The college Van Ness worked on defining the project, through the ceiling and dripped down onto quickly grew under her leadership, starting helped to write the proposal, and has con- the records. with 25 graduates in the first class of 1960 tinued a close collaboration on this project, This room had also become a storage cen- and increasing to 183 in 1964.Additionally, which has focused on what amounts to res- ter for many different departments, as well the College of Health Professions opened in cuing the college's records. as dumping ground for old equipment. Most 1959, and the College of Pharmacy (which Prior to 2001, and to funding from the of the old equipment and some newer had opened in 1923) completed its move NHPRC, there was no effort to gather his- records were placed there after the older across campus in 1961.The College of Den- torical records, let alone process, preserve, files. It was therefore necessary to move out tistry opened its doors to students in 1972, or make them accessible to researchers. these materials before it was possible to ac- with six departments and an Office of Den- Many of the earliest records were in danger cess the older records. Project personnel are tal Education. Its innovative curriculum of being lost.The NHPRC-funded project to still in the process of cleaning this particular made it an educational leader in the 1970s. process records dating from this early pe- room and reaching the appropriate records. The College of Veterinary Medicine was the riod includes rescuing the materials from The other storage room is in better center's most recent addition, matriculating basement storage rooms that have been re- shape. It also contains some of the earliest its first students in 1976. peatedly flooded and creating an archives in records from the Health Science Center, in- Because the Health Science Center col- which to preserve the material. cluding the complete records of the original leges have, in relative terms, brief histories. The records were stored in two separate Health Center Studv. It also contained other material documenting those histories is still basement rooms. One held the College of additional records that reflect the integra- readily available. Many members of the orig- Medicine dean's office records, the other tion of the medical school into the larger inal faculties still live in Gainesville. One records from the provost and later vice Health Science Center administrative unit. goal of the archives has been to continue an president for Health Affair s office. Because For instance, the chairman of the Depart- oral history project, initiated by Dr. Samuel these rooms were in different parts of the ment of Medicine became Provost of the Proctor, and to that end 11 interviews have basement, the quality of storage and preser- Health Science Center, a position that was been added to the collection. The fact that vation of these materials has been uneven. later renamed Vice President for Health Af- there are still-living individuals who re- tairs. Various ceans ot the Colleges ot member the beginnings of the Health Sci- Medicine and Dentistry served simultane- ence Center adds richness to the ously in this latter capacity. historical materials. However, efforts to The archives, then, started with hun- preserve departmental, dean's office, and dreds of boxes of materials that, after vice president's office records have being removed from the basement, had to tended to be spotty. be sorted. In addition, archival procedures Several years ago, alumni and faculty for dealing with these and all other mate- emeritus from the College of Medicine do- rials acquired by this archives are being nated money to fund hiring an archivist to established, as well as for collecting mate- create a history of medicine center and to rials related to the formation and history accumulate and protect materials pertain- of the College and the Health Science ing to the history of the college. An Center The project also involves estab- archivist, Nina Stoyan-Rosenzweig, was lishment of a web site and a searchable hired and began to create the archives database for the archives, and for interfac- and to determine project priorities. The ing with the university library's photo- Health Science Center donated space for graph digitization project. storing the materials, and paid for renova- Records processed thus far include tions and for installing compact shelving. those from the College of Medicine With physical space procured, the next dean s office, the Department of Medi- priorities were to find funding to pay the cine, and the vice president's office, as archivist for a period of time long enough well as portions of Dr. Cason's papers, the to rescue and process administrative Health Science Center architect's papers, records, and to find monies for a perma- and papers from the Medical Center nent salary line in the budget. Photograph of the basement storage area that held the Study. Manuscript collections processed Consultation with the universitv vice president's records shouing boxes that have beer soaked bJ leaking pipes. Photograph courte.sy of NVine include personal collections of papers archivist, Carl Van Ness, revealed that the Sto,yan-Rosenznveig. (conztinued on page 19)

Annctrorlon Vo 32 1 March 2004 5 S * * pmm , pM " MANAGING ELECTRONIC RECORDS IN THE 21ST CENTURY

0 Ii.

Introduction At one of the ERC meetings we circulated tions remained: Would the commercial a draft e-mail policy proposing that official products work? Would people use them? Implementing new software that e-mail be printed out and retained in a hard Our research concluded that many state and changes the way people do their jobs is a copy format. The information technology Federal agencies were using these products big challenge. The software vendor, the IT community rejected this proposal, saying to manage paper records, but only a few support staff, and the project managers all we needed a technology solution.The ERC Federal Government agencies had actually have important roles, and they need to recognized that even among its member- tested these software products on elec- communicate effectively with each other. ship, some individuals currently retained tronic records. The State of Michigan's Records Manage- every e-mail message they sent and re- With no other real solutions available to ment Services Michigan (Michigan RMS) ceived, while others destroyed a majority of us, we decided to pursue RMAs further. The wanted to address the problems that we their e-mail immediately. ERC endorsed a pilot project that would test had identified with e-mail retention by pilot We considered this inconsistency to be the ability of an RMA to provide a systematic testing Records Management Application an archival/records management problem, a process that was user-friendly and could be (RMA) software. However, this project technological problem and a liability for the implemented across the entire enterprise. taught us about much more than how to state. We also recognized that other com- However, ERC members urged the archives use new software. It also taught us some im- and records management staffs to include a portant lessons about software selection mon desktop applications are used to cre- business process analysis with our proposal and deployment. ate records that are treated in a similar for enterprise-wide re-engineering. In 1999 the National Historical Publica- fashion. The ERC challenged the archivists The ERC also recommended that the tions and Records Commission (NHPRC) and records managers to propose an auto- pilot be conducted using Department of awarded Michigan RMS a two-year grant mated process for classifying records and Management and Budget (DMB) offices. At (beginning May 1, 2000) to pilot test RMA implementing retention requirements that the time, DMB was responsible for issuing software. This grant helped Michigan pur- would be both seamless and systematic. information technology policies and stan- chase software, hire staff to handle the soft- It was not clear at first what this auto- dards with which the entire executive ware implementation in two different mated solution would look like.We did not branch was required to comply DMB's abil- environments, conduct business process know if we needed to custom-design some- ity to use the RMA would assist the ERC and analyses, and evaluate whether RMAs could thing, or if commercial products were avail- the Chief Information Officer when they at- solve our electronic records management ableWe did not know what functionalitv we tempted to promote the concept of enter- problems. needed, or what we could expect to find. prise-wide implementation to other Michigan RMS recently joined the State Fortunately,; we were not alone in our at- executive branch agencies, because they Archives of Michigan as part of the Depart- tempt to solve these problems.The U.S. De- would have already tested the product in ment of History,Arts and Libraries, Michigan partment of Defense (DoD) had already their own offices. Historical Center. However, our programs completed its development of standard 5015.2 for Records Management Applica- have a long tradition of partnership and col- What Isan RMA and laboration. tions (RMAs), and several commercial prod- In 1998 we collaborated to create a ucts were on the market that complied with How Does It Work? Michigan Government Electronic Records this standard. The more we learned about A Records Management Application Committee (ERC), with representation the DoD standard and the various RMAs on (RMA) is a software application that pro- from a variety of professional disciplines. the market, the more we realized that the vides a centralized repository for electronic One of our first concerns was to formulate first step in finding a solution had already records such as e-mail, word-processed doc- some type of policy or guideline about the been done for us. uments, spreadsheets, digital images, and retention of e-mail. We were aware of the While not perfect, the DoD standard had more. This repository is stored on a net- lawsuits involving the National Archives, we already answered the question about de- worked server. Users create the same elec- knew what other states were doing, and yet sired functionality. In addition, there clearly tronic documents that they have always we were not confident that anyone had a was not a need to custom-design a product needed to support their various business real solution to the problem. with the necessary functionality.Two ques- functions. However, instead of storing these

Ar,notnton Vo 32 1 Mr-h 2004 documents in a wide variety of places, the find a real solution with concrete results. were recruited to serve as the Phase II proj- documents are stored in the RMA's reposi- The NHPRC grant provided us with funds to ect participants. tory. U sers are taught to file, search for, and hire two additional people for the project Vendor Selection retrieve electronic documents using the team who would be responsible for training In October 1999 we began the process of RMA software. participants, developing file plans and ad- selecting an RMA product for the project.The When electronic documents are filed ministering the software. The project ana- vendor selection team included records man- using an RMA, they are classified according lysts we hired were Mimi Dionne and agers, archivists, infonnrmation technology pro- to a pre-defined file plan.We chose to assign Deborah Gouin. Mimi began working on the fessionals, and a user representative. We each organizational unit a file plan that project on May 15, 2000, and she remained received proposals from five software vendors, would be shared by all of the employees of with the project team until October 19, and three were invited to provide demonstra- that unit. Each file in the file plan is linked 2001. Deborah began working on the proj- tions of their product. Some of the major issues to a retention and disposal schedule, so the ect on June 26,2000, and she remained with that the vendor selection team considered RMA software can automatically calculate the project team through September 2002. were e-mail integration (the State of Michigan when a document's retention period has ex- Project Participants uses (GroupWise softwvare, and many RMA pired. Using the file plan ensures that the When the project team designed the plan products oniv integrate with Microsoft Out- electronic documents that are stored in the of work for the grant proposal, we dlecided look); customer support; and ease of use. We repository remain organized in a manner that we wanted to install and evaluate the actuallyv cotnted the number of steps required that is consistent for all of the unit's em- software in two different administrative set- to file an e-mail message and a word-processed ployees, and that they are retained accord- tings. This allowed us to compare the proj- document. By April 2000 the vendor selection ing to appropriate procedures (without ect participants' reactions to the RMA team agreed to purchase ForeMost Enterprise relying upon individual people to properly software.The Director of the Office of Sup- (recently acquired by Documentum, but for- implement retention requirements). port Services (OSS) volunteered to pur- merly Provenance and TrueArc).The team be- Once electronic documents arc stored in chase the RMA software and allow her lieved that ForeMost would be the most the repository, they cannot be altered. employees to be recruited as the Phase I user-lfri'endly RMA product. Copies can be retrieved and viewed, participants. The project team decided that Software Intstallation printed, or edited. If an electronic docu- the Phase I participants would use the RMA ment is edited, the new version is filed into software for the entire duration of the grant Unfortunately, installing the software was the RMA repository, and the RMA automati- project (and, we hoped, bey ond). frustrating and complicated. When the ven- cally assigns a new version number to the In January 2002, OSS was reorganized dor selection team chose ForeMost, we document, linking it to the original. along with the rest of the Department of were told that Enterprise Version 2 would All users of the RMA are assigned specific Management and Budget. However, when be released on June 1, 2000. We believed access rights that ensure that each person Phase I was initiated, OSS was the parent that this release date would work well with only has access to the files and documents agency to the Records and Forms Manage- the project since it was scheduled to begin in the repository they need. These access ment Division. It also consisted of Print and in May.We wanted to purchase Version 2 be- rights also allow groups of users to share Graphics Services, Mail and Delivery/Mate- cause it contains significant technical im- documents and files that are stored in the rials Management Services, and the Consoli- provements to Version 1 that make it easier repositorv. This reduces the need to store dated Print Center. Approximately 60 to administer and deploy. duplicate copies of the same document and people from OSS were selected to serve as By the time we finalized our contract, the promotes collaboration among co-workers. project participants for Phase I. release date for Version 2 was moved to Furthermore, all of the documents in the The project team also received permis- June 29. Nevertheless, we moved forward repository are full-text searchable, which sion from the DMB Director to recruit the and scheduled installation and training for means that they are very easy to find after department's executive office staff for Phase July'. On July 10, several people from Prove- they have been filed, even if you don't II of the project, which would start one year nance Systems, Inc.. visited to conduct the know in which file they are stored. after Phase I commenced.Approximately 20 official kickoff of the product installation and testing. During the remainder of that Implementation people were selected to participate in Phase II. Acceptance of the RMA software by the week, their staff worked with DMB's Infor- Personnel Phase II participants was considered crucial mation Technology Services Division (ITSD) Initially, the project team consisted of Jim for development of a business case for im- to install ForeMost. Kinsella, the project director; Doug Case, plementing RMA software throughout state The base product installation was suc- the electronic records analyst; and Caryn government. cessfuLl. However, ForeMost is designed to Wojcik, the electronic records archivist. We A few months after the project started, use activators that integrate the software had collaborated on many electronic record however, various personnel changes and re- with other applications used by the partici- projects before the RMA Project, such as a organizations resulted in the decision not to pant (such as Microsoft Word or Novell pilot project for scheduling electronic use the DMB Director's Office for Phase II GroupWise).These activators allow the par- records, developing a guideline for e-mail re- of the project. Instead, 40 people from the ticipant to file documents directly into Fore- tention, and rules for imaging systems. Director's Office of the new Department of Most's repository from the native We approached this project with enthusi- History,Arts, and Libraries (HAL), the parent application. None of these activators asm because we saw it as an opportunity to agency to the State Archives of Michigan, (continlued on page 18)

Anr,otaron Vol 32 1 March 2004 THE CHALLENGE OF EDITING C, THE C tlson c7Xirers

cialization. In the process, Edison established numerous companies to manufacture and market his inventions. His skills at marketing in- xhen Thomas Edison died at the age of 84 on October 18, cluded a canny sense of the influence of the popular press, and WI1931, he seemed to be a figure from a by-gone era, an untu- helped to make him one of the most famous people in the world. tored genius whose cut-and-try method of invention had given way As an inventor, Edison was careful to preserve records of his in- to organized scientific research. It had been more than 50 years ventivc work in order to demonstrate his priority in patent dis- since Edison had created the nation's first industrial research labo- putes. But he also kept careful cost accounts so he could charge ratory at Menlo Park, New Jersey, and more than a decade since he the work to the appropriate company and know how much an in- had developed a significant invention at the larger laboratory he vention cost to manufacture. Edison's laboratory records, ranging later built in West Orange, New Jersey. from carefully kept notebooks to rough sketches and measured During the intervening years, 19th-century inventions had come drawings, along with accounting and other financial documents, to be seen as the work of lone geniuses drawing on innate Yankee provide an unparalleled record of the process of invention. ingenuity, while modern technology was thought to be the prod- Equally important are the manufacturing and business records uct of the new science-based industrial research laboratories es- that can help us understand how new technologies are introduced tablished by such companies as General Electric, AT&T, and into the market and how they are used and modified once they DuPont. Spurred by the publications of the Thomas A. Edison Pa- leave the laboratory Because his inventions and businesses bore pers project, recent scholarship has challenged this older interpre- Edison's name, he paid close attention to his public image, and his tation and forged a new appreciation of Edison as the inventor staff maintained extensive clipping collections that provide addi- who became the first director of industrial research and made in- tional insights into the public perception of both the inventor and vention part of a larger process of innovation. the new technologies associated with him. Edison is best known as the most prolific inventor in American history, The Thomas A. Edison Papers is both blessed and cursed with the the holder of a record 1,093 U.S. patents. He began his career in the late enormous paper legacy left by Edison, his laboratories, and his busi- 1860s as an inventor of telegraph tectmhnology, including improvements to ness enterprises. When the project was being planned in the mid- ctlr tJel~r ~nA1 the cJnmllltqnm11lc t~ncm]c sion of multiple messages. His career reached an inventive peak during the five years (1876- 1881) he worked at his first large laboratory in Menlo Park, New Jersey where he invented the telephone transmitter, the phonograph, and the first incandescent electric light and power system. After spending several years commer- cializing electric light and power, Edison opened a new and larger laboratory in West Orange, New Jersey, in 1887. There he worked on improved sound-recording technology, devised the first motion pic- ture camera, developed the first success- ful alkaline storage battery, created a system for processing low-grade ores, and improved cement-manufacturing technology. As significant as any of Edison's inven- tions was his reorganization of inventive activity. Besides establishing the first in- dustrial research laboratory at Menlo Park, he broadened the notion of inven- tion to encompass what became known L - - -. -'l I ;4- _ in the 20th century as innovation-inven- Thomas A. Edison (seatecFcenter) and his experimenters at the West Orange Laborator! Photograph tion, research, development, and commer- courtesy)of the Edison Pa,pers project

Annoraronon Vol 321 March 2004 1970s, a feasibility study conducted by Professor James E. Brittain Howard Latimer As funding and staff time permits, the project of the Georgia Institute of Technology estimated that the holdings plans to add other materials, such as biographical sketches, and to at the Edison National Historic Site (Edison's home and laboratory work with educators to add educational materials for K-12 stu- in West Orange, New Jersey) and additional material scattered in dents. other repositories amounted to approximately 1.5 million pages of Since I became director in 2002, the project has had to grapple documents. with how to complete the last two parts of the microfilm edition By the time the Edison Papers finished its first inventories in the in a timely fashion. Nearly two-thirds of the 5 million pages of ma- early 1980s, that estimated volume had grown to 3.5 million pages. terial at the Edison National Historic Site date from the period A few years later, as the archives staff at the ENHS continued to in- 1911-1931.We decided that we would be much more selective in ventory and process collections, the number rose to over 5 million dealing with the voluminous record groups that document the cor- pages. As a consequence, what was originally conceived as a 20- porate divisions of Thomas A. Edison, Inc., and select only material year editing project has grown into a much more complex project that explicates Edison's own involvement in company operations. slated to be completed nearly 50 years after it began. We thus undertook a comprehensive survey of the corporate The Edison Papers began in 1978 when Reese VJenkins was se- record groups and other Part V (1911-1920) collections and devel- lected to head the project at Rutgers, the State University of New oped a much more manageable set of materials to edit that is com- Jersey Dr Jenkins established the original goals of the project, parable to earlier parts of the collection. We will undertake a which remain central today: (1) to publish a selective six-part similar survey for Part VI (1921-1931). image edition of approximately 10 percent of the total documents Although the period documented in Part V is not as thoroughly in the ENHS archives, along with additional documents from out- covered in the secondary literature as the Menlo Park and early side repositories; (2) to publish an even more selective 15-volume West Orange periods, it was a time of intense activitv for Edison, his book edition of transcribed and annotated documents; and (3) to laboratory, and his recently organized company, Thomas A. Edison, disseminate other interpretive and educational materials that will Inc. Several new inventions-the disc phonograph, the Ediphone be of interest to a broad segment of the American public as well as dictating machine, the Home Projecting Kinetoscope, and the Kine- to students, general historians, and specialized scholars. tophone (motion pictures with synchronized sound)-were devel- By the time Dr.Jenkins retired in 1995, Parts I-111 (1850-1898) of oped and marketed. the image edition had been published on microfilm, along with the During World War I, Edison was also a major figure in war pre- first three volumes of the book edition, covering the years paredness. His ideas spurred the creation of the Naval Consulting 1847-1877. Part IV (1887-1898) of the microfilm was published in Board, on which he served as president, and he conducted research 1999 under the project's second director, Robert Rosenberg. For- for the U.S. Navv. To overcome shortages of chemicals previously merly the managing editor of the book edition, Dr. Rosenberg also obtained from Germany, he developed plans for rapidly building oversaw the publication of Volume 4 (1878). new manufacturing plants and became a major supplier not only to At the time Dr. Jenkins retired, planning was underway to de- U.S. industries but to the European allies and Japan as well. During velop an online digital image edition, which was produced under this period, Edison forged a longstanding friendship with industri- the direction of Dr. Rosenberg. Launched in September 2000 on the alist Henry Ford, with whom he embarked on a series of highly Edison Papers website (http.//edison.rutgers.edu),the online edi- publicized camping trips that included industrialist Harvey Fire- tion made available approximately 175,000 images from Parts I-111 stone and naturalist John Burroughs. of the microfilm edition. In March 2002, another 5,000 images from The book edition, too, has required some rethinking as we deal 64 repositories and private collections were added. with an ever more voluminous document base.Volume 5 (January Users of the online edition are able to search for authors, recipi- 1879-March 1881), which covers the research and development ents, and names mentioned in a database of 121,000 document phase of Edison's electric light and power system, was completed records and 19,250 names, and to search for words and phrases ap- in the summer of 2002 and includes 422 documents selected from pearing in the approximately 4,000 targets (descriptive introduc- over 9,000 documents.A similar number of documents have been tions) to the folders and volumes. Through the series notes, the selected from more than 12,000 documents for Volume 6 (April edition provides links to targets at the series, subseries, and folder 1881-June 1883), which examines the early commercialization of or volume levels. It also provides a list (with linked images) of all Edison's system and is now at the halfway point. records in a particular folder or volume when the associated target Fortunately, the online digital edition has expedited selection is brought to the screen. and annotation for the book edition by enabling editors to readily Eventually the digital edition will include all of the images of the look at groups of related documents by date or name that would six-part microfilm edition and material from outside repositories, as otherwise require using several different reels of microfilm. Begin- well as the texts and annotations of the book edition linked to their ning with Volume 5. we are citing the online digital edition as well images. Among the features of the digital edition not available in as the microfilm edition. Because so much of the annotation refers the book or microfilm editions are PDF files of all of Edison's 1,093 to other material in the Edison Papers, we are planning to simplify U.S. patents, which can be listed by execution date, patent number, our method of citation, referring readers to relevant names and or subject; index entries for the clippings from Edison's scrap- document folders wherever possible, instead of individually citing books; a comprehensive chronology and bibliography: and links to dozens of related items. related resources on the Web. In order to ensure the stability of the digital edition, we have Also included is a collection of essays, images, and patents con- begun working with the Rutgers University Library to plan and im- cerning the African American inventor and Edison associate Lewis plement the integration of the Edison Papers digital edition into the (conltinued on page 19)


A I 0

he Center for History of Physics has re- cently initiated a Project to Document the History of Physicists in Industry. We are studying communications patterns and doc- umentation practices at a number of major high-tech firms in the United States. A pri- mary goal of the study is to help develop a national documentation strategy for identify- ing, appraising, and preserving historically r valuable research and development (R&D) records in large corporations. Efforts to document and study the history of corporate research have generally been a narrow in scope, and a collaborative docu- Prq/ect listaria, Tol Lassman (left) intervieu's senior IBMI physicist Praveen Clhaudlari at the ThomnasJ Watson Research Center in Marcch 2003. D: Chaudlhariis Ino' director (JJofBrookhalven Na- mentation strategy promises to lay the tional Laboratorl:Photograph. courtes) ofJ tMe author groundwork for corporate laboratories and archival repositories to work together to pre- of records-keeping practices and needs in scripts in the U.S. (1961) includes only one serve a greater range of the history of R&D high-tech industry for a significant group of collection of a 20th-century physicist, the pa- across many different economic sectors. participants. pers of Enrico Fermi at the University of Beginning with the founding of the re- The project, which got underway at the Chicago. search laboratory at General Electric in end of 2002, builds on earlier documentation Things began to slowly change in the late 1900, American big business began institu- research that the Center has undertaken, es- 1950s as a few archivists, historians, and sci- tionalizing R&D to rationalize technological pecially our ten-year Study of Multi-Institu- entists realized that the history of 20th-cen- innovation and reduce market competition. tional Collaborations, which was also tury science was an important and neglected In a recent review, economist and biogra- supported in part by the NHPR(C.' We have field and that the raw materials that docu- pher Sylvia Nasar noted that unlocking "the targeted a sample of 15 companies for the ment it were being lost as the pioneer scien- secret of turning inventions into economic study: 3M, Boeing, Corning, Eastman Kodak, tists passed from the scene. (Concrete efforts growth" and instituting continuing innova- Exxon Mobil, iGeneral Atomics, General Elec- to address these problems were fueled by tion are unique achievements of the Ameri- tric, Hewlett-Packard, Honeywell, IBM, Lock- the NSF, which created an office of social sci- can economy.' heed Martin, Lucent Technologies, Raytheon. ence in 1958 to support history and related Corporate R&D has played a central role Texas Instruments, and Xerox. disciplines.' in these innovations, but the history of Amer- These 15 companies represent a judgment The Center for History of Physics grew out ican industrial R&D is largely undocu- sample from among the largest employers of of an AIP "Project to Document the History mented. Both the archival resources and the physicists in corporate life. They include of Recent Physics in the United States, historical literature are principally restricted companies with a diverse product mix, as funded by the NSF and begun in 1962.The to a few companies in the communications, well as from a broad spectrum of economic center was created byAIP in its present form chemical, and electrical industries. Approxi- sectors. We have also included some compa- in 1965 to work cooperatively with scien- mately one-third of Ph.D. physicists in the nies that currently have or have had in-house tists, archivists, and historians to help pre- U.S. today are employed in corporate R&D. archives, along with two that have placed at serve and make known the history of This three-year study; which is being least some corporate records at public modern physics and allied fields. funded by the center's parent institution, the archives. The concept of archival documentation re- American Institute of Physics (AIP), and by Working to document science and tech- search and documentation strategies was grants from the National Historical Publica- nology requires ongoing effort, in part be- conceived at the History Center and at a few tions and Records Commission (NHPRC), the cause the records and papers that record other Ul.S. repositories, specifically to de- National Science Foundation (NSF), the An- America's growth as a major scientific power velop collaborative strategies to identify, ap- drew Mellon Foundation, the Avenir Founda- were largely ignored through the first half of praise, and preserve historical records and tion, and the Research Corporation, the 20th century. For example. Philip papers in areas of science that are tradition- represents the first systematic investigation Hamer's A Guide to Archives an;d;cIan;t- all) difficult for archivists and historians to

10 AAirraron Vo 32t1 March 2004 address. stichi as muilti-institutional collabora- tion research work that the History Center keeping and on learning the contemporary tions and corporate research As a result, has undertaken, is designed to help develop role of the once ubiquitous laboratory) note- these materials are often overlooked and strategies and recommendations for saving hook and other traditional records in docu- eventually lost. hard-to-preserve records in the history of sci- menting research. These standardized Documentation strategies are planning ence by working withl the people who cre- interviews average about two hours in tools that allow archivists to work together ate and use them. Because the corporate length.We are also asking scientists and sci- with their colleagues at other repositories, as world largely lacks the archival infrastruc- ence managers about their education and ca- well as with records creators and records ture that academic and Federal institutions reer paths and inquiring into such issues as users, to develop coordinated, cooperative possess, we arc also including work to iden- how R&D organization and ftnding have approaches to documenting the past. After tify and fill some of the gaps in the existing changed in recent decades. first focusing on the papers of academic historical record, work that we hope the As we currently move into the second year physicists, next adding records created at the (Center and others will continue and expand of the study; we are expanding our range of U.S. Department of Energy laboratories, and after the study is completed. activities. In addition to continuing site visits then examining the documentation of big 'I'The three-year study includes 1) standard- and structured interviews at laboratories, we collaborations, we began to turn to industrial ized question-set interviews w ith more than will start conducting the first of the longer, research in the late , conducting an ini- 100( current corporate scientists, R&D man- autobiographical oral history interviews tial surve)y of major highl-tech companies andi agers, and infi)rmation proftssionals at 15 with a small group of especially influential visiting some of the small number of in- major industrial laboratories, to determine industrial physicists and R&D managers. We house corporate archives how records are created, used, and stored will also begin visiting and studying public Appreciable progress has been made in and the extent to which they are preserved and private archival programs that currently documenting the history of physics, astroln- and made accessible once their active use collect and preserve the history of industry, omy, geophysics. and related fields during thle ends; 2) identification and cataloging of ex- and the project historian will continue work past 40 years, primarily in academic institu- tant corporate records, laboratory note- on a historiographical essay on American in- tions but also in government labs. One incmeas- books, and other sources in the History dustrial research. uire of progress is the resources represented (Center's online International Catalog of We are pleased by the interest and spirit of in the History (Center's online Interna- Sources and RLIN: 3) study of existing public cooperation that we have encountered dur- tional Catalog of Sources for the Histors and private archival programs that document ing the first y ear.AIIl nine of the firms that we of Physics and Allied Sciences at the history of science-based industry in the have contacted so far have agreed to take blttp.//t'ttlialip. oVg/l)istorl)' icos, wlhiclh nlow United States and Europe: 4) career-length part in the study, and the scientists, science includes more than -,600 collections of autobiographical interviews with 15 or more managers, and information professionals archival records, personal papers, and oral leading industrial physicists: and 5) a review whom we've invited to participate in inter- history interviews, held at more than 500 dif- essay on the history of American industrial views have devoted many hours of time to ferent repositories here and abroad How- research to provide context fi)r the analysis sharing their knowledge and experiences ever, the International Catalog of Sources of the companies in the study. with us. contains relatively little information on During the first year of the Project, we con- While it s too earls to draw any concrete archival records or manuscript collections centrated on selecting the companies to in- findings, the initial interviews have been in- that document corporate R&D. clude, developing the standardized question formative, and some initial patterns are be- The Project to Document the History of sets, and conducting initial site visits and in- ginning to emerge. Some scientists and Physicists in Industr;y, like other documenta- terviews. Over the y-ear, staff completed visits information professionals have described a to nine corporate labs and breakdown in records-keeping practices as interviewed 70 benchl scien- electronic records supplant paper ones. In tists, R&D managers, and in- some labs, the laborators notebook and formation professionals. other traditional records have fallen by the I sing standardized ques- wayside without being replaced by effective tions, we are probing how electronic equivalents, and only one of the research projects get companies that we've visited has instituted started, how scientists and an electronic laboratory notebook system. science managers commu- Many researchers also describe another ef- nicate and work with one fect of electronic communications, and espe- |another, what kinds of cially e-mail: although there has been a records are created in the decrease in face-to-face interaction with coutirse of doing research coworkers, long-distance collaboration has and how scientists use become easier Differences are as prominent them, and what becomes of as similarities. As just one example, most high- records when they are no tech companies have experienced a tough longer active.We are placing economic environment in the last two years, special emphasis on study- but the effects of the economic malaise on Project director Joe Anderson re lieu's labo'rator' iotebooks ti'itl ing the effects of e-mail and the companies that we're studying and on Laur-aTucker mllanager offintoroalion at Xerox'.s Wi I.son (Centerjor Research and Tecbniologi: il .April 2003. Pbotograc!pb courtesj ,, other electronic media on their R&D programs vars markedly. the author conmmUnications and records (continued on page 1 )

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I . I

he Carnegie Institution, one of the na- edging the thank you, the grantee ac- tion's first privately funded basic re- knowledging the acknowledgment) to the search organizations, houses an socially outmoded (eugenics research in irreplaceable archive documenting the the opening decades of the century). progress of American science in the 20th It seems as though anyone who was any- century. Funded by a generous grant from one in the scientific community has sought the National Historical Publications and a research opportunity under the auspices Records Commission (NHPRC), the of the Carnegie Institution. Roy J. Britten Carnegie Legacy Project began in July 2003 carried out seminal research on repetitive as a unified approach to preserving, organ- DNA and its evolutionary origins; Earnest izing, and making accessible the institu- W Brown worked out his theory of the tion's historic records at its Washington, DC, Moon's motion; and, of course, Barbara Mc- headquarters and each of its six research de- Clintock discovered mobile genetic ele- partments. ments-work that led to a Nobel Prize in The Legacy Project Committee coordi- 1983. Also found here are the records of nates the current phase of the project Robert Goddard's rocket propulsion work, (scheduled to last until July 2005) to as well as those of Mesoamerican archaeol- process and reference material, and to initi- ogist Sylvanus Morley, who did some of the ate outreach activities at both its adminis- first large-scale work at the Mayan site of tration building and its earth and space Chichen Itza. science research campus in northwest DC. The preservation of these records is a John Strom, Carnegie's Web manager, directs huge undertaking.While an "archive" exists the Carnegie Legacy Project Committee. in the basement of the building, the Key personnel include project archivists records are crudely organized and suffer

Cnarles rargrove aniu jenmier Snyuer, Charles Hargrove exi ts the 'penthouse" in the 1o11 years o0 poolr ClViiiriniicLtal _uliul- Rachel Ban of History Associates, Inc., and Broad Branchl Roadfatcilit ' uwhere most of the ma- tions and incorrect archival housing. Much terials are currently sitored. The space opening is Shaun Hardy, librarian at Carnegie's Depart- I'/lfeet wide and 4fee?etta all. Photograph courtesy of the material is quite brittle, due to a ment of Terrestrial Magnetism and Geo- ofthe autho;: number of factors.The records have been physical Laboratory housed mainly in acidic, brown file fold- At the Carnegie Administration Building, Jennifer Snyder is re- ers. Before they were stored on compact shelving, many records sponsible for over 700 linear feet of historical records dating back were stored in wooden filing cabinets. at least from the inception of the InstitutionThese records are pri- Once the records were moved onto the compact shelving, no marily administrative. For example, there is an essentially complete boxes were used to store them.There are literally rows and rows of financial record of the Institution; documents chronicling the in- folders on the shelves.As a result, the materials are extremely dirty. ception and creation of Carnegie's various research departments; In many cases, the labels on the folders have fallen off or are in the and thousands of grant applications, research proposals, pieces of process of coming loose; with no other indicator on the folder, correspondence, and reports on funded research, many from identification can be tricky. Luckily, all the folder titles had been prominent figures in the scientific community.These records help input into a database. The environmental conditions in the storage to draw a complete picture of the Institution from its founding by room are currently being monitored using a digital thermome- Andrew Carnegie in 1902. ter/hygrometer. The records are connected to a number of Carnegie research The records will be placed in archivally acceptable folders and topics, from the fascinating (a 1901 proposal for a patented ma- eventually into document boxes. Fragile documents are being chine to '"travel on the air") to the mundane (correspondence placed in Mylar L-sleeves or photocopied onto acid-free paper Pho- thanking the Institution for grant money, the Institution acknowl- tographs in the folders are put into polypropylene sleeves for pro-

12 Annotrtion Vol 32 1 March 2004 tection. Larger items are noted and eventually will be removed and only be reached through a small gap 1'/_ feect wide and 4 feet tall. organized into oversize flat boxes. The database has been con- The records were initially put into the penthouse during a building verted into Microsoft Access, and these files incorporate additional renovation project in 1990, and have been stored there on metal notes made during processing. When complete, the database will shelving in record center boxes ever since. Although the records be re-mounted on the Carnegie web site, and finding aids for sepa- have been stored in boxes with tops, many of these boxes are torn rate entities will be created. and haggard from moving. Most of the records are extremely dirty. Once the processing of the historical records is complete The first task was a survey of all of the boxes to supplement the (around July 2004), Jennifer Snyder will join another archivist, also box/folder list that was compiled by Carnegie Librarian Shaun hard at work, at the Broad Branch Road campus.At that site, 1,000 Hardy during the initial move to the penthouse. The survey also linear feet of records and 37, 500 photographic images are currently helped the archivist to understand what exactly is meant by such the responsibility of Charles Hargrove.The records at Broad Branch unfamiliar words as "anemogram" or "'barogram:'The next step is to Road are significantly different in form and content from the ad- determine how the various records fit together as discrete collec- ministrative records at P Street. tions. The collections will be processed, re-housed, and described Although there are administrative records relating to the running with finding aids so as to allow researchers to access the materials of Department of Terrestrial Magnetism (DTM) and the Geophysi- more easily. cal Laboratory, the majority of records here are directly related to In addition to basic appraisal of the records for physical condi- the scientific research carried out by the Carnegie scientists of tion, the scientific records also need appraisal by experienced re- these two departments.The records consist of such diverse materi- searchers. There are at least 200 linear feet of records containing als as laboratory notebooks, expedition logs and maps, experimen- original observations in various fields, including geomagnetism, at- tal observation cahiers, film, instrument standardizations, and many, mospheric electricity, seismology, meteorology and cosmic ray re- many boxes of instrument tracings. search. We have had preliminary discussions with scientists at the The first collection to be processed was the James PercyAult Col- Broad Branch Road campus, but we have found that a good deal of lection. The collection consists primarily of letters exchanged by the data is in disciplines no longer being studied by Carnegie staff Ault and his wife, Mamie Totten Ault, from 1904 to 1929.Ault joined We are attempting to identify subject specialists outside DTM to DTM in 1905 as a magnetic observer with the department's world help us evaluate the scientific value of the data. During our prelim- magnetic survey Although he led or participated in expeditions to inary assessments with department scientists, we have had indica- Canada, Mexico, Bolivia, and Peru, he is best remembered as the tions that improvements in instrumentation may have rendered at Commander of the non-magnetic research vessel Carnegie. least some of the historic data unusable.We are exploring the pos- The Carnegie was built in 1909, and Ault became her captain in sibility of transferring other data to national data centers serving 1914. From 1909 to 1929, the Ca rnegie circled the globe on seven the scientific community. scientific cruises, four under the command of Ault. He wrote almost The photographic images consist of prints, negatives, and lantern daily to his wife while on board, and his voluminous letters provide slides. Most of these images come from the many magnetic surveys insight into the working of the ship, the that the Carnegie Institution financed often strained relationship between Ault . A. I R. $. &A. EB. LA cv, ptnsaround the world, both on land and sea. and then DTM director Louis Bauer, and Solicitors of U. S. annd Foreign Patents, Many images are contained in a series Washingt I. D. the sensitive and sincere love between of well-cantioned albums nut tovether Ault and his wife. by the surveyors themselves. Duplicate The letters stop, predictably but ] photographs and some negatives are abruptly, with the tragic destruction of stored in wooden filing cabinets in la- the Carnegie due to a gasoline explosion -- , beled paper envelopes. The envelopes in 1929.Ault and the cabin boy were the are old and rather fragile. We plan on only fatalities. In addition to the letters, eventually re-housing all of the images the collection also includes photograph in modern, acid-free containers. Cur- albums of Ault's travels through Canada rently, no finding guides to the photo- and South America and aboard the graphic collections exist. Access is Carnegie. newspaper clippings relating limited to chronological browsing. Our to the Carnegie and DTM, and ephemera future goal is to create an image data- such as passes to the base that will allow users to browse by Jockey's Club. In addition to Ault's per- keyword and year. sonal papers, there are 19 linear feet of The DTM and Geophysical Lab original scientific records comprising lit- records are to be moved into a new erally hundreds of thousands of observa- archives being built at the Broad Branch 11 N'I CdTL UCS-f< ,01 /-_..... 1.... ; r-- Th-: -,...... -..1. UUIS



7)1wc c65K //(caed c97ap rs o04 & /b6df Si1steti/, begun in 1955, is fast approaching its 50th anniversary. Eight volumes (including one double volume) of Einstein's collected writings and correspondence have been published since 1987; they cover Einstein's life and work from 1879 to

Albert Einstei#. Photograph courtesy of the Center 1921.The ninth volume of correspondence is due to appear in the fall of 2004. for History ofPhysics, Arnerican Institute of Physics.

lbert Einstein (1879-1955), whose 125th birthday we cele- institutions, libraries, former friends, colleagues, and family mem- Xrate on March 14, lived in Germany, Switzerland, and eventu- bers over a period of three decades. By the mid 1980s, they had col- ally the United States, through six major epochs of modern history: lected more than 40,000 items, either in the original or in the Wilhelmine Empire,World War I, the Weimar Republic, Fascism, photocopy, from the United States and Europe, and had established World War II, and the postwar period. He was the prime mover of an impressive card catalog that Dukas had typed up. Between 1979 the transformation of modern physics. starting with the publication and 1981, with assistance from Princeton University staff, the cata- of his revolutionary papers on the photoelectric effect and on the log was entered into a computerized database. special theory of relativity in what we call "the miraculous year The Einstein materials themselves were reproduced on micro- 1905." Einstein is arguably the most important scientist since Isaac film, and several hard copies were produced, while the original Ein- Newton. He never wished for a memorial, and insisted that his stein Archive, as it was known by then, was crated and shipped to ashes be scattered at an undisclosed location. The Einstein Papers the newly established Albert Einstein Archives at the Jewish Na- Project is our intellectual memorial to his life and work. tional and UTniversity Library at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Although its first volume appeared more than 30 years after Ein- where it has resided ever since. Helen Dukas died shortly there- stein's death, plans for such an edition were initiated early. In his after, having devoted almost six decades to Einstein and his legacy. last will and testament. Einstein bequeathed his entire literary es- A biography of this remarkable woman is still to be written! tate, with no stipulations or strings attached, to the Hebrew Uni- The editorial project was established at Boston University versity in Jerusalem, an institution that he helped establish and on Princeton University Press, whose director Herb Bailey had been an whose behalf he had begun working as earlyv as 1919. Upon his early and enthusiastic supporter of the project, took on the re- death, the task of organizing his written legacy was entrusted to the sponsibility of publishing the large-format bound volumes, as well executors of his literary estate, his longtime assistant Helen Dukas as a paperback companion translation project.The editors decided and his friend Otto Nathan, a lawyer living in New York. that all of Einstein's scientific writings, both published and unpub- Dukas and Nathan decided that a publication plan should be ini- lished, as well as drafts, notebooks, scientific and personal corre- tiated with dispatch, yet the process ultimately turned out to be ar- spondence would appear in chronological order. duous and at times painful. Not only did various complications arise Unpublished materials would be faithfully transcribed, no silent in the process of collecting material, but Einstein's various family corrections of typographical or other errors would be applied, and branches disagreed with the executors regarding the status of phys- punctuation and style would be reproduced, while errors of fact or ical and intellectual ownership of material that was variously held calculation would be explained in the annotation. Published items by private individuals, libraries, and archives, as well as in Einstein's would appear in facsimile, while comparisons to drafts or versions former home and office. would be examined and detailed in the footnotes. An introduction Other aspects of the envisioned project needed to be clarified and various editorial headnotes analyzed major themes in Einstein's and implemented, such as the project's work site, funding sources, life and work. It was to be a project that combined the most rigor- editorial policies, and management. In the early 1980s,John Stachel, ous American and European editorial standards, whereby historical a professor of physics at Boston University, officially began the events, places, and names, as well as scientific developments, would work of planning for what was already a highly challenging enter- form the core of the detailed scientific-historical annotation. prise. By that time, Helen Dukas and Otto Nathan, with assistance The first volume of Einstein's papers was the most challenging to and advice from a number of historians of science, had organized produce. Little material documenting his childhood and youth was Einstein's manuscripts and letters at the Institute for Advanced extant, and, most distressingly, manuscripts of his early work, among Study in Princeton, where Einstein worked from 1933 to 1955. them one of his most remarkable papers on the special theory of rel- l)ukas and Nathan corresponded with hundreds of individuals, ativity, published in 1905 when he was only 26 ycears old, were not

14 Annoranon Vol 321 March 2004 available. Nevertheless, the editors embarked on an ultimately highly War I, and one of the few German intellectuals who had not signed successful hunt for unknown letters and documents, so that bx 198' the Manifesto of the 93 in defense of Germany's war aims, Einstein the deeply personal and revealing letters between Albert Einstein became a spokesman for international reconciliation among scien- and his classmate, sweetheart, and first wife Mileva Marie could be tists and intellectuals, and an increasingly public figure rather than included in a volume that also contained copies of his school cer- a simple private savant. tificates, his final leaving examinations, his university notebooks, and The project moved in the summer of 2000 from Boston to the other highly illuminating and never befiore examined materials. Institute of Technology in Pasadena when I was ap- This achievement of the first editorial team at Boston University, pointed the new general edlitor Einstein had been a visiting scien- consisting of John Stachel as senior editor, together with David (Cas- tist at (Caltech during three winter terms in 1931, 1932, and 1933. sidv (now at Hofstra University), Robert Schulmann (with the Pro- He had come here to consult with the astronomers and physicists ject at Caltech, residing in Bethesda), and Juergen Reon (now at the who, dluring the late 1920s and early 1930s were making some of Max-Planck InstituLte of the Historv of Science in Berlin), was fol- the most revolutionary advances in our understanding of the struc- lowed by a series of important analh'ses of Einstein's scientific de- tLre of the universe. He met extensively with Edwin Hubble, who velopment. Among them arc the votlumes documenting his most had shown that, contrary to Einstein's initial assumptions, we live revolutionary scientific contributions between 1905 andi 1916, in- in a dvynamical and expanding universe of a much larger scale than cluded in Vols. 2-4, and most significantly, Einstein's strenuous path Einstein had knowln when he developed his theory of generalized towards his greatest achievement, the general theorv of relativity. relativity in the first two decades of the century. Over the N-years, the editorial team, consisting of historians andi The project, now housed in its own rather charming villa on the philosophers of science whose specialty was the complex physi- campuLs of Caltech, consists of a staff of seven fuill-time equivalent cal. mathematical, and conceptual foundations of modern physics, editors (Robert Schulmann, Jozsef Illy, Daniel Kcnnefick, Tilman included Martin J. Klein (Yale), AJ. Kox (now at the tTniversity of Sauter, Virginia Iris Holmes, A. J. Kox, and Ze'ev Rosenkranz) with Amsterdam), Michel .lanssen (now at the tTniversity of Minnesota), varying areas of expertise and experience on the project. The edi- and many other associated and contributing editors, graduate stiu- tors receive assistance from gifted undergraduate students, an edi- dents, andt editorial staff. Einstein scholarship has benefited im- torial and technical staff, visitors, and a number of researchers in mrnensely from new insights gained over the past 18 years. With Europe, the tUnited States, and Israel who contribtite material from almost every volume, new biographies fi)r the general public are local libraries and archives. published, and our received view of Einstein deepens and clhanges. Over the past two years, our infrastructure has changed signifi- The four first volumnes covering Einstein's writings were fol- cantly, especially in that we have moved to a Web-based database lowed by the first volume devoted exclusively to correspondence. consisting of more than 60,000 items (or more than half a million Since then, the published volumes have been divided into a W'rit- photocopied pages in our collection).We work from copies, in par- ings series and a Correspondence series, a division that was dic- ticularly close cooperation with the Albert Einstein Archives in tated by the rising number of letters after 1915. Thus Volume 5 Jerutsalem, with w hich we have launched a highly intense and suc- covered Einstein's correspondence from 1902 to 1914, a significant cessful collaborative web site containing high-quality images of 900 time period, while Volume 9. to be published this year, only covers digitized scientific and nonscientific manuscripts in Einstein's a period of 16 months. hand, as well as a finding aid and database The web site, launched This dramatic increase in Einstein's correspondence was due in in May 2003 on the occasion of a symposium at the Museum of Nat- large part to his rising fame shortly after the end of World War I, his ural Historx in New York celebrating 25 years of editorial work on many additional administrative responsibilities, his status as Ger- the Collected Papers, was accessed during its first few week by many's prc-eminent scientist, and his gradual engagement in social, several hundred thousand users (u'uit.alberteinstein. inlfo). political, and humanitarian causes. It was in the spring of 1919, only The challenges of selectivity are one of the most significant is- a few months after the end of the war and the dissolution of the suies wvith which the current editorial team is struggling. While Ein- German empire,and before theVersaillesTreaty had even been con- stein's writings for the period 1922-25 would probably fit into no eluded, that two British astronomical expeditions set sail bforthe more than one volume of the lWritings series, his complete corre- northeastern coast of and the northwestern coast of Africa to spondence of incoming and outgoing letters for the same period observe a solar eclipse. would probably necessitate several Correspondence volumes. A de- The expedition's major goal was to test one of the three funda- cision was thus made to calendar administrative items pertaining to mental observational predictions of the theory of general relativity Einstein's activities as a member of the Prussian Academy of Sci- namely, that light from distant stars is deflected when it passes the ences and as the Director of the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institute of strong gravitational field in the vicinity of the Sun. The official re- Plhysics. The calendar took up 80 pages in Volume 9. port on the resuilts of the expeditions was published in England in We are now publishing approximately 50 percent of Einstein's the fall.As a consequence, Einstein. who had eagerly awaited the re- correspondence and are debating ways of reducing the number sults of the expedition, became known worldwide. Hle was be- even futirther without prejudicing certain aspects of his life and sieged by reporters, and his face began appearing on the covers of work We want to present a fair representation of the broad incom- popular magazines and newspapers. ing correspondence from publishers, students, colleagues, and pub- The great physicist became a celebrity in Berlin and elsewlhere, lic figures w ithout imposing the historian's judgment too severelx was asked bforpopular renditions of his most recent work, andi was onto extant material. invited to lecture not only at home but also abroad. As the only DIANA KO)RM(O)S Bu CIILAIAI) IS lltE (GENEILAL ED)ITORAND DIREC(TOR OF THE EIN- prominent German scientist identified with opposition to World STEIN PAPERS PROI ICT,CI ALIFORNIA INSTITU TE OF TEC INOL OGY, PASAOENA.

1 1Jr, 2©I h I1 Four years later, 16 representatives of on the institutional development of Ameri- JOSEPH HENRY'S CAREER AS A SCIENTIST human development and civilization in can science. Henry was recognized as one (continlued from page 1) eight areas of human endeavor were im- of the great institution builders. It was meetings of the American Philosophical mortalized by statues in the Rotunda of the within this environment that the Joseph Society in Philadelphia. Jefferson Building of the Library of Con- Henry Papers Project was formally estab- In 1846, Henry was elected Secretary gress. Most of the men selected were of in- lished in 1966 under the joint sponsorship (chief executive officer) of the newly estab- ternational fame: Ludwig Van Beethoven, of the Smithsonian Institution, the National lished Smithsonian Institution, a position he William Shakespeare, Plato, and Michelan- Academy of Sciences, and the American held until his death. While Secretary, he fo- gelo. Representing science were Isaac New- Philosophical Society. cused on applied research. For example, his ton and Joseph Henry. The project has always been housed at the work on the acoustics of public buildings and Fifty years later, however, no historian or Smithsonian (currently, it is part of the Insti- on fog signals marked the birth of the field of scientist would consider Henry to be on the tutional History Division of the Smithsonian applied acoustics in the United States. same level as Michael Faraday or Newton. Institution Archives), with funding having When Henry became Secretary of the During the intervening half century the his- come from all three sponsors, as well as from Smithsonian, he also became de facto tory of American science had been reexam- the National Science Foundation, the Na- science adviser to both the executive ined. Henry was recognized as perhaps the tional Endowment for the Humanities, the and legislative branches of the Federal best of what was a mediocre American National Historical Publications and Records Government. His effectiveness as an advo- physics community. His scientific contribu- Commission, foundations, and individuals. cate became as important (perhaps more tions placed him no higher than the second Originally conceived of as a selective edition important) than his skills as an experimen- tier of his European contemporaries. Ac- of 20 volumes, the project has, over the in- tal physicist. His correspondence demon- cording to this view of American scientific tervening years, responded to financial con- strates that the careers of individual history, American biologists and geologists siderations by increasing the selectivity and scientists, the livelihoods of inventors, and made important contributions to interna- reducing the number of volumes to eleven." the future of certain government scientific tional science in the mid-19th century; but When Nathan Reingold, the original edi- activities came to depend in part upon his not American physicists. tor, began collecting Henry materials, he as- support and his ability to sway members of In the 1960s, however, a new generation sumed that there were approximately Congress or cabinet members. Such was his of historians of science arose who focused 50,000-60,000 extant Henry documents. In reputation that, according to Henry, one fact the staff has oathered conies of over secretary of the interior assured him that 125,000 Henry items from 35 states and "if the request was ... backed by myself rF 17 countries. Over 80 percent of the doc- "5 i r ,' /'4 5 "" that would be sufficient! ' uments come from the Smithsonian Insti- 1-_/ Jga r -,/- -c i;; From 1868 until his death, Henry also tution Archives, most of these from I .- ~, 1 -- - served as president of the National Acad- Henry's personal papers and from the emy of Sciences. His efforts probably /{-*rw- (Lo-& HI official secretarial correspondence. saved the Academy from extinction by re- The National Archives and Records casting it into a symbol of impartiality and Administration is a distant second in scientific excellence. He also served as importance, with 10 percent of the doc- president of the American Association for U-Z.kl,- C ~,,g. -o L & '~ -.-l,- ,L. uments, coming from 35 different the Advancement of Science (1849- 50), as -/ A> ,.• - record groups. president of the American Association for Perhaps the most important editorial de- the Advancement of Education (1854), cision made by Reingold was to integrate and as a member (1852-71) and later the various types of Henry' documents into c5., / 'C----t - -I - •-'- - chair (1871-78) of the United States Light- addition to ;,r ,: ... :, . ? ~~ 4 5.,. ~.,-'-, a .. one chronological edition. In House Board. -4 t. .- -5 .. , t - z letters, Henry left behind diaries, lecture Henry's status and stature in the history notes, notebooks, and his "Record of Ex- . -e.- -, i-c . of science ebbed and flowed in the cen- periments" (from the title on the spine of tury following his death. At first, he was a one of the three manuscript volumes of his . ; -r.->- a . ;. --- I '1- X r--,.-i i symbol of American accomplishment in ~ laboratory notebook). It is common for -' - -,i r wo-ti -'' - I! science, recognized by both the American documentary editions to publish diaries in and international communities. When an volumes separate from correspondence. it. 4. 1893 international scientific congress es- Reingold rejected this approach, inter- tablished names for the various funda- spersing Henry's detailed record of his mental units in electricity, the unit of "Recomd of Experiments" entries ft)r work in the laboratory with diary entries, inductance became the "henry'."The Amer- Ala1 10 and 11, 1835, front the Joseph Henr, correspondence, and other documents. He Collection, Smitlhsoniam hIstitution Amchit 'es. ican joined Watt, Volta, Faraday, and other Photograph coutrtes), of the author felt that it would be a mistake to separate Europeans as honorees. (continued oin next page)

16 ArnAoraon Vol 321 Morch 2004 JOSEPH HENRY'S CAREER AS A SCIENTIST CENTER FOR HISTORY OF PHYSICS BEGINS ST11DY (continuledfronm pre 'iouts pcge) (continited )onm palge 1 ) the social history evident in the letters and The end products of the Project to Document the History of Physicists in Industry will diaries from the technical historv docu include publishlcd recomnmendations and appraisal guidelines that offer cooperative strate- mented in the "Record of Experiments." gies for documenting industrial R&D, along with the question-set interviews, records sur- The laboratory notebook, more than any veys, oral history interviewvs, and a historiographical essay. The records surveys and other form of documentation, distinguishes interviews will be cataloged online in RLIN and the International Catalog of Sources, and the papers of a scientist from those of a the interview tapes and transcripts will be available to researchers with the permission of the sibjects. politician or general. The "Record of Experi- ' Project recommendations will he based on an analysis of the interviews and other find- ments," maintained by Henry as an official ings, including the needs of users and an evaluation of best practices in the United States record of his work, in part in anticipation of and ahroad. While we hope to encourage the few companies in the study with in-house possible priorit' disputes, was compiled archives programs to expand their coverage of R&D records, we don't expect to convince from notes Henry made at the laboratory i companies that don't have archival programs to initiate them. Instead, we intend to em- bench. Profusely illustrated with drawings of phasize cost-effective approaches that incorporate existing records-keeping programs (e.g., scientific apparatus and of the conduct of records management programs, technical libraries) and public-private partnerships. experiments, the "Record of Experiments" The rccomimcndations will also reflect the new opportunities provided hy matLring elec- supplies details about Henry's work not oh- tronic records systems and increasingly stringent contractual requirements for documenting tainable from published scientific papers. corporate contracts in the t Tnited States. By bringing attention to poorly documented areas in The Henry Papers Project is coming to a ' the history of phy sics and allied sciences, identiffying specific problems, and developing rec- close. Nine of the eleven volumes have been ommendations and collaborative strategies for addressing the problems, we expect that the published (the first eight by the Smithsonian studyVwill continue to expand the knowledge base that scientists, archivists, and historians can Institution Press: the ninth and succeeding use to presersve the fill history of scientific research. volumes bv Science History Publications). For quiestions or additional information on the study-, please contact project director Joe Volume 10, which documents the Civil War Anderson ([email protected], 301-209-3183) or project historian Tom Lassman years, will appear early in 2005. Editorial (tl1assman@ aip.org, 301-209-3167). * work has begun on the last volume. Looking JOEANDERSON ISI)IRE CTOR o1 IIE PRfoE(I 1'() DoC MENT THE HISTORY OF PII'SI( ISIS IN INsI)IISTRIZ. back on the reviews of and the citations to the published volumes, as well as the articles I SIvia Nasar.A Textbook (Case,' The Veu' Ybrk Times Book Retieu', September 15, 200)2, p.1 ?. and monographs that have appeared based ,.tIP Study' ofJ Mitlti- nstititionitl Collclborations:Fiznal Report (American Institutet of Physics, on both the published volumes and the 2(00)1) provides an overview of the ten-sear study, and sumnmarizes the study's findings. For in- larger collection of documents gathered by ' formation on individual reports, inclutding online versions of most of them, see the project, the staff of the Henry Papers Ittp.7//u 'It 'it nip. orn/h)istorl//pilbslst. hntz (Teorge 'l. Mlazuzan,'The National Science Foundation:A Brief Project are reassured that the project has hlistory," File: nsf8816,Juily 15. 199-4 (asvailable on the Web at http.://u'''.nsIf.;,got/pittos/stisI 994n/tsf8816/nsf8816txt). reestablished the centrality of Henry for the history of American science. *

MARC ROTHENBERG IS THF EDI)ITOR OF TilE PAPERs OFJOSFPH HEvX.I: KEITH DONOHUE JOINS NHPRC STAFF .~ Philadelplia Ledger and Transcript, May 14, 1878. Keith Donohue has joined the NHPRC staff in the newly created position of The most accurate biography of Henry, and t Director for Communications. He will direct public information efforts, special the first to be based on the material gath- ' events, print and electronic publications; edit Annotation;and assist the Executive ered by the project, is Albert E. Moyer, Director on strategic directions, policy, and partnerships. Joseph Henrjv: The Rise of an American Sci- Prior eatist (Washington, 1)(: Smithsonian Institu- to joining the staff in February 2004, he was most recently Creative Direc- tion Press, 199'). tor at the Center for Arts and Culture. From 1984 to 1998, he worked at the Na- A M.emorial ofJoseph Henr' (Washington, tional Endowment for the Arts as a speechwriter for Chairs John Frohnmayer and DC: Government Printing Office, 1880) Jane Alexander, and as Director of Publications. At the Arts Endowment, he wrote Inscription to son William, May 1837, in George Gregory, Lectures on E.x'perimenteali extensively on arts education. He also edited a history of the agency and an anthology Philosoph}, Astrononmy ancd Chemistry of literary works from fellowship recipients. Donohue holds a Ph.D. in English from The (probably London, 1808). Catholic University of America and an M.A. from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh. Joseph Henrv to Alexander Dallas Bache, Dr. Donohue has created four major web sites, has been cited in two editions of Otober 25, 1851, Bache Papers, Smithsonian Archives. Representative American Speeches (LSU Press), authored PreservingOur Heritage Volunie 1 documents the Albany xears (Center forArts & Culture, 2001), and edited over a dozen publications on Federal (1797-1832); the Princeton years are cov-; cultural policy. His most recent work is The Irish Anatomist: A Study of Flann ered in volumes 2 through 6 (1832-1846); ' O'Brien (2003). volumes - through 11 document the Smith- sonian period of Henry's life (184'-18'8).

I, 32 1 ,]rc'h 2 needed to improve for widespread deploy- The first Phase I deployment to approxi- MANAGING ELECTRONIC RECORDS ment to bc successful.We shared these con- mately 3( participants experienced several (continuedJfrom page ') cerns with Provenance, and the)y informed configuration problems. ITSD tried to re- worked correctly. Provenance promised to us that they) would fix most of the functional solve these problems, but it took a consid- fix the problem in time for our mid-August problems when they released a service pack erable amount of time to identify the cause user training sessions. in January 2001. Again there were delays. of each problem and the appropriate solu- On August 2, Provenance informed us The new version finally arrived on May 25. tion. As a result, we had several frustrated that the problems with the activators would Version 2.1 was installed on July 18, but it participants, IT staff, and project staff. not be fixed in time for our user training. contained only one of th suggestions for im- A meeting between the project team and They promised to have the problems fixed provement that we submitted to TrueArc ITSD was held in early January 2001 to try by August 30. On August 31 Provenance in- (note: the company) changed its name in to prevent these problems with the second formed us that testing and development of May 2001) after our initial installation of the deployment to an additional 20 partici- the activators was not going well, and they product. On January 23, ITSD installed Fore- pants. At this time, we believed that all of could not deliver the product as promised. Most Enterprise 2.S.This version of the soft- the configuration issues were identified and Needless to say, the project team was dis- ware included several features that our resolved. However, the second deployment appointed by this additional delay On Sep- project team suggested.We are pleased with was also problematic. tember 8, Provenance informed us that the these improvements because they make the Another meeting with ITSD was held in problems were fixed and that we could re- software more user-friendly. We hope that late January. ITSD decided to have its tech- sume the project. On September 25-28, other suggestions we have submitted will nicians configure the computers after soft- Provenance staff uninstalled and reinstalled be included in future releases. ware deployment. The third deployment in Version 2. However, ITSD soon discovered In mid-June 2001, we discovered that the February to approximately 10 participants that the activators were causing problems version control feature in ForeMost had went smoothly. Finally', all 60 project partic- with our existing software. As a result, the stopped working properly. It took ten ipants for Phase I had ForeMost working on software could not be installed on partici- months to resolve the issue.This was a very their computers. pant computers. Nevertheless, the project frustrating experience for the project team, The project team originally hoped to com- team decided to have ForeMost installed in for ITSD, and forTrueArc. Jnbfortunately we plete the installation of the ForeMost software the computer lab without the activators do not know how to prevent it from hap- on the computers of the Phase II participants and to complete our own training. pening again. by January 2002. tUsing that timeframe as a On October 11-13, the project team at- Access to documents in the repository has guide, the team worked to orient the new par- tended administrator and end-user training. been interrupted on several occasions since ticipants and develop their file plans. UtTnfortu- We learned how to create user accounts, we installed ForeMost. Some of these inci- nately, several factors caused delays with the how to input file plans and retention sched- dents only lasted a couple of hours, but some Phase II software deployment. ules, how to assign access rights. We also lasted for days. These interruptions were Before the creation of HAL, the HAL IT learned how to file, search for, and retrieve caused by problems with the ForeMost in- staff had worked for the legislature, which documents. On October 17-18, the project dexing ftinction or with the search function. operates on a completely different network team attended train-the-trainer training. The project team worked diligently each than the executive branch. The ForeMost Provenance staff demonstrated tips and tech- time to resolve these interruptions quickly, servers are maintained by DMB ITSD. The niques for teaching others to use ForeMost. but often the repairs were beyond our ex- two IT departments spent a considerable amount of time getting the two networks to During this time, ITSD continued work- pertise and control. We simply acted as a communicate. ing with Provenance to correct the prob- mediator between ITSD and TrueArc. After In addition, approximately half of the lems with the activators. By October 24, each interruption was resolved, the project that the problems were Phase II users needed computer upgrades everyone believed team made an effort to identify the cause of fixed. We installed ForeMost on four com- with new netwvork connections, operating the problem, as well as tactics for prevent- puters and began to test its functionality. At systems, and e-mail software. HAL IT in- ing or quickly resolving future problems. this time, the project team discovered other stalled ForeMost on these computers after problems. Once again we were forced to Software Deployment the upgrades were complcted.The software postpone the implementation for our proj- Getting ForeMost to function properly deployment to the Phase II users was com- ect participants that had been scheduled for was difficult, but it was not the only teclhni- pleted in July 2002. October 31. cal challenge we facedl. Once we confirmed On November 27, Provenance delivered a that ForeMost wvas working properly, we au- Conclusion patch to fix the problems we were experi- thorized ITSD to deploy the software to the The project team learned a lot from in- encing with the ForeMost integration with first group of participants we wanted to stalling and deploying the ForeMost soft- our e-mail software, GroupWise.The project train. At this time, we determined that each ware. For example, we learned that software team then evaluated our installation of Fore- participant's computer must be configured development is unpredictable, so it is impor- Most and determined that it was operating in multiple ways, after the deployment, for tant to wait until you have a new product in- at a satisfactory level to go ahead with the ForeMost to work. The project analysts stalled and tested before anything else is deployment of the software. would be responsible for this configuration scheduled. Also, do not ask a vendor if their However, we continued to have concerns work, and ITSD gave them instructions.This product can perform a particular function, that some of the software's functionality was a bad idea. (continued on nle.xt pge)

18 A1Anorarol Vo 32 1 March 2004 MANAGLNG ELECTRONIC RECORDS RESC ING THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE RECORDS (continuedfronm pret'tiouspage) (contintted froit page 5) because the answer will always be "ves." In- from medical school faculty members, in- mental and health center histories, and on stead, get the vendor to demonstrate how cluding those of DrThomas Maren, whose topics in the history of medicine. the feature works. work included the development of the Materials processed through this proj- It is also important to get your IT support glaucoma treatment 'rusopt. The patents ect have been incorporated into a paper staff involved in software selection. They for lrusopt at one point brought in more on Dr Cason written by a medical stu- need to ensure that the product will work in money annually than those for Gatorade, dent, which will be submitted for publica- your technology environment, and they another t,F College of Medicine inven- tion in a historical journal. Other materials need a realistic understanding of their role tion. have been used in creating a book on the in installing and maintaining the product. Fi- The NHPRC-funded project has suc- history of women at the University of nallvB focus on the user interface. If the prod- ceeded, after a period of intensive work, Florida. The archives also has been in- uct is not user friendly, it will not get used. in clearing the rooms of all materials volved in planning historical activities and We found that most of ForeMost's features stored therein, and gaining access to the exhibits for the 50th anniversary of the were very easy to learn and to use. However, records. These materials have been re- Colleges of Medicine and Nursing. The it is those few features that are not user moved to a processing center Addition- project will continue to process the re- friendly that our users tend to dwell on. ally, the archives has established maining records, which still amount to at manuscript collections based on materials least 100 large boxes, and to make materi- CARs N WOICIK IS THE ELECTRONIC RECORDS in the collections or donated bv faculty als incorporated into the archives avail- ARCHIVIST FOR RECORDS .MANAG,EMENT SERVICES members, and has created hundreds of able to researchers. * AT THE MICHIGAN HISTORICAL CENTER. DEBORAH vertical biofiles. The archives has taken I. GotTIN AND MIMI DIONNE SERVED AS ANALYSTS FOR THE PROJECT. FOR MNIOREINFORMIATION ABOU T shape as a distinct unit in the Health Sci- NINA SIOYAN-RoSENZWEIG IS AR(CHIVIST OF THIlS PROJECT, PLEASE vqSIT THE PROJECT 5WEBSITE ence (Center. and is now listed bv the Na- TIlE UNIVERSITY OF FLO)RIDAS COLLE(,GE OF LOCATED AT H7TP.-//WW.'IIIJCHIGA.-L,GOI/ tional Librarv of Medicine. It has MEDICINE. CARI. VAN NESS IS TIlE UNIVERSIITY RECORDSM11.4GN'4-,k.IE\T/. * produced a number of exhibits on dtepart- ARCHIVIST.

EDrrITING THE EDISON PAPERS THE CARNEGIE LEGACY PRoJECTI (contiuitedfioot page 9) (contitnued0omt paige 1,3)

Rutgers Repository, an Open-Architecture Repository Infrastructure collections.These finding aids will contain background information being created by the Library- to house digital collections and make on the creation of the records, descriptions of the series of records them available over the Internet. This is part of the National Sci- within the collections, and box and fi)lder lists of the collections so ence Foundation's Digital Libraries initiative, designed to create that materials can be located easil. standard metadata for digital collections so that users can search The Broad Branch Road collections have been used by historians across collections. of science and technology, graduate students in history scientists The digital edition has made the Edison Papers accessible to a (including geoplhysicists, astronomers, and physicists). museum cu- larger number, and a much wider range, of users than ever before, rators, maritime historians, and genealogists. All these users, and with over 40,000 individual visits per month. Even scholars for others, will benefit from the finding aids. The finding aids will whom Edison, his laboratories, his technologies, and his businesses greatly enhance access to the materials, because for the first time are of only peripheral interest are finding significant materials for we will have a clear idea of just what materials we have and where their research. exactly they are located. Since its launch, the online edition of the Edison Papers has been Now that trained archivists are working at the Institution, "pro- used in a varietv of books, articles, and papers on historical and fessionalization" of the management of the archives is underway. contemporary subjects, including current debates about the nature The development of a policies and procedures manual and of com- of technological innovation, historical studies of electrification and plementary forms has been completed.The Legacy Project web site the adoption of electrocution as a more humane method of exe- has grown with leaps and bounds, especially with the recent addi- cuting criminals, analyses by contemporary scientists of the devel- tiion of an inquiry database to facilitate the reference process.Also, opment of brain imaging and vacuum technology, and studies of there will soon be an online exhibit about Captain Ault andi his new media and telecommunications technologies. These recent journeys on the Carnegie featutiring his letters and photographs. studies suggest the richness of this document trove, which is only Please visit the Legacy Project web site at Iuttp.//carnC-egieiutstitlt- just beginning to be tapped. * tion.org/legac*,.



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Groundbreakingfor the UTniversity of Florida's MAedical Sciences Building, June 1954. From left to right, Jefferson Hamilton, university archi- tect;DrGeorge THarrell, decan of the College of Medicine: and Dr Russell Poot: provost of the Health Science Center Photograph courtesy of the U7niversity of Florida College of Medicine Archives. For a related article, seep.4.