TASK FORCE MEMBERS: Xingen Lei, Chair, Department of Animal Science, Cornell Univer- neering. This type of technol- INTRODUCTION sity, Ithaca, New York; John P. Blake, Depart- Food animals are fed and ogy may be applied to de- produced for the purpose of ment of Poultry Science, Auburn University, crease total manure mass or feeding humans. Manure from Auburn, Alabama; Cecil W. Forsberg, Depart- concentrations of P, N, am- these animals is a valuable ment of Microbiology, University of Guelph, monia (NH3), trace elements, source of fertilizer, but con- Ontario, Canada; Danny G. Fox, Department of and other factors. Targeted modifications centrations of manure nutri- Animal Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, New 1 can be based strategically on ents such as phosphorus (P) , York; Elizabeth Grabau, Department of Plant nitrogen (N), and metals may plants, animals, ruminal and Pathology, Physiology, and Weed Science, Vir- exceed needs for plant growth intestinal microorganisms, and cause environmental pol- ginia Tech, Blacksburg; Zdzislaw Mroz, Ani- and diets. The plant-based lution. Thus, managing live- mal Sciences Group, Division of Nutrition and approaches include genetic stock manure nutrients has Food, Wageningen, The Netherlands; Alan L. and chemical modifications of been a task shared by those Sutton, Department of Animal Sciences, Purdue feeds (e.g., overexpressing hydrolytic enzymes such as interested in animal nutrition, University, West Lafayette, Indiana; William R. agronomy, and environmental phytase in seeds, decreasing Walker, DPI Global, Fort Dodge, Iowa; Ken- protection. Many strategies poorly digestible components can be used to monitor manure neth Webb, Department of Animal and Poultry such as phytate, and enriching nutrient composition, and bio- Sciences, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg; REVIEW- essential nutrients such as technology has emerged as ERS: James C. Matthews, Department of Animal amino acid lysine). Animal- one of the most effective tools and Food Sciences, University of Kentucky, Lex- based approaches feature ge- netically engineering or for this purpose. ington; Stephen B. Shears, Laboratory of Signal modifying key enzymes and Biotechnology, in this Transduction, National Institute of Environmental context, is regarded as meth- pathways in tissues for en- Health, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina; ods and products derived hancing nutrient digestion from genetic material deoxy- Trygve Veum, Animal Science Research Center, and use. One recent success is ribonucleic acid (DNA) and ri- University of Missouri, Columbia; CAST Board the creation of the “Enviro bonucleic acid (RNA) manipu- Liaison: Alan W. Bell, Department of Animal Pig” that can digest feed P lations and/or protein engi- Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York from phytate effectively. Microorganism-based ap- proaches aim to modulate the metabolism of the inhabit- This material is based upon work supported by the United States Department of Agriculture under Grant No. 2004-34531-14969\ISU ant microbes or modify the microbial genes for improv- Project No. 416-44-92 and Grant No. 2005-38902-02319. Any opin- ing feed and adding new digestive ions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this pub- capacities. Nutrition- or diet-based approaches are de- lication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or Iowa State University. signed to improve dietary nutrient balance and 1Italicized terms (except names) are defined in the Glossary. bioavailability for the physiological needs of animals. COUNCIL FOR AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY—2

The primary purpose of this Issue Paper is to review Water Quality the existing biotechnology (including novel technology) More than 56,000 kilometers (km) (35,000 miles) of applied to manage animal manure nutrients. This paper rivers in the United States have been estimated to be dam- differs from two related, previous CAST issue papers (IP aged by runoff manure and excessive nutrient loading to 21, Animal Diet Modification to Decrease the Potential agricultural land from animal feeding operations, with for Nitrogen and Phosphorus Pollution, and IP 23, Bio- 60% of these waterways unfit for fishing or swimming technology in Animal Agriculture: An Overview) in that (USEPA/USDA 1998). Nutrients, especially N and P, the current one serves as a more comprehensive and up- organic matter, and microbial organisms, are the primary dated review of developed biotechnology—the advances concerns from animal manure pollution. Increased ni- in transgenic animals and microorganisms, in particular. trates in water can cause methemoglobinemia, commonly New topics discussed include potential biotechnology called “blue baby syndrome” (Johnson and Kross 1990), derived by genomics approaches, integration of multiple although the occurrence is rare in the United States. The biotechnologies in production conditions, and industrial nitrate molecule is converted to nitrite, which replaces and societal issues related to biotechnology for manure oxygen on hemoglobin and starves the infant for air. nutrient management. Similarly, N, especially in the ammonium form, can stress aquatic life at a very low concentration and is toxic NUTRIENT COMPOSITION OF ANIMAL to fish at excessive levels. Elevated P concentrations in MANURE water cause algal blooms and eutrophication of water, Manure Mass and Composition resulting in decreased oxygen levels and fish kills (Correll 1998). There are approximately 18,000 km2 of a hypoxic Total collectable manure produced in the United “dead zone” in the Gulf of Mexico, the largest water body States amounts to approximately 56 million dry metric adjacent to the United States that is so affected (CAST tons per year (CAST 1996), an amount that could be used 1999). The hypoxic condition is derived from a long-term as a plant nutrient resource. The nutrient value of this nutrient enrichment, primarily from organic matter (sedi- quantity of manure has an economic value of $3.4 bil- ment) and N flow into the Mississippi Basin, and the se- lion per year and would replace 15% of the fertilizer N verity of the condition varies from year to year. Such dead and 42% of the fertilizer P purchased for crop produc- zones occur in water systems around the world, includ- tion, respectively. ing several in the United States: the upper East Coast A recent publication (ASABE 2005) has detailed the shoreline (North Carolina and Chesapeake Bay), upper average composition of freshly excreted manure by dif- Northwest shoreline (Oregon and Washington), and ferent species at different life cycles of typical livestock southern California shoreline. and poultry production. The amount and composition of freshly excreted manure can vary considerably and is influenced primarily by the original composition of the Air Quality diet, species, and feeding management. Factors affecting Odorous and gaseous compounds are emitted from manure composition at the time of removal and applica- manure immediately after excretion because of microbial tion to land include type and time in storage, and amount metabolism in the digestive tract of the animal. Further of added water, bedding, spilled feed, soil, and other con- decomposition occurs in storage, resulting in significant taminants. Climatic conditions such as temperature, hu- gaseous emissions and odors that may impact air quality midity, and air movement can influence the rate of mi- (Le et al. 2005). These emissions include nitrogenous and crobial degradation, volatile losses, and moisture content sulfur compounds, volatile organic compounds, and of the manure. greenhouse gases (methane, carbon dioxide, nitrous ox- ides) that may cause acid rain (nitrous oxides, sulfates) Environmental and Agricultural Impacts on land and surface water. Greenhouse gas emissions can contribute to the reduction of the Earth's ozone layer. Manure is an inevitable by-product of animal pro- High concentrations of NH3 emissions and gases created duction, but excess manure production or nutrient excre- from the digestion of manure slurry in pit systems of tion not only represents inefficiencies but also can cause confinement facilities can lead to nasal and lung irrita- a series of negative environmental impacts. tion in workers caring for livestock in these facilities, if COUNCIL FOR AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY—3

buildings are poorly ventilated (Zhang et al. 1998). gaseous compounds such as NH3, hydrogen sulfide, and volatile organic compounds will alleviate air quality con- Soil Quality cerns associated with animal production. Specific fer- mentable feed ingredients may be used to control manure Excess application of manure to the soil is one of the odor and to balance manure composition for crop use. greatest concerns regarding livestock and poultry produc- Biotechnology potentially can alter or control the biodeg- tion. This practice creates an accumulation of nutrients, radation or retention of nutrients during storage of ma- with the potential impact of enriching water sources dur- nure and after the manure is placed in the soil. ing runoff to surface water or leaching into groundwater supplies. Soil nutrient imbalances also can impair nutri- ent uptake and cause nutrient deficiencies in plants. The PLANT-BASED APPROACHES nutrients that may cause soil quality problems or threaten Phytase Production in Plants water quality when excess levels accumulate in the soil The manipulation of nutritional content, quality, and are primarily N and P (CAST 1996). Manure N, P, and availability in plants has the potential to provide “designer potassium (K) composition is not properly balanced for feeds” for decreasing manure nutrient output. Managing plant uptake by typical crops grown in production agri- nutrients by controlling animal diets is easier than inter- culture. For example, pigs fed commercial diets produced vening after release of these potential pollutants into the manure, stored in an under-floor liquid pit, with the rela- environment. For example, increasing the availability of tive ratio of N, phosphate (P O ), and potash (K O) of 2 5 2 phytate-P after ingestion by animals has been a major approximately 1:1:1. When based on fertilizer recom- focus in feed crops (Raboy 2001). Phytate functions in P mendations for N and crop removal rates for P2O5 and and mineral storage in plant seeds, but has been impli- K O, corn grain production requires roughly a 3:1:1 ra- 2 cated in many other diverse cellular functions. tio, and if corn is grown for silage, then approximately a Nonruminant animals use dietary phytate-P poorly be- 2:1:2 ratio of N, P2O5, and K2O is required. Therefore, cause of inadequate amounts of the hydrolytic enzyme if under-floor liquid pit manure is applied to meet the N phytase in their digestive tracts. Because of its negative requirement of corn grain production, manure P applica- charge, phytate also hinders the availability of some es- tion will be approximately 3 times crop P removal where sential cations such as calcium, zinc, and iron. As a re- minimal N is lost during storage and land application. sult, a large portion of feed nutrients ends up in manure. Uncovered earthen pits and lagoons typically lose more Feed supplementation with microbial phytase to N than under-floor pits, resulting in an even greater ex- decrease P excretion currently is practiced in countries cess of manure P for crop P removal. where agricultural P is heavily regulated, such as The Netherlands. Because of cost considerations, however, Potential Targets for Modifications routine phytase supplementation has not been imple- Decreasing the total amount of animal manure will mented widely in locations where P reduction is not decrease the output of all manure nutrients into the envi- mandated. Production of a phytase in plant systems has ronment. Specifically, decreasing manure concentrations been explored as a direct feed source for the enzyme. of P will produce a more balanced “fertilizer resource” Expression of microbial phytase has been achieved in for crops. Because manure production and excessive tobacco, soybean, and canola, and the recombinant en- nutrient excretion largely result from indigestibility of zymes have been shown to decrease P content in manure nutrients in animal diets and imbalanced formulation of in animal feeding trials (Denbow et al. 1998; Pen et al. nutrients, enhancing the nutritional quality of feeds in 1993; Ponstein et al. 2002). But plant seeds that require diets becomes a key target for the biotechnological man- extensive processing before use in feed are not ideal can- agement of manure nutrients. This goal might be accom- didates as a source of phytase, because extraction and plished by chemically, genetically, or metabolically pelleting conditions can inactivate this enzyme. modifying feed and animals. More practically, manure production and nutrient Low-Phytate Grain and Oilseeds excretion can be decreased by balancing diets using syn- The decreasing of phytate content in plant seeds of- thetic nutrients such as amino acids, as well as mineral fers an alternative to phytase supplementation for im- sources and exogenous enzymes, to meet specific nutri- proved P digestibility. Low-phytate lines have been gen- ent needs of animals. Controlling emissions of manure erated for a number of crops, including corn, barley, rice, COUNCIL FOR AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY—4

and soybean (Raboy 2001). Decreases in phytate P in storage proteins with particularly low lysine content. Corn mutant corn lines ranged from 50 to >95%, with an ac- mutants with decreased zein content show increased lev- companying increase in available phosphates. Incorpo- els of other storage proteins that are rich in lysine and ration of low-phytate corn in poultry diets led to a de- tryptophan. The high lysine and softer kernel endosperm crease of P content in manure ranging from 9 to 40% (Ertl, of the opaque-2 mutants result in a feed component that Young, and Raboy 1998) and was effective in improv- is more digestible than normal corn. ing nutrient use for growing pigs (Veum et al. 2001). Forages are a major source of feed for livestock Soybean mutants with decreased seed phytate con- worldwide, especially for . The most important tent also have been identified, but agronomic performance limitation to forage digestibility is the presence of lignin also was decreased in those lines (Hitz et al. 2002; Wilcox compounds in plant cell walls. Low-lignin varieties such et al. 2000). One soybean line resulted in a 50% decrease as brown midrib corn have been available for more than in seed phytate accompanied by significant increases in 75 years, and although these mutants are highly digest- inorganic phosphates, as well as a reduction in the unde- ible, the brown midrib trait also results in poor yields, pest sirable carbohydrates stachyose and raffinose (Hitz et al. resistance, and lodging. Animal performance studies with 2002). Although the presence of indigestible raffinose brown midrib 3 (bm3) corn also have yielded mixed re- oligosaccharides in chicken diets has been shown to de- sults. Beneficial effects of the use of bm3 mutants on milk crease true metabolizable energy, fiber digestion, and production in lactating cows have been observed (Oba transit time (Coon et al. 1990), a comparison of diets in- and Allen 1999), but improved digestibility did not im- corporating low-oligosaccharide soybean meal versus prove performance in beef steers (Tjardes et al. 2000). conventional soybean meal showed no increase in nutri- Decreasing several enzymes in lignin biosynthesis re- ent digestibility (Zuo et al. 1996). sulted in increased dry matter digestibility in forages such Selection and stable inheritance of a low stachyose as alfalfa and tall fescue (Baucher et al. 1999; Chen et al. and raffinose phenotype has been demonstrated in soy- 2003, 2004; Guo et al. 2001). Furthermore, in contrast to bean (Sebastian et al. 2000). Soybean meal from this line the bm3 mutants, transgenic plants from the tall fescue resulted in a 12% increase in true metabolizable energy study (Chen et al. 2003) showed no significant difference and gross energy use compared with conventional meal, in a number of agronomic traits. and there was a concomitant decrease in poultry excreta produced. Another factor to consider in any phytate re- ANIMAL-BASED APPROACHES duction strategy is whether there may be a trade-off be- tween gains in nutrient management and possible benefi- Potential of Genetic Modification cial effects of phytate resulting from its antioxidant Genetic modification of food animals to improve properties (Graf and Eaton 1990). digestive efficiency has been a tantalizing objective that has had mixed success but has provided considerable basic knowledge. Because of their prolific nature, short Other Traits Affecting Nutrient Value of Seeds reproductive cycle, and amenability to the introduction and Forage of novel genes, pigs have been the primary research tar- High-oil and high-lysine corn varieties also offer get for growth enhancement, P use, and plant improvements in nutrient output in manure. Higher oil digestion. But genetic manipulation of poultry for im- content in grain provides more energy per unit volume proving P use also may become a reality. of feed, enhancing animal growth performance and de- Pursel and colleagues (1989) developed transgenic creasing manure output per unit of growth. Although pigs with an increased level of bovine growth hormone lower grain yields for the high-oil hybrids are still a con- that showed an 18% increase in feed efficiency and an cern to producers, new technologies for high-oil corn 11Ð14% increase in growth rate. These improvements production have minimized yield penalties (Thomison et dramatically decreased manure production per unit of al. 2002). High-lysine corn can be used to better balance body weight gain, but the pigs exhibited lameness, stress the essential amino acids in grain-based diets for meet- susceptibility, gastric ulcers, and other health problems ing the nutrient requirement of animals and decreasing that negated the improvement in feed efficiency. Later, N excretion (Mertz, Bates, and Nelson 1965). The high- Pursel and colleagues (2004) developed transgenic pigs lysine corn is the result of a mutation in the Opaque-2 that expressed insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) to de- gene, which controls zein expression. Zeins are major termine whether directing the expression of IGF-I spe- COUNCIL FOR AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY—5

cifically to striated muscle would enhance lean muscle would be highly beneficial; unfortunately, the develop- growth in pigs. But they observed only a decreased daily ment of transgenes appropriately regulated to make each rate of fat accretion in the transgenic pigs compared with synthesis pathway function in tissues will be a daunting the rate in the controls. Apparently, transgenic modifi- task because threonine and lysine synthesis requires four cation of a metabolic process with multiple effects can and eight enzymes, respectively. It also is useful to men- have unexpected and often deleterious outcomes. tion that metabolic modifiers such as bovine growth hor- Golovan and colleagues (2001) developed transgenic mone could be used to enhance endogenous metabolic pigs expressing an Escherichia coli phytase in the sali- capacities of animals separately or in conjunction with vary glands. Phytase, secreted into the saliva, mixes with transgenic (exogenous)-mediated pathways or capacities. the incoming food particles during chewing and hydro- Cereal grains and plant protein supplements contain lyzes phytate in the acidic environment of the stomach. indigestible structural carbohydrate components that are Because phytate is the major form of P in the diet, this not digested by nonruminant species and are excreted in process releases phosphate that is readily absorbed in the the manure. A cellulase and a have been ex- small intestine. Consequently, the dietary P requirement pressed in the gastrointestinal tracts of mice by the use of the transgenic pigs can be satisfied by the cereal grain of several different promoters with the intent to improve diet without inclusion of supplemental P or supplemen- plant cell wall digestion (Fontes et al. 1999; Zhang et al. tal microbial phytase. The primary benefit is an overall 1999). To date, no transgenic food animal has been de- decrease in P excretion by the elimination of supplemen- veloped that expresses either gene. A more general chal- tal P from the diet (Golovan et al. 2001). These transgenic lenge in the generation of transgenic animals has been the pigs, like conventional pigs, excrete P in the urine that is low frequency of introduced transgenes by the classic in excess of dietary requirements. A line of these phytase microinjection method. The recent application of pigs is currently in the fifth generation and exhibits sali- lentiviral transgenesis in pigs has achieved a 27- to 50- vary phytase activities at a similar level to that of the fold increase in efficacy of generating transgenic animals founding pig, and equal or similar growth and reproduc- as compared with pronuclear microinjection, and will tive performances to the conventional pigs (Forsberg, help in removing a major barrier to the generation of unpublished data). transgenic animals. The small size of the transgene con- Domestic poultry expressing phytase in the gas- struct restricts the application of the lentiviral system, trointestinal tract would be of considerable interest be- however, and further research is necessary to overcome cause poultry also have very low intestinal phytase ac- this shortcoming (Pfeifer 2004). tivity and are unable to digest phytate. Research is in progress to develop suitable phytase transgenes for ex- Safety Assessment of Genetically Modified Animals pression of phytase in poultry (Cho et al. 2005; Guenther et al. 2005). It is interesting to note that phytase supple- The general guidelines for the safety assessment of mentation of the diet also may enhance P di- foods derived from genetically modified animals and fish gestibility even with the presence of phytase-producing have been described (UNFAO 2004) and are closely ruminal (Kincaid et al. 2005). Therefore, there aligned with those currently applied to transgenic plants. may be a benefit gained by introducing a phytase gene These guidelines include molecular characterization of into ruminants, as well. the transgene recovered from the transgenic animal, as- Endowing animals with the ability to synthesize es- sessment of allergenicity and toxicity of the gene prod- sential amino acids in the appropriate ratios would de- uct, and comparative compositional analysis with the crease the need for protein supplements and would there- nontransgenic counterpart to identify any unintended fore decrease the excretion of N from nonessential amino effects. At present, no genetically modified animals have acids present in the protein supplements provided to meet been approved for human food consumption anywhere all essential amino acid requirements. Rees and Hay in the world, and there is no food safety information avail- (1995) genetically modified mouse 3T3 cells by the in- able on transgenic animals, although extensive food troduction of an appropriate set of functional transgenes safety data are available on transgenic plants consumed to enable methionine biosynthesis. Therefore, it may be by domestic and experimental animals. possible to genetically modify domestic animals to attain A detailed review by Flachowsky, Chesson, and endogenous synthesis of the essential amino acid me- Aulrich (2005) reported no significant differences in the thionine. safety and nutritional value of feedstuffs containing The expression of genes for the synthesis of the es- transgenic plants. No residues of recombinant DNA or sential amino acids threonine and lysine in food animals novel proteins have been detected in any organ or tissue COUNCIL FOR AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY—6

samples obtained from animals fed genetically modified to be the primary plant cell wall digesters, although the plants. Furthermore, no horizontal transfer of recombi- contribution of each to the biodegradation process is dif- nant genes has been detected in the environment (Ray and ficult to assess. Nielsen 2005). Therefore, assuming large transgenic Accessibility to the polymeric substrates constitut- domestic animals are healthy and meet the requirements ing the cell wall matrix seems to be the rate-limiting fac- of safety testing, there would seem to be no obvious safety tor (Weimer et al. 1999). Inaccessibility results from the issues. This assessment will have to be made on a case- small pore size between polymers, which is in the order by-case basis, however, and likely will depend to a great of 2 to 4 nanometers and is not sufficient to allow free extent on the nature of the transgene construct introduced diffusion into the wall matrix of simple globular enzymes into the animal. with masses greater than 20 kilodaltons (kDa). Further- more, the porosity is not modified during digestion. The small pore size presents a challenge for digestion of plant MICROORGANISM-BASED APPROACHES cell walls by ruminal microorganisms, because practically Pre-gastric microbial fermentation is the key to the all hydrolytic enzymes synthesized are larger than 20 use of plant cell wall materials in ruminants, and this kDa. Therefore, enzyme action is limited to exposed sur- process is lacking in simple-stomached (nonruminant) face sites. animals. Despite the extensive use of plant material in the Forage lignin, a polymer of hydroxylated and ruminant, digestion is incomplete (Archimede, Sauvant, methoxylated phenylpropane units linked by means of and Schmidely 1997), and genetic modification of rumi- oxidative coupling, exerts a negative influence on digest- nal microorganisms has been spurred on to enhance plant ibility by ruminal organisms and accounts for a substan- cell wall digestion. Progress has been limited because of tial portion of the indigestible material in manure. Genetic (1) incomplete knowledge of the microorganisms that modification of forage plants (Reddy et al. 2005) may be have a role in cell wall digestion, (2) poor understanding a better approach from which to tackle this problem than of the enzymes that have central roles in the digestive attempting to enhance the process of lignin digestion by process, (3) lack of reliable genetic transformation sys- ruminal microorganisms. This rationale is based on two tems for major plant cell wall digesting bacteria, and (4) facts: the major ligninolytic enzymes use oxygen—a a fragmentary knowledge of the ecological factors that molecule that is practically absent from the —in govern persistence of fibrolytic bacteria and fungi in the the catalytic process, and the aromatic compounds re- rumen (Krause et al. 2003). leased during digestion could have a deleterious effect on Despite these challenges, genetic techniques have the animal. contributed substantially to an understanding of the role of microorganisms within the rumen and lower gas- Glycosyl Hydrolases of Ruminal Microorganisms trointestinal tract, and the application of new molecular techniques will improve the ability to monitor and model Numerous plant cell wall hydrolases of ruminal microbial (McAllister et al. 2005). microorganisms have been isolated and characterized in their native or recombinant state (Krause et al. 2003). Microorganisms and Their Roles in Cell Wall These hydrolases include a wide array of - and Digestion -degrading enzymes, and enzymes that re- move substituents such as acetic acid attached to hemi- The plant cell wall has a meshlike structure of long cellulose (Kam et al. 2005). The function of these en- β -1,4-linked cellulose strands forming a partly crystal- zymes often is enhanced by attached cellulose and line structure interwoven with strands of hemicellulose binding modules. The oligosaccharides released by these composed of a xylan backbone substituted with acetyl, enzymes are hydrolyzed by a variety of β-glycosidases. arabinose, and glucuronic acid residues. Each of the major Recently, the 3.6-megabase genome of the ruminal bac- groups of microorganisms in the rumen—the bacteria, terium Fibrobacter succinogenes was sequenced and an- fungi, and protozoa—plays a role in plant cell wall di- notated (Morrison et al. 2003). Work is in progress on the gestion within the rumen and does so by using a combi- genomes of Prevotella ruminicola and Ruminococcus nation of secreted and cell-bound hydrolytic specificities albus at The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR (Forsberg, Forano, and Chesson 2000; Hespell, Akin, and 2006), and the R. flavefaciens genome is being sequenced Dehority 1997). Among these groups of organisms, at the W. N. Keck Center for Comparative and Functional the fibrolytic bacteria Fibrobacter succinogenes, Genomics, University of Illinois (University 2006). Ruminococcus flavefaciens, and R. albus are considered Knowledge of the genome sequences of these bac- COUNCIL FOR AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY—7

teria has revealed a wealth of hydrolase enzymes, creat- manipulate rumen microorganisms to modify the rumi- ing the short-term challenge of identifying those that are nal fermentation should consider the competitive condi- key to polymer digestion. Knowledge of the genomes of tions within the rumen (Weimer 1998). These studies the major species of bacteria will enable an analysis of clearly document the challenges to the development of the differences between their genomes and those of genetically modified organisms that will be competitive closely related species; for example, Fibrobacter within the ruminal environment and that will contribute intestinalis (Qi et al. 2005). The F. intestinalis genome to enhanced forage digestion. differs from that of F. succinogenes in many significant ways (e.g., in the presence of numerous enzymes that The Application of Molecular Techniques to could affect the genome structure and gene transfer), but Characterize Populations of Intestinal Organisms F. intestinalis possesses a related array of plant cell wall In the past, the identification and characterization of degrading enzymes. Eventually, increased knowledge the ruminal microflora have been dependent on morpho- of plant cell wall digestive enzymes will facilitate logical identification of the fungi and protozoa, and improvement of forage digestion and decreased manure anaerobic cultural methods for the bacteria. These tech- production. niques are both tedious and fraught with error. The use of 16S rRNA as a marker for microbial species has en- Gene Transfer and Genetic Modification of abled a thorough and reliable dissection of the gastrointes- Ruminal Bacteria tinal microbial populations (Krause et al. 2003; Techniques for gene transfer into and among the McAllister et al. 2005). The recent capacity to sequence highly active plant cell wall degrading ruminal bacteria, genomes of intestinal organisms including Bacteroides Ruminococcus and Fibrobacter, have not been success- thetaiotaomicron (Xu et al. 2003), Fibrobacter succino- ful in the past; however, these techniques have been suc- genes, Ruminococcus albus, and Prevotella ruminocola cessful with Butyrivibro fibrisolvens, Streptococcus has enhanced dramatically the opportunity to identify and bovis, and Prevotella sp. (Krause et al. 2003). Recently, study the vast array of plant cell wall digesting enzymes Klieve and colleagues (2005) identified a previously that have roles in nutrient digestion. unrecognized naturally occurring DNA transfer system The development of DNA microarrays for the simul- associated with membrane vesicles released by taneous identification of multiple microorganisms by Ruminococcus spp. of ruminal origin. This discovery is extraction and analysis of a sample of DNA from an eco- a valuable development that offers a new tool for analy- system (Krause, Smith, and McSweeney 2004) greatly sis and genetic modification of highly cellulolytic rumi- facilitates the analysis of microbial population changes nal organisms. in the gastrointestinal tracts of both ruminant and simple- An example of genetic modification to enhance cell stomached animals. This technique can be applied to as- wall digesting activity was the introduction of a xylanase sess the complex population changes that occur when gene from the anaerobic fungus Neocallimastix diets are modified, or when digestive disturbances arise patriciarum into B. fibrisolvens (Gobius et al. 2002). The because of bloat or consumption of plant toxins (Al- new xylanase produced in a pure culture enhanced plant Khaldi et al. 2002; Wilson et al. 2002). Results can be cell wall digestion, but when the genetically modified obtained in 1 day rather than weeks. Microarray meth- bacterium was inoculated into the rumen of a , the ods also can be used for studying the adaptation of indi- modified bacterium was not detectable after 28 days vidual gastrointestinal organisms to changes in the growth (Krause et al. 2001). This experiment, in conjunction with environment. other rumen inoculation experiments, clearly demon- Metagenomics, the sequencing of the genomes of all strates that ecological factors within the highly competi- organisms present in an environmental sample, is becom- tive environment of the rumen present a formidable bar- ing a reality with the development of new high-through- rier to survival and growth of genetically modified put sequencing technology (Margulies et al. 2005). Con- bacteria. According to Kobayashi and Yamamoto (2002), sequently, within several years, nearly complete one of the factors in restricting growth of genetically sequences of essentially all microorganisms within the modified ruminal organisms added back to the rumen is rumen and lower gut can be expected. This knowledge a heat-sensitive antibacterial factor, perhaps a bacterio- will change the approach to studies of the rumen micro- cin-like compound that inhibits the growth of closely bial ecosystem and cecum and colon fermentation related species. dramatically. Researchers in the future who attempt to genetically Instead of manual enumeration of microorganisms COUNCIL FOR AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY—8

and biochemical analysis, the first step will be a tion of feed N. microarray analysis to identify and quantify rapidly all Augmentation of digestive capacity by inclusion of organisms present, followed by a bioinformatic analysis exogenous proteases in the diet can enhance protein use of the metabolic features of the major organisms present and likely will become increasingly important in diet to give a snapshot of the metabolic state of the rumen/ formulation (Lin et al. 1992; Odetallah et al. 2003, 2005; lower gut. This analysis will enable superior monitoring Williams et al. 1990). These proteases may be obtained of metabolic function, which undoubtedly will lead to from naturally occurring and/or genetically modified improved design of diets and to improved control of ru- microorganisms. minal and gut function. These improvements, in turn, will The tools of biotechnology provide considerable aid in achieving improved digestion of dietary compo- capacity for absorptive cells in the small intestine of sheep nents and in decreasing manure output. (Chen et al. 2002a, b), chickens (Chen et al. 2005), tur- keys (Van et al. 2005), and pigs (Klang et al. 2005) to NUTRITIONAL OR DIET-BASED APPROACHES transport small (di- and tri-) peptides. Theoretically, it Nitrogen-Related Approaches is possible that incorporation of small peptides or partly hydrolyzed proteins, or inclusion of these instead of syn- Efficiency of use (or lack thereof) of ingested N by thetic free amino acids in the diet, would take advantage animals is the determining factor regarding excretion of of this important physiological ability and be beneficial unused or excess N back into the environment. Biotech- for animal growth and development. Some advantage nology can be used in different ways in nutritional or diet- could be realized simply because the absorbable substrate based approaches to improve N use by animals, thus is presented to the absorptive surface without the need minimizing N excretion in manure. For example, bio- for initial digestion. Partial hydrolysis of proteins with technology offers novel tools to improve understanding special cocktails of proteases designed to produce mix- of the molecular mechanisms of N metabolism in the tures of small peptides has resulted in products that can body so that nutrient composition of the diet matches improve animal productivity (Cahu et al. 1998, 1999; physiological capabilities and/or animal needs. Ingested Lindemann et al. 2000; Zambonino Infante, Cahu, and feeds can be reduced to absorbable entities via chemical, Peres 1997). physical, and enzymatic actions, and the end-products of Just feeding a mixture of peptides, however, does not digestion are absorbed by a number of mechanisms in- necessarily support greater productivity. The greatest cluding those involving transporters. advantage would be realized if the peptides presented for The rate and extent of digestion and absorption are absorption ultimately resulted in the optimum combina- governed by the amounts and activity of hydrolase en- tion of amino acids being delivered to support growth and zymes and the number of transport proteins present at any development. The production of specific di- and one time in an animal. These enzymes and transport pro- tripeptides or mixtures of specific peptides can result from teins are either genetically programmed or metabolically using the tools of biotechnology to engineer microorgan- regulated, and nutrients are among the most significant isms that produce these particular substrates or to engi- regulators. For example, the quality of dietary protein neer plants that produce proteins that, on hydrolysis, yield also influences the rate of synthesis of proteolytic enzymes the desired end products. Thus, it is possible to antici- in the pancreas (Brannon 1990), whereas the quantity of pate the advent of nutritional and other diet-based regi- protein intake influences expression of PepT1, a peptide mens that will enhance animal performance and minimize transporter (Chen et al. 2005) thought to be responsible N excretion in manure. for absorbing the majority of protein from the digesta in the form of dipeptides. Phosphorus-Related Approaches If the use of molecular tools can help in understand- ing the capacity of certain aspects of protein digestion and During the past two decades, biotechnology has en- absorption, it may be possible to add feedstuffs (includ- abled the development of highly effective phytases of ing transgenic feedstuffs) in the diet for ideal combina- fungal, bacterial, yeast, and plant (intrinsic) origins for tions of amino acids to match exactly the hydrolytic ca- decreasing manure P excretion in areas of intensive swine pabilities expressed in the animals. With increased and poultry production (Lei et al. 1994; Mroz and knowledge about the molecular regulation of gene expres- Jongbloed 1999; Simons et al. 1990). Numerous studies sion, it may be useful to include stimulators (e.g., spe- have shown that this type of enzyme is capable of releas- cific nutrients or “mimics”) of expression of specific ing a substantial part (up to 62%) of the phytate-bound P genes in the diet to enhance digestibility and/or absorp- in grain-oilseed meal diets fed to nonruminants (Han et COUNCIL FOR AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY—9

al. 1997). As a consequence, the amount of supplemen- of seeds helps break down phytate P (Centeno et al. 2001). tal inorganic P can be decreased by 50% (Gentile et al. 2003), and manure P excretion can be cut by 40-60% Carbohydrate-Related Approaches (Knowlton et al. 2004). Although undigested carbohydrate in manure has Several phytase genes have been isolated from fungi less environmental impact than N and P, it comprises the (e.g., A. niger var. Van Tieghem, A. funigatus, Peniphora largest single contributor of manure and a large portion lycii) and bacteria (e.g., E. coli and sp.) and of feed energy loss. But mature biotechnology for improv- overexpressed in different expression systems (fungi, ing digestibility and metabolic use of the carbohydrate bacteria, yeast, and plants). Recently developed bacterial fraction of animal feedstuffs still is lacking; thus, the E. coli phytases seem to be more effective in diets for future affords great potential for further advancements. swine and poultry than the commercially available fun- Soybean meal has a relatively high proportion of gal phytases (Augspurger et al. 2003). The superior per- nonstarch polysaccharides (NSP) that are poorly digested formance of E. coli phytase probably is attributed to its by poultry (Leske, Zhang, and Coon 1995). Oligosac- acidic pH optimum, high catalytic efficiency, and great charides such as raffinose and stachyose are largely re- resistance to pepsin (Rodriguez et al. 1999). sponsible for the decreased carbohydrate digestibility A major constraint for the widespread application of (Saini 1989). For example, when 30 grams (g) of corn is currently commercial phytases is their inadequate heat- fed to poultry, approximately 4 g of excreta is recovered; stability, undergoing heat denaturation during feed feeding 30 g of soybean meal results in 16 g of excreta pelleting or expansion (Pasamontes et al. 1997b). Natu- output. Because poultry consume >50% of the processed rally occurring phytases become denatured between 56 feed soybean meal, new processing procedures or plant ° and 63 C (Lehmann et al. 2000) and could not tolerate gene modifications that influence oligosaccharide con- ° the heat (65Ð95 C) generated from feed pelleting. Al- tent would be beneficial. Removal of raffinose by etha- though postpelleting phytase inclusion and/or chemical nol extraction improved metabolizable energy of soybean coating of phytase (Bedford 2003) may help bypass or meal in broilers (Coon et al. 1990). Although it is much overcome the pelleting heat destruction of the enzyme, easier to supplement poultry feeds with enzymes to im- developing thermostable phytases is still a desirable op- prove soybean carbohydrate use (McNab and Bernard tion for the feed industry. Thus, research efforts have been 1997), the plant-based approach takes advantage of ex- focused on finding naturally occurring phytases with high ogenous enzymes produced during germination that are heat stability or generating thermostable phytases by di- capable of hydrolyzing oligosaccharides (East, rected evolution or site-directed mutagenesis based on Nakayama, and Parkman 1972). three-dimensional structures of target phytases (Joyce Wheat and barley contain 8 to 10% NSP and pen- 2004; Pasamontes et al. 1997a, b). This endeavor has led tosans and glucans, respectively, that limit carbohydrate to initial success as an “experimental consensus phytase” digestibility or interfere with digestibility of other nutri- that has been synthesized based on the homologous se- ents (Bedford and Morgan 1996). The presence of undi- quences of 13 known fungal phytases (Lehmann et al. gested but fermentable carbohydrates in the hindgut leads 2000). This synthetic phytase has higher resistance to heat to high microbial activity that increases fecal bulk and inactivation than all parent fungal phytases, and it effec- water-holding capacity of the digesta (Cheng et al. 1987). tively releases phytate P from the cornÐsoy diet for wean- In poultry this microbial activity leads to the problem ling pigs (Gentile et al. 2003). associated with “sticky droppings,” which has a direct Synergistic interactions with other digestive enzymes effect on excreta output and maintenance of litter qual- or novel dietary modifiers are the emerging areas of re- ity for floor-reared poultry. Enzymes widely used in bar- search pertaining to dietary and/or environmental appli- ley- and wheat-based diets are the glycanases ( cations of phytases. There are other nutritional tactics to and beta-glucanases) that cleave NSP. Their benefits are trim P excretion from pigs or poultry. As discussed pre- credited to the partial breakdown of water-soluble and viously, using low-phytate corn or soybean meal im- viscous arabinoxylans, which inhibit nutrient digestion proves bioavailability of dietary P from approximately and absorption by raising intestinal viscosity. 20 to 75%. Feeding animals with plant feedstuffs (e.g., Canola meal and peas are common sources of veg- canola, alfalfa) containing high intrinsic phytase activity etable proteins in animal diets, but contain 18 and 14% (e.g., wheat, rye, and oats) or with enhanced phytase ac- NSP, respectively (as cellulose and pectic polysaccha- tivity by gene transfer also improves dietary P use. Ap- rides). Pea starch and protein are located within the cell propriate feed processing such as soaking or germination matrix, and the complete nature of cell wall structure COUNCIL FOR AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY—10

makes these nutrients less accessible to endogenous en- increase of 2.5 kilograms (kg) occurred when lactating zymes for poultry (Longstaff and McNab 1987). No con- were fed a total mixed diet treated with a fibrolytic clusive effects of supplemental carbohydrase enzymes on enzyme product (Stokes and Zeng 1995). Results clearly growth performance in pea-fed broilers were observed demonstrate that deficiencies in fibrolytic capacity asso- (Daveby, Razdan, and Aman 1998), but enzyme supple- ciated with low fiber digestion can be overcome partly mentation proved beneficial in improving NSP digestibil- by enzyme supplementation. ity of canola meal (Kocher et al. 2000). The agricultural industry constantly strives to lower Improvements in NSP use are achievable using com- the cost of animal production while minimizing the ex- binations of carbohydrases that differ in substrate pref- tent of environmental impact. Carbohydrates are in- erence and mode of action. Nonstarch polysaccharide- volved in virtually every aspect of biological systems; degrading carbohydrases act by degrading high molecular finding ways to improve carbohydrate use from major weight polysaccharides to simple , oligosaccha- animal feedstuffs derived from soybean, canola, corn, rides, and low molecular weight polysaccharides (Meng wheat, barley, rye, peas, and to improve the fibrous frac- et al. 2005). The use of pure and specific substrates might tions of animal feedstuffs is a complex challenge. Mul- lead to false conclusions, whereas carbohydrase prepa- tifaceted mechanisms are implicated, and future research rations used in combinations generally are more effec- will target improved seed stock development and dietary tive in the degradation of cell wall polysaccharides. enzyme use as economical and practical methods of Unfortunately, information on the use of enzyme treatment. combinations in practical broiler diets is limited. This limitation is not unexpected, however, because most en- Novel Dietary Modifiers zyme sources used in animal feeds are derived from crude Because of impending regulations by the European products (Bedford and Classen 1993) and the microor- Union against the use of antibiotic growth promoters in ganisms selected for enzyme production are capable of feeds for swine and poultry, there has been increasing producing multiple activities (Bhat and Hazelwood interest in biotechnology-derived dietary modifiers in- 2001). In this context, the biotechnological development cluding acidifiers (organic/inorganic acids); probiotics and use of multicarbohydrase preparations to target NSP (viable, beneficial bacteria competing with pathogens); fractions provides the greatest potential for future im- prebiotics (inulin, fructooligosaccharides, galactooligo- provements in the nutritive value of cereal cultivars. saccharides, or mannanoligosaccharides); symbiotics; Because a larger proportion of beta-glucans and pentosans postfermentation products; antimicrobial peptides; and/ are degraded in the small intestine (ileum) of swine by or herbal extracts (Bastiaanse 2005). Most of these endogenous enzymes or intestinal bacteria, the improve- modifiers are supplemented to diets for nonruminants to ment in performance in swine is less than that seen in improve their feed intake; to increase their resistance to poultry (Thacker 2000). pathogenic colonization proliferation of selected groups Poor use of fiber can impact animal performance and (more beneficial) of the gastric, intestinal, and colonic result in increased fecal output. Sutton and colleagues microbiota; to improve their gut development and per- (1998), however, reported that adding low levels of an meability; and to enhance gastrointestinal juice secretions indigestible oligosaccharide and fibrous materials such and/or mucosal/systemic immunity. Moreover, they also as cellulose decreased the N content of fresh swine ma- improve overall feed use and thereby contribute to man- nure, especially the NH -N fraction. The pigs had an in- 3 aging manure nutrients. creased fermentative capacity in their cecum and colon Early studies of the complex microbiota (> 400 spe- because of resident microflora. An additional benefit from cies) in nonruminants were limited, at least partly because addition of cellulose to the pigs’ diet was that pH of fresh only a fraction of the microorganisms are culturable with and stored manure was decreased, which aids in decreas- conventional methods. But systematic bacteriology has ing NH volatilization. 3 undergone a revolution in recent years with the advent Several studies have shown the potential positive of 16S rRNA sequence analysis (Collins and Gibson effects of supplemental enzymes, including xylanase, 1999). The 16S rRNA is an immensely powerful molecu- β cellulase, carboxymethylcellulase, -glucanase, and amy- lar chronometer, and for the first time has permitted the lase, in feedlot diets (Beauchemin et al. 1997; Hristov, construction of an all-embracing phylogenetic, evolution- McAllister, and Cheng 2000). For dairy cattle, supple- ary framework for bacteria ranging from kingdoms and mental enzymes represent one option for improving di- major phylogenetic domains to individual species. In etary fiber disappearance rates (Kung et al. 2000; Rode, addition, the rapid accumulation of gene sequence data Yang, and Beauchemin 1999). A daily milk production COUNCIL FOR AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY—11

is revolutionizing the perception of bacterial diversity and High-Lysine and High-Oil Corn the discovery of new taxa. Furthermore, 16S rRNA se- The purpose of using high-lysine corn in a diet is to quence data provide information essential to the devel- meet essential amino acid requirements with less supple- opment of molecular-based tests for identifying specific mental protein, which can decrease cost as well as ex- bacterial populations directly, in their natural environ- creted N. Lysine often is the first limiting amino acid in ment, without the need for cultivation. diets for nonruminants (NRC 1998) and for ruminants Biotechnological methods also have been applied for when the diets are based on conventional corn and by- commercial production of fermented feeds (liquid/dried) products from corn (NRC 2001). The nutrition model and preparations of carboxylic acids and other products used to formulate the diet must have the complete nutri- (Brooks, Beal, and Niven 2001; Mroz et al. 2005). Car- ent content of the high-lysine corn, especially the amino boxylic acids, in conjunction with intraluminally gener- acid profile in the corn protein. Then the nutrition model ated lactic acid and volatile fatty acids, serve as natural, uses this information to determine whether supplemen- selective bactericides/ bacteriostatics and affect mucosal tal sources of amino acids can be decreased in the diet in growth and systemic energy/acid-base metabolism. Ben- meeting the lysine requirement. zoic acid and its salts have been considered eco-friendly The expected benefit of substituting high-oil corn for compounds, because they can diminish NH emission 3 normal corn in the diet is to increase diet energy density, from manure by up to 44% (Mroz et al. 2000, 2005). therefore decreasing the feed required for the same or Overall, the economic feasibility of the use of any novel improved performance. Compared with conventional dietary modifier is heavily dependent on farm structure corn, high-oil corn has a 4% higher energy density be- and the restrictions and costs imposed by regional envi- cause it has more than twice as much fat; it also is 1Ð2 ronmental and health safety policies. Hopefully, new percentage units higher in protein (Dado 1999). But when technologies will provide “ideal” dietary modifiers that fed to ruminants, the rumen-degradable starch will de- can meet both animal health and environmental needs. crease, which also will decrease the amount of microbial protein produced from the corn. A nutrition model can MODELING THE POTENTIAL BENEFITS OF account for these interacting effects by predicting metabo- BIOTECHNOLOGY lizable energy derived from both the fat and starch in the Modeling the Effects of New Biotechnologies on diet, and in ruminants the microbial amino acids that will Nutrient Use be produced (Fox et al. 2004; Moate et al. 2004; NRC Nutrition models are used in computer programs to 2001). The information required to do this accounting predict nutrient requirements of animals and feed nutri- includes complete feed composition information, espe- ent values accurately in each production situation to for- cially the fat content and fatty acid profile of the fat in mulate diets that will optimize production while minimiz- the feed, and the amino acid profile in the protein. ing nutrients in manure (Harpster and Fox 2002). Thus, the practical application of biotechnologies for decreas- Low-Lignin Forage ing manure nutrients requires accounting for their effects The expected benefit of using low-lignin forage is within nutrition model equations that predict (1) animal the ability to include a higher percentage of forage in the energy and amino acid requirements for the target per- diet of ruminants without decreasing their performance, formance and/or (2) the digestion and metabolism of resulting from an increased rate and extent of fiber diges- carbohydrates, protein, , vitamins, and minerals in tion in the rumen. But inclusion of low-lignin forage in feeds. diets for ruminants fed high-energy rations creates diffi- In addition, nutrition models for ruminants need to culties in meeting fiber requirements, because lignin account for the effects of biotechnologies on rumen fer- stimulates chewing and rumination. A nutrition model can mentation, including microbial growth and their rate of account for these effects and interactions when complete fermentation of sugars, starches, and fibers, and on for- information on carbohydrate and protein fractions and age amount in the diet needed to maintain an optimum their digestion rates in the low-lignin forage is provided rumen motility, pH, and health. The following are spe- (Aquino et al. 2003). The model then can predict the cific examples of how nutrition models can account for impact of this biotechnology on digestibility of the for- expected alterations in dietary profiles provided by sev- age plus the change in end products of fermentation, con- eral of the biotechnologies discussed in this paper as well centrates needed in the diet, and nutrients excreted. as what inputs are needed. COUNCIL FOR AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY—12

Genetically Modified Microorganisms termines the success or failure of current and future bio- The expected outcome of applying transgenic tech- technology. Because of population growth and the in- nology would be to increase populations of rumen bac- creasing demand for animal foods (UNFAO 2000), glo- teria that could improve the extent of starch and fiber bal livestock production will continue to evolve from digestion in the rumen. A mechanistic rumen model is smaller family support systems to larger, more market- needed to account for these effects (Nagorcka, Gordon, oriented, integrated production systems. Through this and Dynes 2000). Various applications of genetically progression, issues involving environmental contamina- modified organisms to ruminant nutrition currently are tion, air quality, and animal welfare will be more com- being investigated. monplace, resulting in more complex relationships among animal industry, society, and governmental agencies. Example of Modeling Biotechnologies for Because biotechnology potentially can provide important Decreasing Manure Nutrients solutions to these problems, it is critical that we under- stand and address the associated industrial, societal, and The paper by Tedeschi, Fox, and Tylutki (2003) governmental issues. exemplifies how a specific biotechnology can be mod- eled for decreasing manure nutrients in a nutrition model. Industrial Issues Published data were used to develop the following coef- ficients to account for the effects of the rumen fermenta- In today's livestock production environment the de- tion modifier monensin fed at diet concentrations of 28 cision to implement new technology is driven largely by to 33 milligrams (mg)/kg in ruminant nutrition models economics. Technologies not having an easily demon- similar to those described by the NRC (2000) and Fox strated high return on investment typically are not adopted and colleagues (2004): (1) predicted dry matter intake is unless other significant factors (e.g., government regu- decreased 4%, (2) diet net energy for maintenance used lations) influence the decision-making process. For ex- to compute feed required for maintenance is increased ample, enzyme technologies such as phytase have been 12%, and (3) peptide uptake rate by rumen bacteria is available for years but adoption has taken considerable decreased one-third. Then the nutrition model predicts time. Initial usage was limited to production systems the concentration of nutrients needed in the diet to meet located in close proximity to towns, neighbors, or spe- target animal production levels and N and P excreted cial interest groups that were inclined to issue complaints when monensin is included. or where there was strict local control of land application A representative diet and the number and average of manure. With time, increasing state and local regula- days fed for beef cattle finished in feedlots were used to tion concerning P land application along with decreas- predict the impact on N excreted by including monensin ing phytase cost have resulted in an increased rate of in the diets of feedlot cattle, using the Cornell Net Car- adoption of phytase technology. bohydrate and Protein System nutrition model (Fox et al. Like phytase, other biotechnologies such as 2004). The model predicted that N excretion is decreased transgenic animals, enzymes, genetically modified crops, by 378 g per average feedlot animal when monensin is and antibiotic alternatives need to demonstrate significant added to the diet. With an average of 26 million steers added value in terms of economics, regulatory compli- and heifers fed annually in commercial feedlots in the ance, or good neighbor policies before they will be in- United States, the inclusion of monensin in all feedlot corporated as standard management practices. In addi- diets was then predicted to decrease N excretion by 9,828 tion, for new biotechnologies to achieve broad-based metric tons/year. When similar adjustment factors were application they will need to be easy to understand, simple developed and applied for lactating dairy cows, the im- to apply, and safe to use in terms of application, residues, pact of feeding monensin to all dairy cows in the United and disposal. New biotechnologies also must result in States was estimated to be a decrease in N excretion of an end product of acceptable quality, as defined by the 67,000 metric tons. The accuracy of these models needs consumer. Technologies that are easily understood, such validating with actual experimental or field data. as feeding technologies, will be adopted more readily than those of a more “sophisticated” nature, such as genomic modification. Industry and society must perceive agri- INDUSTRIAL, SOCIETAL, AND cultural biotechnology as a positive environmental tech- GOVERNMENTAL ISSUES nology for it to be implemented successfully (Kershen The term “biotechnology” brings forth a range of 2002). Ultimately, these technologies must exist in har- emotions, within which lies a reality that ultimately de- mony with social ethics or the agribusiness industry will COUNCIL FOR AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY—13

be at risk of losing its autonomy (Rollin 2004). development and application of new technologies. Around the world, regulatory requirements designed to Societal Issues control the adverse effects of animal production to the Currently, there seem to be conflicting views of environment, to improve air quality, and to decrease odor biotechnology between society and scientists (Hodges are being implemented. Permits and nutrient manage- 2003). Whereas scientists may tend to see biotechnol- ment plans now are commonplace, and additional require- ogy as a natural process in understanding nature to con- ments that restrict manure land application are gaining trol or modify it, society often questions the need for bio- global support. In certain locations, nutrient and/or feed technology unless (1) a convincing argument can be made ingredient use is restricted in an effort to protect the en- for solving important social issues associated with live- vironment. An effective example is found in The Neth- stock production and (2) it can be demonstrated to be erlands where a Mineral Accounting System (Minas) was inherently safe. Biotechnology related to manure nutri- implemented (Ministry 2001). In other locations through- ent management will be more acceptable to society than out the world, new air quality standards currently are that directed solely at improving production efficiency being debated, studied, and adopted. These evolving (Bruhn 2002; Hodges 2002). Advancements in manure regulatory requirements increase demand on livestock nutrient management that result in improved air quality, production systems to seek new technologies that are lower production of greenhouse gases, decreased odor, effective, socially acceptable, and economically viable. and a decrease in the potential for water pollution will Government plays a key role in ensuring a regulatory address concerns that are of primary interest to the pub- system that is open, transparent, and effective and that lic and that, as such, will gain public support more readily. permits harmonious development of animal production In addition, the public generally will support biotechnol- to maximize production while minimizing ecological risk ogy efforts that result in air quality improvements within (UNFAO 2000). the production environment (livestock housing) because Government also should play a key role in inform- these improvements will enhance animal welfare, health, ing the public of the benefits and risks of new biotech- and well-being. nologies and their function in the management of animal But some biotechnologies, such as production of resources. This responsibility extends to the development transgenic or other genetically modified animals, may of national and global strategies to address public aware- receive additional ethical scrutiny from the public because ness, education, and information. Government must of concerns for the health and well-being of animals. maintain a careful balance between societal concerns, Because it is human nature to be skeptical of technology special interest influences, production efficiency, and that is poorly understood or perceived to possess inher- environmental stability. ent danger, genomic technologies—whether animal-, plant-, or microbial-based technologies—may not be ac- SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS cepted readily by the public. It is essential that the scien- It has become increasingly important to decrease the tific community understands the societal issues that re- total amount of animal manure and concentrations of late to biotechnology and addresses those concerns specific nutrients such as P and N in livestock manure. adequately. New biotechnologies of this nature should Biotechnology has helped those in academia and indus- be introduced only after thorough, independent studies try to develop plant-, animal-, microbe-, and diet-based that elucidate the long-term effects and that address con- approaches to alleviate potential adverse effects of exces- sumers’ concerns along with production efficiency and sive manure nutrients on water, air, and soil quality for benefits. human living and for agriculture. Most likely, new bio- It also is imperative that consumers be informed technology will continue to be generated and applied to about the benefits that biotechnology brings to the envi- manage animal manure nutrients. The following recom- ronment, air quality, and animal well-being. The possi- mendations provide a limited list of future potentials and bility of any adverse effects, whether real or perceived directions. to be real, must be addressed. Failure to recognize and 1. Combine a variety of nutritional enhancements in comply with the associated societal issues could result in plant seeds that will offer the ability to tailor ani- excellent new technologies that fail to gain acceptance. mal diets for better nutrient management. Metabolic and nutritional engineering using recombinant Governmental Issues DNA, genomics, and model system approaches may Governmental agencies play a critical role in the be used for future crop improvement in nutrient COUNCIL FOR AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY—14

content and availability. recognized as a critical element. All these factors must 2. Determine the limiting enzymes in plant cell wall be considered and addressed for successful implementa- digestion to serve as the basis for enhancing rumi- tion of biotechnology in manure nutrient management. nal digestion by diet design, genetic modification of forage plants, and genetic modification of rumi- GLOSSARY nal organisms. 16S rRNA. A unique single-stranded nucleic acid simi- 3. Develop microarray systems for rapid analysis of the lar to DNA but having ribose rather than deox- ruminal ecosystem and to assist in monitoring di- yribose sugar and uracil rather than thymine as one of gestive processes through the use of metagenomic the pyrimidine bases that has been used for the spe- analysis. ciation of bacteria. 4. Define accurately the nutrient requirements of ani- Bioinformatics. Mathematical, statistical, and comput- mals and elucidate the molecular mechanisms un- ing methods that attempt to solve biological problems derlying the limiting steps of feed nutrient use by using DNA, RNA, and amino acid sequences and re- animals so that diet formulations match the exact lated information. physiological capabilities of animals, minimizing Biotechnology. Technical know-how, including mate- manure nutrient excretion. rials and methods, related to genetic manipulations of DNA and RNA or modification and engineering of 5. Develop species- and physiological stage-specific proteins for target functions or pathways. hydrolytic enzymes as animal feed supplements to Carbohydrases. Enzymes that catalyze hydrolysis or help maximize the efficacy of exogenous enzymes metabolism of compounds consisting of simple or in diets. In ruminants, further research is required complex sugars. to determine the need for dietary enzymes, their Cellulase. An enzyme/family of enzymes that hydrolyze effect on ruminal fermentation, and the role that the β(1-4) linkages of the polyglucose polymer cellu- protein and roughage source relative to fiber type lose. and content might play in response to enzyme Endogenous. Produced or synthesized within the organ- supplementation. ism or system. 6. Develop inert feed additives and/or transgene tech- Eutrophication. The process by which a body of water nology in food-producing animals that target spe- becomes either naturally or by pollution rich in dis- cific genetic capacities to optimize or introduce solved nutrients (as phosphates) and often shallow endogenous metabolic pathways to improve their with a seasonal deficiency in dissolved oxygen. feed nutrient use, without negative impact on the Expression. The process by which a gene's coded infor- animals or the environment. mation in DNA is converted into RNA that usually 7. Use modeling to predict the impact of new biotech- leads to synthesis of a protein. nology and to help its integration with other tech- Fibrolytic. The process of degrading fiber (carbohydrate nologies for manure nutrient management. complex in feeds). Genomics approach. Use of all nucleotide sequences, 8. Develop separate/joint educational modules about including structural genes, regulatory sequences, and the biology behind, and the ethics of, biotechnology noncoding DNA segments, in the chromosomes of an for manure nutrient management, and promote a organism. balanced view of animal agriculture, manure pro- Hydrolases. Groups of enzyme proteins that catalyze the duction, environment protection, and biotechnology breakdown of complex nutrients such as , pro- application. teins, and carbohydrates by the addition of water. Biotechnology will provide solutions to manure Lentiviral transgenesis. A virus-based system for in- management issues that may or may not be adopted troduction of a transgene into the genome of animals. readily by industry or society. The acceptance and sub- In pigs the system is 27- to 50-fold more efficient than sequent adoption of new biotechnology will be highly DNA microinjection. dependent on the harmonization of product benefits and Lignin. Complex networks of aromatic compounds effectiveness, cost, societal acceptance, and government called phenylpropanoids that are found in secondary intervention. Research and education must go hand-in- cell walls of plants, accounting for a much as 20 to hand, because effective, ongoing education should be 30% of plant tissue. COUNCIL FOR AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY—15

Metagenomics. The functional and sequence-based being swallowed , and from which it is later returned analysis of the collective microbial genomes contained to the mouth as cud for thorough chewing. in an environmental sample. Ruminant. Any of various hoofed, even-toed, usually Methionine biosynthesis. The cellular process to pro- horned mammals characteristically having a stomach duce one of the essential amino acids (basic molecu- divided into four compartments and chewing a cud lar unit of proteins). consisting of regurgitated, partly digested food. Microarrays. Sets of miniaturized chemical reaction Simple-stomached (non-ruminant). Having a stomach areas that may be used to test DNA fragments and gene with only a single compartment, and with limited expression. microbial fermentation capacity. Mouse 3T3 cells. Mouse fibroblast cells grown in cell Striated muscle. Muscle in which the repeating units of culture. the contractile myofibrils are arranged in registry N. The atomic symbol for nitrogen, a gaseous element throughout the cell, resulting in transverse or oblique with the atomic number 7 and an atomic weight of 14. striations; for example, the voluntary (skeletal) muscle Nitrates. Salts or ester of nitric acid or compounds con- of vertebrates. - taining the NO3 group. Transgene. Novel genes with appropriate sequences to Nonstarch polysaccharides. Long chain of carbohy- permit expression of an endogenous protein when drate consisting of many simple sugars that are soluble integrated into the host genome. and insoluble forms of dietary fiber. Transporters. Proteins that span and carry specific nu- Oligosaccharides. Short carbohydrate chains typically trients across cell membranes. consisting of three to six simple sugars. Volatile losses. The loss of substances by vaporization, P. The atomic symbol for the widely occurring non-metal typically at relatively low temperatures. element phosphorus, with the atomic number 15 and Xylanase. An enzyme that acts to hydrolase the β(1-4) an atomic weight of 31. linkage of the polyxylose polymer xylan. Phytases. A class of enzymes that degrade phytate by Zein. A class of storage proteins found in corn kernels the removal of phosphate groups rendering P more with a low-lysine amino acid content. bioavailable. Phytate. The major storage form of P found in plant LITERATURE CITED seeds; the chemical form is myo-inositol Al-Khaldi, K. H., S. A. Martin, A. Rosooly, and J. D. Evans . 2002. hexakisphosphate salt or InsP6; also interchangeably DNA microarray technology used for studying foodborne patho- called with its free acid form known as phytic acid. gens and microbial habitats: Minireview. J AOAC Int 85(4):906Ð Promoters. Regions of DNA to which RNA polymerase 910. binds before initiating the synthesis of RNA based on American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE). the corresponding DNA (gene) sequence. 2005. ManureProduction and Characteristics: ASABE Stan- Pronuclear microinjection. Mechanical injection of dard D384.2. American Society of Agricultural and Biologi- multiple copies of a transgene into the pronucleus of cal Engineers Standards 2005. ASABE, St. Joseph, Michigan. Aquino, D. L., L. O. Tedeschi, C. Lanzas, S. S. Lee, and J. B. Russell. a fertilized zygote, which then is introduced into the 2003. Evaluation of CNCPS predictions of milk production of reproductive tract of a recipient female and taken to dairy cows fed alfalfa silage. Pp. 137-150. In Proceedings of term. Offspring are tested for the presence of the the Cornell Nutritional Conference, 2003, Syracuse, New York. transgene integrated into one of the chromosomes. The New York State College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Cornell method is very inefficient because only a small frac- University, Ithaca, New York. tion (~2%) of the treated embryos develop into Archimede, H., D. Sauvant, and P. Schmidely. 1997. Quantitative transgenic animals. review of ruminal and total tract digestion of mixed diet organic matter and carbohydrates. Reprod Nutr Dev 37:173Ð189. Proteases. A subset of hydrolytic enzymes, including Augspurger, N. R., D. M. Webel, X. G. Lei, and D. H. Baker. 2003. proteinases and peptidases, that break down of proteins Efficacy of an E. coli phytase expressed in yeast for releasing or peptides. phytate-bound P in young chicks and pigs. J Anim Sci 81:474Ð Proteolytic enzymes. Any enzyme that catalyzes the 483. splitting of proteins into smaller peptide fractions Bastiaanse Communication. 2005. Antimicrobial Growth Promoters: and their constituent amino acids by a process known Worldwide Ban on the Horizon? Conference Programme, http:/ as proteolysis. / (19 May 2006) Rumen. The first division of the stomach of a ruminant Baucher, M., M. A. Bernard-Vailhé, B. Chabbert, J.-M. Besle, C. animal in which most food collects immediately after Opsomer, M. Van Montagu, and J. Botterman. 1999. Down- COUNCIL FOR AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY—16

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