No More Bankers' Hours

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No More Bankers' Hours haleys hand NUMBER 4 – SEPTEMBER 2009 THE MAGAZINE FOR THE 22,822 EMPLOYEES OF THE DANSKE BANK GROUP DANSKE DANSKEMAGAZINE@DANSKEBANK.COM No more bankers’ hours magazine Sweden’s new product fi ts magazinecustomer lifestyles – and magazine magazine gives staff fl exible workdays Page 8-11 How (and why) to read our H1 report Page 14 Are we good enough at serving our own employees? Page 4 magazine Part-time football trainer, part-time Danske manager Page 6 Watch videosOnline at Danske Magazine 36229_DMag_NR4-2009_UK.indd 1 8/24/09 1:45 PM EDITOR RESPONSIBLE UNDER DANISH PRESS LAW MARIA HJORTH EDITOR KAY XANDER MELLISH/KAYM/45687 3912 GROUP COMMUNICATIONS DELIVERY POST AND INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION MAIL R3986 AND TELEPHONE (+45) 43 39 27 21 ORDERING NUMBER 7550 ISSN 1396-5034 LAYOUT GROUP DESIGN COVER PHOTO PETTER MAGNUSSON The banking business has changed, too Contents When I started my career, there vices. Those with more complex was only one way to be a retail needs may prefer, and be willing to customer at a bank. You would go pay for, the more in-depth advice to a branch during banking hours, we provide in a face-to-face setting. in my branch 9:30-12:30 and then 2pm-4pm, and either make transac- We are re-segmenting on the tions with a cashier or sit across corporate side as well, where the the desk from an adviser, discus- smallest businesses have proven to sing a loan. All customers were be very satisfi ed with centralised handled the same way, and banks phone services staffed with spe- never approached customers. cialised advisors. We are moving They came to us. many business customers between branches and fi nance centres We work in a highly competi- and Corporate and Institutional tive landscape now, and our Banking, always with the goal of present-day customers have giving them attention from the best made it clear that they want qualifi ed bank staff. more from us. They may not have time in the middle of a But the real re-alignment is in our busy workday to come visit us attitudes, in our understanding that in a branch: they want us to meet customer needs are what drives them on their terms. They are price our business, and that we must sensitive and demand top-level adapt to meet them. We can no service. And they expect us to ap- longer work in the same old way proach them with ways to improve just because it is most convenient their fi nancial standing. for us, or because that’s how we’ve always done it. This is why we are in the midst of a great re-segmentation and re- Branches are still an important part alignment of our retail customers. of our business, yet as technology We want to make sure that they are and our marketplace evolves, they getting high-quality services at the are only one colour in an ever- level they require. widening palette of ways we can serve our customers. Customers with simple needs are likely to be just as satisfi ed with online or phone options, and we can provide these more cheaply than our traditional branch ser- Peter Straarup 2 Danske Magazine September 2009 36229_DMag_NR4-2009_UK.indd 2 8/24/09 1:45 PM No more bankers’ hours Danske Direkt, Sweden’s version of 24/7, offers great service to customers and fl exible workdays for advisers Page 8-11 Contents Q1 Q2 2009 Index 2009 H1 09/08 H1 2008 2009 110 6,907 7,227 86 1,920 1,763 INCOME STATEMENT 14,134 12,901 (Dkr m) - 4,918 7,479 647 3,683 4,271 861 Net interest income 77 91 12,397 3,518 470 - Net fee income 1,508 1,968 -837 Net trading income 561 148 15,076 17,207 Other income 32,283 21,821 119 8,489 6,896 Net income from insurance business 15,385 12,933 190 6,587 10,311 Total income - 6,550 7.981 16,898 8,888 37 2,330 Operating expenses 30 777 14,531 1,114 865 Profit before loan impairment charges 83 2,367 7,774 -828 1,553 4 6 Loan impairment charges 1,642 1,96714 12 12 16 Profit before tax 725 5,807 99 1,731,077 1,770,485 Tax 90 782,460 796,449 1,731,077 1,745,803 Net profit for the period 95 99,417 99,507 40.1 782,460 872,373 56.3 Loans and advances - 99,417 104,805 59.3 Deposits 47.7 Shareholders’ equity Cost/income ratio (%) ARE WE GOOD ENOUGH AT SERVING OUR OWN EMPLOYEES? – PAGE 4 • INSIDER REPORT – PAGE 6 • NO MORE BANKERS’ HOURS Sweden’s Danske Direkt customers get high-quality, fee-free service – as long as they never set foot in a branch – PAGE 8 • THE CARE AND FEEDING OF BIG FISH Large customers see us as a product shop, but we want to be a strategic partner – PAGE 12 • WHATEVER HAPPENED TO… Our corporate art giveaway – PAGE 13 • THE BIG PIC TURE How (and why) to read our H1 report – PAGE 14 • MY CAREER Nicolai Franck – PAGE 16 haleys hand NUMBER 4 – SEPTEMBER 2009 THE MAGAZINE FOR THE 22,822 EMPLOYEES OF THE DANSKE BANK GROUP DANSKE DANSKEMAGAZINE@DANSKEBANK.COM No more bankers’ hours magazine Read more of what employees Sweden’s new product fi ts magazinecustomer lifestyles – and magazine magazine gives staff fl exible workdays Page 8-11 say about service from their How (and why) to read our H1 report The Portal Poll Page 14 Are we good enough at serving our own brands on pages 4-5. own employees? Page 4 magazine Part-time football trainer, part-time Danske manager Page 6 Watch videosOnline at Danske Magazine 36229_DMag_NR4-2009_UK.indd 1 8/21/09 10:34 AM Are you a satisfied customer of your On the cover: local retail bank brand? Kristin Marcus- 0 20 40 son, 38, has 10 Danica Pension Excellent years’ experience Danske Bank DK as a branch advi- Sampo Pank ES Good ser and now works Sampo Bank FI at Danske Direkt Fokus Bank NO Capable Group Head Offi ce in Linköping, Shared Service Center Disappointing Sweden. She says Danske Banka LV she likes the Danske Bankas LT So poor I rarely fl exible hours – National Irish Bank use my brand’s “you can go to the Nordania Leasing services dentist if you need Northern Bank Realkredit Danmark to” – and the fact Danske Bank Sweden that she can wear jeans to work. The poll was conducted during July 2009 on all of the Group’s portals. Danske Magazine September 2009 3 36229_DMag_NR4-2009_UK.indd 3 8/24/09 1:45 PM EMPLOYee CUSTOmeRS When the customers are our colleagues How good is the service we give our own staff? The majority of Group employees are satisfied with the service from their local retail bank brand. But one out of five says it’s disappointing, or so poor that they rarely use our services. Would a vegetarian be a good but- cher? Could be, but it’s tough to sell a product you don’t believe in. A new Danske Magazine portal poll shows that while 54% of staff The 22,822 employees of say the Group’s bank brands pro- the Group have a variety of vide “good” or “excellent” service banking needs, and many with regard to their own personal aren’t familiar with our finances, 27% say the service is retail products. merely capable, and 19% call it disappointing or poor. The good, the bad, and the awful To be sure, many employees are very happy with the service they get from the Group’s brands. ”I always get a quick and constructive response,”says cash manager Jakob Nordahl Weber of Danske Bank, Danmark. “My advisor takes time to help me even when I can see she’s very busy.” Annely Koolmann, a private banker, was thankful for a bit of proactivity on the part of Sampo Pank Estonia. “It was very pleasant when Contact Center informed me my savings deposit standing order was about to expire. I had forgotten that.” But there are also some emplo- yees who are openly critical of their brands’ performance as a financial partner. Piia Pauliina Hippeläinen, a retail adviser at Sampo Bank Finland, says branch personnel don’t always realize that the many 4 Danske Magazine September 2009 36229_DMag_NR4-2009_UK.indd 4 8/24/09 1:45 PM txt Marie Buus Illustration Rasmus Juul Facts about the Danske Magazine portal poll The poll was published on 14 brand portals at the beginning of July, and a total of 2123 employees responded. The employees were asked to rate the level of service at their local retail bank brand when it came to their own personal fi nances. They were also asked when they had last contacted one of their banking brand’s advisers, and when was the last time an adviser had contacted them. non-branch employees need their Is anybody Nielsen believes that all staff should fi nancial expertise. “It is easy for out there? be doing basic transactions online, personnel in the branches to take Almost uniformly across brands, and using the customer line as care of their errands but there are staff felt a lack of proactivity from much as possible. a lot of staff who are not their adviser. While 20% of all staff But when it comes to advice for in branches,” she says.
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