Growth of OTT in India: the Covid Factor
E-CineIndia April-June 2020 ISSN: 2582-2500 Article Mausumi Bhattacharyya Growth of OTT in India: The Covid Factor Introduction ing pattern of consumption of products and service offerings. This shift of consumption Greeted with much fanfare and hope, year preference is happening on a gigantic scale 2020 has presented humanity with a challenge and in all likelihood, will have a lasting ef- that is ominous and debilitating. With each fect on the functioning of several industries. passing month, the Covid-19 pandemic has Lockdowns, social distancing and evolving firmed its grip, bringing in its wake unfore- norms of ensuring personal hygiene, as route seen misery, suffering and deaths. Optimism, to protection from corona virus infection, is which marked the start of the year, lies in modifying on an everyday basis the way we complete shambles. With most governments work, relax, think and read (Mallikarjunan imposing national lockdowns and emphasiz- 2020). Taking this line of argument further ing on strict compliance of social distancing Matthew (2020) adds that Covid-19 outbreak norms, to arrest spread of Covid-19, free and has accomplished what advertisement cam- normal movement of millions of citizens has paigns by top-notch brands have often failed been disrupted. Home confinement, physical to. The pandemic has forced consumers, in separation from families, friends and relatives, large numbers, to revise their preferences al- spectra of employment loss or pay cuts and most overnight. Matthew (2020) opines that above all constant anxiety about preventing stimulating change of customer preferences is contacting the disease is the emerging order. never easy.
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