A Creative Class Theory of City Sustainability Policies Jeffrey M. Berry Department of Political Science Tufts University Kent E. Portney Bush School of Government and Public Service Texas A&M University Paper prepared for delivery at the annual conference of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA, September 1-4, 2016. Corresponding author:
[email protected] Abstract After decades of migration from central cities to suburbs, corporate America is reversing direction and returning in increasing numbers to downtown locations. There are surely many reasons that explain this trend but we begin by focusing on the workforce needs of firms in the modern economy. For those companies competing in knowledge-based industries, the young professionals they are trying to attract may have a strong preference for living in the city rather than in suburban or exurban locations. Part of the attraction to the city is surely related to an array of lifestyle choices, including a city’s disposition toward the environment. Here we look at the intersection of politics, economics, and demographic change and explore three possible (and not mutually exclusive) explanations of sustainable cities. First, we test Richard Florida’s creative class theory and ask if the size of the creative class is related to higher levels of prosperity in the city. Second, acknowledging the growing political liberalism of contemporary cities, we determine if sustainability policies similarly related to the size of the creative class, or are simply a function of aggregate political ideology. Third, we turn from issues of political ideology to mobilization by advocacy organizations, asking if interest group politics structures environmental policymaking.