
c.J Student trustee candidates profiled First of two parts, p. 3 Connecticut Satin, (Eamnna Serving Storrs Since 1896

Vol. XXXIII, No. 88 STORRS, CONNECTICUT Wednesday, February 27,1980 Carter, Reagan win New Hampshire primaries Reagan tops Kennedy Bush by claims moral 3-1 margin victory

By JIM CONDON By MARY MESSINA MANCHESTER. N.H.— MANCHESTER. N.H.— Sen. Edward Kennedy Republican candidate for claimed victory in the New president Gov. Ronald Hampshire primary, Reagan defeated rival although he captured only 38 George Bush here last night percent of the vote while by a surprising margin of President Carter won 49 per- almost 3-1. cent. With almost 85 percent of the votes in late last night. Speaking at his Man- Reagan was leading Bush by chester headquarters after more than 30.000 votes. most of the returns were in. In an earlier unexpected Kennedy said. "We got move. Reagan fired three of about 40 percent. Four years his top campaign workers, ago Jimniy Carter got 28 citing the need for a sharp percent and claimed victory. Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter (UPI). reduction in campaign ex- We're claiming victory penses. tonight." Reagan announced that Florida nuclear plant flooded; Kennedy told the crowd of William J. Casey, the new supporters that he has no in- executive vice-chairman and tention of dropping from the campaign director. will poses no immediate threat presidential race. "Wc con- replace John Sears, who will tinue this campaign. Wc return to private practice as CRYSTAL RIVER, Fla.(UPI)—As much as public in the area of the plant nor with any 60,000 gallons of radioactive water gushed out radiation release to the public." continue in Massachusetts, a lawyer. and on to the Democratic of the seething core of Florida's Crystal River Containment radiation levels after the Casey, a New York attor- convention." he said. ney, is the former chairman atomic reactor Tuesday, flooding the plant's accident began at 2:30 p.m. soared to 50 Although Kennedy of the Security and Exchange sealed containment building. rem—10 times the maximum annual dose for Commission and former un- But the nuclear accident, apparently the humans, but miniscule compared to Three finished about 11 percentage Mile Island. points behind Carter, the ac- dersecretary of state for worst since Three Mile Island, posed no danger to plant employees and local residents tual delegate allocation was economic affairs. He has Six hundred rem is instantly fatal to humans. much closer. Of the state's been a member of Reagan's because the water and the gases it contained never escaped the cylindrical containment 19 delegates to the executive advisory commit- The levels, measured in gases reaching the Democratic convention, ten tee and an advisor to Reagan building, officials said. top of the 30-story structure, receded to 20 "No radiation was released to the environ- arc now committed to Carter on foreign and economic rem just hours later, but primary coolant ment," said Bill Johnson, spokesman for water continued to leak from the steel reactor and nine are committed to policy. SEE PAGE 4 Florida .Power Co. "There is no danger to the pressure vessel. SEE PAGE 4 Iran "Victims' air grievances » Fight back... f**N By UNITED PRESS INTER- never give up its demand will readmit those who can NATIONAL that the deposed shah be show "their impartiality" in The U.N. commission to returned and said "punish- past coverage. Drive 551 - Iran Tuesday interviewed ments worse than execution" would await him The radio report went on more than 140 alleged tor- without explanation that in Iran, Tehran radio ture victims of the deposed "when it was put to him that monitored in London said. • shah's secret police in what Panama had said if Iran In another development. the United Nations hoped promises not to execute the Iranian authorities announ- was a step leading to the shah, it will hand him over. ced they will readmit relase of the American Iran foreign minister Sadeg American newsmen whose hostages. Gotzbadeh said: "impartiality" can be con- But Iran's foreign minister "Punishments worse than firmed by Iranian embassies vowed the nation would execution could be carried in foreign countries, French out against the former radio stations reported. shah." Weather The radio stations, both the state-run and private U.N. commission ^ networks, said the decision spokesman in Iran Samir "marked a further thawing Sanbar, in a telephone inter- of relations" between view from London, said the Tehran and the United five international jurists States. spent most of the day in the - Iranian capital meeting with The Islamic revolutionary A truck speeds by this billboard featuring a caricature of Cloudy, with a chance of people who claimed they regime ousted U.S. the Ayatollah Khomeini. The billboard is located on flurries Wednesday. High were tortured by Shah newsmen in January for Washington Si. in Boston in the Jamaica Plain section of near 30. Mohammed Reza Pahlavi's their alleged distorted repor- the city (UPI). ting from Iran, but said it secret police. SAVAK. 1 Page 2 The Connect'cut Daily Campus, Wednesday, February 27,1980 a f • <&0MKrticut Bailfl (Eampua SERVING STORRS SINCE 1896 EDITOR IN CHIEF MARY MESSINA

MANAGING EDITOR KEN KOEPPER BUSINESS MANAGER MARK BECKER umnsio Second-class postage paid at Store. Conn OoMo^ublishad by ths Connacpcut Daily pampua. 121 N Eeglevllle Rd . U-IW. Vorrs Conn Monday through Friday 8/10 11/21 1(27 11(30. 1I23M. 3/18-4/29. and spec.ei adltloni on 9/6. 12/17. 5/12 Telephone (203) T-8384. subscription $10 non-UConn etudent United Pntai International telephotos are eided at no cost to 1 ha Daily Campus by the Willimanlic Chronicle and United Press In letnalwnel iub".rber. li uteC P;es»lnt'l. !itc. Utah's abortion law denies human rights

TPI he Supreme Court said Monday it will review a I Utah law requiring doctors to notify parents before •^^ performing abortions on minors. The law is being challenged—and rightly so—by an 18- year-old Utah woman who three years ago went out of state for an abortion to avoid the parental-notification law. Utah's state attorneys argue the law is meant to preserve Bleeding for the city the "integrity of the family unit," and that failure to notify parents would be a blatant denial of the responsibility of Every Sunday I sit in an office building near parents for their minor children. box. The top sagged horribly in the middle. Though Utah's law does not require parental consent, its the State Capitol. It's modern—14 floors of Before he ran off, the kid stared back at me Black Splendor. My title is security guard but stipulation that parents be notified violates the 1973 defiantly. He was no more than seven years I'm really just a caretaker. I don't carry a gun Supreme Court ruling, which divests the state courts of any old. and I wear flannel. A city seems to be a mixture of chemicals power to interfere with abortion up to the third month of My contact with cities so far has been that of pregnancy, regardless of the woman's age. which refuse to dissolve. I work weekends, so a man who rolls up his windows in a bad I see the cloudy suspension upside down. But apart from any question of the Utah law's con- section of town, but I'm learning. Most of stitutionality, the state attorneys' insistence on the Lawyers come to work in leather and denim. what I've learned, I'll admit, has been from Or sweatsuits—hot off the Capitol jog. supremacy of the family unit over individual rights is almost observations through glass, and I question the laughable. The workings of the family unit are not a gover- truth of any view affected by Windex. nment concern—and shouldn't be. Down the end of the tiled hall in my lobby, The real irony, of course, is that family communications through two sets of tinted glass doors, I can have degenerated to the point that young women feel com- Steve Straight see a small patch of green. On it sits a bench pelled to make such a drastic decision alone without paren- and usually on that, a bum. tal counsel. If the family unit were as strong as the Utah at- He's a Hartford bum and not a New York torneys claim, this would never have become a public issue. The poor trudge into my building in their bum because 1) he's fat, 2) his body isn't best clothes, which can't hide the look in their concave and apologetic—he reclines as if he eyes. It is a look of contempt, for necessities could produce a card showing ownership of like dressing up for rich, white lawyers. Letters the bench, and 3) he wears sneakers. Dirty I saw someone who probably needed a white ones. lawyer. One morning at five o'clock a little Behind the bum, Christopher Columbus man, drunk perhaps, took the corner in front gazes east. He once gazed east, anyway. of my building a little wide. His car smashed Sex in the 'flesh' When the city rotated the nearby statue of another head-on. To the editor: mounted Lafayette, the Italians complained I was sleeping on the fifth floor. By the time In reference to Leith Johnson's preview of the movie that Columbus has to stare at the horse's ass. I got to the window, the little man was walking "Flesh Gordon" we.the sponsors of the movie, were sorry Once you've heard that, he does. to the passenger side of the car he hit. The to see the Daily Campus would accept an unsubstantiated Across the green patch I can see the Second windshield on that side held that spider web of article disguised as an accurate preview. We feel that Mr. Church . of Christ, Scientist. Six 50-foot safety glass made by someone's head. Johnson used the movie preview section as a forum for columns guard the door, and parishioners The little man was met at the door by the preaching against pornography on campus. climb 30 steps to enter the church. It must put massive driver of the car with the injured If Mr. Johnson had taken the time to see the movie, he the fat ones in a mood of repentance. Every person, a woman, now screaming. Through would have been greatly surprised to find that the movie is Sunday a Rolls-Royce slides to the curb and a the fifth floor glass it seemed like a movie. rated not X but R. He mentions nothing of the quality , frail old lady steps out. It is a white people's Suddenly, the big man slapped the little church. character or plot of the movie.'Flesh Gordon "is one of the man's face with the back of his hand and In the spring I see families of Puerto Ricans- few films which incorporates satire, sex, and a valid plot to kicked him full in the face before he hit the walking to Bushnell Park. They seem to create an erotic fantasy which has attracted millions of ground. The little man's face began bleeding. arrange themselves in order of both height The big man returned to the screaming movie-goers since its release and has never gotten a bad and girth. review in any major paper. woman and the little man stumbled back to his Brian Laubstein Skinny young kids scout the sidewalk ahead, car. There he pressed a white handkerchief to scampering back with news; girls in their his face. The cloth turned red. teens ignore them; and a barrel of an aunt or Johnson's response After a barrage of curses from the bigmanat mother chugs along at the rear. Rarely does a distance, the little man walked slowly, Sorry if I implied that ' 'Flesh Gordon'' is an X when it is the train contain any males past the age of ominously, to his trunk. My cheeks flushed as an R. It does not matter: I saw the movie and it is still junk. I twelve. I thought I realized what he was going to do. I do not oppose the presentation of any movie on campus. X- Once I saw a black kid press his nose against thought he was getting a gun. He reached into rated or otherwise. I commented that during any given the outer glass door and peer into my lobby. his trunk. week at UConn there usually is a sexually provocative He held a toy he had picked up some place—a All he took out, though.was a bigger cloth to movie to titillate our libidos. piece of lead pipe. absorb the blood. As far as major newspapers are concerned, the He was surprised to see me and started to It occurs to me that maybe that's what cities Washington Post wrote. "To call this movie sophomoric walk away. But when he got to the edge of the are—people swallowing the urge to gun would he an insult to the nation s sophomores. " sidewalk he lifted the pipe over his head and someone down and, instead, looking for a brought it down hard on the Hartford Courant bigger rag to stop the bleeding.

DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau


By SUSAN BAUER by women's ice hockey team State representative and Congressional candidate Sam Gejdenson told a journalism class yesterday that the By SUSAN BAUER was denied any money from athletics department. problem with the media covering the campaign is that "it is The Federation of Studen- the athletic department, Student activities funds are being too soft and not nailing the people that ought to be ts and Service Organizations Kevin Conklin, who was sit- not meant for athletics." nailed." (FSSO) Finance Committee ting in for committee mem- Committee chairman "The things that make real changes don't get in-depth turned down a request for ber Craig Minor, said. Chris Majeske said he hopes reporting like they ought to," Gejdenson (D-48) said. "You funds by the women's ice "We don't like to be the team will go to Toner for sit in the General Assembly for two terms and end up hockey team Tuesday. (Athletic Director John) the needed amount. getting a story about you on hitchhiking to Hartford." The team, funded by the Toner's back drop." commit- "We don't want to dump Gejdenson said voters ask better questions that reporters athletic department, needs tee member Jim Healey on anyone, but we do want to do. "The issues are personal to voters," he said'.'They are $308 to Finish the season and said. "We can't fund the make a stand on this issue," the ones who haven't gotten a raise in pay. They are Majeske said. affected by higher inflation. They know what they are Also discussed was the angry about." Vandalism linked FSSO elections committee budget. The committee ap- to staff shortage proved $405 to cover costs Mt. Holyoke coverage criticized for computer ballots, adver- By DOUGLAS CALIBEY tising and to help defray A man identifying himself as Ned Coll, the executive The 63 cases of vandalism reported to University police this election costs. A decision on director of the Hartford Revitalization Corps, called the Daily year, resulting in 13 arrests, were not caused by poor lighting a $600 request for an Campus office last night to lodge a complaint about an article but by lack of staff, according to a University police inaugural dance following in Monday's paper. lieutenant. election returns was post- He questioned the coverage of the Corps-sponsored protest Lt. Michael Pander said student patrols, which were started poned until next week. held at both UConn and Mount Holyoke College, in South 11 years ago to deter vandalism, are responsible for several Hadley, Mass. arrests a year. But the patrol has taken on the additional task of escorting students, which may leave a parking lot Forum scheduled unattended for as long as 50 minutes, he said. Student faces two police charges Pander said only one case of vandalism has been reported in Democratic candidates for Vincent Stifano, 22, of 54 Apple Hill Road.Wethersfield. student lot T, which is not lighted. He said an increase in the second Congressional was arrested at 1:13 a.m. Sunday and charged with student patrol would decrease the amount of vandalism. District seats will hold a interfering with a police officer and breach of peace, "It's hard to know how many crimes you have prevented," question and answer session according to University police. Pander added. "But just knowing we have a student patrol is tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the Police said Stifano was released on a summons and is a deterrent in itself." Town Hall. scheduled to appear in Rockville Superior Court March 4.

One of eight candidates will be elected a student trustee by mail-in ballot during spring Candidates speak out break. Four of these candidates are profiled below.

First of two parts Profiles of Steven Donen, Mary Huggard, Mario Muslllo and Steven Pranger, the other four candidates, will appear in Thursday's Daily Campus.

i Majeske: Dorsey: Basche: Moynihan: the key is seek funds keep quality use students to listen outside state in education to lobby

By KIM HARRISON By LESLIE I IN KM S 11 IN By LISA STENZA By DOUGLAS CALIBEY If two students from each Christopher Majeske, an eighth Preserving the quality of Paul Dorsey, a fourth semester education at UConn, which is Congressional district semester economics major com- business major seeking the spearheaded lobbying efforts, peting for the student position on currently being threatened by student position on the University budget cuts, would be Steven more state money might be the Board of Trustees, said he is Board of Trustees, said his most available to UConn. according to the best candidate for the position Basche's primary goal if he was important task would be to elected student trustee. T. Steve Moynihan, candidate for because he "gets highly involved represent the students as best he the student position on the in a job." could, especially in the face of Basche. a second semester University Board of Trustees. Majeske is the current chairman budget cuts. political science major, said there of the Federation of Students and Claiming UConn is "in big are two ways of approaching the "Having students keep in touch Service Organizations Finance trouble," Dorsey said the Univer- budget problem. One way. he with their congressmen will let the committee. He said he would sity shouldn't depend solely on said, would be to make those Connecticut legislature see that "serve the needs of students and money from the state but rather departments which have always UConn students are aware of what the University community to the seek funds from outside the state, received increases show the real is going on. and can greatly in- best of my ability...From my past as well as from industry and alum- need for those increases. "I would fluence how the congressmen rather see little things go. than experience. I believe the key is to ni. vote." said Moynihan. a second listen to both students and big. Closing branches and the Dorsey called incumbant semester liberal arts student. He faculty." School of Education is not the way said those students should meet He also said he would try to get student trustee Steve Donen "the to do it." Basche said. man to beat." He said Donen. an regularly and keep the student students involved in the current Alumni contributions, a resour- eighth semester student, "may be body informed. budget problem. "1 wish I had a ce which is not actively being tap- solution to it," Majeske said, ad- losing touch with the students af- Moynihan said he plans to fight ter this semester." ped, could also be used to defray ding he plans to ask the state budget cuts, he said. the proposed restructuring of the legislature why it cut the budget Dorsey said a fourth semester Basche said he would like to use Board of Trustees, which would by $6 million. Majeske said he was student can be "more in touch his position on the board to en- separate the Storrs board from the told it was a random cut. but that than someone who hasn't been a courage student participation in branch boards. He said branchfers he is certain there is another regular student for the last three such important issues as the would suffer from the disunity that reason behind the action. years." budget. would be created bv such action. Page 4 The Connecticut Daily Campus, Wednesday, February 27,1980 Constitutional review clause lost in shuffle

By DANIEL HATCH tee to review constitutional change, widespread change." Kimball said. "independent" group came up with While the student government has but did not set up the review commit- "They are always in the middle of a concrete proposals. It never did. done much in the past seven years to tee as mandated by the constitution. program. It's almost more than they review and discuss constitutional The FSSO committee was not ap- can handle." This was one reason, In the fall of 1979. FSSO Chairman change. one formal revision pointed by the University president, Kimball said, for including non- Ed Dzwonkowski set up a con- procedure hasn't been followed. according to Doncn. and its findings student government members on the stitutional convention headed by Despite a plethora of Con- were never acted upon. The commit- committee. third-year philosophy student. Tony stitutional Revision Committees. tee concluded that the number and Ravielli. The convention comprised Additional confusion over the Constitutional Conventions and size of proposed constitutional ten non-student government mem- review and revision committees also Reorganization Committees. Article amendments were such that the con- bers and five members from student contributed to the problem. Student 9.1 of the Federation of Students and stitution should be changed as a government, but it still lacked the government had instituted its own in- Service Organizations (FSSO) Con- whole, according to Doncn. joint appointment from the Univer- ternal revision committees in the stitution has been overlooked. David Kimball. executive assistant sity president. past. One had even proposed the It states that "Every four years...a to the president, was not sure why a kind of sweeping changes which the According to Kimball. the clause committee chaired by the Vice- review committee was not appointed I978 committee recommended, a remains unfulfilled to this day. He Chairman of the Central Committee by then-UConn president Glenn Constituent Assemblyplanwhich was said there was no reason to wait until shall review this constitution and Ferguson. "There was some discon- vetoed by the Board of Governors in 1982 to institute the review commit- revise it as necessary in accordance tinuity at both ends." Kimball said. 1977. tee. with the amending procedures set "We foul up just like in the real forth herein, provided that such a world." When the review committee clause John M. Manning Jr.. assistant committee be jointly appointed by Kimball said the administration came up in 1978. FSSO chairman vice president for academic affairs, the Chairman of the Federation and had a "significant interest'* in Donen set up the kind of review was involved in the formation of the President of the University from student governance which included a committee which others had FSSO and recalled the debate over among a majority of students who "joint responsibility" with the Cen- established in the preceding years. the new constitution in 1972. have not formerly held office within tral Committee to see that the con- "The purpose of the article is the Federation. Should such a com- stitution is reviewed periodically. In 1979. Kim Sadler. Donen's suc- clear." Manning said. "Students felt mittee determine that the governan- The resignation of Ferguson at the cessor, repeated the process, and that their government had drifted oui ce structure as a whole-i* inadequate, end of the spring 1978 semester and established another FSSO committee of touch with them. This was the con- it shall appoint a committee to redraft the added burden of implementing a consisting of student government clusion of a survey conducted by a student governance constitution budget which had doubled in 1977 members. When the committee was sociology professor Albert Cohen. with a deadline set for no later than worked against any active effort to challenged as unconstitutional it This article was included as a safety- the end of the subsequent change the constitution. According to divorced itself from FSSO and valve. It provided an orderly way to semester." Donen. "There was a lot of extra claimed it was a group of student change the constitution—a routine The first review committee was work to do. bringing in the Research government members who felt avenue—which would avoid the supposed to be formed in 1978. when and Development Director and star- strongly about constitutional change necessity for a Bill X. Carlson, the Steve Doncn was chairman of FSSO. ting up the added services FSSO was and who were exercising their right fictitious candidate for student Doncn. who said. "I never gave a providing." of free assembly. government president whose victory high priority to constitutional "It's always difficult for student Sadler said a constitutional con- in the election was taken as a vote of revision." appointed a FSSO commit- government to implement any vention would be established if the 'no confidence' in the government." ...Reagan

FROM PAGE ONE Reagan also accepted resignations from Charles Black, his national political THE BEST CURE FOR A HANGOVER IS . .. director, and Jim Lake, his Everybody has his favorite. But they all have one press secretary. thing in common: They don't work. What works? Preventive medicine. If you don't drink too much, The move was said to have you won't get a hangover. been building since Reagan's Iowa defeat. "The campaign requires sharp reductions in expense and restructuring of our organization to intensify the ALL THAT PUBLICITY ABOUT DRINKING AND DRIVING IS... peoplc-to-peoplc type of True. At least half the fatal highway accidents involve campaign I have been doing drinking. in New Hampshire." he said in his statement released to the press last night. At Reagan .headquarters at the Holiday Inn here Reagan said. "My thanks and joy go < ut to the people of New Hampshire. You are cordially invited "This is the first and it sure is the best." Reagan to told a cheering crowd of supporters. THE 3rd ANNUAL AFRO-AMERICAN HISTORY BANQUET ...Kennedy Saturday, March 1,1980 4:30 PM FROM PAGE ONE Putnam Refectory Kennedy. Kennedy said the> voters University of Connecticut demonstrated that they Storrs, Ct. cared about thc"roaring in- flation" rate. The keynote speaker will be Kennedy spoke for about 10 minutes to the en- , Ms. Pam Cross, Anchor/Reporter thusiastic crowd. Some, however, were startled at the beginning of the speech W.F.S.B. Channel 3, Hartford when he declared to the Semi-Formal Attire crowd that he had a very Tickets are $4.00 per person and serious announcement to make. must be purchased in advance of Feb. 22,198C He announced that it was from: TheAfro-American Cultural Center his daughter Kara's birth- 214 Commons Building day, and led a chorus of "Happy Birthday" for her. (203)486-3433 The Connecticut Daily Campus, Wednesday, February 27,1980 PaQ© 5 Carter reaffirms belief U.5. WRAP-UP in U.S. economic policies Ford films viewed by court WASHINGTON (UPI)— determine it to be ap- dale was placed in charge of WINAMAC.Ind.(UPI)—Ford introduced $50,000 worth of President Carter called the propriate." coordinating the overall crash test films Tuesday at its reckless homicide trial over inflation crisis '"world- Carter referred to his or- review. prosecution objections most had nothing to do with a Pinto wide...awful," Tuesday but der for an accelerated review Officials have refused to crash and fire that killed three young women. said current economic of economic policies in the reveal the specific measures The films, which cost 2 1/2 times the prosecution's entire policies "suit me fine" and wake of persistently high in- being considered, but one $20,000 budget for the trial, showed crash tests of one 1973 need only to be tuned and flation, and said he is again White House aide said Pinto and five other cars ranging in size from sub-compacts enhanced. going down "the long list of possibilities range from to a Chevrolet Impala. The policies, he said, are possible options open to us." tightening credit to imposing not wrong but are caught up White House press cuts in federal spending. in circumstances "over secretary Jody Powell said Some decisions may come Workers' rights upheld which we have very little Vice President Walter Mon- next week, he said. WASHINGTON(UPl)—The Supreme Court Tuesday control" and it would be upheld the right of workers to refuse to perform jobs they misleading to say there is a believe could endanger their lives without facing retaliation solution. Iran lifts press ban; from their employers. During an interview with A unanimous court upheld regulations laid down by the newspaper and broadcast secretary of labor barring employers from discriminating editors, conducted Monday newsmen relieved against workers who won't perform a task they consider too and made public Tuesday by dangerous. the White House, the NEW YORK(UPI)—Foreign editors at American news president conceded for the companies Tuesday expressed relief that they again may be Exxon announces hikes first time that inflation has allowed to send correspondents to Iran to cover the "reached a crisis stage." "extraordinary story" of the hostages in Tehran. HOUSTON(UPI)—Exxon USA Tuesday announced price But he ruled out wage and At United Press International, foreign editor Gerald increases for gasoline,diesel, kerosene and home heating V price controls as "out of the Loughran said several reporters were applying for readmis- oil with the largest increase, 4 cents per gallon, going to question for me." and in- sion to Iran. gasoline. dicated that whatever new UPI President Roderick W. Beaton sent a cable to Iran Diesel and kerosene prices will rise 2 cents and home actions are decided on will Minister of National Guidance Nasir Minachi requesting that heating oil 1 cent when the increases take effect not be drastic. he expedite the screening and approval of visas for a number Wednesday. Exxon attributed the increases to higher Carter said the "basic of reporters. crude oil prices. policies that we have French radio stations reported Tuesday that Iranian espoused suit me fine, the authorities would readmit American newsmen whose tuning of those and the "impartiality" can be confirmed by Iranian embassies in Windfall tax bill approved enhancement of those is foreign countries. something that we intend to The Islamic revolutionary regime ousted all U.S. newsmen WASHINGTON(UPI)-House and Senate negotiators late do." in January saying they were distorting news from Iran. Tuesday approved a compromise $227.3 billion oil windfall Calling controls counter- At the New York Times, foreign editor Robert B. Semple Jr. profits tax bill that provides $136 billion for individual and productive, he said. "Wc said he was "delighted" at the opportunity to send reporters business tax cuts. will take other action as we back to Iran. STUDY IN Molly Malones Pub ISRAEL Wednesday Blue Lunch Band 1980-81 If you are interested in getting more information 50 (p Bar Drinks, $1.00 call about studying in Israel and earning college credit tor a semesteror year in 1980-81, please fill out the •oupon below. Should you wish, an appointment Thursday Fat Chance will be scheduled for you to meet with Dr. Ray Artz 10 « Beers 6-8, goes up 5c every 1/2hr. past 8:00, $2.00 cover of the Center for Study in Israel (New-York and Jerusalem) on Tue. March 18. 1980 between 2- 4gm.— lam interested in studying in Israel in 1980-81 Friday&Saturday NORTHERN RYTHUM Name Sunday PLEXUS (Jazz Band) Campus Address Monday Telephone PUB CLOSED Check one of the following: Tuesday PUB CLOSED —Send more information —Schedule an appointment for me on March 18 Detach and return to Center lor Judaic Studies and Contemporary Jewish Lite S.Willington Rt.32 4291497 VJ-14SJ UConn Cimpi s Mall

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MWHRMBMI K«t'f-**feAviBrt

M Hl'MS CENTCfe SIRE Downtown Intillimarttic We've got it all- at prices you can afford "Wht* Its AH AV ■ • • • • i Page 6 The Connecticut Daily Campus, Wednesday, February 27,1980 NanMancini: She's on her way? Books

By UNITED PRESS INTER IT'S A MAN'S WORLD/ spread the news/You don't have to N|lI1 marketability of female rock singers. NATIONAL Manclni and the JDB (WlndsongQ pay nodues/Helpison the way." As Mancini sings in the ironic title Perhaps the band is hoping that track. "She puts aside her pride/And GUY, by Saul Richman .Crown, saves it for a rainy day/But she's on $10. Guy Lombardo was the By FRANCINE COHEN her way." most talked about dance band For all of you who haven't been In general, this album is a collec- leader of his time. His "sweetest keeping up with current trends, ARTS tion of inoffensive and predictable music this side of heaven" was here's one you may wish to forget. If pop tunes. Not very original or ex- dismissed by his critics as corny you've been suspicious of a the sentiment expressed in these citing fare, but material crafted and but Lombardo and the Royal monotonous thump anchoring some lines will come true. Until then, produced to professional standards) Canadians kept playing long after "new wave" or "avant garde" acts however, it looks like they are just has won the band a recording con- most of the orchestras of the Big (Talking Heads, etc.). brace yourself. trying to capitalize on the recent tract. Band era had collapsed and was From all signs, we are about to be still in demand at the time of subjectedtoabarrageof schizophrenic Guy's death. acts marketing as "dance music" or Saul Richman was Lombardo's "danceablc rock." confidant and this book is a Enter Nan Mancini and the JDB. a definitive work with more than 380 fairly popular club band from the. personal photos. Philadelphia-New Jersey area. After two albums as Johnny's Dance Band, THE AGING GAME, by Barbara with a strong and increasingly Gallatin Anderson, McGraw-Hill, prominent singer named Nan Man- $12.95 —Subtitled "Sucess, cini. the group has reorganized under Sanity and Sex after 60," this is a new name for their third album. something of a how-to book—how "It's a Man's World." to grow old and like it. Author Anderson bases her advice on findings of a special project on 'She wastes her gerontology at Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute. energies onjuvenalia' PIONEERS AND PREACHERS: As Mancini's backup band. Chris Stories of the Old Frontier, by Darway. David Mohn. Fran Smith Jr. Robert William Mondy, Nelson- and Bobby Bunten do an adequate Hall, $21.95 job. But the real star of the show is Mondy comes bearing tales of Nan Mancini's biting vocals. Unfor- more than "pioneers and tunately, she is rarely given the preachers." He also has a sub- chance to use them to her full poten- stantial inventory of gun-slingers. tial. eye-gougers, sod busters, hard Mancini could use some good. rock miners, cannibals, vigilantes sneering lyrics: instead, she wastes and other lovable characters who her energies on such juvenalia as Nan Mancini. Nothing much here bat the same old thing. A made the good old days downright "Help (Is on the Way)": "Put on little new. wave, a little power pop, a little bump and grind, and godawful. your dancing shoes/Go out and little that Is interesting. Altnaveigh THE Luncheon $2.50 and up Full Dinner $6.95 andup ANONYMOUS PUB 429-4490 Overnight guests starting at 10.70 PRESENTS per person The Sammy Brown Band' (Pop Rock Duo) Thurs. Feb.28,8:30-12:30am Stomp, Rattle, and Roll 'Van Duren' (4PieceRock Group) Fri. Feb 29,9:00-1:00am. 2nd Floor-Commons Bldg. Uconn and Age I.D.'s Required


Our club has been threatened to FOLD and our ICE TIME TAKEN AWAY These Heads Were Made for Stompin' unless more members show up to the night sessions. All club members please attend your classes if the club is to stay alive. Hot refreshments will be provided to keep you warm by the fire. Any NON-MEMBERS interested in joining for the rest of the season, Music by may do so at a very reduced rate of 4.00. Just bring money and skates to the rink Mon. or Wed night at 7:45 (this week or next), and have lots of skating fun!

C'MON, LETS REVITALIZE THE CLUB AND GET YOUR FRI., FEB 29 R0TC '1 Idoor , Proot ot tg» required MONEYS WORTH! BEER PROVIDED BY: FOOD PROVIDED BY KAe & Asn 2*E *>Ofm»«« by loci* Dane. CommttiM. Tony Million Chairman The Connecticut Daily Campus, Wednesday, February 27,1980 Page 7 Cellist to perform here Gahan Wilson stilTNuts

"People sentimentalize children Cellist Warren Lash will present a By STAR BLACK and received two performance (UPI)—Cartoonist Gahan and sentimentalizing is one of the free sonata recital at the Von der degrees there. most effective ways of sealing Mehden Recital Hall Feb. 27 at 8:15 Wilson, whose mischievous ghouls He has given concerto performan- and soul-shivering daydreams things off." he claims. "When you p.m. ces with over 75 symphony or- sentimentalize a smile, as does a Aided by Joseph Villa, assistant have haunted the pages of The chestras, and has been a soloist or New Yorker. Esquire and Playboy smile button, you make it unreal. professor of music, at the piano. Lash recitalist in the United States. A smile emerges from incredible will perform the following sonatas: magazines for two decades, casts Canada and Europe. his lot with William Wordsworth: suffering and bravery. As children Beethoven's G-Minor. Op. 5, No. 2; Lash is a frequent participant in we go through terrible things and Debussy's D-Minor; and Chopin's G- "The Child is Father of the Man.'' the Casals Festival, the Canadian Wilson's new book. "Nuts." survive. N.ot enough of us are Minor, Op. 65. Stratford Festival, the Mostly Mozart willing to acknowledge this." Lash, considered one of the finest Marek. $4.95. a paperback collec- Festival and the Lincoln Center tion of his comic strip by the same Wilson says many fans ap- young cellists in the United States, Chamber Music Society. proach him after reading his car- was a member of UConn's New name that appears in the National Villa, an acclaimed concert artist in Lampoon, tells the sorry tales of a toons saying they feel tremendous England String Quartet during 1973- his own right, as well as a composer release. as if a skeleton dashed out 74, when he was on the music faculty little kid growing up the hard way. and teacher, gave his first public of the closet. here. He also taught at the University But the images ripple to broader piano recital at Juilliard at age 10. meaning as he speaks to the child "Our most horrorifically guar- of Houston from 1974-78. and was graduated from that school ded secrets ;irc in fact known by For 10 years Lash was a scholar- within us all. in 1971 with the Ernest Hutcheston Those devoted to "Peanuts" all." he insists. "We are much ship student of famed cellist Leonard Prize, the school's highest award. closer than we dare to admit." Rose at the Juilliard School of Music, and "Doonesbury" but unfamiliar with "Nuts" are strongly urged to In "Nuts." for example. Wilson get acquainted with weird illustrates the "terrible secret" Wilson's work. syndrome by showing the little kid "We all start out. male and stealing ;i "wudge" candy bar female, as extraordinary poetic from "old Mr. Grombly's store." figures." droned the cartoonist As soon as the kid steals it. he during a recent interview. "As can't cat it because guilt has killed children we are marvelous at ob- his appetite. He can't throw it serving reality and connecting it away because that would be unfair with imagination, openness and to Mr. Grombly. wonder. As adults we become ex- As he tries to hide it from his tremely structured and narrowly parents, it grows and grows into a defined. We must succeed. monster, like the creeping blob. "The whole point of until the little kid prays to God psychotherapy is to re-establish he'll never steal again, and God the connection with the child who replies: "I bet." has been smothered by restraint. Nancy Winters, married "Grownups on vacation are of- to Gahan Wilson, writes satiric ten pathetic. They buy postcards spoofs with the same effect of and take pictures, imposing con- impish skeletons leaping out of stant order on their enjoyment." dark closets:our deepest fears can The secret of Wilson's humor in be funny, if shared. Her first "Nuts" is his enormous respect novel, "The Girl on the Coca-Cola for the courage with which a small Tray," sends up the impossible Cellist Warren Lash child faces the world. 1950s "good girl" ideal UCONN COOP 3-in-1 BOOK SALE ACADEMIC PAPERBACKS % PRICE REFERENCE BOOKS HARDBACK 2.99 PAPERBACK .99 MIXED SELECTION OF GENERAL BOOKS - paperback & hard cover 50o/o off & MORE! Page 8 The Connecticut Daily Campus, Wednesday, February 27,1980

Nominations for Election to Committee of the Board of Directors of the UConn Co-op are now being taken In order to meet eligibility, individuals must fulfill following requirements:


• ' 1) All nominees for this election must be able to serve for TWO YEARS following September 1980, 2) All directors must be members of the Co-op.


■ 5 student positions of which at least 3 must be filled by undergraduate students 2 non- student positions (must be a member of the profes- sional and classified staff of the University) 1 Alumni Representative (must not be a student and not em ployed by the University).

Applicants who are not nominated by the committee may pe- tition to appear on the ballot by obtaining 250 signatures of members of the corporation. APPLICATIONS FOR NOMINATION HAVE BEEN PREPARED BY THE NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS COMMITTEE AND ARE AVAILABLE AT THE UCONN CO-OP IN STORRSAND AT THE BRANCHES.

Applications must be returned to the Coop Bookstore no later than 5:00 p.m Tuesday, March 4,1980.

.,,,., ftfftWwtiiu^in«MiniiiiiiMiiiiriHiriiiiniiM> t...... 1111 -. - -. -. The Connecticut Daily Campus, Wednesday, February 27,1980 Page 9 WORLD WRAP-UP Salvadoran leftists unite in call Egypt, Israel exchange diplomats for new popular government The objectives included ered under a broiling sun at By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL SAN SALVADOR, El the liquidation of "the the National University in In twin ceremonies in Cairo and Jerusalem, Egypt and Salvador (UPI)—Four of El economic. political and the capital for the presen- Israel exchanged ambassadors Tuesday, formalizing their Salvador's most powerful military dependence that tation of the communique. diplomatic relations and turning a page of history to what leftist organizations have Yankee imperialism exer- About 50 leftist guerrillas, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat called "a new chapter" come together in a coalition cises" in El Salvador, a tiny weapons tucked under baggy in the destiny of Arab and Jew and all mankind. and issued a call Tuesday for a popular government to Central American nation of jackets or wrapped in brown replace El Salvador's some 4.8 million. paper bags., dotted the Khodesian elections held tomorrow civilian-military junta. Some 5,000 militant university grounds in ap- Some observers in San students. workers and parent anticipation of an at- tack by rightwing ex- SALISBURY.Rhodesia(UPI)—The Rhodesian army put Salvador said the importance peasants—chanting anti- on a show of strength in the capital Tuesday and hundreds of Tuesday's announcement government slogans—gath- tremists. of British police joined the massive security operation on lay not so much in the the eve of elections for an internationally acceptable black militants' plan, but in the majority government. unity reflected by the leftist Carter assures Tito Nine black parties are contesting the 80 parliamentary movement itself. seats and Patriotic Front co-leader Robert Mugabe was The junta Monday of Afghan neutrality expected to defeat his rival Joshua Nkomo in the three-day received a $5 million contest that will also choose a prime minister for the economic aid package from WASHINGTON(UPI)—President Carter has assured ailing violence-torn African nation. West Germany to bolster President Tito the United States will join in a guarantee of economic and social reform Afghanistan's neutrality if Soviet troops are promptly programs, officials said. withdrawn,the White House disclosed Tuesday. Soviets quell Moslem protestors Junta spokesmen Monday Tito, gravely ill, wrote Carter and Soviet President Leonid said the funds would be used Brezhnev Feb. 20 urging a renewed effort to restore detente By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL for irrigation farming projec- between the superpowers. Martial law authorities have carried out mass arrests of ts in rural areas to help the Carter replied to Tito reaffirming the United States— suspected leaders of the bloody anti-Soviet demon- rural economy and build dependent on prompt withdrawal of Soviet troops from strations in Kabul and Soviet troops stepped up their support for further reforms. Afghanistan—would be willing to join with its neighbors, offensive against Moslem opposition with an air and rocket The leftists issued the call including Russia, "in a guarantee of true neutrality and attack on the provincial city of Jalalabad, travelers from the during a time when rightists non-interference in Afghanistan's internal affairs." a White country said Tuesday. were reportedly planning a House official said. coup themselves to stop the Brezhnev said in a public address last week the Soviet Union reformist junta, a possibility is willing to withdraw more than 70,000 troops occupying Titian forgeries discovered the United States strongly Afghanistan when"outside interference" in that country's opposed. affairs is brought to an end. The State Department Tuesday scornfully rejected FRANKFURT,West Germany(UPI)—Guided by a chance A communique issued by the leftist Revolutionary Brezhnev's allegations the Afghanistan invasion resulted observation, aWest German art historian turned up several from U.S. and Chinese interference. 400-year-old forgeries of works attributed to the Italian Masses Coordinator said Spokesman Hodding Carter commented,"It's always renaissance artist Titian hanging in leading museums "the tasks of the popular government will be to over- interesting to see a man in the middle of the street beating his worldwide, a colleague said Tuesday. victim with a club and then blaming it on somebody else." Dr. Peter Dreyer, deputy curator at the Prussian State throw the reactionary Brezhnev also declared if the United States and Museum in Berlin, discovered the ancient forgeries in military government sustained by the oligarchy Afghanistan's neighbors joined in a guarantee of non-inter- museums including the Louvre in Paris and the Metro- ference, "then the need of Soviet military assistance will politan Museum of Art in New York. and by Yankee im- perialism." cease to exist." Complimentary Hors D'oeuvres featured at &re. wfz,! We. "ftavei ROSAL'S & ^UiUi supply of RESTAURANT 42, Gdlofs Monday thru Frrday vJufit ufaak tye. Doctor Qrtkrtjl

4:00 to 6:30 ui cocktail of the day 2 lliy j>ad 89$ 28 Mor-Lh St Willi'marrt tc Route 195, Storrs 487-1043 -42.3-3Z2.3

FRESHMEN SOPHOMORES Undecided about your choice of major? Interested in Th<> University of Connecticut Student Union developing career plans? Board of Governors I'M lure and Spe< ial Events A special program designed to Committee proudly annount es " .: II • i nil'". I •>:! MFllh I In' I 'i\'JMt\ i i •, . MI >•< i •< ui rMacd HisH'i* QbwvaiKf $10.00 minimum please! It.:.:- '.' Page 10 The Connecticut Daily Campus, Wednesday, February 27,1980 Summer Rental Wanted: Two female Spring Break spend 8 day* and 7 Jefferson House Pancake Breakfast. nights, BERMUDA, Roundtrlp Jet, seniors are looking for a 2 bedroom Saturday, March 1st, 9:00 to 1:00, All apartment or house within walking meals Included, meet students from you can eat—pancakes & french toast distance of campus. Furnished pre- schools nationwide, Plus more in this $1.50. Omelets $1.25. E29 ferred. Call 429-0634 or 487-7424. ISLAND PARADISE. From $244.00 If MARKETPLACE won in'erested. Call Dom 487-8937. Meet JOHN, PAUL, GEORGE and RINGO on THE YELLOW SUB- Ladies, tired of just another dull Sat. MARINE. Friday, Feb. 29, 7:30, 10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BARB-even if Night^t UConn? tome to our: "Good FOKRENT LS154, $1.00 E29 HELP WANTED we cant celebrate 'til next week. 0ld Pinioned Roman Orgy'Only'a Thanx for the strength, understand- ,ew more h««lthy. attractive women Walk to campus: Cozy three bedroom UConn FORESTRY AND WILDLIFE ing & friendship you've given me »? noodod. Apply for appointment by house; drive-In basement, convenient CLUB Meeting Wednesday, Feb. 27 COUNSELORS: Camp Waziyatah for when I needed it most. Lee Bell P27 3/5- Grad Residence, Box 129 W28 location. Grad, faculty preferred. at 6:30 in the College of Agriculture Girls. Harrison, Maine. OPENINGS: Available now 455-9378 before 9PM. Room 327. Volleyball against the Tennis (varsity or skilled players); K.L.—You mean you haven't guessed Summer Rental Wanted: Two female FR27 Dairy Club after the meeting. Swimming (WSI), Boating, Canoeing, yet? I would be really frustrated. seniors are looking for a 2 bedroom — Refreshments— Refreshments— Sailing; Waterskiing; Gymnastics; Sincerely Friend. P.S. I live In the apartment or house within walking E27 Archery; Team Sports; Arts & Crafts; dorm. Are your socks down? P27 distance of campus. Furnished pre- EVENTS Theatre Director (musicals). Pianist; ferred. Call 429-0834 or 487-7424. PIZZA FRITE SALE-Sunday, March Pioneering & Trips; Secretary. Season L.E.W. Today is your Birthday so W29 Call WILLINGTON PIZZA for a 2: Alsop A, 2-8 pm. Get 'em while June 21 to August 21. Write (Enclose have an extra nice day. From the • delivery and help put a student they're hot! Only .75! E29 Details as to your skills, etc.) Director, uno Fox. B. "Bate'' Sanders. P27 WANTED: House for 3 responsible through college. We hire only UConn Box 153. Great Neck, N.Y. 11022. female seniors near campus, reason- undergrads to deliver our pizzas. Final Day for "The Arts In Ireland" A Telephone: 516-482-4323. Faculty Laura, Happy 22nd Birthday you able rent for 80-81 school year. Please Give our pies a try. Delivering Fri & three credit study tour May 18-June 1, Inquiries Invited Re Dept. Head Cosmo woman— Love, L.A.W. P27 call 429-0428 or 487-7848 or 429-6592. Sat. 6:00-1:00, Sun. 4:00-11:00, Call is February 29th. For information, Positions in Above Activities. HW2 W29 429-7433. E3 Call Madge Manfred, 423-8683. E29 To the guy from Batterson B who I ATTENTION: Professors going to "Got any x-tra spoons? Knives, HELP WANTED: Horticulture Anyone Interested in WORKING ON met on Valentines Day, when are you Sabbatical for 80-81 school year, 3 student or person with related experi- Forks? Buying sterliing, old gold at THE PRESIDENT CARTER RE- gonna come by and teach me how to responsible female seniors looking for the Craft Collage, University Plaza, ence to help prune grapevines part- play Backgammon? Beltless P27 ELECTION CAMPAIGN, Please Call a nouse-near campus, reasonable rent Rte. 195, Storrs. Market prices, no time weekends. 3.20 per hr. 643-0325 429-1236 after 5:30 p.m. E29 please call 429-0428 or 429-6592 or plated stuff. P.S. Buy any handcrafted after 6:00 HW28 Spend $50.00 more this vacation if 487-7848. W29 belt, get BKL at 1/2 price til 3/15. COLLEGE REPUBLICANS MEET- you're the one. Details next week. 429-7364 - til 5 weekdays & Sat. P27 ING Wednesdays 6pm Commons 202 Part time work available. Earn $5.82 Landscaping done by down-in-the- M 28,3,5,7, Constitution. Election of Officers. per hour. Work three evenings and SECRET VALENTINE-with the mouth graduate student with 5 years New members welcome. E27 experience. Call Pat at 537-1264. Any Male or Female who want to Saturday 18 hours weekly. Car is INOBSTRUSIVE name. Please call W29 live together on campus. Might be a necessary Call 872-2128 12:00-3:00 back, I need another chance! J.H. solution. Call 429-2205. Ask for Bob p.m. Mon-Thurs. HW28 P29 LOST AND FOUND Seeking waiter position in Frats. B. in 406 M29 Available to start work immediately. $370/Thousand for envelopes you To the guys in Sprague, who made Call Carl 429-1041 or 429-9384. W14 If he hasn't taken you to the Gold Heart Locket—between mail Postage paid. Free information. Valentines Day special, Thanks, BIDWELL TAVERN, be sure he's the Holcomb Hall and Student Union on S.C A. Box 291 McMahon Hall, Sharon, Kristy and Ruth P27 one who says I'm sorry. Entertain- 2/14/80 contact Eileen 429-7559. Storrs, CT 06268 HW29 WANTED: Backpack with frame for ment nightly. May2nd LF28 To Todd. the RUNT who's a giant in Cross Country trip. Call Mark at HELP! Petioners needed on/off the musical world; Can we still be 429-9384 (CDC). W29 LOST! Prized possession. Greenstone TAILORING: I do expert tailoring. campus. Earn $5. to $6.50 plus per friends? S.L. and B.L. P27 bowl (pipe) with Orange Inlay Design. Desperate for ticket(s) for P. Floyd Alterations, weaving, And also cus- hour Part/full time. Hiring to take Reward for your head if returned. Call L.I. concert. Call 429-5428 ask for Joe. tom made dresses on premises. Call place at Commons rm. 202 Tues. feb. Jacy: Do you like getting personals in Mark. 487-8252 Much needed! LF28 26 11:00, Wed. Feb. 27 at 1:00 8. the newspaper? If you don't know who Leave message. W3 "Nerlman" for appt. between 9 am & 9 pm, 429-1444 Hunting Lodge Rd. Thurs. Feb 28 at 2:00pm. HW28 they're fromO P27 LOST: Tan scarf in HRM (Monteith), Storrs, Ct. M.A.Y. Friday (2/22/80) afternoon. Please Hi Kath-Kath, From Lou-Lou P27 FOR SALE call 429-4686 after 5 pm. LF28 PERSONALS If he hasn't taken you to the 8 MORE DAYS TILL BREAK!! P27 BEST OFFER: Kastle skls-$70, BIDWELL TAVERN, be sure he's the FOUND: 1 pair of women's gloves. To Karen, Eileen and Lydia: Kastinger Boots size 5—$30, Womens one who says I'm sorry. ENTERTAIN- Brown knit w/maroon and tan leather. There once was a man in Tucson Jennifer, It's been a while since 27" ten-speed bicycle—$90, Call MENT NIGHTLY. May ft By library, call Mark- 487-8252 Who the girls all knew better as Jon you've had a personal, (or is that Susan at 429-0289! FS28 LF28 Before he was gone—OH, parsonal?) I wouldn't want you to Need a sound system for partying? He gave them all Mono; think I've forgotten about you, so AVON REPRESENTATIVE ON CAM All request, continuous music of all LOST: Three notebooks in Student And now they want him dead! although I can't think of a special PUS soap, shampoo, cosmetics. Order kinds. Music and lighting profes- Union Please return to S.U. Control OR occasion I hope you like this one. P27 by phone Call Donna NOW 487-6694 sionals—Earl's Traveling Disco. Rock Desk. LF28 Delivery: C.O.D. Refund if not satis- and Roll. 423-9752, 423-1508, And He Wore out his welcome at Sarah H.— when you least expect it, fied. FS28 423-2918. May2nd LOST: Light brown clogs with weav- UConn. —"Mud", formerly "No- expect it!! P27 Lips" P27 ing on front, between Frats an rt. 195 FOR SALE: UConn WIMPS: 120 lbs. Tired of paying too much insurance on Fri. morning. Please call Sandy — Z^17!Z7J7,T^T. «u«eV~o 1Z~TH«-. ATTENTION! Seeking male compan-P BEAUTIFUL BLONDE-Sorry couldn t |on bjr » r00mm a,e of weights and bar for $18.95 (Reg. your-auto? Call Tom Lobo 423-6374. 429-1958. LF28 M-March 21 get to the pub-had to Mk. HjJ We wan, her ,0 ce,ebrate her 19th $30) Fact: The first thing women about dinner th.s weekend? RSVP $ty|e| Rep|y ,0 N Campu, Box x, notice are muscular bodies. Call LOST: Dorm keys on wire key ring 487-7024 P28 p2g 429-1822. FS3 THE BETTER HALF. For the best in with wire treble clef attached. Lost rock or disco, call 429-0690. Ask for PB36 area Friday night. Please call Vickie, it was great fun seeing you at TAILORING: I do expert tailoring. Rob, the only D.J. with six years of 487-1500 ex. 43. ask for Roddy LF28 the Bidwell Tavern. Let's meet there Hey Lou-Lou, Was last weekend a Alterations, weaving and also custom experience. M29 nightmare, or what? P27 again next Wednesday. P29 made dresses on premises. Call LOST: Thurs 2-21, pair of ladies black "Neriman" for appt. between 9am S. STUDENTS of the 2nd CONGRES- ski gloves, red lining. Call-Please! Mikie: Good luck on your tests today. Pete, It's been great learning about 9pm, 429-1444 Hunting Lodge Rd. SIONAL DISTRICT — ATTEND the Tova 429-4743 or x2150. LF29 Treebs and I have our fingers crossed the evils of alcohol with you! Come Storrs. Ct. FSallvear meeting with ALL five candidates for you. Stay cool! Love, your little (Patricia Hendel, Kenneth Leary, back up soon, we love ya! Cin, Lin, '67 Pontiac Catalina, engine and parts weirdo. P27 Robert Walsh, John Dempsey Jr., and Lee P27 excellent condition body, needs some RIDE BOARD Samuel Gejdenson) for the Democra- work—best offer Call 487-6801 ask for Todd, no more personals? Well, tic nomination for the 2nd congres- Chip, Don't forget to leave early Damon. FS27 tomorrow so that you can see him. here's one from Todd (rock Godd) for sional seat on WEDNESDAY at Ride needed: One way to North today: "Love is the answer" —to- 7:30PM in the Mansfield Municipal Carolina vicinity for two people- You'd better be smiling! Love, D. 33 1/3 rpm rek-o-kut turntable and morrow, more Utopia P27 Building (across from Storrs Drug.) leave 3/6 or 3/7—Share driving & P27 ADC pritchard tone arm. Old, but it M27 expenses. Call 429-6237. RB29 6 McMahon S. — Thanx for making provides reasonable sound. $25. Call To my secret Valentine, you must not the floor such a warm, friendly place x4913 days or 429-6282 evenings. be worth my time! Because you make SKI SUGARBUSH with the UConn Ski Ride needed to Buffalo, N.Y. Leave to live— P27 FS29 it plain to see. that you don't want to Club SIGN up at the SU Lobby —Fri 3/5, 3/6, or 3/7. Will share driving & 12-3 and Mon. 12-3—All members expenses. Call Scott 487-8605. RB27 reveal your identity! —J.T. #99 P27 SUPER T-SHIRTS BY SOLAR To my buddies: Laurie, Linda, Cindy, and women only $155. All male GRAPHICS Highest Quality. Free Sandy, Beu, Laura, and esp. Nancy. non-members—only $169. Don't Go Ride needed from Rochester, N.Y. to Tom —I had just about given up hope. help with artwork. Two dozen mini- Good-luck on mid-terms vacation is South, Go Mad in March)! M3 Raquetball sounds good. Martha P27 mum. Call for prices. Noon until Storrs on 3/16/80. Call Trish— coming. What a relief. Love you all, 487-6156. RB27 Lil P27 midnight 429-8784. FS29 Coming next week a chance to $356.00 Weekly Guaranteed. Work 2 win $50.00. P27 hours daily at home (178.00 for one RIDE NEEDED to Portland, Maine To Paul in Goodyear: I'm glad I met BAND FOR HIRE-Plymouth Rock - 4 hour dally). Free brochure. S.C.B. Weekend of Feb. 29-March 2 for 2 you last Thursday night. Sorry I was piece rock band will play — anywhere One thing you shouldn't have to worry Box 291 McMahon Hall, Storrs Ct. people, to and fro. Call 429-4191 or in a bad mood. I really WOULD like to anytime, anyplace Contact Celeste about on your vacation is money. Get 06268 M29 487-7829 anytime, keep trying. RB28 see you this weekend. Karen P27 429-2593 rm 403 FS29 your FREE TRAVELER'S CHECKS from YOUR CREDIT UNION today. Sawan-Kirpal typist will finish assign- Ride Desperately needed to New The American Way— Play with it for P27 4-Bias-Ply 13" tires, 14,000 mi. G. ments on selectric. Near perfect Haven on Friday March 7th. Can't a while. If you break it, then read the Defabaugh, 486-3824. FS27 typing. At sliding rates. .60 double. leave till 3:30. Will pay gas. Please instructions. Pseudo-man P27 Mary—Thanks for those words of Call Sandy. 429-4083 or 429-9942. call Lori, 429-4704 room 125. RB27 Rabbit fur coat for sale. $80. Worth wisdom last week, I didn't miss a one. M27 Your friend, Andy P27 more than twice that. Brand new at RIDE NEEDED-for 2 to Madison, WANTED Cjinstmas_Call 429-3014. FS29 Wisconsin, over March Break, leave Beth Buddy, Have a great game 3/6 or 3/7—one way-fine. Will share tonite, you deserve the best. Wish if you have had the breakup of an 1976 AMC Gremlin—Excellent Condi- MISCELLANEOUS driving & expenses. Call Janice things were different...But, always intimate relationship in the last year, tion, automatic transmission, low 429-4189. RB29 remember I Love You!! Chris P27 Call 429-5314. Participants needed for mileage. 25 mpg on highway. Call Don't like those neon lights announc- 429-2554 FS28 Ph. D Study. Confidentiality assured. ing to the whole campus that you're FLORIDA we have room for two guys To the guy who likes Beethoven, W29 getting a pizza. We deliver pizza on Fort Lauderdale strip. March 8th to Shakespeare, and alcohol: so close Diamonds, Gold and Silver. Custom confidentially to your door, no fuss. 16th only $107.00 per person. Must and yet so far P27 WANTED: PINK FLOYD tickets, two. Designs. Repairs. DAVID WRIGHT Try a pizza the way It should be made. fill quad. Occ. Have TWO plane Will pay high price. Call 487-7648 JEWELERS, Rt. 44, Ashford. WILLINGTON PI22A delivers Fri & tickets if wanted! 487-8561 IT BETTER BAG!!! P27 or 423-1647. W29 429-7101. FS- Sat. 6:00-1:00, Sun, 4:00-11:00. Call 429-7433. E4 SPRING BREAK—Round trip ride needed to west coast of Florida or Passover Reminder—Last day for vicinity. Will share driving and ex- reservations for Seder and Passover penses. Call Patty 429-6474, K-202. THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT dinners-Monday, March 3, Hillel Leave message or number to call. Foundation. For information call of- RB29 Afro-American Cultural Center fice 429-9007. E28 Ride needed to Florida for Spring Need a study break? Come see the Break. Will help pay expenses. FlOM» ... fo, Jo,.,, Presents the Movie original "Flesh Gordon" Wednesday 429-2350 Tom. RB28 Feb. 27. LS 154, 7:00. 8:30. 10:00, $1.50 E27 Riders needed to New Canaan & surrounding nearby towns. Leaving "River Niger" Special Thurs. afternoon. Call Barb 429-4287. FREE COFFEEHOUSE Thurs. Feb. RB27 28 900-whenever. Come to Wright A in the Frats. Aloha, Be there— E29 Daffodils Ride noeded to and from Portland, Maine or vicinity March break. Will- Wed. Feb. 27, 1980 8:00PM Don't go South ing to share expenses. Please call Kim Head for the Mountains! 487-6202. RB27 With THE UConn SKI CLUBI Physics Bldg. RM36 Admission: 50

PROVIDENCE. R.I. this week, isn't far behind. 21 conference games have Rcdmcn 72-71. Each game The upset factor can apply (UPI)—Dave Gayitt kept his "The first month of the been sellouts. That's pretty was decided in the final five to any game in the seven- pledge in this maiden year of season we were all concer- good when some. like seconds. team tourney. Season "recor- ned that we weren't Syracuse and Providence, Big East basketball—heart- "With the first-round bye. ds of Connecticut at 3-3. thumping excitement for the establishing our identity play in huge buildings." Boston College at 2-4. Seton enough. As soon as we got Syracuse has gained a tour- fans and first-class action for The first year also proved nament advantage to a Hall at 1-5 and Providence 0- the players. into January and conference that a home court doesn't 6 are deceiving. games. I think the impact couple of degrees. They only The conference pJayoffs guarantee victory. have to play twice to win it. Syracuse. Georgetown and this week at the Providence was terrific." Gavitt said. St. John's all had tough vic- St. John's beat instead of three days in a Civic Center promise more of A coin toss gave Syracuse. row." Gavitt said. "Bui tories at Boston College, and the same. 24-2. a first-round bye in the Georgetown 71-69 on Hoyas the Eagles look the Redmen turf. Georgetown, in turn, that's not to diminish the Last spring, when the Big Big East playoffs at the into overtime. eclipsed Syracuse's 57-game talents of the others—or" East was born. com- 12.000-seat Civic Center. Providence lost to BC by a Manley Field House home Boston College or Connec- missioner Gavitt quickly The Orange. St. John's and pair. 57-55. and had a chance pledged to bring some Georgetown ended regular win streak with a 52-50 upset ticut. They're capable of to nip St. John's in the last beating anybody in the con- national recognition to East season conference play with this month. And visiting 40 seconds before losing ference on a given night." Coast basketball. 5-1 records. Syracuse beat St. John's steam. Now even Gavitt. who All three figure to receive doubles as Providence bids to either the NCAAs or College athletic director, is the National Invitation Tour- Huskies hope to go out winners; pleasantly surprised at the nament and other Big East first-year impact. clubs—most likely Boston College and Connec- take on Harvard in finale Two teams—Syracuse and By KEVIN HUTSON St. John's—have been con- ticut—could also squeak into than we have been lately in order to beat The UConn women's basketball team .will sistently in the top 20. This the latter 32-team NIT. them." close out their 1979-80 season tonight when week. Syracuse placed "We've been very for- She said Harvard relies considerably on tunate to have three teams of they travel to Harvard to take on the Crimson their wing shooters. This could work to the second and St. John's eighth at 7:30. in the UPI weekly Board of the quality of Syracuse, St. Huskies'adva.itage. Flora said. Her squad has "I think we're going to win," UConn coach Coaches top 20 college John's and Georgetown." successfully stopped wing shooters recently. Wanda Flora said yesterday. "We really want basketball ratings. Gavitt said. "But right on Flora would also like to stop 6'1" Crimson down the line, the teams to go out and close our season with a winning center Elaine Holpuch. "We'll have to keep Georgetown, tied with Iona game." of New York for 20th place have been terrific. Sixteen of her from getting inside." Flora said. Flora looks for a close game, as Harvard will UConn (9-14) will field a starting lineup of try to get ready for their upcoming Ivy League Beth Vinson and Susie Sturman at guards. tournament later this week. Last year Harvard Cathy Bochain and Ma;.ene Stager at foi- defeated the Huskies by one point. wards, and Dale Garvin at center. The Crimson are a young team. "They play The game will mark the last appearance of mostly man-to-man defense," Flora said. UConn captain Beth Vinson in a Huskies "We'll have to be more patient offensively uniform. THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT STORRS A PROGRESSIVE LABOR PARTY FORUM: EAST CRISIS AND WORLD WAR Ronald A. Wilford Associates Inc. presents —A Communist Analysis- He is Ike greatest pantomimisl since Thurs. Feb.28-7:30pm, Comm. 217 Chaplin, and in his special way the funniest comedian in the world. SPEAKER LOUIS CASTRO &^| row haven't seen hm already-go and member National Committee P.L.P., \Zj|| see him not. II you editor Challenge/Desafio, N.Y.C. ^C have, go and pay your respects. He the world's greatest mime is marrelous. assisted by YANCI CLIVE BARNES IT. TIMES

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Tickets $5 00, 4 00, 3 00 Students $3 00,2 50,2 00 Sr Cltliens $4 50. 3 50. 2 50 FLESH GORDON AuditoriumfNCKETRON "THE MOST INGENIOUS AND NOVEL EROTIC FILM SO Box Office hours: FAR. FLESH GORDON COMBINES SATIRE AND SEX WITH 9 AM-4 PM, Monday-Friday ALL MANNER OF EXOTIC FANTASY CREATURES." — Phon«:(203HW «226 PHONE ORDERS: ticket* may be ABC — TV ordered by phone only II charged to Matter Charge or Visa carda. WEDNESDAY. February 27 LS 154 7:00. 8:30. 10:00 Phone orders accepted lor Jorgenaon Aud. eve.itt only. $1.50 Page 12 The Connecticut Daily Campus, Wednesday, February 27,1980 Hockey team ends on losing note to Stags, 4-2

By ANDY YOUNG were turned away by Fair- 7:20 on a goal by Rich The second period was one second goal of the game For the First time in their field goalkeeper Bill Oakes. Crowell and took the lead rf the most frustrating of the early in the third period, the history. Fairfield University, a number of blocks by Fair- with 22 seconds left in the season for the Huskies, as winning streak was in a Division III team, defeated field defensemen, or their period on a goal by Joel they were held scoreless jeopardy. And when team- their cross-state rivals, the own inability to put shots in Motherway. whose long despite a 15T2 advantage in mate Mike Brown scored 90 University of Connecticut, by wide-open nets. slapshot fooled UConn shots on goal. seconds later, it was clear ihe count of 5-2. The Stags tied the score at goalkeeper Tim Hildebrand. When Crowell added his that it was Fairfield's night. The loss for the Huskies The frustrated Huskies (13-11) snapped a nine-game p.m.,4 p.m., 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. The again had numerous oppor- winning streak and provided championship will take place on Sunday at 3 UConn to host tunities, but were unable to a disappointing conclusion to p.m. capitalize. The frustration one of the most successful N.E. championships Schools from all over New England will be reached its peak with three seasons in recent history. competing in what should be the best minutes left in the game It was also disappointing The University of Connecticut will be the competition in recent years. when Connecticut's Bill for the three graduating site for this year's New England Wrestling UConn will rest its hopes on senior Robinson received a five- seniors on the team. John Championships Saturday March 1, and co-captain Joe Viola. Viola was the New minute major penalty and a Peters. Gregg Hutchings. Sunday March 2. England Champion two years ago at the game disqualification for a and Chris Keiley. The action will begin at 11 a.m. on 126-pound weight class. Viola is the first run-in with Marsh Richards The game, which had been Saturday with other bouts scheduled for 2 UConn wrestler to be nationally ranked. in front of the Stag net. rescheduled from an earlier date, opened with the Dave L'Ecuyer added a Huskies taking an early 1-0 late goal for the Huskies but lead on a goal by Keiley. his an empty-net goal by Paul 10th of the season. SPORTS Mayer with 42 seconds left UConn had numerous sealed UConn's fate for the other opportunities. but evening. Women win easily, prepare for Easterns

By GREGG RUSSO UConn also won the 4 x sweep occurred in the 500- other Husky sweep took other first place finishes oc- The University of Connec- 220-yard relay as the team of meter run with Kostelak place in the 200-meter event curred in the distance ticut women's track team Crystal Caldwell. Becky finishing first, followed by as McCabe. Caldwell and medley, high jump (Chantel prepared themselves for the Howard. Holdash and Sheila teammates Sue Robinson Howard were the first three Laurent), and the 60-yard upcoming Eastern Cham- McCabe crossed the finish and Paulette Taylor. The across the finish line. The dash (Caldwell). pionships with a convincing line in 1:38.03. 78-27 win over the University In the 1.500 meter run it of New Hampshire here was UConn's Mary Jo Tuesday. Taube. who clocked a win- The Huskies are currently ning time of 4:50.06. The the no. 2 team in New Wildcats racked up some England after last week's points, as they placed the finish at the New England second and third place run- championships. ners. The Huskies won all but UConn took first and third two of the twelve events, in- in the 60-yard hurdles as cluding three sweeps as they Caldwell set a new UConn registered their seventh win record with a time of 8:36 against just one defeat. and Becky, who was running New Hampshire started in her last home meet, out quickly as Cheryl Tran- finished third. ehemontagne took the shot- The Huskies again took a put with a winning throw of first and third in the 500- 37' 11". Cheryl Samaha mctcr run with Annemaric finished a close second for Kostclak and Annie Glenn UConn. getting the points. UConn swept its first New Hampshire won the event as Kris Syslo jumped 3.000-meter run, but UConn 17' "'. Finishing second for managed to take second and UConn was Sharon Morris third with Lisette Hautu and and third was Peggv Laura Piazza. Husky Crystal Caldwell [left] and Sheila McCabe cross the tape at the same time in last Holdash. The Huskies' second night's track meet. Becky Howard finishes third. UConn defeated New Hampshire. [ Staff photo by Dan Nelman]. Celtics roll over Hawks in Hartford debut

By KEVIN HUTSON don't try to go out and score a lot of points." back." Cowens said after the game. He finished HARTFORD—Dave Cowens returned to the Bird doesn't hx>k at himself as a rookie. "The with six points and two rebounds. Boston Celtics lineup last night for the first time word 'rookie' is just a name." Bird said. "My The Celtics enjoyed their biggest lead of the in 15 games, but it was Rick Robey who provided job is to go out and play good basketball no mat- the spark that led the Celtics to a 108-97 victory ter what." night when Nate Archibald hit a three-point field goal at 4:17 of the third quarter, making the over the Atlanta Hawks before 15.662 fans, a The Celtics took control of the game early, score 71-52. Archibald, who is second in the Civic Center record. jumping to a 26-18 first quarter advantage. They Robey. who has averaged 17.7 points and 9.3 led 48-36 at the half. NBA in assists, threw six during the game. "It's rebounds while filling in at center for the injured fun to run this team." Archibald said. "My job Cowens. sewed a season high 27 points in is to try and control the tempo of the game. pacing the Celtic assault. Everybody else knows what to do." "I just try to go out and do what 1 can for the The word rookie The Hawks were able to come within five poin- team." Robey said after the game. "Every night ts at 79-74 at the start of the last quarter, but there's a different individual contributing. were never able to come up with the big basket Tonight was just my night." to threaten the Celtic lead. They played without Hook if sensation Larry Bird added 25 points is just a name' leading scorer John Drew (19.9 points), who was for the Celtic effort. It was his two free throws at out with an injured ankle. 2:27 of the first quarter that gave an 18-16 ad- Dan Roundfield led Atlanta with 20 points, vantage to Boston, a lead they never lost. Cowens entered the game at 7:36 of the and Eddie Johnson added 11. They were the Bird said "he felt no added pressure to pick up second quarter. It was his first appearance in only Hawks in double figures. the scoring slack during the Cowens absence. over a month due to a foot injury. He promptly Cedric Maxwell scored 15 and M.L. Carr and "I just try to go out and play the best I can." hit on two jump shots from 18 and 15 feet on Archibald had 18. Bird had 14 rebounds and Bird said. "If my shots are there. I'll shoot. 1 feeds from Nate Archibald. "It felt good to be Robey 13 to lead the Celtics in that department.