Library Catalogue 2019
LA SOCIÉTÉ GUERNESIAISE LIBRARY CATALOGUE Compiled by David Le Conte, Librarian and Archivist, 2016-2019 Please note: • Items are listed and shelved generally in chronological order by date of publication. • The items listed here are held at the headquarters of La Société Guernesiaise at Candie Gardens. • Items relating to specific Sections of La Société are not listed here, but are generally held at The Russels or by those Sections (including: Archaeology, Astronomy, Botany, Family History, Geology, Language, Marine Biology, Nature, Ornithology). • Archived items are held at the Island Archives and are listed separately. • For queries and more detailed descriptions of items please contact the Librarian and Archivist through La Société Guernesiaise ( Shelves: Guernsey Channel Islands German Occupation Alderney Sark Herm, Jethou and Lihou Jersey Family History La Société Guernesiaise Language Maps Normandy Miscellaneous GUERNSEY Title Author(s) Publisher Date Island of Guernsey F Grose c1770 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, The History of the Island of Guernsey Berry, William 1815 and Brown A Treatise on the History, Laws and Warburton, Mr Dumaresq & Mauger 1822 Jacob's Annals of Guernsey, Part I Jacob, J John Jacob 1830 Rimes Guernesiais Un Câtelain [Métivier, G] Simpkin, Marshall et Cie. 1831 Memoir of the Late Colonel William Le 1836 Messurier Tupper The History of Guernsey Duncan, Jonathan Longman, Brown, Green & 1841 Longman, Brown, Green & The History of Guernsey Duncan, Jonathan 1841 Longmans Traité de
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