Norfolk Parish Registers. Marriages
Ji i m [eaEogy collection ALLEN COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 1833 00729 6582 Gc 9 42, 61 01 Aal p v. 4 Norfolk parish register Marriages NORFOLK PARI S H REGISTERS n>arriagc6. IV. phillimore's parish register series. vol. xcv. (norfolk, vol. iv.) One hundred and fifty printed. : Norfolk Parish Registers. Carriages. Edited by W. P. W. PHILLIMORE, M.A., B.C.L., AND FREDERIC JOHNSON. Q^ FOZ. IV. \(.f Itondon Issued to the Subscribers by Phillimore & Co., 124, Chancery Lane. 1909. — PREFACE The fourth volume of the Marriage Registers of Norfolk is now placed in the hands of the subscribers. Of the nine Registers included, six date from the sixteenth century, the remaining three belong to the succeeding century. As before, entries are reduced to a common form, and the following contractions have been freely used : w.=widower, or widow. p.=ot the parish ol. s.=spinster, single woman. co.=in the county of. b.=bachelor, or single man. dioc.=in the diocese of. d.=daughter of. /«V.=marriage licence. For the transcription of the Registers, the Editors have to acknowledge the valuable assistance of Dr. W. T. Bensley, the Rev. E. Kinaston, the Rev. R. A. Oram, the Rev. J. G. Poole, and the Rev. R. Fetzer Taylor and Miss Fetzer Taylor, who contributed two Registers, Hickling was tran- scribed by Mr. Johnson. Thanks are due to the clergy who have given permission for these records to be printed. Their names are mentioned under the respective parishes. J_0 / 9 1.3l It is of the highest importance that we should not delay in printing the Registers as rapidly as possibly, as this is the only way in which their contents can be effectively preserved.
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