Hope M. Harrison Professor of History & International Affairs The Elliott School of International Affairs The George Washington University 1957 E. St., N.W., Suite 412 Phone: (202)994-5439 Washington, D.C. 20052 email:
[email protected] CURRENT POSITIONS Professor of History and International Affairs, Department of History and the Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University. Teach undergraduate and graduate courses on the cold war, Germany since 1945, Soviet and Russian history since 1917, and the uses and misuses of history in international affairs. Advise graduate and undergraduate students. August 1999-present. Co-chair, Advisory Council, History and Public Policy Program, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC, 2020-present. Member, Academic Council, Victims of Communism Foundation, Washington, D.C., 2019-present. Member of the Board, Foundation for German-American Academic Relations (Stiftung Deutsch- Amerikanische Wissenschaftsbeziehungen), 2016-present. Member, Advisory Board, Point Alpha Foundation (Stiftung Point Alpha), Geisa, Germany, 2015- present. Member, International Advisory Board, Allied Museum (Alliiertenmuseum), Berlin, 2011-present. Member, Governing Board, Berlin Wall Association (Förderverein Berliner Mauer), Berlin Wall Memorial (Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer), Berlin, 2010-present. Founding Member, Governing Board and International Advisory Board, BlackBox Cold War: Exhibition at Checkpoint Charlie (BlackBox Kalter Krieg: Ausstellung am Checkpoint Charlie), 2010-present. GOVERNMENT SERVICE Director for European and Eurasian Affairs, National Security Council, Executive Office of the President, 2000-2001, as a Council on Foreign Relations International Affairs Fellow. Portfolio encompassed White House relations with Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, Greece, and Cyprus. EDUCATION Ph.D., Political Science, Columbia University, 1993.