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Headshop Highs & Lows HeadshopHeadshop HighsHighs && LowsLows AA PresentationPresentation byby DrDr DesDes CorriganCorrigan HeadshopsHeadshops A.K.A.A.K.A. ““SmartSmart ShopsShops””,, ““HempHemp ShopsShops””,, ““HemporiaHemporia”” oror ““GrowshopsGrowshops”” RetailRetail oror OnlineOnline OutletsOutlets sellingselling PsychoactivePsychoactive Plants,Plants, ‘‘LegalLegal’’ && ““HerbalHerbal”” HighsHighs asas wellwell asas DrugDrug ParaphernaliaParaphernalia includingincluding CannabisCannabis growinggrowing equipment.equipment. Headshops supply Cannabis Paraphernalia HeadshopsHeadshops && SkunkSkunk--typetype (( HighHigh Strength)Strength) CannabisCannabis 1.1. SaleSale ofof SkunkSkunk--typetype seedsseeds 2.2. AdviceAdvice onon SinsemillaSinsemilla TechniqueTechnique 3.3. SaleSale ofof HydroponicsHydroponics && IntenseIntense LightingLighting .. CannabisCannabis PotencyPotency expressedexpressed asas %% THCTHC ContentContent ¾¾ IrelandIreland ¾¾ HerbHerb 6%6% HashHash 4%4% ¾¾ UKUK ¾¾ HerbHerb** 1212--18%18% HashHash 3.4%3.4% ¾¾ NetherlandsNetherlands ¾¾ HerbHerb** 20%20% HashHash 37%37% * Skunk-type SkunkSkunk--TypeType CannabisCannabis && PsychosisPsychosis ¾¾ComparedCompared toto HashHash smokingsmoking controlscontrols ¾¾ SkunkSkunk useuse -- 77 xx riskrisk ¾¾ DailyDaily SkunkSkunk useuse -- 1212 xx riskrisk ¾¾ DiDi FortiForti etet alal .. Br.Br. J.J. PsychiatryPsychiatry 20092009 CannabinoidsCannabinoids ¾¾ PhytoCannabinoidsPhytoCannabinoids-- onlyonly inin CannabisCannabis plantsplants ¾¾ EndocannabinoidsEndocannabinoids –– naturallynaturally occurringoccurring inin thethe HumanHuman BodyBody ¾¾ SyntheticSynthetic CannabinoidsCannabinoids –– developeddeveloped asas painpain--killingkilling drugsdrugs –– foundfound inin somesome ““SPICESPICE””--typetype smokingsmoking mixturesmixtures Magic Gold - Incense Blend – Ice Gold (2g) (3g) - Aromatic Herbal Incense - Herbal Resin Tijuana Super Strength - Incense Mixture (3.5g) - Aromatic Herbal Incense Spice/SpiceSpice/Spice GoldGold IncenseIncense ¾¾ MixtureMixture ofof innocuousinnocuous herbsherbs BUTBUT ¾¾ 66 potentpotent SyntheticSynthetic CannabinoidsCannabinoids detecteddetected ¾¾ BannedBanned inin GermanyGermany ,, Austria,Austria, France,France, Poland,Poland, Sweden,Sweden, Luxembourg,Luxembourg, Lithuania,Lithuania, Estonia,Estonia, UK.UK. EffectsEffects ofof SyntheticSynthetic CannabinoidsCannabinoids ¾¾ NoNo humanhuman scientificscientific studiesstudies ¾¾ MuchMuch moremore potentpotent thanthan THCTHC inin lablab teststests ¾¾ PsychosisPsychosis--likelike panicpanic attacksattacks ¾¾ HeartHeart && circulatorycirculatory problemsproblems ¾¾ AddictionAddiction potentialpotential ¾¾ SevereSevere psychiatricpsychiatric complicationscomplications ¾¾ CarcinogenicCarcinogenic potentialpotential ¾¾ OverdoseOverdose risksrisks withwith somesome drugsdrugs HeadshopHeadshop ProductsProducts areare ““FailedFailed”” PharmaceuticalPharmaceutical DrugsDrugs FailedFailed PainPain KillersKillers-- foundfound inin SPICESPICE FailedFailed AntidepressantsAntidepressants-- BZPBZP inin PartyParty pillspills FailedFailed slimmingslimming drugsdrugs inin BathBath SaltsSalts OthersOthers MimicMimic existingexisting DrugsDrugs KratomKratom && OpiateOpiate drugsdrugs SalviaSalvia && LSDLSD MephedroneMephedrone && CocaineCocaine MethyloneMethylone && EcstasyEcstasy SanSan PedroPedro && MescalineMescaline EffectsEffects ofof FlyFly AgaricAgaric PowerfulPowerful hallucinationshallucinations AlcoholAlcohol--likelike euphoriaeuphoria DeepDeep sleepsleep withwith vividvivid dreamsdreams SlurredSlurred speechspeech ++ inin--coordinationcoordination Convulsions/muscleConvulsions/muscle twitchingtwitching Nausea,Nausea, vomiting,vomiting, diarrhoeadiarrhoea LysergicLysergic AcidAcid AmideAmide LSALSA //ErgineErgine// LysergamideLysergamide ActiveActive dosedose 22 –– 55 mgmg LSDLSD 200200 µµgg ActiveActive dosedose -- 55 –– 1010 WoodroseWoodrose seedsseeds 150150 –– 200200 MorningMorning GloryGlory seedsseeds HallucinogenicHallucinogenic CactiCacti Peyote – 1.5% Mescaline San Pedro – 2.4% Mescaline Peruvian Torch- 0 -0.8% (Trichocereus pachanoi/peruvianus) KratomKratom MitragynaMitragyna speciosaspeciosa:: Thailand,Thailand, SESE AsiaAsia ActiveActive drugdrug :: MitragynineMitragynine ((µµ opioidopioid agonist)agonist) LeafLeaf chewedchewed asas aa narcoticnarcotic oror asas aa substitutesubstitute forfor Opium.Opium. LowLow dosedose--StimulantStimulant HighHigh dosedose-- Sedation/EuphoriaSedation/Euphoria LucidLucid dreamingdreaming IllegalIllegal inin Thailand,Thailand, Malaysia,Malaysia, Australia,Australia, DenmarkDenmark && LithuaniaLithuania KratomKratom SideSide EffectsEffects ¾ PsychosisPsychosis ¾ DependenceDependence ¾ WeightWeight lossloss ¾ DryDry mouth,mouth, constipationconstipation ¾ WithdrawalWithdrawal afterafter veryvery highhigh dosesdoses -- MuscleMuscle ++ jointjoint painpain -- HostilityHostility ++ aggressionaggression -- SpasticSpastic limblimb movementsmovements SalviaSalvia divinorumdivinorum MemberMember ofof Mint/SageMint/Sage familyfamily ‘‘MagicMagic MintMint’’// ‘‘DivineDivine MintMint’’ ReligiousReligious useuse byby MazatecMazatec ShamansShamans ActiveActive Chemicals:Chemicals: SalvinorinsSalvinorins PotencyPotency similarsimilar toto LSDLSD 500500 mcgmcg –– uncontrollableuncontrollable deliriumdelirium LegallyLegally controlledcontrolled inin Spain,Spain, Australia,Australia, Finland,Finland, DenmarkDenmark.. SalviaSalvia SideSide EffectsEffects ¾¾ IntenseIntense derealisationderealisation ¾¾ DecreasedDecreased abilityability toto interactinteract withwith selfself andand surroundingssurroundings ¾¾ ImpairmentImpairment ¾¾ SenseSense ofof ddééjjàà vuvu ¾¾ ParanoiaParanoia ¾¾ MentalMental SlowingSlowing BZPBZP DrugDrug namename:: 11--BenzylpiperazineBenzylpiperazine OftenOften mixedmixed withwith relatedrelated TFMPPTFMPP (weak(weak LSDLSD--likelike effects)effects) SyntheticSynthetic notnot HerbalHerbal !! BZPBZP testedtested asas AntidepressantAntidepressant (not(not asas anan anthelminthicanthelminthic)) TrialsTrials stoppedstopped becausebecause PsychoactivityPsychoactivity similarsimilar toto AmphetaminesAmphetamines BZPBZP PartyParty PillsPills SideSide effectseffects HyperthermiaHyperthermia similarsimilar toto EcstasyEcstasy RaisedRaised heartheart beatbeat andand bloodblood pressurepressure AmphetamineAmphetamine addicts:addicts: BZPBZP == SpeedSpeed ConvulsionsConvulsions reportedreported fromfrom NZ,UKNZ,UK EUEU BanBan MarchMarch 20082008 MisuseMisuse ofof DrugsDrugs ActAct MarchMarch 20092009 NewerNewer PiperazinesPiperazines NotNot LegallyLegally ControlledControlled ¾¾ ““XXXXXX”” 200mg200mg BZPBZP ++ 100mg100mg MethylBenzylMethylBenzyl PiperazinePiperazine ¾¾ ““LovedLoved upup”” 11--FPPFPP ¾¾ ““CherriesCherries”” 11--FPPFPP CathinonesCathinones ¾¾ OriginallyOriginally fromfrom KhatKhat plantplant E.E. AfricaAfrica ¾¾ NaturalNatural formform ofof SpeedSpeed ¾¾ 2020 DesignerDesigner CathinonesCathinones 19971997 ¾¾ MetcathinoneMetcathinone –– knownknown asas MethCatMethCat ¾¾ CathinoneCathinone underunder MisuseMisuse ofof DrugsDrugs ActAct ¾¾ NewerNewer onesones MDAMDA JuneJune 20102010 CathinonesCathinones ¾¾ SoldSold asas BathBath saltssalts oror PlantPlant FoodFood ¾¾ ContentsContents maymay bebe labelledlabelled asas KetonesKetones ¾¾ ButyloneButylone oror bkMBDBbkMBDB ¾¾ MethyloneMethylone oror bkMDMAbkMDMA ¾¾ FlephedroneFlephedrone ¾¾ MephedroneMephedrone ¾¾ MethedroneMethedrone MephedroneMephedrone ProductsProducts ChargeCharge BlowBlow TheThe BusinessBusiness DiabloDiablo XXXXXX MagicMagic WildcatWildcat MephedroneMephedrone 44--MethymethcathinoneMethymethcathinone ¾¾ AlsoAlso knownknown asas 44--MMC,MMC, ““MeowMeow--MeowMeow”” ¾¾ StimulantStimulant && empathogenempathogen ¾¾ CompulsiveCompulsive redosingredosing ((““fiendingfiending””)) ¾¾ HyperthermiaHyperthermia ¾¾ Palpitations,Palpitations, racingracing heartheart ¾¾ JawJaw clenchingclenching && grindinggrinding teethteeth ¾¾ SeriousSerious vasoconstrictionvasoconstriction ¾¾ AnxietyAnxiety && paranoiaparanoia MethyloneMethylone ProductsProducts SnowSnow MintMint ManiaMania CraicCraic DogsDogs B****XB****X (( ++ MDPV)MDPV) MethyloneMethylone MethylenedioxymethcathinoneMethylenedioxymethcathinone ¾¾ AlsoAlso knownknown asas bkMDMAbkMDMA,, MDMCATMDMCAT ¾¾ ““EuphoricEuphoric EmpathogenEmpathogen”” ¾¾ IncreasedIncreased heartheart rate/rate/ bodybody temperaturetemperature ¾¾ JawJaw && MuscleMuscle tension/achestension/aches ¾¾ Paranoia,Paranoia, fearfear ¾¾ UnwantedUnwanted lifelife--changingchanging spiritualspiritual experienceexperience DeathsDeaths involvinginvolving CathinonesCathinones ¾¾ 1818 inin EnglandEngland ¾¾ 77 inin ScotlandScotland ¾¾ 11 inin GuernseyGuernsey ¾¾ 1in1in WalesWales ¾¾ 11 inin N.N. IrelandIreland ¾¾ 11 inin SwedenSweden ¾¾ ThisThis doesdoes notnot meanmean thatthat thethe DrugDrug alonealone causedcaused thethe deaths.deaths. WhatsWhats NewNew •• PyrovaleronesPyrovalerones •• PyrovaleronePyrovalerone itselfitself hashas RitalinRitalin--likelike effectseffects (stimulant/appetite(stimulant/appetite--suppressant)suppressant) •• MDPVMDPV –– VanillaVanilla Sky,Sky, HurricaneHurricane Charlie,Charlie, DogsDogs B****x,B****x, IvoryIvory White,White, SextasySextasy •• NaphyroneNaphyrone –– NRGNRG--11 •• 3838 derivativesderivatives knownknown MDPVMDPV 3,43,4--MethylenedioxypyrovaleroneMethylenedioxypyrovalerone ¾¾ Stimulant,Stimulant, Euphoria,Euphoria, HypersexualityHypersexuality ¾¾ CompulsiveCompulsive redosingredosing ¾¾ PanicPanic attacks,attacks, psychosispsychosis ¾¾ AddictionAddiction
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